#qr code path
hatsune · 11 days
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by unknown from unknown
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nordsea-horizons · 2 years
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Some seasonal leaf pile path codes🍃🍂
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kokocrossing · 6 months
Request. Since I forgot where the hell I got this, I converted it to my own. I didn't make it though.
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snackbits · 2 years
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i've been playing a lot of acnl lately. i really like drawing in this games's ant-size canvas so i've been doing little flag requests for other players. here's all the designs i made so far! (plus a bathroom tile)
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solitary-seaweed · 2 years
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sharing a snowy path i found in case anyone else is in need
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and-she-said · 1 year
Help Me Make that Tumblr Magic
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P L EA SE help me find my old path's QR code! (it's not mine but i adore it)
My ex roommate deleted my old town after stealing my switch. I'm desperate to find my old path, as it had inner and outer corners... not many paths come with that now.
Not sure what to look up so i'm hoping the acnh community will help me 😭😭
if not any reccomendations for paths w inner and outer corners
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whatagalaxy · 2 years
Ive spent all day picking a path, found one, the image is too small and I'm losing my mind, actually livid but at least I can laugh about how mad i am at the stupid qr code. Can anybody help me either find a bigger image of this or enlarge it, or anything, I've tried to do what I can for 2 hours to make this work, it took me so long already to find a path I like smh.
Here is the beauty, perfect path
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Thankfully I did find another path that i chose because it works and its separate images, but it is really disappointing me and actually upsetting me that the one path I chose, (actually 2 I'm not even going to bother with the other one that's too small lol) is just too bad quality (i guess??)
I would very much appreciate anything, even tips to make the camera scan better, anything, I would be so grateful for.
At a loss and this is more stressful than animal crossing should be
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planetkiimchi · 3 months
the first drops of rain | k.mg
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summary — mingyu's your first love. your first date with him could be described as fairytale like, at least until it begins raining. even then, maybe the rain is a paid actor, teaching you to slow down in your fast-paced student life.
featuring: mingyu x gn!reader, highschool au
word count: 2729 words
a/n: first seventeen work! kinda thought my first svt work would be seokmin or minghao but HAHA we’re here instead with a mingyu work. it’s based off a very precious memory of mine, and i felt like mingyu’s personality was the most similar to the guy i went out with <3
mingyu: we’re meeting at the start of the trail at 9, right?
You react to his message with a thumbs up, pulling up your shoes and glancing outside. The start of the trail is only a few hundred metres away from your house, so you’re not in a rush.
Mingyu asked you out on this date a few months ago, but you were overseas during the winter break, and weren’t able to go out with him. After a few months of discussing where to go, you finally settled on going cycling with him.
The sun rose quite a while ago, and the temperature is rather warm, but you figure that it’ll all be fine.
You check the time again and head downstairs, cycling over to the subway station to meet Mingyu.
You’re a few minutes late, so you expect to see Mingyu waiting there when you arrive, an apology already on the tip of your tongue, but you’re surprised when he’s not.
In fact, you have to wait another ten minutes before he finally arrives, a little out of breath and completely lost, without a bicycle. He smiles sheepishly at you, tucking his hands into his pockets.
He mumbles a “sorry”, curly hair falling in his eyes as he looks earnestly at you, shoulders raised in his nervousness.
Your annoyance at his tardiness dissipates once you see him in this state, genuinely apologetic and well-meaning. You let a soft sigh escape your lips. It’s okay.
Mingyu raises his phone and hesitantly says he needs to pick up his bike.
You’re about to reply when an old lady comes up to you, one hand clutching her grocery stroller. She politely asks if you know where the Flower Market is?
You nod. It’s right next to your apartment block, and you often go there to buy groceries yourself. You point the lady in the direction of the market, turning back to Mingyu.
Once again, before you can speak, Mingyu jerks his head at the stairs that the old lady has to climb up to get out of the subway station and onto the pavement. She lifts up the grocery stroller, and you rush to help her with it.
She smiles at you. Thank you.
You smile back. No problem.
Tilting your head towards the stairs, you beckon Mingyu to follow. The bicycles are located at the lowest level of the apartment block directly opposite yours, so you’re heading in the same direction as the lady anyway.
Once you’ve helped the old lady get her stroller up to the top of the stairs, you wave goodbye to her, prepared to head back down the flight of stairs to get your bicycle.
