#ps I will never understand how come some tumblrs don't get the @ when you want to let them know they've been mentioned in a post
I have returned to the best blog on Tumblr. Can I get some raifus of your choice with a pure ray of sunshine S/O who is just a "medic" (mechanic)
PS: youre the reason I got into girlsfrontline thank you.
(GFL) Scarecrow, Gager, M4A1, M16A1, WA2000, G11, HK416, Angelia, AK-15, and RPK-16 with a loving S/O
Welcome back, and thanks for the kind words! Also, welcome to the Frontline. Enjoy your raifus and depression.
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Scarecrow is eternally confused by S/O's behavior.
They always seemed so happy, especially around her.
Considering she was a combat android, there should be no reason S/O should be excited enough to hug her upon her return.
(S/O) "Thank goodness you're okay! I heard the Logistics mission got dicey! Here, let's get you back to the repair bay and I can-"
Scarecrow gently shoves S/O off, her eyes simply staring at S/O unblinking while her monotone voice was muffled by the mask.
(Scarecrow) "It is nothing to be concerned about S/O."
S/O cutely pouted, the only change in Scarecrow's expression was her irises focusing on their mouth.
(S/O) "I'll always be concerned for you, Scarecrow!"
The empathy module that Griffin and the Assimilation Protocol installed in her makes the info S/O gives with their affection go absolutely haywire.
And it wasn't their tinkering on her limbs that made that happen, either.
Their smile makes her feel things she has no words or any prior experience to compare it to.
It was honestly frustrating. But, this was far more care than anyone had ever given her, besides the Commander.
(Scarecrow) "I will never understand human attraction towards objects that aren't alive."
S/O's smile bounced her harsh words off.
(S/O) "I think the fact I can annoy you like this means you are alive, Scarecrow!"
If Scarecrow could sigh, she would.
But then again...Their personality wasn't entirely insufferable.
The care S/O put in repairing her delicate systems was certainly a plus as well.
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Gager almost leans back in surprise as S/O almost leapt onto her, smiling so widely at her return.
(S/O) "Welcome back!"
(Gager) "...T-Thank you, S/O."
Their smile vanishes just as quickly as it appeared when they notice some of the damage on her chassis.
(S/O) "You're hurt! Let's get you to the repair bay and get that fixed ASAP!"
S/O grabs Gager's hand and gently tugs it, letting them drag her along.
Truth be told, if she wanted to, she could just refuse to budge and S/O couldn't do a single thing to stop her.
But Gager was just so shocked by S/O's affection that she forgot.
She's grateful to S/O for always being the one to repair her, despite the fact she had been a former enemy.
And for that same reason, their love was almost an enigma to her.
(Gager) "S/O, if there's anything I can do for you, please let me know."
(S/O) "Hm...How about staying as yourself? Does that work?"
Gager's eyes widen in surprise as she feels her digimind failing to come up with a response.
(Gager) "Uh...Y-Yes, that...works." ahem
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M4 lovingly returns the embrace that S/O gives her, being careful to not let her equipment get in the way.
(M4A1) "Hello, S/O. I see you've missed me."
(S/O) "Who wouldn't miss your beautiful smile?"
A giggle escapes her lips as she walks alongside S/O, limping slightly due to the damages suffered from the operation.
(S/O) "I see your leg got hit. How bad is it?"
(M4A1) "Ah...I-It's not great, to be honest."
(S/O) "Don't worry, I can carry you to my station and-"
S/O immediately moves to carry her bridal style-
...Only to struggle even lifting her to begin with, making M4 now laugh.
(M4A1) "Appreciated dear, but I can still walk."
(S/O) "...P-Please don't mention that to anyone."
The palm of her hand rubs against their cheek lovingly, closing her eyes as she smiled, and then continuing her walk back to the repair bay.
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(M16A1) "S/O, I'm hurt!"
M16 counts the seconds as S/O rushes to her side, struggling to contain a snicker at their expression.
(S/O) "SIXTEE-...You...!"
(M16A1) "New record, that was six seconds!"
M16 gives them a cheeky grin as she sees their pout, lovingly wrapping an arm around their neck.
(S/O) "Come on, that's not funny!"
(M16A1) "Sorry, sorry. I can't resist. It's just so cute to see your face, y'know?"
They averted their gaze, trying to remain angry. Only to fail as their cheeks became crimson at her compliment.
(M16A1) "But hey, if it's any consolation I mean it this time. My arm's got a bit dinged up in the field-"
S/O immediately grabbed her hand and realized it was facing the complete wrong direction.
(S/O) "What in the- You should've just led up with that!"
(M16A1) "Where's the fun in that?"
Before S/O can pout again she gives them a kiss on the nose.
(M16A1) "I know you love me, S/O!"
(S/O) sigh "I do, Sixteen. And for that reason, you're not drinking tonight so your diagnostics can run smoothly!"
(M16A1) "...I take it back, you hate me."
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WA's tsundere reactions seem to melt at seeing S/O's warm smile towards her.
She wants to say how they're always smiling like an idiot, or how they shouldn't be that affectionate with a T-Doll.
Yet whenever S/O gives her such a loving hug, her sentences get caught in her throat.
(S/O) "WA, welcome back! Anything got damaged?"
(WA2000) "...N-No, I'm fine."
(S/O) "Alright, good! I'd offer to tune up your weapon, but I know how you feel about me touching it. See me when you're done, okay?"
(WA2000) "...Idiot. You don't have to say it like that..."
(S/O) "Huh?"
(WA2000) "Nothing." sigh "I don't get how you can always be so bubbly. Isn't that tiring?"
(S/O) "Maybe sometimes, but you're all I need to get me running back up to 100%!...Are you blush-"
(WA2000) "I-I'm not blushing, blockhead! It was just hot as hell out there, that's all..."
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WAY too much energy for G11 to deal with.
She groans as S/O gives her a tight hug, lifting her off the floor.
(S/O) "Welcome back, G11!"
(G11) "Loud..."
S/O chuckles and sets her back down.
(S/O) "Sorry. It's just been such a long time!"
Fighting off a yawn, G11 rubs her eyes as she groggily examines S/O's face.
(G11) "It's not been that long."
(S/O) "It's been two weeks! It probably didn't feel that long because you were asleep!"
G11 didn't even bother fighting back on that point. They were right.
(G11) "After you look at me, I can sleep on your bed right?"
(S/O) "After dinner!"
(G11) "Alright..."
G11 loves her sleep, but obviously S/O loved her more. Maybe she should return that affection.
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416's foul-mouthed and standoffish attitude is completely contrasted by S/O's loving nature.
No matter the insult she throws, they always have that stupid, adorable smile on them.
(S/O) "Ah, you're back!"
(HK416) "Obviously. You better not have been worried about me, I'm not just some run of the mill T-Doll-"
(S/O) "I know, but I still can't help but be relieved everytime I see you!"
416's eyes narrow, seemingly in anger, but the blush creeping up on her cheeks dispel that notion.
(HK416) "...Whatever. Get these damn bullets out of me and quit standing there smiling."
S/O slightly adjusts her hat to be out of the way as they kiss her forehead, making her leap back.
(S/O) "Now I will!"
(HK416) "You little shit...!"
416 pouts and lets S/O take her hand when no one is looking, gripping it tightly.
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Angelia has a smile of her own, seeing S/O waiting for her outside the briefing room.
She lets S/O give her a warm hug, one she returns with an arm on their head, patting it.
(S/O) "Hey, Ange! Briefing over?"
(Angelia) "Mhm. Some more stuff I need to do, but you're welcome to tag along. How's the rest of DEFY?"
(S/O) "All fixed up, as usual."
Angelia nodded and walked back to her quarters, S/O tagging along with their expression seemingly brightened by her mere presence.
It was some kind of miracle for S/O to remain that positive despite the things Griffin has been through.
And she hopes that they never lose that outlook on life.
Her hand seems to tighten around S/O's, making them look at her with a curious face she could pinch.
(S/O) "Ange?"
(Angelia) "Am I not allowed to be as annoyingly affectionate as you are?"
S/O smiles at her teasing, turning their attention back to the hallway.
(S/O) "Hah, fair enough."
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15 barely budges when S/O's arms wrap around her.
(AK-15) "S/O."
She nods at them respectfully, while S/O glances at her body.
(S/O) "...You're hurt!"
(AK-15) "The damage is superficial. No critical systems were compromised, but I will need to be repaired anyways. Thank you for your time, S/O."
(S/O) "Come on, helping someone I love? I'd spend all the time in the world for that."
15 can't help but be a little flustered from their statement, not knowing how to react.
(AK-15) "...I see."
S/O smiled at her confused expression, putting their arm around hers as an invitation. One she accepted after a few moments, and walked down the hall with them, arm in arm.
(AK-15) "...I would like to help you too as well, S/O."
(S/O) "You already do that by protecting me, you know!"
Finally, the corner of 15's lips grew into a smile.
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16 is always intrigued by S/O's bright outlook on life, doubly so by their relationship.
Would any human become this loving towards anything that would reciprocate, or was that solely S/O?
Regardless, it did feel nice to be appreciated in such a way only they could give, so she had no real complaints.
(S/O) "16, I'm glad you're okay!"
(RPK-16) "Hm~. I have to be. Otherwise your smile would quickly, like a flame in the wind."
(S/O) "...H-Hah, right..."
Even after all their time together, her strange metaphors never failed to make S/O's brain halt.
She laughed at their reaction and gently put a hand on their shoulder.
(RPK-16) "Surely you would be used to these kinds of statements from me by now?"
(S/O) "Hah, well not everyone's as strange as you, 16...E-Er, wait! No I didn't mean-"
16 laughed again, gently dragging along S/O.
(RPK-16) "And I thought I would be used to your reactions, but I'm glad I'm not either."
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fire-water-grass-core · 5 months
tl:dr i'm placing all my blogs on indefinite hiatus, i'll be putting that in my pinned posts as well.
Well. I made the decision. it's been coming for a while tbh, i've taken a lot of breaks in the last few months, and if i'm honest i never really wanted to stop these breaks. I'm not having fun roleplaying here anymore. It's an ugly truth, but its a truth.
I don't want to blame anyone but myself, please don't get this wrong. But i want to explain myself and i want to be honest. And also, i'm very sorry about incoherent rambling, i can't really help it right now.
I feel like i had no involvement in this community anymore. Which is... objectively false, but that doesn't help me feel better. All the people that made me join rotomblr either left themselves or they evolved so much and so fast that i can't keep up. There are new people as well, and there are many that i like a lot, but in the end, rotomblr is changing way too fast for me to keep up and it simply kills all my joy and motivation. (again, i don't blame anyone here. I want you to have fun. It's just sad that i can't be part of the fun)
I have tried a lot to bring my motivation back to rotomblr by making A LOT of blogs, some have been very well received, some are not getting any attention. And again, i understand that. I don't want anyone to force themself to be into something they're not. And i understand much much better that i can't just expect a blog i created 5 minutes ago to get asks and followers in the hundreds. But this is, in the end, another reason for me to feel left out.
I also tried to plan an event, i tried making a story and none of it really went anywhere. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you can go and plan something like this, and how you work together with people like this, and i just can't keep it up anymore. It's gotten so bad that i actually fear opening the app on my phone. I don't read my favourite blogs anymore. And since i realized that, i also realized i need to make a change.
In addition, there is also real life, and other hobbies, and all of it is draining the limited time i have as well as my mental capacity and lately have been getting REALLY depressed. Not specifically because of rotomblr, but i think it's been a part of it.
So. I have made the decision to put all of my blogs on hiatus. I don't want to delete them, because i had it often that i just gave up on a hobby or a game or a book and came back to it after a long time. And honestly, i like a lot of the characters. They are very dear to me, and most of them only live through tumblr, and i don't want to lose them. But i don't have concrete plans to come back anytime soon.
On the other hand, i won't leave the few discord servers i'm in, mostly because i still really like the community and i consider quite a few of you people good friends by now.
PS: I am so incredibly upset with myself it's unbelievable. When i made the blog and started having really a lot of fun, i said to myself that i want to keep this hobby up for one year. That was my goal. And i failed. FUCK. On the other hand i have been ignoring rotomblr for a bit already and it's been kinda freeing. so... yeah... meh.
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elainsweetcobalt · 10 months
I think the main reason why Elriel was seen as the most toxic side of the fandom is because everytime other ships post something about Elain and Az and the million reasons why they shouldn't be together, Elriels comes out and refute it. I've always seen it on every platform. Elriels will always throw canons and it was seen as form of attack or aggressiveness.
