elainiisms · 8 months
she may not be a lesbian in canon, but she is a lesbian in my heart
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hugshughes · 6 months
invisible string L. Hughes
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Luke Hughes x fem!reader
synopsis - Luke had been one of your closest friends since childhood. Somehow, everything in both of your lives just came back to each other.
wc - 3.8k
contains - cursing, literally nothing, extremeeeeeeeee fluff, kissing, hugging, cuddling, (im just a girl ok), obliviousness, this is a bittttt cliche... THEY CONFESS AND KISS IN THE RAIN OK???? idiots in love, eating and drinking. TAKES PLACE SUMMER 2023 (like end of May???)
an - SLIGHTLY EDITED!!! im hunrgy. anyways THIS WAS SO FCUKINF CUTE TO WRITEEEEEEE. my luke baby is so invisible string😇😇😇😇. ugh i miss him. i (possibly intoxicatedly) karaoked better man by Taylor Swift the other night just fyi. my author notes are like my personal diary because i assume no one reads them. i could prob say my ss number and full name address and no one would ever know. do u guys know how fuckign embarrassing it is to reread a fic u posted a few days ago and find typos like u guys probably think im stupid and hate me now. this was not at all about Luke Hughes or Invisible String... ENJOY BABIES!!!!
green was the color of the grass, where i used to read in centennial park. i used to think i would meet somebody there.
You were what some would call a hopeless romantic. You loved love. You loved reading it, watching it, seeing it in real life, it was just beautiful to you.
You'd grown up with the Hughes boys. They were your neighbors during the summer, your family's lake house being next to theirs. You were the same age as their youngest son, Luke. You two were ride or dies during the summer, and when you finally got a phone in seventh grade, you two texted the rest of the year.
It was finally summer, your school year at Notre Dame had come to a close and you were able to fly home and go to the lake with your family all by May 13th. You watched the final Canes games against the boys, you were sad for them, but so proud of your best friend.
It was nearing June, and you were alone in the lake house, opting out of the afternoon boat ride for some peace and quiet. You walked through the halls, stopping at the dresser covered in summer photos. You and your brother, you and Luke, more you and Luke, and some of your brother and the Hughes.
teal was the color of your shirt, when you were sixteen at the yogurt shop. you used to work at to make a little money.
You noticed one of your favorite photos wasn't there, the one of you and Luke when you were about 16, you're both standing behind the counter at the ice cream place you two worked at during that summer. You spent all day with Luke during those days, and it was the best.
You opened the dresser the photos sat on, seeing more photos. The ice cream shop one, and one you weren't anticipating. You didn't know your mom had printed and framed it. It was you and Luke the summer you were 18, both smiling at the camera with the sunset in the background as you sat on his lap in an Adirondack chair in the backyard of the Hughes' house.
The photo gave you crazy butterflies. That summer was the last time you saw Luke during the summer. Last summer you two were both at the lake at different times, you'd seen his whole family, minus him. His mom told you how he was still with his college teammates on a different Michigan lake. You had to act like you didn't really care, even though you did, so much.
Since the picture was just sitting in the dresser, not on display, you decided to take it to your room. You placed it gently on your bedside table, smiling then leaving to go down to the pool.
time, curious time. gave me no compasses, gave me no signs.
It was weird how you and Luke always seemed to be pulled together. There was some driving force between you two that was unbreakable, not even if you wanted it to. When it wasn't the summer, you lived three hours from the Hughes family, so randomly bumping into Luke was even more bizarre than anything else.
You remember when you were 15, you and your mom were picking up dinner one night at a local place and in walks Luke, Jack, and Ellen. You squealed when you saw him, running over to say hey. The boys had been in town for hockey, weirdly enough.
Interactions like that happened way more often than normal, you randomly bumped into the boy at least once every two or three months for years.
were there clues i didn't see? and isn't it just so pretty to think,
You remember when you were surprised by Luke at age 17. He came and surprised you as your prom date and you were floored. He had flowers and a corsage for you, and his tie matched your dress perfectly. Your moms thought it was the cutest thing ever, how you both blushed and giggled when near each other.
all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me?
Even though you two couldn't seem to get away from each other, neither of you ever made a move romantically. It just didn't seem realistic, you already lived hours away from each other and were going to colleges even farther, well Luke was going to the NHL but you get the point.
You guys were just best friends, always best friends. Your families knew, especially his brothers. They were your biggest fans, probably because they saw how you made their baby brother, how soft he was with you. You made him gentle, but also made him more comfortable and talkative, which Quinn and Jack loved.
Luke made you weak, and your family noticed. You could jokingly bicker with him, but when it came down to real disagreement, you never could with Luke. He just gave you those deep hazel eyes and you were melted on the floor. He was just that person for you. The one who could ask you to do anything under the sun and you'd do it for his praise.
