#psycho cuties fanfic
raspberry-cannibalz · 7 months
can you pretty please write yandere doctor masacrik x reader where basically she takes mimi’s place 🙏
We love psycho cuties!!! Yes I can! This Is my first time running a account like this so please leave any tips on my writing and formatting if you'd like<33
Y/n= Your name
E/c= Eye color
Yandere Masacrik x Fem!reader
Word count: 1940
Story contains: Yandere themes, implied abuse, Y/N, NOT PROOF READ.
Masacrik was always a jealous man when it came to something he owned. That was the case with you. He barely brought you out of the house. You always remained there, unless you were being good. If you were really good he'd take you for a walk at night. But today was different. You weren't exceptionally being good but you weren't being bad. You caught a really bad stomach bug from something you ate the other day. You needed proper care. Masacrik noticed this the night before he had a very big day at work. Of course this was an inconvenience for him and he looked rather sore at you.
The morning of his big day at work he rushed around the house packing his bag as you sat on the sofa sick to your stomach.
He approaches you, slowly raising his hand. You thought he was still upset with you so you flinch and close your eyes with a bit of fear. Only for you to be met with a head pat. You open your eyes.
"I know this isn't your fault."
Masacrik says in a kind soothing manner.
"I have to take you to work with me though. Which is rather upsetting to me. I don't want anyone looking at you other then me. But I suppose I'll have to deal with that today."
He walks around the sofa to his shoes. You never really had any shoes to wear, even for the night walks. You kinda just let the rocks poke at you, Getting cuts and bruises on your feet. But today he pulls out a nice pair of cute black shoes. Masacrik motions you to go over to him and you did. You always listen to him. It was like your purpose for existing. He slides the shoes on you, almost a perfect fit. They were a bit tight on you, but that was better than walking on sharp rocks and god knows what else would be on the ground. He then grasps a small dark navy blue jacket. He carefully puts it on you and buttons it up, then pulls out his big red scarf and wraps it around your neck nicely. It covers your nose and chin.
"Now, y/n. You need to be on your best behavior today, got it?"
He looks at you in your e/c eyes with a serious expression.
You nod but that makes Masacrik shake his head.
"Use your words."
He says in a stern tone. You hesitate for a moment before letting out a soft "yes...yes sir.." bearly Audible.
Masacrik smiles at you and stops leaning over you.
"Good, Let's go now." He takes your hand in his and leads you outside. You never have been out in the daytime. Or you don't remember if you ever did. You start to walk the opposite direction then you do when you go for night walks.its a cold morning, you look up and you can see Masacriks breath in the air. He usually wears his scarf on his way to work.
"Y/n, you will be in the break room while I'm in a meeting today. I packed some fruit for you to eat while we are there and some medicine."
Masacrik spoke in a low soft voice while keeping his grasp on my had.
"If anyone talks to you, you have to tell me. People looking at you gets on my nerves enough."
He grips my hand slightly tighter, his tone getting a hint of jealousy in it. We reach the hospital he works at, Masacrik pulls me closer to his side and lays his hand on the side of my head, pressing it into his shoulder. Many of people are going in and out of the hospital. Doctors, nurses, released patients, happy family members, sad family members. And before you know it, you're already inside and walking towards the elevator. This place was so bright and clean, Some what familiar to you. As you two go up in the elevator, you cling onto Masacrik's jacket from the stimuli of this new yet familiar place.
Masacrik leads you out of the elevator and down the hall to a staff only room.
He sits you down at a table and puts an apple in front of you.
"Eat it when you get hungry." His voice is monotone and he looks like he needs to start heading to his meeting.
"Be a good girl y/n"
he says softly then heads for the door. You lay your head in your arms on the table for who knows how long. You hear someone enter the room but you are a bit too hesitant to look who it is, You dont want to disappoint Masacrik.but you hear a voice say something, you don't know if it was directed to you or if two people are in the room, the voice said.
"Who's that?" It was a females voice. You hear the woman walk over to you and tap your shoulder. You jolt at the touch, knowing you'll have to tell Masacrik about this small interaction.
"Hello? Are you alright?" The voice seems soft and curious. You decided to look up, you meet face to face with a girl with a pink long bob haircut. She has a cat ear hat that is white that looks just like yours. She looks to be a nurse. You sit there just looking at her a bit of fear and nervousness on your face.
"Are you lost? Oh! Are you waiting for one of the staff?" She seems kind and happy.
"Masacrik.." you manage to mutter out barley Audible
Her smile turns a bit into a frown.
"Oh are you his sister?"
She asks her tone turned a bit cold. You shake your head.
