#queer bob newby
One of the products on the shelf when Bob and Joyce were kissing in the store is literally cake "open closet"... it never ends
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aemiron-main · 1 year
when are we as a society going to be ready 2 talk about that there was smthn fruity about bob newby. he literally died because he came out of the closet and was fixated on being normal and being a normal family and literally says that he was bullied like will and that will reminds him of himself (bc yes will doesnt fight back against the bullies and neither did bob but also. will was being bullied for being gay) and the fact that jonathan doesnt understand why bob and joyce are together. jonathan, who knows a queer person when he sees one. jonathan, who knew will was gay as of s4. 
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spacecasehobbit · 7 months
So many fics where Eddie finds Billy alive in the Upside Down post S4.
Meanwhile, I keep thinking that maybe I should eventually return to my fic where Billy gets a surprise rescue from Barb, the first person to survive in the Upside Down after being left for dead, and who teamed up with a still living Bob Newby after S2.
Then Billy gets a loving and supportive parental figure in Bob, Barb and Billy both get a queer sibling who they start off hating and end up protective as hell over, and Bob doesn't have to rethink the nerdy 'team name' he came up with after Barb saved him and they started working together to survive the Upside Down.
They get to help each other process their various sources of trauma, experience lots of found-family shenanigans, and argue over whether it's Steve or Nancy who has bad taste for their interest in the other one (though Barb does have to concede the point a little bit upon learning that Nancy eventually dumped Steve for Jonathan) while Bob indulgently attempts and fails to mediate.
And with the addition of Billy, maybe The B Team can finally find their way out of the Upside Down.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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Jonathan Byers from Stranger Things is an autistic biromantic asexual demiboy with depression, anxiety, selective mutism, and a special interest in photography who's still figuring out his identity and pronouns, but likes he/him and they/them pronouns!
He's in love with Nancy Wheeler, a bisexual girl with anxiety who uses she/her pronouns and doesn't mind friends using they/them!
Nancy is also dating Robin Buckley, an autistic lesbian age dreamer with ADHD and anxiety who uses she/her and he/him pronouns!
Robin has a crush on Vickie, an autistic transfeminine sapphic with ADHD who uses she/her, he/him, and they/them pronouns!
Steve Harrington is a bisexual man with PTSD, OCD, and anxiety who age regresses due to trauma, is questioning his gender and might be transfeminine, and uses he/him pronouns and is experimenting with she/her and they/them, and Robin is his best friend and sister figure!
Eddie Munson is an autistic gay guy with ADHD and special interests in Dungeons and Dragons and metal music who uses he/him and they/them pronouns, but doesn't mind most pronouns aside from she/her, and they're dating Steve and are his caregiver!
Jonathan is in a QPR with Argyle, an unlabeled agender gender apathetic dude who uses any pronouns and doesn't mind masculine terms!
Eddie's friend Chrissy Cunningham is an autistic demigirl lesbian age regressor with anxiety!
Jim Hopper has PTSD and depression, is questioning whether he's asexual/acespec, and uses they/them and he/him pronouns!
He's dating Joyce Byers, a bisexual woman with anxiety and PTSD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns! The two are parental figures to Jonathan, El, and Will!
They're both close to Murray Bauman, a neurodivergent unlabeled queer man who doesn't care what pronouns people use for xem!
Dr. Alexei is an autistic bisexual man who uses they/them and he/him pronouns!
Eleven/Jane Hopper is an autistic nonbinary lesbian age regressor with PTSD who uses they/them and she/her pronouns!
She has a requited crush on Max Mayfield, an autistic bisexual bigender person with ADHD who uses he/him and she/her pronouns!
Max is also dating Lucas Sinclair, who is questioning his sexuality, has ADHD, and uses he/him pronouns!
His little sister Erica Sinclair is an autistic gendercute kid with ADHD who uses she/her pronouns!
Lucas's best friend Dustin Henderson is an autistic transmasculine kid with ADHD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns and sees Steve as an older brother figure!
He's also close with Nancy's little brother Mike Wheeler, an autistic closeted bisexual trnas boy who uses he/him pronouns, but doesn't mind they/them, and has an unrequited crush on Eleven!
Mike also has feelings for Will Byers, an autistic gay trans boy with anxiety, PTSD, and special interests in art and Dungeons and Dragons who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Joyce is also dating Bob Newby, an autistic bisexual trans man with ADHD who uses he/him and they/them pronouns!
Nancy is also dating Barbara Holland, an autistic lesbian with anxiety and ADHD who uses she/her and they/them pronouns!
They all see each other as found family!
dni link
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unclewaynemunson · 2 years
Oooh it's so sweet that i'm getting more of those thank you! Gonna do the scary thing and post a lil Wayne snippet that's very dear to me. Sorry it's way longer than 1 sentence! (Yes Wayne is queer in this fic, yes this is about Scott Clarke, and yes he has some ~history~ with Bob Newby. Sue me)
Wayne shot a glance towards the tall man who was sitting on a barstool happily chatting with the barkeeper over a rainbow cocktail. He got a soft look on his face as he reminisced. 'We couldn't have been more different, the two of us,' he told Eddie. 'I came there right from the gutter, just like you. I was angry; at myself, at the world, even at Bob, as if that poor bloke could help it. And Scott was... He was bright as the sun, always smiling, always polite, the biggest optimist I ever met. He's insanely smart, ya know – he didn't worry much 'bout anything, just minded his own business and spent every free moment on those science projects of his. It intrigued me; Bob could also be like that sometimes, losing himself in thoughts and technological stuff I didn't understand nothing of. I guess I have a type.’ He quietly chuckled to himself. ‘Anyway, I asked him 'bout it once and he just – he wouldn't shut up. He went on and on for hours, I didn't understand even half of what he was sayin', but he was so excited and happy 'bout it – I fell in love right on the spot. Haven't let him go since.'
(for every “🌹” received in my inbox i’ll post one random sentence of a random WIP i’m currently writing)
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marypsue · 1 year
for the WIP ask meme, trust that i'm exercising great control in picking only three. i would be so honoured to hear about: 1) circus luna draft 2 2) groundhog day but it's halloween and every time bob newby dies it get faster 3) relativity falls but it’s stranger things. :-) <3
Hello friend! It took me entirely too long to answer this because in between you sending it and me answering it, holiday happened. Whoops. 
1) circus luna draft 2
This is an original fiction project that’s near and dear to my heart, that’s been trapped in the writer equivalent of development hell for over a decade now. It’s almost entirely unrecognisable now from what it started out as, save for the very basics: it’s a Kids On Bikes story where the primary antagonist is an evil, supernatural circus. 
The current elevator pitch for Circus Luna is ‘Stephen King’s IT meets Karyn Kusama and Diablo Cody’s Jennifer’s Body’. The main cast of characters, over the years, has morphed into a group of five friends, who face the circus once as teenagers and then have to face it again as adults, when they’ve all come to doubt what it was they experienced when they were young. I’ve talked a little more about the premise and the characters here and here. There’s also an inspiration tag on my blog, here.
I won’t share a sample, because I’m hoping to publish this professionally someday in the (far distant) future and apparently that can become a Problem if parts that end up in the final draft have already been posted somewhere. But I can promise that it includes: 
growing up queer in a small rural town in the early aughts!
the seductive appeal and selective memory of nostalgia!
emo hair!
the power of cultural narratives to impact our personal lives!
star-crossed, tragic romance!
Halloween vibes!
the painful, difficult, but ultimately rewarding experience of growing up, and how to mourn the things that are naturally and inevitably lost along the way! 
Goffs Vs. Prepz!
the corrosive nature of fear!
having crushes on all your friends!
and, perhaps most importantly: 
the Power of Friendship (and My Chemical Romance)!
2) groundhog day but it's halloween and every time bob newby dies it get faster
This is Exactly What It Says On The Tin! It’s a oneshot in three chapters set during season 2 of Stranger Things, wherein Bob Newby gets trapped in a time loop and somehow has to solve the overarching mystery of s2 using only the information everybody has up to the point where he dies, if he wants to save the people he loves and also himself. And also, he and Joyce and Hopper are all going to get to kiss. 
I don’t know how much of an audience there is out there for Bob Newby-POV adult-monster-hunting-trio fic out there, but hey, I’ve written weirder shit. 
Because I can, here’s a sample:
Jim throws the breaker and then hovers while Bob taps through the series of commands and prompts to unlock each of the doors in turn, pacing and scanning the hulking shapes of the boiler and whatever other equipment is stored down here, with the machine gun held at the ready and a scowl on his face. Finally, Bob has to abandon his task to say something. “Would you please pick a spot and stand there? You’re making me nervous.”
“You’re not already nervous?” Jim cracks, with something Bob thinks is trying to become a smile. But he does stop pacing. “Jesus. Forgot. This must all be old hat for you by now.”
“Yeah. But you never really get used to it,” Bob says, turning back to the glowing black screen. Beside him, Jim gives a little huff that might almost be a laugh.
“Got that right.”
They’re both quiet, for a few minutes after that, the only sound in the room the rattle of Bob’s fingers over the keys.
“That’s the exit doors back online,” he says, coming to the end of the string of commands. “Joyce and the kids should start heading out.”
Jim nods. But he doesn’t immediately pass the information along. “You really don’t think we’re gonna get out of here alive. Do you.”
Bob looks at the computer screen to avoid having to look at Jim’s face. “Well, hope springs eternal.” He lets out a long breath, and decides he can afford to offer Jim a little of that hope. “I’ve never had you here with me before. And I’m sure you’re a much better shot than I am.”
Jim’s quiet, for a long moment. When he does speak, it’s into the walkie-talkie. “Newby says to start moving out. Exit doors are online.”
