#prison transfer
newsbites · 1 year
News from Western and Central Canada, 16 June
While rain and cooler weather have helped improve the fire situation in some parts of Canada, hot, dry, and windy conditions are exacerbating the situation in Western Canada and Ontario.
As of Thursday afternoon, there are 446 active fires, with 217 of them out of control.
An evacuation alert status remains in place in Edson, Alberta, and residents should be ready to leave with four hours' notice.
2. Hate incidents have risen during the COVID-19 pandemic, with fear, isolation, loneliness, anxiety, and increased time spent online being contributing factors.
Gender-based violence is often not included in hate crime statistics, but it went up significantly during the pandemic.
The report recommends reforming education with an anti-hate curriculum, strengthening the criminal justice response to hate, and better understanding these issues during emergency response management.
3. The expansion of Ecole Hammond Bay school in Nanaimo, BC, which was originally scheduled to open for the 2021/22 school year, is now well behind schedule due to delays in obtaining building permits for the relocation of portables.
4. The "white people food" movement is catching on among younger Chinese Canadians.
5. Federal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino has been unable to explain why he wasn't informed about child killer and serial rapist Paul Bernardo's prison transfer and faces calls for resignation.
The mishandling of the Paul Bernardo file has led to questions of government competence, with several ministers claiming ignorance of key facts when contentious files landed on their plate.
The broader risk to the government is the questions of competence stemming from the multiple cases of communication failures within the top levels of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's cabinet.
6. A bus carrying mostly seniors crashed with a semi-trailer near Carberry, leaving 15 people dead and 10 others injured.
The group was on their way to a casino when the accident happened, and authorities are working to identify the victims and notify their families.
Residents of Dauphin, Manitoba are awaiting news of the victims' identities and mourning the tragic loss of life.
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syoddeye · 2 months
your inmate laswell + valeria posting has me thinking about kate and valeria competing to have you while the three of you are in prison together, and neither of them seems particularly interested in what *you* have to say about any of it.
damn you for knowing exactly how to make my brain worms wriggle around!!! -391780
elmo fire gif
the diabolical, ugly laugh i let out. oh man. i can see it so clearly. before your arrival, there was a tenuous truce. hard-won after months of escalating incidents. the warden, guards, and medical are finally breathing a little easier.
then you come through intake.
(this is partly borrowed from a feverish chat with @cordeliawhohung about inmate!kate.)
you’re absolutely gobsmacked that you landed in prison. whether it’s because you’ve been framed/in the wrong place, wrong time/genuinely believed you’d get off but were made an example of instead. your life is over. :(
you're first spotted by kate’s and valeria’s lackeys, who immediately pass word up the chain about the petrified new meat hiding in her cell, sobbing in an ill-fitting uniform. pretty and in obvious need of protection.
despite the overcrowding, neither of them has had to share a cell in years, but both could use a bed warmer.
the guards know what’s coming at that first lunch when they see both women staring you down from their respective tables. sizing you up as you try not to cry into your tray. :(
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lotus-pear · 6 months
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robotslenderman · 3 months
when is Bioware going to admit that the Evanuris are the archdemons
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nervousmoonwnbhom · 2 months
Idk if it’s my daddy issues talking or my love of losers but y’all are seriously sleeping on Pete’s potential
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Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R), who has repeatedly pledged to “protect kids” with anti-LGBTQ+ laws, appointed a man to a top state prison post even though he had previously been fired from a local police force for receiving oral sex from a teen girl in a post office parking lot.
Jamol Jones, who Sanders appointed as chairman to the Arkansas Post-Prison Transfer Board in January, resigned last Friday after news agencies reported that the Benton Police Department fired him after he admitted to an internal affairs investigator that he had sexual relations as an adult with a 17-year-old girl, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reported.
The age of consent in Arkansas is 16. A ban on gender-affirming care for trans minors that Sanders signed last year includes everyone younger than 18.
