#pun intended xD
thunderxleafart · 1 year
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Hey y'all, I'm still alive! Huzzah! xD I'll admit August has kinda just flown like a blur, and I'm still trying to recover from my sickness. But while that was going on I hit a nostalgia kick, and... well, this is the result! xD
As a 2000s kid I grew up watching all sorts of cartoons, but I especially remember Thomas and Friends. One of my fondest memories of that time was me and my little brother having breakfast before school, and as the intro played and Thomas went into the tunnel, we'd always be excited to see if today's episode would have the static faces or the moving ones (the show wasn't all CGI yet so we saw both types of episodes). It was a lot of fun. xD 
Of course, none of the episodes were neccessarily in order. But while I was sick I decided to rectify that by going back and watching the show from the beginning, and... yeah, I got hooked on it pretty fast. x'D And it's given me a newfound appreciation for the show that I never really had as a kid, and especially for the characters that I otherwise would barely think twice about.
Like these two little gremlins, good ol' Bill and Ben.
If there are two things I have an incredibly soft spot for, it's the found family trope and just sibling dynamics in general. And Thomas and Friends was kind enough to give me two sets of twin brothers to get hopelessly attached to! xD (I absolutely adore Donald and Douglas as well, and I want to draw them too eventually!! <3)
Between petty sibling banter and causing chaos for all the bigger engines around them, they are just so silly and I love them for it. x'D I also find their relationships with BoCo and Edward particularly sweet, especially in fanworks. There's just so much to love and I'm just such a sucker for this kind of duo. x"D
But yeah! That's pretty much how August has gone for me. Watching the original Thomas and Friends and getting hopelessly attached to the characters in it. xD It's actually been a lot of fun! And learning how to draw the trains has been both challenging and equally fun. :D I think I needed a nice challenge to really get my creative juices flowing again, and this was just the challenge I needed!
Not to worry, though! I'm sure I'll be back in the Fnaf boat soon enough. As, like William Afton, I always come back to it. xD
That's all for now though! Thanks for sticking with me during my semi-hiatus, and look forward to more art coming soon! <3
And as a bonus for making it all the way through my rambling, here's a bonus Bill!
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Is he plotting revenge on Ben? Is he plotting World Domination? Or is he just judging someone? Who knows! xD And as always, thanks for looking everybody!~ ^w^
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bill & Ben (c) Thomas & Friends Art (c) Me! <3
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pyramultimuse · 2 years
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"My my, what a devilishly handsome man to trespass in my domain. Fenrir heel my son, I don't believe he will be a threat." The trickster said as he petted the giant black wolf that towered over him, the beast growled protectively but stood down at his father's command. "I thought I heard someone slaying some vermin that crawled out of hell and made themselves at home here. That deserves some spoils for your hard work, don't you think?"
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ladyofthelake · 5 months
Never forget that Arthur found it fucking hilarious when Merlin disrespected him in the beginning 'you can't address me like that' said with a smile like the sun. I bet he thought fucking finally someone is being real with me.
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mitamicah · 8 months
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On your knees >:3
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lindamarieanson-art · 11 months
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Inktober'23 - Day 28 - Raylan Givens (Happy Birthday, @clonecaptains!)
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Oh please please draw them! For your choccy milk thingy. Lol
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Here you go!
I couldn't fit them in the first post sadly, I hope you didn't mind :) But! With such a Cool design I couldn't just NOT draw them!
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le-velo-pour-dru · 3 months
Resisting the urge to buy Loki themed earrings...
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flamingplay · 1 year
Rewatching Live to Vinyl for the first time really made my brain go all agitated enough to look for connections between the songs in the setlist and how this particular setlist doesn't seem to be random at all or just along the lines of "well, just picked because sounded good together), so everything stitched together in it makes a perfect sense, and how Man Alive being re-released after Raw Data Feel instead of its actual anniversary is also not a coincidence (yeah you can talk about pandemic and how music industry works and how strategical decisions are made but let me just romanticise my way through that lol).
