thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
Why I recommend age regression as a way to cope.
If you're stressed the F out, feel like you missed out or lost your childhood, or have terrible coping mechanisms? Then this is the post for you. (Maybe.)
Also before we jump in—Just wanna say that I'm not a psychologist, I'm just sharing tips and advice from my own positive and negative experiences. And that age regression may not work for you after you've tried it, but I say give it a shot! Especially if your current ways of dealing with life aren't.... great.
With all that our of the way—Post beneath cut!
So here's some resources for a TLDR version! But I'll be explaining age-regression, it's benefits to me, and why I encourage others to try!
Remember it is ALWAYS sfw! (Which means agere isn't a kink, never has been and never will be!)
So age-regression, or it's shortened name Agere (Takes Age, and the Re from Regression and combines them!) Is a form of dissociation in which someone mentally reverts back to a younger age! This can be anywhere from a few years younger, such as a 17 year old regressing to a 15 year old. Or it can be many years younger—Example being a 17 year old regressing to a 4 year old!
During this state: they are mentally younger, either fully or partially depending on the person. And do think like said age. And often their behaviors correspond with their regressed age, assuming they aren't masking it!
Sometimes you are aware you're regressed, and other times you're not—Both are completely fine!
It's a wonderful way to relive your childhood in a safe environment, feel young and cared for again like a child, or express your inner child!
Okay, but why would I use that to cope?
Don't worry, I hear your questions!
The reason it's a good coping mechanism, for me atleast, is regressing allows you to process your emotions at your own pace. Though they might still be overwhelming, I find it much easier to let my big emotions calm down when I feel small, because it's like they slowly burn off rather than going boom!
If you're stressed a lot, it's a good way to temporarily remove yourself from your burdens! Like you don't have any worries other than 'should I use the pink or blue crayon?' Vibes! Pressure slowly bleeding off rather than having an outburst.
And, for fun! It can be fun to connect with your inner child, do the things you liked as a kid and reunited with that mindset! You don't need to have missed out on your childhood to regress, it can be completely for fun!
Now now, age regression isn't always all fun and games. Because you do think like whatever age you've regressed to, you might have temper tantrums or get cranky or confused if something triggers it.
That's okay.
Yeah, it can feel icky—But me personally, i much prefer these occasionally than letting my emotions boil over and having a breakdown when I'm not regressed!
I've lost and wasted a lot of my childhood. This is my way of healing and re-experiencing childhood joy. Please, don't ever forget that type of wonder, it's so magical and so nice and cozy.
It's a way to cope because it can be an outlet, a comfort, a way to regulate emotions, a way to escape, a way to just relax. And, while not everyone turns out liking it, that's okay! But it works for me, and so so many others. I've had atleast 6 or so friends start regressing and they're still doing it to this day!
And the best part is it's temporary, so if there's more mature things you enjoy? You don't have to give those up, okay? You can find time to regress and relax, and come back to your normal routine later!
It's benefits can be:
Processing lots of emotions at once.
Getting to do things you were denied as a child.
Able to let out emotions via tantrums or fits in a much less destructive headspace.
Reliving a simpler mindset.
Helping with sleeping. (I find it much easier to nap/go to bed if I'm regressed!)
Getting a fresh feeling after you're done regressing.
Stimulating if understimulated.
Can help if you're also overstimulated.
Healing inner child.
Coping with trauma/stress in a healthy way.
Help with doing chores. (It's way easier to make chores fun if you're regressed in my experience, but some hate doing chores while regressed and that's cool too!)
And it can be different for each person!
It is absolutely okay to have a different experience, struggle regressing at first or even always, or not do it often!
I recommend if you want to start regressing—Find something that makes your inner child happy, indulge in the best things you liked or would've liked as the age you wanna regress to, find ways to incorporate your current interests into it!
Also things that you like, or positive things can help too!
It's honestly my best coping mechanism, it isn't 'weird' or 'wrong' especially if it helps you. And I can guarantee it's far better than plenty of unhealthy coping mechanisms!
Sooo... yeah! If you want, I recommend looking more into it! There's a whole community for you here on Tumblr, and other sites!
And this post mainly only covers the positives, but it's what I wanted to focus on!
Byee!! (Pssstt BTW agere doesn't have to be all pastels and cute and stuff!! Do what makes you happy! Use whatever colours and vibes you want!)
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lynx-jinx · 8 days
okay does anyone already know when season 2 will premiere? cause like
Lena had a great mic drop and will hopefully gtfo and NOT be hunted for sport
Colin and Teddy are both definitely on some bullshit and may or may not die offscreen in the meantime
Sam and the Archivist are very much giving status: unknown
Gwen will surely get what she bargained for one way or another
only Celia and Alice seem safe for now (although it'll be fun times for Celia to explain to Alice what exactly happened)
i need it like next week please
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ygodmyy20 · 9 months
Opps this post got forgotten! But if I don't post it today when will I!?
