#probably considering i wanna find mutuals lol
aprilias · 1 year
Me thinking of making a twitter account dedicated to music and other stuff separate to my sports account vs elon literally fucking it all up lmao
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softwarmfur · 8 months
when you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then send this ask to 10 of ur favourite followers !
Eeeuuuuuuugh....so hard to choose....okay these are not my top 5 but they are 5 I have randomly selected out of all my favorite songs:
- RELIGIOUS MAN - Mister Loco
- Fire is Coming - Flying Lotus and David Lynch
Public Pervert - Interpol
Shredder sequel - Little Wings
Little Pleasures - TOKiMONSTA and Gavin Turek
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
ya it can be a bit confusing at times lol. anyways, can i rq yan saiki with a darling whos also very quiet and prefers to be a bit more reclusive? sorta like saiki with the whole “wanna be normal” thing
Oof... this show is so hard for me to understand sometimes but I'll give this a shot :) Aged up as usual. Sorry if I got his character wrong....
Yandere! Kusuo Saiki with Reclusive! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Isolation, Projecting feelings, Denial, Stalking implied, OOC probably.
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Well, at first he's relieved there is not another person to pester him.
When he first comes in contact with you, he's surprised to find some who shares similar desires.
You prefer books, video games, and staying out of people's way.
He doesn't think much of it.
Sure, he finds himself drifting towards your thoughts out of curiosity...
Yet he's just doing it by impulse, must be....
Kusuo never really thought he'd be close to you.
Not friends and especially not more.
Although when he is around you more, he notices an uncharacteristic fondness he holds towards you.
You aren't annoying, in fact when you do interact, he relates to you.
Kusuo, not being one for attention, may be secretive with his care towards you.
He feels to deal with this fondness he'd vent it from afar.
You'll notice this through unspoken favors by him.
Suddenly you're getting good grades, others give you space, and things seem to be going well for you.
A dream you and Kusuo both share.
He hates to admit it, but seeing you happy and calm makes him feel similar.
He doesn't call this obsession.
Watching you be happy and keeping you like that is normal... caring, right?
It's strange how seeing you alone makes him content.
You're happy, so...
He'll keep it like that.
Kusuo slowly finds himself fixated on you.
He wants to consider you at least a friend.
Even if he doesn't stick around you long....
In a way, he's projecting a bit.
He's making you live a life he wants with his power.
You're so similar to him he thinks you'd be happy with what he likes.
It takes awhile for him to actually approach you.
You may be reclusive but he knows you have to talk to someone.
Why not him, he guesses, might as well.
He actually feels happy when around you.
Kusuo just tries to meet you alone to prevent uneeded attention.
Last thing he needs is rumors.
Despite everything he does for you, he still refuses to call it obsession.
Even if knowing what you're doing at all times brings him happiness.
You have no idea that every thing that happens to you traces back to him.
Even if you become closer to him, he never admits it.
Kusuo just seems like someone who understands how you feel and helps you out sometimes (all the time, but best you don't know that).
You find yourself mutually respecting him due to that.
Especially since he's the only one you "talk" to, strangely enough.
Luckily, you don't know how deep his care for you goes or everything he does for you...
He plans to keep it that way for some time.
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bluebellhairpin · 2 months
Hey! It’s me again (your new fan of smth, anyway). I really enjoy your small posts and saw the one abt chatty mood so.
I see so many fandoms on your page. Do you maybe have a list of your personal loved characters, like your all time favourites?
If you don't wanna answer it's fine, I don’t want to burden you anyhow. I just felt like getting to know a writer that I like and who is a tad bit more active.
idk if you're prepared for the can of worms you've just opened, but considering you asked, I'll try not to hold back. I've got my top 5, plus a few honorable mentions - just for you <3
Levi Ackerman (Attack on Titan) - I had such a phase for a while (one that lasted about 25 fic oneshots). As with most, he was the reason I got into aot in the first place. The rest is history.
Poe Dameron (Star Wars) - Again, huge phase (14 fics long this time). What can I say, I really liked that spunky pilot.
Thorin Oakenshield (The Hobbit) - Proud owner of my longest fic series (both in word count length, and how long it's taken to write - I started it in hish school, and I've been out of school for four years now. smh.)
Kenny Ackerman (Attack on Titan) - Like nephew, like uncle. I just think he's sexy.
Number 5 spot is held by our one and only BMI hero - Taishiro Toyomitsu! (My Hero Academia) (art by @/fittsythesnail)
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I just think he's neat LOL. He's so soft, and he makes me so happy - tbh he's such an underrated fave of mine. He'd make sure I was always well fed, not just full but full of good food - something I often lack. He's very loverboy coded to me <3
Number 4 spot is taken by - Ser Harwin Strong! (House of the Dragon) (art by me)
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Harwin is running in circles in my mind right now. He's the only selfship I've got with such an intense storyline. idk if it's something you can get behind, but hey if not you might be by the time I'm finally able to write anything for him.
Number three is our commander - Erwin Smith! (Attack on Titan) (art by @/veggiebr0th + @/54prowl)
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Erwin is probably the character that's truly stood on this list the longest. And hardest. I love him a lot. Probably too much. I definitely find writing for him fun, especially when it comes to darker, grittier themes.
The newest character on this list takes out spot Number 2, no doubt aided by how fresh the love is - Kyojuro Rengoku! (Demon Slayer) (art by @/fittsythesnail)
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What can I say. He set my hear ablaze.
And our last spot, Number 1, is taken by the one and only - Arthur Morgan! (Red Dead Redemption 2)
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I just love him so so so much. So much that I can never sit down and write anything I'm happy enough with to publish. I hate how I can't write anything for him, because that mean's I can't really enter the community - ik it's not the only way, but it's the way I know best. WHICH THEN MEANS I can't really make mutuals to talk to. ABOUT HIM. Honestly that might not be a bad thing, because I probably wouldn't shut up.
