#bible voting guide
dwuerch-blog · 2 years
I Am Proud to Be an American
I Am Proud to Be an American
So proud, that I am all in – not just in early voting for these mid-term elections but being among the first ones to vote in my precinct. AND, I’m also an Election Official Clerk. I love the whole experience of watching people pulling out their photo id with pride to receive their ballot, determine their choices at the polling booths and then input their ballot into the voting machine. THEN,…
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goatbeard-goatbeard · 8 months
Sure, Aziraphale lives in Soho and is THE southern pansy. But I’ve met multiple people in my own neighborhood who match Crowley’s exact description:
older trans/gnc person
military vet
living in their car
I cannot stress enough what a common combo that is, particularly for older trans folks. In my area, you can see the split between people who transitioned 10+ years ago vs. now, what kinds of experiences they had. There’s still a ways to go, but things have gotten dramatically better.
If you want to make things better even faster, vote in local elections.*
(that’s right, you’ve been tricked into reading a ✨🗳️ Voting Post 🗳️✨! Discover your civic obligations, fool!)
But seriously though, local politicians have TONS of influence on housing policy, and they really don’t hide their opinions. Even if their housing plans are awful, they’ll be easy to find on their campaign website.
They actually want to advertise those shitty plans, because those shitty plans are aimed at homeowners. Homeowners (1) have a stable address and (2) often worry about their home value. Both those factors make them super reliable voters.
Unfortunately, the “but my home value” folks always get riled up by low/no-cost housing. They’ll say it’s about “the character of the neighborhood”, but really, any increase in housing supply impacts the demand for their home investment. They also don’t want people visibly sleeping outside, so the combined effect is a neighborhood that blocks housing and harasses people for the crime of… peacefully sleeping in their car.
Whatever housing makes it through will often be too far away from necessary amenities or too busy/loud for folks with multiple overlapping traumas, whether from family or the jobs they took to get away from family (e.g. military).
But again, this is all very local politics, so you can outvote the Home Values crowd with a little bit of organizing!
For example: after voting, share your notes with your friends.** You have to research the candidates anyway, so why not pass around a little voter guide when you’re done?
List who you’re voting for in each position, and what info you saw that made you pick/avoid each person (this will also make your life easier the next time that person’s up for election). Even a very basic, bullet-point list can be the difference between someone forgetting the election date and filling out their entire ballot.*** Now instead of 1 vote, you’re moving a small handful of votes, which can have a big impact in local elections.
Also, creating a voter guide is surprisingly fun. There are some real characters in local politics, and you get to dunk on all their wacky policy ideas in your notes. An official voter guide will never say “<candidate name>: wtffffffffff”. But yours can!
*remember that local elections may happen more often than big-ticket elections. Search “<city name> election dates” and put reminders in your phone for a couple weeks before important deadlines, so you have time to research stuff.
**especially younger friends who may be less confident about voting their whole ballot, or unaware of different deadlines.
***this is one of the reasons why Christian conservatives are overrepresented in politics — they’re inherently organized because they already meet weekly (or more). It’s very easy for them to remind each other to vote. But we can steal this strategy! Don’t have a megachurch? That’s ok, remind your discord server to vote. Don’t have a Bible study? That’s ok, remind your D&D group, your boardgame group, or your knitting circle to vote.
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Peter Smith at AP:
From its towering white steeple and red-brick facade to its Sunday services filled with rousing gospel hymns and evangelistic sermons, First Baptist Church of Alexandria, Virginia, bears many of the classic hallmarks of a Southern Baptist church. On a recent Sunday, its pastor for women and children, Kim Eskridge, urged members to invite friends and neighbors to an upcoming vacation Bible school — a perennial Baptist activity — to help “reach families in the community with the gospel.” But because that pastor is a woman, First Baptist’s days in the Southern Baptist Convention may be numbered. At the SBC’s annual meeting June 11-12 in Indianapolis, representatives will vote on whether to amend the denomination’s constitution to essentially ban churches with any women pastors — and not just in the top job. That measure received overwhelming approval in a preliminary vote last year.
[...] By some estimates, the proposed ban could affect hundreds of congregations and have a disproportionate impact on predominantly Black churches. The vote is partly the culmination of events set in motion two years ago.
That’s when a Virginia pastor contacted SBC officials to contend that First Baptist and four nearby churches were “out of step” with denominational doctrine that says only men can be pastors. The SBC Credentials Committee launched a formal inquiry in April. Southern Baptists disagree on which ministry jobs this doctrine refers to. Some say it’s just the senior pastor, others that a pastor is anyone who preaches and exercises spiritual authority. And in a Baptist tradition that prizes local church autonomy, critics say the convention shouldn’t enshrine a constitutional rule based on one interpretation of its non-binding doctrinal statement. By some estimates, women are working in pastoral roles in hundreds of SBC-linked churches, a fraction of the nearly 47,000 across the denomination. But critics say the amendment would amount to a further narrowing in numbers and mindset for the nation’s largest Protestant denomination, which has moved steadily rightward in recent decades. They also wonder if the SBC has better things to do.
