#quinn as a man who gets everything he wants but its never the way he wants
No Man's Land |1|
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Reader
Summary: Sam can’t help but be drawn to the cute stranger from her gym, even if everything about them makes them the perfect suspect, just when Ghostface has returned.
Warnings: Talks of Killings and Murder
Word Count: 3.5k+
Main Masterlist | Series Masterlist
Part 1 | Part 2
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Sam sighed as she put her key in the door, slowly unlocking each of the locks. She wanted to go to the gym after her shift, but she forgot her gym bag at the apartment. She really needed to look into renting one of the lockers the gym had. Her gym wasn’t too far away but coming home meant having to deal with Tara and her friends.
“Hey,” Sam greeted.
Tara was stretched out on the couch, Chad had his knees pulled close to him as he sat on the floor, watching whatever movie they had thrown on, Ethan was curled up on one of the chairs, and then Anika sat in the recliner with Mindy draped over her. Sam opened her mouth to ask about Quinn when she heard the usual noise coming from Quinn’s room.
“They’ve been at it since we got home,” Tara mumbled, rolling her eyes.
Sam chuckled with a shake of her head. The only downside to Quinn as a roommate was how loud she was with her various partners. Sam made her way across the living room and towards her room. She quickly threw on a tank top and some sweats before grabbing her gym bag. She did a quick check to make sure she had a change of clothes, just in case, before grabbing her water bottle and making her way into the kitchen. As she filled her water bottle the sound of Mindy and Tara got louder, arguing about whatever they were watching.
“I’ll be back in an hour or two,” Sam said.
“Wait,” Chad said, making Sam stop just as her hand rested on the doorknob. “You’re going to the gym?” Sam nodded. “Cool if I join?”
“I thought you preferred the one on campus.”
“I do, but I missed my usual workout time and now it’s crowded,” Chad wrinkled his nose. “I don’t want deal with all that.”
It wasn’t that Sam didn’t want Chad to come with her, she liked working out with Chad. Mindy and Tara never wanted to step foot in the gym, Chad was literally the only person who would ever workout with her anyway. Chad was also a football player and had a solid routine, he taught Sam plenty when she first started working out.
“Fine,” she said.
Chad instantly jumped up from his spot on the floor. He rifled through his backpack until he finally pulled out a little gym bag. Chad was pretty much always ready to go to the gym, but he had a habit of doing a pretty intense workout and would always need a change of clothes.
The two of them waved goodbye to the others and began the trek to the gym. It was only about a fifteen-minute walk before the little, locally owned, gym came into view. It was the only thing in an otherwise abandoned parking lot, it was small, it was dated, but it had its own community. Sam knew she was all over the news, her history was out there for everyone to see, but not a single person in the gym ever questioned her or gave her a dirty look. Everyone who went to the gym was there to work out, they were also friendly and willing to help each other out if needed, and the owner was the same way, the kindest old man Sam had ever met. It was also a 24-hour gym, meaning Sam could get there in the middle of the night after a late shift and not be disturbed or she could go earlier, like now, and have the regulars around.
When they finally got there Sam swiped her badge, unlocking the door. As soon as they stepped into the gym Sam took in the slightly crowded room. Chad rested his hands on his hips and took a big whiff of the air. Sam glanced at him out of the side of her eye, furrowing her brow slightly.
“What?” Chad asked. “This is why I love coming here,” he gestured with his hands. “You can smell the sweat, smell the workouts being done!” Sam shook her head; Chad didn’t come to the gym with her often but whenever he did, he was like an overly excited child. “The one at school has great equipment but it all smells new,” Chad wrinkled his nose. “No matter what…” he began rubbing his chin as if he was contemplating the deep question as to how the gym could always smell that good.
Sam lightly slapped him on the shoulder and pushed him towards the weights. She had never worked out in Chad’s gym, she wasn’t allowed to since she wasn’t a student, but she had seen it a few times and knew Chad was right, the school seemed to have all the new equipment. Her gym didn’t have much, just a couple of each of the standard pieces of machinery. The gym had enough to give whoever came in a full workout, but everything was clearly worn-down from years of use. Sam thought the used equipment just added to the gym’s character.
As Sam followed behind Chad towards the weights she caught sight of you over in the back corner of the gym, where you always were. She shook her head, she was there to workout, the sooner she finished her workout, the sooner she could get back home, and the sooner she could go to sleep. They each put in their respective earbuds then each grabbed a set of dumbbells and began their warmup before they could get started on the true workout.
After a quick warmup Sam and Chad both made their way to the chest press machine. Sam did everything in her power not to look at you and only focus on her workout. You were in her peripheral and it was taking all her focus not to turn her head just a little more to get a better visual. She tried to focus on just getting her reps in and that be that. She closed her eyes, forcing herself to listen to her music as she finished up her last few reps.
“Hey,” Chad said, tapping her on the arm. She looked up to see he had already finished his workout and was now on his feet and stretching. “Spot me?” he nodded at a bench press that was open.
Sam nodded, she didn’t use the bench press often because she usually didn’t have a spotter and as nice as everyone was in the gym she didn’t want to inconvenience any of them by asking. As much as she wanted to continue her workout, she didn’t mind the break if it meant helping Chad.
Sam stood behind the bench as Chad got the weights into place then laid down. She got her hands ready, holding them under the bar as Chad got ready to start lifting. Sam stayed behind Chad, watching as he started doing his reps, ready to grab the bar if he needed. At least that’s what she was supposed to be doing. The bench press was on the opposite side of the gym still, but it gave Sam the perfect view of you.
Her gaze was intense as she stared straight ahead, stared straight at you. You were across the way, hitting the punching bag, like you usually were. You were one of the regulars at the gym and you ran on almost the same schedule as Sam. Sam had never spoken to you, she couldn’t deny that you were quite attractive though. Though being on such a similar schedule as her made her suspicious.
There were times, like now, when you were there, training with a few of the others around in the gym. Then there were times where it was late at night, and no one was in the gym save for you and Sam. Sam had almost left the first time she got to the gym thinking she was alone, only to see you there. The only reason she didn’t leave then or any time after that was because you never did anything. You would sometimes acknowledge Sam with a simple nod, like a lot of the regulars, and that was it, otherwise you focused on your workout. You didn’t really talk to anyone, though neither did Sam, the only time you truly engaged with someone else was when one of your buddies was with you.
Whenever you were there Sam’s eyes couldn’t help but gravitate towards you, even across the room. Maybe in another life, one where she wasn’t so paranoid, one where she was normal, she might have approached you, just over a year ago she would have even flirted with you, she might have even asked you out, but her life wasn’t normal. You were cute but you were mysterious, and a mysterious stranger was exactly what Sam’s life didn’t need.
“What are you looking at?” Chad asked, snapping her out of her daydream.
Sam looked down to see Chad had put the bar back up, even without her assistance. His hands still rested on the bar, but he was looking up at Sam curiously.
“Nothing,” Sam said, trying to brush him off.
This was exactly why she liked going to the gym alone. She liked to go to the gym and just get her workout done without any distractions, she also didn’t want the others to know about you. You were her little secret, her little crush, the first crush she had had since Richie. If any of the others had learned that she was even remotely attracted to you she’d never hear the end of it, especially not from Mindy or Tara. Despite hating the gym, if her sister and Mindy knew about you, they’d be begging her to come with her every day.
“Who is that?” Chad asked. He was now sitting up on the bench and looked back at Sam with a smirk.
Sam closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh, she was just hoping she wasn’t blushing. Based on the way Chad’s eyes darted from her to you she knew Chad had figured out exactly what she was looking at. “Nobody,” she mumbled.
“That,” Chad pointed at you with a light chuckle. “Is not nobody.”
“They’re just a regular at the gym,” she tried waving it off again.
Sam walked off, making her way to the treadmill. She was silently begging for Chad to drop it, she hoped that if she didn’t acknowledge it then he’d forget about it, he wouldn’t say anything to Mindy or Tara. She hopped on the treadmill and began at a slow and steady speed, she liked to work her way up to a light jog.
She stared straight ahead, ignoring Chad as he leaned against the side of the machine. “So, you wouldn’t mind if I go say hi to them then,” he said. Sam stumbled, nearly tripping over her own feet as she snapped her head towards Chad.
“Don’t,” Sam warned.
“I’m just going to ask if they want to spar,” he held his hands up but was already walking away from Sam and in your direction. Sam didn’t miss the slight smirk on Chad’s face as he made his way towards you.
Sam let out a huff and started smacking her feet harder as she quickened her pace. If she finished her workout early then she had every intention of leaving Chad there, she might even lock the door and refuse to let him in the apartment for the rest of the night. She couldn’t help but glance out of the side of her eye every few seconds, catching sight of Chad as he approached you and tried striking up a conversation. It didn’t seem to be going as he intended based on the way you were shaking your head as he gestured from himself to you and then to the boxing ring in the middle of the room.
Most of the time Sam saw you alone at the punching bag. You would have your earbuds in and just focus on hitting the bag, as if the entire world disappeared and it was just you and the bag. At other times, like now, when the gym was busiest, Sam noticed that sometimes you’d get in the ring with one of the guys and spar a bit. You always used the same guys though, you didn’t randomly grab someone, and it seemed like you tended to deny anyone who just came up you, like she was sure Chad was about to find out.
After a few minutes of trying to convince you, Chad finally walked back over to Sam with his head hung low. Chad jumped onto the treadmill with a dramatic sigh and began a light walk. Sam rolled her eyes, shaking her head at Chad’s ridiculousness and focused on finishing her workout.
“What happened?” Sam finally asked, taking pity on Chad.
“They said no,” he mumbled, kicking his feet at the treadmill as he continued to pout.
“They don’t usually spar with random people.” Behind Chad Sam could see you getting in the ring with one of your buddies. Neither of you had on any sort of gear besides the tape on your hands. “And I think you’re about to see why.”
Chad scrunched his eyebrow then turned back to where you were in the boxing ring, you and your buddy already circling each other. You waited for your friend to throw the first punch, like you always did. You blocked your friends’ first few shots then you started throwing your own punches. The two of you went back and forth, dealing blow after blow, each of you landed a few hits, but both of you blocked most of them.
“Damn,” Chad whispered.
Sam smirked as she went back to focusing on her workout. Despite never looking back at you she could tell you and your buddy were still at it based on the way Chad never changed the speed of his treadmill, his entire focus seeming to be on you. She wouldn’t deny it, watching you spar was something else, you clearly knew what you were doing, it was obvious you had some sort of training. Sam never understood why you didn’t spar with others who were willing, until she saw you for the first time, everyone else here was an amateur compared to you.
Sam turned off the treadmill and slowed her pace until she came to a gradual stop. “You good?” Sam asked. She took a swig of her water while she waited for Chad to acknowledge her presence again.
“What?” Chad looked back at her before quickly looking back at you. You brought your knee up, nailing your buddy in the ribs, then didn’t hesitate to punch him in the face. Chad visibly winced at the hit before hopping off the treadmill. “Let’s go!” he waved at her as if he was the one waiting on her.
Sam rolled her eyes and followed Chad. Before she walked out the door, she met your gaze as you turned in the ring, the two of you probably only held eye contact for half a second but it was enough to make Sam hold her breath. The last thing she saw before the door closed was you and your buddy resetting your positions and getting ready for another spar session.
Sam had to listen to Chad ramble about you the entire walk home. She usually wouldn’t mind her thoughts being consumed by you but since it was Chad rambling, she knew Mindy and Tara would surely hear about it. She was just hoping she could get into the apartment and into her room before Chad started telling them all the details.
Sam put the key in the door, unlocking all the locks once again. “They’re just so badass!” Chad said, his eyes wide as he gestured crazily with his hands. “I can’t believe you tried to keep them from me!” Sam sighed, pushing the door open.
“Who are you talking about?” Tara asked with a chuckle as soon as the two of them stepped into the living room.
“Another one of your lovers?” Mindy snarked, laughing at her brother’s expense.
“Not mine,” Chad quickly denied. “Sam’s,” he pointed back at Sam, who instantly froze as she dropped her keys into the little bowl beside the door. She didn’t need to look to know Mindy and Tara’s full attention was now on hers.
“You’re seeing someone?” Tara said. She was already on her feet and in front of Sam by the time she turned around.
“I’m not seeing anyone,” Sam sighed.
“Who is this mysterious stranger?” Mindy asked, coming up right behind Tara, leaving Anika to sit alone without a second thought.
“Y/N,” Chad happily supplied. All three girls whipped their heads around to see Chad placed at the dining table, popping open a yogurt. Sam tried to hide her smile, she hadn’t known your name, it was a nice name.
“Tell us everything!” Tara said, dragging Sam by the hand to the dining table.
“There’s nothing to tell,” Sam shrugged. “I don’t even-”
“They’re badass,” Chad interrupted, never looking up from his yogurt. “I asked them to spar, and they said no but then I learned why.” Chad looked up at the ceiling in a daydream like state, tapping his spoon against the yogurt cup. “I want to spar with them even more now.” Sam furrowed her brow, tilting her head at the comment.
“You’ve been holding out on us Sammy,” Mindy said, bumping her shoulder as she plopped down into the seat next to her. Sam flicked a glare at her, but Mindy’s attention was fully on Chad. “Spill,” she ordered, leaning half her body across the table.
Sam crossed her arms and slumped back in her chair. She had to sit there and just listen as Chad rambled on and on about you. She wasn’t sure how he could possibly have so much to say, he talked to you for not even ten minutes. He gave the girls a complete recap of their entire gym experience, Sam was definitely regretting allowing him to come with her. He gestured wildly with his hands, trying to mimic the same punches you had been doing.
“Wow,” Tara and Mindy said at the same time, both leaning back in their chairs once Chad was done.
“Are you sure you’re not in love with them?” Mindy asked, tilting her head at her brother.
“No!” Chad said quickly, a little too quickly. “I just think they’re amazing and I admire their workout routine, and I just want to get to know them and become their best friend…” Mindy nodded but gave her brother an unconvinced look.
“Can we go to the gym with you tomorrow?” Tara asked.
“They might not be there,” Sam mumbled without thinking.
“Oh!” Mindy screeched right in Sam’s ear. “You know their schedule.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she looked past Sam and at Tara who was giving her a knowing nod.
“We have a very similar schedule,” Sam defended.
“Sounds like a match made in heaven,” Mindy sighed, leaning into Sam’s side.
“I’m not looking for a relationship!”
