#prisinor of azkaban
callsigncurse · 10 months
I hope you know that by asking for questions you opened a can of worms.
Is Jake a wolf or a werewolf?
If he is a werewolf does he go all Remus in Prisinor of Azkaban or??
How do full moons affect him?
Is it going to turn out that their mates? In the 1st chapter, you wrote about Jake pausing and just looking at her when they first met.
Is there werewolf lore in the area?
How did Jake become what he is, regardless of if he is a werewolf or wolf?
Is there going to be smut? I don't like smut, if there is any I'll just skip over it and then continue one once their done but I'd just like to know.
Hey Nonny! These are some great questions.
1.) Jake is a werewolf.
2.) It's been years since I've seen Prisoner of Azkaban (literally ten years or so) so I can't say with certainty that it would be the same situation.
3.) The full moon brings about odd behaviors, his 'primal' instincts are more to the surface, and he tends to want to run freely in the woods at night. Pepper (the reader) lovingly calls him "Moon Drunk" whenever that happens.
4.) They are mates. It's an extremely rare case where one of the Bitten chooses a fully human mate, but yes, they are.
5.) There is lore in the area. The next chapter will cover that.
6.) This will be covered in one of the next chapters, but I will say that werewolves are very rarily born this way. Most of them are referred to as 'the Bitten' and Jake is one of them.
7.) There will be one or two fill chapters with smut, but they will have zero impact on the story itself, that way if you're not comfortable with it, you can skip right over them without missing anything that's crucial to the story.
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
professor lupin
A small part of Remus had always wanted children. 
He loved being around them and the adorably insightful questions and their tiny shoes. Sirius was quite the opposite, usually complaining that they’re annoying and cry too much and are way too needy. And either way, Remus never considered the possibility of children once things got serious with Sirius (ha!) because things just didn’t work that way. 
Remus was arguably the most excited when James and Lily announced their pregnancy. Lily had met him for coffee when she spilled the news to him, secretly and before the others knew, and he had jumped up and down with her as they squealed like little kids. Lily was going to have a baby! 
He hadn’t really cared that Sirius was going to be the godfather because he always had been closer with James, and in the end, titles didn’t really matter. They were all going to help raise this baby because god knows James and Lily wouldn’t be able to do it themselves. But as the war went on, James started telling Sirius more and more about how Harry took his baths and when he went to sleep and what books were his favorite before bedtime. Remus brushed it off because there was no way anything would actually happen to James and Lily. 
And then his nightmare came true. 
Harry was all alone and he couldn’t do anything about it because he had no legal connection to him. No one at the ministry cared that he, too, had been there for Harry’s birth and that he was as close to him as Sirius was. In the end, he wasn’t Harry’s godfather. Sirius was. 
Dumbledore was no help when Remus went to him, pleading for custody over Harry, instead refusing and sending Remus away. He knew Dumbledore knew how close he was to Harry, how close he was to James and Lily - but he didn’t care. He went on and on about how Harry was safer with the muggles and that it would do him good to be raised without the knowledge of his popularity. 
Remus didn’t understand. He told Dumbledore that he would move far away to raise Harry. He even promised to give up the wizarding world, living like muggles, if that’s what Dumbledore wanted for Harry. But he paid him no attention. 
So Remus missed Harry’s childhood, the one he was supposed to be there for. He wasn’t there for his first steps, nor was he there for the first time he read a book. He never got to tell Harry stories about his parents and their adventures, or even about himself. He was supposed to be Harry’s uncle, as close as family, but he never got the chance. 
Remus suspects that’s why he was so eager to take the job Dumbledore offered him. He could finally meet Harry, even if it was as a professor. Nothing could have prepared him for how old Harry seemed to have gotten, how could that small baby be thirteen already? 
More than the fact that he looked like the spitting image of James, Remus’ heart broke at how much he had missed. Harry stared at him like he was a stranger, and Remus realized with a start that he was a stranger. He had been gone too long and now Harry had no idea who he was. Dumbledore had briefed him on everything Harry had been up to in the past two years and Remus’ chest warmed at how similar he was to James. He just knew they would get along. 
