#proud dad and his emo son who adores him more than anything
Sander Sides - Coraline AU
So when scrolling through one of my favorite channels on here I saw someone mention Janus as Other Father, and this got my creativity going. I’ll hash out the characters and ideas, then give you a basic idea of what is cooking in my head. However, I’m not sure on how I want things to go in terms of plot. But I do have a general idea of the characters and their roles as well as background.
Other Mother: Logan Sanders
In this idea the Other Mother would have been Patton, but given there are so many sides, I thought he’d fit another role better. Then my sister suggested Logan as Other Mother, and it fits for the basic plot I have in mind. He goes by Logic by the others in the Other World, or as they call it the Alternate World or Pocket World. 
Logan says he’s the eldest one here along with Patton and Janus, and seems to be the head of the ‘family’. He’s a very stoic mother, pushing his kids, which in this case is Roman, Remus, and Virgil, to be smart. Not in a bad way, he’s a silently content mother, and you can tell when he’s proud of you. He cleans mostly and makes sure everything is in place, and enjoys gardening. Mostly he stays in the study or outside. 
In terms of power, Logan is the most powerful of them due to being the oldest person there. And no, he doesn’t turn into a spider being, he actually is a type of bird. Looking alot like harpy when you really tick him off. His buttons are dark blue with silver thread and his skin is warm but overly smooth. 
Other Fathers: Patton and Janus Sanders No one is really sure who is older, they’ve always been with each other. Janus enjoys making music and Patton enjoys cooking for the family. Both are very fatherly and enjoy doting on their kids. Going by the names of Morality and Deceit/Self. When mother dear isn’t around, it’s up to the one of the fathers to sort things out.  Janus is strange, as in he’s the one who gives the hints something isn’t quiet right. Though it’s unknown if these are his actions or not. He seems to like challenging kids that come to the Pocket World to think about what they are seeing and why. Yet does it a very coy way. Then there are days he’ll do a 180 and ask you not to question anything and actively lie about things. His buttons are dark gold with black thread, and he does have scales on his face still. Though, to a kid that’s nothing. Patton is cheerful and bubbly, his dinners are always the best as is his sweets. He’s the one that mostly sticks to Logan the most, and enjoys gardening also. He’s the first to make sure one doesn’t question, easily deflecting odd things, and is great at distracting people. He is Nostalgia after all, his areas when your near him make you feel so happy and get you lost in happy moments. His buttons are light blue with dark blue tread.  Both take on forms of a Frog and Snake when angry, which are terrifying. Their skin is also very rubbery feeling. Other Brother: Virgil Sanders  Virgil here is the youngest, looking like he’s only 15 or 16. He’s been here the shortest... and looks oddly like a kid that went missing back in the early 2000′s. The Family calls his Anxiety, and he’s rather withdrawn. But does enjoy playing video games or board games with Patton, Janus, and Logan.  Soft spoken, sarcastic, and a little emo spiderling, he’s adored by Patton mostly. Who calls him the ‘Dark Strange Son’ alot. Virgil seems rather happy in the Other World. Stating to little Thomas that this world is much better than anything he could dream of. He’s however hesitant to answer questions about things not inside the Other World. Telling Thomas to not think about that, and just be happy. He enjoys his room/the attic, and outside in the front yard. When angry, Virgil is the one with the spider form, taking on a more glass like look and his skin is cold to the touch. His buttons are dark purple with light purple thread. 
Other Twins: Roman and Remus Sanders The two Creativity Rascals, they are slightly older then Virgil, but much younger than Janus and Patton. They can warp reality around them when in their favorite spots, be it the Basement for Remus, or the Woods for Roman. Their rooms are actually in the basement in the door near the left side of the house. While Virgil's is in the attic. They serve as the entertainment, coming up with ideas on the fly to go on adventures, play dragons and knights, or kings and castles. The forest, quiet literally, is their playground. Having their own fort and castle there, and a while bunch of land to cover.  The twins play fight alot, but they get along very well and are rather close to one another. And are like the cool older brothers who have alot of fun, but are happy to let the youngers join them.  Both have tentacles in this one, though Remus is more slimy than his brother. And when they open their extra mouths on their body when angry, it’s very scary. Roman’s buttons are red with green thread, while Remus is green with red thread. And their skin is like plastic almost.  Coraline: Thomas Anderson  He’s about 12 in this one, just moved to the country side in a little blue house on the back dirt roads. This town is dreadfully boring, with dull, muted colors, always over cast and rainy. It’s like all the happiness has been sucked out of it and left to decay.  Thomas is not upset about the move, as he never had many friends, if any, from his old home. He’s mostly upset with the fact he’s just dull, he’s not allowed to be colorful. And to top it off, his parents aren’t always there emotionally for him. Leaving him completely isolated, even more so when he’s a closeted gay in a very religious family.  So when he finds a world where everything is colorful, with three dads, well two and a mom, a family who cares about him, he’s excited. Maybe this move won’t be so bad.
Plot: The idea in my head is that Thomas has moved with his parents to a rather nice when hie father got a promotion. But, like most typical rich families, he’s not really paid attention to. And Thomas feels mostly left out, having no friends to call his own, and just his imagination and books to keep him busy.  When exploring his new house, finding the attic and basement locked, and a small golden key, he finds a little door. It’s been walled off, which is a bummer. That is until the middle of the night, when Thomas follows a shadow to the door. Finding it leads to a world that is perfect. The world represents everything Thomas wants, brothers, Roman, Remus, and Virgil. Fathers, Patton and Janus, and a mother, Logan, who actually cares about him. He isn’t sure if this is some very real dream or not. But he’s not complaining, he feels welcomed instantly byt he family.  Taken on adventures with Roman and Remus, playing games with Virgil and learning knew things from Logan, helping Patton cook, and Janus teaches him music and among other things. But when after a week of this, Thomas starts to see strange cracks in their personalities. And when they one day ask if he wants to stay forever and be part of their family, it meets getting this pink buttons in his eyes. He’s terrified, and now wonders if he’ll ever escape... or even if he wants to. Notes:
So I’m not sure how I want it to be played out. If the Others are truly evil in just that they want to kidnap Thomas just because they are selfish and/or turn him into a doll.  OR if I want it to be well meaning sinister, where they think they are doing Thomas a favor by taking him away from his neglectful family. 
One thing to note is they do really like Thomas, regardless of intentions, they do like him. And either way, they want him to stay forever.
Now, I’m not sure if I want with the Other Father for Patton to be controlling Janus or Janus to be controlling Patton. One of them is well aware of what they are doing, but can’t go against the wishes of their controller or Logan. While they are happy, the idea of luring kids tends to hurt them inside.
The Other World is bigger than Thomas things, he’s just in a small area that belongs to Logan. There are MANY others out there. Who lure people away into their realm, for better or worse. It’s like it’s own reality, only everything is just perfect. It’s like a nostalgic trap, much like Patton’s room only worse.
