#project code name: actions have consequences
catie-does-things · 1 year
Hello, I just wanted to say I'm reading your Sin and Duty fic, and I really really love it! You're a great writer!
Also, if you don't mind my asking, why did you choose to make Bumi Zuko and Katara's son? I'm just curious and would like to hear why.
Thank you, and have a good day!
I'm glad you're enjoying the story!
The idea of Bumi and/or Kya being secretly Zuko's child(ren) is one that comes up now and again in the Zutara fandom, and one that I've never liked, because it's pretty much always written or talked about in a way that romanticizes Katara cheating on her husband. The inspiration for what would become Sin and Duty came to me after I, for some reason, read a one-shot based on the premise of Kya being secretly Zuko's daughter, in which Katara was the only person who ever knew and there were basically no consequences for any of the characters' relationships.
This frustrated me so much that I immediately sketched out an idea for my own AU in which there were Maximum Consequences for Zuko and Katara having an affair. The original plot sketch was much darker and had more of a downer ending than the story actually wound up with, mostly because it was written out of anger. But I decided to make Bumi the illegitimate child instead of Kya so that I could work in the angle of him secretly being a firebender as well, which would force the issue of the secret having to come out at some point, since Bumi himself couldn't be kept in the dark.
So basically, I chose to write a story about a character who is the product of adultery in order to make the point that adultery is bad.
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lady-forest-1142 · 1 month
I NEED to talk about how chloe or sam or sophia or marcus by taylor swift is a kevjean song, so settle in. I'm kinda running with the idea that the verses are v kevin coded and the chorus & bridge is jean. behold.
Your hologram stumbled into my apartment Hands in the hair of somebody in darkness named Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus And I just watched it happen not to start this off dark but with these two it's kinda hard to avoid - I don't remember if kevin knew about jean's abuse at the hands of the backliners/grayson, but he def knew about jean's reputation as a whore and pretty obviously didn't/couldn't stop it As the decade would play us for fools And you saw my bones out with somebody new Who seemed like he would've bullied you in school And you just watched it happen swap out 'he' for 'she' and you've got kevin leaving jean and dating thea, which I am still dying for more info on - how was thea affected by the nest? what part did she play in jean's treatment? I think it's fair to say that she couldn't have been entirely blameless. what does jean think about her actions in retrospect, and her connection to kevin?
If you want to break my cold, cold heart Just say, 'I loved you the way that you were' If you want to tear my world apart Just say you've always wondered this is v jean coded to me. I could be kinda projecting here, but I feel like it would be easier to imagine that kevin didn't feel as deeply for him as jean did for him (cause regardless of if you view them as romantic or platonic jean felt A Whole Lot), than to think that kevin did care for him, did feel something for that scared little boy whispering french in the darkness, and left him anyway.
You said some things that I can't unabsorb You turned me into an idea of sorts You needed me but you needed drugs more And I couldn't watch it happen okay I'll admit that I can't make the "you needed drugs more" line work, but! "you turned me into an idea of sorts" is a defensive shield a guilty person could throw up - jean turning kevin into an idea and then being hurt when he made the very human decision to run away and never look back I changed into goddesses, villains and fools Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules All to outrun my desertion of you And you just watched it IF THIS IS NOT THE MOST KEVJEAN THING YOU'VE EVER SEEN HELLO I think it speaks for itself
If the glint in my eye traced the depths of your sigh Down that passage in time Back to the moment I crashed into you Like so many wrecks do Too impaired by my youth To know what to do they were both children in the nest, frightened and hurt, and even though kevin was older than jean he still was too young not to make mistakes, not to hurt him by accident, not to think of anything besides his own needs in his darkest moment
So if I sell my apartment And you have some kids with an internet starlet Will that make your memory fade from this scarlet maroon like it never happened Could it be enough to just float in your orbit Can we watch our phantoms like watching wild horses Cooler in theory but not if you force it To be, it just didn't happen here is where the jean perspective comes in again. I have so so many feelings about this but I'll try to be coherent - jean is still haunted by kevin, by his lingering attachment to him, by how he still cannot forgive kevin for leaving him. to see kevin living a relatively normal life outside the nest, while jean still can barely function day to day largely because of the consequences he received from kevin's actions, cuts him deeply. kevin has more concerns now than jean - jean has nothing other than his trauma and kevin (at least at the beginning of trc). if jean moves on, if he lets go of the nest, if he accepts his place on the outskirts of kevin's life, would that be enough? or will he always be pulled back, wondering what could have been?
I almost never write out my song analysis and most of this was thought of at 2am so idk if it makes any sense but I had to get it out
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arcane-trail · 2 years
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What is Paganism?
The term Paganism has been evolving for almost two millennia, so there is understandable confusion about what Paganism means. It has always been an umbrella term that includes within it many different faiths and practices. In this post, we are going to talk about what Paganism is (and isn’t) and explore some of the most important branches of modern Paganism (also known as Neopaganism).
Origins of the Term Paganism
The term Paganism was coined in the fourth century by Christians living in the Roman Empire for anyone who did not follow Christianity or Judaism. It comes from the Latin word paganus, which means country dweller. The implication was that these were “country bumpkins” stuck in old ways and not yet “wise” to the modern religion of Christianity. The Roman Empire officially converted to Christianity in 313 CE.
In the Middle Ages, while Islam was also viewed as a non-Pagan religion, the term Paganism continued to be used to refer to anyone who did not follow a religion based on a biblical god. It carried the derogatory connotation that Pagans worship false gods and are barbarians.
But in the 20th century, the term Paganism was reclaimed by various groups that follow religious beliefs or practices associated with pre-Christian religions. The group includes polytheists that continue to worship non-biblical pantheons, animists, magical practitioners, nature worshippers, and more.
The term Neopaganism is often used to distinguish these modern Pagans from our ancestors, who would have never referred to themselves as Pagans. Christians created the term Pagan to create “us” (biblical religions) and “them” (non-biblical religions) categories. This would not have been meaningful to our pre-Christian ancestors or to Norse warriors and Egyptian priests for whom Christianity was just one more religion.
It is worth noting that while Medieval Christians would have referred to religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Taoism as Pagan, they aren’t included in the modern definition. These organized religions, which are dominant in many countries, fall into a class of their own.
Definition of Neopaganism
It is difficult to define Neopaganism because so many different people today identify with the term Paganism. It is possible to identify some characteristics that are common to most Neopagans, but don’t necessarily apply universally.
Pagan religions tend to be non-organized in that they are followed by an individual practitioner or small community rather than being a hierarchical institution like the Catholic church. But there are exceptions; for example, Hermetic orders tend to be small but very hierarchical organizations.
Pagan religions are often polytheistic, either drawing on ancient divine pantheons or following an animistic approach, which recognizes divinity in action within the world without necessarily naming it. Pagans can believe in these gods in a literal sense or as a metaphorical tool for relating to powers that are beyond our comprehension.
Pagans tend to believe that everything is sacred, especially nature, and that we can tap into the spiritual energy of the universe through meditation, invocation, rituals, witchcraft, and various other practices.
In most cases, it is an individualistic path. You choose which deities and beliefs speak to you personally, and you are responsible for creating and following your spiritual path. This very often links to a strong moral code, as you are responsible for your actions and their consequences. Pagans often identify with the idea that you can feed the universe with positive energy or diminish it with negative energy. You attract the kind of energy that you project, and what you receive mirrors what you give.
As we have already said, these characteristics do not hold true for all Pagans, but they are ideas that most Neopagans will identify with.
Branches of Neopaganism
So, if there are various branches of Neopaganism, what are they?
It is impossible to provide a complete and comprehensive list, first because we would be here forever, and second, since it is a personal and individualistic belief system, there is no limit to the number of variations that can exist.
But below, we will look at some of the most popular forms of Paganism that are most widely recognized in the Neopagan community today.
Reconstructionist Religions
Reconstructionist religions attempt to reconstruct ancient religions in the modern world. Pagans of this brand might choose to worship the Greek gods, follow the ritual practices of Egyptian priests, or walk in the footsteps of Druids.
Probably the most well-known reconstruction religion is Norse paganism, also known as Heathenry, which is the belief in the old Norse gods, including Odin, Thor, and Freyja. While exactly how this is done is individualistic, enough people identified with this type of Paganism that Asatru was created in Iceland in the 1970s to provide a common banner under which they could identify as an interest group. It is now recognized around the world.
Magic working is not a necessary part of modern Norse paganism, just as it was not in ancient times when only a few people were Volva (Seidr witches) or runemasters (workers of rune magic). But runic divination is a popular practice in modern Heathenry.
Wicca is probably the type of Paganism most represented in pop culture (think The Craft and Charmed). It is a modern witchcraft practice, often but not always associated with the veneration of a great mother goddess and her consort, often but not always portrayed as a horned god. It can be followed by sole practitioners or coven groups led by a high priest or priestess.
Modern Wicca is credited as being founded by Gerald Gardner in the 1930s, and followers of his teachings are known as Gardnerian Wiccans. But today there are many different branches, both formal and informal.
