#queued by sleeping beauty
bedforddanes75 · 5 months
i miss this hair more than anything
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pearlescent-poppies · 5 months
Here’s the pre-story for the first book of my Fairy Tales series! Sleeping Beauty: Flower Husbands
At the age of thirteen, Prince Scott began to sneak into the forest bordering his kingdom of Rivendell, a mountainous place covered in snow and known for its flora and fauna. The particular forest Scott frequented happened to sit below Rivendell. Which meant the trek was pretty dangerous all things considered; but he just needed to get away. His 18th birthday was rapidly approaching, and with that, his duties and lessons as a prince were beginning to pile up. Five years may seem like a long time, but it really wasn’t. So any chance the young elf had, he would flee to the tranquility of nature. Today had been exceptionally bad, with fencing, mathematics, cultures, and dancing all packed into a mere 6 hours. He had needed to get out, so he did. Back to the only place he ever felt truly happy anymore. Scott walked the familiar paths and just… breathed. The presence of his best friend next to him and the fresh air was all he needed to feel better. By best friend, he of course, meant Owen. The stag that had been his for as long as he could remember, and his riding partner, as horses weren’t something that lived in a cold place like Rivendell.
“It’s nice out today, isn’t it Owen? I’ll sneak you an orange later for bringing me down here,” Scott said, and pressed his forehead against the stag’s muzzle in an affectionate gesture. See, Owen was a strange being. One time, when Scott had been young and eating an orange, the creature came up behind him and ate the fruit right out of his hand. They had been Owen’s favourite ever since. Scott laughed at the memory and kept walking.
After about a half hour of peace, Scott heard something that had caught his attention. A beautiful series of bird calls that might have been the prettiest thing Scott had heard his whole life. Intrigued, the cyan haired elf followed the calls to a small corner-clearing where the mountains of Rivendell met the forest.
Scott hummed and in a moment of hesitation, tied Owen’s reins to a tree, “I’ll be right back,” he murmured and patted the side of the stag’s face. Scott took a deep breath and entered the area. He was surprised to say the least, in the middle of the clearing, next to a pond, was a boy. An avian, it seemed, about Scott’s own age with bright yellow wings and wearing a simple sky blue dress that flared around where he sat. Sunlight seemed to kiss him from every direction, hair lit up like a halo and his wings glinted gold. He was chirping and twittering up a storm with some birds. Whatever they seemed to be conversing about had the boy’s shoulders shaking in silent laughter.
Scott watched, stunned for a few moments before calling out, suddenly desperate to get to know the avian, “Hello?” Scott called. The boy jumped and whirled to face him, having been cut off mid sentence. Scott waited a few minutes but the boy said nothing. It seemed to Scott that he was too frightened to speak. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just… um… heard you and the birds? And well…” the prince trailed off. What was happening to him? Scott was usually far more eloquent than this. He was graceful and had all the confidence befitting of his stature. This was not who he was.
The mysterious boy giggled at him, “No, no, you’re okay,” his sentence was interrupted with more giggles, “I’m just not used to others, you said you heard us?” He tilted his head in question, one of the wing tufts covering his ears extended in a way that continued to indicate the question in his tone.
“Yeah!” Scott was beginning to come back to himself. “It was so pretty, I had to come investigate! I didn’t expect to find anyone though,” Scott walked further into the clearing and it really was gorgeous. A miniature valley dotted with various kinds of flowers and framed by small peaks.
The avian blushed, ear wings flitting up and down quickly, “Y- you thought it was pretty?”
Scott nodded, “Yeah, one of the prettiest things I’ve ever heard.” He stopped next to the boy and looked down at him. His hair was blonde and fluffy, almost as fluffy as Scott’s own. There was a smattering of freckles across the bridge of his nose and his eyes were a warm brown. He was gorgeous. Scott’s face flushed much in the same way the boy’s had mere moments before.
The avian was stunned for a moment, why was this stranger being so nice? “Here, sit… unless you’re a murderer or something?” he said sheepishly. Scott sat down at the invitation, close enough that their knees brushed together ever so slightly.
“Definitely not, I’m actually a prince.” Well that was probably a dangerous thing to say, oh well. He doubted this gorgeous boy would be able to hurt him anyways.
“Really? That’s incredible! My godmothers love to tell me stories about royalty! I’m… no one special though, probably not worth your time actually, um, sorry,” he rambled, getting quieter as he went.
The boy had begun to pull away slightly when Scott placed a hand on his knee. Desperate not to let him go for some reason. “What? No! You’re probably one of the most interesting people I’ve ever met, even if I don’t know your name,” Scott smiled softly.
“O-oh! That’s… wow,” the other muttered to himself. “Oh! I’m so sorry your highness! I should’ve, should’ve introduced myself sooner. I’m Jimmy.” Scott giggled, Jimmy, huh? It suited the adorable avian.
“It’s nice to meet you Jimmy. Please, don’t use a title for me or anything, just Scott is fine. I’m Scott,” he introduced.
“Scott… okay then,” Jimmy said his name like he was testing it out. He wanted to hear his name forever with that voice. Scott paused. What in Aeor’s name was with him?
After their introductions, Scott and Jimmy talked about everything and nothing for hours. The canary and the frost elf spoke like they had known each other their whole lives. Scott even went and got Owen for Jimmy to meet at one point. The avian had been scared at first, he had never seen a stag before afterall. Scott watched with a grin and a face he was sure was going to be pink forever after this, as his best friend and Jimmy bonded. Eventually, however, as the sun was setting, they had to part ways.
“Will… will I ever see you again? Scott asked and grabbed the canary’s hand.
“I hope so. This has been… this has been wonderful. You’re welcome here anytime Scott. Really. I’m out here most days so come find me whenever you get the chance, yes?” Jimmy entwined their fingers and gave Scott’s hand a squeeze.
Scott squeezed Jimmy’s hand back, “Yes, absolutely.”
Jimmy’s smile was sad but hopeful as he came closer and kissed the elf on the cheek, “Goodbye, Scott.” Their hands slipped away from each other as the avian gave him one last smile and left.
“Bye,” he murmured, hand going up to touch the spot Jimmy had just kissed him. Scott watched Jimmy walk away for as long as he could before he mounted Owen’s back. Scott flicked Owen’s reins and as they started the journey home, he knew he was about to start the adventure of a lifetime.
The End
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velvateen · 1 year
hiii can i request a reader x luffy fic on how luffy would act if the reader like fell asleep on his shoulder or something? thank uu😸😸
oh anon i went above and beyond for you… tysm for this cuteeeee request mwahhh •.*
monster trio x gn reader - falling asleep on their shoulders!
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warnings: fluff, zoros is a little teensie weensie bit suggestive leave me alone, no pronouns used!
On the plush couch of your apartment, Luffy’s leg shook in excitement as he queued up a movie for you two to watch while you ate the take-out you ordered. He was ready to eat, and ready to watch one of his favorite movies with you. You got up, heading towards the kitchen.
“What do you want to drink, Luffy?”
“Anything is fine, water, quick quick you gotta watch this part, it’s important!” He brought the takeout box to his chin, using his chopsticks to pile an ungodly amount of noodles into his mouth. You smiled at him from behind the counter, taking in the sweet ambiance.
You two had just started dating a few weeks ago, and moments like this were so fun to share, so simple. You walked back and sat next to him, your legs brushing him with the proximity. You could feel him tense at the feeling, still not used to how he got to be near you whenever he wanted, but he relaxed quickly, his leg moving to bump yours in a playful acknowledgement. You smiled as you ate, quickly becoming transfixed at the tv screen.
Half of the movie later, your stomach full and eyes drooping, your head began to drop. You quickly would jerk it back up, but it was becoming impossible to stay awake, and the cycle kept continuing. After a cool moment in the movie, Luffy turned to you to see your reaction.
“Wasn’t that co--” he started, interrupted with how cute you looked, illuminated by the blue glow of the tv, eyes closed and head tilting down, fighting to stay awake. He took a deep breath and turned back to the tv fighting a smile, you were so beautiful and he couldn’t believe you were his. Even when he thought that this night couldn’t get any better, you proved him wrong as your head lolled onto his shoulder. Your destination finally made, you fell into a proper sleep, your steady breaths ghosting his shoulder. Reaching to pause the movie, Luffy returned to you and brought his head to rest atop yours.
He looked at you, his arm wrapping under yours to hold your hand gently, basking in the knowledge that he was the only one you trusted to hold you like this.
“We can finish it tomorrow.”
“Man, I’m beat,” you huffed, dropping your bag on the floor. Kicking off your shoes at the entry way, you stumbled into your apartment. Zoro was sitting in the living room, watching tv after his afternoon workout, by the looks of his clothes.
“Long day?” he asked, pausing the show to hear your response.
You sighed, “Guess. I’m gonna shower, you coming or what?”
You sat in your bed, leaning against the headboard, book in hand. Zoro was next to you, sitting beside you but his eyes closed, nodding in and out of sleep. The book you had found was so good, but the long day you had was really catching up with you, and fast. To your credit, you had gotten a few chapters read before the book slipped from your hands and fell onto your lap. With the movement, Zoro cracked an eye open. Your head was tilted back, face relaxed as sleep began to take over you. Zoro grinned, sneaking his arm behind your shoulders, his hand pulling your head towards his. He pressed a kiss to your head while he massaged your scalp gently, urging you deeper into your well-earned sleep.
The car ride home in the taxi was pretty quiet, save for the occasional stray question asked by the driver, and the soft music that played from the front of the car. After the day-long string of activities Sanji had planned, ending at one of your favorite bars, you were ready to go home and catch some sleep before undoubtedly seeing him again tomorrow. It was only your second date tonight, but it was going so well that it felt like you’ve known him forever. You and Sanji sat side by side in the taxi, his hand resting on his thigh, pinky outstretched and linked with yours. The rock of the car was gentle as the tick of the highway played a steady rhythm, warm yellow street lights casting quick shadows across your bodies.
His hand snaked around your arm, now fully holding your hand. “So did you have fun tonight, my love?” You looked at him, him returning your gaze. You smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, then opting to settle your head on the crook of his shoulder. He tilted down to help you settle there, feeling your cheeks rise as a smile rested on your lips.
“So is that a yes?”
You hummed in response, eyes closing as you began to nod off. Sanji smiled, his head tilting back against the headrest. A few minutes later, the driver pulled onto your street.
“Excuse me?” Sanji asked. The driver looked back. “How much for you to keep driving a little longer?”
a/n: thank you sm for this awesome silly tres cute little baby fic it was so fun to write (i need sanji in a way that sets feminism back). please send me more requests but!!! if yours includes a character i haven’t met in the show (i’m at thriller bark) it might take a little while longer bc idk how to write them yet. patience is a virtue, kitties. okay meow (cat saying ciao) •.*
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iznsfw · 9 months
Here, Kitty, Kitty!
IZ Days of Christmas 2023: Day 2 - Miyawaki Sakura
LE SSERAFIM's Miyawaki Sakura x Male Reader Smut
6,381 words
Categories | catgirl!Sakura, petplay, KITTY CORNER
Queued this on the wrong time, sorry for the late post
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The smell of freshly sautéed food fills your nostrils. The seasoning prickles the air and your stomach rumbles even before you rise. You’d drool over the food if you didn’t open your eyes and find someone else more worthy of your adoration.
Do you need to say more? No, but you’ll go on anyway when it’s about Sakura.
Her back is turned yet your focus remains attached to her. Long brown hair sways with her movements from the restraints of a band. You wonder if she knows how many times you’ve threaded your fingers through her locks as she sleeps, or notice how your hand always goes to her hair whenever she needs comforting. Your attention’s brought to her white skin exposed by the short sleeves of her short shirt. Each lot it takes—her pretty arms, bare neck, or tiny waist—is perfect. There’s beauty even without catching sight of her face.
Of course, there’s also beauty when you see it.
Sakura turns her head. She smiles, her fine cheekbones highlighted. And it’s like falling in love with her all over again. “I knew that would wake you up.”
The food’s just the alarm clock. Sakura’s the sunshine that blinds you.
You lean forward with a playful lilt in your voice. “Are you implying that I’m greedy?”
She draws the big wooden spoon to her mouth and licks a peppered green off it. “I’m implying that I’m a great chef,” she says. She turns the stove off satisfiedly. 
Your legs feel shaky from the long commute, in which you spent a painful amount of time rushing and reaping, but they still choose the way to your girlfriend. When you wrap your arms around her, she jerks in surprise. She settles into them anyway; you’re a familiar comfort. You like how small she looks in your embrace, how you’re always entertained by the idea that you could easily pick her up and give her the biggest hug ever. 
(And other things.)
You kiss the side of her head. “Thanks for the dinner, pet.”
Sakura looks up at you with those spell-binding large eyes, reminding you again of why you chose that nickname. Pet name is a more accurate term.. She’s the tiniest thing ever that you’re pretty sure you could pick her up with just one hand, like she’s a kitten. Her small whines whenever she’s frustrated during a game or tired from work don’t help diminish the urge to call her your pet.
“It’s nothing,” she giggles. “I want you to eat well.”
“I eat enough already. Watch.” 
Seal your lips around her earlobe jokingly. Sakura shrieks. Your laughs vibrate on her skin as the feeling tickles her. Once you release her, she begins to hit you painlessly with the utensil. 
“Whoa, that wasn’t even foreplay or anything.”
Sakura’s smile reaches her ears. “Jerk,” she says. “How do I even deal with a horndog like you?”
Okay, now that’s not fair. You’re not even horny twenty-four seven. You just tend to let the memories of Sakura in a summer top and skimpy shorts linger. So her bold accusations are totally false. Nope. You’re not letting them tarnish your image. 
“You’re the one thinking dirty about it, pet,” you say, snatching the spoon from her and lifting it high. 
Her attempt to steal it draws laughs from you. She’s too small to achieve the spoon. She extends her arm up yet ends up empty-handed. Sakura huffs and crosses her arms, finally giving up.
“I know.”
Now you’re the one smiling. It surprises you how quickly she said it, almost like she’s trying to lead things somewhere. The tilt of your mouth reaches places when your cute girlfriend blushes.
“Y-you know what I meant.” 
“I actually do not.”
“Well, I won’t tell you anyway. I like it when you do the talking.”
Sakura always prioritizes you, and it often makes you feel guilty. She’s never put herself first. It’s always her taking the last turn, having the smallest half of the cake, giving what she has though it’s only enough for her. Sometimes you want to give back to her, too, and not just in the act of being her boyfriend.
“And I like it when you let me take care of you.” Open your mouth anyway when she raises the spoon to your lips. As always, her cooking is everything. 
You’d say thank you verbally, but you think you prefer grabbing her small waist and lifting her on the countertop. You prefer that squeal, too. Sakura has a funny smirk on her face. You sweep back her disheveled hair and kiss that smile you love so much.
“So let me do the listening this time. What’s going on in that pretty little head, pet?”
“Just… you.” Her legs surround your hips. “I can’t think, I can’t work. All I think about is how you’re doing.”
Sakura massages the sides of your head. You swear you can feel her love trickle from her long, thin fingers and into your mind. She’s so learned in the ways of love that you get a free lesson from her everyday. You’re still studying, but you think you’ve got the hang of it.
“I can handle myself, Sakura,” you tell her. “You’re always taking care of me, so now, I gotta be the one doing it with you.”
“There’s one way for you to take care of me…”
Sakura’s hand grasps yours, and soon she’s leading it between her legs. In turn, it leads you to notice how tiny her shorts are. The hem’s literally hugging below the centers of her cheeks, giving attention to its supple shape. It leaves no room for the imagination. Neither does her crop top. Why is she wearing such a tight shirt in the house anyway? It’s just the two of you.
Then you see the lust in her face, and the dots all connect. 
“Naughty pet.” Squeeze the cheek of her ass to feel her body tense. “What exactly are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking,” says Sakura, as she lifts her legs so you could pull her shorts off, “that you ruin me with those fingers.”
Familiar scent and a familiar sight: her drenched cunt. But you never get tired of seeing her naked or running your digits along her pink slit.
Sakura’s voice whittles into a soft breath, the kind you only hear when she sings quietly. That must be why her moans are like music to you.
Her wetness is unbelievable. In little time, your fingers are already soaked, and you haven’t even put them inside her yet. There’s no need to rush anyway. You’ll take your time playing with her.
Miyawaki Sakura is named after cherry blossoms. It only makes sense that her blush is as pink as the seasonal flowers. Her core drips as if it holds excessive dew drops. Something about the color, too. Something about her center having the same blooming beauty her face has. You stroke this southern flower. Sakura grips your forearm tightly.
Immediately, your fingertips are dripping with her juices. Each flick of your hand, like that of a magician, makes her legs shudder. That’s only one more reason to do it. Play with her clit so she responds with an expected gasp. 
“Mmh, please.” 
“M-make me cum…” Sakura’s practically salivating. The drool from her mouth is a parallel to the juices trickling from her cunt. “I need it.”
You kiss her. “I know you do.”
Your touch pierces her core. Sakura’s gasp extends, and her large cat eyes grow rounder. Your fingers move as if to beckon—as if to beckon the strongest climax from her. Of course, you can’t keep doing the same thing if you want that. Recognize this, spread her thigh apart from your forearm and pin it to the counter so you could ram your fingers in her harsher. You make sure to touch her sensitive parts in order to keep those beautiful moans floating to your ears.
You had your suspicions, but it seems now that Sakura was not wearing a bra beneath that tight excuse of a crop top. Her nipples make a print upon the fabric. It’s an invitation, really. Softness fills your palms as you squeeze and squeeze and squeeze, keeping your girlfriend on the road to her orgasm.
“Feels so good!” she says—(no, screams.) Her feet kick and the entirety of her small body tenses up. “Feels so… oh god, don’t stop!”
Your thumb toys with her nipple as your lips latch on her neck. You wouldn’t think of it. You’re here to give Sakura what she needs and wants. In fact, you’re borderline spoiling her—you don’t actually have to thrust that hard or kiss her this passionately. But when it comes to giving back to her, you admit you go a little overboard.
It’s not like anyone else wouldn’t have done the same thing when Sakura’s so vocal about everything. Her cute voice becomes even cuter as it twists with every plunge and squeeze of your hand. She stutters over her words, a habit that becomes more adorable despite the circumstances, and looks at you with this unhinged wildness you only ever see when you’re taking her. If she’s your pet, she’d be a feral cat in heat, always in need for blissful salvation.
Well, you’ll grant it to her.
In the privacy of your own home, this is what you could do to Sakura: leave hickeys all over her skin, finger her with the strings of wetness connecting and disconnecting from your digits, have her for your own. You grow harsher by the minute, and she loves every second of it.
“Please. More, please, I want—” 
“What do you want, Sakura?” 
She needs to speak yet your swift strokes prevent her from saying a comprehensible syllable. Sakura’s hold on your arm—on you—truly is fascinating. She can control you while staying on the receiving side with her pouty slim lips and trembling body. She can make you do anything for her without having to convince you. Her hand over the center of your pants just adds to the heat.
She palms your stiff erection while you thrust your fingers inside her little pussy relentlessly. It’s all so much for a tiny girl to give and take, so it shouldn’t be a surprise when she says it—
“Need you to fuck your kitten’s pussy, make me squirt, I want it so bad!”
—but it is.
You’re well aware of why your fingerfucking grows borderline cruel, why Sakura is screaming the way she is. You’re lost in the moment. The heat in your pants is becoming unbearable. Your fingers are ruining her. 
And you can feel sharp teeth sinking into your neck. The pain is pleasure, and you’re struggling to think of what her bite reminds you of: fangs? Needles? Pins?
A kitten?
Sakura wets the counter and your sleeves. She whimpers against your skin, but you keep on going. You know it’s what she wants. In the corner of your eye, you can see her ears turn red. The volume of her moans next to your ear reaches heights.
“N-no… ah, stop.”
“Sakura?” you ask warily, afraid you did something wrong. Were things going too far? Are you hurting her? Maybe you already did.
Relief courses through your chest when she kisses you. “I’m alright,” she says sweetly. “It’s just… hmm—”
She never gets to continue what she’s saying until later on. She finds your concerned face too adorable. You’re pretty sure she saw the vulnerability in it. There’s something raw about someone seeing beauty in you the way you see in her. 
Sakura kisses you, hands containing your face. You smile into the heated session. When you drag your fingers slowly out of her cunt, she moans again, rekindling your carnal wants. 
She pulls away. “I like how your fingers are totally soaked,” she says lightly, “and it’s all me.”
She opens her mouth meekly, and you already know what to do.
Earlier, her pussy wrapped your fingers. Now, her lips do, stroking your digits of the liquid that pours down them. It’s like she’s having a second dinner with the way she’s devouring her own juices. You aren’t taking a bite of anything, but watching Sakura do what she does best is a whole meal already.