But his relationship with Harry was forgotten the second Sirius came around. 
Remus knew it was selfish, and that Sirius deserved it after all he had been through, but he still wished it was him that Harry was close to. He was the one who loved children, after all, not Sirius. It was him who had wanted nothing more than to help raise Harry. 
But Harry would never know that. Because in his mind, it was Sirius who was best friends with his dad. Harry would always think of Sirius as family, not Remus. 
Remus would never be anything more than Professor Lupin. 
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iceh34rt · 4 years
Romeo and Juliet: The Prisinor of Azkaban, The Return of the King.
Sounds like an instant classic
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pufflezy · 5 years
I’m watching Prisinor of Azkaban with my sister right now and all I keep thinking is, “STOP TALKING ABOUT MY BABY, SIRIUS, LIKE THAT!”
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kinkybazsmolsnow · 6 years
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Me when I first saw Malfoy in the 'Prisinor of Azkaban'.
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honeybadger · 4 years
Okay so in Harry Potter and the prisinor of Azkaban or in dreams are entirely our own and that's not how you handle animals
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frecklednoseboy · 9 years
I guess Peter Pettigrew really ratted out lily and James potter
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geek1ife · 10 years
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Harry Potter cover art
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waffle-panda · 11 years
My mom was trying to figure out which Harry Potter movies she hasn't seen yet She said she had seen parts of the one with 'the lady in pink' and 'the secret club thing' and I could not for the life of me rember her name. I got so upset and the harry potter tag was no help at all, but google was usefull for once Now we know Professor Umbridge is from The Order of the Phoenix and my nother has onky seen the first three harry potter movies I need to fix this. now.
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
Missed You
When Sirius came back, Remus felt as if he was living in an alternative reality. Everything he had believed for the last decade was wrong. No, Sirius did not murder his best friends. No, Peter wasn't dead and he had been the one to murder James and Lily. No, Sirius wasn't going back to his childhood home.
And that's how Remus ended up hiding in his bedroom, trying to compose himself. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that Sirius Black was sitting on his living room couch, watching the telly Remus had switched on in a panic.
Remus wasn't completely sure what the Order had expected him to do. But they had shipped him off to Remus, considering the two had been dating - completely disregarding the fact that it has been more than a decade since the two have even seen each other.
Taking another deep breath, Remus slipped out of his bedroom and to the living room where Sirius was sitting patiently. When he turned to look at Remus, his heart dropped. Sirius was here in his apartment, but at the same time, this man sitting in front of him wasn't Sirius.
Sure, he had the same dark hair and silvery eyes as his best friend, but the similarities ended there. His hair was matted and Remus knew that Sirius would have never let it get to that point if he had a choice. He cherished his hair, often claiming it to be his best feature. His eyes lacked that playful shine, instead just watching Remus with an empty stare, his dark circles looking painful. Just his whole demeanor had changed - gone was the confident boy whose personality took up the whole room. Instead sat a sad man whose happiness had been stripped of him.
Remus itched to grab a hold of his twitchy hands - no, just hold him in general. Instead he busied himself with a list of things to do.
"Are you hungry? I can make you some food before I leave to get you some clothes and toiletries. Shit, you don't even have any shoes, I'll get some, I don't think your shoe size changed, right? Merlin, how would you even know? Ignore me." Remus knew he was ranting, but he couldn't stop himself.
"I'm fine. I know this is asking a lot, but do you know what happened to my stuff?" Sirius glanced around the room, obviously noticing how much their once shared apartment had changed.
Remus cringed at his words, "I'm so sorry, I didn't- I don't have it. I thought you had- I didn't think you were coming back."
"S'okay, I shouldn't have expected you to keep it." Sirius' voice was still croaky and he had to clear his throat every couple minutes.
Without a word, Remus just turned for the kitchen and grabbed him a glass of water. When he handed it to Sirius, he ignored the way it sloshed onto his lap in his shaky hands or the way it dribbled down his chin when he drank it sloppily. When he wiped the back of his mouth with his jacket sleeve, Remus noticed the state of his clothes.
"Here, let's find you something better to wear," Remus began, turning to walk towards his room. "I don't have any of your old stuff, but I'm sure you can fit in mine."