Modern Wicca draws on what is known from historic witchcraft and magic rituals. But it is a thriving and evolving practice in which invention and following your intuition are encouraged.
Non-Wiccan Witchcraft
Not all Pagans who identify themselves as practitioners of witchcraft consider themselves Wiccan. Many follow a more shamanistic or nature-based approach to witchcraft without reference to organized elements such as covens or priests. These, usually sole practitioners, are often referred to as hedge witches.
These practitioners have a lot in common with Wiccans in their use of certain symbols and elements and closely following the cycle of the year and the phases of the moon. Grimoires and Books and Shadows are often used to record knowledge.
The term Hermeticism originally referred to a religio-philosophical system based on a small number of writings known as Hermetica which gave birth to scientific approaches to magic in the form of practices such as alchemy. But Hermeticism has since become a term for those who engage in “high magic” or ritual magic, usually within a body or organization with specific teaching and hierarchies.
Probably the most famous example of these is the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, an organization dedicated to the study of the occult, metaphysical, and paranormal. It is a spin-off of Freemasonry and incorporates the hierarchies and secrecy of that order. There are tests to enter new parts of the order and learn new secrets. For a number of years, the famous occultist Aleister Crowley was associated with the order.
Animism differs from other types of polytheistic paganism in that it does not necessarily feel the need to name or identify deities. Animism accepts that there is a divine or spiritual force at work in the world and it can be seen in aspects of life. But they can appreciate and be thankful for these forces without anthropomorphizing them into deities.
Animists often believe that the gods of polytheistic religions are cultural constructions designed to help humans better understand and engage with these forces. They may choose to engage with certain traditional polytheistic gods as a way of engaging with the elements of the world they consider most important.
Secular Paganism
Secular paganism could also be called a nature-based religion. Secular pagans do not necessarily believe in certain deities and could be Polytheists, Christians, Atheists, or anything in between. The core belief is that we are part of nature, rather than masters of it, and that we should live our lives with an abiding love and respect for nature.
Secular Paganism often mixes meditative and ritual practices designed to better understand and control the self with a world view based on science.
Eclectic Paganism
Eclectic Paganism is kind of a “catch-all” term for those who don’t fit into other types of Paganism. This is for people who identify with the general principles of Paganism but haven’t tied themselves to a single belief system or set or practices.
For example, they might believe in the mother goddess, but not practice witchcraft. They may feel a deep spiritual connection with the universe, witch manifests in practices such as reading Tarot cards, and cleansing spaces with incense and herbs, but may not necessarily consider these practices linked with any kind of divinity.
Eclectic Pagans often have broad interests in terms of researching different new age practices and approaches. They may also identify with Paganism aesthetically through gothic-style fashion.
Meso-Paganism is a term used for practices that are a result of mixing non-Christian religions with Christianity imposed by conquerors, missionaries, or both. Haitian Voodoo and Candomblé in Brazil are probably the best examples, in which African deities are syncretized with Christian Saints and elements of Christian religion are incorporated into traditional rituals.
While many of the characteristics of Neopaganism apply to Meso-Paganism, followers and practitioners are less likely to identify with the broader Pagan community. These are traditional religions passed down through communities, rather than sought out by individuals. So, while they may not be the dominant religion in a certain place, they have this in common with religions such as Hinduism.
What kind of Pagan are You?
While this whole post has been dedicated to trying to define and categorize Paganism, what it really equates to is following your own spiritual path outside of the biblical context. There are no rules about what you have to believe and practices that you have to engage in. It is all about finding your own spirituality and expressing it in a way that works for you.
But we would still love to know what Paganism means to you! Let us know in the comments section below.
[Full blog post here]
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sixshotsinatumbllr · 5 months
Chapter 2 of How to Pull an Angel: A Bunnings Guide is up
In this chapter, Crowley tries to work up the courage to ask the angel for his name. The consequences of his actions start to bite him in the arse. This will be the theme of the story, enjoy.
I'm having a bit of trouble coding footnotes, so check back in later, I'll probably work it out.
@gallup24 @handyowlet @jenahsey-creates @does-macarena-viciously you all wanted to be tagged when I started posting chapters, I forgot for Chapter 1, so here's a late tag. Thanks for your support!
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henrysglock · 1 year
If I see one more analysis trying to make Henward/Vecna into a 1:1 Tom Riddle/Voldemort figure I’m genuinely going to lose my marbles.
Was he an inspiration? Yes, obviously. The Duffers have said as much. I see the inspiration.
Voldemort’s story was a salvageable child having every opportunity thrown for success at him and still turning out bad because he was left unattended and unsupported. That’s the whole point of Dumbledore’s guilt about not watching him closer. Everyone thought Tom was just fine because he projected that successful and charming persona. He wasn’t given the looking-after he needed because he was successful, and it allowed him to become radicalized. No one cared enough to look closer, to see that he was hurting and struggling underneath the façade…while he was still within reach. He fell through the cracks because he was allowed to.
Vecna’s story is about how taking everything from someone and then continually abusing them with no reprieve can turn a struggling but fundamentally good boy into a broken, twisted man who thinks he’s doing the right thing while harming others. Need I remind us of the catastrophic levels of continuous abuse Henward was put through from childhood through adulthood based on ST4 canon alone? It took all that (plus whatever the hell is going on with the absorption side effect of killing re: guards and orderlies who were shown to be abusive assholes) to turn Henward into Vecna.
Henward was pushed to the breaking point over and over again (another thing the Duffers have explicitly said). 1959, 1979, whatever year he was Soteria’d in…all of them were breaking points caused by outside sources (Being betrayed by his mother, Brenner’s experimentation, being prevented from running away). With no escape, the abused dog will eventually bite. With nowhere to run or hide, the panicked zoo animal will kill its young. Henward snapping was avoidable…until it wasn’t. The massacre was avoidable. Until it wasn’t.
And now Hawkins is dealing with the consequences of Brenner’s actions, as opposed to the wizarding world dealing with the consequences of Dumbledore’s inaction.
Vecna is a result of action, Voldemort is a result of inaction.
Their goals aren’t even comparable. Voldemort wants to become immortal and rule society. Vecna is condemned to immortality by his abilities and wants to burn society down.
Both want control, yes, but Voldemort wants to control so that he doesn’t have to face his own insecurities over being a half-blood wizard. He’s obsessed with genetic purity/superiority (hence all of his Hitler coding). Vecna wants control so no one can abuse him or those he perceives to be like him ever again. He’s obsessed with moral purity/superiority (hence all of his religious imagery).
There’s nothing in Henward’s rant that mentions bloodline superiority. It’s all about moral superiority, talking about people who have done terrible things. El is “superior” to Papa and the others who saw her as an animal because, unlike them, she displays genuine kindness and compassion. She is morally superior, and that makes her more powerful than anyone else in the lab.
Even though they’re both V-named noseless misanthropes who were done wrong by society, they’re fundamentally different characters…and it’s a disservice to them both, imo, to try and equate them as 1:1 copies.
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webbywatcheshorror · 1 year
Webby Reviews Horror: Glorious (2022)
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Glorious is a movie about the humanity in the divine, and the divinity in the human. It’s about the pain of heartbreak and the deep well of regret that flows from selfish choices. It’s about the selfless sacrifices given in the name of love.
It’s also about a rest stop bathroom with a glory hole in the stall.
Review under the cut, and of course, SPOILERS!
Glorious is a pretty short movie at a little over an hour and fifteen minutes, but it feels longer to me, due in part to the slow pacing in the first part and then the anticipation of the second. The payoff is worth it in the end, though, and I think the pacing gives the audience a better chance to really start to sympathize with and relate to our protagonist.
The first half introduces us to Wes, your sort of ‘standard’ movie protag. You know, the nearing middle age, average build white guy, brown hair, somewhat unkempt facial hair situation. Not exactly thinking outside the box, casting-wise. HOWEVER, I think in this particular instance, having him be the ‘Societal Default’ actually works in the story’s favor. That is, if they did it on purpose, of course. They want us, the audience, to really feel a connection to Wes, maybe even project onto him a little.
After all, who hasn’t felt the grief of a broken heart? The urge to call our ex’s phone even if only to hear their recorded voice telling us to leave a message? That’s what’s going on to begin with: Wes, an exhausted and miserable man, decides to pull into a rest stop so he stops falling asleep on the road. He’s Going Through It something fierce- he about loses it on a vending machine that denies him a candy bar (once again, who among us, etc) and he looks like hell. An enigmatic trucker gives him a hand and some advice, and on her way back to her truck, she stops and smiles at a strangely colored flower with goop on it, which gives me the impression that she has some kind of idea as to what’s about to go down; then she drives away. (Maybe not, but it’s never made clear, and I like the idea that she does.)
The next morning, Wes wakes up to a stomach full of regret and consequences- he chugged a lot of whisky last night and burned a lot of his stuff, including his pants. Listen, I get it, heartbreak and alcohol can really screw with what you think is a logical set of actions. He stumbles into the main stage of the story, the filthy men’s bathroom of an unattended, way out of the way rest stop. 
