#quandries baby
tacit-semantics · 11 days
Tmnt 2003 s3 villain dynamics are Killing me they are vying so desperately for the approval of a man who could not give less of a shit. Pathetic and funny about it. I want them to go on the worst vacation to disneyworld ever
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toytulini · 4 months
would be cool this yr to do like first aid training maybe?
#toy txt post#hope i can. get an opportunity to do that. not sure when. the horrors and inability to commit to things u see#but i think i should do that#at some point. altho i feel like i will almost certainly have to do CPR training? and like. like it seems like useful knowledge. and like.#i should know it and maybe im the worst person in existence for this but im a bit of a germaphobe and scared of covid and im not taking my#mask off so like. feels like. that is pretty mutually exclusive with CPR unless thereve been advancements im not aware of?#like would i be able to carry around some sort of billows but for human lungs to do that instead of my mouth? idk. this has in fact been#a legitimate hurdle to me wanting to pursue first aid training. sorry. genuinely dont know how to reconcile that and maybe! in a crisis#situation id overcome it to save a person. genuinely do not know. sorry im like a selfish horrible bitch tho and i cant see myself#doing CPR and am icked by the idea of even learning it. i know now they make those things to put on someones mouth but its still like.#that doesnt do anything against respiratory shit...idk. like is it worse to not pursue any of this at all to avoid the ethical quandry of#not wanting to deal with CPR even as a concept bc im a stupid baby squicked out by lip touching? or is it worse to do first aid and learn#like everything except CPR so i could still theoretically help in some cases that arent necessarily CPR. idk. im sure im just a Bad Person#for this and hate to even admit it. i think i should at least try to find a stop the bleed course or smth ig
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
My favorite Star Trek episodes are when a new species is trying to join the Federation and they’re like “Yeah it’s pretty much a utopia! No war, no famine, no sickness, beautiful weather - and all it takes is killing ten babies every two months. So like, are we good??”
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natjennie · 1 year
this whole like. endearing me to abby and the other wlf people thing is NOT working on me. because like. yeah of course. they have a community they have kids to think about they have a pregnant woman too. ooouhhh isn't it crazy that the BAD GUYS are JUST LIKE YOU woooaohhha. come on. of course. it's almost like... the whole time... the enemy isnt other people. it's almost like. the answer? is to care for each other and work together and stop the infection. can you believe to learn?
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belladonnaprice · 16 days
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gaypirateslife4me · 1 month
Note to Self:
do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass do not reblog that photo of baby taika's bare ass
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Im I’ll in bed any good batfam fic recs?
More than I could possibly include in one post but here are a few (25):
In Another Life by LERDM 34k words complete
Your Emergency by shanahane 6k words complete
reset by Valkirin 40k words complete
Hasn’t This Kid Ever Heard of Stranger Danger? by lets_support_frogs 131k words complete
Half the Size and Twice the Fun by raven_of_hydecastle 44k words in progress
Evil Plans Recalculating… by JuniperPinon 13k words complete
Work Place Shenanigans by jameschoi 5k words in progress
Bat-Babies by mytimeconsumingsidehobby (me - self-promotion time) 5k words complete
The French Mistake by Vamillepudding 28k words complete
Like Going Through Hell on a Sunday by probablyanxious 54k words complete
Happy Families Kill People Too by raven_of_hydecastle 144k words in progress
Liminal Space by Calamityjim 77k words complete
the co-parenting quandry by queerenteen 5k words complete
Genetics are Confusing by HummusandPeeta 3k words complete
A Shout Of Joy From The Only Shrine by Queen_Martia 50k words in progress
Ain’t No Compass, Ain’t No Map by ebjameston 51k words complete
ghost story by envysparkler 28k words complete
love and bruises by Acin_Grayson and hoebiwan 5k words complete
Let’s Be Brothers by Honeybuttons 46k words complete
prodigal by punkrockhades 12k words complete
forward tho’ I canna see by nex_et_nox 7k words complete
Adventures in Batsitting by raven_of_hydecastle 15k words in progress
To Be Responsible by Protoarchetypical 17k words in progress
not as I am but as I am by nex_et_nox 5k words complete
Correlation and Causation by Tanaletheia 8k words complete
And then also here is my collection of fics with even more batfam fics in the bookmarks and the collection works
Also I hope you get feeling better ❤️
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cock-holliday · 5 months
Getting notes again on my anti-TLOU2 posts and just kinda laughing to myself reminiscing about how that game came out in summer 2020 during a peak in the pandemic, the height of the George Floyd Uprisings, a spike in nazi rallies to combat, and was right before another wave of demonstrations for Palestine in response to Israel’s annexation plans.
