#raichu spotted
chesacakeripper · 2 months
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Not looking forward to going back to proper work tomorrow after the epic glasto-then-covid-then-nightshifts of the last few weeks, but here look at my shiny pikas from the outbreaks this weekend ⚡️🐭
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motordyk · 2 years
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OC-Tober day 10 - Mentor and Student
"Are you sure you wanna give this a go, mate?" "Yeah, I like spending time with you!"
gawt damn i havent touched this boy in forever and a half the little popplio here is maui and ive had him since 2019! he was made as a fancharacter for @/nonetoon's gijinkaverse but i lost interest in him pretty quick. sorry guy the raichu is named alric, and as you can guess, hes a surfer! alric is a family friend, and he's known maui since he was a baby. he works as a life guard at a pool near his house, so whenever mauis parents are busy, he'll swing by and take him out for the day mauis got no legs but damn it if he doesnt want to surf with alric
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gracefireheart · 5 months
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✨Here comes Team Fortress - Pokemon [Mystery Dungeon] Edition✨
'Aight, so, let's go over who is what and why I chose said pokemon for them;
Pyro - [shiny] Heatmor: This one was chosen from a poll I made, which had a few different fire type pokemon in it for, well, obvious reasons. And honestly, I'd say Heatmor was a pretty good choice in the end. Also, their ability would be Flash Fire :]
Demoman - Druddigon: I'm gonna be truthful. Originally, I thought "it would be cute if he was a Druddigon since it looked like the dragon on the Scottish flag :)." And then, way too late into the drawing, I remembered that the flag I was thinking about (that has a dragon) is Wales, not Scotland o(-( But I just said fuck it, let the man be a (imo) cool af dragon. Oh, and his ability would be Sheer Force.
Sniper - Inteleon: The most obv pick for him as 1. He has the Sniper ability. 2. He literally has a special move called "Snipe Shot". 3. Has a Gigantamax that has Inteleon high up on it's elongated tail, staring down at it's opponent with a water sniper harpoon thingy. And 4. Inteleon is lanky.
Heavy - [Regular] Ursaluna: It's a bear. It's big af at 2.4m tall (or 7'10"). And it has the ability Bulletproof :)
Scout - Grafaiai: I first looked after pokemon with high speed stats, noted some of them down, then spotted Grafaiai, which is a mischievous fella that does grafiti. And since I like the thought of Scout being a good artist (because of Expiration Date), I thought it would be neat. His ability would be Prankster.
Medic - [shiny] Togekiss: Mainly, I wanted to choose a fairy type pokemon for him 'cause of the old "dragon slayer memes" that went around when the fairy typing had been announced and was shown to be super effective against dragon type pokemon, which used to only be weak against other dragon types pokemon. That, and Togekiss kinda looks like a dove (even if it's supposed to be a plane? Apparently?) His ability would be Serene Grace.
Soldier - [shiny] Rampardos: Not gonna lie, I just thought this pokemon would fit him well. Sure, I wasn't able to put his soldier helmet on 'cause of how dumb this pokemon's head is, but I still thought it would fit him. His ability would either be Sheer Force or Mold Breaker.
Engineer - Raichu: Another one I did a poll for, and again, I liked the outcome :) Raichu just feels like a very Engineer pokemon.
Spy - Zoroark: The most obvious one of them all due to the ability unique to Zoroark, aka Illusion. There's not really anything else I can add onto this lol
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Mercs' Pokémon Team Relist
So, I made a list of Mercs’ Pokémon team back in June. But now, I’m going to do it again as a relist, which means changing the Pokémon from the Mercs’ Pokémon party team because it doesn’t feel right to me or something. All mercs’ have Eeveeutions as their partner, we’ll start with the offensive class, defensive class, and finally support class.
Let’s start with this bunny boy from Boston, shall we?
Scout’s Pokémon Team
Eevee; Scout’s Eevee was his first partner as a gift by his mother on thirteenth birthday. 
Clodsire (Shiny); Scout caught his first Pokémon before it evolved. 
Miltank; Scout makes aggressive attempts to calm herself down after saving the Engineer and Pyro from being attacked, however, he later found out that she was being abandoned by her previous trainer.
Raichu (Alolan Form And Shiny); His seven older brothers got him a Pikachu as his birthday gift, and evolved to Raichu in Alolan form shortly after.
Scout’s Extra Pokémon
Oshawott (His favorite Pokémon); Hatched from an egg after Scout received a prize from the contest. 
Wooloo (Shiny)
Phanpy (Shiny)
Sentrent (Shiny)
Absol; Scout met Absol as stray Pokémon
Before we're moving to the Soldier’s Pokémon team, I’m going to give them an extra Pokémon in their base to enjoy relaxing, playing, or training them after battles. Now, let’s continue to the Soldier’s Pokémon team, shall we?
Soldier’s Pokémon Team
Umbreon; He and his best friend Demoman went somewhere to hang out when they spotted two Eevee sitting on the box with written words, ‘Please, take me!’ So, they take two Eevee and train them before they evolve.
Braviary (Shiny); His best friend Demoman gives him a Rufflet as a gift before it evolves.
Zangoose (Shiny)
Soldier’s Extra Pokémon
Deerling; Soldier got Deerling as a gift from his girlfriend, Zhanna, Heavy’s sister.
Finally, Pyro!
Pyro’s Pokémon Team
Flareon; Pyro got Eevee as a gift from a good friend, the Engineer, and using the fire stone.
Rapidash (Garalarian Form And Shiny)
Ninetales (Shiny)
Volcarona (Shiny)
Pyro’s Extra Pokémon
Moving to the Defense class, starting with the Demoman.
Demoman’s Pokémon Team
Runerigus (Shiny)
Dubwool; His family owns a farm with a lot of Wooloos from generation to generation.
Lapras (Shiny) 
Demoman’s Extra Pokémon
Spinda (Shiny)
Sinistea (Shiny)
Zorua (Hisuian Form)
Next is Heavy Weapon Guy.
Heavy’s Pokémon Team
Sylveon; When Heavy was young, he was walking in the woods to search for something then spotted injured Eevee wandered to look for food. Heavy decided to help and give his sandvich to Eevee.
Tinkaton (Shiny); His father gives his Tiffatuff to him before she evolved. 
 Bewear; Got Stufful as gift by his mother and sisters before evolved.
Milotic (Shiny); Got Shroomish from his younger sister Swissmas, however, Heavy didn’t realize that they had a bit of teasing of him once of Shroomish’s face as it had the same face as his angry face.