On the wall of this particular stall is a very creatively decorated glory hole which you can sort of see on the poster- it’s some kind of Lovecraftian beast that’s part monster, part humanoid, which is pretty representative of our story and our two main characters, the second of which we are introduced to once Wes has finished emptying the contents of his gut. 
 Is bathroom horror a genre yet? Between this and the first Saw, I’d say it should be. There’s something about the contrast of a familiar place being so grimy it’s revolting that works so well for horror. People who can articulate better than me could probably explain why, but I’m getting off track.
An unseen person in the adjacent stall, voiced by the very talented JK Simmons, strikes up a conversation with Wes, who is understandably a little skeeved out by this. His name is Ghatanothoa, and is pronounced in a fun way: stick out your tongue, hold the tip of it with your finger and thumb, and slowly say “Got another one”. 
Ghat is DELIGHTFUL to me. He doesn’t understand turns of phrase, he takes things very literally, and seems to have no concept of societal rules (such as getting chatty with strangers in a public bathroom). It’s what could be described as autistic-coded, though I can’t say for certain if that was the intent in his characterization, since it turns out he’s an ancient, lonely god, and hasn’t exactly spent much time in the company of mortals. 
Wes responds in a pretty expected way: he’s not in the mood for whatever this weirdo has going on, even if he is a little curious. He tries to look at Ghat even when warned not to gaze upon the god, for his mortal mind could not safely perceive his true form, and the resulting consequence is enough to chip away some of his skepticism. He remains stubborn, though, and tries to leave in whatever way he can think of despite being told it’s impossible. As I’ve said, Wes is a pretty relatable guy, almost too relatable in some ways. I believe this is intentional.
 Ghat gives us his origin story- his father, god of creation, accidentally gave life and form to some of his thoughts and went ‘oh no kill it’ as he much preferred the vast nothingness that he had before. The newly formed children fought back and spilled more life from within their father’s wounds, then came to a compromise. They’d stitch him back up as long as he allowed the new life to remain. But they were all of them deceived, for another life form was made, a god of destruction that would one day wipe out the universe so the great emptiness would return- Ghatanothoa. He is compared to the Christian God and Jesus a few times, though not blatantly so. Example: “I am he.”
Ghat is an ethereal caterpillar morphing into a corporeal butterfly, and when he finishes this process, he will, unwillingly, carry out the purpose he was given and destroy everything. He doesn’t want to do it; he feels connected to the world and its mortal inhabitants, and wants to return to the ether to protect them. And Wes has been chosen to help him do it. 
Wes gives the usual ‘everyone’s a shitty selfish person maybe we should all die’ cynicism, then gives us HIS origin story. His dad was a piece of shit who shrouded his cruelty in perceived selflessness, resulting in his wife’s suicide and a warped worldview in his son. This is probably our first hint to Wes’s secret.
No matter what Wes tries, he can’t escape, and getting someone else involved only results in the bathroom getting a fresh coat of red paint. There’s no way out of this except give Ghat what he needs or let the entire universe die. 
And what Ghat needs is for Wes to satisfy his physical form. He believes Wes can rise to the occasion and perform this great service for the good of all life.
The bait and switch of Ghat NOT wanting Wes to stick his dick in the glory hole is so god damn funny I almost choked the first time I watched this, pun intended. JK Simmons saying “You thought your human penis was going to save the universe?” lives in my head rent-free. Wes hyped himself up to do it for like three minutes of runtime which was probably over twenty in-universe or longer only to be told his genitals are of no significance. Absolutely incredible.
No, what Ghat wants is for Wes to willingly give him his liver, or at least part of it. Wes for some reason was more willing to give Ghat the D than he is about the liver. This is /hilarious/ to me. Wes is so offended by Ghat’s dick dismissal that it takes even more convincing to get him to agree, which he only does after Ghat takes the memory of Wes’s ex, Brenda, away. If everything is destroyed, then so is her memory, and that thought is enough to change Wes’s mind.
Wes takes the shard of glass from the mirror he’s provided, and makes the cut which is interrupted by one last joke (he almost cut into the wrong side. I probably would have, too.). He makes the sacrifice as Ghat’s father rends the world in pursuit of his child-weapon.
The bloody, noble sacrifice scene is spliced with the big reveal of Wes’s secret- he’s a serial killer. He’s been killing his girlfriends once he determines they don’t fill the emptiness inside of him, a void that’s implied to have been created by his abusive father. Brenda was his latest victim, and the only one he seems to regret, because she actually did make him feel something. The love he was feeling scared him so bad that he killed her anyway, her last expression one of betrayal and heartbreak as she’d discovered his trophy pictures of his past victims.
Ghat accepts the offering, and the total annihilation of the universe is prevented. Ghat’s father retreats and Ghat himself is returned to the ether, never to be a part of the world he loves. Wes, lying on the floor in agony, proudly declares himself a hero, but he’s wrong. Ghatanothoa tells him he was chosen for this not because he’s a hero who will be remembered, but because he, too, is a being of destruction, and it’s better for the universe that they will both be forgotten. “It is finished.”
Wes and Ghat are parallels of one another yet so opposite- Ghat was created to destroy, but he felt so much for others that he chose to return to the ether, never to interact with the world he loves in order to protect it. Wes, on the other hand, chose to become a murderer because of how little he felt for others, only making the sacrifice out of a selfish desire to have one more chance to see the face of the woman he killed for making him feel something at long last. Ghat, who was more human than Wes, and Wes, who was more of a god of destruction than Ghat, two beings who gave their lives and saved all of existence.
I mentioned a couple of times about it being intentional with Wes being this super-relatable, sort of ‘everyman’, the assumed societal default, and here’s why: Usually, the audience is supposed to identify with, sympathize with, and root for the protagonist, this isn’t a new concept. But when we spend over an hour doing this, especially to such a degree, it can really feel like the floor drops out from under us when we realize that this guy that’s just like us fr is a cold blooded murderer and has been the entire time.
Most horror ends one of two ways, right? The hero pulls through despite it all and we get some kind of relief or even hope that the evil is defeated. Or, despite it all, the evil prevails and will strike again, even if the hero survives. But in Glorious, there’s no real hero, and the evil is thwarted with no relief to be found, no satisfaction in the end. There’s just Wes, Ghat, and the quiet finality of their demise. The world will continue to spin as if nothing had ever happened, and as far as everyone else knows, nothing ever did.
Glorious leaves me feeling introspective and a little sad, as I really ended up liking Ghatanothoa, and seeing some of myself in Wes makes me a little uncomfortable (as it should). It’s a great twist on the chosen one trope, and the humor is well placed and doesn’t break the flow of the story. The beginning is a little slow, as I said before, but slow burn can really bring out the flavor of a good story, and this was a tasty meal for me. 
JK Simmons really steals the show as Ghatanothoa, selling me on both the more human aspects of his character as he talks about believing in the goodness inherent in humanity, and the underlying current of power he struggles to rein in as Wes tests his patience and time runs out. 
I wouldn’t call this one ‘scary’ necessarily, though the cosmic horror is absolutely present, and there’s some gore involved. I don’t subscribe to the idea that horror has to scare you to be considered horror, so while some don’t consider this a true horror movie, I do. 
Ten outta ten (holy?) ghosts for a story I greatly enjoyed, JK Simmons, and the bait and switch with the glory hole which I am STILL laughing about.
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
Etoiles in your college au is just so... Etoiles
Yeah, he a Philza are besties
Oh, how about Phil btw? I was wondering but forgot to ask
And maybe foolish and bbh if you have ideas for them
(Oh and Maximus and Quackity too or anyone else if you had any idea)
Unrelated to that
Man, you're lucky, unfortunately I was forced by the brazilian scholar system to study physics on the moment I went to high school
But I went to a museum with my class
On the bus, it looked like it was a class of 11 years old students
It was fun
I have to see them when I find time
The capybara are one of the most random things on the qsmp and I love them for that
However had the ideas of put the capybaras is a genius
I hope I can manage to catch on lore since a lot of the ccs are in Las Vegas and hopefully things are a bit come more calm
Enfasis on the "hopefully"
Because there's already an dead federation employee(on the first day I think)
Btw do you know if they found out who did this? I saw some people talking about how could be federation trying to frame Cellbit but something was confirmed?
