#prowl done with the world laying on the floor:
revelisms · 6 months
Excerpt: Six Years
Vi wrestles with the realization of how much her sister has changed—and how many unwanted parallels she sees between Silco and their father. From a work-in-progress set after heron blue.
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In some ways, she was still so familiar. Her perpetual nest of a living condition and geriatric sense of humor; her inability (refusal) to tend to her hair, herself. Yet, in so many ways, she's nothing like the girl Vi remembers. 
A shell. A stranger.
Jinx—a name that doesn't belong to her sister, that christens a girl who spits at the name Powder; whose body bares sinew and steel, wears yellowed stains at her chipped fingernails and speaks a drawl decades beyond her years—isn't a child, anymore. 
Eleven years, enmeshed in each others' days and nights; eleven, that Vi had always been with her. 
Powder's rock and shield. Powder's everything.  
Then the cannery had happened. Stillwater had happened. That monster had happened—
A monster whose gait she could pick out from a crowd: hears prowling over the floors now, above the jukebox and the metal tickings and her sister's self-directed rambling—a heavy-heeled th-thumping up the varnished steps, his coat a devil's whisper against the walls.
Vi steels herself. Beside her, Jinx prattles on. 
"Y'ever thought of fighting in a ring, sis?"
Th-thump, th-thumping over the dark floors.  
"You'd be the scrappiest scrapper in the Underground. Bet they'd call ya the Red Devil—or Lead Lettie—or Sourmouth Suckerpunch—"
She stares, unblinking, plastic squeezed beneath her thumb. Through the sliver of her sister's cracked door, a polish-slick boot wades through the shadows. Stills.  
"What you really need," Jinx says, with a lax crook of her screwdriver, "is a pair of Vandie's old gauntlets—that'll set'em right."
Vi swallows. The hall's dark devours the wraith on the other side of the door: shrouds all but the unearthly cat's-eye that tips over the leather at his shoulder, burning like a funeral pyre over a rotting corpse. 
"Yeah," she says, stiffly. Comb-teeth bite into her palm. "That's all I need."
His stare lingers—three-four-five beats—before it flits to the floor, trails over the blue tangled within her fingers, traces its mess back to the girl lounged beside her. Jinx stays worlds away in her tinkering, head lolled against the floor. She wrenches another screw into place.
"It's late," Jinx huffs, without needing a glance. "I know."
Silence, for a moment. Then Silco agrees, "It's late, indeed."
Jinx scowls. "One'ta talk."
If the shadows weren't playing a trick on her, Vi might have thought he'd smirked. But that bastard never smiled—never did anything but glare over his paperwork, around the vile plumes of his cigars: eyeing her hyena of a sister like a stray in need of a meal, and Vi like a bull ready to charge. 
Signing a blood-pact to his enterprise (their city's scheme for fiscal independence; her sister's unfathomable choice for a homestead) had done nothing in the way of trust. He'd taken an overseer's scrutiny to her, from the day she'd put her name in ink: a dead-eyed panopticon hounding her every waking hour, as though she'd never left that molding cell.
On one hand, a part of her reasoned, he had a right—sizing up her methods, as he would any new recruit; strategizing where best to slot her in the arteries of a drug-machine already years on the march. A more cynical thread knew he was laying his cards flat and playing the long game. Slouching back, idly, with eyes unblinking, to find any reason to put her under his heel.
She stares at the unmarred side of his face: a dim halo in a coal-blackened sea.
Eleven years that she'd been with Powder.
Six—nearly seven, now—that Jinx has had this snake at her side.
From the doorway, his shadow gravels, "I take it you'll be off soon." 
"Soon as the bell chimes." Jinx flits her wrist, pinkie-promise. "Not a rhyme later—cross my hearts and hope to snore."
Silco makes a low chuff at that: strange, quiet, bemused. A not-quite laugh, like Dad used to do. 
For a moment, a breath tangled in her throat, Vi sees him. 
He was tower of a man, thin as a string. His voice itched with smoke-pocked lungs and dreams that glittered like the stars. He kept chewing tobacco sweetened with cinnamon under his tongue, and he wore the mines on his clothes; gave hugs that made one's soul feel like it'd been wrapped in down-feathers; made the moonlight seem like nothing more than hand-sculpted glass: some beautiful thing he'd spooled on a thread and hung up there for all to see.
He'd been everything to her—her image of whistle-toothed optimism, her laughter, her guiding light—until he wasn't.
Freckles smattering her cheeks, her unruly hair the color of redmilk tea, a younger version of herself had shrieked over the idea of having to share her plates, pillows, toys with some snot-nosed little girl—a blue-haired, rambunctious, wailing thing—a sister. She'd stomped her feet and thrown fits over it. Told Dad, flat out: I don't wanna have her!
He'd stood slouched over her, hands bracketed at his thin waist, a glitter in his pale eyes, and chuffed. You'll do great, Lettie. His smile always pulled a touch crooked at one corner: a sincerity that, without fail, made her believe him. 
She'd always believed him, then. 
She was too young, too naïve not to.
Staring into an empty threshold, into a shadowed hall, a ghost of footsteps thudding down the dark floors, Vi fights to forget their father's voice. To block out the echo of a rasp no part of her wants to compare to it. To ignore the remnants of smoke on the air—tower of a man, thin as a string, heels heavy-footed from those damn mines—that belonged to a man she'd sooner wring the neck of. Wouldn't dare put in the same vein of everything their father was.
(Complicated. Self-loathing. Hellishly tempered. Kind.)
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mstexalicious1961 · 3 months
devotion by Kesha Trippett
You will stay in the fight of faith until Jesus calls you home.
"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses." 1 Timothy 6:12
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour." 1 Peter 5:8
In the recent NBA Finals, the Boston Celtics team were up 3 to 1 against the Dallas Mavericks. One game away from winning their first championship title in sixteen years, Celtics player, Jalen Brown, was asked if he wanted to come out of the game to rest. He responded as long as my opponent is on the floor, I am on the floor. I said to myself, I like that. As long as my adversary is on the floor, I’m on the floor. I'm on the field. I'm the fight. As long as that slew-footed devil is seeking to steal, kill and destroy, I’m on the court, staying in the fight of faith until Jesus calls me home.
Let this mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus understood two things that kept Him on the cross until His job was done. He understood the assignment and He understood what was at stake. My sister, today be reminded of your kingdom assignment and what is at stake here. We are so close to Christ's return and as long as our adversary is on the prowl to destroy everything we care about, God wants us in the fight of faith and He wants us sober and vigilant. He wants us walking in the power and authority He delegated to us. Greater is He who is within us than he who is in the world.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for speaking directly to my heart. Remove all fear and give me strength and courage as I stay in the fight of faith until you call me home. Help me not be ignorant of satan's devices. Help me be sober and vigilant, understanding what your will is in this hour. Keep at the forefront of my mind, the assignment and what is at stake. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Read 1 John 4:4; 2 Corinthians 2:11
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xasha777 · 7 months
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In a quaint, cobblestoned corner of Victorian London, there existed an enigmatic portrait that hung in the forsaken gallery of an old, derelict manor. The portrait depicted a woman of arresting beauty, with skin pale as the moonlit snow and lips as red as the blood of a fresh kill. She wore a top hat that cast a shadow over her piercing eyes, eyes that seemed to follow one around the room with a gaze that was both enticing and unnerving.
They called her "Madame Nocturne," a name whispered with a mix of fear and awe. The locals spoke of the portrait with hushed tones, for it was rumored that Madame Nocturne was not just a figment of the artist’s imagination, but a specter captured on canvas. The artist, they said, had met her one fateful night at a crossroads, where the living world and the ethereal plain collided in an unholy union.
The artist, bewitched by her beauty, had made a deal to paint her essence, to give her a form that would last beyond the ebb of time. In return, she promised him eternal life. But deals with entities from shadows rarely end well for mortal souls. Upon completing the portrait, the artist was found lifeless, his body aged centuries over a single night, a look of horror forever etched upon his withered face.
The legend of Madame Nocturne grew as whispers of her portrait's dark influence spread. It was said that those who gazed upon her image were ensnared by an unshakable obsession. Night after night, they'd return to the manor, unable to resist her call, until they were driven mad, vanishing without a trace.
One such victim was a young man named Edward, a skeptic who scoffed at the supernatural tales of the townsfolk. Driven by curiosity and the brashness of youth, he ventured into the manor under the cloak of night. The moon was a mere sliver in the sky, and the wind whispered like the voices of the damned as he stepped into the gallery where Madame Nocturne resided.
The moment Edward's eyes met hers, an icy chill coiled around his spine. Her eyes, dark as the abyss, seemed to pierce through his very soul. A smile curled upon her red lips, a smile that was not there before, or so it seemed to Edward.
Days passed, and Edward could not expel her image from his mind. He found himself wandering back to the manor, night after night, drawn to the portrait as if by an invisible thread. He spoke to it, pleaded with it, and finally, screamed at it in a frenzy. His friends found him there, muttering and clawing at the walls, his mind shattered by her unseen force.
The townspeople decided that something had to be done. They gathered one stormy night, their torches casting erratic shadows as they made their way to the cursed manor. They would destroy the portrait and end Madame Nocturne's reign of terror.
But as they reached the gallery, they found not the portrait, but Edward, his eyes now sharing the same abyssal darkness as Madame Nocturne's. The portrait lay on the floor, slashed and torn, yet Edward's appearance was now the mirror image of the haunting visage that once was.
With a voice that was not his own, Edward warned them, "You cannot destroy that which is eternal. I am now her vessel, her will incarnate. She lives through me."
One by one, the townsfolk fled, their screams drowned by the howling wind. Edward, or the entity that he had become, vanished into the night, leaving behind only the tattered remnants of the portrait.
And so, the legend of Madame Nocturne persists. It is said that on nights when the veil between worlds is thin, one can see a figure in a top hat, with eyes dark and all-consuming, prowling the shadows of London. And the manor remains, its gallery empty, save for the echoes of madness and a darkness that will never fade.
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handwrittenhello · 3 years
to sleep, perchance
Three times Geralt, Jaskier, and Yennefer had trouble sleeping, and one time they didn't. rating: M | 1.5k | no warnings | read on ao3
The bed is too soft.
It’s what drives Geralt up, clutching at the covers beside his sleeping lovers, his half-asleep mind bracing for an attack.
The mattress isn’t firm enough, the pillows are too plush, and he’ll sleep too deeply in it. On the road, in inns, even in Kaer Morhen, he’s always just uncomfortable enough to prevent deep sleep—the ground rocky, or the inn noisy, or the old keep drafty. Learning to live with it after facing the trials was hard, but harder still is learning not to be on guard.
Eighty years of instinct and habit are a tough thing to break, after all.
Slowly, with all the carefulness and grace of a mother trying not to disturb her sleeping child, he disentangles himself from the sheets and Yennefer’s hold, pausing breathlessly when Jaskier grumbles and rolls over, and goes to sit in front of the hearth. He sinks into a meditation position as familiar to him as breathing, legs crossed under him, palms upward on his knees, focusing on the comforting weight of the floor against his legs and the warmth of the fire on his face.
Like this, he’s quiet and calm enough to let his mind rest, while still remaining alert enough to sense any approaching threats. He lets himself sink, he doesn’t know for how long, until the soft tread of bare feet against wood rouses him.
Long hair tickles the back of his neck moments before Yennefer’s arms embrace him. She rests her head on top of his, her soft breaths ruffling the hair that falls into his face. “Witcher.”
He rumbles wordlessly in response.
“Any ghouls prowling about? Bruxae creeping through the walls?”
He tenses. She doesn’t mean to tease—or rather, she means to, but doesn’t mean it to pierce so deeply. He forces a deep breath and his shoulders lower. “No. Nothing,” he admits. Any explanation he could give for why he’s not asleep dies on his tongue.
“You know I’ve placed wards around the house,” she states. He nods. “And you know that even asleep you’d be able to sense anything coming?” For a moment, he doesn’t reply. “Geralt. You’d be able to sense it. We both would, even dead to the world.”
He knows that, he does, but logic doesn’t appease his keyed-up instincts. She seems to realize this, and sighs. “Come. I’ll sit up—I’ve been meaning to get some research done on those ancient Skellige incantations anyway.” He unfolds himself from his meditation and follows her up to her workroom, where she settles in on the cot in there with a book in one hand, and gestures for him to lay beside her.
Skin still itching with anxiety, he does, and her hand settles into his hair. He closes his eyes and she reads, occasionally reciting passages of interest to him, and without him even knowing, it eases him right to sleep, comforted by the knowledge that she can quite capably handle any threats that may appear.
The pain wakes her.
It doesn’t come every night, but when it does, it leaves her breathless and gritting her teeth against each wave of the assault. It’s an old remnant of her elven blood, her fucked-up back’s way of saying I’m still here, underneath. You won’t ever be rid of me.
It usually results from rolling over in her sleep—Geralt and Jaskier bracket her on either side, preventing her from moving overmuch, but sometimes they all manage to shift enough that she wakes to find herself lying flat on her back, her hips afire and her spine screaming.
Breathing in shakily, she tries to roll over, stopped by a harsh throb that has her biting down hard on her bottom lip. She lets out an involuntary noise, soft, but it’s enough to wake Jaskier. “Love?” he asks, blinking awake, blind but for the sliver of moonlight that creeps through the drapes.
He reaches out a hand, brushes her arm, and suddenly understands. “Your back or your hips worse?” he mumbles.
“Back,” she answers. His fingers gently trace the shape of her spine. “Lower.”
He has very talented hands, as he likes to remind them regularly, and she’s long past the point of pride. He digs his fingers into the knotted mass of muscle around her spine, with what he’s learned is exactly the right amount of pressure. She breathes through the pain and he massages out the angry knot until her shoulders relax and she can stop gripping the bedsheets so tightly.
He continues for a few more minutes just for the hell of it before helping her roll onto her side, propped up on one side by a pillow and slotting himself behind her for extra support.
“Okay?” he murmurs sleepily. She nods against him, knowing he’ll feel it. “Mm. Good night, Yen.”
It’s easy to fall asleep after that.
It’s fucking freezing.
Logically Jaskier knows it isn’t, but he still wakes shivering. A quick glance at the hearth tells him that the fire has burnt down to embers—they must have forgotten to put another log on. To make matters worse, he’s apparently kicked off the blankets in his sleep. The room is mild, but anything cooler than toasty warm reminds him too much of the nights he spent as a child locked outside in the cold, punishment for some inane misbehavior or another.
He's too miserable and tired to bother with stoking the fire up to a healthy roar again. He grumbles and retrieves his poor forlorn blanket, pulling it up to his nose, though now that he’s awake, the cold pokes its icy fingers at every bare inch of him.
He squeezes his eyes shut tighter and tries to will himself to sleep as if by force, though he knows from experience it’s no use. It doesn’t work now, just like it didn’t work when his father shut him up inside the barn to sleep amid the cattle, punishment for some inane misbehavior or another. The nights always dragged on endlessly—he was never able to get warm enough to slip deeper than a light doze, and every stray gust of wind that rattled the barn doors shocked him awake again.
He's lucky to have had a warm body to grace his bed most nights, but sometimes, like tonight, it just isn’t enough.
Huffing and gathering up the blankets, he rolls out of bed and plops down in front of the hearth, poking halfheartedly at the embers to coax out what little warmth they still hold.
He doesn’t know long it’s been, half-awake and only able to focus on how cold he is, but at some point, a large blanket drapes itself over his shoulders, then is carefully tucked in around the edges by fastidious hands. Then he finds himself tipping backwards into a broad chest, his head tucked into the nook of a neck and a collarbone, and strong arms wrap around his front.
“Thanks, Geralt,” Jaskier sighs, the chill slowly leaving him as the witcher’s body heat seeps into him.
“Sleep, Jaskier,” Geralt hums, and Jaskier does just that, tucked into his warm embrace.
The three of them pant in various states of exhaustion after their bedroom activities, sweat cooling on their bodies. Yennefer sits propped against the headboard, Jaskier cuddled up to her breast and Geralt lying on his side beside him.
Geralt is prone to passing out almost immediately after any sexual activity—it’s something that Yennefer both envies and adores. Jaskier is prone to cuddling, not particularly picky about who, but relishing the contact anyway. Yennefer usually prefers to talk afterwards—lighthearted frivolities and serious heart to hearts both.
Tonight is one of the lighter nights, Jaskier chattering mindlessly about nonsense, Yennefer responding and interrupting as needed, Geralt contributing a tired, quiet hmm every so often. These are some of her favorite moments—the entire world falls away until it’s just the three of them in their bedroom, no worries to trouble them or disturb their rest.
They’ll slip off into sleep soon, one by one—Geralt first, as always, and sometimes Jaskier next, and Yennefer will lie awake for a while longer, studying their sleeping forms, but sometimes she’ll fall asleep lulled by Jaskier’s quiet murmuring, following her like a lullaby.
And in the morning they’ll wake all in a pile, having clung to one another in their sleep, and Yennefer will pretend to complain about it, but they’ll do the same thing the next night, and the next, and if any one of them has trouble sleeping, the other two will be there to soothe it away.
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istumpysk · 2 years
Operation Stumpy Re-Read
ASOS: Arya VI (Chapter 34)
Her eyes had grown accustomed to blackness.
It's a good thing you've grown accustomed to being blind...
A huge firepit had been dug in the center of the earthen floor, and its flames rose swirling and crackling toward the smoke-stained ceiling. The walls were equal parts stone and soil, with huge white roots twisting through them like a thousand slow pale snakes. People were emerging from between those roots as she watched; edging out from the shadows for a look at the captives, stepping from the mouths of pitch-black tunnels, popping out of crannies and crevices on all sides. In one place on the far side of the fire, the roots formed a kind of stairway up to a hollow in the earth where a man sat almost lost in the tangle of weirwood.
I'm sorry, is this Beric Dondarrion or Bloodraven? What's up with that?
I guess the children of the forest lived here? I don't know.
"An old place, deep and secret. A refuge where neither wolves nor lions come prowling."
Neither wolves nor lions. Arya's skin prickled.
You mean the refuge that Arya is currently visiting? The same cave that will later house Lady Stoneheart? k.
Big as the fire was, the cave was bigger; it was hard to tell where it began and where it ended. The tunnel mouths might have been two feet deep or gone on two miles. Arya saw men and women and little children, all of them watching her warily.
I immediately perked up when I realized Arya's in a dark place with tunnels, but nothing interesting developed.
"How did you take him?" the priest asked.
"The dogs caught the scent. He was sleeping off a drunk under a willow tree, if you believe it."
"Betrayed by his own kind."
Sandor Clegane will not be the last villain betrayed by dogs.
The shifting flames painted Sandor Clegane's burned face with orange shadows, so he looked even more terrible than he did in daylight.
Oh my goodness, is that a hint of sexual attraction I'm sensing?
The voice came from the man seated amongst the weirwood roots halfway up the wall.
One of his eyes was gone, Arya saw, the flesh about the socket scarred and puckered, and he had a dark black ring all around his neck.
He even has one eye like Bloodraven.
Are we making some sort of connection between R'hllor and the tree gods? Sure, let's go with that.
"Rocks and trees and rivers, that's what your realm is made of," the Hound was saying. "Do the rocks need defending? Robert wouldn't have thought so. If he couldn't fuck it, fight it, or drink it, it bored him, and so would you . . . you brave companions."
Outrage swept the hollow hill. "Call us that name again, dog, and you'll swallow that tongue." Lem drew his longsword.
You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
"Knights?" Clegane made the word a sneer. "Dondarrion's a knight, but the rest of you are the sorriest lot of outlaws and broken men I've ever seen. I shit better men than you."
Is he seriously gatekeeping what he despises?
"Aye," said the Mad Huntsman, "and a kinder fate than you deserve for all your kind have done. Lions, you call yourselves. At Sherrer and the Mummer's Ford, girls of six and seven years were raped, and babes still on the breast were cut in two while their mothers watched. No lion ever killed so cruel."
"I was not at Sherrer, nor the Mummer's Ford," the Hound told him. "Lay your dead children at some other door."
I got a dead child I can lay at your door, and I doubt he's the only one.
Thoros answered him. "Do you deny that House Clegane was built upon dead children? I saw them lay Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaenys before the Iron Throne. By rights your arms should bear two bloody infants in place of those ugly dogs."
Thank you.
The Hound's mouth twitched. "Do you take me for my brother? Is being born Clegane a crime?"
No, you're worlds apart. You would never take pleasure in butchering children, or brutally raping a highborn lady during battle.
"Don't lie," he growled. "I hate liars. I hate gutless frauds even worse. Go on, do it." When Arya did not move, he said, "I killed your butcher's boy. I cut him near in half, and laughed about it after." He made a queer sound, and it took her a moment to realize he was sobbing. "And the little bird, your pretty sister, I stood there in my white cloak and let them beat her. I took the bloody song, she never gave it. I meant to take her too. I should have. I should have fucked her bloody and ripped her heart out before leaving her for that dwarf." - Arya XIII, ASOS
"Murder is a crime."
"Who did I murder?"
Is this guy for real?
"You serve the Lannisters of Casterly Rock," said Thoros.
"Once. Me and thousands more. Is each of us guilty of the crimes of the others?" Clegane spat. "Might be you are knights after all. You lie like knights, maybe you murder like knights."
Lem and Jack-Be-Lucky began to shout at him, but Dondarrion raised a hand for silence. "Say what you mean, Clegane."
"A knight's a sword with a horse. The rest, the vows and the sacred oils and the lady's favors, they're silk ribbons tied round the sword. Maybe the sword's prettier with ribbons hanging off it, but it will kill you just as dead. Well, bugger your ribbons, and shove your swords up your arses. I'm the same as you. The only difference is, I don't lie about what I am. So kill me, but don't call me a murderer while you stand there telling each other that your shit don't stink. You hear me?"
There are some people that believe George R. R. Martin shares this same outlook. They believe the Hound is some sort of mouthpiece for truth, sent here to correct the silly thoughts that little girls have.
I suggest they read the previous chapter again, and see what Samwell Tarly has to say on the matter.
"Who's this now?" someone asked.
The Hound answered. "Seven hells. The little sister. The brat who tossed Joff's pretty sword in the river." He gave a bark of laughter. "Don't you know you're dead?"
"No, you're dead," she threw back at him.
Tie game. They'll both die, but only one will come back.
Do you deny killing this butcher's boy, Mycah?"
The big man shrugged. "I was Joffrey's sworn shield. The butcher's boy attacked a prince of the blood."
"That's a lie!" Arya squirmed in Harwin's grip. "It was me. I hit Joffrey and threw Lion's Paw in the river. Mycah just ran away, like I told him."
Unreliable narrator Arya Stark.
The sword was named Lion's Tooth.
"Did you see the boy attack Prince Joffrey?" Lord Beric Dondarrion asked the Hound.
"I heard it from the royal lips. It's not my place to question princes."
Lay off, guys. He's just following orders.
I wonder what George thinks of the Nuremberg defense.
Just kidding, I know exactly what he thinks of it.
"This one's own sister told the same tale when she stood before your precious Robert."
"Sansa's just a liar," Arya said, furious at her sister all over again. "It wasn't like she said. It wasn't."
You're both wrong, that's not what happened, and while we're at it, be thankful you still have a hand.
