jude-thedude98 · 1 year
The sweeter the day the easier the pain.
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heartstringgs · 23 days
something something about how when Aaron found Andrew bruised and bloodied in the bedroom, he held onto Andrew like he would disappear if he let go and how when years later, Aaron and Andrew, before going their separate ways after college, held onto each other, an embrace, the culmination of their growth, the realisation of their love, a promise for the future, and how Andrew was the last to let go. How that said everything that he couldn't voice out loud. I'm not disappearing. I'm here. You're here. You don't have to worry. You'll be alright. And so will I. We survived.
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moderndaypandora · 4 months
the most devastating part of ghosts not being able to eat or drink? now edwin can’t watch the world judgmentally while holding a teacup. if it was possible, forget his magnifying glass and detectives’ journal, there’d never not be a teacup in his hand. charles would have to dedicate an entire compartment in his bag of tricks to edwin’s collection of tea services.
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crimsonscloud · 1 year
okay but who is going to write the johnshi fic where johnny still has his green glowy powers (yes, i know 1 took them out, shh) but only finds out about them when he sees kenshi in danger / hurt etc.
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electric-plants · 6 months
cyno: could you give me advice on how to get closer to alhaitham?
kaveh: huh?? why are you asking me? i hate alhaitham
cyno: haha oh yeah that’s one of my favorite jokes you do it’s so funny :)
kaveh: …..one of your favorite what?
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thehollowwriter · 3 months
The quickest way to piss Finn off
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Based on personal experience, lol
Text version bc my handwriting is awful:
Finn: This is too tight. Why can't I find anything in my size...
Another person in the store: You need to lose weight, dear
Finn, literally a fish: Sir, isn't making us run when we just got here a bit much?
Vargas: You just need to exercise more, Clearcove! Once you lose that flabby middle, it'll be easy!
Mob student: Your favourite dessert is chocolate mousse? You really need to stop eating so much junk food. You need to know being fat actually makes you super sick blah blah blah blah
Riddle: You know, Finn, you wouldn't have these issues if you just-
Finn: If you tell me to lose weight or exercise more, I will bite you so hard you'll need stitches
Tagging: @distant-velleity @br3adtoasty @rainesol @theleechyskrunkly @jovieinramshackle
@galaxies-and-gore @cyanide-latte @cynthinesia @officialdaydreamer00 @krenenbaker
@offorestsongs @kitwasnothere @elenauaurs @boopshoops @inotonline
@1dont-really-know @kazumify @minteasketches @elysia-nsimp @skrimpyskimpy
@casp1an-sea @offorestsongs @tixdixl @poisoned-pearls @the-trinket-witch
@ramshacklerumble @ghostiidasponk @thegoldencontracts @the-banana-0verlord @cloudcountry
@skriblee-ksk @twstinginthewind @lumdays @theolivetree123 @natsukishinomiyaswife
@authoruio @jewelulu @raguiras
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knifeeater · 4 months
actor adressing the camera: as an audience you are by passively holding witness complicit in the continuation of the story as cycle
me, twirling my hair: haha and then what
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000marie198 · 1 year
"Oh quite you, don't even start."
Seeing their perfect understanding of each other and casual conversations even with a language gap will never cease to bring me joy. They bicker like lifelong pals.
(Don't tag as a ship)
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verstappenclerc · 10 months
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charles leaving today (the look of hope in his eyes is because he personally set fire to the sf-23)
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senorscotty · 1 year
there's so much to expand on wrt helena's day job being a public school teacher and the role adding this tenderness to a character whose seeming roughness gets read as uncontrollably violent (a convo for another day). the huntress to helena is fueled with so much inner strife, part of it is putting a tangible mask on something she was doing throughout her teenage and young adulthood, going from protecting herself to protecting the vulnerable. her choosing to be a teacher further roots her in the community that she aims to protect and allows her to become the helping hand she needed as a kid. her being a teacher makes her character so much more compelling, marking her compassion and desire to be there for children esp., as a trait that exists beyond the mask. (imo this also allows a deg. of character development with what the mask is to helena; moving between a means of revenge, idealization of her strengths, to a tool to be there for when blood cries) although bat editorial has never fully understood her (some of that misunderstanding is played up solely to rehash conflict between her and the other bats), there is something about the lack of “screentime” helena’s day job gets and desire to have these figures protecting gotham but no desire to tell the stories of the people/communities that make up gotham.
