#promare fanfiction
Warm Blanket by surveycorpsjean
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spend some time with me (i really like your company) by fencer_x
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Come On, Baby, Light My Fire by SerotoninShift
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The First Day of the Rest of Your Life by JJsADragon
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Trails of Fire (and Where They Lead) by fencer_x
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notebookpapers · 6 months
Fandom: Promare (2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos 💖💙 Series: Part 3 of GaloLio Week 2023 <3
Galo licks his lips. Lio’s eyes flicker down to his.
No, no, he can’t kiss him yet. He can’t let himself lose his nerve by getting caught up in this.
He heaves in a shaking breath. Licks his lips again.
“I have a question for you.”
Or: it’s Galo & Lio’s anniversary date, and someone has a very important question to ask.
Written for Day 3 of @galolio-week - Rings!! ✨💍✨
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thirdleaflogic · 11 months
Fanfiction Commissions Now Available!
Here’s what you can expect from me! If I haven’t covered all my bases, I’ll update this post or future posts as things are brought to my attention. Currently offering 3 commission slots each month.
·       Genshin Impact
·       Honkai Star Rail
·       Natsume Yuujinchou
·       Spiderverse (movies only)
·       Promare
·       Fullmetal Alchemist
·       Yuri!! On Ice
-Conditional Fandoms-
·       My Hero Academia (Only AUs or up to Overhaul arc)
·       Marvel Avengers (Tom Holland’s) Spiderman (I can also do Iron Dad and Spider Son, but am minimally familiar with other Avengers)
·       BTS (Absolutely nothing E-rated, and I’m selective about what I’ll write for RPF)
 -Fic Options and Pricing-
·       1000-1500 words - $10
·       1500-2000 words - $15
·       2000-2500 words - $20
·       2500-3000 words - $25
·       3000-3500 words - $30
·       3500-4000 words - $35
·       4000-4500 words - $40
This is the max wordcount I will be offering for original prompts for now.
·       Request an existing WIP to be expedited – Varies depending on average word count and work already finished, probably between $30-$60.
 -Things I Will Not Write-
Under any circumstance-
·       Explicit rape
·       Any romanticized, sexual non/dubious consent
·       If it’s not safe and sane, it’s a no-go
·       Underage
After discussion-
·       Non-explicit non/dubious consent (rape recovery, for example)
·       Kinks
·       Gore/torture
·       Major character death
·       Hurt no comfort
·       Major age gap/difference
·       Smut
If you would like to commission a piece, you can message me directly on Tumblr (messaging is public) or, if that’s not available to you, I can also be contacted at [email protected].
After reading your prompt/request, I may ask to message back and forth about details, modifications, or anything else that could inspire me (and thus get the fic written faster!). I also reserve the right to reject any project if necessary. After accepting, I will take no more than three days to brainstorm and write a rough outline or paragraph or two of the request (for non-WIPs). This will be sent to you, and if you approve it, I will ask for the entire payment upfront, as well as confirm a deadline.
Once the fic is finished, it will be posted to my Ao3, and you’ll have to option to include your username in the “For” section or not.
Just Ko-fi for now: https://ko-fi.com/winterlogic49067
 Thank you to everyone for supporting me in this venture!
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fallintosanity · 5 days
Curious to hear about this promare fic you are definitely not writing :3
Oh god this is one of those fics where I wish we had brain-to-page technology, because it appeared almost fully-formed in my head after like the second or third time I watched Promare. XD
I haven't actually written anything for it (true to the doc title I suppose XD ) but I can give you the synopsis / book-cover blurb! (Under a readmore for length, whoops)
WIP ask meme!
The fic starts the day after the movie ends, with Lio, Meis, and Guiera working through the immediate aftermath of the Parnassus incident. While some of the (now ex-)Burnish survivors were able to return to their old homes and families, thousands more have nowhere to go - and are collectively turning to Lio to lead them. At least for now, they're being allowed to stay in the Parnassus's passenger rooms, but Lio and his lieutenants know that can't last.