“Come on Sam,” Tara sighed, much more calm than before. “You deserve to be happy. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“My last boyfriend tried to kill all of us,” Sam deadpanned, looking her sister in the eye.
Tara opened and closed her mouth a few times as she nodded. “But what are the odds of that happening again?”
“Guys!” Anika called, interrupting whatever excuse Sam was going to come up with next. “You have to see this.”
Everyone got up from the kitchen table and moved to the living room just as Anika turned up the volume. Everyone remained silent as the news played, talking about the murder of two college students. Sam didn’t even react to Quinn coming out of her room and joining them.
“It’s got everyone asking, is this the work of Ghostface?” the news reported said, ending the broadcast before showing the picture of the two boys murdered.
“Holy shit,” Mindy said. “Those are the dudes from our film class,” she pointed at the screen.
“We have to leave, now.”
“What? No!” Tara said, instantly trying to fight Sam. “We don’t even know what this is!” she pointed to the TV. “It could be nothing; they were clearly freaks!”
“Are you really willing to take that risk?” Sam snapped.
“Quinn! Call your dad,” Tara whipped around to look at their roommate. “Let’s at least figure out what’s going on before you uproot my life.”
Sam held Tara’s glare but didn’t argue as Quinn called her dad. She understood where Tara was coming from, she knew Tara wanted things to go back to normal and just wanted a normal college experience. Sam wanted to just cut and run though, even if there was no proof that Ghostface was actually back, she didn’t want to take the risk. Sam couldn’t help the feeling that it was starting all over again.
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icallhimjoey · 2 years
To Have And To Scold
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your best friends are getting married, and who else can they ask to be their best man and maid of honour but you and Joe? It's just that... you don't really get along all that well, do you? At least, that's what you think.
CW / disclaimer: sort of enemies to sort of lovers (very vague, im sorry, but you'll see), language, drinking, rpf, fem!reader
Author’s note: I know this trope is overdone, but, I wanted to do it a little... idk, different, I suppose. I've never written Joe like this either, so we'll see how this is going to go. This is part one (of five, you know me) and I hope you enjoy!
Wordcount: 2.7K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six - part seven - part eight - part nine - part ten - epilogue
Oh no.
Joe was going to royally fuck everything up. There was no question about it. You were one hundred per cent absolutely convinced that Joe was going to do a bad job. So, so bad. The flat out worst, actually.
Joe hadn’t the faintest idea of where to begin, of how to go about it, of what it all entailed.
It made you feel a little superior, which was nice. This felt like a competition you were going to win, even though you understood none of this was meant to be competitive. In fact, it would actually be considered to be bad taste and maybe a little tacky to even pretend like it was a fight for you to win, but you couldn’t help it.
“Are you sure, Poppy... I don’t want to, like, but... are you sure? Joe?”
Poppy laughed, said, “He’ll do fine,” and Mark followed up by slapping a firm palm to his shoulder, saying, “He’ll figure it out, just like you will,”
“Oh no need to worry about me, I got this,” and you couldn’t help but look at Joe, sharp and focussed. Almost challenging, in a way, but you meant it jokingly. Hoped that maybe Joe would soften a little because he never really seemed to let his guard down. Not around you, anyway.
But Joe just shrugged, kept his face entirely neutral, and your jokes fell flat which immediately made everyone feel awkwardly tense.
It wasn’t a huge secret that you and Joe didn’t really get along all that great, but Jesus, could this man be any stiffer in this moment of joy? This evening of good news and important questions and celebrations? The inner peacekeeper within you couldn’t stand it. You just wanted everyone to get along and be on the same page, but the distance Joe somehow seemed to really force in between you kind of ruined all of that every single time that you’d all hang out together.
When you’d be in larger companies, it’d be easy. You could stay at opposite ends of the room and sort of ignore each other. You’d say hi, you’d be cordial and polite, but you just... weren’t each other’s people. Which made no sense. Mark was your best friend and his fiancé Poppy had naturally become such a good friend of yours too, so why was her best friend this... big old awkward weirdo?
What a stupid way to end the evening, and one that started so blissfully pleasant. When you’d walked into Mark and Poppy’s place around dinner time, you could’ve never predicted the outcome of it all. Though, in hindsight, you didn’t know why you hadn’t expected it, because it made total sense. It really did. Mark and Poppy were going to tell their families about this, and you knew they wouldn’t ask any questions because, this obviously was inevitably going to be the way it was going to go.
“Won’t Poppy be joining us?” you let your coat slide from your shoulders before you hung it over the back of a dining chair as you looked around the place. The table was set for two, not three.
“Pop’s taken Joe out for a meal,” Mark said from the kitchen, and you felt a little guilty at the little marble of relief that reared its little head up. You loved Poppy, honestly you did. She was the perfect girl for Mark, they were the perfect couple. Two peas in a pod. Fucking gorgeous and so, so sweet... but you were too alike in all the wrong ways. Both unbelievably stubborn and potentially hot-headed in the wrong moments, so sometimes you’d butt heads with each other. You held strong opinions and there would be times where you’d find yourselves at the exact opposite ends of a spectrum, willing to die in the battle of trying to convince the other that you had it at the right end.
There had been many nights where you would practically be screaming over the kitchen table about something so fantastically meaningless with Mark in between you, silently eating his meal, not even really paying attention to what either of you were going on about.
Mark sort of loved it. Loved you. But really loved Poppy. Said he found the version of you that wanted to sleep with him which he claimed was all he’d ever wanted. That always made you cringe; made you tell him to fuck off and stop pretending that you weren’t practically siblings at this point.
Having dinner with just Mark at their place wasn’t what you’d expected when Mark had invited you ‘round, but it was so welcome.
Whenever it was you and Mark by yourselves, you’d start the evening like the adults you were, would complain about work, talk about all sorts of civilized things, have a glass or sensible slightly more expensive wine, and ask how each other’s parents were doing.
But by the end of the night, you’d feel like you were 17 at a house party where the one 18-year-old brought a bunch of shitty piss-coloured liquor, room temp cider in plastic 2 litre bottles and blue WKD that would leave everyone’s mouth stained. There’d be an urge to fucking trash the place like the place didn’t actually belong to either one of you, and you’d rummage through kitchen cabinets to make stupid meals at midnight after whatever vegan bullshit Mark cooked up for dinner that hadn’t filled you properly. Suddenly, Mark would forget he hadn’t eaten meat in years and go for a kebab with you.
You loved those nights.
Poppy hated those nights, because that was the Mark she didn’t know or understand. She’d find you both drunk of your tits, flinging Wii remotes dangerously close to expensive furniture pieces (where the fuck did you even find a Wii, Mark?!) grunting like you were the Williams sisters playing Wembley.
Whenever Poppy would try to tell Mark off for sort of letting go for a hot second, Mark would throw it right back in her face and go, “Pop, go have your fancy martinis with Joe – go eat a million oysters with him, us peasants here will be fine with our grey meats and questionable white sauce,” and you’d go, “Ew, shut up,” and apologise to Poppy through a mouthful of cheap fast food, and Mark would be giggling like a little school girl.
Poppy didn’t like that version of Mark, but that was the Mark that you loved and even though you knew this evening was just meant to be a quick catch-up on a work-night, you hoped you’d get to see at least a little of your Mark.
"She's taken him to Bob Bob Ricard to ask him an important question," Mark said as he set down filled plates full of beautiful colourful vegetables that honestly smelled amazing.
"I thought you guys were already engaged? You know, to each other?" you joked and made Mark snort.
"It's got to do with that though,"
"Oh no, is this, are you going to become a throuple? God," you slumped your shoulders. "I should've totally seen this coming," and before you could carry on Mark punched you in the arm with far too much force.
"No, you dick, she's asking him to be her maid of honour... sort of, but like, man of honour, I guess,"
"Oh my God," you pouted because honestly, that was kind of adorable. "Will he be, like, her little pageboy?"
You envisioned Joe in tails walking behind Poppy down the isle, holding the train of her dress or whatever pageboys actually did at weddings.
"Little more sophisticated than that, I think," Mark said before raising his full wine glass, prompting you to raise yours too.
"And you're here because I have a question for you too,"
Your eyes grew as you bit your lips slowly into your mouth when you realised where this was going.
"Oh... oh fuck, Mark, wait, this is a big deal," you put your glass down and jokingly fanned your face with your hands.
"Yes. Now, shut the fuck up and let me actually ask it,"
"No, what about your brother?" you interjected.
"My brother's a lazy sod who is not to be trusted,"
"He's going to murder me,"
"He won't," Mark grew more and more annoyed as you stalled him.
"He absolutely will,"
"Would you just..." Mark sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose as he squeezed his eyes shut. "Let me please just fucking ask the question, all right? Jesus,"
You shuffled in your seat and sat up, batted your eyelashes and pursed your lips into a smile because this really was a big moment.
"Will you," Mark started, and then paused for a second before he finished, "be my best man - woman... person?"
"Oh my God. Yes."
You cheersed and just, couldn't stop cackling for a moment. What a bizarre moment in your friendship, it was all kinds of fantastic and lovely and so weird. You loved it.
You questioned what it even really meant to be someone's best man, and over dinner you both googled all the things that best men usually did. For the groom, but also, for the whole wedding. You were to give a speech, would look after the wedding rings, would have to make sure all the groomsmen - and obviously the groom himself - were all dressed and ready in time for the actual ceremony and, last but not least... the stag do.
You were so up for the job.
Deep diving into this project was the perfect distraction from the mundane boring structured routine your life had fallen into.
Halfway through dinner Mark received a text from Poppy, saying that Joe had said yes. She sent a picture of Joe with a cute pursed smile and crinkly eyes, holding up a beautiful blush pink card that read the question, "Will you be my Honour Attendant?" in one hand, and a flute of bubbly champagne in the other.
"Oh," you frowned at your friend. "Why didn't I get a fancy card? Or a fancy dinner?"
Mark put his phone down and and shrugged, just said, "That's not our style," and dismissed you completely.
It was the beginning of what started with you dramatically exclaiming, "Do I not deserve a little luxury?" and ended with you doing tequila shots by the sink in the kitchen.
Yea, Mark was right. This was more your style.
It was just after 10 when the front door opened and Poppy walked in, closely followed by Joe.
A small moment of heys and hellos, followed, and then welcome-home kisses from Mark and Poppy, and slightly awkward eye-contact between you and Joe.
Joe looked sort of stupidly well put together. All polished. He looked wildly overdressed next to you, and it made you feel like a slob. And you knew you were older, not by much, but you were definitely older than Joe was, which really should mean something, but Joe was taller, and definitely richer, and... all of it made you feel like a child.
"You're gonna be Mark's maid of honour?" Poppy squealed, all excited, practically bouncing on her feet after she'd hugged you.
"Nope," you smiled widely, "You're looking at Mark's best man,"
Poppy grinned and shot eyes towards Joe.
"See? I told you. You kind of have to go by Maid of Honour," and Joe laughed before scrunching up his nose in defeated, going, "Yea, well..." and you saw Joe look at his best friend and just turn so incredibly soft for her. Like she was the only good thing in his life, like he truly, really truly, loved her with all his might.
It was almost disgustingly sweet, and you wondered if there was ever going to be a line Joe could cross with Mark.
You could easily cross the line with Poppy. You would never forget the look in her eye when you'd fallen asleep on Mark and he'd just hugged you for a little bit. It was the hard way to learn that Poppy was a normal person with normal boundaries and you totally understood. Of course. You wouldn't want anyone just falling asleep on your boyfriend - not that you had one - either.
But when it came to Mark, he was just very.... whatever, about Joe.
You were so sure that, if Poppy were to fall asleep in Joe's arms, and Joe would cuddle her for a second, Mark would just be like, "Are you having a good nap, babe?"
Sometimes Joe would invite Poppy to go to insane award shows over seas and Mark wouldn't even care that they'd share a hotel room.
Mark was made of trust. It was a little wild, you thought. Especially when, look! Look at those eyes! Look at what Joe's eyes were doing! He was literally turning into a puddle in front of everyone as he looked at his best friend.
"Fine, I guess," Joe comically rolled his eyes at his new title. Maid of Honour Joe Quinn, who hadn't yet taken his coat off which was weird because you were all stood around the kitchen island and he was still in his coat. What a way to keep the yea-I-don't-want-to-be-here vibes alive. Felt real great, this.
The defeated acceptance of Joe to whatever was happening made you jokingly ask Poppy if she was sure having Joe as her maid of honour was the best idea.
The joke had fallen flat, but Poppy erased it immediately by clapping her hands together right in front of her face, all erratic and excited, her grin quite literally splitting her whole face open.
"Oh my God, it's gonna be so fun," Poppy predicted as she shook tensed fists in celebration and you couldn't help but smile at her.
"It's brilliant actually, you won't need to worry about the stag do at all, I'm sorry, but Mark, I won't be taking you to a strip club,"
Joe scoffed loudly, which... rubbed you a little wrong. Mark however, was about to argue you on it.
"I will, however" you quickly added as you laid a hand on Mark's shoulder, "get you so unbelievably wankered, you won't even fucking remember if we went to one in the first place," and that got him laughing loudly, head thrown back, showing off all his molars.
"Oh no, you're going to be bad at this," Mark then winced and made you gasp.
"No I won't be!"
"Maybe," Poppy started, then looked at Joe, "you could get together and help each other out?"
And Joe's eyes shot to you, and you saw every fiber in his being hesitate and think of a way to polite tell you no, that's all right actually.
"Listen," you started, and hoped to keep the atmosphere light and jokey, like it had been, even though neither you or Joe had joked or laughed together at all. You never did.
"I don't need Joe to keep me from losing the wedding rings," you helped Joe out. "I think we'll do just fine on our own – you wouldn't have asked us if you thought we were going to be shit at our jobs,"
Ever the mediator, you.
"Oh fuck," Mark squeezed his eyes shut, and tipped his head back a little.
"You just jinxed it!" Poppy said with huge eyes, but a secret smile playing underneath.
"You're going to lose the wedding rings," Joe said.
"No I won't–"
"She's going to lose the wedding rings," Mark said to Poppy.
"If you fucking lose our wedding rings," Poppy spoke through her teeth with a threatening finger pointed at you, but couldn't keep her giggles in.
"Stop it, I'm not! I'm not going to lose your wedding rings!"
You wouldn't. Because you were going to beat Joe at this. You were going to do a better job, have more fun doing it and, you just decided, look better doing it too. And Joe was really fucking good looking, so that was really saying something.
