#quidditch IRL
words-from-school · 2 years
Student 1: "who is more nerdy? Tech club or the quidditch team?"
Member of the quidditch team, mock offended: "I am not a nerd"
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noxxytocin · 3 days
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Latest News on Quidditch Champions: As of today, they have officially announced that Ominis Gaunt will be a hero skin in the game soon!
What are everyone’s thoughts on this?
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ofduskanddreams · 1 year
Last night I had a dream that I went to the Super Bowl (I have negative interest in football fyi) but it was the Barbies vs. the Kens (obviously I was in pink and cheering for the correct team.)
Anyway, this happened twelve hours ago and I still can’t stop thinking about it 🫠
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moonrazemalestorm · 1 year
I’ve been spending my past few days on a mobile game…
It’s called Harry Poltergeist: spirits unleashed and their new update is too addicting
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ellecdc · 7 months
hello!!! i love love love ur dating regulus headcanons and i was wondering if ur down to make one with sirius 🥹🩷 maybe with a lil sprinkling of sworn enemies to reluctant friends to lovers 👀 bc reader is in slytherin and we all know how that goes……….
you just write these characters with so much love and care and so close to how they’d be and act irl!! 🩷
Oof we love some inter-house enemies to lovers - thanks so much for your sweet words and for your request! 🫶
Dating Sirius Black Headcanons: Slytherin Edition
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To know Sirius Black is to know his deep distain for Slytherins. 
It began as a kid when he finally took a look around at his family and thought “huh….I really don’t like any of you.” And he decided he’d like to be as different from his family as possible 
Now, when you’re eleven, the options of being different than your family are limited. 
One thing you can do, however? Is make sure you’re at least not a Slytherin like the rest of them.
If being ambitious, resourceful, determined, and clever … GREEN… meant being like the Black’s? No friggen thank you. 
Now, again, when you’re eleven, your vision of the world is skewed. So, this meant that he believed everyone in green and silver robes were just as bad as the green and silver robes that raised him.
Including you.
Your relationship (if it can even be called that) started with Sirius Black as you were often the unfortunate victim of many Marauder pranks. 
Some were relatively harmless…glitter bombs, stink bombs, charming the furniture of your common room to the ceiling, etc
Some were a little more distressing…charming your hair green, jinxing your textbooks to run away screaming every time you opened them, hexing you in the hallways 
You came to accept that part of being a Slytherin was being the victim of some torment…it also meant hating the marauders 
And it was so annoying because most of your house did actually deserve to be brought down a peg??? But you were literally just trying to get by so wtf.
You tried to keep your head down while also doing what you could to get back at the Marauders in your own little way
You just tried to be better than them at everything
It became a little bit of a competition between you and Sirius during shared classes
Better grades (usually you)
Who could raise their hand to answer first (Sirius)
Who could get the correct answer first (you)
Who brewed the better potions (roughly 50/50) 
You weren’t about to put yourself on a broom and agree to have balls thrown at you – but you learned everything you could about quidditch through reading and became an avid cheerleader for your house team
This slowly morphed into always cheering for the competitors of whatever team Sirius was cheering for in the Quidditch World Cup
Now, Sirius is popular…especially in the dating field…he’s well aware of this, and he can’t help but admit it does beautiful things for his ego
But Sirius is not the kind of guy to appreciate a partner who is a ‘yes-man’
He doesn’t want a partner who is following at his heels all of the time 
He’s not interested in a partner who thinks he’s always right and just takes his word for it
I truly believe Sirius would crave someone who would challenge him, push him to be better, someone who would teach him things instead of letting him be the smartest guy in the room
I also think he’d like someone who was kind of mean to him
“Hey L/N, couldn’t help but notice my name was above yours on the grades for last week’s assignments. Better luck next time, huh?”
“Sod off you stupid fucking wanker.”
He’d swoon a little I think 
This turned into a little competition on his end to see if he could fluster you
“I didn’t know she-devils could be beautiful too, Y/N. You’re blowing my mind a little.”
“One too many bludgers to the head, Black?”
“Marauders are throwing a party in the room of requirement tonight. I usually don’t invite snakes but I’m sure we could make an exception for a pretty girl like you.”
“I’d rather choke on my own vomit.”
He’d try winking at you from across the room – he would only be spared an eyeroll.
He started making other comments, hoping to elicit at least a slight blush.
“You know, I hear you screaming at every Quidditch game. I can’t help but wonder how you’d sound screaming in my bed.”
You threw your pumpkin juice at him and left the Great Hall with a blank face.
It was infuriating - he loved it. 
Unfortunately for you, because you two were matched in terms of grades for class, you were partnered up for a project
He seemed a little too joyed at the extra opportunity to try to rile you up
“Look, Black, I know you like to coast through life, but do not mess with my grades because of whatever little infatuation you have going on with me.”
He wanted to be offended that you accused him of a) coasting through life and b) being infatuated with you, but you just looked so cute glaring up at him with your little nose all crinkled.
“Yes ma’am” he said simply
You were surprised by his agreeableness, but chose not to think about it too hard lest he change his mind
You kept your eye on him though
He actually didn’t make that bad a project partner – he was relatively clever, generally knew what he was talking about, and while he couldn’t go more than twenty minutes without teasing you or hitting on you, you got your work done, and done well.
You’d been having a bad day – put simply. You woke up at four am to the Slytherin dungeons being flooded (a prank you were sure was courtesy of the Marauders).