You spent long nights with Luke, sitting in the backyard of one of your lake houses and watching the moon and stars and talking about anything. You could listen to Luke talk about property tax for hours and probably never get bored, that's how much you admired him.
bad was the blood of the song in the cab, on your first trip to L.A. you ate at my favorite spot for dinner.
You remember the weirdest instance of your bumping into each other, you were in Los Angeles with friends during the very beginning of winter break and saw Luke eating in the same restaurant as you with a couple of his friends.
You texted him, not believing what you were seeing. You asked him if he was in L.A. When he responded 'Yes just for a few days why' you were shocked. You stood and made your way across the noisy restaurant and went up to his table, where you put your hand on his shoulder and when he turned around, he was the most surprised he'd been in a long time.
You remember he jumped up, hugging you so tightly, pulling away with his jaw still dropped. You guys always told each other you had to stop meeting 'like this', but it never seemed to stop.
The next day, you two planned to branch out from your friends and meet up for lunch. You guys drove a little ways from Los Angeles, east into the country, and ate at the cutest restaurant that had a view of a lake. You two always found yourselves together by lakes.
bold was the waitress on our three year trip, getting lunches down by the lake. she said i looked like an american singer.
You remember how bold your waitress was at that restaurant, immediately boasting about how she thought you two were the cutest couple she'd ever seen. Your face was burning hot, trying not to have a breakdown in the middle of the restaurant. It got even worse when Luke didn't correct her and just said 'Thank you', instead.
That was the last time you saw Luke, you were hoping to see him very soon, though. It had been almost two weeks since the loss to the Canes, so it made sense for the boys to be arriving soon. You'd already seen Ellen and Jim a couple of nights on the back porch with your parents, but no 6'2 boys named Luke were to be seen.
time, mystical time. cutting me open then healing me fine. were there clues i didn't see?
You'd had two boyfriends in your life. One in your 8th-grade year and freshman year of high school, then one in your junior year of high school. You'd broken up with boyfriend #2 because you realized you compared him to Luke, every move he made, you compared to Luke. It made you feel terrible, but you were head over heels for another boy.
You and Luke had your senior sunrises on the same day during your senior years, and decided to skip them and drive to the lake to watch the sunrise together. Your moms were furious, but it was one of the best memories you had with him.
Your interest in each other was so painfully obvious that most of your and his family referred to you as his girl during the summer. 'Where's Luke's girl?', or 'We're just waiting for Moose's girl.' It was never when you two were in the same room, so your reactions were always priceless.
and isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string, tying you to me?
Your family was back from their afternoon boating escapade and you could hear them all bustling in. The second they walked in you heard your brother shout for you.
"Moosey's girl! Come down here!"
You blushed madly, getting up from your bed and walking down the stairs with an annoyed look on your face. When you got to the bottom of the stairs you could see your sister-in-law slapping your brother across the back of his head, telling him to leave you alone.
"What do you want?"
You immediately went from annoyed to overjoyed when your almost two year old niece ran over to you, shouting out your name. You picked her up, giving her a kiss on her tubby cheek, embracing her sandy and salt water ridden love.
"We're going out to dinner in like, an hour and a half? Honestly just whenever we can get that little monster bathed and dressed."
You nodded but immediately jumped to defend your little best friend.
"This thing? This baby is an angel, aren't you?"
The little girl nodded, a sassy smile on her face as she tried to say 'angel, dada.' in her slurred toddler speech.
Your brother gave you both a look, before springing into action to grab his baby, tickling all the giggles and sqeals out of her.
You talked and played for a little longer before getting ready to go. You quickly showered and dried your hair, putting on a little linen white summer dress, and your old pair of Birkenstocks. You drove with your brother and sister-in-law on the way to dinner, sitting next to your niece in the backseat.
a string that pulled me out of all the wrong arms, right into that dive bar.
You guys were seated immediately at the restaurant, you sat between your sister-in-law and dad at the table, just close enough to talk to your favorite niece.
The restaurant was a popular spot for locals and tourists near the lake. It had a big bar in the middle and lots of tables surrounding, it was loud, but not obnoxious, and very homey. You'd probably been there over a hundred times in your life.
You were watching a random golf tournament on one of the many TVs in the bar when your brother called out your name. You looked up and the look on his face was excitement and shock.
"Look who happened to show up!"
something wrapped up all of my past mistakes, in barbed wire. chains around my demons. wool to brave the seasons.
He pointed behind him, and your eyes followed the trail to the entrance, where you saw none other than Luke Hughes standing with his family, waiting to be seated. Your jaw dropped, and a smile came over you. You saw Quinn hit Luke and then point directly at you, and when your eyes met Luke's, you could've fainted. He was in khakis and a white polo and looked so handsome.