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floridagirlboy · 5 months
do you headcanon the branches as siblings, or family in some other way, or just, like, coworkers? I feel like some of them have very sibling coded relationships (army and coastie come to mind), but air force is more like space force's... mentor? (for lack of a better word) and maybe this is just me, but I feel like marine and navy are more homoerotic than anything else. anyway, just wanna hear your thoughts :D
i think that the branches, like other personifications, end up having kind of complicated relationships since they aren't human. and they've changed over the years considering they're centuries old (sans airy/spacey). so it's like a weird mixed bag.
army -> coastie: sees coastie like an annoying little brother/cousin (fond) but still recognizes him as a colleague/co-worker simultaneously. for a while he saw coastie like a child since he was established well before the coast guard
coastie -> army: sees army like a cool older brother. struggles to see him as anything professionally (he feels they're too friendly for that). at some point he saw army in a paternal light but that didn't last that long.
army -> marine: diehard rivals but also, like, a really deep fraternal bond. "i hate you but i'm gonna be the mother fucker to kill you" <- said with the anger and fondness only a brother could hold for his brother. constantly trying to outdo him. used to just mildly dislike him.
marine -> army: the "diehard rivals but sworn brothers" thing is mutual. he used to just see army as competition/someone to outdo. now it's more friendly (even if they sure as hell don't act like it). they don't consider each other related (like army/nat. guard do) but they do consider each other family. like.. brothers by choice. it's weird to articulate.
army -> navy: their relationship is... weird. they don't interact with each other as much as they would with the other branches. most interactions they have are at a literal geographical distance (given work circumstances). army finds navy agitating but, and he'd rather eat spent shell casings than admit this, kind of likes navy's teasing. he doesn't have any feelings for him but he enjoys the attention, even if it's meant to be patronizing and irritating.
navy -> army: enjoys how easy it is to piss off army and rile him up. coastie is usually unbothered, air force gets genuinely upset, and space force is...space force. professionally the respects him, personally considers them to be on decent terms, but overall recognizes the distance between them.
army -> space force: they don't really interact. his thoughts on space force can be summed up like "Air Force what the fuck is wrong with your dog" but would pick a fight with anyone outside of the branches trying to make fun of him.
space force -> army: doesn't feel much for army. not in an apathetic/dislike kind of way, more like "i don't really have enough information to know how i feel about this guy". but overall he doesn't harbor much negative sentiment.
army -> air force: he makes fun of air force constantly. but it's sort of like... "i'm trying to teach you how to have thicker skin" with the worst approach ever. also it's meant to be a friendly fraternal thing. he harbors a lot of professional respect for air force but he doesn't show it much or often. he doesn't really give much compliments or praise to anyone, but air force is probably the guy he's given the most compliments to over the years. but even then it's far and few between. personally though, he sees air force as a pushover who's totally full of himself. he likes air force's confidence [in his intellect] but hates how easily he goes from full of it to self-deprecating so easily. grow a spine damnit this is gonna hurt you!! also army thinks he's a big nerd lol. if you're not a branch he won't let you make fun of air force for being a wet rag nerd though. it's more personal than it is with space force.
air force -> army: thinks army is antagonizing him because he dislikes him. like he thinks this guy has nothing but contempt for him. wonders how he can never do anything right by army (unaware that army just doesn't point out the stuff he thinks is good, only the bad). he's a little numb to it at this point but it still stings. he's stopped taking it personally but unfortunately now he's assuming that he's the problem. womp womp
army -> national guard: it's... complicated. they're brothers, but they're not that close. army wants to be closer with him but he's never had the chance to. and now that it's been so long, with everything, he's not sure how. would natty want a guy like him to be his brother? plus, natty is actually older than him. but army grew up so fast he kind of ended up as the older brother after a few decades, and that just made their relationship more complicated. natty started out mentoring him and everything, but then it kind of flipped on it's head and now he's the big brother figure. he feels a lot for natty, but he's not sure what any of it boils down to or what to do about it. i think if he had to be honest about his feelings he'd say he feels like he owes natty everything, and he wishes natty had a better brother.
national guard -> army: him and army have a lot in common. they both don't know how to feel about their relationship, they both want to be closer, but they both have the emotional comprehension of a brick. while natty is better off than him in that department, it's just... not easy still. "for us to be closer it'd require us to put in a lot of work we don't know how to, and we don't logistically have the ability to either way, but if awkwardly eating dinner together sometimes and playfully bickering is all we have in the cards right now then i'm willing to play my hand every time"
coastie -> navy: beach buddies! they're friends on pretty good terms. navy doesn't really tease coastie. he sorta looks up to navy. used to see navy like a little brother. he thinks navy's forgotten about all that, though.
navy -> coastie: i think navy sees him almost like a little brother, but he doesn't consider him family. it's a mutual sentiment: "you're like a brother to me." the irony is that coast guard is older than the navy! but navy "grew up" faster so they dynamic ended up shifting over the years. before that, though, navy looked up to coastie and saw him as an older brother/mentor figure. he hasn't actually forgotten this; he feels a personal debt to coastie and takes this very seriously, which doesn't seem much like him (a guy who can't seem to take anything seriously and just parties a lot). but it very much is.
coastie -> air force: good friends! very good friends. coastie is actually kinda jealous of air force; he feels pretty distant from the main 4 (navy, marine corps, army, air force). he doesn't mind it, though. or maybe he does. nobody really asks.
air force -> coastie: cares about coastie a lot. honestly pretty concerned for him. he knows coastie is wayyy older than he is and he's sure that his happy-go-lucky attitude has a, like... centuries of baggage beneath it. this leaves his mind a lot, though, and he only really thinks about it when his mind drifts elsewhere. likes to hang out with coastie.
coastie -> space force: mutually feels left out of the main 4. likes how weird space force is. and how space force doesn't judge him for being so talkative. space force is actually kind of quiet so it gives coastie ample room to talk, and coastie feels like he actually listens. ends up tagging along with air force+space force often.
space force -> coastie: almost the same as the way coastie feels for him. honestly pretty happy that coastie talks to him like a normal individual/equal and not like.. some weirdo.
coastie -> army: sees army like an older brother but they're on surprisingly equal footing in terms of a "power dynamic"; army sees him as an equal as much as he does a little brother figure. they're pretty close. he's the bubbly golden retriever to army's pissed off german shepherd or something. worries about army a lot and does his best to help him without making it obvious.
army -> coastie: very close; sees him kinda like a little brother. i think his relationship with coastie is especially complicated on his end, though. because he already has a brother. but he's not very close with his brother. but he's really close with coastie. it's really difficult for him to parse. i don't want to say he sees coastie like a surrogate for the relationship he wants with national guard, but... well, he sees a lot of natty in coastie. and i think it kind of tears him up inside because of how complicated his feelings are on this. doesn't help that he has the emotional and interpersonal skills of a cucumber.
navy <--> marine: honestly nobody knows what's going on with them. i mean, they've never explicitly said anything. but there is, indeed, an incredibe amount of palpable homoerotic tension between them. they bunk together. navy drives him everywhere. you literally cannot see one of them without the other. and let's just say i didn't mention marine in the "why navy only teases army" tidbit for a reason. draw your own conclusions teehee :^)
air force -> space force: it's complicated. because of the circumstances of how they stared out, he almost feels a paternal kind of way towards space force? but also kind of just like a mentor/colleague relationship? but also like of like siblings? but also kind of just best friends? it's really complicated. but overall it's a very positive relationship. he cares a lot for space force, and it doesn't really matter to him in what way he cares for space force; paternal, fraternal, neither, both, secret third option.
space force -> air force: doesn't feel anything you could articular with traditional terms but air force is basically one of the only other branches he really feels anything towards. his feelings towards the others are pretty numb/shallow or he just flat out doesn't know them well enough, but he does feel pretty deeply for air force. nothing that is or could be considered romantic though, to be clear.
