#racist caricatures tw
daydreamerdrew · 5 months
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Captain America Comics (1941) #7
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halbarryislife · 9 months
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THE TOYMAKER played by Michael Gough & Neil Patrick Harris
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dandyshucks · 4 months
waking up to see someone left a semi-self-demeaning reply on a post of mine and i go to their blog just to make sure they're not someone nasty before i reply encouragingly to them, only to see theyre very into the racist white man youtuber profiting off of Algonquian culture that obviously doesnt belong to him 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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relaxxattack · 1 year
do explain the tangled thing. i have not seen the movie in a while
the plot line w mother gothel kidnapping rapunzel away from her family in order to use her as a resource to “remain young forever” while also looking like a common witch stereotype is an extremely harmful antisemitic trope
obviously i would recommend you ask a jewish person for a more accurate explanation but yeah it ticks a lot of boxes for having a really antisemitic coded villain
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satellite-blossom · 1 year
Oh boy I saw a post about Black Pete (aka "Pierre le noir" in French) and oh dear that made me remember that we seriously have an issue of casual racism in this part of Europe (France, Belgium and the Netherlands most specifically).
You still have white people playing "cowboys and Indians" in French ads and no-one says anything. This year I was watching the 1 pm news (which are supposed to be silly and chill), and they were covering a silly seagull screaming competition in the north of France ; everyone was costumed and suddenly I saw a guy in blackface just chilling there and no-one said anything. You try to watch a classic French cartoon while it reruns on TV during the holidays (Astérix comes to mind but that's not the only one) and you see racist caricatures of black people just popping in and it ruins your mood (thinking about the Astérix & Obélix chez Cléopâtre cartoon right now). In the north there are still people wearing blackface and "savage" costumes (= black afro, animal skin tunic and bone in the nose with sometimes blackface too) to carnival... And of course there's Pierre le noir, with his large red lips and other caricatural features...
And don't even get me started on French cinema, which is 80% comedies about old white Christians having to coexist with "so weird and wacky others" ("others" as in black, Asian, Arabic, Jewish, Muslim, ...) who are totally like the clichés say, and sooo different from "us" and so extra and soooo bold & intrusive ❢
Dear God I'm so tired of it. And I'm not even bringing up my personal, direct experiences with racism, some of which date from preschool nonetheless.
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tw: violence
i couldn’t care less about him tbh but sometimes i see a couple of mentor snape fics and he’s … tolerable. so. like Palestinian emo guy who’s really smart and skilled esp in potions making?? that’s cool. what wasn’t cool was his very intense, borderline obsession with lily evans. i will sell my soul my lily evans. but snape is … very creepy in … showing his love. i wished jkr made them platonic soulmates or smth because that dynamic is not represented much in the media. because not every friendship between a girl and a boy ends up with them as a couple. let them stay friends!!! w/o romantic or sexual desires for each other!! i will only accept snape apologists if the characterisation is very far off from canon. (he bullied neville, harry, hermione?? so many more children too). (if you are one of those stans who ships harry, hermione or any minors with snape … i have the urge to wrangle my hands on your throat <3 anyways severus is sometimes cool, severus is sometimes the worst. it’s honestly ok to like him but don’t go as far as to have him shipped with minors or use slamophobic stereotypes onto his character because that is just racist and harmful towards Jewish Arab and Palestinian communities, honestly.
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leporellian · 2 years
looking forward to putting the song of the sky guys on artfight because i dont really have any ocs besides yasc! NOT looking forward to having to explain the serious and disturbing politics of the magic flute (1791), the way that theatre is modified and adapted over time snd how problematic aspects of old theatre is addressed in modern performance, my years of research into how to proceed given the aforementioned racism/sexism in the opera, and that sots isnt a love letter to the magic flute at all and is really just me setting the opera aflame and then reconstructing its ashes because i believe i know what it SHOULD have been, all in the footnotes of the character references because otherwise i think people would be after my head!
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Jungle Comics (1940) #5
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lcorps-agents · 2 years
Red Hair, Black Face, white eyes
// I… is this a description of a racist caricature
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tocomplainfriend · 5 months
VIV is constantly criticized by her own fault.
TW: Mention of: SA, Rape, Transphobia, fat phobia, Antiblackness.
(Hey, i'mma probably do a post eventually about episode 4. Btw, awfully shit, worse than I thought it could be... BIG TW OF R-PE AND SA IF YOU'RE GOING TO SEE IT. AND TW of the minimization of those topics too.)
BUT I NEED TO CALL ATTENTION TO THIS! One of the reasons I criticize a lot of Viv specifically is because of how much she puts herself out there. She sees something she posts on Twitter about it a shit ton (even on "threads" lol). AND because of how lacking of improvement she has being. (I personally know people I have considered terrible when we were teens, but I have seen legit improvement from them in recent years. They seem like people who struggle, but got to grow up and made up for any problems (or pain caused to me or others). People have the ability to change and become better. Something that matters at pointing out issues or discussing-is the idea of creating change on others. It is better to get someone to change for the better than to cast them into the forever jail of nothingness (unless, IDK, they Sexually Assaulted someone, for example). Specially when they are young people. Doesn't mean YOU have to stick with other people that hurt you, no. Doesn't mean people get to do what ever and get away with it.