Bob takes that as his cue, and for a few minutes more, the only thing he thinks about is the screen and the keyboard in front of him, turning on sprinklers and setting off alarms to draw the monsters away from Joyce and the kids, based on the directions the doc relays via walkie-talkie. It’s like some kind of video game, trying to control the movement of a bunch of distant characters through a maze full of enemies without getting them killed. Just with impossibly real stakes.
Bob can’t keep the thought from forming in his head, though. “Why are you here? We both want to get Joyce and the kids out of here safe, I’m sure they could use your marksmanship more than I can.”
Jim shrugs, shoulders tight, the smallest possible gesture. “Told you. I know Nancy Wheeler can handle herself. And if you got eaten on the way down here, we’d all be fucked.”
They’re pretty well fucked anyway. And Bob doesn’t get much time alone with Jim like this, not late enough in a loop that he’s earned a little trust. Maybe it’s that. Maybe it’s knowing that, if and when they do loop, Jim won’t remember anything about this conversation. Or maybe it’s just a combination of masochism and morbid curiosity that makes Bob say it. “You’re in love with Joyce, aren’t you.”
Jim whirls to face him, wide-eyed, startled, like he’s just been goosed. He doesn’t say anything, at first, just stares.
When he finally does speak, it sounds strangled. “I’m not enough of a prick to let you get killed just so I’d have a shot at your girl, if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Obviously you’re not, or you wouldn’t be here,” Bob points out. “I’m just – trying to figure it out. What I got myself into. What’s going on between you two.”
Jim cracks a humourless grin, at that. “Some puzzles I guess even the Brain can’t solve.”
He turns his back to Bob again, watching the door. Bob thinks the conversation’s over until Jim says, quietly, “You’re good for her. She deserves something, somebody like you in her life. Stable. Sane. Normal.”
“Not so much of any of those anymore, apparently,” Bob half-jokes, half to himself.
Jim goes on like he hasn’t heard. Maybe he hasn’t. “Joyce hasn’t had a lot of good things come her way. I don’t wanna fuck this one up for her.”
“She might want you to,” Bob offers.
Jim looks a little stunned. He doesn’t say anything else.
He doesn’t have time to, either. The strange screeching, rattling cries of the monsters rise from the stairwell, echoing eerily through the metal of the vents and pipes overhead. It sounds like a lot of them. And they’re coming down fast.
Jim doesn’t take his eyes or the machine gun off of the open doorway to the little room they’re in as he barks, “Give me good news, Newby!”
“All the doors are open,” Bob says, turning to look in his direction. “Think you can buy me one more minute to open the front gate for them, too?”
Jim’s face isn’t visible, his back still turned to Bob, but his voice is grim. “I can try.”
3) relativity falls but it’s stranger things
Yet another WIP that’s near and dear to my heart and taking forever to finish! This seems to be a theme. 
This one was inspired by (as you may be able to tell from the file name) the Gravity Falls Relativity Falls AU, where people swapped the ages of the Stan twins and the Mystery Twins, and also various side characters and antagonists. This fic is a Stranger Things season 1 AU where the teens are in the roles of the adults, the adults are in the roles of the kids, and the kids are in the roles of the teens. Nancy’s the Chief of Police with a broken family and a broken heart, Mike’s the loner who gets thrown together with a classmate by the disappearance of a kid, and Karen is the plucky twelve-year-old determined to find her missing friend. 
I’m stuck in the Dreaded Middle at the moment, because shaking up the roles shook up the plot, and I didn’t plan ahead for how to resolve it quite enough. There’s a reason outlining has become my best friend. 
There are a number of samples in my sample tag, but also, since you asked so nicely: 
The girl’s eyebrows crumple together and she makes a soft, wordless little noise as Mike and Will lower her carefully down, spread out along the length of the couch. Like it hurts. She’s already bled through the blue strips of bandage that used to be Mike’s t-shirt. Not for the first time, Mike wonders what the hell he thinks he’s doing.
“I’ll – I’ll check on the water,” he says, dropping the girl’s heavy black Doc Marten boots on the arm of the couch. He doesn’t wait for Will to answer, just makes his escape across the room to the kitchen sink. His ears are burning, and he has no idea why.
The taps at the sink refuse to turn, at first. When they finally do, it’s with an ominous creak, and then a slow and rising rumble that makes the faucet shake before it abruptly spits out a clot of slime and rust. The water that comes burbling out after it is brown and freezing cold.
“I forgot,” Mike says, as he rejoins Will by the couch. “This place is on a well. The tapwater might not be any better than the rainwater. Actually, it might be worse. But there were some clean dishtowels in the drawer,” he finishes, offering up the stack, along with the cereal bowl he’d filled with brownish water. “And I think there are still some towels in boxes in the bathroom, so we could dry her off -”
Will, Mike notices, has a smile like a sunbeam. Somehow it makes Mike even more embarrassed of his babbling. “That’s great. Do you think your mom or her uncle would’ve kept any antiseptic and bandages around?”
Mike spends the next – he doesn’t know how long, starting up the cabin’s generator to get the lights on, lighting the cast-iron stove in the corner, running and fetching and washing and applying pressure under Will’s quiet but certain direction. He’s a little amazed by this side of Will. Mike mostly only knows the Will Byers he sees at school or when he has to pick Karen up or drop her off at Joyce’s. The Will Byers with his nose always in a sketchbook or a novel, who lets the bullies push him around with an air of silent exasperation, who rarely if ever talks back or raises his hand in class. Seeing him this confident, this focused, is new. He really seems like he’s in his element.
Mike wonders briefly how Will learned so much about medicine and first aid, and then feels stupid. Of course. He knows Will works, has worked at just about every odd job around town since he was old enough to start. He knows Will was a lifeguard last summer. And – it’s just Will and his dad and his sister, and Will’s dad works odd hours, with the paper, and long ones, at the general store. Will probably cooks, too. And does laundry, and all the other stuff Mike’s dad has somebody come in to take care of.
That thought makes Mike feel incredibly – something. Maybe guilty, though he’s not sure why. He’s got bigger things to worry about right now, though, so he shoves it to the back of his mind.
The girl frowns, and whines, and at one point throws an arm out and smacks Mike hard across the chest, but she doesn’t wake up. Mike presses the inside of one wrist against her damp, pale forehead, under her close-shorn fringe of hair, and starts. “She’s burning up!”
Will glances up from the wound in her side. “Fever’s a bad sign. Can you get a couple of cloths and run them under cold water? One for her forehead, one for the back of her neck.”
Mike comes back with three cloths, and another cereal bowl full of icy wellwater. There’s just something fundamentally – grubby about the girl, now that he’s up close and personal, like she’s been camping for weeks without a proper bath. Mike tells himself it’s important to get her cleaned up to keep her wound from getting infected. But mostly, there’s just not a lot else he can do, other than putting his finger where Will tells him to to hold bandages in place while Will ties them off.
And Mike just thinks that, if it was him who was hurt and hiding out and unconscious at the mercy of a couple of strangers, he’d at least want somebody to clean the smudge of dirt off his chin. And the dried blood from the crevices around his nose. And maybe wipe off some of the black eyeshadow that the rain had melted down his cheeks.
The girl’s face is narrow and sharp, her cheekbones high, the bow of her lips sweet, her lashes dark against her cheeks. When her face screws up in pain, Mike gives one extra, unnecessary brush of the cloth over that cheek, as gently as he can. He doesn’t dare touch her with his bare hands, without the excuse and barrier of the cloth in between them. But he wants to do something to comfort her.
Without the makeup, without the scowl, she looks – so much younger. Almost delicate, despite the hair and the boots and the leather jacket and the tattoo. Almost vulnerable –
The girl’s eyes snap open, and fix on Mike’s.
Mike’s not sure what happens next. One second, he’s kneeling beside the girl, carefully washing grime off her face. The next, his back is smashing into the wall across the room. There’s an ominous rattle, and the mounted deer head high on the wall goes crashing to the floor between his feet. He raises a hand to his spinning, aching head, and tries to focus, to figure out what just happened.
The girl is wedged up against the far arm of the couch, knees tucked tight against her chest like she’s trying to make herself as small as possible. One arm’s flung out in front of her with the palm facing Will and her fingers all splayed, like she’s directing traffic. There’s a bead of blood inching down from her nose, but she doesn’t move to wipe it away. Her eyes are big and furious and scared and flicking back and forth between Mike and Will. If she was a cat, Mike thinks, her back would be up and her ears would be flat against her head.
Her voice is clear and sharp as she demands, “Where am I?”
Will’s got both hands in the air, like the girl had pulled a gun on him. The bowl of water Mike had brought him – which is a pinkish brown now, Mike notices, with a lurch in his stomach – is splashed all over the floor by Will’s knees, slowly soaking into his jeans, but he doesn’t so much as shift away from the slowly-spreading puddle.
“It’s okay,” Mike says, wincing as he starts to straighten up. He’s not sure why the look Will shoots him is so frightened, but then, he’s also not sure how he ended up on the other side of the room. Maybe the girl’s some kind of ninja assassin or something. She doesn’t look strong enough to throw Mike across the room, but – Mike knows maybe better than anybody how appearances can be deceiving.
The girl’s attention snaps to Mike as well, and she whips her arm around so that the palm is facing him instead of Will. Mike stops trying to get up, raising one hand instead in surrender. “It’s all right, okay? We’re not gonna hurt you. And we’re way out in the woods here, nobody’s gonna find you.” He glances down at the girl’s side, where fresh red is starting to seep through the bandages Will had so carefully wrapped. “You should probably lie back down, it looks like you’re opening that back up -”
“I’m leaving,” the girl says. Somehow, she makes it sound like a threat.