Anyway, what one won't do instead of writing personal statement / motivation letter (ugh)
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mistysblueboxstuff · 1 year
old people 🤮
old people are beautiful. young people are beautiful too. just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not there
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breezemoonriver · 1 year
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𖦹spin spin spin𖦹
Doodle of Hinarin! I tried to make this look like early 00’s anime art, whether I succeeded or not is up to my luck (^_−)−☆
This is also my first ‘normal size’ drawing of her, I usually draw her as a chibi on empty places on papers, margins of my notebooks or the whiteboard :3
Like and reblog pls (⌒▽⌒)
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Hey there, i just read a shard of ice and its really good! Also your love for the witcher series <3 Do you think Vergil would do what Geralt does with his last wish from the djinn? Where he binds his and yen's fate together? Thank you!^^
Helloooo! Oh I'm so glad you enjoyed that one, it was really personal to me ^^
And YES, I love The Witcher!! I have to go back reading the books - Yen and Geralt's relationship is one of my favourites even if it isn't perfect. I'd argue it's precisely because it isn't perfect.
Plus, I love Geralt's adventures as a witcher around the world. It's always a treat to read ❤
Now, regarding your ask about Vergil... ABSOLUTELY. He's a dramatic storm that is approaching, 10/10 would do that.
But let's dive into it!
For those who don't know, in the first book of The Witcher series, The Last Wish, our dear Geralt de Rivia falls for Yennefer and, as she is about to be killed by a djinn who is very much pissed at her (long story), Geralt has a last wish to be fullfilled by said djinn. He ties his fate to Yen's and thus the djinn cannot kill her - saving her in the proccess. She thinks he is out of his mind because she sees what he just did as a way to doom himself, but he doesn't care. Of course, Yen falls for him but she's too proud and prizes her freedom too much to officially tie herself to Geralt.
Like I said, they are complicated and less than perfect. It's wonderful ❤
Now to our beloved Vergil.
He would NEVER do it to a loved one if there were other alternatives to save their life. BUT, if that was the ONLY choice, he would.
Since the whole last wish thing is with Yen, not Ciri, I'm going to take a look at Vergil's relationship with a romantic partner ;)
Of two things we are certain about him: Vergil can survive virtually anything and drag his body through the most adverse of situations by sheer will; and he is traumatized and afraid to lose those he loves/being unable to protect them.
If by any chance he and his s/o ever found themselves on a situation where the only solution is to tie his s/o fate to his for them to survive, Vergil would do it without flinching.
After all, he spent his whole life in a mindless quest for power to be able to protect himself - and others, even if he tries to deny it with all his might. He is indeed powerful and able to protect himself against the most vicious of foes - he can't say the same about his s/o. So, if his s/o's fate is tied to his, it won't be by his death that they will perish. It will never be by his death.
Of course, does he take into consideration the heartache that such a powerful bond can create? Like our dearest Geralt, no. Vergil is cold and calculating, sure, but he has a short temper streak just like his brother. The only difference is that, unlike Dante, Vergil doesn't go all out screaming and going in a volcano flaming demon frenzy - he glares and goes in an ice cold demon frenzy. But they are both short tempered, no one can change my mind on that one xD
Vergil can and will use logic and calculate everything. He will be cautious, observing and swift when dooming his enemies. But, if you take him by his heart, you'll have controlled-by-emotions Vergil. He doesn't really know how to deal with those, so they are mostly dreanched in anger, hurt, trauma, melancholy and protection instinct. His logic is out of question, the only thing left is a tunnel focus on being powerful to protect the one thing that can break his glass-fragile heart once more.
He can't afford to lose the very few things he has. He is 100% emotion driven, he does whatever he must (you know, like the whole DMC 5 ordeal to friggin' survive). When he's back at himself again, their fates are already tied.
And honestly? That can be his death sentence - it can shatter his heart, tear his soul apart, cause him grief and mourning in the long run... But he doesn't regret it. He never will.