Okay so, I've been thinking for awhile on the question: why do I like terumob and why did it take over my brain? What is it about it...what caught my interest. As someone who was very NOT into ships when i first got into mp100, why did I crashland into this one?
This post has been in progress for like....weeks now? Nearly a month? 3 months? Yea.
Okay so. Here we go. THOUGHTS! On terumob and why the fuck I like it. Below the cut.
Like I mentioned, when I first finished Mob Psycho 100 in June of this year I wasn't into any ship. I was actually REALLY NOT into ships. I really liked gen. I wanted to explore the characters and I loved the complex relationships between everyone but I didn't want it to be overshadowed by romance. I purposely steered clear of any and all ship art.
But then I started to see some TeruMob fanart and I was like "Aw man, they are so cute and squishy." And I started to like them....just a lil bit. ONLY A LITTLE BIT.
BUT then I read more Teru-centric fics, read Teru analysis' and then I was like. Oh shit, Teru is 100% so into Mob it's like....this kid has it bad. He has a major crush. And even on the rewatch I am like WOW yep, confirmed in my brain, Teru has it bad. The subtext of his pinning is JUST so there for me. I didn't even have to look hard for it. I suddenly was very in on the Teru-one-sidded part of the ship.
But here's the thing, I'm not a big fan of ships like that... feels too unrequited. Hard for me to really like it. I need to have some level of something from both sides. Just how I am.
So that still leaves the question.
When and how does Shiego liking Teru work? Is there any subtext for that or am I just making it all up because I want the ship to work for me?
(which also is fine ya'll, no judgement if you ship two characters that barely interact, thats the fun of fandom stuff!)
I mean, all things considered, Shigeo likes Tsubomi. Scratch that, he REALLY likes Tsubomi. Shiego loves very strongly, like all his emotions. And he definitely likes Teru, they are good friends, so I kept thinking: where and how does that cross into a crush to me, for these characters?
Teru cares a lot, he adores Shigeo—Shigeo is kind, he is powerful, he is everything Teru wants to be. But are there places where I see this same level of intensity from Shigeo?
Annnnnnnnd then I got to their fight in season 3.
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Everything Shiego did to Teru was so pointed. So raw and angry. Like I said, I think Shigeo feels his feelings very strongly and, I don't know, just the fact that he PERSUED Teru to humiliate him EXACTLY in the same way again, tells me that their first meeting had an intense impact on him. We don't see a lot of his feelings on his meeting with Teru, besides the brief ??? in that episode. After meeting Teru, it's just...life goes on as normal for them. But deep down I don't think Shigeo ever really tackled his complex feelings about Teru and their first meeting.
So it all comes out, its all be stewing for AGES, and what comes out is mean. It's aggressive. It's almost sarcastic? It's what happens when we let things chew us up inside and comes out all twisted.
Teru evoked such a strong reaction from Shigeo, even if Shigeo didn't admit it or express it, that I can't help but think, after things have settled, after he has spent more time adjusting to his whole self...after they both take time to really examine themselves and grow....
....that Shigeo wouldn't develop stronger feelings for this boy who also turned his world upside down. Who made him feel such strong emotions, who changed his world too.
Teru was forever changed by meeting another esper his age.
I think Shiego was too.
And I think where I started to love them was after the finale, after Teru's acceptance of Shiego for who he was.
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I don't want to pigeonhole any of the espers into only being able to date other espers. But I also....yes, Shiego is a normal kid, but he is also Shiego.
Teru is a person who understands the strength it takes to keep that power, who has seen Shiego at all sides. His best and his worst.
But gosh this scene....
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Yeah this whole scene just.....just yea. OUGH.
But yeah I just feel like Teru's crush would only grow after that. He would see Shigeo as a person over an all powerful esper.
While I like to think Shigeo's would develop over time and them smack into him like a runaway freight train. Because Shigeo FEELS so strongly, for all his emotions. He feels sadness strongly, he feels love strongly, he feels anger strongly—he just feels everything SO strongly. That is why he is powerful, that is why he is who he is, that is why ??? became what it is.
Anyway. My thoughts have ended and that's all i got. Thanks for coming to my ted talk of rambling mess that has been in progress for months that I realized whelp with the anniversary of the end of S3 nearly here, mind as well post it.
