#queen bee of Westerburg
trancylovecraft · 8 months
Headcanons for Yandere JD from Heathers the musical?
RECEIPT ✂- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
BARISTA'S NOTE: Damn, If it wasn't for my girl Yuno then this bastard would be the poster boy of the yandere trope. tHIS SHITS CANON. FANDOM: Heathers the Musical
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Come again soon!
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Okay, JD, This maniac.
I headcannon JD to be an Obsessive, Possessive, Violent and perhaps even a bit Manipulative and Delusional.
Obsessive in the way that its.. Well, It's JD! After a life of moving from place to place after his mothers death, He's become lonely. So when you come into his life, Willing to cure that ailment, JD is instantly all over you. He's not really obsessive about you, But the idea of you if that makes sense.
Possessive in the way that it ties into the last point, You're his only source of social interaction. You're his only friend and JD is not going to let anyone take you from him. You're HIS, Not anyone elses.
Violent in the way that JD get's absolutely livid if you do try to leave him. I mean, He tried to blow up westerburg for fucks sake! He's unstable and will get real volatile if you do try to get away.
Manipulative in the way that JD plays to your emotions. He'll make you feel guilty over the people he's killed, He'll make you feel like shit for trying to leave. Perhaps he'll even get you to assist in these murders, JD loves you but you must understand that this is just how he shows his love!
And Delusional in the way he believes that the entire world is against him, That it's all evil. But not you, You're an angel! You're the good in-between all the dirt, That's why he loves you so much! You can do no wrong in his eyes, Even if you do get a little bit confused sometimes..
I can see JD falling in love with you in a few ways.
The first is where you're an outcast like him, A social loner who doesn't really have anyone to talk to at break times. You're nice but you're quiet, Keeping to yourself.
I can see JD latching onto you after a single interaction. Maybe he drops something and you pick it up for him, Maybe you lend him a pen during class. Either way, It's the single domino to the catastrophe that will come later.
The second way is where you're popular, Really popular. So much so that you're part of the Heathers. Maybe you and Chandler have a history and that's why you're with them, But either way you follow beside her as one of the queen bee's in school.
But you're not mean, You're kind. Maybe you welcome JD into the school once he joins, Maybe you just say hello to him in the halls everyday. And this is enough for him, He becomes infatuated with you.
I'm going to go with the second option.
So you're a heather, You go to parties, You date, You do all the stuff a heather is expected to do. But it's not your style, You're only with them because Chandler was your friend growing up and you were hot enough to stay with her in the group.
But you make do. You're nice to everyone you meet, That's more your speed. You lead the student council, You organise school events and you make sure everyone has a good-time.
It's a good change of pace from all the stuff that comes with The Heathers. You have a decent life and it's future is looking pretty bright, With your good grades and status as the student council leader, You're destined to get into a good college.
Until JD turns up at the school.
It's pretty rare to get a student show up half-way through the year, And it'd be a pretty stressful time too. So you make sure to search him out and welcome him in here with open arms, You would've wanted that if you were in his scenario at least.
So you search him out, Helps that you and him share a class together. And before the bell rings, You find him early in his seat just getting ready for class.
And you walk up to him despite his rather cold demeanour, You introduce yourself to JD anyways and ask him how his first day was.
And JD is shocked.
Someone as pretty and popular like you greeting him? And in such a kind way? JD is at a loss for words, He's not usually welcomed with such warmth on account of his "bad-boy demeanour" and tendency to avoid crowds.
So when you welcome him to the school, Ask him how he's settling in. JD can't help but answer with a witty remark as an instant way to try strike up conversation.
And even though it doesn't last long due to the bell ringing and you needing to sit down and do your work, JD certainly can't take his mind or his eyes off of you. Looking at you more than the work in front of him.
He's the kind of yandere that gets interested fast, Not needing a second interaction to spike his interest. JD can already tell that you're perfect, An angel in your own right. He doesn't need any more confirmation.
Afterwards, Yeah, He's hooked!
After that, JD starts to follow you around just far enough so that you don't notice him. In school or out of it, He's just got to know more.
He eventually learns where you live after he follows you home one day. He learns what you like, Who your friends are. Your favourite flavour, If you have any pets or whether you drink coffee or tea.
Its all so perfect to him.
You start to find little gifts in your locker, Maybe a box of your favourite treats or even a flower that you're particularly fond of.
You of course, Being a heather means that you get a lot of attention from both guys and gals so receiving these things in your locker is not uncommon. Therefore you just go about your day, Maybe eating the treats of placing the flower in a pot.
JD begins to get violent, His tendencies starting to kick up. Anyone else that tries to ask you out, Anyone that you may sleep with, Anyone that you even just talk to gets a beat-down from the man himself.
I mean, How dare they try touch you? JD is by no means deserving of you and he knows it, But that doesn't mean everyone else is entitled either.
JD certainly tries to hang out in spots where you usually go just for the chance of seeing you, To maybe start another conversation with you.
By now you've definetly heard of what JD's been doing. Beating people up, The rumours spreading around about him. It freaks you out, Especially since a lot of the victims were your friends.
So you avoid him, Not wanting to anger him.
You know that JD is probably troubled. He's outcast with low social skills, He's joined the school half-way during the year and he's violent. You've heard the type and realise he probably has some home issues.
But you're not an adult, You're not professionally trained. You're just trying to get through high school, So you have no way to help him. It's not like you could get him any help, Westerberg is not known for it's counselling and you're not his friend so you don't think it's right of you to find him some.
JD for one, Is irked.
He doesn't deserve you in the slightest. Among the filth, The cruelty and the evil of the world you are the angel above them. JD is no better than everyone else, But he's certainly trying his best to get your attention.
He knows he'd be good for you, He knows he'd be the only one who'd be able to keep you away from all the dirt.
JD just wished you'd listen.
So he's gonna make sure you hear him now.
It's a completely normal morning, One day when you walk into school you're instantly bombarded with the news of a body being found in the ditch by the school.
You're horrified as you learn it to be one of the people you talk to often, Sometimes before and after class and within the hallways.
Its even worse to know that the body was mangled so viciously that the police suspected that it was a wild animal like a cougar that got to him, All before figuring out that it was a murder.
More victims pop up over the next few days, More and more bodies pile up. You're terrified, Horrified as they all were people you very much knew.
The next few weeks are tense and distrustful amongst the student body. You as the student council leader should know, As the majority of your school events have been closed due to safety reasons.
Somehow the school has been kept open despite all the victims being apart of their student body. Something about education reasons, You remember one of your teachers saying something about being too far into the school year.
People don't walk alone in the halls, Everyone looks behind their back. Everyone is suspicious of everyone, Mostly because nobody knows if the culprit is one of them.
Parties have started to die down. Not the crazy blow-out ones that you and the rest of the heathers go to, No, The people hosting them are too stupid to do so. But the ones with more common sense decide to just stop until all of this is over.
More and more bodies start to appear, One per week was the current rate. There have even been bets in your school to see who would be next, People rounding up the money. Its disgusting, It horrifies you.
Students have been instructed to walk home in groups. You comply as you walk home with Duke, Chandler and McNamara. You wanna stay safe, You wanna make sure you and your friends get home safe.
All until one day you enter your room, Greeting your parents at the door and going upstairs to your quarters. You only see that your bedroom window is cracked open before you hear the scream of a door slamming shut.
You near get whiplash from looking around so quick, Eyes widening as you stare dead at the face of JD standing in your room Blocking the door.
You can barely scream before he is on you, A hand covering your mouth while another snakes around your waist to form a twisted mockery of a lovers hold. All the while he tells you "It's just him!" "It's gonna be fine."
It certainly will not. Keep in mind the only interaction you two had was months ago, The rest was him beating the shit out of your friends. So you're horrified when he talks to like he knows you..
Thats when the realisation hits you.
You instantly start kicking and screaming in a desperate attempt to get out of his hold. JD tries to calm you but you do not listen anymore, He is the murderer that was terrorising your town.
Once you bite his hand and it relents, You beg for him not to kill you. You cry and scream for your parents, For him to let you go, For you to live!
JD doesn't understand why you're struggling so much, He knows he's not worthy to even touch you but he shouldn't be viewed like this! He should be your knight in shining armour.
JD knows that the people surrounding you have made you like this, Which is why he grabs the nearest blunt object, A lampshade, And bashes it over your head.
You instantly fall unconcious, If not too woozy to know what the hell is going on. JD catches you before you fall to the ground, Almost seeing it as a romantic gesture.
By now the commotion has alerted your parents, So JD throws you over his shoulder and makes his way back out through the window. Neither of you seen, No witnesses found.
This starts the domestic stage.
You wake up within an abandoned cellar. Its dark, Dusty, Cold and grotty. Spiders being common, Other invertebrates even more so.