“God, Sakura, you’re so fucking sexy.”
She giggles. “Thank you. I try to be for you.”
The twirl of your wrist guides her tongue in cleaning your hand up. She truly is a kitten. Her tiny tongue licks you up, and her distinct moans almost sound like meows.
So it’s only right that you pet her. Ruffle her hair and lead it back into place. “You’re always hot, pet.” 
Think back to the moments she sits in her room gaming, with nothing but your shirt and panties on. Of course she always is. It’s second nature to her.
“I’d tell you to continue,” says Sakura slyly, kissing your fingertips, “but that would ruin the bigger surprise, won’t it?”
“What surprise?”
She hops off the counter and pushes you to the island. Since when did her workouts involve that? But she’s Sakura—your girlfriend whose face shows the mischief of a pet who’s too aware of what she’s doing. That’s why you’re breathless.
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
Well, fuck.
Sakura hooks her finger underneath the button of your shirt. Just a skim of her touch makes you shake. You’re wondering what’s happening—more importantly, what will be happening. But the answer’s clear. She knows your secrets, and now, she’s about to show you something she’s been hiding herself. 
She starts leading you to the bedroom. If looks could kill, you’d be dead by now, on the floor, drool rolling down from the corner of your mouth. And it would be all because of your girlfriend’s sultry expression that’s locked and loaded on you, ready to maim.
Her back rests on your bedroom door. You’re so close to each other that not one breath goes unheld by your skin. She’s truly evil for this. She knows you’re down bad for her, down at rock bottom. And she still chooses to work you up like this: pressing herself against the wooden door, with nothing but that short crop top on and a smile that’s too alluring.
You laugh. Grasp her waist. You can span its width using a single hand. “What’s this, pet?” you say. She’s getting you all hot and bothered.
“Just come inside and close your eyes.” 
Sakura winks. That’s how you know it’s as serious as it gets; Miyawaki Sakura doesn’t know how to wink. If it’s worth her practice and time, you’re in for the real thing.
You shut your eyes as she asked, and let her lead you to the bed. Your excitement chains your throat that you can’t even ask her if she’s done. Rely on your sense of hearing to figure out what’s going on. 
It feels like hours waiting for her surprise. The bed is soft beneath you, but you’d rather have Sakura’s tight body under you instead. Your pants are tight already. Reminding yourself that she’d be ready in a few does nothing to satiate your restlessness.
“Sakura,” you say with a kidding husk that intimidates her nevertheless, “don’t keep me waiting.”
“I-I’m not!”
The thumps and gasps of struggle become less frequent. Your hands frisk impatiently at your sides. What exactly is she planning?
“Open your eyes now!” 
Once you see her, you’re met with the thought that confirms you that, like Sakura said, you’ll come inside, just in another way.
Your nickname for Sakura is sweet, but you can’t deny the lewdness it takes now that it represents itself in front of you. 
Her white crop top was replaced with a sleeveless brown one. It ought to be impossible for a crop top to be any more revealing, but that’s proved wrong when this one barely hides the underside of her chest, even giving the top of it a wide peek. Worst of all (but you can’t deny that it’s the best thing you’ve ever seen): there’s a cartoon cat-shaped hole in the middle of it that exposes even more skin. It’s more of a bra rather than a shirt at this rate. But you’d argue that actual bras aren’t this provocative. And you’d argue that you don’t mind—not even a little bit, not even at all.
All of her is on display: her midriff, her arms and pits, her legs, everything. Then you have her skirt that’s the definition of short. It’s a pathetic attempt at modesty and a great exercise of lewdness. Its length allows you a view of her inviting pussy.
It isn’t a secret that you love her hair, and now you’re in a position in which your adoration for it grows. You’re blameless, especially when it’s banded into two twintails joined behind a headband of black cat ears.
But the highlight of it all is that black collar rounding her neck. It awaits a connected leash, a driven purpose.
Tonight, Miyawaki Sakura isn’t just your girlfriend. She’s your pet—your gorgeous, little kitten in heat.
You knew it. Sakura’s been scheming and planning this, and now the surprise is all ready. She’s all ready for your using and taking.
“What a naughty girl you are, Sakura,” you murmur, getting up. 
She cowers. “Just wanted to give you a reward for working hard.” Her paws float to her cheeks. “And… I really want to be your pet. Your pretty little pet.”
“You knew what I wanted all along, huh?”
Sakura hums helplessly while she peeks from the spaces between her fingers. Her palms do a poor job of hiding her red skin. She’s both excited and shy about this, and she’s not sure where to settle. But she’s sure of the heat that sparks between her legs when you trace your touch from her jawline to her chin, where you gently lift. Your gaze is so intense that she flinches. 
“Well,” you say, bringing her eyes back to you, “what should I do about it?”
“Do what you want to me, master.”
From day one, a cat is what she reminds you of. Although she’s the eldest in her friend group with Chaewon and Yunjin, she’s still a kitten inside needing appreciation from her master. Maybe she saw in you too a master that would fit her needs well, who’d see her cute self as someone who’s also tantalizingly beautiful.
Today, you’re letting that come to life.
“Give me the leash. I know you prepared one.”
She blushes. “Of course, master.” She rises from her kneeled position to retrieve it.
Strike her ass that peeks roundly from beneath the hem of her skirt. Her cheeks bounce at the impact. As an effect, her legs shake, too. Her yelp is cute yet it sends a rush of happiness to the wrong place. 
“Bad kitten. Kittens like you don’t walk on two legs.”
“Sorry, master.”
Sakura’s now red ass is presented to you as she crawls on all fours to the corner of the room while you step out of your slacks. You could tell she gets off to the humiliation—her slit’s been dripping all over her thighs. 
The black device is dark compared to her gold collar. She picks it up with her mouth and crawls back to you. That’s right. Even if her knees burn and her hands turn red, a kitten will always crawl on command for her master.
She looks adorable with her face all sweaty from the effort. Doesn’t matter; she’ll be rewarded for it eventually.
You click the leash on. She meows appreciatively. How is it possible that an odd sound unfit for a woman like her gets you hard? You tap your lap, and she crawls up onto it. She never loses her act as a kitten.
“Fast learner.” With her stomach down, you’re able to touch her ass and cunt freely. Most cats like being petted on their backs, but yours would much rather have your hand on her cunt. Actually, you could touch her anywhere and still be met with a gush of arousal between her slim thighs. “What treat do you want for that?”
Sakura’s legs squirm together. You’d never grow tired of hearing her whimpering, but you strike her ass again. You’re a kind master, not a lenient one.
“I said: what treat do you want?”
“Want my master to eat my slutty catgirl pussy out…” she murmurs. 
Why not? 
You lift Sakura’s weightless body from your lap and drag her up the bed. In spite of her slight choking, you tug harder. At least this time she has the soft mattress under her knees rather than the cold floor. But good pets need training to become what they are.
Tie the leash in a harsh knot on one of the poles. Sakura’s still whimpering. You know she wants this treat so badly. Consequently: push her down. Spread her legs. There’s no gentleness here. Her skirt isn’t a problem when it’s length is miniscule. You’re free to eat her out as harshly as possible.
“Oh, oh, master!” Sakura’s gasps are loud despite the earliness of it all. She rolls the silky bedclothes in balls, trying to cope with your licking. It’s like you’ve reversed roles and you became the kitten that licked at her for supplement, just without the submissiveness. Either way, her senses immediately live for it and strive to get more.
Stick your tongue inside that addicting little hole. Your lips brush Sakura’s pussy lips, leaving open kisses on it. She’s so sensitive that a long, hard swipe of your tongue along her slit would have her nearly cumming. You were sure about that even before you tested it out. 
Your saliva and her juices connect. Hard to tell one from the other when you’re tonguefucking her and dragging all those delicious nectar out. It spills on her thighs, which you don’t see as a problem if you could lick it all up. You’re glad to have it stain your mouth as you kiss away at her inner thighs, then return to eating her out.
You plunge your tongue deep. Its tip flicks at her walls and sets a fire inside her. No amount of natural lubrication could keep it from burning. The magic of your mouth can be cruel and blissful at the same time.
“Fuck! Keep eating me, your tongue, holy shit—” 
Sakura gags after her attempt in lifting her head is restricted by the leash. The length you tied it at is too short for her to watch you or even react with a movement. It’s exactly what you want; exactly what she wants, too. The pain is mutually desired but so is the pleasure.
You spit on her cunt. “Did I say you get to order me around?” you ask.
Sakura shakes her head, yet another action the leash prevents her from performing properly.
“That’s what I thought. All I want to hear is your moans. Is that understood, kitten?”
“Yes! Ah, fffuck!”
Dive back in. If you weren’t full from Sakura’s amazing cooking earlier on, then you’re fed well with her pussy. You’re no pretentious dieter—you eat her pussy without shame. Perhaps you lick more than you can swallow with how she’s so sensitive and keeps leaking everywhere. Your tongue pushes and pulls from inside her orifice while your upper lip attends to her clit. Despite not having it in your mouth, you feel it pulsing.
You watch Sakura’s flat tummy rise and rest while you have your way with her. Measure its tempo. You’ve determined she’s close, if her thighs shivering around your head weren’t enough indicators. Jerk them to you and listen (if the hold of her thighs allows you) to the wonderful sounds of her strangled moaning.
“Hahk, oh god, please!”
Much to her disappointment, your fingers are only used to part her pussy lips rather than fuck her. But she’s happier with you licking wild lines on her velvety walls. It seems like your mouth could reach everything. Sakura starts to tremble more. It’s a warning, a not-safe-for-work sticker placed on an explicit track.
“Kitten’s c-cumming, I can’t hold it!” sobs your pet, unable to take any more. Her upper body joins in on the quivering, and you can see the delightful view of her tiny boobs bouncing from behind her top.
What’s next is the suction on her clit. You’ve saved suckling on it for now when she’s at her high. It’s a tested and proven method to amplify her orgasm. Once your lips seal at her clitoris, she lets out screams that almost sound like yowls. Her clawed fingernails start to scratch at your head. You’ll punish her for that later. Currently, you’ll focus on making her cream.
“Master, d-do me harder… master, master!”
The last of her orgasm subsides. That’s your cue to unfasten the leash from the headboard and pull the collar up. Sakura makes a weak, fragile sound that stirs a mixture of heat in your loins.
“No. Kittens don’t make the rules for their owners, do they, pet?”
Her beautiful face shows guilt, but no regrets. You expected that. “Sorry,” she says quietly. 
One would think she must have watched and taken notes from a lot of “tutorial” videos for her nuances—folding her hands, looking up at you with flinching eye contact, squirming—to be this pet-like (you know you have). But she’s just a natural catgirl, and she likes being used like this. The glint in her eyes can’t be mistaken for the lighting in the room.
Grip her collar tighter. “Do you expect me to reward bad behavior?”
“Then get on all fours on the bed. I’m not letting up on you.”
Sakura is a little too happy to do as you say. However, you’re certain she isn’t prepared for the onslaught of lust about to be taken out on her.
You observe Sakura’s beautiful back. The line running down the center shows the hours she spent in the gym to work hard on it. It looks prettier with the thin crossing straps of the top running over it. Now your fingers are, too. You can trace Sakura’s shudders, right from her collared neck to her skirted ass.
Raise your hand high in the air, then slap her supple butt. While you’d tell her it’s to punish her, you think it’s just to hear her moan. It's a carnal instinct. Maybe you’re the animal here with your acts of nature. Doesn’t sound right; whether you slap or caress or pinch her, she’s the ever-loving pet. You notice it in the buckle of her knees and the hot breath that leaves her mouth. 
Sakura is a cat through and through, but you still like to fuck her doggy style.
“Ma-master,” she says upon the first few thrusts. She winces, then cries out a pathetic mewl, then repeats herself. This time, it’s tinier, needier: “Master, please.”
The innocently designed mirror in her room reflects back anything but innocent doings. You watch her face twist and whine in its glass. Sakura’s eyes meet yours and she’s turning red again. You didn’t take her for a red foreign cat. You see her more as a black cat.
She’s not so unlucky when she’s providing you this much tightness.
“Please what?” you chuckle. Your rhythm’s already cruel. “Gonna ask for more? Less? No, pet. You’re getting fucking punished.”
She’d definitely ask for more. Her sex drive is more of that of a rabbit than a kitten. Her wet pussy is so drenched that it makes squelching sounds in response to your hips. And, because you’re weak for her—a sucker for anything she wants—you give it to her harder.
Instead of grabbing her hips to pump, you’re using the leash. Sakura has to keep herself steady to stop her head from throwing back. It’s inevitable when your member pulls her apart and makes her take what she used to think she couldn’t. The collar’s already making fine lines on her neck. 
“Punish me, I’ll be a good kitten and obey you, I promise,” she says. Your thrusts get sloppier; her words do as well. “A-ahh, will take your cock any time of the day, on my knees, on the bed, however you like, master.”
God, the thoughts Sakura puts in your head. They’ll seriously put you at risk one day. Picturing her in those positions—on her knees sucking away at your length; on the bed like this with her cat ears frisking to and fro; and however you like, which means everything—impels you to stuff your rock hard dick in her with a might that shocks even you. See, you can do surprises, too.
“Really now?” Yank. In response, she gasps. Her headband almost falls off. Make the uncharacteristic move as a dominant master to slide it back on.
Sakura nods mindlessly. You know she’s wordlessly telling the truth. She deserves a good squeeze on her perfect tits for the dedication.
But you raise the stakes. How far can she go as your pet? How far can you go as her master?
“Even if you don’t get to cum when you want?”
It’s laughable how Sakura immediately whines. Looks like her love for your cock is conditional. To make it harder for her, you start to couple your swift pumps with a finger on her clit. One rub, two rubs, and three—you might as well be counting sheep with how her eyes close.
That sets her off. Your pet begins to shout. She’s never been a girl to talk excessively. Now, it’s the opposite; she babbles and cries and sobs like her life depends on it. For the record, her bliss does, but it’s nowhere as close to her life.
It’s starting to look like it though. Sakura’s frenzied actions consist of pushing her core back to you, filling herself up with your cock even if the leash is there to pull her to you, and repeating your title. She fills the pretty, well-furnished bedroom with the dirtiest sounds unapologetically. If your abandoned clothes on the floor had ears, they’d be deaf by now. Hell, you’re surprised you aren’t.
Her pussy gets messier with each pump. Your tip kissing her deepest parts grants you several gushes of need. They fall onto the mattress, their stains becoming a task for later. Your only wish at this moment is to fuck Sakura to her wits’ end. 
“I need to cum, master,” she says. The alarm in her voice could be mistaken as a warning for a fire or an emergency. 
Does she really? You’re not quite sure of that. Continue to give out your punishment. Fuck her like she’s a catgirl who’d die if you didn’t. Redden her unblemished skin with bruises and marks of your hand. Her hole’s splashing with wetness, and you’re starting to get really close yourself. 
She’s starting to slump. Tears from her eyes blot the white sheets underneath your bodies. “Cum, please, I need to…”
One of the final tugs of her leash for the night. With her back to your chest and your mouth next to her ear, you ask her a question that won’t determine her climax. Knowing you, even if she answers wrong, you’re still letting her cream deliciously all over your girth.
“Are you my good kitten?” you rasp in her ear.
“Yes!” she instantly replies.
Scoff. “No, you aren’t.”
You firmly rub her clit while bottoming out in her. Sakura’s throat is sore from screaming although it’s far from the last time she’ll do it. 
“You’re not a good kitten when all you want to do is fuck your master instead of obeying him. You just want me to fuck you in every part of the house, fill you over and over. You’re the bad thing who wanted to be my pet. So what are you, Sakura?”
Sakura’s hole squeezes you as hard as her collar chokes her neck. Sizable tits bouncing, mouth agape, hands curled on her collar, she replies in the form of another scream.
“A, a bad little kitten, master! His property and plaything, the one he makes cum over and over! So please, master, let me!”
Good answer. “Cum.”
Sakura would have collapsed on the bed if it weren’t for your hold on her. Her body weakens and fails. The bed is flooded with her climax. Hearing her normally quiet voice reach this level of highness and whininess is an otherworldly experience. Eke more out of her; you’re pumping slowly but surely. Let it possess great impact but measured pace.
“You okay, pet?” you ask gently.
Sakura’s delicious, tight body trembles in its lingerie. Her breaths are short and sporadic. Through it all, there’s a satisfied smile on her face as she nods. It relieves you of the thought that you unknowingly might have gone too far.
“Why didn’t you cum inside me?”
“Good pets get bred, Sakura.”
“Since when did you legit care about me being a good pet?” she laughs.
“Ever since I thought you’d like to drink your ‘milk’ instead.”
Sakura bites her lip. It’s deadlier when she’s wearing that sultry cat lingerie. Your cock remains stiff seeing it.
“Oh, master.” She smiles. “I have the perfect place.”
The Kitty Corner. Not Kitty Korner, for alliteration’s sake, but the Kitty Corner. Cats have favorite places: a shoe, a fluffy tower, the sofa. Sakura is no different. This place, which is the corner of this room, is where she likes it best. It’s no different from any other room corner save for the plushies that line up on the wall. She likes it pressed against it, on the floor, whatever. But she loves it when she has her head pressed against the corner while you fuck away at her mouth.
This is the first time it’s been given a name, and the first time you’re fucking her to it as her master. You tried to be slow in taking her there, as if you weren’t all that excited. But your drag on her leash betrayed your real emotions.
Once Sakura is in position, her tongue sticks out. She must have forgotten that she’s a kitten, not a puppy. That won’t stop you from sliding yourself inside her warm mouth.
It begins. You rub your cock on her tongue before welcoming it in the hollow of her mouth. Like her pussy, her inviting mouth is wet and ready. Sakura tastes herself on your dick. She licks away at everything: the remnants of her orgasm from under it, your cockhead, your base. It’s not even her milk yet, but her eyes light up. 
“Be good,” you warn. “No biting.”
Her lips lift into a smirk. Then, you feel her teeth graze ever so lightly on you.
At first, you were content to get yourself off in her mouth. You could have chosen to rub your tip on the flat of her tongue or the inside of her cheek. But now, you give out another punishment. You ram your length down her throat. Training doesn’t help her avoid gagging for she does it anyway. Now her eyes light up in surprise, too.
“Warned you, kitten,” you say with a laugh.
With only your hand on the back of her head to protect it, you start to fuck Sakura’s throat. Her gagging only gives more tightness that seals around you. Her airway is shut and it’ll be that way for a long time unless she behaves.
Sakura can’t even cough or say anything. It’s painful pleasure with her thighs squirming to give her a little bliss, and your cock not allowing her even a moment to breathe. You’re not even tugging her anymore—you’re putting all the force in shoving yourself inside her, as if you had little time to spare.
Her tongue wiggles about in an attempt for air, but as if you couldn’t be more cruel with your training, you close her mouth shut. You warned her, and she still decided to disobey. 
Her lost breaths warm your cock. Push them back to her throat. This kitten needs to learn her lesson, even if it requires another. 
As if she couldn’t get any lewder, Sakura’s last resort is to mount the leg of her favorite puppy plushie, the one you gifted her. You bet that the manufacturers didn’t know that its use was for her own little pleasure, to serve as a place to grind until the blissful torture ends. She grinds forward and you’re welcomed further in her throat. There’s no escape. Does she even want an escape?
You can feel spurts of air from her nostrils. She’s getting close. This punishment isn’t even a punishment if presented with how her nipples stick out that hard from beneath the fabric, how she’s riding the toy’s leg, how she licks still and all. Her only signs of resistance are her palms on your thighs.
“Thirsty, pet?” 
Sakura squeezes her eyes shut, grinds harder, and nods. Her sigh is the closest thing to a verbal response.
“Then have your milk.”
It’s only then that you loosen your grip on her head. You release inside of her mouth and give her the milk she deserves. There’s plenty of it to go around, but it’s all for her. Only for her.
But letting go of her causes her to collapse. Her knees trip over nothing and send her falling onto her plush. The cum spills down Sakura’s chest and midriff like an explicit rainfall. She gasps for air, torn between trying to swallow the cum and catching her breath.
At least there’s the puppy plushie to embrace her.
A kitten and a puppy.
How ironic.
You kneel down to her level and raise her chin. You’d say she wasted her milk, but she’s Sakura. Nothing is gone to waste if it’s her, especially if it makes her look so beautiful. Dazed eyes, tired parted lips, and panting painted tummy.
Yep, she’s beautiful. 
“Are you a good kitten?”
“Yes?” she asks hopefully, exhaustedly. 
“Of course not.” You pat her head. Still your little pet. “You’re the best.”
