#wolfstar reunited
lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 15 - Afterlife
@wolfstarmicrofic July 15, word count 510
He remembered falling. He seemed to fall forever into the darkness, and then everything was white. He remembered Harry’s smiling face and Bellatrix’s shouted words. Then nothing. 
Where he was now was just endless white. He’d tried finding the end of it, but it just went on and on. Eventually, he sat down. The floor being the only solid thing he could find. 
He stayed there for longer than he knew how to count. Oddly, he never got hungry or thirsty or had any other urges. He was still able to transform into Padfoot, which he’d checked once he’d stopped looking for the end of the white. He got used to the white and began to find it quite calming.
He was dozing sometime into eternity when the white changed. A small dot appeared and it slowly spread. He was transfixed as he watched grass and trees sprout out of nothing. Blue sky and sunshine flooded the white in front of him. But hard as he tried he couldn’t move any nearer to it. He sat down and huffed. 
He watched the trees swaying in the breeze he couldn’t feel. The sun moved slowly across the sky and just as it was setting someone cleared their throat. 
“Hello, sweetheart,” Sirius’s eyes welled up as he spun around at the familiar voice. His voice caught in his throat as he stumbled forward to the figure surrounded by the white. Sirius fell into Remus’s outstretched arms and inhaled the familiar scent of chocolate, cigarettes and cedar wood. 
“I’ve missed you so much,” He wept into Remus’s shoulder. Remus’s arms tightened around him, and he kissed the top of Sirius’s curls. 
“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart, so, so, so much.” Remus sighed, stroking his hand up and down Sirius’s trembling back. “That looks nice,” Remus tilted his head towards the forest. Sirius nodded. 
“It arrived just before you did. It’s only been completely white for me before now, but I can’t get to it,” He replied sadly. 
“Well, maybe we can try together?” Remus smiled down at him. Sirius noticed that Remus's face was no longer marred by the deep claw marks that had criss-crossed it since he was a teen. Remus took Sirius’s hand and began to lead him forward. 
Sirius looked at the darkening trees and caught sight of the full moon rising above them. 
Remus dropped his hand and was gone. In his place was the wolf, but the change had been instantaneous, with no pain and the wolf didn’t seem at all bothered that there was a human standing beside it. 
The wolf turned its enormous head to look at him and Sirius’s breath caught. Remus’s eyes stared back at him. He knew it was Remus looking at him and not the wolf by how kind the eyes were. He transformed into Padfoot, and they walked into the woods together, where they were met at the tree line by a magnificent stag and a tiny doe. All four of them walked into the forest and disappeared into their forever. 
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lookingforsneha · 3 months
Post-Azkaban Wolfstar and 'Where'd all the time go',
Cause you know they get so forgetful, when they look in eachother's eyes.
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kaaaaaaarf · 1 year
Anyone wanna enter a class action lawsuit with me against Mitski for viscerally destroying me with her two new songs?
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nami501 · 2 years
❗Crimson Rivers spoilers❗
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I can't
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endversewinchester · 1 year
Aaand we’re back.
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If I had a penny for every time jkr self owns in these books I’d have the same amount of gold as Harry does on the bank.
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It’s not your dad but now I’m wondering why Lily and Snape were discussing dementors of all things.
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Uncle moons to the rescue!!!
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I wanna talk a bit abou queercoding. The stereotypical JKR written way (look this man has aids and he can’t get a job) but nevertheless. Shall I?
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But first this. Because I love uncle moony.
Anyway, this chapter is about exposure. You meet other members of the order of the phoenix who might be relevant, and Harry gets important information from Tonks, Moody and Remus. Let’s focus on the men. Moody and Remus are almost opposite to each other in how they talk to Harry.
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While Moody is harsh and impatient and cares very little about Harry’s feelings, Remus is being soft, sweet, very kind and understanding towards Harry. He answers his questions kindly, he cheers Harry on (look at how many people care about you, honey!).
You can (rightfully) tell me that men can be soft and caring and not be gay, but Rowling does not write her adult men like this, not even those taking on the role of a parent. Vernon only praises Dudley for being manly. Arthur is very respectful towards his sons, (he’s yet to interact with Gina as of right now), but he does not interact with any of them in a cooing manner. Sirius is very fatherly towards Harry last book, but he does not coo him. Not even at the end, in the infirmary after Cedric is dead and he saw the ghosts of his parents. He is physically present, and makes sure Harry knows that he can be counted on, but that’s the extent of it.