“Okay,” Mike says, as she unfolds herself from the couch and takes one uncertain step forward. “Nobody’s stopping you. You don’t have to, though. You’ve got a fever. And a bullet wound. You can stay here until you feel better, Will and I won’t tell -”
“I,” the girl repeats, wobbling and nearly crashing back down onto the couch, “am leaving.”
Will meets Mike’s eyes with a panicked look. Mike’s sure Will can see as clearly as he can that the girl isn’t going to make it more than two more steps before she falls over. But neither of them, Mike thinks, knows what to do about it.
“Who’s after you?” Mike asks. Maybe, if he can keep the girl talking –
She fixes him with a glare. And then flops back, heavily, onto the couch. She looks briefly surprised and indignant, like her own legs have betrayed her, and pushes herself back to her feet, even though she looks even wobblier than before.
“Mike,” Will says, low and urgent and frightened.
“What? You want to know too, right? If they’re the same people who took Joyce -”
“Mike,” Will repeats, with a warning flicker of his eyes in the girl’s direction.
Mike’s getting the feeling he’s missed something. “What?”
“It might be a bad idea to piss her off,” Will hisses at him, still with that pleading, scared look.
Mike pushes himself to his feet. “Yeah, well, murdering bank robber or not, I don’t think she’s in much shape to -”
He doesn’t get the rest of the sentence out. Because the girl glares, and waves a hand. And Mike’s back smashes into the wall again and stays there.
Mike kicks, and struggles, and gasps. But none of it does anything. It’s like there’s a gigantic, invisible hand pressed flat against his chest, squeezing the air out of him, pinning him in place. The girl’s glower turns to a slow, small smile, which is somehow just as ominous, her dark eyes never leaving his.
She lifts her hand a little higher. Mike can feel his windbreaker drag against the wall behind him as his feet leave the ground.
And then the girl’s eyes roll back and she collapses gracelessly backwards across the couch. The invisible hand holding Mike pinned abruptly vanishes, and he drops, hits his feet wrong, and winds up on the floor on his hands and knees, inches from putting an eye out on one of the deer head’s antlers.
For a frozen moment, nobody moves.
“Oh,” Mike says, finally, straightening up with care.
“Yeah,” Will agrees.
They both turn to look at the unconscious girl.
“Well,” Mike says, for lack of anything intelligent to say, “that might be why somebody’s after her.”
[ask me about a WIP!]
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🌅 Stranger Things Masterpost 🌠
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> Kids 🔦 Will Byers Mike Wheeler Dustin Henderson ⭐ Lucas Sinclair ⭐ Eleven Hopper Max Mayfield Erica Sinclair ⭐ > Teens 🚓 Nancy Wheeler ⭐ Jonathan Byers Steve Harrington Robin Buckley ⭐ Eddie Munson Argyle Fred Benson Chrissy Cunningham > Adults ☎ Joyce Byers Jim Hopper Karen Wheeler Bob Newby Sam Owens Murray Bauman ⭐ Alexei Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov ⭐ Wayne Munson Yuri Ismaylov > Ships 💌
Max/Lucas Max/Eleven Dustin/Lucas Dustin/Suzie - (polyships between Lucas, Dustin, Eleven and Max as well!) ⭐ Robin/Nancy ⭐ Steve/Eddie Jonathan/Argyle Steve/Jonathan/Nancy Eddie/Argyle Queer Platonic Steve & Robin ⭐ - Various Polyships between them (no Robin with men or Eddie with women, though) Joyce/Hopper Joyce/Bob Joyce/Karen Joyce/Hopper/Murray ⭐ Murray/Alexei Hopper/Dmitri - Various Polyships between the adults Starred are my Favorites! Send me things about them :) !!
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Moodboards - 🖼 Superhero Hawkins Teens (6/6) CorrodedCoffinKid Moodboards SFW Agere Boards
Headcanons - ✍ -tbd
Writing - 📚 -tbd
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> If they're listed on this, I'll do things for them on request! Feel free to request characters not on this list in conjunction with characters that are, ie: Nancy and Holly Wheeler. You can also request for ships not on this list, these are just a guideline for the ones I like more and as such will be better at writing. > Some characters might be OOC. This could be due to any number of things, ranging from personal interpretation, lack of regard to canon to just me not having practiced. Everything I make won't be what everyone likes! Don't worry. I also have my own head-canons for characters. but as long as it's not too out of my wheelhouse i'm always open to doing content for AUs or for other head-canons. > I'm comfortable creating things that I relate to, so expect things with queer, trans, neurodivergent, or physically disabled themes. Not to say I won't do other things, just that those are what I work on easier! > My hard rules are I won't write anything shipping Robin with men, Will with Women, anything NSFW at all, any ships involving characters and other characters outside of their age groups, any shipping of incredibly young characters like Erica Sinclair or Holly Wheeler, Any Billy Hargrove outside of possibly mentions in writing, Anything of characters like Brenner or Vecna (Again, mentions are fine), Anything overly violent outside of vague canon typical stuff, or anything I just personally don't want to do. > Don't worry if your request gets denied. This is just another blog! If something doesn't get posted, It could be eaten by the askbox, or I didn't have the energy to do it, or anything else.
Happy Requesting!
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jazy3 · 3 years
Stranger Things Season 3 Thoughts
Just finished Season 3 of Stranger Things. I enjoyed this season, but I don’t love where they left things in that the set up for the next season could potentially take the show out of Hawkins for a good chunk of the episodes and I liked the element of the story being contained within this one small town and only going outside of that when it make sense to do so. For example, when the  characters travel a few towns over to go see Murray the conspiracy guy or when El travels to Chicago looking for her sister. 
I loved Steve’s continued development this season and I loved the introduction of Max and Robin as new characters during this season and the previous one. I like that we saw more of Murray and got to know him better. I loved his friendship with Alexei and was heartbroken when he died. At least his last day was happy one. He looked so happy holding that giant stuffed Woody the Woodpecker. The man had skills. Those games are hard and totally rigged. 
After watching this season I honestly feel really bad for Steve and for Robin. I really thought Robin was going to be Steve’s next love interest and I thought they had great chemistry! While I’m all for more LGBTQ+ representation on screen I felt really sad for both of them in the bathroom scene when Robin revealed she was gay and Steve realized what she was saying. He falls for Nancy, loves her, and through that relationship becomes a better person. He ditches his asshole friends, starts thinking of others instead of just himself, and works hard to make up for his mistakes when he screws up, and in the end he steps back and gives Nancy his blessing to be with Jonathan because he can see that that’s what’s best for her and that they can’t go back to the way things were before Barb died. 
He fails to get into college and his Dad decides to teach him a lesson by making him get a crappy job at the mall and then he gradually comes to like and respect Robin and falls for her only to find out that they don’t play for the same team. Robin spends most of high school being ignored or made fun of by Steve and the other cool kids only to get stuck working with him over the summer at the mall. She finally opens up to him only to realize that she’s given him the wrong idea and that he’s fallen for her. She wants to be with Tammy from their history class but Tammy is straight and into guys like Steve who at the time couldn’t have cared less never mind notice her. 
To Steve’s credit he takes Robin coming out to him really well. He’s a bit confused at first because her previous comments about being obsessed with him made it sound like she was interested in him, but when she breaks it down and explains she was obsessed with him because Tammy was and she couldn’t figure out why and explains that she knows Tammy’s a girl he finally gets it and is really cool about it. Which might not seem like a big deal now, but the show is set in the eighties and as we see in the earlier two seasons calling someone gay or a fairy or the F word is really common as the show is true to the era.
Steve even brings up being gay as an insult when he’s fighting with Jonathan in Season 1 because he thinks Nancy slept with him. Commenting that he took him for queer but that it looks like he’s not seeing as he slept with Nancy. We haven’t seen any mention of the AIDS Crisis which means it either hasn’t hit anywhere near Hawkins yet at this point in the series or they’ve choosen not to address it thus far. User @a-new-hopeful commented when I first started watching Stranger Things that Steve has probably developed the most from the first season of all the characters and I definitely agree! He has by far the best character development from Season 1 to present. 
He goes from being King of Hawkins High, one of the popular kids who makes fun of others, hanging out with assholes, and being an established douchebag to being a good friend, a devoted babysitter, and a mentor to Dustin and the other kids who he maintains relationships with long after he and Nancy break up. He goes from using queer and being gay as an insult to being super cool and supportive when Robin comes out to him, continues to be her friend, and keeps what she’s told him private. None of which Steve has to do. He’s under no obligation here. 
There’s nothing really in it for him except that he’s realized what an asshole he used to be and that he doesn’t want to be that person anymore and that he’d much rather hang out with people like Robin, Dustin, and the rest of the gang, no matter how weird it looks, then go back to the vapid, popularity obsessed, unfulfilling life he had before. I was really hoping that Steve was going to get a great love new love interest this season and I’m heartbroken that he didn’t! Especially because we see Nancy and Jonathan’s relationship progress and we see them working together as the great team that they are and Joyce being super supportive. 
I really really hope that in Season 4, Steve gets a great love interest that can be a part of the gang and that Robin does too! I mean for goodness sakes the kids got to be with the people that they like and I just want that for Steve and Robin. Mike and El finally got together. Max and Lucas got together. Dustin finds a great girlfriend at camp who helps them save the world. I just want Steve, Robin, and Will to have that too. Although I’m not sure if that’s something that Will wants. He seemed fine with not having a girlfriend and didn’t seem that interested in girls or dating. He was more pissed off that his friends were totally obsessed with girls and were neglecting their friendship more than anything else.
