doodle-empress66 · 2 years
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chronicles-of-entropy · 10 months
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what does that even mean?
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finalgoob · 2 years
i was not built to work in a capitalist society as i literally cant stand any form of power tripping lmfaooo
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garpond · 7 months
happy birthday to neil young here are some of my favorite things about him
-by the age of 20 he had owned 3 different used hearses, all of which experienced some form of extreme mechanical failure that caused him to have to get rid of them
-in buffalo springfield whenever he had to go out on a date with a girl he'd tell his friends about it beforehand so that they could interrupt the date to tell him he needed to be somewhere and was late so that he could be allowed to leave
-hated going in grocery stores because he would get overstimulated and have to leave
-didn't like how the first pressing of Comes A Time sounded so he bought 200,000 of the first copies of it and used them as shingles for a barn roof
-when one of his tour buses was destroyed (i forget how) he had it brought to his ranch and buried on the property like a beloved family pet
-his early ambition before music was to be a chicken farmer
-when he and carrie snodgress where dating she'd have a ton of people over sometimes and it gave him anxiety so one evening he decided to open the living room window and crawl out of it to get away from people instead of walking through the room to get to the door because apparently he couldn't wait that long and everyone saw it
-another time he randomly showed up at a neighbors' house and they didn't really know why he dropped in all of the sudden because he wasn't very social and it turns out it was because his manager had set up a meeting for him with the band America and he didn't want to do it so he was hiding
-during buffalo springfield he would hide in peoples closets a lot
-once he was guitar shopping with stephen stills and when he was offering on a guitar stephen offered more money on it to try and get it and it pissed him off so he started bidding higher to kick off a bidding war between then and once it was up to a ridiculous amount of money he just dropped it and was like ok you win lol ! and stephen had to pay an insane amount of money for it
-during one filmed interview with MTV or something he decided to fuck with them by adjusting the position of his hat super slightly every couple seconds so that when they cut the footage together and shifted things out of order it would look confusingly different every time
-during the recording of deja vu he lived by himself in a motel but he brought his 2 pet bush babies (named Harriet and Speedy) and they scared the shit out of Graham Nash
-gave a stranger he met like a week ago unrestricted access to his finances because the guy claimed he was going to help him buy a boat and the guy ended up stealing a couple thousand dollars
-during last buffalo springfield concert he was the only person who was not even remotely sad and on the way home jim messina was literally crying and neil was just like :] the whole way
-one year on his birthday at the ranch there was going to be a party and it was a tradition to have a bonfire at it so he went out into the woods to get sticks for it but somehow managed to grab a bunch of poison oak and it was used at the fire and after that he was not allowed to gather bonfire sticks anymore
-while filming the lincvolt documentary he met a trans woman and when he was interviewing her to ask for her opinion about the car she told him that what he was doing with it was a big change and he should probably ask for the car's permission to do it and he actually did do this later
-"everybodys rockin" originated as an r/maliciouscompliance type of project because while he was on geffen records Old Ways was rejected and the label asked for a "rock and roll album" and this was his response to that
-the infamous Eat A Peach incident
-there is much more but this is all i can come up with rn
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smartass-hoot · 22 days
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Reddit in DC would so funny and equally disturbing. Like so shit can happen in one day
I can definitely picture it
The death of Jason Todd shows up so often on r/UnsolvedMysteries that the mods had to ban the topic
And in doing so, they deleted the post that said Jason came back when Superman punched a hole in reality and became the Red Hood
(It only had 3 upvotes anyway)
Tim uses a burner account to expose big businesses on r/LateStageCapitalism
Meanwhile Dick has a burner account for making bad puns in comments that frequently end up screenshotted on r/AngryUpvote
Bruce made exactly one post—an AITA post about whether he's in the wrong for banning his anti-hero son from using guns against Gotham's worst repeat offenders
And that post ends up on r/OddlySpecific
There's a thread called r/TheButtsMatch where people match random butts to Batman's
r/ItsABird is for Robin sightings
And r/ItsAPlane is for Kryptonian sightings
Starfire's post explaining Tamaranean anatomy ends up at the top of r/AlienAnatomy
r/shittyaskscience is filled with questions like "Why do Robins get shorter" or "What would happen if humans ate Kryptonite" or "Can I go nyoom with the Speed Force"
Someone finds a Lantern ring for $15 on r/ThriftStoreHauls
Someone else finds Roy and Oliver's lost arrows for $1 each at Goodwill
(That second one was Dinah)