The sad thing is only Elriels actions are seen and condemned but not the people who created baits, or post lies on the internet. The person who lies about sources and having direct contact with BB was never called out. The mole on the fb group was never called out. The blog created to bully Elriels, the elriel artists and commissioner getting bullied out of the fandom, the disrespect toward Elriel arts, the constant bullying and side remarks, and alienation to Elriels was never seen. People overlook at that because they refuse to hear what's truly happening. There are so many noises on different sides but they are the only ones allowed to share their feelings but once an Elriel did it? Once they share what they truly feel because they're also human? They get condemned. There's always a public call out. #shamelriel was the recent disappointing thing I've seen recently, followed by constant naming towards an entire group. And at the end of the day, people are convinced it is Elriels who are still "creating" dramas and toxicity.
I think Elriels should never be condemned for preferring Elain and Azriel together and for replying or reblogging someone post to clear up lies and twisting facts. Most Elriels existed since 2016, there's dramas but never this kind of attack that has been happening since 2021. I truly admire those who are here for long, those who chose to speak up and those who wished to stay silent. I know whatever Elriel does, (either keeping things private or sharing their feelings and thoughts on the internet) will be deemed negatively.
It'll be not for long though, hopefully, because acotar 5 is coming. And I wish all these petty nonsense would eventually stop.
So hold on a little longer Elriels! Most Feysand stans loves Elriels too. We may never engage on the shipwar but we can see. I know some Feysands and Elriels aren't besties but it doesn't mean we hate one because we love both. (Especially that most Elriels are Feysand stan first)
There's nothing wrong if you speak up, nothing wrong if you all wanted to clear everything. Definitely nothing wrong for loving Elain and Az (individual and together) I understand the desperate want to not be labeled as toxic because you're only here to enjoy a ship. All these noises? It'll eventually die down, you'll laugh at it someday, but the important thing is the space and friendship you created (like what your fellow Elriel said here days ago).
I promise, you guys are not the drama 💛
Ps: so many Elriel arts and fanfics lately, I'll go and support it too! And also so many new Elriels! New fanfic writers and artists, new blogs every week showing their love to Elriels. I've seen how Elriels grows on here, tiktok, twitter, and Instagram. It is very exciting 💛
Pss: tumblr may seem as not the safe space anymore unlike pre acosf, but be sure that it still is. It is because most Elriels I see truly love the ship and are very welcoming, true and warm! People will still come and find this space safe because of you guys.
Hi Anon Thanks for that message and sorry for taking so long to reply, the last few days have been a bit overwhelming and I stayed away from my inbox as some questions are not as nice as yours.
I think I agree with much of what you said although I would like to add a few things I don't think this is about ship there are some people who say "what nonsense arguing over ships" but some things go further when people are having behaviors questionable, the most decent thing would be to look at what is happening and if it is a behavior that needs to be addressed it should be done mainly if that behavior is affecting different people, we elriels are also human and many times it is painful to see what happens in this fandom, too I think people talk a lot about "my right" and forget the fact that others, if you make a violent post, don't expect people to respond with love and kindness, we all have the right to react and get angry or sad, but as little as possible. as adults is to keep ourselves as decent people and look for solutions. Thanks again for your question I really appreciate it and I hope that at some point this fandom will be what it was before and what it always should be a place to be a fan and have a good time with your friends and people who enjoy the same things as you ❤️
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fishboneart · 3 months
Fishbone #005
They weren't kidding, that history can rhyme
Only 9 layers and 5 source images this time. Things don't always have to be a federal fucking issue.
With how much ai art wank discourse is rooted in purity politics, especially but not exclusively on tumblr, I was amused by the mental image of slipping into a hazmat suit before venturing into the dangerous and repulsive wasteland of ai art to retrieve alien salvage like the stalkers in Roadside Picnic. It doesn't feel like that, it feels like being a grabby little corvid in the shiny trinket factory, but I still enjoyed the concept.
The rest of the image is about art as alchemical process and I'm not going to explain it.
I've been observing for some time that the objections to ai art are indistinguishable from the objections to photoshop ~20-25 years ago (including the one about "it's different this time bro trust me") so I want to look at some of them a bit closer.
It's not real art
Stop getting your talking points from fascists.
I don't care how you justify it, it's a fascist talking point. Stop.
It's stealing
At risk of resurrecting stupid bullshit I was already bored with 20 years ago, I honestly think there's a better case for this regarding PS than machine learning. PS artists actually do use elements from existing images, lots of them (ideally with permission/license). However, consensus opinion has long since concurred that PS artists substantially transform and recontextualise those elements and the result is an original creation, same as physical collage.
As I've come to understand it, ML doesn't use elements from existing images, just mathematical descriptions of image attributes. It doesn't incorporate images on any level, or even pieces of images, so I'm left wondering what's being stolen here? I'm not being shitty I genuinely can't see anymore what is stolen when ML simply does not use any part of any existing image to generate an image.
There's no skill/creativity involved
The first time I ever used adobe photoshop (I've long since switched to GIMP, change the name, FOSS 5evar, etc.) I spent about fifteen minutes excitedly stacking filters on a picture of a butterfly, before the person showing me how it worked dismissively explained that filters don't make art.
Elements and principles of design are learned skills. They're taught at art school because they're not innate and they're important as hell. I often feel like people are tacitly arguing all that stuff's just padding--and if you're staunchly anti-ai-art I promise that's not an argument you want to make, it will backfire spectacularly on you.
And yeah, I think everyone still agrees that just piling filters on a photo isn't very creative and takes no particular skill. I doubt anyone thinks instagram filters take a good photo for you. I think (or hope) that we all understand now that complex image editing and manipulation does in fact take skill and creativity.
I can't help but wonder how much of the vapid trash we're seeing in the explosion of ai art is the equivalent of the 2000s explosion of shitty filtered photos.
The computer does it for you
There's so much more to PS art than filters, and the computer emphatically does not do any of that stuff for you. It doesn't do composition or colour theory or concepts or art history for you. It just does what you tell it to, you still have to make the art good. Fishbone #001 involved manually isolating dozens of fucked up hands from ML images, and I complained about it the entire time and the computer didn't even get me a cup of tea.
A lot of people used to actually genuinely believe that photoshop was a magical plagiarism machine that you stuck stolen art in and it automatically made perfect composites for you. Probably some people still do, it's a big world. But it never was true, no matter how hard they believed it.
Is there more to ML image generation? Idk I'd have to try it to find out for sure and I'm very tired. But the more I learn about it the more I think there could be. The frequency with which I see very elaborate and specific prompts with garbled and all-but-irrelevant images does at least suggest that the magical ease of making ai art has been somewhat oversold.
Using it in any way is cheating/cheapens your art
I think the cheating idea mostly came from the photography community, who thought PS was a shortcut to better photos for undisciplined talentless hacks who couldn't be bothered to learn to take a good photo. The irony. But for me, since I wasn't using it to improve photos, this was such a weird take. Cheating at what? At photoshop art? I'm cheating at photoshop by... using photoshop?
And the idea that using PS at any stage in your process irredeemably sullies your art is just stupid on its face. It's not radioactive. It's not a PFAS. Sin isn't real. Santa isn't putting you on the naughty list for photoshopping. The Galactic Council of Artistic Integrity aren't checking for pixels.
Needless to say, since 100% of the source images I use in this project are ML generated, I also think it's a bit of a silly objection to ML image generation.
It has no soul
I am not and have never been christian. I do not and will never care what your imaginary friend thinks about art.
Also, this is a repackaged fascist talking point. I told you to stop that.
It sucks
Most of everything sucks, what's your point?
People are going to lose their jobs
Unfortunately this one had some connection to reality. By about 2010 there were almost no painted book covers, and painters who'd made their living from them were forced to adopt PS or find a different job. It wasn't just book covers of course, commercial artists across the board felt the pinch of automation. That's not exactly PS's fault, the parasitic owning class will simply take any opportunity to fuck over a worker for half a buck, and PS art is generally cheaper because it's generally faster to make.
I actually have some questions about how this will play out with ML though. Currently, yes, it's looking very much like in ten years there won't be any PS book covers any more, but I think the parasitic owning class are going to quickly remember they don't actually want art that they can't hold copyright over, and human artists will remain necessary. No one wants a logo they can't trademark. No one wants commercial art if they can't control the licensing. I don't even think it'll take a wholeass test case, just a few things like selfpub novels using the same cover image as a major release or folks using pure ML images from the big stock sellers without paying, and as soon as they realise they can't sue anyone about it they'll come crawling back, cap in hand, to hire you back as a contractor at an insultingly low rate.
People will lose their jobs or find their billable hours severely cut, but, unfortunately, as the brave Luddites showed us, you can't stop automation by fighting the machine, no matter how noble your motives. You need to actually change society somewhat.
But I think this should be enough of a concern without having to also make shit up. You can just object to ML on the basis of tangible harms it will be used to inflict on individuals and society. That's plenty to be mad about, you don't need to put lipstick on it.
It's different this time bro trust me bro
Plenty of people sincerely believed that rise of PS was fully automated skill-free art theft and the sky was falling, and pointing out that all the same things were said about the invention of everything from the photocopier to home video to the printing press to the camera didn't even slow them down because this time it's different, this time it really is that bad. It wasn't.
And I honestly don't know anymore if it is.
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totowlff · 1 year
Gotta say, I hope it doesn't feel like criticism, because it's more of my impressions to the natural character development, but sometimes it feels like Elizabeth is getting bland. She's my favorite, don't get me wrong but she does come across as spoiled and bratty and a shadow of Toto and her former self. Reading that out loud sounds harsh, but I'm struggling to put it into words 😂 I hope I don't sound too bitchy, because I genuinely love star-crossed and I'm not talking about your writing (that is awesome) but the character. Like, she used to be so empowered, hard working, witty... And now it feels like she has no hobby, no interests, gives out way too easy, no backbone. Your Toto, on the other hand, *chef's kiss*. I love how complex and tridimensional he is. Even his flaws seems real, he has things happening to him, he fights for what he wants. I loved the fight. I love that they have issues to fix, that part was great. And I truly understand her point, communication is key and it sucks to feel silenced by your significant other. But considering she puts communication up on her list, she is not particularly communicative, you see? Her response was shutting him out for way too long and wanting to break up. Immature and spoiled. I truly have mixed feelings about her 😂 again, I hope I don't sound entitled and you take it the wrong way; I truly love star-crossed and I love your writing.
Ps: tumblr is not showing your notifications so it took me a while to read the update, but I swear I'm a loyal fan.
well, a long message deserves a long answer, which will come with a bit of plot and character discussion, so if you want to make sure you don't get any spoilers, i recommend not reading what's after the cut
i understand this impression about liesl and i personally agree with it. elisabeth is a shadow of her former self at the beginning of the story. but this is, oddly enough, intentional and part of the plot.
something that is implied and that, perhaps, it is worth mentioning, is that liesl has depression. she finds it difficult to find pleasure in the activities she used to enjoy and is particularly emotionally fragile. the chaotic way in which she handled the issue of the fight with toto is a result of the chaotic way in which she is feeling everything. toto is one of the few sources of joy in her life and the situation has hurt deeper than it normally should.
still on the topic of the fight, another point worth mentioning is the age gap between toto and elisabeth. he's 16 years her senior, has been married with two kids, while she's only just entered her 30s and, in a way, has never had a relationship as long and serious as that one. combined with the fact that she's going through a tough time mentally, we have this relationship that is both intense and complex.
the fact that you have mixed feelings for elisabeth is totally normal and personally that's what i'm after. she is not a heroine. she is a normal woman with normal problems and normal issues inside her. she is hypocritical, needy, and to some extent spoiled (remember niki saying she was his little princess?). however, she cares about people, is dedicated and intense. when i write, i try my best to bring this gray area of people to the fore. i don't expect you to agree with everything my characters do, but to question, to think. it's their humanity there.
about your message, i didn't see it as a criticism, but as a comment, an opinion. everyone has the right to say what they think of my work, as long as it's respectful, like you did. and i appreciate you taking the time to bring your vision to me. it means a lot to me that you, as well as many others, care enough to bring up this comment.
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steelandblood · 9 months
This ask might come off as mean to some of your followers so I'd understand if you'd rather not engage, but: I'm so glad to finally come across femwhump that feels like a regular story. Thank you for sharing your works and the story behind your OCs!
I know femwhump tends to be a debated topic on Tumblr and personally, I don't have a preference for the Whumpee's gender. I just really like the idea of heroic characters finding solace in each other, then have one or two of them get sick or hurt and then receive comfort and care. That's all. But whenever people tag femwhump as such, I feel like the things I come across are a lot more fetishized and male-gaze-y than in gender-neutral or male whump. I'm not saying it never occurs in whump starring male characters, of course - it does too - but when it's ironically a lot easier to find well-written whumpy stories starring women if you avoid the "femwhump" tag rather than engage it in, then it's frustrating to remember just how sexualized violence against women is. I've been trying to find some fluffy femwhump sickfics too and SO MUCH of it tends to be kink content. I even wanted to write some sickfics on my own but I don't want them to be associated with kink.