Fortunately for you, you don’t have to. Mingyu holds your bicycle in his hands, setting it down at the top of the stairs, and your heart warms, just a little.
It takes a longer time to figure out how the bike sharing system works than you thought it would. Mingyu scans the QR code on the back of the bicycle, frowning as he navigates the app, trying to figure out how the payment works. You stand to the side, holding on to your bicycle’s handlebars, watching his eyebrows knit themselves into a knot, before the wrinkles in his forehead slowly iron out when he finally gets the app to work.
All set? you ask.
Mingyu nods. All set.
You climb onto your bicycle, eager to head off, and Mingyu follows behind.
With the sun beating down on your backs, the two of you start off on the trail, figuring out a pace that works for both of you. You haven’t cycled in a long time, and you can’t go too slow, or you’ll be too unsteady for both of you to ride side-by-side on the narrow path.
The greenery on both sides of the trail helps to keep the temperature down, and you’re grateful for the shade it provides in the heat of summer. Next to you, Mingyu asks how school has been. You reply with one of those blasé “school is good” type of answers, but he doesn’t accept that.
Mingyu keeps prodding.
And, with your feet pedalling hard underneath you and the glare of the blue sky overhead, you find yourself opening up.
It’s started drizzling slightly when you reach the bicycle racks, so you chain your bicycles up and head to the nearby subway station to seek shelter. While you’re standing there, you ask Mingyu where he wants to go.
Originally, you wanted to go to watch a movie, but since the date was so impromptu, you didn’t check the movie timings out beforehand, so now you realise that none of the timings are convenient for you.
It’s fine, Mingyu insists. He’ll figure something out.
It doesn’t take long before he’s dragging you down another path you didn’t notice earlier, one that leads to a train station that’s no longer in use. Two carriages of the trains are left on the tracks as a memorial to the old train station, and despite the red tape covering the doors, Mingyu climbs up into the carriage.
You’re standing on the edges of the train tracks, watching him grin at you from inside. He leaps from the seat with a yelp, almost knocking his head, and he quickly exits the carriage.
What’s wrong? you ask.
He lifts his hand to show you that the seat was wet.
You laugh whole-heartedly and he pouts, but the joy in his eyes betrays him. His poorly-concealed excitement only grows when he looks ahead to see a bridge, breaking out into a run towards it.
You attempt to follow him, still balancing on the edges of the train tracks, quickly giving up when he doesn’t show any signs of waiting for you.
He turns around at the start of the bridge, and you grin at him as you step up onto the train tracks. He steps onto the edge next to yours, your feet moving in sync along those parallel metal lines drawn across the wooden tiles, his arms waving wildly as he fails to keep his balance.
Mingyu shakes his head out when he’s fallen three times, running his hand through his hair, glancing at you with the widest smile you’ve ever seen.
Your sunshine. That’s what he is, walking alongside you as you tread across the train tracks, hands carefully tucked into his pockets, watching your every step.
He speeds up when you hop off the tracks, and you follow him into a neighbourhood with two-story houses. Plants line the sidewalks, with overgrown creepers crawling up the walls and trees overhead shading you from the sun.
He points at the sign and tells you he came here once before, after his mother scolded him. It’s dangerously close to his home, a place that contains memories you can’t be a part of, a place you’re not sure you’re ready to intrude into.
You do anyway.
Mingyu leads you to the playground he’s only been to once before, when he was running away from his mother, and you pass by the empty basketball court.
You love basketball, you tell him, your steps slowing down. He whirls on his heel, looking up at the hoops, shading his eyes from the sun with his hand. Really?
Really, you say. You tell him how you used to play basketball during your half-hour long recess in elementary school instead of eating. Even though you were really bad and only played with a group of 5-6 other friends, it was still fun.
He understands.
You teach him how to climb onto the roof of the playground, your hands and feet making holds out of the railings and slides. You show him a view of the world that you loved as a kid, a view that makes you feel like you’re on top of the world. Like you’re unbeatable, invincible, and that the moment will last forever.
Slithering off the roof, you discreetly pull out your phone, but Mingyu spots you quickly enough. Don't film me, he pouts, eyebrows in a knot as his foot staggers around for a foothold.
You laugh and keep your camera pointed at him.