Sirius followed him wordlessly. That's another thing Remus noticed in the past couple hours he had gotten Sirius back - he rarely spoke, only really talking when he needed to. But to be fair, he had just escaped Azkaban a couple weeks ago, and the past night or so had been tiring. With the dementors and Dumbledore and the Order, the poor man was still in the clothes he had been wearing since he escaped.
Opening up his closet, Remus sifted through his many sweaters for one that would be the most comfortable for Sirius. When he turned around with the softest one he could find and a pair of sweats, he was surprised to see him looking at the dresser. On top were a couple photo frames and knick-knacks littered around.
Sirius reached for one of the four of them, his fingers brushing over James' face and then his own. Upon realizing Remus was watching him, he flinched back, bringing his arm back to his side.
"It's okay, you can look at them," Remus assured gently. "I have tons more if you want to see?"
It had been easy to throw away Sirius' stuff back when he was consumed by anger and betrayal. But all the photos of their memories at Hogwarts? He couldn't even bring himself to look at them, instead stuffing them in a box and into the back of his closet.
"It's fine, I don't want to bother."
"Sirius. I don't mind, really." Remus handed him the clothes which he accepted gingerly. "You aren't bothering me. I wish there was more I could do."
Sirius just gave him a nod before glancing down at his clothes then at Remus, panic filling his face. Remus made the decision for him, heading towards the door and shutting it behind him. He released a sigh as it shut.
God, he missed his old Sirius.
He resented Azkaban for what they had done to him. Furthermore, he resented the Ministry. How do you let an innocent man rot in jail for so long? Was there really no way for anyone to have known it wasn't Sirius who did it? For god's sake, someone could've gone back with a time turner to see what happened. But internally, Remus was slapping himself for not knowing.
How could he have stood by and let his best friend - his lover - be accused of such a crime and go to jail? How could he have blindly believed that Sirius would actually betray them - his family.
Remus' thoughts were interrupted when Sirius emerged from the bedroom in the new clothes. When reaching Remus, he straightened his back a bit, clearly trying to mend the damage Azkaban had left. It broke Remus' heart.
"Would you like some tea before I leave?"
Sirius' eyes widened and his voice shook, "You're leaving?"
"Just to get you some clothes and stuff. I'll be back," Remus promised.
"It's okay, I don't need any right now. Please just stay?" Sirius pleaded and Remus knew he couldn't disagree. Especially not right now.
"Okay. I'll make us some tea then?"
Sirius nodded, trailing after him as he went to the kitchen to set a kettle on the stove. As Remus grabbed Sirius' favorite mug, his stomach dropped. Yes, he knew now that Sirius was innocent, but what was he doing these past few years? How could he have let himself keep Sirius' mug and who knows what?
Deep down, Remus knew the answer. He was always going to be in love with the Sirius he grew up with. When Sirius was locked away, Remus pushed away the memories of the Sirius he had spent the last couple years with - the war-struck Sirius. Not the one who pulled pranks with James or brought him chocolate frogs after full moons or the one who stayed up all night after Remus had a nightmare.
Shaking himself out of his thoughts, he set the little table with the tea, sugar, and a tiny pitcher of milk. Sirius sat across from him, pulling his cup towards him while Remus busied himself with adding sugar to his tea. When he glanced up, he realized Sirius was still sitting there, staring at the tea. 
Sirius’ sorrowful eyes flickered up, and his voice was small, “It’s been thirteen years since I’ve had tea. I don’t even- I forgot how I take it.” 
“That’s okay, Padfoot, I remember,” Remus assured, the nickname rolling off his tongue. “Two sugars and a bit of milk.” 
“Two sugars and a bit of milk,” Sirius echoed, watching Remus stir it in. “I’m sorry.” 
“Sorry? You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, it’s just tea.” 
“I’m sorry I’m just here and you have to deal with me. I know I’m not the same.” Sirius’ voice sounded so dejected it pained Remus to see him like this. 