You stood up, mumbling something to your family before practically running over to the entrance, throwing your arms around Luke.
one single thread of gold tied me to you.
"Holy shit."
Luke had his arms wrapped around you so tightly, he was so surprised to see you. He knew he would have seen you tomorrow if not tonight but he still just missed you and was shocked.
"We have gotta stop meeting like this."
You giggled when you pulled away from him, as reluctant as you were on the inside. You quickly hugged the rest of his family, not without Jack whispering, 'hey Moose's girl' to you.
You pleaded with the bar staff to push more tables together so you could sit with the Hughes, and it didn't take much convincing, seeing they'd known you since you were 6.
You sat next to Luke after the readjustment for the new tables, now sitting between him and your niece, who had all but thrown a fit about how she wanted to sit by you, not her dad, which made you laugh in his face.
At some point, you'd taken the baby from her high chair and brought her into your lap. You and Luke were both in your little world with her, she was so cute and loving. You guys didn't notice how practically the whole table stared at you with knowing eyes, they all knew, everyone except for you two.
The food came, and the baby was back in her seat. You just talked and talked and talked to Luke. You'd last seen him in December, and there was just so much to say. You'd both had tons of stuff happen to you, his NHL career, your career, everything was so exciting to tell him about.
Luke was so heavily infatuated with you, it was funny. His brothers watched as he folded for you so easily, admiring every syllable that left your mouth, nodding like a man possessed. They mumbled to each other, making fun of their baby brother's obliviousness.
cold was the steel of my axe to grind, for the boys who broke my heart. now i send their babies presents.
At some point, dinner got a little bit boring so you pulled out your phone, and what popped up was the baby registry you were buying something off of for your ex-boyfriend's pregnant wife. It was funny, how everything boiled down. Luke saw the infant clothing on your phone and gave you a questionable look.
"'S there something you're not telling me?"
You looked up at him, then back to your phone, your eyes going wide at the insinuation.
"Oh my God, Luke, no! This is for Darren's soon to be born baby, with his wife.
"Darren? Like your ex boyfriend Darren?"
You nodded, laughing and explaining the whole thing to him. You'd somehow become friends with his now wife in your freshman year of college, her junior year, and with the way the world worked for you of course she was married to your ex-boyfriend.
The rest of the night was perfect, and ended with your whole family, minus your sleeping niece, in the Hughes' backyard around the fire pit. That night you ended up right back where you were in the picture on your nightstand, right in Luke's lap in your favorite Adirondack chair.
You spent the next week with the Hughes boys, specifically your Hughes boy. You drove the boat out on the lake, wake surfed, Luke even convinced you to go golfing, not that it took him very long because you would say yes to anything he asked.
gold were the color of the leaves, when i showed you centennial park.
You sat by Luke at the end of the dock while you two watched the very cloudy sunset. There was supposed to be rain soon, but it didn't mean the sunset wasn't still pretty. Your thighs were pressed together with how close you sat to each other, giving you both warmth in your chest.
Neither of you said anything, but you both felt something when you let your head rest on his shoulder.
"This is so pretty, Lukey. I missed this with you."
It wasn't much, but it was a way to say that you loved him without saying the real words. I missed watching the sunset with you, I've always loved you.
hell was the journey, but it brought me heaven.
"I missed you."
You closed your eyes, you just wanted to be with him, didn't matter where. You could be watching a sunset on the lake or climbing a mountain, if you were with Luke you were happy.
"Think it's gonna rain soon?"
You looked up at him when you asked, your head never leaving his shoulder. He looked down for a second, before looking out at the sky.
time, wondrous time. gave me the blues and then purple-pink skies.
"Probably, but let's just stay for a few more minutes, okay?"
You relaxed into him further. His arm went to your back, rubbing back and forth. It could probably be pouring down rain and you wouldn't even notice, not when you had Luke with you, like this, you were Moose's girl after all.
It started sprinkling, causing you to look back at Luke, waiting to see if he reacted. He didnt, so you just stayed. Rain never hurt anybody, you'd be the last person to ruin this moment complaining about rain.
This was so strange. It felt like you were stuck in time, the gentle rain made you feel encapsulated in the moment. You sat there, staring off at the sky, the sunset was not as clear now with the thick clouds rolling in, but the colors were still there. The rain kept on passing through, the drops gaining weight and speed.
Luke didn't mind the rain, but he didn't want you to feel like he was forcing you out here, so he shifted to stand, grabbing your hand.
"C'mon, you can't get sick during summer."
You sighed, letting him pull you to your feet. He didn't let go of your hand as he turned to pull you back to your house. You don't know what came over you, but the circumstances seemed perfect, you felt like you had to tell him. You pulled him to a stop, and he turned to look with a confused face.