Logan is the main guy, he’s been at this for a long time, and either Patton or Janus is their partner depending on who is controlling who. He mainly lures kids as he likes the taste of their humanity. It’s what he feeds off of, draining them of their everything, and making them like dolls, only with a semi soul. Any who does this too becomes his kid or helper. Logan is fine with this, he enjoys having a family. And he only has to feed every few decades or so. He’s been around for a long time. Most of his ‘kids’ have grown up, and become true Others who have their own areas. Virgil, Roman, and Remus though are still MUCH too young for such a thing.  Others are NOT human, nor are they ‘aliens’ either. Best thing I can think of are like Fae, only... less magical as we know it. They are creatures who feed off of emotions and the essences that make people human. Which is why they all feel like dolls. 
Others are near immortal should they feed properly, and Others areas tend to just attract people to them. Some go after teens, others kids, some adults, taste is everything. Adults tend to be more fulling, but can be bitter and sour tasting, Teens are half and half depending on situation, and are often spicy tasting. While kids are very sweet, and typically are fulling also depending on how well you’ve gained their trust. If you can get them to agree to being an other, even better.  It’s harder than it sounds though.
Each Other does have a specific power that they use. Which I am still hashing out in my head. 
They rarely get angry, but boy is it scary when they do. 
The key only is Thomas’s interpretation of the entrance way, it can be anything to get into the Other World. It’s all up to the person in how THEY think to get in. It could be walking through two trees making a hole in them, opening a door that is only unlocked on certain days, or even just crawling under your bed. It’s up to the seeker how they wish to get in, which is why the Other World can stay in one spot, no matter the house or thing built on it. 
There is no real moral code for Others, their world is very well hidden. But they are very protective of their charges when they find the right type of feed off of. Logan gets extremely possessive of Thomas when he shows up, not as in he punishes the others, but if Thomas ever thinks about leaving or tries too, Logan would lock him up until Thomas gives into despair. 
If they are being unruly or try to escape, one way to get them ot agree is by isolating them, and cutting them off from happiness. Which makes kids and teens want to stay once they leave their isolation. Logan dislikes doing this, but going without a food source is rather painful, and he’d rather not put himself or his partner through that. So if he must, he will make sure the target stays. Even if it won’t be as filling as if they agreed willingly. 
Also, their areas is often where their power is the strongest.
So Yeah, there it is, if you guys have any question just let me know. And this goes to @fangirltothefullest who when I mentioned this idea to her really wanted to see this.  I still need more for it, but I like the concept of it, it’s much different from the books, but that’s what makes it interesting. Could easily be Angst with Happy Ending. Could even get more sinister than this. We’ll see. Might post more about this later. And fanart is well loved, I can draw, but not well enough in my mind lol. 
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stilydinski · 5 years
Haikyuu Family Headcanons
Okay so my friend @panbitchx and i spent the whole day thinking about the family lives of some of our haikyuu boys since the anime gives us little to nothing about it for most of them,,,,,,so enjoy what we came up with!
This is only part 1 with all the karasuno first years. More parts will follow!
So we know about him growing up with his mom and his little sister Natsu
Since their household is female dominated Hinata never had a problem with doing “girly stuff” like playing tea parties or smth with his sister because he knows it doesn’t make him less of a man or anything and it’s just normal to him !
Hinata always uses a fruity shampoo which is because when they were little shoyo and natsu took baths together and used the same shampoo. He grew up just using the shampoo that his mom and sister use as well because why bother buying a different one when it smells so good??
He’s naturally a cheerful and happy person but it was for sure greatly influenced by his sister. When she was a baby he always tried to make her laugh
All in all a sweet older brother, his mom raised him well, 10/10 would recommend as son
We had a bit of a conflict with this one because it could go exactly two ways with him
Possibility #1 is the obvious choice of him being an only child
If he grew up without siblings he for sure fell into the classic role of a selfish only child who was spoiled by his parents
He didn’t really adapt to the concept of teamwork which is what ultimately resulted in his King-phase in middle school
As a child he was used to things going his way and compromising was just not something he had to deal with a lot so he became very demanding, especially since there was a gap in talent between him and his fellow players
Possibility #2 for his family is him having an older brother!
His brother is about the same age as Tsukishima’s brother and they probably are friends too, maybe they were even on the same volleyball team in high school
Kageyama’s brother is actually quite similar with Akiteru,,,a very sweet guy who loves his brother and plays volleyball, he brought the sport to his sibling and taught Kageyama the basics, he also realized that the younger boy learns rather quick
He left the house rather early for college so Kageyama did end up spending a lot of his childhood on his own
The only problem with their dynamic was that their parents kind of favored their oldest son. They were really proud of him because he is very smart and succeeds well academically. It’s not Kageyama’s fault tho, since he was still rather young while his brother was busy at high school and impressing their parents
However because of this Kageyama felt kind of neglected and had this need to be successful as well. He put everything he had into volleyball since school stuff was pretty boring to him. He wanted to make his parents proud too but he slowly turned from ambitious to demanding which again resulted in his emo middle school King reputation
The relationship between Kageyama and his brother is not that bad tho, of course there is jealousy on Kageyama’s behalf and this subconscious need to be better or just like him,,but he also just really looks up to his brother and wants to make his parents proud like he did
His brother is also the reason why he admired Oikawa in middle school since he reminded Kageyama of his brother!
Our first choice for canon would be possibility #1 but we both enjoyed the second theory
So we already know much about this household but we’ll go through it anyways
Akiteru and their father are very similar personality-wise but he looks more like their mom i think this is canon but i’m not sure while Tsukki looks more like their dad
Their father is really tall, probably also used to be an athlete,,,,also tsukki got his bad eyesight from him
Their mom however is short and really beautiful, also looks rather young. It happened more than once before that she and Tsukishima went shopping and people mistook her for his older sister!
I love that Tsukki is canonly a dinosaurs kid. He probably still has some figures standing in his room to this day but the only ones who see it are just his family or Yamaguchi anyways so why bother storing them away?
But all in all we know most of his family stuff canonly
So for this cutie we settled on him having like 2 older sisters
Both of them are really confident and cool and beautiful
Yams is pretty shy because he kinda grew up as the baby of the family, his sisters both being a few years older so he had everyone in the family cherishing him since he’s just adorable
He looks up to his sisters a lot because they are outgoing, confident, strong and independent women. They are kind of his rolemodels in that aspect!
Both of them would literally fight anyone who tries to hurt their baby brother, wouldn’t want to mess with these ladies,,they adore him but who wouldn’t
Yamaguchi is also a great son to have, he’s a caring person because he grew up in a very loving household with his parents and sisters!
Let me know if u got any additions or interjections for these since these are just our theories!!
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recipe-for-thomathy · 5 years
A Team Effort
Warning: SPOILERS and Deceit (he's a good danger noodle I swear)
Pairing/s: Prinxiety & Logicality plus some platonic Thomceit
Summary: basically, the Sides want to work on their synchronization skills by operating Thomas as a team.