- 🍽️
Anon i lied because i 100% i took a physics class last year KNSAKJVNASKJD i nearly failed it tho which is probably why i forgot lmao but still it's the only physics class ive ever done
field trips are always fun!! i hope you had a good time with your class today :DD
qsmp lore + au rambling belowwww
the new capabara is named Alexandre and is played by a new admin who speaks Portugese!! they use teal/cyan signs and Bagi found them at cellbit's castle because they said they forgot the way back to the capabara island :(( i think bagi made them a room in her bunker right after meeting them and they helped her interior decorate all day lol i think you'll like them a lot since they reminded a lot of people of richas's admin at first (this capabaras admin is also the one who's been making all the mystery twins lore recently!! like the cucurucho who spoke to cellbit before he went to sleep and made the enigma bagi solves yesterday on stream)
yee bagi found a dead federation worker like...yesterday i think? or maybe it's been a couple days...i don't remember... (i am very bad with time) everyone is theorizing that it's cellbit but specifically it's f!cell!!! the reason is because bagi got a book she had to decode and all the writing inside sounded like f!cell!! some people think that it's the federation trying to frame cellbit because cucurucho said he'll have to pay the "consequences of his actions" just before cellbit went to sleep so..... it's very sus. if something was confirmed then i don't know? i didn't see anything like that >:00
---- now onto au silliness ----
i haven't thought much about philza in this au but he is 100% there kajnbkja he visits missa who works in the library a lot :DD
Foolish is an architecture major with a minor in sculpture and ceramics!! his current major project is called "The Titan" but he just doesn't want to work on it.... he keeps procrastinating and finding reasons not to work on it because it's frustrating him so much kekw BBh often hangs out in his studio and likes to bug foolish about how much progress he's made (zero progress).
I think almost everyone at the school knows bbh because he's so sweet and friendly plus he's like always willing to help if people need it :"))
i don't have many ideas for maxo and quackity.... but maxo would probably do something in programming/coding and quackity is double majoring in linguistics and law? maybe?
I can totally imagine there being a rumor among a lot of quackity's friends about him and wilbut because quackity keeps claiming they're dating but if you ask wilbur he's like "what" MVKADSJ maybe there's a bet on if people think it's really true or not lolol
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jmkitsune · 1 year
so in watching all the star trek series in the past year I've been noticing some interesting themes
TNG- the idealism of star fleet and how that idealism has often times flown in the face of the practical "rules" that often times actually suck (see Picard's way of handling a lot of situations that break the rules of Starfleet rarely if ever come with consequences to the crew due to loopholes, Picard's placement on the flagship as well as the crew's ability to prove that the greater good outweighs the "letter of the law" and how they do NOT operate like most other ship crews do See Jelico's temporary time on the ship)
DS9- you can't be a saint outside paradise and unfortunately those who live in paradise like to project THEIR living situation onto those who don't have the luxury- meaning the rest of us exist in a very gray area. (Sisko starts off trying remain VERY starfleet and neutral in Bajor's affairs but the longer he is there the more invested he gets and realizes Star Fleet- which rules from EARTH enjoys privileges that many many systems don't causing their judgement to be impractical)
Voyager- just because we're FAR from our "sense of normal" we can't let go of our core beliefs and rules just to make things easier to return to our place of belonging (don't lose yourself when in an alien situation) Janeway maintains "starfleet's code of ethics in the Delta Quadrant" while knowing when to be flexible because her responsibility to get everyone home.
Discovery- The constant line being walked by those who wish to be on the side of angels and doing what "angels can not do for the greater good" often times means being alone when doing the right thing even if it's "the wrong way" and living with fragile alliances due to your actions being a myriad of gray and because trust is fragile simply because as the name suggests- we discover who we are before, during and after breaking our comfort zones
Kelvin timeline- the impacts of our actions always ripple out, we may only see the smallest part of the ripple, but the ripple always grows, sometimes that bigger ripple is dangerous (see the RAPID militarization of Starfleet/the Federation in the Kelvin Timeline in response to Prime Spock trying to save Romulus and failing, as well as Kelvin Kirk's actions in the trilogy)
Picard- Our legacy is as "alive" as we are and sometimes have to reckon with that legacy in different ways long before we pass. Each season grappled with different aspects of Jean Luc's Legacy in and out of Starfleet, we see that in his old found family, new found family as well as the old wounds he carried and needed to finally address and heal from.
like each series in the MODERN era has little by little admitting that while "the best choice" is the Federation- part of it is because we need to see it's flaws so we know how to improve it so that it will always be a BETTER future (which is the core theme- the better future is NEVER promised- it's built when we recognize and see the problems then fix them, even when it really sucks)
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
M3GAN - Review
DISTRIBUTOR: Universal Pictures
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SYNOPSIS:  Gemma is a roboticist at a toy company where she is working on her pet project, using artificial intelligence to develop M3GAN (short for Model 3 Generative Android), a lifelike doll programmed to be a child's companion and a parent's greatest ally. When her sister and brother-in-law die in a tragic car accident she is given custody of her niece Cady. When her niece responds to her college robotic project, Gemma resurrects her M3GAN prototype as an answer to her lacking parenting skills. As MEGAN begins to process data from the web, her interactions with Cady and the world, her programming modifies her self-awareness and she becomes overprotective of Cady. Her interaction with people has horrific consequences as she harms and ultimately kills anyone that gets in her way of "protecting" Cady and Gemma.
REVIEW: I went in to M3GAN with few expectations and left the theater exhilarated having been on an excellent thrill ride. From the trailers, clearly the tale encompasses themes from literary traditions such as “Frankenstein” and all the cautionary cinematic sci-fi tales from “2001: A Space Odyssey,” “Deadly Friend,” “Blade Runner,”and “I, Robot,” to name a few.
I love Akela Cooper’s screenplay. I was not a fan of her screenplay for the horror film “Malignant,” but her work here is impressive. At its core, M3GAN’s mother daughter themes feel like a contemporary reimagining of Mary Shelley’s father and son themes of “Frankenstein.” Woven into those universal themes are contemporary issues of parenting, such as children, technology, and present-day concepts on parenting. The debate about what is too much screen time for children evolves into what is too much time with M3gan. What I found extremely interesting is how Gemma’s use of M3gan is a double edge sword. She sees it as a fix for her inability to connect with or be a parent to Cady and as a unique situation to test her creation. Gemma doesn’t even consider the consequences and shortcomings of her coding, an excellent commentary on how modern programmers have only recently become aware of biases that exist in their coding. I loved Cooper’s dialogue. Instead of worrying about catch phrases, M3gan delivers cutting, satirical lines that feel like indictments of society's lack of concern about the downfalls of technology. I adore how Cooper doesn’t look to fully reveal her hand as to what exactly causes M3gan to go rogue. She indicates that there are shortcomings with the doll’s programming, but she presents a series of other events that might have exacerbated those flaws. Some of the secondary characters did feel a bit like caricature villains, but their arcs and dialogue kept them fresh and engaging. There is an element introduced early on in the story that you can’t help feel that it will play a part in the film’s climax. It could be that it might have been telegraphed or that I’m just a seasoned genre consumer.
This is a great ensemble cast. Allison Williams delvers a captivating performance as Gemma, allowing the viewer to sympathize for her situation and believe the circumstances that lead to her hubris to bring M3gan online. Violet McGraw’s Cady is a solid heartfelt performance. You feel the complexity of this character who is dealing with this kaleidoscope of emotions brought on by her parents’ death. She is charming and charismatic, and great in her action scenes. The character of M3gan is a complex construct of Amie Donald’s performance, Jenna Davis’ vocals, the special effects of Morot FX Studio and visual effects of Wētā FX. It’s a great, creepy character that has a great character arc and some well written dialogue. I’m a fan of Ronny Chieng, so maybe I’m a bit jaded. His performance here simply felt like an extension of his performance from his comedy specials or “The Daily Show.” It wasn’t bad, just nothing new.
I could expound on the special and visual effects, but the proof is in the viewing. M3gan is wonderfully rendered that captures the essence of what Cady connects with and still has that subtle creepiness lingering just below the surface. Clearly they did their homework as M3gan is a composite of trends in both the toy industry and state of the art technology. The film is well worth viewing based on just the work here alone.
M3GAN has few flaws in its logic and I didn’t find them distracting considering the rest of the excellent writing. Likewise, I could make comparisons to other horror or sci-fi doll and toy films, but this feels fresh and unique. Plus, many of the evil doll films deal with possession and not bad tech. As a big sci-fi fan there were moments that I should have seen coming but did not. In fact, I was impressed that they thought of it as I was being dazzled by M3gan’s effects, and enchanted by the performances. It’s a kick-ass thrill ride with loads of laughs and shocking moments, and I appreciated that it doesn’t go for gratuitous jump scares. This is one of those films you need to savor in a theater with an audience. Still, if for whatever reason you can’t make it to your local cinema, don’t miss M3GAN when it drops on Peacock.
They have announced there will be a sequel and I have trepidations about that. This is such a near perfect film it’s going to be hard to recreate this experience.
