cerebrodigital · 5 months
Hackers lograron vulnerar la seguridad de Tesla, de cárceles y hospitales, exponiendo lo que sucedía puertas adentro. 😮
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12endigital · 2 months
De los nervios y… en la cuerda floja
Perdonen el autoplagio. Esta cuerda floja no tiene nada que ver con un libro que escribí hace  cuatro años y con el que acabo de obtener el mejor de los premios que podía esperar  – un caballero no publica nunca sus citas, sean estas donde y con quien sean-. Hacía referencia este libro  – vean el homenaje a la Policía en su Bicentenario- a la situación de los policías y de todos los funcionarios …
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adribosch-fan · 2 months
Estas son las 8 prisiones más peligrosas y temibles del mundo
Los regímenes de seguridad, violencia y hacinamiento caracterizan a estos centros penitenciarios. Andes FOTO:Jaime Moreno. EL TIEMPO Hacinamiento, motines, violencia entre reos y estrictos regímenes de seguridad. Esos son los explosivos ingredientes que se encuentran en muchas cárceles del mundo y que terminan convirtiendo a las prisiones en temibles centros de reclusión. Muchas de ellas se…
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danataikoprensa · 3 months
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fotograrte · 5 months
Celda para presos, La Conciergerie
  Celda para presos de situación económica media. En esta existen dos camas pero tiene ventana y está en el piso medio, no en el sótano. La estancia es una reproducción del estado que tendrían en el siglo XVIII, durante la Revolución Francesa y, más concretamente, durante el período llamado “el Terror“.   En el año 1791 el palacio ya se había convertido en la principal cárcel de la ciudad para…
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drzito · 1 year
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Esta Semana Santa, especial encapuchados.
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dominiopublco · 2 years
Esto cuesta visitar las Islas Marías; abren al público el 21 de diciembre
Esto cuesta visitar las Islas Marías; abren al público el 21 de diciembre
Las islas que fueron prisión de 1905 a 2019 podrán ser visitadas en ferries que saldrán desde Mazatlán, Sinaloa y San Blas, Nayarit (more…)
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lastnews-espana · 2 years
Las cárceles vascas y el macabro plan de borrado de la ETA
Las cárceles vascas y el macabro plan de borrado de la ETA
Rosana Laviada, subdirectora del programa Es la Mañana de Federico, analiza la maniobra de acercamiento de presos etarras por parte del Gobierno desde que Sánchez es presidente. Artículo fuente
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immortal-cataclysm · 1 year
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Keeping him company
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vickingasart · 6 months
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do you ever think luca called alva dad on accident? I do.
this also know has pseudo sequel because,,, the pain of it i guess :
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cobaltbluesu · 1 month
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prisioner in hades???! more likely than you may think!
closeup below
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that's it bye!
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adribosch-fan · 2 years
Kiev descubre 34 cámaras de tortura y prisiones en territorios liberados
Kiev descubre 34 cámaras de tortura y prisiones en territorios liberados
Foto de archivo de fosas comunes encontradas en territorios ucranianos que habían sido tomados por los rusos y posteriormente liberados. EFE/EPA Agentes del orden ucranianos aseguran haber descubierto en los territorios del país que han sido liberados de la ocupación rusa un total de 34 cámaras de tortura y prisiones creadas por Moscú. “Treinta y cuatro sitios donde los rusos retuvieron…
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plutoispurplw · 2 months
Fresh Out The Slammer
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Summary: You're going to see Spencer after he spent three months on the prision.
Couple: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Little angst, mention of prision and murder.
A/N: Hi everyone, guess who is back to write like is running out of time! Someone has to take TTPD away from me, now this is an addiction.
Sorry if this doesn't have to much to do wuth the song and remember, english is not my first language, so please tell me if I have an error.
Plss reblog it and request are open!
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When Spencer was being held in custody in Mexico, you were anxious, you visited him and he was completely different from who you were accustomed to.
