#profile kyle
plugnuts · 1 year
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Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no
Profile Kyle has entered the ring
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fyblackwomenart · 4 months
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Eclipse by Kyle Stuckey
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temeyes · 4 months
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cool down w/ gaz, then 'eepy time!!
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taikk0 · 1 year
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its 3 am im speedrunning taging this shit fuck captions
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http-paprika · 5 months
So I’ve started using a dating app and I can just imagine TF141 boys sitting around with you and judging the profiles with you. Also what their profiles would look like…
Soap: gym selfies, bathroom selfies, and really bad pick up lines. Sure, he’s hot and stuff, but his terrible picture-taking skills make you question it.
Ghost: if he was on one, it’d be the bare fucking minimum. One bad blurry pick of himself, and almost no personal info, somehow still gets matches.
Gaz: He’s like hitting the goldmine, well-done, perfectly curated profile, but in all honesty, he’s not swiping right on you. Sorry babes.
Price: Fishing. Pictures. Also, the team made him sign up for it, he’s not interested in any of this.
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ghouljams · 1 year
Let’s meet Birdie!! The last Darling on our Cowboy!141 docket, our Gemini queen and Goose’s Best Friend.
Gaz looks over the post-it note list Goose handed him before he walked out the door this morning. Her chicken scratch is almost as bad as Soap's and the use of angry faces isn't helping. Is this supposed to say corn meal or worm meal? That is a very high stakes difference. He needs a second opinion.
You bounce a fussy baby on your hip, staring down the large bags if bird seed on the middle shelf. Your class feeder is out, and apparently nobody sells anything that isn’t in bulk. Which you already knew, so youre not sure why you're surprised. "What do you think, Bug?" You ask the kiddo, they very helpfully grab your necklace to chew on. You sigh, alright, fair enough. That's what it's for you suppose. Might as well find someone to help you grab a bag. "Unless you want to carry it," You wiggle kiddo's arm, as if those pudgy little sausages could lift anything.
"'Scuse me," Kiddo babbles excitedly, as you turn towards the voice. You are absolutely stopped by his eyes, deep and beautifully brown, and his smile. He could almost believe in love at first sight. "Could I ask you something?" You never considered yourself the sort of girl that's a sucker for accents but maybe you should rethink that.
"Shoot," you tell him, bouncing Bug higher on your hip with a smile. He holds up a hot pink post-it. Probably a honey-do list. Dammit.
"Can you read any of this?" He asks, letting you take the list from between his fingers. You study it, the handwriting isn't that bad. At least for you, but you read a lot of very messy handwriting in your daily life. 
"Looks like alphalfa, seed meal, de-wormer," you squint at the numbers, "you're not going to get any of this at these prices." He takes the list back from you and squints at it, before sighing.
"Dammit Goose."
"Goose?" You nod, that makes sense. If it's who you think it is then he'll be in trouble if he goes too far over budget.
"Alright, well, thanks for the heads up," he shakes his head and turns away.
"I could help," You say quickly, just to see him look at you again, "get you closer to budget, if you want. Me and Bug are pretty persuasive." You wave kiddo's hand and he smiles for you.
"Yeah, you are," he says, a little too soft before he clears his throat, "I mean, yeah, sure, yeah I'd appreciate it. If it's not a bother."
"No bother at all, I gotta find Murphy to grab a bag for me anyway."
"What do you need? I'll get it." He says, looking around you at the bags of birdseed. You point at the one you want and step back to make room for him as he grabs it. His biceps flex as he hauls the bag off the shelf, you wouldn't think it was heavy the way he holds it with one hand. You wonder how those hands would feel on you. "Good?" He asks and you nod quickly. Very good, he looks very good. You try to keep your eyes on his face and not his fitted tee.
Gaz watches you lean over the counter to haggle price, you don't even need to bat those pretty lashes before the man behind the counter is folding. You only needed one thing but you'd derailed your whole trip to help him. You must be some sort of angel. He's sure you have someone waiting on you, pretty thing like you. Plus the baby? Gaz looks down at the chubby little bugger you'd handed him, yep just as cute as you are, you're definitely taken. 
