#quentin rambling
tonguetearer · 1 year
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they're so me
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how i felt reading webspinners for solely mysterio (even skipping the subplot) and giggling when his face was shown
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chonkymoth · 8 months
I think one of the things about the magicians that I love so much is the emphasis on friendship + platonic love. there are various love triangles & hook ups & long term relationships & will-they-wont-theys within the show but the underlying thing between all the romantic & sexual relationships is always platonic ones. and not to mention all of the wonderful loving relationships that were never romantic and/or sexual to begin with.
just. Quinton was onto smth when he said he wanted a magic system that works based on love [spoiler: it does]
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spooky-salesman · 11 months
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Me seeing my fave character become “uwu soft boy who does no wrong”-ified by a fandom (it’s a canon even.) (it can not be prevented)
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Reasons I relate to Quentin Coldwater
-Depressed teenager
-Was obsessed with a popular children’s book series for far too long, and was made fun of for it
-Simultaneously having main character syndrome and acknowledging that I’d never be the main character
-Frequent exasperated facial expressions
-I would make the same stupid decisions as him
-I too would sacrifice everything to save our man Eliot
-Intensely layered clothing
-My first instinct in a crisis is also to force everyone into a musical number
-Not neurotypical
-I have the same hairstyle as him (not even fully intentional, and I have a much darker hair colour than he does)
-Cat person (just a feeling)
-Speech patterns
-The rambling “uhm ok so uh the Fillory books, right?”
-INFP personality type (ik it’s unreliable and stuff)
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crioh-freeze · 3 months
it just hit me at 4:01am that Quentin Smith was a goth via music taste bcuz it's canon that he loves Joy Division and The Cure. Those are both goth bands. I have both loved and adored this character for like 2 or 3 years now. And this just hit me.
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Chapters: 2/? Fandom: October Daye Series - Seanan McGuire Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: October "Toby" Daye & Quentin Sollys, Minor or Background Relationship(s) Characters: Quentin Sollys, October "Toby" Daye, Chelsea Ames, Rayseline Torquill, Raj (October Daye) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Role Reversal, Murder Mystery Summary:
Sir Quentin Sollys lives his life as a knight errant in service to the Duchy of Shadowed Hills. He gets up every morning, drinks his coffee, and drives into work. He does his job, and if that involves more household-management than swinging his sword around or solving mysteries, that's fine.
And then Countess Evening Winterrose dies, and the only witness is the Duchy's new foster; a near-feral changeling child who demands to be a part of the investigation. With clues leading straight to the fae underworld, a complicated relationship to the local King of Cats to contend with, and a strange child to look after, Quentin has his work cut out for him.
Check out the updated character tags 👀👀
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the-feral-gremlin · 1 month
Everytime I listen to Sacrifice by Blake Neely (the instrumentals used in Tommy’s death scene.) I feel 10x radiant damage because are you kidding me? The way it goes from a heroic moment of Tommy saving Laurel and Felicity stopping the detonation to growing horror because there was a second weapon and the building literally collapse on top of Tommy. Then Laurel’s desperation to get inside and save him and Quentin holding her back because that’s a highly unstable building. then Oliver running in to rescue him, knowing he’s probably going to die but still going in because he has to try. he has to try. To Tommy’s speech about how he’s sorry and he is his father and Oliver’s vehement no. To Tommy dying and Oliver, begging him to open his eyes and having to leave him there because laurel was coming in after him.
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Auuugh names. The worst part of making ocs
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cryptid-s-wips · 4 months
I hate (love) when I have a character who rotates around in my head like a rotisserie chicken but doesn't have anywhere to live. Please get out of my brain and onto some paper.
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daily-cheryl · 8 months
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Wip but I had to bring back the trauma trio for a joke.
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tonguetearer · 1 year
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Literally the same photo
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MCU's Mysterio was lackluster.
DISCLAIMER: if you like MCU Mysterio THAT IS FINE. I probably love a character you dislike! This is my opinion, it’s not fact.
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I become very passionate about characterization, so it’s likely this can be seen as an overreaction to other people. But this is what I like to do so :DDD (I love over-analyzing characters)
So, I’ve obviously been in a Mysterio phase the past little while. I watched Far From Home because I had only heard from people around me about the MCU version of the character. I never watched any MCU movies (besides NWH when it came out), so I didn't know what to expect. At this point, I have watched all of TSSM, read Mysterio’s first issue and a couple others from that era, watched his episodes in the ‘94 cartoon, read Webspinners, and Amazing Mary Jane. I say I have some understanding of what/who Mysterio essentially is.
MCU’s Mysterio, in my opinion, isn’t a good representation of who Mysterio is as a character. The movie seems to only understand him at a surface level. What similarities does MCU’s version have with the common comic consensus? He’s good with technology (and some acting), he’s a liar and a manipulator, and was underappreciated by the people around him. They both also mention illusions, as that is Mysterio’s ENTIRE shtick.
However, I’d argue MCU’s version doesn’t really delve as much into that aspect as it could. Yes, at the time of Mysterio’s debut in the comics, CGI wasn’t really a thing. Perhaps the MCU decided to “modernize” him. But instead, it felt to me, like someone painting an old Victorian house beige to modernize it. Changing his practical effects/magician knowledge to an understanding of holograms feels cheap. Comic Mysterio would absolutely HATE exclusively using CGI. Do other variants use holograms? Yes, TSSM used them a few times. But he also included practical props and magic tricks. Mysterio is a multi-media creative, not just a technician. (To me, anyway.)