“I’m not dealing with you, Sirius. Did you forget that we’re best friends? It might’ve been thirteen years, but that doesn’t change anything. I’ll always care about you.” Remus couldn’t help himself, he rounded the table to pull Sirius up and into a hug. “I’d never be upset that you changed. It’s been more than a decade, and you were literally living in hell on earth.” 
Sirius melted into the hug, burrowing his head into the crook of Remus’ neck. His voice was muffled, but Remus had no problem hearing him, “It’s been so long.” 
Remus had to stop himself from pressing a kiss to his head. “I know.” 
“I hated it there, Remus, I hated it. All they do is feed on your happy memories, I’ve forgotten so much. I don’t even feel like myself, this isn’t Sirius. I lost Sirius so long ago.” His voice was breaking and he clutched the fabric of Remus’ shirt. “I missed you.” 
Remus just held him tighter as he felt the tears press against his skin. “I missed you more than anything. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I wish I had done something.” 
Sirius immediately pulled away, heat in his eyes. “No. It’s my fault, I switched Secret Keeper. If I hadn’t then James and Lily would’ve been alive, Harry could’ve- Merlin, poor Harry.” 
“How could it be your fault? It’s not your fault for trusting Peter, he was our friend. He was our best friend. We couldn’t have known.” Remus reached out to take Sirius’ hands in his own. “It’s no one’s fault but Peter’s.” 
He knew Sirius wanted to argue, but he just gave a nod. He fidgeted with Remus’ fingers before dropping them, returning back into his shell. Remus knew he couldn’t blame him. They had to take things slow. 
And for Sirius, Remus would do anything. 
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hazuki-chan-love · 11 years
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Snapes face when he is protecting Harry, Ron and Hermione from lupin werewolf, you could see it in his eyes
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b-bluelov · 11 years
É possível encontrar a felicidade nas horas mais sombrias, se a pessoa se lembrar de acender a luz.
Harry Potter e o Prisioneiro de Azkaban
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honeymooneyy · 3 years
Hii, I just wanted to say that I'm in love with your writing and what you have done so far <3 and I was wondering if you could do a pt 2 on missed you :).
Take care,
- m.i
omg thank you!! here you go!!! i hope you enjoy <3
Missed You - part two
Remus wasn’t the type to spend an excessive amount of money on beauty products - or really anything to spoil himself.
But at the sight of Sirius’ hair, he couldn’t help but buy the most expensive shampoo and conditioner the store had. He also bought an assortment of other snacks, including Sirius' favorite crisps and candies.
Remus didn't think they gave him many fun snacks in Azkaban.
Even though he wanted to dote on him and make up for the abuse he put up with for twelve years, he knew it wouldn't make a difference. He wasn't even sure if he'd eat the crisps seeing as he was more often a dog than not. Remus suspected it was some sort of coping mechanism.
But either way, he took those baby steps with Sirius. Even if it meant watching the telly with Padfoot curled up on the other side of the couch - all that mattered was that they had each other for company. And it seemed to be making a difference.
The other day, Remus caught Sirius humming along to a vinyl playing and it warmed his heart. In another lifetime they'd be singing along together as they cleaned the house for a dinner party for their friends, and the fact that it could never happen hurt Remus beyond belief. But he had Sirius.
Thankfully, Dumbledore hadn't roped them into another mission for the Order, so the two had time to readjust to their old lives. Everything felt so painstakingly familiar.
Remus noticed the small things, the way they both took the same sides of the couch as they once did, similar to their seats at the kitchen table. Remus was still the one to cook while Sirius set the table, and while Sirius didn't come up behind him to distract him with kisses, it felt comfortingly familiar.
They still had yet to bring up their old relationship and it was killing Remus. He knew they couldn't go back to "normal", but he longed to have some sort of closeness with Sirius. He missed their mindless touches while watching the telly, feet thrown on the other's lap, or even just sitting close enough their shoulders brushed. He missed hooking their ankles together whilst eating dinner. He missed holding him while they slept. Remus missed the side of Sirius only he got to witness.
One Friday night, when Remus was almost certain Sirius had gone to sleep, he let himself pull out a bottle of firewhiskey. He had just opened it up when Sirius' bedroom door cracked open and he emerged. He had spent the day as Padfoot, but now he was back to himself.