"What's wrong?"
You looked from him to the ground, looking at your feet, the worn dock you'd run around on summer after summer, the lake you grew up swimming with him in. This place was so full of Luke, of you and Luke.
"I, I really like you Luke. Like literally since we were 12, and I, I just.."
You trailed off, looking anywhere but those eyes.
Luke was flabbergasted. That's the only word to describe how he felt. The girl he was in love with, just said she liked him since they were little. He just stared at her, not believing what he heard.
"Are you for real?"
You would've been embarrassed, had you not heard the pure hope in his voice. You nodded, feeling your face heat up. You covered your face with your hands self-consciously. If you could look at Luke's face, you would’ve seen how he was red all from his neck to his ears.
Luke gently grabbed your hands, pulling them away from your face, and replacing them with his own. He tilted your head back so you looked at him, staring at you for just a second before pulling you in, kissing you, finally.
and it's cool, baby, with me.
Holy shit. You were freaking out, you were probably gonna be jumping up and down whenever he decided to stop kissing you. He did pull away, after a long while, when the rain started pouring. The colors of the sunset had been drowned out by the thunderclouds but you two still felt all sunny on the inside.
There was a rumble in the far distance, while you stared at him, and him back at you. You couldn't contain your excitement, you felt like running a marathon.
"Oh my God."
Your hands went back to your face, and you literally jumped. Luke laughed as you surged with happiness. He felt the same way, his smile bigger and brighter than ever before.
You grabbed his hand, tugging him back to your house quickly. You were finally under the cover of your back porch, out of harm's way. You grabbed two towels from the outside cupboards and wrapped yourselves up, you dried your feet off before running up the stairs, Luke hot on your tail.
You two got upstairs and sat on your bathroom counter while you dried off. You talked quietly, giggling an awful lot.
Once you got dry enough, you led him to your bedroom. You grabbed one of his sweatshirts you had before going to take a pair of your brother's shorts, throwing them to Luke when you got back to your room.
"Here, go change so you don't get sick."
You noticed he had more than the stuff you'd just thrown at him in his hands, he had the picture that previously sat on your night stand.
and isn't it just so pretty to think,
"I like this picture, you have to send it to me, baby."
Baby? You could've died. You nodded, mumbling out an butchered agreement, gesturing for him to leave and get dressed again.
While he was gone, you changed into some sweatpants and another one of Luke's sweatshirts, one you'd had for almost two years. When Luke came back into your room, he'd noticed your sweatshirt immediately. It was from his travel team when he was 16, and it made him so happy.
all along there was some invisible string,
You smiled at him sweetly as he walked back over to you, grabbing your face and kissing you for the second time in the last thirty minutes. You got the same butterflies you'd had living inside you since you were a little girl. This boy had been living in your head since you'd known him, and he was finally yours after you'd been his girl for so many years.
tying you to me?
You both pulled away, wrapping each other in a hug. Luke rocked you two back and forth, leaving kisses on your head.
"I love you, Moosey."
"I love you."
ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh he-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
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highdefinitions · 28 days
the idiots list was severely outdated so here is what else i’ve collected over time
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the matt boldy cannot swim propaganda lives on..
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stalker-sanctuarys · 2 years
all my "i can fix him" energy comes from being the quiet girl all the teachers would sit bad boys next to in class.
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mcuxhp777 · 4 months
The Gay and Lesbian
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Plus their unhinged bisexual partners
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wbye-arts · 5 months
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new years celebrations 🙌🏼 🎉🙇‍♀️
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448 notes · View notes
aliaology · 7 months
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important note!
summary: dating jack hughes should’ve been the last thing you had done. from hearing about his play boy acts, to random hookups, you should’ve known he wasn’t bound to be loyal. bells ( y/n ) dated jack, for three years, and was ultimately broken up with one her 20th birthday after a huge argument in which she found out she was being cheated on.
now it’s no surprise that jacks brothers stayed to support him, but the argument with luke ultimately left her crushed along with the argument with trevor that left her all alone in new jersey. she finally moves back to toronto, living with her brother until she can get a stable income.
for the next two years, she slowly works herself back up and in the present time, finally releases the music she made. the thing is, its all about jack and everyone knows, including him. maybe, just maybe, coles party and the events after that can fix a love that should’ve been timeless.
pairings: jack hughes x fem!marner!reader, jack hughes x fem!oc (they arent endgame promise),
warnings: jealousy, lots of it! mentions of cheating, slut-shaming, yelling, alcohol use, underage drinking.
extra: so readers album is just gonna consist of taylor swift songs 😞😞 so wtvr!!
part one (social media!)
part two (social media!)
part three (irl!)
part four (social media!)
part five (irl!)
part six (irl!)
part seven (irl!)
part eight (social media!)
y/n (about her!)