In her world, that role falls always onto the mother figures, like Petunia and Molly. And yet, despite Tonks being present in the scene to take on that role, Remus is the one doing it. The first and only male character that takes on a role she very clearly sees as that of a woman is very very significant.
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Also making Remus’ behavior more evident is the contrast to moody. This man just asked for a glass of water, pulled his eye out and stuck it in there, super excited to make it perfectly funcional before they can go back into what he assumes will be a battle to protect Harry.
Remus otoh is patiently explaining that flying is what would make Harry safer, praising him for his flying skills, and gently telling him to go pack without telling him to hurry, despite being worried about that.
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By the time Harry comes back down, all the wizards that came to escort him are scattered around the house, interacting with muggle objects. All except for Tonks (who was helping him pack) and Remus, who thought best to write a letter for the Dursleys instead of simply taking their nephew, despite them being awful people.
Wanna know who did that previous book? And refrained from talking badly about them in front of Harry? That’s right. Molly Weasley.
So there you have it. JKR is not subtle. Her writing a single male character in the way she writes her women is very evidently implying he’s feminine (aka gay). I was shocked at how openly she’s doing it on this book and very curious to see how it holds up in the meantime.
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pancakehouse · 2 years
ok! i need to see 16 please! give me GUN
(send me a siken line and i'll write a mini fic inspired by it)
hi i LOVE u and you're my hero and a goddess and here is a gun just for you annie emmeline!!!!!
16. someone’s pulling a gun and you’re jumping in the middle of it. 
A voice drags Remus into consciousness. A shouting voice, to be specific; one that manages to cut through a strong dose of healing potions and the heavy sleep of a boy who’s just finished nearly clawing himself to death. 
It’s impressively loud, really, and if Remus currently had any control over miraculous things like moving his mouth or speaking, then he’d definitely be telling the posh prick to kindly shut the fuck up right about now. As it is, he can’t do much more than lie there and listen.
“I’m not fucking doing this every month, James,” the voice is saying. Shouting. “He- he’s just - do you know how this fucking feels? To have to stand by, and watch the person you… fuck, I mean look at him! What if- what if he-” 
The voice chokes off, and Remus frowns (or tries to). Something rattles painfully in his ribcage, right near the spot where bones are trying to mend themselves back together, where purple spreads across tender flesh. Where this voice, Sirius’ voice, hoarse and rough and cracked-open, tucks itself right into the mix. 
It takes herculean effort, but Remus manages to force his eyes half-open, right as Peter’s voice sounds from somewhere to his left. “Maybe we shouldn’t, erm-” he’s saying, shaky and nervous.“D’you guys think when we, you know, change…what if he…” 
The room goes quiet, and Remus’ stomach drops. Not because he fully understands what Peter’s talking about, but because he can feel it when Sirius tenses, even from across the room.
“What?” demands Sirius. His jaw is clenched, eyes blazing like he’s a sparked fuse ready to blast the whole castle down around them and delight in the wreckage. “What the fuck does that mean, you useless, spineless little-” 
“Okay, that’s enough!” James cuts in. Bravely (stupidly), he puts a hand on Sirius’ shoulder. If it were anyone else, they might’ve walked away with a torn-out bite of flesh, but as it is, Sirius only sighs, and shakes him off in a manner that’s not-quite-gentle. “Sirius, none of this is Peter’s fault. I know you’re scared, and we’re all tired, but you yelling isn’t helping Moony. And Pete…just, well- the point is that we are going to help him, alright? We’ll be there, and this won’t ever happen again, okay?”
Grey light streams through the curtains, and Remus wonders idly what time it is - what day it is. And he wonders what kind of person it makes him that he’s almost grateful for this, the ache in his body. For the moon and the bandages and the new scars and old. 
Because those are all things he has, and this is also a thing he has: Sirius, here, cheeks damp and shoulders trembling, here, for him. 
And he has James, pacing the floor. And Peter, twitching in the chair by his side. And Sirius, who’s so painfully beautiful even with dark circles and a rumpled shirt, turning to glare at Peter every few seconds, like he’s daring him to move even an inch closer, like he won’t be so forgiving as he was with James. 