The only things in there consist of debree, A makeshift bed of old blankets, A small box containg your belongings (And ones you dont remember keeping) and spiderwebs.
You try to get out but the old trapdoor keeping you in was in suprisingly good condition, And you had no tools to help break it down.
Its only hours after you've given up trying to break down the door, Huddled in the corner with your old dirty clothing does he finally appear.
You found out that he's keeping you in some old abandoned building outside of town that he so happened to have the key for. JD tells you that its not permanent, That he'll take you back once you've realised how shoddy the world is.
You of course, Are strong-minded and refuse to play in. But you can't fight back, Can't escape so all you can do is bide your time..
JD still goes to school to avoid suspicion, Making sure that nothing leads back to him. The outside world has deemed you a body they've yet to find.
When he comes home he always brings you your food and sometimes he brings you a gift too (Something that may help you escape). He also brings you a bunch of spare clothes too.
You're unable to shower since there is no running water anywhere, Your only source of hydration being the pack of water bottles JD brought for you.
JD only comes to see you before and after school, Him going home to sleep and him being in school are the only times he's away from you.
Whenever he is with you though, He keeps rambling on and on about his own plans. How horrid the world is but how amazing you were, Almost worshipping.
He also likes for you to give him physical affection, Him laying his head on your lap is a big thing for him. He'll force you to accept it too, Despite profusely apologising the entire time.
If the topic of another man or woman you particularly like comes into play, JD will instantly darken and get violent. He doesn't like it when you bring up someone other than him, You're his angel, Not theirs.
JD is unstable and might even strike you across the face for this, Not in control of his own actions. But straight afterwards once he sees you crying on the floor in pain. He instantly goes into hundreds and hundreds of apologies, So very sorry for harming you.
He won't forgive himself either, How dare he lay a hand on you?
If you do ever give into him fully then you will be let out of the basement. JD will forge a plan that would make it seem that you were held hostage/attacked, Lost and dazed (Depending on how long you were in there). Westerberg's police, Being underfunded as they are will not look into it.
You'd probably get back to school with a shit-ton of empathy and the man who found you, Now boyfriend, Hanging on your arm with a triumphant grin.
The only way I see you escaping this is to do what Veronica should've done and drive the fuck over to Seattle, Change your name and general appearance and never show your face in Sherwood again.
However if JD does catch you then its going to be messy. This man's violent tendencies will go on overdrive, He'll scream, Cry and may even kill you out of sheer unstable anger.
Of course if he does, He'd never forgive himself. So much so that he'd feel like joining you..
Overall he's JD. Yandere posterboy. Good luck with him!
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circusgoth-dotcom · 2 months
Ship: Gabriel Chandler & Jason Dean (platonic)
Word Count: 723
Summary: J.D. shows up on Gabriel's doorstep late at night. CWs for themes of physical abuse, brief mentions of food and death.
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Gabriel was startled from half-sleep by his doorbell ringing incessantly. He peeled himself away from his couch, glancing at a clock as he went to answer it, and was startled to find a teen boy on his porch. Even in the dingy light of the porch lamps, Gabriel could tell something was wrong.
“What-- it's eleven at night… Jason Dean, right?” Gabriel asked exasperatedly. J.D. nodded.
“Can I come in?” He responded evenly, almost coolly, as if he wasn't visiting a stranger's house in the middle of the night. Gabriel floundered for a moment before sighing and stepping aside.
“I guess. How did you know I lived here, anyway?”
“Well, your sister gave Veronica your information, as a show of trust or something, and in turn, Veronica gave it to me…” J.D. paused, peering into the living room from the entrance hallway. “Who’s that?”
Gabriel pushed past him as another man began to rise from the couch. “No one and nobody, and he's leaving.”
He handed the man his shoes and ushered him toward a back door. When the man had gone, Gabriel turned to J.D., who kept his face partially turned away. Gabriel held out his hands. “Let me see.”
Reluctantly, J.D. moved so his face was illuminated, looking directly at Gabriel, who gasped as a freshly blackened eye was revealed. They moved to the kitchen, where Gabriel quickly retrieved an icepack and a bottle of painkillers. Gabriel didn’t know much about J.D. He knew he was dating his sister’s close friend and that he was the son of “Big Bud Dean,” the owner of Bud Dean Construction, whose billboards were plastered from one end of the continent to the other, and that was all.
“You’re not going to ask what happened?” J.D. prompted after taking the painkillers and sitting on Gabriel’s kitchen table, holding the icepack to his swollen eye. His voice cracked slightly as he spoke.
“I didn’t think it was my place… could’ve been anything, you’re the one who came to me for help. Somebody you barely know.”
J.D. smiled tightly. “I just had a good feeling about you. Tell me who your guest was first.”
Gabriel exhaled shakily, leaning back against his counter. “He’s a cop. We have a little arrangement… I do good by him, he does good by me. You understand?”
J.D. nodded slowly. “Alright. You could say my pops… popped me.” He shrugged and Gabriel’s heart twinged. He moved to hold J.D.’s hand.
“You don’t need to joke,” he hissed absently. “Oh, Jason…” Instantly, J.D. began to tremble, leaning against Gabriel’s arm. Gabriel half-hugged him, squeezing him tight. “You’re safe here, go ahead and let it out…”
Though he tried to present his tough persona through the pain, the dam burst quickly. Tears and snot poured out of J.D.’s face as he let Gabriel hold him, ugly sounds squeezed from his throat. He felt like he hadn’t been comforted by an adult since his mother died. As his sobs subsided, Gabriel handed him a tissue box. Weakly, he wiped down his face and blew his nose.
“Stay as long as you like,” Gabriel insisted seriously. “Come as often as you like.”
“Thank you…” J.D. croaked. “Who knew Westerburg High’s queen bee had an ounce of kindness in her bloodline…”
Gabriel shook his head as he led J.D. to his guest bedroom. “I know Heather can be abrasive, but nobody knows her like I do… I think she’ll get better as she grows up. But you don’t need to think about her right now, you don’t need to worry about anything. Just rest. Do you want anything to eat?”
J.D. shrugged and laid down, still holding the icepack to his eye. “I’ll eat whatever…”
“Alright… do you want me to stay here…?” He shook his head. “I understand. I’ll be in the room across the hall, I’ll go get us something when I wake up.”
“7-Eleven,” J.D. suddenly said as Gabriel was leaving the room.
“What was that?”
“Would you get me some things from 7-Eleven? Whatever looks good to you.”
“Sure thing, champ.” That single word made J.D. want to cry again, but he wouldn’t let the tears drop until Gabriel had closed the door behind him.
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thesourpatchdemon · 10 months
So ive been really into heathers lately and I just read something AND I WILL NEVER RECOVER. Around 2012 I think there was a script for a pilot episode of a Heathers sequel show and OH MY GOD ITS SO GOOD
so it follows Veronica and her Daughter moving back to Sherwood Ohio because Veronica’s parents died and she inherited their house. Veronicas daughter (named Becky) becomes friends with these two girls names Ashley who are Heather Mac and Heather d’s daughters and they’re Westerburg’s new queen bees.
basically they hang out and Veronica reconnects with the Heathers. Veronica is also a police officer and is sleeping with her boss btw. Also Becky is a drug addict and buys Ritalin from this other kid at school Sid who is Betty Finn’s son. Then she gets busted at school so she goes home early and then Becky and Veronica get in a big fight.
ALSO Heather D.’s husband was planning to kill her while they were on vacation and was planning the murder with JD’S DAD!!! But they couldn’t go through on the plan because Heather D’s husband hung himself.
It was the most insane thing I’ve ever read and will forever be sad that they dropped this masterpiece and made the stupid reboot instead.
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Continuation of the Cullens at Westerburg post: what if Edward overheard Veronica thinking very guilty, "oh god I killed Heather" thoughts? Probably at the funeral.
Anon's talking about this post.
That's the thing, anon, everyone's thinking that.
What the town concluded, thanks in part to JD and Veronica's forged suicide note, is that Heather's death is on all of their hands. As a society, they forced Heather Chandler into this role of Queen Bee and never allowed her to be a real person.
I am sure more than one person at that funeral is thinking back on all the times they dismissed Heather, or thought something mean about her, or treated her as the role she played and thought "Oh my god, I killed her."
Veronica's going to be one of many.
Add onto that that Edward canonically doesn't pay much attention to us plebians. In fact, he actively tries to tune us out. In Midnight Sun before he decides to stalk Bella, he spends his time in the cafeteria actively trying to tune out the boring masses. Edward's not going to be listening to any particular person in this guilt ridden crowd and certainly not Veronica Sawyer in particular as he would expect her grief to be uncomfortable to feel second hand (Veronica presumably having been Heather's friend).
