3-aem · 2 years
Hi Three :)
Before falling asleep last night, I had a mental picture of Gojo in a bathtub on my mind, thought I'd share it with you. Shirtless Gojo is a weakness of mine 😅
Anyways, have a good time! :)
Always looking forward to new art of yours!
Thank you so much for sharing this image 🥺🥺💜💜 He would be so relaxed in that tub and also too big for that tub such that his leg and feetsies will hang out of the tub---
Gojo just deserves a hot bath because you know the man has been taking 10 minute violent scrub downs in the shower.
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chromatic-lamina · 2 years
Hey :)
For the ao3 wrapped asks,
19, 27 and 29 please?
Ooh! Thank you.
19. What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
Maybe LawBin, LawZo. I haven't written a ship fic for a while! (I've got an upcoming KidLaw happening though).
27. What do you listen to while writing?
Nothing. Or music played so quietly you can hardly hear it.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
One in the Bepo and Chopper strike fic, "Overworked and Underpaid". Bepo and Law have been working with Bepo for some time but remain ignorant of a few very important facts! I'd ruin the joke if I put it here (plus the set up is too long), but it made me laugh every time I read it until I remembered that I'd written it!
Thank you so much for asking. Have you been writing this year, @rainday7x7 ?
Asks are here, if you're interested
19, 27, 29 answered.
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minoots · 2 years
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Happy (belated) birthday from me and Bob :)
omg 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
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munsonsduchess · 2 years
My inbox is full of wonderful messages from some amazing people @jobean12-blog @targaryenvampireslayer @summerofsnowflakes @becca-alexa @rainday7x7 just know that I love and adore you all and I’m so sorry I didn’t respond to your messages when you sent them but I saw each and every message and I love you all
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hergan416 · 2 years
@arien-elensar tagged me in a meme that said
🎶✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool) 🎶✨
I definitely listen to more than 5 songs so this is tricky, but I shall try.
1. All Green Day from 21st Century Breakdown and earlier is nostalgia but I'll choose "Holiday" as my token Green Day song. One of the songs on work's playlist that never fails to get me to sing along.
2. "I Don't Even Care About You" - MISSIO. These guys were one of my favorite concerts ever, absolute blast. Also I associate them with my Allister muse.
3. Like literally any Twiztid song. I took Ninja off my profile because I didn't think this was understandable out of context and I do not want to call myself a juggalo, but yeah. Try to pry Majik Ninja Entertainment out of my undead hands. I dare you.
4. "Superpowers." As in the 2nd Whole Cake Island One Piece opening. I like "Hope" too, don't get me wrong, but this replaced "One Day" as my favorite One Piece opening after it aired. (Yes my previous favorite opening was from Marineford, yes I am a bit of a masochist, can you tell?)
5. "Masterpiece" - Motionless in White. Literally the reason I'm rereading The Picture of Dorian Gray. I have listened to this multiple times on repeat and it's still not old.
I didn't get any Taylor Swift songs somehow, nor any of my other shipping music, so sorry I guess. I have so may shipping songs.
Alright. Time for some tags. No particular order, and no obligation, just positivity to you all. Also this is more than 10 because I had a really hard time narrowing down to 10 favorites. Sorry guys.
@mystical-flute @wurm-food @operagoose @afterdeck-ace @duelingdestiny @straycrayoncrypt @sapphicspaceranger @bum-scum @dragonprincess18 @nameishname @jayalaw @jazzymin1997 @nenya85 @soultronica @rainday7x7
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opopnomi · 3 years
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@rainday7x7 thank you for your request Bee ! Couldn't resist to do scotsman (redhead) Shanks holding a rose (it was supposed to be a thistle *wink wink* but i can't draw flowers ....)
Yes I rewatched Outlander for a ref, I admit it.
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Historical Fashion Event
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madlymiho · 4 years
OMG I can't believe I'm one of the lucky winners <3 I hope it's okay to ask for NSFW wintry headcanons? Shanks & Law, please? I'm soooooo happy <3
Hello!! and I’m super happy you won a prize!! 😋 people seem to be happy with this event and it’s definitely fun to write it, so I hope you’d be happy with these headcanons!
Happy Christmas again! 🎄
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Winter Event #4
Warning: NSFW
Informations: fem! reader (applying my general rules regarding NSFW here)
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• For Shanks, Christmas doesn't thoroughly equals to something dirty, but since you're around, surely it can put him in a different mood. Perhaps the need to seek for some shared warmth, the Christmas mood, the booze? Is there really an excuse to be a teasing bastard?