Heavy’s Extra Pokémon
Lastly, of the Defense class is Engineer born from the Lone Star state.
Engineer’s Pokémon Team
Jolteon; Dell found two Eevee when he was playing his guitar suddenly heard the noise coming inside the barn, then gave one Eevee to Pyro, and used a thunder stone.
Mudsdale (Shiny)
Tauros (Paldean Form And Blaze Breed)
Engineer’s Extra Team
Togedemaru (Shiny)
Yamper (Shiny)
Finally, the last class is the Support class! Let’s begin with the healer.
Medic’s Pokémon Team
Leafeon; The Medic found Eevee who was seriously and badly injured by some aggressive wild Pokémon, then healed, and used the Leaf Stone.
Malamar (Shiny)
Tsareena (Shiny)
Absol (Shiny)
Medic’s Extra Pokémon
Blissey (Shiny)
Next is a Kiwi Bird, born in New Zealand, but he was raised in Australia!
Sniper’s Pokémon Team
Glaceon; His (adoptive) parents gave him an Eevee on Christmas and used Ice Stone. 
Sandslash; Gifted by his (adoptive) father. 
Sandslash (Alolan Form And Shiny); Gifted by his (adoptive) mother. 
Mightyena (Shiny)
Sniper’s Extra Pokémon
Finally, a French man secretly dated Scout's mother and didn't tell his son that he was his father.
Spy’s Pokémon Team
Vaporeon; Got an Eevee as a gift from having an anniversary with Scout’s mother, and uses Water Stone. 
Roserade (Shiny)
Spy’s Extra Pokémon
Rookidee (Shiny)
Ditto (Shiny)
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Did some more Jerry stuff to play with Pikachu's tail. This may not be my final iteration, but an attempt was made. X3
@the-coments-jester, you're free to hate Pikachu all you want, but I will tolerate NO (legitimate) Jerry hate, whatever form he's in!
And I actually want take a minute to talk about a soft headcanon I have regarding Pikachu and Raichu. My thought is that in the longer hairs on their tails, there's a small amount of conductive minerals, making the hairs denser than the rest on their bodies.
As usual, hidden for older Jerry and Momo spoilers, and also a bit of interactions this time.
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And I also have a question.
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For Pichu and Raichu I liked the nose spot matching the cheeks. But on Pikachu it looks silly to me.
So I'm wondering, what do you think?
It's based on this screenshot I got~
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greencharisard · 3 months
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I don't think I've ever shared this guy here, he's an old character that I had semi-abandoned after the group he was made for on dA disbanded (Glowchus). It was something I longed to be part of since I first found out abou it in 2013 or so, and I finally won a spot from a contest... it lasted a few months before being nuked from the internet and tbh I still don't fully understand what happened.
You may wonder what exactly spurred me to work on him again. Well I found out Glowchus have been revitalized and like... have a website and stuff??
I could use his first design and register him on the new site, but tbh I've learned my lesson about trying to develop a character while relying on other people's OCs to create interactions.
So he's not a glowchu anymore, where does he go? Why into the PMD universe of course! He's a regular old pichu obsessed with a book series that sees two factions of special 'chus at odds with each other.
He loves to infodump about the lore to anyone that will listen, including his best friend Nathan (Nathy for short) the shiny lotad! They love to play pretend and want to become a rescue team when they grow up.
He evolves into a pikachu by his mid teens and that's when he started becoming a bit delulu.
Because he has a bit of an unique tail marking he convinces himself that he's a descendant of the characters from his favorite book series (he isn't). He starts adding a marking to his tail with fur dye, wearing leather gloves and earbands to also mimic it, gets a tatoo; the works.
He and His friend Nate become a rescue team and he names it "Team Elementals". Since they're both pokemon that evolve with elemental stones they make a promise: they'll waith for each other and evolve together.
Things are going great for a while, despite Tobio's habit of taking on dangerous outlaws; that is until they finally got their hands on a water stone and a thunder stone. Tobio had gotten so deep into his delusion that the possibility of the evolution not reaffirming it terrified him, and when they eventually got to evolving his fears came true.
He was just a normal raichu, no special traits, no fancy markings, no elemental powers...
For a while he's deep in denial, he keeps dying his fur and drowns himself in dangerous jobs, until reality comes and kicks him in the face: on a mission to capture an outlaw he and Nate punch too far above their weightclass. They go after an extremely dangerous Salamance criminal and while Nate comes out of it with just scratches and bruises, Tobio in his stubborness to prove himself a hero gets his leg bitten off.
It's an harsh wake up call, the recovery takes months, but Tobio's spirit is what takes the hardest hit. He becomes jaded, bitter, starts taking on jobs based on the reward only, stops caring about the dye job on his fur ecc.
Aaaand that's how far I got here! I have a multitude of ideas on how to continue his story but that will come later once I have more characters ironed out. Love my idiot son and I'm glad I decided to bring him back to the pokemon world <3
PMD by Nintendo
art and characters by me, do not copy, trace, repost, reuse ecc without my permission please.
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Pokemon Card of the Day #3130: Pikachu & Zekrom-GX (Team Up)
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Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was given almost everything a card could ask for. There were ways to accelerate Energy early on, making a big turn 2 hit very possible. Said attack also got even more Energy from the deck and into play. The GX attack was not only strong, but Energy stacking could let it hit two Pokemon at once. There were also ways to boost damage here due to being a Lightning-type. It was like they built the format for this card. On top of that, they put Pikachu on it, making sure the mascot of the series got serious play. This is not to say that Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was by any means unstoppable, as other very good Tag Teams existed and there were viable decks beyond that. It is probably quite obvious that this card would at minimum be a threat for quite some time due to just how much help they gave it.
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was actually on the lower end of Tag Team HP numbers, coming in at 240. This was still going to have the same result a lot of the time, but it did do things like save an Energy for Blacephalon or Turtonator, as well as letting Zoroark-GX get the 2-hit KO if fully set up. A Fighting Weakness occasionally mattered for the short time where Buzzwole was still hanging around. It also mattered just before this card rotated out with the rise of Rapid Strike Urshifu VMAX, a card that could get a clean KO and do 120 to something on the Bench. The Metal Resistance was there, but it did not actually prevent an ADP boost from letting Zacian V reach a big KO. The Retreat Cost here was 3, and being a bulky Pokemon that gave up 3 Prizes meant that this was quite notable. Most decks running this card ran a few copies of Switch, with some going all the way to 4. This worked well with the combination of big HP and the ability to get Energy onto a new attacker while still making progress.