"Fr..Friend..?" You say softly, not knowing if that's the right word to describe your relationship with him. She sighed in a bit of disappointment, she seems slightly bothered.
"Well hes in a meeting so he won't be out for another 30 minutes." She walks over to a cabinet over the counters. You just sit there worried you made her mad until she turns around holding two choopa chub lollipops, Ones strawberry and the others chocolate.
"So I'll wait with you till he gets back." Her voice seemed to become more calm and tender. She walks back over to you and hands you the chocolate lollipop and opens her strawberry one, then pops it onto her mouth.
"My names strawberry" she sits down beside you. You open the chocolate lollipop and put it in your mouth.
"I'm y/n.." you are very hesitant to speak to her. You two just kind of sit there in silence until you both hear the door open and a males voice.
"God I hate this job!"
It was a nurse. He had short brown hair and a whiny voice. He looks at the two of you sitting at the table and he smiles.
"Oh god its him.." you hear strawberry mutter and see her pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Heyy, strawberry! You never told me you had a friend just as cute as you!" The nurse says with a slight flirtatious tone.
"Hmm wow really?" Strawberry says in a sarcastic voice.
"What's your name little lady?"
He approaches you with a freaky smile. You look visibly nervous and uncomfortable.
" °°° " you look at the ground.
"Not much of a talker huh? Eh that's fine I like that in a woman." He puts his hand on your shoulder
"Women are such yappers they go on and on an-"
he gets cut off from a yell.
"HEY! Do not touch her without her permission." Strawberry glares at him and grabs his wrist.
"I'm just being friendly toots" the nurse replied with a snarky tone
"Yeah ill make sure to tell that to the hospital manager. Let's go!" She gets up and starts to drag the nurse out of the room. You are left sitting there alone in that room.
After about 15 minutes, you hear the door open once again. You look to see if strawberry was back but you see Masacrik instead. Your mood instantly got better when you saw him. Though he doesn't seem too happy with you. He walks over to you and bends down so both of your faces are directly in front of each other. Masacrik grabs the tick of the lollipop and pulls it out if your mouth half eaten.
"We will talk about this at home
He says in a deep voice. Masacrik pulls out the medicine and puts a small bit of it in a small plastic sip cup and hands it to you. His face looks annoyed and jealous.
"My shift is only a couple of more hours."
He walks to the door and leaves the room. Hes still holding the lollipop and just as he left the room he puts it in his mouth with a grin.
You sit there anxiously. You take the medicine then lay your head down in your arms and on the table again. You hear people go in and out of the room for the next couple of hours but they didn't pay any mind to you, they just ignored you if they saw you or they were in too much of a rush to notice your existence.
You finally hear a familiar humming as the door opened. Its Masacrik! Hopefully in a better mood. You look up from your spot. You didn't realize someone had turned off the lights at some point. The room is dimly lit from the hallway light peering in from the glass window on the door. Though Masacriks humming seemed happy, his face said otherwise.
You knew it was time to leave so you get up from your seat and walk over to grab his hand. You took his but he didn't take yours, you were just grasping onto his finger.
Masacrik leads you out of the room and the hospital and down the street home. Silent all the way home. It was like a punishment to you. You hated when he was mad at you, it almost physically hurt.
You both reach home and get inside. You take off you shoes and go over to the sofa to sit down but you suddenly feel yourself being pinned into the sofa. You look up at Masacrik.
"Who was it.?"
He says trying not to yell. His face is in a rage. This startled you to the point you started to tear up.
Masacrik demanded you respond.
"H..her name is strawberry.." you muttered. Masacrik's face turns to jealousy.
"But.. but she. Saved me.." you spat out.
Masacriks face went from anger and jealousy to confusion.
"From what." He says in a stern voice"
"Creepy nurse Man.. with brown hair.."
Masacriks face turns more calm.
"I guess that this can be an exception this time." His grip on your shoulders loosen and he falls onto you wrapping his arms around you.
"But you should know that you are mine. Not hers. Got it..?"
He Whispers into your ear softly with a small hint of jealousy. You nod as you both fall asleep like that.
You wake up with the sun shining into the window. You sit up and see Masacrik is at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper. The paper reads.
-young nurse found dead in his car at 11:49pm-
Masacrik seems to be smiling at the paper but you don't seem to understand what the paper exactly says.