Inspired by the end card from Selfishness v. Selflessness
"Boys! I have an idea!" Roman shouts as he rushes into the Minscape's living room, only to find Patton and Logan lounging on the couch, no Emo Nightmare in sight.
"Wait, where's Virgil?"
"Right here, Princey." said Side replies, walking out of their kitchen with a half-eaten cookie in hand.
Patton turns to his dark, strange son and smiles, "how are they, kiddo?"
Virgil munches on the last piece of his cookie and swallows before answering back, "delicious as always, Dad."
"That's good to hear." the fatherly Side nods in appreciation, receiving a kiss on the forehead from his logical boyfriend.
"Everything you make is delicious, dear."
"Awww, thank you, Logan."
"Guys, not trying to ruin your moment or anything, but I've got an idea."
Virgil chuckles and slings an arm around his slightly taller boyfriend, "and what would that be, mi príncipe?"
A fond smile creeps upon the fanciful Side's face at hearing the Spanish nickname leave his lover's lips.
"Well, rey de mi corazon (king of my heart), what would you all say to a team building exercise?"
"Team building?" Logan asks with much interest.
"Yup!" Roman nods in confirmation, "Since you and I are able to operate Thomas' arms, wouldn't it be a given for Patton and Virgil to be able to operate his legs?"
"Hmm, I suppose so." the logical Side answers after a quick thought, "Are you suggesting we operate Thomas to perform certain tasks he generally gets done on the daily?"
"ONLY if he wants to." Virgil adds in.
Roman nods towards his boyfriend, "Yes, only if he wants to. Let us ask him right now!"
"THOMAS!" Roman suddenly rises up from his spot near the TV and lamp.
"Language, kiddo!" Patton reminds as he and Logan rise up from their designated spots, Virgil the last to appear on the stairs.
Thomas is quick to cover his mouth to prevent himself from swearing, then glares at the princely trait, "I almost peed my pants!"
"But you didn't." the creative Side points out.
"Thankfully." Thomas mutters with a sigh, "Mind telling me why you're all here?"
"Well, we figured we could use a little bit of practice in working together, and what a better way for us to do so than by operating you as a team!" Roman tells their confused host.
"W-wait... I thought you and Logan are only able to control my arms?"
"Yeah, so wouldn't that leave Patton and Virgil in control of your legs?"
"...I don't know, guys." Thomas hesitates, "I mean, I'm not really opposed to the idea, but..."
"You're afraid that we might just start fighting, and end up hurting you if we got lost in the heat of the argument." Virgil finishes, knowing exactly what their host was nervous about.
"It's not that I don't trust you guys..." Thomas looks at each of them with a guilty expression, "its just... You never know, you know?"
Patton walks over to their host and wraps him in a hug, "Aww, it's alright, Thomas. We understand."
"I still want you guys to do it, though, it'll help with your synchronization and all that stuff."
Someone clearing their throat catches the attention of all four Sides and their host.
"If you'd like, I'd gladly be here as the mediator. And to assure that our dear Thomas doesn't end up injured." Deceit volunteers with a small smile.
Roman grins and looks at Thomas, who nods in approval.
"Let's do this!"
-1 hour later-
"I'm surprised we managed to do the laundry and cook a meal without having our usual disputes with one another." Logan tells his three co-Sides with a proud smile.
"I am both proud and relieved to see you guys doing a great job at this joint coordination you've all somehow mastered." Thomas admits, looking at each side warily, "What now?"
"Dancing!" Roman exclaims excitedly.
"Absolutely not/NO!/Ooh yes!" Logan, Virgil, and Patton say at the same time.
From those responses, Thomas knew something was going to go wrong now. With a quick glance at Deceit, the lying trait sighs and places a reassuring hand on his host's shoulder.
"You'll be fine, hun, I got you."
-5 minutes later-
"Are we doing it right?"
"This is too cringey!"
"I am unfortunately feeling secondhand embarrassment with this."
"hah, secondhand embarrassment, good one Logybear!" Patton giggles.
The logical Side face palms but has a fond smile on his face, "That was, frankly, not intentional, but thank you, dear."
After a few more minutes, Roman sees no improvement in their attempt at getting Thomas to twerk, so he calls it off, receiving multiple sighs of relief.
"Oh, come on! That wasn't so bad... Right?"
"Pfft, I'll say." Virgil laughs lightly, making his way over to Roman's corner but accidentally tripping on his own feet, resulting for Thomas to, as well, lose his own footing.
Luckily, Roman was there to catch his boyfriend before he could fall.
As for Thomas...
"gAH!" He yelps, closing his eyes and waiting for the impact.
But it never comes.
He slowly peeks one eye open, and finds himself in the arms of his deceitful Side.
"Like I said my dear Thomas, I got you." Deceit shoots Thomas a warm smile, helping him back up on his feet.
Logan glances over to the couple across from him, finding the anxious trait a blushing mess in the arms of his Prince Charming, who seems to have a mix between a smug and fond look on his face.
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The moral Side couldn't help but let out a squeal at the adorable sight, "AWWWW!!! Logan! Why can't we be like that?" a sudden pout forms on Patton's lips.
"well, according to our two friends over there, Patton, we are always like that."
"I can confirm that." Deceit cuts in.
"Well, now that you've all accomplished your team work skills, how's about I order us a pizza?" Thomas suggests.
"Ooh yes! Please do, Kiddo!"
"As cheesy as this may sound, I believe that Virgil over there has fallen for Roman once again."
Said Sides turn their heads towards Logan in amusement, "Did Pocket Protector just make two puns in one sentence?" asked the anxious trait, a grin spreading across both his and Princey's face.
"Judging by the fact that Patton's peppering Logan's face with kisses right now, I believe so, mi amor."
Thomas can feel his heart swelling up with love for each of his Sides, a small smile gracing his face and a single thought imbedding itself into his mind.
I love my famILY.
This is a gift to my 102 followers.
The cute Prinxiety fanart above belongs to @secondus so credits to them for making such an incredible piece of art 😊
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jadekitty777 · 6 years
Sun Wukong, Mercury Black, and Ruby Rose for the character ask thing?
Sun Wukong
(Definitely not the blond-haired, blue-eyed guy I was expecting to beasked about, but let’s get right to it!)
 ·        Favorite thingabout them: His general attitude. I’ve always got a soft-spot for optimisticcharacters like Sun, and his upbeat, laid-back nature can really bring a lot ofhumor and cheer to a scene. He’s also got a really kind heart. On a shallowernote, the casual way he uses his tail for like, everything.
·        Least favoritething about them: Dude. Stop leaving your team behind. Seriously.
·        Favorite line: “Pff that’sdumb! You should always get friends involved!” Has always been a big favorite.Also, not a line, but his tiny squeal when he realizes where Blake lives isjust fucking precious.
·        brOTP: Definitely hisfriendship with Neptune is one of the most entertaining in the whole show. Theyhave that kind of buddy-buddy ‘I’ve always got your back’ relationship that I’malways a big fan of.