[...] The amendment, if passed, wouldn’t prompt an immediate purge. But it could keep the denomination’s leaders busy for years, investigating and ousting churches. Many predominantly Black churches have men as lead pastors but assign pastor titles to women in other areas, such as worship and children’s ministries. “To disfellowship like-minded churches ... based on a local-church governance decision dishonors the spirit of cooperation and the guiding tenets of our denomination,” wrote Pastor Gregory Perkins, president of the SBC’s National African American Fellowship, to denominational officials. The controversy complicates the already-choppy efforts by the mostly white denomination to diversify and overcome its legacy of slavery and segregation.
Amendment proponents say the convention needs to reinforce its doctrinal statement, the Baptist Faith and Message, which says the office of pastor is “limited to men as qualified by Scripture.”
The fate of Southern Baptists permitting women to serve as pastors in any capacity will be resolved at the upcoming SBC Annual Meeting this week, as the messengers are likely to vote to fully ban women pastors from the denomination.
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Conversion therapy is still thriving in Brazil
The suicide of a lesbian influencer — who was a supporter of former right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro — has put the spotlight on so-called ‘cures for homosexuality’ that persist, even though they have been banned for more than two decades
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For a third of his life — from the age of 14 to 27 — Héder Bello, now 37, lived in purgatory.
He was engaged in a fierce fight against himself, in an attempt to stop being homosexual. He tried with all his might to eradicate the attraction he felt for other boys, something that — for himself, his family and his community — made him the personification of sin, an abominable being. He suffered every imaginable form of the so-called “gay cure,” including exorcisms, fasting, self-flagellation, prayer sessions, religious retreats, Bible readings and so-called “therapy” sessions with Christian psychologists and Evangelical pastors.
During those infernal years, the sole purpose of his life — what guided his existence — was to stop being gay. He was studying Psychology at the Fluminense Federal University, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, when a Christian psychologist offered him the definitive path forward: electroshock treatment. This scared Bello so much that it marked a turning point in his life. Today, the survivor of brutal conversion therapy is now dedicated to researching and combating practices that have no scientific basis — a phenomenon that persists in his native Brazil.
Four Brazilian therapists have lost their license to practice in the last five years for offering supposed “gay cures,” according to the newspaper O Globo. These “therapies” have been prohibited by the Brazilian Council of Psychologists since 1999. Even further back, in 1990, the WHO eliminated homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses.
When the WHO made that historic decision, Bello was still a child growing up in an Evangelical Christian family in the rural area of Nova Friburgo, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. “I lived in an environment with many restrictions. Everything revolved around family, church and school,” Bello explains, in a video interview with EL PAÍS from the city of Rio, where he now lives. In his childhood universe, television, soap operas and everything outside the kingdom of God was considered diabolical. He grew up as a child dedicated to gospel music, without knowing who the TV star Xuxa was — the idol of Brazilian children of his generation, known as the “Queen of the Little Ones” — without sexual education, without knowing anyone from the LGBTQ+ community… and without even hearing the word “homosexual.”
As an adolescent, he left this bubble, when he entered public school. There, they called him “faggot” for the first time. He knew it was an insult, even though he didn’t understand it.
The recent suicide of a lesbian influencer and supporter of far-right former president Jair Bolsonaro has put the spotlight on conversion therapy. Weeks before her death, Karol Eller, 36, publicly announced that she was renouncing homosexuality after a religious retreat. “Family, triple your prayers for me. I renounced homosexual practice, vices and the desires of my flesh to live in Christ,” she proclaimed, in a message to her 700,000 followers. The entire Bolsonaro clan and the far right sent their condolences to the family. One of her best friends was the legislator who received the most votes in the last Brazilian elections: the ultra-conservative Nikolas Ferreira. The 27-year-old is so homophobic that he was fined for insulting the trans and left-wing deputy Duda Salabert in the Chamber of Deputies.
Continue reading.
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lesbianlenas · 5 months
Do you not know how to have lesbian sex? Is that why you wanted to vote no? Do you need a how to guide?
i know how….they have a guide to lesbian sex in the bible actually
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Without Investigating
“Now the Israelites settled in Egypt in the region of Goshen…” Genesis 47:27NIV
“Then the LORD said to Moses, “Stretch out your hand toward heaven, so that darkness may spread over the land of Egypt—a palpable darkness. …total darkness covered all the land of Egypt for three days. No one could see anyone else, and for three days no one left his place. Yet all the Israelites had light in their dwellings.” Exodus 10:21-23BSB
Have you ever been in a cavern, when the tour guide shuts off the light momentarily? The darkness can be felt. We stand in sin’s darkness equal to the darkness of a cavern. People are so lost in this darkness, they have nothing pointing to the way out. 
Many of the people lost in this darkness are believers in Christ who have succumbed to a lie and lost their way— “…for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: that they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness” 2Thessalonians 2:11-12KJV. They chose to believe lies rather than the truth of the gospel. That single choice cost them their salvation, —Matthew 24:12.  Meanwhile they believe they’re going to heaven. Lies such as: ‘the Bible is not the infallible word of God;’ ‘Jesus was not birthed by a virgin mother;’ ‘all religions lead to God.’
Society has become overrun by the demonic. One major area I’ve seen the Believers’ passion waning is the political arena— aka government. These Believers have accepted the lie stating they need to stay out of politics. 