Full Blitz was a spectacular attack. 150 damage for 3 Lightning Energy would have been solid even by itself. Tapu Koko Prism Star or Boltund V could help get a 2 turn set-up for this, making the deck rather quick. It somehow got even better from there. You also got to search your deck for up to 3 Lightning Energy and attached them to 1 of your Pokemon. This could power up a second Pikachu & Zekrom-GX, or could go to another partner like Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX, Boltund V, or Vikavolt V. This was generally set up to take down multi-Prize Pokemon in 2 hits, and single Prize Pokemon right away, but you could use Electropower to get a big KO in an important spot since the power was good enough to get close a lot of the time.
Tag Bolt GX did take up the team's GX attack, which did mean giving up the giant hit that Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX provided if running that too. It was still very good, and if not up against another Tag Team it tended to be the better GX attack. The base was 200 damage for 3 Energy, which was in a nice spot to take down 2 Prize Pokemon. If 3 more Energy on top of that were attached, it also did 170 damage to 1 of the opponent's Benched Pokemon, potentially getting another KO in the process if Mew wasn't there to protect everything. Getting a big hit on 2 Pokemon could be game changing, even if it did require sticking a ton of Energy on one Pokemon. The strategy could definitely work considering how Full Blitz worked.
Pikachu & Zekrom-GX was given the right combination of support and powerful attacks to be a threat for multiple years. It made top cut at Worlds 2019, won a few regional tournaments with plenty of top results, and even once things shut down for the pandemic it was a top tier deck in online tournaments. The deck won at both the Pokemon Online Championships and Players Cup II, and only fell off right at the end when huge VMAX Pokemon and the rise of Fighting as a type finally caught up to it. This was one of the most popular decks of its era and saw a lot of success, and it deserved a lot of praise. This was not just being used because people liked Pikachu, after all.
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terramythos · 2 months
i posted my top 25 favorite pokemon a couple days ago so now i get to be a certified hater.
25. Barraskewda
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wow an 'angry fish' pokemon design! i have certainly not seen this exact fucking concept in every single pokemon gen to date. i'm so glad that the 8th generation of pokemon has blessed us with such an original premise. it's not like Barraskewda is a particularly bad design, would probably be 'pretty good' if we got it 20 years ago-- but it is emblematic of the cynical, formula-at-all-costs drive that plagues much of modern pokemon.
24. Galarian Mr. Mime
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can someone please tell me what this regional variant does that the original Mr. Mime does not? oh wow, it's fucking blue now. it's a shame there's not a system in the game since gen 2 designed around alternate color schemes. who gives a shit. if this thing is so pointless it's making me defend GEN 1 MR MIME then it's DIRE.
23. Magneton
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magneton has the unique distinction on this list of being a pokemon i have actually used in my in-game team before. the thing is, i don't hate magneton THAT much. similar to barraskewda, magneton sucks because of what it represents. a lot of criticism of modern (gen 5 and beyond) pokemon design is that so many are 'just objects' which automatically makes them bad. these EXACT critics then defend gen 1 as the pinnacle of pokemon design originality. are you fucking stupid? gen 1 originals: magnemite is a magnet with an eyeball. magneton is three of them fucking bolted together. WOW, such creativity, truly the pinnacle of design. jackasses.
22. Onix
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kind of looks like a poo, which i suppose is appropriate considering how shit onix is in the actual game, too. to me onix is so close to being a cool pokemon if there was any imagination with the design. steelix is a little better i guess but so prohibitively difficult to obtain in casual play that you're probably stuck with this crap regardless.
21. Togdemaru
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this is by far the worst pikachu clone in the series and it's not even close. it's trying to be both pikachu and... togepi for some reason and fails at both. there is NOTHING interesting about this thing. furthermore, two OTHER pikachu 'clones' were also introduced in Sun/Moon: Alolan Raichu and Mimikyu, BOTH of which have extremely creative and beloved designs. you could literally remove this thing from the game and no one would give a shit.
20. Huntail
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gen 3 is infamous for having so many water routes in the game and thus, a TON of water-type pokemon. of all of these, huntail is by far the least memorable. it's the obscure SPLIT evolution of a pokemon that looks (1) nothing like it, and (2) you can't even get until late enough in the game that you already have a better water type. and on top of it he's fuck ugly. i guess i can appreciate the ringed octopus spots (? i HAVE to assume that's what those are) but this thing isn't even an octopus! i feel cheated.
19. Hypno
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ignoring the infamous creepy (not in a good way) lore with this thing, hypno just looks awful. i don't want this thing anywhere near me. why is it here. who designed this and why do they hate happiness
18. Chesnaught
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not only does chesnaught look like shit, not only is it the disappointing conclusion of a starter pokemon line... it was introduced in the generation that brought us DELPHOX and GRENINJA, two very popular final starter evos. this thing is so outclassed i kind of feel bad for it, but not enough to take it off this list.
17. Alolan Muk
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what if we took muk, a literal pile of sludge, and gave it a regional variant that looks like an oil spill? but for some reason instead of making that cool and interesting we make it look like someone chewed and swallowed 30 sticks of multicolor bubblegum and then threw up. they don't even do anything with its shape or general appearance. it just looks like the original muk but worse. terrible.
16. Cosmoem
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pokemon sun and moon were very story driven games. one of the main pokemon characters is a Cosmog named Nebby, who (spoilers) eventually evolves into the box legendary, either Solgaleo for Sun or Lunala for Moon. and here we have the utterly insignificant middle evolution that serves zero narrative purpose and looks a little like a puckered asshole. wet fart of a pokemon if i am being fully honest
15. Ambipom
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what if we took aipom and made it offputting and disturbing and also gave it a bowl cut for some reason? say no more. oh god while looking at this and typing i just realized it looks like a teletubby. get this fucking creature away from me
14. Karrablast
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i'll be honest i completely forgot this thing existed until i started making this list. have i ever really THOUGHT about karrablast? do i have any associations with it at all? honestly, fuck this thing on principle. BY THE WAY karrablast came out in gen 5 in the exact same game as a different bug-type evolutionary line with a yellow-blue color scheme. and joltik/galvantula are superior to whatever this thing is
13. Druddigon
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this thing perplexes me. why is its head red. why does it look like leaves? something that has absolutely nothing to do with its concept? i think maybe this is supposed to be the dragon on the welsh flag (??????) but it's literally introduced in the game set in New York. i do not like this guy at all
12. Rhyperior
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WERE rhydon stans clamoring for an evolution? did they want an evolution that ignores everything cool about rhydon's design? everything about this thing looks like dog shit trash. i'm actually a little offended on their behalf that this passed the initial design pitch.