BASICALLY their relationships are all super duper complicated due to their nature as personifications and how they change over time. but they're all pretty tight knit (despite some being closer than others).
OKAY THAT'S. A LOT ALREADY SO I THINK I'LL LEAVE THIS POST AT THAT. if you're interesting in hearing about any other dynamics lmk!! thannk you for letting me autism about these fools. my little blorbinis. forgive me for the expanse of text i just start typing and cant stop.
p.s. i tried to make a visual for this with cute little signatures for them but i couldn't get it to work out the way i wanted to. but i still like the signatures. so here.
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strawberrystepmom · 3 months
Everyone is going to Miss Kendall’s crystal ball and I want to know, because I’ve never been good at understanding Astrology and you are awesome at it
I’m an Aquarius Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Pisces Rising. I always hear things that Aquarius are like…outgoing and free spirited and can’t be tied down - which honestly never sounded like me lol
*looks up from shining said crystal ball* yessssss! another one!!
the issue with a lot of pop astrology (i've ranted about this at other points this week) is that it's too at a glance to be personal. i always encourage people who want to know more about themselves, their placements, their functions to find a friend that knows enough about astrology to take the time to explain it to you. broad generalizations drive engagement so pop astrologers keep making them bc hey, if it ain't broke don't fix it.
the notion that aquarius is outgoing comes from air signs just in general and i personally believe it to be the *least* outgoing of the three. it doesn't mean they don't have that interesting and addictive charm of gemini and libra but aquarius tends to be a lot more internal than its brethren. they struggle a lot with feeling misunderstood and can subsequently withdraw a bit. they're introverted. NOT asocial, just need a little longer to recover after periods of socialization. NOT unfriendly, but less likely to be the one to approach a new person to make friends.
for aquarius suns, their mission in life is to make the world a better place overall but in a practical way. it's not sunshine and rainbows and love will save us in the same way say maybe pisces is, they desire a quantifiable way to change the world. it's a very selfless placement and tends to be extremely concerned with the whole rather than the individual. extremely intelligent, very inventive and not necessarily with gadgets but with ideas. if you wanna have very thought provoking conversation, the person to have it with is aquarius always but the ideas are avant garde to many which can leave you feeling misunderstood once again. i always encourage my aquarians to surround themselves with very supportive people to offset this. pisces or gemini (yay! you can do it!) and leo or aries (fuck yeah you're gonna do this) can be great friends for an aquarius for this reason.
the analytical and thoughtful nature of aquarius likely shines through the most in your moon. you probably spend a lot of time considering other people and their circumstances. you probably break your emotions into parts and put them back together to try and understand them although you may not always be satisfied with the outcome. you are driven by the boundaries of this world (laws, rules, etc) but approach them very open mindedly and you're always looking for ways to change them or for them to better serve large groups of people.
pisces rising <3 people likely find you gentle, playful, and very kind. you hold a lot of space for people and you are deeply empathetic. you just want people to feel loved. to be good to each other. to be good to them yourself. aquarius and pisces are a great pairing in a big three for this reason - they're mutually supportive of their goals.
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silverbriseis · 5 months
I really love one-sided kyman but like mutual, where they pine for each other thinking it's unrequited but really both of them are just fucking idiots who can't communicate LMAO, though I'd like to think Cartman would be the first to catch feelings, like a slow gradual buildup because he's spent so much time with Kyle by his side but he knows deep down Kyle would never return his feelings because he thinks Kyle is the entire antithesis to his being and they could never be so he'd genuinely bury everything deep down (maybe it might manifest into his cupid me persona who knows) so I do think after a particularly gruesome fight or argument(and a horrible realization) he'd stop pursuing Kyle in whatever shenanigans and like slowly move away(Which he's shown to do both in s20 and PC)
And meanwhile for Kyle, everything just hits him suddenly like a trainwreck, he'd no doubt be happy at first that Cartman FINALLY decided to stop with whatever tomfoolery he had to begin with though after a while, he expects everything will go back the way it was(eg. cartman joining them again in their friendgroup) but then he slowly comes to realize... that isn't the case now. In lunchtime, He seeks glances at Cartman yet Cartman looks away, never meeting him eye to eye. He would probably try to approach Cartman after but Cartman again also avoids him, and even when he manages to finally find him and have a talk, Cartman just goes"oh sorry, Kyle I have to go to the bathroom/have somewhere to attend to" and then quickly scoots away. Kyle would resort to namecalling quickly and call him a fatass and instead of Cartman being mad or retorting it against him, he'd just smile and go "mhm" and leave which would so deal a devastating blow for Kyle LMAO. So anyways, I think for a while, Kyle would so 100% believe that cartman was onto some new scheme that he was planning so he would absolutely not believe this at all because Cartman has never disengaged him, how could he now?
So yeah Kyle would like probably spend the next week or two just trying to figure whatever the hell Cartman is planning, he'd probably try to convince the rest of the friendgroup to join him but like... unlike Kyle, they know how to take a hint or two LOL, Actually I think it'd be even sad/funny if Cartman just interacted with Kenny and Stan mostly normally with less insults/ while he just full on avoided Kyle, so Stan would be like "dude what are you on about? He's been pretty nice the entire week" and Kenny might chime in and be like "Yeah, he's even helped me some photography stuff" in some muffled speech. Anyways, Kyle would so be mad LMAO and be like "he's trying to trick you all! " in some huge speech, talking about how he's done this before while Stan and Kenny assure him that he's been doing this for a while now and that he most likely would have done something by now if he had any ulterior motive, and that it's pretty possible that he's grown as a person by now. (Kyle still wouldn't believe it)
So like after all that he'd so definitely corner Cartman in some secluded area in school and be like "alright, fatass this is enough, what the hell are you planning?" And even though Cartman doesn't wanna engage with him whatsoever in theory, he'd definitely give in it practice if Kyle pressured enough(it's in his instinct, okay!) So he'd be like "I dunno Kyle, what am I planning indeed?" And then Kyle would be so mad and frown and then they would definitely bicker back and forth with Kyle being like "just quit it already dumbass, it won't work on me" and then Cartman playing dumb and being like "Oh, what won't work on you Kyle? And knowing them, it has a pretty big chance of resorting to physical baha. But I do think before it escalates to that Cartman might drop the act and just be honest "Kyle, what if instead of me planning anything,what if I just genuinely didn't wanna talk to you?" And Kyle would likely freeze on the spot because he didn't even consider that a possibility, because the Cartman he's always known has never even thought about doing that, because if he did they most likely wouldn't be here now. So his first instinct would definitely be to argue against it. "Bullshit! that's what you always like to pull, I don't believe this for one bit!" And Cartman would raise a eyebrow or two and be like "Whatever you want to believe Kyle, it's not my problem" and then he'd just leave, while Kyle would probably be speechless.