And you wouldn't lose the wedding rings.
You wouldn't.
The Taglisted: 
@ghostinthebackofyourhead @dirtyeddietini @jasminearondottir @josephquinned @cancankiki @sidthedollface2 @dylanmunson @munsonsgirl71 @thefemininemystiquee @alana4610  @emmamooney @thatonefan-girl @paola-carter @figmentofquinn @haylaansmi @thewondernanazombie @munsonmunster @kellysimagines @mybffjoe @chaoticgood-munson @sherrylyn628 @bdpst-massacre @05secondsofsexgods @lovelyblueness @adoreyouusugar @nadixq @prozacandnicotine @munsonswhore86 @alwayslindie @breddiemunson @eddie-joe-munson @ali-in-w0nderland @pepperstories @phyllosilicate-s @thebellenouvelle @luvrsbian @joesquinns @choke-me-joey @alizztor @thelostmoonofpooosh @did-it-work @capricornrisingsstuff @quinnsbower @frogers @kennedy-brooke @daleyeahson @eddielives1986 @harringtonfan4 @sadbitchfangirl
(taglist currently full, sorry)
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blueopinions49 · 4 months
Healthy/Unhealthy 7
Healthy Social 7
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Bella Baxter (7w8 so/sp)- She begins the story with the brain fo a child and as she develops she becomes incredibly curious about the world around her. She craves freedom and looks to make the world a better place as she grows. Eventually becoming a doctor.
Mark Grayson (7w6 so/sx) - With the heavy weight of being omni mans son he looks to be helpful to others. As his journey goes on he struggles to keep his positive mindset.
Lucy Maclean (7w6 so/sx)- She starts the show bright eyed and trust full of everyone around her. As she develops we see her contrast with the ghoul. We see her integrate towards her 1 a bit more as the show goes on. While still keeping the golden rule.
Unhealthy Social 7
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Tanya (7w8 so/sp) While her desire for freedom for Edenia can be seen as good hearted she usually manipulates people to get her way. She schemes and uses other for her self gain rarely if ever caring of the colateral damage.
Hugo De Rune (7w6 so/sx)- Due to him being a child and infected with the Macula he tends to lash out and cause distraction. Even tho he has a general love and appreciation for life.
Luis Serra (7w6 so/sx)- When he left the village he set out to do some good in the world. Eventually leading him to umbrella and commit atrocities. In RE4 we see him trying to redeem himself.
Healthy SelfPreservation 7
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Gambit (7w8 sp/sx)- While he started a bit apathetic to anyones needs he integrated well into his 1 and eventually joining the xmen.
Prince Naveen (7w6 sp/sx)- Meeting Tiana made him snap into place and start focusing on the longevity of his life and purpose. Best example of a 7 moving into 1.
Samantha Jones (7w8 sp/sx)- While she doesn't have any drastic development in the show. Samantha proves that you can still be kind, generous and a good friend without having to integrate. She is just happily enjoying life and its pleasures.
Unhealthy Self Preservation 7
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Frank Gallagher (7w8 sp/sx)- The over indulgent of the life he lives ends with him essentially never taking into consideration anyone else's needs but his own. Eventually passing away in the end.
Frank Reynolds (7w8 sp/sx)- While he started like an organized business man in the show. We see how he devolves into a slob of a person who indulges in everything. Frank is basically the epitome of the 7s gluttony.
Ridby (7w6 sp/sx)- He is very immature and even the little development he gets in the show isn't enough. He doesn't really take into consideration Mordecai's feelings allot of the time and usually is the one to ruin things and cause trouble.
Healthy Sexual 7
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Lucy Gray Baird (7w6 sx/so)- Always firm on her beliefs and where she stands morally. While she craves love and connection she doesn't let those idealist view of romance get in the way of reality.
Saga Anderson (7w6 sx/so)- Upbeat and caring, Saga learns to deal with the dark place and the how the story changes in AW2. We see her fall into pits of despair in the end a bit. But she remembers who she truly is and gets out of the dark place.
Harley Quinn DCEU (7w6 sx/p)- In the start of the DCEU we see Harley using relationships as a distraction usually ignoring reality in order to suit jokers. In BOP we see her fully detach herself and be happy being alone. Later on in SS 2020? we see her fully independent and not letting love get in the way of reality.
Unhealthy Sexual 7
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Roman Roy (7w6 sx/sp)- Looking for love and connection in others. He tries to connect with his father and eventually Gerri. This connection not lasting long. In the end we see Roman step down as CEO and finding peace within himself.
Jobu Tupkai (7w8 sx/so)- This is what a 7 disintegrating towards 4 looks like. Jobu wants to find joy (no pun intended) and love with the relationship with her mother. However, throughout the movie she disintegrates towards 4 and believe that nothing matters. In the end she repurposes the idea nihilism into something more positive.
Mr. Peanut Butter (7w6 sx/so)- While he grows a bit through out the show we see how he doesn't out grow of his cycle of looking for relationships to ignore reality.
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neonfretra · 4 days
making hockey edits as a total newbie
having completed my first poetry edit its both easier and harder than i thought! which is pretty exciting considering the fact i have a poem in the back pocket that reminded me of the sharks. its WAY longer and i probably dont REALLY want to actualize it. but. fun process! talking about my process below the cut :)
the inspiration was wanting to make a pickles edit and his number is 44 (and there are SO many sharks players that couldnt take 44 because of him. i mean it so seriously i hope they retire his number solely to inconvenience everyone for the rest of this franchises lifespan)
i dont think hes super widely known because:
the sharks are bad
marc edouard vlasic is bad
so i doubt the narrative of the edit makes much sense LOL
long story short, he used to be REALLY good. never got acknowledged for it in the broader scope. fell off with age . makes him super unpopular because hes signed 8x7m (shout out to past gm doug wilson) and hes bad. hes played with the sharks for the second most amount of games (second to patrick marleau who is like. THE shark of all time. hes so shark they call him mr shark. so if you grade on a curve...?) .
i love our shriveled husk!
the first image (the title card) came way before everything else actually, sort of my proof of concept and proof that i could actually make anything its very young pickles! that image is like. 7 years old
collecting images
all images (not including text overlays) were pulled directly from getty images
i got around the watermark kind of stupidly! most of the time, you can get around it by just pulling it from newsites that did pay for the rights to the image (reverse image search is a pal) or by checking social medias for reposts by the photographer or team (harder for me because i dont use any social media, use instagram only when necessary because it CRUNCHES)
i used mspaint.
it shows.
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(brian babineau)
yeah it was by literally pasting the thumbnail (upsized by about 334% i believe?) on top of the image which is why its such a mess of pixels . the nice thing about the human eye is that it kind of smooths over the image if you dont look too closely . other times the texture of the image is so crunchy already that it doesnt actually make a difference.
(i DID edit the right image i just. cant see it?????)
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(left: kavin mistry, rightt: noah graham)
for simpler shapes i did try to use an airbrush to fix it but its not super noticeable so.
the important thing was not using photos where theres a watermark over the main focus because im not making it look good enough to pass .
are there easier ways? oh god yeah. for sure. am i using them? well if you scroll back up
human centipeding images together
hardest part was the photos that mashed images together:
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(man just check the original post for credits)
these were NIGHTMARES (now text free!) i have all the things i edited as separate layers if anyone ever wants quinn hughes disembodied hand or two pickles
making image two
the concept of this one was the second, but i had the final image ready to go second and finished it last. i finished this one second after fighting for my life to compile the images for it
the ideas straightforward enough: pickles on ice with the puck, other prominent defensemen going through the motions of a shot edited in. this is when pickles is like. capital g Good
compiling the pictures were easy enough? the hardest one was actually finding one of pickles HAHAHAHA
fun fact is that i chose a bunch of right shooters by coincidence. actually a miracle that i didnt notice until comparing pickles to them in editing. which i did extremely haphazardly (seriously i was guessing when resizing them
i did all this in an art program that didnt have the ability to select the subject so i hand erased the background. i keep mentioning it but if i had to work around erik karlssons hair i get to complain about it.
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first time using the soft eraser if that means anything. the green background was to help me tell what i had and hadnt erased yet
this one took me the longest by far and had me questioning the decisions that lead up to this point the most.
making image three
PAINFUL. there are five different peoples hands on this thing and i spent most of it trying to choose hands that were interesting poses+decorations and in different places. didnt bother removing the watermark on any of the hands because why do i want to make more work for myself. erik karlssons second hand did not make the cut (watermarked)
the nice thing IS that there is a sort of photoshoot they have with consistent angles and lighting. i proceeded to spend way too much time aligning five different photos on top of this to make sure the hands are in the right place and about the right size.
an interesting bit of the editing is that the colors on the trophy photo were actually an afterthought! because it looks kind of nothing.
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it looks nice next to the second image because of the cymk coloring but the problem was that the first three images had colorful elements to them and the fourth is just text on the image
adding text
image 3 uses my favorite quote about pickles believe it or not ^_^
If you are new to hockey or are newer to the San Jose Sharks fanbase, you will see the withered shell Vlasic is of his former self and think that any conversation about immortalization in Toronto is beyond the bounds of possibility.
insane someone wrote this about another person. quite chuffed that you can read that phrase in the final image!
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image four babe im so sorry you are so underbaked. the article on THAT one is literally just about the 1000th game celebration. but also its hella ironic
“I’m still the same guy I was when I came in, just 14 years older,” Vlasic said. “Plays the same way, does the same things, plays against the same players. Just 14 years older.”
whole lotta people want this man GONE because hes flopping so hard. everyone and they momma taking bets on when hes getting bought out. its BAD LMAO i hope they sign him another 8 years
in reflection
edits are way easier than i thought they were to make with zero knowledge of the medium! i had no idea what i was doing but i made something i feel extremely proud of, take a shot at it sometime ^_^
something i kind of struggled with was making something that felt interesting and unique but unified as a whole piece? i dont approach things with a visual "theming" in mind and i more or less tripped up on the colors LOL
give it a shot! a spin, even! oickles.
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carlyhughes043 · 1 year
baby came home Q.H Pt.1
summary: Quinn and Reader met each other through readers ex boyfriend in which reader cheats on with Quinn who has no problem showing her whose the better option what happens when reader gets a deal of a lifetime and decides to take it
she told me her man was afraid, she told me I better behave
y/n was a very popular girl who ran with a crowed of hockey players some her best friends other her boyfriends best friends and teammates. y/n was only 18 when she met her now boyfriend he was friends with her older brother who didn't mind the pair knowing in his heart that he would never break her heart it was the complete opposite he knew his sister was going to break his he wasn't what she wanted. she wanted someone to pick her up in their big strong arms and tell her everything was alright that they would never let her go through anything alone.His best friend just wasn't that his best friend was not a strong male he would never be able to keep up with Y/n he didn't have what it took he knew that Quinn wasn't the first Man she cheated on him with but he was the first one who made her fall in love and keep coming back over and over again she craved him in a different way and she wasn't ashamed he was scared he was gonna lose her and he did she was no longer his no longer his girlfriend no longer the person who "loved" him and that infuriated him so he decided he was gonna win her back get her away from Quinn and the only way he could do that is if she got the deal of a lifetime so he made a fake email messaging her that one of her teachers sent in some of her papers and they found them to be exactly what they were looking for the only issue she'd face is the location it was over a thousand miles away from Quinn and she'd never let anyone get in-between her and her career point blank.
` told me she was leaving this town, said she needs time to explore
when y/n got the email she was over the moon she couldn't wait to tell Quinn then she thought again how would she tell Quinn they were going to be miles and hours away she didn't want to leave him but this was a deal of a lifetime. she messaged Quinn letting him know she wants to take him out for dinner she was so nervous that he would be so upset with her for taking this placement he was one of her biggest fans he loved everything she wrote he even got a secret tattoo of a sentence from a poem she wrote him in her handwriting so she knew he'd be so proud of the fact she got the placement the thing he'd be upset about is the distance between him
when she walks into the restaurant where she faces him and receives a big hug taking in the moment of his strong arms wrapped around her she pulls away and they lean in to a kiss they depart and the hostess leads them to their booth where she leaves them with a bottle of red wine and bread. "How was your day Gorgeous?" Quinn says with admiration looking her in her glossy eyes "It was actually decent I received some really great news I got asked to be in a writing position for St Clairs paper". she said playing with her now chipped nails "that's amazing love. wait you said st Claire paper that's halfway across the country". he said with concern "I know and I'm so down to do facetimes and long calls and ill come vis-". "no you don't understand I need you I'm in love with you and can't handle being away from you". he said interrupting " I understand and I love you too but this is a huge deal for me its a once in a lifetime deal and I'm really trying to not just leave and us be apart and not together anymore but if you can't understand then we don't need to be together." "so your saying we should breakup". he half shouted "no I don't wanna breakup but your telling me that we won't last and I understand but I'm attempting to try and your not". she say shouting back with tears in her eyes. he gets up and drops some money on the table and walks off to go home leaving a broken y/n sobbing in a booth in a little dive bar she drys her eyes and goes back to her apartment checking for a message from him seeing if he'll talk to her she messaged him asking if he got home okay and it doesn't deliver she sobs messaging his roommate begging to talk sense into him. his roommate messages her back and tells her he won't even talk to him let alone leave his room.
A/N : hey guys here's part 1 its super late and I have school in the morning ill try to have part 2 up on wed :)
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re: blow up my inbox rb
who are your fave characters from person of interest, bones & leverage, and why? :) !!
Ooh!! Thank you for asking I'm so excited to talk about my guys.I'll talk about my fav main & side character for each (though I had to force myself not to just keep typing because I adore all of these shows and characters.)
Person Of Interest:
John Reese is probably my favourite character, with Root and Sameen Shaw as second and third. Honorable mention that Root's line about the universe being chaotic and cold and there not being a plan before the machine from / (Root Path) is what I put on my cap when I graduated. And Shaw's a fav because I love her loyalty and that its tough to earn- I wish we could have seen her and Cole more but her and Lionel's relationship is probably one of my favourite from the show. In the Crossing(i think?) she saved his kid because she thought about what he would prefer she do and the way that she's careful with him and he thanks her.
Reese is my favourite for several reasons. The first of which is summarized in one of my fav episodes of the show, SNAFU, where Finch says "John has the heaviest heart of us all but he's trying his hardest to be good". To be honest I feel like he's just such a sad guy and yet even when he's trying to be good he's constantly failing in certain respects (though the show doesn't often take that perspective.) He's definitely helping people but he's also hurting a lot as well. There's just something about a character that's supposed to be dead trying to do life better while on borrowed time. The episode where we see a world without the machine and John is dead really hit home how the entire show is his attempt to make up for the sins of his life and it ends with him feeling accomplished that he's done something good (save Finch.)
