#pyro you’re incredible
gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
Imagine going on adventures with Logan and Deadpool and you’re the voice of reason behind them 😆 Deapool the idiot with hot headed Wolverine that reader has to keep in check all the time
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It’s not easy being the only person with common sense in this rag tag trio of yours.
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^^ this is literally you babysitting two grown ass men that need to be kept on leashes and separated from one another in case they fight, again.
You are overworked and underpaid to be dealing with this shit, but there was no one else who had the patience for Wade nor the compassion and empathy for Logan as you did.
So unfortunately you were stuck with them for every mission given but despite how vastly different and incompatible some of you were -*cough* Logan and Wade *cough*- you three worked well enough together that you were a force to be reckoned with.
You were forced to face situations where wade would be pissing Logan off to the point his claws were out, and you had to pat the rugged man on his shoulder, wait for him to look at you as you pointed towards his claws;
‘Them. Away. Now.’ -you.
Wolverine: *grunts*
You: don’t give me attitude, put. them. away. Now.
Wade: ohhh Logan’s in trouble!
You would then look at Wade before pointing at him like a disappointed parent: and you, stop pissing him off if you like to keep your dick where it is! Or so help god me I’ll cut it off myself!
Wade: 😶
Wolverine: *smirks and puts the claws away*
You were their voice of reason, their angel on their shoulder, their peace keeper and confidant and they respect you for keeping up with their shit. However it wouldn’t be much like Logan and Wade to make your life easy as you often had to stand between the two as a barrier of sorts to keep them from killing each other.
When in actuality they are flipping each other off behind your back and it wasn’t until Logan slapped wades hand away, causing him to say ‘ow’ did you look between the two of them as they acted like they weren’t acting like children a few moments ago.
You: I’m so sorry you’ll have to excuse them.
*Meanwhile Wade and Logan fighting, stabbing each other in the balls in the background*
Wade and Logan; *immediately stop and point at each other* he started it!
They were the reason you had grey hairs at an early age you swore this to anyone who’d listen. They were a pain in your ass, thorn in your side and a headache waiting to happen but the moment you were threatened, Wade and Logan put aside their differences and acted accordingly by standing protectively in front of you.
Logan: I would shut the fuck up if I were you bub.
Wade: oh look what you did, you made daddy angry.
Logan and you looking at Wade: 🤨😐
You: can you not make everything into a sex joke?
Wade, booping you on the nose; it comes with the territory peanut.
Logan: be serious for fucking once, they’ve just got threatened!
Wade: you don’t think I want our pookie to get hurt? (why do I think he’d say pookie unironically)
You: kill me now and end my misery. Please someone, anyone. Preferably pyro. (He’s hot, literally and figuratively)
Being stuck with Logan and wolverine is a curse and a blessing at the same time, which one you want to focus on more is up to you. However you three were incredibly loyal to each other, even if you do piss each other off from time to time, but you’d never betray one another for it wasn’t an option.
You were stuck with these two whether you liked it or not.
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multifandomthoughts · 5 months
Mercs with a reader who’s like Mitsuri
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Heavy really appreciates you. He likes to cook, and when he does, he makes huge portions. So seeing that you eat a lot, it makes him happy. The last thing he would want is for you to go hungry.
He was curious one day, and wanted to see if you could lift Sasha. So he gave you permission to pick his gun up, with the caveat that you had to be extremely careful with her. Was pleasantly surprised and pleased to see that you could lift her with ease.
Compared to his serious and stoic demeanor, he loves how bubbly and happy you are! It really makes his heart flutter, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it.
He also loves how absolutely authentic you are to yourself. If anyone says anything negative about you, they’re going to find the end of his fists. Nobody hurts you and gets away with it, not on his watch.
“Heavy load, coming through!” Is something you’re going to hear much more from him now that you’re around. With your permission and assistance, he can build bigger and heavier contraptions! He’s incredibly grateful, because even though he himself is strong, you’re much stronger than him.
Just like Heavy, it’s normal in his family to have big meals, so at first he wasn’t sure how you would react to him giving you so much food. But he’s incredibly joyful once he sees that you’ve finished your plate and asked for more! You’ll definitely fit in at the family barbecues.
When he’s having a bad day, it always makes him at least the little bit happier when you’re around. You’re so bubbly and sweet that he can’t possibly be upset much longer.
Has tried to arm wrestle you with his gunslinger before, just out of curiosity. He wanted to see how far your physical strength actually went. You lost obviously as you can’t out force a robot arm.
Is absolutely fascinated by how strong you are despite you not looking it. Definitely wants to do experiments on you to determine why this is the case. Is there something that makes you different than the others? Or is it just pure natural strength?
Observes you from a distance, just watching you interact with the others. Is probably the one least likely to call you a monster, he thinks you’re a perfect specimen.
Doesn’t say anything, but he thinks it’s very attractive when you lift very heavy things. It sends a shiver down his spine that he has to shake off. He might ask you to help him declutter his office sometime as it has some very large medical instruments that need removing.
Is also impressed about how much you can eat, and wonders if how much you eat correlates to how you were able to retain all that muscle mass. Not so discretely takes notes on you while eating.
When he hears about how strong you are, he wants to see if you can wield the eyelander. When you can, he shows you the power of wielding both the eyelander and the chargin’ targe. He teaches you how to use them, because he figures that you have enough muscle mass to keep you safe.
When he gets a new barrel or box full of materials he asks if you can help him move it so he can get to work on making more of them. When you do, you happily talk to him all the way, helping to motivate him to work harder.
Because you can eat so much, he wonders if you can drink a lot as well. Challenges you to a drinking contest, and when you inevitably lose, he apologizes profusely. Is still incredibly impressed about how far you got though.
Though, he does tell you how cute you were while drunk. You thought you were bubbly sober? Take it to another level whole nother level. You were giggling, cracking jokes and cuddling up to him.
They knew you were a fun person the first time they laid their eyes on you. This is another person who will relate to being called a monster and will not hesitate to torch whoever did it.
When they bake, they ask you to be their taste tester! They want to make sure everything is right, and if it takes a batch or two, that’s okay! Your voracious appetite won’t be ruined if you have a few cupcakes!
When they want to make a big bonfire outside (much to the chagrin of others.) They also ask you to help them find some large kindling so that they can have a big party!
Pyro also loves hugs, and you can often be seen either picking them up in a hug, or carrying them across your shoulder. They’re surprisingly light, even with the suit and it makes them incredibly happy that you pick them up.
Like Demoman, he is incredibly interested to see how much food you can eat. Challenges you to a food eating contest, but this time, he loses. He’s absolutely miserable after the fact, but thinks you’re so cool for eating that much food.
Scout loves running with you, and loves that you can actually keep up with him. You’re nimble and quick like him, and it causes him to want to keep doing his best.
Despite him being a bit ruder, and a bit more brash, you two are constantly chattering like birds, talking about basically everything, no matter how stupid the things coming out of his mouth may be.
You stand up for him when he gets attacked, because as much as he can be annoying he doesn’t deserve to be beaten up like a bully in high school
Is suspicious of you at first. Your arms and legs are tiny, how could you possibly be as strong as you say they are? The rest of the mercs must have been just been nice to you. That is, until he sees you clock an enemy with just your strength during a battle.
From then on, considers you to be a real American soldier, perfect for the battlefield of life. Helps you find what weapons would be the best suited for you, since weight isn’t a problem.
Applauds you on your abilities in the battlefield, and sticks close to you. Nobody is better than him, and he just wants to make sure that you’re taking his war tips to heart.
When dinner time comes, he’s incredibly shocked at how much you eat, and is lowkey concerned that you’re overdoing it. You’re tiny, you don’t want to make yourself sick on the mission tomorrow!
You work with him as somewhat of a bodyguard when he’s on high ground. He can view the area in front of him, while you make sure that nobody is sneaking up on him from behind. You’re strong enough to make sure nobody gets to his perch.