BUT All of this problem I have seen from Viv are from age 19-30. (you can change at anytime btw) And see constantly repeats herself and her actions. Seems to have never accepted criticism (said by herself too), and never able to see her own faults. The fact that is a continuous behavior is a problem, how she always responds is awful. My post of "Viv has being transphobic for 10 years", was to signal that. If she really had changed over those 10 years to a genuine thing- I could've taken that! But no, the shitty double standard against trans men... the weird treatment. THE MANY STORIES OF EMPLOYEES GETTING MISGENDERED HEAVILY, TOO.
(I know people who were transphobic [When they were teens mainly], that Genuinely improved and changed their beliefs. Now they treat trans people with respect and care! And still learning about gender-fluid people, too!)
It just seems to be further and further away from getting better! The fact that she only decides to take in account voices from SA victims that agree with her- it's painful as a victim, my self!
And yes, people who sent gore or dumbass shit to Viv (or the team) don't help. And go get help why you're looking and sending Gore to anyone. (Also, stuff like this does lead to people not listening to others people genuine callouts). The fact that I criticize something doesn't mean I agree with the people that go and do shit like the thing I just mention above.
This drawing was created by DollCreep. BUT ALSO FUCKING REMEMBER this was done in response to the shit that Viv drew of him.
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If you didn't know Viv drew a transphobic caricature of DollCreep using the name Jojo (his old nickname). This put together with a shitty anti-sjw meme video. DollCreep is a transman, Viv drew a character based on him. A furry wolf girl, If you can see in the image the main thing listed below the character name is the fucking "Sex=♀️". SO ON PURPOSE, CHRIST. Like... AND YES-is shitty from both to have drawn this (even if it was in respond) mainly immature in DC part. But that, or any toxicity coming from DC, doesn't delete the transphobia here. (imagine drawing a racist caricature of a poc person, because they are shitty to you). THE POST LINKED ABOVE SHOWS THE SITUATION, and in the end of the day. Viv says that DC is an abusive shitty person to her, but never realizing her own faults or anything she could'be possibly done wrong! (and again, any wrong done by DC in general can not be deleted by the fact of having being treated badly. If he did shitty stuff himself, that doesn't delete the wrong done in general to him or to others by viv)
Here about transphobia:
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(this is like 8yrs old too)
Again, she never acknowledges anything that she might have done wrong. "She is a thoughtful person, that wants tor write queer and disabled characters! She wants to tell empowering stories of..." It doesn't even feel close to that when people bring up actual problems in her writing that are stereotyping or bad, and she just yells and cries. It all feels like empty sticks she is only interested in in the surface level, she doesn't want to actually deal with.
When she says "This characters is black guys ♡♡♡" and then the fucking 7th, a grayish character with zero black features. She can not actually try and draw a black person with a different hair texture, she'll faith is hair isn't straight and spiky (has done this so much too). She is all for positivity and diversity (can not draw more than 1 character that isn't a fucking stick with the same stupid face).
She can not write relationships in general. She cannot do gay couples, then don't lean on the stupid old uke uwu defenceless x big rough seme protector stuff. Again, all the interactions with Husk and Angel are sexual harassment. They are already a revealed future couple (and episode 4 is terrible for them, specially with that song). Stolitz is toxic, and predatory. That is not acknowledged, and all Stolas's predatory behavior and power dynamics are put in the background, cause- "look how sad Stolas is :(! HIS DAD IS SOOO MEAN, HIS WIFE IS A BITCH". All her gay characters are in pure surface: over-sexual twinks that are assholes, which also fit into the top/bottom as personality boxes.
Any other point includes sexual harassment as a joke. BUT KNOW SHE WANTS TO BE LIKE "GUYS SA STORIES MATTER, LOOK AT WHAT I WROTE" as if she didn't lean back into the problem of the diminishing of SA and r- (in general and done to men) with her jokes in HB. With all the sexual harassment that Angel Dust puts on Husk and others. (AND YES THERE IS NO WARNING IN EPISODE 4, FOR ITS HEAVY TOPICS! I do believe all series/movies with this need it. SPECIALLY IF IT'S SO GRAPHIC! "Sexual content" is not the same as a warning for SA or R-pe. An adult can see a movie with sex or sexual nutidy- when they see that- but it's different to get straight assault on screen. Victims can watch movies/series with sex in them all good, you cannot just group consensual sex in the same assault or R-pe...)
The thing where Mammon (the only fat character that isn’t from the fucking background.) is like FIZZ YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. AS IF SHE COULD EVEN DRAW ANY DIFFERENT BODY SHAPE WITHOUT DYING. Like there is only Mimzy (hasn't appeared yet, not given any importance. In the female lead show). Mammon the piece of shit (does the same as Blitz, but he is actually fully bad.) His design is done with 80 fucking layers on top. Like all the test of the skinny character's clothes suck up to their body except for Mammon. His body is hidden in layers upon layers of clothing (that's all you got?). All you main guys need to fill "the skinny have nothing men" and "skinny woman with big hips and legs, but no fucking stomach"?