I also feel like we were robbed of seeing Joyce and Hopper get together this season! I really wanted to see them go out on that date god dammnit! I mean I liked Bob and he was a great character, but Joyce and Hopper have had chemistry since Episode 1! Bob was just too nice. Too good for this world. Rest in Peace Bob. I’m also sad that we didn’t get to see Steve’s bat in this season. I love that thing! It’s badass, a very cool weapon, and when he swings that thing ooooh lord help me. 
Some other thoughts I had were why wasn’t the rest of the gang except Will concerned about where Dustin was during the final showdown at the end of the season? They were so concerned about where Will was and finding him in Season 1 and yet Dustin is MIA for a good chunk of time in Season 3 and no one but Will seems to be concerned about it. He even brings that up to Mike, who acknowledges it, but then they never come back to it. I feel like there must have been a deleted scene that got cut that explained it or something like that, but that really baffled me. 
Also I just have to say that the science teacher Mr. Clarke is the real MVP of this show. The kids ask him some truly strange questions, interrupt his date night, they never explain what they’re up to, and yet he always helps them out even when it’s an inconvience to him. He also goes the extra mile and helps Joyce out as well even though again he has no idea what’s going on. I just really appreciate this man’s love of science and curiosity and his willingness to help. The world truly needs more people like that. The world needs more Scott Clarkes in it. 
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Could you possibly do an analysis of the Byers Family as a whole?
I’m honestly surprised it took this long for this to be requested. The Byers family is really at the heart of the entire story. I’m going to try and limit this analysis to the on-screen portrayal of the family. If you want more of a deep-dive that includes predictions and suppositions that draw on the writers’ background material and references, I would point you to @kaypeace21. There’s some real next level stuff going on with her work, but I’m going to try and stick to what I know best. I will not be including El in this, though she may come up in passing, as we have yet to see any significant portrayal of her as a member of the family. The Byers are a family of unexpected strength and love. There’s a lot there that would suggest a family in shambles, but outward appearances can be misleading. I intend here to go through the family one-by-one and then go into some conceptualizations of the family dynamic based on my understanding of psychological theory and human development. My memory on some of the details of the show may be off, so feel free to correct any errors I may stumble into. Lonnie I’ll start with Lonnie, though it’s difficult to really refer to him as a part of the family. Still, for at least a portion of this family’s development, he was there and active in the others’ lives to some extent.There is much we simply don’t know about the family dynamic when he was still an active member of it. What we do know, however, is that he was involved in Jonathan’s life until he was at least 10, due to the story of Lonnie taking him hunting on his birthday, but that he was out of the house prior to the start of Stranger Things. Jonathan would have turned 10 around 1977, so the Lonnie would have left his family for up to 5 years prior to the first season.  Lonnie’s actions, as portrayed in the first season, depict him as a selfish and callous man with very rigid ideas of masculinity. He would routinely try to force his sons to conform to these ideals. We can see this through the aforementioned hunting trip, which brought Jonathan to tears, and through his overall treatment of Will. The fact that a man would call his own prepubescent son a “queer” or “fag” is harsh even by 80s standards. He would also attempt to get Will to enjoy baseball, though even then it’s implied that he often fails to deliver on his promises to spend time with his youngest.  Lonnie showed up in the first season upon learning of Will’s apparent death. He would seem to be a concerned father at first, but Joyce would later learn that Lonnie was prepared to file a wrongful death case against the owner of the quarry that Will was believed to have drowned in. Money has seemingly always been a concern for the family, but Lonnie is the only one who even considers financial compensation. All of this says a lot about where his priorities lie and what his values are.  Joyce Joyce Byers is, by all on-screen depictions, a loving mother and open-minded, friendly woman. It is curious as to what she would have seen in Lonnie (we will not assume Murray’s theories to be accurate), but conservative, small-town culture at the time certainly would have led many a woman to see a macho guy as ideal. Joyce has been portrayed in making many sacrifices for her loved ones, and she has a fiery temper that has come out whenever someone would seemingly try to get in the way of her taking care of said loved ones. By the time we are introduced to Joyce, her priorities seem to be her children. She works as a clerk at a local general store, presumably not making much money. It is assumed that after Lonnie left she had no significant romantic relationships until Bob Newby in 1984. While Joyce seems to love both of her sons a great deal, it is suggested in season 1 that she felt closer to Will. Despite this, there was no apparent favoritism. Joyce did however, albeit unintentionally, trigger some issues with Jonathan during the events of Will’s disappearance in 1983. Despite the lack of financial resources (we do not know if Lonnie pays any financial support), Joyce tries her best to support her children. She even managed to get an Atari 2600 for Will, which, even after the video game crash of the early 80s, would have cost her the equivalent of over $100 of today’s money. At first, Joyce welcomes Lonnie back into her life when he showed up after learning of Will’s “death.” She seemed exhausted and initially leaned on him for support. This changed when Joyce learned of his planned lawsuit against the owners of the quarry. She proceeded to lash out at him angrily, accusing him of never caring about his sons, perhaps giving us a look into what ultimately led to their separation (were they ever actually said to be divorced?). When Lonnie couldn’t even come up with what college Jonathan wanted to go to, Joyce viciously spat out that he has wanted to go to NYU since he was a child. To Joyce, not knowing something like that about your own child is reprehensible. When she brings up to Chief Hopper that Lonnie would refer to Will with gay slurs, the discomfort it brings to her is clearly visible. It’s purely speculation, but not out of the question based on what we know about her, that Joyce isn’t so much disturbed by the idea, but rather that she ostensibly allowed Lonnie to say such things. As the series moves on, Joyce is shown seeking out stability and security for herself and her family. Her relationship with Bob was an attempt to rebuild a sense of normality. Bob took a genuine interest in the boys and clearly loved her a great deal. His traumatic loss affects her greatly. She develops an understandable sense of paranoia about Hawkins and the agency behind the lab which ultimately leads to her deciding to uproot her family and leave town to parts yet known. While her decision to do so is certainly understandable and well-intentioned, it could have unintended adverse consequences that I intend to explore further below. Jonathan When we meet him, Jonathan Byers is an intelligent young man and a talented photographer. On the other hand, he is also well aware of the family’s struggles, perhaps more so than Will, and is somewhat parentified. Jonathan is not social, and is shown to be something of an outcast at school. We do not know how far back this goes, but it is possibly a result of Jonathan needing to go to work to help support the family. Jonathan is more like his mother than his father, as seen in his unconditional support for Will and his generally sensitive and protective nature. While in many cases a parentified child is a cause for concern, in Jonathan’s case it may well have given him a sense of purpose that allowed him to weather the rough family life he’s experienced.  Indeed, Jonathan initially seems to derive little satisfaction in life outside of photograph and his family. He apparently had already resigned himself to a life of sacrifice, at least until he can try to make a life for himself through photography. While he would go on to develop a relationship with Nancy Wheeler, he never lost his fraternal/borderline paternal bond with his little brother. He literally fought monsters to save and protect Will on multiple occasions. It is quite possible that Jonathan fosters a continuing sense of guilt, as the only reason he was not home the night Will vanished was because he took an extra work shift.  With Joyce, Jonathan seems to almost see himself as a co-parent rather than a son. While he clearly loves his mother, he is not above calling her out and butting heads with her as seen in the first season. When Jonathan sees what he thinks is Joyce losing her mind, his reaction is an angry outburst. While there is not enough evidence, this could be a result of abandonment issues as a result of his father leaving.Despite his maturity, Jonathan is still just a teenager at this point, and one who is already blaming himself for his brother vanishing. He needs his mother but sees her as abandoning him. Joyce is going around and publicly making herself seem crazy. While the viewers know that Joyce is right, Jonathan reacts like any of us may. He comes around once he realizes the truth, but it is clear that he is holding in a lot of his own pain and he may hold some resentment towards Joyce, even if he is unaware of it himself. Jonathan was older than Will when Lonnie left, so he would presumably have been more aware of what was going on. He also would have been old enough to potentially blame Joyce for failing to protect him and Will. This last part is all speculation, however. Jonathan’s relationship with Will is perhaps the strongest in the family. Jonathan helped Will build Castle Byers in response to Lonnie’s departure. He stayed until it was finished despite a rainstorm and (a presumably very young) Will’s lack of skill at actually helping. He would go on to support Will in all of his endeavors, blatantly encouraging him to dare to be different. He clearly doesn’t want to see Will succumb to the pressure of conformity. He makes it very clear that he supports Will completely and unconditionally. There is a suggestion here that Jonathan fears that Will may have a lingering desire to please their father at the expense of his own preferences. Will Will is smart, sensitive, artistic, and caring in a way that was discouraged in adolescent boys in a town like his. Will is heading towards the latter years of middle school as the series starts. Lonnie is already