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
*ੈ🌩️‧₊˚— skeletons + sae itoshi.
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૮˶ᵕ ༝ᵕ˶ა synopsis — sae doesn’t realise how much being away from home affects him, until he hears your voice again.
⭑ warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up to 20s, angst, hurt no comfort, long-distance, established relationship, mentions of mental health, pro player!sae, fem!reader - not beta read !
⭑ words — 2K.
⭑ notes — hi beautiful babies!! this is the first of a few fics i have queued for my week away. i wrote this a while ago and it’s based off of skeletons by keshi !! hope you like <3 - m.list ✩
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in all honesty, sae itoshi doesn’t expect you to pick up. it’s way too late for you, just breaching the early house of the next morning in japan. there’s a seven hour difference between madrid and tokyo, sae knows because he’s looked it up a million times before anticipating a call or text from you. and right now, you’re probably sleeping, you’re supposed to have been sleeping.
but alas, your phone rings and you pick up on the third— voice groggy over the comforting crackle of static on the line. “h…hello?”  
for a moment, the older itoshi brother listens to you and your natural ambience. he notes your deep breathing, still recovering from the depths of sleep, and the slight whines you let out with your yawns as you stretch your stiff muscles. maybe it’s weird, but sae misses all of your sounds, he misses waking up next to them— curling his arm around your waist on nights you’d snuck over to his childhood home just to see him. 
“is anyone there?”
snapping out of it, sae clears his throat— fixing his voice as it sits hoarse in its base before he speaks. “it’s me, love.” 
“sae!” shifting from the sheets tells sae that you’re more awake now— alerted by the symphony of his voice over the shitty landline. “shouldn’t you be asleep by now?”
“could say the same for you, it’s four am over there.” he knows that he’s wrong, you’re seven hours ahead and it’s only ten pm for him — meaning it’ll be closer to five am where you are and sae itoshi is never wrong. he was born with impressive gut instinct and a quick mind but this time he’s wrong on purpose. he makes a mistake because he wants to stall for time, keep you talking a little longer and hear your voice for a few minutes more…because maybe that’ll keep the demons away.
keep his head floating above the water he seems to have fallen in. 
sae is drowning in his dreams, and if he reaches out he can’t touch them— to him, the greatest of all time…they’re unattainable.
“five actually, and my alarm is meant to go off soon. i thought you were it and then i saw your contact…” you manage to say through a yawn, rubbing your eye’s unbeknownst to your boyfriend since he’s halfway across the globe. if he could see, if he was there—he’d probably call you cute, wipe your eyes for you and force you back down to sleep. but he’s not here and he can’t see because there’s a distance between you that can only be fixed by grainy face times on your cells.
“i wanted to call.” the midfielder clarifies, cutting you off sharply but his words coat the inside of his mouth like cotton, as if they’re hard to say — melting over the line like rice paper on his tongue. 
“okay,” breathing slow, you hug your knees to your chest and let your silence tangle with the crackling static. “you don’t usually call first.” 
“i needed to hear your voice.” 
“i’m here. i miss you. do you want to switch to facetime?” sae has half a mind to tell you no. if you switch now, you’d worry— you’d see how hollow he’s become, how sleep deprivation eats at the pink tinge to his flesh and clings to the undersides of his dulling aquamarine eyes. you might think that he’s dying and perhaps he is. the pro player feels like he is. every day is harder, his bones feel heavier and his muscles weaker — he needs medicine. he needs you. 
you’re the only drug sae would ever inject into his veins— your smile, your laugh, your heart. they make him better, make him feel alive. so he relents, “gimme a sec, i’ll call you.” he grunts and taps the button to video-call, waiting for you to pick up again.
“there you are, handsome. tell me about your day.” blue light from the early  morning filters over your skin— the footage of the FaceTime call is grainy, probably because it’s still a little bit dark outside for you but you’re beautiful. to sae you’ve always been beautiful. 
the elder itoshi brother makes a small effort to smile at your compliment, the expression blooming on his cheeks which you mirror, happy to see him — he misses you too. “i don’t wanna talk about it. you do the talking. i just want to listen to you.” 
“alright well… i worked today— yesterday. sorry! timezones,” you miss the way sae winces at the mention of your time difference, the invisible divide between you both, as you settle back into your bed to admire him. “my shift sort of sucked, you know how it goes.” your boyfriend listens to you intently, makes faces at the complaints you make about customers, clients and coworkers alike. 
sometimes, the midfielder doesn’t understand you how you devote your life’s work, your beauty and intelligence to an industry that chews you up, spits you out like dirt and drives you to the edge of falling to pieces. sae doesn’t doubt you, he knows that you’re talented and wishes you saw the same value in yourself that he did. 
you deserve better. so much better.
perhaps he’s the same as you, working for someone else until he breaks and he’s better than everyone else— all in the name of becoming the best in the world.
“you hate your job. quit. i earn enough money to take care of you.” 
“and you hate yours. but you won’t come home where i can take care of you.” 
sae rolls his eyes at your quip because of how easy it is for you to read him despite the way he hides his emotions behind a clay mask. he’s always been like that, but he feels the need to tuck away the uglier parts from him even more of late— even if you’ve seen it all before. the late nights where he’s feeling sad and goes to bed, sae wakes up feeling even worse. especially without you but even now with your face on a screen, beaming at him the same way you have all your life— he doesn’t feel any better.
you’re meant to be his solace. 
quickly changing the subject, sae nods his head as if to push you in a different conversational direction. “tell me about what you did after work.” 
you hesitate, peering into his ocean eyes for a split second. “i went to see rin at blue lock. he’s…he’s doing really well, you know. you should come see him sometime. you’d be proud of how far he’s come since we were little.” 
it’s not that he doesn’t care about his younger brother, but the relationship between rin and sae itoshi is probably long past any attempts at repair. you’ve been stuck in the middle for as long as you’ve known them— pulling them close despite the boys repelling each other like polar magnets. 
you were the glue when they were kids, keeping the three of you together and to this day you still tried to manage the gap between the two brothers, despite their disputes. their differences.“can we please not talk about that half-ass piece of—“ you glare over the phone from across the globe and sae silences himself, pursing his lips to avoid scrutiny from the love of his life. you.
“you know, you never told me what happened when you first came home from Spain.” you blurt after a moment's quiet. “but i think i’ve always sorta known.”
“yeah?” the magenta haired midfielder challenges, brushing a hand over his tired face.
“yeah…” nodding subtly, you shift and roll onto your side— a solemn expression dancing across your features. “you changed. you hurt him, sae, real bad. rin changed too.” you say hoarsely, as if the words you’ve uttered burn at the insides of your throat like bitter liquor. “you’ve not shown that same fate to me, you know better than to lash out at me. but you’re different. you don’t smile anymore. not with your eyes like you used to — i miss that.” i miss you. is what you really want to say. not just physically, but emotionally. you want your boyfriend back, not the empty shell of skin and bones you have now.  
even sae picks up on the hidden meaning behind your words— he doesn’t smile at you like he used to.
for once the eldest itoshi decides to be honest with you. he thinks to tell you how stressed out he is, how he’s scared his plan for this soccer thing might not even work out. he decides to be honest  in words that he knows best and not all the details because he doesn’t want you to break over him. 
“talk to me, itoshi.” you cut through his thoughts like a knife through butter.
“i’m afraid of myself, and i hate it.” 
“then come home, sae.” it’s a nice offer, a tempting bribe. to be home with you when sae knows that would be the closest thing to giving up. he knew you wouldn’t get it. you wouldn’t understand how much soccer meant to him but you can’t be blamed for that. the thing you love most in the world isn’t your career— it’s him. “come home and be with me.” 
your wish would be as selfish as his — you don’t want him to give up soccer for you and he doesn’t want to leave soccer to feel better with you like he knows he would. 
“i need to make it to the end of the season — i have to.” 
“sae, you’re tired. you look like a ghost.” 
“i don’t even know if i’m going to make it.” he snaps, desperate and pleading with you not to make this more difficult than it already is. “but if i don’t try. then all of this will be for nothing. my goals have changed, but i worked hard for this and i will get what i want.” he spits out as if there’s acid on his tongue, burning through the little solace of love you’ve tried to wrap him up in. sae runs a hand through his silken locks, sighing as he briefly looks away from your crumpled face on the screen. “so stop asking me to come home for you because i won’t. it’s not worth it. you’re not worth it.”
you gasp, tears flooding your eyes. you know he doesn’t mean it, or maybe he does — it’s been difficult to read sae recently, he’s slipping from your grasp like sand between your fingers and you just have to let him. another beat of silence echoes between you both — but neither of you make the effort to speak. sae doesn’t correct himself and you don’t force your hand to make him apologise.
you care enough for him not to make him fight— to make sae choose his own battles. you’d never ask him to pick soccer over you, because you know what his answer would be regardless… but that doesn’t mean it hurts you any less to watch him destroy himself for it and to lose the boy you grew up loving to a sport you may never understand.
though, that doesn’t stop you from lashing out and bearing  your own fangs either — if he was going to throw salt in your wounds, you could do that too.
“i have to go, itoshi. get some rest, you look like shit, but you that’s what you want, right? it’s worth it to you.”  
you hang up before he can say a word and sae can’t bring himself to message and apologise. because he knows that you’re right, you’re telling him to pick soccer because he can’t make that choice for himself. 
sae itoshi is a pro player now. he’s gotten what he’s always wanted — he’s achieving his dreams as the corpse of the man he once was. the one who loved you proper.
but that doesn’t matter anymore, whatever his team wants out of him they get. 
since his skeleton’s out for the taking. 
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pandorxxx · 2 years
Sleeping beauty
Lo’ak (19) x Avatar fem reader (19)
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Warnings: somnophilla, intense orgasms, cursing, p in v, choking, creampie
🔞Minors, do not interact🔞
Lo’ak crept in like a thief in the night, walking towards your lifeless avatar body. He kneeled down beside your cot, caressing your arm.
“My sweet, y/n. You’re so beautiful when you sleep.” He whispered, tracing your body up and down. He looked around, ensuring that no one was watching. He pulled the sheet back, climbing on top of you. He bent down to your neck, kissing it softly as he fondled your breasts. He slid down your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses before reaching your loincloth. He gently pulled it down, unwrapping it from around your ankles.
He sat up, admiring your half naked body. He slowly pulled your legs back to reveal your glistening cunt. He licked his lips before bending down to French kiss it, sucking on your clit. He sat up, eyeing you lustfully as he untied his loincloth. He threw it to the side before lining himself up with your entrance, sliding into you slowly. He bit his lip, trying his best to suppress his moans, but he couldn’t help it.
“Mhmm shit!” He strained, pulling your leg onto his shoulder as he thrusted into you deeply. He kissed your ankle, looking down at your, still unconscious body…and nothing. He almost forgot that you were an avatar, lifeless without your consciousness.
Back at the lab
“I’ll take you tomorrow. You’ve got to get out of this lab.” Neteyam chuckled, watching you work on your computer. You rolled your eyes, shaking your head.
“Neteyam, I’m busy. Hallelujah mountains next week, I promise.” You spoke soullessly, razor focused on your computer. All of the sudden, your computer was slammed shut, and you were whipped around to face him.
“I said tomorrow.” Neteyam spoke, eyeing you up and down before meeting your eyes again. Now, all you could focus on was him. You traced his entire body before looking back into his eyes. You nodded wildly, chest rising and falling rapidly.
“Smart choice.” He smiled, kissing your lips before standing up straight. You blushed, turning your seat back around to your desk.
“Now if you would excuse me, I have to go sleep next to my lifeless girlfriends body tonight.” He smiled sarcastically, walking towards the door.
“I’ll be up when you get there, neteyam.” You chuckled, fanning him away as you leaned back in your chair.
“Ah Yes! that is what you always say. Then I find you sleep at your desk the next morning.” He replied, walking out of the door.
“ILL BE THERE! I PROMISE!” You shouted, watching him close the door behind him. You fell into deep thought for a moment:
Was I really neglecting Neteyam? That’s definitely not my intention. I’m just busy, he understands that right?
You sighed, rubbing your hands through your hair before standing. You walked over to the linking station, queuing up the transformation.
You opened the top, laying down before shutting it. You took a deep breath before closing your eyes, as you felt your mind travel to your avatar.
As your mind shifted to your avatar, you could feel your surroundings changing; the smells, the textures, the air. Your ears twitched when you heard faint moans, and grunts. You could feel a familiar sensation in your lower abdomen. Your eyes finally shot opened to an unbelievable scene.
“Hey, baby. You’re finally up!” Lo’ak muttered breathlessly as he rolled his hips into yours slowly, watching your consciousness pour into your body. You shot up, trying to push him off of you, but he pinned you back down by your neck.
“w-what the fuck are y-ughhh you doing?” You whined, unfortunately feeling your orgasm slowly approaching. He speed up the pace, hitting your sweetspot with each stroke.
“I’m fucking you, duh?!” He smiled sarcastically, licking his lips before kissing your leg again, maintaining eye contact. You threw your head back, involuntarily submitting to his touch. You tried to push him back with the little energy you had, but he was fucking you too good.
“Lo’ak! neteyam will be back any second.” You moaned, turning away from his gaze. He grabbed your neck tighter, turning you towards him.
“You don’t wanna look me in the eyes? Huh? Afraid you might fall in love?” He asked, tilting his head at you before reaching down to plant wet kisses on your neck.
“Fuck, lo’ak! Im serious! He’s on the way.” You whined, nudging his head to get him to sit up. He hissed loudly, sitting up to meet your nervous gaze.
“I’ll be quick, y/n! So you can go back to your perfect little boyfriend like you’re not seconds away from squirting off the strength of ME.” He growled, rolling his eyes as he rolled his hips into yours once more, making your legs twitch.
“yeah yeah, whatever! Just don’t stop!” You moaned, grabbing his broad arm. You bit your lip, swirling your hips into his, feeling your orgasm coming.
“Lo’ak, I-I’m almost there!” You shouted shamelessly, earning a shocked look from lo’ak. His eyes widened, covering your mouth quickly.
“Woah woahhh, what the fuck? Shut up! Are you stupid?” He joked, keeping his hand over your mouth to muffle your screams. He watched your eyes roll back as you started to spazz in his grasp. You whimpered in his hand, cumming all over his cock.
“Ahhh fuck, you keep clenching around me like that and I’m gonna fill you up.” He groaned, rutting into you as he chased his orgasm. You nodded frantically wrapping your tail around his thigh. He looked up at you through his eyebrows.
“Y/n, no! Are you fucking crazy?” He yelled quietly, throwing his head back as he felt his peek nearing. You yanked your leg off of his shoulder, wrapping both of your legs around his torso, pulling him closer to you. His eyes widened at the realization that he was stuck.
“Y/n, stop fucking around. I-I’m almost there, shitttt!” He laid his head on your chest as you wrapped your arms around him, scratching his back up as you chased your second orgasm.
“Lo’akkkk!” You whined loudly, eyes rolling back as your legs started shaking. He rolled his eyes, placing his hand on your mouth again.
“Bro, hush! I know it’s good and all, but-” He chuckled, but was quickly cut off by you spazzing harder than last time. He watched your spit slip through the cracks of his fingers as it dripped down your chin. You were going cross eyed as your whole body shook uncontrollably.
“Goddamn…” Lo’ak muttered, watching you seize under him. He was shocked that he had you feeling this way. He thrusted into you slowly, letting you ride out your high. You finally came to, eyes wide as you tried desperately to catch your breath.
“Was that your first time cumming like that? Neteyam could never make you feel this good.” Lo’ak grunted, thrusting into you relentlessly as he felt his orgasm approaching again.
“Shit, w-where do you want it?” He asked, contorting his face in pleasure. He looked into your desperate eyes, shaking his head all knowingly.
“Y/n…come on! Don’t make this hard for me.” He pouted jokingly, pushing your damp hair out of your face. You gripped his arm tightly, rolling your hips into his again.
“Shittt, stop that!” He strained, smacking your hand away. You clenched around him repeatedly, smiling into his hand.
“Y/N!” was all he could say before painting your walls with his seed. He convulsed, falling into your arms as you both tried catching your breath.
“And I thought I was crazy…” lo’ak panted, pulling out of you slowly, taking his hand from across your mouth. You gasped loudly, licking the spit from around your lips. He watched you in awe, slapping his tip on your sticky cunt.
“We gotta do this more often. How do you feel about that, mama?” He glared at you, rubbing his cock in between your sensitive folds. You sat up on your elbows, solely focusing on his cock.
“Mhmm!” you bit your lip, nodding your head frantically. He shot you a sadistic grin, getting off the cot to put his loincloth back on. You quickly found your loincloth, tying it around your hips as well. He looked back to see you wrapping yourself in the sheet, watching his every move. He bit his lip, winking at you before walking towards the door.
He stopped in his tracks, seeing Neteyam sprint around the corner. Neteyam stopped, shooting lo’ak a confused look. You shut your eyes instantly, pretending to be sound asleep.
“h-hey lo’ak. Is something wrong?” He asked confused, looking at him and then back at your sleeping body under the sheets. Lo’ak looked back at you, almost bursting out in laughter as he watched you fake sleep to save your own ass.
“Uhh no, I was just looking for my dagger. Mom said that it might be in here, but I’m not seeing it. I was sure to be quiet, so I wouldn’t wake her.” Lo’ak explained, gesturing softly. Neteyam shook his head, smiling at his younger brother.
“Baby bro, you have GOT to stop losing your weapons!” Neteyam chuckled, slapping his hand on lo’aks shoulder. Lo’ak sighed in relief, laughing along with his brother. Neteyam shot his head back at you, watching you sleep soundly.
“Did she move at all?” Neteyam asked, walking over to you. Lo’ak thought back to about 5 minutes ago; how he gave you 2 body shaking orgasms. He smiled to himself before speaking.
“Not an inch, bro.”
Last story of the week, and this might be my favorite one. Had to make it funny😂. As always, I love y’all to death, and I’ll see y’all soon!!❤️🫶🏽🫶🏽
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helen-with-an-a · 6 months
Hi. I'm Helen-with-an-a, and this is my masterlist.
Requests are always welcome 🩷🩷
Thank you so much if you request something - I really appreciate anyone who wants me to write an idea for them 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
If you’re unsure if I write for the player but have an idea/request for them - send it in anyway and I’ll probs give it a go or I’ll reply back 💕💕
Fluff | Angst | Suggestive | Angst/Comfort | Smut
Any significant triggers have been after the title, but a more in-depth TW list is at the top of the fic itself.
Barça Femeni
I Am An Adult pt1 / pt2 / pt3 / pt3.5 / pt4 / pt5 / pt6 / pt7 / epilogue
I need to be perfect
You Always Have An Excuse pt1 / pt2
First Time Crush pt1 / pt2 / pt3
Black Eyes
Karma’s a Bitch
Do Better Be Better
Different From Last Time (TW: ED)
Ask For a Sub
Memory (TW: Medical Incident)
Lucy Bronze
Embarrassing Moments
Lost and Found
Small but Mighty
Out of Position
Ona Batlle
The Object that Stood in the Way of a World Cup pt1 / pt2 / pt3 / pt4 / pt5 / epilogue
On Top (18+)
Mapí León
Attacked (TW: Homophobia, Injury)
Alexia Putellas
Beautiful Girl Masterlist
Memory (TW: Medical Incident) (sister!R)
Arsenal Women
Be The Best pt 1 / pt 2
Leah Williamson
Viv Meidema
Anxiety pt1 / pt2 (TW: Mental Health)
Jessie Fleming
Meet Me at the Rings
With My Girl
Lena Oberdorf
I Am An Adult pt1 / pt2 / pt3 / pt3.5 / pt4 / pt5 / pt6 / pt7 / epilogue
Something about finals pt1 / pt2
Hopeless Romantic
Christmas Eve sneak peek (18+)
First Time (18+)
Niamh Charles
If you are looking for some more stuff to read, here are some woso writers that I recommend
Here are my WIPs/Requests and Release/Queued schedule - feel free to ask about them :)
WIPs and Requests
My WIPs are stories I have come up with and will be released as and when I complete them; Requests are stories that people have asked me to write about; Titles are just working titles and might be subject to change. The order below is the order I aim to write them in/have them be released
Jenni Hermoso - Estoy Confundida
Kim Little - Hot Mess
Barça Femeni Kicked Out
Barça Femeni Poised
Barça femeni - Sleeping
Georgia Stanway - Uncertain
Katie McCabe - Leaving
AWFC - I Don't Understand Her
Alessia Russo (sister!R) - Army Brat
Lucy Bronze - Rivalry
Lionesses - What the Fuck?
