#raktajino mug
mango-meister · 2 years
Hey so I bought this mug a while ago cuz I really wanted one like in DS9 and they’re hard to find and kinda pricy online but I found this one at the antique store for like $7 so I got it and felt really awkward buying it but figured I could get the logo off somehow and then I would deepclean it and have a blue DS9 mug but so far nothing is taking the logo off besides like scratching it for a really long time but that’s super time consuming and I want to know if there’s a better, more chemical way to do this?
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I’m not a fan of the NRA I just want a space mug🥲
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thresholdbb · 5 months
I have a gripe about the Star Trek mugs...
Picard's teacup is a delicate, fragile little thing held by a strip of plastic and a dream. That thin glass will break if you look at it sideways. And where do they put that ridiculous tiny cup? On the Enterprise, which is always being dragged into conflict
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The DS9 raktajino mugs are hefty, wide-based things that are meant to not tip over. They're called no-spill mugs. They have a foam piece on the bottom so they don't slip. They're incredibly sturdy – meant for ships and traveling! Where do they put them? At the station, which is arguably the most stable place they could be cause DS9 rarely gets knocked about.
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Far as I'm concerned, Janeway's the only one doing practical space mugs correctly. Come on, a metal travel mug that's as strong as her coffee is black? Takes a beating through 70,000 light years of bridge shakes fighting off the Borg and the Hirogen and still holds a hot drink? Now that's a space mug
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fauvester · 2 years
I NEED to know who/how Garak got the 1# Yadek mug
Glad u like the oc asks i will keep sending them :}
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young Elim seeing the ugliest gulforsaken novelty #1 yadek mug at the thrift stall right as he’s getting his third Be nice to your war criminal yadek lecture of the week
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kiranerysismyhero · 5 months
you know it's kinda funny that the raktajino wide-based captains mug, built that way to be less tippable on a moving boat, is most associated with ds9 of any of the treks
it's the most stationary trek
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pw132-art · 11 months
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i don't know what to say i just think she's neat
(also that mug of raktajino was actually the most annoying part of this whole piece)
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sreegs · 1 year
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another quark mug day, pass the raktajino!!
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you guys know I love DS9 and all the weird-ass raktajino mugs are very cool looking but let me tell you. they're SUCH a pain to wash. I never use them because I can always stick the glass bodum mugs that were used on TNG in the dishwasher. even the stainless steel mugs that are passable knockoffs of the ones used on Voyager can go in the dishwasher!! not the raktajino mugs, though. truly a design for a futuristic utopia where no one has to do the dishes anymore
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
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A mug for the psychoanalyst in your life, some mugs I’d hate to clean (also what are used for Raktajino’s in Star Trek!), a pegasus party complete with puffin pal, and a badger fam!
Mall of Saint Paul, MN
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omgpurplefattie · 7 months
WIP Wednesday
Here's a bit from the third episode of Research Vessel Lianhua Lou, my MLC Star Trek AU. They're on the ship, in transit to their next adventure.-
Throughout breakfast, Li Lianhua didn’t stop grumping at both of them, and when they finally ran out of pancakes and porridge, he told them to go invent something; he had reading to do. Nanyin lessons after lunch, okay?
“He’d have to be really sick to forget about his old dead languages for a bit,” A-Fei sighed as they both stood, meekly taking their crockery to the dishwasher. Li Lianhua held out his cup for even more raktajino, which Fang Duobing poured for him, before getting out his terminal and starting to read right where he was. After about three seconds, he looked up again and made a shooing motion with his free hand.
“Yes, yes, I'm going,” Fang Duobing said. “I have a date with the warp engine anyway, as there are a few inhabited systems coming up on our route soon. I’ll ease the warp bubble through that by hand.”
“You’re not telling me that rocks with people on feel different to the warp engine than just rocks do?” Li Lianhua said, with another eye-roll. “That is a new degree of warp mumbo jumbo even for you. You won’t believe the way he talks about that thing, A-Fei. One time, when he explained about the engine settling into just the right speed for the sector of space we were crossing, he claimed it felt like putting me inside himself in bed.”
“Your prick has a very amenable shape,” A-Fei said, deadpan; and Li Lianhua threw the spoon with which he’d been stirring his raktajino at the Klingon’s forehead ridges.
Fang Duobing hotly remembered what he’d read about throwing things in a Klingon sex context, grabbed his mug of tea, and fled to the engine room, thundering down the steps.
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more-better-words · 9 months
if you stopped writing, I believe I would cry. So, here’s another prompt. I would love, love, love to hear someone in the future (Discovery, SNW, TOS, TAS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, LD, Prodigy, Picard or anything else) absolutely swooning over Trip and T’Pol. So many bonus points if it’s set in your “Built to Last” universe.