And of course there's the fact that everyone likes this Heather Chandler better than the old one: she has depth, she was secretly a tormented soul, she didn't really want to be supremely awful but society made her that way! Now, it could be the case that this was true deep down, but we'll never know. Regardless, Edward's not going to want to be the cynical type of person who would look at this grieving, horrified, town and conclude, "Nah, that bitch Veronica killed her and forged the suicide note."
So even if he gets hints of what happened (doubtful) I think he'd rationalize them away as coming from a girl clearly grieving for her friend. He might think Veronica Sawyer is a sellout, but she's not a cowardly murderer.
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sawyerconfort · 3 years
enchanted | veronica sawyer x reader
Hey! I just got back from hiatus (creative block wouldn't let me write anything for you guys) and now I've decided that I'm going to start writing different imagines from different fandoms (heathers obv because I'm obsessed), hope you guys don't mind and enjoy!
I still don't know if I'm going to write just about Veronica or about the other characters too, but if you want to leave your requests, feel free!
I'll start with a fluffy imagine, just to test.
Good reading!
(yes, the plot is based on enchanted, by taylor swift)
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Premise: A Heathers party was all you needed to make sure you didn't fit into their crowd. But just one look from the new member of the Westerburg trio, and your life changed completely.
“Come on, (Y\NN), it's just a party!”
You kept your pose neutral the entire time, trying not to trust Heather Chandler's words. You've always been tired of knowing she didn't skimp when it came to private parties, and that they weren't all for someone like you. Even though Heather never made it clear, the other girls spoke for her, with looks and words.
“Are you sure I should go?” you finally asked. She gave you a cruel look and smirked. "What?"
"Darling, you're Heather Chandler's best friend, after the trio of queen bees she commands...", the blonde bragged. "Of course you have to go, (Y\N), don't be stupid!"
Before you could say anything to fight back, Heather pulled you out the door with your car keys in hand. You were silent the whole way, until you got to the school, where the party would take place. You could hear the loud music and see the bright lights matching the screams of the students outside or coming along. Heather ushered you inside, drawing curious glances from those present.
You had no idea if it was because she was so popular and you were just a random stranger in Sherwood, or if people were wondering if you two had anything but friendship.
Because you know, being openly lesbian leaves doors for people to always think your friends are your girlfriends.
Heather quickly walked in with you at her side, greeting every student she encountered. Inside, the music was loud and the voices shrill. You walked to a table far from the dance floor that had formed on the court, but Heather pulled you back into her group.
“(Y\N), you came!”, Heather Duke smiled kindly. "I knew Heather wouldn't let you miss this party!"
“Yeah, she insisted a lot,” you commented, smiling.
“It's good that you came, you know?” Heather McNamara continued, touching your arm. "This party here is just because we have a fourth Heather in the class right now, and we wanted to introduce her to the rest of us..."
Your eyebrows arched. Heather was a pretty common name across America, but you couldn't remember there being another Heather besides those three in Westerburg, unless she's a new student.
“Another Heather?”
"Veronica!", Duke's voice entered your ears and you caught a glimpse as the girl in green ran to hug the stranger. Trying not to attract attention, you looked at this Veronica girl more closely.
And then, your heart pounded out of your chest. She looked beautiful, in a blue pantsuit that highlighted her slim, perfect body, with a short haircut and full of curls at the brown tips, and her eyes big and full as she looked at you. Her thin lips lifted in a smile.
“That's the new Heather, (Y\NN), honey,” Heather Chandler patted her right shoulder with two light pats. "It's not a Heather, but it's a Veronica."
Veronica. Veronica. Veronica. You had the feeling that name would follow you wherever you went. And that was the most beautiful name you had ever heard in your life.
“Veronica Sawyer, my pleasure.”
(Y\N)”, you replied, feeling the words fade from your brain slowly. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Veronica. Welcome to the gang.”
“Are you in the class too?” she asked. And seriously, she was really bringing up a conversation with you.
"No, but I'm friends with Heather Chandler, so I stay with them."
The girl nodded, giving another friendly smile. Within seconds, you felt enchanted by her. Even more enchanted, if that were possible.
"So, Sawyer, now you've decided that you're going to become popular?"
“Why not?”, she stared at you. “Who never wanted to be popular?”
"It's true...", you laughed.
"Lucky for you to be a direct friend of the Heathers, aren't you, dearie?"
Heather Duke got in the way of your conversation with Veronica, and you wanted to tell her to shut up right away. Ignoring her, you continued to focus on those big, expressive brown eyes, that perfect, symmetrical face that only she had. Veronica Sawyer looked like a movie actress, one of those that hold the audience from beginning to end of the movie.
For the rest of the Heathers' party, you stayed by their side, feeling like your night had improved one hundred percent. You tried not to make it so obvious that you were too focused on Veronica Sawyer, but since you were never good at hiding it, she could easily tell from the exchange of glances.
The conversations between you guys were the best (and nerdiest possible), which impressed you at first. With all that popular gaze and that bad-girl pose, you doubted Veronica liked such mundane things as comics and books and music and poetry.
When she gently walked away to get you drinks, your head couldn't stop thinking about her face and your heart clenched with inexplicable longing. Her brain repeated the same phrases over and over again: Please, do n’t be in love with someone else and Please, do n’t have somebody waiting for you...
“Your drink, (Y\NN)”, she snapped you out of your crazy thoughts and gave you a gentle smile before placing her glass of drink on the table you were sitting on and sitting across from you.
At a glance, you tried to distract yourself with something so you wouldn't be too obstinate, and you could see that the Heathers were completely uncomfortable with the approach and connection between you and Veronica.
At one point during the party, the Heathers were invited to dance with some popular boys, and you were left alone with Veronica. That had everything to be her moment, everything to be that moment when you would get up the courage and ask her to dance, or the moment when you might kiss her without asking for explanations or without justification.
However, it was quite weird that nothing came out of both of your mouths. Not a single word. You just kept staring at each other and staring at nothing, without bringing up a subject.
Suddenly, you heard a scream. And then you looked at the floor, where Heather Chandler was slapping Kurt Kelly hard across the face and saying something about his new shoe that you couldn't understand. She came with a scowl in her direction and pulled you back, voice annoyed:
“Let's get out of this shit, (Y\N).”
The last thing you memorized before you left was Veronica Sawyer's lost, confused look.
* * *
"Honestly, I don't understand."
"Obviously you don't understand, (Y\NN)..." Heather huffed. "You were just looking at Veronica the whole time, you didn't even see me dance with Kurt."
You crossed your arms. “Of course I did. Why? What did you want me to do?”
"I wish you would stop looking at that silly Veronica Sawyer and look at me."
As soon as you arrived at your house, after a long car ride without a word or question - but which included you blushing all the way home thinking about Veronica - you took the opportunity and went upstairs with Heather Chandler to get satisfaction of what you really had. happened. It became even clearer that she had manipulated a situation to make you stop noticing Veronica. For some reason, this annoyed her a lot.
"And what's the problem with me looking at Veronica?"
"The problem is, everyone in that fucking school is looking at her now…" Heather huffed. “I feel embezzled, despised, robbed, invalidated! And the only person I have in the world to talk to about this is also looking at her with those eyes of passion!”
You let out a discredited laugh. But Heather didn't even give you time to argue back, she just stomped out of your room and walked down the stairs that led to it, going to the exit door and slamming it even harder.
It was two in the morning and you guys had been fighting for no reason.
It was two in the morning and you were still awake.
Since you couldn't go screaming down the street after Heather Chandler, you just lay in bed and waited for the right words to come so you could apologize and try to get along with her the next morning.
However, your thoughts were overshadowed by her symmetrical peach face. Those eyes, that smile... you'd give anything not to have left so soon and stayed there a little longer to admire them.
Two in the morning and you found yourself blushing again, thinking about her.
You was only interrupted when your window creaked. In a state of alert, you held the pillow like a shield in front of your body and watched as the silhouette in the blue pantsuit entered her room, her hair mussed.
"My God, your window creaks...", Veronica's voice was a whisper, as if she was talking to herself. Looking up, she noticed you were staring at her and gave a wry smile. “Er… hi?”
"Do you... do you usually come in through the window at other people's houses?"
“No, no,” Veronica smiled. “I saw Heather Chandler leaving here, I was coming back from the party, trying to find you, and since I know all their house addresses, I used my head and concluded that this was your house,” she closed the window again, with the same creak. "I was just going to try to talk to you, but I didn't expect you to be awake at this hour..."
“Me and Heather fought so far,” you replied, huffing. "I can't sleep, my head is throbbing with guilt."
Veronica frowned and cocked her head to one side, trying to understand you. You definitely thought that was the cutest thing in the world.
She walked calmly to your bed and sat beside him, without asking for permission. Staring straight ahead, Veronica grinned as your head repeated her name incessantly.
“You know, I'm not surprised by this…” she said. “Heather is a difficult person, in fact, they all are. And you don't really have the vibe they want to convey to school. At one time or another it was easy to know that this was going to happen. And I’ve only known you for a few hours.”