A November 1, 2018 letter from Benton Police Chief Scotty L. Hodges revealed that he placed Jones on administrative leave with pay “until further notice” for lying to an internal affairs investigator about his sexual relationship with the teen. Jones said he lied because he was embarrassed and scared. An investigation found that Jones’s initial job application to join the police force “did not provide or submit certain key information” about the relationship with the minor.
Jones said he and the girl “had talked at the gym” and that “she had identified herself as an 18-year-old” before performing oral sex on him in the Benton Post Office parking lot. Though he denied knowing her actual age, the Benton Police internal affairs investigator wrote in his official report, “There was indication he knew her age and continued the relationship, even telling her that the relationship could not be found out.”
Jones admitted to wanting to keep the relationship secret. He also admitted to never asking to see the girl’s ID, even though he had been formerly trained as a police officer to confirm people’s ages by doing so. The girl’s mother said she suspected that her daughter might have lied about her age to attract male attention, and the mother added that she didn’t want Jones to go to jail over the sexual relationship with her daughter.
Nevertheless, the lie and relationship violated the department’s ethics policy and state law. Though the Saline County prosecuting attorney’s office didn’t file charges against Jones, Hodges fired Jones three weeks later.
When Sanders appointed Jones in January, she said in a statement, “His prior law enforcement experience makes him a clear choice to take on this important role, and I look forward to working together as we empower Arkansans with a safer, stronger state.”
He was meant to serve for seven years as the board’s “chief executive, administrative, budgetary, and fiscal officer” while earning an annual salary of over $95,380. The board he resigned from oversees parole, alternative sentencing programs, and expunging criminal records for eligible offenders.
State Sen. Kim Hammer (R) said that he and other senators “had no knowledge of [Jones’s] actions” before the Senate voted to confirm his appointment to the position, noting, “I was given no indication from the Governor’s office, who vets the application, that there was an issue.”
Sanders’s office didn’t respond to a media request asking if she knew of Jones’ firing from the police force before she appointed him or how her office vets potential political appointees. Her appointment of him seems at odds with her pledge to “protect kids” by passing anti-LGBTQ+ legislation.
In March, Sanders also signed a “Don’t Say Gay” law, banning classroom instruction on gender identity and sexual orientation before fifth grade, as well as another bill allowing anyone who received gender-affirming care as a minor to sue their doctor up to 15 years after they turn 18 — though a court blocked it. In February, she signed a bill reclassifying drag performances as adult-oriented entertainment.
“The Governor has said she will sign laws that focus on protecting and educating our kids, not indoctrinating them and believes our schools are no place for the radical left’s woke agenda,” a Sanders spokesperson said in a statement when she signed the gender-affirming care ban.
Last November, Sanders appointed an anti-LGBTQ+ Christian nationalist to oversee state libraries. In October, Sanders issued an executive order banning “woke,” gender-inclusive language in government communications.
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indigosabyss · 3 months
Nanbaka Ficlet: Dystopia (itching to do a nanbaka one so here)
Musashi liked to read.
Jyugo didn't really understand the urge to do things like other people did. And asking them to explain only led to confusion on their part, so he had given up asking in favor of just noting whichever meaningless pastime kept his cellmate of the moment sane.
In this German prison, it was Musashi. And Musashi liked to read.
He didn't like that Jyugo wandered off from his cell when the guard shift wasn't about - Jyugo sometimes wondered if that meant he liked walks or moving about, but never came to a conclusion on that - but the man also didn't like snitches, so he kept this fact from the guards.
Jyugo understood that people valued exchanges, so in return, he went to the library and grabbed a few books to bring back.
"You really shouldn't be doing that." The older teen sighed when he saw Jyugo's loot, "They'll notice something's missing."
"Why would they care, though? We're meant to be reading them, aren't we?" He'd thought that the books for the inmates.
Musashi looked at him with that strange look in his eyes, the same that everyone did when Jyugo said something strange. He didn't explain, but he also didn't ignore the question, "It's- it's complicated to explain how property works in here."