·        OTP: So, when itcomes to shipping characters, they generally have to be pretty high up on myfavorites list for it to really be something I invest time thinking about. Sunreally isn’t that high on said list – but, for just a passing answer - Blake/Sunor Neptune/Sun are both kind of cute. I also rather like the potential Yang/Sun/Blakehas.
·        nOTP: So, mind youthere is no hate to this but, some people ship Ruby and Sun together; that onehas always been a little weird to me. It’s always been a ‘What, why?’ kind ofresponse when I see it.
·        Randomheadcanon: True to his Vacuo nature,Sun likes to do little, harmless crimes just to see what he can get awaywith, Stowing away on boats is his favorite. He never does anything with theintent to harm; mostly he just wants to give everyone a story to tell.
·        Unpopularopinion: Him going after Blake in Volume 4 was fine. I’ve seen lots ofarguments claiming he was being a stalker, but I feel the context is oftendanced over – he was trailing her not because he was trying to be a creep, butbecause he assumed that she was going after the White Fang and knew she couldn’tfight them all off alone. His assumption just happened to be wrong, but theintentions of his actions was noble.
·        Song Iassociate with them: Honestly I have no talent for this kind of thing so I’ll justpick something random: “Stickerbrush Symphony” from the Donkey Kong Countryseries, particularly the SSBrawl version
·        Favoritepicture of them: 
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What can I say. I’m a sucker for sunset background with sexy,smirking blonds in the forefront.
 Mercury Black(The emo boy of Team Salem)
·        Favorite thingabout them: Honestly, I’m going all shallow for this, but I like his hair. He’sa total pretty-boy. His snark is a close second though.
·        Least favoritething about them: It fits his character but, that sometimes his snark turns intobrattiness and that can get kind of annoying (but it works well if people pointit out). He’ll go from being clever to sounding or acting like a 5-year old.
·        Favorite line: “Oh Doc, tellme! Will I ever walk again?” Got to love the fake melodrama and the linedelivery on this one.
·        brOTP: I rather likehis and Emerald’s friendship – even if it is a rollercoaster at times. I kindof feel they have this sort of brother-sister relationship going on. Not wherethey are actually sibling-like, but more so where Mercury plays the role of asnooty older brother who just tries to do anything to get on Emerald’s nerves.
·        OTP: Eh, definitely don’thave one for him.
·        nOTP: Yang and him. Idon’t really know why, but that one is just a lot of nopenopenope for me.
·        Randomheadcanon: Mercury is not a strong reader and knows almost none of Remnant’sfamous fables. When Emerald and Cinder found him, he actually couldn’t read atall. His father was obsessed with keeping his son weaker than him in every possibleway – from fighting skills to his intelligence – and thus never invested timein teaching him his basic education. Mercury now can read enough to get by, butthe more complicated the words, the more he actually struggles with it. Anythinghe knows now Cinder and Emerald taught to him during their travels together.
·        Unpopularopinion: Overall, I know he’s actually a huge favorite in the fandom,but Mercury is extremely low on my personal list. Not in the hated category oranything, I just really don’t care much for him one way or another. Writing outthis is actually the most attention I’ve ever given to his character.
·        Song Iassociate with them: Another random choice, but “I am Machine” from Three Days Grace seemsa fairly solid choice. Particularly the lines ‘I wish I knew what it was like,to care about what’s right and wrong’ and ‘I don’t like what I’m becoming, Iwish I could just feel something’.
·        Favoritepicture of them: 
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I’m sure this is rather a weird choice, but I like this shot overall for the companionship and somewhatprotectiveness Mercury shows here.
Ruby Rose(The precious child we all want to protect but don’t need to ‘cause she’ll kickeveryone’s ass)
·        Favorite thingabout them: Ruby is actually a high favorite for me, so there’s tons of thingsabout her I love. From her fashion, to her skill with her weapon, to hersemblance, to her connections with people, to her attitude, there’s a ton toadore.
·        Least favoritething about them: RUBY. SEND A LETTER TO YOUR DAD ALREADY. FOR MAIDEN’S SAKE, HE’SGONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK. (Also, still not really into that speech she gave toQrow in Vol 6, Chp. 9… but the one following it in chp.10 was WORLD’S better andtotally made up for it)
·        Favorite line: I have to pickjust one!? Well. I will always adore her little cheer of: “You came back!” whenWeiss returns to be her partner. Also, not a line, but the high-five she andWeiss share over their combat skirts.
·        brOTP: … Everyone? Caneveryone be a choice? Okay, no, it can’t. But some big favorites are her andWeiss, Yang, Jaune, Penny, and Oscar.
·        OTP: Speaking ofOscar… Yeah, definitely in the Rosegarden club. I was fond of Ice Flower onceupon a time, and still find her and Weiss cute, but if there’s any ship of Rubythat I’ll invest time in, it’s unquestionably one with Oscar. More so when theyget older though (and maybe if the war ends and Ozma is finally allowed to passon) – not because of age of anything, but simply because Ruby doesn’t seemsuper interested in any romantic pursuits right now.
·        nOTP: ON THE SAMETOKEN, HER AND OZPIN IS A BIG NO-NO-NO AND I SEE SO MUCH FANFICTION OF THIS? Imean, okay y’all do what ya want, fanfiction doesn’t hurt anyone in the end.But for me personally it’s just too gross to consider.
·        Randomheadcanon: I’ve talked about this one before, but Ruby hates Raven.Probably more than she hates anyone, even Cinder, simply because despite havinghad no physical presence in her life, Raven’s still managed to ruin so much init. She had to grow up and watch arguments unfold between her dad and hersister, with Qrow sometimes ganging up on Tai with her if he was drunk enough, wheneverYang would try and dig for more information. It was equally painful for her tosee Yang burning herself out because of her one-track minded pursuit oversomeone who couldn’t bother to love her like a mother should have. Sometimes,when Ruby is standing in front of Summer’s grave, she’ll tell her that eventhough she’s proud of what a great huntress she was she sometimes wishes she hadn’tbeen one at all, because if she was there, maybe Yang wouldn’t feel like shewas missing something (and, on worse days, Ruby would add “Or me either.”).
·        Unpopularopinion: I really don’t think Ruby is as weak of a protagonist aseveryone makes her out to be. I’ve heard the complaints, and while thearguments sometimes have merit, in general I think she’s fairly well rounded.Did some of her attention get shafted the past few volumes? Yeah, at times. ButI’ve still never found myself disliking her.
·        Song Iassociate with them: Red like Roses?! Okay that’s cheating. How about “The Rose”(Westlife’s version), because I can certainly draw comparisons to every lineabout a character that would fit and Ruby being the central figure – the ‘seedof love’ that was so simple yet so impacting to those more bitter or hurtaround her and, in turn, found solace in knowing her.
·        Favoritepicture of them: Ruby has so many good ones that again it’s hard to choose butfor right now:
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“Bitch, youthought.”