You looked at her, your face very confused and surprised. "I don’t have the vibe?"
“No,” she simply spat out the words. “You are definitely better than them, (Y\NN).”
"So if you think that, why are you hanging around with them?"
Veronica laughed, shrugging her shoulders. "I told you. I want to be popular.”
“You don’t have the same vibe they want to pass on either, you know?”
She now looked at you curiously. "You think?"
“Of course,” you smiled, blushing a little more. “Well, it's my opinion. I think that's why I was enchanted to meet you, Veronica. Because you're different from the three drunk girls I already know..."
She kept looking at you for a few seconds, and then she did something you didn't count on, taking you by surprise: she kissed you.
You thought that when she pulled away, you wouldn't be able to forget the softness of those lips or the taste of cherry candy.
"I was also enchanted to meet you, (Y\NN)...", she smiled.
Please, don't be in love with someone else.
Please, don't have somebody waiting for you.
In a rush of courage, you cupped Veronica's face and brought her lips to hers again, increasing the intensity and duration of the kiss this time. She responded, totally intoxicating you with the cherry taste of her lips, which mingled with the drink taste of yours.
The kiss started out calmly, with a lighter and simpler touch of the lips, but Veronica seemed determined to continue and kissed you harder, while the light coming from the window illuminated both of your faces.
After a minute, you parted from Veronica's lips, still holding her face. Watched her open her eyes and look at you, with a different blush on her cheeks.
“Wow,” you whispered in disbelief. "Wow."
"My God, if the Heathers ever find out…" Veronica whispered, laughing.
"They don't need to know."
She lifted her hand so she could touch yours, which was planted on one of her cheeks. Veronica's touch was sincere, light and affectionate.
"So, you're looking to propose a secret romance to me, is that it?"
“I didn't say anything about romance. You are rushing too much.”
"Maybe I'm just amazed…" she replied. “And a little drunk.”
You smiled, stealing a peck from her once more. Veronica just kept kissing you after that, knocking you down on the mattress and getting on top, with no ulterior motives, just kissing you. Finally, she buried her head in the crook of your neck and breathed in the scent of your perfume.
"Please don't be in love with someone else..." she whispered.
You smiled, fascinated, blushing a little more.
You was definitely enchanted by Veronica Sawyer's charm.
I mean, how could you not be?
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storiesofocean · 2 years
Heathers: A style and character analysis
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• Introduction •
You might be aware of the 1989 black comedy Heathers. Mean girls before Mean Girls, Heathers follows Veronica Sawyer and so called friends the popular heathers as they work together to maintain popularity. That is until their lives take a sharp turn with the arrival of a certain outcast with murderous intentions. Heathers has witty dialogue and a fearless attitude to touch on serious topics. Yet Heather's most iconic characteristic is red, green, yellow and blue.
Costume Designer Ruby Dillon uses 1980s school girl fabrics, patterns and color coordination with each character to tell the story. When Heather Chandler drinks the blue poison, to Veronica stealing the red
scrunchie from Heather Duke, colors are a crucial part in this telling. We'll be looking at the main four characters, Heather Chandler, Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, and Veronica Sawyer. Be advised of spoilers ahead.
Heather Chandler♥️
Played by the late, great Kim Walker. Heather Chandler is the “queen bee” of school. The queen bee is thought to be loved yet she is despised and feared by her classmates and her few close friends. In her death it’s not her that’s mourned but the sexuality and power that fell with her. Which begs the question: was Heather the victim as she was the victimizer?
As queen bee of Westerburg. Heather Chandler is mostly never seen without her crown, a red scrunchie. Only twice do we see her without it and that's when she's at her most vulnerable. Chandler's time of sexual vulnerability is expressed at the college party where she wears an open neck fitted dress with her hair down. In this scene she is practically forced into pleasing a college boy, her wall is torn down and she spits at herself in the mirror.
Chandler's final time without her red scrunchie is her death. Though tied in her hair in the beginning of the scene she takes it out as she is manipulated by JD into drinking the poison. It should also be noted that she is wearing light pink robe in this scene, a color not often seen on Chandler. We associate pink with femininity but also vulnerability, a fitting last outfit.
Heather Duke💚
Green can represent many things: earth, life, fertility even. Yet with Heather Duke it represents envy. Not much can be said of Heather Duke truly, she’s not a cheerleader like Heather McNarma and she’s not lusted after like Heather Chandler. The main thing Heather Duke has going for her is her bulimia which is often made fun of by Heather Chandler and the want to be someone else, that someone being Heather Chandler.
After Heather Chandler’s death, Heather Duke finally gets her to wish to embrace red with the help of JD. When an apathetic Duke tells Veronica Martha Dunnstock attempted suicide she wears a grey blazer and mini skirt tightened with a red cinch belt. She adds black to her palette with a black turtleneck and sheer black hosiery. This is the first time we see Heather's descent into power.
Her full transformation into Heather Chandler is at the end of the movie. Before she would wear other colors with her outfits but now she wears full red and black. The red scrunchie she stole from Heathers Chandler's locker she flaunts until that is taken by the new self initiated queen bee, Veronica.
Heather McNamara 💛
The nicest heather some would say is Heather McNamara. She is often left in the shadows behind the Heathers and Veronica we see this in the movie as she is sexually assaulted on a date but the main focus remains on Veronica and her date questioning if what we saw was truly there.
After the death of Heather Chandler, Heather Mcarmara wears a bit less yellow and more outfit with a grey, white, and black base. She’s finally willing to let go of her heather persona and be herself but not completely.
When she have had enough of Heathers Duk bullying and 'follows the crowd' but attempting suicide she wears no yellow whatsoever, instead, she wears her Westerburg high cheerleading outfit finally in her own element yet a hint of yellow is shown with the yellow pills showing that maybe it was her heather persona that lead her to the bathroom and to swallowing those pills.
Veronica 💙
Her teenage angst has a body count so she says. Veronica Sawyer is the main protagonist of the movie. On a shallow viewing, Veronica could be seen as empathetic and kind but really how kind could she be? Not saying she’s the devil but she’s no angel, believe it or not, Veronica plays a huge role in the high school hierarchy of Westburg high.
Veronica’s off-shoulder sweater and her skirt suspenders is the most revealing outfit for Veronica in the entire movie which suggests it's something Heather Chandler told her to wear. In the gas station and the party scene this outfit is associated with Veronica's sexuality as she flirts with JD and a college student flirts with her.
Veronica's striped blue shirt with the vest and brown hat was stunning and would be in the first place if not for the party outfit. I say this truly shows Veronica because it’s the outfit that's most her. multiple patterns, layers and of course, blue. Blue represents peace, order, and reliability. This is when she’s mostly relying on JD as her protector but also still relying on the Heathers.
• The impact of Heather’s fashion •
When people consider the iconic costume design of Heathers they look to the 2010 'Heathers The Musical'. Heathers the Musical consist of school girl attire such as the film but of attire of the 2000s. Blazers and plaid patterns manage to make an often appearance with the absence of a few minor details such as shoulder pads. Even with these few changes we can still notice the queen bees of Westburg high and in a way, I feel this version of the costumes better fit the personalities of the characters which explains its popularity in the media over the movie.
Paramounts and HBO’s 2018 Heathers TV show has many merits as we can see with its raving 27% rotten tomatoes, and the fashion is one of the major complaints made by fans of the original. In the show, the polished, clean look is nearly gone and so is the color-coded fashion. All but for Veronica, we barely see red, green, and yellow. I feel Aubrey Binzer had the correct idea of making the Heathers more modern, with fewer scrunches, more jeans, and graphic tees, but wrong execution.
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When The World Ends, What Comes Next?
He’s like fire, Veronica thinks, at some point in their relationship-after Chandler, after they’ve killed the queen bee of Westerburg High (and possibly the entire town of Sherwood), but not by much. She pushes the thoughts of what they’ve done out of her mind, and smiles as she thinks of the way he warms her from the inside out. 
She doesn’t think, then, that he could burn her. She knows playing with fire ends up in burns, but she thinks they’re different. They smolder slowly, she thinks, a fire to last a lifetime. Not the kind of fire that destroys, the kind of fire that warms.
They’re on her bed, her parents asleep across the hallway, tangled up in each other and just enjoying each other’s company. JD’s lips are against her skin, her lips and shoulder and collarbone, and every time he presses a gentle kiss where he’s murmuring words of love and admiration, Veronica feels like he’s touching her with a live wire. It makes her stomach swoop in the best way, and she thinks she’d give almost anything to just stay like this forever. 
She’ll think back on that and realize that even then, maybe she should have seen that their relationship was like a firework; burning brilliantly across the sky before it exploded and disappeared. 
In the short weeks before Heather and Heather lure Veronica to the graveyard in the middle of the night, she spends almost all her free time with him, and she feels like she couldn’t be happier.