He hops down—ungracefully, you’d like to add; you think you were pretty graceful when jumping down yourself—and beckons you over with his hand.
Mingyu leads you to a sheltered area where the playground floor and gravel gives way to grass and soil, the trees overhead casting so much shade you get the impression that you’re in a rainforest. You can barely see past the crowns of the trees to the sky, which you’re sure is a shade of blue-grey. You can tell that it’s not raining, or the playground would be getting wet, but it isn’t quite sunny yet either.
The creak of a red swing brings your attention back to Mingyu. He smiles at you in warm invitation, and you take it, stepping up onto the swing. Your legs are on the left of his, your knees a fist’s width away from his. Opposite you, Mingyu lifts his eyes to yours and begins to speak.
How’s school, how’s life, how’s that toxic friend group in your dance club? he asks.
Stressful, interesting, shitty as ever, you reply.
He asks things like why, tell me more, is that leadership position working out for you?
You reply with much longer answers than you thought you would. The words flow from you like air leaking from a balloon with a hole. There’s so much pent-up frustration, bottled-up confusion, anxiety, envy, and even sadness you didn’t notice you were suppressing. They find their way out of your mouth in words you're surprised are coherent enough for him to understand, but somehow he manages it.
You’re not the only one telling stories, though. You ask Mingyu questions too, stuff like how’s being drama club president, do you like your juniors, what do you want to do at university?
And he, too, replies with amazing, I love them, I don't know but I’d like to be a counsellor someday.
And you learn.
From his smiles and nervous fidgeting and “um”s, you learn that he’s nervous. From the way he leans forward to talk to you and nods when you speak, you learn that his interest in you is genuine. From the tone of his voice and the smile in his eyes, you learn about his habits of joy and excitement. You pick apart his every move to learn something from it, absorbing a little more knowledge about him each time.
An hour or two passes. As it starts to drizzle again and lunch hour approaches, Mingyu gets up from the swing, not forgetting to hold it while you step off, and goes to the bench to get his tote bag before his things are drenched in the rain.
With a hand above your heads shielding you from the drizzle, the two of you half run-half walk to the mall nearby for lunch, raucous laughter echoing in your ears.
Mingyu offers to pay for your lunch thrice, and you refuse each time, reluctant to let him take money out of his allowance to pay for your meal. He insists you should let him pay for it, telling you that his father will give him more money. Still, you decline.
When he goes to visit the restroom, you quickly take your chance to buy your food before he gets back.
You take a seat successfully and wait for him to return, and he does—not without him trying to slide the bill into your bag first. After a while, he finally gives in, and the two of you settle down for lunch.
Lunch ends at around the same time the sky clears, and the two of you are rushing to climb onto your bicycles and leave before the rain starts up again. The weather has been unpredictable that morning, and you’re unwilling to take your chances. Instead of lingering around the mall, you’re unlocking your bicycle, fiddling with the stubborn lock, and Mingyu waits patiently beside you.
All set? he asks for the second time that day.
You reply the same way, All set.
Then you’re off, legs pedalling furiously, your balance miles better when you’re moving fast. In the morning, you had to keep swerving to avoid knocking into Mingyu at the slow pace you were going, but now you’re just trying to get home before it rains again. Your curfew is pretty early, and if you dally any longer, you’re definitely going to get an earful when you’re home.
Mingyu easily keeps pace with you, following your lead. From time to time, he’ll catch up and ride beside you for a stretch, and then you’ll pedal faster and he’ll fall behind again.
You feel the drizzle beginning when you ring your bell, bypassing yet another jogger on the trail. Cursing, you pick up speed, and Mingyu doesn’t question you as he follows behind.
The rain grows heavier more quickly than you’d expected, and soon there’s a steady stream of water raining down. You wipe futilely at your forehead from time to time, glasses sprayed with raindrops, and Mingyu calls out after you, laughing.
I’m not supposed to cycle in the rain, you tell him. My mum is going to kill me!
He seems to get it, but when you seek shelter under an overhead bridge to wipe your face with the remaining dry part of your T-shirt, he’s laughing at you.
You roll your eyes and point out the bits of water on his face, but he shrugs. You’re going to be cycling through the rain again anyway, so he doesn’t see the need to dry his face.
You clench your jaw, resolved to get home as soon as possible. The two of you climb back onto the bicycle, and start cycling home.