(I've seen some good whump starring female Whumpees by users whumpy-bi and whump-or-whatever too, but it saddens me that stories that treat female whumpees as human beings are rare, even if the whumpee herself happens to be, idk, a gargoyle or whatever.)
Usually I agree with the sentiment of NOT king-shaming, but when 90% of the generic femwhump I come across is based on kink, it gets really tiring. I want to read about female characters that feel human, characters who feel like they're real people, and NOT a caricature of someone's sexual fantasies. Hollywood already does that a lot.
-Lapte 🥛
Hi! I completely understand you! As a woman who mostly only cares for female characters it's really frustrating how even some of the supposedly most generic no named characters things are written with males as the default.
The use of the tag is really a debatable topic, I use it only so It's easier to find my writing, because the general tag is so saturated with male characters. It really sucks that we have to have a specific tag for female characters, because the stories are so rare, while also trying to avoid the sexualized violence we have too much of in the real world already. I just want to project onto characters and imagine I'm being taken care of and being told I have worth as a person regardless of how useful I am, not read someone's sick violent sexual fantasy.
Thank you so much for appreciating my stories, it really means so much to me! (And I have more in the work that I should start posting once I'm back from vacation, in fact I'll continue writing right now as you really motivated me)
Whumpy-bi's stories ARE really great, I'm existed every time she posts
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may I request fot the villains of gotham hc? The request is:
How they would react if you you wanted a poly relationship with another villain (ex: black mask and joker)
Obv only if you're comfortable, I hope i did right requesting here, and that i did not write anything wrong
Ps. I'm new on tumblr and english is not my first language
Thx anyways and I love your writing<33
Okay I thought about this for a bit and I think I know what you're looking for...I hope I did this correctly. Your English is brilliant! Thank you so much ❤️
The Riddler: So just when he was comfortable in this new relationship and not watching you over his shoulder every dive minutes, he was made aware of a little issue. He doesn't know when you got all chummy with Jonathan Crane but he also doesn't want to know. So you want leave him for Jonathan CRANE? Wait you don't? What do you mean, you want both? Yes, its a thing but why do you need his brain when you already have Edward's supreme brain!? He's the better man! He isn't taking it too well. Hes quite possessive, once you have his heart, you're basically locked in. He isn't the type to share and in a world where he is superior, why would he be okay with sharing you? Although, that being said, atleast it was Jonathan, had you said someone like Harvey Dent, he would have went nuclear.
Scarecrow: He's kinda thinking you need your head examined. Maybe he needs his own, did you just say you wanted to be in a polygamous relationship with him and Edward Nygma? You're thinking of the right Edward right? The narcissistic one? Has a thing for questions marks and green? Oh you are. So who are you trying to torture, Jonathan or himself? Whilst he might be a little more open to the idea with time, he isn't thrilled that it's Edward Nygma. He understands Jonathan isn't exactly an open book- more welded shut- but does that really mean you have to bring Nygma into this? He's too much on quite literally anything. Perhaps you were the happy medium in this dynamic.
Two-Face: That conversation takes a turn because amidst the talk, Two-Face cut in. "Aren't we enough?" You thought he was referring to Harvey and answered easily. However as Two-Face questioned you further, you noticed that Two-Face's wording painted a different picture. That you were already being shared by two people, Harvey and Two-Face. "Wait that's not how that works!" Harvey cut in. "You don't even have a body!" "Of course I do, dumbass! What do you think you're standing in!?" This continued and you thought to yourself perhaps it was better to bring up Oswald some other time. Now you were thoroughly lost and didn't even know how Harvey actually felt about it polygamy.
Black Mask: Absolutely not. The Joker? Okay first of all, sweetness, you come in here asking him to share you but on top of that, you want him to share with the Joker? Are you high? Fully expect him to either check your eyes or flat out dismiss anything you had to say under the pretenses that you are high. There's no way you'd ask this sober. The clown? Pfft. Roman Sionis never shares with anyone and he'll be damned if he starts with the clown.
Penguin: Okay so it'll turn into a big old rivalry between Penguin and Two-Face but if it makes you happy...he will reluctantly accept this. The key to this working out is to maintain the amount of attention you always gave to Oswald. He works a lot as it is, so this should be easy to manage but he might get a little jealous every so often. So keep an eye on him and see how it goes?
Joker: Very accepting of this, didn't need much convincing at all and you aren't entirely sure if that's because he wasn't listening or if it was because he didn't actually care what you did. He cackled at the mention of Roman Sionis but overall had very little to say than cracking a few jokes about Sionis and how the happy family not only has an addition, but also has become a tight squeeze. Maybe just take it and run with it?
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
Can you give me anything to contact you like snapchat or any App , Because today is 3rd day since send to support and they are don't Talk to me .. i want u help me to write an email to resend it to them ! ♥️
Hey fellow,
I'm sorry but I don't have any other social app, and I’m sure you’ll understand that I'm not going to publicly disclose my phone number on main.
I would say though that three days is not an abnormal amount of time for the staff to not have reached out to you yet. You don't know how many ongoing tickets they have to process, and the post I linked in my previous answer advised to not resend an email before a week or so if your issue remains unaddressed. So as much as i understand your frustration, believe me, I've felt it too, I'd say just be patient, they'll come back to you!
That being said, if you still get no news from them within a few more days, here's the content of the email I sent them when this happened to me:
Hi Tumblr staff,
I'm contacting you because it looks like my blog's just been shadowbanned and I have no idea of why. I am not a bot, nor am I posting anything that goes beyond average fandom content. But I have no longer access to my DMs, I can't receive asks, and my comments under previous posts have been hidden.
So I did some research and foud out this was called a shadowban, although I don't understand the reasons for me to get one.
I am kindly reaching out to ask you to bring my blog back to normal, or if there was a reason for this suspension, to explain to me what I did wrong so that I can correct it.
I'm very distressed about this situation that has never happened to me before, so I'm impatiently looking forward to your reply.
Wishing you a terrific day!
Best regards
PS: Please find attached a screencap showing that my DMs section has entirely disappeard
Feel free to re-use this at your discretion, I’d just advise to always remain polite, also I’d read somewhere that screencaps helped so I added one but I’m not sure this was true lol!
Good luck in your quest for un-ban!!
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dojae-huh · 1 year
Hello! I just want to say reading your blog reignites my interest on this ship and reading your observations about them makes me think I've been missing quite a lot of their moments/interactions. I was a casual jaedo shipper back in 2017-2018. I knew doyoung and jaehyun since rookies days since I was a fan of suju and then exo. I was also well aware of them mc-ing together as it was happening back then (I saw people complained that sm is promoting the rookies too much). (1/4)
But I started stanning them full time only when doyoung was added in 127 for limitless comeback. As a new fan of doyoung, I just casually follow what seemed to be his most popular ship without much thinking. I just think jaedo looks good together. I also understand where the shipping comes from (them mc-ing together) so I was not reluctant to jump in. And then I sort of lost interest in nct circa 2019-2021. I didn't keep up with detailed updates, let alone any jaedo that happened. (2/4)
Only when the link+ happened I came back to the fandom with renewed feelings. Doyoung has alwasy been my bias, it never changed. The question for me was do I still ship jaedo or not. Last month when there were rumors of twitter closing down, I prepared to move to tumblr. That's when I stumbled over your blog. After reading/lurking here for weeks, you've totally changed my perspective on them. (3/4)
Personally, I participate in shipping because it's fun, I don't necessarily want to believe that they are real. But as I read more and more of your posts, I keep doubting myself that maybe.. maybe... I was wrong. Some of the proofs/observations you presented are just too hard to deny, and I'm losing my mind over it. Thank you for opening my eyes to all the things I've missed I guess. I hope you have a great day :) (4/4) ps. I don't know how to send a long ask so I hope this was correct.
Hi-hi, thank you for writing, you gave an interesting new perspective.
I guess we need a different word for following/supporting a real celebrity couple, but there is none, plus the "ship" umbrella kind of helps to hide (to not attract too much unwanted attention), and there are elements of "normal shipping" in place as well.
I'm sure I'm read by people who do not believe me. And there are readers who noticed the couple themselves, made their own conclusions, and only found additional arguments here.
I get why JaeDo as a "classical" ship will not be as interesting nowadays in comparison to the earlier years. They do not interact much, there are less content for the two of them, there are other rival ships, and there are lesser people who write fanfics or do content. Not the "evidence" kind of content though. Compilations with moments of the year are continued to be made. I feel like fans are even more sure with each passing year. All the hiding only persuades in the positive, heh.
I don't know from which angle JaeDo are again interesting to you (the realness?), but I think at this point (considering they've been together for 4,5 years and "settled down") it's more about observing how the two grow as artists side by side, supporting each other. If I'm not mistaken, Doyoung didn't bubble anything on the day of Jae's incident with Puma's monkey bars. We can see the whole way from ShowChamp to the current dome tours and brand deals.
Heh. I'm reminded about the fanmeetings and fans hugging Jaehyun or Doyoung, and their reactions. Even today there are still new moments to be surprised with. The ship isn't dead.
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mcsquared789 · 5 months
MCU Uncut Changelog Archive
Future updates (2024 onwards) are shared via Tumblr via normal blog posts. These are all the updates I shared during back when this was on AO3.
As I continue to work on this project, I've recognised that it's a lot of work to do this. I might make some continuity mistakes, or be dissatisfied with what I've written sometimes. So I need a way to keep track of any changes I make — and as I've decided that in doing that, I might as well share them with you!
As I update this list (by date), I'll list any changes or additions I've made to existing works (that are completed) for the reasons I've mentioned. I think ~90% of these will be additions or minor changes to paragraphs and sentences: without good reason, I will probably never change an entire section, a plot point or a conversation. If I do, I may explain why and provide the original text... but it's on a case by case basis and I don't want to promise anything, especially if I feel it may spoil something in another later fic.
Besides, most of these will be incidental and/or probably not provoked by another story or a good comment suggestion. Already as a writer, I've had some thoughts about hey, I don't like how I wrote this part or I know a better way to get the characters over here, etc. Most of the changes here are for those thoughts, and if you've ever struggled to write something like I've had — you can probably see where I'm coming from.
Anyway, that's the point of this chapter. If this fic has had a recent update and the slate is unchanged, that likely means I've added something here. Thanks for understanding! And if I make a little error in marking down dates, let me know.
20/6/23: Minor changes and additions to last chapter & epilogue of Iron Man.
26/6/23: Got my first comment! :D and it’s a bot comment. :| I’ve had to change comment access to registered users only until otherwise — a heads up to anyone who wants to or wishes to comment in the future. I may have to find a different way to reach guests, but this will have to be the way it is for now.
5/7/23: WHOOO 750 hits on Iron Man! :D More minor changes and additions to last few chapters that tie it all together. Nothing much, but thanks everyone for reading! (Btw, Incredible Hulk is out if you don't know already! I will be updating it soon, you can access the link in the Slate.)
12/7/23: So, you will probably look at this date 5 years into the future and be like 'hey, that's the day after AO3 was hit by the DDOS attack!' Totally not related to that event AT ALL, I've needed to change up how I write and store my current work so that I'll still have everything on my computer if say, another attack were to happen again sometime in the future. As a bonus result, this has given me better ways to spot spelling and grammar errors in my fics, so I've been updating them slightly to get rid of as many of them as I can. My next update on The Incredible Hulk will be a little ways off, but it's best I get this sorted first — in the meantime, thanks for continuing to read.
PS. Thanks to everyone who read Iron Man! 800 hits :]
17/7/23: Changed the rating of The Incredible Hulk from Teen to Mature. I’ve been looking at the story I’m planning for this and realised… yeah, it’s gonna get pretty dark. Maybe even the darkest it gets in these fics, but we’ll see! :O Anyway, it’s mislabeled and I’ll be adding additional tags and trigger warnings to it as I go.
31/7/23: I've updated the slate a bit to reveal what I have planned in a little more detail. It's still a little bit light, but I figure it would get people more excited for what I have planned, since titles alone are not much to go off. (Mainly includes details to phase 2-3).