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hughesluv · 11 months
Late | Quinn Hughes
quinn hughes x fem!reader even years into your relationship with him, quinn can’t seem to keep his hands off of you- even when it means being late for his game. (words: 0.5k)
a/n: thank you for the request anon! this is something really quick as i’m finishing up other requests and planning stuff for a possible celly😁
request: prompt #13 with quinn? thank you
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Breathlessly, you pull away from Quinn. His lust filled eyes lock with yours. A grin tugs at your lips as he attempts to connect your lips again. “Quinn, you’re going to be late!” You giggled, showing him your Apple watch.
He glanced back at you, a mischievous grin forming on his face, and shrugged nonchalantly. "Who cares?" he replied with a playful glint in his eyes.
You couldn't help but giggle at his antics, "I care, Quinn. You can’t miss your game.”
He chuckled, pulling you close with a sly smirk. "I know, I know," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear. "But right now, all I want is to be with you." His lips traced a gentle path along your jawline, causing your heart to skip a beat. His hand fell to your thigh, rubbing circles dangerously close to your core.
You tried to resist his charms, but it was almost impossible. Quinn had a way of making you melt with his sweet gestures and warm affection. He knew exactly how to distract you from anything else in the world.
"Quinn," you managed to say, though your voice was laced with desire. "You really need to go." Truthfully, you wished he didn’t have to go to the game. You wished he could stay home and have his way with you. Unfortunately, the universe wasn’t on your side with that one.
He chuckled softly, looking into your eyes. "Okay, okay, I'll go," he relented, but not before giving you one final lingering kiss. "Just one more for good luck."
You smiled, knowing that you couldn't deny him that request. As he pulled away, you placed a quick peck on his cheek. "Good luck, baby. I’ll be cheering for you in the stands.”
Pink flooded his cheeks before he finally tore himself away from you, grabbing his car keys and heading towards the door. He turned back to give you one last smile before disappearing out of the front door. God, this boy was going to be the end of you.
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humbug-demartino · 3 months
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Daria Seventeen Fall/Winter 1998 Magazine
from [deleted user] on reddit
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its-me-jane-lane · 3 months
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only one of them is right and i can only assume we are all on the same page about who
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elainiisms · 2 years
defending evil and hated female characters online is a full time job and i clock in every single morning.
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bluebell-lace · 10 months
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“There’s nothing like a mad woman”💌
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highdefinitions · 2 months
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an updated dumbass list for the people
the updated updated list
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fiapartridge · 11 months
invisible string | quinn hughes
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"isn't it just so pretty to think, all along there was some invisible string tying you to me..."
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: when quinn gets chosen to be one of brady tkachuk's groomsmen, he can't help but imagine what it would be like getting married to you...
word count: 729
warning(s): fluff! & sex jokes lol
As soon as Quinn walked out, trailing behind the rest of the groomsmen, his eyes immediately caught sight of you. The entire day, he was stationed in the best man’s suite, making sure Brady didn’t do anything stupid like run out last minute or drink so much he would have to get wheeled into the ceremony, so when he finally saw you in your silky green dress, flowers pinned to your perfect hair, it felt like he got the wind knocked out of him. 
Sitting with his brothers, you didn’t even hear Jack and Luke teasing you for not paying attention to the little flower girl scattering petals down the aisle. All you could do was watch Quinn in his suit and tie as you smiled at the flowers that decorated his pocket square, knowing they matched yours. Emma had a couple extra flowers that she had thrown together to put on the boys, so she gave you some, knowing it would make this day even more special not just for her and Brady, but for you and Quinn, too. 
They had been urging you two to get married for the longest time, but you didn’t feel the need to rush anything. When the time was right, Quinn would pop the question, or you would pull a ‘Friends’ and ask him instead. The time just had to feel right and the moment hadn’t come yet.
Until now. 
When everyone’s eyes lit up and the violins started to play, and Emma floated down the aisle in her beautiful white dress, Quinn couldn’t help but wonder what your guys’ wedding would be like. You had mentioned you wanted it by the water surrounded by all of your closest friends and family and agreed not to make it bigger than 100 people. His little cousins would be the flower girls and Jack and Luke would fight over who would be the best man, but everyone knows Quinn would choose both of them. You had a bet with Quinn that whoever cried first would have to dance with your grandma– she talked anyone’s ear off. One dance with her actually meant three. 
When your eyes met his, he mouthed a soft “I love you,” in which you returned the gesture, your eyes stinging with tears. After the vows, the newlywed couple said “I do,” the guests cheered, and it was time for the reception.