As if trying to deliberately annoy you, the downpour only gets heavier on your way home. It keeps coming down, and you fight to keep your balance and not skid on the watery path. You’re forced to slow down a little, your legs no longer pedalling as fast.
Your anxious heart begins to slow, and Mingyu's calm, sure voice carries over to you, despite the rain falling steadily around you. The sun is still high in the sky, and you wonder if there'll be a rainbow. That would be befitting for Mingyu, you think.
The whole way back, your mind is occupied by Mingyu's questions, his curiosity warming your heart. He genuinely cares about you, and this care distracts you from your fear of reaching home late. All thoughts of what your mother will say go out the window, until he's returned his bicycle and you've parked yours near the subway station, heading to the toilet to change into a new, dry shirt.
Mingyu didn't think to bring change, so he waits for you outside. He offers to help carry your bag, but you insist you can do it yourself. Just the thought that he's there, waiting outside, comforts you.
The two of you walk alongside each other on the way back to your home. You won't stop him from walking you home, especially not when you enjoy his company so much. He mentions something about his future family and you stiffen, afraid that he's jumping the gun. Your commitment issues start to resurface, your mind whirring as your heart jumps into panic mode, but you force yourself to take a few deep breaths and laugh.
He seems too happy to notice how forced your laugh is. Instead, he's asking for your mother's name, repeating it the whole way to make sure he's got it right.
Mrs? he asks.
Aunty, you correct.
Aunty, he repeats, and you nod your head. He asks for your father's, too, and he's still mumbling their names when you come up to the door. You ring the doorbell, and your mother comes to open the door, greeting Mingyu with a warm smile and a hearty welcome.
Come on in, she says. Mingyu shakes his head bashfully.
I've got to be going, he says. See you, Aunty.
You step into the house and wave at him until he's out of sight, your mother watching his retreating figure with you.
He seems like a nice boy, she says.
Oh, he is.
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all-hallows-street · 8 months
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Happy Chinese New Year, Happy Year of the Dragon!
New Illustration to celebrate the start of this year's Spring Festival from the All Saints Street team! Also, some accompanying merch for the top favorite WSJ characters from the Team Battle is going to be released soon.
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I feel awful that I completely spaced out and didn't post about the 2024 FRZ Team Battle sooner. Fortunately, you can still participate until February 22th! The bad news is that you need a wechat account... I know there is a way to get one if you have a weibo account, but I haven't tried. However, a more accessible path might be creating an Alipay account. I got one to buy access to the new comics and I believe every country should be able to make an account even without a phone number, unlike weibo. I will make a guide on how to make the Alipay account and buying access to the latest comics (hopefully soon).
Anyways. Once you have your WeChat/Alipay account just scan the QR code bellow to vote!
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The names are in chinese, but you can also base it off the chapter they first appear in that is mentioned as well.
High Res
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devi-nova · 11 months
i see way too many people calling stuff ai when its literally just..... hardcoded pattern recognition......
whoop de doo the thing you made for a specific purpose fufilled that purpose. thats not an ai thats just a program. shut up.
"oh this new ai powered webcam can zoom in on anything with these four squares on it!!" thats not a fucking ai thats image pattern recognition, all it does is scan the visible area for specific patterns, and once recognized, it zooms in. thats it. a fucking qr code scanner is more complex than that. its not ai. shut up.
"this logo maker uses ai to make images" no it doesnt. it randomizes images within the bounds of set fields and assets. its randomization giving a number of results to choose from. thats not fucking ai. shut up.
a real ai is a program that trains itself to respond to inputs "naturally" without instruction using trial and error, for example if an actual ai was to go through a maze,
step one, makes random movements
by making these random movements and bumping into walls, it learns that bumping into walls is an error
step two, explores randomly without touching walls
the ai doesnt know there is an end goal, however it will learn this if moving in a path that isnt directly connected to the exit is an error
step 3, the ai uses what its learned it should not do, and takes the path that is connected to the exit, and the task is complete.
ai is not pattern recognition, its learned pattern adaptation through time. ai is not randomization of assets. it is randomization with consequences that shapes it into a predictable behaviour. shut. up.