• During winter times, Shanks' courting shifts colors, like the good peacock he can be to amuse and seduce his dearest one. For sure, he loves to joke around, and that will be mostly his way to seduce you, but you're clearly not ready for the display of stupid jokes and shenanigans he has for you
• Ugly sweatshirts and underwears would definitely be involved. Something with a horrible quote to catch your attention, such as "hoe, hoe, hoe!" or even worse, "come give a kiss on my christmas tree", it makes you roll your eyes impatiently, but dammit, you also want to laugh and undress him right away
• Shanks might be even more clingy and careful in those cold times, having multiple reasons to roll his coat around your shoulders and trap you inside of it, his single hand deliciously following the curves of your hips and ass when no one would be able to see what he's doing, because heck, aren't you so pretty in your winter outfit? You're definitely having those cute vibes he's melting for
• Chimney dates are also a thing with him! Just him with his eternal opened shirt, patting the rug below him so you can sit with him and share some chocolate, fruits, meat, until the Irish coffee he offered you put you in a very different mood, his mouth sliding on your neck as he gently begins to undress you
• Having sex with him means having a lot of sex in front of that fireplace, the cozy moments often turning into something carnal. It's also a way for him to use different positions than his usual ones, because it's cold outside, and he wants to feel your breasts against his chest while he pounds so tenderly inside of you, praising how gorgeous you are even if he keeps teasing you nastily
• Did you say... bath dates too? He's not the most romantic man but he can be cheesy when it's cold and snowy, sharing a hot bath together with a good whiskey, as he can finger you in the water, and rubs his hard shaft against your rear seems like the best way to spend the evening... and just imagining it turns him on quite quickly, so much that he just lifts you up and carries you directly to the bathroom
• No need to mention the long mornings laid down on the bed, covered in blankets to keep you warm, bodies plastered together, sharing hot kisses until it would lead to something else... Shanks is a teenager in heat and you can't truly fight his needs to have more of you
• Surely, your emperor boyfriend is definitely in the mood to feel hot with you, having all the best cold reasons to drag you closer, because it's a matter of survival after all, right? So both of you should really stay plastered together like this... and you know he'll find a way to convince you
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• Well... Not the easiest mind to read in the first place because Law doesn't really change his attitude around Christmas. It's another celebration for sure, but does it mean he's more open-minded and readable? Ah... that would be a real miracle!
• Even though there are so hints which prove that Law might be indeed in a more celebrating mood, sort of say. He appreciates the general good and cozy atmosphere, and seeing his crew all happy and relaxed obviously works on his mood as well
• Spending time with you seems important, so Law will definitely join you to bed earlier, seeking for a warm place to share in the first place, until his hands would be quite more obvious regarding his intentions. There's something hot about the giant hoodies you're wearing, and the long shivers travelling down your spine when he touches you
• He's definitely into some sort of winter lingerie as well. Christmas high socks with nothing else is definitely a turn on, and if you ever dare to enter the room like this, you better be certain he will be only focused on you. Eating your core against the wall, taking you there, while he calls you a naughty elf... yes, that's really his thing
• He's also more in the mood to share long showers with you, since it's pretty cold in the Polar Tang, and he doesn't feel very well in baths due to his power. He loves the narrowness of the shower cabin, forcing you to grind your rear against his cock, as he only has to lift your leg to slide himself in
• He's still very careful not to overly expose his sexual appetite, but honestly, the suspended mistletoes around the Polar Tang are a good excuse for him to drag you into the nearest cabin and have fun with you, from very hot and long foreplays to edge you, or simply a quickie, as he can't help himself but being thrilled by the forbidden pleasure of semi-public sex
• So yes Law is definitely more into a kinky mood, sometimes even toying you in a cold alley outside, whispering that you shiver so hard under his fingers, appreciating your hard nipples rubbing your shirt when he rolls his thumb on your clit. There's something about winter which drives him a bit more needy than before and you can't really complain about his sudden mood
• For sure, he still prefers when he has a cozy and warm place to be with you, sharing the warmth of a comfortable bed to share those cold evenings, whether you'd be fucking, making love, cuddling and whastoever... He just feels really content to share those precious moments with you
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koobiie · 4 years
I totally love your Law <3 I'd love to see more of him in your style :3
aww, thank you!! :D well you’re lucky, i also adore law and had a few sketches of him lying around! so, here you go:
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i love law a normal amount definitely (also STAN BEPO)
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nakunakunomi · 3 years
Hey Hazel <3
Congrats on your anniversary!!
I'd like to ask for ❤️+✨ with Thor (Kamigami<3) please :3
Thanks a lot!! <3
Oh Thor, right with my man Dyonisus one of the background boys that needs SO MUCH MORE LOVE! I hope you enjoy this one dear!
