#proud to vote
passerkirbius · 2 months
So, there's a lot of USians around who are very clearly fucking fed up with their political choices this election cycle, and planning to sit it out.
And I get it! What's the point of voting if there's no one to vote for?
The thing is, I'm Australian. In Australia, voting is compulsory. We don't get to sit out our elections, and I'll be real honest with you - we don't exactly get better choices than you lot. So how do you vote if there's no one to vote for? You find someone to vote against. And there's always someone to vote against.
Now, we have the pleasure of preferential voting in Australia - We get to rank every candidate from 1 to X, and I'll tell you, there's something so cathartic about putting the biggest bastard of the lot at the very bottom of your preferences. I understand that USians don't get that option - you get to mark one person, and that's it.
That means that you get one shot, so aim it at the biggest bastard of the lot. The candidate you most utterly detest. Put your vote in the worst possible place for them. Don't even think about who that vote's going towards, that's not the point. Remember, every vote is a vote against someone. Make sure you fuck up that someone's election day!
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ceruleanharley · 1 month
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hmm i wonder why. maybe it's because we know actual war and what it's like to be the suppressed side in a bloody conflict
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dwuerch-blog · 2 years
I Am Proud to Be an American
I Am Proud to Be an American
So proud, that I am all in – not just in early voting for these mid-term elections but being among the first ones to vote in my precinct. AND, I’m also an Election Official Clerk. I love the whole experience of watching people pulling out their photo id with pride to receive their ballot, determine their choices at the polling booths and then input their ballot into the voting machine. THEN,…
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waywardstation · 1 year
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Ingo forgets this is a sexyman competition and what people are here for. He gets distracted. Jack takes advantage. (Ft. Reblog tags in my last post)
Jack may be the pumpkin king, but Ingo is the tumblr sexyman king in my heart, in the most non-sexy way possible.
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Theoretically if I were to host an event in which the Scum Villain Fandom tried to write PIDW would people be interested?
I discussed this with my good friend @spaced-out-scribbles a while back but here few details that I have in my head, please stop me if someone has already done something like this before
As we all know PIDW, written by Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, was the source material that Shen Yuan transmigrates into
So wouldn't it be funny to have a "canon" source material for people to reference?
Step 1 would be to compile every reference to PIDW in SVSSS to figure out how long Binghe's white lotus arc lasted and how long actual plot occured before it devolved into shitty smut
Step 2 would be to compile a list of fic writers and maybe artists perhaps that would be interested in recreating PIDW based off of the information occuring in Step 1
A discord server is put together with everyone interested in this project
There could maybe be a list of people assigned to each referenced arc that would maybe hold applications the way that a zine would perhaps? With people applying to write specific portions of PIDW if they wanted to write the marriage of a specific wife or a portion of a specific arc
And anyone else that wanted to participate is assigned a random wife number and told to go wild with the longest, shittiest description of how Luo Bingge was a total stallion lead, and married his new wife of the week
All of these fics and/or accompanying art are submitted to a GIANT ao3 collection (bonus points if everyone involved creates a pseud that's named as Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky for this project) and with everyone's contributions all put together you get a semblance of what PIDW would have looked like
Bonus points if no one else has any idea what happened in a previous wife plot, so the story is not at all coherent towards the later chapters, because I fully believe Airplane had no idea what the fuck he's written before as he got to the end of PIDW
Someone is assigned to write the final shitty ending that made Shen Yuan so mad he died and transmigrated
If anyone wants to contribute to PIDW after the project, the collection could remain open but moderated to make sure chapter numbers/wife numbers stay consistent and that's about it
Obviously this would be a huge project to wrangle and would need a lot of people involved to actually make it work and take a lot of time, so if this is something people are actually interested in, it would more than likely not be able to come to fruition until the start of 2025 at the absolute earliest with all the prep work it would take to get a project like this accomplished but I thought I'd throw it out there to see if people would be interested, so reblog to spread the word if this is something you'd like to see!
Once again, if someone has already done something like this please let me know, I've only been in this fandom for like a year and a half so I'm aware that a lot of fandom events have occured before my time in the fandom
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political opinion: fingers should have more joints
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buwheal · 1 month
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YAYYYYYY Birthday cake for the birthday boooyyyyyy hooray 46!!!!!!!!!! Made him a cake cause he deserves it :^D
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#1 Salesman 1997 !!!!
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....look familiar perhaps..?
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sulfadimethoxine · 3 months
Added color to this. Ok this was the April fools thing i was talking about, so uh the joke is uh, um, erm…
Anyway i feel that sundrop would fall for her personality and chica falls for him bc he resembles pizza
And i was going to put an additional comic for who moon likes, but i ran out of steam. Was going to explore how they navigated sharing the same body but with different crushes. Feels very likely that moon and sun would end up liking two different people. It was a toss between Monty and music man but heavily leaning towards Monty….
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ettaevie · 2 years
Mori’s relationship with Dazai and Chuuya in the light novels is really funny to me because he’s like “Ugh, my boys. My beautiful weapons of mass destruction. One of them might try to kill me one day but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.”
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gentil-minou · 7 months
"This is more about your ego and pride than Palestine" No its about putting pressure on a party that is supporting genocide
It's about logic
Biden and the DNC would rather cause dissent and dissatisfaction within their own party rather than call for a ceasefire
They know they can get away with it because they're a better option than Trump, because they know they could murder babies in front of you and you'll still vote for them.
So why would they call for a ceasefire when they don't need to?
That's why putting the pressure on them, saying they won't get our vote or saying we are looking for other options is so important.
Because that's the only way they will change.
By saying "Vote Blue No Matter Who", you give him and the DNC permission to permit genocide despite the vast majority of public opinion. You say they can do whatever they want because you will vote for them anyways.
You tell them they don't need to do anything else. That in fact they can do whatever they want. You've shown them you are so terrified of your own government that you would rather lie down and let it walk all over you than put any pressure on them at all
They have a year to make a change. Biden could end this all tomorrow, but why would he when he has you doing his dirty work?
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alexeithegoat · 2 years
I hope that if Scotland’s vote of independence falls through successful, that Ireland and Wales will join in too. We’re about 20k off fulfilling the vote, but we have until October 19th, 2023. Please, even if you’re not Scottish, Irish or Welsh, voting could really help us break free of England’s grasp. We’ve been mistreated far too long and now is the time for change. Every vote helps.
Here’s the link to the poll, thank you. Alba gu bràth! 💙🤍
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iszapizza · 1 year
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the deed is done
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humans-are-tasty · 1 year
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midwestblue · 2 years
the mob vote has been over for a while why are you people still reblogging this 😭
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heavenlyclownage · 1 year
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Alright so artstyle constantly changing aside, imagine, if you will: You lose in the first ever poll running, sorrowfully, then you go to see that you have a second chance! how great! finally time to prove everyone that you can do better! ONLY TO GET PITTED BY THE #2 WINNER OF LAST POLL AND LOSING AGAIN... I LOVE THAT HE'S A SORE LOSER,,, THIS IS VERY ON BRAND,,,
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 9 months
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the ultimate babygirl /silly /goofy, even
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the guy the man ever y'all<3333
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