"In the days of the Targaryens, a man who struck one of the blood royal would lose the hand he struck him with," observed the Red Viper of Dorne. "Did the dwarf regrow his little hand, or did you White Swords forget your duty?" - Tyrion IX, ASOS
The Hound wasn't even there for god's sake.
The two men stood talking in low whispers while Arya seethed. They have to kill him. I prayed for him to die, hundreds and hundreds of times.
Oh, you prayed? To the Old Gods? Good, that always works.
Thoros brought the Hound his swordbelt. "Does a dog have honor?" the priest asked. "Lest you think to cut your way free of here, or seize some child for a hostage . . . Anguy, Dennet, Kyle, feather him at the first sign of treachery." Only when the three bowmen had notched their shafts did Thoros hand Clegane the belt.
George answering his own questions.
Have you noticed the author has been pissing all over the Hound since the Blackwater? It's incredible.
"For the night is dark," the others chanted, Harwin and Anguy loud as all the rest, "and full of terrors."
"This cave is dark too," said the Hound, "but I'm the terror here. I hope your god's a sweet one, Dondarrion. You're going to meet him shortly."
Holy christ, he's a loser.
And they have the audacity to claim Darkstar is lame.
Unsmiling, Lord Beric laid the edge of his longsword against the palm of his left hand, and drew it slowly down. Blood ran dark from the gash he made, and washed over the steel.
And then the sword took fire.
Hard and fast the cuts came, from low and high, from right and left, and each one Dondarrion blocked. The flames swirled about his sword and left red and yellow ghosts to mark its passage. Each move Lord Beric made fanned them and made them burn the brighter, until it seemed as though the lightning lord stood within a cage of fire. "Is it wildfire?" Arya asked Gendry.
"No. This is different. This is . . ."
". . . magic?" she finished as the Hound edged back.
Guys, LOOK. It's different! This sword is different! It's not wildfire, it's blood magic! MAGIC. It's powered by R'hllor! IT'S DIFFERENT.
Now it was Lord Beric attacking, filling the air with ropes of fire, driving the bigger man back on his heels. Clegane caught one blow high on his shield, and a painted dog lost a head.
A headless Clegane. Funny.
She thought she could see the beginnings of fear wake in his eyes. He's going to lose, she told herself, exulting, as Lord Beric's flaming sword whirled and slashed. In one wild flurry, the lightning lord took back all the ground the Hound had gained, sending Clegane staggering to the very edge of the firepit once more. He is, he is, he's going to die. She stood on her toes for a better look.
Nice going, Arya.
The crack of the ashwood shaft snapping was almost as sweet a sound as Cersei's wail of fury, and for an instant Prince Oberyn had wings. The snake has vaulted over the Mountain. [...] "I am feeling more innocent by the instant," Tyrion told Ellaria Sand beside him.- Tyrion X, ASOS
"His shield is afire," Gendry said in a hushed voice. Arya saw it in the same instant. The flames had spread across the chipped yellow paint, and the three black dogs were engulfed.
This could be interpreted as two Clegane brothers being engulfed by fire together, but the inclusion of a third dog makes me doubt that.
I think it's less literal, and more a preview of the demolition of House Clegane as a whole. A house built upon dead children.
Smooth as summer silk, Lord Beric slid close to make an end of the man before him. The Hound gave a rasping scream, raised his sword in both hands and brought it crashing down with all his strength. Lord Beric blocked the cut easily . . .
"Noooooo," Arya shrieked.
. . . but the burning sword snapped in two, and the Hound's cold steel plowed into Lord Beric's flesh where his shoulder joined his neck and clove him clean down to the breastbone.
"It's only a trick, I told you. The wildfire ruins the steel. My master sold Thoros a new sword after every tourney. - Arya IV, ASOS
"Please," Sandor Clegane rasped, cradling his arm. "I'm burned. Help me. Someone. Help me." He was crying. "Please."
Arya looked at him in astonishment. He's crying like a little baby, she thought.
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Harwin sighed. "R'hllor has judged him innocent."
"Who's Rulore?" She couldn't even say it.
Exactly, who's Rulore?
And he wasn't innocent, so your god sucks, and is impotent.
She didn't care what Thoros had taught them. She yanked Greenbeard's dagger from its sheath and spun away before he could catch her. Gendry made a grab for her as well, but she had always been too fast for Gendry.
Tom Sevenstrings and some woman were helping the Hound to his feet. The sight of his arm shocked her speechless. There was a strip of pink where the leather strap had clung, but above and below the flesh was cracked and red and bleeding from elbow to wrist. When his eyes met hers, his mouth twitched. "You want me dead that bad? Then do it, wolf girl. Shove it in. It's cleaner than fire." Clegane tried to stand, but as he moved a piece of burned flesh sloughed right off his arm, and his knees went out from under him. Tom caught him by his good arm and held him up.
His arm, Arya thought, and his face. But he was the Hound. He deserved to burn in a fiery hell. The knife felt heavy in her hand. She gripped it tighter. "You killed Mycah," she said once more, daring him to deny it. "Tell them. You did. You did."
Major distinction here between book and show. On the show, Arya is restrained the entire time, and can't get to him.
In the books, she makes it to him with dagger in hand, but chooses not to kill him. That's important.
A nice reminder that the television show is terrible.
Lem grabbed her wrist and twisted, wrenching the dagger away. She kicked at him, but he would not give it back. "You go to hell, Hound," she screamed at Sandor Clegane in helpless empty-handed rage. "You just go to hell!"
"He has," said a voice scarce stronger than a whisper.
It's true, he's in hell.
And he'll be digging holes, trying to get out, for the rest of his miserable life.
When Arya turned, Lord Beric Dondarrion was standing behind her, his bloody hand clutching Thoros by the shoulder.
Oh my god, a zombie back from the dead. Is Catelyn next?
Final thoughts:
Someone called Sansa a camera, when Arya spends two whole books aimlessly floating around the Riverlands, giving us a window into the horrors of war, while we wait for her mother to die, and her story to finally progress.
If you can't tell, I need her to get to Braavos. I'm losing my patience.
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yandere-sins · 4 years
hi hi!! I was wondering if I can get some poly yandere Daichi and Suga from haikyuu with a fem!reader pls! Maybe something where they’re done with her trying to escape and what they do to make her stay? Thank you<3
Oooooh, yesssssssss!!! Thanks for requesting!
»»———————— ♡ ————————«« 
“Leave her be,” Daichi’s faint voice revealed the exhaustion but also the relief he was feeling. Suga’s steps made the floor creak beneath him, and you knew he was pacing up and down in front of the door, thinking of what to do. With you barricading yourself in, neither of them wanted to risk hurting you, knowing you sat in front of the wood, and if they broke it down, they’d clash with you inevitably.
“Just... how could she? What did we do wrong?” Koushi churned out from gritted teeth, and you could imagine he was biting his nail in frustration as he prowled the living room. “You know what we did,” Daichi sighed, the leather of the couch squeaking as he moved, probably laying down.
“But...” Suga croaked, frustrated, a long sigh eventually falling off his lips. Subconsciously, you had listened to their words, studied their movements just like you had before. For months now, you had practiced recognizing sounds like how the floorboards ached or how the breathing of your captors echoed in your bedroom at night. It had all been so you could escape. Run away from this nightmare you were trapped in, a situation you would never have expected to be possible aside from in books.
Unfortunately, you were the living proof that these scenarios didn’t only happen in fiction.
Of all people, how could you have known not to trust these two charismatic idiots you’ve been hanging out lots for months now. At first, it had just been a study group, something so minor. But soon, they had invited you to hang out with them and their club, and naive as you were, you believed that you three were really good friends, going to every one of their games and talking openly about your life with them. Too openly.
So openly that one day, they didn’t want to let you go anymore.
It was scary. They were scary. How come that those two loveable guys you grew so familiar with turned out to be a menace to this world - at least, your world? What had YOU done to deserve their treatment of you? That they kept you from something they only ever imagined happening? Maybe you had been a little depressed back then, but that wasn’t a reason to keep you locked in their apartment, right? You had trusted them back when they asked you to stay the night because it was so late. How could they betray you so much?
A small squeal escaped you as you withdrew more into yourself, the doorknob to the room twisting and turning again, gently rattling. It was slow at first, then it became increasingly frustrated and demanding. “Please open the door,” Suga meekly whined. It felt like he stood right behind you when he spoke, and it gave you the shivers. “We can talk about it. We can talk about anything! You know we’re always here for you!”
Yes, but you didn’t want them to anymore
“We love you, [Name]! We want to help you!”
They did. They did, and that was the problem; they loved you too much.
Every second, every breath that those two made, you knew your situation was getting worse. You had slipped from their fingers before; they were just as scared as you were, though for different reasons. Sugawara had been near frantic when they finally found you, breaking down in the next best alleyway with you, choking back the tears of relief that they caught up with you. All while, Sawamura had done nothing but blocking the view from the main street to you until his partner was ready to depart. You thought to see him relax a little as he took deep breaths, hugging both of you tightly in his embrace, but he was the driving force that urged you back to his apartment.
You should have fought back then and there, called for help! But the words were stuck in your throat, unable to leave you as you worked through the shock of being found. You thought you had hidden so well and even gotten far enough to consider it safe. Just how? How had they found you?
“Please!” A loud thump echoed through the bedroom as Suga punched the door with his fist, and you gulped, cupping your ears with your hands, wishing for him to stop. You didn’t want any of it anymore! You just wanted to go home! Biting your lip, you took a few deep breaths. Yes, you had run and hid in this room as the first thing when they pushed you through the entrance door. Yes, you wanted to stay here until they left you alone.
But Sugawara was getting impatient. Worry was fueling and frustration controlling him, and though he wasn’t the man you came to know, you thought you understood him a little better by now. No matter how often Daichi would tell him to stop, he wouldn’t. He never would.
They’d never leave you alone.
His mouth had just opened up, hand ready to drum against the door once more when you opened it. Only a gap at first, but through it, you could see their surprised and flabbergasted expressions, Daichi jumping up from the couch but making no move more than that. Too afraid you’d get scared again and close the door in their face.
“Stop...” you whispered. “Just stop, please. Go away!”
“Oh, [Name]...”
As if your words had no meaning, as if they weren’t true to what you were feeling, Suga didn’t hesitate to push the door out of the way to you. You were back in his embrace, shivering and near tears as he pulled you tightly against him and you face into his shoulder. The embrace of a protector, of a lover. But to you, it was nothing more, nothing less than the torture of a madman.
Just as much was the additional hand you felt against your arm. A warm palm rubbing over your skin, holding you. “We’re not angry,” Daichi assured you, but you had doubts about his truthfulness. “Just let us know how we can make it better!” Suga added, his arm becoming a painful presence in your back, fingers digging into your body as if you were butter and not a being out of flesh and bone.
Was there even one thing that could make it better? Was there just one thing they could have said that would improve this situation? “Let me go,” you whispered, pretty sure only Suga could hear your faint voice in his ear.
“No,” he sighed, almost pleasurable so. As if it made him happy that your heart shattered in your chest, the drumming of it being a declaration of breaking to you. “We love you--” he started, turning his face slightly to kiss your temple tenderly, his hand on the back of your head blocking any way of escape.
“--so we can’t do that,” Daichi finished for him, and you risked looking up from Koushi’s shoulder to face the man. His eyes showed the sweet sight of your disheveled form in your reflection and the admiration both of them had for you when they looked at you. But as he stood there in the door, it was almost like he was saying--
“Never,” Suga sighed. “You can never leave us, do you understand?”
Pushing you away from him by your shoulder, you met Suga’s loving gaze, but beneath the shine in his eyes, the malice hid. The knowledge that this was wrong, but it was all he desired, and the same desire was eating him up alive. You didn’t want to know what happened with his sanity if by now you could see the madness by a mere glance into his face.
“[Name]?” he urged, his fingers digging into your shoulders, and even a helpless glance at Daichi didn’t help you out of this dilemma, for he stood in the doorway unyielding, his lips slowly but surely curling into a reassuring smile. For a moment, you wished they had been angry. Screamed at you, or threatened you, because you had to admit that their silence and care were much scarier now that you knew how the two of them really were. But what could you possibly do? When even running away as far as your legs would carry you didn’t work, what else was there you could do? You gulped before you answered, an exhausted, scared sound escaping your lips.
The two of them relaxed, exchanging a meaningful glance between them before they pushed you further back into the bedroom, and you began to pray for the morning to come soon.
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silkling · 3 years
Thank you that's so sweet??? Aaa that means a lot-
I have thought of a few prompts actually,,
One being, TFA Prowl and Jazz where Prowl was some sort of fae creature that could disguise himself as a normal bot, and he got dragged to Yoketron. Either Yoketron knew what he was or he entered a deal with him by accident, but Prowl was like...honor bound to stay and learn from him after making that agreement. Maybe Jazz is there visiting as a previous student, and weird things about Prowl keep catching his attention.
The other was far more angsty- what if Sigma 17 were woken up earlier, like halfway through the war when their pod is discovered by an Autobot ship.. mby Blades' brothers are still aware and he can feel them, but otherwise they're just dumped straight into war. Poor bbys.
Oh my god. You. You just. You don’t know what you did. Cause I like, really like fae lore. So as soon as I saw that prompt my brain demanded it be written. But I also really like your other prompt. So I’m going to do them both! This one is the fae Prowl one. I’ll post the second prompt in another post. But seriously I’m going to have so much fun with this. You have no idea what you have unleashed in my brain.
Yoketron watched as the lithe, elegant youngling was hauled into his Dojo by Warpath. He arched a brow when he noticed the muzzle clamped on his face, and then was even more surprised when he realized just how much the mechling was capable of thrashing in the larger Autobot’s hold, despite the stasis cuffs clamped around his wrists. The youngling, a two-wheeler now that Yoketron was able to see him more clearly, was dumped on the floor and pinned under a heavy red pede.
“You sure you want to take this one, Master Yoketron? I really think he’s more deserving of the stockades, filthy little deserter.” Warpath snarled.
“Indeed, Warpath. I am quite certain.” Yoketron hummed. “I assure you, if he truly does not wish what I have to offer than I am quite capable of bringing him to the stockades myself.”
Warpath only grumbled, growling one more time at the small youngling, and then he bowed and left.
As soon as the weight on him was gone, the mechling’s thrashing kicked up a notch and he tried to sit himself up. It seemed though, that despite his surprising amount of maneuverability he didn’t have enough control of his limbs to actually do so. Yoketron knelt down, reaching out and pressing the release mechanism of the muzzle. It dropped to his waiting palm and he subspaced it, retracting his hand just in time to avoid razor sharp fangs snapping shut on his fingers. As it was, those deadly dentae clacked together harshly as the mechling’s jaw closed on empty air. Yoketron arched a brow, frowning. Odd. Usually it was only warframes who had such sharp fangs, and this little one was most definitely not a warframe.
Yoketron ignored the furious glare, casting a critical gaze over the mech laying prone on his dojo floor. At least he had stopped thrashing, though now his frame was so tense the armor plating was clamped shut too tight to get even a metal wire in between the individual armor pieces. Yoketron returned his gaze to meet the glowing visor, bright with the fury and rage that was strong enough for him to practically taste in the youngling’s field.
He hummed as if to himself, reaching behind him to undo the stasis cuffs, only to stop when fangs pierced and dug into the armor of his forearm. He shot the mechling an unimpressed look, his free hand reaching and digging fingers into the soft protoform of his face behind his jaw. His body almost spasmed, his mouth forced open, his fangs and lips stained with Yoketron’s energon. The ninja master ignored the fear that started to sour his field, as well as the way his ventilations increased until he was panting harshly, mouth forced open and glaring helplessly at the older bot. Instead, he reached out again, removing the stasis cuffs, then releasing his jaw and straightening as he stepped back.
He watched the young mech get to his pedes, his movements graceful and elegant even as his field radiated rage and fear. Yoketron found his optics narrowing faintly at the way his every movement was soundless. There was no shifting metal as he rose, to whirring systems as his frame shifted and settled, so sound of pedes against wood as he got up and stood straight. It was…off. Not enough to make a normal mech think anything was wrong, but just enough to get Yoketron’s attention. Combined with his fangs, it was starting to paint a picture. Not to mentioned the slightly tapered finger tips he had noticed as he’d removed the stasis cuffs. Fingers that flexed and clenched, and Yoketron noticed a half-second flash of sharpened claws before those hands relaxed and returned to normal. Yes, he was most definitely starting to get an idea of what this mechling was.
“Hello, young one.” he rumbled. “May I ask what you were doing hiding on Dojo property?”
The youngling growled, shifting towards the door. Yoketron let him. “What do you think? Trying to stay out of the war.” he barked. “It’s not my fight, after all.”
Yoketron hummed. “Perhaps not.” he agreed. “But those in charge will not see it that way, and will see you as little more than a traitor for not answering the call to fight. I am taking a risk in doing so, but if you wish to avoid the fight them I can offer you another option.” he stepped towards the youngling, optics narrowing. “So long as you are willing to learn, I would take you on as my student.”
The youngling snarled. “Fat chance! I’m leaving.”
“Certainly.” Yoketron agreed. “If you can make it to the door before I stop you, then you will be free to do exactly that, and I will ensure any and all charges against you are dropped.”
The youngling eyed him dubiously, but seemed to decide the risk was worth it because he was transforming and taking off in the next second. It had been a silent transformation too, which had raised only further alarm bells. Yoketron waited until he was close to the door, and then he moved. In a flash, he appeared in front of the mech, and a hard kick sent him tumbling out of his alt mode. Another kick, and he was flying back into the cabinet, which fell on top of him. Yoketron walked over and heaved it off, crouching to pin the mechling by pressing a hand between his shoulderblades.
“You have potential, little one. But if you are discovered and caught by the authorities then that shall all go to waste.”
Abruptly, the struggling form under his palm stilled and tensed, all anger leaving his field to be replaced by fear. “…what do you want?” he whispered.
“Your name, youngling. I believe Cybertron has lost enough of your kin. I have no desire to see another perish unnecessarily. The rest of the planet may be blind to it, but I am well aware of how necessary you are to the functioning of our world.” Yoketron said calmly. The yougling’s actions had confirmed his suspicions. He truly was one of the fae, a breed of Cybertronian long believed to be only myth.
The youngling was shaking faintly now, obviously frightened. Yoketron couldn’t blame him. While most civilians thought the fae to be the subjects of story and myth, any mech involved in government or military knew they were real, albeit very, very rare. There was a reason for that, a very unpleasant one, and it certainly didn’t help that any fae were were discovered were often captured and simply…never seen again.
“You know what that would mean.” There was an agonized note to the youngling’s voice.
Yoketron felt a twinge of regret. He did know, and it wasn’t something he was eager to do. But given the circumstances, it would be the best way to ensure this one’s safety. “I do.” he confirmed. “I promise you I will not abuse it, youngling. I seek only to ensure your safety and to see you grow. I cannot simply allow you to go so easily, for if I did then I would be questioned as to why I did not bring you to the stockades and it would bring more attention to you. This way, you will remain safe.”
“Then why offer to let me go in the first place?” he demanded.
“I believed it would make you feel better to know you had at least made an attempt.”
The youngling abruptly went limp, his field still fearful, but now also tinged with a dull resignation that made Yoketron feel a little sick to his tanks. He did not want to do it like this, but for the mechling’s safety was truly the only option, with the way Cybertron currently functioned. “Give me your name, youngling.” he encouraged, voice gentling.
The young bot reset his vocalizer, and looked up to lock his visor with Yoketron’s optics. “My name is Prowl.” he answered, and he could hear the reluctance as the young bot spoke.
As Prowl gave his name to Yoketron, his optics glowed a bright white for a brief moment behind his visor before fading back to normal. Yoketron himself felt a small pull at his spark, recognizing it as the tether that now bound Prowl to him. He lifted his hand from the fae’s back, watching him slowly rose to sit up. “I take your name to be returned to you when your tutelage is done, Prowl.” he said, and the bond that was latched against his spark strengthened and solidified. “Go. Past the door on your right is a hall. Turn left at the end, past the door there, and you will find the berthrooms. The one with the black door is the student’s room. You may call it yours while you remain under my care.” he said, voice gentle. “Rest. I will clean up here. Tomorrow, your training begins.”
There was a tug on his spark, ans he realized quickly that he had worded that too close to an order when Prowl winced, cringing back from him but obeying nonetheless. Yoketron frowned, distaste curling in his tanks. He would have to learn how to word what he said very, very carefully so it could not be viewed as an order. He knew the bond he had established by taking the fae’s name meant that Prowl would be compelled to obey what he was told, but he had no intentions of abusing that. It would be wrong to do so.
The youngling stood, then turned and left through the door. Yoketron listened to his pedes fade away, and then he himself was standing. He hadn’t expected his day to go like this, and he disliked how he had had to take on his newest student, but he couldn’t regret having done so. He did not want to see another fae fall just because Cybertron’s elite refused to understand them. With a heavy sigh, he retrieved the broom from the corner and began cleaning. Tomorrow would be a long day.
Prowl found himself curled up in the berth after he had cleaned himself up in the washracks attached to the room. His spark felt heavy with the new bond tied around him, and he further tugged the mesh blanket wound himself as he thought about it. He hadn’t ever intended to get caught. He had snuck into the Dojo grounds because they looked mostly empty and he’d thought it’d be a good place to lay low while army “recruiters” were sweeping through the streets. The last thing he wanted was to be forcefully drafted. Being around so many mechs who he knew knew about the fae…well, he was good, but he also knew he’d probably have gotten caught eventually.
He had hidden himself well, even using magae to keep himself as undetectable as possible. But then that red mech, Warpath, had seen him as he’d been attempting to sneak into another area of the Dojo, and….that was that. He’d been swiftly pinned and cuffed, and when he’d kept trying to bite, the muzzle had been locked around his face as well. He hadn’t expected to be brought to the Dojo Master, and he had even less expected that the mech, Warpath had called him Yoketron, would know what he was. He was even more embarrassed about being caught because when Warpath left, he realized the large bot just visiting. But he had been caught, and Yoketron had trapped and bound him with his own magae, and now he was here. At least the older bot had promised that his name–and freedom–would be returned after he was finished being trained, but Primus only knew how long that would take.
It was days like this when Prowl loathed his heritage, loathed the fact he was a fae. He had been proud of it, once. Fae were beings of legend, after all. Stories said that in Cybertron’s early days, even before the great cities were built, fae and normal Cybertronians lived alongside each other. It was said that fae were gifted the abilities beyond that of a normal bot, including tapping into the world’s natural energies. They were able to feel this energy and occasionally draw on it to perform feats of great power. Fae also wielded their own unique form of energy, called magae, that allowed them to perform what most bots would call “magic”. Magae was what made up the entirety of a fae’s abilities, it was what made them fae. Magae came from a fae’s spark, was comprised of the energies and power of their own life force, and they could use it to connect to the sparks of other bots. Usually, that would entail taking a mech’s name and binding them to yourself. Though if one knew how, the process could be reversed, and a mech could take a fae’s name and bind them to themself, as Yoketron had done to Prowl.
