#psychic senses
taurussoulastrology · 7 months
The 4 primary psychic senses.
●Clairsentient - meaning clear feeling.
●Clairaudient- meaning clear hearing.
●Claircognizant- meaning clear knowing.
●Clairvoyant- meaning clear seeing.
4 more senses that are developed off the primary senses are;
●Clairgustance- meaning clear taste, developed from claircognizance.
●Clairalience- meaning clear smell, developed from clairsentient.
●Clairtangency- meaning clear touch, AKA Psychometry, developed from clairsentience and claircognizance.
●Clairempathy- clear empathy, this is a stronger version of clairsentient but is developed from clairsentient, claircognizance, and clairvoyance. We all have a certain degree of empathy, but to be a true empath it takes developing those 3 primary senses fully.
Once you've developed and exercised one gift the rest will be able to be accessed. Some senses may not be as strong as another, but it doesn't mean you don't possess it. Some people possess these gifts stronger than others, but we are all born with these senses! Due to society conditioning, and the way we are raised most don't develop them the way we are supposed to. That doesn't mean you can't develop them now though! Just because your psychic gifts aren't as strong as the next person doesn't mean you aren't better at something else. Some people aren't meant to access those gifts at 100% and that's okay. So don't get down on yourself if you happen to be having a difficult time developing them. You may be the person that comes into play to help another on their spiritual and healing journey in another way. They can also take time to develop and its not something that's gonna happen in a week's time. Your gonna need to set aside time alone and have determination and stamina, these gifts can take a lot of energy out of you in the beginning. You must have patience, and believe in yourself most importantly!
Before you start you need to ask yourself are you truly prepared to move forward with gifts like these? Are you truly ready to work with the dead? It's not just your spirit guides that will be in contact with you if you develop this gift fully. You will be opening yourself up to negative energy and you must be prepared to deal with that. So before you push yourself to open up, ask yourself honestly if that's something you want to live with for the rest of your life? Also is your family ready for that too? If it's not, that's okay. You can still stretch certain senses to a point where you can pick up on certain energies of others without "piercing the veil" so to speak.
Follow along for more information on how to develop them, turn them up/down, as well as aspects and placements in the natal chart pointing towards being born with a strong gift of the senses!
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cordeliahrose · 1 year
Psychic Senses
More often called 'clairs', psychic senses parallel our physical senses. They can be a huge part of someone's life, or not so much at all. They can change how you interact with the world, or how you see it.
A common misconception about psychic senses is that they are a gift that few people have, and that you can't train yourself to develop and use them. In truth, anyone can develop psychic senses. For some, it might take longer, and others not long at all.
Clairvoyance - Clear sight
This ability can allow you to perceive energies that can't be seen with the physical eyes. It might also allow you to see past or future events.
When I say 'see', I don't mean physically see. Most people agree that clairvoyance comes through images within the mind.
~ Exercises to develop:
I know, you hear this everywhere. But in the case of clairvoyance, this is the most helpful exercise you can do.
Start by visualizing general things and can easily identify. Maybe a piece of fruit? When that gets easy, move on to harder things, like a landscape.
When that gets easy, start to visualize things moving. A squirrel running up a tree, waves crashing against the shore, a car driving on a street.
Dream journaling
A lot of messages from your subconscious come up during your dreams. A good way of understanding that is to write them down, and read through them when you're awake.
Clairaudience - Clear hearing
The ability can allow you to hear words, sounds, music, etc. within your mind, which you did not create. These are not sounds heard with your ears, but heard within your mind.
~ Exercises to develop:
Observe sounds
Take some time out of the day to just sit and listen to the sounds around you. Are the close, or far? Are the loud, or quiet? Do any sounds annoy you, or bring out different emotions? Just sit quiet and listen.
Listen to instrumental music
Listen to instrumental music, and focus on listening to only one instrument. Try to drown out all but that one instrument. Keep the volume moderate to low, not high.
Listen to lyrical music down really low
Similar to the first exercise. For this one, you will want the volume to be low, where you can just barely hear the words. Now try to understand the words in the song. It would be a good idea to write down the words as you hear them if you can, so that you can listen to the song again after at a normal volume and see what you got.
Imagine some else's voice
This can be a person you know, a character on a show or movie, anyone who isn't you. Just imagine them talking, hear their voice in your head. It will be easier to start with a person or character who's voice you know very well, and move up to someone who's voice isn't very familiar.
Clairsentience - Clear feeling
There seems to be two schools of thought on this ability.
The first is that this ability allows you to feel energy, emotions, and sometimes even someone else's pain.
The second is that this ability allows you to feel the sensation of touch, when nothing is physically touching you. This is the school of thought I fall into.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice physical feelings
This is the easiest exercise on this list. Just become aware of physical feelings. How your clothes feel on your body, how that fork feels in your hand, how your body feels throughout the day, the floor under your bare feet. Notice physical sensations.
Imagine a feeling
Imagine how it would feel if you were holding an object. It might be easier to start by holding the object and seeing how it feels, and then move the object away and try to remember how it felt. See how long you can hold onto that feeling.