It might end like Yen and Geralt in the books, or Yen and Geralt in the games. Either way, he would consider himself lucky to, after everything he did and lived through, love and be loved in such an intense way, be its end bitter or sweet.
Gods, I LOVED your question. HAHAHA thank you for sending it! It was surely a lovely thing to think about! I hope you have a great week ❤
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alastors-radioshow · 8 months
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Oh. Oh, he's smug. He's so smug.
Someone fucked around with the wrong deer, and they're going to be finding out.
Déconner et découvrir, if you will~
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
skipping past the obvious and instead going to the most potentially chaotic pair imaginable 😉:
Kai + Tavi = date?
haha yeah, there is some low-hanging fruit for this xD
OMG chaotic is right. Tavi does have a thing for bisexual elf wizards /cough I think they'd get along like a house on fire, and someone's house might literally wind up on fire. Both of them are really independent and blunt, so there wouldn't be any game playing, they'd just be honest. They have common ground in Running from Someone/thing, and I'd be really interested in being a fly on the wall if families came up, since they're polar opposites there for the most part. (Tavi had a loving, close knit, supportive family who were almost all murdered; Kai's family is (mostly) awful and she cut herself off from almost all of them deliberately) I feel like they'd both understand where the other's coming from, so it wouldn't be tense, just interesting. I know Tavi would have a very "Well, fuck them, they're assholes" view of Kai's parents, especially her mother.
If anyone trash-talked/made rude comments about Kai, Tavi would punch them in the face. (and I imagine, in the vice-versa case, the trash talker would find themselves with their hair smoldering as Kai very sweetly but with Great Threat asks if they'd "like to reconsider that comment".)
There's a visit to the library(Kai's idea), probably a bar brawl(Tavi's fault), and lots of enabling encouraging ill-advised dares until they're thoroughly worn out and smiling so wide their faces hurt. Tavi falls asleep on her couch when she gets home, and has very good dreams.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
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{ From Valek for the funsies ~ xD there's at least one bingo there fdhsjk }
Are you Bill's type? || Accepting (whether we have a ship or not) !
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"My, my, look at what we have here. Finally someone fun and with good tastes.~"
He is intrigued and he isn't even trying to hide it. After all, it's not every day that he runs into a potential addition to his gang. And she's a fearsome one too. How delightful.
"Do tell, sister, any chance you'd be interested in joining me the next time I turn a dimension into a living nightmare? Something tells me that it's exactly your kind of party too."
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wp100 · 8 months
a lot of the diablo 1 and 2 music kinda makes me think if 70s rock bands took a more atmospheric, no-lyrics route with their music
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tongue-like-a-razor · 5 months
Can you write something with young!Maverick?
Something like where they meet and she has heard about his reputation (he's the type to only stay a few nights and then move on to the next girl). So, when one night, he approaches her all smiley and flirty (and maybe a little shy and cute) she thinks that's exactly what he wants from her - to take her home for a night of sex just to move on to other people the next day. And, even though she has developed feelings for him, she accepts it, albeit with no expectation that she will become anything other than just another one he spent a night with or that it was anything other than just sex and fun. So, imagine her surprise when he starts acting the exact opposite towards her from what she expected - always wanting to be with her everywhere, skipping nightlife to be with her, being super clingy and loving, etc, etc. She doesn't believe he has feelings for her but she just can't understand his behavior. She starts to feel overwhelmed because her feelings for him only get worse and she fears the day when he will stop giving her that kind of attention (maybe she thinks this is just a harmless game for him, where she is the shiny new toy he is getting to know until she no longer interests him that much). She confronts him, confesses her feelings, gets angry and tells him to stay away. He desperately tries to tell her about his feelings for her, that he has always been in love with her and has tried to get closer to her through everything he has done because he didn't know what else to do. She doesn't believe him and it's basically him desperately trying to prove his love for her and all that cute stuff with a really happy ending 💖❣️
I also imagined a lot of cinematic chase scenes, inspired by that sand chase in There Are Rules and the f14 airport scene in Altitude 🤣🤣 so there's that. Lots of desperate, all-consuming love, perhaps ending with a love making scene that includes it all? Making desperate, passionate and hungry love. Someone so in love that they don't even know what to do, whether to cry or laugh.
