#published: 2004
dhr-fics · 10 months
Author: Annie
Meant to Be (89KB - 19 Chapters - PG-13) It is their final year at Hogwarts, and Hermione and Draco start it off burdened by confusion and mixed feelings after catching a glimpse of their future. This is a fic about the two students as they deal with fate and the knowledge of what is to come.
A Thousand Words (278KB - 35 Chapters - PG-13) Five years after the second war, the Ministry of Magic proposes an interdepartmental challenge in an attempt to restore trust between workers. Unknowingly, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy are assigned as partners. As the two begin to write to each other under the nicknames Starlight and Shadow, their careers outside of their letters become entwined as well. Obsessions grow out of control, friendships are shattered, and all the while, the threat of a second era of darkness looms above the wizarding world. What happens when Starlight and Shadow begin meeting in secret? And will the two ever discover who the mystery on the other side of the page is?
A Thousand Words: Alternate Epilogue (14KB - One Shot - G) How it could have ended differently for Hermione and Draco...
The Sweetest Sin (147KB - 26 Chapters - R) In the years following Voldemort's victory in the second war, Muggle-borns must become slaves and servants to purebloods in order to survive. Over time, Hermione Granger has learned to suppress her pride and independence in households where she is considered lower than dirt. She thought she would be prepared for this new family, just like she was for all the previous ones. What she didn't know was that this new family was none other than Draco Malfoy's. Will she manage to hold up when she finds herself struggling to withhold her sharp tongue, returning hatred, and... something else?
What's Left of Me (13KB - One Shot - PG) After a year in Azkaban, the day of Draco Malfoy's execution has finally arrived. As he makes the long journey from his prison cell to the execution room, he reflects upon what was and what could have been.
Who Has to Know? (8KB - One Shot - R) Draco has a secret, one that he would never admit to anyone...including himself. One-shot songfic to "Dirty Little Secret" by All-American Rejects.
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heroesriseandfall · 9 months
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Teen Titans/Outsiders Secret Files (2003) — Roy leaving voicemails for Dick after Donna Troy’s death
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Identity Crisis (2004) #7 — Dick leaving voicemails for Tim after Jack Drake’s death
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youmustfixyourheart · 8 months
During my search for what kind of shirt to try to make for my Halloween costume I found an archive of mcr merch that someone made a while back (very impressive btw) and in the folder of revenge era shirts I found THIS
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a STIGMATA shirt?!?!?! As official merch????!?!??!?!!! Which was made before Unholyverse was written!?!?!!!?!?!???! Which begs the question: did bexless know about this merch and was the fic partially inspired by this shirt? Or just the shitty 90s movie (which I haven’t watched but saw the trailer for and went NOPE)? I have so many questions…
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edwinspaynes · 7 days
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batsplat · 1 month
In 1996 Vale raced a rotary-valve 125cc two-stroke that weighed 70kg and was good for 140mph/225kph. In the year he reached his retirement age he raced a 1,000cc four-stroke that weighed nearly 160kg and nudged 220mph/350kph. It is inevitable that such motorcycles need to be ridden in different ways. The essential difference between racing a low-powered bike and a high-powered bike is the speed the rider uses through corners. The best way to achieve fast lap times on a lightweight bike with relatively little horsepower - like a 125 or 250 - is to use as much corner speed as possible, by taking flowing lines through the turns. On the other hand, a 500 or a MotoGP bike has a lot of horsepower (too much, in fact!), which if used correctly has a huge effect on lap times. Therefore Vale had to change the way he attacked corners when he graduated to the premier class in 2000. After his first few races on a 500 he understood that the secret to a fast lap time on a big bike was to focus on corner exit, so he could unleash the engine's power as soon as possible. This required sacrificing corner speed, the gain in acceleration in corner exit more than compensating for the loss of time in the middle of the corner. "You need to go slow mid-corner, then lift up the bike really quickly and give gas when you are on the fatter part of the rear tyre," he said. "If you don't get it right, you're either slow or you crash." The first man to set him right was rival Sete Gibernau. Vale had a lot of crashes during the winter of 1999/2000, because he was trying to ride the bike like it was a 250, using flowing cornering lines on the edge of the tyre. Gibernau told him what to do, but like any keen young racer, Vale ignored the advice and kept falling off. Gibernau was correct, however. The 500 had double the power of a 250 - about 180 horsepower - and a two-stroke engine delivers power and torque in an aggressive and unpredictable way, so it's asking for trouble to swoop through corners on the edge of the tyres and then open the throttle.
Mat Oxley’s Valentino Rossi: All His Races
At the time, I was falling a lot. And for many different reasons. Part of it had to do with my style in 250. In 250cc you can go into a turn bent right over and you can even open the throttle all the way on the turn, accelerating as you go through it. OK, it's not the easiest thing to do but it was possible and many of us had mastered it. You can forget about doing things like that on a 500cc. One of the problems with the 500 is that, at first, you feel totally confident. That's what happened to me. I felt very sure of myself, I pushed ahead, keeping my 250cc style. And, as a result, I kept falling off. It happened in my second test, at Phillip Island. And it was a very bad fall. Gibernau had come up to me before the test and actually warned me: "Look, you bend the bike too much, treat it as if it was a 250cc. You can't do that. You should use your body more rather than bending the bike." "Gee, thanks, yeah, I'll do that..." I replied, not really taking him too seriously. I asked myself, "Who is this Gibernau who thinks he can tell me how to race?" Of course, I paid no attention to him. And that was a big mistake. Two hours later I had a terrible spill. I was going very fast and, all of a sudden, I felt the rear tyre lift itself off the track and the next thing I knew I was flying through the air. It was an incredible flight. When I finally landed it was with the kind of thud I'm sure to remember for a very long time.
