#prop money replica
damienn · 10 days
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Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in buying one of these first blade replicas or a keychain version if I were to make more and sell them. They are 3d printed and hand assembled, sanded and painted by me. Honestly I'm broke as hell rn and don't really have the time/ability to reliably get a decent job right now due to other commitments but I do have time to mess around with art in the quiet hours of the night 😛
I think at most I'd probably charge 45 for the life sized plus shipping and maybe 10-15 plus shipping for the keychains just because of filament, paint, sandpaper costs ect. Plus it takes about 16 hours to print one, and that's if it works out completely the first try.
If anyone thinks that would be something they are interested in, just let me know, as well as if you have any questions or comments on the pricing or anything else. I'm aware they aren't perfect but I thought I might as well try lol
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propmone · 5 months
Play Money
Are you trying to find realistic and high-quality play money for your movies? You only need to check out Play Movie Money! Any scene gains authenticity with our painstakingly created prop money. With our play money, you can now enjoy the pinnacle of cinematic magic.
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fanonical · 1 year
by the way, if anybody following me is interested in cosplay, making prop replicas, sewing their own clothes etc then you should definitely check out this Humble Bundle of how-to-cosplay books
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it has basically everything a cosplayer (or somebody adjacent to costuming) might want, and then some -- i'm talking sewing, fitting, making foam armours, wig styling, smocking, tailoring, etc etc etc there's seriously loads of different books, and it's at a pay-what-you-want rate, PLUS it helps to support myself & charity (you can even choose where your money goes)
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the bundle is only on sale until the 18th of May 2023 so get it while you can & signal boost so other cosplayers & costumers can see!!!
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Bruce Wayne x BatMom!
Title: Annabelle
Warnings: NONE
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Bruce held your hand as he helped you down the stairs so you wouldn’t trip in your dress. Before you guys even got to the front door, the sound of the boys bickering caught your attention. “Mom said we can’t watch it.” Tim said as you and Bruce quietly rounded the corner. “Why not?” Jason asked, and Damian sighed.
“Because her mom tells her, that ‘we need to shield thine eyes’…” Damian says, and you watched him roll his eyes and Dick chuckled. “Why do you guys even want to watch it? Not like you guys will sit down and finish them all.” He says and Jason tossed the remote on the couch. “Let’s just watch it while they’re gone. They won’t even know.” He said and you and Bruce shared a glance at each other. “Okay, so all of the Annabelle movies, tonight?” They all look at each other and nod, “Okay then, let’s do it!” Jason says as Damian walked over to turn off the lights.
You acted like you just walked into the room, “Alright boys. Your father and I are leaving. Don’t wait up.” You say as Bruce raised an eyebrow. He helped you put on your jacket, “Be good. If you boys plan on staying up and watching movies, please go to the movie room. I have a meeting in this room tomorrow for the annual Wayne gala.” You say and Damian shut the TV off, and they all gave you a hug before walking towards the movie room.
“What movies are you guys going to watch?” Bruce asked the boys and they all looked at Jason for an answer. “Uh… We’re thinking the Lord of the Rings movies… so we better get a head start!” Jason says and they all rushed down the hall.
Bruce looked over at you, “So they’re watching the movies you tell them not to watch…. What are you going to do?” He asked and a smile spread across your face. “I have an idea.”
Instead of going to the gala, you and Bruce went to the local Halloween store. The kid behind the counter was clearly stoned, and you approached him. “Woah, like, are you guys dressing up for Halloween early or something?” he asked, and you smirked.
“Something like that kid. Now---” you looked at the guys name tag, “Uh, Steven, I need your help. I need to scare the crap out of my kids before the night is over.” you say, as Bruce waltzed around the store picking up random objects.
“Sure, lady. What did you have in mind?” he asked.
“Well, my kids are watching that Annabelle movie. So, do you happen to have that creepy little doll lying around?” you asked, and Steven looked around the store to see if anyone was around.
He leaned toward you, and he began to talk in a hushed voice. “No, but I got this guy, who can hook you up with an exact replica of that movie prop. I can give him a call if you want.” he said, and you grinned.
“Yeah, that would work perfectly. Can he be here in the next fifteen minutes?” you asked, and Steven nodded.
“Just slip me a hundred with another item, and I can give him a call right now.” he bargained, and you gasped.
“A hundred dollars for a damn doll?” 
Steven smirked, “Well a man’s got to have money for a smoke, dude. Well, dudette. Is it a deal or not?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes. “Fine. Fine. Call your friend and have him bring that doll within the next ten minutes.” you say with a finger pointed at the shaggy haired man.
Bruce pushed an item across the counter, “Just add this to the bill.” he said, and you looked at Bruce with an eyebrow raised. “Really, Bruce?” you say as you lifted the silver handcuffs in the air.
“What? Might as well. It’s two days before Halloween. These are good quality and on sale.” he said, and you elbowed him in the ribs. When Steven came back to the counter, he smiled. “Alright dude and dudette, my guy will be outside in a silver car. And that will be... $105. That is including those- woah! Handcuffs? Kinky...” he said, and you rolled your eyes as Bruce handed him the money.
“Have a nice night! And good luck scaring your kids!” he said as Bruce opened the store’s door for you.
“This doll better be worth it.” You say as you approached the silver car. The tinted windows rolled down, “You the dude and dudette my buddy Steven was talking about?” 
To yours and Bruce’s surprise, a boy, who looked to be ten years old, was sitting in the passenger seat, with an old lady in the driver’s seat. “Um, yeah?” you say as you look over at Bruce, and he shrugged his shoulders.
“Here’s the doll. It’s mint condition, and it is also said to be haunted.” the boy said, and you pulled out your wallet and handed the kid a fifty. “Yeah, yeah haunted, whatever. Thanks for the doll.” you say as you took the ugly porcelain doll in your hand.
“This night keeps getting weirder and weirder.” Bruce said as he helped you back into your car. You handed the doll to Bruce, “I don’t want this.” he said as he handed it back to you.
“Well, I don’t want to hold it. Throw it in the back or something.” you shoved the doll back at Bruce and he held it up by its arm. He flung it in the backseat, “That thing is creepy.”
When you and Bruce got to the manor, the two of you had to sneak in through the house. Sure enough, you could hear the sound of screaming coming from the movie room.
You led Bruce to his study, “Okay, here is the plan, you will go to the breaker box and turn off the electricity to the entire house. I will put the doll in front of the breaker box, and when they start panicking, we will conveniently walk through the front door.” you say in a hushed tone. “Then when they find the doll, they will make us go turn the power back on. But when we go, the doll won’t be there.” you explained and Bruce caught on, and he grabbed your hips and pulled you to him.
“This is why I love you, you’re good at making plans, and scaring the kids.” he said, and you chuckled.
The plan was set into motion, you sat the doll directly in front of the breaker box that was down in the basement part of the house. Bruce quickly flipped all of the switches to off, and the two of you made a b-line up the stairs and towards the front door. 
Tim shouted: “OH MY GOD. WHAT’S HAPPENING?” 
Damian’s voice was rational, “Power outage, dingus.” he said, and Dick laughed. “Just go check the breaker.” 
“I’m not going to check it. This was Jason’s idea to watch these movies, make him go do it.” Tim said, and Jason scoffed and turned the flashlight on his phone. “Why? Are you guys chickens?” 
“I am the oldest, therefore, one of you have to do it.” Dick said and Jason chuckled. 
“Alright. Fine, I will go to save the day. That is why I was the best Robin.” he said as he left the room, and all of the boys followed after him. When they got to the basement door, they all stood around it and shared a glance at each other.
“Go on Jason. You are the best Robin after all. Don’t chicken out now.” Damian said as he shoved Jason towards the door. Jason gulped as he opened the door, “Yeah, whatever. If you guys aren’t chickens, you’ll come too.” he said as he made his descent down the stairs.
All of the brothers followed Jason down the stairs and when they rounded the corner towards the breaker box, Jason tripped backwards and fell on top of Damian. “GET OFF ME!” Damian yelled as he pushed Jason off of him.
Jason pointed with his right-hand gasping for air, and when all of their eyes seen the porcelain doll, they all screamed and tried to run. But they kept bumping into each other, trying to go up the stairs.
Just like you and Bruce had planned, you opened the front door once they bounded up the stairs. “Huh, I wonder what happened to the lights.... Boys? Boys are you home?” you called out and the boys tripped over each other, landing at yours and Bruce’s feet. 
“What is going on?” Bruce asked and the boys were panting.
“It’s Annabelle!”
“In the basement!”
Everyone’s words were jumbled and you and Bruce looked at each other. You helped Damian and Tim up off the floor, “Mom, I swear, it was Jason’s idea. I told them you told us to shield thine eyes.” Damian said as he held onto your waist and you pulled him into a hug.
“Honey, what are you talking about? What happened to the power?” you asked, and Tim hid behind you. “Jason made us watch Annabelle and then the power went out and we sent Jason down there to flip the breaker back on and the doll is in there.” Tim said quickly without a pause
“I told you guys not to watch those movies! Now you guys are paranoid.” you said in a stern voice. Bruce shook his head, “This is ridiculous. I am going to flip the breaker switch back on.” 
“No father, no! That doll is EVIL! You can’t go down there!” Damian said and everyone turned to him. “I mean uh, yeah, sure, whatever you think, father.” he said, as he cleared his voice.
Bruce placed both of his hands on Damian’s shoulders, “It’s okay son. I’m Batman.” he said as he walked to the basement and went down the stairs. You stayed upstairs with the boys, and when the lights flicked back on, the boys ran down to the basement.
“What happened to the doll!?” Tim panicked, and the boy started to search frantically. You placed your hands on Jason’s and Dick’s forehead, “Are you sure you guys aren’t sick?” you asked, and the boys shook their head.
“Look, you guys are just paranoid. Go to bed.” You said as you gestured them towards the stairs. You lifted the hem of your dress and followed them up the stairs.
Bruce handed you the doll, and you smiled. “I think that went well. You think they will watch scary movies again?” You asked Bruce, and he chuckled. “No, but I am sure they’re going to be checking underneath their beds for a while.” 
You tossed the doll in the garbage can outside the garage and went up to the master bedroom. Bruce joined you in the shower which resulted in an even longer shower.
When you and Bruce climbed into bed, you heard a scream come from Damian’s room. “THE DOLL! THE DOLL! HELP!” 