He bounces the kid in his arms, showing them how to make hand signs with their stubby baby fingers. Each one makes the kid shriek and giggle, grabbing at his hand with full excitement. While Gaz doesn’t think it’s good practice to leave your kid with a stranger, he’s gotta admit this isn’t even the first baby he’s been handed today. The people in this town are friendly as hell. You’re friendly as hell. Although he hopes that’s because you like him, and not the southern charm.
You pat the counter with a grin, satisfied with the good will you've cashed in. You turn back to Gaz and give him a thumbs up as you walk over. "All good to go," you chirp, poking Bug's stomach to make them giggle. You're feeling pretty good about you haggling, you've still got it! It helps being a town favorite, all you had to do was mention your abysmal teaching salary and deals fell at your feet. 
The way you smile at the baby in his arms makes Gaz feel some type of way. Too domestic. It sticks in his ribs when you direct that smile at him. Is he supposed to feel this many butterflies over just a smile? What is it with the Mrs’ in this town, all absolute stunners. "You're a lifesaver," he grins, handing the kiddo back to you. 
"Anything for Goose's guy," you tell him, bouncing Bug on your hip to keep them from reaching to be back in Gaz's arms. He snorts, his shock and appall at your statement makes you a little embarrassed to have said anything.
"Goose is dating my mate,” He explains and you feel something squirm in your chest, hope maybe, “I’m single- Kyle.” He corrects himself quickly, “Kyle Garrick, I’m helping the Price’s out for the summer.” Your hands are full, so he shakes one of Bug’s grabby hands. You bite down a laugh.
“My friends call me Birdie,” You tell him, “Also single, if you were wondering.” His smile lights up the whole store, and you hide your smile behind Bug so you don’t look too taken by him.
“Can I help you out to your car?” Kyle asks, you nod and turn toward the exit, enjoying the way he rushes to follow you and smiles like he can’t stop.
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godihatethiswebsite · 1 month
Desert Oasis
✽ Johnny "Soap" Mactavish x f!reader (The Mummy AU)
Main Masterlist ✽ Ao3
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✽ Part 4 - A conversation behind bars
I'm quickly learning that dialogue is a massive pain in the ass and makes this process a gazillion times longer. Also thank you to the small handful of you who have acknowledged my existence and are reading this <3
Walking into a Cairo prison was not how you thought you'd be starting off your afternoon.
When your cousin told you he'd found a guy, he absolutely failed to mention that the man in question had been incarcerated for the past five months for what he claimed was a bit of 'disorderly conduct'. And by that what he really meant was for beating the ever living shit out of some bloke to the point of permanently crippling him.
You ignored the greasy smiles and uncouth jeers as you passed by the other inmates, the weight of Kyle's arm around your shoulders keeping you close a welcome security blanket. Guards banged on the cells to silence their rude remarks, you trying to keep your cool despite your obvious nerves as you were led deeper into the facility.
You didn't understand why your cousin was walking with lighter steps. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that he was no stranger to dealing with dangerous men. Maybe it was simple patriarchal ignorance considering he wasn't the one the comments were being directed at (though he was certainly pretty enough for them you thought to yourself). He was on edge and alert, sure, but it felt more like he was eager for what lay ahead instead of the cautiousness you yourself displayed.
You got your answer when you came to a halt outside a heavy gate, an open air courtyard lay beyond full of all sorts of wirey types of folk. You and Kyle had to be the cleanest people in there as your gaze swept over the group, most coated in a layer of grimy sand and sweat. The guard who had been escorting you through the prison shouted something in Arabic that caught the attention of some of the others standing around, the crowd turning to look towards a singular point near the back of the group as a figure stood up from his spot at a table and made his way over to your location.