He couldn’t blame the older mech. The part of his processor that was more logical could even be grateful. His reasoning had been sound, after all. There wasn’t really a way for Prowl to walk away from this without unwanted attention, without risking discovery. He knew what would have happened if he was discovered. The rest of Cybertron may have forgotten why the fae disappeared, but his people remembered. Fae had been powerful. Chosen by Primus to maintain the planet’s natural order and help ensure prosperity for His children, which included themselves. For a time, it had been fine.
But then mechs had begun to fear to extent of what fae could do, disliking that they were capable of tapping into the sparks of others. And so the fae had been hunted. To avoid extinction, his people had fled and disappeared, going to the shadows and staying there until they were eventually forgotten. They built up their own society, separate from the rest of Cybertron. Prowl remembered it, a little bit. He had been sparked there, but…somehow, he had gotten separated from his people and place of origin, and he’d never found his way back. It was hidden from the people of Cybertron, and any fae who got lost from it and didn’t know the way back would remain stranded outside forever.
That was what had happened to him. He didn’t remembered how, but…he did know his creators had been taken, or perhaps offlined, and they’d hidden him just before being caught. They’d never come back, and he had remained stranded from the place he’d been sparked in. After that, he was told he was found by a civilian family from Praxus, who brought him to a Youth Center there. Once he was big enough to take care of himself, he’d fled the Center, wanting to try and find his way home, but…he’d never been able to. He’d been in his own ever since.
Now, he was stuck, bound to a mech who claimed to want to see him safe and strong but he didn’t know if Yoketron was telling the truth. He could only hope he was. The alternative was that the old mech intended to use the bond for his own gain, or to turn him in, and Prowl…Prowl didn’t want either option. He sighed heavily, swiping a hand across his face, his visor set on the nightstand by the berth. His optics were a normal blue, though what made them stand out was the markings around his optics. It was why he wore the visor. The most distinctive features of what he was were his fangs and claws, but those were easy to hide, and the markings around his optics. Every fae had markings somewhere, he knew. He had just been unlucky enough to have them on his face.
The youngling sighed, forcing himself out of the increasingly depressing spiral. It couldn’t be changed. He just had to adapt and learn. He was good at that. He tucked himself into a tighter ball, knees pulled to his chest and mesh clutched tightly around his form. He closed his optics, trying to calm down enough to recharge. Today had been a very bad day. He just hoped the days to come wouldn’t follow in the pattern.
Prowl woke the next day to a quiet knocking on the door. He startled awake, feeling out of sorts and groggy as he pushed the blanket off him and sat up. That was when he remembered the events of the previous day, and he flinched away from the door and looked down. So, it was time to get up, he supposed. He sighed, then swung his pedes out of the berth and padded to the door. Upon opening it, he found the hallway to be empty, but he picked up the sounds of…something at the end of the hall, in the opposite direction of what he was thinking was the main room of the Dojo. He stepped out, closing the door behind him, and walked towards the noise. He came to a sliding door, and when he opened it he found what appeared to be some sort of dining room.
Yoketron was already there, setting two places at the table with fuel. When the door opened, the old mech looked up. “Ah, Prowl.” he greeted. “You look well, today. I am glad.”
Prowl squirmed uncomfortably, nodding. “I….yes.” he said lamely.
“If you wish, you may come and sit. I typically share morning fuel with my student before I begin lessons, when I have one under my care.”
Prowl blinked, realizing there was no order in that phrasing. Maybe Yoketron really wouldn’t take advantage? He nodded, sliding forward, closing the door behind him as he went, and sitting on the cushion provided. Yoketron hummed, satisfied, and went to the opposite end of the small table to take his own place.
“I wish to apologize, Prowl” he said. “Binding you to myself was not how I wished to take you on as my student, but from what I have learned of fae culture over my life I believed it to be the best way to ensure you remain safe and undetected.” he explained.
The two-wheeler looked uncomfortable, but he nodded regardless. “There’s nothing I can do about it.” he sounded resigned. “I get it, I suppose. I know how dangerous discovery is for one of my kind. But that doesn’t mean I’m happy.”
“And I would not ask you to be.” Yoketron said patiently. He swallowed down some of his fuel, his gaze locked on the lithe youngling nibbling at his own meal. “I only wish so see you survive and grow strong enough that you can defend yourself.”
He took no offense when Prowl didn’t answer, and they consumed the rest of their meal in silence. When they finished, Yoketron stood. “If you would, I would appreciate if you cleaned your dishes and followed me. I will show you were you can put them, and then we can move on to your morning lessons.”
Prowl nodded, gathering his now empty dishes and following the old mech. He noticed once more that Yoketron had not phrased his request in a way that it might be interpreted as an order, and he felt grateful. While he still wasn’t happy about how things had turned out, he was starting to believe that just maybe the bond wouldn’t be abused after all. And if Yoketron was really telling the truth, then Prowl would someday be able to keep himself safe. He still wasn’t sure of this situation, and he didn’t trust Yoketron, but if things continued to be like this then maybe his time here wouldn’t be so bad.
Prowl was meditating. He did so fairly often these days, as it made his natural energies settle in a way they usually didn’t. Fae were constantly connected to the energy of Cybertron, and sometimes it was nice to let own own spark settle in a more peaceful rhythm as he let the energy of his world wash over him and surround him. It had taken him a while to learn the patience to do this, but he was glad that he had eventually managed. His processor settled, ventilations deep and even as he blocked himself out from the outside world. Why should he not? He knew he was safe here. He had nothing to fear.
A hand pressed to his spinal strut, between his winglets.
He jerked, his processor snapping back to itself as his optics abruptly snapped open. He let out a loud, startled yelp, helm shooting around, and his gaze locking on mech who was smiling faintly, expression wry and amused.
“Master Yoketron.” he did not wheeze, thank you very much.
“Prowl.” His master greeted, tone warm. “I apologize for startling you. I thought you would wish to know that it is time for afternoon fuel. It would be best to take it, I believe. The lessons I have planned for the rest of this orn are rather difficult.”
Prowl released a heavy, relaxed vent. He nodded, the harsh light of his optics dimming behind his visor as his systems realized he wasn’t under attack. “Of course, Master. Thank you for coming to get me. I apologize for not keeping better track of the time.”
Master Yoketron only shook his head. “Of course, young one. I understand the importance of meditation. I would not think to force you to stop early when I can prepare the fuel myself.” he hummed. “Though,” he cast his student a look. “I would appreciate if you did continue to prepare the fuel with me, in most cases.”
Prowl nodded, standing up and following his Master out the door of the small meditation room and down to the dining hall. “I would not think to abandon one of my tasks, Master Yoketron.”
“No, I do not think you would.” The old mech agreed. They stopped in the dining room, taking their respective seats. After a moment of silent eating, Prowl’s mentor spoke. “You have come very far since you first came to this Dojo, Prowl.”
Prowl paused, drawing back a little under the intensity of the gaze pinned on him. Yes, he supposed he had. He still wasn’t pleased that his teacher had had to take his name and bind him to himself to get him to stay, but he understood. Besides, he had come to like it, here. The old cyber-ninja was kind and fair, and he had never once forced Prowl out of his comfort zone or tried to abuse the bond, not a single time in the vorns since the fae had been dumped at his pedes. He stayed now because he wished to, not because he was forced to. The bond was still active, and Yoketron still held his name, but he had come to see this place as home and no longer tried to trick the cyber-ninja into breaking the bond. His Master still held his name, but Prowl would stay even if he did not.
“I suppose.” the fae said after a moment. “I am grateful to you, Master Yoketron. Even if I am not pleased as to how it happened, I am glad you took me as your student.”
The older mech relaxed, expression softening. “Indeed, young one. I feel much the same.” he murmured. “Now, I believe it is time we finish fueling. It will be a long orn yet.”
Prowl nodded, then picked up his cube of energon and took a sip. He didn’t know what his future would hold, but he, for once in his life, looked forward to what the coming stellar cycles would bring.
The coming stellar cycles, it turned out, would bring one of Master Yoketron’s former students. A mech named Jazz, who according to his mentor was visiting the Dojo for the Festival of Adaptus, and he intended to stay for the full deca-cycle the Festival took place on, as he was granted leave by the Elite Guard to do so. Yoketron had told him that Jazz had been his most recent student before he had taken in Prowl, and that the young cyber-ninja was apparently quite eager to meet their shared mentor’s newest disciple. Prowl wasn’t opposed to the visit, not at all. But in the vorns since he’d come to the dojo, he had relaxed and become more at ease, and so his magae itself had also become less tense and volatile. All that really meant, though, was that, now that he knew he was safe and at home, his instincts would let him behave in the way he wanted to about the Dojo’s guest.
Jazz didn’t know Prowl was a fae. He didn’t even know that a fae was in the Dojo. Which meant Prowl would be able to really mess with the mech and confuse him while he was here. He didn’t let his more mischievous tendencies be known often, but Prowl was a fae, and his people reveled in tricks and mischief. And now that someone new was coming, someone who wouldn’t know to anticipate it like Yoketron knew to, after living with Prowl’s rare pranks?
Well, Prowl was going to have some fun with Jazz.
Jazz didn’t know what he was expecting when he met his old Master’s newest student, but it most certainly wasn’t for the lithe mech to thrust out a hand, palm up, and say:
“Hello. Master Yoketron has told me about you. Would you like to give me your name?”
Now, the phrasing of the had been real funky, but Jazz hadn’t had time to think on it or even to tell the mech his name before Master Yoketron was putting a hand over his mouth and shooting the black and gold mech a very unimpressed look. The two-wheeler had huffed, arms crossing.
“I wasn’t actually going to do anything, Master.”
And Primus, but he’d sounded petulant. Jazz still didn’t understand that whole interaction, but then Yoketron was stepping away and the bot offered his hand out again. “My name is Prowl, and you may use it as a friend.” he’d said.
Upon getting no reaction from the Dojo Master, Jazz had stepped forward and taken his hand. Again, very funky phrasing, but Jazz was starting to think maybe the mech himself was just from a different walk of life than he was. “Name’s Jazz.” he’d introduced himself, and thinking that the second part of Prowl’s introduction must be important to the mech, he’d found himself copying it. “Feel free to use my name as a friend.”
The words had tasted oddly stiff in his mouth, but before he could say anything more Master Yoketron was shooing his student off to do some chores, and then he’d led Jazz to the berthroom reserved for Dojo guests.
Which, was where the Polyhexian now found himself.
Except…the berth was stood vertical against the wall. He didn’t know why. Maybe it was how Master Yoketron was storing them when they weren’t in use? But then, why hadn’t it been put back horizontal before he had arrived? Jazz was very confused. He shrugged, moving to pull the berth back down. Maybe his old teacher had simply forgotten, though Yoketron had never forgotten anything before. Old age, then? Yeah, Jazz would sooner believe that Ultra Magnus enjoyed bar fights.
He still had no idea how the berth had gotten like that, but maybe things would make sense after recharge. So, he slipped under the mesh blankets and let himself slip into unconsciousness. He was sure things would be less confusing when he was operating at his full abilities.
The next morning did dawn, and Jazz had woken up making the choice to just forget about the berth incident. He might ask his mentor at a later date, but for now he’d focus on just enjoying his time at th old Dojo. He slipped out of his berthroom, remembering from his own training that right about now was when the morning fuel was prepared. Sure enough, he slipped into the kitchen to find both Dojo residents preparing their shares. Jazz went to do the same, and after a a breem all three of them were seated at the table.
Jazz turned to Prowl, smiling. “So, mech, how’re you liking it at the Dojo? I heard through the grapevine your arrival here wasn’t exactly ideal.” he offered, remembering what Warpath had told the rest of the cyber-ninjas.
Prowl paused. “…it was not ideal, you are right.” he confirmed. “I am grateful for Master Yoketron taking me under his care, however. I find the Dojo pleasant.”
Jazz chuckled. “You’re a pretty well-mannered mech, aintcha?” he teased playfully. “I’d almost think you came from nobility.”
Prowl, amusingly, looked very offended. “It does not do to be impolite.” he sniffed.
Jazz smiled. “I ain’t disagreeing with you. But you can relax, you get me?”
Prowl simply stared at him, then scoffed and returned to his meal. Jazz didn’t take it personally. Dai Atlas was pretty stiff too. Some mechs just preferred structure and formality. Yoketron, as he often was during mealtimes, was silent. The rest of their fuel was consumed in that silence, and then Prowl and the Dojo Master were cleaning up and going off to the morning lessons. Jazz remembered those. They had been very….straining. He stood, cleaning his own dishes and then going to mediate until the other two were done for the morning. Plus, he hadn’t been able to mediate properly for a while.
A couple joors later, Jazz was done and got to his feet. Yoketron ans Prowl should be finished by now too, he knew, and he decided to walk though the garden to get to the main hall. Except…there were some odd metalli-plants in the garden, arranged in a perfect circle. Jazz didn’t recognize them, and he found it odd that they were planted that way. He could also detect a very, very faint energy coming from the circle. Curious, he walked over, intending to get close and touch the plants to examine them, when a hand landed on his shoulder.
He looked back, seeing Yoketron, and his old teacher looked exasperated. “Prowl, I would appreciate if you would not attempt to trap Jazz in your circles.” he called out.
Prowl stepped out from the Dojo, almost looking like he was pouting, and the odd energy around the flowers disappeared. “You’re no fun, Master. I wouldn’t have done anything.” he grumbled.
Yoketron only shook his head, and invited Jazz to join them for some basic katas now that morning lessons were done. He agreed, but tacked that onto his mental list of weird things going on at the Dojo. He thought that would be the last time. It wasn’t.
That night, when he went to the washracks, the solvent came out mixed with glitter. Jazz barely avoided getting a very sparkly makeover. Then, the next orn, he kept getting lost. Master Yoketron had to rescue him from the meditation chambers after the 12th time he ended up there trying to get to the dining hall. After that, his Master having to stop Jazz from accepting fuel that Prowl had offered. Then, he’d woken the next orn to find his berth was gone. Just….gone. Even though he’d been in it. The odd things kept stacking up and up, until finally, half-way into his stay, he learned what it all was.
It was when Yoketron, Prowl, and he were fueling after the morning lessons. Prowl and Jazz were talking, and then Prowl had said the words that made Jazz feel very, very stupid:
“Words have power, Jazz, so of course phrasing is important in proper social interaction!”
He forgot what they were even bickering about, staring at the rotten little trickster in front of him with a gaping mouth. “You’re a fae.” he realized. How had he not figured it out sooner? Master Yoketron had taught him about the fae. All cyber-ninja knew about the fae! Then a new thought struck him. “You stole my berth!”
Prowl blinked, and he seemed to relax when Jazz’s reaction to the revelation wasn’t fear or an attempt to turn him in. Only indignation. “I will not apologize.” he deadpanned.
Jazz stared, and then a grin stretched his lips. “You clever, tricky little glitch.” he said playfully, enunciating each word. There was no genuine malice in his tone. “Can you teach me how to do that?”
Prowl snorted as Jazz regaled him with yet another story about his new superior officer, a mech called Sentinel Prime, and his immense stupidity. They were in Iacon, and it had been a long time since Prowl had been so far from the Dojo, which was in the outer edges on Praxus, on its own land. But he’d come to a pause in his training, as Master Yoketron had sent him on an optics quest. It was, apparently, a major test in the life of a cyber-ninja. It would allow him to discover what he wished to do with his life, as he was meant to travel and experience new things and explore, and when he had the answer he would return to the Dojo. And then he would begin a new level of his training, according to his teacher.
So he was in Iacon currently, enjoying an afternoon with Jazz. It had been many vorns since that fateful Festival of Adaptus, and the two young mechs had forged a strong bond. So when Prowl’s optics quest had brought him in the direction of Iacon, he’d commed the older mech and asked to be shown around. The fae was nervous about being so close to the headquarters of Autobot High Command, because he knew what they did to any of his kind they discovered, but he was confident in his abilities to remain hidden. Plus, he had Jazz, and he knew the white bot wouldn’t let him be put in danger.
They were sitting at Jazz’s favorite cafe, enjoying a selection of energon treats, when Prowl felt it. A tug at his spark. The bond he shared with Yoketron went two ways. The older mech held most of the control, but Prowl could still sense his mentor through it. It was one of the reasons he had come to accept it. And now…now, Yoketron’s spark felt like it was sputtering, like the mech it belonged to was in pain and his life was in danger. Prowl didn’t stop to think. He threw down a fistful on shanix, and then grabbed Jazz’s wrist and dragged him away.
His processor was racing desperately, and he couldn’t even manage to answer his friend’s questions. He dragged them to an empty alley, and then closed his eyes, focused on his magae, and dug deep.
Every fae had a pocket plane of their own. It was like a bot’s subspace, but it wasn’t a subspace and it was large enough for a mech to go in to. It was like…a small sub-world of sorts, and only a fae could access it, and each fae had their own. The sub-world could be used as a quick method of transport. As long as the location one was trying to get to was on the same planet as they one they had left from, then a fae could use to to travel large distances in almost an instant.
Prowl had never accessed his, before. Oh, he’d tried. Countless times. But he’d never been able to. But now…now he had to. It was the only way they could get to Praxus, to Master Yoketron. So he dug inwards, pushing far, far deeper into his magae than he’d ever done before…and he stepped forward. He came into his sub-world, bringing Jazz with him, and the other mech was silent now, gaping im shock. He kept going though, and focused on Praxus, on the Dojo, and stepped again. Then, they were there. Prowl stumbled as he came to a stop in the Dojo, releasing Jazz and tripping onto his face. He didn’t notice when his visor was knocked loose as he shifted his gaze to try and find his Master.
Prowl and Jazz were frozen for a single sparkbeat at the scene they’d come into. A large mech with a hook in place of one hand and markings on his face was standing over their mentor. For a moment, Prowl thought the mech was fae. But he detected no magae from him, and the moment passed.
That was when the rage came. He snarled, his engine roaring his anger, and his claws lengthened to their sharpest, his fangs sharpening to their longest, and the golden markings around his optics glowed a brilliant, pale silver while his optics themselves glowed white. He surged up, and in the next sparkbeat he was between the mech and his master. He extended a hand, deadly claws resting on the mech’s chest plate, and before that hook could swipe at him he peeled back his lips, put his magae into his voice, and hissed a command.
It wouldn’t hold for long, he knew. Without the mech’s name, the order wouldn’t hold much power. So, Prowl used the physical connection, and pushed with his magae, digging with his very spark into the core of the mech’s being. He had to be careful, he knew. Like this, it would be so easy to destroy, to rip the mech’s very soul apart and kill his being without even extinguishing his spark. But Master Yoketron had always warned him against using his powers to hurt others, telling him he was meant for greater than causing pain and suffering. Even if Prowl didn’t believe that, he still wanted to honor his Master’s wishes and his lessons. So he didn’t rip and tear and rend, like the more feral of his fae instincts demanded. Instead, he dug in, until he had what he wanted, and wove a strand of magae into the mech’s spark energy to ensure the bond would take.
Then he pulled himself back, and as the mech regained mobility he met those red optics and bared his fangs. “I know your name, bounty hunter.” he spat. “I know who you are, and your name is mine until such time I decide it is mine no longer. I have your name , Lockdown, and with it I have you.” Claws dug into metal armor as the mech froze, optics blown wide with shock.
“You will stop this, and you will leave, Lockdown. Now.” Prowl ordered in a snarling hiss.
Lockdown was tense, but the bond that Prowl had tied around his spark and the hold of his name over him forced him to obey. He stopped, and he left. It was only when the Dojo was silent that Prowl began to calm. He sagged, slowly releasing a heavy vent, and turned to the other two mechs. Jazz had helped Yoketron sit up, his helmet already returned to him, and both were staring.
“Uh, mech? What’s with the light show?” Jazz asked softly.
“Light show?” And then Prowl noticed the lights.
Small, glowing spheres of light and energy filled the room. Dozens of them. He gasped, reaching out to the nearest one and tapping it. It burst into flame, and Prowl jerked back. The flame burned out, and a new light replaced the old. Prowl hesitantly tapped another of the spheres, and this one burst into mist. It was then he understood what this was.
Every fae had a unique magae ability. It seemed these spheres were his, and each of them did something different. But what was the use, if he didn’t know which did what? Except….he did know. Or at least, his spark did. This was an ability born from his magae, from his spark. So….if he let that guide him..he would know.
He took a deep vent, focusing, and his gaze locked on one sphere floating to his right. He cupped his hands around it, bringing it to his mentor, and crouched by the older mech. He held his hands out, the sphere glowing above his clawstips.
“This one should help you, Master.” he said softly.
Yoketron hummed, then reached out and pushed his fingers into the light. It flared, dancing up along his frame, and small cracks and wounds in his armor sealed up while the heavier injuries lessened slightly in severity. He perked up too, as if he was given a boost of energy, and was able to stand up on his own after a moment. Prowl and Jazz followed suit, but before either could say anything another form burst into the Dojo.
“Master Yoketron, are you-“ the mech cut himself off, staring at the scene. “….I saw smoke coming from the Dojo?” he said, uncertain.
Prowl tensed, optics narrowing, but Jazz slid in to calm the situation. “It’s alright. We managed to deal with it.”
The mech’s uncertain gaze looked around the Dojo, clearly confused at the lights, until his optics found Prowl. Then they lit up with understanding, and recognition. He obviously realized what the fae was. But…he stepped forward anyway, holding out a hand. “You’re Master Yoketron’s student, right? My name is Springer, and I give it to you freely to use as you wish, though I hope you would use it as a friend.”
Prowl startled, not expecting a mech to give his name so easily. He had to cut the tie to his magae so it wouldn’t try to latch on and bind the mech. He took the offered hand, careful of his claws. “You are well met, Springer, and I would be pleased to call you my friend. My name is Prowl, and I offer it to you to use as a friend in turn.” he said smoothly, then stepped back.
Jazz grinned, throwing an arm around Prowl’s shoulders. “Nice, Prowler! But are you ever gonna explain what in the Pit you did? Cause I’m still trippin’ over tryin’ to figure it out.”
Springer cut in. “As much as I’d like to know too, maybe now isn’t the best time. We should clean up before the Elite Guard figures out something went down here. Prowl, that means you might want to cut your magae off, we don’t want you getting found out.”
Prowl tensed, but nodded stiffly. He could do that. He took a vent, closing his optics and relaxing. After a moment, the spheres started winking out, and his fangs and claws returned to their hidden states. His optics and markings stopped glowing, and he opened his optics to look for his visor. He quickly noticed it was broken on the floor, and he was about to panic when Jazz caught his attention and held out his own visor. His optics were bare for once, and Prowl found himself staring in quiet awe for a moment before a resetting of a vocalizer from Springer snapped his focus back. He snagged up the visor, slipping it on and shooting Jazz a grateful look.
“Great!” the green mech was smiling. “Now, let’s figure out this mess!”
Prowl hummed. “I believe I have an idea. Springer, if you will, I believe you and I would be best suited for cleaning up here. Jazz, would you mind helping Master Yoketron?” A glance back showed their mentor leaning against the far wall, seemingly in a meditative state. “And call in a medic, his wounds still need to be treated.”