Don't cry! ❣️❣️❣️
(hopefully this gets me bonus points lol)
Nog paced nervously in front of the console. “What if I don’t know enough?” he fretted. “Everything I’ve ever worked on has been primitive and out of date! I'll look backward compared to the other cadets!”
Miles O’Brien, in what one might be forgiven for viewing as his natural state – elbow deep in arcane Cardassian circuitry – didn’t look up. “It's not the newness of the technology that matters, Nog. Everything was cutting-edge once. It's whether or not you understand the mechanisms in front of you. That’s when an engineer proves himself. Have you ever heard of Trip Tucker?”
Nog stopped pacing, his face wrinkled into deep confusion. “What's a Trip Tucker?”
O’Brien chuckled. “Who. Captain Charles Tucker the Third. They called him Trip. He's somebody I think you'd find you have a lot in common with. First Chief Engineer of the very first Enterprise. Well, first starship Enterprise anyway. Back before the Federation was even founded, when Starfleet was Earth only.”
“That was centuries ago.”
“Yeah, it was. Back then, humans were the newcomers in the quadrant, way behind just about everybody else. It takes a lot of ingenuity to make up for being at a disadvantage. Hopefully your instructors at the Academy will tell you about some of the things he had to do to keep that ship flying.”
“What ship?” Lt. Commander Dax asked from the door. She carried a raktajino mug in each hand, placing one on the console in front of O’Brien. He nodded his thanks.
“Enterprise, NX-01,” he said.
“Oh, are we talking about Trip Tucker?”
“Has everybody heard about this guy but me?” Nog demanded.
“You know, I met him once,” Dax said. “Well, Tobin did. At an engineering conference on Earth, not long after the end of the Romulan War.”
“Really?” O'Brien looked fascinated. “What was he like?”
She looked thoughtful. “Funny,” she said. “And very genuine. And in hindsight, very good-looking, but Tobin was more interested in his plus one.” A fond little smile crossed her face. “She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.”
“Who?” Nog asked, suddenly extremely invested in the story.
“His wife. Ambassador T’Pol.”
“Oh, that’s right!” O’Brien exclaimed. “He was one of the first humans to have an inter-species marriage. Officially, anyway.”
“So his wife was a Vulcan, and she was very attractive,” Nog said, wanting to get this thing back on track.
“She wasn’t just any Vulcan,” Dax said. “She was first officer on the NX-01 for years, she was the first non-human to ever receive a Starfleet commission… And after the founding of the Federation, she served as the ambassador to her homeworld for decades.”
She shot Nog a small smile. “But she was very attractive.” She sipped her drink, eyes on the past. “They really were a stunning couple. The energy between them was…palpable. Their sex life was probably spectacular.”
Nog's eyes were huge. O’Brien cleared his throat loudly, and Dax coughed primly. “Suffice it to say, they both had illustrious careers.”
“Here’s a homework assignment for you, Nog,” O’Brien said brightly. “Look up the Romulan Drone Ship incident of 2154. I think you'll find it educational.”
The young Ferengi nodded. “Romulan drone ship…2154…” he repeated.
“I want you to be able to tell me all about it tomorrow.”
“Oh! Okay! Yes, Chief!” He scurried off. O’Brien gave Dax an intrigued look.
“Spectacular, you say?”
“Chief,” she said frankly, “she probably owned a shirt that said 'Save a Starship, Ride an Engineer'.”
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sshbpodcast · 6 months
Character Spotlight: Odo
by Ames
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The security chief of Deep Space Nine is a lot of things: a bird, a tripwire, a glass, a bag… The list goes on and on (though our favorite is usually when he’s a cute little rat), and all of them add up to a whole that is greater than the sum of his parts. In a world full of solids, Odo fills in that Outsider Character™ whose quest to shape his identity makes for a truly engaging character journey, though many stops along the way do dabble in fascism. But we love him anyway.
So kick back in your bucket and get ready to melt as your hosts at A Star to Steer Her By explore the many, many faces of Odo, even ones for which he can’t quite get the ears right. We’ve got our favorite moments and a whole bunch of times he messed up royally below and discussed this week on the podcast (jump to 1:05:53). Harumph!
[Images © CBS/Paramount]
Best moments
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No one has ever seen me like this before We’ve brought up this one before in our fan-favorite Lwaxana Troi post, but it’s always worth dipping into again. Forever the tightass of the station, Odo lets himself be vulnerable with our hot Betazoid mama in “The Forsaken,” and it’s such a thing of beauty for these two polar opposite characters to show each other the hidden sides of themselves.