Your entire house had to vacate the dorms whilst the professors and Filch found the leak and dried everything up
It wasn’t until nearly six o’clock that you were allowed back in the dorms – and even then, everything was damp. Then, you slept through your alarm making you miss breakfast – your uniform still felt damp no matter how many drying charms you cast on yourself throughout the day, you had bags the size of a hippogriff under your eyes, and you were exhausted
Thankfully, Sirius had the good graces not to make any comments when you rushed to the library late to meet him, and you were sure you looked like you were in a proper state
Unfortunately, Mulciber and Snape weren’t as eager to let it go
Without warning, the inkpots on your table exploded covering you and Sirius and your work in ink
“Stay out of the dungeons, Black” Mulciber sneered.
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” you screeched.
Snape almost looked apologetic when he took in the state of you. 
“Sorry, L/N,” Mulciber offered whilst sounding very unapologetic, “collateral damage” 
“Fuck that!” you said as you stood from the table. “I’m so fucking sick of being everyone’s collateral damage. I had my room flooded this morning too, you wankers. I’ve had my hair charmed green. I’ve had my textbooks jinxed to bite me. I’ve been hexed walking down the halls. I’ve been given detention for being out of uniform because my robes and tie were charmed red and gold. All of this even though I’ve never done a thing to the Gryffindors, but I choose to ignore it because I know it’s really only meant to piss you sods off, and I’m supposed to be some proud Slytherin who doesn’t concern herself with such childish play. So, you don’t get to show up here and expect me to be understanding when you’ve just made an already shitty day 700 times shittier!”
You ignored the librarian’s shouts about detention, house points and the like as you stormed out of the library 
You also missed the guilty expression that adorned Sirius’ face. 
You ignored and avoided Sirius and his stupid puppy dog eyes for a week after that. You redid all of your work that had been ruined that day in the library, handed it to Sirius and said “proofread it and edit it if you want, otherwise, hand it in and we’re done” before walking away again.
He tried sending you notes in class which you crumbled and threw back at him
You stopped trying to best him – no more grade comparisons, no more races to answer questions first, no more challenges to brew the best potion. None of it
If he thought of you as a heartless, emotionless Slytherin, then that’s what you’d be.
He stopped trying to get your attention after a while
You noticed that the Marauder’s stopped targeting Slytherin as a whole
You couldn’t really bring yourself to be thankful for it
They still pranked Mulciber, Snape, Malfoy, and the likes, however, which you were thankful for 
“L/N throws a fit and suddenly, Slytherins are left alone except for us. Tell me, did you tell your little blood-traitor boyfriend to lay off your friends?” Avery sneered condescendingly as you sat near the fountain in the transfiguration courtyard
You rolled your eyes and tried to ignore the lot of them
“pfft, hanging out with the likes of blood-traitors, next thing you know she’ll be whoring herself out to the likes of a filthy mudblood”
That you couldn’t ignore.
You saw red and, without thinking, launched yourself at Mulciber, both of you ending up in the water
Your fists seemed to have a mind of their own as they met the boy’s face over and over and over again
You felt your jaw click as his elbow met the side of your face and then the back of his hand struck you from the other side as he fought to get up from underneath you
You were both hauled out of the fountain by Hagrid, who was accompanied by Filch, and brought to detention
Unfortunately for you, Professor McGonagall was already hosting detention in the Transfiguration classroom – a few students plus the Marauders were sat quietly with quills and parchment in front of them when the squib caretaker pushed the door open, and the half-giant walked in with a sopping wet and bloody student in each hand.
“Caught these two fight’n, miss” he told her
“Oh, for goodness-” she started as she stood and came to inspect the two new arrivals.
“Mulciber, to the infirmary. Miss L/N-”
“I’m fine.” You spat, cutting the matron off.
“You should have your wounds seen to, young lady.” She admonished.
“I’m fine.  Are you going to give me detention or not?”
The professor grimaced but pointed you to an empty desk where a quill and parchment materialized. “you’re to write a foot worth of parchment about why what you did was wrong. Once you’re done, you’re to sit quietly until I dismiss you.”
You took your seat but made no motion to grab your quill or parchment
“Miss. L/N, start your parchment.”
“I can’t, professor.”
Every detentionee turned to look at you – save Sirius who already had his eyes glued to you from the second you had walked in – as the professor “begged her pardon”
“The way I see it, I didn’t do anything wrong.” You said simply.
“You didn’t do anything wrong?” She repeated incredulously
“Nope. I think people who call women whore’s or use the term mudblood ought to have their teeth punched in.” 
Sirius bit back a surprised snort at your response as he tried to ignore the warm feeling erupting in his chest 
“Fine, Miss. L/N. You will sit their quietly until I dismiss you. Are you sure you don’t need to see Madame Pomfrey?”
You wiped at the blood from the corner of your lip with your equally bloodied hands. “positive” 
Sirius was smitten
All of a sudden, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were? How lovely your voice sounded? And were you always so brilliant at everything you do?
He was even astounded by how gracefully you buttered your toast
Get a fucking grip, Black
I believe, to everyone’s absolutely shock, the cocky, playboy, Casanova Sirius became so unbelievably enamoured with you, he was so afraid to say anything to upset you/scare you away
But he wasn’t going to let you go
You still weren’t speaking to him, but you were no longer glaring at him – so this was a start
Every night you’d go to bed and there’d be a little tear-drop shaped chocolate on your pillow. You have no idea how it got there, who put it there, or even what a Hershey’s was. 
And you knew better than to trust suspicious things found around the castle 
So, you placed it in a jar on your bedside table and went about your life
A tear shaped chocolate was on your pillow every night for the rest of the week (until the end of school, quite frankly)
None of your dorm mates had any clue where they were coming from
Flowers were delivered to you every morning with the owl post. Not bouquets – but singular flowers 
By the time you had a jar full of those Hershey thingies and a full vase of flowers, a note was delivered with a familiar scrawl: meet me in the Astronomy tower tonight at 8
Now, Black had been on his best behaviour lately – but you knew better than to show up with your guard down
Sirius waited on the astronomy tower lookout, chain smoking, taking on and off his leather jacket as he was concerned he looked “too much like a tool” as Remus put it, hoping by all the gods you would actually show
“Alright, what’s the deal, Black? Gonna throw me off the lookout? Put a spider down my shirt? Is there a bucket of slime somewhere?”