In the off time though, he likes having barbecues in the front of his vans. You’re incredibly fond of them, and the first time you have a barbecue with him, he realizes that he won’t have to worry about leftovers.
Whenever he needs help with his van, he requests your help. Whether it’s the inside or the outside, he knows that he can count on you. Usually it’s that the van needs a new tire or some new wiring, and you’re always willing to help.
Being someone who is tall and lanky but moderately strong, he relates to you. There’s one big difference between the two of you though, and that’s that he’s really quiet. Your chattering actually helps him feel more comfortable because it lets you control the conversation and allows him to say what he needs to say without having to speak up too much.
Just like Sniper, Spy enjoys listening to you talk. However, because Spy is a more realistic person, your positivity helps balance out the tone of your conversation. When he’s having a particularly bad day, just listening to you talk is helpful to ease your mind.
He definitely wants you to try some of his home cooked food, because while he noticed you eat a lot of food, you love everything that you eat. He just hopes that you aren’t put off by French portion sizes.
Quite likes how you are nimble and quick. Had you not be so talkative, he thinks you’d make quite a good spy. He does teach you how to be a bit more silent so you can sneak up on scout though.
Is confused why people would call you a monster, had they never seen someone so strong before? He likes it that way, so you don’t have to rely on him as much, and that makes him much more likely to help you on the rare occasion you do need it.
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artful-aries · 1 year
Birthday sex with diluc? 👀
BIRTHDAY SEX WITH DILUC!!!!! Anon I’m going feral at this request. If Diluc needs a dog I can mf bark. Happy birthday my brooding husband
Reader can be read as gender neutral! I ask that minors do not interact with this post
Birthday Sex With Diluc (NSFW)
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The experience will definitely hinge on whether or not it’s the first time you two are intimate
For the first time, Diluc is absolutely blown away at the offer. You want to give yourself to him? Because it’s his birthday? His face will be as red as his hair at the proposition, and will ask you a thousand times if you are sure
It doesn’t matter if you have had sex before Diluc or if he is your first time, he is going to treat your first time together like you are made of the finest glass
His touches will be hot against your skin as you two start getting intimate. He just gets so excited that his pyro vision bubbles to the surface. It is never enough to hurt you, Diluc would rather die than ever let that be a possibility, but there is a stark temperature difference
Kissing him can be a little awkward at first, but it’s only because he is wrapped up in his own mind as he is still shocked that this is actually happening. Bear with it for a while, and he will ease into it and become a lot more passionate. Before long, his kisses will leave you absolutely breathless
When it comes time to remove clothes, Diluc would be very nervous to undress you for the first time. He makes sure to go very slow as to give you ample time to tell him to stop if you needed, but the sweet gesture mostly just makes you frustrated as it feels like he is teasing you
By the time there are no clothes in the way, you’re flushed and panting at the building tension of wanting him, and his cock is aching and practically dripping at the sight of how needy you are
He’s going to give you oral for your first time together, it doesn’t matter how much you tell him that you’re ready for him. In part, he’s doing this as a thank you for allowing him to see you like this, the other part of him just finds it so incredibly sexy when you whine and writhe underneath him
Diluc could go on all night like that if you’d let him, but for your first time together he’s going to reign himself in and only make you cum once from the use of his mouth. He doesn’t want you too overstimulated
When he finally pushes inside you, he’s going to give long, deep thrusts. He would rather make love to you than just outright fucking you. This is his first time seeing you like this, looking so pretty on the end of his aching cock. He’s going to drag this out and make it last as long as possible so that the memory is seared into his brain
All in all, having your first time with him on his birthday will be a very passionate experience. It’s slow to start, but the steady increase of passion and pleasure keeps you two going for several hours
A lot of this goes out the window if it is not your first time sleeping together
Diluc will be bolder, more willing to jump right into the action should you suggest having sex for his birthday. It definitely gets him excited at the thought
Clothes are pretty unceremoniously shrugged off, unless Diluc is in a more teasing, dominant mood. Then he might make you strip yourself slowly for him. It’s his birthday after all, why not give him a show?
Since giving you head is something that gets him off, he’s not going to stop at just making you cum with his mouth once. He will be aiming for at least two or three times before he will consider doing anything else, his grip on your hips will be ironclad to prevent you from wriggling away in your overstimulated state
When he’s finally ready to slip himself inside you, he’s not going to be the gentle, slow person he was for your first time together
As soon as he starts, his thrusts are more powerful, pistoning at a steady rhythm that’ll have you gripping his bedsheets
Diluc in general isn’t too awfully vocal in bed, but it’s in this moment you’ll get to hear a lot of low groans and growls from him as his hips snap against yours
If he gets really riled up, he’ll flip you so that he can take you doggy style, as this position enables him to get deeper and have a better hold on your hips as he pounds into you
More often than not, he would prefer missionary or spooning you while he fucks. This is because he will have a much better view of your expressions as he hits your g spot just right. He’s a bit sentimental and likes to be able to see how you feel, and be able to quickly judge if he should stop or adjust something to make you feel even better
Whether it’s your first time or your fiftieth with Diluc, he will always ask you where you want him to cum unless you have established a permanent place prior. He never wants to assume that you’ll want the same thing twice in fear of being wrong and upsetting you
When both of you are finally spent, he’s going to want to hold you close. It doesn’t matter how hot and sweaty you both are, he just needs a few minutes to hold you before he sets out to get you water or help you clean up
It will certainly be a very memorable birthday for Diluc, and every year onward he will get a little flustered as his birthday approaches, wondering if you’ll give him such an enticing offer again
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jermer10 · 7 months
Would you be cool with any Pyro x reader headcanons maybe?
TF2 pyro headcanons sfw + nsfw
nsfw, gn reader | thanks for the req anon!! i headcanon pyro as a sex positive aroace person, so this will be written around that :]
drabbles under the cut :P
sfw: - loves doing anything as long as it’s with you - meaning you’re brought with to run every errand, help with every shopping trip, and DJ every car ride - will take you out wherever you want to go! they absolutely love dates and want to spoil you <3333 - they’re insanely good at picking out gifts, they have every little thing you say memorized - you mentioned that you wanted these shoes? they bought them the day after. you want that shirt? no question they already have it in their cart - they aren’t good with emotional intimacy, they find it really hard to vocalize their feelings and would rather physically hold you to show you they care about you - they struggle to say the big “i love you” until much later in the relationship (trust me they do love you, they are just incredibly insecure and need to be sure that you love them back before saying it) - furthermore they will not show you their face unless you’ve known them for years, so if you’re here for the face reveal, you’re here for the long haul! - you often just sit on the couch or one of your beds and cuddle the day away, team movie nights are the best because you always end up with the entire couch to yourselves and the freedom to choose movies you actually like by the end of the night - although they barely experience romantic attraction, they still find you attractive - they will compliment you until you’re begging them to stop, seriously, they think you’re the cutest thing ever! - you are important above all else to them, they will always be the first person there for you, no matter the risk
nsfw under here!
nsfw: - pyro rarely feels sexual attraction, and therefore they won't ask you for any kind of sexual intimacy - on the off chance they do become aroused, they deal with it themself - HOWEVER they very much enjoy pleasing you - that includes lazily fingering you in public places, the thrill of getting caught excites them, and seeing you embarrassed is very cute - very into the idea of free use, specifically you sitting in their lap and cockwarming them whilst they work - light bondage kink, they enjoy seeing your hands tied or having been tied up themself - could give you head for hours just to hear your sighs and moans <33 - pyro typically bottoms, they find topping super awkward as they tend to play a more passive role during intimacy - don't confuse passive with submissive, they are anything but submissive - they like tugging on your hair and biting you, playful notions during sex come often, they will do anything to elicit a reaction from you - sometimes they'll flip you over and destroy you just for the dazed, cock drunk reaction you provide afterwards - loves giving you aftercare, wrapping you up in blankets and cuddling with you whilst peppering your body with kisses
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Hii its me again the anon that asked for sensory representation! I was wondering if you would be able to write for sniper, scout, pyro and/or medic with a s/o who loves physical affection (isn't vocal about it until asked) but when the affection is not initiated by them, they tend to flinch or jump.