TIFU stories include a mix of everyday life ("TIFU by calling my football coach dad") and stories involving superheroes ("TIFU by calling Wonder Woman dad")
r/OnlyInGotham is the Gotham memes thread
At this point superhero news only makes it to the Reddit front page if the world is literally about to end
So like… every other month
Damian tried to join Reddit and Tim ratted him out for not being old enough
Tim only did it as r/pettyrevenge for Damian stealing his new sweatshirt
Harper and Cullen host an AMA together as Bluebird where they answer superhero questions with wrong answers only
Babs does a voice session, but it's not about superheroes at all—it's just IT stuff with other computer nerds
Selina posts on r/relationshipadvice about how her husband sometimes goes to bed in his fursuit and it weirds her out, and Bruce immediately finds it and comments "don't act like you don't do the same"
Duke got banned from r/family because they thought he was making up stories
Steph is the admin of r/BreakfastFood
And the mods are Alfred, Martha Kent, Bart Allen, and Matter-Eater Lad
Cass wrote a True Off My Chest post where she confessed to eating the last of Alfred's cookies and blaming Dick
The most popular r/MaliciousCompliance post was from a former Batburgers employee who went home to change in the middle of a busy shift because his manager insisted that Harley Quinn wasn't a hero and thus he couldn't wear her logo on his shirt to work
r/Batman is actually filled with photos of dark blobs with two pointy ends that vaguely resemble Batman, i.e. inkblots or people's cats
Jason gets banned from that for posting pictures of Bruce
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everybodyloveshippos · 7 months
all of artemis' interactions w alegni were like 'i will never be the bigger person. i will not only stoop to someone elses level i will stoop Below it. i am gods pettiest soldier. i am r/maliciouscompliance. i will complain every second and make this so bad for both of us. i will never humor you. i will make this so hard for you. you want to kill me so so bad. i will beat you in passive aggressive longform email correspondences re: naming a bridge. '
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Please, more funny, dramatic, and wholsome Reddit story titles based on your Befriending Ben 10 Alien post?
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r/ShowerThoughts: To the rest of the universe, WE'RE the aliens
r/EntitledParents: Random woman demanded I let her kids see my spaceship and then didn't believe me when I told her I didn't have one
My human friend kept dating pathetic weaklings so I introduced them to a seven times gladiator champion from Khoros
AITA for lighting scented candles when my Lepidopterran friend hangs out at my place?
MY HUMAN FRIEND IS TURNING BLUE, ARE THEY DYING??? Edit: It was just a bruise, my bad
I (37Revonnahgander) accidentally entered a furry convention
How do I tell my Geochelone Aerios friend that he's been scammed?
r/IDon'tWorkHere: Yes, I am an alien. No, that doesn't mean I'm a Plumber.
r/MaliciousCompliance: Bridezilla doesn't want me to wear my respirator for the pictures? Guess I'll just dehydrate and die.
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ecaloshay · 2 years
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Someone needs to cross-post this to r/maliciouscompliance.
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fruitcakebro · 1 year
Can't post on Reddit right now, bc mod strike solidarity. But this would normally go on R/MaliciousCompliance.
So, my family moved into our current house about four years ago now. When we first saw it, it immediately jumped out at us as perfect. It had a number of bedrooms where nobody would have to share, but not so much space that it would be impossible to clean. Nice view, garden space, seemingly all you could want.
We bought the house, but not a week after we had moved in there started to be some pretty glaring problems.
1: The water heater didn't work, and we had to have it repaired.
2: Water leakage which was damaging the structure of the house, and causing black slime mould in the walls.
3: Some weird shit going on with lights that only sometimes worked (we saw the house in person, but only in full daylight where this would not be obvious).
4: A septic tank they hadn't had serviced in five fucking years.
5(And this was perhaps the most immediately relevant to us at the time): The heat didn't work. And we moved in at the start of winter.
And of course, we had not been informed of any of these things when we bought it. We were told that everything was fine, and they'd literally JUST gotten some things fixed to sell it. Nevermind that those 'repairs' were as slap-dash as they could possibly be done.
Based on this, I expect you get the impression that we absolutely fucking despise the family that lived in our house before us.
And on top of everything, they didn't even fix their mailing address, so we still got their mail. And after calling them about it, and re-directing their mail for an entire bloody year, we were told to 'just stop bothering them about it'.
You want us to stop telling you when we get your mail? Well ok then.
Shortly after we were told that, we received one of their phone bills, and since we were told not to, we politely did not tell them about it.
We're still getting overdue notices on it, and we get to watch in smug, petty, spiteful joy as their credit score is slowly but surely destroyed by a piece of paper they told us not to tell them about.
Fuck you, lying jackasses. Here's the sweet, sweet consequences of your actions.