Anyways after that day, he'd definitely be even more wary of Cartman, he would be expecting for some really messed up to shit yet it would never happen which would leave him even more wary, because Cartman now doesn't even have the gall to pretend to be nice to him, he doesn't even smile at him in the hallways,it leaves Kyles feeling quite weird, has Eric ever treated Kyle so.... Insignificantly?
I do think maybe after a month or two of some very sleepless nights, he'd probably come to the "same" conclusion as everyone else. Cartman doesn't care anymore. Coming to that conclusion, Kyle should feel happy, right? After all, isn't this what he's always wanted, for that fatass to leave him alone, to stop terrorizing him. Yet, why does he feel nothing?
I definitely think he'd notice that feeling and he'd try to avoid it but no matter what he does, he can't forget it, everything would feel, well-empty. For a while, He'd still acts the same way to everyone but now there's no one to demean him for that or to call him a dirty jew. Anytime, he does or says something impulse, there's no one to belittle him anymore for every little thing, Maybe he'd ACTUALLY avoid that thought admittedly, one day hes hanging with Kenny and Stan, maybe they are getting tickets for the movie, he'd notice how Stan only got 3 tickets, he'd get confused and ask "where's the other one" Stan would again ALSO be confused and be like "Dude, why would I get a extra one?" And kyle would retort back and be like "Oh obviously, for Cartman" until he realizes there is NO Cartman there. Maybe he'd notice the empty seat on their cafeteria table, wondering who's it for, then he realizes that Cartman is taking way too long so that seat is for Cartman right? Until he heard Cartmans laugh across the cafeteria then he remembers Cartman doesn't sit with them anymore.
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themorguepoet · 1 year
Dq is bae huh? You watched one movie and act like you are some diehard kinda fan lmao. If SitaRamam didn't push the hindutva agenda but had a Muslim lead and Hindu princess I am sure you would be crying love jihad. You are telugu so ofc you are gonna act like its normal. Yall are the most gullible lot of the dravidian lands. I am glad that madness hasn't reached Kerala atleast. How many malayalam movies of dq have you watched even? I see none on your blog. Selective fangirling is real pathetic lmao. Also if you were gonna lie atleast make it believable. How does an Indian have pakistani teachers lol? You bringing up nfak is like how white people say "I cant be racist, I listen to black singers all the time"
Yes, dulquer salmaan is bae. You can't be more wrong, I have watched too many dq movies to count, I won't waste time listing them all here. I dont post everything I watch. Suit yourself with the assumptions.
Anon I can laugh off most of your ignorance but Sita Ramam slander is not tolerated on my blog. Tell me you didn't understand the movie without telling me you didn't understand the movie. No I wouldn't have cried love jihad if the movie with the Muslim lead and the Hindu princess followed the exact same storyline EXACT SAME. In that case I would have loved Fatima and Ali the same as I loved Sita and Ram.
I am not Telugu, funny you would assume that although I can see why. If you scroll through my blog though you will find Hindi, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, possibly one Kashmiri post and more. And none of the languages I mentioned are my mother tongues. So keep guessing.
Also, you hating on two entire states and a whole community? The blatant superiority complex and hate towards telugu people radiating in your sentence is so low. To be comfortable in your own skin and not compromise on your way of life isn't madness anon. Decolonise your mind. Kerala is a beautiful state and so is Andhra and Telangana. A lot of Telugu people live in Kerala and many Malyalis live in the telugu heartlands. Both of those linguistic families are a pride for the country so stop with your political divide. I don't even understand why you are bringing such random energy on my blog cuz I have never posted any proper political commentaries on my blog.
I can choose what to fangirl over. If I wanna obsess over dq for a month I will do it. You are probably new. My mutuals know how I post about the one same thing on a stretch for a while and then find something new and keep posting that instead. Selective fangirling isn't pathetic anon, you are.
I did not lie. I don't need to prove anything. Maybe consider that some Indians probably live in neutral countries where they interact with the rest of the world. Hence the pakistani teachers.
Fallacies bestie, all your fallacies are laughable. My point was, I appreciate all things good while taking pride in my own identity. I can post about Krishna and Dulquer salmaan in the same blog.
Your rant was very useless but I wanted to answer it anyways. There's more anons from you but i won't be answering anymore. I will just delete them.
@shut-up-rabert ye lo bhoi, maze le lo
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cosmic-cd · 1 year
i'm going through my OC playlists for my DIMENSION/CROSS guys so far as i'm thinking about what to add! they're unfinished, so i'm not making 'em public- (but if we're mutuals or i've ever spoken to you directly about RGB & Co., feel free to ask me for a link if you wanna give 'em a listen! i'd love to ask a few people for song suggestions!)
the consensus is:
RGB's is the most coherent (because it's all songs I like and not all of them are necessarily tied to her as a character- because she's me and she shares my taste in music) and i've got it organized in a way where it's listenable, even if it's got a lotta genres in it so far! (A couple of example tracks in the playlist so far: Cosmic Girl by Jamiroquai, Galactic Whisper by Snail's House, Levitating by Dua Lipa)
Gear's sure.. something, so far. I mean, Gear's kind of a sum of a lot of characters I like- he's primarily some mix of Barney Calhoun and Sonic the Hedgehog, with a bit of Tails and TF2 Engineer thrown in. he's kind of just a Lot, but his playlist isn't very well organized right now, so it's a little mood whiplash-y while I figure out his taste. while I can't put in Mike Shapiro's (the VA for Barney and G-Man) version on a spotify playlist, i've got House of the Rising Sun by The Animals in there... as well as Escape from the City (cover by Skye Rocket!) and also Space Boy from Initial D. (also Cry For You by September because of that one Barney meme that i need to go find and reblog again) i do like how it's coming so far otherwise, it's just. ough. how to make this one work...
Source... they're kind of meant to be dimension cross's comic relief???????? but his playlist is coming out DEPRESSING. it's the shortest by far so far, but so far we range from Donut Hole by Hachi, and phony (english cover by Will Stetson), to Love Foolosophy by Jamiroquai.... yeah this poor mushroom in a fursuit's kinda Goin Through It. i was gonna put like, funny music in his but i think that'd be too much mood whiplash 😭
i don't have playlists for the other two members of DIMENSION/CROSS yet, but i'm rotating them in my mind a little. i gotta hammer out DC's personality a little better and the new fella has some tracks dedicated to them in RGB's playlist, but i'm gonna do DC's first, prolly!
additionally, every playlist for DIMENSION/CROSS's crew includes Phoenix by Netrum & Halvorsen because i consider it pretty much their theme song LOL (but it also slaps)
but yeah!!! i've given making OC playlists a try a couple times in the past but this is a more concerted effort to make COHERENT OC playlists that tell a story. so far, it's fun!! i'll also probably sit down and transcribe these over to youtube playlists as well, since i can't put every song i want on these through spotify... i wish there was a better way of making shareable playlists........ (if anyone DOES know of a way lmk)
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defountaine · 1 year
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independent + private roleplay blog for FURINA DE FONTAINE, of mhy's GENSHIN IMPACT as judged by SINCLAIR ( 21 ). crossover + oc friendly. low activity due to college ( junior yr ) + old laptop.