Galo, meanwhile, is dealing with the aftermath on the government side, where he's being hailed as a hero - and therefore expected to be In Charge Of Things along with the Burning Rescue team and their few allies in what remains of the government. He tries to use his new influence to help the Burnish, but it's clear that no matter how many times they remind people that the Burnish were Kray's victims, public sentiment still blames and shuns the Burnish for the destruction wrought by the Parnassus.
Tensions are escalating fast, and within days the Burnish survivors-turned-refugees are all but locked up on the Parnassus under heavy armed guard. Galo promises Lio that the guards are only there to protect the Burnish from angry mobs - but to the Burnish, the ship is just another prison.
Then, little more than a week after the Parnassus incident, Galo wakes up to shocking news: every single one of the Burnish refugees on the ship has vanished. And it's clear they intend neither to return nor to be found; they took all the supplies and equipment Kray's crew had stocked for settling a new planet. But to Galo, the worst part is that almost everyone in the city is happy about it - happy to let "those freaks" go to die in the empty wilderness and leave the "real humans" in peace.
Galo can't just let Lio disappear like that, and spends the next few months tracking the Burnish refugees to their new home. But to his frustration, Meis and Guiera refuse to let him see Lio, claiming he's away from the Burnish city and won't be back any time soon. Finally Galo manages to sneak past them into Lio's bedroom - where he finds Lio unconscious and horribly ill. Galo leaves without waking him and goes to demand answers from Meis and Guiera.
Guiera reluctantly admits that Lio is dying, and all three Mad Burnish knew it since the day after the Parnassus crashed. Meis explains that Lio is "Burnish-born": both his parents were Burnish when he was conceived, and he's been Burnish since birth. It's why he's so much more powerful than the other Burnish, but it also means his body is adapted to the Promare so thoroughly that he can't survive without them. Since his Promare returned to the alternate dimension with all the others, Lio probably only has a few months to live, if that.
Galo is horrified - but as Meis and Guiera point out, the Promare are gone. There's nothing Galo can do for Lio, except to let him spend his last days in peace and safety, surrounded by the Burnish he sacrificed everything for. But Galo has never cared whether something is impossible. No matter what he has to do, no matter how far he has to go...
He won't let Lio die.
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its-no-wonder · 3 months
Fighting Fair
Aina, however, did not relax. She had also released her impulsive anger, but she was still worked-up. She knew now that they knew. That much was clear. The seal on Pandora’s Box was already broken at this point; might as well fling it open.
“Well,” she began casually. “If we’re not talking about anything anymore, perhaps you can settle a curiosity of mine.” She closed her eyes and nodded to herself, pleased at her own words. “Completely unrelated, of course.” 
“Or we can work in completely unrelated silence,” Meis offered flatly.
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cjs-51703 · 5 months
I finished it! And it's helped me get back into writing fanfictions once again. I will return on AO3 with more works in different fandoms in the new year.
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blackfeatherdragon · 5 months
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (Anime & Manga), Promare (2019) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Mutou Yuugi, Jounouchi Katsuya | Joey Wheeler, Bakura Ryou, Otogi Ryuuji | Duke Devlin, Honda Hiroto | Tristan Taylor, Mazaki Anzu | Tea Gardner, Kujaku Mai | Mai Valentine, Kaiba Mokuba, Bakura Ryou's Father, Yami Bakura, Promare (Promare), Original Characters Additional Tags: burnish au, burnish solidarity, anti-burnish prejudice, albino bakura ryou, bakudad's a+ parenting Summary:
Three thousand years ago, the Millennium Items were created, setting off a struggle between Pharaoh Atem and Thief King Bakura that would not be truly settled for thousands of years.
Thirty years ago, a subset of people abruptly started gaining the ability to create and control fire, setting off a struggle for the newly minted 'Burnish' to be truly accepted in society.
Less than ten years ago, Maximillion Pegasus took inspiration from Ancient Egyptian games to create a card game known as Duel Monsters, while the Millennium Items started finding their way to their destined holders, reigniting that three thousand year old struggle.
(A collection of short stories set in a version of the YGO world where the Burnish from Promare exist.)
Chapter 4 is up! Almost 9000 words of Ryou whump!
(Also available on FF.net and Squidgeworld!)
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promare-ao3feed · 1 year
by Suzzz
“I swear on my honor as a Burnish, we will not harm you. We will release you immediately outside.”