My fav side character is Peter Collier. I will forever be mad that he died via Greer/Jeremy. He's a character that I want to rewatch season 3 and give my full attention to analyzing. This is in large part due to Leslie Odom Jr's incredible acting, but the fact that I truly believe he was right makes him all the more interesting to me that he was both a pawn and an antagonist. The fact that he made it a priority to not hurt innocent people in so important to me and the fact that Vigilance got framed for the explosion at the end of S3 makes me so mad. I will never forgive Decima/Greer for it.
In general I'll also say that the antagonists in POI was always great. I absolutely hate Greer and Martine which I think speaks to how well they were written as 'villains'. Elias, Anthony, Mini, Simmons, Alonzo Quinn, and all the members of HR, Vigilance, and the Brotherhood were such full characters that I enjoyed watching them interact with and antagonize team machine and each other throughout the show.
My fav main characters are the OT3, and I truly cycle through them all as my favourite so I'll just talk about everyone.
Parker is Parker and the way that's everything is so incredibly important to me. I adore her purely because of how incredibly written and developed she is. Her "I want to do the right thing" speech from The Long Way Down Job makes me cry just thinking about it.
Alec Hardison. Age of the Geek baby! As a black person ins STEM he's an inspiration for me. I just love how he's such a complete person. He's kind. He's soft. He's the smartest man Eliot has EVER known. He got to go to space! He started doing crime to pay for his foster mom's healthcare. Thinking about him makes me cry.
Eliot Spencer. He reminds me of John Reese but I don't cry as often with Eliot because to me he's much more settled(I don't think that's the right word so I'll be thinking about it more and lyk if i figure out what I mean). That said I think the fact that we don't get a full backstory on him (the least info of anyone besides Sophie iirc) makes him such an interesting character because he could have truly done ANYTHING! He's a chef. He plays guitar and sings. He's a baseball star. When he knocks people out they tend to stay knocked out. He can identify anything of important through its most distinctive quality and is right every time. All of these things come together to make a man that has done terrible things and knows- not believes but knows- that he will never be clean of them and decides to wake up everyday and help others.
Fav side character is Sterling. I love him and I love to hate him. He's just such a good antagonist. I absolutely adore him especially the justice vs order debacle during the long goodbye job. The fact that he's the one of them that understands Nate the best at the start and I find the dynamic between him and Eliot really entertaining.
Hodgins is my favourite guy of all time. I truly adore how invested he is in his bugs and plants and spores & how excited he gets every single time they're able to help him solve a mystery. He's my inspiration for wanting to do something that I have a passion in and I cannot put words to how much I adore all of his antics. The ease with which he gave up his money as if it wasn't a question was something that made me appreciate him so much more and the development that happened afterwards was really lovely.
Side character(s)-wise I love the squinterns. I could maybe do some kind of ranking but I do think my top two would be Daisy and Edison. Honestly the more I think about them, the more indecisive I feel because I adored Wendell and Nigel-Murray and Arastoo and Fisher (and Zack tho I don't consider him a squintern).
Edison I connect to because his first and last name are two towns near where I grew up and he's so focused & serious with his work that it ostracizes him- which I felt with dance when I was younger.
Daisy I connect to a lot because she's unapologetically herself and refuses to change who she is- especially when it comes to her work! Her deciding to prioritize her career over her romantic relationship/Sweets meant a lot to me because it was such an in-character decision for her that a lot of others shows wouldn't have allowed to happen.
Thanks for the ask! Always happy to ramble about these guys.
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keeponquinning · 2 years
 “ Joseph Quinn & Eddie - Things they’d do in a relationship.” 1 / 4 requests from @itsonlykeira​ !
First off, thank’s so much for the follow and the requests! I’m doing them separately to avoid having one response being too lengthy skdfjsdf and hitting this first. I’ve never really written rpf so this is a nice dipping my toe in the water moment. For the peeps not into it, just scroll on by, this is only my perception on the man and claim no accuracy.
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What Eddie Munson would do if he was your boyfriend?
          He would be...the proud boyfriend. Eddie would want to know everything about you, your hopes and dreams and don’t even think of trying to humble yourself in front of him, because he would hype you up immediately. I feel like he’d try to not be that person that would always bring you up in conversation with friends, but the deeper you two are into the relationship and each other, your name would just constantly come out of his lips. My girl, or my woman being quite familiar in conversation and he wouldn’t even care if people were getting sick of him at this point. If he loves you, everyone is going to know that fact. He’d be attentive, observant in the things you say and not say, you two could be in a crowded room with a thousand voices going off at once but if he sees its too much for you, he’ll either make an excuse or just grab your hand and lead you off somewhere private to regroup and recharge. Which, honestly, would be his favorite thing because he’d have you all to himself just to hold you close, even if you two don’t even speak at all. He loves silent moments with you, and it’s amusing, considering he’s the one that’s loud and at times obnoxious and calling attention to himself. But with you, just being in the quiet, having the warmth of you against him brings him a peace he didn’t know he needed until you. These moments, of course, are usually what leads to him needing to touch you. Calloused fingertips seeking any inch of your skin, discovering the ways you enjoy how he touches you, and where, soft kisses along your jaw, your neck, always the urge to bite and mark you with hickeys if you were into it. He likes the thought of it, of leaving his mark on you, because sometimes it’s hard for him to believe you want him, even love him. He likes to whisper soft praises to your ear when you have sex, even when it’s rough, he likes to counter with gentle praises of how good you feel and how perfect you are to him. How he can’t believe you’re his girl and that’s he’s the luckiest SOB in the world. He likes to make you the loudest he can get you, the thought of people hearing how good he makes you feel drives him as he’s fucking you, his praises loud and clear. He’s a giver, caring about bringing you over the edge and being the first to cum, filling him with an ungodly amount of pride as you’re screaming for him, getting drunk off your moans. After you’re both spent, there’s definite time for the two of you to calm down from the high, kissing and again with the praises, so if you have a praise kink, you’re in luck. Would he know how to cook for you? Eh. Would he try? Yes. Would you two end up feasting over mac and cheese or spaghettios? Oh, probably so, but his efforts are well noted and he’ll still smile if you happily eat his offerings nonetheless. When he’s on stage, he likes to sing directly to you, his eyes barely leaving yours as he plays, sometimes he’ll dedicate a song or two to you, because again, he’s the proud boyfriend who kisses you nice and deep right after he’s finished and still riding high. He’d try hard not to judge your music tastes if they’re more mainstream, he can’t help it sometimes, he’s a metal head through and through, but he appreciates when you listen to his stuff so he does the same. He’ll admit to liking some of your pop stuff but only to you, catch him singing Last Christmas in his van or alone in the trailer just for your benefit and yours only. He loves to make you laugh, too, especially if you’re down and really need it. He’ll crack his jokes and be dramatic just to hear a laugh out of you, or even a smile, basically, he’d do anything for you.
What Joseph Quinn would do if he was your boyfriend?
          I’m still figuring him out in my head, b u t, here we go. There is no one more boyfriend than this man. We all know it, and we all love it. If he were your boyfriend, he’d be soft and sweet. Not innocent, though, this man has some wickedness in him and we love to see it. Touch is his love language, so whether in private or in public, he’s going to touch you, whether it’s to hold your hand, hold you by your elbow or simply place his hand at the small of your back. Your waist? It’s grabbed as you walk together. When you’re alone, it doesn’t stop there, his hands are committed to touch every part of you and memorize you from touch. He also loves cupping your face with his hands and staring down at you, thumbs stroking your cheeks and not stopping until you smile, though maybe he wouldn’t even stop then. We know he’s a goof at times, so making you laugh is a priority, this means jokes ( both silly and dirty lbr ), pulling faces or honestly, just acting like a dork, he’s going to get those laughs out of you. He’s very protective of you, especially with the rising fame and attention. He’d care about your privacy more than his own, probably. He’d want you to be at his side at events but only if you’re comfortable being on camera and in the public eye, and when asked about your relationship, would probably give people the run around until you both decide to be public about it. Your comfort is the most important to him, your happiness even more so. He’s quite selfless in that regard, and would feel so guilty if he had to break plans with you because of unexpected conflicts because of his career. But he’d definitely make it up to you, probably putting some time aside for just the two of you to shut off the world and concentrate on each other. He’d work hard to not make you feel left out and keep that healthy work / life balance in place. He’s a dancer, sometimes in a club he’d take you to, but other times it just happens. Maybe when you two are cooking dinner and playing music, he’ll come behind you and start to sway and suddenly it’s like the rom com you both swore was dumb, but he’s twirling you in the kitchen and it takes both of you to remember there’s still dinner, but you’re both just laughing and having a good time just being together. Speaking of, he loves to cook for you, fancies himself a chef and likes to spoil you with his skills and cooking, always pairing it with the right wine and such. He’ll know when what you need is just your comfort food, though, he knows your favorite ice cream, your favorite treat to lift you up after a bad day. Like Eddie, he’ll also enjoy quiet moments with you, just holding you and stroking your hair, and if you need it, tell you everything’s going to be alright. He’s very supportive, so he’s the best person to talk to when you need a bit of a pep talk, loves to hear your ideas, your thoughts, your dreams and would truly believe you could accomplish your goals. All of this with his stellar eye contact, by the way. We can’t forget that. He’d be as flirty with you since you guys first met, sometimes go overboard for a laugh and other times because he can’t help it, he likes it when you blush and he’s floored you even call him sexy sometimes. The humility on this man is real, but that wipes away when you two have sex. He’s confident, your moans help with that, calling you sweet pet names and yes, there is bounds of praise heading your way. He can’t help but feel good with you, and wants you to know it. And also wants to know you make him feel so good. He likes to bite and make his mark as visible as possible. To mark him is tricky, but he can mark you as much as you both want, and there’s a sense of freedom there. He’s a man that listens ( i know, right? ) so often he’s taking your lead, hearing what you like, either verbally or by your sounds. He’s also a giver, wanting to see you fall apart for him multiple times in one night, it’s everything to him. When he has to be away is the hardest, and only then does he break his no face time rule, but don’t tell anyone, its your secret, he just wants to see your face, your smile, your laugh. This man having a wicked side to him, he wants to see other things, I don’t need to spell it out but yeah, you guys do that. It’s not the same, but again, your moans drive him insane and he hopes his do the same for you. If you’re on the petite side, because he’s a tall king, he also loves to lift you up, especially if he’s getting off the plane and he sees you waiting at the airport? He’s gonna lift and twirl you. He acts like a kid with you sometimes because he’s so open about how he feels about you. We talked about cooking but he also loves taking you out to restaurants and trying food he’s heard raved about and seeing your reactions. He wants to experience everything with you, see the world through your eyes.
And I’ll stop there because I’m gonna go cry now. Hope this is alright??
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castlebyersafterdark · 3 months
It’s so intriguing how Joseph Quinn entered ST for one season and already has a burgeoning career way stronger than any of the actors who’ve been here for a decade (he’s in a quiet place, the fantastic four, gladiator II, a major alex garland A24 war film, a major elevated horror film, and more to come). It’s like damn, where’s this energy for any of the other cast members? agents, please step up 😤
especially noah’s agent. noah should’ve landed roles post ST2 just like finn did early on
Oh gosh I forgot about that man but yeah, he seems to be popping OFF with big roles. Marvel lead???? Wild. I never could have predicted that one but good for him. I know that Stranger Things has really long filming demands but others have managed to do big roles as well. Not gonna pretend I know that much about the intricacies of all their filming decisions, but it's certainly interesting. I really don't know why Noah wasn't in more (better) stuff in conjunction with ST but maybe it's what his family decided?
now this is all interesting because i agree with vinny about noah's post-ST career. ST is something of a bubble; did you see that parody where it was called 'the worlds favourite TV show every three years' ? basically, most people - the industry peeps who make things happen and the viewing public - forget about the show until a new season comes out. its a cultural phenomenon rather than a stalwart, and i think it's going to continue to generate a loyal fanbase for decades to come, much like nerd classics like star trek. i can totally see this cast coming back again and again for reunion cons but not necessarily having varied, successful careers.
i think they are great actors in ST, but something about the ensemble cast and the magic of the show is what works for me. everything i've seen anyone do outside of ST has been disappointing tbh. i thought finn had quiet beauty in Saving the World, but if I saw that and didnt know who he was, I probably wouldnt think he was a giant star or follow his career. The youngest actors especially, in s1 and s2 they threw so much of themselves into the roles that I believe these characters now belong to them, are part of them. (Imagine: it's 2050, and Stranger Things is being rebooted. I can see Finn and Noah coming back for cameo roles, Mr Clarke or something, and old fans going wild.)
But I don't feel that way with B characters like Eddie/Joe Quinn. You have to consider that he was hella charismatic and is considered a good actor, period, not just within the show: he's a seasoned british theatre actor with roots in the biz. he's sort of like what jonathan bailey is to bridgerton, getting all the roles despite his castmates being super talented too. it speaks volumes about the kind of characters that the general public want to see + that the industry is willing to write. we've seen the steddie fandom here: joe has one hell of a demographic lapping up his stuff, and he's riding a fame wave of hot white twenty-something male, similar to Paul Mescal... and considering how fast pop culture/hollywood moves these days, I wouldnt be surprised if he too fades away after a few years of great success (like J. Law). He could also fuck it up with one wrong comment and get cancelled within the year lol. It's just so hard to predict.
but vinny was probably right on with noah being young - child stars rarely expand beyond one franchise/film while theyre that small due to legal filming limits and school commitments etc, and because theres so few child roles in hollywood. so comparing a young noah's talent and career with joe quinn's, who was an adult when he joined ST, doesnt really make sense.
