barrydeutsch · 3 months
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Free Trade Is For Peasants, Not Cartoonists
Transcript, discussion, and a gross anecdote about Hugh Hefner at: https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-trade-is-98677035
We can keep making these cartoons because lots of people support us with $1-3 pledges! Join them at patreon.com/barry
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
Throwing Glass Stones in Rock Houses [27 May 23]
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racefortheironthrone · 4 months
From Henry George: "What protection teaches us, is to do to ourselves in time of peace what enemies seek to do to us in time of war.” Is this sentiment incorrect considering for example infant industry, US industrialization under protectionism etc?
Like a lot of 19th century heterodox reformers like the Greenback Party or the Populists, Henry George was rather hostile to the conservative turn that Republican economic policy had taken in the post-war years.
Thus, for example Henry George and people like him were advocates of Greenbackism as opposed to the Republican gold standard orthodoxy, because they viewed deflation as a major cause of the suffering of the laboring classes both in the farms and factories.
And yes, they tended to be hostile to protectionism, generally from the perspective that tariffs were regressive forms of taxation, and that the supposed benefits that were supposed to come from protectionism weren't trickling down to the workers. Yes, American industry was growing by leaps and bounds in this period, but the gains were largely flowing to the robber barons.
(Thus, one of the things Henry George hoped to do with his "single tax" was the reduction of tariff rates in order to lower prices and boost the real incomes of working people.)
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omegaphilosophia · 5 months
Theories of the Philosophy of Trade
The philosophy of trade encompasses various theories and perspectives that seek to understand the ethical, economic, and social dimensions of trade practices. Some key theories in this domain include:
Utilitarianism: This theory posits that trade should aim to maximize overall utility or happiness for society as a whole. It evaluates the ethicality of trade practices based on their ability to produce the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
Free Market Capitalism: This perspective emphasizes the importance of free and voluntary exchange between individuals and minimal government intervention in trade. It argues that market forces, such as supply and demand, should determine prices and allocations of resources.
Fair Trade: Fair trade theory advocates for ethical trade practices that prioritize social and environmental sustainability, as well as fair wages and working conditions for producers in developing countries. It seeks to address power imbalances and inequalities inherent in global trade systems.
Protectionism: This theory promotes the use of trade barriers, such as tariffs and quotas, to protect domestic industries from foreign competition. Proponents argue that protectionist measures can safeguard domestic jobs and industries, promote economic self-sufficiency, and prevent exploitation by foreign entities.
Economic Nationalism: Economic nationalism prioritizes the economic interests of a nation-state over global trade considerations. It often involves policies aimed at reducing reliance on foreign goods and promoting domestic production and consumption.
Environmentalism: Environmentalist perspectives on trade emphasize the importance of sustainable and eco-friendly trade practices that minimize harm to the environment. This includes considerations of resource conservation, pollution reduction, and the promotion of renewable energy sources.
Social Justice: The philosophy of trade from a social justice perspective focuses on addressing inequalities and injustices in global trade systems. It advocates for policies that promote equitable distribution of resources, protect the rights of workers and marginalized groups, and reduce disparities between affluent and impoverished nations.
These are just a few of the many theories and perspectives that contribute to the philosophy of trade, each offering unique insights into the ethical, economic, and social implications of commercial exchange.
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shouta-edits · 11 months
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"Can I request a selfship moodboard with Ramattra (Overwatch)? Maybe with a lil bit of mutual protectiveness? Thank you!" - anon requested
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 9 months
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"Things that happened in spite of liberalism are because of it!"
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pookapufferfish · 1 year
I did 6 chapters worth of planning for an inverse au fanfic but I was struggling to begin writing so now I have even more in-depth planning of every scene in chapter 1.
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empirearchives · 1 year
Article from the London School of Economics about the effect of Napoleon’s protectionism (Continental System)
Really fascinating excerpt:
“On the eve of the French Revolution in 1789, there were only 900 spinning jennies in France, while Britain boasted 18,000.
During the 10 ­year period of the blockade, cotton production capacity in the new technology quadrupled in France. But development was regionally uneven (see Figure 2). Consistent with increased protection in northern regions of the French Empire, spinning capacity in those regions increased enormously, while firms in areas around the Spanish border went bankrupt.”
The article explains how the northern ports of Europe were the ones that most complied with the continental blockade, whereas the blockade was not successful in Spain due to the Spanish insurgency against Napoleonic rule, which is why their firms went bankrupt.