Clairgustance - Clear taste
This ability allows you to taste things that aren't physically there. This is most commonly talked about in reference to a deceased loved on who like to cook, where a person will be able to taste a recipe they liked to make when they're around.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice how things taste while you're eating or drinking them
Just like the exercise for clairsentience, start with becoming aware of how things taste while you're physically eating or drinking them. Become aware also of how it feels, and how different foods or drinks feel different.
Imagine a taste
Imagine the taste of something. It will be easier to start with something you eat or drink often, something you really like. Alternatively, it might also be easier to start with something you find very gross, because the flavor is stronger in your mind. Imagine how it tastes, and how it feels. The flavor, the texture, can you discover why you do or don't like this taste? Hold on to this taste for as long as you can.
Clairalience - Clear smell
This ability allows you to smell things that aren't physically present. This, again, is most often talked about in refence to a deceased loved one. Smelling their perfume/cologne is a very common thing tied to clairalience.
~ Exercises to develop
Notice how things smell
Okay, so a lot of these start with observing. But a good way to train psychic senses is to learn how your physical senses work!
Look at how the smells you're observing make you feel.
Imagine a smell
This is going to be easiest with a scent you're very familiar with, whether good or bad. Maybe it's your shampoo, your favorite food, or something you can't stand. Imagine a scent, and hold onto it for as long as you can.
Claircognizance - Clear knowing
This ability allows you to simply know things, without a reason for why you know them. This is probably the hardest to develop because it requires a lot of trust. In yourself, and the spirits around you. There is usually no explanation as to why you suddenly know the thing, it just appears.
~ Exercises to develop
Trust your intuition/gut feelings
When you get a gut feeling, an intuitive tingle, whatever you chose to call it, trust it. See where it leads you. This a trial and error process, eventually you will learn what is intuition and what isn't.
Ask the spirits you work with to assist you
If you work with any spirits, ask them to give you a piece of information for the purpose of developing this ability. For example, if you work with a deity, ask them to tell you what they would like as an offering at a random point in the day. When you get that piece of information, trust it.
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river-in-the-woods · 9 months
Curious, when you "see" stuff with your third eye does it come out in a certain style or stay consistent with how you'd see stuff with your physical eyes?
When performing divination, I have visions only in my mind, which are usually brief animations or still images. They will tend to be a bit blurry or unfocused compared to my physical sight, similar to how things look in your peripheral vision. It does not disrupt my physical senses, but if I focus more strongly on the vision then I will be less aware of what's in front or around me.
I will also hear things as well, again not as a physical voice, but a mind voice. My clairaudience is a lot stronger than my clairvoyance, actually, so I will hear things very clearly. I occasionally hear phrases or short sentences during divination.
Of course, there is also claircognisance, which I get a lot of as well. These are non-verbal, non-visual flashes of intuition, which can take time to parse. I don't really experience any of the other clairs.
I know some people who perceive spirits as if they are physically there, and others who can be briefly possessed by them. But it is much more common to perceive things in the mind. One of my friends gets a headache when they've received a message from their spirits, and needs to meditate for a long time to parse the information, after which they will have a meaningful dream. You can get all sorts of experiences depending on how your spiritual senses are built.
I rarely see people or spirits in my visions. If I do, it will be either an undetailed figure, or a close up view of a particular feature of their appearance and the rest faded out. It varies. I will more often see objects, elements, animals or landscapes which are interpreted symbolically.
In my experience, at first, the mind visions/voices can actually feel very similar to your normal thoughts. This is one of the main obstacles for beginners – they're getting intuitive answers, but it feels like they're making it up or having a daydream.
It takes a lot of time and practice to discern what is genuine gnosis, versus what I call "fillers" – answers which arise as a result of internal conditioning and are not relevant to the reading. Inexperienced diviners can get a mixture of gnosis and fillers in the same divination session, but the ratio improves as you practice.
I'm afraid it's really hard to describe what the difference feels like! It is purely experiential – you'd need to get to know your mind stream very well.
In my case, I notice that the most genuine gnosis will arise unexpectedly, as if slipping into the gaps between my thoughts. I need to be receptive and actively searching for an answer, with a mind that is relaxed but not empty or tired.
The most efficient way I've found to train your intuition is to do group readings. Gather a group of diviner friends, make a list of questions. Each person does a reading for every question (any technique, as long as it's quick) and everyone compares notes after. It especially helps to have at least a few experienced diviners in your group who are supportive and non-judgemental. My skills improved drastically when I did this, and much of it was about understanding what getting gnosis feels like.
Secondly is to try and predict the future. Do readings for the day/week/month ahead, as often as possible, in as much detail as the reading allows. But do not judge yourself or try to interpret until the reading is laid out, and note down everything you think of, including how the thought came to you. Record first, interpret after. You will know if you're right or wrong as time rolls by.
Thank you for your question!
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hadit93 · 1 year
Hi, thanks for answering my ask.
I have been practicing for 3-4 years and mostly worked with planetary forces and the angels associated with them. This was my first Evocation. I don't have any previous experiences with any kind of spirits. In fact, there have been instances when people around me felt some kind of presence (while exploring haunted houses or graveyards) but I have always been completely oblivious.