Secretly - on days when his joints aren’t so bruised and the moon isn’t an echo rattling his skull - that look sends a spark through Remus. It’s something like his lazy smirk before mouthing off in class, or the easy flick of a smooth, pale wrist before his duelling partner is sent flying across the room. 
It’s like a warning, maybe, written in stocky bold letters: Get out now, before it’s too late. 
But it’s already too late for Remus. Has been for ages - going on years now. And he still remembers the exact moment he realised it: 
Third year, a Hogsmeade weekend, and a cushy buffer of two weeks on either side of the moon. They were all packed inside the Three Broomsticks, crammed in a sticky booth, sipping butterbeers, and cheering over the luck of a free day off. 
Remus remembers Sirius sitting across from him. He remembers watching Anya Patil and her pretty green eyes press her thigh into his, and the way she leaned in too close whenever Sirius spoke, laughed too loud when he made a joke. The way her hand trailed up his shoulder, in a way she undoubtedly meant to appear subtle. 
He remembers Sirius’ knee knocking against his own under the table. The sharp, swooping feeling that went through his stomach. He met Sirius’ gaze across the table, and they’d looked at each other for a long, silent moment. The sounds of the bar, their friends, it all dulled to nothing. 
There was something coiled and tense in Remus’ ribs, then. In the same spot Sirius has always held, from that moment on. Remus thought love was supposed to be slow and gradual - like in the sappy romance novels Lily’s always giving him. A soft fall, like into a riverbed or a pile of grass.
But this was Sirius Black. Everything from his cheekbones to his grin to his words were sharp like a knife. So it stands, Remus supposes, that loving him would be like a gut punch to the stomach. A reducto to the chest. It was someone pulling out a gun, and Remus thinking - Well, what’s one more shot to the ribs? For him? Alright, go on then. 
“I have to go,” Sirius had said then. He jumped up from the booth, Anya’s hand sliding awkwardly off his shoulder, and Remus’ stomach had sunk to the floor. 
This was worse than a moon; he’d take the broken bones and bruises and clawed-open flesh any day over losing Sirius’ friendship. He almost took it back, then, and said: Wait, I’m sorry, it doesn’t matter. I promise. It’s nothing - I’m nothing, we can just - 
But then: “We have to go,” Sirius amended. And then he’d grabbed Remus’ arm, yanked him up, and dragged him all the way out the door. Pushed him up against a cold brick wall, and kissed him with pillow soft lips and warm fingers that slipped under his jumper, curved into his side; right into the weak, tender spots between brittle bones and aching lungs and every ounce of reckless want Remus would allow himself to have. 
More than he should, probably. But then Sirius looks over at him now, and when he sees he's awake his face shifts from the glare he reserves for Peter, and the fear he reserves for James, and softens into something he maybe reserves for Remus alone. And when he grins, razor-sharp, it really doesn’t feel dangerous at all.
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Hello it’s Crimson Rivers update day which means PAIN and also HAPPINESS at the new update until the pain hits you and destroys that happiness 🫠 have some (semi) happy Crimson Rivers Wolfstar to (hopefully) brighten your day lmao @mayzarbewithyou
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lulublack90 · 2 months
Prompt 9 - Hurt/Comfort
@wolfstarmicrofic July 9, word count 999
CW - Previous torture mention but not described, blood
He coughed in the dark, his bones aching and the wounds he’d inflicted upon himself still oozing as they slowly healed. It had been three months since Bellatrix moved him into this dungeon. 
The door opened as a house elf came to give him his food for the day. The weak light from the torches outside the cell showed where his claws had dug deep into the stone when he’d transformed. 
“Here you are, mister Sirius, sir,” Rorbey bowed to him nervously and floated the meagre offering over to him. Sirius snatched the heel of bread from the air and gnawed at it hungrily as the chunk of cheese, a small pile of roast pork and a flask of pumpkin juice came to rest on the ground in front of him. “If you please, mister Sirius sir, they is talking about yous upstairs. Rorbey is hearing they is moving yous sir. Rorbey thought you might want to be knowing,” The elf wrung his hands together. Rorbey had been an unexpected ally. He was a Black family elf and since Regulus’s disappearance, Sirius was technically the sole heir again, so Rorbey had felt bound to serve him. 
“Thank you Rorbey,” Sirius mumbled around his mouthful of food.