+ this isnt really on topic but i personally would prefer them to fade and be happy and healthy than grind away and become jaded by the industry or have many flops. i already think finn worked too hard as a teen and has basically developmentally lived his twenties before his teen years, and is now sort of going back to that teen mindset and experimenting with music and chilling and doing things a teen should. when he said he had abandoned his career goals to focus on personal ones like 'being comfortable in my own skin', i rejoiced and also cursed the whole fame thing for just being so fucked up. his goal is to be 'a happy and healthy older person' - i mean, that made me cry dude. the implications and subtext of that statement! and people are out here thinking they should all be happy and fine cos theyre rich and have fancy cars and all these fans. like, tell me you don't know anything about what it means to be human. 🙄
Excellent points and discussions, all very real. Agreed. Thank you !! ❤️❤️
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 months
A sample that’s no stranger to you and me…
Taylor Alatorre: "Even though the song does draw a fair bit from Phil Collins's 1981 song, the tempo is much faster."[1] [1]
Ian Mathers: As is often the case with modern pop country, "I Can Feel It" evokes a rural area; here, it's the Uncanny Valley. [2]
Jacob Sujin Kuppermann: So dumb! I respect it more for not being coy about using its big sample – Kane Brown and Dann Huff (who actually played on hits from Phil Collins' contemporaries, wtf) hit that big drum fill button over and over again, especially during the second half of "I Can Feel It." Worst part is that it works every time – this is a meta-level arena jam, a crass play that goes beyond the normal nostalgia-worship of so much of the contemporary pop landscape (secularly, across nearly all subgenres in 2024) by virtue of sheer shamelessness. [6]
Isabel Cole: Nothing we haven't heard before, more literally than usual, and obviously it's dumb, but sometimes you don't want smart, you know? It hits all its marks cleanly, and I like the weirdly roiling, tempestuous drama the track brings to a lightweight song about a drunken hookup (possibly why the hilariously incongruous video contains neither whiskey nor dancing — just a mechanic with a past and a dream). [7]
Katherine St. Asaph: The annoying hackwork here isn't the Phil Collins sample. It's that songwriting affectation, rampant in modern country, of awkwardly wording things that are phrases -- in this case "this is turning into a we-should-probably-get-up-out-of-here." (Why does this exist? Is there a thinkpiece?) The Phil Collins sample is, in fact, what makes this not suck. [7]
Mark Sinker: Time for every single song ever released to get its talking-point kinda-cover version. Time for “Weird” Al to become a worm-man god-emperor and rule over the charts for 3,500 years. A Million Golden Hits on the Golden Path.  [5]
Alfred Soto: Kane Brown shows the apparently infinite ways in which "In the Air Tonight" adapts itself to whatever sized foot you stick into it: instead of a cheatin' anthem, "I Can Feel It" focuses on the nervousness of would-be lovers courtin' on the dance floor. Almost everything works except for the guitar solo, an example of premature ejaculation. [7]
TA Inskeep: Theoretically this fusion of banjo, big-ass drums, and an interpolation of Phil Collins' most iconic song should be a lot of fun -- and Brown's winking voice would seem to be the right fit for it. But it all feels awfully forced, especially when Brown actually sings that he "can feel it coming in the air tonight" in the bridge. It's too obvious by half, not remotely country save for that banjo (which would be fine except that it's being billed as, y'know, country), and even though it's a clever idea, never fully gels.  [4]
John S. Quinn-Puerta: I'm tired of interpolations that aren't interested in engaging with their source. It's just so blandly tactical to put on the trappings of a hit to ensure the boring ditty that you've done ten ways to Sunday gets airplay.  [3]
Hannah Jocelyn: Everyone misses the kicks between the toms when they do “In the Air Tonight”! That's what makes it distinctive! "One Mississippi" was legitimately incredible (would have been a [10] from me) and a massive step up, this is trying to be some kind of epic tough country song but that clashes with the uninspired, lovelorn lyrics. By the way, Kane, you’re no mister Kingston. [5]
Nortey Dowuona: Gabe Foust, songwriter/producer for "Trailer Park Barbie" and "Bake It," lets Aaron Sterling handle the drums, and man, does he handle them. His take on Phil Collins's iconic fill kicks the song in the ass and brings it swimming up to Kane's deep baritone, buoying it as the second verse begins, keeping the song steady as Rob McNelley's seething solo dives below the chorus and surfaces on the bridge. The song relies less on the kick of "here's the Phil Collins drum fill, please clap" and more on "here's Kane Brown using one of the best baritones in popular music; leave with him and go steal that money." And Brown is in fine form; his quick trot then strolling delivery of the first verse snatches you up and leads so smoothly into the chorus that you are swept away, your hair flying in the wind, your eyes full of the moon before you can blink. The bass, played by Mark Hill (yes, that Mark Hill !!!?) comfortably purrs below, interlocking with the kick. It pushes Brown into picking up the pace at first, then smoothing out and sliding during the chorus. He delivers spurts of melisma briefly but remains in control of his voice despite the rising waves of the mix. It drifts away into the sky, but you're on a string, lazily drifting behind it. [10]
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rudie-wr1tes · 8 months
Endless Passion- A Sandman Fan Fiction
III. Parasomnia
Synopsis: In exchange for the Dreamstone gives- it takes the form of destruction and the loss of life, even with the best of intentions. Sabine learns the hard way that it was never meant for mortal hands to wield. In exchange for the lives lost, she attempts to take her own- but what happens, when Death herself, refuses?
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Sabine and Quinn stood over Kalea’s sleeping body. Kalea slept stiffly on her back, in the same position as the nights before. The time was three in the morning, as the blaring red of her alarm clock so harshly reminded them. There was a chair under the door handle to her apartment, with several locks bound to its hinges. All windows were dark, latched thrice to keep out the tooth eyed man. Sabine’s eyes were glassy as she stood over her sister, holding the Dreamstone in her clammy palm. Quinn observed Kalea, studying every inch of her. She plucked her eye open, putting a flashlight to it, frowning in response at her glazed pupils. 
Quinn gently closed her eyeball and sighed. Sabine was screaming internally, kicking herself for ever letting it get this way. They had tried everything to wake her, but Kalea, sweet young Kalea was content. Just as Sabine remembered when their mother first took Kalea home from the hospital as an infant, holding her in her arms. She was too happy in that state, dreaming away her life here. Sabine swallowed hard, wiping her eyes. The stone felt heavy in her hand, burning her skin slowly like ice on salt. Memories of the tooth eyed man flashed in her retinas, as her other hand ran across the front of her throat. 
“Her vitals are normal, given the circumstances.” Quinn muttered, “How long did you say she’s been this way?” 
“Almost a week.” Sabine admitted, “And I haven’t been able to wake her up. I tried everything to wake her up. It’s almost as if she doesn’t want to wake up either.” 
Quinn nodded, her head tilting to the side, “That’ll do it….” Quinn heavily sighed as tone went from apathetic to scathing, “What the fuck were you thinking, Sabine?!” 
Without raising her tone, Sabine could feel herself falling apart. 
She began pacing across the floor, still in her dress from that night, “I juts don’t understand… All I wanted to do was take away the night terrors, the nightmares too.” 
“Well, you did it too good.” Quinn remarked, “And frankly, I’m not sure how to help you. You got anything in those journals that can help?” 
Sabine’s phone began buzzing violently in her purse on the counter. She quickly went for it, seeing the caller ID coming from the hospital where Erin was for her sleep therapy. Sabine looked up to Quinn in fear, who bore her gaze down, motioning her to answer. 
“Hello?” Sabine’s voice broke the silence of Kalea’s bedroom. 
“Dr. Kanaka-” A nurse stammered, “This is Travis, the nurse from Erin’s study.” 
“Yes.” Sabine nodded, “What seems to be the trouble?” 
“It’s Erin.” The nurse uttered, “She fell into a comatose state. She isn’t waking up, and her son is incredibly upset right now.” 
Sabine’s stomach dropped, lips frozen and parted. Quinn took a deep breath and shook her head. 
“You fucking didn’t-” Quinn said in a low voice, “Sabine, don’t tell me you used it on her too.”
“We will be right there.” Sabine’s voice cracked, as a part of her soul seemed to chip away in her breast from guilt, “Please try and tell him I can explain. I can make this right, I can-” 
“I’m tyring to, Doctor, but he’s very- Sir-” Travis stammered, “Sir, I’m on the phone, please have a seat-” 
“What the fuck did you do to my mother?!” A sob stricken voice broke through the static, making her flinch, “Wake her up! Get down here and make her better again! She might as well be dead, thanks to you, you fucking quack!” 
Sabine swallowed tears of her own, her chin twitching to the side, “We will be there momentarily, sir. I am not sure why-” 
“Not sure?!” he roared, “Not sure?! Bullshit! I don’t want to fucking-” 
Quinn snatched the phone out of Sabine’s ear and pressed it to her face, “HEY! We understand there is a complication with your mother, but you do not talk to us like this. She has done nothing wrong. Your mother signed the paperwork with a DNR knowing this treatment would be experimental.” 
“I will sue your asses for it then!” He wept, “I’ll sue this god forsaken hospital if I have to!” 
Sabine took the phone again and hung it up in a swift motion. A moment of silence fell onto them. 
“You don’t always need to come to my defense.” Sabine muttered, sitting down at the feet of her sleeping sister’s body. 
“And you don’t need to mess with spooky shit to solve all the world’s problems.” Quin quipped, sitting beside her, “Don’t you remember all the adventure movies we watched and there was a bad guy who was like ‘Hmm, let’s use this thing beyond our understanding to fix our problems!’ and literally made everything worse?” 
Sabine ran her hands through her hair and took a deep breath. 
“You’re right. I don’t know if I can wake her up either.” 
Quinn nodded, “We’ve got to do our homework. I think…. I think it’s time I tell you something too.” 
Sabine looked up at her friend, furrowing her brows. 
“Later. We gotta calm the patient’s son down first.”  
After stumbling into some more appropriate clothes, the pair left to the hospital in hopes to deescalte the fury of Erin’s son- to some success, they did. Sabine held back from using the Dreamstone to ease him, but the last thing she needed to do was ruin another person’s waking life. 
Sunrise crept in through the X Ray room on the other end of Erin’s dwelling. Sabine hunched over a desk to observe the recent CT scans, to only find nothing. Her brain was perfectly in tact- lucid. With the same gentle smile Kalea had across her lips. It didn’t make sense to Sabine, as she filtered through the ancient texts in her files. Nothing was adding up. And only more misfortune would come onto their families if she didn’t help. 
Only but one name came to mind. Dread filled her, remembering it appear constantly. The name she first saw appear in Ovid’s Metamoprhasies in university. A second in the texts she scoured to find the relic. A face, she could only recall in dreams from years prior before they  stopped becoming predictive of the future- one of pale skin, the bluest eyes, and jet black hair, whose lips pursed into dust. Each night she researched this figure, the picture would become clearer, but something held her back… Almost like a barrier. But there was no one else now. She stared into nothing, fingertips softly brushing the cord connecting the Dreamstone. 
“Lord Morpheus of Dream.” She whispered softly, “I call upon you for guidance. Help me right the wrongs I’ve created in abusing power that was not meant for me.” 
Sabine looked down, seeing the Dreamstone flicker and faintly glow. 
She waited still, listening outside beyond the door. Eyes glancing to the windows before her. Hoping to see a face- something, anything to reassure her she did right. The power shuddered off on the floor. Sabine opened her eyes to the darkness, as the fluorescent bulbs burst into nothing over her head. Her breathing stopped, silence ringing so loud in her ears that she could hear her own heart racing. 
The only response was glass shattering in Erin’s room. Sabine jumped to her feet, unable to run to the door. She was frozen in her stance, watching footsteps from underneath the office door hurry into the room. A commotion erupted- one of the voices belonging to Travis- suddenly cut off in the sound of a struggle. More crashes of metal, machines falling to their side. Sabine shoved the Dreamstone into her coat pocket before running into the hall. Flickering lights obscured her vision, as she fled down the hallway towards Erin’s room, nearly slipping on a substance between fallen medical equiptment. She gasped, catching herself on the wall. 
“What the hell?” She said in a near whisper, “No…. no.” 
Blood splattered on the walls, painted on her hands, in the treads of her boots, and a sickness fell over her stomach, getting to the entrance of Erin’s room. A scream formed in the corners of her mouth, but no sound came out, as she saw the carnage before her. 
Erin’s eyes were gouged out into two bloody pits. As was Travis- whose limp body rested back in the hospital chair, blood splattered over the computer. He must’ve been typing in her vitals. 
The blonde headed figure knelt over the sink, washing the blood from his hands in his khaki, without a single stain to them. His back faced Sabine, whistling an old tune like someone washing dishes on a chore day. Blood pounded in Sabine’s ears as she picked up a shard of glass from the ground, clutching it in her right palm. 
“Get out of my world, you ungodly thing.” She said through gritted teeth, a sob making her voice waiver. 
The man calmly finished washing his hands and reached for the paper towels as if it were another Tuesday morning. Her blood boiled, as he stood unbothered in the massacre, turning slowly to her. 
“Sorry, were you talking to me?” He asked in a cool tone, “Oh. There you are. I reckon you’d be here. “ 
As he turned, she saw rows of teeth in place of eyes, curling into sick smiles. 
“Damn you.” Sabine sneered, spiting at the ground before him, “You bring chaos wherever you go. Whatever power you think you’ll get from the Dreamstone will only bring pain.” 
Her tears betrayed her, fogging the edges of her vision. And he had the audacity to laugh, putting his hands in his pockets. 
“That’s the whole point of the game, ma cherie.” He mised, “I had an offer after all. All of this could’ve been prevented. But no. You’re the one who had to make this so difficult.” 
Sabine’s focus darted to Erin’s son, and his body hunched forward in the corner of the room. She wondered where Quinn was, where anyone else was. If there were more bodies… 
Tears fell down her cheeks as he stepped closer. There was too much blood, and he was getting in her head. She created space, stepping back with each step ge took forward. 
“It’s not my fault.” She said, her voice quavering. 
“Oh, but it is,” He laughed, “You mortals always like to make everything so complicated. But the answer’s been in front of you for so long.” 
The Corinthian reached forward and traced a stray lock of hair out of her eyes. Sabine’s eyes flinched shut, as blood trailed down her cheek. 
“Now I have to show your sister what happens when you don’t listen, right?” He hummed with a smug grin. 
“What have you done with her?” Sabine’s voice raised, holding the shard in her hands, “Don’t you fucking touch her!” 
“Then give me what I want.” He said in a soothing tone, “Before you end up-” 
“I never asked for this!” Sabine screamed in blind rage, “You are not of my world! Get out! Leave this place and take your blood with you! Go!” 
“You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.” He said, attempting to grab her. Sabine dodged his grasp, ramming the shard deep into his exposed ribs and running straight towards the exit. The impact of the glass knocked him back, stumbling into the wall, but not for long. 