11. Okidogi
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i am so out of the loop on pokemon that i didn't even know this thing existed until a day ago. and boy do i hate it. absolutely fucking awful design that is derivative of.... Zygarde's dog form for some fucking reason? this is where children's cartoon villain ideas go to die. terrible
10. Diggersby
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why does it look like that. an insult to bnuuy pokemon and i hope to never see it again. i think it's even worse that its prevo bunnelby is actually passably cute.
9. Barbaracle
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let's take a really cool fucking concept (a pokemon based on barnacles) and make it as fucking ugly and awful as possible. there is so much wasted potential that it makes me almost as angry as this thing looks.
8. Tyrogue
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one of the most boring pokemon designs possible. i get that tyrogue is supposed to be a 'blank slate' pokemon since it has 3 different evolutions. but you know what else is a blank slate pokemon? EEVEE, one of the most popular pokemon in fucking existence, because it's cute and people generally love its evolutions. tyrogue has nothing going for it. furthermore it was introduced after two of its three evolutions (hitmonlee and hitmonchan), so it's a pointless gimmick pokemon anyway. just remove this thing and make hitmontop a single-evo pokemon and nothing changes
7. Raging Bolt
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ASDHJGASFGVjgsldfgkjsdf? hghsejkfhlsefkjghsefg????? sejklrfghlsdkhjfgSDKFSFUKGDHfgshjfg
6. Galarian Weezing
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on paper i think this is a funny idea for a regional form but god does it miss the mark for me. WHY did they make the smog fucking oobleck green? why make it fake facial hair? why is weezing an old-timey british capitalist. i am not exaggerating that looking at this thing makes me a little sick to my stomach.
5. Grimmsnarl
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I remember being so thrilled at the idea of an imp-based pokemon line. i actually quite liked the designs of both Impidimp and Morgrem. and... THIS is really what they went with for the final evolution? furry green goblin on steroids? i cannot find a single thing i like about this design, it is such a baffling pokemon to me on all levels.
4. Scovillain
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truly how do you manage to fumble both the incredibly awesome Grass/Fire typing AND a design centered around HOT PEPPERS. jesus fucking christ this thing is awful, truly i believe it is one of the worst pokemon designs on both an objective and personal level in terms of execution and missed potential. i am honestly embarrassed for whoever designed this.
3. Grookey
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i skipped pokemon sword/shield for many different reasons, but i am completely serious that this being the grass starter was one of them. i absolutely fucking hate this thing, it is my least favorite starter by a country mile and i wanted to avoid seeing it at all fucking costs.
2. Eiscue
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sometimes it is a singular design decision that ruins a pokemon. and for me it's the fact there is a fucking HAIR coming out of the ice cube at the top. i'm all for hair but in the context of an ice cube i am potentially using in a drink??? gross, gross gross gross, ew ew ew ew ew i fucking hate this pokemon
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the patron saint itself and the reason i am even making this post. i absolutely despise cryogonal. the unimaginative and derivative design, NOTHING interesting to look at, its stupid 'mouth'. it makes no sense in the context of its game (again: WHAT gen 1 pokemon is this supposed to be an analogue for? you know the whole POINT behind the gen 5 pokedex???). my hatred of this thing is so profound. this thing could be wiped from history and nothing would change.
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aspens-dragons · 4 months
hey hey hey! i'm not like super into purple tbh but also like it's the closest to my current like little streak soooo yk how it is lol
Hey! My name's Aspen (he/him 👍) and I'm a junior at Naranja-Uva Academy! (i'm typing this with like proper grammar and all that cause like readability lmfao but that isn't how i normally type unless its like an essay or something) Right now I'm in the STEM track with a primary focus in veterinary sciences and a secondary focus in battle studies. And I'm vice-captain of our Cyclizar racing team! If you haven't noticed by now, I like Dragon-types. I really like Dragon-types :D
Other than my Cyclizar (her name's Spitfire!) I have two Pokemon, my Alolan Raichu (named Chip) and my Dreepy (named Zeppelin). AND in addition to those three, I have five other Pokemon, but they're kinda retired and live in Alola with my parents, but they're Pebble (Lycanroc), Jitters (Golisopod), Chloro (Lurantis), Grampy (Drampa) and Hibiscus (Kommo-o). I call Chip and those five the Big Six, 'cause they're the Pokemon I used while on my Island Challenge.
Speaking of my Island Challenge though, I was born in Nimbasa City, but I moved to Alola when I was... I wanna say maybe two or three? I dunno, I don't remember the moving part. Also, I've got an older brother and a baby sister.
Anyway, I've talked a lot, but I think that's just about it! See ya around :D
OOC under the cut!
Things to know!
Last updated: 09/03/2024
Hey, welcome!! Likes and follows come from @aster-pkmn-irl-real!
Current Arc(s): Patchwork Sanctuary, Victory Road Previous Arcs: The Schedule Switcheroo
Mod and muse are both minors! Please be mindful of that when interacting. This means no NSFW. The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Aspen exists in a timeline shortly after the events of Scarlet and Violet. He knows very little about what occurred during The Way Home.
Sentient Pokemon, eeby deebys, slow eeby deebys, chosens, legendaries, etc. are all welcome to interact, though Aspen may be skeptical about eeby deebys, legendaries, chosens, and evil teams!
Pelipper Mail/Malice, Musharna Mail/Malice, and Magic Anons are OFF.
Other than the rules above, feel free to send in asks :D
All posts prior to 06/05/2024 are not canon to this blog.
Regarding the above point! For some context, Aspen has actually existed for over a year at this point, and has had a blog just as long. I was originally using him on the blog this post was made on. In February (2024) I decided to create a main blog that I would use Aspen on instead, but in the past few months, I've been feeling kind of stuck about Aspen and it just hasn't been fun to RP as him. As a result, I've soft rebooted this blog (and a few blogs connected to him have also been soft rebooted for similar reasons). If you knew Aspen before this reboot, please be mindful of that fact that since he's been rebooted multiple aspects of his lore and backstory have changed and might continue to change over the course of this blog. This is why all posts from before June 5th are no longer considered canon to this blog!
Aspen's older brother might show up on the blog sometimes, so look out for that!
Aspen has a RotomPhone named Lithium, who will be talking with orange text!
#clanging scales ⇌ posts or reblogs from Aspen (where he has something to add)!
#dragon dance ⇌ reblogs from Aspen (without anything added)!
#breaking swipe ⇌ answered asks from Aspen!
#devastating drake ⇌ Aspen-centric angst!
#wormhole link ⇌ off screen posts!