rules under cut.
not spoiler or leak free
i tag triggers as “ trigger // “ 
for the main verse ( gi ), i'm almost entirely caught up on the main story.
hc heavy.
i use she/he/they for furina. she looks like both a woman and a twink and it's giving me gender envy, okay. genderfluid furina is so real to me.
generally novella because i love writing a lot!!
scarce activity bc my laptop is fucked up ( most of the keys are stiff lol ) + full time college student. i am literally doing a research proposal this semester.
aforementioned keyboard thing may lead to typos
i tag a lot of my ooc posts ( since a majority of the time they’re useless ) as “ irrelevant // ” as to not clog up peoples dash 
sometimes tumblr doesn’t send my asks so if you’ve liked for an inbox call and you don’t receive it, thats why 
mutuals can ask for discord<3 i encourage it actually since im active there more often but im very anxious and tend not to initiate conversation unless i feel like we’re very close 
if i ever bother you lmk<3 i’ve been told i can get a little spammy at times and i’ll admit i do get easily excited so if i need to tone it down just let me know!
if i’m following you i’ve read your rules !! i’ll assume you’ve done the same if you decide to follow back!
i only have access to the beta editor, sadly. i can try and pull some bullshit but i don't know if it'll work. my apologies.
those who are of age and have characters of age can smut with me. that said, furina is probably not gonna be very easy to fuck. trauma and all that. unless we have pre-established stuff. that's always fun. that said, don't follow just to fuck him, please. gore is also welcomed.
i love shipping, so lets do it! platonic, romantic, rivals, familial etc.. love ‘em all! planned or entirely natural, either is fine! if you wanna ship with me just ask! i have no preferences, not really, and i can say the same about furina. both she and i are down to clown with just about anyone. it doesn't even have to be healthy! ( to the tune of tmnt ) codependent toxic yuri/yaoi !
full time college student with very limited time to do rp nowadays. i really enjoy writing and all but being rushed to reply makes me lose motivation. however, if i do miss a starter/don’t reply to a thread for a while you can tell me about that!
despite me saying this, all in all i probably follow almost everyone back as long as they have a rules + abt page i can find! i don’t follow personals but if you’re a hub or your rp blog is a sideblog, lmk so i can follow you there!  if you have a rules + abt page and i don’t follow back LET ME KNOW. sometimes tumblr doesn’t give me notifications and i don’t pay attention to follower count for the most part. i’m really not picky and im not trying to be mean or ignore you ! 
any sort of hate will not be tolerated. if i see you picking on anyone or you pick on me , i will block you. that’s not the way i roll.
this is pretty standard , but please don’t control my muse or anything of the sort. 
 i am not a meme archive blog , so if you do rt them please consider sending them!!
just please turn them into separate text posts, please!!
y'know. no racism, homophobia, transphobia or pedophilia, incest, and all that gross stuff. instant block. literally just be normal.
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izukuleeyoung · 1 year
Hello Everyone!: Social Media Updates
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Hello all! I keep disappearing, sorry! 
The family and I are trying to find another place to live, but a few places I had my eye on were rented out because we can't go to a new place until we can get the deposit and first month's. 
Currently still looking to get enough customers this month.
Sending off some stuff that I can't delay in getting, because if I get it too late, I won't be able to show y'all anything for the convention. 
So yeah, I'm getting things together as soon as possible. 
Since this platform hates how much I post, I'm going to start Posting less, but I'm going to be more consistent. Might pin this, not sure. 
Where I'll be posting more: 
My Patreon: exclusive timelapses of my art process, sketches, and announcements like this one. 
My Ko-fi: same thing as Patreon more or less. 
Tumblr: Where I'll be putting the exclusives from Patreon and More after a bit. 
YouTube: Reviews, Media Analysis, and More. Video versions of my articles on Medium. 
Medium: Articles about my thoughts, and anecdotes from my life. Probably going to put text versions off my videos on YouTube. 
Facebook: Mutual Aid in my Stories, and possibly one Reel a day
TikTok: gonna try to post more videos and have fun lol
When I'll be posting: 
Morning, around 9AM: A post that's an update, and mutual aid in the comments
Afternoon around 1PM: A post about what I'm working on today, sands Mutual Aid in there comments
Night, Around 8PM: Lol maybe memes the night post is weird. 
Enough customers to get my phone bill paid (due the 23rd)
Get everything shipped by the end of three month (raising funds for supplies, and some are on Throne)
Reach 200 per month on Patreon
Reach 100 per month on Ko-fi
500 subscribers on YouTube + the watch hours for monetization
Getting enough to move before the eviction date
I've made more Owl House art sand I mighty make a Kickstarter to make pins, but I do still need help getting backstock for the convention. 
I also finished all the sapphic gummy bears and the shirt is going up soon onto the site. 
To help us get stuff for the convention, please give to the Ko-fi!! It accepts PayPal. Also if you wanna help with our upcoming phone bill please consider sending through CashApp, Venmo, or getting some merch from my site! Trying to get groceries and all those necessities. We also have the gfm for our move 💖
Thanks for being patient!! 
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
15 questions and 15 mutuals 🎀 ✩°。⋆⸜ 🎧
thank u for the tags babiss @winfleurs @milllersfae @cherriesxinthespring @ellieslittlewh0re
were you named after anyone?
So I go by Cher on here which is short for Cherrie/ Cherry inspired by the actress/singer Cher!! I love herr. But my birthname is named after a family member
when was the last time you cried?
I wanna say monday(?) when my account got shadow banned and I was stresssssinnn bc tumblr was takin their timeeee to respond. Actually going through it bc it set me back, killed my inspiration temporarily lol
do you have any kids?
nopeeee. I was a nanny in the past i’ve had my parenting fix filled that was free birth control, literally was a mother
do you use sarcasm a lot?
I only really use sarcasm with family or really really close friends like I don’t really do it to strangers out of respect that there could be a miscommunication and they think i’m mean or something, which I don’t want
what's the first thing you notice about people?
Usually something specific about their physical appearance — apart from their name getting familiar with per-say recognizing them by their hair or how they dress helps me to remember them a looot more. However recently as well I’ve been playing close attention to how people respond to questions and communication or how they treat public service workers, it shows me so much about them.
what’s your eye color?
b-bu-BROWN, apart of the big brown doe eyed club (proudly(っω⊂))
scary movies or happy ending?
So as I’ve gotten more into the film world, scary movies always do it for me especially considering that most endings are grey areas where the problem is fixed but it really isn’t at the same time which I find to be a lot more realistic than a happy-ever-after.
any special talents?
I can do ballet 🩰 (*˙˘˙)♡ perks of being a dancer at some-point in my life
where were you born?
I am an east coast, United States baby.
what are your hobbies?
