#pro isreal
rantingfactory · 11 months
If Israel is an apartheid state, they really do suck at it. I mean giving everyone equal rights under the law wow!
Please share this first hand account of what israel is really like!
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arpans-posts · 4 months
Israel-Hamas War - What has Israel Achieved? What is Its End Goal?
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thewoodbine · 11 days
NON JEWS PLEASE READ: I wrote this specifically for non Jewish people who are interested in listening to minorities speak about their own issues. I genuinely hope this helps you understand how so many of us are feeling right now because this just keeps being the current political scene for us.
This post does not claim to speak for ALL Jews, nor does it endorse Israel (before y'all even get started), I really just want to platform what I'm seeing so many of us say and I hope you consider helping us share this perspective.
Non Jewish People: let's rewrite the definition of Zionism to be completely interchangable with someone who loves killing, hates Palestinians, and is on a crusade to reclaim the holy land because god said so because I just now learned the word and instead of asking Jews what it means I just did word association with it and the current situation in Palestine and what weird evangelical Christians on TV said about it.
Jews: that's not...thats not what that means...
Another Non-Jewish Person: You're lying because I've only ever seen Zionism used by nonjews to refer to people who love killing, hate Palestinians, and are on a holy crusade and I trust their definition more than yours. Oh and also that one right wing extremist who identifies as Zionist, I'll use them to represent the entire Jewish people by their most extreme and vocal right and not listen to the rest of the Jews telling me he's nuts and doesn't speak for them.
Jews: but.. it's OUR word, we literally already had a definition and it wasn't that one. Extremist exist in every country and culture. Also 80% of Jews identify as zionist by a definition that supports Palestine but also Jews are only like . 2% of the population so it's hard for us to platform our voices over other people speaking for u-
The entire left of America now I guess???: well too bad, we changed it and now we hate you for using it and you can't tell us anything otherwise because we don't listen to zionist. We only listen to minorities or BIPOC when we feel like it or determine them worthy of sympathy which youre not because again you're a Zionist and weve changed that term to mean something bad now and if you care enough you'll bow to our colonization of it and assimilate or kill yourself. Also you're not a minority you're white because your family came from Poland.
Jews: Jews actually aren't white and have never been considered white that's actually a big reason why the Holocaust happened but I literally am pro-palestine and have been protesting since before you knew about this issue. Actually many Isreali's dont-
Non-Jews: Genocide lover!
That one Jewish person who barely, if ever, engages with the culture or history and is hoping that they can be a good enough Jew to be accepted: They're right actually, abandoning your culture is good when your culture is evil. Thankfully others have informed me how evil Jews are ♥️
Non-Jews: See! They said it's okay! I hope you get brutally murdered and your whole family ****ed you Zionist Nazi pigs!
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hassanatforusmk · 11 months
Journalist Mohammed Farra in Ramallah received the awful news that his wife and children were all killed in an #Israeli airstrike in Khan Younes, South #Gaza.
Israel continues to target the voices of truth so that it does not find a voice that rises above its falsification of current events. Israel amazes us every day that there is more evil that it can commit.
He was not the first journalist.. and because we know that the occupier is a murderer and a war criminal, so unfortunately he will not be the last.. We hope that someone will intervene and the extermination of innocents will stop.
#Israel is a war criminal
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birdsareblooming · 10 months
evangelicals are a fucking disgrace and none of them are seeing heaven
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palesoftangel · 11 months
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Palestinian resistance, whom Israel says they use children as a shield. they dedicated their lives for their children and their people. True heroes.
full vid
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zachthoughtstm · 1 month
I hate the whole argument of “It didn’t start on October 7th.”
Look up The Hebron Massacre of 1929.
But they’re right it hasn’t started on October 7th. But this WAR did. This is where we are right now and if you’re going to sit and complain wa wa it didn’t start on October 7th. Maybe if you truly cared about the Palestinians you wouldn’t be supporting Hamas.
Who started the war?
Who is hiding in civilian infrastructure instead of militant zones?