The other two glanced at each other, and for a moment Prowl thought they wouldn’t take orders from an ungraduated student, but to his surprise they nodded and got to work. Prowl felt himself smile, and fell into place with Springer to clean up the mess Lockdown had made of the Dojo’s main hall. He had been worried that he wouldn’t find his place once he graduated the Dojo and left his Master’s care, but he was starting to realize he would have a place after all. He would find his acceptance and his purpose in the Cyber-Ninja Corps and the mechs who he would one day call his brothers-in-arms. He was sure of that now. He looked forward to it. For once, Prowl knew that his future was bright, and he was eager to meet it head on.
(Yoketron watched his youngest student interact with two of his others, and felt pride swell in his spark. Prowl had come so very far from that first orn, when he’d been a half-feral youngling trying to flee the world itself. He’d known he had made the right decision in choosing his successor when he’d seen how Prowl handled Lockdown, and when he’d seen how easily and freely he had accepted Springer as a comrade. Prowl was going to far surpass him one orn, was going to be a far better Master of the Cyber-Ninja Corps than he ever was. Yoketron couldn’t wait to see it.)
And there it is! What did you think? I hoped you liked it. I had fun. I like it. Fae Prowl is a little troll and you can’t convince me otherwise. Anyway, that story is finished! Yoketron lives, because I said so. Also, Prowl and Jazz totally become a thing later. Absolutely no one is surprised.
Aaaaannd…I think thats it! Yep, I’ve said the important stuff.
Until next time, folks!
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erimeows · 3 years
Bumblebee never imagined a world in which he’d be obsessed with Sentinel Prime, but there he was, staring longingly at the Elite Guard member’s back as him and his team watched fireworks together. Luckily for him, Jazz had convinced Sentinel to tag along.
The yellow Autobot sat there, half-engaged with the conversation Bulkhead was trying to have with him. He hated that he was missing out on the fireworks, but something about watching Sentinel seemed to captivate him more.
A cocksure smile on beautiful lips which released an even more beautiful midnight laugh into the air, earning a laugh back from Optimus Prime, who was sitting by the larger bot’s side on the rooftop they were all currently on.
Jazz and Prowl were walking around the rooftop, talking and pointing out the fireworks they liked, while Ratchet (who was completely sober) laid in a corner with Sari sitting next to him and stared at the sky silently. Bulkhead had been by Bumblebee’s side the whole night, which he appreciated, but still... He couldn’t help but be upset, just watching them.
His fixation with Sentinel had gotten bad since the Prime had come to earth, to the point that he had memorized the outline of those rough lips and burned the scent of the older bot into the back of his processor.
But no, it wasn’t because he had a crush on Sentinel Prime, his former sergeant, like everyone teased him for.
Instead, it was because of how in love he was with Optimus Prime, one of his closest friends and the leader of his repair-team-turned-squad-unit.
And it hurt. Primus, it hurt.
It hurt to watch Sentinel have what he wanted so easily, to use that magic touch of his as he tossed an arm over Optimus’s shoulders and chatted away with him like the old friend that he was despite all of the fucked up shit he had done to the younger Prime.
It hurt to watch Optimus turn to face the blue and gold bot and laugh, those plump lips curved into one of the only true and genuine smiles Bee had ever seen from him, the tension between the two rivals melted by the oil they’d all consumed and replaced with their blatantly obvious feelings for each other, those of which had always been there. It was almost like they were destined to be, two main characters in some sort of love story, while Bumblebee was a supporting character meant to push Optimus in that direction.
But, no. He was selfish, and he would never do such a thing, even if it meant seeing Optimus- because Primus be damned, he could make Optimus just as happy as Sentinel could if not happier, couldn’t he? He was selfish and greedy and wanted Optimus to himself, so he did what he could, and if that meant making everyone think he was in love with Sentinel Prime with the way he gawked at him, he was fine with that- because Optimus was too selfless to go after Sentinel if he thought Bee was interested, anyway. 
That wasn’t his intention when he started watching Sentinel, initially. He’d just been trying to absorb whatever the hell it was about the large bot that Optimus loved so much, and everyone had misconstrued it, but it had worked out for him.
Or so he thought. Look at him now, though, ignoring his best friend in favor of staring at Sentinel and Optimus, neither of whom were even batting an optic in his direction. 
And this was how his new year was starting, him wishing he had some semblance of whatever Sentinel Prime had that made Optimus fall so hard for him; confidence, strength, sharp optics, wit, bravery, or maybe it was something else like how Sentinel’s audials twitched when he was nervous, how his face plates burned red when he lied, or how good he was in the berth.
The thought brought him no peace, and it brought him no rest. He heard Sentinel sneaking into Optimus’s room at night quite frequently, and though he never knew what happened in there, the thought of Sentinel and Optimus intertwined underneath the younger Prime’s berthsheets, whispering sweet and filthy things alike in each other’s audials, kept him awake and anguished.
Bumblebee felt himself frown at that, lips pulled tight and mouth tasting bitter. It was uncharacteristic of him to be so negative, but when it came to his feelings for Optimus, he couldn’t help it. It was all wrong; how immature, how deceitful, how angry he was acting about the whole predicament, but he figured that’s what love did to a mech when it was at its worst.
“Bee? Buddy?”
When he snapped out of his trance, Bumblebee looked up to see that Bulkhead was dangling one large servo in front of his optics, clearly trying to catch his attention. The pang of guilt that always came at times like this manifested in the yellow bot’s spark rather quickly, sinking to the bottom of his stomach like tar in a way that made him feel sick. He knew he was neglecting his other relationships while being caught up with Optimus and Sentinel, and Bulkhead had always been there for him... Why couldn’t he just be one of those mechs who fell in love with their best friend?
No, that was a cruel thought. Bulkhead deserved someone who cherished and adored him, he was too good for Bumblebee, as was Optimus.
“You’ve been out of it all night, and you seem sad... You have too much oil?” Bulkhead’s servo was on his shoulder plating, and for a second, Bumblebee struggled to speak. His optics landed on the bright fireworks above them, pink and purple and white and vibrant. Bulkhead was focused on him, Ratchet was pointing out planets to Sari, Jazz and Prowl were as in love as they always were, and Sentinel Prime and Optimus Prime...
Well, he couldn’t handle it. Maybe it had something to do with the oil he’d nervously been drinking to settle his nerves, or maybe he was just at a boiling point, but before he could think about what he was doing, he was standing up on his stabilizing servos with shaky knees. He must’ve looked bad, because within seconds, everyone’s optics (or, in Sari’s case, eyes) were landing on him.
“I- I think so, um... I’m gonna leave,” Bumblebee stuttered, voice cracking. Optimus was the first to object, standing from his spot on the edge of the roof. No matter how hard Bumblebee tried, he couldn’t seem to ignore the servo of Sentinel’s that was resting on Optimus’s back. 
“Bee shouldn’t someone walk you back if you’re not feeling well?” Optimus approached him, but the smaller bot, unable to handle the emotional turmoil that was taking him over, found himself stumbling away before he could even process the consequences his actions might’ve had. “Where are you- hey, Bumblebee, wait up!”
“Let him go, Optimus,” Sentinel stopped him, because of course he did, and with that, Bumblebee was racing back down to the inside of their base from the stairwell on the rooftop and into his room.
When he reached it, he shut the door behind him and flopped down onto his bed with a frustrated shout.
He wanted to recharge, but his processor was too clouded with his conflicted thoughts to allow him to do so. The celebration on the floor above him slowly died down, the fireworks growing quiet and the sounds of berthroom doors opening and closing as everyone went to bed over the span of the next hour.
Optimus was probably already asleep, too.
Angry at himself, he started to rant, even if no one was around to hear him out.
“Ugh, why am I like this... I could’ve just put up with it like I always do, but no, I just had to go and make a scene in front of him, and now no one’s going to let me live it down, and they’re all going to assume I’m jealous of him for hugging on Sentinel when it’s not-”
His self-deprecating rambling was cut off by a knock at his door; knock, knock, knock. Three soft, polite, in rhythm taps that Bumblebee quickly recognized as his leader’s, followed by said leader’s deep voice ringing through the wall.
“Bumblebee? Are you awake? Sorry to disturb, but I wanted to see you. Could you come open the door?”
“Bossbot?” The Autobot perked up, and though he had fully intended to lay in bed sulking and ignoring everyone who came to check on him, the sound of Optimus’s voice had him rushing to open his berthroom door. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to check on you since you seemed to be so out of it when you left, but you seem to be doing alright, thank goodness,” The Prime gave him that smile, the one of relief that made Bumblebee’s spark leap because of just how beautiful it was. “I should probably leave instead of pressing the matter, but... I thought I saw you staring at Sentinel and I, and I just wanted to make sure that you didn’t misjudge what was happening.”
His spark fucking dropped. While whatever his obsession with Sentinel happened to be was obvious to bots like Prowl, Ratchet, and Bulkhead who teased him for it, he had hoped that Optimus would never bring it up. It was a conflict he wasn’t ready for, and if he could, he would play it off.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Bumblebee tilted his helm, wondering if he had been that obvious while watching them on the rooftop earlier that night.
“May I come in?” 
Optimus being Optimus, he didn’t get right to it, which made the anxiety building up in Bee’s chest ten times worse. But alas, he could never say no to his boss, so he stepped aside to allow the Prime inside.
“O-Of course!”
With that, he shut the door behind them.
The two sat next to each other on Bumblebee’s berth, the lights still off, which meant that the only thing keeping the room lit was the beams that poured through the window from the moon and the fireworks. Optimus’s face was gorgeous in that moment, full of something that Bee could only perceive as longing and regret and love if he didn’t know any better, sharp features highlighted by the moonlight that shone over them.
“I’m not sure what you think my relationship with Sentinel is, but it’s nothing more than enemies at our worst and sparklinghood friends at our best. Our relationship is very long and very complicated, but we’ve always been more like brothers than anything, and as much as you deny it, I know you’re in love with him... I pay attention to how you look at us, when the two of us are together, and how you perceive him. I just want to reassure you that I would never steal him away from you, Bumblebee. I love you too much to do that to you- even if I can’t have you, and even if it’s with someone else, I want you to be happy.”
“W-What?” The younger of the two spat, optics going wide. Optimus being the type he was, he cringed at what he’d said and scooted to the edge of the berth, not even able to look at Bumblebee after the impromptu confession.
“Ah, I shouldn’t have phrased it like that, but-” The red and blue bot stood up and held his helm in one servo. He groaned while Bumblebee couldn’t even process what was going on. Had he imagined the whole relationship between Sentinel and Optimus that he thought was there? Was this actually happening? Did Optimus love him back, and was he going to get the happy ending he’d always wanted? “Well, I suppose the truth is out, then... The oil seems to have gotten to the both of us. I’ll leave-”
“No, are you insane!?” Bumblebee exclaimed with a laugh and moved closer to the Prime so he could grab his arm with both servos and drag him back down onto the bed. Begrudgingly, Optimus sat back down, and Bumblebee closed the gap between them.
“It’s- It’s you, Prime! It’s always been you and it always will be, you know?” Bumblebee’s words were rushed, stumbling over each other and dripping with excitement. The tension in Optimus’s shoulders seemed to release as his face was dyed bright red with a heavy blush- perhaps from the embarrassment that came with the same realization Bumblebee was having. “I was never in love with Sentinel; he’s a selfish, inconsiderate glitch who’s always treated you like you’re scrap metal! You’re brave, you’re kind, you’re always there for me when I need it, and I just... I love you so much, and-”
“Oh, beautiful, c’mere,” Optimus broke and pulled Bumblebee into him, strong arms wrapping around the yellow bot’s frame and pulling him into his lap. Bumblebee melted into the touch and buried his face in Optimus’s chest plates. “I’m sorry it took us this long.”
“Me, too.”
There was a moment of silence, but it was broken by Optimus, who spoke with an uncharacteristically teasing tone and an equally teasing smirk gracing his plump lips.
“How long ‘ve you been crushing on me, then?” The words were a bit slurred in a way that made Bumblebee hyperaware of just how buzzed they still were from the oil.
“...Too long,” He spat and quickly stared down at the ground like it had become the most interesting thing in the universe. “I don’t want to admit how long level long.”
“Ah, I see... Looks like I owe Sentinel some money after all,” Optimus laughed, earning a playful slap on his arm from Bumblebee in return.
“Wh- You guys bet on which one of you I had a crush on!? I need to hear about this!”
“Okay, so it started when...”
And, as Optimus started to tell his story, an arm still lovingly wrapped around Bumblebee’s small frame, he sighed in relief. 
Surely, after this, no one would think he had a crush on Sentinel Prime.
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karlyanalora · 3 years
Even Primes Need Sick Days
It turns out that machines do get sick. Captain Fanzone was surprised at the revelation when he asked where the big boss bot was that morning.
“Ill,” Prowl had informed him. “Ratchet and Sari are taking care of him.”
Fanzone had merely brushed that information inside and launched into Detroit's latest emergency. Professor Princess, Nanosec, and Slo-Mo were having a team-up and wrecking the cities toystores while robbing them. The Autobots were busy chasing them when Princess set a building ablaze. Now Fanzone expected a firetruck to show up, but not that quick.
What he didn’t know was they were three blocks from the Autobot base where a worried Prime was watching his teammates comm channels. He’d heard fire and raced out of there before Ratchet could even think of throwing a wrench.
If you’d been walking your dog that afternoon you’d have seen a firetruck being chased by an ambulance with a girl with a jetpack bringing up the rear. Probably one of the world’s weirdest and shortest highspeed chases.
For all Ratchet’s intent to drag the Prime back to base with his magnets, he had to admit it was a good thing they showed up. The young bots had already left the scene, hot on the tail of the criminals, unaware of the blazing inferno of a store behind them.
Optimus was already working to put out the flames and Ratchet sighed as he started helping the citizens trapped inside, Sari doing her best to help. From the corner of his optics, Ratchet noted how winded Prime was and the dimness of his optics. As soon as the last embers were squashed, Captain Fanzone came stomping up to Optimus’ ped.
Ratchet watched as Optimus obediently listened to the Captain’s scoldings. He nodded at all the right times until his face was seized by an all too familiar look.
Luckily for Fanzone, Optimus managed to turn away before the horrible sound of gears grinding in directions they were never meant to filled the air. The human jumped a foot in the air as Optimus purged his tanks on the street. He hit the ground on his knees with an echoing clang and wrapped his arms around his middle.
“Sorry, Captain Fanzone,” he said, “what is it you were saying?”
Sari came to hover by the human officer as they both took a look at the enormous puddle of fluids.
“You know what kid, forget it. Doc Bot, you better handle this.” Fanzone grimaced. "And this is why I hate machines."
It was a very long walk back to the base.
Sari hovered around the Autobots and noted Optimus’ paint was a tad more gray than normal. Ratchet kept having to use his magnets to keep him upright, and if he’d been taller, you bet the Prime would be leaning on him.
At last, they were in front of Optimus’ recharge slab. Sari landed on the floor as Ratchet helped ease Optimus onto it.
“Easy there, kid, just lay down. Now try to get some recharge, alright?”
Optimus gave a weak nod in response, and he turned his helm to watch Ratchet.
“What are you doing, Ratch’?”
Ratchet lifted his magnets and focused them on Optimus’ legs. “Magnetizing you to your berth. I said bed rest, kid, and I meant it.”
Ratchet shook his helm. “No but’s. You’ve got a nasty virus and I’ve got to find a way to fix it. Until then, you’re staying right here. Sari will get me if you need anything.”
“But the others-”
“I’ll keep an audio receptor out for them. You’ve done more than enough helping for today.” Ratchet rested a servo on Optimus’ helm and recorded his temperature. Optimus’ optic shutters inched ever lower until he was recharging peacefully.
Ratchet wondered how long it would be before he was trying to escape again.
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
Hey darling! Here with an ask
How about mer!au Wolffe/Comet (if taken then pirate au is fine too)?
If you are uncomfortable just let me know <3
Also, congrats on the 200 follower milestone! You deserve it darling 😘
Thank you so much for this prompt Kris! I haven't ever done this ship before, so it was a little tricky, but I think this turned out okay.
bingo card under cut
200 Follower Bingo | Mer AU | Wolffe/Comet Rating: G Ship: Wolffe/Comet Warnings: none Ao3 link
Part of Your World
Wolffe swam through the dark water, a couple fronds of bioluminescent seaweed cupped gently in his hands. The sea at night could be dangerous, especially since there were several predators that prowled the reefs and ocean floor. But it could also be breathtakingly beautiful. Without the sun’s light penetrating the water, it was dark, allowing hidden creatures to shine more brilliantly. More importantly, however, the moon and the stars in the sky drew Comet to the surface.
There was a special lagoon nearby where Comet especially liked to lay on rocks and watch the stars spin in the sky, leagues above them. And Wolffe liked to watch over him from the sea. He could understand Comet’s fascination with the beauty of the moon and stars reflecting on the surface of the ocean, but they didn’t speak to him the way they seemed to speak to Comet.
Sometimes, Comet came back in the morning, exhausted, but with a bright light shining in his eyes as he described what he’d seen throughout his vigil.
The soft, blue light of the seaweed warded off predators as Wolffe approached the lagoon. He swam through a school of leopard sharks, smiling as one of them bumped their snout against his hand to get a pat before following the rest of their school. Once he reached the rocks that Comet favored, Wolffe shooed away a few crabs (who would absolutely try to pinch his tail) and carefully poked his head out of the water.
Comet lay on his back, staring up at the sky, his tail occasionally dipping down to splash water all over himself. His silver and gold scales seemed to glow in the moonlight, giving Comet an ethereal look.
Wolffe was captivated.
His brothers called him a pining idiot, but at this moment, he wouldn’t even care if they caught him keeping watch over the pretty mer that he’d accidentally fallen in love with.
“You can join me, you know.”
Wolffe startled, his tail slapping against the rock in his surprise. He looked up to find Comet looking at him, a curious expression in his eyes.
“You don’t have to keep to yourself. You’re always welcome to join me,” Comet said.
With an invitation like that, most merfolk wouldn’t hesitate to push themselves up onto the rock beside Comet, but Wolffe wasn’t most merfolk. There was a reason he followed Comet when he went to gaze at the stars. It was dangerous to be alone, especially with human civilizations nearby. Wolffe was there as backup in case Comet needed it.
“I’m fine here,” Wolffe growled, a bit harsher than he meant to. He softened his voice in apology and bowed his head, “I don’t think there would be enough room anyway. Your rock is a little small.”
Comet gave him an unimpressed look, and yeah, Wolffe could admit that his excuse was a little weak. But he also didn’t want to admit the real reason he was there, protecting Comet. Wolffe loved him, and that meant he was willing to keep vigil all night while Comet watched the stars overhead. Comet, however, was a skilled fighter himself, and would not appreciate Wolffe’s need to protect him.
Wolffe slipped back into the water, almost to the sea floor and began his nightly patrol of the lagoon. The main predators in the lagoon were the occasional humans that laid anchor and went diving to disturb the sea life with their weird underwater breathing machines. There weren’t any weird boats in the inlet, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be later on. Wolffe needed to stay vigilant to make sure Comet wasn’t caught unaware.
So focused on looking for any potential threats, Wolffe didn’t notice the small splash nor did he notice the way the water rippled behind him until he suddenly found himself nose to nose with Comet.
Comet, who was swimming belly to belly with him.
Wolffe’s fins rippled in response, shuddering from the implication. Merfolk only swam belly to belly as a sign of vulnerability and trust between each other. It was also a traditional offer of emotional and physical intimacy—a courtship. Comet definitely knew what he was doing.
Comet’s fingers brushed the sensitive scales on Wolffe’s belly before he gripped the back of Wolffe’s neck to pull him into a gentle keldabe. A soft giggle bubbled out of Comet’s mouth and he nudged his nose against Wolffe’s.
“I know what you’re doing,” Comet said. “You follow me here to watch my back and keep me safe.”
Wolffe sputtered, unable to come up with an excuse or an explanation that wouldn’t insult Comet in any way. He just wanted the younger mer to be safe, and his interests put him in danger every single night with no one to watch his back. The worst possible thing that could happen, in Wolffe’s mind, was Comet getting killed when he wasn’t there to guard him.
“It’s sweet,” Comet interrupted his hems and haws. “Though I wouldn’t mind if you came and joined me from time to time. It must get lonely when you patrol the lagoon all night long.”
“Why what?” Comet asked, tilting his head adorably.
Wolffe stopped swimming and Comet twirled around him before coming to a stop in front of him again.
“Why do you want me to join you?”
Another adorable giggle bubbled out and Comet shifted closer, the water swirling from his tail. “Because I like you, silly,” Comet said. He looped his arms over Wolffe’s shoulders and tugged him forward until their foreheads were touching again. And then his tail twined around Wolffe’s and for a moment, he could swear that his heart stopped beating.
“Really?” Wolffe asked.
“Yes, really. Come on, I want to head back and maybe get some dinner with you,” Comet said.
Wolffe nodded, speechless, and so happy and unbelieving that he couldn’t help but follow. He would always follow Comet, for as long as he was allowed.
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sabraeal · 3 years
Provocateur, Prologue
[Read on AO3]
Written for @krispy-kream in honor of her birthday. Many years ago, back when I first joined fandom, I came up with the idea for an Obi Works For Izana AU, and both Sharon and I ended up writing small pieces of a much larger whole. And now FINALLY...I’m actually writing the very beginning 🤣
When it comes down to it, in terms of area and amenities, the royal dungeons has some of his last few flats beats.
There’s light, for one. He’s never liked basement apartments-- he’d take a stifling attic room over a place with only one exit any day-- but the windows here are high up on the wall, enough that he can watch the sun paint his cell floor as the hours pass. They’re ground level, at least by the foot traffic outside of ‘em, and with how loud these guards gossip, he’ll know whose girlfriends are pregnant and who’s nursing a nasty boil by shift change. Just like sitting in a tavern for a few hours, only with less ale.
There’s a cot too, straw-stuffed and a little too soft, with a blanket that doesn’t even itch. Seems like it might be warm too, for when the nights get cold. Not that he has an intention of testing out that particular hunch.
The guard down the hall is decent in the way authority figures never are; when he calls out to ask where his piss bucket is, the man-- boy? It’s hard to tell beneath those helmets-- ushers him down a hall to a water closet, and when he pops out, reminds him to take care to wash his hands. He’s prompt about mealtime too; when supper comes, the man says to expect three square and leaves him with with a dinner that would put most publicans to shame.
All in all, this isn’t the worst trouble he’s gotten himself into. Worlds better than that stint he’d had in Eurikenna’s gaol. Or that night in Port City.
Still, he’s got no plans to linger. No point in sticking around for a punishment when he's got no interest in redemption. But he’s got a prince to wait for.
Oh, His Highness might say he’s above getting his hands dirty, might look down that noble nose at a man like him who makes his living in trade, but he’d seen his look. Not the first, when his little mistress was watching, all puffed cheeks and disapproving brow, but the second, that glance over his shoulder as the Big Man frogmarched a dirty rat down into the dungeons.
That one was a man who had found the right tool for the job. Hands don’t stay clean without gloves to cover them, especially if they mean to hold a mistress who collects trouble like some ladies collect hairpins. If he wants to keep his side piece quiet, it’s only a matter of time before he’ll have to make a statement. And nothing says don’t touch what’s mine like a few accidents. All he has to do is wait out a royal conscience.