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starofhisheart · 1 year
Ok but what abt rentboy Eggsy being hired by Harry Hart so that he can infiltrate his stepdad's shady business and Eggsy can finally rid himself and his family of the abusive prick once and for all. Their relationship is contractual, a means to an end, if there's a little sexual tension between them, so what? Its not like a fucked up twink from the streets could ever fit into a posh bloke like Harry's world...right?
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sunflowersolace · 9 months
hey guys did you know that s1 e20 is the first and only time garcia ever calls hotch by his first name
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thejacketscloset · 8 months
Just saw 2 baby atreus haters. Clenched my fist in anger. Grrr...
The block button I my favorite feature <3
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zipquips · 3 months
i'm so tired literally all of the time but i can't fall asleep and i can't wake up on time and i can't fix my sleep schedule ;-;
i am very slowly running around in a sad circle trying to get my life together :((((
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What's My Line part 1 thoughts:
MR GORDO! And Angel can't help playing with him. Someone should really get that guy some plushies of his own - you know he'd love cuddling with them.
Angel: "It's career week." Buffy: "How did you know?" Angel: "I lurk." Angel:
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God, he's such an awkward, pathetic disaster [affectionate]. And he knows he is! When he's with Buffy, he's just fumbling around, trying to sound vaguely person-like. But because he's big and quiet and vampiric, everyone interprets his awkwardness as badass brooding.
Buffy says ACAB. Honestly, this subplot is just reminding me how how pre-9/11, the view of cops as corrupt, lazy and/or violent was pretty standard across pop-culture. (I'm currently playing Miles Morales: Spider-Man and it's so weird the way these games treat the NYPD as unambiguous allies, compared to how most Spider-man media has always treated them.)
Buffy and Giles' interactions feel like a regression after the last four eps developing their relationship. To be fair, Buffy is regressing a little due to having feelings about her life (never a good idea, always suppress those), but it still feels odd.
Looking at Spike's obsession with Buffy here, you can really see the origins of his feelings for her, on both a Watsonian and Doylist level.
Snyder, to Xander: "Whatever comes out of your mouth is a meaningless waste of breath. An airborn toxic event." Huh, is Principal Snyder part of the Buffy fandom? He really sounds like the Buffy fandom here.
Feel like Willow and Oz's big computer company opportunity isn't quite as exclusive as they're making it seem, if two students from a small town are being offered it.
Wonder how you comission the Order of Whatever. Is there a ritual, or do you just call them? Do you pay in money? Magical relics? Virgin sacrifices?
The ice-skating is really pretty. That's it, don't have any critical thoughts, it's just super pretty.
The piano soundtrack here isn't the iconic Buffy/Angel theme, but it sounds a little similar? But more innocent. Is this like an earlier variation? I guess it makes sense - this feels like their first real date beyond coffee at the Bronze; the first time they feel like they're in an actual relationship together. Which is kinda weird when they've already confessed their love, but idk, I guess teenagers and vampires are like that.
"Kill as many of these assassins as you want, it won't make any difference. They won't stop. Unless you kill three of them, then they'll stop and never come back. But otherwise? They're completely unstoppable."
Has Buffy been to Angel's place before? It looks significantly nicer than where he was staying in 'Angel'. Fits with the sense that he's gradually learning to be a person. I do wonder how she knows where he lives, though. Like, that can happen off screen, but first time at his place seems like a significant step?
And now Xander has named the Scooby Gang the Scooby Gang! If you don't like the name, blame him. (The writing of Cordelia in this scene feels very Season One though. Not great.)
And Kendra's finally here! Man, these episodes are really paying tribute to Chris Claremont with this accent.
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polyesterpeacock-arch · 6 months
// i'm futzing with numbers and references right now because i think larry might actually be shorter than what i currently list him as on his bio LMAO
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