Basically unless s/o is the one to start the physical contact they get jumpy when someone else touches them. And they're not jumpy for any bad reason(like past abuse or anything) they're just not used to having someone else touch them affectionately.
Hopefully this isn't too much or too dark. This kinda reflects me, as in im not used to getting physical affection from others unless i start it.
Sniper, scout, pyro & medic with an s/o that likes to give physical affection
TRUST he will not do a thing without your explicit permission, he’s already internally worried about scaring you away.
So when you initiate contact, he won’t do it back unless he knows you’re aware he’s doing it + he KNOWS for a fact you’re okay with him reciprocating it.
He loves your hugs, but he will be warn you not to do it when his back is facing you.. he has a little PTSD and he’s constantly paranoid about being attacked from behind.
He will always expressly ask before initiating physical contact, whether it’s hugs, hand holding, cuddles, or etc.! He loves you terribly, and he thoroughly enjoys getting snuggly with you. Which he’ll remind you of, every single day.
He doesn’t intend to forget about this, but he will here and there. Like he just gets.. so excited to see you, and he just loves you a bunch! All he wants to do is scoop you up and love on you!
But once you flinch, he gently lets go with a soft apology. He knows you won’t be angry at him about it’s but he is aware that he can be a little suffocating with his affections.
And while he’s incredibly relieved that your reactions aren’t a trauma-response, it still makes him pretty sad to think about you having such a lack of physical contact from other people. He literally thinks you’re the coolest person imaginable, (besides tom jones.) he doesn’t know how other people don’t think the same way as him.
But mid-way through your relationship with him, he’ll begin to keep himself more in check. Communication and verbally-set boundaries will become a must, he never wants to make you feel as though your boundaries aren’t important.
Very similar to scout, they LOVE physical contact in all its forms. And they may also forget from time to time you get a little jumpy at suddenly-initiated physical contact, but unlike scout, this will be a more rare occurrence!
Pyro will always return your affections in an instant, even kisses! though they can’t really kiss you with the mask on, they’ll just bump the snout of the mask on your lips or cheek.
As for initiating, they have their own way of asking without using words. Like holding their arms out for a hug, or showing you their hand to ask to hold yours, or pointing to their mask to signify they want a kiss.
Though in the rare instance you’re not wanting affection, no worries! they’ll back off instantly, 9 times out of 10 they’re just happy to be in your presence.
The king of never crossing boundaries, every move he makes on you is carefully thought-out. And he’ll never surprise you with his touch, either by directly asking or giving you enough time to react before initiating contact.
His favorite way of doing so is after a long day of work, he’ll be at his desk and will open his arms out for a cuddle- just so you can sit on his lap for a little while, without the possibility of anyone bothering the two of you for a while.
That, or just laying in bed with you! he always likes to have you facing him while you cuddle, just so he can admire you. Despite the cheesiness of it all, he can be a really romantic guy given the chance.
He makes it his personal mission to make up for all the years you’ve gone without anyone seeking your affection, by giving you as much affection and patience as humanly possible.
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fiestylittlebeetle · 10 days
Piscciss Fan Lore
(a re-post because my old account is lost forever)
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(Image courtesy of Abzû)
Hello! I have a bunch of lore I made up myself for Piscciss (and Piscciss Volann) because I generally did not like what we got in series. So this is a small compilation of headcanons I have for my own version of Piscciss, some of which I have shared before.
I’m open to suggestions but don’t be offended if I’m not interested in what you’re throwing out there qwq
Will continue to update when I feel like it, also they're in no particular order and I'm sorry.
Piscciss isn't just a giant empty ocean with a small planetary core like in canon. Its an actual planet that’s surface is covered in 99% water, and "land" that’s exposed is too small to be habitable by much more then some planets, insects, and small amphibious creatures.
The infinity map piece as presented in the Aggregor arch still exists, but instead it served as a geothermal regulator that kept the planets core from causing massive undersea volcanic eruptions
Piscciss Volann are Apex predators with no naturally occurring predators of their own
Piscciss is home to vast underwater cities filled with Piscciss Volann
They have an incredibly diverse ecosystem that they coexist in much better then say humans do in earth ecosystems
Female Piscciss Volann are typically larger then their male counter parts and its the only sexual dymorphism they have
The planet is ruled by a matrilineal monarchy (only Females inherit the throne)
Queens are especially large coming in at massive sizes up to 20 feet in length, they also have bio-luminescence across their whole body (as opposed to just their lure) and often have cultures of coral growing off of them.
The existence of queens started early in their species evolution as a matriarch with special abilities that would give their civilization the upper hand against predators, but as of currently they exist only as leaders.
However queens are not just figure head leaders, they also serve as military heads, and see something themselves, fighting to protect her people.
Pyros is the Star that Piscciss orbits
The Pyrosccian system is a binary star system, which means there is a second star present with the system
the wars that have been waged between Piscciss and Pyros have mostly been over who the solar system REALLY belongs to
The last war to happen was during Patelliday’s childhood
Piscciss Volann can change their biological sex at will (there are 450 species of fish that can do this so...)
Piscciss Volann partake in Funerary Cannibalism
Piscciss' primary exports are high pressure resistant crafts, and water friendly breathable and self healing textiles
Piscciss Volann are a species who like to sleep in the middle of the day so they dont have to put up with the sun when its at its peak
There are towns on piscciss located in shallower parts of the planet called tidal towns because during a low tide they would be pretty much exposed. Thankfully the moisture thick atmosphere of piscciss means breathing is a non-issue
Piscciss as a rather large moon close to their planet, the drags massivemountain sized tides incredibly slowly across the surface. Years are marked by tidal positions.
Piscciss has a second smaller moon orbiting much faster that causes smaller more frequent tide changes.
Piscciss Volann flirt via visual displays and hunting for eachother
Piscciss Volann reproduce sexually before later laying eggs, they can lay anywhere between a single egg up to a clutch of 5, anymore is increasingly rare.
Larval Piscciss Volann have semi-transparent skin, rounded faces with no defined muzzle, large eyes, very sharp and very tiny glass like teeth, and only have a tail. As they grow older their skin thickens until it is completely opaque, and around toddler age they gain the ability to switch to legs.
Piscciss Volann hold "hatching parties" for when their eggs are supposed to hatch, it is similar to a baby shower but the baby is arriving.
Hatching Parties give new born PV early life socialization
Adult Piscciss Volann are (literally) hot blooded which is why they are so sensitive to increases in temperature.
Their blood contains anti-freeze proteins that prevent them from freezing to death, and is also blue.
The bones in a piscciss volann's legs are segmented and flexible, and the skin and muscles are fibrous and can detach and reach to eachother allowing for an easier change between legs and tail (inspired by https://insane-mane.tumblr.com/post/650463030887530496/funnee-feesh-and-beeg-dawg-jk-ripjaws-was-fun )
The ability to switch between tails and legs is not naturally occurring and is a result of self genetic modification that appeared thousands of years before the shows current time line
Only 1% of the overall piscciss volann population has the original genetics
Not all piscciss volann with the gene develop the ability to switch their tails to legs, some have a condition that prevents the gene for it from expressing itself and preventing that ability from manifesting when it's supposed to
That being said piscciss volann can loose the ability to switch between legs and tail either because of naturally occurring reasons like being disabled, sick, or elderly. Although it is more common to loose their legs, there are also cases of them being unable to regain their tail.
Loosing their ability to transform can also be inflicted upon them through medical procedure
Piscciss Volann have nictitating lenses that they keep drawn over their eyes while out of water to prevent their eyes from drying out
Public nudity is not an uncommon occurance on Piscciss, like many other alien species Piscciss Volann often believe that clothes are ultimately unnecessary and optional. So don't be surprised if you see a Piscciss Volann swimming around in only jewelry or nothing at all.