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the-axolotl-skellie · 2 months
Also lol I forgot lune can breathe under water, so like, they'll just chill in the bathtub and nap lol
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sharenadraculea · 6 months
So, I‘m thinking about Azula, Mai and Ty Lee (but mostly Azula) and how they are treated by both canon and the fandom as one does and remembered a scene I once saw in a ww2-documentary as one does. So if you would allow me to go on a tangent:
One of the last surviving recordings of Hitler is him handing out medals to child soldiers in Berlin. And it‘s these tiny children -Hitler has to bend down to be on eye level with some of them-, maybe twelve or fourteen year old, in uniforms that are too big, in a ruined city, pretending that they are adults and trying to be proud about getting these medals. A child that was twleve or fourteen in 1945 would have literally no memories from before the Nazis took over. They would have had no real chance to get away from the brainwashing. They spent the last five years living through a global war and their country was clearly loosing when they got those medals. The red army were nearly at Berlin or allready there -I can‘t remember when the recording was done exactly- and there weren‘t enough adults to throw at the enemy, so little kids were forced to fight a fight they could not win.
And in my opinion this is much more how especially Azula should have been portrayed: a brainwashed child with no knowledge of how the world was before the fire nation was before they started commiting genocides, forced to fight in a global war by a horrible dictator and told that this is good and that she is good for doing the fighting. Not a complete monster that was born evil and should just be killed.
She is a fucking child for heavens sake!
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merochu-blog · 1 year
I love Fearne. Her character has so much to it when you look below the surface.
She's the most motherly of the group, taking care of mister. She tries to be a good mother, there for him, unlike what she went through. She drops a lot of little hints at this. Calling him her child, and when talking to her own mother. "I'm there for him. I've turned out to be a pretty good mother." She is being the mother she wanted for herself growing up.
She also was the one to hold FCG and Imagine together when they separated. She made sure they stayed grounded. Granted, she gave up being the glue holding them together as soon as they were doing better, and we saw her own thoughts on the matter after, how she had her own doubts about the split, but she NEVER let that show and stayed level headed when she was leading them.
Just some thoughts on my fav Fey girl
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random-potato-mil · 2 months
I feel like alot of times peopel ignore symptoms or issues if there isent a name for it.
Vent ->
Like if I said that I'm scared to raise my hand in class, I would probably be labeled as shy and that I just need to man up and do it. But if I say I have anxiety then it's suddenly okay that I have that issues and teachers are "understanding of my situation".
The same with other issues. If I say I don't like touching mushrooms becaouse the texture then om picky and weird, but if you before hand has labeled me as autistic it's just an autism quirk.
If i can't be in a house because of a bad smell I get told that "everyone else can get used to the bad smell you just need to power through" and then laugh at me for beeing sensitive when I puke. Calls me over sensitive. But if I say I have Hyperosmia it's now okay that I don't wanna be in the house because I found a name.
Why are name and labels so important?
Why can't I just express my experience and get taken seriously without needing to explain myself with "I'm asexual I'm not interested in hearing your sex joke. I don't get them and I don't want to" before peopel accept it. I can't just day I don't find sex jokes funny. Peopel need some big label for some reason.
(Still labels me as innocent despite the fact that I litterally just couldent care less about sex as it is the most uninteresting thing ever.)
Makes me mad.
Just belive peopel as a starting point. Would make peopel with invisible disabilities saying their in pain have much easier access to help.
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littlechameleonguy · 3 months
Little update for the dead boy detectives outfit thing. I haven't given up, I'm just exhausted... Work is very stressful right now... Also I'm on new hormones and it's a little messy ...
I hope I'll be able to get at least one or two posts ready tomorrow. The screenshots are already done.
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batskye27 · 10 months
I just now rememberd what a beautiful scene the spray bottle scene in Good Omens season 1 was. Like he had the whole situation under control with such confidence and the only thing that gave it away was one drop of water! I love this scene so much. It was established that he likes plants and we have seen him use the spray bottle before. The whole time i was just on the edge of my seat thinking.
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‘did he really have more holy water? He could not have more, right?’
And then the wordless reveal of the water on his hand!! Peak writing. Beautiful. Art. I love it! I wish to write like this everyday!
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thelunarsystemwrites · 2 months
Kinda sad that out of every like, media that has a genuine fandom, there's only two that have canonical age regressors. Nurse Bendy (Moral Orel) and I believe Toki? (Metalocalypse)
With that said, I think both are done well from what I've seen. I've never watched the second show.
Still, I really REALLY wish we had more agere representation in media! It'd be awesome! It'd also be nice if we had representation outside adult swim ^^"
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lynx-jinx · 4 months
OKAY so i've been thinking... did jon and martin create the other world when they pushed the fears out of theirs and therefore theoretically every time you remove them from one world another for them to exist in is simply created OR did parallel worlds exist prior to everything and they are simply hopping on like the worst game of hot potato?
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littlelunarislavender · 5 months
Oh wait already did that :[
I'm outta ideassss
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the-axolotl-skellie · 3 months
I haven't slept in 27+ hrs so crack time!