I tend to do everything, I get creative, but I play the electric guitar, reading is always so great, gardening has been a really fun thing for me this summer. I do like going partying if thats considered a hobby probably not but It’s one of my favorite ways to unwind with my friends after a hard week of classes (I am a uni student)
have any pets?
two cute lil baby dogs!!
what sports do you play/ have played
I played softball in like middle school (?) that was a fever dream, but I am a big enjoyer of beach volleyball in the summer. Basketball has been one of my favorite things to do as a workout method, I’ve been learning how to get down on the court lollzies
how tall are you?
favorite subject in school?
I loved art courses and classes, I used to love sitting at the tables hearing about school gossip while working on a painting — plus my teacher was the coolest guy everrr
dream job?
I really want a job in the film&tv industry for writing scripts, I’ve found that to be my strong suite and I definitely wanna explore it more ♡☆
some tags: mwuah (so sorry if you were tagged already!) @destielcore @zahraaziza @amoebagrl @abbysdolly
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slavicprincess1966 · 1 year
15 questions for 15 moots!!!!! <3
tysm for the tag kate @theshoutpolicyoftruth <<<33
1: are you named after anyone? nope!! my mom just really really liked the name ashley. she told me she actually really would have liked to name me jessica but her sister beat her to it while she had her kids first lol!!!
2. when was the last time you cried? i could be wrong, but as best as i can remember, probably at my last confession, which was june 2.
3. do you have kids? BRUH IM 16 WHAT DO YOU EXPECT lol but when i do hopefully come along an amazing husband i would like to possibly have 1 kid! for a boy, i’d name him cristian. idk any cool girl names yet lolz.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? it depends on the person and how silly i get
5. what sports do you play/have played? man i have gone at it my entire life!!! id consider dance a sport; i do polish folklore/trad dance right now and have been doing it for the past 5 years! started with ballet as a little girlie, then gymnastics, swimming, soccer, & ice skating, and after all i found that dance is my thing
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? totally how one presents oneself, and how similar i am to them. if you’re devout catholic or polish then i’d automatically think “YOURE SO COOLLLL”
7. what's your eye color? brown but i become edward cullen when the sun hits them just right
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy ending movieeeessss
9. any special talents? my art ofc! my mom also tells me that from what she sees, i am pretty advanced in english. i also pick up newly assigned guitar pieces quickly <3
10. where were you born? the gta (canada)
11. what are your hobbies? art, dance, daydreaming (about dave <3 ), singing when no ones around (with the exception of my mom, ive got an insane morrissey impression and she can confirm haha) and collecting cds, missionary work, and leadership at my catholic girls youth group
12. do you have pets? doggie!!!!!
13. how tall are you? i think i am like 5’7 now
14. favourite subject in school? visual arts & religion! (can i consider friday morning Mass as a subject too?!? yes its the sacrifice of the Mass but its also a time where i can listen and learn more especially during the liturgy of the word)
15. dream job? working in the law of child advocacy or perhaps even doing something on behalf of the crown attorney! i also wanna keep art as my side job and make pieces in my free time. when i grow up if it does happen i think my biggest and most valuable and rewarding job would be being a mom, though. it seems so faith deepening in a way to me! i would really love to cultivate a lifestyle where i can balance both work and homemaking. <3
this was so fun to do!!!! okay so basically my blog is actually pretty small and i dont think i even happen to have like near 15 mutuals but it is ok. in fact i share moots with the lovely that tagged me and u beat me to tagging most of them haha!! but whoever wants some silly little fun questions can totally copy paste this and share their answrs!!!!! i love learning about everyone here so if u find this on ur dash go ahead <3 God bless
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nix-that-rad-lass · 1 year
Do you think too many women settle for men and get married and regret it? This is probably obvious and random but I feel like I’m in a situation right now where maybe society tells us that if a guy comes along who agrees with you on a lot of things and wants similar things to you then you should jump on it but I also think it could deffo be depressing lol and if it’s not there then it’s like a waste of my time and life possibly and also my future (without sounding selfish)
Personally I’m torn on this because I wanna be hopeful and happy and stuff and I want that for other women but I genuinely just think marriage in any capacity ESPECIALLY to a man is so so so risky. It’s so hard because either way you will get emotionally attached, either way he MIGHT break your heart, but if you aren’t married he can’t trap you as easily and you can just walk away a little easier (not always since abusive relationships and shit but it’s one less barrier) however if you have any mutual investments such as a car house or children then that’s so much harder if you’re unmarried, if you break up you don’t necessarily have a contract stipulating how assets are divided, and there is nothing guaranteeing your fiscal safety.
I’d say for most women, if you are in any capacity considering a long term and serious relationship with a man and he is one of the not-so-bad ones (or maybe those less than one in a million actually decent or good ones), consider writing up contracts and actually having some sort of lawyer involved.
I’m only 18 and not super well versed in all this but I have done some of my own thinking and this is just my own conclusion:
- Marriage in our current society harms women. Point blank.
- If you seek a serious long term relationship, you and your partner need to find a way outside of marriage to signify your commitment to one another in
An emotionally fulfilling way (I.e. a courtship ritual, if you wanna get all biological. This would take the place of rings, a wedding, vows, etc, and preferably be a recurring/ongoing thing)
A logically fulfilling way (I.e. how you divide or combine your assets, your contingency plan if things go wrong or if you split, AND your plans to help your relationship be successful or how to repair it if it is less than ideal)
- always have a failsafe plan and retain as much of your independence and autonomy as possible. You are your own person, you deserve to live your own life. Your relationship should ENRICH your life, NOT define it
-above all, accept that nothing is truly permanent. People grow and change and that’s ok (unless they harm someone). There is nothing wrong with realizing that someone you loved for a long time has changed and then taking steps to separate from them. You loved them once, perhaps still do in some way- you want what is best for both yourself AND them, and sometimes what’s best for you both is to move on. Sometimes this happens after a few months. Sometimes after decades. There is no fault in it- it is the nature of people to adapt, and it is up to each of us to put the best interests of ourselves and those we care about before the societal standard of a “successful partnership”.
- find your own definition of success in your relationship and partnership. In society, this is permanent and pumping out plenty of slaves to the system ASAP. Not very healthy or happy. Your idea of success in your relationship may be much time apart so time together is that much more cherished. Maybe it’s spending almost all your time together because that’s when you feel your best. Maybe it’s having similar goals and working together to achieve them, or complimentary goals that you help each other with, or separate ones that you simply offer each other a retreat from. Find your own idea for your relationship and your success within it will grow from there.
- understand that hurt is a part of life, especially when dealing with men. That doesn’t mean you should give up. Just be careful. And if it goes wrong or he harms you or you find out he lied, don’t beat yourself up about it. It doesn’t make you a bad feminist to have had hope. We’re all human. It’s hard to live life when we’re hopeless all the time. No one can blame you for being hopeful and giving it a try.