Due to 80% of their evolution and social development being underwater, they had the downfall of not having access to fire. So as such they found other ways to develop technology and energy. The main being from animals. Starting with domestication to selective breeding of animals to use as tools, and eventually bio engineering even more organic organisms for special jobs. As such Pisccian technology is incredibly techno-organic, and they rely heavily on bio-engineered living tools and wetware.
Piscciss Volann are a type 1.5 civilization (in comparison humans are at a 0.7)
Piscciss looks very much like this planet and the purple is thick kelp forests
Pisccian language has a very similar appearance to cuneiform
Pisccian spoken language sounds like fish noises! It can't be spoken on land, and can't be heard by humans and other non-aquatic species underwater without special equipment
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overwatchables · 2 years
Junkrat/Reader General/Relationship HCS (SFW + NSFW)
'He fills up a big space in your life. All 6’5 of him. Leaves soot on your couch. Dirty underwear in your room. Boba in your fridge. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.'
I've been having major Junker brainrot recently and had to get this one out of my system. Will probably eventually work my way through the hero roster doing similar HC'S.
you might notice I've wrote talon/overwatch in these hc's - that's because I'd like to leave it up to you guys' whichever organisation you think he's affiliated with. I'm not too sure which route they'll take with the Junkers in canon concerning that - so I'll just leave it open ended.
WARNING for some spicy HCS near the end!
Jamie is off-putting. There's no other way to frame it.
He's got sharp features, very intense eyes and takes up a significant presence in every social situation he enters. He talks quick, directly, and brazenly; and if you're a naturally introverted person he's probably going to make you feel uncomfortable at first because he’s not shy at all. He’s just… a lot.
Once you get past the initial bombshell that is getting to know Jamison, you’ll quickly come to realise he’s actually a very friendly guy. Sure – at times he can be wild, unruly, abrasive. A tad stinky. Loudmouthed and raucous. With a significant klepto/pyro-manic streak that always keeps you just a little bit on guard. Not to mention guilty of many crimes and apparently proud of it.
By most people's standards… repugnant. And yet somehow totally magnetic at the same time.
He fills up a big space in your life. All 6’5 of him. Leaves soot on your couch. Dirty underwear in your room. Boba in your fridge. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
There’s no filter to Jamie’s speech. He says whatever pops into his head which is both a blessing and a curse. And by God, when this guy sees someone that tickles his fancy, he’s inevitably going to try his hand at chatting them up. This has… very varying levels of success. Good thing it seemed to work on you, though.
When Jamie likes someone a lot, it tends to consume him. Makes him irritable and over-excited, brimming with even more pent-up energy than usual. Roadhog always knows when Jamie has taken a fancy to someone because of this.
There's a ton of little idiosyncrasies Jamie displays that Mako picks up on. Mumbling to himself – having full blown, imaginary conversations in which your name will be peppered throughout.
Talking about you, period. How great he thinks you are. Things you’ve done that he's reading into a little too much in an attempt to justify that the feeling might be mutual. Jamie’s not shy to consult his larger counterpart about his interest in you.
Though he finds it amusing at first, the incessant yammering will most definitely begin to grate on Mako’s nerves and eventually culminates in the Hog physically depositing Jamie at your door. (award for world’s greatest wingman goes to Roadhog) :
“Say it to them, not to me.”
 “B-but… but Roadie –”
“You’re all talk,” Mako rumbles, “You want em’ so bad, then do something about it.”
He's got a real animalistic sort of quality to him. His boundaries are almost non-existent at times. He's raw in a relationship, very unafraid to be physical. Expect a lot of touching; hovering over you in his odd, slouchy way, draping his too-long limbs over your shoulders, nibbling on your earlobes, squeezing your flesh wherever he finds it most enticing (usually your hips or your ass).
Don’t wear white clothes around him. He’s very prone to leaving sooty handprints on your clothing which can be incredibly embarrassing when you're oblivious to it.
The excess of physical contact can sometimes be a little jarring/unpleasant, especially if he’s been out on a job and just got back. He's not always the most hygienic; carries a smell of gunpowder and sweat with him wherever he goes - and sometimes he's got a real case of bad breath.
He'll make a bit more of an effort to scrub himself up when he's in a relationship, however. Partly from your nagging and partly because he's got a performative/self-conscious streak. If he likes somebody, he wants to impress them, to appeal to them. That results in him preening a bit more. You know this man is down bad if you smell deodorant off of him. (and no, the deodorant definitely doesn't belong to him. he stole it from some unsuspecting talon/overwatch member in the communal showers...)
Very involved and sometimes clingy. Wants to know where you’ve been, what you’ve been up to. Not in a distrustful way – it’s more of a ‘I like you a lot and I want to feel closer to you in any and every facet of your daily routine’ way.
I get the feeling that he’d appreciate someone nurturing in a relationship. (cough cough his interactions with Ana… god bless that boy and his mommy issues) He loves the feeling of being fussed over, hands on, a really tender sort of loving. It makes him absolutely melt. Secret mommy kink? Maybe.
More of a general one; but Jamie goes through mobile phones like he goes through bombs. First mistake that you and Mako had learned from was getting him an expensive one. It was broken within the first two days of having it. From then on Jamie is the proud owner of the most ass quality cellular devices on the market thanks to his propensity for destruction. It’s a revolving door of phones. You’ve got so many different numbers in your contacts for Jamie that it borders on ridiculous.
When he hasn’t, miraculously, blown up or shattered his phone screen, he makes it a habit to text or call you throughout the day. (In all caps... with a healthy dosage of spelling errors and emojis.) Sometimes sends only poor-quality picture images with no explanation of what it is he's trying to show you. It’s a fun puzzle, trying to figure it out.
Doesn’t take much to get his engine going, if you catch my drift. Very active sex drive, especially after he’s out of Australia and gone ‘legit’ – his body has gotten a lot healthier and as a result his virility has increased.
In fact, Jamie is pretty much DTF whenever, wherever, at a moment’s notice. Just say the words and he’s ready and raring to go. Honestly, he’s almost always a little bit turned on when he’s around you.
Pretty well endowed. Long, thin, uncut. A little messy down there. He doesn’t see the point nor care for shaving and body hair doesn’t bother him much. If you want to go au natural, then Jamie’s your guy.
The pictures Jamie sends can often be… explicit.  If he’s whacking one off then you’d better accept that you’re getting a picture of it, possibly without warning, and that’s that. He likes to feel like you’re involved in that kind of stuff even if you’re not physically present.
He’s a total switch in bed – though I do think it would depend a lot on his partners personality. Jamie is nothing if not adaptable. He can definitely do dominant if he’s in the mood or if his partner is submissive. It’s a huge turn on for him when his partner takes control in sex, though.
He especially likes a little bit of rough and tumble in bed. Fighting each other for dominance type beat. His partner being on equal footing with him is just as sexy as it is for him being dominated/doing the dominating. Very playful, very physical. And he definitely bites. A lot.
He’s got so much excessive energy that it can be slightly exhaustive. There’s three main avenues to which he tends to direct this manic energy: tinkering with his scrap and weaponry, talking for the whole of Oz (and then some), and of course, sex/masturbation.
If he’s especially hyper and you want the guy to calm down a bit, sex is a great way to tucker him out. He’s almost always down for a bit of fooling around and sleeps like a log afterwards.
Personally, I don’t think Jamie’s got a ton of sexual nor romantic experience. He might’ve fooled around here and there back in Junkertown when he was younger – but he’s never had a serious relationship. Though what he lacks in experience he more than makes up for in overwhelming eagerness.
He’s not afraid to try anything. Really, it’s hard to find something he isn’t down for. As long as you’re game too, then he’ll probably be agreeable to giving it a go.
His oral game is crazy. (have you seen that tongue!?)