I did not follow the proper Goetic method. I fasted for 6-7 hours, bathed, and did the purifying breathing exercise in Jason Miller's Consorting with spirits. I gave offerings to Jove and Hermes on my altar and prayed for the Evocation to be successful. I drew 3 circles and set up offerings (incense, candle, water, and caramel icecream) for Bune. I started with an orison from The Book of Oberon, consecrated the dagger and wand, drew the circle using the script from Consorting with Spirits and called the four kings. Then I read a prayer of receptivity, drew the sigils of Bune while chanting Bune's enn. I read the conjuration script from The Sorcerer's Secrets thrice while walking around the circle and then read the two conjurations from Modern Magick. I then welcomed the spirit, tried to communicate with a scrying mirror (I am really bad at any kind of divination) and after a while told them what i wanted. I bid them farewell, closed the circle, thanked the 4 kings, and ended with the QC. I didn't feel anything the entire time, the only proof that something happened is that my chronic backpain got better immediately which I've been struggling with since January.
Fyi: I never said I command thee. I said I ask thee instead. And I smoked a blunt before the ritual to alter my mind.
It is not the worst method, there are things I wouldn’t do or do differently, but our practices are all going to look different. My advice is always to follow the original method as closely as possible and you are comfortable with first prior to making changes. I also don’t command spirits unless I need to- and that has been a rarity.
I would say that results matter more than psychic theatre- you have gotten what you wanted so it counts as a result. You didn’t experience bells and whistles, but that doesn’t matter. You may just need to develop your psychic senses which is work you can dedicate a small amount of time to each day. I’ve heard Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn is good in this regard. I myself utilised Christopher Penczak’s Inner Temple of Witchcraft back in the day and things really opened up for me when I began astral work as part of the AA system. Hermes should be able to help in this regard too.
The one thing I would avoid is the use of Enns. Perhaps I am a little too avoidant of the demonaltry crowd because their work is normally ridiculous and they half of them are neonazis. But I just feel they simplify things too much and aren’t really adding anything useful. A blunt statement, but it is what I believe to be true.
If you are working with the Graeco-Roman deities already you may want to look into working with Hekate as an intermediary force for the spirits. I believe Jason has a section on this in consorting with spirits and the late Jake Stratton-Kent also wrote about this.
But as I say it sounds like the spirit turned up and has helped already. So it has been successful. Perhaps try working on getting those senses a little more open and an ability to tune in to the planes beyond the mundane.
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geeses · 1 year
sometimes I'll get messages coming through from people's spirits, and they want me to reach out and say things human beings wouldn't customarily say to each other.
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factual-fantasy · 22 days
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Oh copy/paste and desktop Tumblr, how I've missed you so XDD
I'm still unable to sit at my desk for as long as I'd like to.. but I can sit long enough to draw some comics here and there at least! One of which being a (somewhat) angsty comic with Grim and V! Did you really think they escaped my angst curse?? It was only a matter of time before I cursed them as well! XDD
But for real, I've wanted to draw something angsty with Grim and V for a while now. And I'm glad I was finally able to! Even if its kind'aaa more of a goofy comic with angsty undertones rather than full on angst. XDD
The more I draw these two, the more lore I start to build in the background... I wonder if I should explore Grim's more serious angst sometime.. 😈😈
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tinkkles · 6 months
I really do love the fresh take on the dead wife aspect in scavengers reign like. She didn't die in some terrible accident or at the hands of an evil third party, she died because of you. Because of your ambition and carelessness and because you didn't prioritize her enough to even look for her as the ship was going down. You will carry this guilt for the rest of your life. She will haunt you forever. Pray that her ghost is enough to change you for the better.
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realpokemon · 10 months
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Shoutout to the other Espeon owner who struggles with bathtime. You are not alone.
my new favorite genre of photo
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autisticaradiamegido · 11 months
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day 147
psychically induced chronic illness squad
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puppyeared · 9 months
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Unsurprisingly assigned fairy type so heres me as a pokemon/fakemon lol
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reesiereads · 24 hours
Can I just say: Fucking props to DBD for having a couple not get together after kissing. Like I can’t think of another example in a show right now where two characters have kissed and expressed interest in one another and then been like: “as much as I like you I am not currently in a healthy enough place to be with you right now. I want to stay friends until I figure myself out.” Like that is the mature thing to do but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it and it’s just another example of how amazing this show is at writing complex relationships.
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taurussoulastrology · 7 months
Astrological Gifts, Placements and Aspects.
Part 2 - Aspects and Placements that point to psychic gifts in the birth chart.
In the first part I talked about the the psychic gifts, this post will include placements & aspects, and there is quite a few of both! There really is so many placements and aspects that's why I said last time were all born with these gifts. Yes, some stronger than others, but that doesn't mean you can't strengthen yours. I still have a load of research that I'm going through for my book but figured this was a good place to start for you all.
I'll also be posting about ways to work on your gifts and how to protect yourself from negative energy and psychic attacks. So please hit the like and follow button so you don't miss out on the upcoming parts to this post! Remember intuition is the door to open your abilities, strengthen that intuition and you can open a whole new world to possibilities!
