#qrow brawnen
rwby-encrusted-blog · 3 months
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access-point · 1 year
i told myself to wait until vol10 was greenlit to watch the epilogue but i watched it now and 
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coinjarred · 24 days
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it is qrow brawnen, and he paused his yaoi to be here.
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farsight-the-char · 10 months
Yang with short-hair, but specifically styled after Qrow's haircut.
One Brawnen's style to another, if that makes sense.
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palaceofpassion · 3 years
How well does qrow do during games like poker and dominos because I feel like his semblance would truly be his own worst enemy there
"See, the thing about my luck, it doesn't just affect me. No it affects everyone~ However, when playing with these two."
A side of him sat a man with orange shaven hair, and a dark skinned women with bleach blonde hair.
"Only she ever comes up on top."
"Alright boys~ Read em and weep~"
Robyn hill pulled out a full house, both Clover and Qrow groaned in displeasure.
"How do you even manage to win all the time?"
"Well~ When both my partners have luck semblances, that neutralize each other, it all comes down to skill."
Clover rolled his eyes, but smiled.
Qrow, despite losing simply chuckled, grabbing a quick drink. "Never a dull day with you two."
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drunkdragondoes · 3 years
Qrowin Week 2021 Day 2: Childhood Friends AU
Winter’s words held a finality she knew Qrow wouldn’t stand against. “I can’t stay here anymore. If I stay I won’t be able to protect myself, not while I’m still under his thumb.” It’s not that he didn’t try - he did, and in fact he supported her decision.
He just didn’t like the direction she settled upon. “Is the military really the only option available? We can make space in our restaurant for staff. You’d probably even make more than I do just starting out because of tips.”
She looked at the items on her bed - a day’s worth of clothes, toiletries, it looked more like a simple day trip instead of a potential one-way ticket. She began to pack them away, “I know that there are other choices. But I want this one, Qrow.”
His back was against the door. It’s not that he was blocking her way. He just gravitated to that spot ever since he was young. He’d move if she asked, but his newfound height was something to consider.
His eyes traced the floor to her feet and then to her. “What about your sister?”
“... She’s going to need a friend. I…” she swallowed. “I was hoping you could introduce her to someone her age. Maybe your nieces when they’re all a bit older.”
“... Okay, I can do that.”
A/N: Hello again - this was a bit shorter than I would have liked, but I couldn’t really make the idea go anywhere in the end. A bit annoyed, but is what it is in the end :S I’ll see how the other days turn out.
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aceopmari · 5 years
Unpopular Thoughts: Qrow’s Fate
So I’ve been thinking, when Vol 7 and 8 are over and the kids head to Vacuo, what will become of Qrow? I don’t think he should be following the kids around much anymore. I think he served his purpose by being a good mentor to them.
If anything, he shouldn’t continue to hang around kids all the time. He should be around pro huntsman around his own age.
Tai’s living his quiet life in Patch, Raven and him are no longer family, his “wife” is dead, and all of Qrow’s huntsman friends in Mistral were killed by Salem’s forces.
So why not have Qrow join the Ace Ops?
Clover: “Ace Ops are handpicked to perfectly compliment one another so we can focus on our assets, leave our liabilities behind.”
Clover’s good luck counterbalances Qrow’s bad luck. I’m thinking that Ironwood paired them up on the mission for that reason.
Qrow in Vol 6: “No one wanted me. I was cursed. I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world. I thought I was finally doing some good...”
Qrow went through depression and drank more liquor than usual after the Ozpin’s secret was revealed. But RWBY helped bring him back up.
Throughout the season, Clover helps Qrow with his self-esteem issues and he doesn’t drink anymore!
I’m thinking that towards the end of Vol 8 when the kids say goodbye to Atlas, Ironwood and Clover convince Qrow to stay and join the Ace Ops and convince him that he could do some good in Atlas.
Maybe even, if one of the Ace Ops (that isn’t Clover) die or is a traitor, Qrow can fill the spot and become the newest 5th member!
I picture a much happier Qrow living his life and serving the military, helping his friend “Jimmy” on the job.
I also imagine some more fair game moments, Qrow getting along with all of the Ace Ops, and some more playful banter with Winter!