Barça Femeni - Birthday
Birthday Week Schedule
Monday - Alexia Putellas Beautiful Girl Tired (blurb)
Tuesday - Lucy Bronze & Ona Batlle Punishment (18+)
Wednesday - Lucy Bronze & Ona Batlle Punishment pt2 (18+)
Thursday - Alexia Putellas Beautiful Girl headcanons
Friday - Alexia Putellas Beautiful Girl Team Night Out (18+)
Saturday - Alexia Putellas Beautiful Girl Injured (18+)
Sunday - Lena Oberdorf Jealousy (18+)
Queued and release schedule:
For August, fics will be out twice weekly (Tuesdays, 9.30pm GMT and Fridays, 9.30pm GMT). For September onwards, fics will be out once a week (Fridays, 9.30pm GMT) as often as possible - this might slow down/be subject to change depending on my work schedule and workload. I am trying to create a bit of a buffer zone so that when I inevitably slow down my writing, I still have stuff to post for anyone who wants to read it. I have put in brackets if the publication date changes from a Friday (most of them are holiday specific changes but some might not be). If a title appears below and you think it might be a request you made and want to double check, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I am so sorry if you requested something a while ago and it’s taken months to come out. I received a bunch of requests at the same time, and I am trying to limit myself to one post a week (with a few exceptions).
Here is the list of fics that have been queued up and when they will be published:
27th September: Alessia Russo Last Kiss
4th October: Lucy Bronze You Hate Me
11th October: Alexia Putellas Happily Ever After
18th October: Aitana Bonmatí Heat
(Saturday) 26th October: Alessia Russo Body Temperature
(Thursday) 31st October- Alexia Putellas Beautiful Girl series - Halloween (18+)
1st November: Lena Oberdorf It's Not Fair
8th November: Patri Guijarro Older
11th - 17th November: BIRTHDAY WEEK (one fic a day to celebrate my birthday week)
15th November: Ona Batlle Putting on a Show (18+)
22nd November: Lucy Bronze Posters
29th November: Alexia Putellas You Are The Music In Me
6th December: Alexia Putellas Opposites Attract
13th December:
20th December: Barça Femeni Drowning TW: Self Harm/Mental Health
(Tuesday) 24th December: Lena Oberdorf Merry Christmas (18+)
27th December: Barça Femeni Baby
(Tuesday) 31st December: Alexia Putellas Beautiful Girl series - New Year’s Eve (18+)
3rd January: Barça Femeni - Withdrawn (TW: undescribed SA [coercion] and mental health)
305 notes · View notes
fastbrother · 1 month
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Desperate (M, 1.3k words)
For forty-one-year-old Draco Malfoy starting his twenty-fourth year of unemployment, the only interesting question is who is he going to sleep with next.
Tags: From Sex to Love, Grumpy Harry, Reclusive Harry, Slutty Draco (non-derogatory), unhealthy coping mechanisms, middle-aged Drarry
Author's note: Wrote this for @kamaela's birthday. Thank you for always being so kind and encouraging! 💕
* * *
For eleven-year-old Draco Malfoy starting Hogwarts, the only interesting question about school was who was going to come in second in his year. Imagine his surprise.
For forty-one-year-old Draco Malfoy starting his twenty-fourth year of unemployment, the only interesting question is who is he going to sleep with next.
Some days, it feels like he’s slept with everybody worth sleeping with. Other days—well.
* * *
When he was young, Draco Malfoy thought he liked women. He slept with a handful of girls, all very proper and sweet.
Then the war came, and he was in it, and he was tortured by the Dark Lord himself, which rewired his brain somehow, because after the war Draco Malfoy did not like women anymore. Nor anything proper. Or sweet.
Draco Malfoy liked to be fucked like he’d be murdered next.
* * *
Harry Potter is a big old grump. He lives in what should have been Draco’s house by birthright, nurses a terrifying beard currently in the process of turning grey, and only ever goes out in Muggle London, like the uncivilised brute Draco knows he really is. Draco dreams of being fucked by Harry Potter, the saviour of the wizarding world, the slayer of Dark Lords. And whatever rude people say, Draco’s a man who works for his dreams.
* * *
“Harry Potter. Out and about. What a surprise.”
Potter barely spares a glance for poor Draco. His eyes are glued to the Muggle TV above the bar, in the process of broadcasting some beastly excuse for movement that the Muggles call sports. There are five empty glasses in front of him, and a cigarette dangling out of his mouth.
“Fuck right off, Malfoy.”
“Ah, I’m afraid not,” Draco says, and sits on the barstool next to Harry. “You go, if my presence bothers you so.”
“I don’t give a shit about your presence.”
“Beautiful. Have you taken to writing poetry, by any chance?”
“Tell me, Malfoy,” Potter says, slowly turning those grotesquely green eyes towards him. “You look like someone who makes enemies in every room he walks into. How come you’re still alive?”
“I have my ways.”
“Aha,” Potter says, emptying his sixth glass of whiskey, eyes back on the TV. “I’ve heard about your ways.”
“Would you like some first-hand experience with them?”
Potter lets out a chuckle, a loud and brutish sound.
“Have you been following me?”
“Hardly. I’ve been coming here every night for six months. Ask Robert.”
“Who’s Robert?”
“I’m Robert,” the barman says, pouring Potter’s seventh drink.
“Ah. Nice to meet you, Robert,” Potter says, and raises his drink. “So. Has he?”
Potter turns to Draco. Offers a vicious smile that makes Draco’s body tingle in all the right places.
“I used to come here all the time. Before the Prophet published a photo of me. Six months ago.”
Draco shrugs. “Can’t a boy try his luck?”
Potter leans forward and pulls Draco’s stool closer to him.
“You’re no boy. You’re a slut.”
“Oh, yes,” Draco moans, biting his lip. “I am. I’m a bad, bad slut.”
* * *
Harry Potter fucks like he goes to war. There’s no fear there, no second guessing. Draco could die now, bent over a dirty sink in a dingy Muggle bar, and he’d be happy. He should die, actually, because what else is there to experience? He has peaked, and life can only be a disappointment from this point on.
“Please,” he begs when all is done. “Again.”
“You make a compelling argument,” Potter says, pulling up his pants. “But there are people queuing outside.”
“I’ll get rid of them. I’ll kill them. Nobody will miss them too much, I’m sure.”
“How about this,” Potter says, fixing his hair back in a ponytail. “You keep coming here every night for another six months, and maybe I’ll drop by again.”
“Don’t play with me, Potter. You know I will.”
“Oh, I know.”
* * *
Draco expects Potter to torture him for at least a couple of weeks, but he strolls into that cursed Muggle pub the next day. He’s wearing jeans and a ripped t-shirt. Truly living up to his reputation of decorated ex-Auror and beloved hero, this one.
“My, my,” he says, sitting next to Draco and gesturing to Robert for a drink. “What a good pet.”
“Aha,” Draco says, draping himself all over Potter’s offensively attractive attire.
“Let me get a drink in me first,” Potter says, struggling to keep Draco at arm’s length.
“If you wanted a drink, you could have gone to another pub.”
* * *
Robert bans them eventually. Draco’s about to Obliviate him but Potter solves the issue by inviting him to his house.
“You mean, my house,” Draco corrects him.
Potter doesn’t seem impressed. “How about we call it a night, then.”
“Fine. I relinquish all rights to that home. You can have it forever. You can have the Manor, too, if you want.”
Potter laughs, and grabs Draco’s arm. “I love how desperate you are.”
“Oh, I’m desperate, alright.”
Five minutes later, Draco’s thirst is finally quenched when Potter bends him over a Black encrusted dining room table. Draco discovers he has quite the taste for family intrusions.
“In front of my great-grandmother’s portrait next, please,” he begs. Potter, the charitable soul he is, complies. Predictably, his great-grandmother calls Potter Muggle-loving filth.
“He is, granny,” Draco moans, face squished against some dusty yet tasteful wallpaper. “He’s the filthiest person that’s ever lived.”
* * *
“Are you some form of house pest? A Black family curse? Why can’t I get rid of you?” Potter says when Draco shows up on his doorstep, carrying a bottle of wine and appetisers as any man of the world would.
“Get rid of me, then,” Draco says, and walks in.
* * *
Potter is on an agenda to steal Draco’s elves and have them clean his shithole of a house. It’s the only reasonable explanation for why he’s taken to drinking with them.
“Stop entertaining the staff. You should be entertaining the Master. And there’s no smoking in the sunroom.”
“There is, now,” Potter says, lighting up a second cigarette with his wand. “There’s a new Master around here.”
“Master Potter,” the elves say in unison, drunk on the Butterbeer Draco keeps for his nephew.
* * *
It’s all fun and games until Draco catches feelings.
“I’m sick,” he tells anybody who cares to listen, and also those who don’t. “Je suis gravement malade.”
“Pull down the shades,” he tells the house elves from under the heavy duvet. “Owl the Healer.”
“Maybe Master Malfoy should tell Master Potter how he feels.”
“Clothes! Somebody bring clothes!”
* * *
“I heard through the grapevine that you’ve fallen ill.”
Draco peeks at Potter from under his duvet.
“It’s true. I’m dying.”
The bed jounces when Potter sits down next to him. He puts a hand on Draco’s un-feverish forehead.
“It sure looks like it.”
“I just want you to know, I lied about the Manor. I’m leaving everything to my elves.”
Potter’s hand moves down Draco’s face.
“Where have you been? I’ve missed you.”
“You have?” Draco says, his illness intensifying.
“I thought I was a curse you couldn’t get rid of.”
“You are. You’ve been slacking on the job lately.
Something sharp rattles in Draco’s chest. He moves away from Potter’s touch, and hides under the duvet.
“Hey,” Potter says, leaning until his hand finds Draco’s waist through the thick material. “What happened?”
“Do you want me to leave?”
Slowly, Draco shakes his head under the duvet.
“Do you want me to stay?”
Draco nods.
Draco hears ruffling and squeaking, and then Potter gets under the duvet. He’s hot, like a cat.
“Where did all your eloquence go?” Potter says, gathering him in his arms. “What happened to all your fancy words?”
Draco buries his head in Potter’s chest. Takes a deep breath.
“I turn stupid when I’m in love. It’s a debilitating illness.”
“You’re a debilitating illness,” Potter says, and kisses his forehead. “And I’m chronically ill.”
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slayagami · 2 years
wedding day with izuku, katsuki, & shoto !
┊ ➶ 。˚ ° m.list ! ┊ ➶ 。˚ ° mha m.list ! ┊ ➶ 。˚ ° enjoy !
i. midoriya
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ִֶ𓂃⊹ ִֶָ izuku 100% could not sleep the night before
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ would arrive to the venue with you extra early to help decorate and prepare
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ his groomsmen were bakugo, todoroki, shinsou, and iida
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ best man was def todoroki
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he got ready with his groomsmen, ranting anxiously to ida and shinsou, hoping that the wedding today would go to plan and be everything you wished for
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ right before the ceremony, he stood tall and proud with his back towards you, hands fumbling as he waited for the reveal. you stood behind him, wedding dress shining under the natural sunlight and giving you an ethereal glow
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ you patted his shoulder, giving him the 'ok' to turn around. nervously, he spun his body and locked eyes with yours, green orbs tracing your face that wore natural makeup, down to the beautiful dress you picked months prior after your engagement
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ his eyes grew teary, hugging you tightly and crying into the crook of your neck. hands glided down your back, feeling the silky material, mumbling how gorgeous you looked and how lucky he was to be marrying you today
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your eyes watered, hugging your soon-to-be husband back and a hand to trace his fluffy locks. you kissed the side of his head, pulling him to look at you. your hand caressed his face, smiling stupidly in love
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ izuku wore a dark green tuxedo. it was almost black in normal lighting, but once the sun engulfed his figure, the tuxedo shone in a marvelous dark green, almost emerald color that brought out his features. his broach on his chest was a pink carnation, and his pin to his tie was silver.
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he looked so handsome to you, your heart growing warm and in awe. your sweet boy, was finally going to be (officially) the love of your life. through thick and thin, hell and back, in sickness and in health, life and death. your last name was now going to be midoriya
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ not far off, the groomsmen and bridesmaids watched from a distance, taking pictures and videos, bottom lips puckered out from the cute scene
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ you both read your vows in secret, saving you both the tears from your conjoined family and friends in the room. with the say from the marriage officiant, you both shared your kiss as people cheered and cried, clapping to celebrate
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your first dance was to 'make you feel my love' by adele, you both singing to each other like you were the only ones in the room, crying softly in the lyrics
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ ‘i could hold you for a million years, to make you feel my love’
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k. bakugo
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ katsuki is the type to keep a calm face but be so fucking anxious on the inside
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ constantly checks himself out in the mirror to make sure nothing is out of place, black suit hugging his broad shoulders and small waist nicely
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ his groomsmen consists of kirishima as his best man (obviously), kaminari, and sero. maybe midoriya, if it was later in the years and he actually came to terms with him, but i don’t think he would go out of his way and ask
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he promised he wouldn’t cry, not wanting to be embarrassed in front of quite literally everyone.. but as soon as your song queued the moment you walked in, wedding dress enveloping you in a warm hug with a bright smile on your face, his eyes immediately glossed over
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ of course, he’d try to blink them away and use this time that all eyes were on you to be rid of his water works.
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ his voice was shaky saying the ‘i do’s, but nobody else could tell besides you. i mean, he is your husband (finally)
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ kissing in front of the venue was the least of his worries, he could kiss you all day if he wanted, no matter who was looking. definitely held your waist tightly and pulled you to him, a passionate yet loving kiss being shared between the two of you
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your first dance was to ‘the only exception’ by paramore, one of the first intimate songs that played in the car at midnight after your date in high school, feeling a strong hold and connection to this song
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he held you close, swaying to the song with his face in your shoulder, humming softly along the words with you. tears slowly streamed from your face, while a huge and dorky smile was on his. though, he used your shoulder to cover it from his friends ad family, leaving it only for you to see
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ you both had your fair share with love problems. you felt used by others and unappreciated, choosing that being alone was better than trying so hard at love when it never worked
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ and bakugo’s young childhood never gave him the correct sense of love, only deprivation of it. he swore he didnt need to be loved, that he was all he needed
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ until your second year at u.a. when you were paired for a class project, slowly falling into each other’s presence and being. until the trips to his house lasted long after the project, becoming familiar with his family
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ you allowed yourself to try and be loved again, knowing full well that this would be katsuki’s first time, and might not know how he’d react in the long run. but loving him was too easy not to try
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he tried hard for you. never raising his voice, refusing to let you open any door, bringing you food when he cooked or leftovers he knew you loved. he’d walk you to school, and walk you home, 100% attentive.
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ sure, some acts took longer than others, but you never pushed him to do those things. they were all his choice, his timing, when he was ready and wanted to do so
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your wedding cake was non-traditional, and you both opted for cake pop to pass around, putting one in each others mouth
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ ‘you are the only exception’
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s. todoroki
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ another ‘calm face, malfunctioning brain’ type of guy
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ wore a plain white tuxedo, his undershirt a wine red. his flower combination on his chest being a red and white dahlia
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ his groomsmen were midoriya, kirishima, iida, bakugo, and kaminari
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ almost didn't invite his dad, though you persuaded him to let endeavor come anyways
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ as you walked into the venue, his eyes never left yours. walking down the aisle make him smile warmly, sporadic heart calming down. it felt to him like you two were the only ones on the planet
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he held yours hands at the front, repeating back whatever the minister had said, thumbs running across your knuckles to calm your nerves
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ a little.. a LOT embarrassed to kiss you in front of everyone, moving to stand in front of you and block the view (except from the bridesmaids and groomsmen)
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ cheeks were flushed pink as you shared your vows in private, tears flowing down on your end. he held your ands lovingly and kissed your temple, reading his to you with a wobble in his voice
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your first dance was to ‘merry-go-round of life’ from howl’s moving castle. a movie you both favorited. the same movie from your first date where you both laid in the same bed watching from your room
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ you two ball-room danced, smiling at each other like fools at the different music choice that held so much emotion and memories
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he refused to leave your side the whole night, holding your hands wherever you went and telling you (whispering) how much he loved you
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ he reminded you how gorgeous you looked, eyes never leaving your figure in your dress. he was in complete awe, jokingly asking you to wear it everyday from now on
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your wedding bands were luxury diamonds custom made, a pink diamonds heart in the center with his silver band matching and complimenting yours (the inside was engraved with your marriage date)
ִֶָ 𓂃⊹ ִֶָ your wedding cake is a red velvet cake with white frosting, a cute mini-figure of the two of you at the top and faux flowers at the base
𓂃⊹ ִֶָ shoto dances with his mother in a mother-son dance
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bedforddanes75 · 5 months
how could you ever hate this sweet little angel baby sweetie pie cutie
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alwritey-aphrodite · 2 months
tasm peter with
• one character covering the other with a blanket when they fall asleep watching a movie on the couch
+ forehead kisses and maybe reader wakes up and pulls him in for cuddles?
I didn’t follow the prompts super closely because the muse had me in her grasp so I hope this is ok :)
Let’s all pretend this isn’t literally 4 months late…
Sleep is never something that has come easily to you. You’re either too hot or too cold, wired up or unable to get comfortable, with most nights consisting more of your flopping around than actually sleeping. It’s been this way as long as you can remember, so you’ve learned to live with it, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t irritate you constantly.
“That much caffeine could kill a horse,” Peter jokes as you pop the tab on your energy drink. Most days, you try to limit your caffeine, but you’ve been getting less than five hours of sleep for the past week and you’re nearing desperation. You feel sorry for Peter, the sweetest boy imaginable having to deal with you and all your irritability, but he still presses a kiss to your cheek as he leaves the kitchen.
“It’s like I’m cursed or something,” you complain after taking a long pull from your can, relishing in the carbonation. You’re sure Peter’s tired of your grousing, but he still listens to every grumble, nodding sympathetically at your exhaustion.
“Maybe we can watch a movie later, it’ll help you relax even if you don’t sleep,” he suggests, and you know how much this kills him, knowing you’re uncomfortable and tired and upset all the time and not being able to do anything about it. He’s suggested everything to you, going out and buying supplements and sleep aids and blackout curtains just to try and see if they help you sleep even an hour longer. It melts your heart every time, almost as much as it breaks your heart seeing his disappointed frown when you tell him it didn’t help. You’re just waiting for the crash, knowing that soon enough your body will lose its fight and you’ll sleep soundly for a few nights, only for the cycle to start all over again.
“I’ll stop and buy snacks on my way home,” you respond, if only to see the way his smile lights up his entire face. You always think he looks beautiful, whether he’s laughing or crying or anything in between, but something about his smile makes him ethereal, and you do your best to make him smile as much as possible with the selfish motivation of ogling him just for a moment.
When you finally make it to the end of the day, exhaustion weighing you down like a ton of bricks, you make sure to pick up Peter’s favorite snacks, almost certain he has one of your favorite movies all queued up for your return. Upon your return, you’re a little shocked at the way he’s transformed your living room into your own home theater, making good use of the blackout curtains he’d bought and piling your couch with more pillows and blankets than two people could possibly need. He’s lit candles all throughout the room, casting a warm glow and just enough light for you to see the takeout spread across the coffee table, which with the snacks you’d bought, is almost more food than necessary.
In the gentle glow, you see him waiting for you, bringing your favorite drink out from the kitchen. You’re sure your relief is palpable, certain he can see the way your shoulders relax and your breathing settles, just a bit, at how wonderfully relaxing he’s made your apartment and how excited you are to finally be home. You set the snacks down, arranging them on the coffee table to compliment the takeout, and Peter shakes his head when he sees the spread, as if you’re ridiculous for buying his favorites when he must have spent hours making the living room as comfortable as possible.
You’re vindicated when the opening credits to one of your favorite movies rolls, and sitting next to Peter under your mountain of blankets, eating your favorite food with your favorite boy by your side, you’re more relaxed than you’ve been in weeks. A few minutes in, with a full belly and tired feet, your eyes start to feel like lead, and it takes more energy than you have to keep them open. Despite the pile of pillows, your head slumps against Peter’s shoulder, and he’s far too caring, far too relieved to see you asleep, that he wouldn’t ever dare to move.
It’s an awkward angle, but he presses a kiss to your forehead anyway, sweet and featherlight in an attempt not to wake you. He winces when you stir, eyelids fluttering, but you settle quickly, and he resists the urge to sigh in relief, certain the movement would only wake you.
You sleep through the night, and even though Peter’s lost feeling in his left arm and it seems like his neck has a permanent crick, he’d do it all again in a heartbeat.