gone, but his influence is still there. Joyce dotes on him as much as possible, but time and resources are scarce. Jonathan takes on a hybrid father figure/big brother role to help keep Will happy. Oddly enough, given the circumstances of the plot, Will actually seems to come out the best. I will go further into detail below, but compared to his mom and older brother, Will actually has the most going for him. I’ve already covered Will’s role in the family above, but there is a bit more to explore from his perspective. Will is the much-loved son and brother to Joyce and Jonathan, and the bane of his father. Joyce wanted Will to be happy, and made every attempt to bond with him. Will did indeed seem to have a good relationship with his mother, as shown in his excitement to see Poltergeist with her and his risking his life to warn his mother of the Demogorgon. We also see many scenes of him bonding with Jonathan over music, but their relationship goes deeper. Jonathan is someone who Will confides in his relationship with his father. Will also worries about Jonathan’s hand injury despite the fact that he himself is in a hospital bed, having just woken up after being in the Upside Down for a week. Despite how good his relationships are with his mother and brother, Will is shown craving his father’s love. We do not know if Lonnie ever directly called Will a “queer” or “fag” or if he only referred to him as such to others, but Will does seem aware of his dad’s lack of support. Even though Will does not like baseball, he makes a pretense of it in an attempt to gain his father’s love, and he takes it hard when his dad does not deliver. It’s quite possible that Will harbors guilt as to what happened to his family, blaming himself for his dad leaving. Much like with Jonathan, this is speculative, but it wouldn’t be an unusual reaction for a young child whose parents split.  Development and Outlook
I will try to be short and sweet here. When one looks at the family as a whole, the many moving parts of the family and their environment quite frankly make sense. The family is portrayed in a reasonably realistic fashion. Lonnie’s displeasure with his family life, along with what is quite possibly dissatisfaction with his life in general, result in him leaving. These same factors left their mark on his wife and children. The Byers receive little support from the community, and are indeed seen as outcasts, resulting in reactions that range from indifference to scorn. This would lead to the Byers relying even more on each other and seeming even more like outcasts. The cycle is harsh. Even as you go outward towards more indirect influences, the Byers do not conform to conservative 80s norms, which sets them at odds with society as a whole. They are basically an island in a stormy sea. This is where Will’s bright spot comes in. Will has what the others in his family lack, at least before the events of the series: friends. Will is not an outcast in the same sense of the others. While he is still scorned by the larger school population, his relationship with the Party serve as a protective factor. In other words, he’s better able to deal with the bad aspects of his life because he has his friends to fall back on. Joyce and Jonathan, on the other hand, only have each other. Mike in particular is a source of strength for Will, which is what makes the rockiness of their relationship in season 3 so hard for him. Joyce and Jonathan would both form relationships outside of the family that make them better able to cope. Jonathan and Nancy have a mostly healthy relationship, and Joyce almost looks like a teenager in how carefree she is with Bob (before the plot hits high gear anyway). Joyce and Hopper aren’t quite as healthy, but there are signs that it could head that way before Hopper is presumably killed.  This is where Joyce makes a decision that she may come to regret. While her own attempts to develop a better ecoysystem seem cursed, Jonathan finally seems to have someone outside the family (indeed from a well-off family) that not only doesn’t scorn him, but loves him. Will has a group of friends that, despite some trials, is actually growing. Joyce, however, decides to separate them from these relationships in a well-meant attempt to save them from the town, the lab, and the Upside Down. It is hard to blame her for this, but the decision is nonetheless curious. She seems to be coming around to the idea of staying due to a burgeoning relationship with Hopper, which runs contrary to her tendency to put her kids first. One could excuse her for being clouded by grief, and we don’t see how she broke the news to Jonathan and Will (and El) or the aftermath. They all seem to have made peace with the idea, but the goodbyes are emotional, and Joyce herself looks upset and perhaps guilty, but this puts the family back to relying solely on each other, at least in the short term. Will they become stronger and be able to regain normalcy away from Hawkins? Will they end up resenting Joyce for it? How will El fit into this family? Can Will cope without his friends? Can Jonathan and Nancy’s relationship survive at a distance? How is Joyce going to be able to support a now-larger family? How will Lonnie fit into this? That all remains to be seen, but would be realistic elements to include in the next season.
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Wow I didn't think someone intellectually and casually referencing El's, Max's, and Bob's queercoding would make me cry but. There you go.
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Hopper and Joyce
They get their own post because it took them so fucking long to get together, lol. Let's get into the queer Headcannons!
Hopper: He's Cis? Questioanby so... I feel like he doesnt care about pronouns or what people call him. He's confident enough in himself, to blush if Joyce called him a "pretty girl" He's Netpunic/Bisexual and would make out with a guy no questions asked. *I'm looking at you Bob Newby* (He/They)
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Joyce: Joyce is Gendeflux baby! She fluctuates between different feminine gender expressions. But frequently fronts in a tomboy expression. I think she's Greysexual, I mean she does have two kids, but she doesn't seem to care about sex much. Then I think she Panromantic, Saphhic leaning. But somehow still ends up with Jim, but like can you blame her? My man is gorgoues! (She/They)
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The Rents: Together they seem to be very Bi like I think they just like to have fun. They don't give me total monogamous vibes, but there devoted to each other first and foremost. Again, if Bob hadn't fucking died like a little bitch, I'd put him in this ship. It would be an unstoppable team.
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An: I spent so long on these flag, giving them special attention! And it was so worth it! They’re so pretty and I love them!
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aemiron-main · 1 year
Dude how the hell are you planning to finish all your projects
At thos point you have more than 10 analysis ongoing
How the fuck do you find the motivation to continue?
I am duly impressed
AGABDBDB GOOD QUESTION! Time and effort mostly, just whenever I have time!
And oh yeah I have way more than 10, like. You guys would not believe the number of full analysis google docs I have that I’m finishing + posts and reblogs in my drafts + drafted ask responses.
Like just looking at the big analysis docs ALONE, these are just the existing ones I can think of off the top of my head:
-the gay Mike anon response analysis doc
-the gay Mike full analysis doc
-the vanishing of will byers analysis doc
-the wheeler vs creel & covert vs overt incest analysis doc
-full st music analysis doc
-st5 predictions doc
-video store/videogate analysis doc
-8:15 gate analysis doc/finishing that whole analysis
-analysis of Henry’s art and how and why it changed
-‘Henry is the s1 demogorgon’ analysis doc
-bob newby analysis doc & his parallels to Mike
-eddie munson full analysis doc
-analysis doc of all of the doors in stranger things & the boarded up doors and windows and what they mean
-being queer and growing old and Romeo and Juliet and stranger things analysis doc
-doc where I compile links to all of the tags on my blog & other doc where I link all of my posts individually section by section bc I need to put these resources in a proper pinned post bc my tags keep breaking and I’m so sick of not being able to find my posts
-full Mike-chrissy parallels doc
And those are just the existing analysis google docs off the top of my head let alone existing ones I’m forgetting about & ones I have planned but haven’t started yet!
I REALLY ENJOY THIS STUFF!! That’s how!! This isn’t like a duty or a chore for me, this is literally something I love doing in my free time, analyzing stuff is very much part of my idea of fun LMAO stranger things is like crack for my brain fr
THANK YOU!! 💗💕💗 the support of wonderful people like you is also a big part of what motivates me and I appreciate it a ton!
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mycrazystrangeworld · 5 years
It has been a long hiatus, though to me it didn’t seem to be one. Time flies. June and July have flied by so fast, and I can’t keep up, shit things happening one after the other, and I’m still coping… But it’s a process. I’m functioning now enough to write and interact on this blog.
As I promised, this first post is a list of June releases (from June 3rd) and the reviews I found about them until now. You’re all welcome to let me know if you have a review that I forgot to add.
Since July is also over, I’m also sharing this month’s books and reviews.
As always, updating is constantly happening, if you know about a book or have a review, just let me know! 😉
Welcome back on Swift Coffee, everyone!
For the newbies (welcome 😘): if you don’t yet know what this is all about: I’m posting a list every Monday of the books that get released during the current week. I also include other people’s reviews about them! I try to do a blog hop from time to time and spread the word about this feature, but I obviously can’t find every review that’s related, so a sign that you have one would be very much appreciated! Every review is eligible that is written about a book published on the week in question, even if it was written before said week!
So… one question remains:
Would you like to join the ride?
It’s very easy!
These are the rules:
To be featured, you don’t have to do anything else, but to leave a comment below this post, or contact me by any other way, and let me know you have a review. A link to it makes it easier, but if you only say your review comes out on x day of the week, that’s okay as well, I’ll watch out for it! Following me is not a must, but I appreciate it very much, if you do! 🙂
I continuously update this post according to your infos/comments, and I share it again every time I’ve made an update.
The book you reviewed don’t have to be from the list here, if it’s not listed, but published this week, I’ll add the book, too!