Bruce and you jumped out of bed and ran to the hall as the sound of stomping down the stairs echoed. Alfred came out of the hall closet with a grin, and both you and Bruce stared at him. “What? That boy tortures me all year round. This is the one time a year, I can scare him.” he said as he fixed his bow tie and walked down the stairs.
Looking at Bruce, he shook his head. “Happy Halloween from the Wayne’s, I guess.” he said as he walked back into the bedroom, and you followed behind.
Thank you for reading and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!
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HCs for a lazy day at Lemon and Tangerine’s place
readers name is Tabasco
🍊🌶 🍋
A/N: Good evening or morning…it’s almost 3am. Here is some different random stuff that just came to mind ! I’ll probably do more of these!
Hope you enjoy🍊🧡
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- Lemon likes to draw in his free time because at some point in his past he tried to make money with art replicas
- Tangerine does not own “lazy” clothes
- They have classical tunes playing on a record player 24/7
- Lemon makes drinks , Tabasco bakes , Tangerine cooks that’s an unwritten rule
- Lemon prefers white wine , Tangerine red wine
- Tabasco occasionally repairs Tangerine’s suits
- Lemon snores
- Tangerine doesn’t but he sometimes talks in his sleep , always in different languages tho
- They always have a full box of Tabasco’s favourite tea ready
- Tabasco always brings something when she visits. Magically knowing EXACTLY what the brothers need
- All three of them collectively hate board games
- Because this one time they tried to play Monopoly, Tangerine ended up throwing the game out of the window , aiming at it with his gun,yelling at it to “never come back into his life”
- Lemon has the most comfortable armchair where he likes to read in
- He also wears glasses for that
- Tabasco has a designated spot on the couch right by the window because she likes to sit there and watch the stars at night
- Tangerine is almost always pacing
- If he is too exhausted tho his spot is on the other end of the couch, feet propped up on Lemon’s armrest
- Occasionally kicking his book
- One time when planning a mission which would take place at a gala the three of them had a fight about if Tangerine is a good dancer so he ended up aggressively pulling Tabasco in his arms and dancing with her to Por una Cabeza
- Turns out Tangerine is a phenomenal dancer
- Lemon fully knew that , he just took part in the argument for entertainment
- Whenever they plan missions all of them sit on the floor
- Lemon and Tabasco like to solve crossword puzzles together
-the heater is broken so they have a ton of blankets
- They watch reality/trash tv together, getting way too much into it
- Lemon listens to Thomas the Tank Engine audiobooks when going to bed
- Tabasco is a night owl , if she stays over before missions Tangerine and her just sit together watching the stars , listening to the noise of the city (and Lemon’s audiobook faintly in the background)
- Til Tangerine decides to go to bed
- An hour later he comes back claiming cause he needs some water (in reality he couldn’t sleep knowing that Tabasco is still awake)
- 100% will try to force Tabasco to go to sleep if necessary
- If she can’t sleep because her mind keeps her busy he will watch weird documentaries with her , eating cereal at 3am
- Tangerine 10/10 has a dressing gown and a headband he wears when cooking
- Lemon definitely has fuzzy socks or plush slippers
-They always loose things in their own home and Tabasco finds them in like a minute
- “What do you mean my brass knuckles were over there ? i’ve searched them for YEARS.”
-The brothers avoid the neighbours at all costs
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spud-dud · 2 years
Have you heard the news about Thomas?
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No, that's not from the original show, and neither is this:
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Some wonderful people over on twitter have spent the last two years (and a lot of money) creating a brand new model Thomas episode (for the first time in 15 years, I might add) using replicas of the original props, camera equipment accurate to the kinds used on the show, an entire sound stage,and more!
Link to the announcement and trailer here
It's premiering on the 26th, in person at the Great Train Show in Edison, NJ and on youtube.
I have had nothing to do with this project btw, I just felt like sharing this around.
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komakesthings · 2 months
Hey folks, I know it's been a hot minute since I've posted a prop replica to Tumblr, but someone let me know that some of my images have been stolen and are being used on one of those scam sites that are taking over the internet. Please be aware that I do not sell any of the props I make (And if I ever did, I certainly would be charging a lot more than 50 bucks for it, considering my props take countless hours to make).
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I have no actual affiliation with this site, and would recommend everyone avoid it... I seriously doubt you'd get anything resembling the prop I made in return for your hard-earned money.
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randomrabbidramblings · 9 months
Some updated headcanons for Phantom as for after Rayman in the Phantom Show
Phantom's power is fueled by attention: the more people know him the more power he gets. It's not important if the people love or hate him, the main thing is people knowing about his existance. If at the center of attention his power will be at its max. He can lose power if enough people forget about him, but since he's so famous, this will not come true very soon. This is partly the reason of his late stunts that will not make people forget about him easily (leaving Bea for one of her dancers, challenging her at a singing contest, his concert and telethon at the Space Opera Network...) and also the reason why he seems so desperate to find a significant other, so he will always have at least a person keeping him in their memory. Poor guy's terrified of being forgotten.
At the Galaxy music Awards where he ruined his voice, it was his grammophone that got the most damage, not his actual voice and while this eventually healed itself, the grammophone was irreparably damaged. He chose to switch it with another one, but he had to re-learn how to sing to "tune" it to his voice. This took months of continuous practice. The first time he ever used his new grammophone properly was at the Space Opera Network's concert before going ham with it at his telethon. He stored his old one in a chest with some scene props he keeps as memories.
His control room is in art déco style because all those lines reminds him of a staff.
Yes, restoring that lift is where he spent a lot of the money he got from that live telethon. No, he doesn't regret it one bit.
Phantom wanted to redecorate all of the studios because the golden and green color palette wasn't of his taste. When he saw how much he spent in repairing the studio's lift, he sheepishly commented how much he loved gold and green anyway.
Phantom's changing room is in a secluded area of the studios. He keeps it locked all times, as he can just teleport into it to enter. It quickly became object of rumors: some of the Network's workers say they've seen a wall of photos inside, some of them depicting Phantom's best concerts and some say he seems to keep a picture of Bea despite everything. This room was off limits to everyone, including Woodrow who wasn't made aware about it until very late into therir relationship. To this day, Woodrow seems to be the only one that entered there, besides Phantom.
[This is the more in-canon headcanon. He doesn't personally know Woodrow in this one] In his control room Phantom does all the paperwork too. Lately, he collected a considerable amount of neatly stacked letters on a tiny table next to his awards. They're all from the same sender, a certain Bell Chur from Palette Prime and they mostly contain limericks and some occasional ordinary chat. For some reason Phantom then suddenly moved them all to his private room. He also ordered all the letters from this mysterious sender to be sent to his personal mailbox.
Inside the studios, in a unusued set, Phantom had a little replica of the main areas of Spooky Trails built. Madame Bwahstrella asked if she could open one of her business' branches there, but Phantom firmly refused. The area seems just a pointless decoration, but workers say you can hear him gloomily sing in there at night sometimes.
Phantom got a taste of his own medicine when the dancer he left Bea for suddenly broke up him with little explanations.
Bea stung him on the butt after he left her. She tracked him and found him just as her backup dancer left him. Like ten minutes after. He tried to explain, but she wouldn't hear no reasons and stung him. He couldn't sit for a week.
While pretty much everything he said to the Heroes during his introduction was a lie, in their last meeting in Spooky Trails, he really was under the influence of the Megabug, at least partially. The corruption (seen as those squared purple particles he emitted) forced him to battle against the Heroes, even against Peach, to protect it.
Phantom periodically appears in all of the Space Opera Network productions. Even when he's not involved. He'd just pop in, disrupting the pace of the show and casually take over it for a few minutes. The studios' video editors always try to cut those moments in post production, if Phantom isn't supervising.
He designes his outfits himself. His white outfit gave him the most problems. It went through a lot of iterations, all of them had to be made by a tailor so Phantom could evaluate it better. At a point it was this very elegant white and blue outfit, but Phantom had the best idea ever just after the tailor showed him the finished product. Cover it with paillettes and reflective polka dots. He had to hire a new tailor.
His metal outfit on the other hand came right from Spooky Trails. He had this idea to make a metal diss track to Mario, but eventually gave up due to the old theater not being equipped for such an event. He brought it back to roast Rayman and he even tought about getting a microphone and louspeakers to complete the act. He reconsidered it after he remembered that time he tried to speak in one of the studio's microphones and blowed up half of the audio equipment.
He still smells like an old closet when he's not wearing a fancy expensive perfume.
Phantom's quite the skilled transformist. He can change his clothes, hair and makeup in seconds. This sometimes involves him teleporting away and returning back to his spot like when he has to grab his guitar. To make things quicker (or to make more of a scene, go figure) he often smashes the glass case where the guitar is instead of opening it.
[Can you tell Phantom's really annoying to deal with? Even without a clear backstory, there's enough material between what we are told about and the environmental storytelling to assume his canon story and to make loads of heacanons.]
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viceroywrites · 2 months
reunions and opportunities - chapter two
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gary x fem!reader
both of you didn't get the ideal high school experience it would make sense that you both would be dreading the reunion.
little did you know how many doors would open after that.
ao3 version here - chapters on tumblr are slightly rewritten and restructured.
content warning: fic contains smut in later chapters. discussions of mental health including trauma and potential ptsd (aka gary is traumatized).
chapter two
A few hours had passed since Gary had brought you two to a small diner a few minutes away from your old high school and you two had been hitting off, discussing comics, cracking jokes, and just enjoying each other’s company. 
“Wait, you dropped your entire first paycheck on a replica of the Lord of the Rings sword?” You chuckled as you stirred around the little bit of milkshake you had left. He laughed along with you, putting his hands up, “Okay, in my defense, I was going through a very passionate Lord of the Rings phase and it was my own money okay!” 
You giggled, your elbows propped up on the table as you intertwine your fingers before propping your chin atop them. “That must’ve been a huge chunk of money then you got to afford a pretty accurate replica of that. What do you do for living?”
Gary froze quickly as he was sipping on his soda when you asked that question. ‘Shit. She can’t know about me being a henchman… she’ll probably think I’m bat shit crazy or be weirded out a bit. Fuck but I can’t lie to her… okay, dude. You just gotta embellish a little… stretch the truth.’ He thought to himself.