3/8/23: So, wow — thanks everyone so much for the hits and kudos on both my fics so far!! I’ve also noticed that a lot of them are from guests, and since I’ve kinda noticed in the community that the bot comments seem to be less prevalent, I’ve decided to turn on guest comments again so we can give this a try. But if I’m proven wrong, I will have to switch them off. Sorry :(
9/8/23: This is more of a note for me, but I've been updating how I format my fics! I updated the description of Iron Man to include a longer excerpt from the text. As well, I also have figured out how to use the Chapter Summary feature to add parts to my fics, which I've been doing with the Incredible Hulk. If you're interested, the chapters where I added them was 2 and 11 — t's not much, but I plan on including more parts in future fics and will probably use them in this way going forward. (Btw, I'm nearly done with the 16th chapter on TIH! It's a beefy one, so I hope it was worth the wait :P)
16/8/23: A HUGE MILESTONE!! 1000 HITS FOR IRON MAN, WHOOOOO!!! Thank you so much for reading and sharing! I’m so in awe, I feel like I’m gonna cry ;u;
Again, thank you everyone, especially those who’ve stuck around. I know I’ve gone dark a bit in the last week, but rest assured I’m still working on The Incredible Hulk — I’m just doing what I can while getting affairs in order for a trip I’ll be taking next month. You guys are awesome!
26/8/23: Okay, so not major news… but I’ve added a new novella to the Slate! It’s in the Infinity phase, and I thought about adding it in earlier, but didn’t have much reason to… but now I do, after doing some comic and lore research. It’ll be a character driven fic between Wanda and Vision, and it will take place sometime before Infinity War. That’s all I have to add, but to those who are fans of the characters… I think it will be very worthwhile.
13/9/23: I'm currently on that trip I mentioned in August! Thus, I have not been able to work on much, including Incredible Hulk — but I HAVE found some time to make pretty significant revisions and additions to make the Iron Man fic even more polished. I'm working on it throughout this month while I'm gone, but will aim to update the fic with the changes at the end of the month. It will be quite significant, maybe even to the point of warranting a reread — but we'll see. Again, thanks for reading it and bringing us to over 1200 hits! Thank you :)
17/9/23: Updated Iron Man with revised Chapters 1 and 2. Not much different, but better and more detailed than before!
23/9/23: I’m eagerly anticipating my return next month, but I have another significant update! As well as adding to phase 4 and simplifying some text a bit, I have added one-shots, one-chapter stories that I’ll write between longer novels! This is to expand things a little further and add more time to characters who wouldn’t or haven’t gotten the spotlight, as well as to keep the writing process interesting for me — although this will make the whole thing slightly longer to finish :/ whatever, I’ve just kind of accepted that I will NOT be able to meet the deadlines I set for myself.
Pretty much all of these are optional to read, but I’ve only revealed their names to keep some of them a surprise. Most of them you should be able to figure out from however — I hope you look forward to them. When I finish the first of these stories, I will make a seperate series for them that will not be in the main series. So if you want to catch up on them while not being subscribed to my user account, subscribe to that series. :)
29/9/23: Updated Iron Man with revised Chapters 3 and 4. I had less time than I thought... but now, I'm happy to say that I will be returning to work on the Incredible Hulk. I'll aim to upload at least another chapter of it within the first week of October — and I've been eagerly awaiting getting back to work on this :). I finally will be able to write something new again! See you then!
27/10/23: It's been a while since I've updated, so this is going to be a big one!
Firstly, THANK YOU TO ALL MY NEWEST FOLLOWERS. Over 1300 hits on Iron Man, Almost 600 on the Incredible Hulk, and not even finished yet. That's AMAZING, thank you so much for reading! I feel so much pressure to live up to expectations now, but I'm gonna try :'D
Secondly, some updates about the schedule. Nothing else is happening until I finish TIH, but when I do... I'm announcing two things that will most likely happen in the back end of November. 1st, I'll do the very first one-shot, the Consultant! It'll probably be around 3-5k words, and will fill in some gaps by the Incredible Hulk and Iron Man. 2nd, speaking of Iron Man... I'll be moving on to the sequel, War Machine! I'm planning it out now, and all I can say right now is that I actually think it's going to be even BETTER than the first fic. AAAHHH everything's happening!
But again, not until I finish this current fic, which I'm very excited to do. I still have some lingering college work to do, but by next week I'll be able to fully focus on these next projects. Thanks again everyone for reading, and I may have more updates soon!
21/11/23: I am pleased to announce… that both the Hulk and The Consultant are finished! YAYYY!
Firstly again, thank you so much for the support on the Incredible Hulk! Over 900(!!!) hits at the end is a dream come true, and I’m so glad it’s taken off… and for a fic based on one of the least popular movies, that is VERY encouraging for the future.
More relevant to this update, I have finished the first one-shot, the Consultant! It’s a little shorter than I estimated it to be, but it works well for the story — if you are now invested in this, please consider checking it out and giving it some support as well! It will spoil the end of the Hulk, but it’s still good enough to stand on its own. :)
It’ll also tide me over until I’ve finished the first chapters of the next project, which will be the sequel to Iron Man. In regards to when that comes out, I’m hoping that they’ll either be done by the end of this month or in the first week of December. Unlike the Hulk I’m hoping to get a head start on this so I can have more breathing room… but I will not be taking a break for Christmas or anything like that, so you can expect some consistency! Expect 2-4k length chapters for this for a total of 45 chapters. (It’s pretty big, but I estimate it will round out to over 100k words in the end.)
That’s all for now! I’ll see you later.
26/11/23: I am well ahead of my schedule! Well over four chapters into War Machine done, and hopefully another one or two this week before I release the beginning of the fic. You guys have NO idea how much a roll I am on, and how much fun I'm having writing this. I suspect I'll slow down a little at some point in December, but I can at least be confident that I could be possibly done with this fic by January. How awesome is that?!
Also: this fic is definitely gonna be way longer than 100k words. Aaaanyway, expect the first chapters a few days from now! And thank you for checking back on the Slate. ;)
27/11/23: I'm tired of waiting. The fic is out now. (Also, I accidentally wrote the wrong date for the last few posts. Whoops :/)
1/12/23: HOLY CRAP, that's a lot of hits! :O 1500+ on Iron Man, 1000+ on Incredible Hulk, 500+ on the slate and 50+ on my latest fic. Not gonna lie, it's a lot of pressure... but thank you all so much for reading and loving my work!
Nothing new to share other than I'm working on War Machine — and that the next chapter should be released tomorrow. I'm writing these well in advance so I have time to make proper edits and last-minute changes before I release them, which should work out and allow me some breathing room. I think there's a good chance that if I'm consistent enough, I will indeed finish it in January! If this new schedule works out that well, it also means I will have plenty of time to get a head start on the next fic I do.
Thank you everyone! :'D
29/12/23: I'm going to be releasing something new here right at the end of the year, before 2024 begins. I won't say much more about it until then!
The last update was referring to this post
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katieraven · 6 months
I have it on pretty good authority that periodically, Amethyst does peep in on Tumblr and Ao3 to check on her besties and make sure they are doing well, and happy and still writing amazing stories.
It's me. I'm authority lmao.
I am fine. And when I came to your blog to check in on you this morning I saw your post about me and it both made me feel very warm, but also very bad. I really did just peace out on all of you without much of an explanation or even a "hey I'm leaving" and that was shitty of me, wasn't it?
It's kind of a long story, but the highlights are that I just didn't want to be on Tumblr or Discord anymore, there are a lot of reasons for that but the reasons aren't as important as the fact that since I've deleted it and decided I'm done with social media - God I've felt so much better. About myself, about my life, about my goals...it's been nice. I do miss you, my heart cloud loving friend, and I miss so many others as well and me leaving had nothing to do with you or them in any way and I hope that nobody thinks it does. I miss talking to you all on a daily basis and it's very tempting to say "screw it, I'm coming back" but I was becoming way too obsessed. Obsessed with writing fanfiction, obsessed with numbers and follower counts. Obsessed and angry over drama that had absolutely nothing to do with me whatsoever...I can't do that again. I wasn't happy unless my phone was in my face and it was too easy to lose that happiness when something I didn't want to see was on my screen. I didn't like me very much.
I miss writing and I am a little sour that I've totally lost some of my stories because I 100% wrote them in Tumblr Drafts so they are gone forever (RIP Batteries, Ships, and Build a BF and lots of others). I miss you. I miss @moni-logues and I miss everyone in our server. I miss lots of others too but I'm not going to tag them all because I don't want to make a scene lmao.
I hope you are well. All of you. I hope you're all happy. Please know that I think of you often. Please know that I care about you all. Please be kind to one another. Please keep writing your awesome stories so I can lurk the shit out of them. I love you all and I never say never, maybe one day when I can learn how to not rely so heavily on acceptance and meaningless numbers for my peace, I will come back and play with you guys!!!
PS - I'm sorry to be on anon but I really just have an empty burner blog and I'm also very much not ready to be back on Tumblr but I could not let your sweet #we love amethyst post go un-responded to. I swear it's me. Penny Bird sends her love, and I baked some amazing treats for Thanksgiving and I wish I could've posted them and thrown them in ya'lls faces because I really outdid myself. Okay. Bye!!! Be good everyone and stay strong until 2025.
never in a million years was i expecting this and it made my fucking evening holy shit!!!
thank you so much for checking in. you didnt have to, but i appreciate it so much, truly. i thoroughly understand the social media aversion. really, i get it. a lot. every day on instagram makes me question if i really want to spend my time on instagram because yeesh (but: if u should feel the need to contact me, my insta is @_annkathi - this is just an offer. absolutely no pressure whatsoever and i completely get if u want to stay as far away from anything as possible)
i will absolutely tag u in anything i write in the future. it will look like "@amethystwritesbts who maybe is lurking" so be prepared.
this meant the world to me. it truly did. i hope u know that.
and im so so glad u are okay and thriving and that penny is doing well.
we love u.
0 notes
Hey, i'm transmasc and i've been trying to educate myself on transmisogynism for just a week so i don't know a lot, sorry if some things i ask are evident. Hm about your last reblog, i've got questions about the word "femboy", i went through your carrd and what you already posted about that, as well as other sources but i still don't get it fully. Outside of tumblr nothing states anything about it being transmis but then i've never heard of transmisogynism before coming on tumblr so maybe that's why. Anyways, i've been identifying as such because well, i'm a feminine masc-aligned individual, the same way a masculine fem-aligned person would identify as tomboy. So first question, should i switch for tomgirl? Would that label be ok (or do you know any other, cause tbh having "girl" in a label is not very comfy)? Second question is just the origine of the word, it was created to mock cis feminine men (from what i understand), trans women have nothing to do with that, so why would it be transmis? I don't undersand that ^^' Thank you for your time, and your blog in general, it's really helpful!
Sorry for taking so long. I feel like I’m struggling with answering this ask because I want to give you a substantive answer, but much of what I have to say has already been said before. I’ll give it my best anyway, but I hope you don’t mind me referencing other posts you’ve probably already read.
1. Yes, there are of other ways to describe yourself as a feminine boy. You could use femme or GNC or lavender boy. Some people have created new gender terms altogether for describing feminine boyhood such as rosboy or feminec.
2. It was not created to mock cis feminine men. It has been historically used derisively against people who are perceived as effeminate. While this includes cis feminine men, it also includes transfems because we are also seen as effeminate, having “failed at being men.” People who are bigoted towards GNC men are very unlikely to be accepting and respectful towards trans people in general.
3. Even if the word was created specifically to mock GNC men, it would still be partially rooted in transmisogyny (though misdirected) because transmisogyny is a manifestation of patriarchy. Maleness and masculinity are seen as superior to femaleness and femininity under patriarchy, so transmisogyny is one way in which patriarchy punishes those who transgress this paradigm. The stigma against GNC men is a part of how this system reinforces itself.
4. Regardless of where the term actually originates from, it is currently used online in porn as a way to demean, fetishize, and misgender transfems, very similarly to how “tr*nny” and “sh*male” are used. That alone gives it a transmisogynistic connotation.
6. Furthermore, the way the word has been turned into a meme also shows a pattern of transmisogynistic fetishism. In particular, the characters which the word is often applied to are seen as sexually enticing (particularly by cis men) for the perceived “discordance” between a feminine appearance/expression and the possession of a penis, very similar to how “tr*ps” and “f*ta” are viewed. Again, this alone gives it a transmisogynistic connotation.
6. Obviously, Tumblr shouldn’t be the only place where you learn about transmisogyny or interact with trans women, etc. But the thing that’s kind of great about social media is that it gives us, transfems, a platform of our own, a space to talk about our experiences. And, really, that is the best way of learning about transmisogyny, just by listening to us when we talk about these sorts of things.
7. Personally, I really don’t care if you identify with the term. All I ask is that you be aware of its transmisogynistic roots.
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This 2020...
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First of all, I know most of the people did this many days ago but I thought today was like the best for me to say goodbye to this year.