God—Jesus is a judge, and King with a government which will never end— see Luke 1:32-33. Then 2Corinthians 5:10NIV “…we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ…”showing, there’s a courtroom in heaven. Somewhere the church became sidetracked. We’ve not been effective in changing the world’s governments by our belief system.  (Newsflash! The reason our world is in such a mess is because Believers don’t hold all of the political offices. Those who do hold offices are fraught with backlash from the overwhelming majority of worldly politicians.) 
Absurdly, Christians are prone to pick candidates according to the political parties of their parents, friends, even the evening news. They do so without investigating politician’s political platforms; where the individual candidate’s actions say they stand; often their voting records. 
Believers numerically have the ability to seat and unseat any politician, IF EVERYONE of us would all vote. Too many Believers say, ‘oh it’s all fake or crooked,’ or ‘I don’t like any of the candidates,’ ‘my vote doesn’t count,’ —therefore I won’t vote. A non-vote is a vote for evil and Holy Spirit sees it. As Believers, all of us, bearing the name of Jesus must pray to get the mind of Christ— then vote. Even if it means voting against our favored political party. Perhaps I am a bit opinionated, but I don’t know how a true Believer could vote for anyone whose political party supports abortion or euthanasia, because that’s murder, Proverbs 24:11NIV “Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.” God alone has that right to choose the time of death.
Darkness wasn’t allowed in Goshen where the Israelites had settled. They lived in light. None of the evil Egyptian government’s plagues came upon them. They were freed from the sufferings of their slave masters. Per 1Thessalonians 5:5NASB1977 we— “are all sons of light and sons of day. We are not of night nor of darkness;” Our every action and motive of our hearts must come from the Kingdom of our God and His Light within us. Which way will you choose? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Holy God we choose to live in the light of Your way and Your gospel. Help us to hold on to You in belief, in the nama of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux
Copyright 2024 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional. as author. Thank you.
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meetthetruthblogger · 10 days
September 10, 2024
Hello! I hope this note finds you and your family in good health, physically well and spiritually a disciple of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Eight weeks from today is voting day 2024 when we elect a President, a third of the United States Senators, all 435 U. S. Representatives, a new Governor, and many State-wide and local elections.
To register to vote In the State of Missouri you need to be at least 17 ½ years old, be a United States citizen and a Missouri resident. The deadline to register to vote in the November 2024 General Election is October 9th, 2024. Other states’ requirements and deadlines will differ; contact your Secretary of (your) State for assistance.
It is a privilege and an honor to be able to vote. I will go so far as to say it is your duty to vote. You are responsible to inform yourself about the candidates and the issues and vote as your conscience dictates. At a minimum, you should expect honesty, high moral character and a desire to serve from your candidate. Also, I want my candidates to be Christian.
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
A word to the Christians reading this: For some reason, that is not Biblical, Christians have a reputation as being non-voters – shame on you if this is you! You have a mandate directly from Jesus to be salt and light, to be an example to other Christians and non-Christians alike! There are plenty of issues requiring your attention; if you do not vote you are giving the abortionists, the LGBT community, the sex-traffickers, the illegal aliens and others a free ride to cause further damage and destruction to our beloved country.
 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-16)
 How do you know who to vote for? I am here to help you! You will need a Bible opened to Exodus, Chapter 20, Verses 1-17: Now just go through God’s Commandments and align the people on your ballot with His Law. For example, the 6th Commandment says, ‘You shall not murder,’ so you should pick a candidate who believes in life; this would eliminate any candidates who advocate abortion. The next Commandment is that ‘You shall not commit adultery,’ so you would want to pick a potential legislator who believes in marriage and sexual relations between one man and one woman. Apply this logic to each candidate, using each Commandment and you will know exactly who to vote for. You might want to get a sample ballot and do this research in advance.
My message in that last paragraph will, undoubtedly hold me up to ridicule and criticism; using the Bible as a guide to voting? Crazy! Or is it? I can assure you that our Founding Fathers would not even have raised an eyebrow at the thought of using the Bible as a voting aid. Most of our Founders were very well versed in Scripture and being self-educated, for the most part, expected  United States citizens to use the Bible as a guide in their lives. It is only in the last 60 years, since the godless United States Supreme Court ruled in the 1962 Engel v. Vitale decision that God and His Bible have experienced a loss of popularity.
 Please be sure to register and vote, our County is in deep trouble and needs your help!
Next week will be an introduction to God’s Law and Prophecy; it is my intention that these two topics will help you to decide to give your life to Jesus Christ. See you then.
Tom Maloney
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fortleegospel · 16 days
Gospel News
Dear friends and members of Fort Lee Gospel Church,
It is hard to believe September has come. Temperatures dropping, school starting, and summer vacations becoming a memory. Fort Lee Gospel has committed to the theme of ‘Prayer’ for Fall 2024. That is prayer for our nation and the world, prayer for our church, prayer for our work, and prayer for our family and friends.
A key verse for this ‘Prayer Initiative’ is Mark 11:17. In context it says:
15 On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, 16 and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts. 17 And as he taught them, he said, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’” (highlighted quote from Isaiah 56:7)
This verse is important to Fort Lee Gospel Church as we are a church that represents over 25 nations of birth. In the coming months we will be highlighting the importance of prayer as a response to the day and times in which we live.