(Side note, sadly none of these are canon)
Lune will fight you if you try to take away their octonauts
Spent a night in jail for fighting someone in the honour of octonauts
Purposefully leaves the stove on for the lols
Was the asshole who kept stealing fells other sock
This kid would accidentally lock you out of your phone for 86868687568 hours playing with the buttons
In a state of rebellion againest Crust giving them crustless bread, they peeled all the potatoes in his house and left them on their couch (I laughed so hard writing this)
Hates ducks
Has broken every traffic law 🚥
Plays Dora the explore at 3. Am and makes little scavenger hunts around the house, awee right? WRONG it's the potatoe peelings!
Is convinced Santa is a threat and turns on the fire on Christmas even after it was put out
People I absolutely need to see this garbage: @spookuzm (<- crust belongs to them!) @fell-is-suffering (<- aroace fell belongs to nem!) @bluu3berry (<- I just thought of you :33)
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cinematiclinguist · 1 year
whenever i do something embarrassing or clumsy i feel like i’m obese. i’m not, in real life im a normal weight, but when i drop something in the bus, when i say something wrong, when i stutter or when i trip and fall. i suddenly feel like im morbidly obese and everyone looking at me are judging me and my humongous shape.
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nametoshort · 9 months
Far From the Madding Crowd
I have a hot take about classical lit that will have academics everywhere coming for my head, but Thomas Hardy wrote Far From the Madding Crowd from the wrong perspective. Gabriel Oak is fine, but he is predominantly an onlooker on Bathsheba's life, meaning that we miss a lot of narrative insight. Why would she send the letter to Mr Boldwood? According to Gabriel, she thinks it would be a good joke, which is fair enough reasoning, but for all that happens after, I feel like we would gain a lot from knowing her own thoughts during and after. When Elizabeth Bennet rejects Mr Collins's proposal, despite being a sensible choice of marriage, we have it from her perspective, so even though she turned down a good match, we understand completely why she would. Again, with Mr Darcy's first proposal, it is an advantageous match, but we see it all from her perspective, so turning him down makes sense to the reader. With Mr. Boldwood, however, we only really get a retroactive explanation, with his later actions proving her decision right, but almost feels like Hardy is trying to justify it to the reader because marrying Boldwood was very much the sensible choice. I know comparing any novel to Jane Austen is unfair, but at the same time, there is a lot that can be compared to Pride and Prejudice.
To compare, if P&P was told from Mr. Darcy's perspective, I think we would miss a lot of the development, so when Elizabeth accepts his second proposal, it might come across to the reader as if she is accepting as a way of thanking him for saving her family. If we were told the story of Pride and Prejudice from Darcy's perspective, we get a lot of consistency because his feelings for Elizabeth don't change much from the first rejection. If the story was told from his perspective, we would get a lot of insight into his character development from the brash "your family are poor and trash, so marry me" to the final proposal. But the main development comes from Elizabeth's side, especially regarding Darcy, and realizing that she was hanging on to her prejudice against him. Both characters learn a lot, yes, but from a narrative perspective, seeing someone challenge their own prejudice is much more engaging and rewarding than someone shedding their pride. Because we are told the story from Elizabeth's POV, we are certain that she is marrying Darcy because she loves him, not because he saved her family or the fact that he's rich.
I think that's why Far From the Madding Crowd is told from the wrong perspective. Gabriel Oak is consistent (as is shown in his name) in much of his character and his feelings towards Bathsheba. Miss Everdeen, on the other hand (read that in the voice of Donald Sutherland), goes through the most change. In a way, her marrying Gabriel blurs the lines between her realizing that who she wanted was in front of her the whole time and settling for the last man standing because we don't get that internal monologue. When you only see development from the outside, through the perspective of a character who is unchanging, you lose a lot of nuance and don't fully grasp the extent of that change. Because of this, it feels almost as if Bathsheba is settling at the end by marrying Gabriel Oak.
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random-potato-mil · 2 months
So was watching sports with my neighbors and their brought me pieces of newspaper about some research done in USA over the last 50 years about how peopel who get married early (25) are happier, more well of, and kids grow up to be happier and more educated.
Sadly for my neighbors I have been to school and listened go my teacher about corelation and not causation and point out how the data the show me also shows it's mostly the higher educated group where these early marriages takes place, and the "unusual" parents like single parents are mostly in the lower educated group.
So I bring up the point that yeah. Peopel who can afford to get married at 25 is probably already well of and more likely to be financially stable.
Which made them mad becaouse they were not well of and their 6 siblings all go married early and have never broken up. (My neighbors are like 60/70 years old). So I point out that that is what the article they showed me also points out. (Not in the text but in the data)
Anyway are they hinting they think I should get married? I'm not even legally an adult yet. I'm also aroace so that's not gonna happen.
Anyway article that points out the obvious. Peopel with money that marry ecag other have more money.
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