Heather Duke has tried to take over the role Heather Chandler used to fill, and Veronica can’t deny the pang of guilt and sorrow she feels when she walks into the lunchroom and sees green and yellow, but no red. Duke hasn’t quite dared to reclaim the color yet. 
She starts skipping lunch, instead finding hidden corners of empty classrooms or the school gym or even the library, on slower days, and spends her lunch break with JD. Sometimes they talk, but most of the time she doesn’t get a word in before his lips are on hers, and she melts into his kiss, forgetting everything she had to say. She’s learned how to bite her lip to keep the gasps and moans hidden as his mouth and his hands roam her body, learned how and where to touch him to make him speed up, make him claim her even more thoroughly. She’s lost count of the times she’s had to pull her blazer up just enough to hide the hickeys he leaves, but he’s always careful not to leave them on her neck, just her collarbones and decolletage. 
She tells her mother she’s joined a book club that meets after school and she’ll be coming home late after school. Her mother smiles and tells her that’s great, she’s glad to see Veronica getting out and about again, she’d been so withdrawn after poor Heather’s suicide. Veronica doesn’t know what to say, so she just bites the inside of her cheek and nods an agreement. 
It’s not entirely a lie, she thinks as she lays with her head on JD’s lap in the park, under a tree, dappled sunlight highlighting his hair and cheekbones and lips as he reads from his old, worn copy of Baudelaire’s poems. Most days, she gets tired of it after two or three poems, and she pushes the book aside as she climbs into his lap and loses herself in his touch again. Some days, she’s content just to listen to his voice. 
Sometimes she looks at him and marvels that he can love her so much and so completely. He’s not exactly the type she would have thought would be romantic and sweet, but he tells her he’d do anything for her, he whispers his love for her against her lips and across her body and between her legs, and she revels in it. She revels in the fact that she’s the one to bring the Baudelaire-quoting badass to his knees if she asks him, that she’s the one he’s chosen to adore. She’s special; out of all the women he’s met, he tells her, he hasn't loved any until her, and she loves that. She loves him. 
In hindsight, she realizes that wasn’t healthy. She realizes she shouldn’t have let him make her his entire world. It’s his fault for planning to murder two people in cold blood (she still counts Chandler as an accident, because she can’t quite bring herself to acknowledge that he knew, after what she’d said, that the drain cleaner would kill her) and planning to blow up a school, but it’s her fault too, for not walking away from him the first time he put her up on the pedestal she’d so enjoyed at first. 
It’s addictive, she thinks, to be worshiped. To be treated like a goddess, an angel, a queen. And she was barely seventeen. She didn’t know better. 
It doesn’t really help ease the guilt.
Veronica isn’t stupid. 
Her grades are near perfect. She aces her tests. She’s smart, her IQ is high, she’s the model student. 
She knew all along that there was no such thing as tranquilizer bullets. She knew, she knows, and she chose to ignore it. Chose to believe the man who said he worshiped her, who promised with what she now sees was a sickly sweet smile that he’d make her problems go away. That Kurt and Ram would never hurt her again. She chose to think it’s because they’d be too humiliated to mess with her. 
Sometimes she wonders in the dead of night, when she wakes from nightmares of red scrunchies and white briefs and black trenchcoats, if she’d really wanted to kill them. She must have, she reasons, because otherwise she would have said no, would have insisted on another way. 
She knows she can’t chalk it all up to the half truths and twisted lies JD managed to plant in her mind, can’t blame it all on him. She’s guilty too, she’s got the blood of four people on her hands, and she’ll never be clean of that. 
She knows she couldn’t have saved him. She knows he was the perfect storm, ready to implode. Knows the day his mother died, a part of him died too, a part of him he’d never be able to get back.
She knows losing that part of him had irreparably damaged him. That part of him could never be filled with anything else, no matter how much she’d loved him. Maybe at one point, that wasn’t true, but he was too far gone by the time she’d met him. 
Love doesn’t fix things, she knows. But on the days she can’t get out of bed, the days she just cries or stares at the wall, the days her mother casts her worried glances as she brings food Veronica doesn’t touch, she wishes with everything she has, everything she is, that it could. She wishes he was here, wishes she had known how to fix him, wishes she could go back and stop his mother from walking into that building. 
Sometimes, in her dreams, he’s there. They’re back in the park, his lips forming the words of a poem she can’t quite hear. She always interrupts, always tells him she loves him, always tells him how much she wishes she could have saved him, how much she wishes she could have been enough.
He frowns at her, a beautiful figment of her imagination, and tells her he loves her too, but what does she mean? He’s not gone. He’s right here. And she’s always enough. 
She always wakes from those dreams with tears on her face. 
She thinks about the scene in the boiler room a lot. It’s almost constantly on her mind the first few weeks after his death.
She remembers the way she’d looked into his eyes and realized the boy she’d loved, the boy who held her close after her nightmares had started, the boy who kissed her sweet and slow and read her French poems, was gone. He’d snapped, lost his mind, finally been driven to a final act of desperation in the war his life had become. It doesn’t make anything okay, doesn’t disarm the bomb or unpoison Heather Chandler or unshoot Kurt and Ram or unwrite the suicide notes, but Veronica pleads with him anyway. Even as he points his gun at her head, even as she has to focus on her breathing in order to keep herself calm and not break into sobs, she asks him to come with her, to disable the bomb, to just forget it all and choose her again. 
She feels her heart break all over again every time she remembers the fierce snarl on his face, the way he’d ignored her stretched out hand, the way he’d cocked the gun, his finger on the trigger. She feels her stomach twist as she remembers the way she’d stared down the barrel of the gun and thought she might die, right then and there, and then the school would go up in flames. 
She remembers all too vividly her hands on his, their bodies intertwined again in a very different dance, the way she’d desperately wished she could just get the gun from him and maybe then he’d see sense, maybe then he’d come back. She remembers the way her heart had stopped when she felt the gun kick and heard it fire, remembers the way it had kicked into overdrive as she’d pressed her hands to her own stomach, expecting to feel blood, remembers tasting copper and fear on her tongue as he gazed at her in shock for a long second before he fell. 
She tries not to remember the way he’d caressed her face on the football field, the way she’d flinched away from his touch as she felt his bloody hand leave a red print on her cheek, the way his eyes had been so, so sad as he’d stumbled backwards with the bomb (a Norwegian, she remembers it being called, on that sick, dark day she’d had no choice but to break up with the boy she’d thought would be the love of her life) clutched to his chest. 
She can’t help but remember the way her heart dropped and her stomach swooped sickeningly as he smiled at her for the last time. Her love, her JD, her sweet, too-broken boy, bloodied and bruised and broken on the outside now like he’d been on the inside for as long as she’d known him. He smiled at her, and she felt a sob wrench itself from her chest. 
By the time she’d realized she wanted to die with him, by the time she’d made up her mind that if he deserves to die then so does she, the countdown is too short for her to reach him before the bomb explodes. 
Life goes on, because it has to, but Veronica can’t. 
She graduates high school but she doesn’t choose a college. She can’t. She knows she wouldn’t be able to focus, knows she’d fail her classes. She gets a job, moves into her own tiny apartment, drags herself through day after repetitive day. 
After work, as she sits at her table and picks at the food she’d barely had the energy to make, she sees the ones she’d killed. Heather, still in her red floral silk robe, tongue blue and hair gathered in her red scrunchie, seems to realize that Veronica will break if she’s pushed too far, and mostly stays quiet. She just sits across the table, eyeing Veronica resentfully as Veronica tries her hardest to ignore her. 
Kurt and Ram aren’t quite so considerate, but they were far less close to Veronica when they were alive, so she finds it easier to ignore them. And though they antagonize her, even they know better than to needle her about JD, because if she ceases to exist, they might too, and she thinks they enjoy her pain too much to risk it. 
She doesn’t see JD at all. She doesn’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. She misses him desperately, but the other three bear the marks of how they died, and she doesn’t want to see JD’s form if it’s broken and battered, singed and smoky. She doesn’t know what a person looks like after they’ve exploded, doesn’t want to know. 
She tells herself things will get better. Hopes with everything she has that they will. Doesn’t quite believe her own words.
Some days the only thing that keeps her going is the knowledge that wherever he is, if he’s anywhere, JD wouldn’t want her to die. She remembers the brokenness of his voice as he fell to his knees in front of what he thought was her dead body, remembers the tears in his voice even if she didn’t see the tears in his eyes, the way she knew he’d thought she left him just like everyone else. She thinks she has to make up for that somehow. She doesn’t owe him anything, she knows, but she wants to do everything she can to clean the slate, to make up for the hurt she’s caused.
She can’t not go on. She has to at least try and do some good in the world. She just can’t, not yet, not until she’s sure she won’t crumble to pieces at any given moment.