What do you guys think?
This artwork by: @abd-illustrates (I do not own or claim this masterpiece)
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sionanimations · 4 years
Jaune was right, Oscar is possessed. 
 Audio: https://youtu.be/H1WhbvKRQ78 
Characters: Qrow, Oscar, & Ozpin. 
Disclaimer: These characters don't belong to me, they belong to (Rooster Teeth) RWBY created by Monty Oum!
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birb-fanus-oz · 5 years
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Sorta Intermission time?
Here’s a bit of old drawings from twitter before I upload some more teenager!Ozpin hanging out with Oscar and Ozma.
First pic is just BB!Oz napping in Oscar’s scarf. Oscar and Ozma is a little worried if biting his wing will mess it up somehow.
However, in the second pic, BB!Oz is trying to rescue his wing while trying to keep Qrow warm with his cape. It’s a hard life for a beeb.
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eve-pug · 6 years
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She is so done. (Also lol qrow in the back)
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janicemarieaudio · 7 years
Qrow, don’t call your niece a freak! That’s rude!
Original comic: http://evebun.tumblr.com/post/160820294231/you-cant-tell-me-qrow-didnt-win-baby-ruby-over
Credit to: @evebun
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themadhaus · 8 years
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hungryallday · 8 years
Slightly amused that Pyrrha and Jaune have both been ready to throw down with the Drunkle.
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bestworstcase · 3 years
If you have any random thoughts about the Brawnen twins either individually or together please release them into the ether
(I just chose two less "discourse"able characters)
it has been a LONG TIME since u sent this rip sorry anon but i’m in the middle of my third (3rd) rewatch and just got done with v5 so like. bird time
raven is so funny to me because she is like the only character to have clocked what genre this story actually is which is. cosmic horror. lmfao everyone else still thinks they’re in your bog standard fantasy cancel-the-apocalypse war story (with a side of tragic romance thrown in there for flavor) and then raven is like… ETERNAL WAR BETWEEN IMMORTAL MONSTER WITCH AND LYING SOUL PARASITE WE ARE NOTHING BUT PAWNS IN THEIR GAME I HAVE GLIMPSED BEYOND THE VEIL I HAVE A DEAD WITCH’S MAGIC HITCHING A RIDE IN MY SOUL WE’RE ALL DOOMED WHY DOES NOBODY BUT ME CARE ABOUT THIS from her perspective the final conversation in the vault with yang is just her daughter calling her a coward for not wanting to fight fucking,, like nyarlathotep kdhdjdks
i literally can not wait until she hears about the gods. assuming she doesn’t already know that is. i know the general assumption is that she broke because she figured out salem is immortal, but given how hard raven beats the drum of “OH so you’re just going to ACCEPT WHAT YOURE TOLD and MINDLESSLY OBEY” i have actually been wondering if what raven learned wasn’t actually ozma’s divine mandate, and if she unlike him accurately read between the lines and realized that the mentor she put all her faith in was a servant of gods who set up a cruel game where the only real ending is humanity obliterated. if the shoe fits…
speaking of shoes fitting cinder et al in the bandit camp is one of my favorite sequences in v5 because it’s like
cinder: here is salem’s my rock solid low-risk plan that will certainly end in salem getting the relic
raven: oh no. i guess i have no choice but to go along with this but in exchange you gotta kill my brother. you gotta tell lionheart to invite him to the school so we can ambush him. he’s a total pushover don’t worry about it we can take him :) trust me. i’m very trustworthy. this is not a trap.
watts: this is an obviously bad idea.
emerald: yeah cinder ruby might be there :(
watts: NO—
cinder: shut the fuck up watts what’s the worst that could happen?