Here are some examples of why we need to pray:
- The wars in Gaza and Ukraine continue on. Among other verses, Ps. 122:6 says, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.” How many Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and Palestinians need to die before leaders make peace? Therefore, we pray for peace.
- The Bible does not tell us to vote or who to vote for, but it does clearly tell us to pray for our leaders. I Tim. 2:1-4 includes, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority . . .” In our divided political environment, the church must lead with prayer.
- When Jesus ascended into heaven, He left the disciples with the “Great Commission.” It says, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) We need a revival as church attendance has generally decreased in our nation in recent years.
- Jesus’ ministry included teaching, healing, and deliverance. Many in our church have witnessed God’s healing and deliverance in their lives. We pray for more breakthroughs in the coming months. Phil. 4:19 says, “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” May God be our Healer and Deliverer.
These are the ways we will emphasize prayer in the coming weeks:
1. The sermons in the coming weeks will be on the “Prayers of the New Testament.” We start this week in Matthew 6.
2. There is a Weekly Prayer Guide which will be available in hard copy this Sunday. A copy is attached to today’s email if you would like to print a copy for yourself.
3. Sunday services will include testimonies and challenges to persevere in prayer by various members of the congregation. We will hear from Laurie this Sunday. Related to this sharing is that our online presence will be reduced to the sermon only.
4. Wrist bands have been printed that say “FLGC Prays” which we trust will be a prayer reminder.
5. We continue to meet every Wednesday and Saturday morning at 6:00 AM for our Morning Prayer Meeting. All our Bible studies include a prayer component.
Very few Christians believe that they pray enough. Our goal is that in the coming months each of us would grow in our prayer life. For some it will be a growth in consistency. For others, new practices and patterns of prayer. For others, a calling to more time in prayer. As we pray, may God meet us, work in our congregation, and bring change to our families, communities, nation, and the world. Plan to join us in this journey. God bless!
-Pastor Rick
Weekly Announcements
Sunday worship services at 11:00 AM continue to be livestreamed on our Fort Lee Gospel Facebook page, YouTube channel, and our website, www.fortleegospel.org. We meet in the building where we include a time of worship after the online portion of the service.
The Tuesday Men’s Lunch and study meets at the church at 12:30 PM.
The Tuesday Bible Study meets at 7:00 PM weekly. We are studying the book of Romans.
The 6:00 AM Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays and Saturdays is at the church with an option to connect on Google Meet.
The Women’s Bible Study will resume this Saturday, September 7th at 2:00 PM. The study continues from the book of Ephesians.
The next Church Dinner will be Sunday, September 22nd after the worship service.
On Saturday, September 28th, Jesus for Muslims Network will hold its annual banquet. See Pastor Rick for details.
Connect info for Tuesday Bible Studies and Morning Prayer is:
Meeting URL :
For dial in: Phone: +1 567-351-1104 PIN: 469 349 929#
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Is Trump of religious material, or is he just playing one on television........?
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Donald Trump increasingly infuses his campaign with Christian trappings,.... in that he says Christian things that his actions can't back up!
Many of the T-shirts and hats that are sold at his rally's proclaimed religious slogans such as “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my president”.
And many trump supporters say they believe Trump shares their Christian faith and values, among them opposition to abortion and LGBTQ+ rights, particularly to their beliefs that transgenders are abominations and should be imprisoned for the publics safety.
Like their God would want in his perfect world, which we haven't ever had yet, but Trump supporters are hopeful that separation of church and state will be a thing of the past,........ and I mean most other nations have forgone excluding religious mandates from their governing practices, so why not the United States too?!?!?!?
With Trump's America we can penalize the sinners and send a message these kinds of despicable actions will not be tolerated in a civilized Christian society.
Myself personally I'm not sure I want to live in a civilized Christian society remembering their Christian roots of bloodshed, and just killing non-believers in the Crusades and earlier in history,........ those were savage and brutal times for people who did not believe the religious fairy tale.
Now most of academia in the last decade have been trying to understand why so many highly religious Americans have a favorable view of Donald Trump, asking how the values of voters can support a candidate who has been divorced twice, married three times and found liable for sexual abuse, hired prostitutes while being married, and outright lying to supporters to get their support.
I think it's people who identify as Christians but aren’t actually religious in any religious definition, they are religious like the Christians during the crusades that use to punish and kill non-believers, and those are the times they wish to see again, because I know a few Christians, and they aren't in any eventuality supporters of a man like Trump,....... again because his actions aren't Christian-like, they are deceitful & hoodwinking-like!
....... now it really don't matter to me who the hell you vote for because one way or another we will reap the benefits we have sown,....... regrettably no doubt, but we do tend to learn from our regrets, like when you as a child put your hand on a hot burner on the stove, you learn to never do that again.
So if that's how we must learn Trump will be a disaster then so be it. America has been through, as they say,.. "Hell and high water" and we survived those difficulties, and we will survive Trump as president i think,.... we may not like it, but we will survive, because as things get really bad the American people have a tendency to rise up and strike back at the controversy with a harshness never before seen when we have to.
So if ya think Trump is some kind of manifest of a demagogue like Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were, because Trump himself has said no less, and he thinks he's been appointed by a higher power (God) no less to guide the masses to that preverbal promised land they all read about in their bibles.