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Thor always seemed to blend in the background a little. Which wasn't too surprising with someone like Baldr and Loki always near him, and yet. He had been the one to catch your eye.
Sure it had been a bit of a challenge to get him to talk to you, and sure it had been a bit of a hassle to finally build a bond. But you were progressing at a comfortable pace in your relationship right now and you were pretty happy with how things were going.
Today was a special day. You had found out through Baldr that it was actually Thor's birthday. He had never even mentioned it, and you were feeling like the worst partner for never really asking. But Baldr had mentioned it in time, and you had managed to compensate for your lack of knowledge by organizing a surprise party.
It had been surprisingly easy, as Thor didn't even question you when you said you wanted some alone time for the day.
The surprise on his face was apparent when he walked into the common room, and everything was decorated, his favorite food was waiting, and you approached him with a big smile on your face.
"Surprise! Happy birthday Thor." You gave him a hug and pulled him in for a kiss, he complied without even thinking, the motions so rehearsed and fluid, because you'd done it so many times before and yet it still felt like the first time all over again.
"Why... did you do this?"
"Because I love you, and because you deserve to be the center of attention too sometimes."
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Join my mystery drabble event - Click!
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3-aem · 2 years
Hey there
I haven't interacted much (yet) but I really love your art style a lot.
Also I'm sorry to hear there's jerks working with you. Hope things will get better soon! From what I've read and seen if yours, you seem like a really cool and good person. <3
Sending you a hug from Europe!
Thank you so much 😭😭😭💜💜
I'm going into work today and it's like day 3 of the guy seemingly deliberately leaving me on read re my proposal so i feel like if he continues to act so cold to me I might have to speak out about it 😤😤😥
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
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rainy day (AO3 link)
One eye closed still had depth. More depth perhaps. Slightly adjusted to the right or the left, and the slope of the nose far more visible.
Motion parallax—if Zoro swung his sword towards a cloud hanging low and nearby, he'd need to not be fooled into swinging it faster just because it was closer. Keeping up a steady pace of attach and retreat was best and it saved him from slicing up Zeus too.
Flip books were his reading style. His study guide. How did this arm shift from this motion to the next to a fully coated asura? He studied the books by flipping them quickly and then not. Turning one page slowly to the next to locate the shift in stance that transformed static to motion. He dictated what he wanted to see to Usopp, and Usopp transcribed.
Rain fell on the seas, pattered on the deck now. Seemingly regular. But, too much or too little caused one to flounder—caused flounder to flounder.
Cook dumped a coffee in front of him. "Drink up, Marimo." He twirled a toothpick. Zoro lifted a hand and waved him away. It didn't matter if he boarded the wrong ship—knowing how to slice with the water, to lean into the currents and rips, rended the hull from the frame granted him freedom. Like the flip book. Step by step. This forged nail fastened to this curved plank that made up a vessel floating on the sea. Until it met his swords.
For @rainday7x7
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minoots · 2 years
I found this cute Picrew!! Here's the link
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Tagging me moots cause I've been gone for a while
@littlekidsteve @dontrubiceeontheshampoobottle @historygeekfics @jobean12-blog @fluffycutecevans @fluffyprettykitty @writing-for-marvel @jadedvibes @aynanasstuff @sagechanoafterdark @murdock-and-the-sea @rainday7x7 @shoutaswhore @coolimconfused @multi-stann @lookiamtrying @randomfandompenguin @musingsinmoonlight @summerofsnowflakes
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arundolyn · 3 years
Non-American here. So Texas Roadhouse bread is a thing. But what intrigued me even more was your mention of cinnamon butter. Never heard of that. But I think I'll love it
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some benevolent being made a recipe so you can make it yourself its a fucking transcendent experience its so good on soft yeast rolls its like the reason i make my parents go to texas roadhouse for my dads birthday. so good. god. godspeed dude
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fiendishpal · 3 years
Hey friend<3
Very much looking forward to your shop opening :)
International buyer here (Europe-based) :)
I hope things go smoothly and you don't stress yourself too much <3
Hugs and love,
thank you so much for your support and your kind words!!!!
i gotta be honest, im so excited ;; v ;;
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munsonsduchess · 3 years
Guess who's now into Bucky Barnes as well...
Yes baby! Please unload all your thots
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rkgknno · 3 years
Your Oikawa just made my day <3
Thank you sooooo much T____T I’m so happy everyone is loving Oikawa and Seijou 4 with me!! That makes me so happy....! Thank you for this nice comment and have a wonderful day!! ;; 
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