Jyugo didn't get why people thought he didn't understand how things worked 'in here'. He had been in prisons for as long as he could remember, and none of them functioned much differently from the others.
"Ah, I never got to finish this one!" Musashi held up on of the books from the pile, before continuing to rifle through them, "And look, this one's a dystopia! They were super popular for a minute."
"A... dystopia?" Jyugo asked, because Musashi seemed to be waiting for a response.
"Yeah." He agreed, elaborating further, "It's a genre of book. Where society has turned into a high-control environment and it's up to the people to put their lives on the line to overthrow their oppressors."
Musashi shrugged, "Reasons change depending on the book, and the premise behind the injustice can get goofy at times, but in the end it all boils down to freedom, I'd say."
Jyugo sank down to the ground, looking idly at the barred window, "Why's that so important? I don't get it."
"You'd understand if you read them. Or, well, one of the good dystopias, at least." Musashi settled on saying.
Jyugo's head leaned back, and the collar around his neck clanked against the wall before he could fully rest his head on it, "I don't get reading either. You're just looking at symbols and hallucinating."
Silence fell between them, and it was clear Jyugo had said something wrong again.
"... I can teach you to read, if you want." Musashi settled on saying.
Jyugo didn't really have any feelings on the matter. But Musashi seemed to want him to agree, and he didn't really have anything better to do, so he shrugged, "Sure."
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askaceattorney · 5 months
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Dear Goldysays,
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I do agree with you on the first half. Even I almost found myself out of a job because of those overseeing the Justice System. Just as the PIC seems to have corrupt individuals in the inside, I have no doubt the same applies to the Bar Association.
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As for the second half, Mr. Gavin wasn't in prison at the time. He was in the County Jail in the process of being tried for the murder of Shadi Smith. Under such circumstances, he is allowed to wear comfortable clothes until he is tried properly, and even in prison, prisoners are sometimes given normal clothes for visitation hours.
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Believe me, my former mentor is given the very same treatment and it is because of wealth. Wealth can determine how well a person is treated before trial, but once imprisoned, they're treated no better than their mates
- Miles Edgeworth
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In search for book of series on wattpad, read half of it like year ago and then js left to try ao3, but it’s been bothering me a bit so I need to find it:
Dumbledore goes to America to bring a kid to learn at hogwarts,kids very smart and powerful. Turns out he is descendant of Merlin and people start to treat him with more respect and fear. He is romantically involved with hermione granger and hates Ron, he doesn’t have an eye because of something in third year lupin class.
Please help
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llycaons · 4 months
every time modern AU wwx talks about how horrible foster care is I'm like I don't want to downplay that but at least it wasn't wandering the streets alone age 5 being attacked by wild dogs
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
Part 9
It was a shame he couldn't truly appreciate his first view of the world outside of the manor as he was slowly but surely marched to his death. None of the soldiers seemed very willing to speak to the odd, bloodied fae youth who acted with such a cavalier attitude, but from what Mhoirbheinn gathered through overheard conversations, the plan was to bring him to the king, and the king's dungeons, where an execution was likely awaiting him. It made sense, not only did he end an entire noble family line (it seems his father had indeed managed to keep his existence hidden), he had ended the entire noble family line of a friend of the king.
Mhoirbheinn found that he couldn't muster any care towards his fate. He was to die? So be it. Everything he had ever known was left behind, dead, in that manor. What more did he have to live for?
During their journey, the soldiers allowed him time to wash the quickly drying blood from his body. Watching idly as swirls of red and silver rinsing from his skin to vanish with the stream, vibrant eyes glanced up just in time to find one of the soldier's heads turning away in the distance. Taking a chance to stare at the murderer? A shame they'd already looked away or else he would've given them a vicious grin, really give them something to gossip and gasp about.
The clothes he was given to dress in were simple, spares no doubt, yet more well-made than the clothes him and his mother had always been given to wear. The thought of her made his heart ache.