- don’t abandon yourself in any capacity. There’s a fine line between learning to compromise and abandoning yourself, and it’s both incredibly important and quite difficult to achieve.
On another note... to more individually answer anons question
Society definitely does tell us to take what we can get. It wants women to be desperate for men, despite all evidence to the contrary. Why? Because men, the ones who push the societal propaganda, are desperate for women. Men can’t function without women and they hate it, so instead of putting in the effort to improve themselves and show women “look! We can be good! We can bring stuff to the table! You should consider us!” They gaslight and coerce and fearmonger, making women desperate for them instead. Because they’re lazy. They don’t wanna improve, so instead they just spread the lie that women need men.
I definitely think a lot, maybe most women settle for men and get hurt by it. It’s not their fault- every little bit of society forces this message into them, and eventually they can’t help but internalize it. Hell, I’ve come close to internalizing it, and i would say most radfems have too!
The token personal experience that hopefully can be somewhat relatable in some capacity and also maybe help elaborate the point im attempting to make
Couple years ago I had a really good friend. We met over Minecraft of all things, on a server and we were the only two people defending a girl in chat from getting harassed by dozens of dudes on the server. I thought for sure this person had to be a woman- no way a dude would have gone out of his way and risked getting banned from the server over that. Well, I was wrong. Turned out to be a guy. Granted, about five years older than me, but genuinely a good dude. We ended up getting really close and considered each other to be our twin flame. And then two and a half years ago, he completely ghosted. Fell off the face of the earth. That hurt like hell. I tried to find reasons to be angry at him, reasons to be upset with him, but other than just not saying goodbye I could find none. And yet it still hurt.
Finally we reach the beginning of the end... aka the conclusion
All this to say... there will be pain, and hurt, and worry and fear and all these tumultuous emotions no matter what. That’s what we deal with when we care deeply for someone. All we can do is find ways to move forward, and do what is best for us in the future. Sometimes we can forgive and sometimes we can’t. Sometimes we forgive even when we shouldn’t.
It’s up to you as an individual if you really desire having someone to be close with on a romantic level and you happen to be attracted to men. Some people are perfectly happy and fulfilled having only platonic relationships and others really gain more fulfillment from a romantic one.
Romantic relationships are not the be all end all of life, but for some people they can be such a big component and really help someone reach their full potential. It’s just up to each of us to discover for ourselves which category we fall into.
Being with a man will never be a feminist action. It just won’t.
But we can’t lead perfect feminist lives and being expected to would be ridiculous and cultish. And sometimes, the happiness we glean from a romantic relationship - whether it be with a man or a woman - can give us the extra bit of energy and inspiration to galvanize us into making more of a difference. So maybe it isn’t objectively feminist. But if it makes you a happier person, you’ve bettered one woman’s life and that in itself is technically a feminist action, isn’t it? Taking that happiness and turning it into awareness, action, empowerment, and someday, revolution and liberation? Now that... that’s really something we could all aspire to.
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🌃Chelsea Streets🌃, 🎶Overture🎶, and 🚶Ordinaryish People🚶for sabo!! <3 -@marianz
🌃Chelsea Streets🌃 ~ If you could go anywhere, where would you and your F/O wanna vacation at? How would it go?
Travelling isn't rare for Sabo and I, and that's something both of us enjoy. There's a lot to see in big cities and they have their own appeal, but I like to think that we would enjoy small places the most, especially if there's a lot of nature in its surroundings. Getting to know people from there, easily creating bonds because everyone knows each other in small villages and spending time discovering places that remain untoched from human's infrastructures would become part of our routine while we're there. But of course, chilling at random places, watching the sky and casually cuddling in picnics when there's only the two of us would also be very magical💫
🎶Overture🎶 ~ Tell us a few of your favorite/most important memories involving your F/O!
This isn't the first time I talk about this in here, but aaa i love this thought. At some point where Sabo and I are clearly close and comfortable with each other, we would be sharing a bed in silence before I go to sleep to my own bed/room, and I'm reading when he suddenly asks me if i know about queerplatonic relationships. Perhaps he was nervous, wanting to let out the idea but feeling too unsure about what i felt or even thought about the concept. I would close my book, smile at him softly and admit that yes, i do know about them. He would ask me what i think about qprs, so then i would lie down as he already was and explain my positive point of view. He could find it surprising, relieving, comforting even. I still can't imagine how the conversation would go from there. Perhaps we just go to sleep and he's got a weight off of his shoulders knowing that maybe his idea of having a qpr with me isn't too crazy, and I would suddenly become a bit flustered when I'm alone after that, overthinking what his curiosity could mean lol (could this be considered mutual pining???). I still haven't decided a specific scenario for how we would start our relationship, but this little scenario lives rent free in my head.
🚶Ordinaryish People🚶 ~ What does an average day look like for you and your F/O?
If the night's been cold, he'll probably wake up with me clinging to him let's be honest xD. Our breakfasts together can easily become lively if one of us starts talking about what they'd like to do that day/during the week or about a dream they had. Helping each other when doing chores, asking about what the other has done when they've been focused on something for a long time, improvised walks when the day's getting over, organising papers together because I like to be useful and keep stuff in order, having lunch with friends because we love a good found family trope... There's a lot of small details I can imagine<3
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omg i told myself id send an ask for that one ask game when i finished mine but bruh i have not finished either of the ones uve sent for yet LMAO MY BAD .
can i get ermmm Dorm for Casimir, Izem & Lewis , Homeland for Casimir , Unique Magic for Izem, Rusul & James and Talent for Yuna & Heinrich !!
also interested in Lewis and James's Backstory :33 and mayhaps Personality for Rusul !!
i hope u dnt mind me giving ur unavailable ocs some love 2 im acutally very interested in them they seem silly!!! :D nd ofc if thats too many feel free 2 pick and choose which 2 respond 2 idm <33
✨Hi aue! it took me a minute to get my life together myself so DW ABOUT NOT HAVING THINGS it's all silly and good but ive been eagerly awaiting doing this ask actually bc i get to scream about my silly losers who are going to be thrown into the trap hole yugioh card or something idk.
I'm so happy u r interested in guys I haven't even shown yet but I mean this for realsies this time James is gonna be here within the next week or so bc I finally finished his ref aaaa
ANYWAYS this is gonna be a long one so strap in. I'm gonna put it after a cut just bc of how long this is gonna be lol
🎩Lewis is a Heartslabyul guy who definitely thinks that he does not belong in HL. Despite this, he is, in his own way, a good HL student. Although he's not one for the rules, he IS incredibly loyal and dedicated (loyalty and dedication are traits that ive noticed are a big theme amongst HL but thats an essay for another time) to those he trusts and/or respects, even if it's shown in weird or unconventional ways. He has one roommate, a hare beastman, and the two kinda vibe and coexist together. They aren't like. Besties for life or anything, but they do get along really well and consider each other close friends (and also have a mutual disdain for the rules and the way they get enforced). Think like. ADeuce but if they were not as close friends.