You can also send me a review for next week, because these posts are scheduled! 😉
Books Published in June:
‘After the End’ by Clare Mackintosh mystery/thriller
‘All the Missing Girls’ by Megan Miranda mystery
‘A Merciful Promise’ by Kendra Elliot mystery/romantic suspense
‘A Nearly Normal Family’ by M.T. Edvardsson, Rachel Willson-Broyles (Translation) mystery/thriller
‘Ayesha at Last’ by Uzma Jalaluddin romance
‘Beyond Āsanas: The Myths and Legends behind Yogic Postures’ by Pragya Bhatt, Joel Koechlin (Photographer)
‘Bound to the Battle God’ by Ruby Dixon fantasy/romance
‘Briar and Rose and Jack’ by Katherine Coville middle grade
‘Bunny’ by Mona Awad horror
‘City of Girls’ by Elizabeth Gilbert historical fiction
‘Close to Home’ by Cate Ashwood M M romance
‘Dear Wife’ by Kimberly Belle mystery/thriller
‘Dissenter on the Bench: Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Life and Work’ by Victoria Ortiz non-fiction/middle grade
‘Fleishman Is in Trouble’ by Taffy Brodesser-Akner contemporary
‘Five Midnights’ by Ann Dávila Cardinal horror
‘Fix Her Up’ by Tessa Bailey romance
‘Fixing the Fates: A Memoir’ by Diane Dewey non-fiction
‘Ghosts of the Shadow Market’ YA fantasy
‘Gun Island’ by Amitav Ghosh cultural/India/historical fiction
‘If Only’ by Melanie Murphy
‘Just One Bite’ by Jack Heath mystery/thriller
‘Like a Love Story’ by Abdi Nazemian YA/LGBT
‘Magic for Liars’ by Sarah Gailey fantasy/mystery
‘More Than Enough: Claiming Space for Who You Are (No Matter What They Say)’ by Elaine Welteroth non-fiction
‘Mrs. Everything’ by Jennifer Weiner historical fiction
‘Mostly Dead Things’ by Kristen Arnett contemporary/LGBT
‘Natalie Tan’s Book of Luck and Fortune’ by Roselle Lim contemporary/romance
‘On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous’ by Ocean Vuong poetry
‘Rapture’ by Lauren Kate YA fantasy
‘Recursion’ by Blake Crouch science fiction
‘Searching for Sylvie Lee’ by Jean Kwok mystery
‘Somewhere Close to Happy’ by Lia Louis romance
‘Sorcery of Thorns’ by Margaret Rogerson fantasy
‘Storm and Fury’ by Jennifer L. Armentrout fantasy
‘Summer of ’69’ by Elin Hilderbrand historical fiction
‘Sweet Tea and Secrets’ by Joy Avon cozy mystery
‘Teeth in the Mist’ by Dawn Kurtagich horror
‘The Accidental Girlfriend’ by Emma Hart romance
‘The Bookshop on the Shore’ by Jenny Colgan contemporary/women’s fiction
‘The First Mistake’ by Sandie Jones thriller
‘The Friends We Keep’ by Jane Green women’s fiction
‘The Friend Zone’ by Abby Jimenez contemporary/romance
‘The Girl in Red’ by Christina Henry fantasy/horror
‘The Haunted’ by Danielle Vega horror
‘The Holiday’ by T.M. Logan
‘The July Girls’ by Phoebe Locke mystery/thriller
‘The Last House Guest’ by Megan Miranda mystery/thriller
‘The Most Fun We Ever Had’ by Claire Lombardo contemporary/literary fiction
‘The New Achilles’ by Christian Cameron historical fiction
‘The Red Labyrinth’ by Meredith Tate fantasy
‘The Resurrectionists’ by Michael Patrick Hicks horror
‘The Rest of the Story’ by Sarah Dessen YA contemporary/romance
‘Ollie Oxley and the Ghost: The Search for Lost Gold’ by Lisa Schmid middle grade
‘The Space Between Time’ by Charlie Laidlaw
‘The Stationery Shop’ by Marjan Kamali historical fiction
‘The Summer Country’ by Lauren Willig historical fiction
‘They Called Me Wyatt’ by Natasha Tynes mystery
‘This Might Hurt a Bit’ by Doogie Horner YA
‘Time After Time’ by Lisa Grunwald historical/science fiction
‘Waiting for Tom Hanks’ by Kerry Winfrey contemporary/romance
‘We Have Always Been Here: A Queer Muslim Memoir’ by Samra Habib non-fiction
‘We Were Killers Once’ by Becky Masterman mystery/thriller
‘Where The Story Starts’ by Imogen Clark women’s fiction
‘Wicked Fox’ by Kat Cho YA fantasy
‘Wild and Crooked’ by Leah Thomas YA contemporary/LGBT
‘Wolf Rain’ by Nalini Singh paranormal romance
‘Sorcery of Thorns’ by Stephanie at Between Folded Pages
‘The Rapture’ at Book Bound
‘The Resurrectionists’ by Jen at Shit Reviews of Books
‘The Haunted’ by Kris at Boston Book Reader
‘The Friends We Keep’ by Vicky at Women in Trouble Book Blog
‘This Might Hurt a Bit’ by Amanda at Between the Shelves
‘Wild and Crooked’ by Amanda at Between the Shelves
‘The Haunted’ by Mandy at Book Princess Reviews
‘We Were Killers Once’ by Vicky at Women in Trouble Book Blog
‘Five Midnights’ by Sian at Sci-fi & Scary
‘Wolf Rain’ by Corina at Book Twins Reviews
‘Just One Bite’ by Berit at Audio Killed the Bookmark
‘Where the Story Starts’ by Anjana at Superfluous Reading
‘The Red Labyrinth’ by Anjana at Superfluous Reading
‘Fixing the Fates’ by Anjana at Superfluous Reading
‘Gun Island’ by Anjana at Superfluous Reading
‘If Only’ by Anjana at Superfluous Reading
‘Sweet Tea and Secrets’ by Rekha at The Book Decoder
‘Storm and Fury’ by Claire at bookscoffeeandrepeat
‘The New Achilles’ by Zoé at Zooloo’s Book Diary
‘Time After Time’ by Ashley at Ashes Books and Bobs
‘Recursion’ by Lilyn G at Sci-fi & Scary
‘The Space Between Time’ by Rekha at The Book Decoder
‘The Rumor’ by Vicky at Women in Trouble Book Blog
‘The Search for the Lost Gold’ by Lilyn G at Sci-fi & Scary
‘They Call Me Wyatt’ by Jen at Shit Reviews of Books
‘After the End’ by Linda at Linda’s Book Bag
‘Beyond Asanas’ by Shashank at Wonder’s Book Blog
‘The July Girls’ by Nicola at Short Book and Scribes
‘We Have Always Been Here’ by Kristin at Kristin Kraves Books
‘Close to Home’ by T. J. Fox
‘Dissenter on the Bench’ by Taylor at Tays Infinite Thoughts
‘Bound to the Battle God’ by Corina at Book Twins Reviews
‘Briar and Rose and Jack’ by Briana at Pages Unbound
‘Teeth in the Mist’ at Lori’s Bookshelf Reads
‘All the Missing Girls’ by Celine at Celinelingg
‘The Holiday’ by Zoe at Zooloo’s Book Diary
‘The July Girls’ by Joanna at Over the Rainbow Book Blog
‘More Than Enough’ by Jessica at Jess Just Reads
‘Somewhere Close to Happy’ at Jess Just Reads
‘The Accidental Girlfriend’ by Tijuana at Book Twins Reviews
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
Books Published in July:
‘Along the Broken Bay’ by Flora J. Solomon historical fiction
‘A Stranger on the Beach’ by Michele Campbell mystery/thriller
‘A Whisker In The Dark’ by Leighann Dobbs cozy mystery
‘Dark Age’ by Pierce Brown science fiction
‘Depraved’ by Trilina Pucci romance/erotica
‘Deserve to Die’ by Miranda Rijks thriller
‘Drummer Girl’ by Ginger Scott YA romance
‘False Step’ by Victoria Helen Stone mystery/thriller
‘Girls Like Us’ by Cristina Alger mystery/thriller
‘Gods of Jade and Shadow’ by Silvia Moreno-Garcia fantasy/historical fiction
‘Good Guy’ by Kate Meader romance
‘Gore in the Garden’ by Colleen J. Shogan cozy mystery
‘How to Hack a Heartbreak’ by Kristin Rockaway romance
‘Last Summer’ by Kerry Lonsdale contemporary
‘Life Ruins’ by Danuta Kot audiobook/mystery
‘Lock Every Door’ by Riley Sager mystery/thriller
‘Maybe This Time’ by Kasie West contemporary
‘Never Have I Ever’ by Joshilyn Jackson mystery/thriller
‘Never Look Back’ by Alison Gaylin mystery/thriller
‘Nightingale Point’ by Luan Goldie
‘Reclaimed by Her Rebel Knight’ by Jenni Fletcher historical romance
‘Resist’ by K. Bromberg romance
‘Salvation Day’ by Kali Wallace science fiction
‘Season of the Witch’ by Sarah Rees Brennan YA fantasy
‘Sisters of Willow House’ by Susanne O’Leary
‘Spin the Dawn’ by Elizabeth Lim fantasy
‘That Long Lost Summer’ by Minna Howard
‘The Betrayed Wife’ by Kevin O’Brien mystery/thriller
‘The Bookish Life of Nina Hill’ by Abbi Waxman contemporary/romance
‘The Chain’ by Adrian McKinty thriller
‘The Gifted School’ by Bruce Holsinger contemporary fiction
‘The Golden Hour’ by Beatriz Williams historical fiction
‘The Guy on the Right’ by Kate Stewart NA romance
‘The Last Book Party’ by Karen Dukess historical fiction
‘The Marriage Trap’ by Sheryl Browne thriller
‘The Merciful Crow’ by Margaret Owen fantasy
‘The Miraculous’ by Jess Redman middle grade
‘The Need’ by Helen Phillips horror/thriller
‘The Nickel Boys’ by Colson Whitehead historical fiction
‘The Rogue King’ by Abigail Owen paranormal romance
‘The Seekers’ by Heather Graham mystery
‘The Silent Ones’ by K.L. Slater thriller
‘The Storm Crow’ by Kalyn Josephson fantasy
‘The Wedding Party’ by Jasmine Guillory romance
‘Three Women’ by Lisa Taddeo non-fiction/feminism
‘To Be Devoured’ by Sara Tantlinger horror
‘Truly Madly Royally’ by Debbie Rigaud YA romance
‘Under Currents’ by Nora Roberts romance
‘War’ by Laura Thalassa fantasy/romance
‘Whisper Network’ by Chandler Baker mystery/thriller
‘Wilder Girls’ by Rory Power YA horror/mystery
A fantastic review of…
‘Reclaimed by her Rebel Knight’ by Demetra at Demi Reads
‘The Merciful Crow’ by Clarissa at Clarissa Reads It All
‘The Bookish Life of Nina Hill’ at Flavia the Bibliophile
‘The Merciful Crow’ by Kaleena at Reader Voracious
‘The Guy On the Right’ by Astrid at The Bookish Sweet Tooth
‘False Step’ by Jordann at The Book Blog Life
‘The Guy On the Right’ by Angela at Reading Frenzy Book Blog
‘Reclaimed by Her Rebel Knight’ by Joules at Northern Reader
‘Depraved’ by Demetra at Demi Reads
‘Never Have I Ever’ by Steph AT Steph’s Book Blog
‘Reclaimed by Her Rebel Knight’ by Jennifer C. Wilson
‘That Long Lost Summer’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘Sisters of Willow House’ by Joanne at Portobello Book Blog
‘A Whisker in the Dark’ by Berit at Audio Killed the Bookmark
‘The Rouge King’ by Ashley at Falling Down the Book Hole
‘Good Guy’ by Astrid at The Bookish Sweet Tooth
‘Drummer Girl’ by Astrid at The Bookish Sweet Tooth
‘The Need’ by T. J. Fox
‘The Seekers’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘The Silent Ones’ by Steph at StefLoz Book Blog
‘Resist’ by Tijuana at Book Twins Reviews
‘Reclaimed by Her Rebel Knight’ by Jess Bookish Life
‘Sisters of Willow House’ by Joanna at Over the Rainbow Book Blog
‘How To Hack a Heartbreak’ by Corina at Book Twins Reviews
‘Somebody Else’s Baby’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘Life Ruins’ by Amanda at mybookishblogspot
‘The Miraculous’ by Chris at Plucked from the Stacks
‘The Betrayed Wife’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘Salvation Day’ by Lilyn G at Sci-fi & Scary
‘The Marriage Trap’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘The Chain’ at Jess Just Reads
‘To Be Devoured’ by Sam and Gracie at Sci-fi & Scary
‘Truly Madly Royally’ by Olivia at The Candid Cover
‘Season of the Witch’ by Jill at Jill’s Book Blog
‘Gore in the Garden’ by Rekha at The Book Decoder
‘Never Look Back’ by Berit at Audio Killed the Bookmark
‘Wilder Girls’ by Kathy at Pages Below the Vaulted Sky
‘Deserve to Die’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘Sisters of Willow House’ by Shalini at Shalini’s Books and Reviews
‘Sisters of Willow House’ by Berit at Audio Killed the Bookmark
‘Nightingale Point’ by Amanda at mybookishblogspot
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See these beautiful covers? *.*
Which are your favorites?