CAST: Allison Williams, Jenna Davis, Violet McGraw, Amie Donald, Ronny Chieng, Jen Van Epps, Brian Jordan Alvarez, Lori Dungey, &Stephane Garneau-Monten. CREW: Director - Gerard Johnstone; Screenplay - Akela Cooper; Producers - Jason Blum, Michael Clear, Couper Samuelson, & James Wan; Cinematographers - Peter McCaffrey & Simon Raby; Score - Anthony Willis; Editing - Jeff McEvoy; Production Designer - Kim Sinclair; Costume Designer - Daniel Cruden; Special Effects Supervisor - Sven Harens; Visual Effects - Michael Sarkis; Special Makeup Effects For M3gan - Adrien Morot & Kathy Tse of Morot FX Studio; Digital Visual Effects For M3gan - Wētā FX. OFFICIAL: www.m3ganmovie.com FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/meetM3GAN TWITTER: twitter.com/meetM3GAN TRAILER: https://youtu.be/OoDHM_A1axc RELEASE DATE: In Theaters Jan. 6th, 2023
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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softgridcomputer · 1 month
What Are the Best Practices for Full Stack Development?
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Full Stack Development is an exciting and dynamic field, combining the challenges of both front-end and back-end development. As a Full Stack Developer, mastering the art of juggling these different aspects of a project is crucial to delivering high-quality, scalable, and maintainable software solutions. Below are some of the best practices that Full Stack Developers should follow to excel in this role.
1. Understand the Entire Stack
As a Full Stack Developer, it’s essential to have a comprehensive understanding of both the front-end and back-end technologies. This includes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks like React or Angular for the front end, as well as server-side languages like Node.js, Python, Ruby, or PHP for the back end. Additionally, familiarity with databases (SQL and NoSQL), version control systems like Git, and cloud platforms is critical.
2. Keep Code Clean and Organized
Maintainability is key in Full Stack Development. Writing clean, well-organized code with proper documentation helps not only you but also any team members who might work on the project in the future. Adopting coding standards, using descriptive variable names, and structuring your code logically are practices that enhance code readability and reduce the likelihood of bugs.
3. Adopt a Modular Approach
Breaking down your application into smaller, reusable modules or components is a hallmark of good Full Stack Development. This approach simplifies debugging, testing, and updating parts of your application without affecting the entire system. It also promotes code reuse, making your development process more efficient.
4. Prioritize Performance Optimization
Performance is a crucial factor that affects user experience. Full Stack Developers should implement best practices like minimizing HTTP requests, optimizing database queries, compressing assets, and using content delivery networks (CDNs). Monitoring and optimizing the performance of both the client-side and server-side parts of your application will ensure a smooth and fast user experience.
5. Master DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
A Full Stack Developer should be familiar with DevOps practices, including automated testing, continuous integration, and continuous deployment. Tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitHub Actions can automate your build, test, and deployment processes, allowing for faster and more reliable releases.
6. Security Should Be a Top Priority
Security vulnerabilities can have serious consequences. As a Full Stack Developer, you should implement best practices like input validation, data encryption, and secure authentication methods. Regularly updating dependencies and staying informed about common security threats, such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS), is also crucial.
7. Stay Updated with Emerging Technologies
The tech landscape is constantly evolving, and as a Full Stack Developer, staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is essential. Regularly exploring new frameworks, libraries, and tools can give you an edge and keep your skills relevant. Attending conferences, participating in developer communities, and following industry news are great ways to stay informed.
8. Collaborate and Communicate Effectively
Full Stack Development often involves working closely with other developers, designers, and stakeholders. Strong communication and collaboration skills are vital for understanding requirements, discussing design decisions, and ensuring that everyone is on the same page. 
Using project management tools like Jira or Trello can help streamline communication and keep projects on track.
9. Test Thoroughly and Often
Testing is an integral part of the development process. Implement unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests to catch bugs early and ensure your application works as expected. Utilizing testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Selenium can automate much of the testing process, improving both efficiency and reliability.
10. Plan for Scalability
Finally, always design your applications with scalability in mind. As your user base grows, your application should be able to handle increased traffic without compromising performance. This involves writing efficient code, using scalable database solutions, and leveraging cloud services that can adapt to growing demands.
By following these best practices, Full Stack Developers can build robust, efficient, and scalable applications. The role requires a well-rounded skill set, continuous learning, and a strong commitment to quality. Whether you’re just starting or are an experienced developer, adhering to these principles will help you excel in the fast-paced world of Full Stack Development.
0 notes
tamaradoubraomonibeke · 7 months
Tweaked Learning Agreement
Notes from tutorial
Rephrase paragraph another reason
Do not specify the software so I won’t be limited
Remove final paragraph
Remove assessment criteria
Put references and look at libraries
Specify the action plan (set a timeline)
Learning Agreement
Name: Tamaradoubra Omonibeke        
Course: Visual Communication   
Level: 6                    
Unit: Major Project    
Unit Code: VCO664
Credit points: 60       
Study hours: 600      
Tutor(s): Rich Hurst, Emily Melling, Dot Falla, Hannah Byles
Synopsis of study
I aim to provide an immersive exploration into the traditional practice(s) of Nigeria, with a special emphasis on Opobo, my mother's ancestral town.
The rationale behind selecting this subject matter becomes apparent considering the dilution of historical heritage experienced by many Nigerian tribes, including my own, the Ijaw. Consequently, I've chosen to spotlight the Ibani tribe of Opobo, renowned for their unwavering commitment to traditional customs. This initiative serves as an effort to understand cultural practices, preserve heritage and a journey for enthusiasts eager to explore Nigeria's diverse traditions.
I aim to counter prevailing narratives that depict Africa through a narrow lens of turmoil. Thus, I will refrain from divulging into wider politics and focus on celebrative traditions within Opobo.
To realise this vision, my research will involve interviews with family members, collation of archival photographs, and thorough secondary research. These efforts will inform the content.
In execution, I intend to learn and utilize digital software. The decision to manifest this project as a digital interactive space stems from my innate affinity for user experience design and recognition of the unparalleled reach and engagement potential offered by digital mediums.
Utilizing this interactive platform, my goal is to empower cultural enthusiasts in the UK to undertake a customized journey through Opobo's rich heritage, providing them with the autonomy to explore and interact with content at their leisure. While the most immersive cultural experiences often occur in the native setting, accessibility to travel isn't universal. Therefore, this digital platform extends a broad outreach, enabling users to engage with the culture to the fullest extent possible in a digital format.
Ethical issues
The ethical concerns pertaining to this study involves interviews and photos of my family members.
To provide opportunities for me to source information and knowledge from the diverse forms of rigorous research that are required to undertake and manage a comprehensive Major Project.
To provide me with the opportunities to exercise and enhance my knowledge and abilities in the development of a body of creative and technically competent work appropriate to me chosen subject field of study. 
To encourage me to apply the advanced level of discipline and time- management which are required to develop a cohesive and sustained body of work. 
To encourage me to work independently, albeit with supervision, in the development and documentation of your practice in how me understand contemporary professional practice and audience.
Learning outcomes:
Demonstrate my ability to develop a clear understanding of the relationship of research to my practice in forming a personal and critical viewpoint in the realization, refinement and production of my Major Project.
Demonstrate sustained and effective development of a practical working methodology to a topic that I have defined and which includes speculation on new and effective approaches that are at the forefront of Visual Communication practice. 
Demonstrate an ability to authoritatively and independently project manage ideas, practice, time and work strategies in the production of a well realized body of work, reflecting the complexity of the major project and engaging effectively with academic support and resources.
Demonstrate an ability to critically reflect on the process of my major project documenting its relation to both personal and wider professional contexts, practices and debates.
Assessment Components
A professional, focused body of work including initial ideas to final outcomes. I will also submit a professionally considered portfolio that evidences how I have selected and displayed my work and how these decisions shape my portfolio. 80% 
A designed and illustrated display book, that details my research methods and strategies deployed for each individual project brief contained in this unit (word count between 2000 to 2500 words). 20%
Goge Africa. (2015). Wrapper Tying Ceremony. YouTube. [online]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsrmSPSf_xE [Accessed 12 February 2024].
Adagogo-Brown E. (2020). Colonial Native Administration in Opobo Kingdom from 1891 – 1959. South-South Journal of Humanities and international Studies.
 Vol.3 No.2 pp. 619 – 655 [online]. Available from: https://ssjhis.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/33-COLONIAL-NATIVE-ADMINISTRATION-IN-OPOBO-KINGDOM-FROM-1891-%E2%80%93-1959.pdf
Adebowale O. (2019). Jaja of Opobo: The Slave Boy Who Became King Guardian.ng/life  [online]. 25 August. Available from: https://guardian.ng/life/jaja-of-opobo-the-slave-boy-who-became-king/ [Accessed 29 February 2024].
Opobo Foundation (n.d.). Opobo Kingdom [online]. Available from: https://opobofoundation.org/opobo-kingdom/ [Accessed 29 February 2024].
Andrew-Jaja T. Bell-Gam H. L. (2022). The Iria Rites of Passage in Ibani Land. South-South Journal of Humanities and international Studies.