He and Remus had been captured and brought to Lestrange castle. They were flung into a cell and left to stew. He’d tried calling out when Remus had started transforming. Somehow, they hadn’t realised what Remus was or Bellatrix had thought it hilarious and ignored his cries. Sirius had resigned himself to what was about to happen, he just hoped it would be quick and not hurt too much. He’d stared into the yellow eyes that he knew so well as the giant maw opened and bit down on his shoulder. 
They’d given them both magic suppressant potions and, while the wolf could not be stopped from appearing, Padfoot could. He’d woken up in this cell, surprised to be alive. His pleas to know where Remus was fell on deaf ears until Rorbey had found him. It turned out Remus had been given to Fenrir Greyback and was no longer in the castle. 
He still had those first bite marks, scared deep into his skin. Bellatrix would sometimes appear and torture him when she remembered he was still down there. But other than that, he was left alone. Then, on that first full moon since Remus had bitten him, he experienced pain worse than anything he’d ever felt before. He’d woken up to broken, bleeding fingernails and more cuts than he could count.
The door swung open again, banging off the wall. 
“Come along, Black the Dark Lord wishes for the pleasure of your company.” Rabastan Lestrange cackled at him as he dragged Sirius from his cell by his hair. 
He was thrown on a rug in front of a roaring fire. The warmth instantly soothing his sore bones. A wand was pressed into his throat, forcing his chin up into the face of Lord Voldemort himself. 
“My dear Lord Black, I hear you’ve had a terrible accident while in your cousin’s care. I can only apologise profusely.” The room broke into a cacophony of laughter. “Yes, yes my dear friends, what a terrible accident. But Lord Black, you will be thrilled to learn that we have a new purpose for you, if you will.” Voldemort’s lipless mouth widened in an approximation of a smile. 
The flames in the fire turned green, and Fenrir Greyback walked out, patting soot from his clothes.
“My Lord,” He bowed deeply as he addressed Voldemort. 
“Ah, Greyback, excellent timing. I was just explaining to Lord Black about his new role amongst us.” Voldemort waved the werewolf nearer. “You Lord Black will be joining Mr Greyback’s pack,” Voldemort sneered at the word, but recovered himself as he continued. “Fenrir, you will do what needs to be done to ensure he follows instructions. And Lord Black, if you prove yourself to be a valued member of our organisation, I may find it within myself to reinstate you in your family seat, now that poor Regulus is no longer with us.” 
Sirius had been trying to control himself the entire time Voldemort had been talking. He knew he was no match for Voldemort, especially in his condition. So he allowed Greyback to grasp his shoulder exactly where Remus had bitten him and drag him towards the fire. “Until we meet again,” Voldemort cackled gleefully as Sirius and Fenrir spun out of sight. 
They walked out of the fireplace into an abandoned house. Fenrir didn’t let go of him though and quickly apparated them away. They landed in a small grassy clearing with a huge forest pressing in on them.
Sirius pulled himself away from Greyback’s grasp. The werewolf let him go. He fell to the ground and breathed in deep lungfuls of fresh air. When he looked up, men and women were emerging from the trees coming to stand in a ring around him. 
“Children meet your new brother, Sirius Black.” Greyback opened his arms to them. “Clean him up and make sure he’s fed and make sure he understands the rules.” Greyback walked through the circle and disappeared into the gloom.
Sirius was stripped, scrubbed roughly with cold water until he was clean, had his wounds tended to and was finally sat down beside a crackling fire with a bowl of some sort of stew. He didn’t dare ask what was in it. 
He finished his food and was just about to ask what was going to happen to him when another wolf walked out of the trees.
 He dropped the bowl with a clatter and ran into the arms of the man he loved. 
“Remus,” He sighed as Remus enveloped him in his long arms and woodsy scent. Sirius buried his face in Remus’s knit jumper and cried. 
“I’m so sorry, Sirius,” Remus told him, his voice thick with emotion. “Everything will be okay, I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
Next part
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captain-cheeseboi · 2 years
its october 31st, im in mourning nobody talk to me
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rollercoasterwords · 5 months
soooo funny when people who ship wolfstar complain if they’re “toxic” like. why r u in the fandom centered around childhood friends who joined a war grew suspicious & stopped trusting each other one got framed for killing their best friend & went to prison for 13 years & the other fully believed he was guilty & then when they do reunite they immediately agree to kill their other childhood friend in front of a group of kids (including their dead friend’s son) & then when the guy gets away they join a war again and live in the same house until the one who went to prison dies. and then the other one marries a younger woman has a kid with her and dies immediately after as well. and ur getting mad at people for writing their relationship as “toxic”???? one has to laugh….