Not to mention that this year has been very difficult, not only for me but for everyone. A pandemic that brought us many changes of which many are not yet comfortable and is understandable. In my case, in this year I have been able to understand many things, I have suffered and had to face other problems, and of course, I enjoyed important moments with my friends and family. My first decision this year I remember was cutting off my bangs without my parents' permission. I was scolded for weeks, even months and yes, I accept that seeing that picture from the first day of the school year is going to haunt me for a long time but I don't regret what I did. Is not a secret that for many of my irl friends, I'm like a little child that needs attention because if you give me your back, probably I'll be cutting my hair or even doing something worse.
As for emotional and friendship issues... I have to admit that I broke friendships in a non-gentle way, there were also discussions over totally stupid topics and not to mention love issues that simply ended up being a failure—a waste of time, to be honest.
While it hasn't been such an easy year, there's something I still don't even regret doing: coming here to Tumblr. My previous account has many years to created here —probably in 2017— however, at that time I didn't try to search much as I got to do this year and I'm glad I did because I met great people. Sadly I doubt at some point to meet you in person, but I hope you keep in mind that you make my days happier with your comments or just being you. I hope our friendship continues and that you all don't get sick of me so easily. Also, I wish you all the best as I know each of you is talented and has the ability to succeed in your lives. <3
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Uh, the paragraphs 👉🏼👈🏼
Also I want you to know that this isn't in an specific order and that I hope you don't feel bad with my words.
💙 - @latte-fairytaekwoon
How can I start this without you rejecting my love? <3 You were one of the first people I decided to approach. I remember reading one or two of your works and just thinking "Wow, she writes very well... I'm going to follow her; it's going to be fun and interesting." I was planning not to talk to you at the beginning, to be honest. My end in mind was just to read what you updated and since you were the third account with content I had decided to follow, I thought it was a good plan. But one thing led to another and I decided to talk to you —which you probably regret since I bother you a lot lmao— and yeah, that's how we met and still talk to each other. I also need to mention that whenever I tried to talk to you about my problems or things that overwhelmed me, you always knew what to say to me even if that included to scold me. You always made me come to my senses. Many times I mentioned to you that you were like a mother to me as you "gave me those vibes" but how can you not? While you don't usually show so much affection through direct words of "I love you" "I care you," I feel them when you advise me. It's going to sound too idk, but I really don't regret to met you, Kitty. This looks like a bible and words repeating over and over again but how to show you that I appreciate, admire and love you if I always try to let you know? At this point if you still think I don't care of you, you are dumb 💖 By the way, it's worth mentioning that you and I have a long path together and you'll continue to be attacked with my love, support and jokes. I love you, mom 😗💙
💖 @winterviolet1
To be honest, I feel bad for not remembering how we started talking... I don't remember if I followed you first or if it was the other way around but hey, let's look on the bright side, it was fun to have met you and come together to always annoy Sofie with Hongjoong gifs <3 I hope we can still be little demons together and please, PLEASE, stop killing me 💀 I love when you send me gifs of Jongho because wow, that boy is definitely a daddy and more when he dances —I refuse to deviate from the subject but he jdudbd— but yeah, he kills me even when he just smiles. My point is that when I see those gifs, I went into a state where my mind goes to places that is better not to mention and I blush because yeah, we talk about my bias isbdkddj and I also frustrate because I find myself unable to return the same treatment to you dkdnskd. Ps: Let me know when we'll be demons again <3
💖 @teeztheflag
Your reactions are idejdindd art I feel shy as I know I never got to create a bond big enough to make you call my friend or that you consider me your friend but hey, it was great to talk to you. <3
Atte: the Slyffindor Girl 💀
💖 @twancingyunhoe
ALLYSSA 🥺 Okay, okay, just mention your name and I'll get in cute mode. I remember following you, yet I hadn't dared talk to you much. The safest thing I'd ever said to you was "Hello! I walk by giving love and support!" for days later asking if you were going to adopt me to have adopted Gabby as my sister 🥺 You're a beautiful person who has such a big, beautiful heart that makes me soft. I know I haven't exchanged many words with you this past month, but I hope that's not going to affect the fact that you're important to me. Thank you for accepting me, giving me love and always being so pretty. <3 kith kith
💖 @tinkerbellwoo
You are such a gift to me diejsndis. Since the first time I knew you, you were very kind and lovely to me. You won a part of my heart with your kindness and yeah, I do remember going to your asks and just "Hey, here is a bunch of love from me to you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Also I hope we can be friends" kejebskssi. That was like my way to ask to be one of your closer moots because you were just so cool and I wanted to be friends with the wonderful person I saw had interactions with some of my moots. I'm sorry because I have time without actually having a large conversation with you and is completely my fault... I hope this new year will change that and I can talk more to you 🥺💖
💖 @yungidreamer
My older sister :( I'm so happy I had the opportunity to talk to you 👉🏼👈🏼 I still don't forget that you once used the dissapointed card with meeee, your little cute princess angel baby sister. I have cero regrets welcome you into my big, not normal, Tumblr family because yeah, probable we aren't the same but at the same time we are the same, if you know what I mean 👀 I hope we can have more conversations between each other because I know is very interesting to talk to you but at the same time I'm so shy :(
💖 @yunderland / @shangri-woo
How can I began this? Ksbsdusbs First, I need ti be honest. I do have my thirst times and well, I read many of your works in ghost mode 👉🏼👈🏼 I was kinda shy to just idk, interact kdidbdkd. Also I began to see you interact with Amelie and was funny and I began to think "What happens if I do try to be friends with her?" but also "What if she doesn't like how I am? I ccan be a bother some times...". And yeah, I was thinking that for maybe two days until I decided to make a move. I followed you and I said "Hi 👉🏼👈🏼 I saw you talking with Amelie... You seem like a kind and lovely person, mind if I try being friends with you?" skdbsudbdks. I. Will. Not. Regret. Talking. To. You. You are such a good person :( Every time we talk, you are just so attentive that makes me soft. Please, keeo being my friend :( even if you don't consider me as your friend :(
💖 @ursaurora
Well, I don't have that much to say because I just said hi while being in hiatus but hey, I really really like the idea of being friends with you. This doesn't stopped me to wish you a good New Year and hey, why not hoping to have a good relationship between each other? <3
💖 @illicit-roses
Rosa xkenskd you sidjdndid are isbddkdj a ksudkdid baby. Such a beautiful, sweet, kind and big hearted baby. I was also the first one to talk to you and I was the one that began being surprised by your words isbwkdz. Not to mention that I also got shy and touched by your words. In this year, I would love to be more close to youuuuuu <3
💖 @inkigayeo / @woo-san
Vivi, I don't know if you will read this so probably if you do, is because I told you in private kxjsksdnsk. I don't feel like remembering you how I began talking to you because you asked and I already told you that but something I for sure need you to know is that... I'm still very touched by your encouraging words to me. I think our first first conversation was about me being depressed and how I was feeling toward myself, then about my admission test that hey, you did amazing with your words. I remember I cried because yeah, I was anxious but you told me a great advice. And when I didn't do well on that an also began saying sorry to you for not doing well, you gave me anither good words that hey... How not be in love with Vivi? Vivi is just a Queen with a big heart and kindness to give to everyone :(( <3
💖 @atinyedits / @atinywrites
My lovely and beautiful Anrose kdbdkzkzd I remember I began to talk to you after I saw a post of Cottons talking about how you were such a fk rat brat and my first thought was "Hey, I want to be her friend" lol. And guess what? That's what I did isbszlxudbzk I went to your asks and I asked you if you wanted to be my friend and you accepted. We began talking and I began having this love to you idbesldjdbs. But something I do need to make clear is that I didn't thought you will be part of my Tumblr family as my mom kdjdsldudhs I still remember reblogging with an "you are married with Allyssa?! She is my mooooom" and yeah, you were welcome to a natural habit of a family who is thirsty 24/7 for Ateez or each other and yeah, such a triangle live attraction and the foughts you still have with my other mom kdisjsnd. But I hope you feel the love I have for you. Because I do love you and I trust you enough. Don't you remember how I send you photos of my body? I do feel insecure about it and still regret to be being called a Queen but yeah, I trust and love you enough, my Anrose <3
💖 @atiny-ahgase
Gabby, my sweetest sister 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 How can I began this? Well... Not to mention that I usually read your interactions with Zad and as I wasn't someone you knew, I was scared to talk to both of you. You because I was mostly shy and for Zad because I thought he was intimidating, funny, right? Well, I'm not sure if I do told you about giving you tons of love and support directly but I do remember adopting Zad as my brother and he telling me he had a sister and my first thought was "Hey, why I can't have a big sister too?" and then I began talking to you and with what I was welcomed? By tons of love and cute gifs of kisses and hugs. You make me feel lovved, Gabby. You are such an angel 🥺 Please, don't stop loving your baby sister Mei <3
💖 @shinyddeonghwa
Omg, omg, omg. I feel bad because I don't even know how I began talking to you T^T I feel bad to admit that I get confused between you and Treasure and ksbsizbdsis I think it was with you that I talked in Portuguese jzusnsks and if not, I'm sorry for the miss understanding ksisjs T^T but something I for sure remember if you trying to dom me and then getting flustered when that didn't worked and it was my time then isnwishsslsns I also need to mention that is always cute everything you do dkdbskzusks even how you talk to me <3 I hope our friendship can last for more time <3
💖 @sansbun & @choisans-dimples
Bun and Cass, the brat in denial 👀😗, the sweetest babies I have met. Two lovely babies that love cats and San. I think my first interaction with the both of you was because of the Tumblr family. Bun, I'm sorry for not talking too much to you. You are such a kind person and I would like to be closer to you in this new year. And for Cass, we talked more in discord but still wasn't that much :( But it was actually funny to see you fighting with Mari, it was cute nsisnslds. I hope both of you know that your auntie loves you so much <3
💖 @galaxteez
Our first conversation was something thirsty, I'm 100% sure about that. And how to forget how I always forgot to turn on to be anon siwnsibddk8dn. But I'm still sure you loved to see my asks while me being anon than when it was actually me because mine was just cute, giving tons of love to you when my anon... Well... My anon 😗 I know I have time without having thisty talks with you so maybe this new year will mark the difference 👀 <3
💖 @ateezstanlove
Ndyensiddhsihssjwj here is when my mind is having problems to remember how I actually met everyone and that's making me feel bad skdbwksjzns but something I can be 100% is that I tried really hard every day to make you feel all the love I can give. I still remember when I saw you were on hiatus and thinking about leaving Tumblr. Being honest, I was really sad but hey, you are here now to receive all my love and have those lustful thoughts about Wooyoung's thighs —I saw that, sis 😗. But yeah sksnqisndks. I love you and I hope we can have more time as sisters this year <3
💖 @ateez-little-star
Jas, the beautiful star in the sky 🥺 You were actually my first sister in my Tumblr Family. I still think is funny how I try really hard to baby you but at the end is in the other way, you end baby me skjssksisns 🥺🥺🥺🥺 How can I be more grateful to met you, uh? You always listened to my problems and I do considered a lot your opinions, is very kind to talk to you. I feel always loved when I talk to you. Also not to mention how I felt when during the night you left and when I searched you, you were gone. I was really sad and my first thought was "If she doesn't come back... She will remember me?" ksudisbskd but in days you came back and I was so happy :(( Please don't leave me again, Jas :( You are very soecial to me, my baby sis 🥺💖
💖 @hiatus-kittenmbb
Msisnsiddn MU AUNTIE HERE, EVERYONE. MSIWBSKDJDSBSB I want your love, cuddles, kisses and all the things you can give me and I'll make sure to make you feel the same, with tons of love <3 Not to mention how funny is to talk to you and all the times you told me to bother Kitty mom hahaha such a good and lovely relationship both of you have hahaha. Ps:Don't forget I love you so much, Auntie <3
💖 @hwastreasure
Mia :( I'm sorry because I don't have many things to say but at the same time I don't want you to feel sad about it. I remember I told you I will talk constantly to you and I didn't do it. Please forgive me :(( Can we try again and be closer now? :(
💖 @hongjoong-a-holic
SOFIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-.... Oh, no. My mistake. Let me try again. MY LIL LIOOOOOOOOOOOON GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~. I don't have a lot of words how to describe the love and affection I have for you. You were always paying attention to me and giving me love —not to mention that you told me I needed to hug you just because you wanted nsisns and I say no lol— and that's cute sksnsksis. I also want to say that all those times that I do bother you with Blue about gifs of Ateez dancing sexily and those smuts and all that explication of sexuality... I have cero regrets! :D lmao. If you really thought I will say sorry about that, is a nono. I know you love it at the end lmao. But there is something I for sure need to be sorry... I know you were sad about me leaving ti be on hiatus and I still did but baby, I really needed to do it. I promise I'll be back soon. Very soon, just wait for me <3
💖 @hwaberrykiwi
Cam, Cam, Cam, Cam :(( I began to talking to you thanks to Jas that she asked me if I knew you and I said no and she just make me talk to you and guess what? I'm happy she did that because hey, I met an amazing person. And even if we didn't talked that much, something my heart will not forget are the words you told me when I said Uw as going on hiatus. I was really touched, I cried. I really did at the end but yeah. I would love to be more close to such a person with a big big heart <3
