#qinni inspired
albaricomics · 8 months
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Remembering Qinni, on her 4th anniversary since she passed away 🖤
No drawing affects me so much like this one
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traumaturgess · 1 year
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"Like a single sour fruit we shared together in the dark. To this day, my love remains. You are my only shining star."
Painting practice with my recent OC/FanOC. Reminder that I have commissions open as well. The quote is from the song Lemon using David Toth's lyrics, the original is by Kenshi Yonezu and I used @qinni's art as a source of inspiration.
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itsbansheebitch · 8 months
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(Click on picture for better detail)
This a piece I made today. It's inspired by the robot titled "I Can't Help Myself" by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu. The robot would try to being red dye to itself using a robotic arm. However, whenever it got a good bit of it close to itself, the arm would jerk, trying to get more and fling red dye (which resembles blood) onto the clear wall between itself and the audience. I wanted to use this imagery to show that AI itself isn't evil, but the people who run it are. AI isn't racist, misogynist, ablest, or transphobic, that's just the internet it was given to work off of. You can't blame a mirror for looking bad.
I wasn't proud of this one. I thought that the perspective was janky, the wall with the red dye was drawn strangely, etc. But then I realized that's the point of this piece. Anyone can draw. Anyone can make art. But people are making it easier than ever to STEAL other people's art and threaten their livelyhoods. Especially indigenous artists (specifically Australian artists).
I'm tired of dead artist's art being turned into NFTs
I'm tired of people calling it an "accessibility tool" when it STEALS from disabled, chronically ill, and mentally ill artists. I'm tired of people who aren't disabled speaking over people who are and saying they should be GRATEFUL to have their work STOLEN.
I'm tired of disabled artists having to get traction on social media just to be told to fuck off by someone who's already made bank off of their work.
We need regulation NOW. This threatens ALL of our livelyhoods.
AI art is just a shiny new way to exploit marginalized groups. Period.
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cvaartist · 8 months
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Still miss you @qinni ...
Even after all these years you still inspire me!
I made a diptych of your mermaid artwork, which has been hanging in front of me for years and reminds me of you.
All the feelings that came over me at that moment I sealed in these works....
P.S.: to tell the truth, I have 4 of them) I tore one blue one and glued it back together... the second blonde one didn't work out because of the ugly outline. Taking into account all the past mistakes I finished these two works)
I love you so much! ❤️ ────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────── Instagram / DeviantArt / Telegram / VK
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spaceorbitpurple · 1 year
I see people on twitter now recently reposting qinni's artworks. I miss her :(
I was aware of her condition from the time i started following her(that was like 5 years ago) and she said she might still have time(this was 2020). Her condition was actually getting worse. I remember she was on weibo wishing everyone happy cny and told everyone to keep themselves safe from the virus before she passed away :(
I dont draw often now but she was one of my biggest inspirations, i hope shes happy in another world
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Mermaid in the Moon Timelapse
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lavalkyr · 5 years
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Can't find the words, i just hope you are free now.
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re-lly · 5 years
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Queen(ni) of the stars
My tribute to Qinni
Rest in peace, queen of the stars
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umertal · 4 years
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Project for @artistesderabelais
R.I.P. @qinni 😔💖
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rustic-space-fiddle · 5 years
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Dear Qinni,
May you paint the starry skies with all the beauty and love and inspiration you showed in life. We love you, and we’re sorry to see you go, but you’re free now, among the stars. Rest easy and rest well.
Goodbye for now,
I only discovered Qinni in December, a few days after her diagnosis. I fell in love with her and her art immediately, and I prayed for her as often as she came across my mind, which was often. It never really occurred to me that we could really lose her. The disconnect between the internet and real life obscured that possibility from my mind. Of course she would get well. People on the internet always get well.... right?
When I found out that she had passed, I was sad, like anyone would be when they heard of a death. But very quickly, I realized that her passing had struck deeper than I thought, and to my surprise, I cried for a good while, and days later it still hurts to think about. I didn’t understand: many people had died before, many from my church, people I had spoken to, even someone who had been in the hospital at the same time as me with the same illness as my own, but I hadn’t shed a tear. But Qinni was different.
Qinni was special. She inspired people with her bright, colorful drawings, with her glowing stars, shimmering fish, star-struck figures, and her stubborn resolve to get well and make the best of things, no matter the odds. Honestly, maybe her passing was most surprising because when she said she would get well, we believed her no matter how bad it was: nothing could beat her.
Even now, she isn’t beaten. Her earthly body wasn’t strong enough to stand this harsh world, but her the strength of her spirit was infinite. Qinni lives on through her art and the inspiration she brought to everyone who saw it. I know I’ll never be able to see a koi fish, crystal waters, or a blue whale without thinking of her, and whenever I look up at the sky at night, I know that somewhere up there, Qinni is composing a galaxy of glittering purples and firey stars and gentle waves, and that she can’t wait for us to see it.
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cinnavee · 5 years
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Thank you Qinni for inspiring so many young artists such as myself. May you finally rest easy.
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jigomirdraws · 5 years
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Qinni was such a great artist but she will always be a great inspiration
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mochiwonder · 5 years
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Thank you @qinniart you may be gone but not forgotten
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celeste-and-nova · 4 years
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Starry freckles insipred by Qinni.
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alexapillustration · 5 years
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When I joined the Instagram art community in 2017, Qinni was one of the very first artists I found. Her work was absolutely stunning to me- the fact she was so young and talented was unfathomable to 16 year old me. When I learned of her rare heart condition and that she survived open heart surgery three times, I became even more in awe of her. Her art was so unique and masterfully done- I wanted to be just like her. I think all of us wanted to have that same drive to do art and not let anything get in our way from accomplishing our goals.
"Trapped" was the very first artwork that made me extremely emotional, to the point of crying. The piece was powerful because I could feel her emotions through it. The illustration depicted a girl in a hospital gown with IV tubes hooked up to her, while shes painting glowing stars in the sky with a wondrous, yet broken look on her face. This was before Qinni was diagnosed with cancer, but she was still often bedridden due to her heart condition.
A month or so ago, I started following her twitter account when I found out she was diagnosed with cancer, and that she had a year or so left to live. It felt so unfair that this beautiful soul who had gone through so much before now had to face yet another challenge that could cost her her life. I followed her every tweet just to make sure she was okay.
As many of you probably know, she passed away suddenly earlier this week. This was incredibly hard for me to process. Having one of my artistic heroes gone just like that was too much for me, especially after my dog had a health scare.
The first couple of days I worked on this illustration for her, I honestly had trouble fighting back my tears. I almost cried five times each day because the thought of her passing was so sudden and upsetting.
@qinni meant so much to millions of creatives like myself. I still can't believe she's gone. Even though I didn't know her personally, I felt like I connected with her so much. Her self-depricating humor and her magnificent artwork were both aspects I connected with. She was such a strong-willed spirit and the fact she pulled off what she did in the time she had was truly groundbreaking.
Thank you for everything, Qinni. May you rest in peace and be with the stars. 💙
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rosedragonfire · 5 years
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Day 63: GalaxiesforQinni
I knew of her beautiful art, but I was not a close follower. I didn’t know of her struggles, or her pain. I didn’t grieve her as a friend would, and most certainly not like family. However, I hold great respect for her craft, and I understand all too well the feeling of loss when losing someone to cancer. I’ve lost many.
This was inspired by a gorgeous piece she did of a ballerina, and I know I don’t do it justice, but I felt a great sense of peace working on it. Her ballerina was sad and crying. I made mine reaching out for hope.
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