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marrkopolo · 4 months
A Wise Man Once Said
Precious lost its ring in the scrap yard with no metal detector the lavender pussywillows hide the trolls
Hong Kong wheel of fate UW spinned it first Knights of Templar slaughtered at a mass concert of bloody crimson tide
Tithe on a full moon for 2x the glee The crash of waves against the rocks, like bodies slapping against each other during sex blood shooting through veins Hot heat, sticky, in Iceland together I too, know of these lands
Tax season says the King! blue knots on a tent red food buckets hung like death #four crosses in a foreign land alone is no place to exist
An underwater welder lying on the blue tarp, is like a union of troops led by a zebra.
Flying flags at Disney welcome to the world of water failed regret, emptiness and betrayal tattered flags get left to rot sew it in with the others together and the quilt becomes strong and scintillating
Crush you with your own history headless horseman and halo hair dark horse donuts This is as good as it gets!
Red-lipped lipstick cracked porcelain face You can't hold a candle to this
King of the Hill My pool stick is clean now true Kings swim in the swimming pool together King of the Hill Jack of Spades went with the stolen crown and robots learn to volunteer.
Pledge to a sanitizer salute to a gong beat your chest it's loud and strong Love at first sight or sounds like a good idea Wisdom of the crowd or individual motivation?
A rabbi with the yachts Fortified lamps sees all UFOs, telekinesis and even explosive lingerie. One denarius for a days work Why they get more? Stand while another sits. Then switch roles and you'll see why.
What sees with three eyes? The melatonin-like parental bond, third eye awoken, Moksha.
Insane Luke has a scar red dots that kill. Baldie takes biosphere crown the bald animal is cutting loose again Is doraphilia still fun to you?
I attempt to transform but the tea is too strong my hands have small heart Lying down a tiny raindrop falls into my ear swirling into the cochlea My whole world has changed!
Eczema stealing make-up twice North Face go north Racks of weapons are not enough this time
My mask is old but gold bars had paved my fortunate path …a fortunate path(whispering)
Tik Tok vault one exit is enough The eagle has docked into spray-painted madness. Not to fret I hear a falcon cry Jump when the law is bent it will help you fly
Six shooter Six pack 3 sewers 3 fires Twin-spirit 1 spacesuit
Mountain top king of the hill climb Nepal Hajj pilgrimage princess climbs like a pirate piggyback down the wedding aisle
Opposites attract
One fell to its doom down the abyssal void towards the bottom and a ghost ship lost in the Bermuda Triangle with Pandoras Box Lazarus
Gunpowder in shoes Footprints in the sand Jesus did not tap
Short and tall fat and thin Lookalikes Soundalikes Smellalikes the hunt of touch and taste What double currencies create the ultimate Yin Yang effect? AI said to cure pride and competition, exchange abacus rubik-cubed calculators instead of cash.
Echoes and reverberation voices become lightning WATTS= AMPS X VOLTS
Float your payloads into the troposphere with skinny vertical structures of contained saltwater Heat a planet with a satellite asteroid belt
A call for help QR codes morse code gun flare smoke signal what are your coordinates? R-E-B-O-R-N
Some ancients say gunpowder only made flee then gun made to kill Oil spills from bronze age to silicon chips flood the market cut the mall castle cake in half Zangief on a segway You win.Perfect.
Lawrence Groves copyright©2024
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nordsea-horizons · 2 years
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🌨Winter path codes❄️
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felassan · 2 months
this post is just some info on yesterday's DA:TV Fandom party at SDCC. :>
What was this party? [Here] is a post with the pre-event information that was made available. [Here] is a pre-event article that contains an interview with the organizer. And [this article] on the event contains some additional information, like on the versions of this party held in previous years, which helps for context. There was no new DA:TV information of note from the party
Links to Fandom (the company's) Twitter account, their Instagram. If you look at these (including on the Instagram Stories), you can see some pictures and stuff from the party. for those interested in watching a video version of some of these, Ghil Dirthalen posted a video recording that she made last night of Fandom the company's Instagram posts [here]. there are also more pictures and stuff from the party that you can see if you click through to [some of] the source links below here in the rest of this post.
