#purchase history
AD Vantage Loyalty Program Services
AD Vantage is a loyalty program company that helps businesses to retain their customers and drive revenue growth. We provide businesses with the tools and strategies they need to develop and manage effective loyalty programs, which reward customers for their repeat business and incentivize them to be loyal.
Designing and implementing loyalty programs: AD Vantage work with businesses to design and implement loyalty programs that are tailored to their specific needs and goals. We help businesses to determine what rewards and incentives will be most effective in encouraging customer loyalty, and they create the systems and processes needed to manage and track the program.
Data analytics: AD Vantage uses data analytics to track customer behavior and measure the effectiveness of loyalty programs. By analyzing customer data, we identify trends and patterns that help businesses to better understand their customers and develop targeted marketing campaigns.
Customer engagement: Our loyalty programs also play a role in engaging customers and encouraging them to participate in the loyalty program. They create marketing materials and campaigns that promote the benefits of the program, and they provide customer support to help customers understand how to participate.
Technology solutions: The loyalty programs of AD Vantage provide technology solutions that allow businesses to manage their loyalty programs, track customer behavior, and measure program effectiveness. These solutions may include software platforms, mobile apps, and other digital tools that make it easy for businesses to manage and track their loyalty programs.
Customer segmentation: We help businesses segment their customers based on demographics, purchase history, and other factors. This allows businesses to target specific customer groups with personalized rewards and incentives that are more likely to appeal to their interests and needs.
Customer feedback: AD Vantage provide businesses with tools to collect customer feedback, which can be used to improve the loyalty program and other aspects of the customer experience. This feedback can be collected through surveys, reviews, and other methods, and can provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors.
Partnership and alliances: Our loyalty program can help businesses form partnerships and alliances with other companies to offer joint loyalty programs. This can expand the reach of the loyalty program and offer customers more options for rewards and incentives.
#https://advan.in/loyalty-programs/#AD Vantage is a loyalty program company that helps businesses to retain their customers and drive revenue growth. We provide businesses wit#which reward customers for their repeat business and incentivize them to be loyal.#Designing and implementing loyalty programs: AD Vantage work with businesses to design and implement loyalty programs that are tailored to#and they create the systems and processes needed to manage and track the program.#Data analytics: AD Vantage uses data analytics to track customer behavior and measure the effectiveness of loyalty programs. By analyzing c#we identify trends and patterns that help businesses to better understand their customers and develop targeted marketing campaigns.#Customer engagement: Our loyalty programs also play a role in engaging customers and encouraging them to participate in the loyalty program#and they provide customer support to help customers understand how to participate.#Technology solutions: The loyalty programs of AD Vantage provide technology solutions that allow businesses to manage their loyalty program#track customer behavior#and measure program effectiveness. These solutions may include software platforms#mobile apps#and other digital tools that make it easy for businesses to manage and track their loyalty programs.#Customer segmentation: We help businesses segment their customers based on demographics#purchase history#and other factors. This allows businesses to target specific customer groups with personalized rewards and incentives that are more likely#Customer feedback: AD Vantage provide businesses with tools to collect customer feedback#which can be used to improve the loyalty program and other aspects of the customer experience. This feedback can be collected through surve#reviews#and other methods#and can provide valuable insights into customer preferences and behaviors.#customerloyaltyprograms#loyaltyschemes#customerloyaltyprogram
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daguerreotyping · 29 days
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Absolutely stunning post-mortem daguerreotype of a young man with killer cheekbones and haunting eyes, c. 1850
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royalarchivist · 4 months
Technoblade and Phil were the reason I started watching MCYT content (and streamers in general). Their friendship, stories, and sense of humor never fail to make me smile, even now. I'll always have a soft-spot for them.
Techno's memory will always live on in my heart. 🐷👑
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dubylou-draws · 4 months
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Preview of a gigantic Japanese woodblock print- style KNY fanart I'm currently working on.
This is going to take an unholy amount of time to colour in, so... here's a WIP for now 😅
Expect to see the finished piece posted here at some point- and the backstory/ historical inspiration that goes with it, too!
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ghostlysleuth · 2 months
anyone into printmaking, please help!
i'm looking for the name of a material i had to use in a printmaking class but can't for the life of me remember what it's called.
it's like this plastic sorta paper that you can print a design onto, then apply ink to a roller, sponging the excess off, then transferring onto paper??
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mckinleygirl98 · 24 days
!! creds to @presidenttyler for the art and idea of the guiteau-conkling-arthur douchebag podcast bros. it was funny as hell, and it made me remember that I drew AmericaTube in the first place. If you want me to take it off, let me know and I will immediately !!
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bey-life · 7 months
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ausetkmt · 10 days
Credit to purchase Black Slaves - yes the Jews Gave Credit
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Jacob Cohen was a founder for the Hebrew Orphan Society, who didn't realize he was selling Black Jews - OR DID HE?
We think he didn't care, because they made him and his family rich forever.
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edwards-exploit · 5 months
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The Bournemouth Belle, and The Last Shunter.