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yerabearmum · 6 years
Finally got around to watching season 7 and HOOOO BOY do I have a lot to say
“he’s the youngest pilot ever to lead a mission into space” I think you forgot to mention ‘professional gay disaster’
Shiro looking at Keith, who is staring morosely out the window: he so obviously needs a hug but he would also glare a hole through my face if I come within ten feet of him how can I show this child love
why is Little Lance’s voice deeper than Big Lance’s
“the emo kid’s doing it!” of course he is what more would you expect from the kid who never talks and openly but silently hates your guts
how does this twelve-year-old know how to drive in the first place
Kieth:*steals a car*
shiro doesn’t even look upset he’s just concerned and impressed
lance is so done with science in general
hello my name is takashi shirogane and welcome to my ted talk
Romelle’s hand gestures fill my soul with warmth
Coran is literally just Space Steve Irwin
Coran’s intimidation methods are #fierce
if that’s seriously how you used to wrangle yelmores then is it really any wonder why Alfor is dead
“like you, lance” an hour of adoring silence for this sibling relationship
how much you wanna bet Shiro is aware of everything around him and his only thought is “listen baby bro I already came back from death once why do you fear that I can’t do it again”
Keith yawns like a gay queen
I aspire the be the same level of zen as the recorder guy in the background
just remember that keith was and still is just as much of a showoff as Lance
Hunk’s expression when James says the only reason Keith is there is Shiro ‘james srsly are you trying to die”
“is that what mommy and daddy told you before-” MY MOMMA NEVER TOLD ME SHIT
there is exactly -.0002% chance of me ever getting over the gorgeous indigo color of Keith’s eyes they’re like tiny emo galaxies
consider: Homelle is such a wholesome hufflepuff ship
Lance Saves All Our Asses Again and It Goes Completely Unmentioned Afterwards Again: a novel by nobody because Lance gets as much recognition as a piece of bra lint
Pidgeot shaking a water drop off her head like a tiny woodland nerd sprite is my new reason for existing
my smol children just got smoler
Shiro looks like some kind of Gaydiana Jones on that hover thing
it’s probably just the anime eyes but it seriously looks like Little Keith is wearing eyeliner
shiro zooming off the cliff is like me trying outrun the overwhelming weight of existence
bby keith in the sunset is Hiro Hamada minus the tooth gap and personal healt- oh no wait that would be Shiro. shiro is baymax. floofy boi= marshmallow bun. WHERE DO THE CONSPIRACIES END.
honey you’re like twenty-two and a very bad liar
Admiral Sonda is just Sam Holt as a woman
literally the gayest gay breakup they could get away with. I applaud you
how dare they use the most underappreciated character as literal bait 
ah, i see rescuers down under made an appearance in the timespace of a single frame
why do the yelmores sound like Chewie
the phonotonium bubbles are bringin back memories of the Newtcase scene
that moment when you realize what he means by “you can’t do this to me again” and you feel your will to live crumble into Satan’s coffee grounds
the way that Lance says “ready to charge up the lions?” reminds me so much of that time in Eureka when Zane was like “ready to smash some unstable atoms together at the speed of light?” 
I can’t remember a single time that Lance looked happier or more excited about life in general that he does in the intro and... oh, look, there goes my heart. falling to the floor. shattering on the concrete. again. look at it go.
Coran honey they are standing right next to each other does it look like Cosmo is eating her
road trip humor
darling child do you honestly believe that this lion is going to let some random-ass person sit down and drive it
What the everloving fuck is wrong with the Altean alphabet
Hunk's selfies are so precious
"No. Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. Can't do this." BIG MOOD OKAY
yes thank you for that recap Lance we had not yet noticed the difficulty of our situation
"super dangerous it's perfect" yeah me too hon me too
will the little PEW PEW sounds ever cease to amuse me? the answer is no
Kosmo+Krolia is the ultimate kickass mom team
guys come on have a little faith in him
I, too, sometimes narrate my life inside my head
Kosmo: oh I’m sorry I’ve been a wee bit BUSY DYING
so apparently Kaltinecker is just a generic name for space cows? I don’t like this
“who are you?” *Mushu voice, unfurls wings* “your worst nightmare”
Axca is just “whoop I kicked your ass mY bAd”
“Indeed I was, but now I am your savior.”
why is Ezor so lovable
“we’re going to have to use a more extreme approach” *pulls out silly string threateningly* “start talking”
Hunk looks so offended when they’re picking who to torture
Ezor would be perfect for one of those Garnier Fructis commercials where they pick stuff up with their hair
Can we talk about Lance and Pidge's sibling relationship? I think as much as they complain, they both really miss having that close kind of relationship. Pidge has Matt, of course, but he's not exactly open to talk anytime they want. This leaves Pidge and Lance to fall back on each other. Lance grew up in a big family, and probably also a very tight-knit one. So whether he realizes it or not, he depends on those kinds of connections, with stupid little arguments and support. I think that sibling connection is the one thing that really keeps them grounded when nothing else can.
Oh! And the other thing: This first occurred to me during the "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER" scene, because Lance is the first one to react protectively. Sure, the other's are protective of Pidge, but it's different for Lance because he reacts in such a 'big brother' sort of way. Again, Lance comes from a really big family, so playing the big brother role is second nature to him, and I love that it's such a huge part of his character to be protective.
*S&M plays every time Axca is onscreen*
Coran doing the Office Look
Coran: the lions are weak, we’ll end up right back here
Axca: then perish
I think the guard is already overwhelmed enough, what with having his quiznack handed to him by a couple of mice
Takashi honey does he look okay
why does Zethrid just sound like a guy trying and failing to do a girly voice
so apparently Axca has a type and that type is guys with ‘flippity hair’
Pidge’s smolness is a weapon in and of itself
when did Lance become the right-hand man I like this arrangement
“Can we just fight?” is the pg equivalent of “I’M GAY BITCH”
Ezor’s... head thing makes her look like Space Rapunzel
she was *Star Wars voice* seduced by the dark side of the force
do they seriously expect us to believe that there’s just an alien named Bob
‘intergalactic goofballs” is the most accurate description yet
“c’mere keith” WIVEL WIVEL WHIRL
“I... uhhh” is the most artist thing I have ever heard
do the creators just stuff cookies in their mouths and say random stuff to come up with alien words
princess Lance is playing this game the right way don’t you yell at him
Keith’s voice when he says “windy cave?”