You blinked as he froze for quite a while and leaned over the table, waving a hand in front of his face, “Hello? Earth to Gary?” you teased. He quickly snapped out of it and nervously chuckled, scratching the back of his neck, “S-Sorry about that, spaced out for a bit there.”
“W-Well, it’s kind of hard to explain my job, I guess. I kinda do odd jobs and favors for this guy who is a part of this powerful company.” Gary stuttered out, trying to figure out how to even explain what he did for the Monarch. 
‘I mean… it isn’t a lie… the Monarch makes me do stuff like reconnaissance to watching Game of Thrones with him… plus the Guild is a powerful organization in a sense… well, it was, not so sure about now.’ He thought to himself, cursing a bit for not thinking up a better explanation or just saying he still worked for the Atomic Comic Collection Connection.
Your eyebrows rose a bit at his job description but you figured it wasn’t the weirdest thing you’d heard someone do for a career. You smiled and put your hand on top of his, making his face heat up visibly. You giggled and smiled, “So pretty much like a personal assistant, right? My new job is kinda like that too so I get it.”
He let out a sigh of relief and smiled, his expression softening at your touch. His eyes glanced over at the clock, seeing it read: 3 AM. ‘Shit, I have to go early morning reconnaissance with the Monarch tomorrow..’ he thought. You noticed his reaction and chuckled, “Getting past your bedtime I’m guessing?” you tease.
Gary grins sheepishly and nods, “Yeah, sorry about that.” You shake your head and chuckle, “No, no, it’s fine. I start my first day of work tomorrow anyway so I should head out too. Walk me out?” You stand up and grab your coat, beckoning for Gary to follow you.
He quickly gets up, following you out with a grin on his face.
Soon after you had parted ways, Gary collapsed on the couch with a pleased smile across his face. You two had exchanged numbers and had arranged to meet up sometime soon when it was convenient for both of you.
He scrambled for his phone when he felt it vibrate and a huge grin spread across his face as he saw you had texted him: 
‘thanks for an amazing night. let’s explore the city sometime since you’re new in town, okay? good night, sleep tight! (: ’
From: [Name]
‘God, she’s like perfect… but I can’t rush this… what if she just wants to be friends…? Shit, I didn’t even consider that..’ His expression twisted into worry before he was snapped out of his thoughts by a sudden light turning on.
“You’re home late. Jeez, did you get lost on the way home or something?” The Monarch muttered, wearing his robe and cowl combo and slippers, clearly awoken by Gary’s arrival.
Gary sighed, “Sorry about that… I.. actually met someone there.” The Monarch’s wild eyebrows rose quickly and he quickly blinked, “You picked up a chick tonight, 21? You’re kidding, right?” Gary shot his leader a glare which The Monarch put his hands up in defense, “Okay, okay, jeez… so did you nail her?” He grinned with a playful tone.
The henchman bit down on his lower lip, thinking about how that dress clung to your curves, how you bit your lip playfully and your cleavage would dip a little lower when you leaned over to take a sip of your milkshake. The Monarch caught that and chuckled, “Oh… I know that look. You wanted to but you didn’t, huh?”
Gary sighed, shaking his head, “It’s not just that she was hot… cause she was super gorgeous. She was literally… just amazing. She literally has the grace and intelligence of Khaleesi but she’s like super nerdy like me.”
The Monarch’s eyebrows shot up at the description, surprised at how enamored his henchman was and he grinned in amusement, “If you can pick up a woman like that, looks like my woman wooing charm is rubbing off on you. I have taught you well, 21!”
The henchman sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as at the Monarch began to ramble on about him teaching 21 of the ways of love and woman wooing, 
“Please stop talking.”
Having taken a shower and changed into your pajamas, you dried your hair in front of the mirror at your vanity. You unlocked your phone and smiled, seeing that Gary had replied to your text:
‘it would be an honor to see you again, m’lady. good luck with your first day of work tomorrow! good night, sleep tight.’ 
From: Gary
You giggled, seeing he had copied your good night message at the end of your text. After setting out your uniform for the next day, you slipped under the covers and quickly fell asleep.
Your phone illuminated part of the room as a reminder notification flashed from your new boss:
“Be at the Guild meeting by 10am. Make sure to wear your new uniform.”
From: Dr. Mrs. The Monarch
Your alarm blared, echoing through your room and waking you from your slumber. You abruptly shot up, groaning and sighing as you ran a hand through your tousled hair. 
Begrudgingly, you got up, getting ready for your first day of work. Checking your phone, you saw your boss’ reminder, smiling to yourself. Sure, she had high expectations but you knew she had your best interest in mind all the time. 
She wanted you to succeed and you knew that from the moment you met her.
You had previously been working for quite a while under Wide Wale as his secretary of sorts as well as a bodyguard for his daughter, Serena Ong, when she tired of the obnoxious burly men dressed as whale lice following her around and needed some girl company.
However, as much as you loved Serena and knew you lived quite the cushy lifestyle working under Wide Wale, you had to admit you were tired of being surrounded by the testosterone of the male bodyguards, the lack of respect you got from them because you were a female, having to work with your ex on a daily basis, and Wide Wale’s sometimes old-fashioned way of approaching arching and villainy.
Wide Wale was not a fool; after working for him for quite a while, he knew you almost as well as he knew his daughter. So that’s why he immediately connected you with Dr. Mrs. the Monarch after making a deal with the Guild – he knew that you wanted a new perspective and more freedom and Dr. Mrs. the Monarch had expressed interest in having a right hand man of sorts, similar to how 21 was with the Monarch.
You two hit it off right away and she immediately hired you to work under her in helping rebuild the Guild to its former state and glory.
After stepping out of the shower, you quickly dried your hair and applied a bit of makeup before slipping on your Guild uniform - a black and red button-up jacket with gold buttons, a plain black shirt and black pants, and black, platform heel boots. You clipped on your gun holster onto your thigh and slipped your pistol into the holster. 
Straightening out your outfit, you grabbed your keys and phone, grinning as you got a text from Gary:
‘hey good luck with your first day on the job. (:’
From: Gary
You smiled softly but sighed a bit, feeling guilty. Gary seemed to be such a sweet guy, a perfect mixture of dorky and caring. You could see yourself possibly becoming serious with him. But you feared dragging him into this life with the Guild you were becoming more and more involved in. 
Shaking your head, you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind and got into your car, heading into the city for the Guild meeting.
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hot-take-tournament · 11 months
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Submission 142:
"Fallout 3 is just objectively a terrible game and people are too blinded by nostalgia/franchise loyalty to understand how deep it goes"
(Pre-preliminaries will be used to judge whether this submission qualifies as a hot take. Propaganda is encouraged!)
Submitted justification under the cut:
Every Fallout game since Bethesda took over has had a very distinct central theme. New Vegas is about the past vs the future, Fallout 4 is about personal identity/truth, and Fallout 3 is about ✨morality✨. Every choice in the game boils down to “I’m such a good person, just an innocent little vault baby who wants to help people 🥺” or “HAHAHA MURDER IS FUN I WANT TO EAT BABIES”. (And don’t get me wrong, cartoonishly evil actions can both be very fun and have always had a place in the Fallout series, but this particular installment both prides itself and is propped up by its fans as being a “dark, gritty, mature” on the Fallout setting). It’s always so annoyingly black and white, the only exceptions being when the main story forces you to be evil to progress. And it’s not in a grimdark way, the game seems to genuinely see no issue with it. The two major factions are a replica of the U.S. military that hates mutants and thinks they should be killed via eugenics, and a replica of the U.S. military that hates mutants and thinks they should be killed via genocide. Guess which one is the “good guy” faction! You literally can’t because they’re both basically the same thing and they’re both equally awful. Turns out the hero faction is the genocide one, but they saved you from some hostile mutants one time so actually they’re okay 🥺. Ignore the fact that the mutants are very provably sentient and the only actually selfless and good NPC is, himself, a mutant. It’s fine.
And brief sidebar here to mention that the main story LITERALLY ISN’T COMPLETED UNLESS YOU BUY A DLC. Like technically there’s an “ending”, but you just get to the eleventh hour and then either: a) Die or b) Have the game call you a coward and a bad person because you opted to have someone who is RESISTANT TO RADIATION step into a HEAVILY IRRADIATED AREA instead of killing yourself by doing it because… “thematic parallels” to when they fridged your dad, I guess? So then say you bought the rest of the story for enough real world money to get you like. A nice meal. Or a better game. Then what’s the new ending? Well, it seems at first to be a morally challenging decision! You’ve been sent by the Brotherhood of Steel (aforementioned genocide faction) to infiltrate the base of and then redirect a nuke to the Enclave (aforementioned eugenics faction). Yes you are their most important soldier now. The main character of this game happens to be the only Fallout protagonist with a concrete age (that being 19), but an adult’s an adult I GUESS.
You get to the terminal and prepare to direct the bombs, but you’re presented with a choice as to where to send them. You could direct them at the base you’re in right now, eliminating the Enclave (including innocent non-combatants), or you could choose to disobey your orders and send the, to Megaton, Rivet City, (two major settlements), Project Purity (your father’s life’s work, a lab meant to distribute clean water to the wasteland which has since been blockaded by the BoS because they want to turn a profit off of it), or the Citadel (the Brotherhood’s base of operations). If you choose Megaton, Rivet City, or Project Purity, the game will inform you that those were actually just false choices and you were supposed to pick something else. If you pick the Enclave base, then you get a little good ending cutscene where you’re informed that the Brotherhood is preparing for it’s next mission to go kill a bunch of mutants in the city. Yay! Fun! +100 karma points! But if you instead bomb the Citadel, then you get back and find it’s ruined remains. Grr. Bad. -100 karma. You’re evil now. And yes there was a child soldier there (technically a scribe, not a soldier, but Veronica from NV was also a scribe and she was 27 and killed people so yeah.), but in Fo4 we learn that that kid, as well as that whole branch of the Brotherhood, survived anyways! And need I remind you that there were also noncombatants in the Enclave base. So what’s the moral here? It’s good to be loyal to the racist technofacists that indoctrinated you into joining them when you were barely an adult and just lost your lifelong home? And that’s just the main story.