As everyone found their seats, you stood with Quinn’s brothers by the bar, making a bet with Jack that whoever drank the most would have to jump the cliff at the lakehouse when they returned next summer. You were scared shitless of the cliff and as confident as Jack may seem, he hated it too. When Quinn walked over, he smiled watching you laugh with his brothers. No other girl he was with meshed with his brothers as well as you did, which was another point Brady and Emma made when trying to get him to propose to you.
“Hi, baby,” Quinn grinned, wrapping his arms around you from behind as you kissed his cheek. 
“I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages,” you smirked.
Jack rolled his eyes. “Please, you guys were practically eye-fucking the entire ceremony.”
You smacked his arm as Quinn laughed. “We did not!”
“Yeah, that comes after the wedding, Jack,” Quinn smirked as you hid your face in his chest.
Your voice was muffled as you begged him to stop. “No more sex jokes! Lukey’s still here!”
Luke scoffed. “You’re acting as if I wasn’t just in college. I did plenty of stuff in co–”
You turned around in Quinn’s arms, pointing at Luke. “Don’t even finish that sentence.”
Luke laughed, walking away to talk to someone else as Jack followed, not wanting to be stuck as a third wheel in yours and Quinn’s love fest. 
“You look so beautiful in that dress, baby,” Quinn whispered in your ear as you felt goosebumps run down your skin. “Couldn’t take my eyes off you.”
Your cheeks were stained pink as you pressed a light kiss to his lips, your thumb running over his jawline. “I can’t wait for our wedding.”
“Mhm, there will be dinosaurs, and clowns, and spiders, and space rockets, and–”
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “You’re such a prick.”
“Yet you love me.”
“Bold assumption, but… I guess you’re kinda right.”
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puckarchives · 5 months
enchanted: q. hughes
blurb: what taylor swift said. / word count: 2.4k / pairing: quinn hughes x fem!reader
The first time you met Quinn Hughes, you cried. No, literally — the moment you were introduced to the brunette was also the moment that some random person at the party you were at decided to throw his drink on the floor, where it was shattered into a million little pieces, some of which had ended up in your leg. Suffice to say, Quinn saw probably a lot more than he thought he would that night — including what you looked like when you were in pain.
Quinn hadn’t even hesitated when he realized ditched his friends and drove you to the Emergency Room, and he hadn’t left when he saw what a mess you thought you were, as he ended up staying with you until the early morning. He stayed cramped up in the seat next to your bed, soft breaths evening out until 7AM, where he all but had to run out in order to make it on time to his morning skate.
From there, your meetings were a bit serendipitous; only happening at the points in your life in which you least expected it. Since the entire debacle at the bar, the two of you had remained friends; it was hard not to, when, over the course of too many “accidental” meetings at different events, the two of you had realized that you were friends with a pair of siblings who, even in their obviousness, were trying to set the two of you up together. 
While he was friends with the older Norris, while you were friends with the younger (and less annoying, according to her,) sibling —  so when you found yourself living in Vancouver to finish up the rest of your graduate degree, both she and Josh had one thing in mind — getting Quinn a girlfriend. And who else would be perfect for their longtime family friend than the person they trusted most? 
So, it was decided — before you or Quinn even knew, the two of you were being set up from across the country, while both Norris siblings stayed near Ottawa, they planned to have both yu and Quinn seemingly meet by chance — even going as far as to set the two of you up on a blind date. 
By the time the two of you caught on to what was happening, however, neither of you could even sum up any anger; instead, the crushes the both of you harbored on each other were much too obvious to ignore the fact that you had fallen in love over the span of six months of “chance” encounters put together by meddling siblings who only wanted the best for each of you. 
Unbeknownst to them, however, both you and Quinn — despite being aware of the fact that you had a crush on the other — were still on the fence of starting a relationship. On your end, you didn’t want to pressure Quinn into a relationship where he’d get bored of you, and you didn’t want a repeat of the last time you had dated a hockey player, in which you were left in the dust, and in which your relationship always consisted of you putting in more effort than he did. On Quinn’s end, however, it was different — he didn’t want you to get hurt in case he disappointed you; he didn’t want you to feel neglected when he couldn’t be the version of his that you were thinking of in your head, and he also didn’t think you had liked him in the first place. 
It wouldn’t be until a few weeks later, however, when these feelings came to an abrupt halt. It was the middle of the week, and while the two of you were still in Vancouver — you finishing up your thesis and Quinn finishing up some promotional shots for Bauer, you found yourselves reaching out to the other for dinner. Of course it was as friends, but you both spent more time at Quinn’s apartment than you did on your own, so it wasn’t out of the blue to show up with a pizza box, and even an overnight bag. 
As you both practically devoured the food you brought, the subject at hand changed to your upcoming plans. Quinn had been asked to be a groomsman at the Tkachuk wedding, and before you knew it, he was asking you if you’d want to go, too. 