Alright, he hasn’t got a clue what he’s doing but dude is giving it his all and then some! He’s very unafraid of giving oral and actually finds it pretty fun. He’s messy with it, but so eager and attentive that it doesn’t take long for him to get pretty fucking good at it. After a while he becomes an expert at making you cum with his mouth.
Downright feral when he fucks. When I said he was animalistic I meant it. A lot of stamina, speed, and power behind his thrusts.
Short refractory period. Doesn’t take long for him to get hard again and before you know it, he’s grinding on your ass and trying to mount you like the absolute sex goblin that he is – till he finally exhausts himself and passes out for the night.
His prosthetic leg gives him a bit of trouble when he’s being intimate sometimes, so he appreciates it if you can take the reins and be on top every now and again. Takes him a while to remove the ol’ peg leg in bed with you. He has to be really comfortable in the relationship because it’s sort of an insecurity for him.
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Hello! How would the Mercs be with an S/O who has chronic health conditions (totally not because I’m self indulgent with a connective tissue disorder)
💕TF2 Mercs With An S/O With Chronic Health Conditions💕
Includes: all
Note: I referenced arthritis a lot for this and general connective tissue disorders. If anything is wrong, please correct me and I'll correct this!
🛠Engineer- You KNOW this man would be the most understanding. Not that it’s the same, but his hand was amputated, and even though he may have a hand now, he didn’t for a while! So he gets it. He isn’t overbearing, but he is attentive with how you are feeling. He’s willing to help out with anything, and although he knows you can handle yourself, that doesn’t stop him from going to Medic on the days you seem particuarly hurt or fatigued. He does his research and tries to see if any of the tips on there work. Most of them are emotionally based-don’t be overbearing, see what you can do, but he keeps up on the more physical ones too. Which means he likes to go for walks! Being from the country, he used to go on walks all the time. Nowadays he doesn’t have much time, but he tries to be there for you. 
🔥Pyro- “Aww he doesn’t get it so you go in the blanket pi-” NO! NO!! Just explain it, man. And if you don’t want to explain it, or if he’s embarrassed to ask, he’ll ask someone else. Pyro will get it, he’s not dull. Of course he doesn’t know most medical terms, he’s been hanging out with the same 8 people for the majority of his life, and the doctor there isn’t even licensed. At first he does think you are dying. But luckily that is cleared up before he sees you again. He can be a little overbearing at times, but he understands when you need your space. He just hates to see you hurt, and being uncared for with his own health problems (burn victim, i headcanon) has left him with the innate desire to make sure you always know your problems matter. 
⚾Scout-Scout is a goober and I’m not going to lie to you, he hears “connective tissue disorder” and thinks your bones are going to disconnect. Like, your arms are just going to be socks of butter. Eventually he is corrected, but it never leaves his head. Lucky for you, this boy is incredibly active, so there is never a dull moment. Sometimes he gets a little too caught up and you kinda gotta be like 
“Hey remember when I had chronic health conditions” 
And he’s like, “yeah :3” 
“Well they’re chronic-ing”
He is asking Medic, Engineer, Heavy, EVERYTHING. Anyone he thinks might know a thing or two is being asked questions. You might think you want to be asked, but he has so many. He listens to you the most though, since it is you he’s trying to learn about. Um..he knows what arthritus is! He..has heard of it. 
🦅Soldier-Does Soldier know what any of those words mean? Kind of! Disorder? I’m trying to give you deez orders! Har har harharharhar. Anyway. He is perplexed. On one hand, you seem up for training and you do quite well! Sometimes. Sometimes you spend time with Medic, sometimes you watch. Sometimes he wouldn’t notice you’re gone until a little ways in. He is in the ZONE of training. Eventually he’d ask a little something like, “WHY DIDN’T I SEE YOU ON THE FIELD TODAY MAGGOT?” 
And you’d say something like, “Just feelin’ a little stiff today,”, “Flarin up today”
So convince him not to crack you over his knee to get you feeling limber.
Eventually he’d understand that you have your off days and leave you be. But as soon as he’s done going bananas, he’s checking on you.
🗡Spy-He’s probably one of the most normal. He knows what’s up, he’s met people and had to act like said people, you know, spy things. He’d check on you to make sure you’re okay, staying active. He’d probably ask a little too much about your well being and to be honest, might keep a little booklet of sorts. Not that it helps a whole lot. In no way are you left out of anything, and he’s making sure of it. If you’re feeling particularly bad, you can hang out in his smoking room and get lung cancer as well. Sometimes he doesn’t smoke. His little treat
💉Medic- He is an unlicensed doctor damn you! He’s all up in those bones. He’d definitely want to take those joints and bones apart like a kid ripping apart a barbie. He loves you! Maybe he’d give you some painkillers or anesthesia. You are experimented and poked at a lot because finally, finally he can feel like a real doctor and deal with medical issues that aren’t bullets and death. He takes care of you when you need it, but it’s hard to tell if it’s because it’s fun to him or because he is genuinely worried. He gives you a lot of credit. 
💣Demoman-Alcohol is nature’s painkillers! He would be offering that up to you like no tomorrow, but it is because he cares. On a more sober note, he actually does have relatives with arthritis. I headcanon his mother to have arthritis, if alive. I don’t remember who the dead parent mercs are. So yeah, he gets it. He’s helping you with any chores you said you had to do,  a habit of his regardless of how your tissue connectivity is doing. 
🦘Sniper-Sniper is..yeah. Well he has your best interest in mind. Even though he knows what’s up, he’s not sure how to deal with it. He’ll probably have you drink some weird mix of gasoline, peyote, and rain water and tell you “it’ll work ya right up mate”. Don’t drink it. You having aches and pains almost constantly means he’s probably gonna have a shooting buddy. You’re his partner, yall are gonna be around each other anyways. It’s a little hard to get used to the days where you are around. Despite being a skilled sniper, the smallest noise makes him jump. It’s in his blood.
🐻Heavy-The most normal. Health issues? Okay. Want a sandwich or something? His love language is act of service. So if you’re feeling bad, sick, emotionally bad, aches, pains, or otherwise shabby, he’ll give you cut up fruit. Oh yeah. Watch this guy rip an apple in half! He can do more than that, but you know. He’ll ask if you’re okay and make sure you’re not strained, but for the most part everything is normal.
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p1nk-syr1nge · 2 years
Hey I think ur writing is like really cool and nice !!!!
can I get some platonic hcs about the mercs with a friend who randomly gets scars and they dunno how they got them ? (Sorry if it’s weird D;)
HELLOO!!! mwah ofc!! 😚
Barely notices, but when he does isn’t really surprised because he gets them too.
Oh just a bunch of random minor cuts ‘n bruises? That’s ok… No big whoop. Infact look at this cool scrape that came outta nowhere yesterday.
At the end of the day you both kinda have a routine of patching each other up because Medic is tired of seeing your silly asses in his medbay.
Not phased one bit…
Go get yourself taken care of, cadet you need to be in tip top shape.
Will patch it himself if it’s bothering him enough…
Has also learned that he has to do this frequently and just carrie’s bandaids in his pockets for you.
Gets a little worried about you.
You must be incredibly clumsy and careless and they’ll probably scold you kindly.
They’re always dragging you to Medic to get fixed but other times they’ll just do it themselves if he’s busy.
Expect lots of colorful bandaids. To help you feel better of course!
Your cluelessness concerns him!
But you don’t seem to be severely hurt or in obvious pain so you must be ok…
Still, he’ll find himself wiping the blood off a cut on your face quite often.
Probably licks his thumb to get the dried blood off like dad.
Tbh with the amount of shenanigans you both get into the “unknown scars” can be quite frequent.
He is no stranger to cleaning scrapes and scars.
He did this with his sisters a lot…. they were quite reckless.
He might coddle you a bit… It’s sweet but you have to tell him you’re ok.
Doesn’t like seeing you hurt but you seem to be rather chill with it.
Gently scolds you to be more careful.