The karma system for companions is so dumb, really companions in general in this game are awful. But I’m going to get to karma first so that it’ll make more sense why they such so much. Karma fills a role similar to what reputation would later in the series, measuring how much people are inclined to like you based on your previous actions. Except instead of being faction based and measuring how people feel about how you’ve directly interacted with the specific groups they’re affiliated with, it just measures if you’re generally a Good Person or a Bad Person. Very nuanced. To be a good person, give water to homeless people, donate to the church, and take positive actions for the BoS. To be a bad person, steal things, kill non-combatants (oh wait), and take negative actions against the Brotherhood. So if you want to maintain a specific karma, you have to take actions that suit it. The game pushes you towards good karma at certain points in the story, and generally it’s very hard to maintain a neutral score without spilling into good or evil. Anyways, back to the companions. Your fun, unique cast of traveling partners are a series staple, so who do we have? A military robot who will only side with you if you have neutral karma. Your childhood bully who will only side with you if you have neutral karma. A retired raider who claims to be better now, but still does some really awful stuff (and who will only side with you if you have evil karma. A slave and an indentured servant who you can *buy the contracts of.* These are TWO SEPARATE CHARACTERS. They did this TWICE. Plus the slave (who is an asian woman) will constantly fawn over the player (who would have had to have evil karma to buy her) and act romantically towards them. YIKES. I could get into so much more but I’ve been at this for an hour with no music or anything, just venting/ranting. Thanks for putting up with it being so long, by the way, it was kind of cathartic. Just to close things off here: The gunplay is really clunky and unfun, the world is bleak, ugly, and blocked off by a ton of invisible walls that make it a drag to explore, almost all of the characters are a pain to sit through interactions with, and the graphics (though not a dealbreaker), aged really poorly. I’m begging you to just play New Vegas or Fallout 4 instead PLEASE. If you already have then try out the original isometric games. Or the so bad they’e kind of funny spinoffs. Or the mobile game. Or the board game. Or the tabletop roleplaying game. Heck, even 76. Just please don’t play Fallout 3 and stop acting like it’s good.
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himynameis4 · 1 year
Adult Byler Teacher Headcanons
They both teach at the same school, maybe even same district.
Will teaches art, namely Drawing & Painting I & II, as well as AP Art & Honors Drawing for Production & Design. (He also was dragged into making props for the school musical, and started/runs the school’s GSA. Mans is SWAMPED)
Mike teaches AP Language & Comp, Creative Writing, Honors English 9, and English 11. He also runs the school’s Literary Magazine, Newspaper, and Yearbook clubs. (Mans is similarly swamped)
(They’re both considering starting up an AV club & a D&D club, but where they’ll find the money or the time, they got no clue)
Will was the reason Mike first explored teaching. Mike had taken his dad’s advice & become a business major, because it can be applied to lots of jobs & is a good way to get a job quick, but… yeah, he fucking hated it.
He ended up taking one of the education courses Will was taking, trying to fulfill some credits & figuring having a class with Will would make it bearable… and then he fell headfirst into teaching
They were hired at the same time. They student taught together, too. A wave of retirees meant most of their colleagues were new blood, like them, and… well, there was A Lot of relationship drama among the staff. It was like a freakin’ soap opera. (Did my high school have a lot of interpersonal staff relationship drama? Yes, why do you ask?)
Will & Mike came out when they got married, because Will wanted to change his last name. By this point, Will was already running the school’s GSA. They hadn’t been very public about their relationship, having been there for The Sanders Affair Of 2006 (and the subsequent divorces, marriages, and affairs that came from said affair) & making the mutual decision to keep their personal lives private… but as their district became less conservative, they hadn’t exactly hidden it, either.
Their friends on the staff all know, & some are close enough friends to get invites
Will had gone by “Mr. William” for the vast majority of his career, so it wasn’t a huge shift for his students or anything.
Mike’s nickname is just “Wheeler,” a similar sign of affection—at least, to his face.
(His students call him “Hot Wheels” behind his back)
(Will is well aware of this, & endlessly amused)
Will’s hair has gone entirely grey. (Lonnie’s genetics, rip). Post-covid, he uses blue light glasses… unlike mike, who needs glasses full-time. (Will teases him about this quite frequently)
Mike finishes growing his hair out, but ditched the bangs. He’s one of those teachers who always has his hair in a severe ponytail (he likes manbuns, too, but you wont often see him with one bc We’re At Work, Will, I Must Be Professional)
They Do Not Talk About The Mullet Era
Or The Bowl Cut For The Entirety Of The Childhoods
They have matching rings, customized replicas of the One Ring bc they’re both geeks. They’re engraved to say “crazy together” in elvish. Technically these were their engagement rings… and also the rings they used when they got a domestic partnership, and also the rings they used in their wedding ceremony. For a long time, they wore them like necklaces tucked under their shirts (bc the Mike in the Math department & Sydney from Social Studies are MASSIVE gossips, and also bc LoTR is iconic & these two are cheesey af),
They started wearing them openly when Will changed his last name, though.
Will & Mike are the teachers who let students eat lunch in their classrooms. The ones who invite them in during free periods. The ones who hear about the shitty chem teacher, the asshole ex, the awful divorce, the toxic friend group, the impending move. They’re the ones who collect & display dozens of senior photos, whose hands cramp from writing yearbook messages, and the ones whose students will remember years later. They’re the ones who keep in touch—they get wedding invites and scattered letters and life updates.
Because they’re the ones who remember what it’s like to be 14, 15, and feeling like the world was about to end. They remember the bullies. They remember the isolation. They remember how awful it feels to grow apart from the people you used to hold dear, and how much they hated high school.
It’s why they love being teachers, exhausting as it is. They’re the adults they didn’t get in high school, despite their parents’ best efforts—they get to be the support they desperately needed. They get to watch their kids grow, and its so, so satisfying to know they’re giving the kids better than what they had.
But most importantly? They’re happy.
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nhaneh · 19 days
tbh I kind of would like to build something akin to the Security Access Tuner from Alien: Isolation - not like a prop replica as such but rather some kind of computery thing with proper knobs and buttons and stuff for that Tactile Feel
I have no idea what kind of functionality I'd actually put in it mind you which is kind of a major stumbling block outside of the whole money and fabrication bits but I really like the idea of it.
I have a little 95x135x45 mm box I think would be kinda perfect for it - make space for a screen, add some buttons and maybe rotary encoder rollers and stuff and slip some kind of pi in there; add a lipo battery for power and have it do stuff.
shame the pi pico isn't really powerful enough to run an oscilloscope capable enough to be all that useful.
wonder if a pi zero could pull it off...
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whatthehelloh · 1 year
Jensen Ackles being called as a witness in the trial against Alec Baldwin.
A plethora of cast and crew from the “Rust” production are being summoned as witnesses for Alec Baldwin‘s trial, including its helmer Joel Souza who was present on set during filming.
On February 24th, Baldwin will be making his initial appearance in court electronically after being charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter for the demise of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.
Court documents acquired by Fox News Digital name camera assistant Lane Luper and gaffer Serge Svetnoy as witnesses of the incident on the set of “Rust” – both have previously voiced their concerns about its lack of safety.
Luper resigned from his job on the production of “Rust” prior to the fatal shooting incident.
“What I put in my resignation letter was lax COVID policies, the housing situation driving to and from Albuquerque, and specifically, gun safety, a lack of rehearsals, a lack of preparing the crew for what we were doing that day,” Luper previously said during an appearance on “Good Morning America” in Nov. 2021.
Svetnoy also verified the danger that exists on set.
During a press conference months after the shooting, Svetnoy’s attorney told reporters that the movie’s producers “were cutting too many corners to save money” and that negligence on set led to Hutchins’ death.
Rounding out the list are Jensen Ackles, actor; Mamie Mitchell, script supervisor; Seth Kenney, owner of prop store; Gabrielle Pickle, line producer and Sarah Zachry, prop master.
In addition, a group of investigators from Santa Fe County led by Sheriff Adan Mendoza are listed, alongside FBI analysts and experts.
Astoundingly, assistant director David Halls was absent from the witness list. The first assistant director agreed to accept culpability for his actions and plead guilty to negligent use of a deadly weapon; now awaiting confirmation by a judge.
Halls allegedly handed Baldwin the gun before the fatal shooting of Hutchins and confirmed it was “cold,” meaning no live ammunition.
On January 31st, according to court documents, the formal charges against Baldwin and Gutierrez-Reed were two counts of involuntary manslaughter.
In the same documents, prosecutors provided a comprehensive overview of their probable cause against Baldwin.
“Baldwin’s deviation from known standards, practice and protocol directly caused the fatal death of Hutchins,” the documents state.
“By not receiving the required training on firearms, not checking the firearm with the armorer, letting the armorer leave the firearms in the church without being present, deviating from the practice of only accepting the firearm from the armorer, not dealing with the safety complaints on set and/or making sure safety meetings were held, putting his finger on the trigger of a real firearm when a replica or rubber gun should have been used, pointing the firearms at Hutchins and Souza, and the overall handling of the firearms in a negligent manner, Baldwin acted with willful disregard for the safety of others and in a manner which endangered other people, specifically Hutchins and Souza.”
On October 21, 2021, tragedy struck when a gun held by Baldwin discharged on the set of a church at Bonanza Creek Ranch in New Mexico. The incident resulted in the death of Hutchins.
Over the past year, the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Department has been diligently looking into how live ammunition wound up on set. Gutierrez-Reed and Halls were supposedly two of only a few individuals that managed the firearm.
Before Halls is said to have provided Baldwin with the gun, Gutierrez-Reed spun the cylinder so that Halls could see it contained bullets, her lawyer reported.
In a primetime interview and again in a podcast episode, Baldwin strongly declared that he had not pulled the trigger of the gun. Initially indicating that he had only cocked it back as far as possible then let go, his story remains unaltered ever since.
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bowtruckle · 11 months
The difference is that Tolkien literally told the Nazis to fuck off and then adjusted his portrayal in subsequent books after it was pointed out. Rowling on the other hand, uses her money and her platform to promote bigotry. You can like the HP series, but don't fool yourself on this. Any money you spend on official HP (merch, books, watching the movies) is money and influence given to Rowling to further her platform
I have a theory, as an artist, that every piece of work you create is like your child. You love your child, you scaffold them and watch them grow, you do the best you can with the tools at your disposal to make them into something you would be proud of. But when they've grown, it's time for them to leave the nest and create their own identity. That identity will change as they interact with new people, have new experiences, and grow alongside the world as it develops better morals and strives for inclusivity.