💖 @joongieblue
I don't even know how to began this because I think everything I need you to know, you already know it but at the same time I feel like I still need to say a lot :(( I don't want you to feel less as a person anymore... I know you said that way of thinking is because of your depression but baby, try to look at the amazing people who are with you, that cares about how you are and of course you are very important to them. You are very sweet and amazing as a person, let me tell you that I see in you a soft light. A very pure light that needs to shine bright in the sky but the darkness is making her feel like a insuficient and lonely light. Don't worry, things will get better soon. Trust me <3
💖 @seonghwa-is-babie
How can I began this without this looking awkward? 👉🏼👈🏼 I met you thanks to Zad and what I learned is that you were such a good, kind and shy boy but of course I still think you can be very intimidating if you want to. I'm sorry for not having a lot of conversation with you since I met you but I promise I'll try harder to be close to you. Of course, if you don't mind <3
🧡 - @seacottons
How can I began this?... The first time I talked to you, it was me trying to tease you really bad. I can also remember I told you to cald me kitten or something like that at that moment and the next thing we talked was about how I wanted to be adooted by you so bad isnsldks I don't regret doing all what you wanted me to do so you can adopt me because hey, you are amazing, wonderful as my other mom. Talking to you is like a way to calm my insecurities and stress I had during the day. You always giving love to me and even those cute hugs in the head you give or when you are too much sleepy to even type correctly iwjeneid you are such a baby :(( I'm still sorry for the time I called you a rouch, you aren't a bug... You are a beautiful, sweet, kind Queen I have the posibility to call mom. Not to mention that you are also my sweet, cool pumpkin —favorite— mom. Also, I can remember all those times you told me to bother or kick Kitty just because "she need it" dkbsskdjd the time you also wanted to disown me dibedidnzsj Leaving that topic to say cute things I love about you again is that... I'll be forever happy and gratefull with you. You gave me great advice when I needed them the most. You gave me a shoulder and a soft comfortable place to talk about my deep problems, my insomnia, depression, all of that. Thank you, mom. Thank you so much for letting me be part of your life and of course, youre mine. I will not share with Kitty <3
💖 @jongpleasure
My lovely, sweet and innocent twin ^^ lmao, we know we both are like really really twins. Our birthdays are very close, we both are Cancers, have the same bias that we share with each other because damn, he is really nice. But hey, is still very good to know you because you are talented, really really talented. The videos you create are wonderful and I am not saying that just because I know you, they are very good. The same with your fics, are amazing. You are an amazing writer, why you can't see that, uh? Want me to kiss your cheeks and hug you hard till you learn it? If you do want it, you are free to come to me and I'l give ut to you because msidbwks you are my lovely twin that I love so much. Have a great new year, I hope all your problems get resolved and you can noticed how you are talented enough to succeed and that you have friends in here that love you so bad. Kyra, my sweet twin I love so much <3
🕷️🕸️ - @yunhoshoe / @jonghoshoe
Aw, my baby prince Zad :(( The one I can trully see as a baby even when you are such a year younger than me. I want to protect you every time, even when I know I can't do that much virtually... So everytime I need to make me feel that I gave you all the love I can give and hope you can feel all the love I try to give you every time we talk. I'm still sorry for that time I make you feel uncomfortable with my missunderstanding about spiders and all of that... I'm also sorry for that time I send you gifs about dogs when you were scared of them... I'm really sorry, baby. Your big sister is dumb many times but hey, she is also still learning and want to give all she can to you. I hope this new year, we cab still be closer. Who is my little sweet, cute baby prince? Of course, you <3
💖 @xiuminswifeforever
I know we aren't that close, sadly. I follow you on twitter and here and everytime we talk is probably you being horny and wanting to have sex or somethung with your hmm... Is funny to talk to you and I know you told me that you are mostly in twitter and that was why we don't talk that much but hey, I would love to talk more with you. Want to try in this new year? <3
💜 - @yunhoiseyecandy
My sweet angel Violet :(( HoW I can began this? Kdsndid I don't remember very well how I began talking to you... Like I try really hard to remember how I began talking to you and my mind is in blank siwnsksus I'm sorry because of that but at the same time, is the good memories that are important to remember, right? How can I not be feeling grateful with the angel that with some kind words that came from her heart, made me a crying mess because of how touched I was? :(( There are many things I know I will not forget. That time I was feeling low beecause someone was just being very mean with me and you were protective, your kind words when I was just losing my mind and feeling all that pain inside and you helped me release that... For this year, I hope we can still be friends because you are amazing and I don't want to lose you :( <3
💖 @treasure-hwa
I feel really bad if I began saying this but I do want to say the truth and the truth is that I usually get confused between shinnyddeonhwa because you both had/have Hwa in their profiles and I know you both don't even write in the same way but idk, is easily for me to get confused, I'm sorry T^T Changing the subject, I really loved that time when we began talking in Portuguese and Spanish at the same time. Was really funny to even think how everyone would saw that ksjsnskdd Also I am very touched and happy when you roleplay with me... You are very sweet even while roleplaying and that makes me soft in such a way dksbskdid I would like to roleplay again with you, only if you want to any other time 👉🏼👈🏼 Also in this new year, I hope we can still be talking to each other for a long time, sister <3
💖 @cometoceantrenches
Not me being speechless every time I began writing a paragraph kwusnekdid also not me becoming your friend the second you asked me how was the relationship between Cottons and I 👉🏼👈🏼 But look at the good side, we are sisters now and guess what? I noticed how you have a big BIG heart and all the love you can give is just so cute when I receive it or just read it. I hope in this new year we can make new and memorable conversations together. Don't forget you have an special space in my heart <3
🤍 - @vocalyunho
Amelie, my sweet and lovely wife :(( How can I began this? I remember the first time I talked to you. I said your writing skills were amazing and that you were cute and I wanted to try being your friend. Not to mention that two days later I ask you to be my wife dkebdidbdkd But I don't regret that at all. I'm really happy I met you because every time I talk to you, I feel in a safe space... A place I can say how I really feel without being judged... And what do I receive every time I talk my problems out? Sweet words and advice :(( Amelie you are such a good girl, a good advicer and an amazing friend. Thank you so much for letting me be your friend. I know I won something big with your beautiful friendship. Also I know that you have problems and stress but hey, as you said, things hopefully will get better, we just need to be patient and wait. And don't forget that you can come to me everytime you want. I'll be here for you, Amelie. Anlso in this new year, I hope our friendship can grow bigger and yeah, why not trying to create new memories together? Remember you are Yunho of our 2Ho. Love you <3
💖 @sollyho & @ateezinmymind
Well... Maybe this will look like a very short paragraph but... I felt bad at the same time because I don't have that much to say... For sure, I'm happy I met both of you because during our conversations, I can deduce that I can trust you because you are lovely and all of that. What I regret so bad is that during this 2020, I didn't talked that much and that's why I feel bad for not writing something big but please, don't feel that I don't care about you because I do :(( i hope in this new year, we can talk much and maybe be close friends 👉🏼👈🏼
👑 - @barnesbabee
Queen Trixie 👉🏼👈🏼 Well, what I can say is that first, I love your humor keiwbsnd also that everytime you tive your opinion about something, you have valid points. This will sound stupid but I do really like to read when you post something. As I said some days ago in your dm, I really would like to be close to you but at the same time I do feel like that will not occur or will not happen that easily because I am not that cool and well, I don't know, I feel like I would be that kind of person you would dislike easily. Something I promised this year and will keep till this new year is the tonw of love I give to you and the support you need as a powerful queen. <3
💖 @multidreams-and-desires
My baby sis that I love so much, always taking care of me ane telling me how much you love me :(( this year was amazing. Probably our talks are mostly about problems or just giving each other love. I'm happy that I met you because you are always kind and of course you have also those thirsty moments that all our Tumblr family have —that's why we all get along, we are a bunch of people that have Ateez as their weakness lol. Also, I need to mention that in this new year, you need to know that I'll be giving you more love so just wait for me <3
💖 @msmadness99
Seven, my lovely Seven ^^ First of all I need to mention the iconic moment we both noticed we talked in Spanish after months of always talking on English lol. I know some of your insecurities about your writings and I still want to let you know that when I say that your works are amazing, well written and calls the attention easily, I'm being honest and saying that not as your friend, I say that as a fan of your works. I don't know who tells you or makes you feel insecure about them but hey, is amazing. Even those short things you write and don't get me started with Break Out serie siendjdbdkdys Every time you update, you make me have my heart in my throat kduebwdkd You are very talented, don't let others make you think other way. I love you, Seven <3
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I think that is all 👉🏼👈🏼
I hope you all receive this new year with a smile and always being positive ❤️
I’m so grateful for your support and love this year. May you have a prosperous, happy and healthy New Year.
May all your dreams come true in 2021! You got this!❤️
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mrsseverussnape · 3 years
Love Is You - chapter 2
a/n: I made some new additions to the chapter while reading it. Wattpad, AO3 and Tumblr versions will be all different than each other😅 Whenever i read it before posting it on somewhere, i cannot stop myself and add new stuffs…
Ps: Severus is making an appearance in this chapter and we will see him more and more with each chapter😏
Also i am linking Sirius x Scar relationship post here, you can learn about their backstory😌
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     Scarlett has spent the night at her own house, of course she didn’t want to go back to their family house and even how much she needed a company tonight, she couldn’t go to her parents either since she didn’t know how to tell them what happened tonight.. Scarlett couldn't sleep even for a second; the moment she closed her eyes the bedroom scene appeared in her mind non-stop. So she decided to go to work early, there was no point in trying to sleep. She fixed herself as much as possible and headed to the Ministry of Magic. She went to the Minister of Magic's room directly, as the deputy minister she had to acquaint him about the conferences in Paris.
"Good morning sir."
"Good morning Scarlett. I wasn't expecting you that early. Have a seat please."
 The Minister Dorian Blackwood poured some tea for themselves and opened a biscuit jar while she was sitting. They talked about Paris conferences for almost half an hour. The Minister has noticed that something was off with Scarlett since he knew her since she was little. But he decided to stay silent, if she wanted to talk she would.
"Before i leave, i need to tell you one more thing Dorian." 
"Sure, i am listening."
Scarlett was scratching her hands and biting down on her lip. She was having second thoughts but she believed she had to do that. "I…I want to resign..."
Dorian raised his eyebrows in surprise, that was something he wasn’t expecting at all. "May i ask why? Because i see you as the next minister and i know you want that too, Scarlett. That was our plan."
"I do, i still do want that but i just can't work here anymore." She took a deep breathe, she continued to talk but her voice was shaking. "I don't know how to explain this at all but yesterday i found out something including a third party and i and Sirius are no longer in good terms. I don't want to come across with someone here and that someone is not Sirius..." Couple of tears escaped and ran down on her cheeks.
"Oh my dear girl...” Dorian walked up to her and rubbed her back to ease her pain a bit. Scarlett was like a daughter to him and he cared about her dearly. “I guess i understand the situation... but i don't want you to resign. Maybe we can do something else."
"What is that?" Scarlett looked at him questioningly.
"I am guessing that someone is not as important as you here so...I can do it right now."
She shook her head. "No not fire her, that won't be fair. It is my personal problem, Dorian."
"Okay whatever you want but just let me know if you change your mind, i can do anything for my lovely deputy minister. But i really want you to stay Scarlett, i don’t think you thought about that decision very clearly."
"I thank you for your kindness and for everything Dory but i don't think i will be in a good state of mind for a while. I don't even want to stay in London. Please accept my resign." Scarlett was almost begging at this point. The minister thought for a while then nodded slowly. 
"I can't force you Scarlett, it is your decision in the end. But i am really upset about it, i will miss my partner in crime” Dorian gave her a sad smile. “Give me a week to arrange some stuff then you can fully resign. And you don’t have to come here this week, i will take care of it myself and promise me you will take care of yourself."
She nodded. "Thank you for your understanding, i am not happy about it either but that will be the best for everyone i guess... I cannot promise but i will try..."
Then she left the room before crying her eyes out, this was way harder than she thought. Then she went to the law department to arrange the divorce papers, this was even harder than the resign talk for her. It was hell of a day and she just wanted it to finish already. After the work, she went to their house to get some of her stuff since she didn’t have  much in her house because it hasn’t been used for over 20 years. Unfortunately for Scarlett, Sirius has left the work early and he was at home. When he heard the door, he rushed to the doorway it had to be Scarlett.