Sirius’ heart nearly stopped at the sound of your voice, and then he barked a laugh when he saw you standing there in dueling stance with your wand aimed at him
“First of all, why would I throw you off the tower? Second of all, those are amateur pranks, I think I’ve earned a better reputation than that.”
You seemed to consider that as you lowered your wand but continued to look around skeptically “We’ll see…”
“Did you like the kisses?”
“I beg your pardon?”
Sirius laughed 
“The chocolates? They’re called Hershey’s kisses”
“That was you?”
“Uh huh, and the flowers”
Sirius smirked at you “for being so smart, you’re kind of dumb.”
“Sod off.”
“I fancy you, L/N.”
You stared at him in bewilderment “why?”
“Let’s see. You’re the smartest witch I know. You put in me in my place every second sentence you speak. You’re talented, you’re stunning, I found out you attacked a man almost twice your size and won because he was a misogynistic racist and then refused to apologize for it, and because…you’re right.” 
“I’m right about a lot of things, Black; you’re gonna have to be more specific”
“I was prejudiced too. My family was hateful and Slytherin, so I spent my life assuming all Slytherin’s were hateful; I know now that those words are not synonymous. And I took that out on the lot of you – you didn’t deserve that.”
Was Sirius Black admitting that he was 1) wrong, 2) taking responsibility and 3) declaring his feelings for you?
“You’re brilliant. I just thought you should know.” he said at your silence
“What am I supposed to do with that?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Whatever you want, I suppose. Preferably give me a chance.”
“A chance to what?”
“To be yours.”
You said you’d “think about it” but to Sirius, you may as well have given him a resounding yes. He whooped and swept you up in a hug. He placed you back onto your feet and looked between your eyes and your mouth – a silent question.
In for a penny, in for a pound – am I right?
That was followed by a lot more kisses – chocolate and affectionate in kind
Sirius absolutely made some grand announcement in the Great Hall to establish that you were officially “thinking about” being his girlfriend so…. everyone can just do with that information what they will
You were horrified
You sent a stinging jinx at him for it
Definitely following around like a puppy who’s just so damn excited to see it’s owner
“What shops are we hitting at Hogsmeade first?”
“I didn’t realize we were going to Hogsmeade together?” you asked incredulously
Sirius scoffed as if you said something ridiculous. “’Course we are babe.” Which he accentuated by smacking a kiss on your cheek 
The kind to buy you everything you even look at in the store
“Come on babe, I saw you eyeing that book; of course I bought it for you!”
You started going to Quidditch games even when Slytherin wasn’t playing
You refused to show up wearing a red scarf
Your green scarf was charmed red once you were stuck in the stands
How your relationship first began with Sirius Black back in your first year became a foundation of your relationship going forward
You spent the rest of your lives pranking, jinxing, and charming each other
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lilbeanz · 9 months
Happy New Year!!!
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It's here!
Draco Malfoy & the Golden Snidget chapters 1 & 2 are officially up! ✨️🎆
Still reeling from his triumph with Pettigrew, Draco Malfoy is certain nothing can go wrong: Harry Potter has been making regular correspondence, and the Quidditch World Cup approaches!
Everything is just fine and dandy, right?
Well. There is the matter of the life-threatening tournament, a finicky old magic cup, problems with daddy dearest, not to mention terribly handsome Norwegian distractions...
Draco most certainly has his work cut out for him this time.
Thank you so much for all the love and support in 2023. It made what shaped up to be quite a bad year irl so much more bearable 🥹🫂❤️
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kosmicsound · 7 months
things i’m excited for in my drs:
youtuber dr
- creating music!
- living in a cute ass house
- being a polyglot
- my bf
- school being super easy
- generally having a laid back life
- going to harvard
- being well known in the music community
- hanging out w my bf's viewers on stream
pjo dr
- seeing my childhood in real life
- powers!!
- having present siblings
- my dad living IN chb (hes forced to be there but STILL)
- seeing all the different mythologies around the world
- going on adventures
- fucking with percy (we’re frenemies)
- taking care of the apollo children bc they are overworked and underpaid (not paid at all)
- visiting valhalla
fame dr
- not being socially awkward
- acting
- making music (again)
- the fame (duhh)
- chilling with my brother
- the compilations of "k being fucking stupid for 10 mins straight"
- having a platform for change
marauders dr
- seeing the hogwarts castle IRL (universal is just not the same)
- buying shit at hogsmeade (again, universal is just not the same)
- meeting my friends
- having house parties
- the dinners!!
- living the old money dream (the riddle fam is part of the sacred 28😜😜)
- raising adopted children (it’s literally just my brother matteo + anyone he brings home)
- i have an adoption problem
- teaching potions FUCK YOU SNAPE
batfam/mcu dr
- fucking with the justice league
- being famous (bruce wayne is the 3rd richest man alive)
- being rich
- having a big ass family that just keeps growing
- galas
- actually helping gotham
- fucking with the avengers
- remembering peter parker because BITCH im a biblically accurate angel i have too many eyes to just forget
- also the entire batfam is made up of cryptids, eldritch horrors, semi-demigods, and bruce wayne who is surprisingly the scariest of the family
- not recognizing any other famous ppl/heroes bc im busy with SAVING GOTHAM??
