townpostin · 17 days
Tata Steel Workers Secure 'Good Bonus' Despite Profit Decline
Union president hails ‘handsome’ agreement amid challenging market conditions Key Points: • Tata Workers Union negotiates favorable bonus for 2023-24 despite profit drop • 27,454 employees to benefit from ₹303.13 crore bonus agreement • Bonus formula set for revision next year based on company profits JAMSHEDPUR – Tata Steel workers secure a ₹303.13 crore bonus for 2023-24, despite a 55% drop in…
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stockexperttrading · 1 year
Funded Traders: Reshaping the Future of Online Trading
Funded traders have emerged as influential players in the world of online trading, reshaping the dynamics of financial markets. These traders participate in funded trading programs that provide them with access to substantial trading capital and resources. Funded trading programs, such as Funded Traders Global, have gained global popularity by offering traders the opportunity to access significant capital and compete on an equal footing in the forex market. The advantages of funded trading include reduced financial risk, the possibility of earning a share of profits without personal investment, and the ability to focus solely on trading strategies and performance. However, funded traders also face challenges such as performance evaluation and risk management. Despite the challenges, funded trading programs have profoundly impacted the online trading industry, leading to the evolution of trading platforms, increased competition and innovation, and the potential disruption of traditional trading models. Funded traders are poised to redefine the way traders participate in financial markets, and platforms like Funded Traders Global offer a supportive ecosystem for traders to thrive.
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teacupsandcyanide · 1 year
Something I miss from earlier eras of the creative side of the internet was things just being unabashedly low-budget. Just all unashamedly amateur, unprofessional, ‘I don’t own a good camera but I have a story to tell you’, ‘I can’t afford a good mic but I have a song to sing for you,’ ‘I don’t have any kind of background in editing or lighting and I only just picked up this guitar last Tuesday but here’s an entire musical me and my friends wrote about our favourite book, we filmed it on a potato and put it up on YouTube in ten minute segments because we thought it was pretty funny.’
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hotwaterandmilk · 24 days
I was recently fortunate enough to win an auction for a piece of Wedding Peach merchandise I've been unsuccessfully trying to win online for years (at this point, literally decades) and it got me thinking about how lucky I am to not be starting my collection today.
Prices for all older, more obscure magical girl items have ballooned over the past ten years but Wedding Peach merchandise is definitely one of the worst offenders. It's not uncommon to see single manga volumes going for 10k yen, 20k yen or more for the picture books, and let's not even touch on the amount the toys go for (literally several thousand dollars a pop).
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In an ideal world we'd have better access to the series itself at least (the Japanese release of the DVDs and manga, for example, are in high demand due to the manga being out of print for something like 28 years and the DVDs being a relatively limited run from 25 years ago). I understand it's unlikely that we'll be getting more fun toys or merchandise for the series, but it is truly bleak when people can't even access the series itself.
This isn't some lost media type thing, this is just capitalism and it solidifies why I feel a sense of duty to ruin my own collection in order to archive what I have. If my house burns down or washes away in a flood, I truly don't think I can restart my collection and have a fraction of what I have now ever again. It's too expensive and too time-consuming, I simply don't have another 25 years up my sleeve to dig through every possible website to try and find scraps of 90s Ciao magazine issues.
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In that sense I feel like I should share what I have with others while I have the opportunity. Even if a teenager today falls for Wedding Peach like I did as a kid, they would need to be extremely wealthy to get these pieces together and I just don't think your ability to own the core of a series should come down to wealth alone.
Goodness knows I'm not wealthy and I had very little growing up, hence my collection took decades to get where it is now. I don't want people to have to endure all that just to see a picture book from 30 years ago or to see an obscure illustration from a Ciao paper bag given away for free in 1994.
The efforts of fans keep series like this alive long after most companies have dismissed their long term profitability (although I do see you Germany with your beautiful hardback manga editions and I thank you).
Not everyone wants to break down their collection for the benefit of others and I respect that (there are some things in my collection I don't want to pull apart either), but I appreciate the efforts of those who do and aspire to do better with my own archiving as I work to get Weddingpeach.net updated to celebrate 30 years of the manga series.
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awesomecooperlove · 11 months
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rabbitprincessthief · 2 years
gog i still can't get over minish cap vaati's Everything. He is So Fucking Stupid (affectionate)
Like. This guy's establishing character moment is, in order:
he's introduced as having won an entire tournament to get to touch a magic chest and get a cool sword, which was the prize for said tournament
turns around and does a goddamn evil soliloquy TEN FEET AWAY FROM THE GUARDS who were about to hand him his macguffin on a platter
(like this man fucks up his own horribly planned daylight heist because he cannot keep a lid on the dramatics for FIVE FUCKING MINUTES, IN PUBLIC)
proceeds to fight the guards (it is, admittedly, a curbstomp for him, but it still clearly wasn't his plan, because otherwise why bother with the tournament)
gloats evilly
opens chest, unleashing a whole bunch of monsters
exposits out loud about Zelda's powers like a nerd while she is actively charging up her magic powers to kick his ass
RECOGNIZES and IDENTIFIES said magic as the special power carried by the female royal line
completely fails to recognize it as the light force he is currently trying to get his hands on (he spends like 99% of the game not figuring this out.)
petrifies her
(i have no idea if link could have deflected this spell if he had managed to get the right angle with his shield but i like to think somewhere there is a very short and very funny alternate timeline where it happens)
(more importantly: no part of vaati's original presumed plan would have involved doing this. he 100% created this situation for himself by being an dramatic idiot and picking a fight for no good reason.)
looks in the chest
there's no light force
considering his stated goals he might be as confused as you are about the monsters tbh
evil laugh
teleports the fuck out
He then proceeds to spend the rest of the game trying to figure out where the light force is and ends up having to wait for Ezlo and Link to figure it out first because he was, as far as I can tell, GENUINELY stuck on this part. He fucking kidnaps and impersonates the King, not for access to Zelda, but to… send guards to go look for the Light Force, presumably because he was either running out of ideas or genuinely thought that would work.