Vol.5 No.1 pp. 263 – 272 [online]. Available from: https://ssjhis.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/20.-THE-IRIA-RITES-OF-PASSAGE-IN-IBANI-LAND.pdf
Action plan/time plan
Week 1 (31/01/24) – (02/02/24)
Unit Briefing (Aims/ learning outcomes/ assessment requirements/ criteria)
Research into monochromatic meals and synaesthesia
Experimentation of monochromatic meals
Illustration and development of final outcome
Update tumblr
Week 2 (07/02/24) – (09/02/2024)
Presentation for Translate and Transform
Type Workshop: Legibility & Gestalt (Helped in creating process books and UI)
Research for final major project (Russell Cotes Museum, Christianity and Nigeria)
Update tumblr
Week 3 (13/02/24) – (16/02/24)
Major Project Tutorials (Define subject interests)
Type Workshop: Readability & Grids
Research into ideas for final major project
Update tumblr
Week 4 (19/02/24) – (23/02/24)
Dimension Intro
What’s the plan? (Present Plan)
Research into software and justifying the rationale
Update tumblr
Week 5 (26/02/24) – (01/03/24)
Learning Agreement Tutorials (Draft Learning Agreement)
Research into Opobo’s culture and software
Consider achievable deliverable and sketch ideas
Hand-in Learning Agreement Wiseflow
Update tumblr
Week 6 (05/03/24) – (08/03/24)
Major Project Tutorials (Visualisation of ideas (at least 5 – 10))
Justify solution and it’s relevancy to subject matter
Research into Opobo’s culture and software
Interview family members concerning Opobo
Week 7 (12/03/24) – (15/03/24)
Interim Critique – Pecha Kucha (Development of final idea and presentation of work to date)
Research into software
Low-fidelity wireframes of idea
Week 8 (09/04/24) – (12/04/24)
(Content fully collated during the Easter)
Major Project Tutorials (Refining final idea and realisation)
High-fidelity wireframes of idea
Start process/display book
Week 9 (16/04/24) – (19/04/24)
Tutorials (One to One) (Developing final solutions)
Prototype idea
Update process/display book and tumblr
Week 10 (23/04/24) – (26/04/24)
Studio day
Sign up tutorials (Developing final solutions)
User test prototype and tweak it
Update process/display book and tumblr
Week 11 (30/04/24) – (03/05/24)
Final Critique (Presenting final solutions)
Final development of digital interface
Update process/display book and tumblr
Week 12 (07/05/24 – 09/05/24)
Sign up tutorials (Refining final solutions)
Development of digital interface
Update process/display book and tumblr
Print out process/display book
Week 13 (13/05/24)
Hand in.
0 notes
catie-does-things · 1 year
In your fic of Zuko and Kataras affair, does everyone eventually forgive Zuko and/or Katara? Please say yes. I just can't stand the idea of Gaang breaking up 🥱 it hurts me to my core
Yes, it's a painful journey to get there, but everyone is able to reconcile by the end.
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this-week-in-rust · 11 months
This Week in Rust 517
Hello and welcome to another issue of This Week in Rust! Rust is a programming language empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software. This is a weekly summary of its progress and community. Want something mentioned? Tag us at @ThisWeekInRust on Twitter or @ThisWeekinRust on mastodon.social, or send us a pull request. Want to get involved? We love contributions.
This Week in Rust is openly developed on GitHub and archives can be viewed at this-week-in-rust.org. If you find any errors in this week's issue, please submit a PR.
Updates from Rust Community
Q3 2023 Recap from Rebecca Rumbul
This Month in Rust OSDev: September 2023
Project/Tooling Updates
Announcing EtherCrab, a Rust implementation of the EtherCAT industrial automation protocol
rust-analyzer changelog #203
Why async Rust?
Compile Times and Code Graphs
Containerize Rust applications on Ubuntu & Alpine, with GitHub Actions
Rust Walkthroughs
A type level contains operation for heterogeneous list using associated types
Using GraphQL in Rust
Writing parsers in Winnow
Yuga: Automatically Detecting Lifetime Annotation Bugs in the Rust Language
Fast Summary-based Whole-program Analysis to Identify Unsafe Memory Accesses in Rust
Eurorust reflections
EuroRust 2023 Reflections: What's a Conference For?
[audio] RustShip: Graphite - Raster and Vector Graphics in Rust
Crate of the Week
This week's crate is rinf, a library to write Rust in Flutter.
Thanks to Kim Dong-Hyun for the self-suggestion!
Please submit your suggestions and votes for next week!
Call for Participation
Always wanted to contribute to open-source projects but did not know where to start? Every week we highlight some tasks from the Rust community for you to pick and get started!
Some of these tasks may also have mentors available, visit the task page for more information.
* Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest) - [OpenNode] Currency Unit Conversion * Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest) - [Stax] Currency Unit Conversion * Hyperswitch (Hacktoberfest) - [ACI] Currency Unit Conversion * Ockam - Make ockam space show (no args) interactive by asking the user to choose from a list of space names to show (tuify) * Ockam - Improve ockam tcp-inlet delete --help text (clap command) * Ockam - Enroll "email: '+' character not allowed"
If you are a Rust project owner and are looking for contributors, please submit tasks here.
Updates from the Rust Project
409 pull requests were merged in the last week
const_eval: allow function pointer signatures containing &mut T in const contexts
rustc_hir_pretty cleanups
add Config::hash_untracked_state callback
add the V (vector) extension to the riscv64-linux-android target spec
also consider call and yield as MIR SSA
broaden the consequences of recursive TLS initialization
cleanup rustc_features some more
compute NLL loan scopes using the polonius model
const-eval: allow calling functions with targat features disabled at compile time in WASM
const-eval: make misalignment a hard error
coverage: separate initial span extraction from span processing
detect ruby-style closure in parser
do not check for impossible predicates in const-prop lint
don't UB on dangling ptr deref, instead check inbounds on projections
exhaustiveness: rework constructor splitting
explicitly handle auto trait leakage in coherence
fix exit status / wait status on non-Unix cfg(unix) platforms
fix overflow checking in range patterns
handle several #[diagnostic::on_unimplemented] attributes correctly
implement -Clink-self-contained=-linker opt out
improve check-cfg diagnostics
improve handling of assertion failures with very long conditions
in smir use FxIndexMap to store indexed ids
linker: also pass debuginfo compression flags
make "request changes" reviews apply S-waiting-on-author
on type error involving closure, avoid ICE
on type error of closure call argument, point at earlier calls that affected inference
opt-dist: disable unused features for tabled crate
pass rustc shim flags using environment variable
prevent more spurious unreachable pattern lints
prevent showing methods from blanket impls of not available foreign traits to show up in the search results
prevent spurious unreachable pattern lints
relate alias ty with variance
remove DefiningAnchor::Bubble from opaque wf check
show enum discriminant if a compatible repr is used
stabilize async fn and return-position impl Trait in trait
structurally normalize for closure
suggest adding return if the for semi which can coerce to the fn return type
suggest labeling block if break is in bare block
suggest trait bounds for used associated type on type param
support AIX in Rust standard library
use PatKind::Error when an ADT const value has violation
use env variable to control thread ids in rustc_log
add ability to get lines/filename for Span in smir
miri: implement llvm.x86.sse41.* intrinsics
miri: make NaN generation non-deterministic
copy 1-element arrays as scalars, not vectors
optimize librustc_driver.so with BOLT
optimize file read in Config::verify
optimize zipping over array iterators
stabilize atomic_from_ptr
stabilize const_maybe_uninit_assume_init_read
stabilize {IpAddr, Ipv6Addr}::to_canonical
impl Not, Bit{And,Or}{,Assign} for IP addresses
impl Default for ExitCode
add invariant to Vec::pop that len < cap if pop successful
implement BufRead for VecDeque<u8>
implement OnceCell/Lock::try_insert()
implement slice::split_once and slice::rsplit_once
add explicit-endian String::from_utf16 variants
implement FusedIterator for DecodeUtf16 when the inner iterator does
implement sys::args for UEFI
inline Bytes::next and Bytes::size_hint
make try_exists return Ok(true) for Windows Unix Sockets
mark new_in as const for BTree collections
regex-automata/meta: revert broadening of reverse suffix optimization
regex-lite: tweak nest limit on stack overflow test
regex: loosen ASCII compatible rules + improve reverse suffix optimization
regex, regex-automata: fix compilation of doctests on 32-bit architectures
regex-lite: fix compilation of doctests on 32-bit architectures
regex: revert recent regex-syntax interval set optimizations
cargo: fix(install): Suggest an alternative version on MSRV failure
cargo: add detailed message when target folder path is invalid
cargo: add package name and version to warning messages
cargo: support public dependency configuration with workspace deps
rustfmt: support let-chains
rustdoc-search: add impl disambiguator to duplicate assoc items
rustdoc: hide #[repr(transparent)] if it isn't part of the public ABI
rustdoc: show crate name beside smaller logo
clippy: get_first: lint on non-primitive slices
clippy: manual_is_ascii_check: Also check for is_ascii_hexdigt
clippy: unnecessary_lazy_eval: reduce applicability if closure has return type annotation
clippy: fix ICE in internal author lint
rust-analyzer: add replace_is_ok_with_if_let_ok assist
rust-analyzer: add replace_is_some_with_if_let_some assist
rust-analyzer: add diagnostics messages for chars and byte literal errors
rust-analyzer: make cursor select at _tmp
rust-analyzer: string literals diagnose
Rust Compiler Performance Triage
Overall an interesting week performance wise, with small improvements to a vast number of benchmarks seeming to outweigh an isolated set of (slightly) larger regressions. It included a number of PRs regressed instruction counts but did not matter for cycle times, plus one mysterious regression to check_match and mir_borrowck from reworking constructor splitting (see report on PR 116391 for details), and an awesome broad set of improvements from automatically inlining small functions across crates (see report on PR 116505 for details).