The last scene of the movie that features Beck had the perfect opportunity for him to use a robotic clone instead of ANOTHER hologram to trick Peter while he was dying. The smoke surrounding him could've been emitted by the drones, but it was holographic too.
But, holograms are all MCU Beck knows. The other members of his crew had all of the creative or technical traits that the multi-talented stuntman of the comics would have. His character, Quentin, wasn’t even his idea. (Quentin isn’t even his real name, apparently. But we never find out his real name, we just know him as Beck.)
He’s a liar and a manipulator, sure, but that's the most he has that's really in line with who Mysterio is.
He doesn’t have that signature ego the traditional Mysterio is solely reliant on. (To the point where most jabs about him made by Spidey are about said pride. Even in an old PS2 game he called a large robot version of Mysterio “almost as big as [his] ego.”)
When he saves the city from the water elemental, he simply salutes and leaves while the crowd cheers. Mysterio would encourage the cheering, revel in it, as that’s who he is. Hell, even while fighting every elemental in the movie, he does not even try to make a snarky remark or make himself seem cool. (He never even speaks! Only when Peter joins him in fighting does he speak during fights, but it's only to Peter.) Webspinners gave us the idea that Beck knows he’s not the coolest guy ever, but as Mysterio, he can be greater. There is no separation between Beck and Mysterio in the movie, there’s hardly a mask he is putting on (or rather fishbowl). Sure, he tells Spider-Man that “Mysterio is the truth!” seemingly to make Mysterio a symbol, but it falls flat for me.
Usually, Beck and Mysterio are almost two distinct people. Mysterio in the movie has no signature voice or way of speech that makes him grander than the average joe Beck is.
MCU Beck’s given backstory can be interesting, if it weren’t for how it is framed. Note: I do not care about Tony Stark or any of his friends, everything I know about him is surface level. Beck expresses that his holographic technology was taken by Stark and insulted. Supposedly, Beck was fired for being, as he put it, “unstable.” We do not see what this really means. How this scene read to me is that a rich man took advantage of an employee, and thus framed him as mentally unwell to discredit him should he speak up. It could be from my knowledge of Disney’s employee treatment that gives me this icky feeling seeing this scene being framed as “unreasonable” in a way. How dare Beck, a man who’s life's work was stolen and insulted by someone much more powerful than him, get angry at the MCU’s golden boy?
Could Beck be an unreliable narrator here? Absolutely, but from what I heard this is not the first time something like this happens in regards to Stark.
Beck, to me, didn’t read like a loser who puts on a fishbowl to take on a much bigger personality. He feels like a man who you could replace with anyone, and it wouldn’t make that much of a change.
It is such a difference watching that movie, then watching any of his variants in cartoons or reading them in the comics. It’s not even an interesting difference. It’s not a twist on his character that makes me go “Oh, that’s cool.” I'm just left disappointed.
If Beck wasn’t framed as an irrational, short-tempered monster after his “twist reveal,” there could be something to say about his character. He has a legitimate reason to be upset, but it sucks that that is the only motivation he has (and that this motivation drives him so up the wall that he’s willing to kill Peter and mass amounts of people. Mysterio is rarely framed as a killer, from what I’ve seen.).
Yes, Beck is traditionally a very petty man. But my issue is that the backstory also just HAS to include Tony for the sake of Disney's meatriding of him and for Peter's grief the whole movie.
If we use this backstory for him, it could be a representation of lower wage employees being treated as disposable. It could give him some much needed depth. This depth is lost when he gets the “angry killer” characterization after his reveal. It no longer feels like a backstory that makes the audience sympathetic towards him, it feels like we’re just supposed to see that story as the supporting evidence for him being “unstable.” (Because Disney doesn’t want us to side with the lower wage employees that they regularly take advantage of. Look guys! He’s the villain for a reason!)
I could be wrong. This could be a show of how a grudge can turn you into a shell of your former self and lead you down a bad path. Perhaps Beck did have some mental health issues that enhanced his irrationality and anger, but I don’t think that was the intent at all. The framing doesn't feel like we're supposed to feel bad for him. But I do to an extent.
MCU “Quentin” Beck does not feel like Mysterio. He just feels like a guy who knows how to make holograms and maybe says the word "illusion" five or so times.
The illusion Peter is stuck in before he gets hit by a train is actually the only scene I like. There are creative visuals and trippy imagery. But that's one scene, and it's not even that long. Disney, you made the pink elephants on parade segment, do that more.
I simply wished we got the pathetic theater major we ("we" as in Mysterio likers) know and love.
tagged: @mango-water, @cronchyy2, @bluebutterflytears
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bravelostgirl · 6 months
As a writer of The Magicians recently -- all i can say is at least my version of Q wants nothing more than respect and love ; that's why I write them being just a normal couple
a couple that can support and love each other without being scared of the future. My version of Queliot live for now and not for what if's -- to have my Q wrapped up in the embrace of El. It makes me happy.
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layalu · 10 months
apparently i have relapsed into my (ir)regular Flight Rising phase lolol so of course i continue to use every game ever as a glorified character creator
below in order are: Lacrima, Kiran, Noé, Flora, Quentin, Lilian :]
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wordishismart9 · 11 hours
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No truer line has ever been written or spoken.
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