Where and exactly what that promised land is, has yet to be determined, and therefore suspect.
I think Trump supporters are so desperate for what they think will be better times for themselves, they are willing to go outside the box of logical thinking and delve into the fantasy world most religious poppycock is famous for, like Noah's Ark, the parting of the red seas, feeding the multitudes with five loaves of bread and two fish, and that one every distillery on earth wishes they could do.... turning water into wine............ all no doubt pipe dreams only in the mind, and not reality.
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jdgo51 · 3 months
The Bible and American Presidents
Today's inspiration comes from:
If My People
by Jack Countryman
"The Bible is the one supreme source of revelation of the meaning of life, the nature of God, and spiritual nature and needs of men. It is the only guide of life which really leads the spirit in the way of peace and salvation. America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scripture. ~ Woodrow Wilson | 28th president
Inside the Bible’s pages lie all the answers to all the problems man has ever known... It is my firm belief that the enduring values presented in its pages have a great meaning for each of us and for our nation. The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls. ~ Ronald Reagan | 40th president
Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties. Write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book are we indebted for all the progress made in true civilization, and to this we must look as our guide in the future. Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people. ~ Ulysses S. Grant | 18th president
The strength of our country is the strength of its religious convictions… The foundations of our society and our government rest so much on the teachings of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country. ~ Calvin Coolidge | 30th president
We cannot read the history of our rise and development as a nation without reckoning with the place the Bible has occupied in shaping the advances of the Republic. . . . Where we have been the truest and most consistent in obeying its precepts, we have attained the greatest measure of contentment and prosperity. ~ Franklin Roosevelt | 32th president
The Bible can touch our hearts, order our minds, and refresh our souls.
~ Ronald Reagan
The worries of each day are ever around us. Conflict, both within and without, threatens the peace we so desperately want and seek. Father, we come to You with open hearts, seeking Your guidance and being content with all that You have given us as a nation. Guard our hearts, O Lord, so that we will be faithful to You, and let the peace of Your presence surround us each and every day."
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. — Philippians 4:6–7
Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love. — 2 John 1:3
God, the Father of this nation, has promised us grace, mercy, and peace in the midst of pain and loss, sin and sorrow, worries and weariness. We can all find reasons to be concerned about our nation and the direction we’re headed. Rather than being anxious, may we choose to be prayerful. Let us keep our eyes on our Sovereign Lord who has protected and sustained our nation to this point.
Let us also be responsible citizens, asking God to grant us wisdom about election issues and candidates — and then casting our vote.
Let us boldly exercise our freedom of choice as we seek to elect new leaders this year."
Excerpted with permission from If My People by Jack Countryman, copyright Jack Countryman.
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hissytapes · 3 months
Why 'Grabbing Hands' Vote Trump
I've been forever trying to get inside the MAGA- and/or Country Club GOP-mind when it comes voting for #Trump against all rational reason and self-interest. Well, moment of clarity, it begins and ends with greed (plus a dose of spite when they double-down after realizing cruelty is the real point).
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Turns out, the No. 5 slot on the list of Seven Deadly Sins is ground-zero for most of the immoral, unethical and criminal behavior throughout human history. Just ask your angry-uncle Bible-thumper.
Greed is what enables MAGAs and so-called "moderate Republicans" to turn on their own family and friends, agree to take away the liberties and freedoms of others, endorse abuse of and violence against immigrants (legal or illegal), agree to imprison and/or execute fellow citizens for not aligning with Trump's fascist-dictatorship, and then ultimately give up their own freedoms and personal liberties because dictators always turn on those who put them in power — always.
(And yes, authoritarianism is what we're ultimately voting for — or against — in 2024.)
For these folks, money is their God and consumerism is their life. Whether the working-poor or gated-community dweller, their only mission is obtaining wealth at all costs. It's not about survival or paying the bills; they believe they are entitled to the riches of the world simply because they are white (and mostly male). Minimal work — maximum payout. (What they used to call "easy living.")
And what windfall does it take for someone to turn on their fellow citizens and subsequently give up their own freedoms? Surprisingly, just pennies. I'll never understand someone who’ll liquidate their soul for the goal of fattening their wallet.
But not only is greed a deadly sin, it also makes its practitioners consummate suckers and easy marks. The grabbing hands grab all they can — until someone grabs it from them.
This all reminds me of Trading Places: Randolph and Mortimer Duke socially engineer the downfall of Louis Winthorpe III and then the upward mobility of Billy Ray Valentine — all for a bet of one dollar … These $1-bets are Trump voters.
And I haven't even mentioned Project 2025 yet — the Heritage Foundation's guide for Trump's potential second-term of greed and grift. This 920-page "mandate" reads like Hitler's obsessive-compulsive playbook for 1930s-Germany.
I get the feeling most Trump voters don't even realize what they're signing up for, much less taken the time to read this step-by-step plan on how to convert our democracy to a fascist-theocracy. Nor do they seem to care as long they think it benefits them now (it doesn't and won't). Ignorance is piss.
(And why is it up to us libtards to bring this to their attention?)
If you're voting Trump, I challenge you to ask yourself … Why? Do you really understand the implications of Trump's plan to destroy our democracy?