Triage done by @pnkfelix. Revision range: 84d44dd1..b9832e72
4 Regressions, 1 Improvements, 4 Mixed; 3 of them in rollups 84 artifact comparisons made in total
Full report here
Approved RFCs
Changes to Rust follow the Rust RFC (request for comments) process. These are the RFCs that were approved for implementation this week:
No RFCs were approved this week.
Final Comment Period
Every week, the team announces the 'final comment period' for RFCs and key PRs which are reaching a decision. Express your opinions now.
[disposition: merge] 2024 Edition
Tracking Issues & PRs
[disposition: merge] Tracking Issue for result_option_inspect
[disposition: merge] Allow partially moved values in match
[disposition: merge] read_dir has unexpected behavior for ""
[disposition: merge] rustdoc: align stability badge to baseline instead of bottom
New and Updated RFCs
[new] RFC: Superseding public/private dependencies
[new] add float semantics RFC
[new] Reserve gen keyword in 2024 edition and start an experiment implementation of Iterator generators
Call for Testing
An important step for RFC implementation is for people to experiment with the implementation and give feedback, especially before stabilization. The following RFCs would benefit from user testing before moving forward:
No RFCs issued a call for testing this week.
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Quote of the Week
When your Rust build times get slower after adding some procedural macros:
We call that the syn tax 🦀
– janet on fosstodon.org
Thanks to Jacob Pratt for the suggestion!
Please submit quotes and vote for next week!
This Week in Rust is edited by: nellshamrell, llogiq, cdmistman, ericseppanen, extrawurst, andrewpollack, U007D, kolharsam, joelmarcey, mariannegoldin, bennyvasquez.
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crynotifier · 1 year
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Set to Launch Gold-Backed Digital Token (GBDT) for Retail Use Following Successful Investor Interest
Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Set to Launch Gold-Backed Digital Token (GBDT) for Retail Use Following Successful Investor Interest
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Source: Shutterstock
The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) has announced its advanced plans to launch Gold-Backed Digital Token (GBDT) for retail purposes following its successful reception among investors, a success the Bank hailed as “commendable” in a recent report.
During the presentation of the Mid-Term Monetary Policy Statement (MPS) on Wednesday, August 9, Governor John Mangudya of the RBZ disclosed that efforts are in progress to elevate the GBDTs to the status of a medium of transactions.
According to Mangudya, now the GBDT “shall be scaled up to be used for transactional purposes by the public.” 
“The Bank is at an advanced stage in preparing for the eventual rolling out of GBDT for transactional purposes in Phase II of the project under the code or name ZiG, which stands for Zimbabwe Gold.”
“It is envisaged that the transactional phase will see GBDT complementing the use of the US dollar in domestic transactions,” he said.
The RBZ governor also announced plans for nationwide awareness campaigns to educate the public about the benefits of GBDT.
This digital instrument will be the foundation for the country’s central bank digital currency (CBDC), as Zimbabwe Gold closely aligns with CBDC characteristics.
However, the MPS report highlighted the continued importance of Gold Coins as a monetary policy tool, as it backs the GBDTs. It had absorbed over ZW$35 billion from 36,059 coins by July 14, 2023
The first maturity after the 180-day vesting period was January 25, 2023. Only 769 gold coins (2% of total sales) have been redeemed, affirming their value-retention role.
Unveiling Gold-Backed Digital Tokens (GBDTs) as Zimbabwe’s Answer to Inflation
To complement physical gold coin sales, enhance investment instrument divisibility, and broaden public access, the Bank launched Gold-Backed Digital Tokens (GBDT) on May 12, 2023.
According to the Mid-term financial report, by July 21, the Bank had executed 11 GBDT issuances, garnering 590 applications for tokens worth ZW$50.50 billion (US$7,794.87). Consequently, the Bank issued 325,024,524 milligrams, equivalent to 325.02 kg of gold.
These tokenized digital coins aim to strengthen the national currency, and offer an alternative investment, diverging from the common practice of pursuing US dollars on the parallel market.
The tokens will serve as a medium of exchange for both individuals and businesses, playing a crucial role in stabilizing the Zimbabwean dollar and addressing the issue of inflation. 
Given Zimbabwe’s track record in successfully managing inflation, there’s no need for apprehension regarding the implementation of the GBDTs .
In June, Zimbabwe witnessed a staggering 175.8% inflation rate due to adopting a new bank benchmark and exchange rate depreciation. Simultaneously, the RBZ set a 150% interest rate.
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Source: TradingEconomics
The Government and Bank actions, such as exchange rate liberalization, taking on external liabilities of the Bank, and enforcing local currency payments for duties and taxes, helped ease inflation. These measures appreciated the exchange rate, causing monthly inflation to drop from the June peak to -15.3% in July 2023.
Similarly, annual inflation, which hit 175.8% in June 2023, significantly reversed to 101.3% in July 2023. The positive trend will persist as the effects of these measures take hold, further reducing the risk of adopting GBDTs for local transactions.
The Information contained in or provided from or through this website is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other advice.
New Post has been published on https://crynotifier.com/reserve-bank-of-zimbabwe-set-to-launch-gold-backed-digital-token-gbdt-for-retail-use-following-successful-investor-interest-htm/
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nephilimeq · 3 years
Scott is groundbreaking alright, but not in the good way. As people have pointed out, the character of Scott McCall is nothing but a cheap power fantasy. Scott has no obligations or expectations of behavior put upon him: he can be mean and cruel to everyone around him, and his friends still continue to love him. Scott stans saw Scott, whom they claim is "superior" (except that he isn't), "abused" (except that he isn't), "feminine, neurodivergent and queer coded" (except that he isn't),  a "genius" (except that he isn't) and a "good friend" (except that he isn't) and projected ALL their fantasies onto him. That's why the term Self Insert Stan with A Scott McCall Name Tag is extraordinarily accurate. Scott gaslights, belittles, dehumanizes, abuses and lashes out at his friends throughout the whole show; but instead of reaping the consequences of his own shitty actions and behavior, he is praised and rewarded with a 'True Alpha' title for it. No wonder antis like him so much
Okay, so this was an anonymous ask in two parts that I have put into one so that I can answer it all at once.
First of all, this isn’t strictly a question, but I can do a breakdown and an analysis of what’s being said, so let’s get into it. Here goes nothing.
“The character of Scott McCall is nothing but a cheap power fantasy.” -  Yes and no. I will agree that Scott started out as a potentially good character, but it felt less like a power fantasy at times because of the nice-guy trope that was also constantly being pushed alongside it. 
They were trying to do two opposing things at once: a power fantasy and the nice guy wins in the end. Shoving these two tropes together makes a very unrealistic character, and puts the viewer into the headspace of an eleven-year-old boy.
“Superior, abused, feminine, neurodivergent, queer coded, genius, and good friend” - I agree that none of these apply to him. He gained a superiority complex when he realized that he was a werewolf, which we see in how he started acting around his best friend and his rivals. Immediately ditching Stiles, letting Lydia kiss and use him to make Jackson jealous, and using his powers to beat up on him as well during lacrosse.
There was one incident of him being injured by his dad when he was a kid, and it was an accident. 
I think they tried to make him feminine by having him be more emotional (his strong feelings for Allison/Kira/Malia), but that backfired and only made him look unhinged. 
He is not even close to being neurodivergent, and I am speaking as someone with both ADHD and autism. He makes friends easily, focuses when he needs to, and can maintain relationships whenever he wants to--all of which are the opposite of clinical neurodivergence. (I know my sources, I will come at you if you try to fight me on this)
We never see him questioning his sexuality in the show, not once, whereas we have several moments where Stiles is questioning his own sexuality out loud, making Stiles the canonically queer coded character. 
Genius? None of his plans were ever the good ones, even if they worked. When his plans did work, it was always at the expense of someone else who wasn’t even his enemy (e.g. forcing Derek to bite someone he didn’t want to). 
And a good friend? He was a good friend for about the first episode of the show. He was willing to follow Stiles out to the woods--and that’s about as far as it went, with Stiles holding up their friendship for the rest of the show until Scott completely abandoned him when Theo came to town.
Okay, so we have established, through canon, that Scott is none of the above things. I now want to address why he is none of these things.
In Jeff Davis’ attempt to mimic a “chosen one” narrative, he forgot to do one very key thing: when you give your chosen one flaws, those flaws have to be a consistent stumbling block in their character. If your “chosen one” isn’t also learning from their mistakes, only avoiding all of their consequences by writing it as others suffering the consequences of the “chosen one’s” choices, then you have created a OP.