Does the thumb licking dad thing as well… a little unhygienic but it’s fine guys.
Has a medkit in his toolbox and made sure there were extra bandaids for you.
If you want he’ll get ones with with patterns ‘n characters on it.
Might kiss it better if he’s feeling particularly nice…..
Oh you miserable, poor creature.
Surely this means you need an amputatio- what? Fine…
Not annoyed at you, just at how oblivious you are to your surroundings.
How do you not know what happened? Ah well, he’ll just use his medigun and shop you off with a firm pat on the head.
Cares a lot. But is like a scolding mother a lot of times.
Won’t do much. He gets them all the time. No big deal…
Although will encourage you to wash it so there’s no infection.
Though he’s convinced you’re clumsy and will be a little more wary of your surroundings for you.
You don’t know where you got that cut? He does he watches it happen. Did not say a thing because you gotta learn somehow…
Where did you get these? You are very odd to him.
Will probably poke ‘n prod at them just to see you wince or any kind of reaction.
Its a little funny to him. Stupid asshole….
After he’s done teasing you about it he’ll clean your scars and make sure you’re all patched up.
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tf2heritageposts · 1 year
ik splatoon players judge ppl based on what they main (completely understandable imo) do you do that with tf2 character mains? (<- won't be mad at you either way i just want to hear tf2 drama b/c i don't usually go there)
yeah everyone does that, here’s the community’s stereotypes on class picks
scout- incredibly annoying, doesn’t care about anyone else, steals your medpacks when you’re dying and they’re barely injured
pyro- gay furry
soldier- usually incredibly toxic and will call you slurs
demoman- sticky spammers
heavy- the joke of the tf2 community is that heavy mains don’t exist so
engineer- sits on their ass and doesn’t do anything to help
medic- either a medic girlfriend, pocketer, or gay
sniper- normally a bot, also normally a piece of shit
spy- anime watching 12 year olds who just picked up the game
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yoimix · 2 years
「 inazuma winter session 」
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[ tw: alcohol mention ]
snow falls with quiet anticipation on inazuman winters, as excited as a lover’s lips. 
there are lights up to celebrate, and to ward off the darkness that looms end of the year, and there are people breathing in the cold with smiles and loved ones huddled by their side. you’ll admit that it’s quite infuriating to see couples on nights like these. jealous? that’s hardly the bottom of it. no, you’re so resentful of your unrequited love that you’d rather ruin other people’s dates than ask your friend out on one. petty? of course.
your friends rub salt on the wound, saying it’s such a shame that THOMA is only your best friend, just a confession short of being your lover. funny enough, you get tongue-tied every single time you’re about to spill—that smile of his is not to be trifled with.
“—but it’s not mondstadt winters, you know? i- (name)? are you listening?”
“hm? y-yeah, of course. mondstadt. should we get some dandelion wine?” you quickly save. truth is, his face is of the sun and you’re basking in the glow.
“not after last time,” he reprimands, furrowing his eyebrows. “i’m sure i have imprints of your arms around my waist from how long you held me.”
your cheeks flare up with heat unprecedented in winters, causing you to take a sharp intake of breath.
“did you dislike it?” you huff, trying to steady your beating. yes, some light teasing might help you get back on your feet.
thoma breaks into a sheepish smile. “not really. not when it was you.”
oh, it seems your plan backfired. does he not care at all for your poor heart? 
“(name)? are you alright?” he leans his face towards you. thoma’s not as nice as everyone regards and you have proof. look at how he’s holding your heart hostage. “you’re not catching a fever again, are you?”
“you’re shivering,” he continues, pressing his lips into a thin line. my, don’t they look soft?
you look away by reflex, focusing on the mochi and dango stalls a few feet away. they have incredibly pretty lights, red and orange adorned with cherry blossom petals, and you’re noticing for the first time. you’ve been a bit too occupied with the light in thoma’s eyes instead, like some sort of lovesick fool. then again, it’s hard to not stare at honeydew eyes so sweet, so loving. 
“i’m i- i’m fine,” you manage to stutter.
“your skin is freezing!” he exclaims, arms wrapping around you before a response can leave your lips. you’re glad he’s hugging you from behind because you sure as hell can’t face him anymore.
o electro archon, please strike me down this instance.
“well, not anymore,” you laugh, an overflow of heat warming up your face too. that one isn’t from thoma though. “it must be nice to have a pyro vision.”
“it gets the job done.” he grins into your hair.
it’s so easy for him to touch you, and for you to cave, that you forget that this is what lovers do on winter evenings. not friends. how you wish you could rid of that fine line, tug at that thread till the tapestry of your heart is undone and thoma can stitch it back together. surely, there are better ways to go about it? thoma brings out the teenager in you, immature and exploding with emotions.
he sighs, shifting his head to rest his chin on your shoulder. no, this is certainly not what just a friend should make you feel. 
you can’t let things end like this.
you hesitate. he’s far too close for you to think straight, yet he’s still too far to hear your feelings. you can’t even turn around to face him.
“what do you think of me?” you ask quietly. the winter wind picks up and you find yourself engulfed further into thoma’s warm chest.
“think of you?” he repeats, sounding somewhat surprised. “gosh, there’s so much i think about when it comes to you.”
“don’t mess around like that,” you chide, getting impatient. “it almost sounds like you’re flirting with me.”
“well. i have been for the past two years but thanks for noticing.”
“what, you think i go around holding everyone in my arms like this? did you ever even read the notes i write in your bento boxes?! or- or did you really think i’m an easy sort of man? that i melt into everyone i meet?”
you turn around abruptly. “but- but you make bento boxes for everyone! and the notes- oh.”
they were far more charming and affectionate than, say, ordinary friends would write each other. and he cooks for the kamisato clan because it’s in his job description. thoma gives you a deadpan look.
“you- you like hugs too! how was i supposed to know from this?” you gesture to his arms around your waist. gosh, you’re awfully close. the realization sends yet another jolt of fire to the pit of your stomach.
“would you be absolutely certain if i do this?”
thoma’s lips hover right above yours, a moment of pause in his movement to make sure you’re alright with it. you, on the other hand, might just faint. despite that, you gather enough of yourself to close the distance, shutting your eyes close like it’s a schoolgirl kiss and hear a chuckle against your mouth. no way he just laughed at you.
unbelievably soft lips press back onto yours, shutting off the flow of thoughts in your head. god, this better than anything you could dream of. could you be dreaming perhaps? thoma’s hands move to cradle your face, a touch so tender it could rival the petals of liyue harbor’s silk flowers. his hands may be calloused from day to day activities, but you feel no discomfort. it’s thoma, after all. your best friend, your pillar of support.
“so?” he says, pulling away and short of breath.
“so?” you repeat, confused.
“can i tell you i love you yet? you know, i have waited two years.”
you bury your face against his body, unable to bear the emotions this man just flooded into you. do pyro visions make people unstable? archons, he’s perfect but your heart might need a little getting used to the flames.
“not if i blurt it first.”
“i love you.”
“ah, i wanted to- whatever. i love you too.”
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sa1t0r1 · 2 years
how would the mercenary react to discovering that s/o is the son of merasmus? as if on halloween merasmus appeared and s/o said "hey dad, what are you doing here? (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠)" plz
Sorry for taking so long I was struggling to think of headcannons </3
It’s also a little bit repetitive so my apologies
Jaw dropped to the floor immediately, his baseball even fell out of his pocket
He had no idea I mean you guys don’t even look alike
Asks if you can use magic and if you can he wants to be taught to use it too
Less nervous about Halloween knowing that Merasmus is your dad
Immediately bombards you with a million different questions
His old roommate had a kid?????? He knew nothing of this
You would have to diffuse any tension between the two because Merasmus is definitely about to do something with malicious intent
Only interested in the magic aspect
They’re incredibly excited about the discovery that you might be able to use magic
Please teach them they want to use the magic for silly roleplays with the other mercs
Little bit too drunk for it to hit him immediately
When it does hit him he drops his skrumpy in shock
You guys are completely different from eachother he never would’ve guessed you’re related
Can’t believe he lost such an outlandish bet, handed spy $10 that same day
Was preparing things to defend against Merasmus
Stops tinkering with his projects after hearing you say “dad ?? What are you doing here ?”