Are you comfortable inflicting pain on loved ones and family? If so … Why? Are you cool with your family, neighbors and co-workers who don’t support Trump being imprisoned indefinitely and/or executed?
Are you OK with giving up your personal liberties just for a few extra pennies you don't need — nor will ever receive? Are you good with brutal violence just so your party "wins?" And last but certainly not least, do you want to be told what God to pray to by the government?
Don't believe me? Or think these prompts are hyperbole or subterfuge? Fine. Just download Project 2025's Mandate for Leadership. Then open to any random section and read for five minutes.
From the hiring of all positions within the federal government based on individual loyalty to Trump, "punishing" opposing officials at all levels of government and consolidating power to the executive branch alone — it's all there in disturbing detail, typeset in 10.5 pt. Chronicle Text.
But a final query. If you answered "yes" to any or all of those questions:
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automatismoateo · 4 months
The Republican Party has completely lost its mind surrounding religion via /r/atheism
The Republican Party has completely lost its mind surrounding religion As a lifelong Republican and a theist, I now feel deeply concerned about the way my party has gone. Adopting Donald Trump and the frightening religious goals of Project 2025 have me questioning whether the GOP still stands for the things that I hold dear. Because of this I have decided to vote for Joe Biden in the upcoming election. I don’t like him and I think he is corrupted to high hell but if voting him in means this countries freedoms can be maintained then so be it. Trumpism has mainly been described as the four years of divisions, democracy norms' obfuscation, and focus on personal loyalty away from policy and principle. This is not the party of Lincoln, Roosevelt or Reagan—this isn't even recognizable as what it was. It has devolved into a personality cult with no regard for conservative values and responsible government. Not to mention Donald Trump from an analytical perspective is clearly an egotistical maniac who only wants power not giving a care for this country or its citizens. It looks like Project 2025 simply doubles down on this dangerous trajectory: instead of an economic inequality crisis, a healthcare crisis, and an infrastructure crisis, it seeks to develop consolidation and power by undermining our democratic institutions and completely violating the carefully crafted separation of church and state—an America I don't believe in. This is not the America my ancestors fought for—a place where faith, reason, and compassion guide our decisions. And perhaps more concerning is the level many of Trump's followers have deified him. That kind of idolatry is a direct contradiction of the Christian faith. The very first commandment is not to keep false gods before us—yet here we are, with some in our party bound to treat Trump essentially as a messianic figure. It's a dangerous departure from what defines us religiously and morally. Consider the evidence: 1.Conspiracy Theories: Most of Trump's supporters have embraced QAnon—the parent theory that casts Trump as a savior fighting a cabal of deep-state actors. Culty, and distracts from real policy issues. 2.Trump Flags and Paraphernalia: Trump flags often outnumber American flags at rallies and in public. This visual allegiance to a single human being over the country is troubling. 3.Quotes from Religious Leaders: Some of the leading evangelical leaders such as Franklin Graham have declared Trump as being like King David of the bible, a sign of reverence that is quasi-idolatrous. 4.Violation of Church and State: Project 2025's policies suggest more governmental support for religious organizations—blurring the line between church and state undercuts the Establishment Clause of the Constitution, ensuring it stands utterly neutral on all matters spiritual. One has always believed faith and politics can coexist to better the world. To find myself at this kind of impasse, the direction of the current GOP feels more like a betrayal than a continuation of our proud legacy. It's time for us to look hard at where we are going and ask if this is indeed the path we want to follow. Are there others out there who feel the same? How can we reclaim and guide our country back to a path of sanity, integrity, and religious freedom? I look forward to hearing from you and joining those who want to build a better future for America and any who want to enjoy the freedoms that it has to offer. Submitted June 06, 2024 at 04:02AM by SteelViperZ (From Reddit https://ift.tt/rxbXBQy)
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[Image Description: Promotional image with text that reads - The Buckeye Flame amplifies the voices of LGBTQ+ Ohioans to support community and civic empowerment through the creation of engaging content that chronicles our triumphs, struggles, and lived experiences. /End description.]
Issue #185 | 11 January 2024
~ 'A Dark Day': Ohio lawmakers override Gov. DeWine's veto, move closer to banning healthcare for trans youth
The bill would also ban trans female athletes in kindergarten through college. The Senate will vote to concur on January 24.
🔥 Ignite Action
To access the full Trans Legislation Tracker, click here.
For more information on active designated hate groups across Ohio, click here.
(The article also includes hotline information for those struggling. Due to the Trevor Project being one of many hotlines that will involve police, I would suggest the Trans Lifeline - this link provides the numbers for US and Canada, and instructions in Spanish.)
~ Ohio Republicans introduce the 'Protect All Students Act.' And of course, it's about restricting bathroom use, not guns
The 40-minute hearing featured dueling Bible verses, rampant transphobia, and bizarre anecdotes.
🔥 Ignite Action
Contact the members of the Higher Education committee to make your views known on HB 183.
~ Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine signs executive order restricting healthcare for transgender Ohioans
Gov. DeWine signed an executive order Friday to ban "gender transition surgeries" for transgender youth – which are not currently performed in Ohio.
🔥  Ignite Action
You can comment on the Gender Transition Quality Standards of Care and Reporting rules here.