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yourgalgremlin · 6 months
I want a Wolfstar “tattoo reveal” fic where they reunite after years apart but REMUS is the one with a tattoo for Sirius this time.
Like Sirius keeps catching glimpses of a dark tattoo whenever Remus’ shirt rides up. He asks about it over and over and when he finally sees it it’s a big black dog that looks just like Padfoot 😭
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allamericanb-tch · 5 months
yeah jegulus is devastating but wolfstar?! wolfstar is so much sadder than jegulus because when remus loses sirius, he loses everything. when sirius goes to azkaban, his friends are all dead (or traitors) and he is completely alone. and when remus is reunited with sirius, sirius DIES only two years later.
when regulus dies, james still has his friends, his family, and more importantly, he has lily. james dies holding the people he loves the most.
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harringtondale · 29 days
Wolfstar is literally the most interesting HP ship a werewolf and his best friend that turned himself into a dog so his werewolf friend doesn’t feel like an outcast and can be there for him when he transforms not to mention their actual dynamic one is full of chaos thrives on breaking rules going against his abusive parents and pulling pranks on people and the other is a perfect student who loves to read and learn and cares about his grades but still goes along with his chaotic friend because he can’t say no to him
and even after being separated for 12 years thinking the other was a traitor the moment they reunited they immediately trusted each other and were staying with each other and were sending Harry joint gifts (as if they’re a couple) and were always mentioning the other or seen with each other and finishing each other’s sentences and the way they just understand each other more than anyone else not to mention their names literally represent the star and the moon like literally no ship compares
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wolfstar & marylily - friends, a bit distant at first, to lovers, gradual, slow, sweet
prongsfoot, marylene & rosekiller - codependent asf besties, lines were blurred the entire time, had a toxic phase, sudden realization after confusing drama, settled into lovers, surprising yet totally expected, actually obsessed with each other, morals fly out the window when the other is involved, they'd kill to make the other smile
nobleflower & quillkiller - og forbidden romance girlies, curiosity at first glance, NOT enemies to lovers, strangers to lovers, sneaky looks, late night meet ups, gazing at the stars, sketching each others' silhouettes, last kisses were sobbing messes, knew from the start it would never last
dorlene & bartylus - pure hate to lovers, rivalry, tension, heated kisses, where one went the other followed (dorcas following marlene into the order, barty following regulus into the death eaters)
pandalily & emmary - sickeningly sweet, witches yes but like crazy witchesTM, whimsical, flowers in hair, sunlight filtering through fingers, strangeness all around, friendly academic rivalry, orgies in the common room and woods(?)
wiseflower - a curious crush but nothing much, at first that is, reunited years later as teachers, crush revived instantly, friendly banter with underlying tension, teacher's party with drops of alcohol and then official oldie goodie gays, mothered the students together, good cop bad cop and such
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labyrinthhofmymind · 3 months
not much just thinking about sirius’ pov in atyd and how him and remus got matching rings after they reunited
not much just thinking about presque vu wolfstar and the necklaces they left at the tree
not much just thinking about sirius’ memory loss in crimson rivers and how at their wedding, remus stopped the whole thing because he noticed sirius was not fully there and simply waited until he returned
not much just thinking about wolfstar trying to come out to james and lily in tcoptp
not much just thinking about them in every fic and all their first kisses and the summers they spend together and all their hilarious and horrible attempts at keeping their relationship a secret at school and their trips away together and the proposals and the weddings and the carving of initials and the rings that show their heart rate and love and and and and and and
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basiatlu · 10 months
for the art meme thing could you do 1a as wolfstar !! love ur art , no pressure !!
Oh thank you so much!! Yes I do believe I can squeeze in a lil more wolfstar into my day 😘 How about a freshly reunited duo circa Prisoner of Azkaban? Or well about as fresh as Sirius can manage after the 12 years of incarceration plus a good 9 months living on the run and in the Forbidden Forest …
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