AND YES! VIV DOES DO THE FUCKING, "FAT = FOOD LMAOOO". You know the thing HH fans and hater where like the "Bee needs to fat thing is bad, cause of fat = food (only food) is reductive and shitty"
(Can I refer to how the show Bojack H, make Diane gain weight cause of anti depressants- and it wasn't a joke! And she was happier too?)
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(mine, from post right below)
... like is a bundle of issues. And Viv will never accept that she might be /or is wrong. That's why it hits the fan with stuff. -And again I liked many of the little concepts and stuff in HB and the original pilot of Hazbin. Shit- I still like Sir Pentious and Nifty. I do like Mammon as much as he is a pack of problems to call out, I fucking love the piece of shit Australian jester- The artist work hard on it, and I'm happy it's an openly queer! (as limited as it gets, too....). I liked Huni-cast, I loved the original voice cast! -and that happens! I could be writing this about other stuff too, not only Hazbin... if I created this blog earlier- IT WOULD ALL BE ABOUT RWBY, DANGANRONPA, even svtfoe...Ladybug... or Agretsuko's ending too. So yeah, sorry for the long post (as if all my post weren't)
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sleepynegress · 9 months
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The above is where Roddenberry 1st employed Nichelle Nichols [click to watch the full clip]. It was a military show based on Roddenberry's own experiences, the episode is called To Set it Right (I highly suggest reading the wiki article about it).
You should note two other actors, whom he later pegged for Star Trek are in the episode.
They dated briefly and then became good friends way before Trek came about.
Miss Nichols was already an accomplished singer and dancer who performed regularly w/ Billy Eckstine and Duke Ellington
Roddenberry's 1st show, The Lieutenant, was canceled/pulled from the air before these scenes bluntly dealing with racism could air (there's blackface as punishment for the racists at the end of the show, in a case of 'he 'a little confused but got the spirit' for the times, so tw)
He created Star Trek to try to soften the blow of all the social messaging he wanted to insert from his military experience. Star Trek was basically, a submarine drama placed in a sci-fi setting. He made it diverse on purpose because the military helped him travel and serve with all kinds of people. Roddenberry was inspired by that.
Uhura was the first person to read for Spock and in fact, helped to shape the character with her reading and based many of the traits of Uhura (formerly Uhuru) on Spock.
She was basically a glorified secretary. She played the part with poise, joy, and the 60's style womanism she got to play out for those times... Everything from her mini-skirt (which Nichelle herself called very comfortable) to her smile, and teasing lines, and quips were about her playing "big" in a small role. She made every moment, every look, every line, and movement count:
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Roddenberry cracked jokes about the fact that the network never figured out that Uhura was fourth in command.
Nichelle was the only main cast member who was not salaried. She was paid by the hour. This attempt at marginalization actually resulted in her being the highest paid at times, because of the long hours.
Nichelle was not let in the front entrance at times, her fan-mail was kept from her, and she grew frustrated with the constant cutting of her scenes, lines and storylines. This is why she justifiably attempted to leave. The bigots in production did not like her being there (and if we're being real, were it not for Janice Rand's actress Grace Lee Whitney having gone through so much and thus losing her job in the 1st season...Uhura might have had even LESS presence)
The lost context in MLK convincing her to stay was that YES she was minimized and could make more money and be more fulfilled on broadway, but her symbolism and presence meant so much at a time when Black women weren't on TV unless as a racist caricature cleaning a house, and even that was rare...that she stayed.
One of her best allies was DeForest Kelly, who threatened to quit if they fired Nichelle. George Takei was her absolute best friend on the show and in life (she served as his Best Woman at his wedding).
There was an unfilmed episode in which Uhura and Deforest would have played reverse roles in "racial dynamics" on a planet they visit
Spock and Uhura were originally supposed to kiss in the alien mind control episode, but Shatner demanded to do so for the publiicity.
Her work to recruit marginalized people as astronauts, as in personally going to colleges and talking to candidates after the show is a staggering achievement that arguably is the most potent of any castmember in any of the Trek series post-show. Sally Ride, Guy Bluford (she personally recruited the 1st woman and 1st black astronaut), Mae Jemison (the 1st black woman credits her for inspiring her to become an astronaut).
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Uhura did finally command the ship in the animated series. She would not have gotten to voice the role, but for Leonard Nimoy making it an obligation that all the original actors voice their parts for him to come on.
Scotty and Uhura in the film was definitely a pair the spares situation, in which both were the leftover senior citizens with the writers just going "why not?"
it was beyond insulting and she did protest about the scene where she's bumbling through a giant translation book to speak to klingons for laughs in trek 5 ...but her best moment IMO is her pulling a gun on the young ensign in the transporter room in Trek 3...sadly her ONLY scene in the damn movie.