It’s the only game I ever pre-ordered (cause even games I desperately want aren’t worth $60), and it arrived on Juneteenth, one of the only days all summer (and then all fall) we didn’t have a march or cop fight cause it was a block party/community fundraiser and temporary pause in the brutality we were facing. (Not that cops didn’t show up trying to intimidate everyone.)
To download the game while I was out and come back to play that cruel cynical shitfest over the weekend was just…funny.
I was so mad, and I’m still mad 4 years later but fuck it was so tone deaf about everything it’s almost hilarious.
The lawlessness of a plague permitting people to give in to their evilness during a time where being abandoned by the government showed how many orgs and communities stepped up to protect and feed and clothe each other was funny, how strangers didn’t turn on each other, and how any additional cruelty was only amplified where it already was—among the privileged—was funny. State violence and rebel violence being equally bad while cops were brutalizing us and our neighbors was funny. A message of hope being naive and the reality is grim and dark is soooo funny like Druckmann doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about at all.
Over my near-30 years I’ve seen a lot of violence, a lot of horrible things, I’ve been brutalized, I’ve come extremely close to death a few times, and thought I was going to die a few more. I’ve been in the thick of things and seen unimaginable cruelty and neglect directed at myself and especially at those I’ve worked with/for, and the childish perception of evil never reflects reality.
In prisons, the biggest evil is the prison staff. A cop calmly dragging someone away is so much more evil than the person wriggling in cuffs. A politician signing a piece of paper will kill more than any dipshit stockpiling guns. Real evil isn’t a result of ‘human nature’ it is the result of systems of control and oppression. It is the result of systemic brainwashing of 1. those with legitimate grievances 2. those who are groomed to feel entitled/superior.
Reducing this story to baby’s first moral quandry is so bizarre.
The fact that people think part 2 was some highbrow thinkpiece because it’s depressing are such clowns! Humanity is evil, resisting state violence is evil and naive, all violence is equally bad regardless of motivation, anyone who does violence actually needs punished, redemption and recovery isn’t possible because human nature—like do you have any more tween genius insight for us?
Israeli propaganda really liquifies your brain I swear
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dreadwulf · 1 year
There are aspects of ASOIAF that I never discuss because they seem so self-evident to me that there's really no need to discuss them, it seems so obvious that to point them out verges on obnoxious. I'm going to discuss one of those now, mostly out of frustration. Apologies in advance.
But people assign entirely the wrong metaphor to Danaerys's dragons? Dragons are not WMD. They are not nukes. They're a slightly tricksier metaphor but a pretty clear one. There is a very simple tell for this, and it's based in the difference between a dragon and a bomb, or a dragon and an unbeatable valyrian sword.
Dragons are alive.
Dragons have to eat.
This starts becoming a problem right away and it continues to grow throughout the books. Even the tiny dragons are a conundrum, because at first they don't want to eat anything. Dany learns early on that they need meat, and they need meat that is heavily charred but fresh. Something burned alive is ideal.
When they're tiny, that's pretty simple. You can just set aside meat from your own food supply, let them fire blast it, and presto, dinner. But the more they grow, the more they eat. They need more and more meat. They need larger animals. Then they need multiple animals. Then whole flocks. On an ongoing basis. Where is this food going to come from?
You would have to set up a whole industry of dragon-feeding, animals raised and set aside to feed three full-grown dragons rather than communities of people. It will take a pretty wealthy society to maintain dragons. And until this is set up, hungry dragons are going to search for their dinner and demolish flocks of sheep, cattle, etc that are already conveniently gathered into one spot for them like a buffet. In the process, ruining the livelihoods of whatever unfortunate shephard or farmer provided that day's meal, and potentially taking food out of hungry mouths.
And then, eventually, inevitably, they start eating people.
And what does Dany do about this? She tries chaining them up, to keep them from eating her subjects, but this is not tenable. She also loves them; they are her babies. She raised them from the moment of their birth. Chaining them up pains her, as they are living intelligent creatures who are not meant to be kept underground. Plus she knows it is a stopgap solution at best. Drogon, for example, can never be imprisoned like that, and he is still roaming the countryside eating whatever's convenient. But she never comes up with an alternate solution. We leave her in this struggle where the books leave off. She's trying to balance her responsibilities in a just way, when there doesn't appear to be a just solution. Dragons are always going to be a thumb on that scale, because she loves them and because she needs them to maintain her power.