The light fades as he waits, just the last stretch of dusky light yawning on the sill. It’s almost time for all good little princes to be in bed, but this one-- this one will be working instead. The hand that grabbed him had been stained with ink and calluses both; the kind of man who longed for action but was stuck behind a desk. He’ll be up late, managing men and supplies miles away on paper, but in his head--
Oh, in his head, he’ll be thinking about the man he’s left to rot in the dungeons. The one that might be just the right fit for what he needs, for the jobs he can’t give that giant or the pretty girl at his side. It’s the sort of idea that’ll eat at him when the lamps are low and the night is quiet, and oh, how a conscience can gnaw when there’s no more work to feed it. There’s a reason he’s never idle. Not usually, at least.
He casts a long glance down the silent hall; the guard sits at his table, log book spread in front of him, another smaller one laid atop. A novel, by the slack-jawed look that’s slapped across his face. In Eurikenna, his reputation had preceded him, and they’d bound him hand and foot, bolting his wrists to the wall and his feet to the bench. Viande had put him in a cell with a single window and stone on all sides, his only escape leading into a moat rumored to be prowled by sharks.
Here he has a single guard and bars he could probably squeeze through if he skipped a meal or two. It’s insulting to be so underestimated-- or it would be, if he wasn’t already planning to stay. He’s paid out his room at the inn for a week; a few days to enjoy the impeccable food and passable mattress he’s got here won’t hurt-- just as long as he makes it back before the innkeep tosses all his worldly goods in the gutter. And if he does need to make a quick escape--
Well, it’s hardly the first time he’s slipped the noose. But it won’t come to that. Younger Highness is on the hook.
The door to the dungeon clanks open; it’s a softer sound, barely loud enough for him to hear, but he hasn’t made a name for himself by being the sort of person who only hears what he ought. The guard’s gone-- book too-- and his hand itches to have something that ends with a point in it. He should have known, this was all too easy.
A shrouded figure sweeps through the threshold, prowling with the easy confidence only men born to power possessed-- or a professional. His hands flexed, too empty. He’s a loose end, an embarrassing stain on a proud man’s reputation, and there’s only one thing to do with that-- rub it out.
“You’re not the prince,” he says, keeping his voice even, maybe a bit petulant. Boldness wins a bluff; all he needs is time. Just a second, a hesitation--
Which he gets; the figure’s boots scuffing to a stop. Its head cocks, curious. “Is that so?”
It’s a man’s voice, higher than he expects, but resonant. The sort that people listen to when they’re not looking for a way out. The sort that won’t care for a man turning his back on it.
“You’re too tall.” He saunters to his cot, the mattress sinking under his weight. Not quite the attitude he’d been hoping for, but close enough. Gives him enough time to realize his cloaked friend isn’t talking-- no, instead he catches the barest tremble of cloth before a gloved hand tugs it smooth.
“How...astute,” the man hums, a strange lift kicking that first vowel before he smooths that out too. Everything about this man is slick, from the shine of his boots to the way he says, “That must be the observational skills that tempted even the marquis to hire you.”
His grin flicks into a grimace, but habit wipes that all clean before he says, “I wasn’t hired by anyone. Just wanted to...advertise my skills. In case anyone with a fat wallet found themselves needing a problem taken care of.”
Another pause, this one heavier. “And this girl seemed like a likely target?”
“A commoner nosing around a prince?” A laugh huffs out of him. “What about that isn’t a problem? At least when it’s a lady, she doesn’t have pockets that need filling, but some little herbalist girl? There’s a long way between lady slippers and slippers for a lady. And not everyone wants to kiss hems to get a mistress in their pocket.”
Not when it’s just as like to be covered in mud. If there’s one thing he’s learned about these bluebloods, it’s that they only suck up, not down.
The shroud shifts, arms folding across a chest too slender to be called broad, and shoulders too wide to be scrawny. Lithe, perhaps, the perfect size to slip through a man’s guard.
“The job is over, you know.” Boot heels clack as the man draws closer, just enough to see a defined chin beneath the shadows of his hood. “There’s no need for all this cloak and dagger. Haruka has already confessed to the crown that he was the one to hire you.”
His fingers flex behind his head, longing for something besides bristle to cross his palms. “Don’t know why he’s going through all the trouble. I don’t know him.”
This isn’t his first interrogation, but it’s certainly the slowest. The man stands silently outside the bars, a single finger lying along his diamond-cut jawline. No questions, no speculation, just a shadow staring out of a hood, observing. This must be what it’s like to be boiled alive; put in the pot when it’s barely a simmer, the heat raising so gradually that it’s not until his chest is near bursting to speak, to fill the silence, that he knows he’s been cooked.
“What would you have done?” the man says, finally. “If you had your way with the girl.”
The girl who, in the face of danger, tore an arrow from the wall rather than run. “Nothing permanent.”
What little he can see of the shroud’s mouth curves. “How very vague. So many unpleasant things only take a moment.”
“The job was to scare her off,” he admits, wondering why his belly quivered in his gut. There’s bars between them, and his hands are faster than any nob’s, no matter how good the costume. But still, his muscles lay coiled against his bones, ready to strike. “Seduce her, if she seemed...amenable. Bribe her if she didn’t.”
“And what then?” It’s a quicker response than he expects, but the man isn’t agitated-- far from it, he’s never seemed calmer. “If the girl proved impervious to your more...gentle measures.”
There’s a question in that, one the shroud won’t voice. But he hears it, loud in his ears as a bell’s gong.
“I’ve killed before,” he says, each word on thin ice. “And I still sleep at night.” Barely. “I could have done it again.”
“But would you?”
For once, he hesitates. Imagines looking into those bright eyes, the ones that flamed so fiercely in defiance, and with the flick of a wrist, snuffing them out.
“It’d be a waste.” His hands tremble where they cradle his head, a command he hasn’t given them. This is the last thing he needs right now, losing control. “That girl’s got a lot of pluck. And if rumors around the pharmacy are right, a lot of brains too. Besides, bodies make more talk than bribes.”
“That they do.” There’s a lilt to those words, almost amused. “You know, you called it a job. Implying that you received compensation for your services.”
It’s a sting to realize he’s slipped. “Doesn’t mean it was the marquis.”
“It certainly doesn’t,” the man agrees, and if this room weren’t so dark, if this conversation wasn’t so serious-- well, he’d be tempted to say this guy is laughing at him. “Do you have a name?”
He turns to him real slow-like, one utterly dubious brow arched toward the guard’s register. “You want me to believe you can’t read?”
That shadow of a mouth lifts again. “Am I to believe a man of your skill gave your birth name to the royal guard?”
His mouth cocks into a grin. “You must if you think I’m gonna give it to you.”
The man comes closer still, one gloved hand wrapping around his bars. He’s visible to the tip of his nose; a long, patrician one.
“Of course. But you must have something you would like to be called.” His lips-- bowed, the most fashionable in Clarines’ court-- twitch toward a smile, but fall perilously short. “An alias, if you will.”
“Obi.” It’s too short, too quick, but already he likes it. It’s a more playful name than he’s had in a long while. Easy to lose, too, if he needs it.
“Well then, Obi.” His arm rests over one of the cross bars of his cell. “I believe I have a proposition for you.”
“Haah.” He hops to his feet, hoping to seize the high ground. “I appreciate the interest, but I’m already waiting on an offer.”
To say the hood recoiled would be an overstatement, it merely pulls back, barely more than an inch. “An offer?”
“Well, maybe more like...I have prospects.” Obi restrains his grin to little more than a twitch. “I just gotta see if they’ll pan out.”
The hood stills, thoughtful. “What if I could guarantee you a better offer?”
“You couldn’t.”
The man hums, amusement changing his pitch. “I quite sure I could.”
“Nah.” Obi shakes his head, almost wishing it weren’t so. This guy seems like he could be real fun, if he got his hands on his reins. “I don’t think so.”
“Please.” He opens a hand; an invitation. “Try me.”
“Fine.” There’s nothing to lose by telling, besides some face, if he’s wrong. Which Obi knows he’s not. “I got a feeling the next guy through that door’ll be His Highness.”
The man rocks back, like he’s been hit. “Zen? You think...?”
Obi expects some bargaining, some disbelief, maybe even some haggling, but--
He does not expect the laugh.
“Oh,” the man coughs, lifting a hand as if he might wipe tears from his eyes. “I promise you, I can give you a...far more attractive offer.”
Now that’s a rich one. “What could be better than a second prince?”
The man’s hand raises past his eyes, right to the edge of his hood. With the barest flick of his fingers, the cloth falls back, baring bright gold and Wisteria blue.
“Why,” drawls His Highness Izana Wisteria, crown prince, soon to be first of his name, “the first.”
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solomonish · 4 years
From the Mouths of Fools
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Belphegor has a habit of forcing his brothers into trouble, mostly with you. There’s nothing more satisfying than the look of horror on their face when they think they must have dashed their chances with you and that they’re digging the hole deeper. Each time, you reach out a hand and ease their worries, and Belphegor’s stomach twists as you tell them with kind eyes not to worry, that they’re very sweet. Why did you have to be such a spoilsport?
(also posted on ao3 @ treetunkdaddy)
Poems:  A Red, Red Rose by Robert Burns, I Carry Your Heart With Me by E. E. Cummings, I Love You by Ella Wheeler Wilcox, Love Sonnet XI by Pablo Neruda
Leviathan: I love you. Leviathan: I love you more than anyone else in this world. You: Thanks! Leviathan: Happy now? Leviathan: As I thought, this was the right thing to say.
You stared at your phone screen for a moment longer with one eyebrow raised. Something here wasn’t right. Though you weren’t some grand detective, you could tell that the texts didn’t sound like Levi at all Even beyond the sudden boldness, if you pictured Levi texting those messages you could only imagine him with a rain cloud over his head as he hunched over his phone in sorrow. The somber tone didn’t match his usual excitement. Maybe he was trying to get into character for some sort of cosplay…? Biting the inside of your cheek, you tried to figure out if he had mentioned getting into character for something. Still, there was no way he wouldn’t know all the lines of a character he was trying to embody, and it seemed far-fetched that he’d choose something so...overt, let alone practice it with you.
Before you could distract yourself too much from the tasks you were supposed to be working on, a solid oof a few feet away from your door caught your attention. You could just barely hear a half-hearted grumble barely covering the low boyish giggles of a scheming Belphegor as Levi freaked out in a jumble of words that sounded more like a keysmash than an argument. A moment later, you got another slew of texts that seemed much more like the demon you knew.
Leviathan: AAAEWAGVNAFBPEABD Leviathan: WAAAAAIT! Leviathan: I take that back! Leviathan: AARGH, no, that’s not what I meant! Leviathan: I left my D.D.D. on the couch and Belphie ran off with it!
Ah. That made sense. It also explained the nervous energy you could practically feel radiating from where the two demons undoubtedly still lay in a heap. With a devious look on your face, you tapped away at your phone.
You: I took a screenshot of it!
You were right about one of them being outside your door. You could hear Levi’s startled yelp, followed shortly by frantic footsteps running down the hall to his door. The three dots danced on your screen as the sound got quieter, the message reaching you just as the door to Levi’s room slammed shut.
Leviathan: No, you can’t! Delete that ASAP! DELETEIIIITTTTT!
Snickering to yourself, you hefted yourself out of your seat and opened your door to peer out into the hallway. A little ways to your left, Belphie lay sprawled out on the carpet with a half-dazed expression on his face. Taking care to keep your footsteps quiet in case he actually was asleep, you bent over his face to look at his half-lidded eyes. After a moment of shifting into focus, Belphie gave you a lazy smile and patted the floor next to him.
“You should join me,” He offered. “The carpet is surprisingly soft.”
“Yeah, and surprisingly dirty,” You added, gently toeing at his shoulder as if that would spur him to move.
“If you stare at the pattern on the ceiling and let your eyes get unfocused, it’s real easy to fall asleep,” He suggested. You turned your head to look at the ceiling, seeing nothing but a boring, dark texture above you. If you squinted, you could almost make out swirls in the paint. Maybe demons had a better time seeing details in the dark.
Beneath you, Belphie hummed contentedly, folding his hands at his stomach. He almost looked like he was sunbathing in a meadow, surrounded by fragrant flowers - the image made your heart jump the slightest bit. Maybe, if that was the case, you would have joined him. Lying next to him as a gentle breeze danced over your skin and the tall grass kissed your skin...that didn’t seem like a bad way to spend an afternoon.
“Hey,” Belphie asked suddenly, holding you in a serious stare. It was one he didn’t bother to give you often, saving it only for when you trespassed him so greatly he needed to make it known (more often than not when he told you how lame Lucifer was if you mentioned how he’s helped you with some administrative details for the exchange program). “What did you feel when Levi sent you that message?”
“What?” You asked, shaken by the jarring change in his voice. He sounded much more stern, and though it was hard to tell while looking at him upside down, you were pretty sure he was holding you in a glare, albeit a very gentle one.
“Did it make you happy?” He asked. “That he might love you?”
Your face flushed at the personal question and you averted your gaze, missing the way Belphie’s gaze hardened at your reaction. “I-I knew they weren’t from Levi,” You answered, shaking your head and looking back at Belphie. “They sounded way too suave for him. I thought maybe he was playing a character, or something. I didn’t think they meant anything.”
“You thought they didn’t mean anything…” Nodding, Belphie’s mouth twisted in thought as he looked just past your shoulder blankly. Suddenly his arms shot up and he grabbed at the air a few times, shutting off any gateway to questions you might have. “Help me up. I wanna nap somewhere softer than this where I won’t get trampled.”
Rolling your eyes, you turned the idea of leaving him there around once before shifting to his side and pulling him up. He took the chance to stumble into you, jamming his chin into your shoulder as he wrapped his arms around you and nuzzled into your neck. Instead of feeling his breath tickle your skin, however, you felt his hair brush against you as he adjusted, eventually stopping once he was satisfied. You realized for a moment he was listening for your pulse, and your breathing shallowed on instinct, as if you wanted him to hear it. He didn’t tell you what he was listening for, only groaning when you started to ask him to let go so you could resume your day.
“Mmmm….maybe I should nap here? So comfy….” He murmured. Though he made no move to let go, he also didn’t fight you when you finally separated him from your body. Giving him a farewell smile, you turned your back to leave, not seeing his face fall in displeasure.
A few days later, there was a book on your bed that you were positive wasn’t there when you left that morning.
Dropping your backpack unceremoniously by your door, you peered at the worn cover to see it was an old collection of romantic poems. There was no suspicious Latin on the cover, now jewels (or missing jewels) to indicate it was a spellbook or otherwise enchanted, so you picked it up. Upon closer inspection, you saw it was a collection of human poems, many of which you read in your early school days. There were a few multicolored tabs stuck in it, no apparent rhyme or reason to their placement. Though it looked to be Satan’s book, you couldn’t imagine him risking getting adhesive on the worn pages. Curious, you flipped to the first marked page and scanned it, face flushing almost immediately.
O my Luve is like a red, red rose That’s newly sprung in June; O my Luve is like the melody That’s sweetly played in tune.
Flipping to the next marked page, your face turned an even deeper red as they scanned the page.
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in my heart)i am never without it(anywhere i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done by only me is your doing,my darling) i fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you
Each page you turned to gave you smooth velvet words that someone very clearly wanted to direct at you, each getting more intimate than the last. Every poem you read sent more blush to your face until you were positive another word would have you passing out.
I love your lips when they’re wet with wine And red with a wild desire; I love your eyes when the lovelight lies Lit with a passionate fire. I love your arms when the warm white flesh Touches mine in a fond embrace; I love your hair when the strands enmesh Your kisses against my face.
Honeyed words of Shakespeare and Dickinson forced your heart to pump faster in your chest than you ever thought possible. Though your body really did feel like it might collapse under the affection the poems held, you couldn’t stop yourself from flipping through. Even though it was clear these poems weren’t written for you, the slightest implication that someone could think so highly of you had your head spinning. Before long, you were skimming the last marked page, barely able to catch your breath.
I crave your mouth, your voice, your hair. Silent and starving, I prowl through the streets. Bread does not nourish me, dawn disrupts me, all day I hunt for the liquid measure of your steps.
A loud roar of Belphegor’s name shook you out of your love-stricken trance. Slamming the book shut as if you’d been caught doing something wrong, you listened to the hasty, angry footsteps of Satan right outside your door. The closer he got, you could hear his heavy breathing as he fought to contain his anger. “Where is that book? I know you were the last person in my room!”
Though the thought of being on the receiving end of Satan’s anger was enough to send you running, you slowly cracked open your door and peered out. Satan immediately whipped his head around to look at you, softening just a bit in an effort to let you know that you weren’t what he was after.
In a timid voice, you asked, “Which book would you happen to be looking for?”
“It was a collection of poems. You wouldn’t have happened to see it, would you?”
Taking a deep breath, you opened the door all the way and held the book out to him. Snatching it out of your hands, Satan widened his eyes at the tabs. “Did you-”
“It was like that!” You defended. Satan realized you were jumpy and slowly inhaled, willing himself to calm down before you continued. “It was on my bed when I came home.”
With a gruff hum, Satan nodded at your explanation before flipping through the marked pages. “It’s alright, (Y/n). It’s not your fault. I’m positive Belphie was the one who took it since he was-”
Stopping mid-sentence, Satan flushed a deep red once he read which poems were marked to be read. “O-oh,” He murmured, pulling at his sweater collar and clearing his throat. “This is...these are pretty romantic, huh?”
“Well, it is a love poem collection,” You offered helpfully with a shrug. As if he didn’t believe you, Satan looked at the cover himself.
“I hope you didn’t mistake my intent. I didn’t mean for this book to end up in your care.”
“Ouch,” You hissed through your teeth. “Aren’t you a heartbreaker?”
Satan’s eyes widened before he furrowed his brows and backed a few steps away. “No, that’s not what I- I didn’t mean it like that.” Heaving a sigh, he placed a hand on his chest and shut his eyes as he scowled. “Thank you for returning it to me. Have a good day.”
Satan turned on his heel and walked briskly away, leaving you to chuckle at the empty space before retreating back to your room. On your bed, beneath where the book was, lay a green sticky note you had missed in the excitement. Picking it up, you saw a note scrawled in messy handwriting that made you question just how genuine these advances were.
I’m not the best at expressing myself with words. Maybe if I borrow the words of others, you can finally know how I feel.
The pattern continued for a few days, with each brother falling victim to one of Belphie’s tricks. Each time, they managed to fluster themselves to impossible standards, aside from Asmo who insisted he never sent you that love letter and don’t you know how beautiful his handwriting is like the rest of him? Oh, but if a love letter was what you were after, he’d send mountains and mountains until you just couldn’t resist him anymore-
By that time, you had gently shut the door in his face and jogged back to your room, just as red as the rest of the brothers were when it was their time to be the victim. Belphegor even managed to send you an email with a fake account with a name so similar to Lucifer’s you almost didn’t catch the differences. By that time, you saw through his jokes and simply asked:
You: Really? An email? [email protected]: What? He’s such a loser that I wouldn’t put it past him.
Even now, over a week since the last incident, Mammon was shouting in the hall as he kept running circles around himself, demanding Belphie to stop making advances on his human and to stop making him look like a fool. Without fail, Belphie always asked, “Oh? Is it foolish to think highly of the human?” Mammon was sent into a new frenzy every time.
By the time they were finished, you were exhausted just from listening to their incessant bickering. Mammon had scurried off, desperate to hide his embarrassment, while Belphie slumped down on the couch next to you and gave you a lazy grin. This time, you couldn’t bring yourself to return it. The antics had to stop.
“I think you should stop using me as a tool to mess with your brothers,” You said, not yet unpausing the show you were watching before the fighting started. Belphie scrunched his face and looked at you without moving his head.
“No can do. It’s too fun to see how desperately they try to save your honor from themselves. Idiots.”
Cringing at the insult, you continued, “Okay, but can you stop with the love advances? It’s a bit...much.”
Finally moving, Belphie turned his head to give you a scrutinizing look you didn’t understand before relaxing back into the couch. “Sure,” He answered humorlessly, tone dry and brittle with what was, to you, misplaced disgust. “It was losing its charm anyway.”
Now he was sulking, and you had half a mind to press play and just ignore his bitter mood. Still, you didn’t mean to make him pout, even if you had no idea where it came from and therefore weren’t exactly responsible for the shift. Sighing, you turned your back on him and leaned back, moving so your head was resting on his slumped chest. Without sparing you a look, Belphie reached his slim finger up and slowly carded them through your hair, making no effort to comb any tangles and deciding to ruffle it instead.
“I would like to know what’s got you in such a sour mood,” You said bluntly, turning your head to watch Belphegor stare at the ceiling blankly. Other than the occasional slow blink, you would have thought he had fallen asleep with how long it took him to respond. You knew better than to think he was ignoring you - he was either thinking of an answer he was satisfied to give or teasing you, seeing how long you’d wait for him and then pointing out how much you must value what he has to say if you’d wait that long.
“You enjoyed it too much,” He finally said, keeping his gaze from yours.
“I enjoyed it?” You repeated, narrowing your eyes. “I can assure you, I enjoyed none of what happened.”
“The fighting, maybe,” He agreed. “But I heard you tell Levi you thought it’d be sweet if he had texted you. I saw your face when you thought the poems were from Satan.”
“You were there?” Trying to remember the scene with Satan, you ran a hand partially through your hair and rested your palm on your forehead.
“The love letter, the gift basket, everything- you enjoyed it before you realized it was fake.”
“Belphegor, where were you?” You asked, knowing he would ignore your question. How many other times had he been secretly watching you without your knowledge? The thought made you shiver.
Clearly disgruntled, Belphegor growled at your questions before rolling his eyes. “At first I was just messing with you, but I never would have guessed you would sooner take sweet nothings from the mouths of fools before you’d ever take the real deal from me when I offer it out to you.”
Blinking rapidly, you felt your face warm and your heartbeat stutter for the thousandth time this week. “You...you never offered me anything,” you answered dumbly. Displeasure flickered across Belphie’s face before he sighed again and slumped further down, forcing your head down with him.
“Of course I didn’t. The others did, but not me,” He replied in such a way that barely hid the frustration in his tone, but the irony he was lamenting was lost on you. Sitting up, you shifted to sit on your knees and bent over Belphie to look at him.
“What are you talking about?” You asked. Belphie turned his head away, but you grabbed his cheeks and gently pulled them towards you so he could face you directly. “Belphie, tell me what you were trying to do.”
For a moment, Belphie wondered if he could just slump out of your grasp and lock himself back in the attic, clear by the pondering expression he wore on his face. You squished his face a little tighter, just enough to keep him in place and speak up. “I guess...I was hoping you would think the love letters and everything were from them and you’d reject them.” He looked to the side to avoid the pity you couldn’t hide on your face, his gaze unintentionally hardening. “Why didn’t you reject them? You should have rejected them.”
“I knew it wasn’t real! I was just trying to make them feel better,” You defended. Swiping your hand away from him, Belphie lifted himself up so he was sitting straight and crossed his arms, the image of a petulant child. “Is this...is this your version of a confession?”
Though he did his best to maintain his glare, Belphie couldn’t fight the light pink that tinted his cheeks. “So what if it is?”
Thoroughly pleased with yourself, you sat back on your heels and pretended you needed to mull things over. His hair was covering his eye and he kept his head turned away from you, but you could feel Belphie’s pensive gaze on you as you made your decision. Grinning and leaning closer, you asked, “Is this another prank?”