Regarding the rules about gender transition care in private psychiatric hospitals and community behavioral health settings, you can send them in an email to [email protected] not later than 5 pm on Friday, January 19, 2024. In the subject matter line of the email, please indicate "Comments on Gender Transition Care Rules."
~ What We Know: Newly proposed rules could restrict healthcare for transgender adults in Ohio
There's no real ethical question here except, 'Why is the government involved in a patient's care at all?'
🔥 Ignite Action
Comments on the Health Department rules draft should be submitted to [email protected] no later than Monday, February 5th.
~ Enrollment Deadline Approaches - A Guide to Health Insurance for LGBTQ+ Ohioans
The Buckeye Flame's one-stop guide to health insurance for LGBTQ+ Ohioans — from basic terminology to trans-specific tips on choosing plans and applying for financial aid.
This post contains time sensitive content that may mean it is outdated when reading after 11 January 2024. Please see The Buckeye Flame for current coverage.
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pyramidscience · 10 months
on modern Christianity
Gotquestions.org, particularly their independent interpretation of Christian doctrine in relation to governance and political participation is a great way to illustrate how Early Christianity, i.e Jesus and the early church 100 years after him, look hauntingly different. Their stance, which they assert while referencing the Bible, focuses notably on the concept of 'legitimate' governments. They advocate for Christian involvement in voting and political candidacy, suggesting this aligns with divine expectations.
An inquiring Christian approached gotquestions.org with a question: Does God expect Christians to vote? Their response, though somewhat ambiguous, emphasizes a perceived duty for Christians to participate in the electoral process, voting for leaders who embody Christian values. They argue that while God's sovereignty is absolute, this doesn't negate the importance of proactive efforts to enact His will. Scriptural references include prayers for leaders (1 Timothy 2:1-4) and instances of divine displeasure with leadership choices (Hosea 8:4). They highlight the pervasive influence of sin and the resultant suffering under godless leadership (Proverbs 28:12), urging Christians to elect leaders guided by divine principles (1 Samuel 12:13-25), and to reject candidates or proposals that contravene Biblical commands.
However, this interpretation raises questions. The Bible doesn’t explicitly instruct Christians to vote. Remember, Paul, who authored Romans, defied the law by practicing his faith, which was contrary to Roman mandates. His adherence to Christ's teachings and commandments led to a death sentence under 'legitimate' Roman authority. This presents a conundrum: Who is the 'legitimate authority' referred to in Romans if not the non-Christian Roman Caesar of Paul's era? Furthermore, the criteria for determining a 'legitimate' authority remain undefined by gotquestions.org. This is particularly relevant considering Christians in many countries face oppression and persecution under governments hostile to their faith. These believers risk their lives to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Contrastingly, in the U.S.A., Christians have the privilege of freely expressing their beliefs and choosing their leaders, a right that gotquestion says recent statistics show is often underutilized by the Christian community. It seems the answerers of gotquestions are living in a different reality.
In today’s world, there is a growing effort to exclude the message of Christ from public discourse, according to gotquestions. gotquestions.org argues that voting is a means for Christians to promote, protect, and preserve a government rooted in godly principles. They suggest that abstaining from voting allows those opposed to Christian values to shape our society. Elected leaders play a pivotal role in safeguarding our freedoms, including the first amendment right to religious liberty and the freedom to spread the gospel. These leaders can steer our nation towards either righteousness or moral decline. As such, Christians are encouraged to participate actively in civic responsibilities, as indicated in Matthew 22:21.
However, gotquestions.org's perspective raises further questions about the definition of 'legitimate authority.' While they hint at a criterion based on the absence of christian suffering, as seen in the U.S., they stop short of explicitly declaring the U.S. as a legitimate authority. This underscores why Christians should primarily focus on the entirety of the Bible and its context. Scripture has historically condemned the nations of the world, with a common destiny of destruction. For instance, while the Romans sentenced both murderers and Jesus to death, Jesus offered salvation to the murderer but not to the Romans, who ultimately faced ruin. In contemporary America, where some states impose the death penalty, does this imply legitimacy according to gotquestions.org’s standards? Not necessarily. They advise Christians to vote based on 'Christian Principles,' but these principles are vaguely defined and could include controversial issues like criminalizing poverty, business with interest, and taxation – all aspects that Jesus foretold and condemned.
Gotquestions may suggest that God has ordained nations, attempting to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate ones. This approach reflects the flawed form of Christian Modernism. A true understanding of Jesus Christ’s teachings reveals that Christ would not have engaged in politics as traditionally understood. He would not have supported a 'War Machine,' the nature of nations. His teachings contrast starkly with the actions of 'Christian' states that criminalize homelessness, pushing the homeless into prison, that criminalize sex work, that taxes with interest the poor, that create orphans and widows home and aboard.
The stance of gotquestions.org and its contributors appears to endorse human laws that are often excessively punitive, even to the extent of sanctioning death for minor infractions. In the United States, for instance, lethal force can be used for resisting law enforcement, and capital punishment is still a legal sentence for certain crimes. This perspective prompts the question: Does gotquestions.org truly believe that God has 'ordained' the nations of the world? Or should we consider nations through a more biblically-grounded lens, viewing them as human constructs often rooted in racial divides and oppression and war? This latter view aligns more closely with the depiction of nations in the Bible.