Miss Saldana got to play to MANY corrections in JJ Abrams rebooted Trek, from being amazing at languages to having an actual life & love, to confidently turning down Kirk at every turn.
FUN FACT!! Both JJ and Bob Orci both expressed disappointed shock that the love story between Spock & Uhura got more hatred from fans than BLOWING UP PLANET VULCAN.
another FUN FACT!! The love story between Spock & Uhura is what grabbed the old school Star Wars fan (JJ Abrams) enough to come aboard to direct. Yep. JJ ships Spock & Uhura.
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Zoe's iteration became the 1st version of Uhura to speak confidently in Klingon
Celia Rose Gooding becoming Uhura brings around a lot of Uhura's qualities full circle, IMO. As she is also from theatre (like Nichelle) and has a beautiful singing voice as well as the charm. Zoe's iteration was sharper, and much more protective, professional, & mature, about her life and love.
Celia Rose has the youthful curiousity and stars in her eyes and had vulnerability from her first intro... I loved the eagerness the crew showed to being in her orbit, seeing the glow of her talent and being drawn to that, to have a part in nurturing that.
As I've said... Celia IMO has the most dazzling smile, giant warm brown eyes, fantastic curves, and an energy that feels essentially Uhura, & that is all light, joy, a bit of uncertainty, -from the light singing (!) and the growth to her joy in discovery... I'd love to see her writing move away from serving and be more about her wants needs and growing in friendships/loves.
But Celia is a gift and is perfectly cast.
Essentially Uhura = femininity, graceful carriage, gorgeous smile, excellence in engineering and translation (canon!), ability to sing and play the Vulcan lyre, sharp womanist wit, love for her U.S. of African-Kenyan culture and being beloved by all crew...
When Miss Celia hummed those gorgeous notes to the alien entity on that comet?? That Solidified that she IS Uhura IMO.
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I 100% think they fucked up by killing Hemmer, because that mentor-mentee relationship was giving marginalized coming together and bonding over everybody else's bullshit and I was here for it...it was giving me Data and Geordi updated...and since then, IMO they've lost track and given us the same kinda backwards wingwoman role BS, that people who like to pretend to be her fan shoehorn her into.
...but I have high hopes that they'll course-correct.
All this to say ALL OF THE ABOVE is Uhura and anyone calling her ugly, bossy, pushy, annoying, whatever is just sad little hater who doesn't know wtf they are talking about.
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maxwell-grant · 3 months
I guess it's also time for the annual ask: Thoughts on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
@mirrorfalls asked: Perhaps it's time to touch the elephant in the room: thoughts on League of Extraordinary Gentlemen?
anonymous asked: Any thoughts on Moore's LOEG? anonymous asked: any advice on how to do a fictional character mashup story ala chimera brigade, league, etc? anonymous asked: you wrote a bit on the wold newton universe and the chimera brigade, any thoughts on league of extraordinary gentleman?
(TW: sexual assault, also a whole lot of racism)
(clip from Anti-Spook Squad by Doctor Lalve)
Let it never be said I don't love or do anything for you people because Jesus Christ what an ordeal.
It was pretty inevitable that I'd eventually have to talk about LOEG given the, niche, I made for myself here, and given I'd read and touched on all these other works that either inspired it or were inspired by it, like the Wold Newton Universe, The Chimera Brigade, Tales of the Shadowmen and etc. I'd read through plenty of different LOEG takes and fics, it's an idea that has a lot of appeal on it's own and is easy to flirt with, if not so easy to pull off.
One thing to put upfront: Kevin O'Neil was a brilliant, one-of-a-kind creator and his work here is great, it's the one thing almost unimpeachably great about the whole thing except when he's asked to draw racist caricatures, which he does quite a bit, we'll get into those. I love the collaboration between Moore and O'Neil and I frequently enjoy the little tidbits where they show up as themselves within the supplemental material. O'Neil does a lot of heavy lifting in these even at their worst, in fact especially at their worst. This comic is a legitimately impressive achievement, and I don't regret reading it, if nothing else I think it was a hell of a wake-up call in regards to all of it's warts I may have been overlooking or replicating in my work or that of others.
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I'm gonna break it down by going through the individual installments:
Volume 1: One of the nicest things there is to League is that it only keeps getting better, in the sense that it starts off on the worst foot and it gets better by virtue of not really being able to get worse (yes, even with the Golleywog and Harry Potter sections and whatever). From the moment you open the book it takes about six pages for Mina to be assaulted by Brute Arab Rapist Hordes that Quatermain and Nemo have to gun down, and that pretty much sets the stage on what to expect. Volume 1 is where the series has yet to jump off the deep end in tackling all of fiction, being a more grounded adventure story based on it's premise of being a comic book crossover/hero team comprised of Victorian era literary characters. It's LOEG at it's shallowest and most straightforward, and also at it's least impressive. I'm not remotely charmed by much of what's done here, I've seen a million variants of these before and many of those weren't that great either, but their lows weren't as catastrophic.