There are parents who resent the adults their children have become, and there are artists with work that speaks to an audience that is undesirable to them. I understand an author’s desire to defend their perspective, but no artist has a say in what their creation means to others.
Furthermore, when an artist learns that certain elements of their creation are insulting and harmful to others, it's the artist's responsibility to step back and reflect on which elements of their work were considered to be insensitive. They should apologize and agree to do better.
Harry Potter will find its own way without her. It will grow when she is gone and no longer has her claws sunk into its flesh. It will evolve. It will reflect contemporary morals, and touch just as many hearts as before. That's my dream, anyway.
That being said, it's written in my profile. Fuck JKR. She doesn't get a single penny from me. I watch the films I own. I read the books I own. I make my own prop replicas, art, and fic, and buy them from other fans as well. I never even speak about Harry Potter, as much as it pains me to keep my primary special interest to myself.
There is love to be found in this series, I hope one day a long time from now, the next iteration (not HBO's) will speak to as many hearts as the books did during their highly anticipated release.
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Chapter 13: On Jewelry and Eyes
The first Meta-Fic is coming to an end! Chapter 14 is effectively finished as well and then we’re working on the sequel. Here’s the penultimate chapter! This one is soft and fluffy. Enjoy!
TRIGGER WARNING: Eye injury, alcohol use, language
*Stephen enters Trix’s house and grabs her Sling Ring prop.  He looks it over curiously before heading back to my house.*
Stephen:  Okay, I have the replica.  
Me:  Go in my room and take some of my jewelry to melt down.  It’ll save some money.  I keep them in their original boxes.  So, you can see which ones are silver.  The souvenir bottle of gold is on my bookshelf.
Stephen (gentle):  Steward, I can’t-
Me (firm):  Yes you can.  I can’t give energy right now and time is of the essence with your abilities fading.  It’s the least I can do.  So, please take it.  Things can be replaced.  *I’m clearly not going to change my mind.*
Stephen (grateful):  Thank you.  
*He goes and gets some pieces for melting down.*
Stephen:  There’s copper that can be mixed in at cost in the store.  We won’t need the lab’s supply.  That’s one less complication.  The rest of the gold and silver can be purchased at the store as well.  How are you feeling, Trix?  Any better?  
Trix: Doing a bit better but running at probably 60%
Stephen:  Okay.  Rest until PrettyWitch and I get back.
Tear: Call me if you guys need anything while you’re out. I can pass the phone over to Steward too if you need more help at the store.
Stephen:  All right.  Will do.
*He checks on Trix one more time before heading to the car with PrettyWitch.  His nerves spike again as usual.  The sorcerer takes a deep breath before getting into the passenger seat.*
Stephen (preparing himself):  Be careful, please.  *He’s anxious.*
PrettyWitch: You got it.  
*They get to the jewelry store and request the more accurate remake of the Sling Ring replica.  Stephen’s hands are shaking rather badly now.  So, he lets PrettyWitch show them the text logs from Trix as proof before they swing by the grocery store for some snacks and head back to my house.  He goes to check on me.*
Stephen:  How are you feeling?
Me:  My eyes are burning a bit, unfortunately.  Where are the eyedrops?  
Stephen:  I’ll get them.  
*He goes to get the medicated eyedrops, but struggles with undoing the cap due to his loss in dexterity.  Stephen lets out a frustrated sigh.*
Tear: Here. *I hold my hand out in a silent request for the eyedrops* Would you mind helping me fetch some tissue paper for Steward too? You know how annoying it is when the drops run all over your face if you miss. *I keep my eyes fixed on his and keep my attention away from his hands, hoping the offer to switch chores will help reduce the sting of his current situation*
Stephen:  Thanks…*He hands Tear the bottle and goes to get some tissue with an appreciative glance at her.*
*I accept the bottle and clumsily put the drops in before feeling around for a tissue to clean up the excess.  The sorcerer helps me.  Despite the shaking, he’s very gentle.*
Me:  Merci beaucoup.  *I smirk slightly, trying to amuse the group.*
Trix: Très bon
PrettyWitch: (Turns to Stephen) So how long until the new Sling Ring is ready?
Stephen:  The store will take a few days to make the new Sling Ring.  
Me:  Anyone got any other plans or things to try in the meantime or should we just wait?
Trix: Storytime? *eyes the group eagerly* Nothing too bad or traumatizing of course, but I say we go for our weirdest story that describes who you are the best!
Tear: Hmm, you say that as if my life was ever weird or exciting before Stephen popped by for a visit… *I still take a seat and curl up on the couch, expression relaxed and open. I’m curious to hear what everyone has to say*
Me:  Heh. That, I think we can all do.  C’mon, Tear.  I know you have a few good stories.  *I encourage her gently.*
PrettyWitch: I have some good stories.
Stephen (amused):  All right.  Who wants to start?
Trix: I have a fun one! So back in elementary school when I was in sixth grade, I ended up being a bus buddy for the kindergarteners so they were fine and someone would make sure they got off at their stop fine. There were five of them and they ended up liking hanging out on the bus with me and would find me at recess and things. I ended up drawing pictures of Pokémon for them and they treated them like trading cards because the actual cards were banned. Well word got around the kindergarten classes and my little buddies got popular for their ‘trading cards’ and asked for some for their friends. Well, that led me to drawing at least sixty pencil and notebook paper Pokémon cards and handing them out to the kids. This also meant I had a herd of 60 or so kindergartners who would follow me around at recess and do whatever I suggested. I, of course, had bullies back then like most do and after a rough morning, I may have had the idea of sending my apparent army after the two bullies to scare them. I will never forget them running from their lives from an army of kindergartens across the playground like Captain Jack Sparrow running from the tribe in the Pirates movie. Random story, I know, but honestly it makes me laugh remembering that through the power of friendship I gathered an army to defeat my foes like the cartoons used to always promise you could do.
*I laugh at the mental images that conjured up.*
Me:  That’s a good one!  All right.  Well, back in my senior year of high school, one of my classmates had badly broken her leg.  She still wanted to go to prom and such despite not being able to dance.  I’m not much into dancing either and didn’t know her as closely as some of my other friends.  However, I always carry a deck of cards with me because I enjoy the games.  Prom was no exception.  Since I had a deck in my purse, I cleared a table, invited my classmate over, and started dealing blackjack while using some candies as poker chips.  We really started getting into it and having fun, which got my friends’ attention.  Eventually, I even got the teachers in on it and basically turned a corner of the prom into a makeshift casino.  We were dealing blackjack and Texas hold ‘em all night while others danced.  At one point, we ran out of candy and started betting small items like phones, bracelets, etc.  I even won a guy’s car keys during a round!  Boy, was he nervous after losing that one to me.  Heh…Yes, we gave each other our stuff back at the end of the game.  It was one hell of a time and I think that’ll stick in our classes’ memory for ages to come.  With how things went, my classmate managed to go to prom and still have a lot of fun despite her situation.  Totally worth it just to see everyone happy.
Trix: That’s so sweet!
Tear: It sounds like you guys had some really fun times! You make this sound easier than it is… *I think hard about what to share and shift on my seat so that I can hug my knees* I’ve visited quite a few places and met some really extraordinary people, but I think the weirdest thing I’ve done…I’d say it was meeting my best friend. It happened back in 2009 in an old forum where she’d post her drawings. I liked to comment on them, and she was very sweet when replying to me. We exchanged messages for almost two years before we tried calling each other, which was insane because we lived in different countries. That evolved to video calls when they actually became a thing, and before I knew it she had invited me over so that we could meet face-to-face. It was the first time I traveled on my own, so I was terrified. My parents even made me come up with a backup plan in case it all turned out to be a big scam. It all went smoothly, thankfully, and I visited her many times afterward. Now, 14 years later, she’s asked me to be the godmother of her first child. The amount of sheer blind trust I had back then to dare make such a huge leap of faith still baffles me. Maybe it was stupidly naive, but I don’t regret it. If the concept of soulmates existed, I believe she’d be mine.
Stephen:  You’re a very kind person, Tear.  I’m glad that you found such a dear friend.
Me:  Awww.  That’s wholesome!  You’re very lucky.  Who’s next?
PrettyWitch: Hmmmm, what’s a good story?...Ooh! I know! So, it was the summer of 2005; I was thirteen, on vacation with my folks, and one of our destinations was New York City. We stayed in New Jersey, though. Now I don’t know if any of you remember, but 2005 was the hottest summer on record at the time, and we were going into the concrete jungle that is Manhattan…in the daytime. Well, let’s just say that between walking around all day and being at the top of a tour bus with an upper deck, my brain was cooked. It also didn’t help that we went up Canal Street, a.k.a. Bootleg city USA. I don’t know if it was a busy day or it was summer, but there were so many I was afraid we’d get split up so I was trying to hold onto my brother for dear life while trying to make sure we all held hands. Needless to say I was exhausted. So once we got to Battery Park, my mom took my hat off, poured water into my hat and dunked the hat on my head. It was…refreshing, to say the least. I cooled off after that, thankfully. But yeah, that’s probably one of the better stories I have.
Stephen:  So far so good.  How many of you have been to New York City before?  
Trix: I have once!
Tear: I haven’t had the chance to. I’ve done connections there before, but I’ve never left the airport.
*I shake my head to indicate “no”.*
Prettywitch: Ah, don’t be embarrassed, Steward. I’m sure you’ll get to visit the Big Apple, someday.
Me:  I’d like that.  My mom goes on and on about it and she wants to see NYC too one day.  Admittedly, it’s a bit intimidating, but I’ve been to Los Angeles.  So, how much different could it be?
Stephen:  Very, but you’ll get used to it quickly.  You all seem like an adaptable bunch.  *He smiles gently.  Unfortunately, I can’t see it, but I can hear the softness in his voice.*
Prettywitch: Well, if I had my pick I’d go back to New York. I’ve only been to L.A. once and I hated it. I much preferred San Diego.
Me (teasing):  How dare you.
Prettywitch: (sticks my tongue out, playfully) Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Stephen (amused):  Be nice, you two.
Prettywitch: Ah, alright. *Her tone indicates she’s playing along.* So what about you, Stephen? I’m sure you have lots of fun stories growing up in Nebraska.