She had spent her life running, and now she was watching herself run from the third point of view. She watched, as her hair came undone from the jaw clip, her curls falling in ribbons over her shoulders. How her rounded face contotrted into an expression of grief, palened by fear. The way her coat caught the early morning sun, how long had it been since they arrived? No, she thought, that’s not my coat, my coat wasn’t covered in blood when I came here. She was running from her fears. From relationships. From friendships and mistakes Now from a creature after making a grave mistake. Failure, after failure, now costing lives that were in her hands. Quinn’s voice felt gummy in her ears. Sabine watched Quinn call to her. Flashing police lights, distant calls for her to stop. She ran, and her mind was elsewhere with the dreamstone in her hand. Only one request came as she made it out of the hospital wing doors through the emergency exit- sanctuary. Home. Wonder. Magic. Somewhere she could be safe, somewhere she couldn’t harm anyone else. Somewhere she could dream forever than subject anyone to an eternal slumber again. To punish herself in darkness for harming those. Sabine fled down a dark corner of the alley with Quinn on her heels, remembering a place she hadn’t seen in years, only in dreams im what felt like a lifetime ago. Fragments of a world with ornate ivory gates, rising to the heavens, a palace of stone and strange creatures, bodies of water filled with ship sails and hope. An eternal library full of books she used to stroke the spines of. Sabine’s limbs felt numb as she ran. Syllables melted and gurgled in the back of her throat, a mix between a scream and a cry to god for mercy from it all. The man’s teeth for eyes reminded her of everything that she hated about humanity in herself. Shapes of concrete slab and chipping building paint buldged together into clay textures, as she leaned against the wall, feeling it pull her in like quicksand. 
Quinn put her hands to her face, tapping her cheeks- the sensation feeling as if Sabine was in a fish bowl, and couldn’t escape. Quinn’s face blurred into her mother’s face- her mother’s face blurred into her father’s, then her sister’s, then her great great grand aunty who haunted the foyer of their bungalow in Lahina. The Aunty Nina, with sad downturned eyes and browned apple skin, nodding softly in sorrow. 
“Aunty, I want to go home.” Sabine whispered, “Aunty, I don’t want to be covered in blood. I want to be with you.” 
It was Sabine’s only solution. Her life, in exchange for another. Even if it didn’t have the gates of horn and ivory, into the pits of hell, living wasn’t worth bearing the pain of what she took any longer.
And in a great blast of white and blue hues, like a cosmic collison, everything went to black. Sabine sighed in relief, welcoming the darkness with open arms, as she felt them carry her body as if it were weightless. Rocking, with each step, lulling her. Finally, the veil was thinning. She couldn’t punish anyone anymore for her foolishness. But a gentle hand brushing her cheek stirred her. Sabine opened her eyes. 
The face Sabine clung to formed into one she did not know- of rich ebony skin and a glowing ankh, whose thumb brushed back her tears.  
“No, my dear.” Death whispered, “You don’t want to die, you don’t want to live this way. Now is not your time. Fate has more in store for you. Your soul is weary. Rest now, and you will see.” 
And Sabine sighed, finally being understood only by the angel of death herself. Her eyes fell closed into a gentle, dreamless rest. 
Or so she thought. 
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
First date
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Joseph Quinn x plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Feeling a bit 😕
Warning: fluff and language and brief description of nudity Not proof read and no word count
Summary: Could things actually work out between a normal person and a celebrity?
Part 2
You put on some music and got dinner ready. Double checking everything was cooked properly. You didn't want to be the woman who gave Joseph Quinn food poisoning. Your phone went off and you saw that he was just a minute away. Now completely overwhelmed with anxiety.
This is really happening.
You buzzed him up and waited for him to knock. Your heart was in your throat.
As Joseph made his way up the stairs he was nervous beyond belief. Sure he's been nervous before, but for some reason you made him anxious. He took in a deep breath before he knocked. He heard a familiar song but it was weird. It was a cover.
Mr. Crowley. But who is that singing?
When you opened the door you were just wearing some jeggins and along sleeve red t-shirt, with no shoes. He felt completely over dressed.
Maybe she didn't think it was an actual date
" Hi please come in"
"Ello" he said handing you a bouquet of flowers.
" oh you didn't have to do that."
" No I did. I wanted to apologize for lunch."
" No please there's no need. I get it. You're quite famous." You said walking into the kitchen.
He watched you pull out a vase and soaked the flowers.
" It smells delicious in here."
" Thank you. I hope you like roasted chicken."
" Yes that sounds lovely."
" Please sit. Make yourself at home."
He did so. Taking a seat on the stool you had around the island you had.
" Who is this?" He pointed in the air referring to the song
" Oh its Mr. Crowley. It's a bat head tribute. It's so good."
" Yes it is. Never heard it before."
"Yeah I just found it. It not new but it's great. Don't get me wrong Ozzy's is good but man this one is so much more upbeat."
He smiled at your enthusiasm. You seemed to like the same music he did and that was good.
After dinner and a light conversation, you and him made your way to the couch. You were sweet and funny. A bit shy but he thought it was from being in a room with him. He understood the feeling. He felt the same way everytime he went to an event with well known celebrities. Especially when he met Metallica. He started to like you more than he originally had thought and wanted to see you again. He had invited you to Jamie's party but you respectfully declined. It made him a bit sad but what could he do? You barely knew each other. So he could understand not wanting to go to a different state for the weekend with a complete stranger. Maybe it was a good thing. He didn't want to overwhelm you. He knew that his friends were a bit much to handle for the first time and he didn't want you to get the wrong idea of him. So he said his goodbyes and went home.
For the most part it was an amazing night for you. Never in a million years did you think anything like this was possible. But you could die happy now, knowing that Joseph Quinn knew you existed. And that was enough for you. With no future plans of seeing him again you went to bed with what ifs.
Joe was on a plane early that following morning. Before it took off he sent you a good morning text with an upside-down smile emoji. Hoping that it wasn't too much.
When he landed he went straight to the set. Jamie and the others were already there and he said his hellos. Jamie pulled him aside.
"Joseph I saw something. I know you're not really on your phone much but look at this."
He saw Jamie pull out his phone and opened up his history. On the top of the page read TMZ. He read it and saw a picture of you and him under the article. 'Mystery woman has the attention one of the most eligible bachelor.'
"Are you joking? How the fuck they get that?"
" I don't know but the point is that they have it and now it's out there."
Joe just shook his head.
" Joe ... are you seeing this woman?"
"No. Not yet at least."
"Well if you plan on seeing her you must be careful. You and I have people who watch out for us so that we don't receive any negative things. And she doesn't. She's probably getting harassed already."
" Right. Do you think that Fallon will talk about her today?"
" it's a possibility. But if you have your agent let him know not to bring her up, he won't."
"So...uhh she a large woman."
" ok..so?!"
" No judgment here, she quite pretty."
" She's beautiful."
" Oh Joseph. You're smitten with her."
" Very much."
During the interview Jimmy didn't bring you up. However, he did ask if he was seeing anyone. In which he replied with a no.
He was worried about you. As soon as the interview was over, Joseph turned on his phone and got no reply. He wanted to call you and talk about what happened, but he felt is was something he should tell you face to face.
Sunday evening he went back to his loft. Hoping beyond hope you would come over. He had sent a message asking if you were available for a quick bite to eat. But you didn't reply. Nor did you reply to the messages from the past 2 days. He concern ruled him. When he called you, it went straight to voice mail. An hour went by, then two. That's when he had enough. The waiting was killing him. He decided to go to your place and try to see if he could fix whatever was going on.
You let him inside and sat on the couch. He was trying to figure out if you were upset but he couldn't read you.
"Umm so I know why your here Quinn. And I um I turned off my phone. I was getting a crazy amount of notifications. After I read a couple I couldn't read them anymore"
" I'm so sorry y/n."
" Hey its cool. It's not like anything is going on between us."
His heart sank. " Right."
"Maybe it's a good thing that it happened. "
" Why do you think that?"
" Well I guess it's because you wouldn't want to be seen hanging out with...well someone like me."
" What is that supposed to mean?"
You hesitated before answering. " Well someone who's normal. You're expected to have beautiful friends."
" But you are beautiful." His words just came out.
You looked at him with wide eyes. " Wait what?"
" A'right y/n. I have a confession. I like you. And I want to spend time with you."
You didn't say anything.
" I know my life isn't a perfect one for a relationship, but I would like you to be apart of it."
" You like me?"
He moved closer to you leaning in. " yes love. I do."
He went for a kiss but you pushed him away.
" Quinn i....this is...this is alot."
He looked at you with sadness. You didn't like him back.
" I'm sorry. I should go." He said and went to the door.
" Quinn? Please don't go. I don't know what to say."
He turned around.
" Look I don't think we can have anything. You're always on the go. And well I'm not the long distance type."
" Please don't get me wrong. I love seeing you. And it would be nice to see you more often. But the way we are so different, I don't think it's a good idea. Besides I'm not too happy about the death threats that I've been getting. I can't imagine what it would be like if something were to happen."
Now he didn't know what to say. His career was getting in the way of being with someone nice.
"If you would like. We can keep speaking. But it's probably for the best if we don't get seen together. I don't want anyone to give you grief about me. I know I'm not some gorgeous super model or anything of that sort. But I really don't think your hardcore fans would be ok seeing you with someone who's not the 'ideal' woman. And that's ok." You shrugged
" I don't care what anyone else wants. And neither should you. I don't want a super model. I want someone who is real and kind."
You looked down and started to pick at your nails. You had this really bad habit of biting them so they were a mess.
He came closer to you. " y/n I think you're a breath of fresh air. I know I'm away alot and I'm sorry about that. But I will be with you as much as I can."
" I-I don't know."
" Could we please just try this? I know that it can be alot. But I can show you what I do to keep everyone away." He said now holding your hand.
You looked up at him and just melted. He was so incredibly handsome. Those eyes and smile would be the death of you.
" Quinn can we try something?"
He knew exactly what you wanted. He leaned in and you gave him the sweetest kiss he has ever had. He knew then that you were the right person to do this with. That he wanted endless days of this with you in his arms.
He didn't know if it would work out, but he prayed it would. And so did you. After a moment you guys pulled apart to breathe.
" Quinn I... please don't think any less of me, but I don't want to rush into anything. I like you and I kinda always had. I'm not some obsessive fan or anything. I think you're very talented and I know that things are moving much faster for you now. But please don't let how you feel about me hinder anything you had planned for yourself. You're an amazing man who's meant for great things. So please don't stray from your goals."
"My goals are to take care of my family by whatever means necessary. But I also want to settle down and find someone I want to spend my life with. Enjoy the spoils of war I guess you can say."
Your soft smile made his heart flutter. " Isn't that what everyone wants. To find a partner to share a beautiful life together?"
"Yes. Is that what you would like?"
You chuckle. " Well of course silly. But how about we just stay friends for now?"
"Friends that kiss I hope." He grinned
You nodded" Yes. Friends that kiss."
6 months had went by slowly. He was gone for most of it. Fashion show after Fashion show, photo sessions and special guest appearances took up most of Joe's time. He was exhausted. He hadn't seen you in person for a month and it was killing him. There were a couple of days in between things that he could have came to see you, but you convinced him not to. The frivolous spending of money on flights were something you were totally against. You made him promise to stop sending you gifts. However he was going to continue sending you flowers. He was sure your loft was filled by now.
The moment he finally got to Seattle he went straight to your work. But Brenda said you were out sick. He noticed the framed photograph he had sent you. But the name was crossed out and was replaced by Brenda's. He was a bit upset that you didn't keep it.
Why did you let her have that?
He went the shop below you and picked up some soup and a juice. You hadn't told him you were sick so he wanted to take care of you. When you answered his buzz he went up but you didn't answer the door.
" I'm sorry Quinn you can't come in. I have covid."
" What?! How come you didn't tell me?"
" Because I didn't want to bother you."
" Oh love you wouldn't have bothered me. You could never bother me. Now open the door."
" No...please I don't want you to get sick. Then you would have to quarantine."
" I don't care. Open the door y/n."
" I'm not gonna be the one who gets you killed. Please I'll see you in a few days." You coughed.
" Y/n if you don't open this door right now. I will never kiss you again!"
" Oh Quinn don't be that way."
" Now!" He shouted
A second passed by when he heard the lock click open. You pulled open the door and you looked so awful. He immediately hugged you kissing your forehead.
'I'm sorry I yelled. I just really needed to see you."
Your hands moved across his waist and your fingers locked together holding him gently. Your nose buried into his chest. He probably smelled amazing but you wouldn't know. A bit later you guys went to the bedroom. You had fallen asleep. Once he was sure you were out he went into the hall. He called his manager saying he has to cancel everything he was scheduled for the next 10 days because he was exposed. Right away he was instructed to go to the hospital but he hadn't planned on leaving.
So for the next week he stayed with you. His assistant brought you guys medicine and clothing for him. He started to feel sick on the 3rd day which was perfect because that meant he would have to stay with you longer. Now both bed ridden you guys watched movies and cuddled. Sleeping the sickness way. Even though both of you felt terrible he had never been so content in his life. He was happy to be with you. Sleeping in the same bed, the scent of your sheets, your warm body next to his. He was in love.
When things got better you guys moved through your place as if you guys lived together for years. The flow came naturally. When you guys were able to taste again you made him his very own carrot cake after you disinfect everything. When you were done you took a shower. That's when he noticed only one vase of flowers on the coffee table. Then your phone went off. He glanced at it and you got a message from a Colin.
Who's that? And where are your flowers?
When you came out you had a towel on your head and a very short robe on. He couldn't help gawking at your wonderfully large thighs. His eyes followed you to your room. You hadn't close the door all the way and he could see your reflection on a full body mirror you had hanging. He shouldn't have been looking but he did. He saw you put on a pair of white cotton panties with a matching bra. He saw everything and he started getting a chubby. He adjusted himself while he saw you hard nipples slip inside the large cups. Your body decorate with stretch marks. He thought you were a knockout. You had bent over to dry your hair a bit. Your ridiculously large bottom made him lick his lips. He grabbed one of the couch pillows to cover himself. When you came out you twinkled a smile at him. And he grinned like a Cheshire cat back.
" Want to go for a drive?"
He nodded and you guys went downstairs. He had never seen your car before but it totally suited you. You tossed him the keys so that he could take a normal car out for a spin. He adjusted himself in and fixed the mirrors. He gave you a nod and took off. You put on some music and started to sing. You blasted War Pigs. You were completely into it. Your hair flaying about. All he could do was grin. When he came to a rail road crossing you asked him to stop. He looked to see what you were staring at.