Valentino Rossi in his 2005 autobiography, What if I had never tried it
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inact-ice · 6 months
Forcing myself out of my Free Palestine echo chamber to learn about Zionism and why it exists and how another person can so fervently advocate for a colonizing ethnostate and then being faced with some of the most casually dehumanizing language I’ve ever heard is doing something to me I dunno.
I’ve been reading this book that’s a Zionist perspective of the conflict and the way the author will dismiss Palestinians is so smart and so unthinkingly cruel, like he talks about splitting the land between Israel and Palestine and in reference to the land the Palestinians would get he goes and I quite “They will have a home land, one which will be even smaller than Israel, but it will be home, their home.” Like what??? They already have a home, who are you to decide what is home to them? Who are you to decide that they deserve a smaller territory when they’ve had all of it for years? How is that fair?
And this is a quote from someone who says ‘both sides have their issues’, the most reasonable of Zionist’s and I just can’t.
I’m going to keep learning and reading but I think I’m realizing that the reason people are for the colonization of Palestine is because they really just don’t see Palestinians as people. Zionists have been saying that Palestinians should be grateful that Israel gives them the gift of water, that isn’t how you speak about someone you view as a human being but it *is* how you speak about maybe an insect you’ve been giving a small container of sugar water to.
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cryptocollectibles · 5 months
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The Darkness Hulk #1 (July 2004) by Top Cow / Marvel Comics
Written by Paul Jenkins, drawn by Dale Keown.
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ventiswampwater · 8 months
adam stanheight has the voice of a mcdonald's manager on 70mg of vyvanse working a double on promo day for szechuan sauce
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ufonaut · 1 year
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My name is Adam Strange. I realize I must look a sight to you, showing up as I have at this hour, in this uniform. I fear I must sidestep the pleasantries and jump to the purpose of my mission.
DC: The New Frontier (2004) #6
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xstick-noodlesx · 1 year
Someone: Hey, are you okay?
Me, internally: The SAW The Musical thing was supossed to be a joke but now I'm three songs deep into writing a musical for it and one of them is already finished. I want to publish it on Tumblr but to properly display the tone, pacing and instrumental make up of the songs I would have to record myself singing them and playing my guitar to it. And I am far to insecure about it. But I am so proud of the songs, too. They are really creative and I overcame my issue with using the same rhythm for all the songs I write. What do I do?
Me: Yeah, sure.
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keycomicbooks · 1 month
Witchblade Wolverine #1 One Shot (2004) Eric Basaldua Variant
#Witchblade #Wolverine #1 One Shot (2004) #EricBasaldua Variant, #ChrisClaremont Writer, Eric Basaldua Artist Father of the X-Men Chris Claremont writes this special tale that starts out with Wolverine and Witchblade-wielder Sara Pezzini getting married...and then gets crazier from there! SAVE ON SHIPPING COST - NOW AVAILABLE FOR LOCAL PICK UP IN DELTONA, FLORIDA https://www.rarecomicbooks.fashionablewebs.com/Witchblade%20Wolverine.html#1 #TopCow #RareComicBooks #KeyComicBooks #MarvelComics #MCU #MarvelUniverse #KeyIssue #WitchbladeWolverineCrossover
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dhr-fics · 1 year
Author: Kyizi
The Shadow Lands (43KB - 3 Chapters - PG-13) When a potion goes wrong, Hermione and Draco find themselves stranded alone in The Shadow Lands, hearing nothing but each other's thoughts. When those thoughts get a little private, will they be able to keep seeing each other in the same way?
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finelythreadedsky · 2 years
i have to say, it was very stupid of classicists to start referring to papyrological finds as "the new sappho" or "the new posidippus" or "the new simonides". what are you going to do the next time someone digs up some simonides out of a bin at oxford, call it "the newer simonides"? "the new new simonides"? "simonides: another one"?
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thatndginger · 4 months
had a doctor's appt today (just a checkup) but in true adhd fashion my brain took that as a reason to do literally anything but what I actually planned to do
so I spent about 6 hours delving into the career of one of the most prolific writers I've ever come across. also one of the worst writers I've ever come across
there is now a six-page doc dedicated to this fucking guy and his ghostwriter, a dozen screenshots, and many frenzied exchanges with my husband about historical timelines and accuracy
why did I do this to myself
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2000 AD Prog 1389: Cover
Art: Richard Elson
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sounwise · 2 years
“Paul’s always been a workaholic. I think even now he goes regularly to his studio every day and there’s nothing wrong with that. Paul was the most organised of the quartet in terms of music and I think that Paul would have made a great arranger if he’d really set himself to it. But I guess he didn’t need to do it. I wish he had done. I mean he was always frightened of learning music properly in case it took away something. He was frightened of losing that spark of originality. But he’s got such good understanding music, he’s a profoundly good musician and he has a great understanding of orchestral colour, so that now I think that he is a fine composer in a classical sense—I think he’s got that quality. But out of all the people I’ve worked with, he was the most articulate in terms of what he wanted.”
[—George Martin interviewed sometime around 2004(?), quoted in Paul McCartney: Now & Then, Tony Barrow and Robin Bextor]
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