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(text comes from an essay Alan Moore wrote regarding his usage of Fu Manchu in the book, which was scanned and sent to me by @mirrorfalls, thank you for that.)
The LOEG's first enemy is Fu Manchu and the book sure likes depicting leering hordes of yellow peril cartoons for our heroes, Mr Hyde in particular, to brutally mow down. Alan Moore thought the genius trick to making Fu Manchu not-racist was to make him as inscrutable and sinister as possible so as to not even appear human, which is a great understanding of how racial caricatures work guys, the "not potentially offensive" shirt has people asking a lot of questions answered by it.
I've heard a lot of claims over the years that LOEG was intended to be a parody, or satire, and that it's using Fu Manchu to make a point as a criticism of the British Empire and imperialism, and I'm gonna make this clear before we move on: LOEG is not a parody or satire, not as a whole. It parodies and satirizes a lot of things, but it is neither parody nor satire. It is very much in love with much of it's subject matter even when it wants to burn it down. LOEG is also a frankly terrible critique of imperialism, it is one of the most imperialist things I've ever read. Part of it is because you can't just recycle problematic garbage and claim it's commentary, especially when you're going out of your way to sensationalize said garbage to be provocative or in many cases add shit that wasn't even there in the first place. Moore asked if anyone else was gonna try and criticize colonialist bigotry in fiction by tripling down on reproducing it as hard as possible, and then didn't wait for an answer before doing it.
Volume 2: Objectively an improvement over the first if only because Fu Manchu isn't there. It's also where the book kinda improves in terms of making a critique. LOEG never really has much to say about it's characters, instead developing them in service of the story or social commentary, and Volume 2 is better at it than the first. Still has a lot of the same problems as 1, it's still a shallow team-up thing that wants to have it's cake and eat it too, it's still the worse version of a concept that's been done many many times before and after. Edward Hyde gets the bulk of the focus here and he was very clearly Moore and O'Neil's favorite character to work on, he gets the most memorable sequences for better or worse. I don't wanna talk about him much and I don't wanna talk about how the book wraps up the Invisible Man's subplot (and how it's not even gonna be the last time sexual violation of a villain is played for oh-so-horrific catharsis), I'd frankly like to stop thinking about it.
The Traveler's Almanac was definitely the most exhausting part to read in full and only not a total waste of time because of Jess Nevins' annotations, which turn this into fairly valuable research material. But so do Wold Newton articles and they're really not the most riveting thing to read, and at least those have a point or constrain themselves to a single topic or character, or are briefer and come with resources on hand or have a point or even can pitch some neat/cool ideas and concepts as a whole. Jess Nevins even did the better version of this in his own WNU chronologies.
Where as this is just complete ass and there's only so many times you can read a variant of "and then we went to this place with horrible cannibal savages and then we went to the other place with beautiful cannibal savages and then we found this utopia and then we found this dystopia and then we referenced this and that and this and that", and it brings me to another point I'd also seen brought up a lot in regards to LOEG: that it's too damn anglocentric to live up to it's premise, too contradictory within itself, and it was always too big of an undertaking to be done the way Moore and O'Neill did it.
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I appreciate Moore trying to make this world feel like a world, in as gigantic all-encompassing a scale as he could possibly account for, with a full world tour and internal chronology. I sure would have liked a big fiction crossover almanac with entire chapters for Africa and China and South America, but we don't get that, because EVERYTHING in them is taken from colonial texts elevated to fact. Literally, entire paragraphs taken from political and colonial texts. All the time spent dicking around with all of those Euro political texts and ancient lore that just had to be paid it's due, and then Orlando goes to China and finds Sun Wukong stuffed as a public freakshow and dismisses his mythos as a bunch of loony (but intriguing and exotic!) hogwash, and Godzilla is later brought up in one line of dialogue to mention how Hugo Hercules killed him offscreen. (I think those might be the only two texts Moore brings up that aren't from European/American sources? There might be others but good luck finding them in the annotations).
Is it unfair to expect Moore to have read all of fiction? Of course it is, but that's what he wants this to be about, he wants this to be about All of Fiction and he wants to write about Africa and China and South America with nothing but colonial texts about those places as reference. He wants to write about how the things he likes are cool and happened and are real while the things he doesn't like don't count or are garbage or didn't happen the way we were told happened. He wants to make a story criticizing racism and misogyny in fiction while writing a text far more racist and misogynistic than most of the things he's bringing up. It's irreconcilable.
Black Dossier: It's constantly jumping between different formats and having to adjust it's prose and visual style accordingly, and it does that fairly well (the beatnik section is completely fucking unreadable though, the prose sections are already a handful to get through as is but that one was too much even for me), although Tempest I think is gonna do it much better. It's got some good parts, it's also got some bad ones. Definitely more readable than the prior two + Almanac.