Stephen:  I do.  Bittersweet, but a few good ones.  Lemme think…Well, when it was calving season, we had some of the new calves go out to pasture with their mothers.  After a few weeks, they were already starting to get adventurous.  One day, we were herding the cattle back into their barn and were short one head.  A male calf was missing.  My dad sent me out to look for him and I searched everywhere and couldn’t see him until I heard distressed mooing coming from a thicket of thorn bushes along the edge of the property.  He had trapped himself in a thorn bush on the steepest part of the hill next to the fence.  So, I carefully positioned myself and descended to the bush to rescue him.  He was scared and had no clue what was going on, which made him start struggling.  I had been out there for half an hour trying to get him out and my dad found us and helped pull back the thorns so I could get the calf out.  It was about to freeze that evening and we were all wet and covered with scratches by the end.  However, the calf and his mother were more than happy to see each other.  He ran over to her and she spent the next several minutes cleaning him up.  Despite how difficult the situation was, it was worth seeing those two reunited.  
Prettywitch: Awe! That’s cute!!! So you were a big old softie even back then.
*He grumbles in a half-hearted protest, yet can’t help but smirk.*
Prettywitch: *She giggles. *
Me (teasing):  Yeah, yeah, tough guy.
Tear: Not gonna lie, I thought for a moment there that you were going to say you stumbled across a tree on fire and heard a voice commanding you to go speak to the pharaoh.
*I snort, amused at Tear’s remark.*
Me: So, anyone want dinner?
Prettywitch: Yes!
Trix: Absolutely.
Me:  Tear, could you help us, please?  Erm…I could try to heat something up, but someone will have to tell me what I’m about to grab or touch.  *I get up, still trying to do stuff even if this is my first evening being blind.*
Tear: Oh! It’s okay. I offered to cook you all dinner tonight… *I spring out of my seat, ready to block the way to the kitchen if necessary*
Trix: Oh no, you are not on kitchen duty, Steward.
Prettywitch: Ah hun, why don’t we just order in, tonight? That way, you can rest.
*I hang my head, but agree.*
Me:  I just don’t want to be helpless…I should carry my own weight.  *I’m frustrated about the situation, but don’t want to make the same mistake that Stephen did.  So, I’m being gentle with my friends.  Though I’m lowkey taking it out on myself.  Stephen gently puts his hand on my shoulder.  I can feel it trembling, but warm.*
Stephen:  You’re doing the best you can.  Letting others who care help you isn’t a sign of weakness.  I don’t know how this accident happened exactly, but you can’t take it out on yourself.  
*I sigh.*
Me:  Basically, the new guy forgot to close the ether container when he finished his dissections and didn’t put it back in the fume hood where it belonged.  It gassed the entire lab and I got him out because he had passed out at his station.  Ether can explode or knock people out or even kill if in gas form.  So, I went back in to turn on the vents and get it out of the air safely.  I was already half-conscious from exposure, but was doing my best to fix it.  Then, the stupid part.  As I turned the vents on, I saw the cell culture hood was open and the UV lamp too.  The shield should be down because the lamp’s radiation burns living tissue.  I went to pull the shield down to protect my labmates when they eventually come back in later, but got the full blast of UV light to the face.  I was already loopy from ether and that slowed my reaction time down while lowering the shield.  Hence, how I got burned…So stupid.  I tried to protect my labmates and got myself toasted in the process…*Irritated huff*
*Stephen looks at me for a while, processing what I said and how I’m reacting to the situation.*
Stephen (gently):  No, it wasn’t stupid. You risked your life to save your labmates.  Doing something like that takes a lot of courage and you rose to the occasion perfectly. You deserve to take some time and heal your injuries.
Me (thinking this over):  …I suppose.  I just did what I thought was the right thing at the time.  
Trix: Here, why don’t I order us some food instead?
Tear: *I sigh and rub the back of my neck* That might be the fastest option…
*I sit back down.  Stephen hands Trix her phone so she can call for takeout.*
Trix: It shouldn’t take that long to get here.
*We have some dinner and call it a night.  The next day, it’s Prettywitch’s turn to cast the protection spell and everyone meets at my house again.*
Stephen:  Morning, Prettywitch.  I was thinking about something a while ago.  Would you like to receive some additional training?  I’d like to see if you can strengthen your casts.  
Prettywitch: Really!? *Clears throat.* I mean, really? That would be great.
Stephen:  Seeing as your methods have been working, you may have some inherent affinity for magic.  I want to see what else you can do.  
Prettywitch: Okay! So what do we do first?
Stephen (raising an eyebrow):  Be careful, all right?  Mystical forces aren’t something to be trifled with.  Now, are you ready?  Follow my movements.
*He demonstrates some hand gestures meant as a component of a power-boosting spell.*
Stephen:  First, I want to see if you get the signs right.  Then, I’ll walk you through the steps of the spell itself.  This one is to tap into the energy of the nearest leylines and channel it through yourself to boost your abilities.  Since the magical fields in this universe are so weak, I’m not sure how much this will help.  However, anything we can get will improve your casts at least a little bit.
*Prettywitch nods *
Prettywitch: Okay.
*She performs the same hand gestures as Stephen, doing her best to copy him. *
Prettywitch: Well?
Stephen:  Almost.  Be sure to keep your arm movements fluid.  Magic is practically a living force in and of itself.  It moves with whoever or whatever channels it.  One more time.  *He watches her.  After she finishes the movements, he teaches her the incantation, correcting her pronunciation gently and patiently.*  Okay.  Now, try the incantation together with the hand gestures.
Prettywitch: *Performs her movements while reciting the incantation.* How was that?
Stephen:  How do you feel, first of all?  If the spell was done correctly, you should feel more energy coursing through your body.
Prettywitch: I don’t know…I feel a bit of twitching in my hands. Does that count?
Stephen:  Hm.  It’s hard to say with how weak this universe’s magical field is.  Try casting the protection spell now and tell me how you feel afterwards.  The power-boosting spell should make it so you’re less drained after casting other spells.
Prettywitch: Okay. *Places her hands up to make it look like she’s conjuring a ball.* Protect Stephen Strange, who I deem needing. As I say it, so mote it be. *She pushes the ball out into the ether, then carefully returns any other magic she has into the air by brushing her hands of it. She notices a surge of energy, but it’s not tingling or the kind she gets from a coffee rush, it just feels…normal.* Well what do you know, I actually feel a lot more awake.
Stephen (curling his lip, impressed):  It seems my suspicions were correct.  You would have made an excellent sorceress in my universe.
Prettywitch: Really? Oh my God! That’s amazing! I always wanted magic powers and now I can! *She hugs him.* Thank you, Stephen!
*He’s surprised and a bit startled by the hug initially, but lets her hug him and gently pats her back.*
Stephen (soft, warm tone):  Happy to help.  Thank you for the energy.
Prettywitch: *smiles* No problem. You’re worth it. *Gives him a little peck on the cheek and walks off into the kitchen to get a snack.*
*The sorcerer turns slightly red and rubs the back of his head before going to check on Trix and me. I’m still half-asleep over my cup of coffee, holding it so I don’t lose track of it.*
Trix: Okay, so don’t be mad but I brought gifts. The others I’m currently working on but for you two, I have them done! *holds up incredibly large bag*
*I turn to try and face her, guessing where the sound is coming from.*
Stephen:  Trix, you didn’t have to.  *He’s humble.*
Trix: My love language is gifts and I made these to help! *pulls out two tie blankets where the different fabrics are tied together using cut strips around the edges* Dark red and blue for our resident sorcerer and dark blue and forest green for our commander in chief. Extra warm and fluffy! And I brought my zodiac sign and astrology one for myself while we enjoy the best movie of all time!
*I carefully reach out to grab the blanket and give a warm smile in what I hope is Trix’s direction.  Stephen accepts his gratefully.*
Me:  Thank you very much, Trix.  That was incredibly sweet of you.
Stephen:  It really was.  *He smiles at her.*  So, what movie are you talking about?  *He’s curious.*
Trix: *holds up the DVD of the original Blues Brothers movie* We’re about to be on a mission from god to put the band back together. *She’s grinning ear to ear* I grew up in Wisconsin but only about an hour away from Chicago so there’s a big fondness there for me. Plus the music is god tier and the comedy is amazing.
Stephen:  You’re kidding!  Your universe has the “Blues Brothers” too?  Who was in the cast?  I’ve got to see this now.  It was one of my favorite movies back in my universe.
Trix: John Belushi as Jake, Dan Ackroyd as Elwood, Carrie Fisher as Jake’s ex, and a whole hell of a lot of musicians like Aretha Franklin, Ray Charles, Cab Calloway, Reverend James Brown, and more. Is that the same for you?
Stephen:  There are a few who seem to be universal constants for us.  Not everyone, but some of them.  Who’s Carrie Fisher?  There are a few others who are different too.  I’m curious to see how the songs and performances compare.
Trix: Carrie Fisher is best known as Princess Leia in Star Wars for us but she was a hell of a lady. Now we absolutely have to watch this!
Stephen:  “Star Wars”?  Never heard of it as a movie.  There WAS a series of interplanetary conflicts that our universe has documentation on, but no sci-fi or fantasy films made of it.
Trix: ….it will be a crime to not send you back to your universe without some of our greatest pop culture movies. Even if you don’t watch it here I am sending you home with CULTURE! …And only the original trilogy because you do not need to get into prequel and sequel movies. Basically, treat it like a sci-fi soap opera and it’s awesome.  Enough about my brother’s favorite series, we’re here to see the band get back together!
Stephen (intrigued):  All right.  Let’s see.  Anyone want to join us?
Me:  I love the music.  So, I’ll happily sit nearby and listen.
Prettywitch: I’m game. I haven’t seen Blues Brothers in forever.
Tear: Sure. I’ve actually never seen it before.
Stephen:  Okay, then.  Let’s put it on.  
*He lets us sit on the couch next to him.  After all that we’ve been through, it seems I no longer mind getting close and even enjoy letting my friends sit next to and/or lean on me.  Feeling the warmth of my new blanket and the closeness of my friends is very comforting.  I seem relaxed for once.*
Trix: Alrighty! Here we go! *puts disk in the dvd player and settles down in the cuddle pile with the remote and presses play*
*I can’t help but sing along softly to some of the songs.*
*Trix is trying not to quote too many of the lines out loud but is failing to do so.*
*The Cloak, though sluggish, affectionately tousles Trix’s hair.*
Trix: This is probably one of my favorite things ever. Just saying~ Favorite movie with great people!