She starts with a plan. She’s not going to go to an Ivy League school anymore. She was a completely different person when she made those plans. She finds a community college, in Columbus, one she can do mostly online classes for in the beginning, and slowly starts with taking a few credits at a time. It wears her out some days, but she pushes herself through.
And as she does, she feels her broken parts, her jagged edges, her shattered heart start to mend. It isn’t much. She still wakes up screaming in the middle of the night, still has days she can’t get out of bed, still has to pause sometimes to take deep breaths at work so she doesn’t cry. But those things get less frequent as she finds other things to focus on.
Heather and Kurt and Ram have faded away, disappearing slowly as she learned how to move on and cope with the things she’s done and the losses she’s suffered. Even on the days she’s alone and broken and wishing for company, she doesn’t miss them at all.
She doesn’t declare a major for a long time. It takes her years to admit to herself what she’s known she wants to do from the second she realized how bad JD’s home life was, since she’d seen what it had done to him. But the day she turns in her papers declaring her intent to become a social worker and a counselor, she feels a huge weight lift off her chest.
That night, she has a dream she hasn’t had in a long time. Her head is on JD’s lap again, his fingers idly stroking through her hair as he recites a poem from memory. She can’t quite hear him, but she knows the poem is one of love and adoration, just like they used to be. 
She starts to sit up, starts to apologize, starts to tell him she loves him just like she always does, but this dream breaks from the way her dreams usually go. He smiles down at her, fingers still tangled in her hair, and her breath catches in her chest as she sees the boy she’d loved in his eyes, the boy she could have happily spent a lifetime with, the boy whose love for her wouldn’t be obsessive or all-consuming or unhealthy.
He leans down and kisses her forehead, murmuring words of thanks and love and apology. She feels tears welling up, reaches up to caress his cheek, taking a shuddering breath at how warm and solid and real his skin feels under her fingers. 
“Veronica,” he says quietly, pressing a gentle kiss to her hairline, “thank you.”
“Thank you for what?” she replies, sitting up straight to look him in the eyes. “I killed you.”
He smiles softly at her, shaking his head. 
“You didn’t,” he says. “That was all me. I pushed you and pushed you until you didn’t have a choice. And I’m sorry for that. But you...you tried to save me. Even after everything I’d done. Even though I hurt you, over and over, you didn’t hate me.”
“I could never,” she chokes out, feeling her heart break all over again. “I love you so much.”
“I know,” he replies, cupping her cheek. She closes her eyes and nestles into his palm. It feels so real, and if it’s a dream, she doesn’t want to wake up. “I know, Veronica. And I love you too. And I know what you’re doing, what you’re becoming, and it means so much to me.”
She loses the battle, feels tears begin to fall, and he gives her the saddest smile she’s ever seen him wear.
“JD, I can’t-”
“Shh,” he interrupts. “You can. You have, and you are, and you will. I’m gone. I know you know that. I can’t undo that. Neither can you. So the only way to go is forward. You’re doing that, you know. Every day. But Ronnie...you have to let me go.”
“No,” she whimpers, tries to reach out to hold him, but he grabs her wrists and holds her hands together in front of her.
“Yes,” he says calmly. “Veronica, I loved you as much as I could. But we both know it wouldn’t have worked, in the end. You couldn’t have fixed me. You couldn’t have saved me, no matter how hard you tried. It’s time to stop beating yourself up about it. I don’t know if you even realize it, but you’re dragging me around, keeping the memory of me too close, and you have to let go.”
She breaks down, harsh sobs filling the peaceful air, and he reaches out to pull her close. She buries her face in his chest and cries, mourning all the things she’d refused to acknowledge for years. The nights together they’ll never have, the rings they’ll never wear, the children who will never run around and play in the yard and make a mess of the house. 
After a while, when her tears have subsided and her breath has calmed, as she listens to the steady pounding of his heart, he nestles his chin on the top of her head and sighs.
“I know you don’t want to,” he says softly. “I know it hurts. I don’t want you to either. But we both know it’s what you need to do. Veronica, if there’s an afterlife past this, I promise I’ll be right here to go there with you.”
She nods, cheek still pressed against his chest for a moment before he moves a gentle hand under her chin and pulls her up to look him in the eyes again.
“I love you,” he whispers. “I love you so much. Live a good life, Veronica Sawyer. I know you will. You’ll make a difference in this world, and even if it’s only for individual people, it will mean so much. And when it’s all over, just imagine me, and I’ll be there.”
“I love you too,” she says, pressing her forehead to his. “I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll miss you so much.”
He leans forward and presses his lips gently to hers. She kisses him back, soft and slow, with tears in her eyes again.
She wakes with tears on her cheeks, alone in her bed, and lets herself cry. She knows that with the morning sun, she’ll take a deep breath and let him go, like taking off a heavy coat she’s been wearing for far too long.
But just for tonight, she’ll finish letting herself mourn.
The years pass quickly. Veronica Sawyer graduates at the top of her class, gets her masters in social work, and immediately begins working in Texas. She knows the reason she chose that state, she acknowledges it, and then she lets it go and moves on with the work she’s chosen.
She sees things she wishes she hadn’t. Terrible things, terrible people, terrified children. And she fights her hardest to save every single one she can. If she can save even one child from ending up like JD, she thinks, she’ll consider it a success.
She becomes the most beloved social worker in most of the state. She’s called in for the most desperate cases, the children who are broken and exhausted and won’t talk to or work with anyone else. She knows she might not be able to save them. She knows she won’t ever be able to completely heal someone, that feeling pain and loss and terror leaves a scar. She’s got scars too, and she didn’t go through anything even close to what these children have. 
She might not ever understand. She knows that. She sees JD in their eyes; broken, bruised, battered. She knows that they need help, they need love, they need things she can’t give them. But she tries her best to help them see that life isn’t a battle, that they don’t have to live in a war zone. She goes to court and fights tooth and nail, she goes to the homes of prospective foster parents and makes sure everything is how it’s supposed to be, and she makes sure the children she helps know that she’s there for them no matter what.
She eventually does get married, but she never gives birth to children of her own. She adopts two, not children she works with but the most troubled cases from other places, ones that everyone says they can’t handle. She does her best to parent them from a place of love, even when it’s hard. She thinks they turn out all right; one of her children becomes a lawyer, one becomes an artist, and she thinks she couldn’t love either of them more. She becomes a grandmother a little late in life, but she finds she doesn’t mind. 
Her spouse passes first, in a tragic car accident. She’s crushed, and spends weeks trying not to fall into the same depression she did after high school. This time, though, she has children and grandchildren to help, and help they do. 
Eventually, she gets sick. Pneumonia, the doctors say as she lays in a hospital bed for days at a time. There are days she can barely breathe on her own. Complication after complication keeps throwing wrenches into her healing process.
On her worst days, she sees a shadow at the edge of her vision. She knows who it is, and she knows it’s not time yet. 
She thinks it’s terribly ironic that he’ll end up being her angel of death. 
The day comes, weeks later, when she knows she can’t fight it anymore. They send her home on hospice, and she feels nothing but relief. 
Her children and grandchildren gather around. She tells them all how very much she loves them, and how much good they’re doing in the world. How much good they still have yet to do. She holds their hands and whispers words of love and praise and goodbye.
In the early morning hours, she feels her heart falter, and she knows it’s time. She closes her eyes and imagines JD in front of her, as perfect and young as the day they met. He appears slowly, sunlight in his hair, and she stands carefully, smiling at him. 
“Hello, Veronica,” he says with a smile. She takes a step towards him, and behind her, her bed fades away, replaced with the perfect green field she used to see in her dreams. 
She doesn’t say anything, just launches herself into his arms, tears in her eyes as he catches her and cradles her close. 
“Oh, I missed you, my love,” she whispers, and he presses a kiss to the top of her head. 
“I missed you too,” he says. “Oh, Veronica, you are...amazing. I’m so proud of you. Everything you did, everything you were.”
She pulls back to kiss him, sees her hand on his face, and stops in wonder. It’s smooth, free of the wrinkles and lines she’d gathered throughout her lifetime. She moves one hand to touch her face, finding the same thing. She’s young again, she realizes, and lets out a happy laugh.
“I’m staying this time,” she breathes, and he beams at her. She doesn’t let him answer before she’s grabbing his face and kissing him hard, pouring all the love and longing from the years into the kiss. He pulls her close as he returns her kiss with the same fervor.
When she pulls away, he chuckles and takes her hand.
“You’re staying,” he echoes, twining his fingers with hers. “C’mon, should we figure out what’s on the other side of this field?”
She laughs, moving her hand to loop her arm through his and resting her head against his arm as they begin to walk.
“With you,” she says, “I’d go anywhere.”