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lingeringdesires505 · 4 months
to be loved
nagi seishiro x reader
nagi always thought of everything as a pain or a hassle, to him, even breathing was a pain. to him, all that mattered was that he was alive and well enough to do the two things he was most passionate about - soccer and video games.
the man was so lazy he didnt even bother to cook his own meals and resorted to cooking instant noodles and even skipping meals sometimes.
eat, play, sleep, repeat.
that was until he met you.
the first time he saw you was at a video game store, queuing up to buy a highly anticipated game that just released. the moment he joined the queue, he took notice of you. he couldn't exactly figure out why he was so attracted to you. maybe it was the way your facial features complimented the most beautiful smile he had ever seen as you tap away on your phone, or the way you tucked your hair behind your ear so that it wouldn't obstruct your face.
dont get him wrong, nagi had seen really pretty girls before, but up to that point in time, he had never seen anyone as beautiful as you.
soon enough, his stare caught your attention. the moment nagi made eye contact with you, it felt as if time had stopped there and then. the moment you flashed a small smile at him, trying to be friendly, he felt his heart racing. what was this unfamiliar feeling stirring inside of him? this strange feeling hes never felt before. nagi quickly looked away in embarrassment, his cheeks turning red.
you slowly walking towards him to stand behind him in the queue didnt help the fact that the poor man was as red as a tomato.
since the queue was pretty long and you had nothing else to do but wait, you decided to talk to the tall, white haired stranger in front of you, especially since he was queuing to buy the same new game as you.
soon, the small talk turned into a full blown conversation. turns out, nagi and you had a lot in common. the two of you both enjoyed playing the same games and going to the arcade.
just as the two of you had made your purchases, nagi started panicking as he saw you bid goodbye to him while walking towards the exit.
this couldnt be it. this couldnt be the end. no, nagi didnt want this to end, he wasnt content with the thought that he may never see someone as precious and beautiful as you again. even though nagi had never taken any initiative to do anything but play soccer and video games, he couldnt just stand there and see you become nothing but a stranger again.
before meeting you, he had never been so comfortable around someone so fast. before you, he had never gotten along with anyone so well. (totally not because he found it bothersome to speak to others )
that day was the first time he had ever done something on his own initiative.
the tall man briskly jogged towards you, blocking the way to the exit in front of you, and shyly asked for your number.
nagi was a little worried about how you would respond to such a request. was it too weird to ask for someones number like that? maybe he should have listened to reo when he used to ramble about how he managed to woo his girlfriend...
to his delight, you took out a pen from your pocket and wrote your number on the receipt you received when you made your purchase before handing it to him, flashing yet another beautiful smile that made nagi giddy.
from that day onwards, nagi's life was never the same again.
things he used to find bothersome to do, didnt seem to be bothersome to him anymore, of course, only if it was you who asked him to do it.
nagi had always felt like it was a pain to go out, even if it was just for a short while, and would only go out if it was absolutely necessary for him. however, ever since you came into his life, he would never decline your invitation to go out or go shopping, even if the activities didnt interest him at all. he would even treat you to different foods, buy you things, and even carry your shopping bags for you.
before you, nagi had never bothered to constantly check for messages, but after meeting you, he would constantly check for messages, whether it be in between his matches, or even during his soccer training.
before you, nagi had never bothered to have a proper diet and would resort to eating all sorts of junk — an eat to live type of person. however, after meeting you, you would often cook nutritious meals for him during your hangouts at his house. nagi loved the food you made for him so much that he felt as if he could never survive a day without your cooking. sometimes, the man that used to think that doing such things were bothersome would even join you in the kitchen and help you the best he can, even though his cooking skills might not be the best...
nagi would also bring you out to a coffeeshop or to the mall and buy small little gifts or trinkets to give you. he treated you as if you were an angel, a blessing that fell from the sky.
after meeting you, his life had changed a lot. it didnt take long for the two of you to fall head over heels for each other, finally getting together and moving in together.
sometimes, nagi couldnt believe that someone as beautiful and kind as you would love and care for him so deeply. the thought of love used to seemed like a complicated topic to nagi hence he never bothered to think about it. but now, all he could think about all day was you and how much he adored you.
seeing you patiently wait for him to finish his training made him feel loved and cared for. the way you run up to him to give him a big hug despite him being all sweaty from training makes him think about how lucky he is.
all the lazy sundays and late nights spent with you cuddling on his couch or in his bed, binge watching shows or playing games made he feel fulfilled.
everyday, his love for you grows bigger and bigger. he never thought he would love and think about someone as much as he loves and thinks about you. now, he wasn't only passionate about video games and soccer, but also passionate about you. in fact, his first priority is you. he didn't care anymore about how bothersome or troublesome an activity was, as long as he could make you happy, show his love, see that breathtaking smile of yours and hear your sweet laugh, he would do it without hesitation.
to be loved is to be changed — a phrase he never believed in until he met you.
love is a strange thing, isnt it?
thank you for reading!
word count: 1.2k
feel free to request!
please dont steal
@lingeringdesires505 2024
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bisonaari · 2 months
Käärijä Summer Camp report
I don't really come here anymore and I don't think I'll be back anytime soon, but I still wanted to make a post about this! It's probably gonna be pretty long hahaha
Last time I travelled with my husband, but this time with the amount of things to do and people to meet, he preferred staying at home and took care of our little balcony garden <3 Thanks to him we now have a full ass jungle on our balcony lol
My flights were really uneventful. My first flight to europe was so empty that I had a full row to myself so I could have some good sleep time (albeit a bit uncomfy lol, plane seats are so hard), but that was it.
When I got to Helsinki, I was welcomed by a bunch of GOOFS omg
@mitamicah @j-restlessgeek @teal-skull @katinkulta @clovermoonspell and her friend from Norway were all there, Micah and Susanna arriving a bit earlier than me. We all went to the place I was going to share with Missy, Susanna and @kaarijalist for the next two days.
Those people. Are the best. I fucking love them so much you have no idea. Everyone I'll tag in this post is an absolute cutie that I love but I'LL SAY IT EVERYTIME Skull gave me my birthday present in advance and I just BWAAAAAHH that was so sweet ;A; It was a Jukka autograph that they got for me back in Böle (now framed in my living room ehehehe) and a custom bracelet for me, inspired by my kääryle tattoo ;A; I loved it so ridiculously much it was ADORABLE
I learnt later that day that I wouldn't be able to meet @likearainbowinthedark until much later in my trip and it was a bit sad, I really missed them ;A; Friendship at first sight during february, and now I have to wait MORE to see their face again??? UNFAIR!! And also I had made little crochet frogs for them and their wife ohoho I couldn't wait to give them to their new owners <3
We also met with @formulalakana and @carpblu at a cafe during the afternoon! I was a bit burnt out by the whole you know… flying 12 hours thingie, so I ended up going back to our place but it was still lovely meeting with them they are amazing people!!
The day after that was the actual Summer Camp meet up day!! We all met at the mural together with many people already tagged here, but also @jaarijani @smimon @icbimakb and @tuherrus !! I can't believe that we just started to talk on tumblr and we were all there???? In person??? In front of that stupid Käärijä mural, exchanging bracelets and laughing together? That was just amazing
After a group picture, it was raining too much to have a proper picnic, so we went to the Tikkurila library to actually have some time to hangout and share snacks and gifts from our countries, and draw on each other's clothes and notebooks hahaha. A really, really lovely time with everyone, I'm so happy it went so well. On one side of the room was the Summer Camp flag that Skull had made, and to me it was perfect.
I also was sitting next to icbimakb and I had some time to nerd out to them because they're my fav artist of all time and they let me look at their sketchbook and it was an honor and I don't think that my eyes will ever recover from looking at so much beautiful art. @shirtlessradfahrer arrived at about that time as well.
A bit later we were joined by @follivora @wednesdayday @king-krisu and @khihi !! They didn't stay long but it was fun to finally meet after seeing them on tumblr for such a long time !! Some of us went to queuing, the rest of us stayed to clean up and we went to the venue a bit later <3
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The Backas gig was one of the greatest moments of my life. Seriously. Everything went SO WELL??? Missy, Susanna and I headed out to the vip area for the pre show meal, and the food was amazing seriously. I wish I could have eaten about 3000 more of those fucking potatoes they were INCREDIBLE. We were looking at people running for barricade with tenderness hahaha, like "Look at our children <3 So much energy". Then suddenly, Missy spotted him. The Häärijä. Chatting to people next to the merch booth. She had to stop eating immediately because she had gifts to give him, and there might not be any other occasion to do so. I also handed her the fanzines because I'm a bit too shy and I don't have anything to say to Häärijä hahaha.
Part of my Backas report in a previous post ! I'll just focus on the untold parts here
At the venue it was time to meet @hyviihommi and @omppupiiras and also @blatantlyhidden and @because-its-eurovision !!! And wait also @tmrwds and @taidotonheiluja and some more people that I don't know the url of but I know are fellow tumblr users!!
I can't say how much I loved this gig. Hugo was really great, he looks so much like jere when he was younger hahaha. Käärijä was in SUCH a great mood, he was smiling so much and having the time of his life being on stage that day I don't think I'll ever recover. It felt so good being there and having an artist in front of us who was having a blast. I was dancing with Skull and Missy (my immediate neighbours hahaha), looking at Micah and Carpblu having a blast in front of us, enjoying the music that I had been listening for more than a year now with other people who also loved the same music. It was such an experience I will never forget this. We also got Paidaton riehuja!! I did remove my shirt hahaha. If I wasn't wearing a mesh shirt and a bra I would have gone full tits out hahaha, but it was too much of a hassle. But it was SO FUN being able to take part in this!!!
I don't usually listen to It's Crazy It's Party, but live?? It's seriously top 10 of the greatest moments of my life. Seeing everyone around me going fucking insane was incredible and I wish I could go back to those moments.
After the show, we stayed around a bit to chat more. We took another group picture, who is absolutely perfect and I will cherish forever.
Our little group went back to our appartment by taxi and we missed the occasion to say taksit on jo pihalla I'm very disappointed smh
We were already losing our minds because of how well the meetup and the gig went and everyone getting to see their blorbos and have pictures and chats with them, when Missy looked at her phone and SCREAMED because Häärijä had made a story with the fanzine holy shit. You don't know how fucking proud I was. I think I looked at it for 5 hours straight hahaha. He doesn't know how a video that probably took him 5 minutes to film and post made every artist's day it was INCREDIBLE.
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(this is a terrible selfie but whatever HAHAHA)
On thursday, it was matching tattoos time!! I am now the proud owner of a pineapple tattoo, matching with Missy, Jay, Cass and Micah. I am ridiculously happy to have it. I feel like we really are a weird family and I found my people. I love it so, so much.
Got to meet with @pianist-chan that day as well!! We all had a lovely picnic together as a group in a park, then one song at a karaoke bar! Micah and I didn't vibe with the bar so after a huge peak of anxiety we all decided to leave hahaha. It was lovely hanging out with everyone anyway so whatever hahaha.
Friday was the Allas gig!! I met up with the gang in the morning to go eat breakfast together, and we ended up getting @hika-chachachan at the same time after we both discovered that we're not the only french fan here HAHAHA. Sorry for everyone with us, we spoke in french most of the meal time because it was fun not having to speak in english for a short time hahaha. Later that day, we took a picture making the JUL sign, the only correct pose for cringe french people uWu
Then I went back to my hostel for a nice nap, got some food with Kat and then finally joined the queue one hour before doors. (I got to see @izpira-se-zlato and @n3ongold3n there! And also I could hug Bec again 💚) We got a pretty nice spot so I'm not disappointed! Although this time Jukka didn't notice me but it's fine I can't win everytime hahaha. The gig was also a lot of fun, nothing much to say here! I didn't realize at that time that it was my last time of this trip seeing Elsa, and I only fully realized it after she left :' ( I would have hugged you a lot harder hahaha
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Saturday, Benjamin Peltonen and Erika Vikman gig with the kcord gang!! Before that I went to eat lunch with Cass!! It was sad saying bye, but I really had a fun time with them ;A; <3
I was super late for the gig and arrived after doors because that one guy in my hostel didn't realize that THERE IS ONLY ONE TUMBLE DRYER FOR THE ENTIRE HOSTEL DON'T LEAVE YOUR CLOTHES HERE AFTER THEY'RE DONE. URGH. He told me he just went to take a shower because it was taking too long WATCH YOUR GODDAMN CLOTHES MY DUDE I was so annoyed hahaha
Another session of meeting up with new people! This time I got to chat with @labda-kesho @beesgobzzzing and @dragon0blood and some more people I don't know the url of!! Anyway we had a great time! Benjamin looks like an angel, and Erika is…… you know how Erika is I don't need to tell yall HAHAHA. Everything would have been perfect without the extremely drunk girls around us spilling their drinks everywhere and literally falling on people. They had to be escorted out during Erika's part because they were way too annoying for everyone.
On sunday I FINALLY MET WITH EKO YIPPIE IT WAS TIME. I went to visit them in Espoo and ended up staying chatting with them for like 5 hours big oops hahaha we get along so well it felt like 10 minutes ;A; It was also my first time taking the bus by myself in Finland like a big girl!!! For the tram Elsa helped me so I could take it alone after she showed me how to, but the bus to another city?? That was a first one my mother is very proud
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Monday, I went to Suomenlinna! When I lived in France 20 years ago, I lived right next to the ocean in a coastal city. Then we moved inland in Canada and you don't know how much I miss the ocean every single day. It's the #1 thing I miss about living in France, so I HAD to go to Suomenlinna. First of all, being on a boat again was so great, I really had missed that. It reminded me of the ferries I used to go on to travelfrom my dad's place to my grandma's place. Great times hahaha. Then I just wandered around for three hours, minding my own business and avoiding people hahaha. I sat next to the sea listening to the waves for hours. And it was the BEST. I think it cured me of 28 mental illnesses I didn't know I had.
On tuesday, I met with Eko once again but in Helsinki this time! We went to get tea together and chatted for another couple of hours HAHAHA. Teemaa in Helsinki is a lovely tea shop and you should definitely go!! I also went to the Skywheel on my way back I just HAD to yknow, Käärijä tourism
After I got back to the hostel, it was packing time to leave Helsinki for other horizons.
My next stop was Oulu! So I headed out to the train station on wednesday morning to go on a 6 hours journey hahaha. At least it was a direct train, and the guy next to me was only here from Tampere to Seinäjoki, so I still had quite a lot of space for myself.
Once in Oulu, I was staying with @theplantbish and her partner. I cannot say how much I love her. There are not enough words to express this. The other people I immediately fell in love with I had already met them prior, so no surprises here! (Yall know who you are hahaha) But it was our first time meeting and it was like we already knew each other from 25 years ago. We went from total strangers to great friends in about 5 seconds, and then it took two days to have heartfelt late night conversations crying in each other's arms lol. Anyway this whole paragraph is a love letter to Plant you are amazing and I love you. I can't believe that in two weeks we got to talking on a daily basis hahaha.
Anyway, we also met with @gaysontoast because we went to pick them at the airport and WOW what a tornado of bubbliness <3 They were absolutely wonderful to have as a roommate!! (and they sleep like the dead hahaha)
In the afternoon it was my first time meeting with @submariini and @ravensofskyhold as well! I'm scared that I will run out of available tag spaces like you can only tag 50 people per post lemme count a sec ok we're at 33 still good (but absolutely ridiculous that I got to meet 33 people from tumblr in the same week??? what happened to not meeting strangers from the internet lol) but anyway all lovely people!!
The day after, it was finally time for Suomipop!! In the morning we went to pick @punanenmarli from the train station! Plant and her got back to Plant's place walking hand in hand and it was the fucking cutest shit I had ever seen ;A;
anyway I was completely normal about this show. Hm. So normal. Even during the french part in Lähtee käsistä. So. Normal.
The others wanted to go see Kuumaa during the evening and I would have loved to as well, but it was raining, I was drenched and cold and miserable and instead just headed back to Plant's place where I was soooo normal about Bess.
On friday, it was my birthday, yippie!!! The clowns from kcord (NOT PEJORATIVE IT'S THEIR NAME OK) got me a card that they all signed and I loved it so much a a a a a a ;A;
We wanted front row for the Käärijä gig later in the evening, so we were there at doors and immediately went front row, which meant that we also got to listen to Viivi and Yö ! Tbh, I really liked Yö, I understand why they're a legendary band hahaha.
However, between the two shows, Plant came back to our group and told me that Jukka. Sorsa. Was. Hanging out. In the VIP section. Which we didn't have access to lol. So we ended up just watching him from afar, when I noticed that he and his friends were leaving the VIP section and crossing the festival area. I told it to Plant who asked me if I wanted to go see him but I was like naaaah I'm shy. So she asked if I wanted her to come with me and I immediately said yes HAHAHA. We went over his little group and when we arrived at about 10 feet from him we waved, and he immediately came to us to have a chat WHAT A MAN I LOVE HIM. I was so fucking awkward (leading to this great interaction… me: "I just wanted to say hi!" Jukka: "well… hi" AAAAAAA IT WAS SO AWKWARD LOL). He noticed the earrings I made out of the guitar plecs he gave me and reached for them sir excuse me do you want me dead hahaha. I didn't say much after that but we still got a picture together that Plant took for me ILYSM
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I met with Kat, Lou and their friend just before the Käärijä show and it was amazing as usual. This man knows how to perform hahaha. WE ALSO HAD THIS WEIRD MID-SPEECH SHIT TALK??? JERE WH A T???
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After Käärijä, we headed up towards the other stage to Kaija Koo. I was on my phone for I don't remember what, and Plant poked me to tell me "are you on your phone? how often in your life are you gonna see Kaija Koo live??" and she was so fucking right omg. I put my phone back in my pocket and it was absolutely great, got to hold hands with Plant while dancing, seriously amazing. One of my best birthdays ever if not THE best.
We had a meal at Hesburger after everything hahaha (I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS HESBURGER), and in the not quite night of Oulu, to me everything felt so, so right.
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I said bye to Kat after that but it's so ridiculous we live in the same country LOL I should visit Toronto at some point
At Suomipop, we got to see first Portion Boys and they were so full of energy what a show!!! Nothing can stop them, not the heat, not the wheelchair, NOTHING.
Smitten, Omega and I got to dip our feet in the water at the suomipop beach and it was so needed the sun was HOT that day. The fact that we weren't allowed more than our feet in the water was a tragedy though smh
After that, it was time to my beloved ARTTU WISKARI, I got into his stuff just before flying for Finland so I was delighted he was going to be at Suomipop!! Ed came with me to see him what a gentleman lol (seriously tho I really, really appreciate it!!)
Last suomipop show for me was Elastinen! While watching him I could only think that this was the most shark looking man I had ever seen HAHAHA.
After Elastinen, the group went to see Apulanta, while I went back to Plant's appartment to pack my suitcase, sadly.
On sunday, it was time to take the train again. Plant took me to the train station and we ended up crying so much hahaha I was a mess in the train. But if it hurt so much, it's because it was equally fun, and I can't wait to see her again.
I was headed to Tampere, then Turku! Skull escorted me to my Airbnb they're so lovely ;A; We talked together for about 6 hours lol before I had to leave to do some laundry. While my clothes were in the washing machine, we explored the k-market to find some Pirkka merch but it was all gone, so I just got a lovely @windows95man shirt hahaha. COME BACK TO TUMBLR TEEMU YOU BELONG WITH US
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The day after I met with Skull again to buy some Posankka merch! Posankka…… my beloved…… the most beautiful pigduck of Finland <3 I got a reflector, in true finnish fashion hahaha. We then headed up to Luostarinmäki, an open air museum on finnish craftsmanship from the past. It was ridiculously interesting and we spent 3 hours where we only got to half of the museum LOL, we're nerds. Too bad…… I'll have to come back to Turku……… so sad
In the evening we watched TRAFIK and some more Powerwolf music videos, what a great evening holy shit
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Interestingly enough, on tuesday I met up with… Skull again lol, they joined me in the park in the afternoon, we stayed here for 2 hours until we left to go to a student bar to get a lovely hot chocolate <3 It was absolutely delicious!
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Wednesday, last day in Finland. I met up with, you have guessed, Skull again lmao. We headed to Vantaa (because I had a plane to take r i p).
Skull and I then headed to Arttu Wiskari's Allas gig. We were quite lucky as the rain had just stopped (btw Kallo I still have the rain poncho I stole from you lol it's in Canada now sorry).
We had so, so much fun. The gig was just really fun and light hearted, everyone knew the lyrics, and it was the best ending for an amazing trip. Nothing like dancing with your friend on good music!!
I hugged Skull and cried in the train. Familiar scene, lol. Me sobbing in trains in Finland. I love you so much Kallo.
There are no words left in my heart to express how loved I felt during these 17 days. I will be back. I promise. I can't bear to not go back when I left pieces of my soul with dear friends. Take care of them please, I'll be back to put some more of my soul in them. I love you. So very much. You made my life really bright for a short time, and knowing how good it can be to be alive I want to feel this again.