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meowz3rzparty · 6 months
Im writing a fanfic about Doctor masacrik bc there’s literally none 🥰
It’s a wip so please be patient:3
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*You don’t know what happened, you couldn’t remember who you were, where you were, hell you couldn’t even remember your past. You woke up in a hospital, inside a patient room.you were in a hospital gown,nothing else. You were confused and scared. You had no clue what was happening of course you’d be frightened.*
*your whole body hurt as you sat up slowly. You looked down at your legs to see stitches going up your right leg, the area around the stitches being bruised and slightly red. It was so confusing and panic inducing. Eyes wide and aware as you looked around when you felt something on your head. You couldn’t see what it was though, but luckily there was a mirror in sight and you could slightly see into it. Seeing the cat looking ears sown onto the base of your head, also noticing a cat like tail sown onto your lower back.*
*But like I said, you couldn’t remember anything and had no clue if those had always been there on not. The only clue you would’ve had is how the stitches look. However you didn’t know what healed stitches look like, and even if you did I doubt you’d remember.*
“What the fuck..? W-why can’t I remember anything…?” *You stammered out quietly. You were trying to calm down by taking deep breathes except the stress of not being able to remember anything was making you anxious and scared. As you breathed heavily your eyes paced around the room and noted an iv tube inserted into your forearm. As you took notice of it you decided it would be a good idea to try and get it out and go ask someone for help. Your hand reached for the iv tube that was probably being used to give your body medicine, you grabbed it a gently started to mess with it trying to get it out*
“Ah your awake. Stop playing with your iv though..” *you hear a stern voice say suddenly,flinching slightly at the unexpected voice. Eyes darted to look over at the door frame of the room to see a tall figure, you couldnt quite make out who it was because it was quite dark. The ‘figure’ stepped into the room. A tall doctor, with strawberry pink hair that was short and slicked back, teal eyes glaring over at you. His style of clothes was… questionable. A mint teal button up top with a white hospital coat over it with his name tag on, “Doctor Masacrik”. Ah so that’s his name. His shorts were a maroon colour as he had heart covered stocking under them… interesting fashion choice.*
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glitterandsparkels · 10 months
Mob x Reigen
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Day 2 my favorite problematic ships in different film\media: Mob Psycho Mob x Reigen
Age gap + mentor x student
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😭😍i love them!! Mob is so sweet
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Other Socials:
project sekai id :433426776031875072
Hiya!! Im kai !! Uhh I go by any/all pronouns!
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I like @byneco , ride of the cyclone, heathers the musical, laws of Talos, endzone, eddsworld, fairly odd parents, fairly odd parents a new wish, will wood, lemon demon, psycho cuties, Regretevtor, the cult family, kio fish, the smile family, ocean terrors, grocery gang, chuck Lloyd, G0Z, and project sekai! :3
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Pew pew 🤑
I'm a young artist n uhh I have adhd ! 1! 1!
That's all I have I think rn so uhh bye bye :33
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chaotic-mystery · 1 year
☂ & 🎧 <3
Hi my baby!
🎧 last song you listened to?
Hurricane - I Prevail
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer
Ohhh boy I love this question but it's also intimidating in a way. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I leave them out. It wouldnt even be because I didn't like their work I just have a pea brain and forget a lot :( I actually want to make a fic rec list for you all! So many of you wonderful cuties are writing such good stuff. The ones right off the top of my head rn are the ones I've read this week and that's:
psycho bitch by @hellishjoel
Treat You Right by @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin
does your mother know? by @cupofjoel
Who do you call? by @chloeangelic
Stockings by @atticrissfinch
Full by @cool-iguana
I've been so busy at work that I haven't really set time aside to read more but this is just a small handful of ones I am cumming dying for this week.
ask me stuff!
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tisabelm · 1 month
about me and ideas
HEY!1! so i'm sort of just writing this to give more info about my page (mainly how it will be in the future) make more friends, socialize, and more so lets startttt!
future posts, ideas, topics, etc. (maybe because my blog is just for when i'm bored and in the mood to type about my favorite anime/characters)
i wanna write fanfics, oneshots, and more but mainly stuff along that line. I'm sure i stated in my first post that i wanna take requests for ideas, questions, and more. but mainly those few things
anime's i will most likely associate my page with :
Jujutsu Kaisen
(not really an anime and its more a animation) Psycho Cuties
My Hero Academia
Kamisama Kiss
Kimi ni Todoke
Maid Sama
High Rise Invasion (not anytime soon, haven't finished it but totally looking forward to it)
a Silent voice
a Whisker Away
Hunter x Hunter (haven't finished it fully because i started it and then stopped watching back in like 2021 😥)
GIVE ME ANIME RECS!! i wanna write about like Haikyuu and Saiki K. but i haven't watched either yet soooooo..)
what i am pretty much able to/going to write
gxre (maaaaybe)
just fanfics written by me
including taking requests, just whatever you guys want i guuess 😫
(i'm really okay with anything but i'm maining those!)