*I’ve curled up, much like a large cat.*  
Me (from the depths of the pile):  Agreed.
*Stephen watches the movie, fascinated by the subtle differences between his universe’s version and our version.*
Trix: Fun fact, part of the car chase scene where the other car launches off the bridge and is suddenly falling thousands of feet: the bridge they launch from is actually filmed up in Milwaukee before cutting back to Chicago!
Stephen:  Huh.  For ours, it was shot in a soundstage and then the falling car was greenscreened in.  The effects weren’t as good in ours.
Trix: I’m pretty sure this movie held the highest record for cars crashed or destroyed. Almost all of it was practical effects.
Me:  Yep!  Trix is right.
Stephen:  That’s interesting.
Tear: Movies should go back to doing more practical effects for sure.
Me (dumb grin):  Amen to that.  *Making a stupid joke related to the “Mission from God” line.*
Tear: *I giggle at the joke and crawl my way out of the cuddle pile.* Anyway, thanks for the movie, Trix! I’ll go ahead and get started on some chores around the house.
Me:  Thanks, Tear.  Seriously.
Tear: No problem! You just worry about getting more rest. *I wave a warning finger at the others playfully.* You better keep her there a little longer or so help me Thor.
Trix: So what do you think of our version, Stephen?
Stephen (impressed):  The music is still excellent.  Though the casting in some parts threw me off a bit, it didn’t take anything major away from the movie.  Your universe’s special effects are beyond anything in mine.  Our movies and other entertainment tend to be a bit more…campy.
Trix: That honestly makes sense. We don’t have much going on with powers or magic here so it’s a case of creating things to make up for it!
Stephen:  I can see that.  So…Since your universe thought that mine was fictional, how were we portrayed?  *He’s morbidly curious.*
Trix: Honestly, you look just different enough to not be identical from the actor who portrays you. Otherwise, I would say that you are pretty similar to what we’ve seen except maybe a little less of an asshole and a lot more caring now *Teasing him good-naturedly* Also, Wong absolutely has a cult here because the man is awesome. As for everyone else, I wouldn’t know how they’re really like versus how they are at home. It seems like our versions of you are sort of pulled apart between comics and movies because the rights were distributed between different companies early on so the X-Men or Fantastic Four or others aren’t in the movies because they can’t be for now. It’s very complicated. Don’t even get me into the Mississippi River deal between theme parks because you guys show up in those too.
Stephen (taken aback slightly):  …That’s really…something.  
Me:  Heh.  There are documentaries all about this.
Stephen:  I should bring some documents, recordings, or other evidence of this back home.  The Defenders, Avengers, and others will be very curious about all of this.
Trix: I mean, you’re the expert in determining if things are spoilers or not. We may need to get illegal downloads of the streaming only things but we should be able to do it. As for comics, there’s like 60 years worth of stories in there and they reboot stories every so often.
Me:  You can borrow and take pics of our comic books if you want.  
Stephen:  Hmm.  Okay.  Though please don’t break the law on my behalf.  *He’s not necessarily a goody two shoes like Captain America, but he still doesn’t want us to get in any more trouble for his sake.  Stephen is becoming more protective of our little group.*
Trix: I mean, considering pirating media is often the only way people can archive content for historical purposes because media companies control almost everything in terms of things only being streamed and no physical copies being made, one could say we’re helping to conserve history!
*I smirk knowingly.*
Stephen:  …Just don’t get caught.
Trix: They almost never crack down on people unless they’re reuploading it online for a profit so we’ll be fine! There’s a whole bootleg market for media for the military overseas that the government pretends doesn’t exist. We’re good! *grins*
*I decide to peer out from my lair beneath my new blanket.  Stephen carefully checks my eyes.*
Stephen:  Stay put.  You need to put your eyedrops in again.  I’ll get them.  
*He gets up and has Trix help him unscrew the top before handing it to me.  I put them in.  Stephen gently dries my face.  I subtly lean into his touch as a silent “thank you”.*
Stephen (warmly):  You’re welcome.  Do you need anything else?
Me (tired, but grateful):  Not right now, dear.  I appreciate it, though.  Maybe go check on Tear?  It’s been a while since we’ve heard from her.  I’m just going to rest for a while.
Stephen:  Okay.  Call if you need anyone. 
*I nod, curling back up, and Stephen goes to find Tear, quietly retrieving a small plate from the fridge beforehand.  He looks for her.*
*After making sure we had food ready to prepare lunch with, Tear moves out to the garden to pick berries from the bushes I harvest almost daily. With the fright from the accident, we skipped a couple of days so new berries are ripe for the taking. She is playing her music on her phone, upbeat songs in all sorts of languages shuffling unpredictably. She sings along quietly to the ones she knows and shuffles goofily in little bursts of happy dances whenever the rhythm gets to her.*
*Stephen notices Tear in the yard and goes out to check on her.*
Stephen:  How are you doing, Tear?  Do you need any help?  
*He can’t help but smirk.  She had been singing and dancing a bit as she worked.  It’s cute and amusing to him.*  
Stephen (gentle teasing):  Nice moves.
Tear: Eeep! Stephen! *I squeak in slight surprise. With the music and the grass cushioning his footsteps, I never heard him approach. I grin widely at his teasing and rub the back of my head, trying to play off my embarrassment.* Can’t help it if the music makes it hard to sit still.
Stephen (amused):  Mhm.  *He looks awkward for a moment.*  I…Erm…Tried to make something last night out of one of Steward’s cookbooks.  I don’t know if it came out any good, but I wanted you to try it since you seem to really enjoy baking.  *He offers the plate with a small flan on it to her with a spoon.*  
Tear: *I immediately go starry-eyed at the sight of his sweet creation and leave the bowl of berries on the ground so I can approach him. I’m trying really hard not to squeal in sheer joy.* You made this? It looks so good!
Stephen (shrugging):  I just followed the instructions.  It was one of the easier recipes so I didn’t have to strain my hands too much. 
Tear: *I chuckle* You say that and still my sisters cannot make a flan to save their lives. Caramel is one of the toughest things to get right. I’m very impressed, Stephen!
Stephen:  Really?  Huh.  *He’s surprised.*  
Tear: Master of the Mystic and the Culinary Arts, who would have thought? *I carefully take the plate and dessert spoon before scooping a bite.* Have you tried it yet or did you ask me to be your guinea pig in case it’s poisoned? *I send him a teasing, squinty look.*
Stephen (blushing slightly from the compliment while giving her an amused smirk):  I tried a bit of one of the others in the fridge since the recipe made multiple servings.  It’s been a while since I’ve actually had flan.  So, I wasn’t entirely sure if it came out right.   
Tear: Well, there’s only one way to find out~ *I eat the spoonful and hum happily at the flavor.* Oh, that’s tasty alright! Not overly sweet, and your caramel didn’t burn. Is this really your first time making flan? The texture might need a little bit more work, but this is really great, Stephen! *I can’t help myself and happily munch on a second bite of the flan.*
Stephen:  Yeah.  I normally just order takeout.  Otherwise, Wong cooks most of the time.  Heh…Thanks.  So, how would I fix the texture?  
Tear: Hmm, if Wong discovers you can make stuff like this now, he’ll never let you go.
Stephen:  Damn.  Now he might put me on kitchen duty.  *He’s half-joking, but happy to have discovered a new hobby.*  
Tear: If that happens then you’ll be able to make him the perfect flan. *I cut another piece of the flan and poke it slightly with the spoon.* These bubbles here suggest the oven might have overheated while they were baking. Gas ovens are a little finicky though, so sometimes it’s just a matter of getting to know your oven well. *I pause as a thought springs to mind.* The oven in the Sanctum is not some sort of portal to a hell dimension or anything of the sort, right?
Stephen (sheepish):  …Erm…*He grins.*
Tear: *I gasp and weakly smack his arm.*  Stephen, no.  No feeding cakes to any demon babies.
*He chuckles guiltily.*
Stephen:  Well…It’s not *technically* a demon “baby”…Just a lesser fire spirit.
Tear: Right. That’s more acceptable, then.  *My amused grin dims slightly then as I look down at my half-eaten flan. I remember what Stephen said about making it late at night and can’t help but worry.*  I’m sorry you couldn’t rest well last night. You know we’re all here for you if you need anything. 
Stephen (gentle):  Don’t worry.  I’m used to it.  It just comes with my job.  I really do appreciate all of the help and support the group has given me.  So, it’s fine.  *He puts his hand on Tear’s shoulder comfortingly.*  
Tear: *I nod and send him a fond smile, letting the issue go. I resist the urge to hug him and instead motion with my head back toward the house.* Come on. Have the others tried your amazing flans yet? I want to go steal a second one before they’re all gone. Maybe Steward will have an idea for what to do with all of these new berries, too.
Stephen:  It does seem like she enjoys cooking and baking judging by all of the tools and books she has.  All right.  Let’s see if she’s awake.  
Tear: Yeah! We try to do little baking sessions together whenever work allows us to. 
Stephen:  That sounds nice.
*He walks with Tear back to the house, carrying the basket of berries.*
*I raise my head to “look” in their direction when I hear the back door open.*
Me:  So, guys, how are the crops doing?
Stephen:  They’re in good shape.  Tear picked a basket of blackberries and she was wondering what to do with all of them.
Me:  We could always try making some jam.  I think that would be nice.  
Tear: Sure! I can get started on it after a small break. *I walk over to perch on the armrest of the couch Steward is sitting on*
Stephen:  How are you feeling?
Me:  All right.  Can see blurry shadows moving around now.  Before, it was just whether or not it was light or dark.  
Stephen:  It’s something, at least.  
Me:  Is there anything I can do to help out?
Stephen:  You can wash the berries if you want.  I’ll guide you to the sink.
*I’m grateful to hear this.  I do appreciate all of the help from my friends, but I also still feel badly about not doing much since the accident.  So, I’m happy to help in any way that I can.  Stephen helps me get to the sink and I wash the blackberries, feeling around to make sure no leaves, stems, or bugs are on them.  While there, I chat a bit.*
Me:  So, what’s the first thing you’re gonna do when you get back home?
Stephen:  Well, damage control would be a start.  I don’t know how trashed Greenwich Village got after Shuma-Gorath threw me here.  Wong will never let me hear the end of it.