You felt his cold hands on either side of your face before you even saw him move. He glowered at you with no heat, putting on an upset show. If anything, he was more upset that you insisted on teasing him when you were so nice to the others. “If you can look at me and say you think I’m pranking you right now, you really are just a stupid human.”
Your grin widened. “A stupid human you’d have no qualms about kissing, though, right?”
There was no need to answer you with words when showing you was much more enjoyable.
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zabrak-show · 4 years
When the Sun Comes Up | Maul x Reader
A/N: This was a request from @botherbother-blog​ using a prompt from this list. #33 “Everyone thinks I should stay away from you because you’re dangerous.”
I started this awhile back, but was hit with a bit of a block. I quite like the story and hope to continue it.
Word Count: 2.4k
Summary: Reader orphaned at a young age seeks vengeance. A strange man in dark robes prowls their city and an obsession blooms.
Warnings/Tags: Pre phantom menace, past trauma mentioned, loss of family, burns and scarring, disfigurement from burns, blood mentioned, no planet mentioned use your imagination and insert any that you like, gender neutral reader, morally gray reader, all set up pretty much so far.
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Salty sea spray misted your face and the wind drew out your hair like wicked curlicues. Toes dipped into the wet sand, water pooling between them, the ebbing water’s edge dampening your hem. The gray sky mirrored the dull ache in your chest. The roaring of the waves allowed a small reprieve from the cacophony of voices swirling around your mind.
The man in black robes clung to your mind like seaweed wrapped around the driftwood on the shore. It was a mess. Impossible to distinguish where it all began and how to remove it without making a bigger mess in the act. Was the wood better or worse off with the seaweed? The seaweed would be fine either way. The seaweed gave no care in the world if the driftwood was there or not. It could find something else to cling to or float in the water on its own.
A speeder rumbled in the distance. The intensity of the moment grew as the buzzing of the speeder drew nearer and nearer. The beating of your heart thumped into your ears overtaking any and all other sounds. The thundering roar of the speeder was no match for your wicked heart. Even the ocean’s violent waves turned into background static.
You didn’t have to turn to feel his glowing amber eyes boring into you, into your soul. The sand cemented your feet into place, there was nowhere left to run. You turned to glimpse him, only a bit of his face shone under the dark robes now rustling in the sea breeze. Your stomach knotted and your breath hitched. His alluring mystery was more than you could stand.
For a moment, you imagined walking out into the sea. Letting the water have its way with you and disposing of you as it pleased. Ridding you of the utter madness of these thoughts, and these nightmares.
You’d followed him for weeks, studying his movements. Trying to make sense of someone whose sole life purpose was to take another’s life away. It was what you craved, after all though. It didn’t take long for him to catch you following him. The cat and mouse dance between you two was coming to a climax. Your guts, now replaced with bricks of uncertainty and eager anticipation of what was to come.
Duty called, revenge was so close you could taste it. You pushed the chaos out of your mind for the time being as you knelt down to pick up your side bag and shoes.
Revenge is all I need. Revenge is all I shall focus on from here on out.
He nodded his head, it was enough to know what he wanted.
You climbed atop the speeder and wrapped your arms around the man in black robes. You couldn’t ignore the warmth seeping into your hands from underneath his robes as you squeezed his middle for stability. You breathed in the smell of his musk; spicy, primal, and metallic. His recent kill still fresh on his skin and robes.
He was an assassin. Exactly the kind you imagined had killed your entire family and enslaved the rest of your clan. Pure dumb luck spared you. A tiny thing you were back then. The spaces between the walls were your playground. Hiding and scheming, dreaming up ridiculous pranks to play on your siblings. You’d barely made it out of the house on time when it went up in flames. Your body still holding the scars and disfigurement as proof.
For so long you had been alone on this dirtball. Alone with your thoughts of loss, sorrow, loneliness, and the ache of retribution that seemed so far fetched, yet was all that kept you clinging on to life. The others around you would never understand the ache in your belly. The ache that felt worse than any hunger pangs you’d experienced. Worse than the burns that never quite healed right across much of your skin.
“Stay away from the man in black robes.”
“He carries dark chaotic energy. A pure monster.”
“Cares nothing, but to kill.”
Whispers on the wind about the mysterious man who clung to the shadows and wielded power like none you’d seen before. You had to know more. This could not be a coincidence. Either he’d come back for you, to finish what he’d left all those years ago. Or he could lead you to who did.
You gripped him tighter still as he rounded a corner narrowly avoiding the cliffs on either side of you. He was firm and unmoving no matter how hard you squeezed it seemed. Not something you wanted to test exactly. You were only clinging to him for survival, of course. You would never choose to be so physically close with someone so...so evil. Yet you breathed him in, melting a bit into his back.
The speeder bike slowed and stopped with a soft clatter. You were slow to unhook your arms from him. Somehow the comfort of the moment had clouded your mind, but he stood and shook you off of him. Reality pooled back into your thoughts as you made your own way off the speeder.
He had taken you far away from anything and anyone. No one could hear you scream out here. There were cliffs flanking either side of you and the wind whistled through the crevasse, prickling your skin with the chill it carried.
He advanced with a smirk on his face. He was enjoying that he frightened you. This is the kind of thing that got him off, you supposed. What else would get an evil person so delighted.
“You may think I am evil. I am not. I am efficient.” He snarled out past grime-covered teeth.
“I...I don’t...I don’t think-”
“Why are you following me? Are you working for the Jedi?”
“A Jedi?! No, no I don’t know any Jedi. Why are you here? Who have you been killing?”
The words tumbled out of you in a rush. You looked down at the dried blood on his robes and back up to his glowing eyes. Instincts had you back away from him in fear. Afraid of what his answer would be. Afraid of his reaction.
He stepped towards you with a slow conviction, never breaking eye contact, until he was less than an arm’s length away. He grabbed your chin with a gloved hand and pulled your face up close to his. The leather of his gloves smelled new and it was soft and cool against your skin. His hold was firm, but not painful. A grimace overtook your features and you imagined spitting into his face, but held back out of fear.
“Now, you will quit following me and go back to doing whatever it is you do here.” He pushed you back with such force you half tumbled onto the rocky ground. He turned with a growl and started to mount his speeder.
“Wait.” you croaked out. “Wait, 18 years ago. Were you here 18 years ago?”
He paused atop the speeder and half turned towards you.
“Why?” he snarled.
“My family… someone, someone like you killed my entire family 18 years ago. That’s why I’ve been watching you.” It was a bold move. Laying all your cards on the table for him, but you had nothing left to lose. If he left you out here, defenseless as you were, you could die just as easily as by his hand. And if he’d wanted to kill you, he could have done it by now.
He remained in his half-turned seated position to respond, “No. No, I have never been here. And 18 years ago I was a small boy. I did not kill your family.”
He turned back to stare ahead of him and to turn the speeder on.
You rushed to him, feet scrambling on the uneven terrain as you grabbed his arm.
“Please can you help me find who did?” His eyes grew big as he stared down at your hand clutching onto his arm through several layers of fabric. Stars, did he wear a lot of layers!
“I don’t have time for your problems. Hop on and I’ll take you back to where I found you.” He shook his arm free from your clutches and you climbed back on the speeder and held him close to you. He hesitated before taking off.
“But then you will leave me alone.”
You made no response and he took off.
The day was growing old and the night was settling in. Darkness crept all around, you could barely see where he was going, but trusted that he must. The warmth radiating off him took away the bite of the chill air whipping around you. You hugged him from behind, pressing your entire body and face against his back. Your eyelids weighed down and you blinked slow, each time harder to open them back up. It had been such a long day on the run and you were so tired if only to rest your eyes for a moment….
You awoke alone. Cold and dark on a metal bed with a thin sad excuse for a mattress and no blanket. Your body ached and convulsed with shivers. You sat up on the bed and looked around to get your bearings. It appeared you were on someone’s ship. How could that be? The last thing you remembered was, oh him. What had you gotten yourself into now?
Footsteps approached clanging on the metal floor plates. You looked down at the black leather boots now standing right next to you. Your eyes traveled up his black robes to his crimson face with intimidating black tattoos. You studied the designs for a moment, noting how they accentuated his already frightening and handsome features. You’d not seen him without his hood obscuring his face. You’d not seen the horns on his head that formed a perfect crown. He looked like a king. Your stomach turned upside down and your cheeks grew hot despite the cold air.
“You fell asleep on my speeder.”
His arms crossed at his chest and his permanent scowl stared down at you.
“I am terribly sorry. I um…” your teeth chattered from the cold and you hunched over trying to warm your bare arms.
“You should leave when the sun rises.”
“Do you have any blankets?”
He rolled his eyes and took off his cloak with finesse none like you’d seen anyone quite do when undressing before. Not even the dancers at the local saloon could pretend to carry themselves with such a flair for drama. He threw the cloak at you and you wrapped it around yourself. It was still warm and, stars, it smelled like him. You tried not to let on the pure rush of serotonin this maneuver had garnered by flashing a half-smile.
He started to walk away and you got up to follow him.
“What’s your name?”
He stopped and turned to face you. His grimy teeth bared in a grimace and he hissed in a breath of air.
“Maul.” He spat the name out at you and turned away, but you kept at him, following every footstep.
“Do you think you can help me, Maul? Help me find who killed my family?”
“I told you I don’t have time for that. I know nothing of what happened to your family and even if I did, I wouldn’t waste my time telling you about it or helping you in any way.” “Right, you’re busy. Maybe, maybe you could…” you stared at your feet, only your toes peeking out under his robes.
“Whatever it is you’re trying to spit out. No, No I can’t.”
You sighed. You were despondent. This was futile. He wouldn’t help you. Why would he? You were nothing from nowhere.
His comlink beeped and he rushed away to the cockpit of the ship. The door hissed shut behind him. You had until dawn to convince him otherwise. You mulled over the conversations of the day with him, as little as they were. There had to be something you could use to prove your worthiness. The door hissed open and it came to you at once.
“The Jedi.”
“The Jedi, you, you were asking if I was with the Jedi.”
“Yes, and?”
“I know where they are hiding on this planet. I can help you find them, if you help me.”
He pressed into you now with his entire body and you backed up until there was only the hallway wall and he didn’t let up. You were now overheated and unable to move.
“Tell me, why I shouldn’t torture and kill you for the information now?” His hot breath on your face drove you mad and your ears filled up with the thrumming of your heartbeat again.
“Because,” you squeaked out, “because you’ll need me to get into these places, they won’t suspect a local.”
He backed away a bit and put his hands against the wall at either side of your face, trapping you still. Your breath ran ragged and you didn’t hide it.
“Very well. When the sun comes up we shall test this theory of yours.” He let down his arms and backed away from you. Your body was rigid and felt like it would never relax even without his dominating form pressed into you. He studied you for a moment, giving you a once over with his eyes.
“You should get some sleep.”
“What about you? I mean, where do you sleep?”
“I don’t sleep. So whatever bantha fodder plan you’re thinking of, don’t.”
“No, I wouldn’t...I” you shook your head.
“Well, what then?”
“I wondered if you had a more comfortable bed?”
His scoff was answer enough. It was a stupid question. You’d never been on a starship before. You’d always imagined it being so much more luxurious.
You climbed back into the small dark bunk. At least you had his robe to keep you warm. You hoped his scent never wore off.
so I’m sorry I start a million different little stories and then I lose momentum and yeah... but anyway it helps me to keep going if I get comments and reblogs (i hate acting like I’m begging, but just being honest as it does give me serotonin) so if you like this or any of my other stories in progress please please let me know! you can even send in an anon ask saying which one you’d like me to continue. thank you so much for reading! I truly adore you all!
@brilliantbutbatty​ @maulieber​ @botherbother-blog​ @emissarydecksetter​ @wolfpack-arts-industries99​ @a-dorin​ @mother-0f-monsters​ @savagesbonergarage​ @beefygoth​ @always-on-tatooine​ @cobb--vanth​ @peach-darth-maul​
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themockingcrows · 3 years
Chronic invisible illness sucks. Sometimes we stay quiet. Sometimes we cope by giving our favorite characters our condition to get some comfort. This fic is the latter case, wherein Rose Lalonde has Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and deals with everything that brings in order to spread a bit of awareness.
AO3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31556225
She’d thought it was normal, till she brought it up to the others. The chest pain, the exhaustion, the dizziness. The sense of running on an internal timer so precise that if she overstepped its bounds it would be time to collapse into the void itself. The darkness at the edges of her vision when she’d been upright too long, when she was stressed, when she was running, dancing.
She’d thought it was normal, that everyone just had more stamina than she did before they had the same symptoms occur.
“That’s not normal. You should maybe see a doctor!” they’d unanimously said. John had been concerned, Dave had been flippant with jokes but the worry was easy to detect, and Jade was forceful with her reasoning.
Rose had finally told her mother something was wrong, to spur a visit to the doctor. It was hard to explain at first, but when her guardian further questioned how she felt, how long she’d felt that way, it had nearly turned into a shouting match.
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner? What if something is really wrong, Rosie! This isn’t something to just keep quiet!”
If she’d known it was abnormal, perhaps she would have mentioned it sooner. If she’d known. If she’d had a reason, she might have even been able to keep up with ballet instead of having to quit, feigning disinterest when it still made her heart sing. Violin was hard enough to deal with, with her arms raised the entire time. But ballet was just a no go anymore.
To the doctor, then, after a few weeks of edge of seat waiting. The family physician, who they’d known for years. Who didn’t believe her. Not at first, at least.
He’d checked her weight first thing, and finding her normal range, asked about her habits. While he spoke, he checked her joints and how stretchy she was, keeping her moving while talking till she was reeling on her feet before he let her lay down. Stupid old man. Her problem felt like it was in her chest or her head, not her joints! She’d always been plenty bendy, able to pull off poses ahead of her ballet class with minimal effort, the stretches never quite feeling like enough to really pull in her body in a satisfying way.
Head swimming till she lay flat on the exam table, arms crossed over her stomach absently, Rose continued to answer questions.
She was doing okay in school. She was just more tired than usual.
Yes, this had been happening for quite some time.
No, she’d fainted before, but only once. And only because she’d been up too long dancing. She didn’t miss the curious look the doctor gave her mother, the raised brow. He checked her abdomen, he checked her glands, looking for distension or rigidity, looking for clues. Nothing. Nothing that she could see, at least. Nothing that felt any different from normal. He continued to talk, keeping her lying down for a while, and checked her blood pressure while she rested, the pulse oximeter being placed on her opposite finger.
75bpm, 120/80. Everything normal, everything fine. He left the devices in place, however, and then did something strange.
“Could you stand up for me, Rose? Nice and straight, right here by the table.”
There were no questions this time to keep her occupied. Just two sets of eyes staring at her in the small room, watching as she felt the cold sweat start up on her forehead, the shake beginning in her limbs. It was stronger when she stood still, when she couldn’t prowl around. She felt nauseated as the sweat turned to a hot flash and started to soak into the fabric of her shirt, and with it came the panic as she saw the darkness at the corners of her vision.
“Can I sit down please.”
“Not yet, try to hold out a little longer,” the doctor coaxed, inflating the blood pressure cuff once more. She focused on the discomfort on her arm instead of the pounding in her chest and head, the increased breaths. Nausea rose in her throat, bile, bitter, salt from excess saliva.
“Can I sit down. Please,” she said again, not caring that it sounded like begging.
“Nearly there, just a moment longer.”
She didn’t have a moment. She felt her knees quaking, felt the floor rushing up to meet her, but gratefully felt her mother’s hands hurrying to catch her waist and balance her till the doctor finished his data gathering.
80/50. 145bpm.
The monster had a name now. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. There were hopes she’d just grow out of it, but there was a chance it might be long lasting. In her case it seemed to be at least partly linked to how bendy she was, how loose her skin felt, how stretchy it was, how easily she bruised. That, too, had a name. Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.
What had been a slow appointment was suddenly moving very fast. Referrals were being made, appointments with different doctors at the big hospital in town, and paperwork was being handed to her mother in a thick stack. Informative pages, recommendations for diet, for exercises, safety precautions, warnings, risks. A whole new world was opening up below her and swallowing her whole, and Rose didn’t know how to feel about it.
One thing was certain, however.
She didn’t plan on telling her friends. Or anyone, for that matter.
It would be her little secret.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“...Is it going to hurt?” was Rose’s only question. She felt very small, much smaller than she’d felt at the clinic with her mother. The room here was bigger and more sterile, with strange looking machinery and electronics. She’d asked the same when she had her first EKG earlier, and had been relieved that the most painful part was having the gummy electrodes pulled back off after the painless test was performed. Something about being in a hospital gown and swinging her legs on a different looking exam table just made her feel even more fragile than the long walk through the building had. At least her mom was there with her.
“No, not at all. It might be a little uncomfortable, or a little cold, but there’s no pain,” promised a technician with a smile. She smiled back a little uncertainly, unconvinced. “All we’re going to do is get some pictures of your heart. I promise, an echocardiogram doesn’t hurt. It’s just a paddle with cold jelly, you’ll hold your breath when I tell you to and stay very still, and we’ll see how things look from different angles.”
“And you’ll tell me if I’m going to die or not.”
“No,” he said with a smirk. “I’ll be telling you if you have any issues with your heart valves or not.”
“Same difference.”
“You underestimate just how much the human body can handle before needing intervention,” he chuckled. “C’mon, legs up on the table and get laid back. I’m sorry for having to keep the shirt open, I know it’s embarrassing. Mom, you can see everything, yes?”
“Yes. Rosie if you need to hold my hand, I ca-”
“I’m fine, Mother. Thank you.”
“Well. If you change your mind, I’m right here.”
“Can you see the screen?” he asked Rose. She nodded, then went very still to watch the technician lift a bottle of gel and squeeze a splurt onto the paddle's end instead. “Right. Sorry this will be chilly, just try to bear with it. And-”
“Stay very still,” Rose finished for him as he opened the front of the gown and pressed the paddle to her chest. She hadn’t been watching the screen at first, but when it lit up with a fluttering white and gray form it was hard to ignore. She knew what it was, of course, though not what the technician was looking for. Seeing your own heart pushing blood around, flaring and calming as it cycled pulses, was kind of amazing. There it was, the only thing keeping her alive, and they were checking to see if any potential defects inside of its valves from the EDS were making her sick.
The procedure was quick enough. A roll here or there, a drop down section of the table for him to do further measurements underneath of her as she lay on her side, and soon enough she was done.
“What’s the verdict, am I dying,” Rose said, voice carefully calm and face deadpan. The papers from the physician had said this was a non-deadly condition, that neither of them would kill her, but the concept of damage to a heart valve of all things being real had brought out the morbid part of her brain.
“There’s a bit of a leak,” he admitted. “But your measurements are just fine and within normal ranges. I wouldn’t be too worried about it, but if you start feeling worse or new symptoms we might recheck within the next few years.”
Rose wiped off the gel with the offered cloth and covered back up while the technician spoke with her mother, the words flowing quick and easy as she asked questions and they discussed the findings. Rose herself stared at the blank screen for a moment before setting her hand over her heart, feeling the pulse, remembering how it had looked.
She was fine then.
All the more reason not to make anyone she knew worry.
She informed her friends that it had been a vitamin issue and that she was going to be just fine before changing the subject, getting swept up in conversations about games and comics and music all over again. Same as ever.
Same as always.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Treatment wasn’t much. Increased water consumption, and a stupid amount of salt. Compression stockings, when that alone wasn’t enough. Rose drank gatorade till she could smell it in her dreams, ate pickles and pretzels till salty foods lost their amusement and her mother had to get creative in the kitchen and with the ordering in catalog. Everything was salt and fluids, compression stockings just tight enough they gave her the will to live back. Thankfully they came in black and she could just pretend they were normal stockings, and for anyone just looking in passing, they would be just another part of her wardrobe.
Yet none of it was enough. The weakness persisted, the fatigue, and through it all that awful, stupid racing heart. If the sound of a beating heart could drive a man mad from beneath floorboards then, surely, the persistent throbbing in her ears and the pain in her chest from her own rushing tempo would be enough to drive her mad. Going to the grocery store made her sweat through her clothes, made her vision blur even as she clung to the cart for balance. More than once, she had to go find a deserted aisle to sit down on the floor in, legs stretched out in front of her, waiting for the worst of it to pass as she debated just how much she might regret laying down flat to hurry it along.
Rose assumed this was just how life was going to be. Stockings, salt, water, constantly living on an internal timer to get things done. Annoying, but not much of a burden. She could imagine living her life like this, one way or another. Others did it every day.
Then had come SBurb.
Fire from the sky and the end of the world, rushing, hurrying, breaking the bottle. She hadn’t been wearing her stockings for the day, but was grateful for the opportunities to sit, few and far between as they were. There was plenty reason for her heart to be beating out of her chest then; plenty of scary, inexplicably stressful things were happening. She had entered the medium with grim determination, and set about the task of destroying imps with a bit of glee.
She had to be quick in dispatching them, there was no alternative. Fainting around these things was unthinkable, and she had plenty of stress to get out with her knitting needles. Rose combined aggression with ballet and her own trained limberness for maneuvers that, in a normal situation, she’d never have reason to use.
It was thrilling.
It was-
Gasping and out of breath, Rose settled on her knees and held her chest after her latest kill, needing time to recover. To rest. It was like she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t open her lungs enough. Like she was drowning on dry land. She gagged, saliva thick and sticky from exertion and, somehow, early dehydration. Slowly, she flopped onto her back and threw her legs up against the wall, feeling the ache and throb as the pooled blood rushed back towards her torso and brain.
Maybe she should get her stockings before continuing, given she had no idea what to expect going forward…
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The game up through getting to the meteor had been quite the experience. She’d been able to pace herself somewhat, exerting herself in bouts that she could control better once she’d gotten some thoroughly upgraded weaponry in hand. Now, godtiered and being able to fly, she found she was able to handle being upright longer than usual.
She still had an affinity for walking normally. Maybe it was because it let her track her internal timer better, a long ingrained pattern she was comfortable with. Maybe it was the fear of falling from height, knowing it wouldn’t kill her but that it would still hurt unless someone caught her. There was also the setback of getting enough fluids and salt.
Gatorade was too much to hope for, but water was doable at least. Salt as a base was also available, but drinking straight salt water would have been anything but subtle.
...Maybe it was time to be honest. Rose was fairly certain that Dave already had an idea something was up, having been around her for some time by then. He always seemed to be watching her carefully, and after a few conversations with Kanaya she’d walked in on, even Kanaya had begun to have a more cautious air in their interactions.
Would that just get worse, if she told everyone?
How would Vriska react to such a thing? Such a weakness? The Seer of Light, waylaid by darkness brought on by standing for too long, she could hear it now. Brought on by sitting upright too long, sometimes. It had progressed in ways that she was frustrated about, spending time reading and trying to figure out how to make compression stockings of the right elasticity out of her god tier outfit in her down time. A dress? Sure! Simple! A garment that would help her out without cutting off all circulation to her legs or being useless? Bit more difficult.
At least Kanaya was content to let her recline whenever she wanted. She never asked, never brought it up. Instead she welcomed the blonde head to her lap, the subtle tug on her hand that meant she was going to slide to sit on the ground against the wall for a time to watch the vast space they were traveling through.