#fickle beam ⇌ posts to pay attention to! these might provide clues or foreshadowing!! Here is a link to all the #fickle beam posts in chronological order!
#blind spot ⇌ posts that cannot be seen by certain blogs connected to this one, those being @jaimemes, @espers-n-espurrs, @yveltalreal, @vulgrados-best, @rock-n-rolycoly. if only one or two characters cannot see the post, the character name will be tagged as well (ex. #blind spot: jaime would signify that jaime cannot see that post). everyone else, regardless of if they’re an anon or a blog, will be able to interact and comment.
#ft. suriya ⇌ Anything and everything from Aspen's brother!
#bzzt! ⇌ Anything and everything from Lithium, Aspen's Rotom!
#Da Beast ⇌ posts mentioning/about the New Client (see #Patchwork Sanctuary)
Posts pertaining to certain arcs (for example, 'The Schedule Switcheroo' and 'Patchwork Sanctuary'. ) will be tagged with the name of the arc. Here is a link to a post with descriptions of each arc!
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starkwing-co · 9 months
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Damn, why I haven't posted this earlier...
Anyhoo, last summer I designed a Fakémon based on ma boi 9-Volt inspired by 'Turning Video Game Characters into Pokémon' series by Truegreen7 on yt and recently it got featured in a video by UmbreonLibris '58 artists make Pokémon from the same prompt'
The name took a while to figure out but I love how multi-layered it ended up being (the 'original' Japanese name is Funyaboruto, combination of fun, fuwafuwa (onomatopoeia for a soft light fluffy thing), nya (Japanese 'meow' equivalent), bolt and the romanization of the Japanese pronunciation of 9-Volt's name (Nainboruto))
The shiny is based on 9-Volt's pal, 18-Volt, of course!
I'm also planning on making some additional artwork of Flurizzkit attacking with its 'yo-yo' stones and skating around on its hover board tail... And I've already done concept sketches for a counterpart mon based on Fronk with a fun additional symbiosis & fusing gimmick
If you haven't noticed, I took some inspiration from some of my fav Electric types (Shinx and Alolan Raichu) for this design (and Ampharos' glowing orb tail, I guess) I have a soft spot for Fakémon referencing official Pokes, I don't think it's entirely lazy, more like people mirroring real life species and convergent evolution
Flurizzkit's signature ability Bolt Beats works somewhat similar to Toxtricity's Punk Rock (boost to sound-based moves and immunity to any sound moves from opponents) except the boost multiplier is 2x (like Adaptability)
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lucabyte · 5 months
what would your ocs be as pokemon? or if you've already done that what would they be as bugsnax??
Oh I have never been asked this publicly before (for I have not been asked... anything publicly before this week LOL) but I don't know if you're prepared for how much I have thought about my ocs as pokemon or how much effort I am currently putting in to... Well. You'll see.
So. I have Thoughts.
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Here are my thoughts (names quickly added for this to be understandable by anyone but me. But I've had this image made for quite some time)
(I love that regular wingull appears on here twice. It was kind of the only choice for both of them LOL.)
(also I like how this shows you who my brain considers In A Group with each other... hee hee)
So this is like.. The whole cast of MYMK lmao. Even down to background characters. These are like... PMD style pokemon assignments. I tried to balance "literally looks like them" with "has the right vibes, thematically". So you can see a couple thematic pairs of pokemon like the cherrims, meowstics and such. Then other fun picks like Charizard for Hainu, since he's a, well, hypebeast more than he is a person. Then, Markus and MacGuffin get Silvally and Type: Null for (wink) reasons.... And Miao is Marowak because don't even worry about it. Lupus is Lycanroc-Dusk because funny doggy shounen protagonist :)
Also there are ABSOLUTELY pokemon that fit Tabitha better than Persian does but I've been saying hes one of those since 2015 and I'm attatched to it now.....
The reason I went ahead and planned these out and finalised these recently though.... Is because I also assigned them all ideal ribbons/marks/pokeballs and am going to hunt them all! Right now I'm prioritising getting ones where the ribbons/balls necessitate getting them from gens 4-7, but they're all nearly done and are sitting in ultramoon while I grab the royal master ribbon for a few!
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(Obviously I've named pokemon after OCs before but these will be The Definitive Guys... Until next gen inevitably introduces the perfect guy for someone lol. C'est la vie!)
I've got a couple more already in swsh and scvi (recently I caught Lazulite in swsh! Go Raid RNG!) but this is the big first step. As for how many other steps there are....
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Don't even worry about it.
Anyway! Most of the main characters have fully assigned "if they were a pokemon trainer" Rosters too with some lore. (Chrome does contests, All of Tabitha's pokemon have been gifted to him, Lupus has insane shiny luck, Ali Will Summon Giratina....)
Also! The Alighieri triplets map perfectly onto the shiny meowths! They were the first three I went out of my way to hunt back when I saw shiny G-Meowth and realised!!! Pink Yellow Blue!!! My little guys!!
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And lastly the thing you almost certainly weren't asking was "what would your OCs look like if they were fakemon, but I also have that for, you guessed it, Chrome, Tabitha and Ali.
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Now... As for bugsnax. I have not played bugsnax but I DO have a resident bugsnax fan... So I asked him out of curiosity and they Extremely Delivered. So, Courtesy of @thebrightesteyes....
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(me, going on the wiki for the first time: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE 112 BUGSNAX I THOUGHT THERE WERE LIKE. 20)
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these things are cute i should play this game. i hear there's divorce.
Anyway I've been trying to rotate a PMD AU in my brain for some time now (purrgatorio lends itself well to it, obviously...) I wonder what I'd make the antagonist...
Also, of note. Ali (and their siblings) does actually have a canon favourite pokemon and opinion on pokemon because they're from a real-world setting. Thing is they are like, not a gamer. So...
Ali likes Dusknoir and Seviper because they saw them on trading cards as a kid and likes Hoopa Unbound because Ari showed them on pokemon go knowing they'd like the design. If they gamed though they'd LOVE Giratina but Hoopa would probably stay top spot.