"I knew you will be back Scarlett!" Sirius cheered with happiness, though he was looking rough. Apparently he didn’t have good night either.
"I didn't come here to stay, i will take some clothes then leave. I will be moving out as soon as possible." Scarlett said sternly without looking at him.
Before he could say anything else, she started to go upstairs where their bedroom was. Sirius followed her immediately like a puppy. She didn't want to enter the room after what she has seen yesterday but she had to, so she took a deep breath and started to pack a bag, avoiding looking at their bed.
"Scar, baby, we can talk and solve this, please." 
She let out a laugh angrily. "We can solve it huh? You cheated on me right here, in OUR bed and now you are waiting for me to forget everything!? You have no idea how hard it is for me to be in this room right now. We are done, understand!? You will get the divorce papers in couple of days."
She took her suitcase and got out of the room as fast as possible. "I will take the rest of my stuff later."
"Scarlett..." he called out her name and held her hand before she could walk out the outside door.
She stood there for a second then turned to look at him for the first time today. The tears were collected in his moon coloured eyes, ah how much she loved his eyes. She has never seen him looking so sad, he was always the cheerful one with a grin on his lips. Seeing him like this gave her pain, she was very angry with him but the love she had for him wouldn’t disappear in a day. Then without a second thought she pressed her lips against his softly. It was a quick kiss, but it was full of mixed emotions. Then she pulled away and mumbled a "Goodbye." before she apparated and left Sirius there crying silently.
     2 days have passed since Scarlett moved out and still she haven't talked to her kids or her parents about what's going on between her and Sirius. The twins were 21 years old so they could understand the situation, but she still didn't know how to tell them about it at all like their marriage was going great and in one night everything went upside down. Leonidas was working in New York and she didn't want to tell him through a letter, this would leave him with so many questions. He would probably come to London for Christmas, so Scarlett decided to wait till then. But Carina was working at Hogwarts and Scarlett got ready to go there, she didn’t want to lie to Carina through letters acting all was well. 2 hours later Scarlett was wandering around the castle, she hasn’t been there since she graduated. She didn't know where Carina's room was exactly, so she decided to go to the potions classroom since Carina was Professor Snape's assistant. She wasn’t ready to enter that class at all and that was why she avoided coming to Hogwarts for years but right now this was such a small problem beside the other things. Scarlett knocked on the class's door and heard the deep voice she knew very well saying "Come in." Severus Snape was ready to scold the person who interrupted their study but when he saw who it was, he stood there in shock, he couldn’t say a single word.
"Mum!?" Carina asked in surprise, she wasn’t expecting her at all.
"May i talk to my daughter privately, it is important." Scarlett requested but she  was not looking at him directly.
Severus didn’t talk for couple of seconds then nodded lightly. "Yes. i will finish rest of the potion by myself Carina, you can leave."
Carina nodded and rushed to her mum. "Is everything okay mum?" She asked while they were leaving the class. Carina noticed she wasn’t looking any good, she wasn’t even wearing her signature red lipstick that she always do and that was concerning.
Carina escorted her to her chambers but she has started to panic, her mum’s silence wasn’t helping the situation at all. 
"Mum could you please tell me what happened? Are my grandparents okay?"
"They are fine." Scarlett sat on the bed and motioned Carina to sit next to her. Scarlett's eyes have already filled with tears.
"Mummy? Are you alright?" Carina held her hand softy.
Scarlett shook her head as no, she was squeezing Carina’s hand to gain some power. "Carina, i and your dad... are having a divorce..." end of the sentence she was crying her eyes out.
"W-WHAT!? What happened mum!? I saw you two like 10 days ago and you were totally fine. What's that now?" She was in pure shock and couldn’t know how to act.
"We were... we were good at least that's what i thought... But apparently, we weren't because when i turned back from Paris, i found him..." she started to sob uncontrollably at this point, saying it out loud made it worse for her. "cheating..."
"Did you say cheating!? Daddy was cheating!?" This sentence was something that Carina has never imagined hearing in her life.
Scarlett just nodded; she was unable to talk.
Carina hugged her mum tightly "Shhh mummy, everything will be fine, we will get through it..." 
She was trying to calm her mum down, but she was devastated herself too. Carina has always wanted a relationship like her parents had. They were the most in love couple she has ever seen in her life. But she just heard that her dad has cheated on her mum after all those years even they weren’t having any problems. Carina had no idea what to expect for the near future right now but she knew that she will be her mum’s side no matter what.
@snapefiction @lizlil @elizabeth-baelish @misselsbells06 @mais-e @lunnybunny12 @anfre109 @entirelymesmerising @wolvesofwinter13
@mrssnivellussnape i am tagging you too since you seemed interested but i can remove you if you’d like 😊
If you wanna be on my taglist, let me know!
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hxneydreamers · 3 years
Hello dear ! I have read your blogs. You are amazing !!!! (10000x 💞 for you ). I wanted to ask a question . Neville goddard said that time doesn't really exist in manifesting . So actually my sp who is celebrity is very very older than me . Like we have a age gap of 12 years. 😥 as said i am minor. I decided to manifest him when i am 18 . But sometimes i get impatient but then i feel a bit upset and it's not legal to date a minor. Plus he lives in korea . As i have indian parents they never will allow me to even fly to korea. And even if we get in a relationship . They will never like him. Tho my mother is into the group (he is in a group ) she won't ever. As being in india , india is pathetic country with bs Trash . They ( the group is seen as bunch of gays) and most hurting thing is lgbtq is not accepted in this fuking country . Ppl tread them as trash not human. They get so much discrimination ( most of them are transgender ) and hate . Like they have to live together because thier parents disown them and stuff. Makeup is gender less. But in this country men have to be men. like all the fking indian celebrity don't ever wear makeup (males) . (Not gonna lie they all don't even have clear skin like korean ) Skin care is not menly . Men shouldn't do it. The mentally in this country is fucked up.
Now back to the topic.
- how my parents will judge him ? (Most my papa because mom knows a lot about korean cultural but she won't stand with me including some mfs relatives who judgemental af . Relatives ohh my these bishs are hella judgement (most the old one) doesn't matter how they themselves look or personality )
- is he gay ? Why he so feminine ? He is uses makeup damn sure he is gay or somthing he is a girl for sure !!
Doesn't matter how successfully he is and his personality . Doesn't matter how much more he is successful more than you. (Relatives and parent) don't matter if loves your beautiful daughter. doesn't fuken matter if he is caring and financial stable.
- as i minor they won't let me go to even study in korea !
- tbh my plans are to skip 12 or 10 grade (i am in 8 th grade now) and study in korean university as it's one of my dream. Then work as cosmologist here . I want to to have family here.
But but but
My parents hahah never i even asked them they even made fun of my dreams and they said it's gonna take 20 years to reach there .
I am extremely discouraged .
Then on the other hand i also want to desire body before everything happens . Like going to korea and stuff.
I suck at affirming and visualizing . I habe never got results from scripting.
Plus i got my school too. Omg also learning korean too.
Omg i am so done !! 😭 please help me and guide me. And advice me ! i am extremely sorry for my bad english . I am not a native.
Everything is so hard
Hey! Thank you so so so much for reaching out to me! I really appreciate you coming to me for advice! Don’t worry, your English was fine!
*I'm going to begin this post by clarifying that whilst it is possible for you to manifest anything in your reality, I do not encourage you manifesting this person if you are underage and they are much older. You have said in your question that you will not manifest them until you are 18, which is good, however I will just make it clear that this post is to help you manifest the other circumstances in your reality, and not the person or the age gap.*
Let me start by telling you I obviously haven’t experienced this as intensely as you have as I live in a country where people are much more open-minded about sexuality and ideas of masculinity, but I have stories to share with you from my own life that are very similar to what you want to manifest! They might encourage you! (PS, these following stories all took place from when I was at the age of 19 and up.)
(This story is before I knew about manifesting). My parents are very strict and traditional and I always wanted to go overseas to study in a specific country for at least a few months. My parents forbid it and I never would have been allowed to go, but I wanted it so badly that it was all I thought about and dreamed about! I started watching a TV show set in that country every single day. I even learned the language for fun. I somehow manifested it, because the next year, I took a semester off university and I went to that country for 3 months to live. So no matter what your parents say, you can 100% manifest this.
I had a celebrity crush in that country and I wanted to meet him and be with him SO BADLY! I didn’t know about manifesting until afterwards unfortunately, but guess what? I manifested seeing him MULTIPLE TIMES on the street, because I constantly thought about seeing him there and bumping into him! I even messaged him once and he responded. I also had one of his best friends on snapchat because I met him when I was there lol. I never got the celebrity crush because I focused too much on negative things. If I knew about manifesting, I would have gotten what I wanted.
My (specific person) SP who I am currently dating is actually someone who my parents also didn’t approve of for a long time because of sexuality and he is not stereotypically masculine! They also kept telling me negative things. The good news is that now my parents accept him and are happy for us!
Thank you for giving me the background information on your circumstances, it helps me understand your situation much better, and it also shows me how you’re thinking about the situation as well, which is the most important thing.
The beliefs you have are these:
Parents and other people not approving of the kind of people you are interested in.
You don’t think you can go to Korea for a long time
I’m happy to tell you that YOU CAN CHANGE THIS SITUATION!
As I said in the beginning, the age gap is illegal and should not be manifested. So as a result, you should begin with your beliefs about your family's negative opinions and your ability to travel in the future.
You need to stop mentally reacting to what they say when it’s negative about men who are not stereotypically masculine etc, and also when they say negative things about you ever traveling. They are only saying these things because in your mind you believe this to be true. Reality is an illusion and you need to know that if you really push through and persist, even if it feels extremely difficult, you can change this!
You should start by affirming your self-concept, something like this (you can also affirm in your own language if you prefer so it's natural to you :) whatever is comfortable for you!)
I am capable of anything!
I am a master at manifesting!
I always get what I want easily and effortlessly!
Everything always works out how I want!
Then I want you to affirm for your circumstances:
My family is always extremely accepting and encouraging!
I’m so happy that I’m going to Korea!
If you find it hard to visualise you can just affirm. I know you may feel like you’re bad at it, but if you practice it will get easier. Set a timer for 5 minutes and say your affirmations over and over! Make sure you don’t have any distractions. Focus on them. Do this several times a day, every day.
Also, if you can get the app ‘ThinkUp’ record yourself saying your strongest affirmations, and listen to them at night when you sleep. Start with your self-concept affirmations only for maybe 2 weeks! Then you can add your other affirmations.
Your goal is to change the way you feel and think about yourself and what you are able to do, your surroundings and your family’s opinions. Start with these things. Really persist in them.
I hope this helps in some way! If you ever need to reach out to anyone, so many people on Tumblr in the manifesting community are here to listen! We all want each other to succeed and I know that if you put the work in to do this, you will too!!
I also recommend you start binge-watching one of these youtube channels:
Sammy Ingram
Manifesting With Kimberly
Manifesting Secrets
Dylan James
Create Your Future
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deepdonutkid · 3 years
Hi, I'm so sorry it took me so long, I wanted to make it short as possible but always failed so...I have one that is somewhat short (this hurt me so much because when I'm describing something, it is LOONG) and second that is LOONG (that is why I warned you that I actually wrote horribly written "one-shot" or what it is actually, it would be much better, if you have time, to read both...when I tried to make it short, I maybe cut out important things...).
Like I said the girl is my OC, and her name is Sinon (given by Poll), but she is actually Maya (given by her real parents). And I gave names to her parents. But yeah, you can read it, consider if you will write it and change anything you want. Surely there are mistakes, holes and things that don't make sense.
I completely understand if you don't want to write it like "You wrote it yourself, what do you want from me, go to hell." But hey, I'm not a writer, I hate writing and I'm dead sure you can write it 100% better. To me, it looks like a grocery list. If you don't want to write it, just tell- JUST TELL ME TO F*CK OFF. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 (my apologizing must be annoying, welp, sorry once again).
So yeah.
I will send both, if you have any question, or if you don't want to write it, feel free to tell me.