✨️ You gotta be ready for all of it though. With the good comes the bad, so learn how to protect yourself, you gotta be ready for it all! I'll jump right into this!
Aspects & Placements include:
Elements; each element is used in rituals whether it's religious, spiritual, or elemental magic therfore each element is associated with psychic abilities. We all have the elements within us, some more than others but they're there, you just need to learn how to access them!
Earth signs- associated with empathy & mediumship. Earth energy serves as an anchor. Earth energy also has a connection to mother nature. Think about how you're feeling the next time a big thunderstorm comes through.
Fire signs- healing effect on people. Heavy Fire allows us to manifest it also helps us concentrate and open ourselves up. Think about the use of a flame ...
Water signs- intuitive, empathetic and healing. All water signs are associated with some form of psychic abilities. Water is a powerful conduit to the spiritual realm.
Air signs- mediums and spiritual teachers. Heavy air energy can allow you to feel the change in energy. Air signs can be very intuitive.
Lilith 4, 8, 12h &/or in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces- a mystic placement, highly intuitive with enhanced sensitivity, receptive to the energies around you. Brings a fascination to the subconscious, interests in the occult, spirituality, supernatural, mysticism, psychology or religion is highly likely. Can indicate psychic abilities and may suffer from nightmare, vivid dreams, and dèjavù.
Vertex 8h this is a mystical placement. Vertex is always located on the western hemisphere, this needs to be activated by person, place, or event, even a particular transit can activate it.
Cancer Placements, meaning placed in the sign of Cancer or in the 4th House, intuitive and empathetic. This includes the Sun, Moon &/or Ascendant.
Scorpio Placements, meaning placed in the sign of Scorpio or in the 8h, heightened psychic forces. This includes the Sun, Moon &/or Ascendant.
Pisces Placements, meaning placed in the sign of Pisces or in the 12th House, strong connection to the spirit world. This includes the Sun, Moon and/or Ascendant.
4th, 8th, 9th and 12th house can reveal psychic indicators in the chart, especially with personal planets here. Some 3h placements can indicate psychic abilities as well. 4, 8, 12th house stelliums or stelliums in Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.
8th and 9th houses have strong connection to past life experiences. 9th House or Sagittarius has a connection to spirituality, religion, expansion and healing.
Sun in 4, 8, 12th houses &/or water signs, Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius(bonus for being those houses and signs) 8H sun is said to be an old soul;
♐️Sagittarius sun; prophetic, insightful, religious/spiritual, intuitive
♉️Taurus sun; grounded, strong intuitive abilities, strong intuition connected to mother earth. Healing abilities, able to work with the elements.
♍️Virgo Sun; healing abilities especially with herbal health healing properties in mother earth. Ability to work with the elements.
♒️Aquarius sun; ability to see through people, places, and things, strong intuitive insights.
♋️Cancer, ♏️Scorpio and ♓️Pisces sun; strong intuitive abilities, & channeler abilities.
Water Moons, house can change psychic experience, highly intuitive and sensitive to energies and spirits. Below is a list of every Moon and gift tied to it. Cancer Moons are typically stronger in psychic gifts than Scorpio and Pisces and that's because they are ruled by the Moon. They are extremely sensitive and are able to pick on others energies a bit stronger naturally, they all have this gift even if they don't know it. That's not saying Pisces or Scorpio aren't strong when it comes to their abilities because Neptune and Pluto both play a huge role in psychic abilities, but since they're outer planets they're not as strong as the closest luminary to our planet and has a strong effect on the planet and ourselves. That being said all water Moons are highly intuitive and the strongest psychically out of all signs.
Sagittarius, Virgo, Libra, Taurus, and Aquarius Moons are all beholden to intuitive abilities as well, especially if placed in the 4, 8, 12th houses.
Water Moons in the 4, 8, 9, 12th house, ability to channel guides, medium channeler, divination, connected to the divine, ability to see the past and future through dreaming. The Moon is the strongest aspect/placement in your chart tied to psychic gifts since it rules our subconscious and emotions. Below is a list of all Moons and gifts tied to them.
○Aspects Neptune
○Aspects Mercury
○Aspects North Node
○Aspects Uranus
○Aspects Pluto
○The Moon as your guiding or oriental planet.
○Conjuct Ascendant
○Strongest if they're are all in water signs and houses with
○Conjunctions, Trine, and Sextile comes easier and will be stronger for said person.
Water Mercury especially in 4, 8, 12h, psychic ability related to communication, automatic writing, channeler. Mercury in 8 or 12 house may be attracted to the metaphysical or occult. Mercury in water sign OR in 4, 8, 12th house Aspected to Neptune channeler, automatic writing, mystical, spiritual. *Any aspect, square and opposition may be harder to access but not impossible.
Venus in water signs & in Taurus, brings a psychic, intuitive and empathetic quality to said person. Even stronger if water sign Venus is in 4, 8, 9, 12 house.
Jupiter in water signs, Sagittarius &/or 1, 4, 8, 9, 12th house placements suggests heightened intuition, expands mystical capabilities & clairvoyance - Jupiter with strong 3h, gifts related to communication.
Saturn in water signs, &/or in 4, 8, 12th house, ability to learn to channel and control psychic energy, spiritual discipline.