Me:  Heh…I can imagine.  
Stephen:  Admittedly, I’m not sure if this will even work.  I have to keep trying, but in case this fails, I’m trying to figure out my next move.
Me:  I’m thinking about a plan B too.  Don’t worry.  Though I want to stay hopeful.  I know it looks bad, but at least we can still do a little something.
*Stephen shrugs.  Although I can’t see it, I can feel it instinctively.*
Me (light reprimand):  Stephen Vincent Strange, we’ve all worked hard to uncover and brainstorm all of these methods.  If you can get in here, then there has to be a way out.  Pessimism isn’t going to get you or anyone else anywhere and it never has.  Yes, it’s rough.  Yes, your abilities are fading.  However, for whatever weird reason, we’re starting to have magic and interdimensional monsters coming in here.  So, whatever this is, we’ll find a way to harness it and get you back home.  I don’t care if we have to start sacrificing goats on a blood moon.  Whatever this is, it WILL work out.  This, I promise you; I will not rest until we find the way.  *I look brave.*
Stephen (grateful):  You’ve got heart, Steward.  I’ll give you that.  *He smiles a bit.*  Heh…I notice that you and the others are music lovers too.  What’s with the microphone in the corner of the living room?
Me:  Oh, that.  It’s part of a karaoke machine.  You can try it if you want.
Stephen:  Trust me, you don’t want to.  I can’t sing to save the multiverse.
*I grin.*
Me:  Mhmm…C’mon.  Humor a blind woman~  *I tease him a bit.*
Stephen:  Really?  You’re playing THAT card?
Me (smirking):  I’m not above it.  
Stephen:  I’m sorry I asked…*He reluctantly sets up the machine.*
Me (to the group):  Hey, guys.  Wanna join us for karaoke?
Prettywitch: Yeah!!!! Let’s get shitfaced and sing!
Me:  Trix, Tear, are you in?
Trix: I’m in!
Tear: Yeah! I’m always up for karaoke nights.
Stephen:  Just don’t get too crazy, all right?  We all still have things to do tomorrow.
Me:  We’ll be careful, Doc.  *I smirk.*  Okay, guys.  The good stuff is in the fridge in the garage.  The mic and machine are in the corner.  Just hook it up to the tv.  I’ll be the sober one since being blind AND drunk is just asking for trouble.  *I curl my lip, amused.*
Prettywitch: Alright. You do that, I’m gonna go grab something. You got any Stella?
Me:  Yep.  Stella, some of the nicer imported beers, sake, a few bottles of wine, limoncello, and some various liquors for cocktails.
Prettywitch: *Gets sparkly-eyed* Yay! *Runs to the fridge and grabs a Stella*
Me:  Heh…Admittedly, I haven’t touched the absinthe in the back for a while.  Especially after last time.  Whoo…*I had underestimated how strong it was and got really loopy after a bit too much.  The group members remember it.  I kept laughing like an idiot at the smallest things while also wanting to fight everything.  The poor pillows and furniture never stood a chance.*
Trix: Good for you guys I’m a permanent DD and don’t drink.
Tear: Well…since I’m spending the night, I won’t say no to a few drinks. Takes a lot to actually get me sloshed though, so let’s see if you can keep up~ *I send a playful wink at Prettywitch as I follow her to the fridge in the garage*
Prettywitch: *chuckles* Nah, I get it. Lucky for you, I’m a fun/loopy drunk, so worse case scenario I’ll just do and say things I don’t have the courage to do when sober.
Stephen:  I’ll probably play it safe too.
Me:  It’s okay, Stephen.  Two of us will be keeping an eye on things.
Stephen:  I’m good for now.
*I give him a respectful nod in what I hope is his direction to indicate that I won’t pressure him.*
Trix: If anything, we can take video for ourselves while they drink so they have something to jog their memory later. *nudges Stephen jokingly*
*I get an evil grin at Trix’s words.*
Me (singsong):  Hellooo, blackmail!~
Stephen (curling his lip):  You two are a real piece of work, you know that?  *He’s teasing.*
Trix: Yeah, like a painting that could be shown at the Louvre *sticks out tongue at him*
*He shakes his head with a lopsided smile as he goes to set up the mic and machine.*
Tear: *I come back with Prettywitch, carrying plenty of bottles of all kinds and placing them on the kitchen counter.* Alright, I’m setting up a small cocktail station if anyone wants one later on. You’ll only get me full instead of tipsy if I only have beer, and by the Vishanti I’m too sober to embarrass myself singing in front of Stephen twice in the same day.
*Stephen looks at Tear, amused.*
Me:  Sounds awesome, Tear!  So, what song do we wanna try first?
Trix: We could do some songs individually then move onto duets?
Me:  Sounds good to me.  Everyone agree?
Tear: Eh, I’ll have a go at anything as long as I know the lyrics. Any language goes!
Me:  All righty!  Let’s do this!
Trix: So, quick question: what happens when Stephen finds songs that are different here than from home? I vote he sings his universe’s version.
Stephen:  I’ll follow along as best I can.  If it’s really different, I’ll go with my universe’s version.
Me:  Fair enough.  Who wants to go first?
Prettywitch: Oooooh!!! I’ll go first! *Runs up and takes the mic in hand.* Okay, how do you work this thing?
Me:  Just use the remote to flick through the songs and click one.  It can also work with YouTube.  So, if the song isn’t in the machine, it can play YouTube lyric videos too.
Tear: Neat! There’s nothing worse than a karaoke machine that only plays songs you don’t know.
Prettywitch: Oh, sweet! *Starts flipping through the songlist until she comes across “Me and Mrs. Jones” by Billy Paul* Perfect! *Starts singing.*
*When the song ends, we cheer Prettywitch on.*
Me:  Whoo!  Good one!
Tear: *I whistle loudly and clap with the others.*
Trix: *clapping wildly*
Prettywitch: Thank you! Thank you!
Me:  I’ll go next.  Someone put on “What a Feeling” by Irene Cara.  
*Stephen turns it on and I go, putting everything into it and having fun.*
Tear: Go Steward!
Trix: Woo!
Stephen:  You really go all in, huh?
Me (flopping back onto the couch a bit clumsily):  All in or not at all, hon.  *Grinning.*
Stephen:  So, who’s next?
Prettywitch: Why don’t you go next?
Stephen:  …On second thought, maybe I’ll have a beer first…Just a minute.
Tear: Eeyy, that’s the spirit! *I grin and lift my own glass toward him in a cheer*
*He goes to get a drink.*
Me:  So, got an idea of the song?
*Stephen downs half of his beer.*
Stephen:  “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd.
*He flips on the song and does his best.  His voice is deep and gravelly and he does well.  Definitely doesn’t have any training in singing, but he hits the notes.  A few of the lyrics are slightly different from his version.*
Me (cheering):  Go Stephen!~
Tear: Who said sorcerers couldn’t party? *I clap and cheer for him along everyone else*
Prettywitch: *Is squeeing and, being two Stellas in, tries to not giggle like a schoolgirl too much.*
Trix: Honestly, this is the greatest thing.
*Stephen is blushing hard this time, but seems to be enjoying himself.*
Stephen:  This doesn’t get out to Wong, got it?
Tear: *I hiss through my teeth and tease him with a big grin* Keeping secrets from the Sorcerer Supreme already? I don’t know, Stephen. Sounds like we might need one more song from you to be convinced.
*He groans.*  
Stephen:  I’ve just walked right into it, haven’t I?
Prettywitch: Pretty much.
Me:  I think the eyedrops are just artificial tears to help my eyes heal.  Can anyone check to see if they’re medicated and if alcohol interferes with them?  I’m not going to have much, nor get drunk.  Though I WOULD like some limoncello.
Prettywitch: I’ll do it. *Takes the drops and reads the instructions.* Looks like they’re medicated, doesn’t say anything about alcohol interference so you should be good.
Me:  Sweet.  I’ll just slowly nurse my drink throughout the evening to be safe.
Stephen:  I take it you’ve memorized the song lyrics, then?
Me:  Force of habit.  *I shrug.*
*He smirks as he pours me a shot of limoncello and puts it in my hand.*
Me:  Thanks.  So, Trix is next, I think.
Trix: *sings I Need a Hero from Shrek 2*
*We cheer for her when she finishes and pass the night having fun, singing together, and generally enjoying ourselves.  The replica Sling Ring should be fully made by tomorrow afternoon.*  
***To be continued***
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nicoducon · 1 year
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Don't get me wrong, JKR is a transphobe, anti-Semitic, racist, rich asshole who deserves to die in a fire, but the original work she created in the 90s and early 2000s was amazing work. The HP universe is great with amazing and rich characters and history, and it made a huge impact on the world. Millions of people related to the sorry or the characters in some way and that's why it was such a huge success.
Now obviously I don't want anyone to give JKR any form of money whatsoever, so I don't want anyone running into a Walmart and buying every HP themed item. But it doesn't mean you can't express your love of the series without giving money to that asshole. You can make your own props diy style instead of paying an egregious amount of money to buy a replica elder wand. I made myself my own wand, like I wanted it and from the type of wood I wanted. My girlfriend got a homemade broom for her birthday that would've cost hundreds of dollars if it was official merch.
If you don't have the resources to make yourself stuff, you can go on Etsy and give money to an artist instead. You can also buy on the used market, places like FB marketplace, eBay, Craigslist and the likes have loads of stuff, and no money goes to JKR. Plus, the last book came out in 2007 and the last movie in 2011, so they should be very easy to buy used or to borrow from someone else.
Now, regarding Hogwarts Legacy. I get that the story is lined with anti-Semitism and that the morals are bad. But it's not like it's never been done before, hell I've played GTA and somehow I don't condone doing mass murder, abuse and torture. Saying the game will teach anti-Semitism to people is exactly like saying that video games cause gun violence. Some people like me just want to play the game to finally be a part of the universe we love so much. I want to explore the castle grounds, cast spells and fly on a broom.
So if you, like me, want to play the game not because of the morals but because you want to experience the feeling of being part of the universe, I advise you to wait a couple months and buying the game used on places like eBay. And from my experience, games tend to drop in value very quickly on the used market, so I wouldn't be surprised if you pay half of what you would've payed on launch day. And of course for the live of god don't buy any DLC and microtransactions online.
So, JKR bad, HP good. Love the universe, hate the author.
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