The author also says that there was enduring impact of the blockade decades later:
“As late as 1850, more than three decades after the end of Napoleonic rule, Belgium and France, two areas of the empire that enjoyed high levels of protection from British trade, had larger cotton industries than other European countries. Most strikingly, the domestic cotton industry was generally small in countries that had been exposed to higher levels of British competition throughout the blockade.”
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poetrythreesixfive · 2 years
Great Moments in History, Part V
In the year 2022, on a typical autumnal day,
a young girl got up for school, ate breakfast,
said goodbye to her mom and dad, and then
walked down to the bus stop, which was two
blocks away, about a hundred yards from the
front door of their suburban home, and as she
walked, nothing happened, no white van with
dark windows pulled up beside her, no gang
of bikers ran her over, no bears jumped out
of the woods; she did not trip or fall; she did
not get lost; it was a bit chilly, so she pulled
her hood up over her head, and when she got
to the bus stop, she said hi to the eight parents
standing there beside their children, staring at
her as if she were some feral stray in the wild.
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While class conflict may have grown in the Americas due to free trade, In the East however with America and Europe having many of their industries and imports being based from countries like China, India, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, Western free trade has given rise to these Eastern countries to become superpowers like in the case of China and Russia and Regional powers who also have major effects on the world economy nevertheless like Saudi Arabia. This of course is more in line with Oswald Spengler view of the destruction of Western capitalism than it is with Karl Marx. In 'Man and Technics,' Spengler warned that western technological capitalism was not only destroying everything that was natural, but was also moving many industries to East Asian countries for profit and that this would eventually give these East Asian countries the economic power to rival the West. This is especially true for China, which has the second largest economy in world partially due to Chinese state intervention and the outsourcing of western industries to China. The importance of China and other eastern countries economies can be seen from the last two years alone. With China shutting down for Covid, which caused mass trade distributions and shortages in America and the world. To Russia, oil and natural gas being sanctioned by western countries due to the war in Ukraine which has caused a shortage of fossil fuels and the price of energy to increase. Not to mention, made inflation worse for many western countries. All this was also accelerated when Saudi Arabia and OPEC announced that they would decrease oil production by 2 million barrels causing more problems for western economies.
Albino Squirrel, “The American Protectionist Economy of The Past and The Protectionist Economy of The Future” (November 8th 2022).
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arcadiaberger · 15 days
UNHINGED Conservatives Are WAGING WAR On Lab Grown Meat
We have NOT been raising meat animals the same way for six thousand years.*  The people of the city of Tubal-Cain did not keep cattle in feedlots and fatten them on shredded newspaper smeared with molasses. Noah and his children did not celebrate the grounding of the Ark by feasting on beef that had been given daily microdoses of antibiotics. The bacon which Nimrod the mighty hunter didn't bring home to Babel and was indtead raised in styes in the city wasn't fed on the corpses of hogs which had died due to overcrowded, unsanitary conditions. The fact that the practices of the meat-growing industry in Florida are not specifically forbidden in the Book of Leviticus is proof that even God Himself could not anticipate the inventiveness and ingenuity of human depravity.
*But nice trick, throwing some red meat [wink, wink] to the 4004 B.C.E. crowd.
#Politics  #Corruption  #Ron DeSantis  #YouTube  #Video  #Cloned Meat  #Humane Meat Production  #Protectionism For Legacy Industry
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bookish2bookish · 16 days
El ascenso de la derecha. ¿Cómo el giro hacia la extrema derecha en Europa impacta la globalización, la sostenibilidad y el comercio?
El giro hacia la derecha en las más recientes elecciones del Parlamento Europeo 2024-2029 (resultados provisionales al día de hoy) ha captado la atención de quienes trabajamos en temas de globalización, sostenibilidad y comercio internacional. Aunque en la extrema derecha europea aún existen algunos negacionistas del cambio climático, la realidad es que la mayoría de los partidos europeos de…
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drjacquescoulardeau · 1 month
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Heavy Rains tonight. Take shelter.
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immaculatasknight · 1 month
Heroic history
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confettihipster · 1 month
started writing a draft list of how i feel about all the countries at euro 2024 and realised i wrote "fascist" like eight times. anyway i will be supporting turkey as my second team bc of the turkish guy who works near me who i saw skipping down the road once
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stop-entropy-lie-down · 2 months
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checkmate liberals, I've already portrayed my people as having Plenty To Eat and your people as having patchy clothes
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