- being one of the only known gotham vigilantes bc duke and i r daylighters and everyone else are cryptids to ppl outside of gotham
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chaysreality222 · 6 months
Introduction to my Hogwarts Dr Self!
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hey guys, it's c! in this post i'll be introducing you to myself in my hogwarts dr :) i feel it will give you guys a more in depth of my hogwarts dr. to put it out there to not confuse anyone, i have not yet shifted to this dr. i merely want to share about it so that when i do shift, you guys have some backstory <3
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my time ratio is 1 hr = 1 week. i'll be shifting to 4th year- a little before 4th year technically. my first day will be the day of the quidditch world cup which is also the day of my birthday! i'll wake up on an early morning at my house by my s/o (i scripted in my irl boyfriend!!). i made my bf a potter meaning he'd be harry's older brother (also because when he wears glasses i and other people say he looks like harry potter).
ps: i am shifting for the plot but i've changed it a little bit and have included myself in the story instead of fully making myself the main character. meaning i don't want to take harry's place but always somehow be connected to the things that happen.
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introduction + backstory
name: c(real name) authorne-lestrange hogwarts house: hufflepuff year: 4th blood status: pureblood patronus: a dragon wand type: 13 in. Ebony wood intertwined with silver, glistening unicorn hair
backstory: so in my dr, i am the daughter of leta lestrange. due to the lestrange reputation, she wants me to go by the last name authorne which was supposedly my father's name who has passed long before i was born. also so that it would make it hard for voldemort and the other death eaters to find me, due to my mother making an unbreakable vow that she and i would be by voldemorts side when the time was right. trying to imply that it's the destiny for all lestrange to serve voldemort. leta has constantly thought of any and all loop holes out of the vow. she doesn't want that life for me and so she got dumbledore to take me in at hogwarts thinking i'll be safer there.
disclaimer: i understand that the timeline between fantastic beasts and when harry exists is like a 70 year long stretch but i'm shifting to a reality to where she is alive to be my mum.
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my house
located: cambridge, england exact address: unknown
here are some pics of the house! go to my pinterest board to see more details or rooms of the house to get a better look. of course, the middle photo is my bedroom where i'll be first waking up in my dr! i'm really excited to wake up there and take a look around. i'm also excited to be here on break or holidays!
you may have some questions on why the address is unknown. i scripted it to be like that because i felt that's something leta would do to keep me safe. also adding to the fact, i scripted she placed a protective barrier around the whole property that leads anyone who's looking in from the outside to hear nothing and see nothing but a thick forest.
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my pets
their names are soren and sage! soren is my male barn owl and sage is my female cat. i'm allergic in my cr so i scripted that out so i can experience having a cat lol. i just had an idea that maybe i should script that sage fly's around on sorens back?? imagine how cute that would be.
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my dorm at hogwarts
so i scripted that i have a personal dorm there at hogwarts and honestly, i'm kinda in love with the room and bathroom <3 as you guys can see here, i have a pics of my dorm! the first image, that door is the entrance into my room and then the second door in my third image is the door to my bathroom. for the last image, i added one pic of how my bathroom looks like.
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i think that's pretty much it! i'm so excited to shift to my hogwarts desired reality and finally experience life as a wizard. i'm working on my shifting routine as of right now to help me get in the mood and get ready to shift! get ready for shifting storytimes <3 as always, Happy Shifting!
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xoxo, c.
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dreaaspeaks · 1 year
How Tokio Hotel members would be in Hogwarts
idk why no one has thought of this but thanks to my irl, this idea has been rotting away at my brain (these ain't my gifs ya'll)
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Bill Kaulitz
I know some people might disagree but Bill is a Slytherin, HEAR ME OUT
he is ambitious, cunning and highly persuasive
He is definitely one of those students that no one really knows why at face value why he got into his house
People presume, if he isn't in uniform, that he is a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw
He takes his passions and ambitions very seriously and is willing to overwork both himself and sometimes unintentionally, the people around him to reach his goals
I feel like he hates potions and transfiguration but loves more easy going subjects like Care for Magical Creatures and Divination
He probably likes the idea of Defence Against the Dark Arts but hates the amount of essays required
Bill took Astronomy because it looked and sounded cool but after he saw the graph paper on his table during the first lesson, he has been trying to drop it ever since
No one believes that him and Tom are related let alone twins, people just thought that their last names were a coincidence
Very personable so I think he would be quite popular amongst students but his dislike for too much authority doesn't make him too popular amongst professors teaching subjects he doesn't like
Professors teaching subjects he is passionate about however, LOVE HIM
always doing random extra studies just because he wanted to and for extra credit
The type to not study and fail for subjects he hates
But will still pass even if he didn't study when it comes to subjects he likes
Likes to watch Quidditch matches to support his friends but will rather die than get on a broom
Barely passed Flying in first year
Is that one friends that knows everything about everyone in Slytherin and surprisingly, Hufflepuff (why? even he's not sure)
Has gotten so many detentions because of going against dress code
He bedazzled his robe and tie with fabric pens, bleach and rhinestones and never changed them back no matter how many warnings he got
He got asked to the yule ball by a Beaubatoux boy and istg Bill laughed at first thinking it was a joke
When he realised the guy was fr he said he would think about it and get back to him
He literally put off thinking about it until Tom and Georg sat him down to talk about it so he could finally make a decision
Bill said yes to the date literally three days before the ball but mumbled it so fast and left so fast that Gustav had to repeat what Bill said to the boy
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Tom Kaulitz
Tom would be a Gryffindor.