Perhaps the soldiers expected him to make some attempt at freedom, yet Mhoirbheinn never bothered. It was clear to the young fae that the wait for an escape attempt was making some of the soldiers jittery, and that growing anticipation alone was entertaining enough for the fae to allow it to continue.
Eventually, however, their journey came to an end. Mhoirbheinn didn't resist still even as he was led to a cell in the king's dungeons and locked away. The small, dark, and dank stone room was a far cry from the cabin he'd always known. It was simple, and plain, but his mother had always kept it clean and warm. He wondered what would happen to that cabin now. He wished he'd burned it to the ground, and that manor too.
The days spent in his cell were mostly uneventful. The only form of entertainment were the rotation of guards sent to watch over him. Sometimes he taunted them, other times he tried to enrage them out of a mere curiosity to see if they'd pull him from his cell to beat him, and whether he would win. No such luck, it seemed they were under strict orders to keep him locked away. Probably in case he was too volatile, which wasn't far from the truth anyways.
A door clanged in the distance and the sound of footsteps and armor approaching rang through the air. Mhoirbheinn grinned and raised from the pitiful 'cot' he'd been laying on.
"I don't know why they keep sending you lot to watch over me. Should I be flattered that they think I'm capable of escap-" The moment the soldier came into view, his words grew stuck in his throat.
This one was one he hadn't seen before, one that looked about his age. Shorter than him by the looks of it, with dark hair that could be either black or the deepest of blues. His eyes were captivating, one a deep blue ringed with gold, the other and the left speckled with flecks of color. He looked almost too pretty to be a soldier if someone asked him, but, as Mhoirbheinn caught a glint in the other's eyes, he realized there was a steeliness to them that spoke of a strength behind the pretty face.
Still, Mhoirbheinn had never known that a person could be so...beautiful. He wanted to stare at him. Instead, he forced a grin to his lips.
"They're sending green ones to guard me now? Have I been playing too nicely of late, I'm almost insulted."
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3am-cheerios · 11 months
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it was just a silly idea but it WORKED LMAOOO
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yeonban · 1 year
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I can't stop thinking about how amazing Nikolai's ability is, or rather how amazing the way he uses it is. He's capable of transporting things/people, of immobilizing his enemies without them even realizing it, of faking his death in several ways with no one being able to tell between real and fake, of saving others from fatal wounds without breaking a sweat, of even entering & vibing into & then exiting Meursault at will (the best prison in the WORLD built specifically to trap the most dangerous ability users)... truly one of the worst abilities to be pit against
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cqcandchill · 1 year
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just kidding we’re being self-indulgent today <3 
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"LIFERS TO BE REMOVED," Montreal Gazette. July 24, 1933. Page 3. ---- Two Youths to Be Driven Separately to Penitentiary --- (Special to The Gazette.) St. Hyacinthe, Que., July 23. - The two young men who were sentenced to life imprisonment last week by Mr. Justice Loranger on a charge of rape, and who had caused a sensation here by their efforts to make an escape while being driven to the St. Vincent de Paul Penitentiary, will be removed today separately. Every precaution will be taken by the guards and each youth will be driven in a different auto-mobile and shackled by means of handcuffs. The youths, who were found to be in possession of two blackjacks which they had hidden in a bathroom at the local jail, are Edouard L'Heureux, 20 years of age, and Lionel Couture, 18 years of age, both of St. Guillaume d'Upton. Both were found guilty In the local Court of King's Bench on a charge of rape on the person of a young school teacher about one year ago. This morning one of the two will be escorted to the penitentiary, while this afternoon the second youth will be removed. Officials stated today that both will be thoroughly searched before leaving the local jail. They will be accompanied by Sheriff J. L. Cormier, Captain Malo, and George Tetrault. who will drive the automobile. Jail officials were unable over the week-end to account for the manner in which the two young lifers were successful in hiding the blackjacks which weighed one and three-quarters pounds each.
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summonernoctis · 2 years
prerecorded oscar isaac pretending to be poe dameron in a theme park ride preshow: those are some fine-looking recruits you’ve got there!
me in the preshow room:
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