Uranus can give us an ability to tap into higher frequencies.
Uranus in water signs, Aquarius, Sagittarius &/or in 1, 4, 8, 9, 12th house or Conjunct Ascendant, ability to tap into higher frequencies. Uranus aspected to water moon intuitive, inventive, psychic receptivity in dreams.
Uranus aspected to Mercury in water or 4, 8, 12th houses intuitive channeler. *Any aspect, square and opposition may be harder to access but not impossible.
○aspects Moon
○aspects Mercury
○aspects North Node
○Uranus oriental/guiding planet.
Conjunctions, Trine and Sextile comes easier and will be stronger for said person.
Neptune like the Moon has a strong ability to tap into the subconscious and spiritual realms. Neptune in water, Aquarius, Sagittarius &/or 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 12th house or Conjunct Ascendant, strong connections to the unconscious mind & spiritual realm. In 3h, channeler abilities. In 8h mediumship, including divination.
○Aspects Sun
○Aspects Moon
○Aspects Mercury
○Sextile Uranus
○Square, Trine, Conjunct, Sextile Ascendant
○Conjuct MC
○Neptune is your oriental/guiding planet.
Conjunctions, Trine and Sextile comes easier and will be stronger for said person.
Pluto can give us the ability to transform and access our psychic abilities. Pluto in water &/or 1, 4, 8, 9, 12th houses or Conjunct Ascendant, ability to transform and access deeper levels of the spiritual realm. Pluto in the 8th & 12th house brings about deep interests in the underworld, subconscious realms, and supernatural. Exceptionally perspective, highly intuitive, psychic. Was most likely aware of these abilities at a young age.
○Aspects Moon
○Aspects Jupiter
○Conjunct North Node
○Pluto oriental/guiding planet.
Conjunctions, Trine and Sextile comes easier and will be stronger for said person.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto- sextile, Trine to each other, offers an openly energetic gateway to intuitive and psychic insight, square or opposition psychic dreams and insight but may need to be developed.
With Neptune sextile Pluto you're able to tap into the collective on a broader and deeper way than most, especially with a well placed water Moon.
Nodes in water signs &/or 4, 8, 12th houses, north can point to current psychic gifts, South can point to a past life as a psychic.
Chiron 4,8,12th house and Conjunct or opposition to
Can have healing abilities on others in the native.
Moon Signs
Aries Moon- clairvoyance
Taurus Moon - clairsentient, clairaudience, Psychometry
Gemini Moon- claircognizance
Cancer Moon- claircognizance, clairsentient, clairvoyance, divination, emotional empath
Leo Moon- clairvoyance
Virgo Moon- clairsentient, claircognizance, physical empath
Libra Moon- claircognizance
Scorpio- claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, channeler, mediumship
Sagittarius- claircognizance, clairvoyance
Aquarius- claircognizance, clairaudience
Pisces Moon- clairsentient, clairvoyance, claircognizance,divination, channeler
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mamawasatesttube · 4 months
hi guys. a fun fact about me is that i hate dc comics!
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river-in-the-woods · 4 months
Your previous response was fascinating and gave me a new perspective I didn't consider when it comes to the energy of the spirits! In a similar vein, what are your thoughts on when we perceive fellow people? I form impressions based on eye contact and other characteristics. Maybe it's my clairsentience (?) that gives me ideas or feelings but it comes in like a scale of 1 to 10. Tens are bad news I can't bear to look at for too long. There's also people I didn't find immediately off but felt a quiet reservation upon encountering. I think I happened to pick up on a flaw of theirs that had the potential to inconvenience me and It does--leaving any good faith I had of them in tatters. The signs are sometimes clear as flashing sirens I can't ignore but then they're quiet, almost like whispers. These small voices still warn but I wish they would speak louder😓
How interesting for you to bring this up 🙂
I have a degree of clair-sentience or -cognisance which has been present from a young age. It gives me an instinctual knowledge of whether a person is trustworthy, whether they might deceive or harm me.
Sometimes I can tell at a glance. Other times the instinct gradually makes itself known as the person speaks and interacts with me. It can feel like instant alarm and suspicion, but more often I feel the subtle reservation and discomfort you mentioned. They don’t have to do or say anything particular, I simply observe and my instincts stir.
One of my favourite examples of this happened when I brought up my 'people senses' in a conversation with a couple of housemates at university. They were talking about former friends who had mistreated or betrayed them. Out of interest, they showed me a few group photographs of themselves and their friends.
Their question: "In this photograph, who are the people I'm no longer friends with?" In other words, who were the 'friends' that had mistreated them.
I looked at each of the faces on the photographs, and asked myself if I would trust that person. I pointed out the ones I would not trust. I was right about every single one.
I suspect that 'voice' rings louder the more harmful and unreliable someone is. But people are complicated.
There are those who have good intentions and fail to follow through. There are those who are deeply, sincerely kind, but have so little control over their lives and their emotional impulses, that they end up hurting you anyway. There are those whose perceptions are riddled with ignorance in some places, clarity in others. There are people trying to be kind and virtuous, but are lacking in skill or experience. And there are people who are just innately incompatible with you for one reason or another.