More OCs! SteamNav and Missus are rather new so some info might be subject to change, and they were AU versions of certain characters (3 points if you guess who) buuut they spiralled into new characters. SteamNav is tranquil fury incarnate, trying to take control of his life after so long being something humans have tinkered with and throwing herself into making Incredibly Bad Descisions; and Missus can and will judge your (engine) sins, but she keeps losing at poker and that's why Sodor is so damn haunted. If anyone has any more questions or just want to help me brainstorm send me an ask and I'll answer :]
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todaysdocument · 8 months
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Warrant from President Thomas Jefferson to Secretary of Treasury Albert Gallatin Regarding the Payment to the French Republic for Louisiana Purchase
Record Group 56: General Records of the Department of the Treasury Series: Documents Relating to the Purchase of Louisiana File Unit: Documents Relating to the Purchase of Louisiana, 1803-1804
To Albert Gallatin, Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Thereas by an act, passed the tenth day of November, in the year of one thousand eight hundred and three, entered " An Act authorizing the creation of a stock to the amount of eleven millions two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the purpose of carrying into effect the Convention of the 30th of April one thousand eight hundred and three, between the United States of America and the French Republic, and making provision for the payment of the same", it is, among other things, enacted "That for the purpose of carrying into effect the Convention of the thirtieth day of April 1803 between the United States of America and the French Republic, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be constituted Certificate of stock signed by the Register of the Treasury, in favor of the French Republic or of it's Assignees, for the sum of Eleven Millions two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, from the time when possession of Louisiana shall have been obtained in conformity with the Treaty of the thirtieth day of April 1803, between the United States of America and the French Republic, and in other respects comformable with the tenor of the Convention aforesaid; and the President of the United States is authorized to cause the said Certificates of stock to be delivered to the Government of France, or to such person or persons as shall be authorized to receive them, in three months at most after the exchange of ratifications of the Treaty aforesaid and after Louisiana shall be taken possession of in the name of the Government of the United States" Now therefore Be
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burningvelvet · 1 year
Here are two of the most hilariously scalding letters from the 1800s that I have ever read. One is by the famous writer Lord Byron, and the other is by his daughter Ada Lovelace, the famous mathematician. Both are written to their respective business partners: Byron to his publisher John Murray, and Lovelace to her colleague Charles Babbage. It’s interesting to note how strikingly similar these letters are despite the fact that Ada and her father never knew each other, as her parents separated shortly after her birth and he died abroad when she was eight. Both were rebellious, fond of gambling, prone to tumultuous affairs, and both hated Lady Byron. These similarities may help to explain why her final wish was to be buried next to him instead of her family.
Lord Byron in a Letter to his publisher John Murray about the printing of his magnum opus, the poem Don Juan:
“Ra. August 31st. 1821.
Dear Sir
I have received the Juans – which are printed so carelessly especially the 5th. Canto – as to be disgraceful to me — & not creditable to you.
It really must be gone over again with the Manuscript – the errors are so gross – words added – changed – so as to make cacophony & nonsense. — You have been careless of this poem because some of your Synod don’t approve of it – but I tell you – it will be long before you see any thing half so good as poetry or writing. — Upon what principle have you omitted the note on Bacon & Voltaire? and one of the concluding stanzas sent as an addition? because it ended I suppose – with –
‘And do not link two virtuous souls for life Into that moral Centaur man & wife?’
Now I must say once for all – that I will not permit any human being to take such liberties with my writings – because I am absent. —
I desire the omissions to be replaced (except the stanza on Semiramis) particularly the stanza upon the Turkish marriages – and I request that the whole be carefully gone over with the M.S.S. –
I never saw such stuff as is printed – Gulleyaz – instead of Gulbeyaz &c. Are you aware that Gulbeyaz is a real name – and the other nonsense? – I copied the Cantos out carefully – so that there is no excuse – as the Printer reads or at least prints the M.S.S. of the plays without error. —
If you have no feeling for your own reputation pray have some little for mine. — I have read over the poem carefully – and I tell you it is poetry – Your little envious knot of parson-poets may say what they please — time will show that I am not in this instance mistaken. — Desire my friend Hobhouse to correct the press especially of the last Canto from the Manuscript – as it is – it is enough to drive one out of one’s senses – to see the infernal torture of words from the original. – For instance the line
‘And pair their rhymes as Venus yokes her doves’
Is printed
‘and praise their rhymes &c. –
also ‘precarious’ for ‘precocious’ – and this line. stanza 133.