”the dumb one” bitch you’re the one who’s dead so who’s really the dumb one here
Bob please stop hurting my son his self-esteem is already fragile enough
Is he beautiful? Absolutely. Is he dumb? ABSOLUTELY NOT STOP HURTING HIM
One of these days Lance will straight up dab and on that day I will die of joy
Allura is literally picking up Hunk and I love it
now Allura’s asking the really big questions. I mean, what are any of us doing here. We’re just specks of dirt floating on the vast tissue of time
Pidge is trying so hard to look like she couldn’t care less and I’ve never related to anything more
She looks so smug whacking the camera
Lance’s face when he’s talking about his little crush on Keith
I just want Coran to get to earth and be Dumbledore in a play
I like the end music it’s so dancey and disco but not cringy
In the course of two seconds Coran goes from the Lorax to a ginger version of the guy from Ratatouille
KoSmO ThE dElIvErY wOlF
was that for real an alien dick joke
I like how both my gay sons have marks on their faces. Shiro has a scar, Keith has a Galra mark. What’s next? Lance with airbender tattoos? I hope not.
that is legit just a watermelon with tusks
oh Merlin no that’s even worse please go back to the watermelon
zippity zap your neck goes snap
don’t you love it when female characters literally glow with power? because I do
that was such an Avengers moment
Chat Noir would be proud of you, Hunk
Shiro is a savage
the paladins adopting ‘quiznack’ into their casual cussing vocabulary is what I live for
if “something will come to kill us any minute now” is a good thing, you have severely low standards
oh yes lovely they’re having group hallucinations of space bats
Hunk stubbornly refusing to sound off is so relatable like my stubbornness also drives all those around me slowly insane
Hunk being shocked by being shown any form of value and appreciation crushes my heart this boy needs to be loved
that enthusiastic “YEAH!” is what sleep deprived happiness sounds like
I like to imagine the voice actors practicing dramatic anime screaming while they drive to work and now I can’t breathe cuz I’m laughing too hard
Keith and Lance’s bayards make giant magic wings that’s some serious soulmate shit right there
really you’re not gonna shoot it first to check if it’s real? after that whole space monster thing? you’re just gonna zoom toward it? hon c’mon
and of course the creators had to ask themselves “How can we best ruin this moment of joy? THE GALRA INVASION”
Colleen Holt is a force of nature and the living embodiment of “don’t fuck with me I’ve got the power of God and anime on my side”
Iverson: here’s what we know
Sammy’s not having none of your shit so shut it before he tapes it
oh jeez they’re lined up by height that’s adorable
I like how this clearly takes place in a fairly distant future, but robots aren’t doing everything like people seem to think they would. The evident majority of labor is still done by people, like engineers and flight directors.
If they’d shown Keith’s recording it would’ve been like “Hey, it’s me. *with Kosmo sprawled across his lap, panting loudly. Lance is snickering quietly behind the camera* I don’t exactly, uh... have family on earth. But I’m Keith, the Garrison’s number one discipline problem. I wear the title proudly, but I still just wanted to... apologize, kind of, to pretty much every authority figure at the Garrison for making your life living hell. Yeah.”
“but everything changed when the Galra invaded”
does Kinkade ever speak? I kinda want him to be mute. A disabled fighter pilot would be the coolest thing
Veronica is such a badass 
aw man he spoke 
I can’t wait for when Krolia comes back to earth everyone’s gonna be like “oh fUCK A GALRA SHOOT IT DOWN” and then Keith walks out with his arms up like “HOLD IT THEY’RE WITH US” *Krolia steps out* “everybody say hi to my mom”
“Don’t miss” oh yeah I just thought I’d let them go this would be a great way to let Sandac know we’re here
oh my Merlin they have a dog
oh what a soft moment
what was with that dramatic look between Keith and Griffin? I mean I know this is Keith we’re talking about but there’s no way they held a grudge that long over a disagreement when they were... what? Eleven?
Allura is rocking that Garrison uniform
“Allura, you’re a genius!” yeah sweetie I know
that’s going to electrocute him 
 Shiro’s hair floof looks less like a bird now and more like a dead bush
Veronica is officially one of my faves
Kaltinecker is just like “oh this is happening now”
I still can’t believe they got the particle barrier up in the first place
ohhhh look it’s launching somethings going good- wait never mind  WHY ALWAYS THIS
Leifstoder is adorable
Griffin has the voice of an angel
Shiro’s floating arm kind of ruins the dramatic hero effect of the doors opening into the light of battle
should the beams from the zyphorge canons be that pretty
I know Sendac is an ass and he deserves to die but I have to admire his dedication
my major problem here is that, a) how is Shiro alive? he has no helmet, no oxygen tank. all the air should be sucked right out of his lungs. He should be dead, and b) NO HUMAN BEING CAN JUST BARREL THROUGH EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE UNPROTECTED LIKE THAT THE THERMOSPHERE IS LIKE 5OO KELVIN SHIRO SHOULD BE A CHARRED PILE OF BONES
we will remember this as the Battle of the Floating Arms
“Victory or de-” *Keith, falling fiercely from the sky* DEATH
aaaaaaaaaand the victory is short-lived
oh I missed this when is the last time they dedicated an entire episode to just fighting a giant-ass robot
so what is this now? Dark matter? Dark quintessence?
Coran: but Voltron!
Shiro: bitch we are voltron
SoMeBoDy’S gOnNa DiEeE
is there anything I hate more than watching my children accept that they are about to die? My burning hatred for Severus Snape comes very close but no there is not
how much you wanna bet that when Haggar disappeared she took over Lotor’s little Altean colony and now she’s using them for the robots
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shooklynn-blog · 7 years
Black Hole Meets Shooting Star (Chapter 3)
A/N: i’ve kind of been putting off my homework to write this fic lol but I'm just so excited for it! i have some exciting plans, but am trying to get the beginning established so that action to come later will be more justified and kind of make sense. this chapter isn’t super action-packed, but it’s good at establishing scenery and idk i just kinda like it. 
not to tell you how to live your life, but you should probably read chapter 2 first
also: you can read the whole story on wattpad here :)
summary: Dan is so sick of everybody treating Phil Lester like some untouchable prince at school. Phil wears the same flower crowns and pastels Dan was heavily bullied for, but gets no grief. Dan would give anything to have Phil’s life, something that, in his eyes, is just perfect. Phil, the distant daydreamer, walks around, paying little attention to anybody but himself. He’s the person that Dan just loves to hate. That is, until Phil finds him after getting beaten up and takes him back to his place to get him cleaned up. Maybe Dan learns that there’s more to this Phil Lester kid than what meets the eye, and maybe all the distant boy’s daydreaming is just a distraction from the horrors of every day life.
genre: angst, fluff
warning: dan is n-o-s-y like omg dan can u chill out for 0.5 seconds pls, mentions of earlier vomit?? for like one line ur gonna probably be fine lol
word count: 1,814
Chapter 3:
The door to the kitchen swung open with ease. As I walked in, I immediately noticed how incredibly clean it was. It totally put my kitchen to shame. There wasn’t a dish in sight, all of them stashed away in the dark cupboards above the granite counter. The only thing sitting on the counter was a box of envelopes, neatly filed away. The kitchen looked like it was straight out of a home renovation magazine. There was a silver fridge with a long note pinned onto it by a small yellow magnet. I couldn’t resist peeking at it. 
The note read:
“Hey Phil!