➡ Short one: Ada brings to Polly a baby girl after the woman stopped her, gave her to her and quickly left. Ada discovers a small book, with the letter and a note with the name "Shelby" written on it. Polly thinks that the woman was a whore and the baby is his due to having also blue eyes. Polly decides to not saying anything to Thomas and adopts her herself. The girl grows and is known as an angel among demons. The Shelby's brothers love her, but Thomas...he lives for her. She loves him and he loves her (just...ugh 💝💗💘💓💖💕💞). They play, dance, everything. She is helping him with nightmares, bad moods, not hearing shovels, etc. Life goes by and Thomas loses his wife and brother. Polly and Ada want to cheer him up by telling him that the girl is maybe his daughter but he gets angry and says nasty things about the girl, she hears it and runs. After some time he wants to apologize but Ada stops him. She tells him she contacted the girl's family to pick her up. Thomas is devastated, not only because she leaving, but because he was just a dick to her and can't properly apologize. The Shelby's say goodbye to the girl and she leaves. After years (S5), Thomas is not himself anymore, regrets everything, etc. One day he is closed in his office sitting on the floor, mess around him and hallucinating. Then he hears knocking on the floor and is met with the blue eyes of the much older girl. He thinks she is the only hallucination and wants to shot himself, but she throws stuff into his face, launches at him, hugs him and pushes him and herself to the floor. She tells him that despite everything she loves him and that she missed him. He just hugs her tightly, begging her to forgive him and to never leave him alone ever again. They'll fall asleep and after a few hours when Tommy wakes up, his sister comes in and tells him she and her father are back and he will buy a house here. The girl never left Thomas's side and helped him heal.
➡ Disgustingly long one (it's funny how much of a useless words/sh*t Tumblr allows you to write): Ada brings the baby to Poll after a weak-looking woman approaches her and asks her if she could look after her baby because she needs to check something. When they take a look at it, their eyes meet with two beautiful big blue ones and an adorable smile of a baby girl. After washing the baby Ada discovers a note saying the name "Shelby" wrapped in the blanket. Polly immediately thinks the woman was a whore, got pregnant, then fell ill and now threw fruits of karma back at where it belongs, to Thomas Shelby. Ada asks Polly what they'll do now, but Poll doesn't say anything, Ada look at her and see Polly with a sweet smile and tears in her eyes. She wants to keep it. Why give this sweet little being to the most dangerous man in Birmingham when she can say nothing to him and rise her like her own? Ada agrees but is unsure at the same time...what if that woman wasn't a whore? What if she never had something with the Famous Thomas Shelby? She looked weak, ill, but stressed and maybe...sad? She remembers her crying and kissing this baby's head when leaving, that is not what unloving mothers do...
Polly rising this baby as best as she could now was the most beautiful, kind, clever, brave girl that ever ran through streets of Small heath. She had honey-blonde hair, similar to Ada's in style and length with long curtain bangs on her face and beautiful blue eyes, similar to Tommy's. She never liked girl clothes, always wearing boy clothes after Finn. Shelby brothers loved her so much, she never was problematic, never wanted to know things about the business, only have her little happy life and do fun things with her family when they made time for her, and oh boy they made it plenty. They played with her, danced with her, sang with her. But Thomas, a man who was drawn to this little girl like no one, was everywhere she was. She loves him and he loves her, she was something beautiful to him, peace in mind and heart, always melting how she treated him like a normal person, not thinking about all the bad things he did and just loving him for not so many good ones. He wants her to feel loved like she is one of them, not allowing her to question herself because somebody said she is not Gray, nor Shelby, that she is different and too good for Gypsies like them, like a real diamond among cheap bijouterie, an angel among demons. She helped him to sleep after every nightmare, with bad moods, stop hearing shovels against the wall.
Life goes by and Thomas experience the worst days of his life...he loses his wife and brother. The girl wants to soothe him everything will be fine. She was almost there when she heard Polly and Ada in his office, so she stayed behind the doors and listened to what were they about to say, maybe they trying to soothe him too. Little did she know what she'll about to hear. Ada and mainly Polly tells Thomas a secret about a girl Ada brought home, that Poll didn't find her in front of her doors, that in reality some whore approached Ada and pushed her her baby with a note saying the name "Shelby", and left. She didn't want to take care of a bastard child. And, our girl has the same eyes. But Tommy only scoffs and slams his hands on the table. After everything he's been through, they come up with this shit? They thought they are helping him, that his sweet girl is actually really his, that it will give him new hope for a new beginning, Thomas thought they can't be serious. His wife died, is now a single father, his brother died and now this?? He starts to shout he's not the father of good for nothing, any whore belonging, an odd, snotty and annoying child he never loved. Polly wants to beat him, strangle him but hears behind the door sobbing of her " daughter"...Polly is cursing his nephew before running after her girl, Ada following right after her. Thomas is unable to move, doesn't know what to do...He regrets every word second after but being stubborn cretin in his whole gory, he doesn't follow them but sit into his chair and let silence eat him alive.
After a few days of not facing his family and overthinking what to say and do, his sister stops him in his tracks. He's forced to sit and she starts to explain why is she here. She pulled out of her coat a burned sheet of paper, a small book and starts reading:
"Dear Thomas Shelby,
If you receive this letter...I'm begging you, please, to help my daughter. My name is Bella Rogers and I got separated from my husband, Scott Rogers when we were running from America to England. I heard about you from people in London. (Some people told her Thomas Shelby, so she went somewhere he likes to go in London, to his sister. And bc he never stayed long, she gave the baby to Ada.). I know I can't expect anything but please, contact this person (her husband's mother), tell her you saved my daughter, Maya Rogers. Tell them our names. You are my only hope now. Please help my daughter, please help me...
Thank you deeply,
Bella Rogers.
(Adress or number of her mother-in-law)
Ps: Please tell my daughter I love-"
And stopped.
Flashback: When the girl was growing, Ada confronted Poll with a small book in her hands.
Present: She handed the burned book to Thomas and he took it.
Flashback: She told Polly that the girl belongs to someone else and they deserves to know what happened to her and her mother.
Present: He carefully opened it.
Flashback: Polly knew it was selfish to keep her here, but she loved her so much she ignored every word.
Present: He started to spell the girl's name, date of birth, her parent's names, their date of birth...
Flashback: Ada begged Polly to think about this, she felt bad for a father and family that they didn't know what happened to them, but Polly had enough, she grabbed the book and a letter Ada was holding and threw it into the fireplace and with teary eyes left, Ada immediately took a piece of wood and got both things out of the fire, hoping that everything wasn't lost.
Present: Ada knocked on the table, drawing Thomas's attention from his thoughts. She swears she could see tears forming in his eyes when she told him she already contacted Rogers family and they are coming from America to get her back. He felt betrayed, he wanted to vomit. Ada tells him Polly already knows it and hesitantly agreed and that maybe it's better he said what he said, she wouldn't miss him that much and he made it easier for her not to think about him, which made him snap his eyes from the ground back to Ada. He asks her when they will arrive. An hour. Instead of getting up and do something he just sat there, sharply inhaled, and started crying. He cried, with his sister by his side, hugging him, crying as well.
When an hour was about to pass, they took all courage they had and get going to meet their girl's family and say goodbye. He wasn't ready. He never wanted to be ready for something like this.
Now they were standing there, in the uncomfortably big room, face to face with their Rogers family, two grandmothers, one grandfather and one father. He looked more beaten up by time than Thomas himself. They on the one side and Thomas, Poll and other Shelby's, Ada not with them but with the girl preparing. They greet each other, had a glass of whiskey, awkwardly debated about stuff, business, America...when then a young man asked where his daughter is, not willing to wait anymore. They called and there she was, hiding behind Ada's leg after coming into a room full of people she knew and didn't know. Her father immediately started to cry, slowly kneeled and opened his arms. She was looking at him and after a minute she starts to cry too...she maybe was the baby, but she remembers him, his face, his voice. She lets go of Ada's skirt and runs into his arms for the warmest and tightest hug she ever received. All members of Rogers family are immediately around her, introducing themself. And she's smiling, hugging everyone like she knows them for years. Thomas can't bear the sight of them so happy, especially her. He wanted so much to be in their place. He doesn't know why but asks Ada if they are really who they may be and Ada looks at him, understanding from where this is coming from. She shows him a slightly burned photo of their girl and her parents. "I remember how her mother looked like," Ada says. "And I remember her." Tommy is pointing at the baby in the middle, and Ada chuckles. "Yes, me too." "And now she about to be taken away from us and we can't do anything about it" ". Ada tries to hide her tears. They now looking at Arthur and Polly with Finn behind him hugging the girl and begging her to visit them every summer and Christmas. They kiss each other, Polly goes into a loving bear hug and kisses the girl on the cheek like million times. Uncle Charlie, Shelby's wives, even some of Peaky Blinders members themself like Curly. Now it was Ada who hugs the girl and then looks at her lovingly. "I'm gonna miss you, we all will." The girl softly smiles but looks at Thomas with an apathetic expression. Ada looks at him as well but Thomas is ghostly absent, just staring at the girl with glossy eyes, happy moments with his girl running in front of his eyes. He couldn't bear it anymore, he never ran from things, but now...He snapped into reality, quickly shaken with hands of the other side, wished them luck, TOO quickly ruffled the girl's hair and left, Ada following right after him. Rogers family just stared. Eventually, Rogers family said goodbye with the girl in their arms and left. They promised they will visit them.
That same day at night Thomas couldn't sleep, well, he never really slept after the girl left...
Years passed and Thomas was like a corpse, functioning only on 50%, if even. Ada and Poll tried to talk to him, Lizzie, his brothers tried too, but nothing helped, eventually all of them stopped. He regretted everything. One day was especially hard. Thomas was in his office, sitting on the floor with face in both hands. Around him a broken glass, two other chairs and papers. He was hearing his wife, crying charlie, shovels against the wall, gunshots, ghostly breathing. Everything was too loud. But nothing as loud as three soft knocks on the door. He lifted his head when a person who knocked came inside. His blue eyes met other blue ones. There she was, standing in front of him, much bigger and older, with a teddy bear he once bought for her. She still had it? How?. He couldn't believe it. He thought his mind is messing with him. You're not here, you're not real he said to her and every time he said it, she denyed that. He wanted to end this, grabbed his gun at aimed it at his head, but before he could do anything, a teddy bear hit his face. He opened his eyes and tried to process what just happened. You just threw your teddy bear into my face he asked. She said yes and that if she wasn't real, it wouldn't hit him. So...she was real? But how best to know your sanity is gone, then to welcome whatever your mind was made you see into your arms?
She ran to him, Thomas expected her to dissolve under his touch, but little did he know both of them would end up on the floor. She was giggling, saying he doesn't have any strength and fell easily, he on the other hand had eyes wide open, tears start to sting them. Thomas didn't waste a second and wrapped his arms around her warmly and tightly, proving to her even he can give this kind of hugs. He started to cry, cry like he never did, everything went out, rocking forward and backwards, face in her neck, begging her not to leave him alone ever again. He continued apologizing about what he said, for how bad he is, what he's done. She told him that despite everything she will always love him and that he missed him so much. He stroked her hair gently and she cuddled into him. He felt safe again. He finally was in peace.
When he woke up, he and the girl were covered in a blanket. He sits up. He smiled but got worried at the same time. How did she get in here? He needed to know. But before he could wake her up, somebody knocked. "Tommy?" Ada whispered into the room and walked in. She smiled, seeing Thomas with a little one sleeping in his lap, both covered in a blanket a cuddled to each other was....beautiful and cute. She carefully sits next to him and leans against his shoulder. He asked her how is she here, where is her father her, family. She said he didn't want to go back to America, his only plan from the whole beginning was to move to England with his wife and raise a child here, that he is buying a house. Somewhere nice and safe. In memory of his wife. A new beginning, new hope. And that she was sad and depressed. It wasn't fair from them to keep his daughter and it wasn't fair to just grab her and leave, promising to come back and never mean it. He put his cheek on the girl's hair and brushed it slowly. I think I can live with that he said. Ada chuckled. The rays of sunshine shined into his office. This is his new beginning, new hope. And he was willing to fight for it like a lion.
Eventually, the girl stayed with Shelby's family. The girl's father bought a house a few villages away so he could always pick her up and be with him. He made a little monument for his wife where his daughter put flowers Thomas or Ada bought. He knew who Shelby's were, but just like his wife telling Ada she trusted her when giving her baby to her, he trusted the rest of the family. Happy Ending!
Thank you for your time!!!!😍😍😍😍
Omg, you didn't lie, this was fucking long for a request... if this can be called a request at that length!
I really like the idea tho and it's super cute, Tommy with his daughter, etc.
Like you offered, I'm going to change a few things or to be percise... I will take the short version, because this already got me thinking and the long version was basically a story already.
I like to fill in the gaps myself and make this a full story, but it's going to take a while... because I have loads of other requests and I can't shut up... so I might write +10k again... for this idea.
Or multiple parts, I don't know yet XD
Gosh, I have to say it again... this is a long ass request... coming from meeee, the person who writes 12k ONE- SHOTS XD
Thank you for sending this in! 🌹
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