Leaves you to catch up with your dad in private but asks about it later because although he’s respectful he’s still curious
Thinks it’s cute that you’re finally reunited
Doesn’t have much of a reaction to it and stays silent
Leaves the room to let you talk with your dad
Slightly envious of you for getting to see your family again but happy for you nonetheless
Doesn’t ask you about it to respect your privacy
Let’s be honest he already knew, he saw it on your files
Still happy you were reunited though
If you inherited Merasmus’s magic he definitely wants to experiment (with your permission)
Slightly scared, especially if you can use magic
Anxious, hoping Merasmus isn’t going to turn on you (or him..)
Gets skittish around Halloween now that he knows he’s in the presence of your dad
Like Medic, already knew
Saw it coming, not much else to say
Grinning with pride after seeing demo’s defeated expression as he hands him that crisp $10 bill
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What all of your femme!tf2 headcannons?
Feral. And I mean feral. Scout is to this team what Pyro is to the canon mercs.
Medic gave her some sharper teeth so she can bite people.
Also she’s from New Jersey.
Not as fast as C!Scout but hits much harder.
She’s Miss Pauling’s girlfriend. Pauling likes her because she’s chaos incarnate but is also just very sincere. No over-trying, no posing, no filter, it’s attractive to her. 
Has an incredible sense of humor. If she met C!Sniper she’d probably say something like “Mate, you’re paid to blow up idiots in the dessert. Loosen up.”
Her best attribute would probably be her stealth. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t hit her target the first time because you’ve no idea where’s she’s coming from.
Her second best would be her gymnastic skills. She finds perches anywhere and climbs just about anything.
Basically, she’s really hard to spot. Almost better at camouflage than the Spy.
Much like her counterpart, she is incredibly patriotic and was prevented from joining the army. 
However she was denied for stupid reasons like 
“this is the 40s and girls can’t be soldiers” 
and “No you can’t be a nurse either, especially when you tell us you plan on going AWOL” 
and “For Christ’s sake girl you’re obviously not 18. You can’t join the army, you’re a child.” 
Didn’t stop her from training though! By the time the 60s rolled around she’s more than able. 
She’s really good at playing the trumpet. Absolutely shreds that thing. 
She’s also an idiot, but a happier idiot. 
Good relationship with Scout although they’re not related. Basically the inverse of C!Scout and C!Spy’s relationship.
Hear me out. She’s a stoner.
The predominant way she attacks is via poisons. They have effects such as temporarily blinding a player or reducing their muscle movement.
Also holograms. She has hologram gadgets.
She’s still French and has expensive taste, just less uptight.
Does not wear a full gas mask, but wears a face covering and goggles and usually has a hood up along with gloves, long sleeves, and boots. So it’s the same effect. 
They are completely nonverbal. (Can’t talk, not just a muffled voice.) 
They really like cars. Surprisingly, not just for the gasoline. 
They’re about as much of an enigma as canon!pyro, with the exception that their hair is sometimes visible.
Bit of a loner honestly.
She’s British! She is also exiled from England and banned from the UK.  
Yes it was for the medical malpractice. 
She has antidotes for Spy’s poisons. They have a rivalry that matches canon Spy and Engineer’s but with fem!spy being more like engineer in this case. 
She’s an aunt in personality. “Love, dear, darling,” etc. are an integral part of her dialogue. 
She’s crazy as the canon medic but in the opposite way. She has an abundance of calmness and apathy as opposed to his surplus of exuberance. 
Probably the most similar her counterpart. 
She’s got the Southern charm. the subtle god complex, and the country-isums.
Unlike C!Engineer, however, she’s not a patient person. She has a temper like hot coals. 
She remains a sweet smiling Southern bell when she’s furious, her tone doesn’t change but her actions do. She gets violent.
She never shows physical signs of anger. No red face or growling or anything like that. Just gets a vicious smile and glare.
Also very similar to her counterpart in personality but not in background.
Really jolly and friendly. And loud. 
Has extreme bad luck. Like, comically bad luck. Her last name may as well be Murphy.
She, however, does not believe in luck.
She’s an orphan who grew up apprenticing under several types of demolition jobs.
Eventually she was refused by everyone else because every mentor that took her on would end up blown up by their own had within the year. 
She builds her weapons herself. She’s incredibly resourceful and a scavenger by habit.
She likes collecting little things. She has a giant doll house filled with miniatures of everyday objects. 
She’s completely stoic when in battle. Big, intimidating, quiet, doberman type.
Outside of fighting, though, she’s a really gentle and good humored person. She has an affinity for Sniper’s antics.
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artful-aries · 1 year
Arguing With Them (Tighnari, Diluc, Beidou)
I am back after a hellish week in the trenches of corporate offices. I don’t even make enough to be considered white collar but I sure do gotta pull out the stops for corporate America. Anyway cooked up something after an idea I had on my business trip, enjoy!
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It’s actually remarkably easy to get into arguments with him. Not that every argument is extreme or anything like that, but he is prone to bickering with those close to him and you are no exception
Arguments with him could spark over anything; whether he’s lecturing you on how best to take care of yourself while you traverse the forests of Sumeru, complaining about the mess you may or may not have caused in his herb supply, or on the rare occasion debating over philosophical beliefs
Tighnari is incredibly stubborn and won’t back down from a conversation that threatens to spill into an argument no matter what
This isn’t to say that he’s arrogant and thinks he’s always right, but he is extremely strong willed and isn’t willing to concede on many things, especially if they involve someone’s health or morals
His irritation will be blatantly obvious; his eyes are sharp as knives, and his ears and tail twitch involuntarily as he listens to your side of things
Even when extremely irritated with you, Tighnari is never going to raise his voice or stoop to insulting you. Though he disagrees with your point of view, the argument will never escalate more than a heated debate. The Akademiya gave him loads of practice with discussing topics with people he vehemently disagreed with in a classy way
Because of this, you will never feel threatened by his anger. Even when his hands clench or he takes a deep, agitated breath, there is never any negative energy emanating from him that would make you feel like he might snap and potentially hurt you
That being said, he isn’t going to mince his words during the argument. If he thinks what you’re saying is illogical or rash, he will not hesitate to tell you as such
It’s not that Tighnari doesn’t care about your feelings, because he definitely cares when he sees how much his words hurt you sometimes. Tighnari just would rather be completely honest with you rather than holding his thoughts back
Dishonesty eventually leads to seeds of doubt, which bloom into flowers of resentment. The last thing he wants is for your relationship with him to dissolve simply because he chose to not tell you everything that he was thinking
Because of the debate-like structure of arguments with him, it’s actually easy to deescalate the situation, especially if you tell him that his words upset and hurt you
This won’t make Tighnari change his firm opinions about whatever you were arguing about, but he will definitely take the time to reassure and comfort you if you’re upset. Couples don’t have to agree on everything, so he doesn’t want you to feel like arguments with him mean that he’s done with you
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For someone with a Pyro Vision, arguments with him start out very cold and distant. He avoids eye contact, adjusts his coat or his gloves almost obsessively, and his tone is flat and to the point
You will likely be the one to start arguments, more than likely criticizing how little time he spends with you, or perhaps how secretive he is with some of his whereabouts He still hasn’t found the right time to admit that he is the Darknight Hero
In an effort to not make you worry and to try and smother the flames of his own guilt, Diluc will initially be a bit dismissive of the argument, or try to avoid it entirely
He knows it isn’t the healthiest way to deal with things, but it’s quick and it works for a time. The guilt in his chest grows each time he does this, but he doesn’t know how to come clean
It’s not until you corner him and demand that he address your concerns that the fire is brought out of him. He can’t help but snap back at you, the pressure he’s putting himself under as well as the stress of disappointing you coming to a head
When you flinch at his unintentional booming voice, Diluc is crushed with even more guilt as he takes deep breaths to calm himself. The last thing he wants to do is lose his temper, especially toward you
He will make a point to keep his voice calm and quiet as possible so he doesn’t appear as intimidating, asking you to forgive him for lashing out
From there, the argument deescalates into a normal conversation about how you have been feeling about his behavior as of late
Diluc will do his best to address all of your concerns, or at least explain why he can’t waver in his choices or opinions
He isn’t the best at conveying how he feels, but he makes a point to hold your hand throughout the entire discussion. It serves as a silent promise to always stand by your side no matter what hardships come up
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Fights with her occur at a moderate amount, and are often very loud. It’s not that she’s yelling at you, per se, it’s more that she’s just yelling because of how much she’s feeling
Arguments are rarely over something frivolous unless she is drunk, but her drunken arguments can be laughed off and quelled simply by putting her to bed. When she’s sober, arguments tend to be more serious, and a recurring topic of discussion is safety; both yours and hers
It’s almost like you two take turns being concerned for each other. This time you’re scolding her to be more careful with her and the crew of The Alcor, and the next she’s practically breathing down your neck for going to Luhua Pool without her escorting you.