and then the worst that could happen is she splits her forces exactly like raven wanted her to and loses control of the situation exactly like raven wanted her to and goes into the vault by herself exactly like raven wanted her to and then got her ass kicked mfjdjdkx
who would win, an immortal sorceress devoting a YEAR to coaxing and advising and flat out fucking telling cinder not to rely on power because it WILL fail her, or one bird lady going “yeah i’ll help you if you kill my brother i do not have ulterior motives for asking you to do this, promise :)”
i have fewer thoughts about qrow largely because most of my qrow feelings are stored in the post-lost fable arc but he does have a lot of good moments in v5, fully half of which are “please for the love of GOD stand up straight because just looking at you makes my spine hurt” gkfjdhsvdh
i like the lowkey arc of him trying to puzzle together exactly what is going on in haven bc he knows something is really, really not right but he can’t figure out what. bc the thing is—lionheart gives himself away at the very beginning, if you pay attention. when he tells qrow they can’t go after raven yet, otherwise she and the tribe will vanish. which is true, but if you think about it for half a second that wouldn’t be the worst thing from team oz’s side, because their top priority is keeping the relic away from salem, and raven has the spring maiden, and if raven vanishes herself and her tribe then that rather neatly keeps the spring maiden away from salem and therefore the lamp stays locked away. but lionheart’s top priority is finding the spring maiden and getting her to unlock the vault for salem, so raven going underground is his worst case scenario and he openly treats it as such.
and nobody on team oz notices until it’s too late, and it’s especially interesting that qrow doesn’t notice. bc on the one hand raven is his sister and he’s caught up in resenting her for leaving, resenting her for betraying the cause, so he can’t take a step back and realize it might not be a bad thing to scare raven off and make sure she gets the spring maiden the fuck away from haven. but also, like, qrow carries himself as this cynical world-weary bastard and when a long term ally starts acting bizarre and unlike himself after dropping out of contact for months, it… doesn’t even cross his mind to suspect lionheart betrayed them. and then he’s finding dozens of huntsmen dead, and things look bad, and as he talks it over with ozpin they both dance around the possibility that lionheart might be a traitor, but even so: when qrow leads the kids to the academy it’s clear he’s not truly expecting to discover a traitor. it’s a possibility in his mind but he doesn’t believe it, not really, until proof is staring them all in the face. and then he’s genuinely dismayed and hurt and shocked and angry! he feels it all so deeply!
and that exposes the cynical bastard front as a lie as much as raven’s callous survival of the strongest posturing is a lie. he cares so much and he trusts people so deeply he really cannot conceive of that trust being broken until it’s already shattered beyond repair.
(see also: lost fable 🙃)
um what else. both branwens in v4-5 give me SO much salem brainrot catch me lying awake at night fumbling with things the two of them say about the conflict like what does it mean what does it all mean
qrow’s telling of the two brothers and his characterization of salem as an enemy who seeks to change the world, in opposition to the status quo maintained by oz’s academies, in particular lives rent free in my head. esp with how heavily salem is associated with change/free will/defiance in contrast to ozma being fate/resignation/obedience i just. HMMMM.
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courtclover · 3 years
@littleblackqrow (🍀) 
Clover watches Qrow with a soft, tender gaze. His heart melts to the delicate touch of Qrow's finger and then it beats faster with every kiss upon his lips. It's been so long since Clover has felt this way. There's nothing in Clover’s mind besides the thought of how beautiful Qrow looks lying beside him in his bed, that the years were kinder to Qrow and have only greyed his hair slightly. It's been so long since Clover has felt this fulness, with half his soul returned.
He was a fool to let Qrow go.
He knows it. Clover doesn't understand what Qrow says to him in Brawnen tongue, but he knows it in his heart, in the way it trembles and squeezes that this love they have never died. Despite the heartache and the long years, it still survived, and it still feels the same as the day they first kissed or the first time they made love. It's still real. Could there still be a chance?
Could this love story continue?
"Dustfinger always knew how to make an entrance." Clover chuckles lightly in the fond memories and not once does he break eye contact with those lovely red eyes. Now he’s chance to lose himself in them once again. 
"I don't know what you said, but you're beautiful, Qrow Branwen."
Clover takes Qrow's hand beneath the blanket and he intertwines their fingers, feeling himself on fire again. Not with desire but with love.
"You're half of me and I love you."
Clover squeezes Qrow's hand and there's this slight fear in his heart that he's ruined it all again, but...
"I don't want to start another day without you. Please, tomorrow, I don't...can we stay like this?"
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aceopmari · 5 years
Qrow: I lost my first boyfriend to a psychopathic serial killer who I teamed up with to fight him...
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