Maybe she would just keep it quiet forever. Or, at least, till after their final battles were done. When there was time to rest, when there were doctors again, Gatorade or something similar, she could get this under control and go back to her plans of dealing with it like she had imagined on Earth. Whatever lay ahead of them could be handled.
She’d keep it quiet. It would be her little secret.
Till she’d fainted in front of everyone, at least.
Another argument had broken out between Karkat and Vriska, Terezi egging on from the side and Dave adding the occasional beatbox for effect much to everyone’s annoyance and amusement in equal measure. Rose and Kanaya were observing and commenting for the most part, following them all up the stairs, but the growing intensity of the clog meant that the foot traffic had come to a stop.
Moments ticked by, then minutes.
Rose felt the shake in her knees, the cold sweat on her brow starting up.
“Dear, are you quite alright? You look pale.”
“I’m fine,” she promised with a smile, looking ahead at the group who took up the stairwell. Surely they’d move any moment. Any time now. Any second. They couldn’t argue forever, not even Karkat and Vriska on a bad day, it would end any time. She just needed to hold on, and then she’d be back upstairs with her book on the sofa, feet up, recovering stealthily yet again.
The argument dragged on, and the pain in her chest started up. Vision blurring, Rose turned her head to glance down the stairs, half turning. Maybe she could go back downstairs and use the restroom or something instead, buy time for them to move while having an excuse on hand so nobody would be suspicious.
“I’m-” she started to say.
Her legs buckled beneath her, and she knew no more.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“See, if you’d just moved your ass instead of backing up into the wall like a cornered meowbeast, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s not like I pushed her! I don’t know who pushed her!”
“Nobody pushed her, she just collapsed, I was right there. We’ve been over this.”
“Well, why did she collapse then!”
“Has she been drinking or something?”
“No, not that I’m aware. She ate earlier, too.”
Rose slowly opened her eyes and stared up quietly at the ceiling, the view from the floor at the bottom of the staircase. The argument had a new source now, the squabble more contained than before, but still lively. Kanaya was watching Terezi pull Karkat and Vriska physically apart like she wanted to jump in and do it herself, but she kept her cool hands on Rose’s arm instead, immobilized. Dave had a notebook he was using like a fan over her face, cooling her off, drying the remaining sweat on her brow. He stopped when he realized she was awake, setting it aside and pushing his shades up the bridge of his nose.
She knew that look. Worry. Suspicion. It made her stomach ache a bit with guilt.
“You good now?”
“...Yeah. I fell?”
“Swan dived face first for the concrete, more like.”
Kanaya’s head jerked her direction and she smiled broader, leaning down to hug Rose tight around the shoulders.
“I was so worried! You’re not hurt, are you?”
“No,” she admitted, surprised. “How-”
“I’m quick,” Dave shrugged, glancing to the side. Kanaya pressed a kiss to her cheek before carefully helping her to sit upright. “Hey, yo, shut the fuck up, she’s awake now. Everyone can stop the blame game, new topic after a quick five.”
“Lalonde, what was that about!” Vriska said immediately. “Did you just trip over your own feet?”
“Kanaya said she collapsed,” Terezi sighed. “Not tripped.”
Karkat glowered, but crossed his arms and was quiet for a moment before speaking. “Thanks for not painting the floor with your thinkpan, we’ve got enough problems around here witho- UGH” he grunted, Terezi’s elbow making swift contact with his side, halting his contribution to the subject.
“Are you sick or something?” Terezi asked.
Rose furrowed her brow, looking around at everyone. Looking back to Dave, looking to Kanaya, both of whom briefly exchanged knowing glances. It appeared the jig was up. Now to just let the cat out of the bag properly so it would stop suffocating.
“I fainted,” Rose said.
“No fucking shit,” came Karkat’s helpful response.
“It’s. ...I’ve done it before,” Rose said, trying to measure her words, trying to figure out how to explain quickly not only to Dave but to members of an entirely different species. “On Earth I was sick. I’m still sick.”
“So we just need to get you medicine or something, right?” Dave said.
She shook her head.
“I’m already taking my medicine best I can.”
“Man, if you know how to make meds can you whip up some pepto or somethin’, because I think I’m gonna die if I don’t get hold of some before the next time we eat makeshift Alternian shit,” Dave said. Rose shook her head again.
“Water and salt.”
“What about it?” said Kanaya, rubbing Rose’s upper back when she still looked a bit woozy. Rose accepted the invitation and leaned into her shoulder, hugging her with one arm to give herself a bit more courage.
“That’s the medicine.”
“...I don’t follow.”
Rose groaned and dropped her head against Kanaya’s neck for a moment before sighing and straightening once more.
“I’ve got a condition called POTS.”
“No, not like fucking weed. It’s Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.”
“What the fuck does all that mean? Are you contagious?” Karkat asked, getting another sharp elbow from Terezi, hard enough he slapped at her arm afterwards a few times in annoyance. “Will you knock that the fuck off?!”
“Don’t you think she would’ve mentioned something if she was?”
“SHE’S A FUCKING ALIEN! How do we know if it’s not contagious to US?” he argued, taking a quick step back to avoid yet another elbow coming his direction. Vriska caught him around the neck and scrubbed her knuckles deep against his scalp till he cringed.
“Preeeeeeeetty sure she would’ve said something that important before no- YOW!”
More than a little annoyed, Terezi yanked a section of Vriska’s hair till she released the thrashing Karkat, then quickly slapped a hand Karkat’s direction to keep him at bay.
“What’s it mean,” she said simply.
“It means my body is stupid and my brain doesn’t get enough blood to it when I’m upright. It all goes to my legs and can’t get back up to my head fast enough,” she said. “My heart races very badly and I feel like I’m dying and I get very weak. I get tired. I get sick. And if I’m not careful, I faint.”
“So it wasn’t a vitamin problem,” Dave mumbled. “Fuckin’ knew it.”
Kanaya frowned a bit, lifting a hand up to stroke a section of Rose’s bangs away from her face, to stroke down the side of her cheek with her thumb. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner? We could have watched out for you.”
“I didn’t want to hold anyone back,” Rose shrugged. “I thought I could handle it. And I didn’t want-”
“UGH great! Now we’ve got a whole person who’s useless to cope with!” Vriska shouted, rubbing her eyes with one hand.
“That,” Rose said flatly, more than a little annoyed.
“She’s not useless, she’s sick,” Dave said.
“SAME DIFFERENCE! It’s a weakness! A BIG weakness! We’re heading towards a huge fight and we can’t count on you at all now!”
Rose set her jaw. “I can handle myself. I just have to be quick an-”
“You can’t handle yourself, you just fell down the stairs from standing still! What if you collapse during battle, huh? What then? I’m sure as shit not sweeping in to save you, and we need all the god tier powers we can get to be FUNCTIONAL during a fight!” Vriska continued, yanking her hair free from Terezi’s hand to stalk closer, staring down where Rose sat, arms crossed. “What can you do? Ranged attacks while sitting down?”
Releasing Kanaya, Rose stood up quickly, immediately regretting it when her vision swam again. She braced herself and bent her knees before locking them in a wider stance for balance. It was a weak spot. A point of pride was that she’d come this far just fine as it was, and now that the cat was out of the bag her worst fears were coming true.
“Hey, easy, don’t go down again,” Dave said from behind her.
“Shut up, I’m fine!” Rose insisted. “What do you want me say, Vriska! That I promise I won’t collapse? You don’t know what I’m capable of in a fight! You don’t know what options I have on hand! Don’t discredit me just because I have this bullshit to deal with. If I can work around it, so can you. If you can’t then which of us is weaker in the end, me or you?”
It was spoken as a challenge, pure and simple. Tension was thick in the air as they stared each other down, Rose with her hands balled into fists, Vriska with crossed arms. Everyone was waiting for something to give, for the other shoe to drop.
“...Whatever,” Vriska muttered, the first to break position. She turned around and lifted her arms behind her head to stretch as she went up the stairs. “Humans are so fragile and booooooooring! Terezi, come help with dinner, I don’t know what to aim for this time.”
A collective breath was released. Terezi smirked a bit.
“That was pretty good, Lalonde. Normally she’d have kept going, but I think you got her in a corner now.”
“I’m coming, I’m coming, keep your rumble spheres tethered!” she shouted, before turning with a laugh like broken glass to run up the stairs after her friend.
Karkat, alone with the trio, watched Terezi run off before looking back towards Rose. She shuddered, then quickly sat back down on the ground and flopped onto her back with a heavy sigh.
“I’m fine!” she was quick to say. “Just. Need to be down for a second. Just a second. Holy shit.”
“What, think you were gonna get into a catfight?” Dave asked, picking up the notebook again to sway over her face a few times just in case it was useful again.
“Would’ve been funny,” he admitted.
“Would’ve been hilarious if this is what finally got us at each other’s throats,” she said sarcastically.
“How do you feel now that everyone knows what has been wrong?” Kanaya asked, stretching her legs out before scooting closer to Rose’s side and laying back as well. “Relieved?”
“Yes. ...Though. What if she’s right…?”
“First time for everything,” Dave shrugged. “Here, lift your heads up,” he instructed as he dropped the notebook and instead lifted his cape, scooting it in a wad beneath their heads. He settled opposite Rose and stretched out as well, one knee bent up so he could tap his foot occasionally, arms splayed out.
Karkat waited for a moment before Dave patted the open space in the circle, then came closer and flopped down as well, hands on his stomach.
“...So you’re SURE you’re not contagious.”
“Dude, with how often she swaps spit with Kanaya I’m pretty sure you’re safe just breathin’ the same air if she’s unaffected,” Dave pointed out.
“Well, good. ...Sorry for asking earlier,” he muttered. “I just didn’t know what to think! Lalonde being sick out of nowhere is-”
“It was rather obvious, if you watched her closely. Something was wrong even if I didn’t know what,” Kanaya said. Dave nodded as well, making Rose groan and cover her face with her hands.
“How obvious was I?”
“Real obvious,” Dave snorted. “Don’t worry about it. We’ve got your back now, and we’ll have your back durin’ a fight. You know that.”
“I’ll slice anything that comes for you if you go down,” Karkat said helpfully. Given how much work he’d done hoping to be a threshcutioner before,
Kanaya reached for Rose’s hand as it came away from her face and gave it a squeeze. “We all do.”
“Yeah,” Rose sighed. “Yeah. I know. You’re right.”
She had backup now. And a while to think of how to explain everything to the others when they met up with them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It felt like years ago, that final battle. Maybe because it had been years by then. It was kind of hard to keep track sometimes, really. She’d held her own, had backup, and they had all come out on top. They’d made a new world, populated it, let it grow and come back to live amongst everyone. She’d been hopeful that after all that, after all the advancements, there would be progress in her own disorders. Treatment options beyond salt and water, beyond stockings.
The fact there wasn’t, that it was still a chronic illness, that there was no magical cure in a special pill to take even after all of that, felt a bit like a slap in the face. Somehow, despite everything, having that bit of hope crushed had been enough to send her into a depression deep enough that it took months for friends and family to help pull her out of it.
There was no ‘better’. There was just coping. And she had to be okay with that.
She had options at least, thankfully. She could fly to get places faster than walking, even if she was on a harsher timer than before. She could drive. Her home was comfortable and easily accommodated a wheelchair that she could use outside of the home as well, half the time pushing herself along and the other half of the time being pushed by Kanaya when she got too tired. Life was good in many ways, even if there was no miracle to be had.
She was alive, married to the love of her life. She had friends and family surrounding her. She had aspirations for a long future, and hobbies that kept her plenty busy. It was enough for her.
When Kanaya leaned down behind her to kiss the side of her neck, sharp fangs barely there on her skin, Rose pulled the brakes on her chair and reached back to stroke Kanaya’s hair fondly. Her wife sat down beside her on the dock, overlooking the vast lake, and squinted out over the shimmering surface to make out where their friends were. A boat was heading this way and that trailing a water skier behind on a tow line, while two people flew above it keeping an eye on whoever was below kicking up wake behind them.
“Are you sure you didn’t want to participate?” Kanaya asked, amused when the skier went down into the water and was pulled up by the two flying lifeguards. “They said they had an innertube as well. You could sit and be towed.”
“Mmm. I’m fine,” Rose said with a smile. “Maybe next time, I don’t much feel like getting wet today. What about you? It looks plenty safe. Roxy and John wouldn’t let anyone drown.”
“I’d rather be near you,” she shrugged. “Perhaps we can have a turn in the boat instead later. We could take a tour around the lake without getting wet.”
“I love how your mind works,” Rose chuckled. She stretched a bit, then pushed the legs of her chair straight out, propping her legs straight out in front of her with a grateful sigh, pooled blood circulating somewhat easier again.
The skier was, apparently, Karkat. At least that’s what the shouting and cursing indicated as he struggled in the air with the duo holding him up safely. He dropped back into the lake with a splash, only to be carefully fished out again and deposited on the boat. Rose snorted a laugh before giggling at just how silly the situation looked from a distance, knowing she’d hear all about the details of it later from everyone involved. Kanaya looked at her with a soft smile before leaning against the side of the chair, nudging Rose’s leg till she stroked at her head and horns as one would pet a cat.
“I’m so glad to hear that sound…”
“Laughter? I’ve laughed a lot recently, haven’t I?” Rose asked, a little confused.
“Yes. You’ve been in such a good mood lately, compared to before. Every time I hear you laugh or see you smile it’s like sunshine.”
Rose leaned forward to press a kiss between Kanaya’s horns, making her wife hum softly, blissfully.
“You know just what to say to make an already good day better.”
Somehow, Rose felt, every day was just more proof that everything was going to be okay now.
((If you would like to learn more about POTS please visit this website for information!
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
The Lions Den
Mafia!Yoongi x Wife!Hyunah
Genre: Mafia!AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst
Chapter 12.
Warnings: Smut, Blood, Guns, Knives, Excessive Cursing, Excessive Alcohol Intake, Smoking (Cigarettes and Cigars), Mental Health Issues
Warnings In This Chapter: Sub!Yoongi, Dom!Hyunah, Mistress Kink, Pain Kink, Degradation, Cigarette Ashing, Begging, Use Of A Cock Ring, Edging, Mentions Of A Safeword, Fellatio, Riding, Dry Orgasm, Impreg Kink (Sorta), Multiple Orgasms, Blood, Gorey Descriptions, Cut Body Parts
A/N: Shout out to @xjoonchildx​ and @ladyartemesia​ for beta-ing this and rooting me on
TagList- @ayyyocee​, @mysugabear03, @wisebtsgot7prune​, @imaforeigner​​, @yeonkiminnie​​, @stories1907​​, @ppersonna​​, @brilee64​​, @gooplibrary​​, @vivpurple7​​, @xjoonchildx​​, @brightwingr5​​, @yaniposts22​​, @rjsmochii​​, @taeslittletiger​​, @pjmcth​​, @bts-chub​​, @kpoppingthempills, @kim-ji-hyeons-world​​, @jikooksgirl19​​, @yoong-i​​, @ruinsofangels​​, @absolutefantrash​​, @chiminies-noona​​, @eclectically-esoteric​, @simplybree​
Sequel to The Bird Cage
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Mirrors are a good way of reflecting. A good way to stare deep inside yourself and see who you really are. See what has made you become the person you are. 
Yoongi stares at the mirror for hours at a time. Just like today. 
His fingers traipse up and down the long scar on his face as he stares at his reflection. 
He can barely remember how he got it, he feels like he's had it for as long as he can remember. 
He can barely feel through the gnarled skin as he touches it. It's been a long time since he's seen his unmarred face. When this happened to him he was still living in Daegu with Taehyung by his side. 
They roamed the street. The worst of their kind. When Jimin found them it seemed to just make sense. For Yoongi, anyway.
A brotherhood. A family. God, he had gone his whole life without knowing what that was. He used to believe he was the devil incarnate. Thinking everything he had done was due to something wrong inside of him. 
But Jimin helped him. Helped him to change his anger into something more constructive. 
He had been given responsibilities then. The heavy load of moving illegal guns and shipments all on him. And, he found pride in that. He was worth something because of Jimin. He owed him his everything. 
He found camaraderie. He found his place in a world so dark that it no longer begged the question when would light ever come?
Finding himself meant finding his heart. Somewhere along the lines they became blurred. He had countless bodies drifting in and out of the large mansion he once lived in with his brothers.
As he touches his scar, he lets out a gentle snort. He remembers when he saw Y/N for the first time. He had been sleeping with Hyunah every so often even back then but Y/N now she was something new.
He can remember how appealing he found her. He wanted her. He wondered if he could ask Jimin for her, quite like Taehyung did with Hyejin. But, it wasn't in the cards. Literally.
He and Hyunah were together one night and she read him his fortune. Y/N was not for him, but Hyunah was.
There lied the problem then. This gorgeously fierce married woman was his destiny and he had to patiently wait for her husband to die. It was harrowing.
Gut wrenching even. But, in the end he had her. And oh, how he adores her. 
Truly destiny was shining upon him. 
She taught him and continues to teach him.
Teaches him to free himself from all of his burdens. All of his chains. And, his own mind. 
Lighting a cigarette his fingers trail to the back of his neck. Inhaling deeply, his eyes flutter shut as he feels the scarred skin. He can feel the olive branches and the incredible detail.
Exhaling the toxic smoke, he can hear the sound of heels behind him. The noise was once off putting but now it turns his bones to jello.
"Yoongi?" Hyunah's voice is gentle as her hands wrap around his bare torso. 
Her lips glide over his scar and he lets out a small sigh at the feeling. 
"Hmm." He whispers as a hand trails lower. She gropes his crotch roughly earning a groan from him as his cigarette dangles from his lips. 
"Do you need to be distracted? Are you caught up in your demons again?" Her voice is filled with taunting notions riddling him useless.
He gives a small nod with a whine, his head lolling back onto her shoulder. Taking the cigarette from his lips, she puts it in her own parted lips before squeezing his balls harder. 
“Let me hear you say it, darling. Let me hear it.” 
His body goes stiff as his mouth opens. Adoring the painful pleasure his wife gives to him so freely. 
“Yes, Mistress. I need it. I need to be distracted, please.” 
She hums into his ear, tugging him by the belt towards their large bed. Dripping with power and allure, he finds his cock hardening at the thought of being dominated by his wife. 
It takes a big man to admit he needs distracting. And, it takes an even bigger man to give his pride away in times of sexual need to his woman who transports him onto a different plane. 
She steps in front of him. His eyes on her low cut gown before being shoved backwards onto the bed. Hitting the pillows, he watches her inhale from his cigarette. His mouth opens slightly as she narrows her eyes down at him. 
God, she was so good at making him feel feeble and small. So good at taking away his thoughts and bringing him to a state of complete need. 
She starts to undress in front of him. Slowly dragging down the expensive fabric of her gown and he finds himself enraptured by the sections of skin she begins to show. His hand reaches up to touch her and the sharp breath she takes between her teeth has him recoiling in seconds. 
“Did I say you could touch?” The sharpness of her voice makes it difficult for him to swallow.
“No, Mistress. I’m sorry. I’ll behave.” She scoffs at his words gently before raising her heeled foot and pressing it into his chest.
Groaning at the sharp twinge of pain as her pointed heel digs into his sternum, he can’t help but feel his cock twitch and grow with need in his briefs. 
“Looks like you, young man, need to learn some manners.” She whispers before discarding her dress from her body.
The black lace bodice she adorns hugs her body perfectly, thrusting her large breasts up to the heavens as she ashes her cigarette on the floor. 
“Yes. Fuck yes.” Yoongi gasps as she digs her heel deeper into his chest. 
Laying back fully he submits himself willingly to her. Anything and everything she wants, he would more than happily provide. 
“What should I do for you today? Hmm? Should I make you ravage me till you’re crying to cum? Should I fuck your tight little hole until you beg for release?” She teases before ashing on his briefs. 
His eyes roll back as she replaces her foot on his chest with her hand. She gives soothing strokes before burning out the cigarette on the floor. 
“Anything Mistress. Please.” Yoongi can barely recognize his own voice, so needy and whimpering. But, that’s when he’s the best. When he no longer feels like himself. 
She turns her nose up at his words before walking away and he can feel his need for her growing as he stares at the globes of her ass as they jiggle. She leans against the bureau of bedroom treasures before opening the double doors wide. 
“I think you need some good old fashioned edging.” She says as she grabs the tightest cock ring from the loop on the wall.
He would normally protest but with all this Im business lately, all this stress, he wants to be so frustrated. 
Licking his lips, he nods to her as he leans up on his elbows. She watches him stew and fester for a few minutes, letting his eyes roam over her body. She feels powerful off of his love. If there was one thing about Lee Hyunah, she loves the human body and the power you can have by taking others' power away. 
She prowls over slowly, relishing in the way he palms at his fully erect cock. She relishes in the whine he gives as she straddles him. 
“Baby.” She whispers in his ear and his eyes are trained on her breasts as she bends down.
“Y-Yes Mistress.” He mewls as she tugs his hair roughly. 
“Mistress loves you.” He sighs gratefully, eyes squeezing shut at the pain as his tongue licks at his lips. 
“Thank you, Mistress. Thank you for loving me. I don’t deserve it.” He mumbles as she kisses down his face. Stopping at the gnarled scar before licking it.  
He shivers beneath her, hands gripping at the bedsheets knowing better than to touch without being told to. 
“Down, baby.” She instructs and his elbows cave in on the mattress within seconds of her instruction.
She kisses down his chest, taking it slow where his cigarette burns and his large scar is that Y/N so dutifully stitched up many years ago. His gasps and groans make her smirk against his skin. 
It’s powerful, isn’t it? The bond between two people when you truly just let things be. He trusts her completely, and in turn she is his biggest failsafe. 
“Tell me your safeword and we can play.” She says as she hooks two fingers into the band of his briefs. 
He clears his throat, ripping his eyes away from her breasts to look at her. 
“Feather.” He whispers. 
Snapping the band back to him, he grits his teeth as her lips explore his lower half. Her teeth nip gently at the skin above his underwear and he finds it difficult to keep his ass planted on the bed. 
She tugs down his briefs roughly, raising an eyebrow at how angry red the mushroom tip is today. He must really need to be distracted. 
His cock is bigger than her late husband, slightly curved with pretty rose veins that litter the long length. He was the perfect thickness. He was perfect, in all truthfulness. Everything about him was made for her. Destiny smiled upon them in this lifetime. 
She kisses down his long length earnings gasps and whimpers. His eyes fall shut once more, adoring her plush lips against his heated member. 
“Thank you Mistress. Thank you for touching me.” He gasps out as her sharp nails dig into the taut skin of his thighs. 
Precum beads mercilessly at the bulbous tip, Hyunah watches with patient eyes as it slowly begins to glide down the considerable length. 
“Look at how much of a fucking baby you are. I haven’t even really touched you and you’re begging to release.” Her finger picks up the precum before entering the single digit into her mouth.
 Yoongi’s hips thrust upward at her sensual action, watching how her tongue swirls around her finger with precision. 
“Jesus. Please, Mistress. I’m so fucking hard. Please touch me more.” She clicks her teeth at his words before grasping his face in her hand. Smushing his cheeks as her nails dig into his skin.
“You get what I give and you’ll appreciate it. Do you understand me?” With a feeble whimper he nods to her. 