Her fingers shook. “Your honor. As a Burnish.”
What if Lio led the Mad Burnish not only to leave escape routes, but also to pull people from burning buildings? How is Burning Rescue 3 supposed to cope with this?
Galolio endgame, though I deeply enjoy writing gen so there will be plenty of that.
Words: 670, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Promare (2019)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Lio Fotia, Meis (Promare), Gueira (Promare)
Relationships: Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, characters to be added as they appear, Action & Romance, Alternate Universe, the promare are alive and i love them dearly, Mad Burnish (Promare), Burning Rescue (Promare), Other Additional Tags to Be Added
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kaatyr-ao3 · 11 months
Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None Genre: Alternate Universe
Summary: Lio can’t tell his friends why he ditches them every Saturday to spend the day at the beach. It’s not because he needs a respite from the steamy summer heat.
Written for Day 2 of the Promare Blazing Summer Fever 2023.
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matoitech · 1 year
awakened the beast of terrible things i saw more commonly abt promare when it first came out that i forgot till now but all i can say to that is well at least i dont see that shit around anymore bcuz the fandom ppl you’d expect 2 rub their homophobic fucked up little hands over new canon gay anime men of the month moved on to more recent things and thank GOD. galo and lio need a fucking break. and me too as a real life person
#im someone who intentionally stayed VERY far away from Promare Fandom stuff too#for many reasons but the main one was i liked it too much to want to see what the voltron fandom moms hot takes were#i read that shit from a mile away movie w gay anime guys gets popular and u r a gay real life guy u do not get near the fandom#u find ur own little group of guys and hang out and do not look over there#and i still saw so much. and i was trying very hard 2 not know what was going on#i stayed away from fandom stuff anyway but w prmare was like my final im not even going to look up fanfiction 4 this one#LIKE I DO GENUINELY RLY LOVE SEEING FAN CONTENT WHEN ITS NORMAL JUST. IT WAS ONE OF THOSE THINGS#U JUST KNEW PPL WERENT GOING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT.#and they were not. read correctly unfortunately. with my bi guy autistic transgender etc senses#AND THIS IS JUST HOMOPHOBIA THIS ISNT EVERYTHING FUCKING ELSE LIKE. GALO BEING AN CANON AUTIST. GOOD FUCKING LORD#THE ABLEISM WAS AT THE SAME LEVEL IF NOT WORSE THAN THE HOMOPHOBIA#esp bcuz it was coming from like allistic lgbt ppl so like#there was the factor of even the self proclaimed 'normal' ppl not even REMOTELY being normal abt THAT part of galos character#there was a lot of lower level stuff but there was also some of the most upsetting completely fucking insane bullshit#you have literallyy ever seen#like u were just seeing allistics just blatantly share their evil little thoughts w the world and project them on2 lio#and u thought oh so thats how u justify how u treat us to urself
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resisteverything · 11 months
My concept for a promare anime following the movie, part 1.
They’re rebuilding the city, a few days after the incident, and stuff and Galo is happily taking part. This is how it starts. Action sequence where he’s saving people from a collapsing building, and Lio is sort of off.
After the fight though he is hanging out with Lio and things aren’t right. Lio has some of his passion back when he holds a march related to the former burnish and their rights as citizens, because there are still issues with how they’re treated in spite of the ending. Galo is also judged my counter-protesters at this march because he had some of Lio’s fire once. They fearmonger about the return of the promare and the potential apocalypse caused by it.
After the end of the march he tries to cheer Lio up with something Lio likes, and he’s not quite the same. Galo eventually asks what’s wrong with him, and he sings a calm sad song about the life of a candle boy, and how since he’s melting when lit, he was born knowing of his eventual death when his fire goes out. He explains that this is a song for the burnish, but now it’s a song for no one since the burnish are no more.
He reveals that with his promare gone he feels like a part of him is missing, and he fought for a place in this world as a burnish, and now they’re gone.
Galo tríes to comfort him but can’t find a way to navigate this whole thing. So he goes to buy him something nice from a gift shop or something. And when he goes to get something, he finds a random burnish flame. It is drawn to him. He is shocked about it but sees some guys from the counter-protest hunting for the flame and keeps its secret.