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daily-heathers · 5 years
Hey, it's the anon who sent the musical thing! First of all, with the McNamara thing: THANK YOU. Mac did shitty things too. People need to stop making her seem perfect. Also, the worst thing about the musical with Heather Chandler is they took out the scene where she spits at herself, they took out the scene where Veronica sees Heather's locker (and the pictures), and for some reason they made Chandler be horrid to Veronicas mum, when in the movie, she was pleasant and polite? It's so annoying.
sorry i only answered this now! it got lost in our inbox adjdldbsldjk
and yes??? the point of those scenes was to give her some humanity, but since they were removed, the musical just makes her out to be this annoying queen bee bitch for the sake of being an annoying queen bee bitch, instead of it being the result of a corrupt system of power within Westerburg. the line "everyone wants me as a friend or a fuck" means so fucking much to her character, and the irony of it all is that no one actually knows her herself (i know the whole message of the song is fabricated by JD and Veronica but think of Me Inside of Me).
- Violet
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Aiding in Heather Chandler’s rain over Westerburg High, Heather Duke was the third-in-line queen bee of the 1988 film, Heathers. She was rather meek for a kid of her standing, this is due to the relentless bullying she suffered from her superior, H. Chandler. She was initially blackmailed by J.D. into taking the throne after Chandler’s death, but soon grew into the role of a callus and cruel leader on her own. Also DukeSaw is the only valid ship but you didn’t hear that from me.
This is Heather Duke.
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truthliea · 4 years
@shotblanks enabled me, so let’s talk about my girl heather duke for a minute and how badly the musical fucked her over because holy fuck, they really screwed it all up.  
under the cut because this got long.  oops.
from her very first appearance the og screenplay makes it a point that duke is different from the other two heathers.  she’s noted as being a “similarly trendily accessorized, but noticeably more inhibited waif” versus the “amusingly robust, conventionally beautiful, trendily coiffed” mcnamara and “sexy, dangerous, and mysterious” chandler.  she’s quieter than them and initially doesn’t seem to matter as much, in the grand scheme of things.  she doesn’t make the same kind of impact on westerburg that chandler & mcnamara do.  which makes her an easy target for her own friends’ cruelty and she doesn’t dare speak in her own defense because she’s insecure and ashamed of herself.  but we see early hints that there’s more to heather duke than being heather #3, the afterthought.  she admires holden caulfield because he doesn’t put up with other people’s shit and gives a bizarrely defiant smile while talking about it.  she, like veronica, is amused by j.d. shooting blanks at kurt & ram rather sharing chandler’s belief he should be thrown in jail.  she doesn’t back down during the game of croquet, shocking chandler into silence.
and then, as soon as chandler is dead -- gone is the duke who let people walk all over her.  she’s no longer held back by chandler’s influence and, for the first time in years, is making decisions for herself.  she feels emboldened enough to make wry observations of j.d. & veronica’s relationship, talk to numerous reporters, and even sit in the lap of a boy she presumably doesn’t know well just for the photo opportunity.  it’s a wild 180 in behavior, but she still doesn’t make the leap into fully taking over for chandler until j.d. gives her the confidence to.  “i want your strength,” he says, and for the first time heather duke thinks she could be a LEADER.  not just that, but better than chandler ever was.   and arguably she is because duke has something chandler lacked: the unique ability to appeal to the students of westerburg high by putting herself in their shoes & speaking to them at their level rather than scare them into obeying her.  where other kids at school feared chandler, they like duke.  but it’s like veronica says -- “people love you but i know you.”  this bitchy queen bee figure, at the end of the day, isn’t who heather duke is.  she’s pretending to be someone else, mimicking heather chandler of all fucking people, and become one of the phonies she so desperately didn’t want to be.
and then what does the musical portray her as?  a one-note chandler wannabe defined by anger and jealousy.
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heathersgameoftag · 5 years
Chandler's feelings on falling for someone she only really invited in because she was useful and only wanted in for protection
Part of the reason she was in denial about feelings for Veronica, beyond internalised homophobia, is kind of due to that fact. Usually she’s the one in control. She’s the one Veronica ran to. She’s the one who is supposed to be protecting her pathetic ass, goddammit!
It wasn’t from her point of view, but I do touch on this in Rosebush, as it’s something Veronica thought about a lot too;
“You okay?” Veronica asked, tilted her head forward to try and catch her gaze.
Heather didn’t respond at first, almost as if she didn’t hear her. Then her voice came out as a murmur.
“It just hit me.”
Veronica stared at her, confused.
“What did?”
Heather dropped her gaze to her lap.
Veronica blinked. “What about us?”
“That’s a stupid fucking question.” She whipped her gaze to meet her, her eyes growing dark. “Just… everything. Everything that happened last night.” The corners of her eyes curled up as her eyes drifted to her hands, which finally slipped off of the wheel. “I don’t know. It just hit me all of a sudden.”
Veronica couldn’t do anything but stare at her. When she couldn’t catch her eye, her gaze fell to her body, and slowly made its way down to her legs, and it was then when she dragged her gaze away, back outside.
And it was when she saw McNamara’s house out the foggy window did reality grab her by the collar and slap her in the face.
It was almost as if for the past twelve hours or so, she and Heather had been in a bubble. A much needed bubble, one floating above all the shit they had to wade through every day. Yesterday Heather had needed to escape it, just for a while.
Her room had been that bubble. The shiny, soapy surface that formed the weakest shield you could imagine against reality. Every bubble has to pop, and it was as if seeing McNamara’s house, being reminded that McNamara and Duke were still around and very, very real, had done just that.
Suddenly a pit began to weigh in Veronica’s chest. It was one thing to cover up a drunken make out session. It was another thing entirely to cover up a very sober and real night of sex with the Demon Queen of Westerburg.
And by how dazed Heather looked while staring at her hands, it seemed she was having very similar thoughts to her in that moment.
“You’re not worried that I’m going to tell anyone, are you?” Veronica eventually said, breaking the heavy silence between them. “Because I would never-”
“Of course I’m not!” Heather snapped, locking eyes with her again. Veronica flinched when she saw the return of a dangerous flame in her irises - one that she had been freed from for a night and a morning. “It’s just fucking bizarre. You and me. You and me.” Creases formed in her nose as she ran her hand down her neck, which while clean, Veronica knew what was underneath the concealer she had caked on.
Veronica just twiddled with her thumbs as Heather’s lips stayed parted awkwardly, waiting for more words to come out and yet never finding them.
She almost didn’t need to say anything more, however, since Veronica could take an educated guess and say that it was much more for Heather to take in than it was for her. Of course it would be. Heather Chandler may sleep around, but she had limits.
And she and Veronica both knew that said limit should have been her. Never mind the fact that Veronica was a female. Veronica was beneath Heather, even after being accepted into the clique. She had been hand-crafted by Heather to be able to be in that clique in the first place. Showing any sort of intimacy with her would mean for Heather to stoop to whatever level she was on in order to reach her. And whatever level that was, it was too low for Heather, and yet she did it anyway.
Not only did Heather fall for someone who wasn’t a guy, she fell for someone who was lower than her. It honestly made her feel small and pathetic. She’s supposed to be better than that. She’s supposed to have standards - that’s how this Queen Bee thing was supposed to work, after all.
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forgenotes-archived · 4 years
aight the concept i just created of like . Your First Friend In Westerburg giving you a whole spiel like -
“if you have flemmings’ class , get ready to bullshit your way through all that hippie all you need is love shit . and coach keatings is a hardass - unless you’re on football , he’s not gonna cut you ANY slack . oh , and the queen bees here are the heathers - yeah , four of em . heather chandler , heather duke , heather mcnamara , and - well , the last one’s not named heather , she’s veronica . don’t fuck with any of them , or they’ll ruin you . but veronica - she’s the one in the blue ? remember her . she can forge anyone’s handwriting only seein’ it once , plus she’s got all the teachers’ down ppat . if you need a hall pass or a get out of class free card , she can do it for a price .”
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queencopy-blog · 7 years
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greenscrunchi · 4 years
⌞ʾ⁎ ⊰ china anne mcclain, cisfemale, she/her ⊱ i think i just saw HEATHER DUKE walk across trafalgar square, singing to I WANT IT ALL ( HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ). you know, the TWENTY ONE year old PERSONAL SHOPPER? people claim that they are just like HEATHER DUKE from HEATHERS. it must be because they are AMBITIOUS and ENVIOUS as well… though i could be wrong. all i know for sure is that they live at EMERALD apartment.⌝
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logan here with a third chara, my ambitious book loving girl heather
heather duke was destined for greatness, at least that’s what her parents always told her. she was able to have whatever she wanted, though early in her childhood she preferred finding friends in books, and her actual friend martha, but soon enough, heather got new friends, two girls also named heather, and martha was a forgotten memory.
with the heathers, she had status and power, they were as close as can be and ruled the school, westerburg was their oyster. though as high school went on, heather was craving the ultimate queen bee status that heather lee had, she felt like she deserved it for all the hard work she put in day in and day out. but she tried to stay content.
until one of her best friends had an accident and was in a coma, she was worried and upset, she really was, heather lee was still her best friend even if she was jealous of the extra attention she got. 
but, the school needed a new queen bee in her absence, and heather duke was quick to take up that role. then ram and kurt committed suicide and neta was in the hospital for weeks and it started feeling like she was the only one who still had her head on her shoulders.
school ended, and heather stayed in westerburg for a while, longer than she wanted to but leaving that high school safety net had been a little rough on her. luck came a few months ago when she found her way to london with an offer to be a personal shopper at a high end store, a job she has actually been enjoying, though she’s trying to move up a little and hopefully run the store eventually.