To all of you, who are my soulmates, my siblings, my loved ones, my beloved: thank you.
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kpoptrashibnida · 2 months
Bottomless Mimosas
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A/N: Looks like Soobin won the poll I made for this short one-shot. It's essentially PWP but I kind of am crap at writing smut. I love reading it! But I kind of suck at writing it. Anyway... Here y'all go! Happy reading! MINORS DNI 18+
Today was your tradition of going to brunch with your best friend, Minji. Every month, on the last Friday of the month, you two would get dropped off to your favorite brunch spot where you would take full advantage of their bottomless mimosas and your boyfriends would take turns picking you both up and dropping you off home. This tradition has been going on for a little over a year and it is something you look forward to every month. Today, however, it seems like you both lost control with the bottomless mimosas due to the hot topics of conversation.
One minute you’re in the cafe with Minji, giggling and sipping your mimosas, and the next minute you are haphazardly being loaded to the back seat of a car, a gruff male voice huffing about lack of self control and unruly heavy toddlers. You could not pinpoint who the voice belonged to, but they were being a little rude. It sounded a lot like Minji's boyfriend, Yeonjun, but you couldn't be sure. You open your eyes and you see the world spinning, making you a bit nauseous. You close them back up and lay down, your head landing on something that was firm yet soft. 
“What happened?”
“They were celebrating Minji’s promotion and got carried away, apparently.”
“Oh my gosh, thank you for bringing her home.”
“I hope they get this messed up when it's your turn to drop off. I don’t need to workout today anymore, I had to carry both of them to the car and that was a workout.”
“Yeah, dead weight is no fun. Okay man, thanks, I’ll take her.”
The annoying voices finally stopped and you felt like you were floating in air, a soft warmth surrounding you. You felt like the world around you was spinning but it suddenly stopped once you felt your back touch a soft, comfy surface. The world stopped spinning and everything went silent.
You woke up to the sound of loud beeping, feeling disoriented, dizzy and your mouth feeling more dry than a cotton ball. The light outside your window was dwindling down to twilight, and you could not believe you slept the whole afternoon away. You were going to go see what the beeping noise was,  but figured it was your beautiful boyfriend doing something in the kitchen. You smelled the foul stench of alcohol on you and decided it was better to take a quick shower first. You walked into the ensuite bathroom and were surprised to see a glass of water, some aspirin and a note on the counter.
Hello my sleeping beauty!
I know you are probably feeling a little sick, so here is some medicine and water. Go ahead and take a warm shower first. I placed your fluffy robe in the towel warmer. Come join me in the kitchen when you’re done.
Xoxo Your Soobinnie
You smiled at the sweet note from your amazing and thoughtful boyfriend. You took a quick but thorough shower, brushed your teeth and slipped into a fresh and comfortable pj set. You stepped out of the bedroom, eager to see and hug your cute boyfriend. 
“There she is!” Soobin exclaimed, placing a pizza on the cooling rack.
“What are you doing baby?” You asked, looking at the food, drinks and cozy set up in the living room.
“Well, I figured you were going to be hungry when you woke up, so I made some pizza and thought we could have a cozy night in and watch some movies.” He explained, cutting the pizza into slices. 
“Aww Soobin! You didn’t have to go through all this trouble.” You cooed, making your way to your giant boyfriend.
“It’s no trouble at all my love. I love doing the things you like.” He wrapped you in his strong arms and held you tightly, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Now let’s go eat before the pizza gets cold. I have queued the movie already.” He said as he grabbed the pizza tray and made his way to the living room.
 “Do you mind bringing the sodas with you?” He said over his shoulder.
You absentmindedly grabbed the drinks as you watched him walk away, a slow burn traveling your body. Soobin had always been so kind and attentive, so this behavior was nothing new. What was new for you was having such a loving and attentive partner. You didn’t date much before dating Soobin, but the one other serious relationship you had heavily lacked in comparison to the one you have with Soobin. That warmth traveled from your heart down to your lower belly, a slow ache burning. It didn’t help that he also looked extremely good in the gray sweatpants and black t-shirt he was wearing. 
You took your place next to him on the couch and ate your pizza in silence as you tried to pay attention to the movie he decided to play. Of course, he just had to play ‘The Devil Wears Prada’, knowing it is your all-time favorite comfort movie that you can watch over and over without ever getting bored of it. The warmth you felt grew stronger as he wrapped his arm around you once you both had finished eating, his big hand softly caressing your arm absentmindedly. He was so into the movie, oblivious to the fact that you were burning for him.
You decided you had enough, you needed him this instant. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked, confused as to why you stopped your favorite movie.
You sat up at the same time, looking into his concerned eyes. Those beautiful eyes of his were roaming your face, looking for a clue as to why you turned off the movie.
You said nothing however, but instead,  you leaned into him and placed a deep kiss on his lips.
He was taken slightly aback by the suddenness of the kiss but he did not shy away, returning it enthusiastically, albeit, a bit confused at the change in mood. 
You needed to be closer to him, so you straddled his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, enjoying the feeling of your soft body pressed against his. He did not know what brought on this mood but he was certainly not complaining. His tongue explored your mouth as his hands explored your body; going under your baggy shirt and caressing the soft skin of your sides and lower back. You sighed at the feeling and decided that it wasn’t fair he was the only one touching skin. 
You slightly pull away from the kiss, his lips chasing yours in protest. You pull his shirt off of his broad frame, your eyes drinking in the glorious view in front of you. His body definition was testament of how active he was, and he wore it well. Your mouth watered at the sight and you quickly got rid of your pajama top, Soobin’s eyes widening at the sudden motion. You wrapped yourself around him again and connected your lips in a desperate kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck one more time and your hips undulating on top of his. 
He grunted at the movement of your hips, a shudder going down his spine as he felt the pleasure start and his member harden. He traveled his hands from your waist, up in between your bodies, softly grasping your breasts. The heavy globes were soft in his slightly calloused hands, he couldn’t help himself but give them soft squeezes, earning a sigh from you. He removed his lips from yours and traveled down your neck, leaving a wet trail behind. Your body shuddered the second he took a nipple in his mouth, your back arching in pleasure. He tweaked the nipple of your other breast while his mouth worked on the other one. The pleasure was electric, sending shivers down your spine. You grind your hips harder against his, the pleasure becoming too much. 
“Soobin, I want more.” You plea, your neediness evident. He was making you feel good but it wasn’t what you were after.
“What my baby wants, she gets.” He murmured seductively in your ear.
Next thing you know, he flips you over and places your back on the couch, his large frame hovering above you. He removes your pajama bottoms and smiles at the sight of your bare core.
“No panties? Seems like this attack was premeditated.” He teases smugly, salivating at the sight of your glistening core.
“No it wasn’t. I guess I just forgot.” You said innocently but he wasn’t buying. You didn’t realize you forgot to put on underwear, maybe subconsciously you knew how this night was going to end. 
“You look so cute when you lie.” Soobin teased, the playful smile quickly turning into a cynical smirk the moment he started to lower his head to your glistening core.
“Wait! No, Soobin, I don’t want that.” You placed a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from going down. He raised an eyebrow in question since you normally loved it when he went down on you. “I want to feel you inside me now.” You said, not caring if you sounded desperate. It was a feeling your body wanted, no, needed. 
“Who am I to deny my baby’s request?” Soobin teased, his member throbbing at your words. 
He retracted from your body and in one quick motion he removed your pajama bottoms. The slight breeze made your core clench and he groaned at the beautiful sight. He quickly rid himself of his sweats, his member springing out enthusiastically. You gulped at the sight of the hard remember, his tip dripping in precum. Soobin’s fingers entered you slowly, coaxing your core to open up. You moaned at the feeling, the squelching noises bringing a slight blush to your face. You felt the pleasure building up, the pressure in your lower belly growing by the second. You moaned loudly as your hips undulated because of the pleasure Soobin’s fingers were bringing. As soon as you felt like the pressure was going to snap, Soobin retracted his fingers from your core, earning a whine from you. The whine stopped the second you watched Soobin pump his member a couple of times, bringing it closer to your aching wet core.
“Are you ready baby?” Soobin coos, earning an eager nod from you.
He chuckled at your reaction, tapping the head of his dick twice on your clit before finally entering you in one swift thrust.
You gasped at the intrusion, the stretch of his full member feeling deliciously tight. Your arms went around Soobin’s shoulders, bringing his head down to yours and encasing his lips in a heated kiss. His tongue explored your mouth in desperation, his body moving slowly on top of yours. You moaned in his mouth, the sensation of his dick slowly thrusting inside you making your head spin. But it wasn’t enough. You needed more.
“Faster.” You pant, detaching from his hungry mouth.
Soobin never missed a beat and he started thrusting faster, placing one hand by your head and using his other hand to grab your left thigh and hiking it up on his waist. The difference in angle had you moaning his name, back arching off the couch. He licked a strip up your neck, nibbling harsh kisses along the skin of your neck. The sensations were overwhelming your body, making it move to be as close as possible to Soobin. Your fingernails dug into his back and he pistoned his member inside of you, his tip always hitting the spot inside that made you see stars.
He could tell you were near your end by the way you moaned and clung to him, your velvety pussy feeling like a vice grip every time you clenched around his member. 
He sat up, placing his right foot on the floor, his left leg bent on the couch. He grabbed your hips and slid you down closer to his member, holding you by the waist as he continued to thrust into you at a rhythmic pace. 
“Oh god Soobin, right there.” You moaned in complete pleasure, your hands traveling to your breasts and squeezing them. You were so so close. You just needed a bit more.
Thankfully, Soobin knew you like the back of his hand and he knew exactly what he needed to do to push you over the edge.
He adjusted himself so he could bend down and take your left nipple in his mouth, licking and biting the nub until it got hard. You moaned at the sensation, the warm feeling pooling in your lower belly. He then moved his right hand in between your bodies and began to rub firm circles on your clit, making you gasp at the onslaught of sensations.
The gasp quickly turned into a moan and your hips began rocking harder against his, the warmth pooling in your lower belly even faster.
Soobin continues his sweet attack on your body; his dick pistoning you in a pace that you do not know how he could keep up, his tongue working your nipples and his firm fingers rubbing your sensitive clit. All at once these sensations overwhelmed you and you were about to snap.
“Soobin stop. Stop!” You pleaded, but he knew better. Your pleas for him to stop were nothing more than you asking him to make you finish. You tried to remove his head from your breasts, but he didn’t budge. You tried to remove his fingers from your clit, but he was unmovable. 
Your heart started to race faster, your hips grinding against his. Yes, you pleaded with him to stop but you didn’t actually want him to. He gave a few more hard thrusts into your sopping core, his finger pressing harder circles against your clit and one hard bite on your nipple and you finally came.
“Oh god yes!” You shrieked, your body convulsing against his. 
He thrusted a few more times, overstimulating your sensitive pussy. You clenching around him finally brought him to his climax, his warm hot cum shooting inside of you, making your body shake in pleasure. 
He slowly finished pumping his cum in you, watching the way your body slightly trembled with the aftershocks of your pleasure. 
He was about to pull out of you when you suddenly grabbed his arm and stopped his movements.
“Wait! This couch is almost brand new, we can’t get it dirty.” You reasoned, not wanting to have to take out a cum stain from another couch. 
“You got it.’ he said, carefully picking you up with his member still inside of you.
“How are you still hard?” You ask in shock, clutching to his body as he walks you both to your bathroom.
“Because my baby is so sexy, I’m always ready for you.” He teased, giving one slight thrust into you.
“Stop that.” You gasped at the overstimulation. 
He doesn’t do it again but he starts to slowly chuckle, his trembling body making him thrust in you slightly.
“What’s so funny?”” You inquire.
“Nothing… It’s just that your day started with bottomless mimosas… and now you’re bottomless after mimosas.” He laughed then, finding his joke hilarious.
You gave him a small chuckle and rolled your eyes. “You’re lucky you’re cute.” You say, giving him a small peck on the nose.
“I’m not cute, I’m sexy.” He argues, earning a laugh from you.
“Okay yeah, you are sexy.” You agreed, your heart feeling full of love for your sexy boyfriend. 
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
Promise | Part Two
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Pairing: RE4!Leon S. Kennedy x co-worker!fwb!afab!Reader
Genre: Friends with Benefits AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut 
Synopsis: It’s been days since Leon left, the last you heard from him being rumors about the mission. Over the span of those days without him, you start to realize how much you craved Leon’s comfort beyond physical. But, why is he suddenly acting so distant? 
Word Count: 9.2K
Warnings: 18+ SEXUAL CONTENT MINORS DNI; mild slow burn?, allusions towards depressive episode, crying, slight depictions of blood and gore, Y/N used once, reader smokes cigarette, reader consumes alcohol, switch!reader x dom!Leon, slight humiliation (reader receiving), slight overstimulation (reader receiving), pet names (love, baby, beautiful), fingering (reader receiving), rough fucking, oral sex (reader receiving), spanking (reader receiving), choking (reader receiving), oil massage (reader receiving), manhandling (reader receiving),mutual aftercare, swearing
A/N: ITS FINALLY HERE!!! A huge, huge thank you for everyone's love for Promise pt. 1. I really hope everyone enjoys the second part. I appreciate everyone’s patience and apologize for taking so long to finish this. I cannot tell you how many times I reconstructed the plot lol 
Taglist: @navreads @navstuffs (sry i couldn't tag your side blog)
- masterlist -
- part one -
You don’t remember the last time you slept. Well, of course you slept, every human needs sleep to recover. Maybe you should say that you couldn’t remember the last time you fully recovered. Regardless, all you knew was that feeling of uneasiness whirling in the pits of your stomach. 
Ever since Leon left for the mission, you couldn’t help but worry. The constant feeling of fear consumed your thoughts 24/7 as you daydreamed about what horrors Leon could be facing and whether or not he had the skill and luck to survive. The devil that people call “the little voice in my head” tormented you with narrative images of Leon’s death. Some scenarios were soaked with gushing blood, some were infected with whatever mutated virus, and some – the one you deemed the worst out of all – was simply a missing person, no body to be found whatsoever. 
You spent your mornings in bed, laying there for what felt like hours only to fight off the grogginess with some cheap coffee or energy drink before heading to work at the very last second possible without being considered tardy. Normally, you were a very diligent worker, investigating virus cases or testing for possible antidotes. But these days with your mind clouded with Leon’s absence, you often caught yourself stumbling over work. Your supervisor scolded you for simple mistakes, ones that you would’ve never made before. You were slow and sloppy, and Leon was all to blame. 
If you thought your performance at work was bad, your personal life was even worse. Once work was over, you’d go home, maybe make a sorry excuse for a meal, watch an episode or two of whatever show you had queued, and get ready for bed. When you entered your apartment, you’d think of when Leon would push you towards the closest wall, pining you with his hips as he grinded his restricted erection into your hip bone. When you cooked, you’d think of when Leon slid his hands down from your waist to pick you up and trap you on your granite countertops. When you ate, you’d think of when Leon bent you over and railed into you from behind over your kitchen table. 
You’d hope some TV would ease your mind, but the audio quickly became white noise as your thoughts drifted towards Leon. On a day where you were feeling particularly lonely, you closed your eyes and layed yourself in bed with your hand creeping under the waistband of your pants. You sighed in relief, reaching the spot which craved your attention. With your imagination, you pictured Leon in front of you. His eyes watched as you did your best to satisfy yourself. You listened to his ghost-like whispers as he guided where to put your fingers and how much or little to apply pressure. With your fingers, you tried your best to follow his silent commands, doing your best to imitate his technique. For an hour, you remained like that, pushing and hoping to reach a climax, but even imitation could never compare to the real thing. Nothing could compare to Leon. So, you found yourself cleaning up, although barely lubricated and heading to bed to ignore the pitiful aching between your legs. 
You didn’t know when – if – Leon was coming back, all you knew was that somehow, this became routine for you. 
“Hello?? Hello???” Poppy waved a hand in your face, “Earth to agent? What’s got you so distracted?”
Startled, you jumped back, not realizing that you’d been staring blankly at your laptop screen for some while. You cleared your throat, finding the almost empty cup of whatever drink left behind and chugging it, “Shit, sorry. Need something?”
Poppy looked at you with concern, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder, “I do. I need to know what’s up with you. Are you okay? You’ve been totally out of it these days.”
“I’m fine,” You touched her hand, grateful for her concern, “Just tired.”
“Trouble sleeping? I don’t want to be mean, but those eye bags are killer. Not the good kind.”
Rubbing your eyes, you sighed with the weight of last night’s lack of sleep on your shoulders, “Yeah, something like that.”
“You know I care for you, right?” Poppy softly smiled, “And, that you can tell me anything, and I mean anything, if you need to.” 
You nodded, reciprocating her smile, genuinely thankful for her friendship. Although you weren’t ready to share your experience, you were glad to know that you had someone to go to if you ever felt particularly sentimental, “I know, thank you. Just got some stuff on my mind, but I promise I’m okay.” 
Taking a deep breath, you composed yourself back into work mode, “Did you still need something or just come to visit?”
Only then, you noticed the collection of papers in Poppy’s hands as she gave them to you. Looking through them, your heart leapt to your throat as you instantly recognized Leon’s handwriting on the mission reports. Stunned, you felt like all of time ceased around you as a loud buzzing sound pierced your ears. It was only until Poppy’s soft voice pulled you back into reality, “He’s in the infirmary, the doctors are watching him for any signs of Las Plagas just in case Luis’s laboratory was faulty. We’re supposed to go see him and run some tests as well.” 
You were out the door quicker than Poppy could finish, leaving her to trail behind you as you rushed towards the infirmary. You could hear Poppy shouting for you to slow down and wait for her, but your mind was racing with Leon and the need to just see him. You heard a soft crunch, looking down to notice that the reports had been crumpled by your death grip. You felt light headed, out of breath with anxiety, almost like your heart was about to burst through your ribcage. Turning towards Poppy, who just caught up to you, you pleaded, “Which room is he in?”
“The one on the left.”
In your mind, you wanted to dash towards his room, slam the door open, and jump into his arms; however, your legs felt like jelly, each step slower than the previous as you paced to a standstill just in front of the closed door with your hand frozen on the handle. From the little window in the door, you saw Leon laying on the bed, draped in a hospital gown and tucked underneath the thin, white top sheet. Next to him, his bloodied uniform folded in a sealed bag, waiting to be sent off to forensics. With your free hand, you covered your mouth as tears silently ran down your face. The sight before you was freighting, nothing like any type of fear you felt before. Leon, bruised and battered, became your worst nightmare. The image of his dormant figure etching into your memory forever. 
“Is he…” You gulped, swallowing down the lump in your throat before taking a shaky breath. It didn’t matter as you couldn’t bear to finish your sentence. 
Poppy grabbed your hand, the one that’d been resting on the door handle and pulled you to face her. She cooed at you to take deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling with you. You hadn’t realized you were starting to hyperventilate. Once the heavy pressure on your chest dissipated, Poppy spoke, “He’s okay, just sleeping. His body is recovering from the lack of food and sleep. The doctors are closely monitoring him, and we’re waiting for his results.”
You let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding and thanked whatever higher being for protecting Leon. As much as you wanted to look back at Leon, you were scared to see him in such condition again. This isn’t the first time you’ve seen him return from a mission, but this was definitely the first time you’ve seen him return so beaten up and in a hospital bed. 
A tight hug from Poppy pulled you from your thoughts. You’d meant to ask what she was doing, but her warm embrace reminded you of your lack of social interaction and sent you into another fit of tears. Your lips trembled as you buried your face into her shoulder and graciously accepted her embrace. You mumbled as coherently as you could about how scared you were, how worried you were, and how lonely you’d been without him. Unknowingly, you’d just confess your feelings for Leon. 
Poppy consoled you, bringing up a hand to pat the back of your head and caringly brushing your hair, “You haven’t told him?”
You shook your head, “I don’t think I realized until now.”
“I’m surprised you haven’t.”
You pulled back, confused, “What do you mean?”
“Everyone can tell that you two have chemistry,” Poppy laughed to ease the tense atmosphere, “Sorry to say, but you two aren’t so good at hiding your not-so-secret glances at each other.” 
You sniffed, wiping your nose with the back of your hand as you blushed, “Damn, I didn’t think it was that bad.” 
“It wasn’t, you just confirmed it for me,” Poppy snickered as you scowled. She rejoiced with an empathetic look in her eyes, “You know you should tell Leon how you feel. We almost lost him this time, you might not get to say how you feel about him.” 
You pressed your lips together, hesitating before speaking, “I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Getting rejected?”
“And, how would you know that? We’ve seen the way he treats you, you both go home after work together, what else do you need?” Poppy reasoned, “How could he say no to you?”