(psst: kind of like how we love our oil, and our coal, and anything else that's wrecking the ecosystem and making people very very rich)
In the show, at least, Dany seems to just put the problem out of her mind and forget about it -- same way she does with Slaver's Bay. She just kind of leaves Essos so the show can get her to Westeros, and before very long Dany is encouraging her dragons to feed on her enemies with no ethical quandry at all. Either D&D did not care about the problem of Dragons and the Meereenese Knot (which are really the same problem), or they did not understand the problem or recognize how essential it is to Dany's story, or they like GRRM were not sure how to resolve it satisfyingly and decided to just ignore it. It's easier to make Dany a villian than try.
That's kind of understandable. I mean, it's a big problem. It's the problem of leadership in a compromised system. It's the problem where the very thing that powers your best intentions is inevitably going to corrupt them, because you are now part of the same broken structure that your forebears were, the one that doesn't work, the one that is rotten to the core. If Danaerys is going to step into House Targaryen's shoes she's going to perpetuate the same old problems no matter how much she wants to do the right thing. She has to become more and more morally compromised as she takes larger and larger responsibilities and her dragons are just the first part of that. It's the same problem that Jon is facing in ADWD and Jaime is facing in AFFC and pretty much everyone in ASOIAF is dealing with all the time. This society is broken. Unless you step outside of it somehow, it will either kill you or corrupt you.
Anyway TLDR: Dragons. Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Dany's babies give her the power to change the world for the better, but they are eating the world too. There's a cost. She has to decide whether she is willing to pay it, and how.
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blissfulip · 3 months
OKAY BESTIES i need your opinion on something!
As you all know, Legion is going to be an x reader fic, however, it's written mostly from Viktor's perspective so far, so I have a quandry:
Would it be to jarring and weird if it was written in 2nd person like most x reader fics are, considering it's more a character study of Viktor than anything, and considering the fact that reader is supposed to be a demon? Do you guys have trouble relating or putting yourselves in their shoes in AU's that have supernatural elements like this one?
Alternatively, would yall find it difficult to relate to if it was written entirely in third person? can that still be considered x reader?
tagging the peeps who usually get fic updates since this counts as one and i would really value your imput on this one!
@ihopeinevergetsoberr @chemical-killjoy @jinxed-jk @bobobomao @queen-of-elves @thedustybunny @syren201 @thayfass @thehistoriangirl @hypocritic-trash-baby
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pettydavis · 7 months
the moral quandry of like.....if you had a time machine would you go back in time and kill baby hitler is always so weird to me, cuz you have a time machine. go back in time and kill adult hitler and all his little disgusting friends in the burgeoning nazi party before it even has legs to stand on. moral quandry avoided.
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rainrho · 1 year
new ethical quandry of is it better to eat jelly babies one at a time so that the others in the bag dont know whats going on or to eat them all at once so they arent seperated from their family in death
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beevean · 1 year
I always see people claim that the genocide of the Metroid paints Samus in a grey light, like she's done something she regrets and the X are the consequences of her mistake. And sure it's an interpretation but... you'd think she would spare some thoughts about this in Fusion if the story truly was going in that direction.
Some time ago I used to see people say that SR and Dread were undermining if not downright glorifying said genocide, in the former case due to the cool parries you can perform on the Metroids and the latter because Quiet Robe presents the idea of blowing up SR388 as a good thing and I'm like...did Super Metroid try to make you feel sorry for the Metroids in Tourian? Or for the Mochtroids?. Did Fusion make you cry for those metroids Bred in that lab?
Metroid is pretty simple with its stories it doesn't delve into moral quandries, if you're gonna critisize do it against the series as a whole not two games that don't match your headcanons.
The greyest part of the Metroid extermination, if you want to consider that, is that Samus wrecked the ecosystem of SR388 and allowed the X to climb at the top of the food chain. Sooooo I guess the moral is, don't fuck with ecosystems.
I don't think Metroid 2 wanted the player to feel bad. It doesn't glorify the mission, per se, but it's more about making you feel tense and alone in this long, grueling mission. And yes, the ending is rather bittersweet, Samus spares a baby, the music is soothing, you climb your way to the surface without obstacles instead of having a cool escape sequence; and yes, SM says that Metroids aren't only destructive so keeping one alive could be worth it (until Ridley intervenes lol). But no, the series itself never really wanted you to pity the Metroids, although you're free to do so.
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roselyn-ravenblade · 3 months
Anonymous Sent: A raven-haired, elven individual was seen sitting in a curling, wooden chair. Before him lied a canvas where he had progressed on a painting of a bird's nest. Said nest was nestled with three, vibrant blue bird eggs awaiting the care of their mother. However, it would seem the individual was having some trouble picking out the right shade and tint of blue paint as he thoroughly examined the two through his eyeglasses with a bemused stare. " This will not do... " A calm, low voice exited his lungs in the form of a vocal sigh.