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Do holograms dream of holographic sheep? We really liked the little hologram girl Taya in “Shadowplay” when we did our Children in Star Trek post, and apparently so does Odo! Who’d have thought that the station’s chief wallflower would have such a soft spot for kids? And then he sticks up for Taya and all of the holograms because, real or not, they still qualify as people to him.
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You flatter me, sir, you flatter me! Last week, we marveled at how often Miles O’Brien gets to suffer across the series, and in “Tribunal,” Odo really does his darndest to keep the chief alive. By acting as nestor in the sham Cardassian trial, Odo at the very least slows down the inevitable enough for Sisko to reveal the corruption inherent in their awful, awful legal system. O’Brien’s lawyer sure wasn’t any help!
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From one laboratory specimen to another Like he did with Taya in “Shadowplay,” Odo identifies with the Jem’Hadar child in “The Abandoned.” When he realizes that Starfleet is probably going to subject him to the same kinds of tests Odo underwent as a baby blob, he takes the kid under his wing to try to treat him more like a person. It doesn’t do much good, but at least Odo got to return him to his people.
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You won’t be turning against them. They will have turned against you. We joke a lot on the podcast about how much of a fascist Odo can be. And he sure can, as you’ll see in the Worst Moments list, but he does a great job not succumbing to the draw of oppressing human rights in  “Paradise Lost.” One of our favorite Evil Admirals, James Leyton, masterminds a military coup and Odo is there to work with Sisko to stop him in his tracks!
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One raktajino, extra hot, two measures of kava Before Kira starts boringly pining after that dullard Shakaar in “Crossfire,” we get treated to some sweet scenes of Odo and her going about their morning briefings. And it’s downright adorable! Every morning, Odo replicates up a mug of raktajino just how Kira likes it and prepares for his chat with the major in a way that gets things off on the right foot. Cute!
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Before I met her, my world was a much smaller place We have one more great Odo-Lwaxana moment to extol. It is just the tenderest, most selfless act for Odo to marry Lwaxana to get her and her baby out from under the rule of her Tavnian husband Jeyal in “The Muse.” When Odo declares all that Lwaxana has done for him and how she changed his life, we are amazed at how honest the speech is. Here’s to the happy couple!
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Hardly the words of a Klingon Odo also proves to understand Klingon culture better than other Changelings (and probably some Klingons, for that matter!) in “Apocalypse Rising.” When Martok isn’t acting at all honorably about dispatching Gowron, Odo figures out that it’s Martok who’s the Changeling and exposes him to a crowd of the most honorable Klingons on Q’onos. And Gowron. Qapla’!
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Well that’s fine with me, because I hate you too How could we complete a Best Moments list without mentioning his complex relationship with Quark? Their natural opposition and trademark snark make them excellent foils for each other, and though they claim the opposite in “The Ascent,” you can tell that under their sarcastic words, they really do love each other as they keep each other alive on the freezing mountain.
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Now Mister Pyramid, here comes Mister Cube Watching Odo caring for the baby goo in “The Begotten” is downright adorable, but at the same time deeply sad. Odo reveals that he doesn’t want to see the baby poked and prodded like when Mora Pol was assigned to him, and he truly empathizes with the infant Changeling in a way that is so parental and personal. It makes the ending all the more heart wrenching.
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You have my gratitude… and my blessing Speaking of heart-wrenching endings. Despite how much it troubles Odo that the Vorta all view him as some kind of god, Odo opts to try to help Weyoun 6 in “Treachery, Faith, and the Great River” as much as he can. And when Odo bestows the dying Weyoun with his blessing, it comes across as a kindness between people, regardless of whether he believes it or not.
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Talk about a Great Link! Though Odo’s relationship with Kira Nerys started out squicky, as you’ll see in a moment, you can’t help rooting for them. And when Odo chooses being with this solid over someone of his own kind in “Chimera,” it feels like a big win. Odo may not be able to link with Nerys, but the equivalent he whips up in the closing scene is visually stunning and emotionally cathartic.
Worst moments
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Elementary, my dear: I obviously did it! First and foremost, Odo’s first duty is to justice and he just can’t help himself from solving a good mystery. So in “A Man Alone,” he keeps accidentally proving that he committed the murder of Ibudan all along, even though he didn’t. After all, Occam’s razor teaches us that the most obvious answer is probably that Changelings are behind it.