He easily stood apart from the rest of the people here, not just because it was clear by his facial features and skin tone that he wasn't a native to these parts, but also just by the way he carried himself. His clothes were ragged same as everyone else inside the cage, but there was a stockiness to his build and a purely male arrogance to his walk. He looked rough from all the time spent in imprisonment; filthy dry skin, hair wildly uneven with oily strands slicked back from his face, a dark messy beard grown quite bushy. Everything about him screamed scoundrel. Hardly seemed the type you should be asking for assistance from.
It didn't escape your notice that as he approached the bars there were a handful of inmates that gave him a wide berth. If this was the type of man that made others like him give pause then who the hell knew what he was capable of.
Apparently your cousin, given the lazy wave being sent his way much to your complete and utter confusion. Your brows furrowed as you glanced between the two of them. Why such familiarity?
Kyle just gives him a shit eating grin leaning against the bars and says, "Hope you didn't have to bend over for anyone in there."
"Nah. They said mah mouth's prettier than mah arse anyways."
Scottish - definitely not an accent you're used to hearing. And just as vulgar as his appearance would suggest, even if your cousin technically encouraged it first with his own remark. It ruffled your skirts the same way his appearance did as he approached and stood only a foot away from the gate, taking an instinctual step back only to be halted by a gentle but firm hand on your lower back by Kyle.
"Dolly," he began, gesturing towards the figure in question, "allow me to introduce you to an old comrade of mine, John MacTavish. John, meet my cousin, dolly."
You had enough manners to politely correct the man with your actual name rather than the fond nickname you're cousin had been referring to you with. He must've recognized yours the same as you had his going by the way his eyebrow quirked up with interest.
"Aye, ah ken who ya are, hen." There's a twinkle of a hidden joke somewhere in those baby blues. "Heard many a tale about ye from this fella 'ere. Yer picture doesnae do ya justice."
It slightly surprises you that he's seen your face before, but it makes sense given the small snapshot you'd sent along with Kyle before his first real foray out into combat. It warms something inside of you that he'd shared the photo with some of the lads he served with.
"So," he crosses his arms over his chest as he returns his attention back to his old teammate. "Are ye 'ere to give me mah sponge bath or did ya jus' miss seein' mah ugly mug too much and decided to pop by fer a wee chinwag?"
Kyle shrugs off his crude comments with an ease that speaks of how common this sort of behavior must be from the man. Going off the tales you'd been told over the years you were sure he was well versed in dealing with his particular brand of behavior. "How's about I'm calling in a favor for all those times spent digging you out of the mud. You still the same man who'd charge headlong with me into the trenches?"
"As long as ah get tae be the one who jumps in first."
"Even if that leads us into the lost city of Hamunaptra?"
Whatever he thought Kyle was going to say was obviously not that, his turn to look confused as a dark shadow replaced the excited gleam in his eyes. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure we were the closest to being alone as we could get in a place like this, he leaned into our space even more as the metal bars would allow, his voice dropping down into something more hushed as his expression hardened.
"Whaddya doin' in a place like that, Garrick? 'S not somewhere ye take civilized company like the lass 'ere, that's fer damn sure."
"We just want to know if it's real." You speak up for the first time in the conversation, two pairs of eyes suddenly focusing on you with rapt attention that you struggle not to waver under. "We're not looking for trouble. Only the chance to gather as much information as we can about the city's existence."
"It's real, hen. Jus' take mah word on that and leave it be."
Something in you tugs at his refusal, the same feeling as being talked down to by both your parents and Dr. Price emboldens you in a way you normally aren't. Not that it's reflected in your outward stature unfortunately.
"I'm not blind to it's fabled history, Mr. MacTavish, but I'm not one for the paranormal either. Take us there long enough for me to know my head isn't just filled with silly notions and storybooks and I'll be satisfied... please."
He considers you for a long moment with eyes more intelligent than his current looks would give him credit for, searching for something in your soul he must find before turning his gaze back to Kyle with a resigned sigh.