A giant moth glided by on large, soft, silent wings, far above the elven artist and his quandry. It had seemed on a dutiful trajectory, but the hungry chirping of the tiny blue birds in their nest had seemingly drawn its attention. Another silent flutter of its wings, and the moth directed itself to hover near the nest, observing. The shadow of its form at first rose the hatchlings to an expectant frenzy of chirps, but as the shadow grew larger in its nearing, the baby birds shrunk down into their nest and quieted considerably, sensing it was not their mother they had drawn the attention of.
The gentle creature of course was no predator of baby birds, floating on down instead in curiosity of the reclined elf as it took full notice of him. The moth hesitated in its approach, though close enough to be observed of the shimmering silver and blue hues that marked its wings. The beautiful patterns took on a subtle glow that could mark the giant moth as a magical creature of some sort. More surprisingly - it spoke: "Ohh....you an artist?"
It was no ethereal, mellifluous voice one might have expected from a otherwordly moth. It was quite a humble woman's voice in fact, in Common, and ended in a doubtful tone as she realized the elf might not even speak the same language. "...I mean...can you...ehm..."
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brbsavinggotham · 1 year
a sudden quandry: m has seen a job opening in his home town for a role that he’d be perfect for, doing something he’s very passionate about, that pays the same as his current job but in a town where the cost of living is way less. we have friends there, and his family is there, and my best friend from uni lives there with her baby daughter, and the air is so much cleaner that m’s asthma basically doesn’t exist when we’re there. and maybe i could convince my parents to give me fat stacks to buy a house there because housing is so cheap compared to adelaide, and once they went on a weekend getaway there and really loved it so it could be framed as having somewhere for them to stay when they come to australia.
the downsides i guess: my brother just moved back to adelaide and it’s really nice hanging out and trying to be friends. i just started my new job that i really like that i didn’t even have to interview for and i’d be letting down people i consider friends who went out on a limb for me. adelaide is the place i’ve lived the longest in my life and probably the first that i’d consider a home. our friends are here and i’d miss them a lot. and there’s no sushi or ramen or korean or mexican food in this new place (there are 17 pubs though). what if i can’t find a job there and have to hang out with my mother in law all the time? what if all the fabric stores i like buying from charge way more for rural shipping?
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darkshrimpemotions · 5 months
i think your post on guillermo’s reluctance to kill as a vampire is so true and is the nuance that is lacking a lot in the discussion around s5!! I don’t feel that it is totally unreasonable that he would hesitate to kill an innocent person directly. i am actually working on a fic rn where im trying to stretch out the end of s5 a bit more and get more into guillermo’s mindset. i think him struggling with the morality of being a vampire and finding solutions could have been a whole season tbh
Oooo I hope when your fic is done you'll tag me! I love the fics that really get into Guillermo’s thought process and mindset, especially in regards to the many quandries and contradictions around the death and violence that is part and parcel of his life as a familiar, a slayer, and a vampire.
Like here's a guy who's already crossed far over some pretty serious moral lines years before we ever meet him. He's already at the point where he can justify treating his fellow humans as disposable and luring them to their deaths, all in service to his master's short-term gratification and his own ultimate goal. And cutting himself off from other humans is part of that!
Guillermo had no real human connections at the start of the series. He barely saw his family. He'd never had a boyfriend. He wasn't connected with other familiars much, despite a community clearly existing. His only friend was Jeremy and they weren't super close.
If Nandor had turned him on his ten-year anniversary or even on their big world tour, I think it might have been different. Guillermo's only consistent companions at that point were vampires. He was very single-minded in his goal and had little in his life that wasn't ultimately about vampires in some way.
But season 4 is when Guillermo started making more human connections again. He started seeing his family more. He started dating Freddie. He was co-parenting baby Colin. He also spent some amount of time around Marwa and Nandor's 36 other wives. That's more regular, consistent human interaction than he got the prior twelve years combined. It's much harder to view human life as expendable when you've reconnected with your own humanity.
I do feel like they could have done so much with Guillermo's vampire journey in season 5, it actually has a lot of character, dramatic, comedic potential (and horny potential) ...but at the same time I kinda think that's what fanfic is for! I didn't go into a half-hour comedy mockumentary about vampires expecting tons of introspection within the source material itself, you know? But it's still a little annoying to see people act like Guillermo was being stupid to have an issue, especially when I actually feel like they really earned that season finale!
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