MY FAV CHARACTERS IN ANIMES meaning im probably gonna write about them frequently
Mello (Mihael Kheel)
Light Yagami
L Lawliet
Tomura Shigaraki
Dr. Masacrik (AHHH)
Suguru Geto
Satoru Gojo
and finally, my info
just recently got back into anime after leaving ALL anime fandoms back in like 2021. I used to loooove writing about animes (i'm a SUCKER for smut i am not gonna lie). I kinda just made this blog to share my thoughts, opinions, stories, so onn! i also wanna make friends that has the same interests as me sooo yeah thats basically it!1!
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bigolclownman11037 · 2 years
!Requests Open: 1/6!
Blog Rules!
Hello Friends Welcome To My Cringe Fanfic Haven :)
Im 18+ And My Blog Is 14+
There Will Be Swearing And Some Dark Topics So Be Aware.
Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Ableism, Bodyshaming, And Any Other Form Of Discrimination Is Not Tolerated On My Blog.
I Will Do Those Emoji Anon Things So Pick An Emoji If You Wanna :D
If You Plan To Request, Please Read My Rules And Make Sure Requests Are Open!
Random Important Stuff:
I Only Take 6 Requests At A Time So Make Sure That Their Open. It Will Always Say It At The Top Of This Post.
Just Be Respectful. Dont Insult Me Or My Work, Dont Demand Me To Write Stuff, And Dont Rush Me To Write It.
Dont Resend Requests Multiple Times. Resending Once Or Twice Is Fine If Your Unsure I Saw It But No More Than That.
I Only Accept Requests Through The Ask Box. It Just Makes It Easier To Do Stuff If Its All In My Inbox.
Do Not Repost/Translate My Work To Benefit From It. And If You See Anyone Do This, Please Notify Me.
My Ask Box Is Always Open To Any Other Stuff Too <3
My Tags Are
#biggests fics(For My Actual Fanfiction)
#biggests sillys(Random Stuff/Responding To Non-Fanfic Questions)
Fandoms You Can Request From(In Alphabetical Order):
A Date With Death
Bendy And The Ink Machine + Bendy And The Dark Revival
Black Butler
Bungo Stray Dogs
Danganronpa(No Anime Exclusives + No Hifumi Yamada Or Haji Towa)
Death Note
Demon Slayer
Diabolik Lovers
Doki Doki Literature Club
Dont Hug Me Im Scared
Five Nights At Freddy's
Friday Night Funkin + Mods
Fundamental Paper Education
Genshin Impact
Gushing Over Magical Girls
Hazbin Hotel + Helluva Boss
Honkai Star Rail
Hunter X Hunter
Kakegurui + Kakegurui Twin
Magical Girl Site
Metal Family
My Hero Academia(No Movie Exclusives)
Miraculous: Tales Of Ladybug And Cat Noir
Murder Drones
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls(Human Vers)
Night Owls & Summer Skies
Ouran Highschool Host Club
Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt
Pokemon(Indigo League, XY/XYZ, And Sun And Moon)
Poppy Playtime(Only Dogday)
Psycho Cuties
Puella Magi Madoka Magica + Magica Records
Sally Face
Scott Pilgrim(Movie + Anime)
Steven Universe
Super Mario
Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun
The Promised Neverland
The Coffin Of Andy And Leyley
The Book Of Life
The Amazing Digital Circus
The Kid At The Back
This Bed We Made
Undertale(AUs Included) + Deltarune
WataMote: No Matter How I Look At It, Its You Guys Fault I'm Unpopular
Welcome Home
Yandere Simulator(No Mida, Muja, Or Hanako)
You And Me And Her: A Love Story
Zenless Zone Zero
What I Will Write:
Character X Reader
Readers With Specific Traits(Nurse!Reader, Reader Who Likes Art, Black!Reader, Anything You Want Basically)
Ill Write For 4 Characters Per Request
Those Alphabet Headcannon Things. Heres The Template.
Platonic, Familial, Romantic, One-sided, And Polyamorous Relationships
Love Triangles/Squares/Whatever Shape You Want
Any Genre Except Smut. Im Not Good At It :C
Any Dere Types(Yandere, Tsundere, Kuudere, Etc)
Any AUs Besides Pet, Kid, And School/College Aus. Also Please Describe The AU To Me So I Get It Right
I Write Crossovers. Maximum Amount Of Fandoms Is 4.