Gotquestions.org, however, deviates from this biblical portrayal, leading followers away from an authentic understanding. They attempt to use scripture to justify support for modern governments, especially the United States. This approach appears ironic given the historical context of the U.S., a nation founded on slave labor and the decimation of Native American populations. It is overly simplistic and naive to categorize the early American settlers as pure embodiments of Christian values. Instead, they were more accurately products of their societal context, which strayed from the core teachings of the Bible.
It is crucial to acknowledge that there were indeed individuals in America who adhered closely to Christian teachings, but these groups, like the Quakers, were often regarded as fringe elements.
On Matthew 22:21
The interpretation of Matthew 22:21, as presented by gotquestions.org. This scripture is often cited in discussions about Jesus' views on civic responsibilities, particularly in relation to paying taxes. The Pharisees, who were attempting to trap Jesus into saying something that could be "legally" used against him, asked him about the necessity of paying taxes. This was a strategic move, as Jesus had already proclaimed the forthcoming destruction of worldly nations and acknowledged God as his sovereign ruler.
In this context, Jesus responded with the well-known phrase: 'Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God’s.' This statement, however, shouldn’t be misconstrued as a directive for Christians to engage in civic duties. Rather, it was a response to the Pharisees’ malicious intent. They were using Jesus' teachings and his economic status against him, attempting to have him 'legitimately' condemned for tax evasion. It's important to note that when Jesus did pay taxes, it involved a miraculous event, with a coin appearing just in time to prevent the Pharisees from having a viable reason to sentence him to death.
In interpreting this passage, gotquestions.org seems to overlook the complex situation Jesus was facing. The Pharisees were not simply engaging in a theological debate; they were actively seeking a way to have Jesus "legally" executed. This overlooks the severity and the manipulative intent behind the Pharisees' actions. Therefore, using this passage to advocate for Christian involvement in governmental affairs like voting does not align with the actual context and message of the scripture.
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ahopkins1965 · 10 months
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Vulgarity is a lesser form of obscenity, involving what is considered common or base by another class, while profanity is that which "trivializes" the sacred. Something that is considered in bad taste by one group may nonetheless contribute to realist fiction.
https://www.dbu.edu › vulgurit
Vulgarity in Literature: Profanity, Scatology, and Sexual Content.
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Obscenity vs. Profanity vs. Vulgarity: What's the Difference?
Mar 11, 2009 — Today, profanity is an expression that is specifically offensive to members of a religious group. The definition also extends to expressions ...
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Oct 8, 2006 — Profanity, the dictionaries say, primarily deals with being irreverent toward a deity — what Christians often learn as taking the Lord's name ...
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Profane is the easy one. It pertains to the sacred; specifically, it means that ...  More
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To my mind, vulgar suggests that something is in bad taste (related to the “unwashed masses,” ...  More
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May 26, 2011 — Profane refers specifically to obscenities that are showing disrespect to God (or gods). Vulgar is used to describe obscenities that are not ...
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Profanity, also known as cursing, cussing, swearing, bad language, abusive language, foul language, obscenity, expletives, vulgarism, or vulgarity, is a ...
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Jan 13, 2021 — Obscene content does not have protection by the First Amendment. · Indecent content portrays sexual or excretory organs or activities in a way ...
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Difference between Obscenity, Profanity and Vulgarity
Profanity is usually considered as cursing or saying bad things about God and his people. To some strict religious folks, saying God Dam* or Holy S*** is ...
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When hate speech or images are the basis of a news story, it is often sufficient to briefly refer to the speech or images in a text story rather than carry the ...
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profanity, language that is considered socially offensive due to being vulgar, obscene, or irreverent. The term profanity is often used in a religious sense ...
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slavy77 · 2 years
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Integrity - firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values - incorruptibility.
I’d like to think of it as doing the right thing at all times, in any situation. I think for most of us, we feel like we have integrity. We do the right thing. We don’t try to hurt others and live law-abiding lives.
But most people I know live decent lives. Have enough money to more-than-get by. When you’re in that kind of position, it’s pretty easy to live with integrity. When you have content with what you have, doing the right thing isn’t very challenging.
It’s when the times get harder. It’s when you want something so bad that is just out of reach when integrity is tested. Integrity is tested when there is an opportunity for you to gain something (power, money, fame, love) but you will have to do something dishonest, hurtful or damaging to get it.
How strong is our integrity in those moments? Integrity is about even the most seemingly meaningless things. Using the company paper to print things. Taking home supplies even when there is excess.
Politicians are great examples of horrible integrity. They campaign to do the best for the people, yet seem to vote against what’s best for the people they represent. Many Christians lack integrity…going to church on Sunday, but never pray or crack the Bible or they show support for ideologies that go against their faith.
Integrity is not an easy thing to own. Having integrity has great potential to get you into debates, arguments and in the spotlight of hate, especially where social issues and faith intersect.
But when you make integrity part of your life, you do garner respect. When a person does what they say, they get respect. When a person has consistent behavior, actions and stances, they earn respect. It’s not easy to do in a world full of herd mentality pushing for us all to go off the cliff together.
Think about your life. Is integrity important? Do you cave to the pressures of the majority? Do you have a set of values in your life that guide you and that you follow even if you are going to upset others?
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