She was painfully good at the long game. She has gone hours with him, teasing and turning his cock purple before even letting him orgasm once. And, if he kept it up today, it would be a repeat if he didn’t get his head on straight.
Sliding the cock ring on, he takes in a sharp breath at the tightness. She strokes his cock once, twice, three times just to hear her name tumble from his perfect lips before stopping. 
“You had bad thoughts today, didn’t you Yoongi? That’s why you want to be punished?” His wife asks as she points to the headboard. 
Scrambling up to the top of the bed, he curses beneath his breath. Of course, she would know. 
“Yes.” He admits as he situates himself as she wants. 
“And what did you think of that got you in this mournful mood?” She asks, straddling his thigh.
In the short amount of time it took for him to get to the top of the bed, her pussy was already unsheathed from her lace panties. Gleaming wet in the daylit master bedroom. She begins to ride his thigh, bottom lip purchasing between her teeth. 
God, she’s a fucking masterpiece. He can feel his cock throbbing harsher with the cock ring. Begging to be touched, to find any relief at all.
“I saw Y/N this morning.” He whispers nervously. 
She hums to him as she brushes her hair over her shoulders. His eyes fall to her arousal on his thigh and he flexes his muscles just to hear a wanton gasp of approval from his wife.
“You did?” She asks as she closes her eyes, losing herself in the pleasure. 
“Yeah. She had on that nightgown. The one I like. With the- fuck.” He groans out as his wife strips himself of her corset. 
Her breasts bounce out, free from the leather and he whines as her nipples begin to harden in the chilly air of their home. 
“Mistress, may I? Please? Your tits are so beautiful.” He begs her, his eyes turning as big as saucers as he looks up at her.
“Go ahead, baby.” 
His arms wrap around her back quickly, tugging her roughly to his body. Snaking his tongue out, he runs circles around her areola before encasing her stiff peaked nipple with his lips. He groans loudly as his hands grip at her flesh. 
Her scent is vanilla and lavender and it brings him comfort smelling it. She was his home and he knew it all too well.
“Good boy.” She moans gently as he abandons one breast for the other. She rocks quicker against his thigh, chasing her own high as his cock leaks more precum in its forsaken state. Her nails run down his chest, leaving bright red lines in their wake.
“You’re so gorgeous Mistress. Thank you for using me.” He whispers out.
“Why am I using you, baby? Tell Mistress.”
“Because I don’t deserve to be touched or pleased. I don’t deserve to feel your beautiful cunt around me for having such thoughts today.” He chokes out as she shoves him back against the headboard. His mouth gives an audible pop as he is ripped away from her breast.
He curses gently as he watches her reach the peak of her pleasure. Adoring the small simpers and whines she gives out before her hips stutter. He pulls her hips roughly, earning a loud moan as she orgasms. Her body undulates in his grasp as she rides out her pleasure. 
He grits his teeth as his cock throbs. The pain becoming almost unbearable. 
“So you saw Y/N today.” Hyunah says as she hops off of his thigh and he sighs. 
He was always truthful with his wife. He didn’t love Y/N, of course. His wife had his heart and more, but yet there was still this pressing attraction to the woman who he has known for years. 
“Yes. And she was wearing that nightgown.” Hyunah hums as she inhales from her cigarette. 
“So your prick got hard because the pretty girl was wearing a nice dress? Hmm?” She mocks and his cheeks blush pink at her degradation.
“I’m sorry Mistress.” He murmurs as she spits on his cock.
“It’s because you love power. You love a woman that can hold their own and you’re just a simpering little man that needs to be punished. Isn’t that right?” He nods fervently to his wife as she presses the cigarette to his lips. 
She lets the cigarette dangle as she bows down. Her tongue licks a circle around the head of his cock and his back smacks into the headboard at her action. 
“Oh, fuck. You suck my cock so well. Thank you Mistress.” He whines before inhaling. 
“Tell me why you like to see the powerful woman you work for.” She taunts as she bows her head down on him. Working assiduously on his cock, she smacks his inner thigh as he finds it difficult to concentrate on any words.
“She just...fuck, baby.” He whines as he cards his fingers through her long hair. 
Smacking his hand away from her head, he closes his eyes before pulling the cigarette from his lips. Her mouth was so wet and warm on him, tears pool in her eyes as she deepthroats his large cock. 
“You know me. You know I only love you baby.” He murmurs and he knows it’s the wrong answer as she pulls off of him. He groans loudly in frustration as his pleasure is ebbed away. 
“I know you do. I don’t want those words. Tell me or I’ll leave you here like this.” He scoffs gently before nodding as his wife bends back down.
“She just looked pretty and soft in the nightgown. She’s pregnant again and I-” Hyunah lets her teeth graze the long length of his cock and he shivers mid sentence. 
Pulling off of him, she straddles him fully before slowly sliding down on his cock. “God, your pussy feels so fucking good Mistress. Thank you for fucking me.” He groans out as she stills on top of him.
“That's what it is? You like to see your boss all pregnant and still so powerful?” His cock throbs within her and she raises her eyebrows impressed. 
“Can we stop talking about it? You know I’m faithful to you and only you. I’m sorry I had those thoughts… I need to be punished, baby.” He whines out as he ashes out the cigarette. His hands find their place on her hips as she begins to bounce on his cock.
He watches her breasts sway with each bounce. Watching how her mouth opens at the pleasure of being filled so nicely with his large cock. 
He could feel his pleasure coming too. Feeling his cock thickening and throbbing as he throws his head back with a loud moan. 
“I know you’re faithful, baby. Or else you wouldn't have a cock or balls left. But, you shouldn’t be ashamed of finding your boss attractive. The human body is so beautiful. Like now, I’m going to make you cum and you’re going to cry. And, it's going to be beautiful. ” She whispers in his ear as she presses her breasts to his chest. 
His fingers grip harder at her skin as she rides his cock. His eyes wander to the place where they’re joined and he bites his bottom lip at how much of his wifes arousal is on his cock. How slick and messy she was for him. His neck veins jut out as he swallows thicky, savoring this pleasurable pain. 
His cock was so relentlessly hard, begging to cum. She nips at the skin of his neck, adoring the way he holds her closer as he moans her name. He becomes lost in the sensual act, forgetting his role as submissive and just teetering on the edge of pleasure. 
“I’m going to cum. Fuck. Baby, please let me. I’m dying.” He begs of her and she pulls off of him. He sobs loudly at the loss, his head tilting and eyes shutting as his orgasm slips away from him. 
“You find her so attractive when she’s pregnant because you can’t help but think about how Jimin drilled that child into her cunt, don’t you? You would love to have the balls to be that confident.” He wipes at his cheeks before clearing his throat.
It’s true. He knows it. His wife certainly knows it.
She slaps his cock, earning his eyes on hers as he stares into her black irises. 
“Yes.” He whispers.
“But you're not that confident. What are you?” She asks as she slides back down on his cock. 
With a stunted gasp, his hands reach up for her breasts and she allows it. She coos gently as she wipes his cheeks as more tears fall.
“I’m just your weak baby. Just want my Mistress to fuck me good and make me beg for it.” He whispers and she hums to him.
Kissing him hard, she begins to bounce on his cock again. Their tongues sliding over one anothers and he can taste alcohol on her tongue. Biting his bottom lip harshly, she whimpers as he pinches and rolls her nipples between his fingertips. 
“You’re such a good boy. Your cock fills me so nicely.” She moans out as her head lolls back. 
His hips lift meeting her every bounce and he takes pleasure in the way her thighs quiver. She was close to her next orgasm and he wants nothing but to please her. He fucks up into her faster, adoring her gasps and hearing his name from her lips.
“Please Mistress, please say my name again. Let me hear you say my name.” He begs as he pulls her close. Her arms wrap around his neck and his cock shudders within her as her ragged breath fans over his ear.
“Yoongi.” She whispers before biting down on his earlobe. 
Without warning he orgasms. Groaning loudly in her ear as his hips still. It doesn’t confuse him anymore but it still hurts. Dry orgasms were his worst form of punishment and his eyes well up with tears as the short pleasure turns into sharp shooting pain.
“Fuck. Your cock is so amazing. Just a pretty little toy for your Mistress to get off on.” 
“Y-Yes Mistress. Just your little sextoy.” He chokes out as tears streak over his cheeks. 
Rolling her hips, his cock fills every part of her and she sighs wantonly as her pleasure builds. Even in his pain, he adores her. Adores how her chest heaves towards him as she lets out small squeaks and moans. 
“I’m going to cum on your big cock, baby. Wouldn’t that be so nice? To have your Mistress cum all over you?” He nods fervently as she tugs at his hair. 
“Yes. Please, please cum on my cock. Show me how much you love your toy.”
“Such a good boy.” She praises and his heart swells at the compliment. 
She orgasms again, her cunt tightening and milking his cock as she whines out his name. 
She caresses his face as she goes through her pleasure. Ears ringing with white noise as she watches him bite down on his bottom lip. 
“Would you let me give you a baby, Mistress? Would you?” He asks as she hops off of him. 
Taking off the cock ring, he chokes on a gasp as the blood rushes back into his cock. He preens as she strokes him, the sensitivity almost making him scream out his safeword. 
“Of course I would, baby.” They both knew that Hyunah couldn’t- and wouldn’t have anymore kids. But it wasn’t about really wanting a baby for Yoongi. It was about “wanting to be man enough to do it.” He envied Jimin sometimes. He always found it easy to get what he wants and being man enough to take it. 
Although his persona was one to be rivaled with, Yoongi was just feeble. Needing to be controlled and begging to be distracted.
“You know your Mistress would let you put a baby inside of her. Let you get me knocked up and rely on you to take care of me.” He nods at her words as she lays back. Her legs spread for him and he jumps at the chance to situate himself inside them. 
He prods at her entrance, tongue licking over her neck as he inched his way inside. He gasps at her tightness, burying his face in her neck as he bucks into her with all of his strength. 
“Yeah? You’d let me get you real big with my baby and make me take care of you? I’d wait on you hand and foot. Make you know how great of a man I am.” He mumbles through gritted teeth.
Her nails rake down his back as she moans his name. He fucks her with force, almost sending her body down the bed if he didn’t have a good grasp on her.
“I’m your little bitch with a big, fat cock but if I got you pregnant you’d need me to take care of you. You’d beg me to help you.” He seethes out and she screams in pleasure as he presses her knees to her chest.
“You let my cock get so hard that it’s painful Mistress. Fuck, your pussy feels so good!” He whines as she kisses over his scar.
“You’re such a good boy for me, you deserve to cum a big load in my pussy.”
“Yeah, shit. I love pleasing you, Mistress. I love being so good for you.” His cock thickens and throbs with each thrust and he finds himself sobbing again. He pleases her? If that’s the case it’s tenfold for him. 
His body wracks with pleasure. White hot and nerve tingling pleasure courses through him as he finds himself close to his release. 
“Hyunah. Fuck. I love you. I love you so much baby. Christ!” He sobs out as he feels his balls tighten. 
“I love you too, baby.” She whispers before running her fingers through his hair. 
With a loud groan, he orgasms. He hugs her tightly to his body as ropes of cum paint her inner walls. 
“Yes.” He whines loudly before sighing. It seems to be never ending, the amount of cum he lets out. 
Finally, he lifts off of his wife before pulling out of her gently. With a hum, she closes her legs and he smirks at her as she grabs two cigarettes off of the bedside table. 
He lights them for them before leaning back against the headboard. “Thanks, baby. I needed that.” He murmurs as he slings his arm over her shoulder. Her fingers glide over the large scar on his stomach and he looks down before putting his head back. 
“You know how much I love you, right?” He asks as his thumb rubs comforting circles on her shoulder. She smiles before nodding and pressing her bare body into his side.
“I know. I love you too.” He closes his eyes as he pulls from his cigarette. 
“You’ve been having a rough week. With all of the Im stuff and everything and I know you need to be distracted.” His wife says as she ties her hair up into a bun. 
He clears his throat before looking out the large windows of their shared home. 
“Something is looming around here. A dark spirit. An aura black as coal. And, we need to be ready when it wants to come and shroud us all.” Hyunah whispers as she stares off into the distance. Her voice was her own and yet completely disembodied. 
He’s gotten used to it by now. Everything that she predicts, everything she sees always rings true. With a sigh, he buries his face into her neck.
“Something is coming.” She whispers.
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He wasn’t sure when he drifted off to sleep. When he awoke from his nap, he was groggy and more tired than when he fell out. His wife wasn’t in the bed with him and it was dark outside already. 
“Mr. Min, sir.” That voice, the voice of death. 
Rolling his eyes, he leans across the bed before grabbing a cigarette and packing it against the table.
“What Jeeves?” He mocks Hyunah’s loyal butler.
“It’s Ohshin, sir.” He always has to tell Yoongi his real name as if he hasn’t learned it by now. He was too old and decrepit to understand his humor, or so he thinks.
“Yeah. I’m aware. What do you want?” He asks, lighting his cigarette and watching the white smoke lazily rise towards the ceiling. 
“You have a package. Someone left it on the doorstep for you. No return to sender.”  The old man says and Yoongi nods before waving him out of the room.
Entering the grand kitchen, he takes in his older wife as she stares at the large box on the granite countertop. 
“What’s the matter, babe?” He questions before yawning loudly. 
She doesn’t acknowledge him as she stares at the white cardboard. 
“This box is filled with pain and misery. I can hear...screaming, can feel blood splattering.” He takes in her shaking hand as she lifts it to pull from her cigarette.
“Hey...Hey.” He whispers comfortingly as he walks around the counter to hold her.
“I can feel the sorrow. The confusion. Something horrible is in this box.” She seethes through her teeth and Yoongi can sense her nerves. 
He rubs comforting circles on her bare back as he kisses her cheek. He can feel her body trembling. His eyes flit to the box before tilting his head. 
“Jeeves!” He calls loudly to the empty kitchen and he waits patiently as he coddles his wife to his side.
“Get my wife a glass of wine and bring it out to the patio.” He says before kissing her temple. She looks over at him as her eyes become glassy.
“I can feel the pain.” She whispers, tapering off and broken at the end.
“Okay, baby… Alright.” He whispers gently. 
Taking her hand, he leads her to the back patio before opening the door. “Just smoke a cigarette. Drink the wine and relax. Alright? I’ll get rid of the box.” He tells her before pecking her lips gently. 
She gives a shell shocked nod. Her legs are trembling as she takes small steps to the chaise lounge beneath the beige canopy. He waits for her butler to hand her the glass of wine and he nods to Ohshin to stay outside with her.
He shoves the box, pulling his gun out from the back of his waistband. It makes no movement. There’s no smell. It’s just a white cardboard box. 
He lights a cigarette before opening the flaps of the box. He shivers in the eerie quietness of the house before peaking into the box. 
“Oh Christ!” He yells as he backs up. 
A hand with no fingers and a scalp of hair sit prettily inside the box. 
Yoongi’s stomach rolls and he closes the box quickly. Pressing both of his hands to the counter, his body heaves forward. He tucks his head between his arms as he takes a deep breath.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He mumbles before cracking his neck.
“What is it?” He hears from the patio. His head lifts quickly before grabbing the box off of the counter and angling his face away from it.
“Just stay inside and don’t go out. Do you hear me?” He asks his wife as he takes off towards the entryway of their home. 
“Baby?” His wife calls confused.
“I have to speak with Jimin. Stay inside, babe.” He repeats before ripping open the door and heading towards the other mansion.
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anon-e-miss · 4 years
Primus Help the Outcasts 4
Prowl felt a familiar frame wide ache as his consciousness returned. It had been a while since his last crashed, but he supposed one had been bound to be building. He onlined his optics and turned his helm from side to side. A chest with drawers, large pieces of art on the wall. Low tables on each side of the berth and a bench at the foot. Trickets covered geometric shelves on the wall. Where was he? This was not their room in the shelter. This was not a medicentre room or a hotel room. This was someone’s berthroom. Whose? Lockdown’s. Prowl bolted upright, struggling to free his arms from the blankets as the door opened and Jazz stepped inside.
“Good, y’re up,” he declared, smiling.
“Where am I?” Prowl asked.
“My procreators’ hab,” Jazz explained. “Ya crashed. Do ya remember?”
“A little,” Prowl replied as he rubbed his helm. “There is a lot of static.”
“I brought ya upstairs ‘cause Ori didn’t want ya layin’ on the cold floor ‘til ya came ‘round,” Jazz revealed. He placed a cube on the berthside table. “How ya feelin’?”
“Sore,” Prowl replied, dropping his servos to his lap. “I am always sore after a crash.”
“What do yer self-dianostics say?”
“I do not have any. They went offline when my repair nanites expired.”
“Had a feelin’ that’d be the case, from the look o’ ya,” Jazz said, he sat on the edge of the berth, next to Prowl. “I got a cube o’ medgrade here for ya. Think ya can drink it?”
“I think so,” Prowl replied. Jazz uncapped the energon and placed the cube in Prowl’s servos. Prowl brought it to his lipplates and drank. It was a little bitter,  but medgrade usually was. There must have been additional additives in it because when Prowl swallowed the thick blue fuel seemed to settle his queasy fuel tank. “Thank you.”
“Figure it was our fault. They hassled ya more than I’d thought they would.”
“I crash,” Prowl said. Flicking his doorwings, though the movement was still. Everything hurt but it did not feel like he had managed to dent himself. That was something, at least. “It is not their fault I am a glitch.”
“Do ya need a blocker?” Jazz asked. His optics brightened and dimmed at the slur. It had been a long time since Prowl had thought of himself or spoken of himself in such a manner but Primus below, Prowl was so tired of all of this scrap. He shook his helm.
“I am sensitive to them. I do not want to be addled around my mechlings. They need me functional... What times is it?”
“Chronometer out?”
“It is unreliable.”
“Once we get some mass on ya, it should sort itself out,” Jazz replied. “I’ll pick up the mechlings in half a joor. Ya best stay in berth a while longer.”
“I cannot spend all mega-cycle in your procreators’ berth.”
“Once they finish up upstairs ya can move into yer own berth.”
“I was not sure if I remembered that correctly,” Prowl said. They had been talk while his processor had been buzzing. They had asked for their favourite colours.
“It’s just two berthrooms,” Jazz explained. “But I think the mechlings won’t mind sharing too much.”
“They have been recharging in the same berth as me,” Prowl revealed. “They will probably relish the space. Someone broke into our room the first dark-cycle. They looked, stepped towards the berth they were sharing... They ran out when I sat up. I have not been able to recharge since.”
“‘M sorry,” Jazz said, softly. “For this memory purge ya been livin’. Y’re all gonna be safe now. Once y’re healthy, me ‘n my procreators, we’ll find ya work. But I don’t think y’re up for anythin’ right now.”
“I do not have any saving,” Prowl said, bunching the blanket fitfully in his servos. “I only have four emergency rations left for the mechlings. I need to work now.”
“Ya need to rest, so ya get healthy,” Jazz replied. “I got ya covered.”
“I have no way to repay you,” Prowl said. There was a harmonic in his glyphs. He had no way he wanted to repay Jazz. Prowl might have been a bit more desperate than he had been when he had refused Lockdown and then the priest. But he still did not want to pay for housing by laying on his back. He was not that desperate yet. Maybe in a few mega-cycles.
“I don’t want anythin’ from ya, Prowl,” Jazz said, decisively. “When I came back to Simfur after doin’ some tours wit the Elite Guard, I had nothin’. It was just me ‘n the Twins. My kin were in Polihex had stuck optic deep in their own scrap. It took’em six more vorns to follow me. Master Yoketron helped us out. He gave us a place to stay. Gave me work. He woulda done the same for ya. He would want me to do the same for ya.”
“Thank you. I do not know how to process this kindness.”
“S’okay. I know it’s hard,” Jazz squeezed his servo and Prowl believed, actually believe he could trust him. “I know ya got that med-alert etchin’... crashes are part o’ a processor defect? Right?”
“All the same, do ya think ya outta be seen to by a medic? Have ya been seen by a medic?”
“After we were recovered. Other than some minor dents, my creations were physically unharmed. Mentally... Bluestreak onlines screaming sometimes. Nothing soothes him save for being held to my spark. Smokescreen does not tolerate being touched much at all.”
“And you?”
“It was noted that my injuries were minor for one claiming to have been gang raped.”
“Scrap,” Jazz cursed and shook his helm. “So ya were ‘sposed to fight ‘til they decided yer younglin’ would be easier prey, or til they killed ya? That’s scrap. That medic ain’t worth their patch.”
“They made him watch,” Prowl said, with a stuttering intake. “So he would learn to please them. I had to protect him.”
“Of course,” Jazz replied and he held Prowl’s servos as he started to cry. “Of course ya did. Y’re a good ori. Y’re all gonna be okay. Ya just need a safe space, ‘n time to heal.”
Prowl loathed weakness, at least in himself, but here he was crying in front of a stranger. A stranger he had poured out his spark to, revealed his ugly humiliation to and here Jazz was, patiently comforting and reassuring. Realistically, Prowl knew he had been pushed to the brink and had pushed himself still further and he knew the crash would only be the first of many if he did not restore his beleaguered self repair systems. He knew his creations needed him to hold the centre but it was bitterly hard when he was so tired and scared and stressed. Jazz stayed with Prowl for the half joor before he needed to go to collect the mechlings. Prowl thought he should go. Smokescreen got out first. He always went and got Bluestreak while Prowl hung back because he loathed being stared at with such brazen scorn. Smokescreen would got with Jazz, he trusted his tutor. Jazz was trustworthy.
“Nap a lil more,” Jazz said as he rose to go collect their creations. “Ya need it.”
He could not imagine recharging with his current frame of processor. Prowl sank back into the soft blanket and pillows. His processor went fuzzy around the edges. Prowl was forced to admit he had reached the limits of his processor and his frame. Jazz and his procreators had been moved enough by his revelations to help, but Prowl new generosity had its limits. In any case, it a precarious thing to rely on another’s generosity for survival. There was no telling how long it would take before they, or rather Prowl, wore out his welcome. Though Prowl needed to plan and more than anything needed to think, he found his consciousness slipping down and down until he knew nothing at all.
“O’gin,” Bluestreak exclaimed as he crawled onto Prowl’s chassis and nuzzled his face. Prowl looked at his creation with bleary optics and reached up to ruffled his helm.
“Brightspark,” he said, voice soft. “How was school?”
“Good! We had a class feast! Master Jazz said you had crash.”
“I am alright, Bluestreak,” Prowl said, he had to be after all. “Jazz and his procreators were kind enough to take care of me.”
“I like them. They’re nice,” Bluestreak declared as he smiled down at his originator. His doorwings never stopped moving, but that was normal. They were always fluttering. Always talking. “Punch said you needed your rest so we let you recharge but it’s time for dinner.”
“Oh!” Prowl optics cleared as his battle computer fitfully surged. “I recharged that long?”
“Ya obviously needed it,” Jazz said from the doorway, and Prowl jerked his helm so quickly his helm throbbed as he looked to his host.. “We got dinner on the table. If ya think yer up for gettin’ up.”
“Of course,” Prowl said. Bluestreak climbed off of his chassis, letting Prowl sit up. The world did not exactly spin but it did tilt.
“Just don’t push yerself.”
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