‘And this strong extreme effect – to tire no longer’
Now do turn to the Manuscript – & see – if I ever made such a line – it is not verse. —
No wonder the poem should fail – (which however it wont you will see) with such things allowed to creep about it. – – Replace what is omitted – – & correct what is so shamefully misprinted, – and let the poem have fair play – – and I fear nothing. — I see in the last two Numbers of the Quarterly – a strong itching to assail me (see the review of the “Etonian”) let it – and see if they shan’t have enough of it. – – I don’t allude to Gifford – who has always been my friend – & whom I do not consider as responsible for the articles written by others. – But if I do not give Mr. Milman – Mr. Southey – & others of the crew something that shall occupy their dream! I am not what I was – that is all
I have not begun with the Quarterers – but let them look to it. – As for Milman (you well know I have not been unfair to his poetry ever) but I have lately had some information of his critical proceedings in the Quarterly which may bring that on him which he will be sorry for. – I happen to know that of him – Which would annihilate him – when he pretends to preach morality – not that he is immoral – because he isn’t – having in early life been once too much so. – And dares he set up for a preacher? let him go and be priest to Cybele. – why let
You will publish the plays – when ready — I am in such a humour about this printing of D.J. so inaccurately – that I must close this.
yrs. [scrawl]
P.S. I presume that you have not lost the stanza to which I allude? it was sent afterwards look over my letters – & find it. The Notes you can’t have lost – you acknowledged them – they included eight or little corrections of Bacon’s mistakes in the apothegms. – And now I ask once more if such liberties taken in a man’s absence – are fair or praise-worthy? – As for you you have no opinions of your own – & never had – but are blown about by the last thing said to you no matter by whom.”
[Separate page]
“Dear Sir
The enclosed letter is written in bad humour – but not without provocation. -
However – let it (that is the bad humour) go for little – but I must request your serious attention to the abuses of the printer which ought never to have been permitted. – You forget that all the fools in London (the chief purchasers of your publications) will condemn in me the stupidity of your printer. — For instance in the Notes to Canto fifth – ‘the Adriatic shore of the Bosphorus – instead of the Asiatic!! – All this may seem little to you – so fine a gentleman with your ministerial connections – but it is serious to me – who am thousands of miles off & have no opportunity of not proving myself the fool yr. printer makes me – except your pleasure & leisure forsooth.
The Gods prosper you — & forgive you, for I wont.
Ada Lovelace in a letter to her work partner Charles Babbage, who she helped invent the computer with:
“Tuesday Afternoon [1 August 1843] Ockham
. . . Note B has plagued me to death; altho' I have made but little alteration in it. Such alterations as there are however, happen to have been very tiresome & to have demanded minute consideration & very nice adjustments.
It is a very excellent Note.
I wish you were as accurate, & as much to be relied on, as I am myself. You might often save me much trouble, if you were; whereas you in reality add to my trouble not infrequently; and there is at any rate always the anxiety of doubting if you will not get me into a scrape; even when you don't.
By the way, I hope you do not take upon yourself to alter any of my corrections.
I must beg you not. They all have some very sufficient reason. And you have made a pretty mess & confusion in one or two places (which I will show you sometime), where you have ventured in my M.S's, to insert or alter a phrase or word; & have utterly muddled the sense.
I could not conceive at first in one or two places what had happened to my sentences; tho' I soon saw they were patchwork & not my own; and found it so, on referring to the M.S. I fear you will think this a very cross letter. Never mind. I am a good little thing, after all. Yours ever
A. A. L.
Later. P. S. It is impossible to send you anything but Notes B and C; (& this partly owing to some wrong references & blunderations of your own). — Do not be afraid, for I will work like the Devil early tomorrow morning. —“
[Separate Page]
“Wednesday, 4 o'clock [2 August 1843] Ockham
After working almost incessantly, since 7 o'clock this morning, until I am forced to give in from sheer inability to apply longer, I find only the sheet I enclose is quite completed. I shall however send a servant up tomorrow morning by a ten o' clock train, to take you all the rest; so that you will have it almost as soon as this letter.
You cannot conceive the trouble I have had with the trigonometrical Note E. — In fact no one but me, I really believe, would have doggedly stuck to it, as I have been doing, in all wearing minutiae.
I am very uneasy at not hearing from you, as I have expected to do both yesterday & today; & fear some disaster or other. I hope all of Note G is forthcoming; & I also hope you have received all my communications safely.
I think you had better do the second revise of the translation for me. If you will compare it carefully with my first revise, it can hardly be necessary I think for me to go over it again.
I suppose I ought to take it for granted that no news is good news; but I am in a sad fidget. — Yours ever
A. L.”
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stxend · 1 year
wholeheartedly believe matt murdock would drink la croix. i think he would be so obnoxious about it and everyone would be so mad at him. "oh he wouldnt like the bubbles" he likes his water to hurt him in a way that psychologists are concerned about
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daguerreotyping · 3 months
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Daguerreotype of two men working on one jug, inscribed "Drunkin Pals 1854"
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rabbitcruiser · 6 months
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Alaska was purchased from Russia for $7.2 million, about two cents/acre ($4.19/km2) on March 30, 1867, by United States Secretary of State William H. Seward.
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english-history-trip · 7 months
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Marginal image at the end of an 11th century copy of Jerome's Commentaries on Isaiah labeled "Hugo pictor", presumably a self-portrait of the book's artist.
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3416 · 13 days
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guys guess who owns a tiny bit of this photo now......... THIS GIRL. i bought am34's hat.
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