You could also include a classic “misunderstanding scene” that unearths deep-rooted jealousy, but is it not what it seems? Lol it's all very cliché but honestly, it's the best shit in the world when it's written by someone who knows what they're doing, I live for desperate love.
I know this is extra long but hopefuly you'll be able to make it, I simply love your writing. Thank you. ❣️❣️
Oooh what a fun request! Thank you so much for sending this in!! I hope you don't mind, I kind of see this as a series rather than a one-shot, just because there's a lot to cover XD
Best of the Bad Boys
Pete "Maverick" Mitchell x F!Reader
CW: mild angst, swearing, fluff, allusions to sex
WC: ~2000
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“That’s Maverick. Maverick Mitchell.”
You tear your gaze away from the animated man near the bar, throwing his arms around wildly as he describes some aerial trick he’s no doubt performed just that morning. You know exactly who he is, and yet, you turn to your friend jadedly and say, “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
She gives you a sardonic smile and skeptically scoffs. “Right. Like your father’s never mentioned his name.”
You shrug, glancing back at the pack of fighter jocks crowding the front of the establishment, each one admittedly a high-flier in his own right – pun intended. But Maverick… Maverick still manages to stand out. “He talks about all of them,” you reply nonchalantly, adding, “It’s not like I sit there and listen.”
“Why are you staring, then?”
You blink away, executing an elaborate eyeroll as you do, and fix your friend with a serious expression. “I can’t look?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“They’re nice to look at.”
Your friend nods in approval. “Can’t argue with that.”
“Doesn’t matter what his name is. What any of their names are. They’ll be gone in a couple of weeks.”
“Perfect fling material, if you ask me,” your friend wiggles her eyebrows suggestively.
“No thanks,” you respond with a grimace. Every couple of months, a fresh assortment of aviators arrives at Top Gun, ready to take on the world. Already the finest pilots in their respective squadrons, they are sent to train at the most elite fighter tactics school on the Pacific seaboard. Their egos soar higher than their jets and their heads are always in the clouds.
You see the various groups come and go – the program is only several weeks long – but it’s always entertaining to watch them transform over the course of their training. It’s why you frequent the officer’s club rather than any of the other pubs in the area. That and the cheap drinks.
“Probably for the best,” your friend sighs dramatically. “He’s got a reputation.”
You purse your lips, watching Maverick smile at the waitress as she distributes another round of drinks among the officers. You know about that too. “Point him out to me,” you say, as though you have no idea whom the conversation is about.
Your friend leans into the table and discreetly aims her finger in Maverick’s direction. “The pretty one,” she mutters.
You let out a small chuckle. “They’re all pretty.”
Your friend shakes her head. “Not that pretty.”
“Not that pretty,” you agree musingly. You make an effort not to fall for the top guns of Top Gun and, until Maverick, you haven’t had much trouble upholding that rule. But everything about him, from the squint of his eyes when he laughs to the radiant warmth of his smile, not to mention his muscular arms, makes your heart skip a beat.
And then he pivots in his stool and his gaze, coincidentally, lands on you. You hastily look away, hoping he didn't noticed you staring, and start to fiddle with the pearls of your necklace. Several moments later, you slowly lift your eyes to check if he’s still looking.
Your heart nearly springs up into your throat when you see that he is. His mouth quirks upward slightly before he gives you the kind of smile that says he’s confident you’ve already noticed him.
You don’t smile back. You’re not about to engage in this dance. You do not associate with pilots. Your friend, on the other hand, is all for the naval aviator experience.
“He’s looking at you,” she whispers excitedly.
“Stop,” you warn her sternly. “I’m not interested.”