♌Izem, though he is not present here yet, is a Savanaclaw third-year who I think definitely does resemble the dorm quite well. He's not (as much of) a jock like many others in his dorm, but he still sees the value in strength as power and being dedicated and persistent in achieving your goals. Honestly, if he wasn't basically the head delinquent in charge of a lot of rowdy students, he'd probably be teased by his dormmates by taking the Beast King's Tenacity WAYYY too seriously. He doesn't have any roommates anymore, but he used to have them in previous years. He keeps in touch with all of them, just because of the fact that even if they weren't delinquents in his group, he still sees them as members of his "pride".
🌙As a member of Diasomnia who feels oddly outcast by his peers at times, Casimir is very much a perfect representation of Diasomnia. He may not be as powerful as his housewarden (and his retainers), but he still has the potential to be a very capable mage, should he choose to hone his skills. He's also, as I mentioned earlier, a bit of an outcast amongst those in his classes and such, which is also something that I feel is very in character and fitting for a Diasomnia student (yet again another essay for another time). As a freshman, he's got three other roommates, though he does wish that they'd just move out and leave him alone already. They're already rarely around, and when they ARE around, he's constantly fearful that they're just going to tease him (they won't- in fact, his roommates are quite fond of him. Casimir is just... not sure how safe they are for him to unmask around oops). Nobody will tell him this, but in his dorm, Casimir has come to be seen as a younger brother figure of sorts for many.
🌙Casimir is from a mountainous town in the Rose Queendom (because i didnt wanna make him from briar valley) known for producing some of the world's top musicians (specifically in a composition sense, you aren't gonna find pop stars from this place). When he first came to NRC, there were one or two upperclassmen from his hometown, but they were in different dorms, and he didn't know them (rip king).
♌Izem's UM is called "For The King". Initially I was gonna go in a completely different direction for him, with a UM named after Zira's song in LK2 (My Lullaby) that had a sleep kind of effect, but I decided to do something different with it instead. It's a very defensive magic (that is also a bit self-sacrificial if we're being honest here) that will redirect hits from the target of the spell to him. Think like the move "Follow Me" from Pokemon if you're familiar with it? Or alternatively like Floyd's "Bind the Heart" but for other people instead of himself. Anyways, yeah it's like that. He doesn't use it very often unless someone is going after his housewarden or his fellow delinquents because it's often a one-way ticket to the infirmary for him. "My loyalty is pledged to few, and no man nor beast shall sway this vow. To show my devotion I grant you this shield... For The King." there aren't too many holes that can be exploited on either end, unless you consider that Izem will only use it to protect those he trusts. Blackmail could be a viable option for getting him to use it to protect you, but it would NOT work in the long term (he would know).
🦜I don't have a name for it yet, but Rusul's UM allows him to perfectly mimic any voice he's heard before (so original, i know. i think its silly and fun tho). Makes him great for doing impressions of his friends! The only stipulation is that he HAS to have heard the person before without any kind of filtering/modifications. This means that, unless he has seen a VA doing a character voice IN PERSON, he can't really mimic that. He also can't mimic talkshow hosts or famous celebrities for the same reason. He CAN however mimic his dorm mates, which was very interesting post ch 4. Many of his dorm mates reported hearing Rusul repeatedly saying "NICE SHOT!!!" over and over again in his vice housewarden's voice, just because he thought it sounded nice to say (when ur evil berserker vice says something that becomes a vocal stim 😳). He was dropped on party cleanup as a chore for the next month. Since I don't have a name for his UM, I also don't have any incantations thought up either oops.
🐁James's Unique Magic "Goodbye So Soon", is a pretty convenient UM for someone involved in the theatre. It allows him to basically vanish from a spot (and teleports him a few feet away) that he has to perceive as a "trap" (e.g.: if he is on stage and needs a sudden exit, he can view himself as "trapped" on the stage, cast his UM, and magically disappear from view, reappearing backstage.). It CAN work on other spells (like "Off With Your Head", for example) but ONLY if the mage that cast the spell is of equal or lesser power/skill to James himself (meaning he could certainly [and barely] escape from OWYH if he NEEDED to, but he could not escape from Malleus's "Fae of Maleficence"). The incantation for his spell is not necessary (he practiced for a REALLY long time to make it this way), but the incantation is as follows: "I do hate to leave, but with time so short, I must say so long... Goodbye So Soon". The major loophole with the spell were stated earlier kinda (he has to be of equal or greater skill to another mage to use it to override their magic), but I did NOT mention that he does, in fact, have to be able to see his target location as well. Get him blindfolded and he cannot use his UM to escape.
🦐Yuna is a girl of a couple of odd talents, but her main one is her skill on the piano. It takes a while for most people to appreciate/acknowledge it, but if there's one thing Yuna will give the Octavinelle boys credit for, it's appreciating her musical ability.
🩺Heinrich is VERY skilled when it comes to empathizing or sympathizing with his students' plights. Whether it's a result of his own odd upbringing or the fact that he has a teenage daughter, no one is sure. What IS certain, though, is that this skill of his is something that many students of NRC can appreciate, whether they want to admit it or not.
Not sure if I wanted to put these two together or separate but I think I'll do them together for the time being and maybe I'll do a more in depth thing at another date.
🎩🐁James and Lewis have always been close friends as far back as anyone can remember. Lewis's family was always there, basically helping out wherever they could all over their hometown, so even if James DIDNT want to be around Lewis, he would have been so anyways. They met when they were both around 4 or 5 at an annual event that their hometown hosts and were near inseparable for the time after. They eventually split for a short while, as Lewis was initially enrolled at RSA, but they were quickly reunited and were eager to spread the gossip that they could find (Lewis was particularly disappointed when he learned that he missed such an entertaining and crazy entrance ceremony).
It was odd to many people (including those at NRC) how such different individuals managed to become so close to one another, with some people joking that it's only because they have so much blackmail on the other that if one went down, the other would be soon to follow. The truth, though? They've just known each other for so long and are like brothers as a result, and that's all there is to it.
🦜Rusul is a very mischievous, playful, and conniving young man. He loves playing pranks on his fellow Scarabians (or his fellow NRC students in general, to be honest), and will consistently weigh the pros and cons of allying himself with various individuals. In true NRC student fashion, Rusul prefers to think about making the decisions that will benefit him the most in the long run, though he will make the occasional sacrifice to make sure it won't hurt the other party TOO much. I think of the existing cast, Rusul is probably a lot more like Floyd or Ortho, both of whom I think he would get along with quite well (he would probably go out and mess with other people with them for funsies). Despite all of that, though, he still will put himself up on the line if someone else is gonna get hurt. I think he would like to live by the "confuse, don't abuse" motto when it comes to not only pranking his peers, but also just in his daily interactions with others as a whole.
Bottom line is: as concerned as Rusul is with keeping his own tail in tact, he knows his (and others') limits, and will NOT overstep those boundaries.
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