"Ah'll not be goin' much of anywhere wit' these bloody chains 'round mah wrists. Unless ya have the patience ta hold off on this lil' expedition 'til ah'm good and free."
"Depends. How much longer you stuck in here?"
"Longer than ah deserve tae be."
Maybe your cousin had rubbed off on you a bit too much over the years. Maybe the well cultivated mind that lost itself quite easily in books of long forgotten kingdoms was just turning it's gears wanting to solve a puzzle other than education for a change. Or maybe you just wanted to prove to yourself that just because you aren't as worldly as your two companions that you weren't just some useless thing.
You hold up your palm to them as you glanced around the area, spying one of the guards lingering far enough away to give you a modicum of privacy while forming an idea in your head. Biting your lip nervously, you smoothed out the lines in your garments before you turned and strolled over to the man, hands folded petitely in front of you as you plastered on the most doe-eyed genteel smile that your mother had ingrained in you since you were old enough to begin taking etiquette lessons.
It only took a few demure flutters of your lashes and a well placed touch on his bicep for the guard to lead you away from the caged in courtyard and down a series of hallways, flashing the guys a nervous but reassuring smile that kept Kyle in his place instead of running along after you, having been granted an audience with the warden of the prison.
You tried your best to remain steady on your feet as you were shuffled along to a small office near the back of the compound, very aware you were currently alone with considerably questionable men as you quietly took a deep breath to calm your racing heart. This was the second time today you were about to undergo something well outside your wheelhouse all for the chance to do something incredibly reckless that may or may not even be worth it. With a knock on the door and a beckoning 'enter', you stepped inside the cramped but well lit room to try and barter for a stranger's freedom.
You'd returned a short while later, interrupting whatever hushed conversation they appeared to be engrossed in and looking far more at ease than you left them. Before either one had a chance to open their mouths at your arrival, the warden you'd previously been speaking with was barking out a command in Arabic to some of the guards nearby. For a moment, John began to struggle as two pairs of hands wrapped themselves around his arms, practically growling in objection to being manhandled before the warden spoke up again with a mocking sneer, halting his movements.
"Escort our friend here back to his cell until further notice. Apparently, Scotsman, lady luck is on your side this day."
Once the slimy man retreated out of view, you let out the breath you'd been holding since you began this charade, a hand over your heart and another resting on your cousin's shoulder to help ground yourself. How you got away with that was beyond your comprehension and certainly not something you'd like to repeat again.
"And just what do you call that, dolly?" Kyle inquires with a bemused grin as a slightly befuddled John is lead away by his jailers, glancing over his shoulder at the two of you as he tries to work out whatever mischief you did that managed to get him an early release.
"I call that a proper utilization of my upbringing." You respond with a pleasantly surprised and satisfied smile, catching eyes with your future travel companion and dropping into the most perfectly executed curtsey before turning on your heels to walk back out the way you came, missing the look you're given in return by a man who finally saw a glimpse of the clever lass he'd always heard so much about.
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[Edited 5/8/24: changed formatting, title, tags, and numbering system]
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witchthewriter · 3 months
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𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 '𝐆𝐚𝐳' 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤
Chaotic Good
Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising
The fact that Kyle Garrick doesn't have as much popularity as some of the other characters in the Call of Duty world. is sinful. It's blasphemy.
Look, at first I was one of those people who didn't like Gaz as much as the rest of the Task Force, but now, NOW, I see him as such a valuable member. This is my formal apology to thy beautiful god of a man, Gaz.
And also a post so those that say, 'they don't know anything about Gaz so they cannot include him' - well here's your info babes!
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"𝑳𝒆𝒕'𝒔 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒊𝒕 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆, 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒉?" — 𝖪𝗒𝗅𝖾 𝖦𝖺𝗋𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗄
Sabre 2-6
Bravo 0-5
Bravo 2-6
Bravo 6-2
Bravo 6-1
Nationality: British
Rank: Sergeant Sergeant is a senior role of responsibility, promotion to which typically takes place after 12 years of service, depending on ability. Sergeants typically are second in command of a troop or platoon of up to 35 soldiers, with the important responsibility for advising and assisting junior officers.