Ari likes Raichu, Lurantis and Toucannon. (Gamer)
Avi likes Clefairy, Meloetta and Brionne. (The kind of person to seek out fanart and gifsets online to reblog)
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vix-png · 11 months
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THEM AND THEIR hypothetical POKEMON TEAM (i would like to hear other people's thoughts because i am unsure and i plan to post this on the subreddit eventually)
explanations under the cut (its gonna be extensive so be prepared) (this has been rotting in my brain for a while)
he has a secret soft spot for his pokemon, if they faint or get injured he worries really badly
he likes to bond with them during training :D he pesters the others for pokemon battles
umbreon, poochyena - i feel like they kinda just have the same 'mysterious, dark' vibes that kyborg wants to have has!! but funnily enough, they're not as scary as they seem. very affectionate!! like dogs!! kyborg loves them
riolu - okay so think with me here.. riolu/lucario can read auras and emotions and so they know that kyborg isnt a bad person and they know when he's trying to mask his emotions ??!!???? so riolu would be understanding of him n they'd be pretty close
also i'd just like to think riolu (and the rest of his pokemon) enjoy battling alongside kyborg
scorbunny/froakie - when i see these pokemon i think of athleticism and/or dexterity and i couldn't decide between the two :'3
scorbunny/froakie would go on runs / exercise with kyborg, they have a similar personality type where they're both brash, energetic, enthusiastic and they click easily like that!!
though i imagine froakie is more calculated in battles compared to scorbunny whos more impulsive
alolan vulpix - SPOILERS FOR EP 33 (?)
this vulpix, alongside hannibal (perhaps a dragonair) and gumbo (the linoone), was fighting against .. lets say abomasnow?
and during that fight lets say gum gum and kyborg interfered by sending out their pokemon and assisting in the battle n kyborg became really fond of the vulpix and decided to keep him as a per
WHY alolan vulpix? idk i think it'd be fitting since kyborg has some ties to snow and ice and also because i believe the region they were in during that arc was snowy !!1
he performs little shows with his lute and his pokemon!! and he also occasionally has pokemon battles
he loves his pokemon dearly tbh and i feel like all of them appreciate music in some way :3!!
pikachu - one of the pokemon he's owned for a long time! his pikachu particularly is quite fond of his trainer and his quirks n music, it helped the crew during the time bart was on the jebediah!!
i have no explanation for this one actually but a fun thought is that pikachu would evolve into an alolan raichu (look at the little guy surf!!) and this would mean that bart would live in the alolan region so who knows honestly... LISTEN HE JUST HAS A PIKACHU
chatot - a gift from marrrge to bart, passed down because the two started to bond while on the ship. they sang together n marrrge could tell they really had potential so boom kapow wachow
ALSO ABOUT THE MIMICKI NG THING chatot can mimic voices (from what i remember) and i think it'd be funny if it mimicked kyborg like the kenkus from that one library and it annoys kyborg to no bounds
mantine - caught during his time on the ship! mantine sometimes swim near ships in little packs and i suppose this one took a liking to bart, and bart was pretty fond of it as well :D not much to say here except for the fact its a silly little water guy
tauros - bart got like.. a baby auroch or something right?? idk i forgot but either way he is (weirdly) fond of beastly bulls and i suppose a tauros is a good substitute
i also like to imagine bart likes mounting (strange wording) his pokemon since it just means he doesn't have to walk much and he likes being a bit higher up than he usually is n tauros (and maybe mantine) are good for that
would he own the notorious pokemon? that is but a thought left for the audience.
he's weirdly lucky, seems to have a good chance at finding shiny pokemon and other rare things
wonder why
anyways, his pokemon r kinda just companions that he likes to hug and hang out with :) occasionally he does battle with them
floette - flower buddy!!! i'd like to think that gum gum likes to spend time in flower fields when he has the chance and the one thing he's honestly pretty knowledgeable in is flowers
so he might've met a flabebe or a floette and they became buddies! he had no idea it was a shiny until maybe one of the party members mentioned it
bulbasaur - okay so i struggled on this decision but then it came to me that bulbasaur is PERFECT idk they have the same vibes and it eventually starts growing a little flower when it evolves
i can't explain this one they just have the same vibes and energy. i think they'd go well together
tyrunt - so let's imagine that for some reason there were some fossil pokemon that kinda just escaped and that's how we explain the dinosaur encounters from rhe campaign
anyways he befriends the tyrunt in typical gum gum fashion (kyborg is SHOCKED because out of all the pokemon this one was a shiny) and they become friends! it loves hugs but it often initiated them running full speed and knocking over the victim (which is fine for gum gum, not fun for anyone else though)
despite gum gum's bad experiences with rum rum (WHICH BY THE WAY rum rum perhaps was a rockruff that evolved into midnight lycanroc or a houndour/houndoom and that bite wouldve HURT) he's still fond of puppies n yamper helped with this slight uneasiness he's felt
idk i think gum gum deserves a silly little puppy
all his pokemon r very cuddly :)
prefers mellow, calm pokemon since he finds it a bit tiring to keep up with high energy pokemon (unlike the other three)
his pokemon are quite well trained!! he's caught a lot of them and they're all very well taken care of
despite his pokemon being pretty strong, he doesn't find much use in pokemon battles
snivy - got the snivy during his time with his family! royal background buddies!!! snivy is a very calm pokemon (but it shares the same sass that mudd has), they're pretty close :D
linoone - GUMBO!!!!! at first, linoone wasn't too big of a fan of mudd but they gradually becamw closer! they do everything together, if you look at mudd linoone would always be on his shoulders or being carried
lycanroc - its the vibes honestly..
midday lycanroc is calm and loyal, and maybe mudd has raised it since it was a rockruff so they're also pretty well bonded!
idk i think they'd get along well
lapras, gogoat - both pokemon that remind me of mudd's personality
i cant explain this except for the fact that theyre correlated to some of the pokemon he's wild shaped into so ....
archen - i think it'd be funny if mudd just had a feral little pokemon . end quote
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mynamesaplant · 2 months
The Headspace that is Grief (Ch. 2)
Summary: The grieving process is different for everyone, Emmet and Olivia know that first hand but they just don't know it yet. Sometimes it takes another person experiencing the same things as you to move through those feelings. Together, they learn and grow with their grief and each other.
In this chapter: Emmet starts making a few changes to Olivia's home and she's unsure how to take them, or her new tenant.
Notes: This is a short chapter by comparison to others, but it's more for set-up than anything. This was not beta read - so if there are spelling or grammatical errors, let me know. Regardless, I hope you enjoy!~
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Over the course of the next week, Mr. Emmet made a lot of changes that weren't strictly part of the rental agreement. She could tell he combed over it carefully, not disobeying any of the rules she set in place, but Olivia was starting to find some of his realistic and reasonable “things” involved a lot of renovation.
"There was not anything in the lease agreement that said I could not."
Mr. Emmet said as Olivia stormed up to him. He was meticulous. He was selecting things that he knew she wouldn't object to if she really paused to consider it. Better internet access with underground cables running from Cedaridge, a bigger generator to replace the old one that had seen better days, and he had a replacement fridge in mind from the moment he saw her old one.
