sjbattleangel · 4 months
Me whenever hacks like Lily Orchard go after Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, The Legend Of Korra, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Moon Girl, Star Wars, Dungeon Meshi, ect.
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(P.S: I am a massive fan of the media mentioned above) (P.S: Yes. I will fight to the end defending Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, Utena, Evangelion, Sailor Moon and The Last Jedi.)
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lainalit · 5 months
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artist: mftfernandez
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genderoutlaws · 11 months
did i tell yall starbucks is suing the union over a pro palestine tweet
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officialrailscales · 5 months
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MK18 for Terra Bronze Tuesday
RSB/M | Terra Bronze
CSMR Button | MilSpec Style | Terra Bronze
- RS
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valentiinexo · 3 months
interesting how nesta couldn’t be glamoured when she was a human and she also happens to be pretty adamantly against elain and lucien’s bond. makes you wonder if she can sense something that others can’t.
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jin-zixun · 1 month
does anyone have any um. what's the word um. uh. recommendations for uh. chengxian fics?
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romanticatheartt · 1 month
One thing I hate about this ship-war is pitting Gwyn and Elain against each other. That side proving how Gwyn isn't relevant to the story and this side saying Elain is boring and useless.
Or when this side make memes (or even bring it into their fanfics if they're petty enough) about how Gwyn snatched Azriel from Elain and make Elain sound like a jealous ex and that side make Gwyn this evil creature just for Elain and Gwyn fight OVER A MAN!!!!
This is where I draw the line and I don't care if we share the same opinions you're blocked babes...
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marc0-darlingg · 30 days
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olenvasynyt · 2 months
you have to choose one, lucien or eris. who do you pick??
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sophieinwonderland · 1 month
has anyone made the "steven universe from steven universe is plural" argument yet or am i touching on something new here
Not really that I've seen. I remember seeing someone headcanon him as having DID before, but didn't make that good of an argument and I never really got that impression myself.
Major Spoilers:
The other thing that I've seen suggested is that Steven is plural because of Rose Quartz, but despite some her memories remaining, the show seems pretty explicit in Rose being gone and Steven being all that's left. One could see this as analogous to a system reset with only one headmate remaining, but I wouldn't consider it plural in and of itself.
I might headcanon Rose Quartz and Pink Diamond as a system back before Steven, but the show doesn't really give much evidence Rose Quartz is anything more than a persona, so... 🤷‍♀️
That said, Steven Universe is filled to the brim with plurality.
I've discussed before Pearl having multiple compartmentalized Pearls in her head.
But the most obvious example is in the fusions, and we later see across multiple episodes that fusions have their own inner worlds.
One could even view the hatred of fusions, particularly of gems of different types, as pluralphobia. Meanwhile gems of the same type (which are more median) aren't as stigmatized because they're more singlet-passing.
Another interesting thing is that there seems to be a certain symbolic plurality. That is, all the Crystal Gems symbolically live inside the body of Obsidian through the series in the form of the temple, and the rooms of the temple seem to function similar to how a system's inner world does. The temple's rooms even often represent the inner thoughts of the gems they belong to.
Steven Universe is a really cool series to analyze from a plural perspective, even if I'm not totally sold on Steven himself being plural.
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sjbattleangel · 2 years
Lily and her lying
   Ever since that terrible “Steven Universe is garbage, and here’s why” video, Lily Orchard has constantly accused “Steven Universe”-a wonderfully LGTBQ+ positive series about loving others and loving yourself-of being “crypto-fascist propaganda” all because it didn’t reach her nigh-impossible standards of perfectionism. She was also enraged that Steven-instead of fighting the Diamonds in a Luke-vs-Vader-style showdown-stood up to the Diamonds whilst holding them responsible for their wrongdoings. So no, Steven did not “forgive the Diamonds” nor “hug it out with them.”    Throughout the video, Lily is purposely dishonest: By exaggerating SU’s weaker parts to outright lying about certain points via misinformation and manipulative editing, she aims to make SU look as objectively horrible as possible. All driven by her own personal, grudge against Rebecca Sugar.
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Yes. Lily hates Rebecca Sugar as a person. Hang on, didn’t Lily say things like these?:
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Lily is lying through her teeth as we can see here in a few little screenshots I caught flying around online:
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Here, she contradicts herself, showing her true feelings: Lily believes Rebecca Sugar-a progressive, leftist, non-binary, bisexual Jewish woman, directly related to an actual holocaust survivor-is a Nazi-sympathizing, fascist, white supremacist.