These are the people who inspire that sense of reservation. "They're not bad people, but maybe I should keep a distance..."
Also, there are people who are intimidating, irritating, even offensive - but not truly harmful. All bark and no bite. Sometimes they are kind underneath, other times they are simply not worth the trouble!
My 'people sense' is most noticeable with those that bite, but don't bark. People who seem ordinary, and have not revealed themselves as potential harm or trouble. Yet for some unknown reason I feel I cannot, must not, trust them.
I can't always use it to tell whether someone is lying to me - it depends - but by proxy I can tell if they would lie to me. Or, if they are prone to being deceived themselves and would likely spread false information.
Logic and experience feeds into this. If you can read body language, or simply observe a person's interests and ambitions. Who, where and how they spend their time. That information will mingle with your clair senses.
Remember that it's never "either or". Everyone has strengths and flaws, and so can be trusted with some things, but not others. And that will depend on how your life and your needs intersect with theirs.
The main obstacle that interferes with my instincts is that I have a soft and forgiving heart. If there is any evidence of a person's goodness, then I want to give them a chance, to watch and wait and understand them better. This is a virtuous thing, but it must be balanced out with decisiveness and self-esteem.
My mother also has a degree of claircognisance. She can spot a troublesome person with a single glance. She has a way of predicting the future too, in a rather mundane way. However, she is different to me, in that she focuses on the negative qualities of others. Thus she's prone to isolating herself and assumes more pessimistic outcomes.
This sort of subtle skill requires empathy, observation, and the dissolving of personal biases. This is what allows one to perceive the disposition of others and what their tendencies are.
As I've grown older, I get less of the 'alarmed' response and more 'general caution'. People have fewer means to hurt me because I've grown more resilient and resourceful, and so whether they can harm me is a question of whether I let them. But for the same reason, I trust more easily. I meet people who I just know I am safe with, because I sense their kindness and intelligence.
It can be easy for biases to overrule this subtle sense. And since it doesn't come with any visions or extraordinary sensations, it can be easily dismissed as well. At times it's also bothersome because I know if I can trust someone, but not why or how. Nonetheless, it is an underrated source of protection and good fortune.
Thank you for your question 💚
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faeriekit · 6 months
Health and Hybrids (XV)👽👻💚
[I can't remember the original prompt posters  for the life of me but here's a mashup between a cryptid!Danny, presumed-alien!Danny, dp x dc, and the prompt made the one body horror meat grinder fic.]
PART ONE is here PART TWOis here PART THREE is here PART FOUR is here and PART FIVE is here PART SIX is here and PART SEVEN is here PART EIGHT is here PART NINE is here PART TEN is here PART ELEVEN is here PART TWELVE is here PART THIRTEEN is here PART FOURTEEN is here and this is part fifteen...somehow...
💚 Ao3 Is here for all parts
Where we last left off... Author regrets both use of Roman numerals and Old English but you know what? We ballin'. Also Danny woke up! With only some complications! woohoo! 🎉
Trigger warnings for this story:  body horror | gore | post-dissection fic | dehumanization (probably) |  my nonexistent attempts at following DC canon. On with the show.
Danny comes in and out of consciousness in bursts.
Wherever he is, it’s not the Guys in White. He rules that out very, very quickly.
For one. The Guys in White would not hire a lady to sit around and mind him constantly. He has— The same few doctors come in and out of green-tinged vision consistently. Their tags are different de-saturated colors, but he can recognize most of them.
And, somehow, the lady is there. If not at his side immediately, at his side quickly enough.
With his space shuttle.
With a grip toy.
The oatmeal is what really clues Danny in that this can’t be the GIW.
The GIW would never waste human food on him. Never. It creates too much of a logistical mess: a paper trail of payments, feeding people that don’t exist; the need for cleanup of bio-waste that no one wants to deal with; the cleaning and sanitizing of utensils, which could easily contaminate a living person.
And yet. There is oatmeal.
Mushy, unappetizing oatmeal.
The lady feeds it to him when she’s around. She spoons it into his mouth, quietly chatting all the while. She could be telling him how she’s going to cut out his organs to be chopped up and mounted on glass slides for investigation for all that Danny knows, but still, very patiently, she spoonfeeds him little mouthfuls of oatmeal.
She waits for him to swallow every time. If he stops eating, she lets him stop.
It’s kind. It’s gentle.
It’s…it’s the nicest thing Danny’s had in a long time.
It’s so nice that he stops being overtly weird when the doctors come in. He knows it’s a bad idea. He knows he’s shooting himself in the foot probably.
But…but no one is being mean to him. Everyone is being careful. Gentle.
Quiet. Slow. Obvious.
One of the doctors drops a meal tray once and everyone rushes to quiet it, to check that he’s settled, to…comfort? Him?
The oatmeal tastes bad, by the way. It’s also how he finds out part of his tongue is numb.
Or maybe it tastes bad because some of his tongue is numb.
Either way. Ew. It’s bland and it tastes bad and Danny has to finish all of it, even though he has an IV in him that puts food into him.
His IV itches. He’s sad that he can’t move and can’t protect himself. He’s tired and he’s bored of sitting here. He doesn’t know where he is and no one can tell him because he can’t understand them.