“Your last class ends the first week of July! And besides, I’ll take care of everything! I know my brother’s would love to meet you, and you know Brady by now,” he reasoned. And, to be fair, he had a point. You had met his brothers over FaceTime a few times, and had even said hello to them during one of Quinn’s home games briefly; but being his date? His official date? 
Almost as if he could tell you were on the fence about the topic, he quickly tried his best to put your anxiety at ease. “It doesn’t have to be official or anything, but I’d really like you to meet my friends. As more than just a friend, if you’d like that,” he said quietly, looking at you with a hopeful look. The thing you had come to learn about Quinn was that, even if his face didn’t change that much, his eyes told you everything you needed to know about how he was feeling — and right now, he looked hopeful; like he wanted you with him, as more than just a friend. He wanted you to be his date, and introduce you to people he cared about. 
Before you could see the hope turn into sadness in his eyes, you sat up straighter on the couch and looked straight at him. “I would love to, Quinn,” you whispered, before you reached out your right hand, and Quinn, picking up on the action automatically, entwined his fingers with your own. Now he smiled, his eyes not leaving yours as he picked up your hands and put a kiss to the back of your hand. 
“Good. Good, yeah,” he said, his face hunting at a small smile reserved only for you. “I’ll take care of everything, you just gotta show up and look as beautiful as you always do, ay,” he said. You could only blush, laughing quietly as he tried flirting with you. “Wow, Mr. Smoothtalker. First you ask me to be your date, and now you’re trying to butter me up? You’re a real flirt, huh?” you asked with mock sarcasm. He only laughed and winked, as the two of you turned back to the film you had forgotten about, your hand still firmly in his. 
It wasn’t until a few weeks later, the night before the two of you were scheduled to fly out to meet the rest of Quinn’s fellow groomsmen and join the family for the wedding’s rehearsal, that you stayed over at his place. Quinn had picked up dinner this time, and as you arrived at his apartment carrying your suitcase with you, he met you by the door. 
“Hi, sweetheart,” he whispered to you as you closed the door. While the two of you were sure in your relationship, you were also still a fresh couple, and so Quinn hesitated kissing you right off the bat. Making the decision for him, though, you grabbed his nape, and brought his lips down to meet yours. “Hi, handsome,” you said back.
Quinn smiled at you, before his eyes lit up a bit. “I have a surprise for you, pretty girl. And I think you’ll like it,” he said. It wasn’t that you hated surprises, but you were concerned about how much Quinn had already spent on the trip, and even more that you saw he had rented a hotel room for the two of you. 
As he led you to his bedroom, he handed you a blindfold, which was really just one of his ties. “Getting kinky here, aren’t we, Mr. Hughe? Is the surprise that you’re gonna tie me up and finally bend me over your bed?” you whispered. And wow, where the hell had that confidence come from? 
Quinn laughed as you mouthed off. “No, but it can be part two if you’re good,” he said, the hand holding yours traveling up your forearm and up until it was cupping your jaw, where you then felt Quinn’s lips ghost against your own. If the tie hadn’t been covering your eyes, you’re sure you would have jumped his bones right then and there. 
As he continued leading you into his bedroom, you heard the rustle of some type of plastic, and before you knew it, your blindfold was being untied, and you were face-to-face with a gorgeous gown the color of lavender, which then melted into a darker purple in certain parts. It was beautiful; the dress of your dreams, if you were honest. 
“I— Quinn, what is this?” you asked as you spun around to meet his gaze. 
“It’s for you. For the wedding, and for whatever you want to use it for,” he said, scratching the back of his neck. For a moment, you couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. Quinn had gone above and beyond of what you had expected him to do; now, as you looked closely at the dress, you could see the bodice was almost sheer — the skirt having a slit up your right leg, and tiny flowers embroidered over the hemlines. It was beautiful. 
“And before you say that I didn’t have to get you anything, I wanted to. You deserve to be given pretty gifts, and that dress is for me as much as it is for you. You’re gonna look amazing, and I’m gonna be fighting off every other man while we’re there,” he said, now smiling at you. God, if you weren’t in love with the man at this point, you would have been.
“Well then. It’s only fair you’re the one that gets to see me in it first. And hopefully last, too,” you said, trying to seem as seductive as possible. It was interrupted when you laughed, unable to keep serious, but Quinn kept his eyes on you — they were soft, and there was something you hadn’t seen before — want.
By the time the actual wedding came around later that week, after having to get Quinn’s tuxedo dry cleaned one more time after he spilled something on it, you found yourself back in your hotel room getting ready — you had gotten your hair done by a stylist, and makeup done by a friend in the area — both of which Quinn had covered, and wow, if that man wasn’t spoiling you this week.