It was like he wasn’t mentally there, he looked like a mess and his mental stability was almost inexistent, you almost broke down when you saw him in that state.
After that visit, he didn’t let you go again to see him, he didn’t want you to see him in that state and was worried about your mental health even if he was worse in that matter.
You felt hurt at that moment but you decided to understand him and didn’t visit him again but you sent him letters, the first few letters he didn't respond to you, after some time he started to respond to your letters.
You have been feeling down all the time, being in your apartment made you feel miserable knowing he wasn't there, it felt lifeless there without his presence.
Your bed that once was your favorite place in the world became the worst place to be without his arms around you holding you and protecting you from all the things that happen out there.
You were cleaning the apartment when your phone started to ring, you took it to check who it was and when you saw his name you let out a scream. You quickly answer the call.
“Spencer, are you okay?” You said immediately when the call started, your voice was full of worry for him.
“Yes, I’m already out and I’m alright, don’t worry angel.” His voice sounded reassuring, even if he wasn’t alright he wouldn’t have told you but something inside you told you to believe him.
That calmed you instantly, knowing he was alright made your mind at peace, and the overthinking in your mind stopped even if it was for a moment.
“I’m going to be there in a couple of hours.” His voice sounded tired, knowing him you know that he hadn’t slept more than two hours or less in those three months
Now you were waiting for him in your apartment, sitting on your couch trying to read a book, but that task seemed impossible right now, your mind was only focused on the clock in the living room, checking it every few minutes.
It felt like the minutes were slowly becoming eternal, your heart was beating like it was going to get out of your chest, and your mind was running through a million thoughts at the same time.
Then you heard the door opening and you ran towards the entrance just like a little kid, when you saw him you just hugged him while tears began to spill from you’re eyes.
“I missed you so much.” You whispered against his neck, your voice breaking with every word you spoke. His hands were rubbing your back in a calming notion.
When you pulled back enough to see his face, you noticed that his face had tears spilling from his beautiful eyes, you removed them with your thumbs while you held his face in your hands.
“You don’t have any idea of how much I thought about you, All those nights, you kept me going. I read every letter you sent.” He pulled you towards him for a kiss. When his lips touched yours it was like being in heaven again.
You pulled away a little and put your head on his chest “I’m sorry that you had to go through all of that.” Your voice was weak and filled with sadness thinking about all the things that he had suffered, you looked to another side.
He pulled away a little and took you by the chin to make you see him, he started to speak again. “Even if I go through all of that, knowing that you were here is enough compensation for all the things that I had suffered in my life.”
You kissed again but with time it was more slowly and gently, the kiss was filled with the love that the two of you had for each other. You were sure that the love would never end between you two.
He was the one who you want to spend the rest of your life with him.
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fotograrte · 5 months
Sala de las "Gentes de Armas" (Gens d'Armes) de la Conciergerie
  Sala de los Guardias o Sala de las Gentes de Armas (Gens d’Armes). Fue construida por Felipe IV el Hermoso. Hizo construir una Sala de Guardias hacia el 1310 que servía de antesala en la planta baja de la Gran Sala.  Antiguamente era el refectorio del Palacio, pero fue después reconvertida en prisión masculina y dividida en celdas. Ante la afluencia de prisioneros, fue dividida por una…
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heartludwig · 6 months
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Mummy Scarab ermmm hi😳
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oifaaa · 29 days
You know those scared straight school trips where they take the wannabe delinquents to prison to scare them into doing better so they don't end up in lockup in that place? Jason pretends to be a prisoner and does that on weekends to destress. At first he was just breaking in but now the guards all know him and just let him in. It's not like they could really keep him out, or are even paid enough to try.
I don't think you can really call it "pretending to be a prisoner" when Jason is meant to be in prison he doesn't need to break in bc he's meant to be in a cell the guards are just confused why he keeps breaking out if he's the one surrounding to custody every few months
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