“I don’t- I don’t know,” Your voice came out as a hushed whisper, as you looked towards the floor and found the patterns on the tiles more interesting than your answer. 
Poppy looked over at Leon’s sleeping body, “You can practice when he’s not listening, and then, when you’re ready, you can tell him how you feel without being scared.”
You followed Poppy’s eyes, once again landing on Leon’s body. Internally, you debated whether or not you should follow Poppy's plan. You bit your lip with anticipation, “What’s the worst that could happen, right?”
Poppy nodded, a brighter smile blooming on her face. She wiped your tears and fixed your hair, “I’ll give you two some privacy.”
You thanked her, giving her one last hug before turning back towards the door. You took a moment to breathe before bracing yourself and entering his room. The hum of the machines buzzed through your ears, blurring the deafening thoughts racing through your mind. Soft yellow hues from the overhead light illuminated Leon’s scratched up face. Slowly, you moved towards him and stood near the edge of the bed. You stared at his hand, a bandage wrapped around what you assumed to be a wound obtained from catching a knife. Hesitantly, your fingers touched the bandage before gently snaking them to hold his hand. A sense of relief washed over you as the warmth of his hand reassured he was alive and well. Although he was sleeping, you felt him grip your hand just a tiny bit tighter once yours was in his, causing your lips to quiver again and slow tears to fall. 
“Um, hey,” Your voice cracked, “Sorry. Um, it’s been a while, hasn’t it? I really missed you, and I was really worried about you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left. Uh, I don’t really know what I’m saying right now, but I care for you. I want you to be happy, I want you to be healthy, and-” 
You gulped, “And…I want to be the one to make you happy.” 
“I…” You took a deep breath, “I love you, Leon.”
And, mumbling through his slumber, Leon whispered, “I love you too, Ada.” 
It’s been three days since you showed up to work, having a poor excuse of catching a nasty cold. In reality, you were perfectly fine if you considered an aching heart to be okay. Like a teen whose crush just kissed another person, you spend the last three days lazing around in your bed, barely getting up to eat and seldom showering. You basically lived in your bed. But as nice as this was, you couldn’t run away forever. You had a day job, and you didn’t want to risk getting fired. So, you shuffled towards your bathroom and hopped in the shower, not having the confidence to look at your appearance through the mirror’s reflection. Even though it took most of your energy to walk to the shower, you instantly regretted not showering sooner with the relief of the hot water soaking your frail body. You worked through your matted and tangled hair, cleaned up your hygiene, and took some time to think about random shower thoughts. After all, that’s all you’d been doing with your time – thinking. Though no matter how much you thought about it, you couldn’t figure out any answers to your questions: Who was Ada and when did he meet her? 
If you recall correctly, you were the only person that had been hooking up with Leon. You confirmed this because he rarely spends nights at others’ places, having preferred to be in the comfort of his own home. Plus, you never saw any indications of other female visitors at his place. So, if you and he had been exclusive for the past few months, that limits the time frame down to Ada being way before your time and not a recent person of interest. So, then the question changes to whether Ada was an ex-girlfriend and whether Leon still had feelings for her. 
Who were you kidding? Of course he still had feelings for her, he confessed his love to Ada afterall. Even though he didn’t know that it was you that had confessed to him, Leon subconsciously kept Ada close to his heart. 
The only thing to confuse you was why had Leon treated you so nicely beforehand? He was always around you, kept you company, walked you home, memorized your favorite foods, and so on. What was the reason for all of that if he hadn’t been interested? Was he leading you on? Toying with your feelings? Had you over-thought his actions? 
You groaned, frustrated at the endless loop of questions in your head. With some new found anger, you stepped out of the shower and started your care routine. You kind of missed having a normal person routine as much as you despised how much effort it took to make yourself deemed socially presentable. Fortunately, your journey to work was uneventful. You did your best to avoid crowded areas, mostly keeping your eye out for Leon. You were not ready to face Leon, knowing that you’d freeze up immediately. You were trying to lay low, keep yourself from being too suspicious. 
“What are we looking at?” 
You jumped through your skin, nearly having a heart attack. You spun around abruptly, having been face to face with the very person you’d been trying to avoid. You stood there, frozen and mouth agape and you tried to muster up a coherent sentence to speak. 
Once he realized you were struggling, Leon popped his brow, “No hello?” 
Leon nodded, slowly, “Hi. So, how’ve you-”
“Um, I gotta go!” And, you sprinted towards your office, leaving Leon staring confused at your retreating figure. 
You spent the next few days avoiding Leon like that by running into the bathrooms whenever he passed in the hall, ducking under the table if you both decided to go into the food hall, and sitting on the opposite side of the table in the briefing room for mandatory meetings. You didn’t care if you were blatantly obvious that you were avoiding Leon. You knew he was smart enough to know that, but you weren’t ready to confront him. Thankfully, Leon hadn’t pushed you to meet with him, but he did send you many concerned glances whenever you both were in close vicinity. Until today, at least, when a light knock on your doorframe took you out of your work. 
“I thought you said you were leaving early today, Poppy.” 
“She did leave.” 
Your head snapped up, “Agent Kennedy-” 
“Oh so, it’s agent now?” Leon questioned, welcoming himself into your office and closing the door behind him. His eyes narrowed and expression stern, indicating that he was fully serious. Admittingly, he played into your game for a while, but he grew tired of you running away. He too wanted answers to his questions. 
You looked away, not liking the way your heart ached when he looked at you with that condescending expression on his face. It made you feel like you disappointed him, “This isn’t very work appropriate.” 
“Is there something wrong with co-workers visiting each other?” Leon questioned, sitting himself in your guest chair. 
You countered, “It’s after work hours.” 
“That hasn’t stopped us before, has it?”
You bit your lip, having no rebuttal against him. Silence cloaked the room as the both of you waited for someone to say something. When he knew that you weren’t willing to give a response, Leon pushed the conversation. 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” Leon stated blandly, “Why is that?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” 
“Bullshit,” Leon spat, “I’ve seen you run into bathrooms, hide under furniture, and make up lame excuses whenever I’m around. What the fuck is going on?”
“Nothing, you don’t have to worry about it,” You buried your face in your hands, already feeling a headache forming from the result of a long day, “Please, Leon, just-”
“What happened to Agent Kennedy?” Leon sassed, his tone indicating that he was choosing to be petty. 
You groaned, “Please, don’t make this any harder for me.” 
“And, you don’t think it’s hard for me as well?” 
You scoffed, “Why would it be hard for you?” 
Leon pressed, “Because the person I’m fucking is avoiding me like I still have Las Plagas.” 
“So, is that what I am?” You laughed in disbelief, “Just someone to fuck?”
“Isn’t that what we agreed on?” Leon grimaced at his own words, but continued to stand his ground. 
“We didn’t agree on anything, Leon. Shit just happened.” 
“And what about now? What changed?”
“I don’t know, you tell me. One moment we’re no strings attached and the next moment we’re eating pizza like we’re a couple. You confuse me, Leon. You lead me on, and I don’t know how to feel about you,” You took deep breaths, trying your best not to overreact or become too emotional, but you were failing. 
“And, how do you feel about me?”
“For fucks sake,” And, you snapped, “I love you, Leon! Can’t you fucking see that!?” 
The cloak of silence engulfed you two again, only the sounds of your ragged breathing piercing through the air. As you caught Leon’s eyes for the first time, you finally broke down with that familiar lump in your throat and blur in your eyes. 
“And, I’m fucking heartbroken sitting here infront of you, acting like everything��s okay when it’s not. I feel like my heart is ripping out of my chest, because I confessed my love for you and you don’t feel the same,” You sniffled, trying your best to hold your tears back as they trailed down your face. 
“You confessed to me? When?” Leon questioned in disbelief. 
“When you came back.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Let me make this easy for you then,” You paused, “Who’s Ada?”
Leon’s eyes widened, jaw slightly slacking. He didn’t answer you, just staring at you as he internally debated what was the best answer. But, he didn’t know what to say to you and even more so what to say to himself. 
You purse your lips, wiping away your last tears before confidently speaking, “Exactly, so until you figure out your feelings, please don’t talk to me.” 
It’s been two weeks since you and Leon last talked – or rather interacted. There were no longer any lingering looks, no hiding behind furniture, and no running into bathrooms. It wasn’t an effort to stay out of each other's lives anymore, it rather came naturally as you both had differing missions. During your time apart, you took much time to think for yourself – healthily at that – and unravel the situation. Beneficially, you were doing slightly better than before such as eating more and sleeping more. But ultimately, Leon was still on your mind 24/7. And, being invited to the President’s gala dedicated towards rewarding and celebrating the researchers and agents who contributed to saving Ashley did you no justice in keeping your mind off Leon. 
“Doing okay?” Poppy found you sitting alone in the corner with a large glass of champagne. 
“Yeah, just taking a break,” You sighed, craning your neck to loosen up the tense muscles, “I don’t know how much longer I can take people coming up to thank me or tell me how great my research is.” 
Poppy laughed, popping some of the table candy into her mouth, “What? Don’t like being the center of attention?”
You itched at your face, skin feeling heavy with the makeup that covered your dark circles, “Not when I have to dress up and act prim and proper all the time. Like, could we have not done this in an email or something?” 
Poppy took her flute of champagne and gently tapped the rim against yours, “Cheers to that, I could be home watching TV.” 
You both shot back your drinks, relishing in the sweet flavor and bubbly texture. You and Poppy chatted for a moment before she was taken away to meet more people, leaving you back in your lonely corner. Eventually, after sitting for a while, you became bored, having already met with most people or just on low energy in general. You didn’t want to take another flute of champagne, fearful that it’d make you more sluggish than you already were, so you motivated yourself to make your way to the snack table and hoped that something citrus-y could wake you up. 
Just as you were about to grab a scoop from the fruit bowl, a voice from behind you caught your attention, “Hey! You’re the agent that discovered that I got kidnapped, right?”
Turning around, you came face to face with Ashley, “I had a bit of help.” 
“Thanks, you saved my life,” Ashley smiled, hugging you with appreciation before taking your hand and dragging you towards another part of the gala, “Hey, let me introduce you to my dad!” 
You tried to protest, but you already found yourself face to face with the President. 
“Ashley! So, that’s where you ran off to. Who’s this?” 
You turned towards the man, body instantly stiffening with formality, “Mr. President.” 
Ashley smiled, “This is the agent that discovered that I got kidnapped.” 
The President gave you a nod, “Thank you for saving my daughter.” 
Feeling awkward in the presence of such high authority, you just smiled and fiddled with your empty fingers. Before you could excuse yourself, Ashley perked up, “Dad look! It’s Leon!”
Fuck. Just what you needed. 
The President turned towards Leon and gave him a firm handshake with much more adoration and affection than what he gave you, “I knew I could count on you, Leon. You’re a valuable asset.” 
You and Leon connected eyes for a brief moment, his eyes lingering before Leon focused his attention back to the President and acknowledged his words, “I couldn’t have succeeded without my partner.” 
Leon and the President continued chatting as you stood there silently, thoughts about your fruit bowl long gone. You choked at Leon’s words, definitely knowing that he was referring to you but not directly. It’s been so long since you’ve heard Leon’s voice and seen Leon’s face, all of your progress of moving on fell back to ground level as your heart longed for him. You stood there awkwardly, having felt like you were very out of place. You were zoned out for most of the conversation or at least until you noticed Ashley inching closer towards Leon. Her laughter was louder, more forced as she clung on Leon’s arm. She pressed herself up against him, causing a sickening feeling to brew in your stomach. But that feeling was nothing compared to seeing Leon do nothing to brush off Ashley from his side. 
At this moment, you were glad you never touched the fruit bowl, knowing that it would’ve come up from your front seat view of Leon and Ashley. Unfortunately, the heaps of alcohol were starting to get to you as nausea and fatigue washed over your consciousness. Picking up a glass of water from a passing staff member, you took a few heavy gulps before inserting yourself back into the conversation, “Please excuse me.”
For the most part, you were ignored which you didn’t mind too much, having been able to slip away unnoticed. Briskly walking out of the main room, you found yourself stumbling through long halls, almost identical to the last before somehow locating a low leveled balcony overlooking a large open field of grass and garden. You untangled the curtains and softly closed the elegant door behind you, shielding yourself into isolation as you walked towards the balcony’s edge and leaning your hip against the cold stone. Looking out into the night, you sighed a breath of relief as the rush of cool air enveloped your flushed body. 
You lost track of time staring at the stars above you, drunk thoughts floating through your mind. Specifically, thoughts about Leon, then Leon and Ashley, and then Leon and you – or rather Leon without you. At this point, you hated how your thoughts were consumed by him, almost like your entire life revolved around him. You wondered, how did you get yourself to this point? 
Groaning in frustration, you fished out a spare cigarette and lighter from your person, pressing the soft paper between your lips and reaching up to light the tip. You rotated the gears of the lighter to ignite a flame; however, the cool breeze of the night prevented the flame from growing high enough. You cursed, trying again and again, but to no avail – until a large hand helped enclose your cigarette and block the wind from extinguishing your flame. You followed the hand’s owner, surprised to see Leon standing before you, having no conclusion on how he made it past the balcony doors without you noticing or hearing him. 
You slacked your lips, letting the cigarette slightly fall just enough to let you speak, “I thought you didn’t like smokers.”
“You only smoke when you’re stressed,” Leon shrugged, still cupping his hand near your cigarette. 
You didn’t comment, lighting your cigarette and sheathing your lighter. You took a long, deep breath before blowing out the smoke in the opposite direction where Leon stood. For a moment, you did debate whether to blow smoke in his face, but you weren’t that petty. Yet. 
“Long night, I guess.” 
“Yeah, same,” Leon scrunched his brows, referring to these awful parties that always praised the small number of agents and soldiers that were lucky enough to return home to their families. 
Deciding to act civilized, you lightly chuckled, flicking the ashes off your cigarette, “Not enjoying the spotlight, hero boy?”
“Can’t say I do this often.”
You didn’t reply and found no need to keep the conversation going. Maybe it was awkward, but the smell of nicotine helped ease your nerves. You enjoyed watching the smoke as it dissipated into the night air, only to be blown away by the gentle breeze which made you and the garden bushes shiver. 
You heard Leon rustling before a bit of heavy weight landed on your shoulders and the residual warmth engulfed your arms and torso. Stubbing out your cigarette, you blow out one last drag before looking over at Leon in his button up and instinctively gripping his jacket around you tighter. You usually brought your own jackets to these kinds of events, but you didn’t expect to run and hide outside for this long. 
“Keep it, you’re cold,” Leon leaned up against the balcony, “And, call me Leon.”
You didn’t know how to answer him, so you chose not to. You didn’t feel like you could be personal with him, at least not anytime soon. 
Noticing your lack of interaction, Leon piped up, “So, what’s on your mind?”
You cringed at the question, shrugging through his jacket, “Things.”
“Personal things.”
Another blanket of silence covered you both, but this time, it was definitely awkward as you no longer had your smoke to distract you with. 
You purse your lips, “Sorry, you go first.”
“Please, I insist.”
For the first time since he came out, you and Leon made eye contact as you both tried to read each other's emotions. You debated whether or not to say anything to him, knowing that you had weeks of pent up emotions and unresolved tension. Thinking about Poppy, voices about weighing your pros and cons came back to mind. Pros with talking with Leon were gaining yourself a sense of conclusion, whereas the cons were getting your heart broken – again. Somewhere along the line of thinking, your heart must’ve made the decision for you, throwing logic completely out the question. While gazing into his blue eyes, your pupils shook, causing you to close your eyes and take a deep breath for confidence. 
With a small and broken voice, you softly spoke in a volume borderline inaudible, “You can’t- you can’t keep doing this to me, Leon.”
Leon pinched his eyes closed, almost like he was in physical pain, “I know.”
“You’re hurting me,” Your voice quivered. 
“I know.”
“I’m confused at your words and actions.” 
“I know.” 
“And, this whole time I feel like I’ve just been used.”
“I know.” 
Suddenly, you grit your teeth in frustration and throwing his jacket off your shoulders, “Fuck, Leon, can you say anything besides I know!?”
You didn’t mean to shout at him, but it just came out like that. You really shouldn’t have yelled. You were never the type to speak out from emotions anyways. Plus, you didn’t need to draw attention to yourselves had there been any unseen party goers straggling in the hallway. 
Watching Leon frown from your outburst made your heart ache before his eyes shifted towards something sympathetic. He shifted closer towards you, picking up his jacket and fixing it back on you before placing a warm hand over yours, “I’ve figured out my feelings.”
Tears flooded your vision as the air in your lungs crushed your chest. It didn’t matter what Leon’s answer was, you just weren’t ready to hear it, so you did the first thing that came to mind. You ran away, “No, no, no, don’t do this to me right now, please. I can’t do this anymore, just leave me alone, please.”
With his lightning reaction, Leon caught you by the arms and stopped you halfway towards the door. His grip was strong enough to hug you comfortably in his chest, but nowhere near tight enough to be painful or uncomfortable. Still, you pathetically fought against him, weakly slapping his upper chest; although, a part of you really didn't want him to let you go. 
Leon hugged you tighter, holding you closely and consoled your hysterics the best he could, “Shh, baby please, just let me explain.”
You halted your struggling, “Let go of me.”
"You don't mean it," Leon shook his head, "I don't believe you." 
“Damn it, Y/N!” 
Leon's abrupt outburst killed whatever thought you had and silenced you into submission. Of all the years you've known him, never once has he ever raised his voice at you nor looked at you with such passionate eyes blazing with equal parts frustration and determination. 
“I will tell you everything, okay? Ask me anything you want, I’ll give you only the truth. I just want to talk to you, please?”
He continued when you didn't answer him. 
“I don’t want to leave you like this, but if you decide that you don’t like my answers or that you don’t like me, just say the word and everything we’ve ever had stops,” Leon looked down at you hopeful, releasing his hold as a sign that he trusts you not to dash away. Instead, he fixed his jacket around you as you didn't realize it was halfway down your torso. 
"Deal?" Leon said. 
Hesitantly, you nodded. Maybe it was his change in demeanor or thoughtful speech or the smell of his cologne engulfing you – whatever it was, you were compelled to accept the temptations of a devil. And yours was Leon and his sparkling eyes under the moonlit sky. 
“Say it, please,” His tone returned back to a soft and gentle level as he cupped your face with one hand and brushed your bottom lip with his thumb. 
You gulped nervously, yet determined for answers, “You have one minute.”
Leon let out a sigh of relief before flashing a small, crooked smile and thanking you for giving him a chance. 
“Ada was someone I met at Raccoon City. We spent a bit of time together, trying to get to Umbrella’s underground lab. She kissed me, but we had our differences and ended up parting ways.”
“Differences?” You perked. 
“I wanted to save the people, but she didn’t," It was a simple answer, but Leon didn't have time to elaborate while on your timer, “Then, I met Ada in Spain.”
"Wait," You paused and rewound the storyline, “I thought only you and Claire survived.”
Leon nodded with a far off look on his face as he reminisced his old days, “I thought so too, I don’t even know how she’s alive or what she’s doing, but she was in Spain.”
“Leon, why didn’t you tell us? She could be dangerous, she could’ve been working for Los Illuminados!” You scolded with a deep frown, wondering how he could've trusted someone like that. 
“No, she isn’t," Leon denied, "She’s working for someone else though, I don’t know who.”
Getting sick of talking about Ada and nearing the end of your minute, you jabbed, “I’m failing to see how this involves me.”
“This involves you, because I can’t get you out of my mind! At first, I thought it was all physical, and that was okay with me. But, we started working on more projects together, and I could finally see you for who you are. Like how intelligent you are in the meeting rooms, how your eyes crinkle when you smile at Poppy, and how you always look at me with your sparkling eyes. I didn’t even know when I started falling for you. I looked forward to seeing you every Friday, even if nothing were to happen, I still wanted your company. I wanted to see you for as long as I could, so that’s why I started visiting your office more, inviting you out more, figuring out your likes and dislikes. God, I’m so fucking obsessed with you.”
Without realizing, Leon caged you against the balcony with his hands on either side of your hips and drew soft circles. He ghosted his lips on the nape of your neck before following the shell of your ear and whispered, “‘I’m so fucking obsessed with you, when I look at you I create a future with us. Just me and you, and maybe some little ones later if you wanted.”
You sighed in pleasure as you responded to his kisses, one leg instinctively hooking around his thigh as to bring him closer to you. Leon accepted your beckoning and closed the gap between each other's chests. Face to face, you could feel his breath on your lips as he laid his forehead on yours. There was barely anything keeping you from kissing each other, something you two had never done before while hooking up as it seemed too intimate for friends with benefits to do. 