This is the one with the Gollywog in it and I'm not gonna talk about that thing, I think what's wrong with it is self-explanatory as is. Look, I truly love a lot of Moore's work I've read, and I think a lot of the pushback against Alan Moore painting him as just a cranky old man who hates comics is overblown and shitty and symptomatic of bigger issues with how fans discuss comics and superheroes, but his defense of the Gollywog and his response to the criticisms of LOEG was embarassing and beneath him.
Century: This is the one with Harry Potter and The Lightning Penis in it. To those of you who heard at some point that Alan Moore had done a much-maligned pisstake on Harry Potter and got curious, don't get your hopes up. It's nothing, it's not even that mean, it's just a crude crayon doodle in service of a larger and very dumb critique of modern fiction that could have been anyone. Shame that he bullseyed ahead of the schedule the cultural about-face against Harry Potter without having anything actually criticizing Harry Potter to show for it.
Century does work for me a bit better because it dispenses with the pretense of the series and has it build up to the big awful tragedy it ends on, with all of it's remaining characters miserable immortals and all the fictions having curdled up and gone sour. It works for me only because I have no love whatsoever for this world and so it destroying our characters in the service of the larger narrative about stories and fictional immortality and whatnot is a decision I agree with and I think makes it stronger, even if the social commentary / the story's criticism of modern stories compared to the old ones is frankly absurd. Century I think was perceived as Moore/O'Neill having lost the plot, but to me it feels like the plot (more importantly, the point of it) finally showing up after so much pointless dicking around.
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The Nemo trilogy: Easily the one I most enjoyed reading, the Nemo Trilogy is almost like a breather set in between books, just fairly straightforward pulp adventure stories done in far less rancid a fashion than Volume 1. It feels less like a LOEG book and more like one of those LOEG fanfics made by people who like the concept and characters but are dissappointed by the books, so they fill or add or rewrite in the blanks with their own ideas, which is basically every LOEG fanfic ever made. I quite like Janni Dakkar as a character and I'm already a huge mark for Captain Nemo, one of my favorite characters ever, and I was of course very glad to get away from the extremely tiresome Mina/Allan/Orlando trio for a change. Frankly I'd even recommend these as a standalone, they're so disconnected from everything else in LOEG.
If you guys want to read a comic take on Captain Nemo though, read Mobilis by Juni Ba. Infinitely better than anything Moore did with the concept of Nemo, takes far less pages to actually explore the character meaningfully and has far more interesting, more humane and personal things to say and do in general, one of the best things I ever read and a tremendous palette cleanser after LOEG.
Tempest: Tempest is what I'd call the best of the LOEG books, in terms of craft and in terms of achieving what it sets out to do. Namely, it's one of the most elaborate and most artistically impressive slowly unfurling middle fingers I'd ever read, Alan and Kevin in full burning down the house mode throwing everything they've got at the wall, playing around with as many different styles and gags and ideas as they can cram into the great apocalyptic ending of their collaboration. It's a very spiteful work that has a lot of joy and humor to it, fully divested from giving a shit about it's characters and instead recasting them as the bit players they always were in the grand fuckening of humanity at the hands of our fictions.
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It gets to burn down everything and also preserve everything in a big dreamy Noah's Ark forever, it plays to every strength the series had, and frankly I barely minded the detours because this thing is all detours. The superhero parody that takes up so much of it isn't really anything funny or insightful or really anything, but there's good bits in it, and I like Alan Moore talking trash about superheroes (of course, it pales in comparison to What Can We Know About Thunderman, but that one is a league of it's own). It's Alan and Kevin's farewell to comics with all the mixed feelings towards it and the industry and the subject matter they both have decades of so much experience with it. It is The End of Everything and I think it ended on the best note it could have ended with.
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In summary, I think LOEG has a lot of individually cool or neat or even great ideas that I think get lost, because there is so, so much of it, and so much of it is impressively painted sludge. Sometimes it is ingenious, sometimes it is fun, it is never not visually impressive, but it's more frequently dull and grotesquely self-indulgent and far too shallow. It suffers from an almost inescapable side effect of doing this dealing with the fiction he was dealing with without accounting for taste or bothering to reign in his worst impulses, too much to cover and not enough actually being said about it. In truth, much of it doesn't feel much different than reading the wiki summaries for it I had already read forever ago. It is a unique beast taking swings that I'd never seen before that most wouldn't, probably for very good reasons most of the time. It is also guilty of literally everything it's criticizing other works of being and doing, and sometimes it actually provides it's best commentary because of that! It's a complicated thing to tackle and wrap your head around. God knows what Jess Nevins must have gone through to make the annotations for this, as they put it on the Almanac annotations.
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I don't consider it wasted time because, I did really enjoy the final two installments, there are good bits scattered across the other books and I learned some good things from it as a whole, but would I recommend it in it's entirety? Unless you're really a huge fan or completionist for it's creators (although reading LOEG really disillusioned me on Moore in a lot of ways, not that this is a bad thing, if anything that's a necessary thing to really try and grasp a creator's body of work) or you're the kind of sicko who'd be in the tank for the whole thing, no, not really.
It is one of the most impressive and accomplished works I've ever read, I will probably come back to it for research purposes, but holy shit am I glad to put it behind me.