I’m so happy to be here with you bookish guys again!!
Don’t forget to let me know if you have a review!
Oh, and in the near future comes another post with the releases of the beginning of August! You can send me reviews for that post, as well.
Have a wonderful time!
Hugs 🙂
I’m back! – A Master List of Book Releases of June and July + Reviews! It has been a long hiatus, though to me it didn't seem to be one. Time flies.
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
Jonathan Byers is an autistic bi asexual demiboy with depression, anxiety and selective mutism. He is still figuring his identity and pronouns out, but likes he/they pronouns. He is in love with Nancy Wheeler, a bisexual girl with anxiety who uses she/her and doesn't mind friends calling her they/them. Nancy is also dating Robin Buckley, an autistic lesbian who uses she/he pronouns, he also has adhd and anxiety. Robin has a crush on Vickie, a transfem sapphic who uses she/he/they pronouns, she's autistic and has adhd. Steve Harrington is a bisexual man with pstd, ocd and anxiety who uses he/him pronouns. He is also an age regressor due to trauma, and Robin is his best friend/sister figure. Robin is an age dreamer herself!! Eddie Munson is an autistic gay guy with adhd, he has a special interest in dungeons and dragons and metal music, he uses he/they pronouns but doesn't mind most others except she/her. They're dating Steve, and are also his cg. Jonathan is in a qpr with Argyle, an unlabeled agender gender apathetic dude who doesn't mind masc terms and uses any pronouns. Eddie's friend Chrissy Cunningham is a demigirl lesbian with anxiety and autism, she's also an age regressor!
Jim Hopper has ptsd and depression, he is also questioning if he's asexual/acespec. He uses they/he pronouns, and is dating Joyce Byers, a bisexual woman with anxiety and ptsd who uses she/they pronouns. The two are parental figures to Jonathan, El and Will. They're also both close to Murray Bauman, an unlabeled queer neurodivergent man who doesn't care what pronouns people use for xem. Alexei is (was?) a bisexual autistic man who uses they/he pronouns.
Eleven/Jane Hopper is an autistic nonbinary lesbian with ptsd, they use they/she pronouns and are an age regressor. She has a requited crush on Max Mayfield, a bigender bisexual with adhd and autism who uses he/she pronouns. Max is also dating Lucas Sinclair, who has adhd, is questioning his sexuality, and uses he/him pronouns. His little sister Erica is autistic, gendercute, and has adhd + uses she/her pronouns. Lucas' best friend is Dustin Henderson, an autistic transmasc kid with adhd who uses he/they pronouns who sees Steve as an older brother figure. He's also close friends with Nancy's little brother Mike Wheeler, an autistic trans boy who is also bisexual and in the closet, who uses he/him but doesn't mind they/them. Mike has an unrequited crush on Eleven, but also has feelings for Will Byers, an autistic gay trans boy with anxiety and ptsd who uses he/they. Will has a special interest in art and dungeons + dragons.
They all see each other as found family!!
Oh shit I just realised I forgor smth on my stranger things req that started with an autistic bi ace Jonathan, could u add Jonathan has a special interest in photography pls !! Thank u
Stranger things rqer with Autistic bi ace Jonathan again I'm sorry to keep adding stuff but!! Bob Newby is also dating Joyce Byers and he's a bisexual transgender man with autism and adhd (he/they)
Also could u maybe use a pic of Eleven from s3 if possible !! Aaa I'm sorry I keep changing stuff
fvjdkhjgbkflds oh my god i forgot smth again. same stranger things anon (the jonathan one. again. can i be 🍡 anon?) could u add that steve is questioning his gender, might be transfem, and is experimenting with she/they pronouns with friends as well as usually using he/him (im sorryyyyyyy i keep forgetting >.<)
🍡 anon back again because. i forgor AgAiN im sorryyyyy, could u add that Barbara Holland is a lesbian with anxiety, adhd and autism, she/they, and dating Nancy ? tyy
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How VR porn can change the way we masturbate for the better
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May is National Masturbation Month, and we're celebrating with Feeling Yourself, a series exploring the finer points of self-pleasure.
When VR was tech's pie in the sky years ago, people's minds ran wild imagining all the new ways it could get us off. But then VR actually came, and largely, there wasn't all that much to cum about.
Instead of opening us up to new, previously unimaginable forms of self-pleasure, for the most part its nascent existence has been little more than an extension of the clichés we've come to expect from Tube sites. Whether it's the rote 360 3D VR porn made most accessible through sites like Pornhub, or the more interactive adult VR games about customizing your own virtual sex doll — many criticize VR porn for being even more limited to the cis, heteronormative male gaze than regular porn.
But that's finally beginning to change.
"In the early days there was a concern that, if there's only a handful of people making content, they'll only make content that appeals to them or who they envision their consumers to be," said Ela Darling, a pioneer in the VR porn space as a performer as well as CMO of adult-only VR platform PVR and its IRIS headset. "But now there are more and more newcomers making diverse content, because the tech's finally making it more accessible to create."
As it turns out, there are untold, untapped possibilities for VR to transform the way we masturbate. And while the same problems from years ago remain, a new swath of VR porn is delivering on the medium's greatest promises, allowing for more intimacy between player and porn viewer, embodied experiences, better storytelling, and virtual explorations of kink. 
From the impressive furry VR game Yiffalicious or innovatively kinky Dominatrix Simulator, some of the most popular virtual reality adult games are being made by small teams of indie designers sustained through niche, yet dedicated, Patreon communities. In the realm of live-action performances, PVR is about to launch a novel series of ASMR VR porn, with a gender-neutral design focused on sensorial experiences. 
"What's most important to creating engaging adult content in VR is not a perfect pair of boobs you can play with. It's about erotica, creating experiences through storytelling," said Ana Valens, a game designer and Daily Dot columnist covering trans experiences, sexuality, and VR porn. (Note: The author of this article knows Valens socially.)
VR porn needs to move past the infantile stage of pure gimmick or odd sex toy to become relevant.
"And that's the direction the industry seems to be heading towards as people realize, OK, this isn't enough," she said.
The virtual reality porn gap
The current issues keeping VR porn from reaching more innovative, varied, and inclusive heights are reflective of the regular porn industry it grew from. But in VR porn, the issues of inclusivity are only exacerbated by the additional gatekeepers of tech, cost, and access.
Most mainstream VR porn is exclusively heteronormative and cis-gendered, assuming the user is male and excluding trans identities. This is likely driven by who has the resources, not only to have VR but to also make it. While the diversity of audiences is increasing through niche communities, the prevailing consumer base remains cis men. 
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VR can be more than a virtual sex doll for men.
Image: bob al-greene / mashable art team
"Many VR porn creators seem less focused on exploration and possibly self-discovery, and more on simply getting off. That's fine. It's just not what we're all about," said Devilish Domina, who is the mind and voice behind the Dominatrix Simulator. "It seems like developers in this space are more opportunistic than seeing it as an art form. And because it tends to be a more taboo area, it likely doesn't attract as many experienced developers."
How the indie scene can save VR porn
While the norms of regular porn define the offerings of bigger, more traditional VR porn publishers like Naughty America, creators like Dominatrix Simulator's Deviant Tech are carving out their own space with their own growing audience.
Unlike many other VR games (erotic or otherwise) that assume you're male, Dominatrix Simulator gives you the option between two genders — and is currently working on adding non-binary options due to fan requests.
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Worship her — or just take the headset off if it becomes too much.
Image: deviant tech
But that's not all that makes Dominatrix Simulator a beacon of innovation and sexual exploration in VR porn games. 
In the game, a femme-dom (who comes in four different varieties) tells you what to do. While you get some dialogue options to communicate consent, the idea is that the dominatrix basically inhabits the role of the player, while the person wearing the headset becomes her game as a submissive, flipping the traditional adult video script of the player being in control. She knows whether or not you've obeyed, too, since the motion controls can detect whether you're kneeling like she commanded, for example.