We’re so proud of you, and we know that you must be a little freaked out, but we know you’ll be fine! We’re only going to be gone for a week, and we are confident that you’ll be alright. The box on the counter has all things you might need to know in the case of an emergency, including contacts. Don’t forget to lock the doors, there should be plenty of food labeled in the fridge.
Make sure to call every night so that we can check in on you. If you have a friend who can stay over, that would be fine by us as long as you try and get to school every day and stay safe. You’re going to be fine.
Mum and Dad”
His parents were clearly very protective of him, but many parents were. Still, the note, clearly supposed to be comforting rather than instructions, was a little strange in itself. His parents were congratulating his bravery staying home alone? They must have cared a lot about him. He was probably an only child.
I would have killed to have parents who cared so much. Yeah, if I got seriously hurt my mum would worry about me, but it seemed like nothing to the extent of Phil’s family’s concern for their teenaged son who would be home alone for like a week. I was alone most of the time, so I was used to microwaved meals and the loneliness that accompanied most dinner times.
Looking through the box, there were instructions for everything you could have possibly imagined. They ranged from break ins to a wild hamster bearing rabies running into the house. Each envelope was clearly labeled with colorful stickers, his parents must have been pretty paranoid to put so much time into something like that. Did they not realize that he was a teenager who could, for the most part, do things himself without burning the house down. I supposed that some parents were just like that.
I went through another door, this one leading to a dimly lit hallway. The walls were burgundy, but the ceiling was the same too-bright white that the bathroom’s ceiling and the kitchen’s walls. At the end of the hall, there was a window, the only source of light in the narrow space, and a small table below it. There were 4 doors, 2 on each side of the hall. I slowly opened the first on the right.  
It was probably Phil’s parents’ room. The walls were painted a light tan and there was a large king bed with a dark brown comforter on it in the left corner of the room. A bedside table was next to it, with two framed pictures propped up and a bowl of stationary tools. The first was a picture of who I assumed to be Phil’s parents with a boy who looked to be a bit older than Phil, but looked strikingly similar to him. There were mountains in the background, and they smiled like a happy family. I couldn’t help but feel a longing when looking at the photo. His parents looked so fondly at who I assumed to be Phil’s brother.
The second picture was Phil’s school photo from last year. I snorted a little, they clearly had a favorite son. While the picture of them as a family was adorable, it was just hilarious that they had a fully framed picture of Phil and not any of the other family members.
I heard the door open behind me. I’d been caught being nosy. I spun around to see Phil looking at me, slightly panicked.
“What are you doing in here?” he asked, his voice a little deeper than before.
“I-I’m sorry, I was just wandering around and I got lost,” I stuttered, “I can go now, I’m really sorry.”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t mind you being here, it’s just my parents’ room,” he stood there awkwardly, just kind of looking at me. We stood in silence, just sort of coexisting. I cleared my throat.
“So, uh, where was this taken?” I didn’t care much, but the silence was making me uncomfortable.
“I’m not sure,” he replied softly, fidgeting with his shirt. His eyes darted around the room, never resting on anything for too long. I kind of just stood there, not knowing what else to say.
“Is that your brother?” I was trying to save the dying conversation because I had no idea what else to do. Phil looked up at me.
“Yeah, Martyn’s 2 years older than me, off at boarding school,” Phil’s tone was lighter, actually looking me in the eyes as he answered.
“Really, that’s cool. I have a brother too. How long ago was the picture taken?” If his brother was only 2 years older than him, then it must have been fairly recent, as Martyn still looked slightly older than Phil in it. Phil began to fidget again.
“I’m not sure,” he breathed, so quietly that it was a miracle I’d understood at all. I decided to drop it, he seemed to be kind of uncomfortable.
“So, where are your parents at?” I didn’t want to give away that I’d read the note on the fridge, he already thought that I was nosy enough.
“They’re visiting some famous French doctor,” he almost seemed annoyed, “but I don’t really understand why that would take a whole week.” Why would they need to visit a doctor in France? I felt a sinking feeling inside of me, maybe somebody in his family was sick. Maybe it was his brother, and he was getting treatment in the “boarding school” he was at. It would explain why he’d gotten so shut out when I asked him about Martyn. God, I was a terrible person. I decided not to pry.
“God, that must have sounded horrible. None of my family is dying of disease, my parents are just doctors, so they like to meet with other doctors,” Phil chuckled a little, and I breathed out a sigh of relief. He looked at me apologetically, “I’m sorry, that reminded me, I’ve gotta call my parents to put them at ease. You can keep wandering around if you want, just don’t go opening any drawers you shouldn’t.” Had he just winked at me? He turned and walked out the door. Left standing alone, I decided to keep looking around.
I went to the room across the hall. The handle didn’t budge when I tried to open it. At this point, I had two options. I could have either left it alone as it was probably locked for a reason or used the paperclip I’d seen in Phil’s parents’ room. I went back to get the paper clip.
It was a fairly easy lock to pick, pretty standard. I was in within a matter of minutes. The room’s walls were painted black. The duvet on the bed in the corner of the room was checkered black and white. The bed was neatly made, the bedside table having accumulated a thick layer of dust. Muse, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, and Green Day Posters were all over the walls. The closet was full of band tee-shirts and black clothing. His brother reminded me of myself. I was sure I’d get along well with Martyn.
I was a little surprised that that was Martyn’s room. In the picture, he’d been wearing pretty bright clothes, it was hard to believe that the same boy in the picture owned all that black. I guess everybody went through their emo phase at some point or another.
“Jesus, when I said you could wander, I didn’t realize you’d go into the locked rooms as well,” Phil was back. He was back and he’d just caught me after breaking into his brother’s room. I turned around.
“We have to stop meeting like this,” I tried to make it sound lighthearted, but Phil’s expression was much more upset than he’d been when I’d gone into his parents’ room, “Is this Martyn’s room?” He looked distant again, and that scared me more than the anger I’d seen behind his eyes just a moment before.
“Nobody lives here,” he stated monotonously. He was back to the Phil Lester from school. He was back to the robot I’d seen him as too many times. He gestured to me, “Follow me, I can give you a ride home.” I followed him through the house to his car, climbing in. It was later than I thought. How long had I been unconscious for? The sun was already down.
I could still smell my vomit from earlier. Gross. It was a long, silent car ride. The tension was so thick I could slice through it with a knife. We just went by wordlessly. I thought about how much Phil had helped me, and felt bad about breaking into the locked bedroom. I’d overstepped my boundaries. Maybe it wasn’t right to have hated this boy who showed me nothing but compassion. It didn’t change the fact that I envied his life, with doctors for parents and everybody treating him kindly. His emo brother was away at boarding school, so he didn’t have to deal with him. He was clearly the favorite child. He pulled up to my house.
“Hey, thanks for everything. If it weren’t for you, I’d still probably be bleeding and slumped over a tree,” I couldn’t put into words how much I appreciated what he did for me, and how sorry I felt about breaking into the bedroom.