" It's a dog...he looks like he's hurt."
You were out of the car before he could say anything.
"What if it bites you?!" He shouted but you ignored him.
He pulled off to the shoulder and got out. He followed you to the dog. You were already on the ground trying to comfort the whiney puppy.
" Shh it's OK. Your okay." You kept repeating while petting it.
"What should we do?" He asked.
" umm there's a bottle of water in the trunk. Could you please get it?"
He nodded and went. When he came back the dog was in your lap. He sat next to you and watched you try and give the poor thing a drink. But it refused.
" He's bleeding. We need to take him to a vet."
" A'right"
Joe helped you up and opened the car door for you. You settled in with the pup and guided him to a pet hospital. Once the nurses took him back, of course people recognize Joe. So while you waited patiently for results , he was taking pictures with fans. He noticed how worried you look and wanted to comfort you, but the fans weren't letting that happen.
The nurse brought the dog back after a bit and handed you a posted note. You waited outside for him while he finished up with signing. When you guys got back to your place you picked up the dog and took him to the bathroom to clean him up.
Joe wanted to help but the dog seemed to not care for him. So you gave him the duty to call the pet link to report the found dog. He could hear you singing and started to call the pup Benny. While using your phone he saw that you were getting another call from Lucas. He ignored it and kept on with the pet link. He knew who Lucas was and wondered why he was calling you. He felt a wave of jealousy consume him.
Finally when the owners of the puppy were contacted, you and him went downstairs to return him. When Benny was gone you had started to cry a bit. And Joe hugged you.
" It's a'right love. He had to go back."
" I know it's just he was so cute."
" Yeah he was. Love...you smell awful."
You giggled. " Yeah he was a smelly boy."
You guys went back upstairs and you washed up again. When you came out you sat with Joe on your bed.
" You know it would be nice to have a dog."
" Really?"
" Yeah it gets kinda lonely sometimes."
His heart broke. You wouldn't be lonely if he was around more. You laid in his arms and kissed him on the cheek.
" Where are the flowers I sent?"
" Oh I gave them to a nursing home. You sent so many that I thought they would enjoy them just as much."
God you're perfect.
"Oh that's good. Umm you got a call earlier from Lucas. Do you know what he would have wanted?"
" Oh yeah he said he would call so he could let me know when he sent out the rest of my things. He's not a fan of texting."
" Right."
You could tell he was upset about it.
" There's nothing to worry about."
He nodded and kissed you. When that kiss started to become something more you asked him to stop.
" I'm sorry Quinn. I would like to. I do. It's just too soon. We barely see each other and I don't want to ruin anything by jumping in too fast."
He slid off of you. You were right. This whole time you've known each other, you only saw one another in person 4 times. This being the 4th time. The longest visit yet. He knew he wanted you to be his girlfriend and keep you forever. But now his doubts were setting in. He wanted you to move in with him and quit your job so you could travel with him. But he knew you would never agree to change your life so dramatically. One thing he was certain of, he didn't want another minute to pass without you.
" Y/n. Will you be my woman?"
You sat up and faced him. "What? Are you sure?"
He gave you a smirk. " Yes love. Be mine."
You let out a soft sigh. " I thought you'd never ask."
He hugged you pulling you down on top of him. " Is that a yes?"
You said yes into his mouth and kissed him.
3 months had went by in a flash. The FaceTime and calls got more frequent when he was gone. He made sure to talk to you every morning and every night. He was starting to make suttle nudges for you to join him sometimes. But you were always working.
He came home early from a trip and decided to surprise you. He had a key now and he went up to your apartment. As soon as he walked in he saw a half naked man in the kitchen.
Who the fuck are you?
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thatonesystemig · 3 months
yet another small vent
hallucinogenics by matt maeson is a song that describes how i felt the entirety of my last relationship
constantly staying stoned just to cope with everything. lying about quitting and still being stoned. doing dangerous and stupid shit and ignoring the shit going on around me and how i really felt because i was afraid to ever say how i felt. hanging out with people that werent good for me as well ahahah
Rippin' with my sinners 'cause fuck it, man, I ain't no beginner
surrounding myself with people and my "best friend" at the time that were dragging me down with them and into heavier addictions than i was because they made me feel more loved and wanted than the people i was with did
And then I crawled back to the life that I said I wouldn't live in
constantly telling my exes i was giving up on abusing weed and nicotine and telling myself id get the balls to leave them eventually or tell them how i felt. telling myself i deserved better than them and my friend group i was in but staying trapped in it because i thought this was what true love was. that this was normal. that lovers normally treated you like this because they wanted me to get better. that its what i deserved because i was so broken and no one else would want me which is why they were trying to fix me
'Cause I just couldn't open up, I'm always shiftin'
afraid to open up to them because theyd get mad or blame me and itd turn into an argument where id blame and hate myself even more so i had to hide how i felt about everything and lie and say that i was fine with everything
Go find yourself a man who's strong and tall and Christian
in that relationship i wasnt strong and i felt like i didnt live up to their standards. they had this idea in their head of who they wanted me to be and constantly tried to fix me and didnt accept or love me as i was. i felt as if i was never good enough and would never live up to who exactly they wanted me to be because i wasnt getting 'better' fast enough. hell one of my exes even told me "i dont love you as much as him but youll work your way up to that point" regarding my other ex. as if i had to earn their love. as if i was never good enough for them. but i just accepted it. i thought this was normal until my psych and the therapist at the psych ward told me otherwise and that all this was considered abuse.
i didnt realize how bad it was until i hit the breaking point. until i got to the point of almost killing myself because i genuinely thought i was so horrible that i couldnt be fixed, that i wasnt good enough.
the first time i went to the psych ward after the breakup i processed some of the trauma, it had started barely hitting me and thats when the nightmares of the memories i had blocked out began. so i confronted them about it. the one that did the thing blocked me. the other fed me some bullshit excuse that he fed them and said it was a misunderstanding.
when i knew he knew but i was too weak to argue. so i tried to believe it was a misunderstanding, that he genuinely felt that way.
then i remember what he said afterwards implying he knew the state i was in. that he was trying to "help me switch". never told the other that, and i wasnt going to tell them because i didnt wanna hear the fucking excuses and.. i didnt want to believe it because i still loved them both.
plus at that point i realized what hill they would die on. that it would be pointless. that they would never fucking listen to me and just blame me and take his side like they always did.
i guess its karma for not listening to the other 5 girls that were supposedly "jealous" and "spread rumors out of spite" because "all girls are like that" right??? because its normal to have 5 accusations???? im sorry torri. im sorry sage. im sorry daphne. im sorry haley. im sorry quinn. for believing none of yall. ill forever fucking hate myself for it. yall all tried so hard to warn me but i was too fucking deep into it. yall tried to save me and i see that now. yall cut me off because i chose him over yall and i dont fucking blame yall at all. you were all good friends to me and i loved you all dearly and ill miss you, and i dont expect yall to ever come back into my life or talk to me again. i dont blame yall one bit. karma hit me because of it.
but again, im not gonna say what the fuck happened or who did it because im taking it to my grave. besides im just another one of those girls. who will listen to me if hes the poor victim that girls supposedly only accuse because he gives off "creepy vibes"????? no one fucking would. i dont bother telling anyone because i feel like the constant trauma is karma for not being bright enough to listen to them and the least i could do is let my exes live in the illusion that im just making this shit up and it didnt effect me. let them live a normal fucking life with no guilt as punishment for me not listening. he knows what he did. i know what he did. his partner only knows his story but they chose their side and im not gonna get involved
besides, im just over reacting and accusing him out of pettiness right?? im just making this shit up for attention because i only ever did all this shit for attention because im just that broken and fucked up in the head right???
like how dare i confide in close friends when i was terrified to go to anyone else.
i got into a relationship quickly after because i wanted to forget. i wanted to distract myself. i wanted to self harm with sex like i was during the relationship because all i ever was was a fuck toy anyways and i accepted that as my place in life but. they showed me love. we barely had sex because id have horrible panic attacks if i didnt work my way up to it bc of the trauma, but they understood. they didnt pressure me. i didnt feel like i had to have sex with them to make them love me like i had to with him. they actually spent time with me. they talked to me every day until i fell asleep, cuddle me and talk me down when i was panicking instead of yelling at me and blaming me and accusing me of just doing it for attention like i did it on fucking purpose.
now im mostly ace and i feel broken for it but i cant have sex anymore much without feeling absolutely disgusting and sometimes panicking. i used to be a sex worker and make money off my body but i had to quit because of how everything effected me. it made me a good chunk of money but now that ive quit i feel.. good about myself. i hate being seen as an object now.
i stayed friends with him and them because i didnt want to believe he was this monster. i didnt want to believe the man that i had spent 10 years with, the man i had built a life with, the man i was planning to marry and spend the rest of my life with, the man i was so fucking head over heels in love with i was ignoring the pleas of all of my friends to leave before i got seriously hurt like they did. i stayed friends because i wanted to live in this illusion that they still might love me. that i AM over reacting. god i wanted to believe that so fucking badly. the whole friendship with them was the hardest because i just. kept having nightmares and refused to face my trauma.
so i talked to friends on the side. i "spread rumors" or whatever when i was just trying to confide in someone and ask for help since i didnt know what to do. i didnt know whether or not i was over reacting and needed to know. i had to know. it was tearing me apart and i struggled with it up until recently.
i went into psychosis in january because it was tearing me the fuck apart. i felt all this guilt. i blamed myself. then i got crossfaded on new years to try and numb myself. but thats when it started. i heard his dead grandmothers voice telling me i was going to hell for over reacting. i knew i shouldnt have gotten cross faded but it was better than dealing with the fucking trauma.
so i thought it was a one time thing. i got high a month later thinking it was over. the voice came back, but this time as a demon, or satan, or whatever idk all i know is it was a really deep voice and it was terrifying. they were telling me i was going to suffer in hell until i faded out of existance. then the tactile hallucinations of me being on fire started. i had visual hallucinations as well that everything around me was on fire. i felt my skin burning. i was fucking terrified. i was crying, screaming, begging, pleading with the voice to leave me alone. he stayed for a few more hours, having all these hallucinations until i came down from the high.
but i was so desperate to feel numb i got high again. a month later, like clockwork. thinking it would be different. but it got worse, same hallucinations, this time telling me i was going to die soon. that i was going to suffer after i died and there was absolutely nothing i could do to fucking stop it. they fucked with me a bit, saying i was gonna die in an hour because my heart would give out due to how high i was. the voices convinced me the weed was laced and my heart would give out bc of it.
then i came down from it. but this time something was different. from march-april, i was having on and off hallucinations that were consistantly getting worse and more constant over time when i was fucking sober. i didnt smoke after that point. yet every time i got triggered, the thought of my exes coming into my mind, this booming deep voice would tell me to remember where im going, to enjoy what little life i had while it lasts, and tell me to remember whos really in control. and while i no longer had visual hallucinations i still had voices and tactile ones. whenever they told me to remember who was really in control, id feel like i was on fire and my skin was melting off and even though it was a hallucination it hurt so fucking badly. right before i went to the psych ward, at the peak of all this shit, they started trying to convince me to kill myself because "wouldnt hurrying up and serving your sentance then fading out of existance be better than existing in this life" and so on. I finally had my gf at the time take me when i was constantly screaming in terror and crying from it. i tried so hard to avoid going. i had been to the psych ward so many times in my life and it felt so fucking real and i was terrified that nothing would work.
but apparently talking to therapists and processing some trauma and getting your meds readjusted to where youre on much stronger anti psychotics helps whoda thunk it
now trust me im still going through a shit ton of trauma. i still have nightmares every fucking night and hopefully my prazosin can be upped by like. a lot. along with my gabepentin or some other anxiety pill i can take. idk. i know i need therapy but im a on a waiting list and everytime i go to a sliding scale they refuse to touch me bc im diagnosed w schizoaffective, did, and cptsd and i need someone that "specializes" in that then they fucking refer me to a specialist that costs $100+ per visit w no insurance and. honestly i gotta put other costs above my mental health rn lmao. im a broke bitch.
and @ my psych writing this down so i can remember to bring rose or chris in with me and help me recall this story bc there might be some parts in the story i missed. i know this all sounds like bullshit but i feel like i have to have a fucking witness who was there and saw it all because i sound so fucking crazy and i want to also assure you IM BARELY HAVING HALLUCINATIONS I MAINLY HAVE NIGHTMARES AND I AM NOT SUICIDAL. sorry this ones a rly long read but i finally got to articulate this shit without having a breakdown. thank you for reading this and letting me talk to you about this before my head fucking exploded. dont send me on another grippy sock vacation pls im just trying to articulate trauma
anyways like that one quote in bojack horseman, "when youre wearing rose colored glasses, all the red flags are just flags"
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sonderrow · 1 year
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       LINK TO QUINN           LINK TO JAEL           LINK TO ARCHER
I entirely get the urge of wanting to roleplay, expand our muses together, and this is my personal starting pack for Archer! If you’re hooked to one category but don’t think your muse can fit still HMU about it and I’ll see how we can work that out! REMINDER I HAVE A LOT OF THREADS. Like often a lot. Roleplaying is something that effortlessly really relaxes me, but I am still one human. I like to see all my threads through no matter how long the wait is and do my best ! Thus we might not be threading right off the bat depending on how much stuff I have, but everything established can get into asks, dash shenanigans, etc. What matters is that it shapes our characters. 🙏
FRIENDS. Ha. Good joke. Roy has no one he’d consider a friend.
ENEMIES. Despite having part of his power stolen by his past disciples, Roy is still a man of incredible talent and martial prowess, being able to take down groups that are even made of supernatural beings through millenniums of trained strategy, paired with a perfect knowledge of his own body and abilities. He uses those abilities to fight corruption in the world, and anyone who does wrong is a target. However, he is still only one man, with time against him. Despite not making your character’s life entirely crumble, he is definitely someone who eradicates any operation he decides will end, even if it is a hydra who will regain its end shortly afterwards.