Light Violence
Self Harm And Suicide But Not Graphically
Cheating Relationships
What I Wont Write:
Character X Character/Oc
Overly Detailed Readers To The Point It Feels Like An Oc
Full Length Oneshots.
I Will Not Write Cultural Themes, Disabilitys, Trans Reader, Or Plus-Size Reader Because I Dont Have Experience With Of Those And Dont Wanna Make Any Mistakes.
Littles/Age Regression Stuff. I Support It, I Just Dont Understand It That Much.
Heavy Violence
Romantic Oneshots For Characters 12 And Under. Its Gross <3
Gross Kink Shit Like Noncon, Pedophilia, Age Play, Large Age Gaps, Incest, Vore, Abuse, Teacher X Student, Vomit, Scat, Race Play.
Also Heres My Masterlist :)
Anyways Thats It :)
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kittenshift-17 · 3 years
For send me a character ask I have several for you: Dolohov (who else😆😜), Malfoy and Luna from HP and Zuko😉 Thanks for posting it! 😀
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Scary as fuck
Scary as fuck!! Guy's nuts.
None from Canon. He's a psycho.
Dolohov hunts Hermione down after the war and takes her prisoner, Beauty and the Beast style, because only her love will save him from prison.
He's a psychopath and many who fantasise about him as some glorious gift of creation is probably a bit fucked up. I say this despite writing him. Many of his hardcore fans in the HPverse of fanfic are extremely concerning women who often leave reviews that make me wanna put them in touch with a shrink and ask if they're okay. Takes forgiving the abuser to the extreme in a lot of cases.
He's obsessed with Hermione because she didn't die when he tried to murder her. Makes him quirky.
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Draco Malfoy
Smarmy prat.
Cowardly, arrogant prick.
When Hermione punches him.
Draco defies his family's expectations and runs off with Hermione after the war.
Draco is hyped as the bad boy and the sexy love interest, but he's a pasty, arrogant, coward. Neville is more of a bad boy by the end of the series, and a much nicer person.
Draco was bitten by Greyback as punishment for failing his task to kill Dumbledore and is now also a werewolf
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Luna Lovegood
Who is this crazy cutie?
Such a pure soul. Complete cinnamon roll. Protect at all costs.
All of them, really. Probably calling Dobby sir. And helping Harry and generally being kind even though people are mean to her.
Luna and Harry go to Slughorns party together and are stuck under the mistletoe together. Rather than just kissing to get free, she convinces Harry to boost her onto his shoulders so she can lecture the nargles while Harry tries not to fall over laughing. At the end, he kisses her anyway because he realises he adores her.
She would have been brutalised a lot whilst imprisoned at Malfoy Manor during the war.
Luna/Neville and Luna/Harry.
Luna isn't crazy at all. All her creatures exist, and she goes on to one day be as famous as Newt Scamander.
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Cute, crazy guy. Needs to chill.
Precious cinnamon roll who needs to be loved, but who can also kill you with his little finger.
While hunting the southern raiders, Zuko and Katara are briefly stranded by BAD weather and have to grab a hotel room at a weird inn on the coast for the night. There is only one bed.
I have no unpopular opinions about Zuko.
Zuko needs to be cuddled. Katara is good at cuddles. It's perfect.
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anigerrrr · 6 years
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This psycho cutie is my new babe now Young Carol needs more fanfic c’mon ! She’s just so incredibly charming 😍🖤
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raspberry-cannibalz · 7 months
Hello! I'm dollie!I write fanfic.
Requests open!
What I will write:
Mental health topics
Fandoms I'll write:
The coffin of andy and leyley
Better half
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
Psycho cuties
No good noelle
My hero academia
I'll add more!
You are welcome to request! If you are not sure I'll write something you can just ask and I'll tell you<3
dont be weird..
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ladysunamireads · 5 years
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday by Oofers
It's Teru's birthday and gosh it's probably the worst one he has ever yet.
Words: 2430, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Hanazawa Teruki, Kageyama Ritsu, Reigen Arataka, Dimple
Relationships: Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo
Additional Tags: Woooo it's teruki's birthday!, yeah - Freeform, so mob is being cute here, including teru that fucking cutie, Reigen sucks at giving him gifts, Shou too, Ritsu likes to kill people who steal his minecraft diamonds, Shou likes to burn minecraft villages, wait is there even going to be minecraft here?, Sure why not?, Minecraft, god I should do my other fanfic, btw it's, Fluff, Mob plays minecraft and trades the villagers valuable stuff, the thing is that he traded using the villager's stuff, Reigen plays minecraft and does the same thing as mob, because he is a con man, shitpost, Also Mob likes to burn villages too
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/18455855
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meowz3rzparty · 6 months
Guys I’m still working on the doctor masacrik fanfic it’s just taking a while bc I’m quite busy and I’m in a depressive episode atm ‼️‼️
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ao3feed-terumob · 5 years
by Oofers
It's Teru's birthday and gosh it's probably the worst one he has ever yet.