Do I need to elaborate?
okay I probably should
He is less outwardly warm compared to Bill but he is more reliable
Tom is a loyal mf especially when it comes to his friends
However, he is in Gryffindor because he is very much willing to take a leap of faith
He is impulsive when it comes to a lot of things especially when it comes to school life
Went to Quidditch tryouts during second year as a dare from Georg and Bill with neither expecting him to do well
Bitch came out of tryouts with a Quidditch uniform and an inflated ego
Plays chaser for Quidditch team, pretty good player and uses Quidditch practice as an excuse to put off every other subject
"Why isn't the essay finished? It was due three days ago"
"Quidditch practice..."
that convo happened on the last week of school and he fully thought the Professor would buy it
To say he sucks at Potions is an understatement
When he found out he could drop potions in 6th year he ran a lap around the Gryffindor common room
He goes to every house party and gets absolutely smashed
He is surrounded by rumors, literally unless they are in his inner circle, no one really knows what is true or fake when it comes to Tom
People think he is some mean asshole that pushes people away from Bill but in reality he is just protective when it comes to who Bill mixes with since Bill is in Slytherin
Plays the student population's need to drama well so he is a traditionally popular type of guy
At some point he ends up ACTUALLY liking a girl and everyone doesn't recognise him, like he is stumbling over himself and begging to do projects for just a slight chance to do the project with her
Starts to show off more during Quidditch games like tries to do tricks
almost falls off his broom but he will deny it and swear to Merlin that he meant to slip off the broom
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Georg Listing
he is a Ravenclaw you cannot change my mind
He isn't like the nerdy super studious type of Ravenclaw (but really is any Raven though?)
He is the seven cups of coffee in the morning, two hours of sleep a night and getting constantly distracted by small side topics when studying type of Ravenclaw
off topic but I think he would be a muggle born who just adjusted really quickly to wizard life??
He would be into Defence Against the Dark Arts and charms like the hands on subjects mixed with essays
He HATES herbology, he could never keep the plants alive no matter how hard he tried
No one thinks he studies like everyone writes him off as the guy who didn't study because he doesn't do homework but he does really well in tests
Horrible credit
Great grades
Georg doesn't really speak up in class unless necessary and I see him falling asleep during Astronomy class
Like when his voice dropped after puberty people didn't even realise it was him talking because he talked so little in class
he parties just as much as Tom but stays more sober just incase they come across Professors
Georg plays Beater for Ravenclaw after he was asked to go to tryouts
When Tom and Georg are on the field together it is a bloodbath, Georg targets Tom and only Tom
One of those lowkey popular students, think Cedric Diggory
always helping the guys study and convincing them to at least study a bit
He isn't a sought after guy as a tutor but will accept to help anyone if asked
Kinda scary looking and isn't as open as Bill nor as big a party animal as Tom so he isn't approached very often by younger students tbh kinda feared for no reason, Gustav makes fun of him about it a lot
When it comes to dating at Hogs he is very straightforward, think how Fred asked Angelina
Romantic enough for it to be endearing but not too much for it to be creepy to a random cute girl yk?
Is definitely a Quidditch player boyfriend if you get where I'm going like will make the girl wear his jersey at his game and would magically become a better player after getting into a r/s
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Gustav Schafer
I know people will argue that he is a Hufflepuff but like bffr have you actually seen how he acts on Tokio Hotel TV??
Gustav would be a Gryffindor
He would be a Gryffindor in like a Dean Thomas kinda way
If Tom was Cormac, Gustav would be Dean
Becomes besties with the House Elves during first year because he got lost on the way to potions
Never went to Bill's dorm because he is scared shitless of the Black Lake and that damn squid
the muggle born that never got used to magic
Like he would be sorting out his trunk or cleaning his house and halfway through he remembers he went to fucking magic school for 7 years
BIG Quidditch fan
Paints his face and has merch like the whole nine yards
If Tom misses ONE shot during a game, he would not hear the end of it from Gustav for like a month
Refuses to use a quill
Will straight up in front of a Professor use a pen
He would not get an owl, Georg talks so much shit about it because they can't write to each other the 'aesthetic' way
Gustav just gives people his email/number
Naturally with that he isn't the best in DADA or Transfigurations but he would be good in Herbology and Arithmancy
Throws Tom under the bus SO OFTEN
That's why everyone thinks he is so sweet and innocent, he would push Tom into the way of a Professor on the way back to the common room from a party
Sends Howlers to his friends as pranks
He doesn't know he's popular but he is popular and gets so many confessions every day but just shrugs them off
Like the confession letter could be from the hottest girl in their year and he would go
"Awe that's sweet"
He is a sweetheart so he will ask a close friend to the Ball if he isn't interested in anyone
Even if he isn't interested in a romantic way he will still make it very cute and sweet to make his date feel special
If he is asking a girl on a actual date he would bring her to HoneyDukes and insist to pay for all her sweets
That's his big move, the HoneyDukes date (It's his thing)
(anyways so this is the first post of miiiine kinda long ngl)
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a-usernamelol · 1 month
Hi! I’m bored and spent way to much time on Allan’s ROR. Since there’s no real in game way to share an MCs ROR i’m going to do a FULL WALKTHROUGH of Allan’s ROR on here simply because I put hours into it and its environmental storytelling. REALLY CRAZY LONG POST I’M SORRY
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A few things to keep in mind:
Allans RoR is almost a sentient being. It behaves like like it is alive
There is definate environmental storytelling throughout the ror. I was very deliberate in placement on everything. Down to the chairs.
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Both of the rooms of Allans Ror have main centerpieces! Its mainly to take up visual space and give a feel of cluttered but intentional. I didn’t want there to be ANY visual space. Everything needed to be devided to pull off a few effects i do in his ror.