Looking into his eyes, you didn't need to ask if he were sincere. You could see all of him already, and he made sure you knew that he was willing to be a hundred percent and more vulnerable. While observing, you noticed how his eyes darted between yours frantically and how his Adam's apple bobbed in a nervous gulp. You were taking too long to answer. 
“Why are you so scared?” You asked gently, placing a hand on his cheek. 
He nuzzled into your touch, “I’m scared of hurting you. I didn’t know if I would come back from that mission. I made a promise that I didn’t even know if I could keep.” 
“You came back,” You explained, now calm and confident as you said, “That’s all that matters.”
Leon's eyes lit up in delight with a breath of relief. Without any warning, Leon’s lips were all over your face, kissing your cheeks, temple, and forehead. You shied back, embarrassed from his affection. He must’ve known this as well, smirking from seeing the blush surfaced on your cheeks. Palm facing outwards, you partially blocked your face as you looked away, “Don’t look at me.”
“You look beautiful,” Leon gently removed your guarding hand and held it in his with a comforting caress before taking his other hand to guide your chin back to lock eyes, “Can I kiss you again?”
You didn’t answer him with words, opting to crane your neck forward and pressing your lips onto his. Without hesitation, Leon melted into your kiss by sliding the hand on your chin along your jawline and adjusting your angle to deepen the kiss. Arching your back, you circled your arms around his broad shoulders. Leon’s hands moved back to your hips, effortlessly propping you to sit on the balcony’s edge. You gasped in pleasure as you wrapped your legs around Leon’s hips, feeling him pressed against your core. Leon pulled you closer, teasingly grinding his hips against yours. 
“Leon!” You hissed, slapping his chest, “We’re at a party. We-”
“- could get caught?” Leon pulled back with a smirk, “Don’t be loud then.” 
You scolded him to which he laughed joyously. As much as you were annoyed with his antics, you knew that you’d never be able to forget how big his smile was and how happy he looked with you in his arms. So, you laughed with him with a large smile on your face as well, feeling the most safe and comfortable in this moment. 
He held you closely, listening to the beat of his heart, "As much as I want to take you right now, I want us to take it slow. There's so much I want to show how I can treat you. Until then, let's wait until we're both ready." 
Leon had gone out of his way to make you feel like you were his world. Every morning, he’d send you a short message even if it were just a hello. If you had time before work, he’d meet you at your apartment and take you out for a quick breakfast before heading to the office. If you happened to be running late, Leon still made sure to drop off your favorite drink before carrying out his own responsibilities. During lunch, Leon would sit extra close to you, enough to indicate to onlookers that something was brewing between the two of you, but distant enough to not make anyone feel uncomfortable. After work, Leon took you out for dinner or walked you home if you were feeling particularly tired. This new found routine eventually became a lifestyle. Leon attended to all your needs and took extra care of you. Although sex with Leon was no doubt amazing, you both found solace in the emotional comfort and companionship. That is until one day you invited Leon over to bake cookies for Poppy’s birthday. 
“There’s eggshells in the mix, Leon.”
“Leon, you didn’t turn on the oven.”
“Don’t eat the chocolate, Leon!”
“Leon! How did you get flour in your hair?”
You sighed, realizing a bit too late that the flawless Leon Kennedy actually did not have a knack for cooking. Leon blushed with embarrassment, wiping the back of his hand on his forehead and thus smearing more flour on his messy face. Putting your batch of the cookies in the oven, you glided over towards Leon to brush his face clean before pressing a quick kiss to his lips, "Just get cleaned up, 'kay?
Leon nodded sheepishly, heading over towards your bathroom and showering while the cookies baked. With only your batch of cookies surviving the mixing phase, you modified the recipe to make mini cookies instead. Thankfully, they were done and set to cool by the time you finished cleaning up. Realizing your clothes were dusted with flour, you made your way to your closet to change into one of Leon’s large t-shirts. Just as the shirt draped over your body, Leon entered with a towel loosely wrapped around his waist and water still dripping down his glistening chest. 
“It’s rude to stare you know,” Leon teased, stretching his bicep on display as he toweled his hair. 
You shuffled your way over to him, teasingly drawing your fingers along the skin of his exposed hipline, “Do you mind?” 
“Not at all,” Leon laughed before sneaking his hands under your thighs and propping you on top of your dresser, “You look good in my clothes. I don’t know how much longer I can resist you.” 
You knew Leon liked to tease you, having gotten used to his sly comments by now. But, you’d been waiting so long since you’ve last had him in you, having Leon barely naked in front of you awoke the desires you’d been trying so hard to suppress. Rubbing your hands along his damp biceps, you trailed your hands all over his chest and up to hold his jawline and bring him in for a deep kiss. You broke the kiss, “Then don’t resist.”
Leon went to protest, probably about to spew some nonsense about waiting for the right time or wanting it to be a special moment, but you’d already forgiven him and any moment with Leon felt special to you. You hushed him impatiently, “Shut up and fuck me or I’ll do it myself.”
You knew you won by his stern set features and darkening eyes, knowing that Leon always hated you pleasuring yourself without his assistance, “Like hell you will.”
Without warning, Leon picked you up again and headed towards your bed, tossing you onto the mattress with a small bounce. You yelped, half in surprise and half in excitement as you tried to sit up; however, Leon stopped you by crawling over your lower body and pining your wrists above your head, “You wanna say that again?”
You tilted your head not-so-innocently, “Say what again, Leon?”
With his free hand, Leon wrapped it around your neck and added a small amount of pressure as a warning, “Don’t test me.” 
You licked your lips, absolutely loving Leon’s change in demeanor. Sometimes, it was too easy to rile him up, “I said, shut up and fuck me or I’ll do it myself.” 
Silence fell between you two as you challenged each other to break first. After a couple moments, you started to believe that maybe you said something wrong by the way Leon had yet to respond or react to you. But this sliver of doubt you held was just enough for Leon to play right into your vulnerability. And with a sly smile, Leon flipped you on your stomach and repositioned your hands to grip a pole on your metal headboard, “Let go and this all stops, do you understand?”
Your question was interrupted as Leon released your wrists, bundled his shirt towards your shoulder blades, and lightly smacked your ass. You jolted with a gasp, fingers tightening around the pole. You heard Leon throw something, probably getting rid of his towel. You hated that you couldn’t tell what he was doing nor could you see him in his glory, but that added towards the excitement of it all as you guessed what you were going to feel and experience next. Leon hovered above you, lips ghosting around the shell of your ear, “I don’t repeat myself, love.” 
You clenched at the pet name, whimpering from the ache between your legs. You felt Leon smirk against your skin as he pressed kisses all around your neck and shoulder. He paused to take a pillow and place it comfortably under your pelvis to prop your hips higher for him. Taking a shaky breath in, you readjusted your fingers to grip the pole even tighter than before, “I understand.” 
There was a lack of response as the weight of Leon’s body disappeared, leaving you wondering what was to come next. Through all of Leon’s previous training, he’s perfected stealth movements. No matter how much you closed your eyes to concentrate on focusing, you were well aware that Leon had the ability to exit the room without you even noticing. It felt like forever as your breathing became labored even if you hadn’t moved. The anticipation was killing you, inside and out. Just as you were about to question him, a small pop adjacent to the sound of a bottle opening pierced the air before what sounded like a glop of substance was squeezed out and rubbed between Leon’s hands. You stayed silent, letting your imagination guide you as Leon’s hands finally touched your body. He started at your shoulders, massaging small, pressured circles into the tense muscles. Once he felt you relax against him, Leon moved to give the same treatment along your back, waist, and hips. Although he wasn’t pleasing you sexually, Leon’s hands still felt euphoric as he trailed his hands along your bodyline. 
Suddenly, he stopped at your ass, squirting some more oil onto his hands before gripping the flesh and spreading you apart. Instinctually, you buried your face into the sheets and spread your legs as you felt Leon’s lingering eyes on you. Slipping a thumb forward, Leon swiped up and down your pussy lips, “So wet and I haven’t touched you yet.” 
You grit your teeth, “Don’t tease me.”
Without warning, Leon slipped his thumb in fully, rubbing against your inner walls as you mewled out in response, “You asked for that.”
“Asshole,” You muttered, still trying to adjust to him. Sure you were no stranger to having Leon’s fingers buried in you; however, it’s been so long since you’ve stretched yourself out. 
Leon chose to ignore you, finding your twitching lips more entertaining than your false resistance. He’d gotten used to it by now anyways. Leon explored your tight cunt a little more with his thumb before releasing his hold on you, “Guess we’ll have to do this the long way, not that I mind.” 
You heard Leon shuffle before his soft, wet lips connected with your pussy lips. Licking and sucking, Leon teased and abused your already swollen clit. For extra lubrication, Leon spit on you before shoving his tongue into your awaiting hole, causing you to lurch forward. You moaned out his name as he quickly brought his hands up to hold your hips stable. From the lack of sexual activity, you were surprised to find yourself so sensitive to his licks and unable to hold yourself still for him. It was almost like this was your first time getting eaten out. 
Your thoughts clouded as Leon pushed his face deeper into you, tongue stretching beyond your tight rim as he fucked you. Shuddering with pleasure, you started to gain a sense of control as you rocked your hips back to push him deeper into you. But just as you did so, Leon retracted his tongue and replaced it with two of his fingers as his lips returned back to your clit. You cried out, confused at how Leon's fingers could make you feel this way when you knew his dick in you would feel even better. Had you gone without him for too long? 
You didn't get a chance to dwell much longer as Leon's long fingers curled up and brushed your pleasure point, causing you to cry out even more and subconsciously releasing one of your hands. Leon immediately noticed this, "Calling quits already? I never knew you were so weak." 
You hissed out in annoyance which quickly changed into pleasure as Leon continued fingering deeper into you. The way he pumped in and out of you, foamed up your sticky consistency as it dripped all over his hand. With your limited vision, the audio of your wet squelching intensified as Leon quickened his pace. 
“Ready for three?”
Leon didn’t wait for an answer before adding another finger into you. At this point, your legs were quivering with delight, barely being strong enough to hold you up. Just as he rubbed your most sensitive part, your legs twitched harshly causing you to give out and slump back into the bed and pillow. Without missing a beat, Leon continued fingering you as his other hand rubbed small circles around your clit. Your moans intensified, legs still shaking from the double pleasuring sensation. 
“Wait- Leon- ngh-” 
You tried taking deep breaths to calm yourself, but you knew your climax was coming despite the efforts to prolong it. Leon seemed to know this as well as he – again – increased his speed and skill. He shushed you, prompting you to climax, “Come on, love, I know you can do it. Just let go, I promise to give you more. Just give yourself to me.” 
Instantly, you clenched around him, feeling yourself cum around the bundle of his fingers as he helped you ride it out. Your loud moans transitioned to deep gasps as you took a moment to catch your breath. Leon flipped you over, giving you a chaste kiss, “Still doing okay?” 
“Yes,” You breathed, “Can I let go now?”
You looked up at Leon with a pleading look. Leon debated for a moment before obliging, knowing that your arms must’ve started feeling sore by now, “Fine, but keep your eyes on me. I want to see your face when you cum on me this time.” 
You looked away, embarrassed. Leon chuckled, finding your reaction adorable as he took the initiative to pump himself and slide his tip along your super sensitive clit. Leon pushed himself into you with a vice grip on your hips, groaning from how wet you still were, “I should’ve fucked you sooner.” 
Before he could fully bottom out, you’d already lifted your hips to indicate to him to start thrusting into you; however, Leon did the exact opposite as he pulled back out just to fuck his tip into you over and over again, “Impatient are we? What’s the rush? We’ve got all night.” 
Having enough with his constant teasing, you mustered all your strength to push Leon back as you straddled him with your hands firmly in his toned chest. Power surged through your veins as Leon surrendered himself beneath you. Although you know Leon could easily overpower you and that he probably let you turn the tables on him for his own entertainment, you let your ego fuel your confidence as you took his hardened dick into your hand and guided him inside you as you sank downwards. 
You watched as Leon’s face contorted with pleasure, trying his best to contain his reaction despite how good you felt engulfing him with your hot walls. Rocking up and down slowly, you leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “I told you to shut up or I’ll do it myself.” 
Placing your hands on his shoulders to hold your weight, you thrust your hips along his shaft, pumping him from tip to balls. Leon’s groans grew louder as he put his hands on your hips to help you increase your speed. With the support of Leon, you postured back up and used your body weight to slam down onto his dick, feeling him reach the deepest depths of you. Your pussy clenched around him, throwing your head back from the pleasure. 
A smack to your ass shifted your attention back to Leon as he scowled at you, “I told you to keep your eyes on me.” 
Rolling your eyes, you continued to ride him without answering him. Undoubtedly, Leon glared at you, pushing you off of him and pining you back down into missionary, “You asked for it, hope you're ready.” 
You went to call out his bluff; however, Leon thrusted himself fully into you. You cried out from the fullness, unsuspecting that Leon would enter so roughly into you. But your clenching cunt revealed that you secretly enjoyed how rough he was with you. With that in mind, Leon thrusted roughly into you, pushing your body higher and higher upon the mattress. Leon intertwined his hands in yours, pinning you down in place as he pounded himself deeper into you. Usually, Leon focuses on the sight of you swallowing him whole, watching as his shaft disappears into you and reappears wetter than before. However, as Leon slammed his hips into yours and elicited deafening skin slapping audio, he was solely focused on you, reading every passing emotion across your face. He was studying you, figuring out what you liked versus what you loved. He’d try different angles, watching and listening to your reactions and changing his technique accordingly. He kept at it until a single harsh thrust had you tightening against his cock, gripped his hands, and moaning out his name. With that information, Leon smiled and monopolized his findings as he fixated on hitting your g-spot repeatedly, “Gotcha.” 
Leon pounded into you, harsher and deeper than before as he chased his own high. He guided you, telling you when to wait, so that you could both cum together. You struggled to keep your eyes open from how much stimulation you were receiving. But the look in Leon’s eyes convinced you to keep yours open. 
“I’m almost, fuck, I’m almost done,” Leon’s thrusts became sloppy, yet still hitting you where you needed him. 
You chanted his name over and over as you began to cum for the second time, “Please- I-” 
Without releasing your hands, Leon pumped into you one last time before pulling out and squirting his cum over your lower abdomen. Leon muttered a few curses before lazily falling next to you and kissing you. Leon helped you take off his shirt and wipe his cum off of you, throwing it somewhere on the floor before pulling you closer to him and burying himself in the crook of your neck. You receive his cuddles, lacing your fingers into his messy, damp hair. Leon kissed your neck up to your lips, “Doing okay?”
You nodded with a soft smile, “Help me to the bathroom?”
Leon obliged, lifting you up and placing you in the bathtub to share a bath together. Soaking in the warm water, your back rested against his chest. You leaned your head back onto his shoulder as he wrapped his large arms around your midsection like you’d disappear any second, “Leon?”
He kissed your shoulder, “Yes?” 
“Do you love me?” You asked shyly. 
Leon chuckled, holding you tighter against him, “Of course, I love you.”
“I promise.” 
You kissed him again, “Good, because I love you too.” 
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bigfuckingdudes · 5 months
Jet's Been Cursed!
Have you met Jet? He's the ugly guy in the corner, with the mop. You probably used to know him.
Jet was handsome. It was his whole thing and always had been, that he was gorgeous, conventionally speaking. He had golden hair and blue eyes, perfect skin, toned muscles and a bizarrely glorious dusting of facial stubble, just enough to look rugged and masculine. And so he was a model and an actor and a spokesperson and all that hot, rich guy shit he's now totally unable to do.
If you looked like he used to, wouldn't you be a model too? Unfortunately, Jet was also a bit of a rude fucker, always yapping away gossiping even in front of the targets of his disdain, always treating his support staff like actual servants, and always showing up late to set. His looks carried him throughout life as if upon an enchanted breeze and he loved both said looks and said life.
One Friday, his coffee order was late. The air conditioning wasn't broken, but it wasn't exactly working either. And the photographer didn't smile at Jet when he walked onto set! Jet was FURIOUS. He stormed back to his dressing room and fumed like a little kid, whining to nobody, texting on his phone to anyone who might reply about how awful his life was.
A PA came to grab him for the last shot of the day, and Jet SNARLED like a villain from a cheap movie at her, making her cry immediately. He sat in his steaming rage for another hour or so and eventually went back to set, having made everyone stay late without pay. Everyone, unsurprisingly, had lost interest in his beauty and just hated the guy.
When Jet eventually went home, he of course didn't notice the hex bag affixed to the bottom of his car. No one would. He was so exhausted from being a brat that he crashed into bed immediately, into a dark and dreamless sleep.
The next morning, he woke up, belched like a trooper and then paused. He didn't burp. He didn't even drink sparkling water, for god's sake. So he was surprised when he let out a rancid fart too. Clearly yesterday's shitty coffee disagreed with him? Maybe they'd used oat milk instead of his requested fresh macadamia. He stumbled out of his silken bed and went over to the mirror, itching his face slightly. He felt oddly heavy, really drunk on sleep or hungover with it.
There was a stubborn...beard appearing all over his face and his neck! What the fuck?! It was hideous and he felt like throwing up just seeing the unkempt mess spreading across his face, obscuring his features. Jesus! And he... He... His tan had faded into pale, spotty looking skin. He looked at the blotchy pockmarks of his face and felt deep fear. He looked both ten years older and ten years younger all at once. He let out another fart, this one a faint squeak of panic. He looked like some fucking nerdy creep, not like the hunk he'd been the night before, the hunk he'd been for his entire life.
And, dear god, he was hungry. He ran downstairs, oddly aware that his gait wasn't quite right, and, feeling out of breath, he ate an entire packet of "health" cereal. It tasted like dirt. It wasn't enough. He finished everything in his cupboards and literally listened to his stomach gurgle like an animal. It still wasn't enough. He needed to get out. He pulled on a coat over his t-shirt and underwear and stormed out of his apartment and across the street, where a neon sign announced "DINER". He'd never really noticed the place before.
He stumbled into the diner, breathing heavily, feeling yet more hair burst from his chest, his face, even his toes. It was like a forest was emerging from his body, and with the hair came sweat and a thick scent of body stench. He was like a hog under the hot sun. People waiting, queuing for a table, dodged out of his way, given him a clear path to a booth which he slammed down into, feeling himself itch and moan uncontrollably. He howled like a wolf upon seeing nearby food, scratching his now incredibly hairy genitals.
"BURGERS!" He roared, like an animal, literally feeling drool pool at the edges of his mouth and drip down into the table in front of him, forcing the approaching waiter to back up and give him a look halfway between pity and fear. "MILKSHAKE," he screamed. Shortly, a plate of burgers appeared in front of him accompanied by the world's largest milkshake which was really more of an ice cream sundae on steroids. And boy, did Jet go to town on all of it, making a real mess, shoving it down him, burping and crying slightly as he did so, dribbling meat juice and ice cream down his shirt. His shirt...which was...bubbling and pushing outwards, as his belly and chest started to swell to mammoth proportions, spurred on by some foul magic and his new appetite's demands. By the time he finished his meal -- and the other meals he then ordered -- he was vast.
He had almost womanly breasts bursting from the sides of his shirt, only recognisably male due to their hideous hair. He had love handles which had their own gravitational pull. He had a hugely fat gut itching to expand even more. He could feel padding of flesh on his ass and thighs and hips. He felt vast and he needed to escape, run back home to his old life, to bed, to his regular dreaming sleep immediately.
But he was so big he was sorta trapped in the booth! It took a real struggle for him to break free and by that point the entire diner was gazing at him. He stumbled back to his apartment, unsteady on his fattened feet. But when he got there, things seemed... different.
His flashy gadgets were gone. The apartment was grubby. His expensive artworks had been somehow replaced by flaking movie posters. And the photos from his modeling career were just pictures of other hot men, clearly ripped out of magazines. And his phone suddenly was a worse model -- with a cracked screen! What was happening to him?
When he stumbled to work, wearing the largest clothes he could find, belly hanging fleshily and whale-like from a t shirt's bottom, he found he was not the talent as he insisted, but the building's... janitor. He was handed a broom and a mop and a uniform that barely contained him, and told to get to work in the background while a new model strolled in, all sweetness and light, treating everyone well. Jet burped and started to cry.
It was almost like he'd been cursed?
Since the curse hit, Jet's been a lot more polite, but the world doesn't care. It treats him just as he used to treat like: like shit. He's a fat slob and he's treated like one.
Does he deserve it? Jury's out, but he's gotten really good at sucking cock since his transformation, and he's discovered he loves pleasuring guys who are particularly cruel to him -- do you wanna give it a go? Go on, call him a gross fatty and see what happens.
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