SEE ALSO: Naughty America is betting big on VR porn at SXSW
"It's no longer just about your alone time at night getting off," Valens said. "It allows you to explore what it means to be a submissive, or in a BDSM relationship. What does it mean to play an adult game when you are not the one in charge? VR is perfect for that kind of question because BDSM is such an embodied experience."
While Dominatrix Simulator delivers an immersive BDSM simulation, it's also a tool for dipping your toes in BDSM rather than trying it first IRL.
"One of the things we've been most excited about with creating a VR submission experience for players is how safe it can be for new people to delve into kinky experiences, experiment being controlled in a really safe way, and enjoy themselves in the privacy of their own homes," said Devilish Domina. "Submitting isn't always easy. Being kinky or queer isn't always easy."
But in VR porn, you can let loose in ways you wouldn't imagine doing in real life. Also, unlike healthy BDSM relationships IRL, you can quit the virtual session whenever you want without needing to go through the usual steps with a partner, like aftercare (the term used for the check in stage after the roleplay is done). 
"With our game, people are gaining confidence in their bodies and their interests. Many of them are taking risks and talking on our server, asking the 'newbie' questions, and venturing out to find others in the real world," said Devilish Domina. "And we hope to keep offering this kind of sex-positive space."
Much like a dominatrix, the simulator, "gives players the chance to experiment with letting go, giving in, and, ultimately, giving themselves permission to enjoy their bodies and their pleasure," she said. "We tell players to get naked. To show off. To touch themselves. To orgasm. We give them permission to let go." 
As with many indie adult VR games of its kind, the Patreon community around Dominatrix Simulator is not only integral to funding their work but also to creating the diversity of content that VR porn deserves.
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Who knows, maybe you're into being a furry? No harm in trying.
Image: Yiffalicious,  Craket
"The fan community is absolutely critical for the indie and non-mainstream VR porn scene," said Devilish Domina, pointing to others like Yiffalicious and Virt-a-mate. "Fans with VR rigs know how small the market is to them for games, let alone VR porn, so they are a generous bunch who want to help fund new projects."
Aside from exploration, though, there's also an educational element to the best kind of VR porn.
Darling saw the potential for adult-themed VR as a form of social learning. She helped create a VR dating simulator of sorts, set in a rainy cafe where the viewer would get to talk to a holographic capture of herself and other performers.
There wasn't any actual porn involved, but if the player handled the situation well, they could get more forward and sexual with her. Their ability to broach the topic, though, was reliant on an invisible point system that accounted for whether the player chose to first engage in polite conversation rather than immediately jump into inappropriate or even mean behavior.
"If you said anything like that before you had established a rapport with this holographic person, she'd be like, 'You know what, I'm going to go.' We even put in a functionality where it would detect where your gaze was focused, so if you're staring at my tits my holograph would be like, 'Excuse me, my eyes are up here," she said. 
The erotica of embodiment, environment, and intimacy
For a long time, Darling dominated the camgirl VR scene because she emphasized intimacy with the viewer.
"What works best in VR isn't these, you know, Olympic-style sexual scenes of extreme, graphic aggression. It's the ones that feel the most intimate and personal," Darling said. 
View this post on Instagram
New job, who dis? I’m officially the Chief Marketing Officer of PVR, an awesome adult VR headset/technology company!
A post shared by Ela Darling (@eladarling) on Jul 26, 2018 at 9:37am PDT
When it came to the new ASMR series, establishing that relationship was the central direction director Anna Lee gave all their performers. ASMR is already intimate itself, but VR brings a whole new level of closeness. "Incorporating the really cerebral aspects of ASMR with the visceral VR experience deepens and heightens that connection," said Darling..
That's true for the more game-ified adult VR experiences as well, though obviously in a more fantastical context.
"World-building is really important to creating arousing experiences. Mainstream porn has set a low bar for what is possible," Devilish Domina said. "But with this kind of immersive playground, we can make all fantasies into realities. We can let our players be someone they are not, like how people swap genders in games all the time ... We have had so many requests for experiences players just cannot have in real life."
And for sex columnist Ana Valens those possibilities are also in a way what makes VR potentially so valuable to the queer community.
While the world of VR is still severely lacking in queer content, some queer women have taken to adult games like Honey Select, which allows them to customize every minute detail of a virtual woman. But it still assumes the player is male, and that both participants are cis.
"One thing that's bummed me out a lot about these adult VR games is that there's just no bodies like mine. It's just not there. I'm not gonna find it. It's just not what the priority is because, again, VR porn is mostly made for men," Valens said. 
That's a particular shame, too, since VR as a medium is defined by its capacity to let you inhabit other bodies. That's an invaluable experience for someone who has never felt at home in their real-life body.
VR porn has come a long way since its earliest days of being just Tube porn on a Google Cardboard headset. But somehow, we're more ready to explore hardcore fantastical furry sex before approaching experiences grounded in the actual realities of trans people's embodied experiences.
"I don't know when we're going to see more queer VR games," Valens lamented. "We do see some, but adult queer VR probably won't happen for a while."
The good, the bad, and the future of getting off in VR
VR porn is far from having reached the height of its potential, with too many practical issues (like availability) to address before it possibly ever could. But some creators and a willing audience seem equally invested in seeing its freak flag fly. It feels like we've never felt closer to watching adult-themed VR flourish into something great.
The Deviant Tech team is already looking into how to implement remote controlled toys tied to Dominatrix Simulator's game controls ("think buttplug.io," Devilish Domina said.) 
"We hope that our game kicks off a whole new niche in VR of self-loving, self-empowering porn — where, in the privacy of their own mind, people can experience their fantasies and explore new ones," she said.
But she is also cautious of certain aspects of VR porn, particularly its incredible power to allow users to lose themselves in those fantasies.
"The more immersive and realistic a game is — the more it makes a player feel — and the more addicting it can become. Porn is already a very addicting medium and many people find their relationships challenged when one partner is compulsive in their porn usage," she cautioned.
Similarly, Valens notes that VR porn will be defined by the ethics of the people wielding that tool.
"As the technology gets better, it becomes a tool, and a tool can be good and a tool can be bad. Tools that enter the hands of bigots or people that hate women are going to be used horribly," she said. As an example, she pointed to Studio FOW, a notorious hyper-realistic form of animated porn known for its extremely brutal, horrifyingly graphic, and unbelievably popular content. 
There's another worry, too, that this burgeoning indie adult VR game scene will be squeezed out by big developers who limit the tech.
"Inevitably, VR porn will mainstream VR in general. And then VR companies will want to move to a closed garden format, like Android or iPhone," said Valens. "That would mean that the kind of resources needed to make VR porn would stay in the hands of these really privileged developers rather than being shared with marginalized people."
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A towering, giant VR Dominatrix shows VR porn's potential.
Image: deviant tech
But Darling is confident in VR porn's mainstay power among fans, who seem more than willing to pay to ensure it addresses various kinks and desires.
At its worst, VR porn can be just more of the same — if not even worse at objectifying women by turning them into literal objects to be manipulated and controlled by presumably male players. But at its best, VR porn is beginning to open doors to an endless possibility of new and progressive spank bank material.
"The world is changing. People want bodily autonomy. Sexual autonomy. And we want to see VR porn and adult experiences encourage this," said Devilish Domina. "There is so much potential for educating people about their bodies, letting them try different relationship styles, be different people, and give them the chance to discover more about themselves in a safe, non-judgmental environment."
WATCH: VR is helping amputees feel their prosthetics as if they belonged to their bodies
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marypsue · 1 year
BOB NEWBY 1, 2, 12, 20, 27
I am high-fiving you SO HARD through the computer right now.
1. My first impression of them
My very very first impression, the first time my watch buddies and I saw s2e1, was 'isn't that the guy from the Power & Light truck who was spying on the Wheelers' house in season 1? What's he doing here? Is he a plant spying on the Byers for the lab?'
That was. Uh. Wrong.
(My second impression, which was that he was a bit insecure and shy and inclined to retreat, was also wrong and was entirely me falling for the appearance and failing to appreciate the substance. The 'appearances can be deceiving' theme of season 1 actually comes through the absolute strongest, in s2, through Bob Newby's character arc! No wonder I like the guy so much.)
2. When I think I truly started to like them
Honestly, this one is down almost entirely to @scribefindegil. I liked Bob, but I can't say that I loved him until exposed to her pure, transcendent adoration (and incredibly excellent takes).
12. Sexuality hc!
I'm pretty sure I made an entire post about the fact that this is the character who gets the line, "There's a closet. You're gonna need to get in it" directed at him?
Like obviously I am going to bestow the highest honour I have to give (queer headcanon) upon almost any character I really love. But also, it's text that Bob was bullied as a kid, that he had to go through a difficult process of learning to face his fears and stand up for himself, and that he's grown into an adult who's confident and comfortable in himself and his interests and desires. And also that when he was a kid in Maine he was plagued by the fucking clown. This man is a happy, confident bisexual and has no angst left in him about that fact, and I'll meet anybody who thinks that isn't supported by the text behind the Arby's in twenty minutes.
20. A weird headcanon
I personally think (for no real particular reason) that he got really good at cooking for himself living on his own. Not much of anything fancy, but he has a few fairly simple signature dishes that he makes really well, and he can consistently follow an unfamiliar recipe and get something edible and even delicious. Which is a skill Joyce is slightly in awe of.
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Look, this is gonna be beyond predictable, but I would dearly love to stick him in a kitchen with Samwise Gamgee and see what happens.
[from this ask meme]
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