Best case scenario: Lily has severe apophenia and sees Nazis and Nazi-apologia where they don’t exist. (Such as “Steven Universe”)  Worst case scenario: Lily Orchard really is a vile, vindictive antisemite. 
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shadowqueenjude · 11 months
Perhaps Lucien will come to your aid within five minutes of my leaving. Perhaps he’ll come in five days. Perhaps he won’t come at all. Between you and me, he’s been keeping a low profile after his rather embarrassing outburst at your trial. Amarantha’s not exactly pleased with him. Tamlin even broke his delightful brooding to beg for him to be spared—such a noble warrior, your High Lord. She listened, of course—but only after she made Tamlin bestow Lucien’s punishment. Twenty lashes.” I started shaking, sick all over again to think about what it had to have been like for my High Lord to be the one to punish his friend.
Look look look, I know Feyre is in love with Tamlin and all at this point but...Aren't you at least a little bit concerned about the FRIEND WHO GOT PUNISHED??? Like...bro risked his ass for you time and again and got whipped for it, please acknowledge it.😭😭😭 No cuz my man went through it this whole series ma'am please. Ok but rereading I'm seriously wondering if this series was initially meant to be a Feyre x Lucien x Tamlin love triangle because no matter how many times I'm reading this, I can't see it any other way. Lucien and Feyre were 100% flirting with each other, they have more scenes together than Fey fey and tam tam. Even under the mountain, Lucien does more for her. You can't tell me that Sarah didn't have them banging at least.😭😭😭😭😭
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yourfavisproendo · 13 days
Hello back again!! I'm not sure if two requests in one ask are allowed but
Spinel from Steven Universe is a pro-endo traumagenic system
Rouge the bat from STH is a pro-endo traumagenic system!
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Spinel from Steven Universe is a pro-endo traumagenic system!
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Rouge the Bat is a pro-endo traumagenic system!
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danielkingx16 · 4 months
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Lapis Lazuli(Steven Universe)
Tool: Medibang Paint Pro
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plague-of-insomnia · 4 months
CSA survivor here about the post on censorship- I just want you to know that no survivor is perfect and that sometimes their message may not be what you expect. The line for what glorification is lies in a different place person to person. To limit how we express ourselves would be silencing us. If I wrote about my abuse and then fictionalize it then how I chose to write it would be read differently by every person who choses to interact with it. There are people still think Lolita glorifies pedophillia but many people have said that it was through that book they recognized what happened to them. Policing language makes victims less likely to come forward and less likely to connect with others like us.
None of this is meant to be chiding btw. I just figured you the type to actually want to learn and understand and felt you could use someone giving you benefit of the doubt.
I know anon sent this ask to me by mistake (they sent a follow up saying they’d clicked the wrong account by mistake on a post with several reblogs, and meant to send it to someone else), but I think what you’re saying here is important and wanted to post it (hope that’s OK).
I have fictionalized my own abusive experiences into fiction, along with my struggle with mental illness, most prominently in my OW In/Exhale. I wrestled a lot with how dark and real to make it and finally took the plunge. I lost some readers who felt it was “too much,” but I had several others mention how much the story had helped them.
For some, it made them realize they’d been abused. Others were able to find the strength to seek help. Others found the story alone helped them.
I have to say being told that was a giant reason I kept sharing that work and others that also delve deep. Because they help me and obviously sharing them can help others as well.
I completely agree with your point also that by silencing (or attempting to) stories about abuse, even if you’re focusing on “fiction,” means survivors are silenced as well. I won’t ever forget how tumblr banned people for writing about their own abusive experiences. 😡
When you ban that topic, it means even for educational reasons you can’t discuss it. And abuse thrives on silence. If we don’t talk about it, if we don’t tell and warn people how to spot it and extricate yourself from it, then it will only be more pervasive.
Ironic that pro-censorship folk think by fiction with abusive topics existing, you’ll create more abusers when in fact the reverse is true. If people can’t recognize abuse, it’s far easier to be abused.
It’s true that for some people reading or writing about their experiences can make them even worse—i know i have a citation on that in another post on the topic somewhere—but the wonderful thing about fiction is you can always close the book, turn off the TV, and walk away.
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