“Well, I am,” she urges. “Let’s go talk to them. I like the blond one.” But before you can refuse for a second time, your friend mutters, “Oh god, never mind. They’re coming to us!”
You look at her in alarm and then gulp as several of the men from the bar approach your table. You glance up at them with raised eyebrows.
“Hello,” Maverick says, looking directly at you. He presses his lips together into a vexingly endearing sideways smirk.
When you don’t respond, your friend chimes in excitedly. “Hello, hello! Welcome!” she exclaims, as though she’s receiving guests for a dinner party. “I’m Susan. Hello!”
You eye her moodily as she motions for the newcomers to join the two of you at the table.
“Mind if I sit here?” Maverick asks, pointing to the seat next to you.
You meet his gaze reluctantly. “Knock yourself out,” you respond coolly. You’re still annoyed that he caught you staring and you intend to make it clear that you are not just some girl he can charm into bed.
Maverick’s smirk widens somewhat, as though he’s not quite buying the act. He takes a seat beside you while one of his friends starts chatting up Susan who seems very much to be enjoying the attention.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Maverick says, leaning over slightly so that he could speak more discreetly. “Slider, here, wanted to get to know your friend. And I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to watch him crash and burn.”
You glance at Maverick dubiously. “That’s why you’re here?”
Maverick looks at you, then, and his gaze drifts languidly over the features of your face. “Would you prefer a different reason?”
Ignoring the frantic stutter of your heart as his eyes settle on yours, you shrug and look away, taking a sip of your drink. If only he knew who your father was, he wouldn’t be so bold. “I would prefer honesty.”
“Okay,” he says, resting his forearm on the table. “Honestly? I couldn’t leave without meeting you.”
You glance back at him hesitantly, not sure how to react. “Why?” you ask, trying to control the embarrassing tremor in your voice.
Maverick drops his head and lets out a small chuckle. “I just couldn’t,” he says. “That’s as honest as I’m going to get.”
You eye him tentatively, wishing he weren’t so dangerously good-looking. His sheepish smile almost makes you forget that he dates women for sport.
But the longer Maverick sits by your side, the less important his apparent promiscuity becomes. And when the two of you wind up in the back alley behind the officer’s club, wrapped in each other’s arms, you aren’t overly concerned about the future outlook of this particular liaison. Something about the way he kisses your neck convinces you that some moderate heartache might just be worth it.
Maverick weaves his fingers through yours and lifts his arm over your head, pressing the back of your hand into the brick wall behind you. He cradles the back of your head with his other hand as his mouth moves hungrily beneath your jawline. You let out an audible sigh and he pins you even more firmly against the wall, as though the sound you made has aroused him further.
And despite your every intention to just kiss for a while before taking your leave – because you don’t do flyboys – Maverick has managed to change your mind without speaking a word. You want to tell him that you’re flattered but no thank you, instead, you breathe, “come back,” when he finally pulls away.
Maverick smirks at you and tugs on the hand he’s still holding so that you’re drawn directly into his arms. “I’m not going anywhere,” he whispers.
You wrap your arms around his body, flattening yourself against him like you mean to be absorbed. And he folds around you like a cocoon, his arms enveloping you so securely, you barely have to hold yourself upright. He moves backward, pulling you after him toward his bike.
“We fucked,” you tell Susan the moment she puts her car in park.
She looks over at you with wide eyes and an even wider mouth as her jaw literally drops. “You and Maverick?” she shrieks.
You wince anxiously and look around, making sure nobody heard her exclamation. Then you roll up your window and nod for her to do the same. “Keep it together, Susan,” you hiss. “We’re behind enemy lines.”
Susan grimaces apologetically but the remorse is fleeting and, before you know it, she’s eagerly bouncing in her seat. “As if you’ve been blabbering on about a fender bender for half an hour and drop this bomb right before you have to go!” she whispers feverishly. You give her a grievous look which she expertly ignores. “Was he good?”