Also Each corner is organized by type of magic Allan uses! Potions in one corner, herbology in the next, the loom and clothing in the third, and what looks like a pile of bones and questionable magic in the last. (Lets be real, this is Allan. Its Dark Magic)
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going to the right, you can see one of Those Statues tucked respectfully into an alcove. The walls by it are completely barren, a stark contrast to the entire rest of the RoR, which has every wall cluttered. Because of this visual difference- its actually kinda “uhg” feeling to be by irl bc its just THERE and it feels WRONG. It doesnt fit the aesthetic
also note: All of the knights and mannikins face the statue
This is true across the whole first room. Even in the hallway behind the vivarium, any knights or mannikins face the statue through the walls
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going up the stairs into the hallway behind the entrance vivarium, youll see more oddly facing knights and a little dedication to Allan’s favorite quiddich team- in homage to Gilbert, because he himself doesn’t like Quiddich very much. He’ll cheer for his boyfriend though, even in a match against his own house, Gryffindor!
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going around the curcuit towards the grasslands vivarium youll notice two sitting areas and a balcony. I also just really liked this ceiling because Allan loves beasts.
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going to the left, into the side room, youll entire an equally visually cluttered hallway- however the main thing of note here are two large mirrors (and a number of small mirrors!) lined up across from each other. This is actually a really bad thing to do irl if your superstitous PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT AT HOME. It is thought that doing this with mirrors creates a “portal”- typically to hell, but generally in invitation to evil spirits. So yeah Allan’s either messing with bad magics or REALLY stupid. Or both.
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now we enter the side room, which is divided visually into three seperate areas which we will be going over individually.
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to the left, is a sitting area that looks like it might be used to hold guests- however compared to every other desk or area in the RoR, you can actually tell that it is barely used as most of the chairs are completely untouched, and still in logical, seated, positions (most notably with the chess table, and how all the chairs are seated across its corners as if for tea)
There are also four insignias on the wall, all insignias that can be found in the Korrow Ruins- of course something you wouldn’t know if you didn’t know the layout of the Korrow Ruins. But yk. I do 🚶‍♂️for reasons
I would also like to point out there is just a ton of dead things on the wall. For reasons
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moving on, going to the left you can see a bunch of working desks, and a messy board of papers, likely for organization. Moving towards the center of the room, there looks to be a rest area with books. Probably for a break from whatever he works on on the desks and papers only across the room. There’s even a Hufflepuff Quidditch trophy thrown in the corner.
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In the center of the room is a podium, telescope and some frogs. Since allan likes to move around, i dont think allan would always want to read sitting- or work sitting- as you can see with his desks
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lastly, a more questionable research area filled with skulls and an iron maiden, things the can clearly be tied to the Dark Arts in the HL universe. The iron maiden is slightly hidden from view by a room divider, and bookcases seal it off from the guest area, as if to sensory seal it off. This area of study is meant to be separated- like he sees it as a separate field of work.
also note: that the chairs in this area are seriously shifted around, like he jumps from table to table. He clearly works here a LOT.
Ive been working on this for months to tell a story- but I know I’m the only one who will get to definately experience it the way it was meant to be experienced, so I’ve tried to create an in depth post about it on here. If you lasted through my insane ramblings, Congratulations! 🎈🎊🍾🎉 If you want, make your own ROR walkthrough and reblog this and tag me! I’d LOVE to see other MCs ROR since we have no way to share it in game. Now go drink water please. 🗿 Thank you for reading!!!🥰
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kalifornia1025 · 2 months
Notes on my listen of The Lion’s Mane Pt. 1 (SPOILERS)
1. Starting off with some beautiful angelic music, mixed with coastal ambience (be still, my Californian heart🌊)😍✨
2. Maude is a cutie!! She’s so fr for gushing about meeting the Sherlock & Co trio irl. I love her Scottish accent!
3. Speaking of Scotland, I was SO EXCITED to hear that this whole case is gonna take place in Scotland!! I just love Scotland and would love to go in the future, so any content about that I’ll take it!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
4. John: “I’ll make sure this chat is light” Sherlock: *talking to Maude* “LET’S TALK ABOUT YOUR HUSBAND’S CORPSE, HOW THICK WAS THE BLOOD??” oh Sherlock😂
5. Really cool background info for Maude and the town of Fjara! It really lays out the kind of place we’ll (John, Sherlock, Mariana, and yes us listeners) be exploring.
6. John sang “Chasing Waterfalls” while brushing his teeth again. Last time he did that was in Silver Blaze Pt. 2. I didn’t think much of it before until Shoscombe Old Place Pt. 2 had Sherlock mention waterfalls and Moriarty getting a canon shoutout by John…oh God it’s so foreboding…I love it😈
7. Oh no John, why??? Why did you have to say that out loud to Sherlock and Mariana?? Now you’ll never hear the end of it from them (especially not from Mariana)!
8. Speaking of Mariana, she’s a Harry Potter nerd🦉🪄! I used to be one as well, so I loved their full argument about Quidditch with John and Sherlock saying it’s ‘rubbish’ (they’re not wrong, tho😂)
9. I just loved the small quiet scene with John talking to the microphone while everyone else was asleep. It’s so peaceful listening to his voice and even his yammering is so philosophical. It felt like a pure “stream-of-thoughts” moment that some people have had while traveling far away to someplace new (at least I have) 🌙✨
10. Mariana borrowed the mic while John was asleep!!
11. Local: “oh yeh these waters be DANGEROUS, here’s a list of all the possible dangers: razor sharp rocks, darkness, strong tides, and freezing cold”…um sir we just met, why do we need to know how dangerous the waters are?????
12. And the episode closes off with the same beautiful music from the beginning!🥰🥰
- I’m excited for this case! I wasn’t expecting too much to happen in Pt. 1 since I knew it would be mainly a “introduce case, travel to location” kind of episode. But honestly what a strong start to it! I saw on the website for transcripts that we’re gonna be getting three parts for this case, so yeah I’ll be super excited when those come out!!