"Thought you were asleep," Remus mumbled, feeling much like a kid who got caught drinking. He had to remind himself that he was an adult and it was his flat and he could drink whenever he'd like.
Sirius just shrugged, "I was gonna lie down but I'm not tired. I haven't talked to you in a bit."
Remus nodded, holding out a glass which Sirius accepted. Remus tipped his head back, finishing off what was left in his shot glass. When he straightened, he realized Sirius had been staring, his eyes flickering to Remus' lips and then back to his own glass. Remus' stomach flipped at the intensity of his stare and mirrored him, instead studying his glass.
"I haven't drank in so long," Sirius mused, studying the small glass intently. "How much you wanna bet I'm a lightweight now."
"Let's see," Remus grinned and it only widened when Sirius matched it. He held out his glass and Sirius clinked his own before downing it.
One turned into two turned into four and Sirius was definitely a lightweight.
Remus wasn't hundred percent sure how much the two of them had drank but it was definitely too much. The drinks had loosened Sirius up and he was actually laughing along with Remus and humming along to the vinyl Remus had put on.
"I can't believe Snivellus is a teacher at Hogwarts," Sirius snorted, shaking his head. "Dumbledore is crazy."
"Dumbledore doesn't think of anyone but himself," Remus rolled his eyes. "Did he really think we'd be able to get along as colleagues?"
"Did you?"
"Merlin, no. He made my students write essays on the ways to kill a werewolf when I missed class for a full moon. He never got over it, did he?"
"What the fuck, did he actually?" Sirius' eyes widened and he sat up straighter.
Remus shrugged, "It's fine. I'm not a kid anymore, I don't care."
"I hate him. Always hated him, always will."
"Cheers to that!"
The two drank another shot.
In the end, it was Remus who had to put a stop to it. It was well past midnight and they weren't teenagers who could stay up all night anymore. Sirius was piss drunk and could barely stand, yet was still cursing Snape's name.
Remus couldn't help but laugh softly as he rounded the table to help Sirius up. "C'mon, love, let's get you to bed."
Both of them froze at what Remus had said. The nickname came so naturally, he hadn't even put any thought into what he was saying. Remus realized with a start just how close they were standing, with the way he had an arm around Sirius and his other hand clasping Sirius' as he been trying to lead him to the bedroom. He immediately dropped his arms, taking a step back.
"Shit, sorry."
Sirius just shook his head, turning to face Remus, "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so dramatic. I just- I haven't heard that in so long."
"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable or something, I wasn't trying to start anything. I know it's been a decade and we're not who we used to be."
Sirius' silvery eyes bore into Remus and then he was stepping closer and grabbing his hands. "You couldn't make me uncomfortable if you tried. I missed it, honestly."
"I missed you," Remus whispered, leaning down to place his forehead against Sirius'. Sirius just let out a soft sigh before leaning up to wrap his arms around Remus' neck, wrists crossed.
Remus realized the music was still playing, and as if it could sense the mood, a slow song was playing. Biting back a smile, he dropped his arms to Sirius' waist and began rocking them back and forth. Sirius happily complied and though neither of them said a word, the silence was comforting.
When the song ended, they pulled away with light blushes. As if he suddenly remembered the reason they had originally stood up, Sirius turned towards his bedroom.
"I should sleep," he mumbled, hooking a thumb towards the closed door.
Remus nodded and was about to turn for his own room before changing his mind. He strode towards Sirius instead, leaning down to press a soft kiss against his cheek. Sirius was just staring up at him wide-eyed and Remus reveled in the fact that he still had an effect on him.
"Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning," Remus murmured and finally left to his room.
He faintly heard Sirius whisper a goodnight, his voice high and airy. Maybe, just maybe, they'd be able to find a new normal.
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geek-devil · 11 years
In dreams, we enter a world that’s entirely our own.
~Albus Dumbledore /Harry Potter/
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Watching Prisonor of Azkaban and crying coz there's so many feels and snape and Lupin and serious black and OMG knowing all the dialogue and mums looking at me like wtf you weird arse child look what you've become I didn't raise you to become this
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