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thetimetraveler24 · 2 years
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Next post: r/maliciouscompliance
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askmysansau · 7 months
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Was watching a YouTube video from emkay titled “R/MaliciousCompliance | I did what you said boss
And uhm, that was the comment and I just have to share it, it’s so funny to me as someone who fiddles with his hands constantly too XD.
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cassynite · 8 months
Genres of reddit drama posts (stuff posted on r/relationships, r/maliciouscompliance, AITA, etc.) ranked by believability
This absolutely happened: Without a doubt this is a real thing that happened to a real person. The issue discussed in the post is detailed, unique but familiar, and grounded in reality; the "villain" of the post exhibits behaviors you'd actually see a real person do, and oftentimes there can be a question of who is actually in the right (especially with AITA posts). The issues discussed might not be all that entertaining at the end of the day, and/or the resolution ends up being unsatisfying. Entertainment value hovers at 5/10, give or take a point depending on what's going on.
This might have happened, and boy do I hope it did: The creme de la creme of reddit posts--bombastic, can't-turn-your-eyes-away drama, but with such a unique situation or such granular detail that it has to be based at least a little bit on a real thing, and if it's an exaggerated retelling of events you're willing to let it slide. Often told in a very distinct voice as well, with satisfying but realistic resolutions. Almost always has a well defined 'hero' of the narrative (not always the narrator; a lot of AITA posts where the poster is TA falls into this category in my experience). If it's not one of the top voted posts recently it should be.
The Soap Opera: There's a 90% chance this didn't happen at all, and if it did the version of events being told is so exaggerated it still might as well just be made up--but damn if it isn't entertaining anyway. Always has very clear heroes as well as villains, and those villains are mustache-twirling cackling caricatures with unhinged personalities and behaviors that you would never see in real life. A lot of Karen stories as well as mom-in-law stories fall under this umbrella. However, it's still unique enough and interesting enough that you want to know what's going to happen next in what is definitely going to be a multi-update saga. It's a soap opera--you know it's fake, but you're willing to suspend your disbelief.
The 2014 fake tumblr post: This tries to be a soap opera but overshoots by a lot; the name I give it should tell you the kind of "and then the whole bus clapped" energy these posts tend to give. The villains of the drama are even more villainous and more over-the-top with their behaviors, and their comeuppance is even more extreme. These Karens end up going to jail for berating services workers; these mom-in-laws get disowned by their families for the way they try to wear their wedding dresses to their sons' weddings to OP. Most likely you find these on those minimum effort garbage robo-voice tiktok accounts that plague my for you page.
The Trained Algorithm: This is a soap opera/tumblr post story that is a little too...similar to something you've already read. It could be the details given or even just the way it's written, that certain style or word choice that if you read/listen to hundreds in a row you can catch on to, a subtle but present sign that this wasn't even made by a person but by machine learning trained on these posts for the purpose of content farming. Tend to be mid to okay as entertainment but ultimately depressing because you can't even pretend it's a little bit true, and having to face the fact that people are so bent on Creating Content for Consumption that they'll resort to getting a bot to right a fucking AITA post of all things makes me have to face the existential horror of capitalism, which is something I read AITA posts to get away from.
The Trash: This is also a bot-churned post, but it's not even hiding it--words are used in teh wrong places, or completely mispelled, and it's obvious that after chatGPT spat this one out it wasn't even proofread before it was shat onto a message board or fed into a robo voice to be posted on tiktok. You can spot these from a mile away, and I imagine that there's a circle of hell that just has to read these as punishment.
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sdentii · 2 years
Episode 2 of Amuro (and Akai) failing to take Conan to school:
Amuro: Alright, time to go, start driving!
Akai: Wait, but-
Amuro: Not now, just drive!
*later, after they’ve arrived at Teitan Elementary*
Amuro: Okay, Conan-kun, we’re-wait, where is he?
Akai: That’s what I was trying to tell you! We left him at home!
Love that Akai just lets Amuro fuck around and find out, in true r/maliciouscompliance style
At least Conan got another power nap opportunity!
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smol-hibiscus · 2 years
(about pyrrhic victory) I like to imagine Giratina logging onto reddit and making a post on r/maliciouscompliance like "I, (several thousand years NB), was under the command of a Pokemon wielder ([REDACTED] M), who told me to rip apart the body of a trainer (15 F). I didn't want to do that, so I figured out a loophole..."
giratina having a computer at all is amazing lmao
He posts this to r/aita
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tredditchronicles · 8 months
r/MaliciousCompliance I Used My Meal Plan To Feed Over 120 Homeless People | The Reddit Chronicles
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