Until next week!😜
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starsomens · 8 months
Noah and his not so gamer girl imagine cause I'm bored and have a bunch of ideas to share with the world. hey Siri, play Video Games by Lana Del Rey.
you're not the type to spend free time playing video games. it's just not exactly your form of escapism, you prefer listening to music, dancing, watching movies and tv shows, cooking, even crying your heart out over tiktok videos with cute puppies, basically anything. but playing games? not really. and it's not because you suck at it, nah, absolutely not. or is it?
but Noah loves video games and sometimes you're in a mood to share his passion despite the lack of fast reaction, coordination or even gaming experience. it doesn't matter. more so, this is the only time being really bad at something benefits you.
this is his chance to be your knight in shining armour and he gladly takes the opportunty. he's gonna carry you the whole match/round/level/quest/whatever that is if you're struggling without making you feel useless. oh, you can't progress through that one hideous quidditch match in an old Harry Potter game? don't worry honey, he's gonna take care of that while you can sit beside him with you cup of hot chocolate and chill.
actually, this level is worse than he thought, so you sit there for half an hour watching him cursing the game, the broom, the whole existence of the world and it's the funniest thing ever. streamer Noah was and still is your favorite era of his and now you have an exclusive access to it irl.
remember Among Us? this may be the only game you're good at. not just good - excellent, you're a pro mind gamer. whenever you get the imposter role you make sure to either kill Noah first just to mess with him while he's screaming 'I knew it' down the hall or to keep him alive til the very end acting soooo very innocent that it blows his mind to find out it was you all along.
Noah, however, is still in his knight arc so he keeps you alive because he just can't do it to you. that makes him lose all the time because everone knows if you're still running around it's him not being able to kill you again. or when he's a crewmate and gets killed, his little ghost follows you everywhere you go as your little guardian angel. it's sweet but he could be a bit more helpful in his afterlife doing the tasks to help you win sooner though.
you have this love-hate relationship with horror games. you're intrigued and scared as fuck at the same time. Noah is not there to make it any easier for you. he loves to jumpscare you out of the sudden. he swears he's not gonna do it again and still proceeds to scare you one more time when you're fully relaxed and least expect it just to hear you screaming at the top of your lungs. once you got so scared you threw your controller across the room and broke it. he promised to stop doing this shit. of course he lied. this bish!
he's so unserious when you two boot up The Sims. his character never looks like him, he creates the ugliest mf with the weirdest clothing choices and insists to romance your character because who else? then, when you get to make your sim and spend like three hours on it, he patiently waits and says it's cute but not as beautiful as you are even if it's an actual virtual goddess on your screen. then you two sit there and plan how your sims are gonna live and somehow it always ends up with planning your actual real life together - the cabin, the dog, the kids and their names, all this lovely stuff.
ANON AGAIN???? Girl I had a long work day and this honestly helped me to unwind THANK YOU I NEED TO SEND YOU FOREHEAD KISSES. HOW DO I SEND SOME THROUGH THE SCREEN????
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actuallymoon · 1 month
Whoever thinks digital art isn’t real art clearly doesn’t know what they’re talking about. I just spent 5 hours figuring out what layers even are and testing out a million brushes, only to end up with a drawing that looks… well, let's just say it’s not the best.
So, I’ve been wanting to create Drarry fanart since forever, mainly because I’ve got tons of ideas but not the budget to commission an artist.
My first attempt at digital art was rough, to say the least. I tried to draw Draco in a Puddlemere United jersey, chilling on a Quidditch field. But instead of looking relaxed, he kind of looks like a robot. I just can’t seem to make him look 'alive.' And you can see that I gave up with the logo lmao.
I’ve drawn people with traditional mediums like paint, colored pencils, and charcoal before, and I had the same problem, so I wasn’t expecting to nail it on my first digital attempt. But hey! I had a blast with the ‘grass’ brush. I wish I had something like that irl so I wouldn’t spend hours trying to paint shadows on grass.
Honestly, I’m a bit embarrassed to share my work, but I could really use some advice from the amazing artists here. I know the background needs work, but for now, I’m focusing on getting better at drawing people. Any tips would be awesome!
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syaolaurant · 17 days
Watching Harry Potter again WITH my husband who is NOT a Potterhead is kinda like childhood ruined for me LOL
We spent 4 nights in Taiwan watching the first 2 movies and I swear I've watched Harry Potter like more than 5 times each already. I don't have any problem with the Wizarding World, but my dear husband, who has proven himself 100% Ravenclaw with his wonderful logical and always-try-to-find-answer-for-everything mind kept asking me questions & pointing out the "plot hole" scenes (that's what he said).
He kept yapping things like:
"What's exactly is the magic system of this world?? "
"Why the wizarding world still looks like medieval even in 1990s??"
"Why all the teachers just sit there and watch Harry being attacked by the bludger? They didn't even react"
"Lol Quidditch doesnt have substitution"
"Wood got knocked out like 2 times in both movies'
"If petrificus totalus is a thing irl so many bad things could happen"
"Let's do body count"
"Did Hagrid know that Aragog would kill Harry and Ron?"
"Why the jinxed car appear so conveniently??"
"That dude Tom been standing there and talk for 30mins already..."
Why don't he act like this? Why don't she act like that?
.... And so on and so on.....