Words: 2430, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: モブサイコ100 | Mob Psycho 100
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo, Hanazawa Teruki, Kageyama Ritsu, Reigen Arataka, Dimple (Mob Psycho 100)
Relationships: Hanazawa Teruki/Kageyama "Mob" Shigeo
Additional Tags: Woooo it's teruki's birthday!, yeah - Freeform, so mob is being cute here, including teru that fucking cutie, Reigen sucks at giving him gifts, Shou too, Ritsu likes to kill people who steal his minecraft diamonds, Shou likes to burn minecraft villages, wait is there even going to be minecraft here?, Sure why not?, Minecraft, god I should do my other fanfic, btw it's, Fluff, Mob plays minecraft and trades the villagers valuable stuff, the thing is that he traded using the villager's stuff, Reigen plays minecraft and does the same thing as mob, because he is a con man, shitpost, Also Mob likes to burn villages too
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Everything anon wanted to know and wasn’t afraid to ask part 2 :D
MC: In general, I can't really identify myself with her; she's a pure young girl while I'm a rotten, pervert woman :"D However, in the second seasons (at least as far as I read them) - she improved so much! Not like a woman though, but a wizard, but that's also nice to see, I'm so proud of our little Lizzie now ^^ <3Elias: Such a cutie. I love cuties. Though I also like bossy guys too so I can’t decide if I like him or Klaus more. No, please, just don’t ask me to decide! >_< Luca: I have that headcanon that he’s bisexual. Is it okay that despite this, I find him hot!? It’s not that I like every bad boy, but he has special… circumstances. Have I ever mentioned how obsessed I’m with royal guys? Oh, maybe just a thousand times. Yukiya: I’d like him anyway, but as he was the very first character I played in WH, he’ll be always special to me <3 Yeah, I’m a bit sentimental and I always remember the first characters in games like my first loves xD But I must mention one more thing: I want to meet his family! I don’t remember how many siblings he has, but it doesn’t matter anyway. I’m sure I say regularly, but I have a strong attraction to older brothers… Randy: his story is my favorite, but he’s not my favorite guy. Is it a contradiction? I don’t think so. His story is complex, tragic, full of mysteries at first, it was interesting to read. But as a guy… of course, he’s cute but I always thought I’d rather be his best friend. Stuffing our heads with sweets, doing crazy things, having fun etc. instead of romantic interactions. I don’t have any problem with him as a guy, I’m just not sure if there is enough chemistry between us like lovers. Azusa: he’s a misunderstood character! How can anyone say that he’s a jerk? There IS a difference between being a jerk just because why not, and being a jerk because he’s deceived, broken-hearted, mentally unstable because of several personal reasons. He’s not a bad person, he’s a good person manipulated by bad things. I don’t agree that it’s okay to act like him in a relationship! But hey, MC heals his heart, isn’t it still a great story? :) Klaus: asdfghasdf I’m horny… Okay, now he IS an actual jerk. He acts like he does because of his own decisions, not because he is manipulated by something. But… can’t we be optimistic just a little bit? I mean okay, he’s strict, but let’s see the good side of this: MC needed that strictness. Joel: I constantly have two things in my mind everytime I see him. 1st: when he appears in another guy’s route, a piece of my heart dies. Seriously. How sad can it be to see your love of life with another guy, without her remembering you? T_____T I can’t bear it… 2nd: in his own route… he wants MC to look him like a guy, without comparing him to June. Can you imagine how much thirst he has to prove his manliness? Every time he kisses MC, his kiss must be deep and passionate. When he makes love to her, he must show off all his skills as a man, and as he waited years for her, I don’t think he can hold himself back, he’s very possessive… but at the same time, as he loves deeply MC, he constantly fights with his selfish desires as he tries not to hurt her… awww I’ve already written Joel lemon, but I want more… T__T Vincent: Handsome and confident, but not jerk, protective and supports MC. The hottest of all the hotties! Haters, please just stop talking about his old he is… because he’s not old! Of course, he’s not a boy, but not being a boy doesn’t mean that he’s old! Anyway, I think he resembles mostly a real-life guy. He’s not a psycho, not tsundere, not a total bad boy, still, he’s not that all lovey-dovey romantic prince type. I personally think that most of the guys are like this: they don’t fall in love so easily as girls, needs some motivating to accept their own feelings, but it doesn’t mean they are all bad people. And Vincent… I can totally understand his way of thinking about love after hearing his about his past. And I’m very-very proud of myself that I could hold back my fangirling