You sigh. “He was fine,” you say curtly, still uncomfortable sharing the details of last night’s encounter while sitting in the parking lot outside Hangar 1.
Susan appears disappointed. “Just fine?”
You glance around once more and then respond quietly, “He was very good.”
“I fucking knew it!” Susan yelps, tapping you on the knee excitedly. “Tell me more!”
“Later,” you say. “I have to meet my dad, remember?”
She nods. “I’ll pick you up in half an hour?”
“Thanks, Suz,” you respond. “You’re a life saver.”
Your father, Top Gun’s very own Viper, paces back and forth as you sit in one of the chairs before his desk. He’s trying to keep his cool. “You sure you’re not hurt?” he asks again.
You nod tiredly. You’ve had a hell of a day.
Viper sighs moodily and shakes his head at you as though he’s not convinced.
It’s at exactly this moment that there’s a knock on his door and, as you begin to rise from your chair to leave your father to his duties, Maverick enters his office.
You freeze, meeting his gaze in alarm. Maverick, in turn, stops in his tracks, gaping at you from the doorway, forgetting even to salute his superior.
“Lieutenant,” Viper says. “You need something?”
Maverick, who seems unable to look away from you, stammers, “Do – I – uh…”
“Maverick,” Viper says sternly, and Maverick finally glances in his direction.
“Commander Metcalf,” Maverick says, a little dazed as though he’s surprised to find Viper in his own office.
“Speak, Lieutenant. I don’t have all day,” Viper grumbles, still irritable from the news he’s received during your visit.
Maverick, who seems unable to recall why he’s even come, gulps nervously and glances back at you again.
“Okay, well, thanks dad,” you say quickly. “I’ll be off now.”
Maverick’s face slowly morphs into a visage of terror as he realizes who you are and what, in fact, it means for him to have had relations with the commander’s daughter. He watches you in horror, beginning to mouth the word ‘dad’ before he catches himself and leaves his mouth hanging open on the ‘a’.
“How will you get home?” Viper asks you, not paying attention to Maverick’s reaction.
“Susan’s picking me up,” you respond.
Viper sighs again. Then, he sighs in Maverick’s direction. “Maverick, meet my daughter, Y/N. Y/N, this is Lieutenant Mitchell, recent Top Gun graduate and a helluva pilot. Hopefully, soon to be one of our newest instructors. If he finally remembers why he’s here, that is.”
Maverick glances anxiously between your face and Viper’s and then holds his hand out to you. “Pleased to meet you,” he says courteously, his eyes resting on yours for a significant moment.
You give him a tight smile and then give your father a hug. “I’ve got to go.”
Viper shakes his head all over again. “I still can’t believe that bastard hit you.”
“Who hit you?” Maverick looks over at you sharply, suddenly on high alert.
“Nobody – the other driver.” You exhale wearily, not too keen on repeating the story for a fourth time in one day. “I was in an accident –”
“Are you okay?” Maverick asks, immediately taking a step toward you.
“I’m fine, totally fine,” you assure him, taking several steps backward until you feel the doorknob at your spine. “I just need some rest.”
“We’ll sort out the car tomorrow,” Viper says.
“Hey, at least it wasn’t a jet, right?” you joke, trying to lighten the mood.
Neither Viper not Maverick is amused by your humor, however, so you reach behind and pull open the door.
“Okay, well, bye dad! Mav – uh – Lieutenant Mitchell.”
Maverick stares after you as you retreat behind the door, still somewhat speechless.
“Tell Susan to drive carefully!” your father calls.
“Will do!” you call back.
Finally, Maverick speaks again. “I, uh” – he clears his throat – “I could give her a ride, sir.”
You pause in the doorway while your father purses his lips, considering the offer. Joke’s on him, of course, since Maverick has already given you one – just last night.
Read Part 2
Maverick Tag List:
I have no idea when this list got so long but the rest of it will be in the comments. Hope I got everyone, let me know if I missed you! As always, let me know if you no longer wish to be tagged in my Mav works!
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