And I was like...ok...he got a point 🤔. I've never carefully invested in the mechanics of magic in HP, I didn't even care how it works. I'm a typical INFP I don't think logically my mind is like a green meadow full of butterflies. I tried to explain about the wands the spells the system to him but the more I talked the more confused I am..And I realized I myself also don't really understand the mechanic... 😅😅
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cassies-rockstar-gf · 10 days
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Hi, my name is Marlene and I’m here to bother my friends online when I can’t do it irl
🎸 I’m 17, she/her, British, a Gryffindor, a beater, a singer, a bass and electric guitar player, a lesbian (love ya Cassie 😘), and a hot ass bitch
🎸 Likes: my gf (obviously), rock and roll, messing with my friends and nervous little first years, playing with my band, playing quidditch, the colours red and orange, and writing songs
🎸 Dislikes: homophobes, transphobes, racists, basically anyone who’s an asshole
People I know:
@sirius-o-black - Sirius
@remus-j-lupinn - Remus
@jamesieieieiieisie - James
@d0rkymeadowes - Dorcas
@regulus-the-star - Regulus
@dorasdivine - Pandora
@bandit-barty - Barty
@wormy-wormtail - Peter
@its-lily-silly - Lily
@m-mcdonald - Mary
A few songs I like:
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ooc: this is a rp account and if you don’t like that then leave. I do not support jkr, fuck her and her black mold. My main account is @cheekyboybeth.
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winterisol · 21 days
MotoGP riders sorted into Hogwart Houses (cuz I'm a nerd)
Lets be honest, most of these men are realistically gryffindors or slytherins, cuz they have the pride, courage, ego and sheer stupidity of both houses. But anyways I think this is more about vibes than personality
VR46 Academy:
Pecco = Gryffindor This was pretty easy 'cause he has the gryffindor "I'm always correct" and the "no nonsense unless I cause it" demenor. I think he could also work in slytherin, but idk, he doesn't have the sleaziness to back it up. I also can't see him (at least as a kid) having the confidence to strut around say things like "my father will hear about this!"
Bezz = Slytherin I know, I know he's everyone's soft boy, but I also 1000% see a young Bezz going up to people who wrong him and yell "My father will hear about this!" except he's referring to Valentino and he secretly cries in a far corner of the Slytherin common room at night. He also has the ambition and kinda blind cultish following that most slytherins have.
Luca = Ravenclaw We need someone with brain cells here, and Luca has the no nonsense we must overthink everything type of vibe. Like I can just see him pouring over books at 5 AM before breakfast in preparation for classes. He also would never procrastination, every essay, or assignment completed the day it was assigned.
Franky = Gryffindor Doesn't have the same big presence I would usually associate with Gryffindors but Idk when look at his time in Yamaha I think he has the self-belief and confidence. He also feels like a fighter, like he would never willing start a fight, but once the fighting starts he is not one to back down.
Cele = Hufflepuff He is Bezz's emotional support Hufflepuff. Cele is just so incredibly loyal and he radiates the Hufflepuff soft boy energy. I can just see him in the sunny yellow (it would compliment his blue so well). The scenes just write itself, Bezz and Cele arms linked walking through the snow in Hogsmeade in their respective house scarves.
The other Italians
Diggia = Gryffindor This is not even a question, this man just oozes the ego and confidence of a Gryffindor. I can see him as the star player of the Quidditch team, every day is a new girl (Kinda like young Sirius Black) until he lays his eyes on the most beautiful man ever, Enea Bastianini. And after short (year long) gay panic, Diggia just can't leave Enea alone, and flirts with him until Enea finally folds and agrees to go on a date with Diggia over winter break in seventh year.
Enea = Slytherin I wanted to put him in Hufflepuff so badly, cuz he's my little soft boy. But I gotta match his vibe, and he is literally called "The Beast" on track. So yeah, I could see him as a quiet, but academically ambitious Slytherin. He just quietly goes about Hogwarts, attending his classes and getting top marks in all of them, until Diggia just barges into his life, flirting with him, and never leaving him alone.
Marquez Brothers
Marc = Gryffindor I think Marc could go either Gryffindor or Slytherin, but with his "all in" and comeback story right now it think it would be crime not to put him in Gryffindor. The confidence, the "I don't give a fuck about anyone", "Yeah I'm great what about it" attitude is just so HIM. It would also make his dynamic with Rossi (He's 100% a slytherin I will not accept anything else) interesting.
Alex = Gryffindor Alex is more of a Gryffindor because doesn't want to be separate to Marc than anything else. I think if it wasn't for Marc, Alex would have been in Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff because he's my soft boy, but Ravenclaw because I feel like Alex is curious. I could totally see him wanting to invent or discover new things (IRL he did want to pursue engineering which is basically that). But alas the Marquez brothers are a little too co-dependent to put them in different houses.
Other riders (+ Pedrenzo cuz why not)
Aleix = Slytherin He has an evil gay twink polycule, if that isn't slytherin cult behavior idk what is.
Jorge = Slytherin He is the bellatrix lestrange to this gay twink polycule. And he is a snake. no questions? good, onto the next.
Pedro Acosta = Hufflepuff I can see him in the hufflepuff yellow, also while I do think he'd be a part of the polycule, I can't see him in Slytherin. I think the yellow of Huffflepuff just suits him, also he's a grandma's boy, so of course he must go to my favorite house.
Dani = Ravenclaw His disinterest in drama and just doing his job is so Ravenclaw coded. Like people are fighting in the library and he's sat unbothered finishing his advanced potions essay.
Jorge = Slytherin He has the cunning nature, and desire for attention that most Slytherins seem to have. It would also play into any dynamic between Yorg and Vale, maybe a power struggle to be the top dog in Slytherin. He also gives pureblood wizard. I can imagine Dani (I can see him as a half-blood) and Jorge later in life going into the muggle part of London and Jorge is dressed ridiculously cuz he doesn't understand how muggles dress.
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