As was previously reported the other week, Jason Derulo headlined the party (like as in a gig). Here's an image of him there [source] (the him singing DA stuff part was a joke tho btw hh). They considered having an orchestra because of DA's musical score but they got Jason Derulo
One of the party props was a big background of the DA:TV key art [source]. Here you can see the DA:TV logo on another backdrop. [source] This tweet contains both of these backdrops from a different angle
There was also an archway prop based on this DA:TV key art, and big screens which projected images from the game (including of Varric and this screenshot) [source]. It looks like these images were also projected to television screens? [source]
This tweet contains the questions and the answers to the DA-themed scavenger hunt (transcription of this at the end of this post), as well as a partial look at the map layout of the party
This is how photos taken in the DA themed photo booth look (this DA:TV screenshot was the backdrop) [source]
There was a VIP section at the party [source]. Gary McKay, the General Manager of BioWare, was there [source], as were John Epler and Zach Mendez (Lucanis) [source], Ali Hillis (Harding) [source], Nick Boraine (Emmrich) [source], Kari a BioWare Brand Director [source], Jessica Clark (Neve) [source] and Corinne Busche [source]. Erika Ishii (Rook) also visited but got kicked out of VIP hh [source]. Some cosplayers from the DA community were also personally invited by BioWare & PR at EA Games and attended! like Ladytoxie as Bellara ^^ [source, two], and some celebrities also, such as Doug Jones [source]
Ladytoxie mentioned that they will be posting a Vlog of their experience and coverage of the event, "probably next week" [source], having documented it at the time [source] (tysm!!)
Ladytoxie reported that it was a good, memorable experience and that everyone was lovely [source]
There was supposed to be some DA:TV-related pins and lanyards being handed out at the party, but these got stuck at customs, so there wasn't any goodies being handed out [source]
Links to some more images from the party: [one], [two], [three]
Scavenger hunt text (questions and answers) transcription:
"Clue 1: Step up to spot the flames where Fandom's 20-year tale burns bright, celeberate twenty years of worldbuilding where this terrifying Dragon Age wiki takes flight. Answer: Archdemon Clue 2: Follow the path and find the shining blue gem, discover the wiki of this Dragon Age elven hedge mage for your chance to win! Answer: Solas Clue 3: Search for the place where steel balls ricochet, where the flippers dance and the wizards gather to play. Find the wiki of a dwarf and son from the House of Tethras, known as a Dragon Age rogue with his crossbow, Bianca. Answer: Varric Clue 4: Venture to where 360 degree views are spun, where fans share your favorite #/fandom20 with props that are comically fun. Scan the QR code to reveal this order of warriors who defeat the Blight, and with the invasion of darkspawn, they put up a legendary fight. Answer: Grey Wardens Clue 5: Finish your scavenger hunt quest where Dragon Age lore comes alive, a photo booth adventure where fantasies thrive. Pose in a setting of this wiki's southern continent vast, two moons overhead, in a world built to last. Answer: Thedas"
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anim-ttrpgs · 7 months
The Eureka Kickstarter Pamphlet
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It’s not much of a secret that my career and future financial stability is riding on the upcoming Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy Kickstarter (April 10th-May 10th) being successful and hitting as many stretch goals as possible.
If you would like to help a disabled person have a viable career, and see more work from myself and A.N.I.M. in the future—well, first of all, back the Kickstarter on April 10th, but secondarily, spread the word so that others can at least know about it and may back it themselves.
Besides just telling people about us and reblogging our posts, a really helpful way for you to spread the word would be to go to this link here (it’s the same link as the one for downloading the free demo) and download the EurekaPaphlet3pg-1 PDF. It’s a foldable pamphlet you can print out and give to anyone who has an interest in TTRPGs at school, at work, at a con, etc. You can even print out a bunch of them and leave them at your local card&hobby store. These pamphlets even include QR code that will give anyone scanning them access to the free Eureka demo. Also, since it’s a PDF, you could also just send it to people online without actually having to print it out.
(Make sure when you do print it out, that you print it out double-sided!)
It’s a nice pamphlet with some of our best art on it, and does a good job of getting right to the point of what Eureka is.
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If any of y’all could hand this out and/or show it to people, it could mean a world of difference for making Eureka and A.N.I.M. a viable career path for someone who struggles to hold down any “normal” job.
Set a reminder for the Kickstarter launch here.
See a preview of the Kickstarter campaign here.
Join our Patreon for just $5 and get perpetual updates on the in-progress prerelease version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy and several adventure modules.