Putting the last touches on your outfit, you heard the door to the suite open, and in came Quinn — freshly trimmed beard, his hair cut, dressed to perfection, and he looked, for a lack of a better word, soft. He looked happy, and you couldn’t help but blush — hoping you were part of the reason. 
“I — wow, you look — wow,” was all he could say, his throat dry and all the words he wanted to tell you suddenly caught in his throat. You looked enchanting — a vision in your lilac dress that showed off your curves, showed your tanned skin and the remnants of how much you loved the sun. He was enchanted, just by seeing you. 
“I— thank you. Literally, for all of this. I feel like a princess,” you laughed. Quinn only smiled back, and before you knew it, he was asking you to turn around, facing the mirrored vanity set. 
“I have one more surprise for you, pretty girl,” he whispered, before he retrieved a box from his suit pocket. It was small, and if you didn’t know better, you’d think it was an engagement ring. Almost as if he could sense your peaking anxiety, however, Quinn explained what it was, while opening the small velvet box. 
“I was going to wait to give this to you, but I can’t anymore. This, Y/N, is a promise ring, and in giving it to you, I’d like to promise you a few things,” he started, as he grabbed your left hand, and slipped the ring over your finger. 
“I promise you that I will be there for you, for whatever you need, and to take care of you. I promise that I’m going to love you until I can put another ring on that finger, and I promise that you will always be the only woman for me, ever.
I came up here with you because, in all truth, I love you. You’ve shown me the best parts of myself — parts that I didn’t even know existed, and you make me so happy. Seeing you now, you are the most beautiful woman in the world to me, and I am so lucky to have you; so, so lucky, Y/N.” he finished, and god if you didn’t want to sob. 
Not trying to waste anytime, you grabbed Quinn by his lapels, pulling his lips down to meet your own. His right hand cupped the back of your neck, while your hand went up to cup his jaw, where he angled your neck a bit to give him better access. Quinn’s kisses weren’t like anything you’d ever experienced before, and you wanted them — all of them. 
As the two of you pulled away, Quinn rested his forehead on yours. “Did you really mean that?” you whispered. He only smiled down at you.  “You are the most enchanting woman in the world, Y/N, and I will spend as much time as I can proving that to you. You came into my life when I needed you most — you’ve turned my entire world upside down, since the first moment I met you. Even when I would have rather been anywhere in the world that night at the party, I’m glad we ended up in that hospital room. I’m glad Norris never stopped trying us to get together, and I’m going to be honest with you — I spent that entire night and day and all of the days up until now enchanted by you.”
“I’ve gone every single day wishing you were at my door, praying that it was our very first page, and that we wouldn’t end there. I’m wonderstruck by you, every single day — even when I thought that you were in love with someone else. I was — and I am, enchanted by you, Y/N. Utterly and devastatingly enchanted,” he said, and kissed you once more. 
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2008hondacivic · 11 months
I’ve seen a few posts about how the Derry Girls would act in a Yellowjackets situation (love) but I also think it would be funny to just. add them to the Yellowjackets cast. like they were just inexplicably on the plane too. anyway here are my thoughts on the matter:
Erin and Michelle would fight over Travis
The Derry Girls, as Catholics, would be very on board with Lottie and Laura Lee’s whole deal. They would be the first to believe that Lottie is a bonafide girlprophet
Ben would try to help James understand that it’s okay to be gay and James would be like right, thanks, but I’m not gay
Sister Michael, if she was there, would take the rifle from Travis during the hunting competition and inexplicably be the best shot out of the group
Clare would be absolutely losing it over how much rations they have left. just a constant state of panic. she would be even less helpful than Jackie
Erin would be her annoying tryhard self. She’d go with Tai on her expedition for rescue and try to take over leadership. The expedition goes even worse than it does in canon
Erin would really admire Tai and she’d try to emulate her. She pretends to sleepwalk and have an “Other Erin” when she finds out about Tai’s sleepwalking. She is publicly shamed by Michelle when Michelle catches her smearing dirt on her mouth to pretend she also sleep-eats dirt
Like the JV Yellowjackets, Michelle would have no qualms about cannibalism
Clare would be extremely opposed to drawing cards and would be aggressively hyperventilating and crying until someone other than her is chosen. then she goes back on her word that cannibalism is inherently unethical and is all aboard the cannibal train. Michelle calls her out for this. (Well, I just think that because the wilderness chose, Michelle…)
Orla and Misty and Crystal would be friends and Mari would consider murdering them all because they’re much more annoying than just Crystal/Misty. Orla would not really care that Misty broke the flight recorder.
let’s be real, none of the Derry Girls are making it to rescue, but if they did Erin would be immediately publishing her journals. They’d be back for not even a day and she would have that book deal. They wouldn’t even need the likes of Jessica Roberts and other media outlets to snoop around. The Derry Girls would be calling networks themselves to get on talk shows.
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