RIVALS. Even with his idealistic virtues and actions, Roy is still a strong realist, who realizes the limits of what he can do. This means mingling with people of questionable morals to attain a greater goal. Your character is one of those people. An informant or maybe a lawyer, who probably judge his way of being, but as long as he pays you back (be it with money or something else)…
EXES. Due to social pressure, Roy has had at time to date the occasional girl who fancied him. It, however, always tended to only last a few months and not even be a consummated relationship, as Roy’s partner would, past his dazzling qualities of “marriage material”, figure he never liked them, despite not having done anything wrong during their relationship. This profile fits any presenting female muses who are the upstanding citizens type and would be willing to give Roy a shot at love !
PROFESSIONAL PEERS. Roy studies and work in environmental research, with an emphasis on mammals protection. The field is one where he socializes with many people, from other researches, interns, staff on the field or out of the field, professors or even people involved in politics to get projects funded and approved. It is a notable environment, because it is a field that is truly, deeply important to him, and both his straightforwardness and passion for duty shine the most there… even if his personal life is entirely walled off from this one. Quite self explanatory !  
SUPERNATURAL PEER. Roy is not the only one who has lived longer than what is now nowadays’ humans life length expectation. Even if none are from his time or went through the same thing as him, they can always relate to a brand of pain and obstacles which no others can imagine. This profile fit supernatural beings who wouldn’t fit in other categories, beings which are more defined by their nature than mimicking a mortal lifestyle. They’d usually be relatively neutral people who’d be willing to approach Roy to give him some form of company. Even if it is in the most silent, mundane way, those relationships are of significance. They can have seen the end of mankind once and its rebirth, or they can also be a few centuries old in this era.
COLLEAGUES AND REGULARS. Roy is a masseur at a hotel spa. Despite being seemingly a mundane position, those are people who still get to socialize with him on a regular basis… which basically never happens in his personal life. Witness his peculiar character different moods, and maybe want to get involved with it, or comment on it.
DISCIPLES. In one of his most significant lifetime, Roy had four disciples in a temple set in East Asia. As he grew himself immensely powerful to the point he’d been labeled a deity for the generations to come, so did the students he took under his wing. Tales even imply that those disciples might have come from other time and worlds, as the concentration of lifeflow in the temple affected reality itself. Despite their betrayal, it would be no wonder if such powerful beings, having taken away a piece of power from their master, would be reborn. This profile fits muses with a strong sense of virtue and justice who’d be willing to dip their muse into my canon ! I’d be more than happy to tell you what I set as a reason for Roy’s disciples to turn on him, but if you find an even better idea I am all for it; I am, after all, roleplaying here and not just writing on my own, it can be OUR story too ! The idea here is for Roy’s disciples to have taken as much lifeflow from him as they could for themselves out of his remains, giving them the ability to be reborn with their abilities and appearance, albeit at a much, much slower pace than Roy can do, and without their concrete memory or very little of it (unlike Roy who slowly recalls them at all time).
PAST LIFETIME. Not everyone who supported (or not) Roy was a chosen one, or even a martial artist. In his past lives, Roy had numerous bonds, like them or not. Usually from local villages as he preferred much more tranquil and calm areas to settle, atop of borrowing the local blacksmiths’ workshop at times for his own work. This profile fits muses coming from ancient type of settings as their main asset and would like to interact through Roy’s past lifetimes, who’d, in his own way, potentially carry their own legacy in the next one.
ANOTHER LIFETIME. Roy’s idea of being the last of his civilization is set in stone. However, he has lived many lifetimes, some which were entirely lost and there is no real telling how much he’s been through as he, himself, lost touch with the world and time. The life cycle goes on, even if it is not the same. And people are reborn from the essence of others, maybe to meet again in another lifetime. This profile can truly fit anyone, mortals or not, who’d be willing to have Roy and their muse having met in another life, with the mental memories gone, but the physical ones staying. Energies will naturally bring them close to one another, like they know each others but they actually don’t, not in this lifetime yet.
THE HIGH PRIESTESS (?). The High Priestess’ lifeflow fused with Roy when she decided to give him her gift to be eternal. Although she remains inside him alongside their civilization, life works in mysterious ways. And there is no telling that, somehow, her, but not her power, her as a person, can someday find him again. This profile is not something I’m actively looking for, but definitely an option for someone who wants to go KNEES DEEP in this with me hahaha. It is most likely to fit muses who already has a backstory of being reborn from power, and have a very close persona than Roy’s biography describe. The High Priestess DOESN’T have to be limited to only female muses, they can be of any gender, both in the past and present, or have been a woman in another lifetime and be reborn another gender, etc. since the Firsts’ mentality were in deeper levels than individualistic labels. The matter was of no real importance to them, and the appellation Priestess, as in feminine, was chosen out of a tone that whoever held this title was to be motherly. Despite their strong bond, the Priestess is not the same as she was anymore, and so is Roy. They will never be the same again. Despite this plot running deep, it doesn’t guarantee any form of relationship with Roy, and will develop on chemistry through interactions.
MISC.I’ll add more when I think of them! DO THROW ME YOUR IDEAS LET’S GO.
Like with any interaction, relationships are officially in the singleverse timeline if it is roleplayed to a minimum extensively. Looking forwards to write with you !
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sleeplesshq · 2 years
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Sleepy Hollow welcomes you, Rach! We hope you enjoy your stay in town as we work hard to rebuild the unity that was once lost! Please send in your account within 24 hours to secure Dan Stevens as your faceclaim!  
name: Quinn Cameron
faceclaim: Dan Stevens
gender & pronouns: cisgender male | he/him
species: Human
age: 38
occupation: Doctor at Tarrytown Hospital
BIOGRAPHY(tw: death and violence ):
Just because someone was raised a certain way doesn’t mean that is the only life path for them. For as long as Quinn Cameron could remember; he could feel the overwhelming urge to be as far away from his family's legacy as he could. The Cameron’s were well known in the supernatural community as hunters. They had ruined entire families by the time Quinn had reached puberty and they wanted him to join. Quinn however could only feel disgust with the way his family saw supernaturals and wanted to try to change things. However due to his family’s iron grip of his life at that point and the fear he would face the same consequences others had; Quinn stayed silent through his teen years as his family began to train him to become a new hunter in the family.
He maintained the fact he had never killed anyone. He may have been taught the tools to do so, but the only people he wanted dead were his own flesh and blood. Instead, the young man wanted to help other people instead of harming them and wanted to go into the medical field. As he grew older he only began to rebel further and by the time he was sent to track a coven of witches he bailed on the mission entirely and warned them instead, ensuring their safety . When he returned home the failure earned his fathers ire; which left him bloody and bruised, but with an ample window to get the hell out of town and do something else with his life. He didn’t want to be just another puppet to his family and that night he loaded up his car, took what he could, and started over with the promise of enrollment at a college halfway across the country.
It wasn’t easy, but he tried his best to make sure those who knew who he was didn’t associate his name with the rest of the family. He faced a lot of altercations from people blaming him for what his family had done. The Cameron’s were good at tracking, but they never once reached out and Quinn preferred it that way. He was able to maintain his studies and not have the overwhelming pain of the Cameron legacy of blood on his shoulders. He graduated in the top of his class and was on the right track to gaining a coveted position in New York.  It was during his residency that the young doctor had run into a familiar face that he didn’t think he’d ever see again. He never forgot her face though. She had been one of the witches in the coven he had helped to evade his family that fateful day and he was pleased to find out they were still safe. The two started to bond over being far from home and the fact they had this complicated connection. The bond soon formed into a romantic one and the pair fell in love and married after Quinn found a permanent post as a doctor.
Not long after they married; the pair found out they were going to have a daughter and Quinn couldn’t have been more excited. He always knew his family could hear about things, but between his hunter training and his wife’s powers  had always ensured they were three steps ahead. After their daughter Rosie was born, it seemed like everything was going to be okay. His wife had brought up an idea about moving to a town where they would stay safe and be able to live in peace. One of her friends from her old coven had moved to Sleepy Hollow and she was hoping for the opportunity to be allowed to move there with her family. Tragedy struck in its place. They had let their guard down. He had let his guard down and soon some of his family had shown up to destroy the happy family;  leaving Quinn alone with a toddler to raise. They sent their message and Quinn knew they wouldn’t come back for him. They wanted him to live in constant pain over what had happened and to suffer a lonely traitors life.
He had hoped they were going to be okay, but without the person he loved more than anyone else; Quinn didn’t know what to do. He blamed himself for the attack; believing he shouldn’t have ruined her life by falling in lovr. He put a target on their backs and paid the price because he knew how his family was and yet he pretended he could hide forever. The only thing he knew was he needed to find Rosie somewhere safe to be, somewhere where no one would ever find them again. However, he didn’t think he was being sought out by his wife’s friend to move to that safe town she has described. Quinn had a huge red mark on him from his name, but his circumstances weren’t a secret toward the supernatural community. He was in over his head with a young daughter who was bound to come into her own as a witch and she needed a community and others to guide her  in a way he couldn’t provide.
When he was able to, Quinn moved to town with Rosie and took a position as a doctor in the local hospital and tried to make sure his daughter would remain safe and have a network of people who could aid her. While it’s been 5 years since his wife’s death; Quinn is still mourning over the life they could have had together. With the barriers open and more people aware of the presence of supernaturals, Quinn is on edge. He’s worried the increasing number of  people won’t want him in town over who he is related to. He’s worried others look down on Rosie because he’s her father and brought this life upon them. And in the end that he and his daughter may be more trouble than they’re worth.
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krytus · 2 years
babygirl i can draw parallels between media you've never even heard of
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russian-soft-bitch · 2 years
It Had to be Done
Nick Goode x reader
Requested by: anon. Can I request a Nick Goode with a love quinn type of wife who is extremely giving and liked by people and an ideal partner, but she has not hesitation killing to protect her family including keeping her husband's secret safe?
Warnings: mentions of killing, blood, death
A/n: okay, this is my first fic I'm SO proud of, I like it so much, besties.
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He was laying in your bed with you sound asleep in his arms; your delicate hand laying there on his chest just above his heart. The night was in its full glory; moon shining through the curtains, light illuminating your beautiful face. Nick looked at you and kissed your forehead, trying not to wake you up. Moments like this were very rare nowadays, with his job and your want to make Sunnyvale even better for your future kids.
Kids. He couldn’t believe he was thinking about it; not just dreaming but really considering it. Before he married you, Nick promised himself to never get married and never have kids; he didn’t want them to become just like him. But meeting you was what changed his life forever. His emotions, his motivation, his plans. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to him. Before you, he thought Ziggy was the person he couldn’t fall out of love with. She was always there, in the back of his mind, constantly reminding him of his failure as a son, as a boy and as a man.
From the very beginning, you never treated him the way he was treating himself; you never spoke or even thought lowly of him, telling him every day that he’s the person who’s making their city better and better every day. Nick couldn’t remember a day without you telling him that he’s the smartest and the most handsome man you’ve ever met. With you by his side he was happy to the point of being afraid to wake and realize that his sick mind just created you out of nowhere, mixing all the traits that could compose a perfect woman, and that all that was just a dream.
The opportunity of seeing you every day, waking up by your side, talking to you was something he wouldn’t trade for the world. The moment he told you about his not so little secret, he was scared to death of you turning your back to him and never going back. But you surprised him yet again. He’ll never forget your soft hands on his cheeks, your soft quiet voice saying that you’ll never leave him, no matter what. Nick still remembers your tentative steps and careful touches when you explored the place you thought was just a basement. You never brought it up again.
You only asked Nick about it when the Shadyside mall incident happened; his answer was simple, “It had to be done”.
You wouldn’t have any more questions, but you started to see a particular teenage girl pretty often. After the very touching ceremony in memory of those who died tragically in the mall, you joined Nick, having a little hope to spend some time with your husband alone, but something happened in the woods. Stupid teenagers couldn’t keep it easy, you thought. You sat there in sheriff’s car, just watching. Then, one night you couldn’t sleep and decided to drop something to eat for Nick and Kapinski. The whole gang was there, trying to say something about the skull mask killer trying to get them. You left the department and went straight home, hoping to see Nick there.
‘Did he choose the wrong one?’, was all you could think about, pacing the room again and again. When you confronted Nick about it, he told you that he has everything under control and that you don’t have to worry about it. Control, my ass.
That faithful night, you were down there, sitting beside the stones, hoping to never use the knife you were holding. Nick told you about the secret tunnels that connected some spots in both cities to his house, so you knew, if something happens, he will go here.
The moment you heard his voice, you started to follow it, then Deena’s scream followed. The moment you saw Nick, you knew something was wrong. He looked puzzled, scared, confused. He looked like he saw everything what has to do with the place you were currently in. Deena was clutching a knife in her hand, raising it higher and higher. It probably lasted seconds, but you were feeling like everything was too slow in that moment. Crying out, you were stabbing her in the back. It didn’t kill Deena, the adrenalin was still keeping her alive and fighting. The knife she wanted to pierce through Nick’s head, ended up injuring his neck. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him sitting down helplessly, trying to stop the blood that was oozing out of the wound. Deena turned to you and tried to stab you, with a weak scream leaving her mouth.
You pushed her, making the knife fall out of her hand, “You act all pure and noble, like you have reasons to just stab people! But when I do it, I'm some manic nut job!”. Deena was trying to grab her knife, “He’s a killer! Don’t protect him, just run away!” You took a moment to look at Nick, panic overflowing you for a second, as you saw him laying on the floor, eyed closed. You didn’t have more time to think about it, as you felt sharp pain in your shoulder. You cried out, holding your knife tighter and trying to hit the girl again. “He’s my husband! And I’ll kill anyone to protect him!” With the final blow to her chest, she dropped to the floor unconscious. You took a few deep breaths and ran to Nick.
He died that night. With horrible images running through his head, with the knowledge that he doesn’t have enough strength to protect you, the love of his life. Seeing you fight for him, for the life you two had. He didn’t see the final act, your eyes burning with rage as you finished off the teenager.
He only saw your bandaged shoulder, fabric red with blood in a few places. Saw your eyes glowing with unshed tears and feeling of relief. Saw white walls and ceiling in his hospital room. Something tight blocking his neck, nor allowing to turn it.
Horrible pictures he saw the night before seemed like a bad dream; only the pain in the neck reminding him that he should’ve been dead.
He felt your soft lips on the scar he hated so much. Nick blinked a few times, chasing away the horrible memories that took place two years ago. You kissed his jaw and stroked his chest, lowering your head above his heart. “Honey, you need to sleep, our kids will wake you up too early again”, your gentle voice was still laced with sleep. “Yeah, I was just thinking…how grateful I am to have you”, you felt his arm holding you a little bit tighter. You smiled and felt yourself slowly drifting back to sleep.
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