It’s obvious that you two care for one another, and get very heated when the other party is too stubborn to listen
It doesn’t take long for Beidou to be loudly lecturing you about how you need to take her with you when you travel since you can’t fight, or insisting that she knows exactly what she’s doing and that you don’t have to worry about her
Your lecturing irks her because she feels like you don’t trust her, and vice versa. It’s a never ending cycle
If you were to react poorly to her raised voice, Beidou will immediately apologize and try to lower her volume, but in turn she will be frantically pacing back and forth as you two argue. She has to let out her emotions physically somehow, whether it’s projecting her voice or moving to work out the excess energy
She does her best to not make you nervous as you both argue, but she understands that her energy when she’s irritated or upset isn’t always ideal. If it seems too much for you, she will leave to get some air, telling you to wait for her until she comes back
After having some time to cook off, Beidou will come back with her usual calm, unbothered demeanor and apologize for getting so worked up.
From there, she’ll listen patiently to your concerns and voice her own, making sure to give you small reassuring smiles as the two of you sort out your troubles
You drive her nuts sometimes, but she cares so much for you and doesn’t want to let you go for the world
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jermer10 · 2 days
Hope it's okay to ask, could we maybe gets his of engie, pyro n sniper finding out their gonna be parents with reader? Or if that's uncomfy at all, maybe he's on them raising a kid with reader/ parent hcs? Hope you have a great day aayyy
TF2 mercs finding out their s/o is pregnant + raising kids hcs
afab reader | the "raising kids" asks are so sweet omgg, thnku anon!!
includes: pyro, engineer, sniper
drabbles under the cut :P
Pyro: - Pyro would be ecstatic, even though their response might be hard to interpret due to their mask - Lots of celebratory gestures—like random dancing, holding your hands, and excitedly pointing at your belly - Would immediately start childproofing everything despite the baby being months away - Pyro might take on an almost overprotective role, always wanting to be close and keep you safe from harm - They would be an incredibly fun parent - always up for playing games, telling wild (and confusing) stories, and engaging in imaginative activities - Loves making colorful, creative toys or crafts for your kid - Your child would likely grow up with a great sense of imagination - Safety is top priority - Pyro would always make sure their child was safe around their beloved fire-related equipment (although you have caught Pyro attempting to teach the small child how to use their flame thrower - weapons weren't allowed in the house after that.) - Tends to take a very hands-on, involved approach - always wanting to entertain, comfort, and spend time with the child
Engineer: - Engi's always wanted kids, and knowing that you were the person to help raise them? It's safe to say he's over the moon - Immediately starts planning both emotionally and practically - he’s a problem-solver, so he begins researching how to best support you through pregnancy - Will design a crib or other baby gear on his own, making sure everything is safe and perfectly customized to how you would like it - Takes on a quiet but confident role, ensuring you’re comfortable and have everything you need - Engineer would be the cool, nerdy dad - building toys, helping with science projects, and encouraging a love for learning - Loves teaching the child practical skills from a young age, whether it’s mechanics, math, or just how things work in general - Will always be there to fix things and solve any problems around the house, and likely pass those skills down to the child - Very patient - always ready to help the kid with whatever they may need - Family is everything to Engineer, and he’d prioritize spending quality time with you and the child
Sniper: - Sniper would be quietly stunned, not sure how to process the news at first, but once it sinks in, he’d be terrified but deeply moved - He isn't someone who wants kids, but seeing you in front of him, smiling and excited to be a parent - it instantly changed his mind - Likely to be concerned about providing a stable life, given his nomadic tendencies, but would resolve to settle down to ensure the best for his future family - Sniper would be a practical, no-nonsense kind of dad, but with a surprising soft side, especially when it comes to bedtime stories or quiet moments - He’d teach the child important survival skills, like camping, fishing, and tracking, wanting them to be independent and capable - Values alone time with the child, whether it's exploring nature or simply sharing quiet moments - Protective, especially in the outdoors - always keeping an eye out and making sure the child is safe in any environment - Although not overly expressive, he’d show his love through actions - always being there, ensuring the family is provided for, and offering quiet support
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May I request a mercs x Italian reader? And like kinda stereotypical type, like a/o getting upset when they break spaghetti, s/o cooks to show their love, the mercs reaction to s/o speaking their native tongue to them? 🤭
Mercs with an italian s/o
Scout just adores you to no end, his stomach is like a black hole so he’ll eat as much as you’re willing to cook! His mom loves you just as much- she’s just elated to see someone cares so much about her boy. Oh and don’t get him started on you speaking italian, he thinks it’s the most adorable thing in the world!
Sniper is blown away by how much you’ve improved on his life, this man used to purely survive off of cheap, greasy fast food simply because it was quick and easy- especially when he’d be on the road. But now he’s eating proper meals, he’s just head over heels for you.. especially when you talk to him in italian, he may not understand a word you’re saying- but he relishes in your heavy, pretty accent nonetheless.
Spy finds your relationship quite perfect, the both of you just seem to blend so well with your romantic cultures. He loves to indulge on your food, and will always praise you to the high heavens. Oh and goodness, he loves when you speak italian to him- he finds it incredibly romantic.
Soldier learned about how to properly cook spaghetti on the day you nearly killed him because he broke the pasta in half to put in in the pot, so he’s clearly learned a lot. And it’s the perfect opportunity to teach him how to cook, so on days you’re too tired to do anything- he can cook for you! which always ends up in a fire, but it’s the thought that counts. ♡
Engineer finds himself getting all giddy when he hears you speak italian, his face gets super flushed and he grins like a fool. And your meals just make his entire year, It’s like he’s back home again! And if you’d allow him- he’d love to help you cook in the kitchen.. he promises he learned his lesson after buying cheap-bad quality store bought sauce.
Heavy is putty in your hands, he loves your cooking- he loves how passionate you are, your beautiful language that makes him blush every time.. he loves you to no end! He even brags about you in the letters he writes to his mom and sisters back home.
Demo literally owes you his life, similar to sniper- He had a hard time eating actual meals instead of just whatever junk food he got his hands on, so if he’s dealing with a particularly rough hangover.. he’ll eat as much pastina as possible, and I promise he pays you back in the way he swiftly scoops you up in his arms to spoil you with kisses as soon as he hears that pretty language of yours!
Medic finds your culture quite lovely, and he even makes an effort to try and impress you by learning italian! and while his pronunciation isn’t.. the best, but it’s heartwarming to see him try nonetheless! and to show his gratitude, he’ll even make you foods from his childhood!
Pyro find out they REALLY like tortellini, and practically begs you to make it all the time- they just adore your cooking!
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