That was the one she fought him the most on, but Mr. Emmet was quick to assure her that none of these changes were going to come out of her own pocket. He warned her that he was going to have an electrician come in and upgrade the wattage of her house and all the outlets, that was when Olivia told him that she couldn't allow any more changes.
"I will require no more after that."
He said patiently, offering her a smile. He knew that she was very unlikely to object, not without being completely unreasonable. That, Emmet had clocked right away. She had outlined all other aspects of his lease, but this had been a pretty big blind spot that he conveniently neglected to expound upon. He was referring to them as cosmetic changes or necessary upgrades made by the tenant at the tenant's expense.
She left the house, Raichu and Infernape in tow as she tried not to be annoyed with the workers who were fundamentally changing her home. He watched her go with whatever guilt he was feeling shoved off to the side to be examined later.
In town, Olivia took refuge in her still closed for the season shop. It would be opening soon, so she figured might as well clean up here. She would also have to talk to Hayate about working the shop this season, knowing this was his last year before he went off to university.
He was a moody boy, but he had a passion for plants, which was the only reason entrusted her shop to him. The lock clicked and the door swung open, the closed sign still flipped toward the street when she shut the door behind her.
"Alright guys. Let's get this place cleaned up for Hayate."
Olivia rolled up her sleeves and pulled her hair back into a bun, knowing she was going to get pretty gross cleaning this place up. She handed Raichu a feather duster and told him to shoo away any stray Bug Pokémon hiding in the curtains. Infernape was also on dust duty, getting any loose debris on the floor for Olivia to sweep up before he hopped on window duty, a spray bottle and rag in his hands. With his climbing and jumping skills, he was usually done pretty fast.
"Keep going in here. Don't forget the vents and fans in the back, Raichu, okay?"
She heard a dutiful squeak before she stepped onto the street to view the exterior with a sigh. It really needed a fresh coat of paint. It hadn't received one in nearly five years, and it was starting to show when you looked at the cracked and sun-bleached sills.
She knew if she asked Ethan to do it, he would get it done in a weekend for a pack of beer. Hayate would be too busy with cram work. She didn't want to hire a crew to paint, it would cost her an arm and a leg... Ethan was her best choice. She would go see him and her best friend when she was done cleaning up.
Olivia's mind shifted back to her new tenant with a frown. She was trying to be understanding, but she also felt a little insulted that he was taking over her home. Mr. Emmet intimidated her slightly, something about his expression and intensity that made her a little nervous. She was glad she had the foresight to put that clause to evict him if she thought he couldn't handle living there, but that would only be applicable with the change in seasons.
For now, she would put up with the changes - many of them were for the better and he had assured her that none of them were temporary once he vacated. They were hers to keep.
"A token of my thanks."
He had said, just a touch sheepish, before she stormed out of her home. Realistically, how long could or would Mr. Emmet want to stay? Olivia guessed a year at best. If he stayed any longer, she would be very surprised. She looked at the empty pots in the sill boxes, her face falling into a steep frown as she remembered she would have to transplant her gracideas soon. ------------------------------------------
Gina opened the door and lifted Olivia off her feet with the tight hug she engulfed her in.
"Livvy! So good to see you. It's been an age. Ethan just finished up dinner, but there’s plenty enough for another plate."
A warmth settled in her chest while she was ushered inside and to a dinner table. The LeMars were the closest thing she had to family anymore and it was always so nice to feel so welcomed in their home. Gina's two girls greeted her with a barely contained excitement,
"Auntie! Mama helped me catch a Buizel down by the coast last week."
"Oh yeah?"
Olivia hummed curiously, listening with rapt attention to Sierra's story while Gina, not so surreptitiously, piled her plate high. Conversation was light for the duration of the meal, but once Gina started a fire outside and Ethan put the girls to bed, Olivia knew she was going to be offered a drink and to have a more serious chat outside. She didn't fight it.
"Are you sure you're okay with painting this weekend? I don't want to stress you out."
"Nah, I like to be busy."
Ethan replied, bringing up a glass to his lips with a congenial smile. Gina slid into her line of vision, effectively interrupting their conversation.
"There's been a lot of trucks headed up your way, Livvy. Doing a little remodeling finally?"
Olivia's face turned crimson, and she looked towards the flame, a spike of guilt lancing her heart at the thought of how much was changing.
"I-It’s not me. I have a new tenant and he's... weirdly specific."
Ethan and Gina exchanged looks, what did that mean? Olivia shifted in her chair, hiding a grimace in her glass of beer. She tried to change the subject, joking about losing Hayate next year and having to hire Sierra, but Gina leaned forward.
"Why is a tenant making so many changes to your house?"
Although Olivia had brushed it off with a joke about how Mr. Emmet was footing the cost and had forced the topic of conversation to other things, she wondered to herself why she was accepting these changes with less of a fight. A few days into residence and he was already turning her life upside down - what did the mean for their remaining lease? She could have told him no. She could have forced him to stop his renovations or expelled him... But she hadn't. Although frustrated, she didn't kick him out.
She returned home and found Mr. Emmet reorganizing his room, looking at what appeared to be a small, framed picture that he set abruptly face down when Olivia stuck her head in to apologize for not providing dinner. His posture relaxed a little, stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.
"I am Emmet. I ordered some food from town. The fried rice was good... I, uh... I bought you some."
"Oh," Olivia was a little stunned by his foresight. "Thank you. I ate at a friend's house, but I'll probably eat it tomorrow."
"Ah..." He trailed off, something about his posture was nervous and Olivia couldn't help but wonder if something had happened. She was reminded of a little kid who was trying to hide a broken vase. "You left earlier. You were upset with me. Because of the changes."
He tapped his fingertips together, searching for words to apologize in a reasonable way. Olivia raised her eyebrows as he released a held breath, the apology sincere, if a little rushed sounding.
"Thank you." She replied, nibbling her lower lip, and folding her arms over her chest. "You're very observant, Mr. Emmet, and you were within your rights, according to our agreement... It's just - It's hard to see so many changes so quickly."
It was her turn to trail off, to half turn and take great interest in the wilted flowers set in a vase on her table. She didn't notice the little tilt to his head when she said that or how his grey eyes seemed to soften imperceptibly when she had her back to him. She tended to her flowers, filling the vase with fresh water, and returning it to the table just as Mr. Emmet said he was going to turn in for the night.
"If you find any issues, please let me know right away. I will have them handled right away. Yup."