for his uniform until the end of the paragraph. LET THE FANGIRLING BEGIN!!! Leon: Well, I found his story lovely and emotional, and he is an interesting character. Not because of his race, but it’s interesting to see how he learns about emotions and tries to be a better person. Still… my body reacts better for guys like Klaus or Vincent, I’m sorry >_< But my platonic love will never fade, don’t worry my sweet angel! <3 /friendzoned Cerim: I like knights or knight-like guys in general. But it’s more important to talk about how MC got stronger in his route. I really like how she tries his best to share his burden, now she’s not just a damsel in distress. I like Cerim’s story, but I’m afraid my deepest crush in this mystery series is Guy… >_< Saella and MC were more interesting in his story than he, the main character itself. Also, the way how he looks isn't my type of guy. Well, it happens, not all the otome game guys are my type xD Guy: Can we stop for a moment to talk about how cute he is? He has his own problems due to his family, yet he doesn't act like a jerk (or like Luca xD) Despite his problems, he's cheerful and he doesn't treat MC like a piece of trash, moreover, he's sweeeeeet :3 He's a really good boyfriend material :)Glenn: His story was okay with the mystery around his village, but the way how he constantly friendzones MC made me tired. I know he doesn't do it on purpose, still it killed the chemistry between us. Sorry babe :* Leslie: He looks like Luca with brown hair. His personality is not the same, fortunately (yeah, I'm a fangirl of Luca, yet I admit he's awful xD) But even if he's not totally a copy-paste, his route didn't leave a very deep impression on me. Yeah, it was averagely entertaining, but I didn't feel when I finished that "OMG how will I recover from this love?" *shrugs* Sigurd: I like that type of character who you get to know only slowly. There are many layers, stories and feelings under the surface he shows to the world. He's a well-written character who managed make me forget how I started to get bored of WH recently.Mel: Younger than MC but looks older, clueless about love but a genius in his field... if he had dark hair, he would be literally my fiancée :"D Beside the sadist guys (like Raymond or Klaus), my other type is the "shota", I'd corrupt these cuties :3
Amelia: I ask her route from Santa again and again. It will never happen, but I won’t give up. She’s supporting, cheerful and not lame if the topic is love… ;-) Sometimes I ship her with different guys, but my main ship of hers will be always she x MC :D Ronny and Chica: they wanted to be cute side-kicks like Taffy - they turned out to be annoying :/ They have good moments though, but I say they aren't so original and funny like Taffy. Headmaster Randolph: he’s always a mystery to me, sometimes he looks like he’s something omniscient being on the Academy, and sometimes he doesn’t know about stuff. But doesn’t matter, I think he’s a great teacher; I wish I could have teachers like him… :/ Prof. Merkulova: I can’t understand what SWD did with him. There is a character. We don’t have many teachers in the school in the game, but he is one. Girls like him. He has dark secrets. And still, he rarely gets attention! I’m not especially his fangirl, I don’t say I wish they would release his route, but he is an interesting character so he could have gotten more role. Prof. Schuyler: ohohohohoho, this is my topic ;-) My opinion about him? *throws feelings into the crowd, here, have all of my feelings* He keeps his words and tries his best to protect the one who was important to someone important. I try not to say spoilers so word repetition FTW xD Loyal guys are hot! Also, I don’t think he could be one of the three mages, a royal attendant wizard or such a skilled teacher if he wouldn’t be smart. Strong wizards are hot! He never joined the dark side. Unwavering guys are hot! And why do some people say he’s not good-looking? He’s a badass guy with quite a difficult past, of course, he has a strict expression on his face! Though I’m curious about his smiling or soft face too… Argh, I’m so fckng hopeless! Months ago I wrote: "I’m not sure how long I can hold back to write a sequel to the Schuyler fanfic I wrote" Now let me announce: since it's time for sequels, something is on the way here too... ;)
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heshometome · 7 years
 Get to know me tag!
Thank you for tagging me @thanhifunny you cutie ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
this is a long one so ill cut it about halfway or something :’) have fun getting to know me  👏🏼
-Drink: Sparkling Duet (its like a lemon soda drink thing??)
-Phone call: my love @bowiepanda  💓
-Text message: @smiling-psycho talking about camping in her backyard haha
-Song you listened to: Awake by my boy Jin go give him some love 
-Time you cried: a couple of days?? (new record lmao)
-Dated dated someone twice: I kinda dont count it as dating bc I never actually met him in person??