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Taking his bucket and going home If I had a nickel for every time Odo quit his chief of security job in a huff… well I’d have two nickels but it’s still weird it happened twice. First in “Move Along Home” when Odo has a little tantrum when Primmin comes onboard and then AGAIN when Eddington comes onboard in “The Search.” Odo, I have no idea how old you actually are, but grow the hell up!
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Untie my hands before you start to blame me Let’s just clump all our “Odo is a fascist” moments into this example. In “The Maquis,” Odo makes it clear that he wishes he were given unbridled power in order to keep the station safe, but of course that comes at the expense of civil rights. When he states that Terok Nor was safer under Cardassian occupation, you see just how little he initially cares for the people he’s protecting.
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So happy together… except for Jadzia When Odo merges with Curzon during Jadzia’s zhian’tara in “Facets,” what we get is just an asshole who doesn’t want to reabsorb back into the symbiont, leaving Dax feeling incomplete. And while a lot of that is Curzon’s fault, Odo is a part of Curzodo, and he claims that this is how they both want it to be. He entirely fails to consider Jadzia’s personhood. What a selfish jerk.
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Solids and liquids just don’t blend It’s never a good look for a guy to get personally offended when a girl doesn’t like him, but Odo shows us a master class in incel behavior in “Crossfire” when Kira’s relationship with Shakaar gets serious. Dude, she’s just not into you. There’s no reason to go ballistic in your quarters and break all our hearts by destroying the plant that Kira had gotten you as a quarters-warming gift.
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You don’t even belong here. I do. Try as he might, Odo cannot undo the mistake he made that gets revealed in “Things Past” because this isn’t actually a time travel episode. The Shyamalan twist of this episode is that it was all Odo’s fault that three Bajorans had gotten executed seven years prior because the constable was too lazy to do his damn job and see that they were innocent all along.
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This is what increased security looks like? 90% of the time, Odo’s infatuation with security goes above and beyond what should be reasonable. And yet, when a serial killer is murdering off Kira’s friends in “The Darkness and the Light,” he doesn’t notice when a) Furel and Lupaza sneak onto the station, b) they get blown to smithereens, and c) Kira absconds with his list of suspects. You’re losing your touch, Odo!
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What’s a nice woman like you doing with a dataport? We gave Geordi stink for getting romantically involved with the woman he was investigating in “Aquiel.” We gave Julian stink for all the patients he grossly seduces. And you’d better believe we’re going to give Odo stink for banging the woman in witness protection he was supposed to be protecting in “A Simple Investigation.” Dude! Gross! That is so not okay!
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Tell Kira I want her to know it was me! An alternate timeline Odo gets away with blinking out an entire society of people – the descendants of his friends, no less! – to stop Kira from getting killed. What’s even more screwed up is that our Kira would have preferred dying so this planet of living, breathing people could continue existing in “Children of Time,” but Gaian Odo could only think of how it affects him.
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Solids just wouldn’t understand Odo gets tempted by the Female Changeling at the top of season six of the show, and it’s agonizing to watch him totally get suckered in by her dangling the Great Link over him all the time. In “Behind the Lines,” he’s so busy linking with her while his friends in the resistance need him that it foils their plans and gets Rom captured.
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Turn her no into a yes! I rag on “His Way” a lot, and for good reason! It rewards toxic masculinity by giving Odo what he always wanted after Vic has tricked him and Kira into a date. It’s not all on Vic though! Odo valiantly refuses to get involved with Lola Crystal, but he is more than okay with wooing one that was supposed to be like the real thing! That’s not romantic, guys. That’s creepy.
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Anyone can always steal a shuttlecraft! We already gave O’Brien stink for releasing feral Molly into the wild last week, and we’ll probably do it again when we get to our Keiko spotlight, but when it comes to “Time’s Orphan,” Odo’s hands are dirty too! When one of his security goons catches the O’Briens stealing a shuttle, Odo just lets them go. Where’s your sense of justice this week, constable?
— And that’s all the security footage we have this week from the station. Keep following us here as we shine the spotlight on Odo’s better half next week – the magnificent Ferengi himself: Quark! You can also keep following along with our watchthrough of Enterprise over on SoundCloud or wherever you listen to podcasts, harumph with us over on Facebook and Twitter, and watch out for rats! They might be Changelings!
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grimark · 6 days
i love the regular star trek replicator mugs but i think benjamin sisko needs and deserves a novelty mug collection. “world’s best manager” obviously. “don’t talk to me until i’ve had my raktajino”. “you don’t have to be chosen by the prophets to work here, but it helps!” etc
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mizufae · 10 months
I’m gonna crochet a starship enterprise for a gift exchange thingy I’m doing! Finally! An excuse!!!! Their interests are apparently “coffee, dark chocolate, Star Trek” and unfortunately a raktajino mug is way out of the gift exchange budget.