“It’s fine, here’s my number. Text me if you need anything. With doctor parents, I have every type of painkiller known to man in my cabinet,” Phil’s tone was warmer than earlier, and I put his number into my phone. I wished him a good night and returned to my empty home, longing to have been able to spend a few more minutes with the not-so-stranger. He waited until I got into the door to drive away, making sure I made it up the driveway. I went straight to bed and fell asleep, wrapped in his fuzzy yellow hoodie. My dreams were peaceful, very different than the one I’d had only hours before.
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juniperhillpatient · 8 years
Summary: Veronica and Reggie bond over shared feelings 
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff with a side of emo 
Pairing: Veronica/Reggie 
"Friendship is a pretty full-time occupation if you really are friendly with somebody. You can't have too many friends because then you're just not really friends” - Truman Capote. 
Friendship. Loneliness wasn't a common phenomenon for a Lodge girl. Lodges were adored by all. That's what Veronica's mother always told her anyway.
Yet Betty was out at dinner with her parents, Archie was hanging out with Jughead, and Veronica didn't want anyone else to know she didn't have anything planned for a Friday evening.
Thunder rumbled in the distance. The rain was pattering on the roof, and pouring down the window Veronica was sitting beside like a waterfall. She ran a finger through her dark hair, twisting it.
Her phone dinged and she was a little faster to look than she normally would have been.
"Hi Ronnie, wyd?" the text read. 
It was from Mantle the Magnificent. Ugh, Reggie Mantle. He'd put his number into her phone under that name. What a piece of work. This was clearly a bootie call. How embarrassing. She sighed, typing back.
"Soon, going to the Twilight Drive-in with you I hope. How to Marry a Millionaire is playing."
"Be at ur place in 5"
She rolled her eyes, standing to go to her closet to find an outfit other than the jeans and blouse she had worn to school. She decided on a red cotton dress with a black belt and a little pair of boots with heels. 
As she pulled the dress over her head there was a knock at the bedroom door. Before she could pull the dress all the way over her head the bedroom door opened. She hurried to get the dress on and looked up to glare at Reggie Mantle who's expression was a staged mix of amused and embarrassed. Like he hadn't done that on purpose. 
"Don't you knock?" she snapped, straightening the fabric of the dress. 
"Well," he said, approaching her so that he was standing over her. "To be fair, I did." 
"Yeah," she said, shoving him away as she leaned down to put on the shoes. "And didn't even wait for an answer." 
"Ronnie," he said, meeting her eyes as she stood up. "I'm sorry. Really." 
"Fine," she said, grabbing her purse. "You ready?" 
"Actually," Reggie said, hesitant. "I'm not really in the mood for the Twilight? Maybe we could just stay here and watch something?" 
"Oh you have got to be kidding me," Veronica said. "This is not a Netflix and chill date Reggie Mantle, because I do not do Netflix and chill dates." 
"Hah," Reggie leaned against the doorway, spreading out his body and trying to get her to look him up and down the way he was her. "You'd be lucky to Netflix and chill with me. I just wanted to hang out. With just us. Really." 
"Okay," Veronica said, suspicious. "My parents aren't home," she told him as she put down her purse. 
Reggie raised his eyebrows. He was still leaning against the door frame, and maybe her eyes wandered just a little to the flesh peeking out at the bottom of his shirt hem. 
"So we can use the living room!" Exasperated, she hit him in the arm with her pillow before tossing it back onto her bed. 
He followed her down the spiral staircase, and into the living room where he sat down, putting his feet up on the coffee table. Casual, she picked up his feet and put them back on the floor. She walked over to the shelf of DVDs. 
"Breakfast at Tiffany's?" she asked, holding up the DVD. 
"I was thinking more like Sharknado, but you're the hostess so whatever you want." 
She shook her head in dismay as she put the DVD in, and turned off the light before sitting beside him. She shivered. She'd been planning on bringing a blanket to the Twilight Drive-In. 
She scooted closer to him, and he did that lame yawning move where he stretched out and put his arm around her. She hesitated, and leaned against him, relaxing against his perfect build. He ran a hand through her hair, casual and relaxed as always. 
"You know," he said. "I thought you'd be doing something for sure tonight. A girl like you everyone in town wants to be around you." 
"What about you?" she asked. "I thought you were always referring to yourself as the best piece of Action in Riverdale?" 
"Well duh," Reggie said with a chuckle. He was still running his hand through her hair, and it was really nice. She was only half watching the movie. She'd seen it many times before.
She felt safe and warm with her head resting against Reggie's chest and his arm around her, fingers in her hair. She felt like she could be honest with him. 
"Sometimes," Veronica admitted, "It feels like I'm always surrounding myself with people that admire me for my money and my looks just to avoid the fact that deep down, I'm all alone." 
"I know the feeling," Reggie muttered. 
"You do?" Veronic asked, sitting up a little to look at him. He avoided eye contact with her. 
"Well, you know," Reggie said. "Only because I'm so awesome. No one could ever love me as much as I love myself." He forced a laugh, but Veronica could hear the sadness there. 
"Yeah," she said, leaning against him again. "But sometimes it's like....Like yeah, I have money and looks but my parents are always out of town. What good is all this nice stuff if I don't ever get to see my parents?" 
"I get that," Reggie said. He was back to stroking her hair. "You know I've only seen my dad once this month? And when I saw him, this is so dumb. but I-" Reggie cut himself off in the middle of the sentence. He repositioned so he could look her in the face. "I swear to God Ron, if you ever tell a soul about this, even Betty, I'll tell everyone I gave you a sticky maple." 
"Jeez I won't tell a soul," Veronica said, holding up her hands to show that her fingers weren't crossed. 
Reggie met her eyes and nodded. 
"Anyway," Reggie continued. "I was so excited that he was coming home and I planned this whole Father and son night. We were going to go bowling and then watch an action movie. But when he got home he walked int the door and he looked at me and he said," Reggie changed his voice to a fake deep level to imitate his dad. "Hi, son. I wanted to let you know you'll need to be out of the house tonight because your Mother and I are having company." 
"Ouch," Veronica said. "That stings." 
She wanted to ask him if this had been tonight. Maybe that's why he'd texted her. He needed to get out of the house. 
"Yeah," Reggie admitted. He looked away from her, uncomfortable. She put her hands on his shoulder, trying to get him to face her again. 
"Hey," she said. "I've never told anyone this, not even Betty. But you know that car my Dad got me for my sixteenth birthday?" 
"Yeah of course," Reggie said. "That's a swell car. You were so proud of that beauty when you got it. You showed it to everyone." 
"Yeah," Veronica agreed. "Well, he only got it for me because he totally forgot it was even my birthday. To overcompensate, he got me the car last minute." 
"Ouch," Reggie said, echoing Veronica’s reaction to his story. 
They shared a look that was filled with all the emotions they were both trying to hide. 
"Hey, Reggie?" 
"Yeah, Ron?" 
"I'm really glad you decided to come over tonight." 
"Me too." 
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