Visit our website or go to our itch.io page (follow us there too so you'll get notified when the game fully launches) for more information and a free demo! Also, in case anyone didn't know, the free demo isn't just a small chunk of the game anymore, it's almost the full game. Like, everything. If you previously downloaded the demo that kept most of the game hidden, go download it again to get access to all of that hidden stuff and more!
Interested in actually playing this game, and many others, with the developers? Check out A.N.I.M.'s TTRPG Book Club, a club of nearly 100 members at the time of writing this where we regularly nominate, vote on, and then play indie TTRPGs! At the time of writing this, we are playing Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy, and sign-ups are closed for actually playing it, but you can still join in to pick up a PDF club copy of the rulebook to read and follow along with discussion, and sit in on and observe sessions! There is no schedule obligation for joining this club, as we keep things very flexible by assigning multiple GMs with different timeslots each round, to try and accomodate everyone! This round, we had over thirty people sign up, and were able to fit in all but one! Here is the invite link! See you there!
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danmei-action · 3 months
Danmei Gotcha for Gaza: Tentative Fandom List
Attention danmei fans! Our final list of available fandoms will not be released until creator sign-ups are complete, but we do have a list of the novels our potential contributors would like to make fanworks for.
If you would like to join the event in any capacity, you can find the interest check here.
Tentative fandom list:
Mistakenly Saving the Villain
Qian Qiu
Sha Po Lang
The Submissive Emperor
The Wife is First
Pixiu's Eatery, No Way Out
Married Thrice to Salted Fish
The Ugly Empress
Golden Stage
Transmigrating into the Prince Regent’s Beloved Runaway Wife
The #1 Pretty Boy of the Immortal Path
After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine
Those Years In Quest Of Honour Mine
After Transmigrating Into the Book, I Picked up the Protagonist Shou
list continues below!
The Disabled Tyrant's Beloved Pet Fish
After Crossdressing and Provoking Long Aotian
An Empire as a Betrothal Gift
Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
Little Mushroom
Qi Ye
Breaking Through the Clouds
Kaleidoscope of Death
Case File Compendium
The Yin-Yang Master: Dream of Eternity
How to Survive as the Villain
Sa Ye
High Energy QR Codes
Earth in Online
Don't You Like Me
First-class Lawyer
The Governor is Ill
Silent Reading
How to Feed an Abyss
Liu Yao
Joyful Reunion
Encountering the Snake
After Marrying the Evil God
Dinghai Fusheng Lu
Nan Chan
Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil
My Husband is Suffering from a Terminal Illness
Non-Human Sub-district Office
Don’t Discriminate Against Species
Global Examination
19 days
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Twisted Love of His Highness
I Woke Up as the Villain
I Have to be a Great Villain,
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amemenojaku · 6 months
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due to a change of plans I went to Yomotsu Hirasaka today instead of a few days ago! I got older places to post about in my backlog but I figured something like this would be more interesting to my touhou followers rn
before that though, I did a quick detour at Iya shrine as suggested by the person running the little tourism office/souvenir shop/town association (very nice place btw)
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it enshrines Izanami mainly, but also Ookuninushi/Oonamuchi, Sukunabikona (!), Kotoshironushi, and I spotted a few smaller shrines for Susanoo etc. plus the usual Inari of course. the shrine office was exceptionally closed when I got there but they'd left goshuin outside for visitors, so I paid mine and got on my way to the main place I'd come here for
Yomotsu Hirasaka is on a little hill (obviously) almost completely cut from the rest of town, which made for a relaxing walk. I saw a bunch of abandoned barns and gardening sheds in the fields on the way there, and there's a pretty big pond right next to it with huge carps in it. anyway
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that's where Izanagi supposedly sealed the path to Yomi to prevent Izanami and her girls from catching him. funnily enough, most of the informational material there and the leaflets I got at the tourism office call the pursuers some variant of "oni" or "evil spirit". for example:
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but on a stone monument right next to the rocks themselves, the word "shikome" is what's used:
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food for thought... 😏 there was also a board with some more local information and a QR code to a narrated video of this episode of the Kojiki and I thought it was honestly pretty well done so here it is: link (the sound can get a bit loud at times so beware). the shikome look hilarious in it tbh I'd suggest watching it at least for them
on the way back I used a shortcut through the forest and found a little place dedicated to Sai no kami/Dousojin. in retrospect I should've seen it coming, but it was still a surprise to find something that can be kinda linked to a certain other character right there in the middle of the woods
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