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trek-tracks · 2 years
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Okay, so with his Quark Bucks, Boimler bought:
Ferengi Ears
Quark's Pennant
Stuffed Mini Quark
Raktajino Mug
DS9 Snowglobe (we think)
Foam Finger
But what is the purple thing? Any ideas?
Too bad Quark's doesn't sell branded self-sealing stembolts.
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startrekpotluck · 1 year
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Looks like it’s already time for Sign Up Round Up #3!
From fan creators returning for their fourth year running to creators signing up for the very first time, it looks like the menu for StarTrekPotluck2023 is filling up fast 🖖✨
A warm welcome to the kitchen to:
@curator-on-ao3 SNW fanfic, 1st August
@song-spero DS9 fanfic, 3rd August
@charmps-you-grickly TNG fanart, 4th August
@jordanlafordan DSC fanvid/fanfic, 6th August
@sun-lit-roses SNW fanfic, 8th August
@cardassiangoodreads DS9 fanfic, 9th August
@trippingonskullshrooms fandom TBC fanfic, 10th August
@gembu-tortuesouscafeine TOS fanfic, 12th August
@kejsarinna SNW fanfic, 13th August
@northstarfan PIC fanfic, 14th August
Who join our existing chefs:
@spiritintheinkwell LWD fanart, 1st August
@annikasevenshots PIC fanfic, 2nd August
@green-mug-tomato-juice DS9 fanart, 3rd August
@scriptrix-eclectica TOS fanfic, 4th August
@space-dog-from-space AOS (/TOS) fanfic, 5th August
@jazzfic PIC fanfic, 6th August
@swordanddaggerarts TOS fanart, 7th August
@milficwriter TNG fanfic, 8th August
@ussjellyfish DSC fanfic, 9th August
@beautyofsorrow DS9/VOY fanfic, 10th August
@dustydahorse TNG fanfic and fanart, 11th August
@the-lady-general PRD fanfic, 12th August
@moonxshape fandom and fanwork TBC, 13th August
@regionalpancake - PIC fanfic, 14th August
StarTrekPotluck2023 is looking for fan creators of all types, from across all the Trek fandoms: Want to make a Cheese x Porthos gifset? Fancy writing a history of raktajino? Think you'd like to compose a food themed filk, or perhaps a bloodwine drinking song?
If so, put on your aprons and send us an ask to book a date between the 1st and 14th of August: (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th) (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th)
Remember: any Star Trek fandom, any media. For more info, see here.
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solo-by-choice · 2 years
short fic based on the prompt: Bareil is starting to grey at the temples (au where he lives with partial brain implants for @temporal-mechanic
Bareil Antos never expected to grow old. No one who chose to serve the prophets in a Bajor under Cardassian occupation did. The Cardassians allowed them their religion, yes, but barely. As a young man, Bareil could not have imagined the life he led now, quietly tending the gardens at the monastery, without fear of raids or bombs or the everchanging whims of a Cardassian military governor who might decide one day to lock up the Vedeks in his district on scanty evidence of some treason or other. Bareil could wear his orange robes of office without worry that they might be taken away, and he could travel openly and safely across Bajor to visit an old friend. Old friends were another thing Bareil hadn’t expected to have.
The land was still healing from the occupation, but in the provinces he had traveled through this week he had seen many green fields and farms. The Cardassians had left the previously rich farmland barren, and it had taken years of hard work had improved the nutrient content to make it useable again. There were children on Bajor who had never known the hardship and depredation of their parents’ generation.
Kira Nerys had cut her hair short again since the last time he’d seen her. She greeted him at the door with a bright grin and ushered him inside the cozy house. He knew she had lived here off and on for several years, but their schedule had never lined up right for him to visit until now. As ever, Nerys did not have enough possessions for her home to be considered cluttered, but it did have a lived-in feel. She served him some raktajino in slightly lumpy mugs she told him she’d made herself using a friend’s kiln.
He still loved her, in a way. All his emotions he’d experienced “in a way” since the implants that had saved his life.  And that was alright; he didn’t believe life was worth living only if one was sufficiently passionate. He was grateful to Doctor Bashir for saving his life and for enabling him to conclude the negotiations with the Cardassians. If his life had been difficult since then, it had also been quiet and calm.
As they drank their coffee, Kira asked what was on his mind. He told her that he’d been thinking about the things he hadn’t expected to have: grey hairs, old friends. “Me, neither,” she said. “But it’s a good thing.” Yes, unquestionably, it was a good thing.
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