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cosmosrebellion · 3 months
TW - Racist caricatures
Getting to see Scrooge early appearances is wild. It's morbidly interesting to see just how much Barks got away with making him a monstrous asshole for a Disney characters standard, an pretty mildly monstrous for billionaire standards.
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otteroflore · 5 months
Response to "Takara Osharena Pony analysis - why did they fail in Japan?"
This is one of the first results when you look up the Takara Osharena ponies
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Listen. Listen. No offense to this person, I think they were being sincere in making this, but it really bothers me that this is the top post for "Why Takara Osharena failed" and shows up when you search about the Takara ponies, because I don't see how this makes any sense.
"Large expressive eyes and small noses are preferred"
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(hello kitty wikipedia)
"What I can't fathom is why the developers chose theses attributes... ...going against the grain for them"
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(article on popularity of moomin in japan since the 70s)
"They stand upright on two feet... hooves?... have tiny beady eyes and bulbous noses"
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(sylvanian families bear, 1985)
(I am going to ignore the "females find small creatures with small noses and large eyes thing" because we dont need to get into pseudo-psychology rn but suffice it to say, theyre not concrete rules. OBVIOUSLY.)
I still don't know why the Takara Ponies failed in Japan; I can't read Japanese and I'm not very skilled (yet) at researching things in other languages. But I can pretty much guarantee that in 1985, the Takara Tomy ponies look extremely fitting next to other Japanese pop culture icons.
By 1985, Moomin and Hello Kitty had already hit it big and the Sylvanian families line would come out and last for the next, oh, nearly forty years.
I'd love to know why the Osharena Takara ponies were actually discontinued, but I have to wonder if it wasn't because of the above brands. Maybe Moomin and Hello Kitty were so solidified in the public consciousness that the Osharena Takara ponies could look like a pale imitator. Or, the Sylvanian families (and Takara's own flocked doll-animal line) were a direct competitor and just did better, especially since they had full playsets while the takara ponies were mainly just dolls.
The my little wiki has pictures from the 1985 * Takara Catalog, which is from what I understand most of what we know about the Takaras still. I can't find the 1986 version, although I found this site that has pictures of the 1986 catalog showing a toy similar to Sylvanian families that I didn't know about. I'm going to see if the author of said site has info about the Takara ponies- they also collect g1 MLPs and post pictures of catalogs on twitter, but the most recent tweet was 2022 so I'm not sure how active they are.
In conclusion: I think it's a stretch to assume the takara ponies weren't "cute" enough for a Japanese audience. In fact, I'd argue they followed all of the conventions of the time and match several media lines that persisted to this day- maybe too well, even.
*edited to add TW for racist caricature on the cover of the 1985 takara catalog
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isleofdarkness · 6 months
Writing this I realized my main thoughts on Evie's backstory are "DIE DIE GRIMHILDE DIE", to which... wow, what a surprise, never would have crossed my mind/s
AAAAAAAAAA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS WOMAN. How fucking full of shit you have to be to starve a BABY for them to not be fat. Who starves a newborn? Who does that? Genuinely, who the fuck does that? Oh god, I hate her so much.
You know what pisses me off the most? THIS IS REAL. I mean, obviously is not real, but like- this shit happens A LOT. PEOPLE STARVE THEIR CHILDREN. Like, is common. I can name three or five friends of mine whose mothers implanted diet culture and self-hatred into them and GOD- I hate almond moms with a burning passion. Anyways, going back to the review-
“If she wasn't getting those, doctors are sure she wouldn't have made it even another two years.” Im ok, everything is totally fine, nothing wrong, everythi
“Grimhilde made sure her daughter knew how to sexually attract and please men.” 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
“Her bedroom, which had once been her beloved refuge, had become a place she couldn't stand due to all of the horrific memories made in that room.” “Evie felt the boy go completely stiff, breath coming far too quickly but with practiced silence- who even developed the skill to hyperventilate silently?” You depict abuse victims so well and in a way that doesn't feel caricatured, they feel real. Thank you.
“He was terrified, shaking and tense, the same kind of terror Evie felt when her mother was angry.” Poor babies, they deserve the world :(
“When his blue eyes finally meet hers, he suddenly looks so much older. In her moments of vulnerability, when she dared look in her cracked mirror, she knew her eyes could look like that.” Is this about Evie looking younger due to undernutrition? (“...she's clearly underdeveloped. The poor girl looks like she's thirteen without her makeup.”)
Evie and Malcolm are the cutest, I want to hug both of them.
Also fuck that guy, whoever he is. I'm glad Agony beat his ass.
“Agony was the first girl her own age she had ever met. The first girl she'd ever been friends with- the second friend she'd ever had. Evie was absolutely thrilled.” I love them, Evie's so in love.