Birth: 1993 However, he is older than Soap.
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Kyle Garrick enlisted in the British Army in 2008, serving in the Duke of Lancaster's Regiment, spending four years participating in test flights, jump competition and marksmanship before passing selection for Her Majesty's elite Special Air Service (SAS), where he is currently serving as a Sergeant for his sixth year.
Tasked to Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Syria. Garrick has spent the better part of his career hunting terrorist fighters.
Kyle earned the U.S. Marine Corps Gold Parachute Wings at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina whilst on an exchange attachment and routinely cross-loads on operations with the SAS' American counterparts, the Navy SEALs.
Required to undergo resistance to interrogation (RTI) testing, Kyle was the only candidate in his class to escape the facility and evade capture.
Routinely subjected to physically and mentally uncomfortable scenarios, Kyle prides himself on high tolerance and tactical awareness.
Sergeant Garrick was awarded the Queen's Gallantry Medal and the General Service Medal for both covert and overt counter-terrorism operations in the Middle East, disrupting opium supply lines and poppy production, a major source of terrorist financing.
With expertise in prime target elimination, demolitions, weapons tactics, covert surveillance and VIP protection, Kyle currently serves on the SAS domestic counter-terror program, executing homefield missions with metropolitan police forces on European soil.
Challenging duty, due to civilian and collateral damage issues, Kyle seeks the opportunity to serve abroad again, and make a real difference combating the threat of terror.
" Fuck off, shit pouch."
"It shouldn't have happened in the first place sir."
"They sent us in half assed, so everyone can just keep pretending we're not at war."
"I'm not dead, Nik. I'm hanging from a bloody rope!"
Very rarely does Kyle demand attention. He's observant problem-solving and bases his decisions on his instincts and values, and focuses on enjoying the present.
However, with the line of work he's in. Kyle has had to change the way he reacts to things. One really obvious scene between him and Cpt Price shows how this job is changing Kyle e.g,. Price’s quote about bloodying your hands after taking the gloves off.
Even so, I do think he's the most gentle of the four men, the kindest - almost like he's clung to his humanity with everything he's got.
sources: @mockerycrow. callofdutyfandom.com.
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youredreamingofroo · 27 days
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my friend, ive been wanting to join that server since i came across ur blog but my social anxiety is SOOO bad in discord servers 😭😭😭 @zombielink5
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plugnuts · 1 year
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Well if you insist @qxs ❤️💜
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yo they killt my boy
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bonus because i love kyle and ike
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choupiee · 1 year
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Discord SP pfp’s (Pt.1?)
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lazaruspiss · 11 months
Arkham Asylum - Character Profiles: Part Three
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Poison Ivy
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Harley Quinn
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Mr. Freeze
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The Penguin
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The Scarecrow
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Hello! How’s your week going? :)
Could I plz request some Kyle and Rogelio matching icons with the bisexual flag?
Make you sure drink plenty of water and get enough sleep! <3
Aww thank you, and of course
I don’t know too much about She-Ra but I hope this is good :)
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Last header has fanart from @heartbeatfreak
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m0nst34-3n34gy · 1 year
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more Stlye art + cropped for matching pfps
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tegr1dy · 9 months
TW e4ting d1sorders & sorry to get #serious #angst on this silly blog but this is something ive been thinking about for a while okay. im craving a heartfelt explanation as to why people think kyle is the most likely out of the m4 to have an ed (or otherwise between him & stan) because to me he’s the least. cartman’s eating issues are pretty self explanatory; kenny would develop one as a result of poverty & simply not having access to food. im very attached to my ed stan headcanon even though it’s mostly birthed from projection i think his family issues/tendency to experience world shattering ethical dilemmas would lead to him having a less than ideal relationship with food at the very least.
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