There’s no TV.
There are other concerns to be worried about, but Danny would like a television, please. Something with news on it. Something that could ground him in a location, or a place, or…
The air hisses. For a moment, breathing is going to be easier as the air cycles. It hurts, still, to breathe—the GIW hadn’t thought Danny needed to breathe, so they hadn’t put him back together right. He breathes through cobbled-together organs and raw pink seams, but yet. He breathes.
Danny lays there, and he breathes. He clutches his space shuttle toy between his wrist and his thigh, because he can.
There’s a whisper against the door. The heavy mechanisms of the door clank out of place.
Danny’s eyelids flutter as they fail to either open or close. The green in his vision bunches and falls as they try. The lady must be back.
Surely, enough, she is. Her paper gown is a mint blue today. It matches her mask and her gloves, but not her pinkish-grey shoes. She comes through the door, and—
—there’s something behind her.
It’s. They’re. Humanoid? They’re…green?
Danny stares, his head against the pillow, his eyes wide. They’re. They’re floating.
He can’t stop staring. His eyelids don’t even twitch. The lady walks to his bedside, and the…the other one follows him.
“Wel mette,” the lady greets him again, her fingers on the very corner of his mattress and no further. “Eom hebbjan ure freond.”
Danny has no idea what that means. He stares; he stares at the…their… Is that a ghost? Is a ghost just…walking around??
The—the being has—their head isn’t super. Humanoid. It’s more oval and angular, to be honest. But the rest of them is; their outfit is certainly out of the world Danny has grown up in, and is mostly constructed of straps crossing around the larger shapes of their body. And a…cloak…?
Is this a ghost?? It has to be, right? But a ghost of what??
There’s a sensation. Danny doesn’t have control over his body in the way that he’s used to, but this sensation isn’t aimed at his—it doesn’t—it’s not physical. It’s just a touch. A feeling.
Like he thought. A sensation. But still. Its presence is…Danny’s pretty sure it’s a greeting.
He…he doesn’t greet back. He doesn’t know if this is a friend.
…Lots of ghosts pretend to be something they’re not. He doesn’t know who this ghost is. He doesn’t know who this lady is. His head hurts and it’s hard to think and he knows everyone just wants to hurt him even when they pretend not to. Or they don’t even know it yet.
So he turns his head and pretends he’s dead. (Or. Uh. Dead-er.) Dead things don’t have thoughts, duh. You can’t read mine if I don’t have any!
The ghost drifts closer. Danny can’t move—he can’t run, can barely flinch—but he can feel how taut he gets the closer they get, the further they get into his personal bubble.
The greeting comes again. It’s quieter on the second round. Gentler. The ghost is trying not to scare him, is trying not to hurt him. Just careful, gentle contact.
Danny squeezes his eyes closed. It doesn’t work (whoops) because his eyes don’t close right (he forgot about that) and then his head hurts a lot because he’s working a whole lot of muscles who were not prepared to put in so much effort at the drop of a hat.
The greeting turns a little…melancholy. It matches the tone that the lady takes on when Danny’s breathing stutters and his body screams with exhaustion he can’t shake.
He doesn’t want it. He doesn’t want to talk to anyone. He doesn’t want to be poked and prodded and then attacked when the ghost realizes Danny’s not Fun the way the ghosts want him to be—willing to play around when people get hurt or ignore the pain around them. Danny just wants to be left alone.
The greeting is gently let go. From the ghost comes a question—something soft. Something celestial. Danny can’t tell the specifics, but there are moons and stars in the question.
…His fingers flex around the plastic shell of his model shuttle. There’s. He’s. Space?
The green ghost turns to the lady. “Læt uns ga an wealc”, they say, in that English Danny doesn’t know and doesn’t understand.
The lady says something back to them. They say something back to the lady. The lady goes to the wall, where there is a phone, and says something.
Danny tenses. This is it. She’s calling in for backup. More people are coming and it’s going to hurt.
The phone call ends. The lady comes back and Danny tenses—
But there’s nowhere to run and his physical body is too weak to hide properly. She reaches his bedside, reaches out her arms, and Danny flinches away.
He can’t shut his eyes. He can’t stop seeing her outstretched arms because he can’t shut his eyes.
“Mæg eom ahebbe eow?”
Danny doesn’t know what that means!!!
The ghost brushes their fingers up against the steel rail of Danny’s cot. There’s an image—of the lady, clear as day, in a red and blue and gold outfit, bridal-carrying someone from building rubble. There’s a prodding at his core that says you, there, in particular.
He’s dumbfounded. Like, to lift? To lift him?
There’s a sense of agreement, and then the image of a cot with wheels. The wheels are the focus of the message.
…They’re asking Danny permission? To go somewhere?
On one hand, no, Danny doesn’t want to be any further complicit into whatever horrible kidnapping scheme this probably is. This place sucks. He doesn’t want to see more of it. This is the second worst kidnapping he’s ever had and he wants no part in it.
On the other hand, however, this place sucks, and getting out of here, even if only temporarily…
Danny licks his lips. There’s craters in the soft tissue. He tastes orange pixie sticks and the sour tang of battery acid.