Who is holding 100+ hostages?
You guys are always so quick to blame Israel but don’t look at the bigger picture.
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loser-man-central · 9 months
You know what
I wanna know why Pro-Isreal people think when we say
From the river to the sea Palestine will be free
It means the extermination of Israel
Why do you believe Palestine can only be free if Israel doesn't exist?
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aludraslytherin · 4 months
If you support, condone, accept, defend Isreal in any shape or form, you are brainwashed, lacking several braincells, dead to me, inhuman, and disgusting.
If you support, condone, accept, defend Isreal in any shape or form, block me, unfollow me, don't interact with me, I don't want to hear it, you are just wrong, you are in the wrong side of history, and NO it is not because I am "aNtiSeMiTiC", I am just a human with basic empathy and the right sense of justice.
I am antizionist, not antisemitic.
How heartless do you have to be to think that bombing, killing, murdering, raping, burning, starving people, chilrdren, babies, women, men, is okay? How can you accept the excuse of "it wasn't on purpose"???
You all got soooo worked up about a fake news of Israli babies being decapetated, but when a Palestinian father is running away from a bombing with his HEADLESS BABY???? You don't think for one second????
And how DARE YOU blocking humanitarian aid?
I sincerly hope you will be haunted by this your entire life.
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00angelyoon · 10 months
not so friendly reminder that this is a pro-palestine blog so if you support israel or are neutral please piss the fuck off 🇵🇸
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rejectingrepublicans · 4 months
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buckys-robot-arm · 7 months
I think I’m gonna start asking people who want the dissolution of Israel where all of the Jews there would go. Like, okay, you want Israel to cease existing? Where do you propose those 7 million Jewish people should go? Back to Europe? A lot of them are Mizrachi and have been living in the Levant. Even Jews whose (grand)parents fled Europe, do you think those countries would happily take them all in? Do you want them to go to the US? There’s already enough hate here. Or are you fine with them all getting massacred by Hamas et al.? Because that’s what those groups would gleefully do if given the chance
EDIT: said 9 mil instead of 7, but unfortunately I don’t think that’s any better
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arpans-posts · 5 months
this is what we mean when we say the pro-pals always be lying, which is weird because the truth is bad enough an iranian consulate was bombed.* not an embassy.
also wow, I thought we cared about ~*proportionate response*~ or does that only apply to the jews? 7 military officers die in a consulate bombing* so you're entitled to launch a hundred ballistic missiles at civilians?
it's fine because iron dome and sling of david, right? your honor the victim was wearing a bullet proof vest at the time of the shooting, so the attempted murder was fine.
Sorry about the consulate mix-up, but bombing a consulate is still against international law. For you analogy Its more like shooting someone because you know they have a bulletproof vest on and will thus not get killed or hurt. Iran is an evil regime, but its are leaders are self serving and would rather not die to American and Isreali bombs, which would happen if they killed hundreds in their retaliation, so they didn't intend to cause mass casualties .
P.S. I still think launching 300 missiles was excessive and overcompensating for something. A few dozen missiles at the Iron dome would have been proportional and sent the message well enough. Also, I am both Pro-Isreal and Pro-Palestine. All I want is a two state solution and a just peace between two prosperous and independent nations.
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gryficowa · 6 months
To Zionists, you care so much about Jews
Keep calling others anti-Semites, just like the police did to this Jew for burning the Israeli flag
You silence the Jews by calling them stupid, but this will not last
Let's talk about it loudly like Zionists "Care" about Jews
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hassanatforusmk · 10 months
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Hani Azzam is one year and a half, the IDF raided his house in the Zaytoun neighbourhood, beaten everyone, stole their money, jewellery and valuables. They executed Hani shooting him in the head in front of his 26 years old mother. His family was forcibly displaced.
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sugarmarbles21 · 5 months
Anyone else think that this is getting ridiculous? They rather throw their own population into prison than admit that they are guilty of aiding a genocide of a native people? No wonder that I have found so many posts and comments about people being ashamed of being westerners. I hope this madness ends soon.
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