“Evie dared not get up as Grimhilde screamed at her. She screamed about the company Evie was keeping, using every racist term towards Black people that she knew, calling Agony a cripple and Malcolm a retard (along with several other derogatory terms for people with Down Syndrome that I won't repeat,) insulting them based on their backgrounds (Agony's "whore mother" and calling Malcolm a slave because of his mother-) if there was a way Grimhilde could insult the two, she used it. She blamed Evie for her assault, shaming her for "being a cheap whore instead of a princess" and acting as though Evie had consensually had sex and hadn't been a child raped by an adult. She forced Evie to apologize to her, then forced her to apologize to the man who'd assaulted her for the "trouble she'd caused" and having people "hurt an innocent man." ” I HATE HER SO MUCH. GOD. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HER. The fact a child rapist knew he could go to her and tell her about how he had assault her daughter multiple times and, not only not face any consequences, but also get that child to APOLOGISE TO HIM talks about how much of a shitty mother AND person Grimhilde is. Also, all the slurs? 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
I had two moods reading this "Evie, Malcolm and Agony are the cutest and deserve the best" and "FUCK GRIMHILDE, I HATE HER"
Thankfully, the worst part is about to be over. Now she has a friend with connections to people who can help her. Of course, better doesn't mean her life is going to be perfect.
(TW for starving a child and referenced child sexual abuse and assault)
The amount of times I've heard about people restricting how much a baby eats to give them a "slender figure-" babies are supposed to be fat! That baby fat they have is very important! And babies are growing so rapidly, they need a certain amount of calories so that they can grow and their bones can fuse and their brains can develop! I agree, it's messed up.
Children deserve to not worry about their weight. They deserve decadence and the joys of life. Yeah, they still need to be healthy, but children deserve to have candy and sweets and food that isn't always healthy. Their bodies are still developing, they need this stuff because even unhealthy things make up a natural part of their diet. They have a minimum daily calorie requirement and certain vitamins to help their internal organs develop properly. To deprive them of that and blame their perfectly healthy weight is not only cruel, it's medically dangerous. Let kids exist without counting calories and sabotaging their bodies by trying to stay slim.
Thankfully, she's getting better. It's slow-going and doctors aren't sure how much is going to be permanent, but she's getting better and the damage is starting to mend.
Absolutely horrific to put that on any child, especially one who is elementary school age, Grimhilde.
Thank you. I'm trying really hard to convey how horrific child abuse is, and I'm glad I'm getting it across.
They do deserve the world. They deserve the entire galaxy.
You know how children have this young look in their eyes? Like you can look into their eyes and tell that they haven't seen as much of the world, that they're innocent and carefree? It's like this beautiful spark they have in their eyes. Malcolm didn't have that spark. His eyes were serious, tired, filled with way too much experience for someone so young. Evie had seen that spark leave her eyes over the past year or so, and she had seen how it made her face seem older, more adult. A child without that spark just seems older than they are, and that's what Evie meant. Malcolm, like her, didn't have that innocence anymore. He'd been through too much, like she had, and it had forced him to mature far too early.
They're very cute.
He was just some minion. That was one of the only times Agony didn't regret using her power (most times have been on accident and, while this one was, too, she doesn't feel that sorry that it happened.)
They were already so important to each other.
Evie had found the first two positive connections to other people she'd ever had, the first two friendships, the first two connections to children her own age, and Grimhilde spent a solid hour insulting them. It was horrific. As for that guy, you'll be pleased to know that Agony told her uncle and that that guy is never going to hurt Evie or any other small child ever again.
Both moods are extremely valid and are exactly what I was going for. Thank you so, so much.
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spearxwind · 10 months
forgive me if im just uneducated/you dont wanna explain but wtf is rcd anon talking about idk who rcd is
rcdart was an artist on here who dabbled in many popular fandoms (especially marvel, bravest warriors, and steven universe) and had pretty nice art, so they were pretty popular. Around 2016 or so they underwent a very extreme and very abrupt art style shift, where their art became more stylized but more importantly, took a turn into becoming transphobic and also racist.
Their most notable criticism was that they would draw captain america (who they headcanonned as trans) with a huge chest and huge thighs and often huge lips (though they gave huge lips to pretty much all of their designs)
Their racist drawings included drawing black people with caricature features like light lips, weird cheekbones, exaggerated noses, and buck tooth gaps; drawing latino women as very muscular and with facial hair (also could not draw a single latino woman without a sombrero for some reason).
I never saw their nsfw blog (twitter account? idk what the hell it was) but people ALLEGEDLY say that they would draw a lot of really trans fetishistic content and doubled down on the transphobia. I havent been able to verify that myself so take it with a grain of salt.
Their big downfall catalyst was a pretty awful and unrecognizeable drawing of finn from star wars which basically set off all the callouts and stuff and put them in the public eye.
Their case is pretty well documented if you look up the 'rcdart' url youll find tons of images and tons of info. If you'd like to take a glimpse at what they posted, their blog is somewhat saved on the internet archive as well (and obvious TW for the racism and potentially triggering transphobic art)
Its really unfortunate cause they DID have cool stuff going on in some of their drawings, but they were so adamant on cranking up the caricature vibes that the charm is just lost
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