An OP is a character that is Over-Powered. You give them so much power, you have made any heroic plot line you give them practically meaningless. They can simply overpower their enemy through almost sheer force of will. I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, and I feel it bears mentioning again.
Scott McCall never learns from his mistakes because he never acknowledges them as mistakes... --Causing everyone else to suffer the consequences of his actions.
This is why he is an unbelievable character, but, unfortunately, a believable person.
I know men like him in real life. They genuinely think they are amazing and because no one else calls them out on it, they keep on believing it. It requires showing one face to your family, another to your friends, and yet another to your enemies. They get away with things because when people do call them out, no one else believes them because they’ve never seen that side of that person. It takes someone from the outside, or someone who is smart enough, who can see their full circle of influence to see their true nature.
This is why Derek and Stiles were so dangerous to Scott. They were the ones seeing the other sides of Scott that he didn’t want them to see.
A good example of this is when Stiles killed Donovan in self-defense and Scott abandoned his trust in him for the new beta, Theo, who had just arrived in town; the beta that was telling him exactly what he wanted to hear and was pandering to his ego with his black and white thinking. Stiles was explaining the bigger picture, the shades of gray that existed in the real world, and Scott immediately shut him down.
And this is why the nogitsune was one of the most dangerous threats that they ever faced: it could see all of Scott’s various faces because Stiles was seeing the whole board, and the nogitsune used it against him and everyone else.
I realize that this has been a long post, so I digress. 
But there you go.
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interact-if · 3 years
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Day 6 of the interviews! Introducing Adrian! 
Adrian, author of The Twilight Order & The Mystic Pawn 
People With Disabilities Month Featured Author
You are a Seer: a respected member of the Twilight Order. Seers are bound to a Nightmare, making them the only mortals capable of Void magic and, thus, the only ones capable of neutralizing the Nightmare threat. Seers are honored for their sacrifice, as their power, while necessary, is a death sentence. Most die violent deaths from the corruption or simply go insane in only a few short years.
Not you, though. You are special. You didn’t choose the position, train vigorously for years, or undergo the binding ritual that would forcibly meld a Nightmare to your psyche. Your Nightmare has always been there, seemingly because they want to be.
You were brought to the Order as a child when your abilities became known. After many years of study, tests, and training, you have made a name for yourself as one of the most potent Seers in history.
Now the Order is sending you to investigate Void activity reports out of Alli vi Piugio, capital of the merchant kingdom of Chepria. While there, it has become quickly apparent there is more going on than meets the eye.
Figures that being ’special’ would mean you have to literally save the world.
Demo TBA | Discord | Art Blog | Read more about The Twilight Order [here] & The Mystic Pawn [here]
Tags: Psychological Horror, Thriller, Fantasy, 18+
Q1. So, tell us a little bit about the projects you're working on!
Currently, I'm working on two different active projects, The Twilight Order (TTO) and The Mystic Pawn (TMP)!
Let's begin with TTO, since it's my first and primary project. To start, it is enormous!  Way bigger than TMP in terms of story length, variability, and code complexity. It's also much more severe and dark in tone, predominantly falling into the psychological horror/thriller genre. I'm really into psychology and sociology, and TTO reflects this by being a story about exploring and questioning morality at its core. I'm aiming to provoke thought about what makes 'good' things good and 'bad' things bad and why we tend to assume the 'hero' of a story isn't the one with blood on their hands. It's designed to have no particular right or wrong choices but still force you to face the consequences of your actions. Suffice to say, the story is heavy.
This is why The Mystic Pawn is a complete genre switch to a lighthearted slice-of-life romance-focused story! TMP is set up much more like your traditional dating sim kind of game, with specific 'routes' to pursue rather than an overarching plotline. It's designed to be a fun, feel-good game that's heavily indulgent in the 'happy ending' department! Call it a break from the heavier aspects of real-life and darker stories. Plus, everyone needs a romanceable dragon or two in their lives, in my opinion.
Also, both these projects will feature CGs! Since I also enjoy doing art, I figured it would be fun to introduce a few visual novel aspects to my IFs. Also, as a bit of a teaser, once I finish TMP I'm plotting to make a full-fledged VN about romancing villains, but that project is technically unannounced and on the backburner. So, uh... shh, keep it secret!
Q2. What has been your favorite thing about interactive fiction as a medium? What are some of the biggest challenges?
Variability is my answer for both, actually! I've always loved choose-your-own-adventure style games, as well as games that employ 'choices matter' dynamics. Personally, I feel interactive fiction, as a medium, takes the best parts of both those things and wonderfully expands on them. It is so much fun to explore all the choices that can be made and how they impact the story and characters as you go along. Plus, there's a level of depth to the storytelling that I think is easier to achieve through a novel format than in graphical form, which makes it so easy to get immersed into IFs.
On the flip side, as an author, I struggle with limiting that variability. I have lots of ideas and a huge desire to give as much freedom of choice and customization as possible, to really make every choice feel like it matters, but... Doing so is, frankly, rarely feasible. My biggest hurdle has truly been finding a balance between having variability and keeping the story on track and actually possible to write. After all, nothing will ever get finished if I spend all my time writing 8 billion variations on a single scene. Alas.
Q3. What is something you're excited to explore within your work?
Psychology! I cannot stress this enough! I am especially looking forward to seeing how different readers respond to the scenarios and characters in my stories. How people from different walks of life will perceive the same situation, and what drives them to make their individual choices. I am especially hoping to see people asking questions about why they made their choices, too. To confront their own beliefs and explore new ideas. Er... maybe that's too heavy or creepy of me, but I am an observer by nature, and I just find the things that make people tick absolutely fascinating.
But, on a less 'wow-this-author-is-a-weirdo' note, I am also excited to explore the stories of my main casts. I am admittedly a much better character writer than a narrative writer, so there is always heavy focus on each of the main cast's own development both towards/with the MC, towards each other, and towards their individual histories. It's been enjoyable to explore already!
Q4. Has your disability influenced your work? Whether it's worldbuilding, the design, the process, and positive or negative--what is your advice in working with your disability and being creative?
They absolutely have, often in pretty big and fundamental ways across the board. I, uh, will do my best not to get on my soapbox with this answer!
From a creative perspective, I do my utmost to normalize the existence of disabilities and disabled people in my stories/worlds. Remind everyone that disabled people are still people, and that having a different version of 'normal, everyday life' than someone who is able-bodied doesn't somehow change that fact, define their whole existence, or make their version of normal inherently inferior. Call it my way of combating how real life is commonly viewed exclusively through an able-bodied lens, where 'disability' is treated as a word with undesirable/negative context.
I'd say this goal pops up in my projects both subtly and more obviously, too. Sometimes, it manifests in worldbuilding, like a society that considers the needs of their disabled populace by default in their civic designs. Sometimes it's in the characters, as mental and physical disabilities are featured among the majority of my casts. I have also included the option for the MCs of my projects to be disabled, should the player want, and have made sure that choice actually reflects in the narrative and isn't just some superficial add-on.
So, yeah. From a creative standpoint alone, big influence!
As for process and the other, more tangible aspects of things, the most significant impact comes from my timeline. Specifically, that a realistically doable timeline will be a loooot longer for me than for someone who is able-bodied. I do my best to be mindful of my health, remind myself that it's okay to take my time, and try to set small goals for myself as I go along. And I think that's actually the best advice I could offer to anyone pursuing something similar. Remember to be kind to yourself, that it's not a race or competition, and it's okay to go slow if you need to. Baby steps are still steps, after all!
Q5. What's an accessibility issue you see glazed over a lot in IF? and what accessibility features would you like to see implemented more in IF?
One of the significant hurdles I've been thinking about is platform support for screenreaders. Some IF engines support them natively, others don't, and some would, but the way the game host presents the finished product breaks things. It would be wonderful to get native support across the board and get web hosts to stop using code that breaks that support.
Also, I would love to continue seeing tutorials & advice by IF devs about coding and designing IFs. I know that might not immediately seem like an accessibility thing. Still, code can be hard to grasp, and coding tutorials are often written in jargon or assume that someone already knows the basics. The tutorials and advice I've seen other IF devs post approach these topics in much easier-to-understand language and from a practical application standpoint, making the concepts much easier to grasp. And I just think that's super cool and helpful for anyone struggling to understand stuff.
Q6. What is something you'd love to see in interactive fiction?
I thought about this for a while and kept coming back to the same point, so I'm just going to go with it: at the extreme risk of painting a target on my back, I am going to say that I would really love to see more critical thinking, understanding, and kindness in the IF community. I don't believe it to be a problem in the majority by any means, but even so, it seems there's new drama or hate messages being sent every week. So I just think it would, you know, be nice if we could all be a little kinder to each other? Maybe? ...Please???
Q7. Any advice to give to aspiring devs?
Before anyone else, make sure you are creating for yourself. And, above all, remember to be kind to yourself along the way.
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