If Danny is very, very smart. And very, very careful. And very, very quiet… Well. What are the chances they wheel him past the exit on this excursion?
Sure, they’re pretty low. But there’s hope.
Danny hasn’t had hope in ages.
He nods. He hates that he does—his neck jerks upwards, and then he’s sore and tired everywhere and in his head and neck and shoulders, and he’s not going to be able to move much more than that for literal hours (sorry, oatmeal mush), and he’s said yes.
“Þancie eow!” the lady says, and the ghost translates that for him as thank you and then she lifts Danny up off the bed cot he lives on like he’s still a ghost, and not made of heavy, teenage flesh. Wow is she strong. Danny hopes her job isn’t to hurt him. Otherwise he’s going to be a smear of green on the wall and then what would the point of inspecting his insides be??
Danny gets lifted. Danny gets carried.
(It’s not an amazing experience on his aching body. He thinks some of his bruises start to leak ectoplasm in self defense. Her arms are as stiff as rocks.)
Being lifted is also how Danny finds out there’s something caging his legs. They don’t seem to be caged together—they hang individually—but they keep them taut and aligned so that all the pressure of being lifted is on his hips, and not his legs. Considering that Danny’s received pretty medium care for his troubles…that doesn’t bode well for whatever state his legs are in.
Danny gets gently, gently placed down onto a new cot. The side bars are metal, but thinner than on the bed he woke up on.
The world starts to move.
Oh. They’re moving. Danny’s moving.
It’s kind of startling. The world’s been so static and fuzzy for so long, and now he’s bedridden but moving.
The ghost opens the door, and Danny’s still body and the bed follow with it. The lady has to be pushing, then. They go through it and—
—Danny blearily squints. Ow. Bright.
Bright, LED light follows Danny down steel hallways and past strangers in bright outfits, their colors pale and washed out by Danny’s attempts to squeeze green eyelids together and stop seeing everything.
He wants to stop. This is too much. He bites his lip—jaw aching—and grunts—throat tearing—and—
The ghost that keeps trying to talk to him sends some other emotion, and Danny purposefully ignores them. It’s easy enough to block things you don’t want to feel. The green wall of a body floats out in front of him to open another door, and Danny is pushed inside.
The lights are off in here. The tension in Danny’s forehead gets a little quieter. That’s…nice. It makes the window in the room seem bigger and brighter, and—
Danny jerks. His whole body screams at him as he claws against the cot, trying to get closer, closer—
He hurts something in his back. He can tell. There’s something in his hips that’s strained, or possibly fractured, as he climbs across a horizontal surface. The beings around him make worried, scared noises, and that doesn’t matter right up until the bed moves so Danny can push his face right up against the glass.
Because that’s space out there. The stars are out there. And Danny is so, so close to them.
It’s so…
…Danny doesn’t know how much time he loses to starlight before he falls asleep.
“Did you see!” Diana gushes, the windows going by. The cot (and the alien in it) she pushes through the hall, the occasional curious eye turning to them as they go past. “J’onn, did you see, he had glowed! I know we had hoped that he would be receptive, but—“
“Diana,” J’onn murmurs, his voice low. Wonder Woman’s head tilts to find him behind her, and she only slows just enough to not run the cot or its occupant into any unsuspecting superheroes.
The first fear is for the worst scenario. “Did the excursion hurt him?”
The Martian hesitates. “…No,” he says, and nothing more. He drifts forward to the metaphorical prow of their vehicle, and Diana sets her shoulders into generating momentum. J’onn opens doors for them as they pass.
The alien child isn’t awake to consent to be returned to his newly cleaned bed, but Diana feels secure enough returning him to his usual haunt that she proceeds to do so.
Even when physical, he is frighteningly limp in her arms.
She takes care to support his head as she pulls him up to her chest. He is so fragile. When the light comes across his face as he moves, parts of his face are still ominously transparent. Ominously liquid. Ominously green.
Diana should not be able to see the inner airways of his nose, nor the thin, still-healing holes in his skull, or his irises while his eyes try in vain to shut with skin they do not have.
She lays him down. Gently, she tucks him under thin sheets with gloved hands.
J’onn drifts over to her side. His feet haven’t touched the ground—not since he was reminded that visible signs of non-human life might be reassuring to a non-human. “He doesn’t remember us,” he says. Diana hears him.
And then she hears him.
“He what?”
“He has no memory of his time on the base. He has no memory yourself, of our previous communication, of the junior heroes… He has no understanding of the layout of the base, nor of things we had already established: my status as an alien lifeform to Earth and the base’s lunar occupancy. As far as he knows, he woke up here a week and a half ago to strangers having taking up a caretaker’s role, and he doesn’t know why and if we will harm him.”
Diana stills. She…takes a deep breath.
“Alright,” she whispers. And then, louder: “Alright. We can fix this.”
And they will, although it will take time, because even if he doesn’t remember them, Diana knows him—a child with too much fear, who likes to be around others, who occasionally plays around but likes his boundaries respected. A child who put glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling.
“Oh,” Diana realizes at last, reaching a point J’onn had already understood: “Impulse is going to be so disappointed.”
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