He then hears sirens go off and an announcement that promare has been found in the place or whatever, and Galo hides under a counter, and when found out he has a moment where he sees the flame give him a look that reminds him of lio. He then tenderly kisses the flame, specifically so he can suck it into his being. No one thinks to check him because they're looking for a burnish.
So he tries to get to Lio, but Lio is gone from where he is because he's mad that Galo left. He goes looking for him, meanwhile he is cornered and alone near the mob. Without his Promare he gets to demonstrate his combat abilities and agility, fighting them off and getting away from the scene.
Meanwhile Galo is asking around for Lio and has no leads, until his search is interrupted by a big dumb mech machine designed by a group designated to claim Promare. The episode ends here.
I'll make part 2 soon.
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notebookpapers · 5 months
Promare fans!! Sk8 fans!! May i pitch to you my latest crossover fic:
What if Burning Rescue and Mad Burnish were rival skating groups at S?? What if Aina was the cute rollerblading girl all us Sk8 fans always wanted??? What if Galo and Lio mirrored matchablossom, keeping up the face of “friendly rivals” with always just a little too much sexual tension for them to be just friends????
May I present: (more than) friendly rivals on Ao3!!
Shameless self promo but pls give this fic a chance I’m so proud of it & not many folks have read it 🥺🥺
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newwwwusername · 1 year
Fanfic requests OPEN for the following anime!!
I will write : Hurt/comfort, fluff, songfics, sickfics, AUs, canon divergence, any other trope or headcanon (so long as it doesn't go against the list of what I won't write), any ship (so long as it doesn't go against the list of what I won't write)
I won't write : Smut or fetish works, pedophilia (under 18 x over 18), incest (including adopted family and step family), beastiality (sentient/human x non-sentient/animal), necrophilia (alive x dead- not undead), OCs, crossovers, Y/N (character x reader), explicit depictions of suicide or self harm, explicit depictions of rape or noncon, drowning (personal trigger), werewolves (personal trigger)
Notes : I do not guarantee I will write every request I get. Sometimes requests will just not click with me, and sometimes I don’t feel qualified to fulfill it. I will try to write as many as I can, though ; Feel free to specify any headcanons you want. Keep in mind that, unless explicitly stated that you don't want them, other headcanons (usually trans or Autistic headcanons) may be shoved in without you asking
I will write fanfiction (oneshot or multi-chapter) request for the following anime fandoms : - Tenchi Universe - Promare - Death Note (the first half) - Trigun Stampede - Belle - Suzume - Sonic the Hedgehog : The Movie (1996)
Where to submit requests : - My ask box here on Tumblr - My Google Form - My forum - My prompts collection on AO3
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cldjendis66 · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Promare (2019) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Lio Fotia/Galo Thymos Characters: Lio Fotia, Galo Thymos Additional Tags: Communication is Sexy, Character Study, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon Summary:
Lio debates putting away the hairdryer and acting like he isn’t having a crisis, but he quickly realizes how pointless that’d be once Galo sees the state of his hair, so he stays quiet and accepts his fate of being found. It isn’t long before a familiar head of blue hair peeks into the doorway with a wide grin. “There you are! I thought you were lost in another book—what are you doing, Lio?”
He shakes the hairdryer, “Wishing I could set this thing on fire.”
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its-no-wonder · 4 months
44 Reasons
Meis and Gueira, after searching frantically around the (approximately) three spots in Promepolis they thought he would retreat to, found Lio back in the new lodgings at the shelters. He sat at yet another shabby table they had managed to procure, papers strew out in front of him, untouched since this morning. His hands were bridged in front of him, concealing the whatever displeased form his mouth had twisted into that his darkened eyes refused to hide. He stared them down as they entered the room, gaze more than likely having been locked on the front door since he returned, clearly expecting their burst-in arrival, though he did not look impatient.
Just virulently angry.
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cjs-51703 · 6 months
🎉 Happy Galolio Week, everyone! I have been working on this for the past month or so when I haven't been busy with finals. I have 6 out of 7 completed currently, so I'll post each chapter as the week goes on.
Hope you enjoy :)
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