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sinnohstruggles · 4 months
Burnt Caramel Vulpix Sundae: What's your favorite regional variant Pokemon? Is there a Pokemon that you like the 'regular' form of over it's regional variant?
( @zap-the-raichu-hero )
Alolan Exeggutor for sure, they just look so goofy ^^
Admittedly, I do have a soft spot for one Alolan Raichu...
Her name is Marmalade and I adore her
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missionel · 6 months
punch out pokemon au ‼️
so i realized that punch out wii has 13 opponents (not counting donkey kong) that are divided up in such a way that they could all be opponents in a pokemon game! the minor and major circuits are the 8 gym leaders, the world circuit is the elite four, and mr sandman is the champion! it's too perfect! i've at least decided everyone's type specialties, sooo....
gym leaders (minor & major circuits):
- glass joe: flying types
i imagine joe is not as miserable in this au, since the first gym leader's job is literally to lose a lot to young trainers. he's not too skilled at battling, and became a gym leader by accident. his team is made up of two measly kalosian flying types, fletchling and vivillon.
- von kaiser: rock types
i know herr kaiser is typically associated with steel, but steel types are way too cool to be the type of the second gym. sorry. i imagine his students are his gym trainers. his ace is rockruff, and maybe he uses something classic like geodude as well.
- disco kid: electric types
these moves are ELECTRIC! i think this one is self-explanatory. disco kid is pretty good at battling, at least good enough to secure a spot as the 3rd gym leader, but he also doesn't take things too seriously. his team is made up of pokemon that he befriended first and trained for battle later, with his ace being raichu.
- king hippo: ground types
did i give him the ground type just so i could give him hippowdon? ...maybe. there's not much else for me to say about king hippo... he's just chilling. good for him. i was originally gonna give him the poison type, but i'll be giving that type to someone else. ;)
- piston hondo: ghost types
what can i say? he seems like a ghost type guy. obviously he gets a revaroom, because honda and all that. he absolutely feeds his pokemon only the best of snacks.
- bear hugger: normal types
what comes to mind when you hear "bear hugger" and "pokemon"? obviously it's bewear. that is his ace, without a doubt. he also has a greedent and a snorlax, it's way too perfect! and of course, they all like raw fish.
- great tiger: psychic types
yeah i don't think i need to explain this one. the man has a medicham (his ace) and an espeon. this also fits the theme of psychic gym leaders tending to have psychic powers themselves. do you think it's legal to use your own psychic powers to trip up your opponents in a battle? let's not worry about it...
- don flamenco: grass types
it goes without saying that this man has a roserade for his ace, as well as an equally powerful arboliva. maybe carmen is one of his gym trainers, or perhaps she's only there to cheer him on? and do you think he would acquire a shiny roserade for his title defense fight to match his all-black look?
elite four (world circuit):
- aran ryan: bug types
what an absolute bug of a man. starting off the elite four strong with a not-so-strong type, aran ryan chose the generation 7 bug type vikavolt to be his ace. he also has a shedinja, which sports the electric tera type and the air balloom item in his title defense fight. really? (for non-pokemon nerds, this setup makes it nearly unkillable. it's practically cheating!) aran has a questionable background, and seems to have been affiliated with some shady people in the past...
- soda popinski: water types
mister popinski has a love for both water and ice types, and he's in luck because a good few pokemon are both! his ace is one of those, that being walrein. he also has a lapras. he's quite fond of giving his team the soda pop item as opposed to normal healing items during battle.
- bald bull: fire types
red is the color of anger, and also the color of the fire type, so naturally this angry man would gravitate towards fire types, especially the fire type bull that is paldean taurous. he also uses a magmortar. of course bald bull isn't angry ALL the time, and spends his free time relaxing with his pokemon. warm pokemon give warm hugs :]
- super macho man: dragon types
of course everyone's "favorite" show-off uses what's generally regarded as one of the most powerful types. his ace is a kommo-o, a very cool one at that. (i like smm and i like kommo-o. but it works!) he also has an appletun, which was a gift to him from a certain someone... oh my god, this au lets macho man literally release the beast. amazing.
the champion (mr. sandman)
sandman does not use just one type, as is the case with most champions. he has a gengar and a musharna, for obvious reasons. he also has a crabominable and and a hydrapple. he was mysteriously missing after mac defeated the elite four, but i'm sure he'll come back soon. right?
i'm sure nothing bad will happen ;)
feel free to suggest ideas for this au, i still need to flesh out all of the teams so i am welcome to input :3
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x-heesy · 7 months
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Yeah, uh
Uh, uh (Got the beat by Powers and we just made a banger)
Uh, yeah, uh, yeah
Pull up with the grr, pow, onomatopoeia
Hopping out the Burban, big body like Madea
Put some holes in him, now he spotted like a cheetah
How the fuck you living? Good, I wouldn't wanna be ya
I'm with your bitch and her back arched like Tina
Look to the back at you boys, you can't keep up
Bulletproof vest, looking like I'm Vegeta
Quickdraw from my hip, make him dance like Shakira, uh
Spot him outside, hold up, skrrt, hit the brakes, uh
Call him Might Guy, send his ass to the gates, uh
Y'all so pussy to the bone, need a spay, uh
Beat him up, boots to the face, uh
"Kxll, why you tripping like that? I don't like you"
Love how my foes get to bolting like a Raichu
Said he wanna get close to God, I could guide you
Money stacked up like the letters in a haiku (Yeah)
D-Dirty little bastard, yeah bitch, I'm rancid
I keep a Glock by my dick where my pants sit
He acting odd, like Cosmo, he vanish
Run up, see this shit ain't here just to brandish
Lay him down, on top his casket, I'm prancing
Stretching these bands like my money elastic
Sex, money, violence, revenge, what I practice
He disrespect, that's a suicide tactic
Uh, I just send a text, she get wet, okay, cool, uh
Say that boy feel vexed, Smith & Wess' correct moods, uh
Insert when erect, pierce cervix, she get skewed, uh
Bullets on Rize, eat your flesh, Tokyo Ghoul (Uh, yeah)
Pull up with the grr, pow, onomatopoeia
Hopping out the Burban, big body like Madea
Put some holes in him, now he spotted like a cheetah
How the fuck you living? Good, I wouldn't wanna be ya
I'm with your bitch and her back arched like Tina
Look to the back at you boys, you can't keep up
Bulletproof vest, looking like I'm Vegeta
Quickdraw from my hip, make him dance like Shakira, uh, yeah @bethanythestrange @luna---zylum @bigbonzo @boanerges20 @seanisnothing
COSMO by Kxllswxtch, Powers Pleasant
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