-Kissed someone and regretted it: YES rip
-Been cheated on: Nope
-Lost someone special: Sadly, yes
-Been depressed:  😎 couple years and going
-Gotten drunk and thrown up: Yes lmao what a great night (i hated it) 
Three favorite colors…..
Black Purple and Blueeee
In the last year have you…..
-Made new friends: Aw hell yeah💕
-Laughed until you cried: Pretty sure I have
-Found out that someone was talking about you: HAHAHA YUP i love hearing what people say about me its so funny
-Met someone who changed you: For the better ❤️
-Found out who your friends are: Rip yeah, started with about 20, now have 6?? (irl)
-Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list: Nope #loner
-Do you have a any pets?: MY KITTY WHISTLE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 
-Do you want to change your name?: Sometimes yeah because everyone always says it wrong smh
-What did you do for your last birthday?: Had a dress up party and got drunk (i dressed as jungkook lmao it was great)
-What time did you wake up?: 7:00am
-What what you were you doing at midnight last night?: Reading (and crying) over the best fanfic I have ever read READ IT 
-Name something you can’t wait for: Moving out of home!! 
-When was the last time you saw your mom?: last weekend (for like 10 mins lol)
-What are you listening to right now?: Bullshit by GDragon (lovelovelove)
-Have you ever talked to someone named Tom?: I think so??
-Something that gets on your nerves?: My damn brothers
-Most visited website: Tumblr & AO3 :’)
-hair colour: Brown atm but im going to dye it purple in a month or so
-Long or short hair: Short af
-Do you have a crush on someone?: Yeppp
-What do you like about yourself?: Eyes 💯
-Blood type: Idk???
-Nickname: ‘Banana’
-Relationship status: #loner
-Zodiac: Aries
-Pronouns: She/her
-Favorite T.V shows: Pretty Little Liars, Riverdale, Stranger things, ORPHAN BLACK
-Tattoos: Yes!! but I want moreeee
-Right or Left handed: Im a leftie
-Surgery: Yeah like 2 months ago (knee)
-Sport: I love badminton! 
-Vacation: (to clarify its where I want to go I haven’t actually left my country before) South Korea, Europe, Canada, Brazil and moreee
-Pair of shoes: Im a size 11 here
-Eating: Nothing bc its 11:30pm and im too lazy to get up
-Drinking: The sparkling duet thing
-I’m about to: Sleep
-Waiting for?: Payday lmao who isnt
-Want?: The people around me to be okay  ❤️
-Get married?: ?? maybe. probably. if someone can put up with me  😅
-Career?: Chef!
Which is better?
-Hugs or kisses?: Hugssss
-Lips or eyes?: Eyes eyes eyes 
-Shorter or taller?: Either or
-Older or younger?: Idc (but not too young rip)
-Nice arms or stomach?: Dont care??
-Hook up or relationship?: Probably relationship
-Troublemaker or hesitant?: Depends on my mood
-Kissed a stranger?: Uhh yeah
-Drink hard liquor?: Hell yeah
-Lost glasses/contact lenses?: I dropped one of my contacts just the other day and lost it 😅
-Turned someone down?: Yeah hes a dick soooo
-Sex on the first date?: Nah buddy
-Broken someone’s heart?: Dont think so?
-Had a broken heart?: kinda
-Been arrested?: Nearly
-Cried when someone died?: Yeah
-Fallen for a friend?: OOPS ye
Do you believe in…..
-Yourself?: Sometimes
-Miracles?: No
-Love at first sight?: Lust yes, not love.
-Santa Claus?: I am santa claus in my family  😂
-Kiss on the first date?: Sureee
congrats if u bothered reading this
i cant be bothered tagging anyone so just go for it if you want to do it ily
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coneygoil · 7 years
I woke up early this morning to watch Stranger Things, and I'm flailing!!! I've only gotten through eps 1-2, but it's so dang good!
-I like Bob. He's a cutie, and it's helps that it's Sean Astin 😁
-my poor boy Mike!!!
-oh my stars oh my stars oh my stars!!! Hop taking care of El is official!!!! It's like a great fanfic come to life 😃😃😃 and I'm loving their relationship.
-El in the ghost costume was the cutest thing ever. I wonder if she saw the Charlie Brown Halloween and got the idea from that.
-i thought El was gonna sneak out the cabin to go trick or treating, but instead she went to "see" Mike and completely broke my heart to the point that I was legit gonna cry!! Her reaching out for his cheek 😭😭😭
- the Byers have the same entertainment center I had growing up!!
-Billy is a complete psycho. The end.
More reaction/observations to come!
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