None of the guards even had any idea what he was talking about. He's not even good at impersonating the King. He's already sent like twenty people to the dungeon by the time you get there and it hasn't even been a week. Somehow the game spins this as a cunning plan and clever manipulation or something.
(Meanwhile the guards are just. Poking around in random bushes and shit hoping to find the light force. One of them asks you what you think it might look like.)
Zelda is literally right next to the throne and Vaati does not figure it out until you find an actual honest-to-goodness LORE TABLET spelling out that the Light Force is Stored in the Zelda, at which point he's like "ahahaha you've done my work for me this was definitely my plan all along" and takes over the castle and throws a bunch of monsters at you to stall for time while he figures out how to extract the force from her. Somehow he still doesn't think to actually lock the fucking door.
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heritageposts · 10 months
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For Norwegians that might be following:
Fagforbundet og Norsk Folkehjelp har gått igjennom fondene som norske banker tilbyr til sine kunder for å se om de er investert i selskaper med virksomhet på okkupert palestinsk område.  Vi oppfordrer deg til å sjekke banken din.
Etter at du har sjekket banken du er kunde i, kan du sende en epost gjennom "gi beskjed" knappen. Fagforbundet har laget en mal, så alt du trenger å gjøre er og oppgi navn og epostadresse.
Del gjerne med venner og familie som ikke er på Tumblr.
Link til fagforbundets kampanje
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tazmiilly · 7 months
i already miss sharing my art here. there are a lot of you who are very kind to me and my work, so i dont want to drop the people who find enjoyment in what i do... the support ive gotten really means a lot to me
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potato-lord-but-not · 3 months
Hiya, sorry to bother you
I live internationally and really can't afford the shipping on your Malevolent poster
Would you mind if I printed it out in A4 and sent you a tip or something? (Sorry, not quite sure how Kofi works lol)
Absolutely no worries if not, I'll definitely be getting a sticker :3
oh for sure! I hate how expensive international shipping is I wish I could magically teleport it to your doorstep- but alas,, go crazy tho!! a tip would very much be appreciated <333
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angelclouve · 9 days
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The overworked moms ghouls trio, on their way to go bar-hopping and taste-testing new liquors outside Darkwick :)
(because the dads and the children have stressed them enough today that they decided to hold the drinking session in places faraway from home oops)
Putting the silliness aside... if we only consider the different backgrounds and personalities, these trio are actually quite an unusual housewife friend group 🤔
Not counting the fact they entered Darkwick on the same year and knew each other's name during The Weighing of Souls... when and where they first actually meet and get to know each other? I can only think of them getting assigned to a mission together and it ended with a success, thus a celebratory drink in a bar somewhere outside Darkwick? And maybe as they spent time sharing alcohol and chatting with each other, they eventually also bonded through their similar experiences as people who always end up dealing with troubles happening inside their dorms 💭
(Speaking of "people who always end up dealing with troubles happening inside their dorms", there are two certain vice-captains that also fit this criteria... makes me wonder if they also used to be part of this friend group before The Clash and the whole spy shenanigans fucked up relationships among some ghouls)
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yesterdayiwrote · 5 months
So... quick update on the Eurovision situation
The EBU decided that Israel can compete despite their country being under an active Genocide investigation by the ICJ. Their delegation have gone on to antagonise other contestants by filming them for their social media without permission and refusing to remove it when asked, harass journalists who have questioned if their inclusion is appropriate, and their commentators have made horrendous comments about the Irish contestant... all without sanction.
Meanwhile the Dutch contestant got into an undisclosed 'incident' with a female member of the production crew and they've referred it to the police and flat out disqualified him from the contest with less than 12 hours notice...
Which seems like a tremendous act of double standards at an event that is already marred by serious controversy. Obviously the second is not acceptable, but very difficult to understand how the first somehow... is?
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shiftythrifting · 10 months
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Interesting mug from a casino found in Powell, WY USA
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khizuo · 10 months
when can we talk about the fact that jvp is funded by a liberal zionist org and the founder is married to someone who literally works for an israeli cybersecurity tech company
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kuromi-hoemie · 22 days
thank you 🏴‍☠️ streaming site admins for seeing a wave of domains get taken down and stepping up to make more instead of leaving it as is. the harder it's cracked down on and the more gets taken away, the more i refuse to pay for legitimate services. like.. lol. at least TRY to fix the many reasons people turn to piracy or deal with this happening forever idc.
free market mfs when the market decides you're not working out as an option
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awesomecooperlove · 11 months
YouTube removed this video. The real money is not in the vaccines. It’s in the remedies being sold for the injuries from the vaccines.
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