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percyaux · 6 years
Riverdale X Heathers Episode should have been CAOS instead. Hear Me Out.
Now I don't know about y'all, but im okay with Riverdale.
Not the best show, it has problems like all shows. However, my biggest problem was with the Heathers musical.
Why did I have a problem?
First of all Heathers is a dark, satirical play that deals with high school and its dramas. The high tiers of popularity and how a persons suicide could be looked at depending on their popularity.
Why wasnt it for Riverdale?
First of all, it felt like just picked randomly. Maybe it has to do with the popularity of Heathers in the past years due to the amazing Musical and its catchy songs.
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I mean Candy Store is a bop and amazing to dance to.
But Heathers doesn't feel like a Riverdale Musical Episode.
Problems with Casting?
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The casting of Cheryl Blossom as Heather Chandler made sense.
Heather C. Is the queen bee of Westerburg High as well as, in Veronica Sawyers wording, "A mythic bitch"
But Veronica and Betty as Heather McNamara and Duke, didnt seem to fit.
!!!Trigger Warning here!!!!
Heather N. Is a complex character, she goes through extreme things in Heathers from Date R**e, to bulimia, to suicidal thoughts hence why the song LifeBoat came to be.
Yes, Veronica Lodge has her set of demons but they're not as extreme as Betty's own.
What I mean is that Betty is against a cult who has basically brainwashed her family. If anyone would have suicidal thoughts or actions it would be Betty.
Heather D. After learning of Heather C.'s death decided to be the new Queen Bee. She even wears Heather C.'s scrunchie like it belongs to her and also begins to bully Heather N. causing the aforementioned LifeBoat.
I understand that Camila Mendez and Lili Reinheart are part of the main actors but to just do Cheryls bidding felt off (To me that is). Maybe it they switched them with Veronica as Heather D. And Betty as Heather N. I would he less critical.
Josie as Veronica Sawyer felt meh. I understand why they chose Josie. Shes an amazing singer and her ranges do coordinate with Veronicas, but it felt odd.
I think thats all the problems I have with casting now on to songs.
Problems with singing?
The singing was good but I had a problem with the changing of lyrics. Im not the only one some people I know had the same problem. Some songs didn't feel like they made sense at times.
Seventeen made sense for Betty and Jughead though since it spoke of living life without the worry of shit happening since shit will always happen.
But something about Seventeen did bother me a lot and this is just me.
Cole Sprouse's voice was a bit... Too deep for my liking.
I don't know but when I hear Seventeen I see JDs voice as both deep and high pitched and it spoke about his character. JD is unpredictable you dont know when he's gonna snap or not.
I dont know I guess I didn't like it that much...
The episode was meh. It was fine but not the best.
Why would Heathers be better in CAOS?
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Well CAOS is a dark show by itself that deals with religion, sexuality, morality and bullying.
As of the making of this there is one season with the next coming in a month.
Heathers would be better in CAOS because some of the characters in CAOS could be counterparts of Heathers characters.
Sabrina Spellman is basically Veronica Sawyer by the end of S1. She ditches her mortal friends to be with the Wierd Sisters who are the equivalent of the Heathers.
She hooks up with a bad boy, Nick Scratch, and turns into something she isn't.
Her mortal friends (Roz, Susie and Harvey) are the Martha Dunnstock to her Veronica Sawyer.
Roz is the understanding part of Martha who sees why Veronica does things but at the same time is against it.
Susie is the bullied side of Martha.
In Heathers, Martha is bullied by the jocks and the Heathers to the point of her trying to commit suicide but no one cares because she isnt popular and is only seen as an attention whore.
No, I'm not saying that Susie will go to drastic measures as Martha.
Harvey is the side of Martha that still wants Veronica as a friend but backs away from her.
During the Musical, Veronica fakes a letter of Rams to Martha under Heather C.'s order to humiliate Martha. It works and Martha hates Veronica for that.
Sabrina seems to want to help Harvey but ends up hurting him instead causing him to back away from her and magic in general.
The role of the Heathers would go the the Sisters. After all there is 3 of them.
Prudence would be Heather C. due to the fact that Prudence is both a queen and a bitch when she can be.
Agatha would be Heather D. mostly because she seems to be an instigator of things. The incident in the mines is one. Also she would go against Prudence the same way Heather D. stole the scrunchie.
Dorcas would be Heather N. because of her sense of naivete. Dorcas is easily swayed by Agatha to cause the mining incident and is fast enough to blame Agatha when the consequences come back to bite her in the butt.
Now JD would be Nick. Why? Because he seems to be the change in Sabrina as was JD to Veronica. Hes not all of it but he's a factor to it.
Now it can't be Sabrina without Ambrose, Hilda and Zelda. So they will most likely be a Miss Fleming character. Seeing the chaos and not knowing what to fully do.
Madam Satan could also be a JD persona since she made Sabrina sign the Book Of The Beast.
I think like a musical at Baxter High where Roz is picked as Veronica, Susie as Martha and Harvey as JD. Sabrina cant be in it because well... The Academy is demanding.
So instead Sabrina watches from the back ground.
The episode would deal with with the cast singing on stage and off about what they think and feel while having a supernatural theme around it.
Also Madam Satan thought of it.
I think thats all. This is just my opinions! Dont take them to heart!
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cherryycocaine · 6 years
Red and blue makes purple
Heather Chandler, Mythic Bitch, was laying in her bed with Veronica Motherfucking Sawyer in her arms. After the Remington party, the brunette had broke into Chandler's house and things had gotten a little....heated. Now, with an alarm blaring in her ears and the feeling of being skin to skin with the newest Heather, panic set in. What time was it? What day was it? Carefully disentangling herself from Veronica, she turned and grabbed her phone off of her bedside table and shut off her alarm. Powering on her phone (which was somehow fully charged) she spotted the date and time. Monday, September 22nd, 1989. 6:30 AM. Fuck. They were going to be late! "Veronica. Wake up." Heather whispered urgently, shaking the older girl awake. "Mmm?" Veronica replied sleepily, rolling over. "Wait, Heather?" Veronica said, finally realizing where she was. "We're going to be late for school. Feel lucky that I have extra clothes for you because of situations like this." Heather snapped, making her way into the bathroom. "Do you always sleep with your fellow Heathers?" Veronica called after her, a smirk making its way onto her face. "Fuck off." Heather growled and shut the door.
Heather pulled a dangerously sharp corner into the parking lot of Westerburg High School. "Slow down, Heather. You're going to get us killed." Veronica sighed in frustration. "Don't tell me what to do, Sawyer. You're the one who broke into my house last night." Chandler replied, equally as bitter. "You didn't have to sleep with me, Heather. Don't get mad because you couldn't resist it." Veronica rolled her eyes, opening the door of Chandler's red Porsche and stepping out into the sunlight. "I'm not a fucking dyke." Heather muttered under her breath, knowing it was a lie.
Duke. Fucking Duke. That bitch was out to get her from Day 1 and she finally had the ammunition to do it. How she knew that Chandler and Sawyer had slept together? Heather had no clue but she did and now the whole school did too. Speaking of Veronica, where was she? The demon queen was walking down the hallway when she heard crying coming from the girls bathroom. Crying that sounded awfully familiar. She slammed the door open to find a bathroom void of all but her latest screw. "Veronica?" Heather was trying to not sound like a mega bitch. She watched the girl turn before she walked quickly over to Chandler and threw her arms around the blonde, crying into her shoulder. Heather froze. What do I do? Veronica Sawyer is crying into my shoulder right now about god knows what. "What's wrong, Vero?" Heather said softly, wrapping her arms protectively around the girl. "K-kurt and Ram were making fun of me." She sobbed. They would pay. "Why?" Heather asked, though she was certain that she already knew the reason. "Because I like you." Veronica mumbled under her breath. "What?" Heather questioned. "I like you, ok?" Veronica snapped, pulling away. "Quelle surprise." Heather answered calmly, raising a brow. "I like you too, Veronica." "Really?" Veronica replied hopefully. A nod from the queen bee was all the girl needed to connect her lips with Heather. Red and blue mixing to create a lovely shade of purple. Heather's new favorite color.
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