#rambles about horror movies
m34gs · 2 years
When I was a kid, somewhere around 15, my first horror movie, like actual movie that made me scared, was The Messengers.
My second one was Mirrors.
I didn’t sleep much that weekend. The bathtub scene in Mirrors had me scared shitless.
I think for me personally the worst part in that scene isn’t watching what happens, or seeing the gory aftermath. It’s the fear in the woman’s eyes because she realizes what’s happening and she is completely powerless to stop it. She feels it all and she can’t do a damn thing to make it stop; all she can do is sit there and scream as it happens. And then she’s dead. I think that kind of fear, of watching the inevitable approach and not being able to stop it even though you know it means your doom, is one of the most intense kinds. At least, for me it is.
So, yeah. After watching that movie, my friends and I couldn’t go to the bathroom without a bathroom buddy and a towel over the mirror. Ah, memories🥰💜
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citricacidprince · 14 days
Sometimes I see the way certain people in a fandom treat a ‘tough love but well meaning and trying his best in the only way he knows how’ Dad and I can only think “You have a horrid relationship with your father, don’t you? 🫵👁️👁️”
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being a legal adult with a driver's license and my own money VS. feeling like I need my mom's explicit permission for everything: FIGHT
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gretchensinister · 4 months
Do we all know about that hobby/interest level where you are both aware that you know WAY, WAY more than the average person about the thing, but you don't want to say you're an [X] fan or you're into [X] or know a lot about [X] because, being in [X] circles, you also know/know of at least a dozen people whose interest/knowledge surpasses yours by like 10 orders of magnitude?
I don't have anything to say I just think this phenomenon is kind of funny
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gaminegay · 3 months
Broke: ew old people sex
Woke: elderly sexual needs are a real thing and shouldn't be mystified
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doomdoomofdoom · 1 month
god fucking damn you mike flanagan and your profound horror series making me feel things about life and love
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dragon-creates · 11 months
bowuigi werewolf fic premise
"Help...get help..."
That was the last thing Luigi heard Mario say, watching his brother's complexion fade from pale beige to translucent white, a pained scream escaping the red plumber's throat before his human form was replaced with a terrifying boo instead.
It had been a while since Luigi had seen King Boo, hoping that he was finished with the poltergeist's schemes. But it seems that the undead monarch had other plans.
At first it started out the same, E. Gadd requested for his help at a new mansion, Mario had been captured as well and Luigi spent most of his adventure sucking up ghosts while collecting any money he found along the way.
Expect it wasn't E. Gadd who was asking for him to come, and Mario was only bait for a trap laid out by King Boo. Soon, the brothers were trapped in separate cages, the older trying to comfort the younger as best he could until King Boo came back holding two potions.
Luigi was first, being levitated out of the cage by two other boos holding onto his arms as the king forced the liquid down his throat, making sure he downed every last drop. Once the bottle was empty, Luigi was thrown to the floor as a sharp pain pierced threw his spine.
His bones cracked as his clothes began to tear and his body shifted and molded into something totally inhuman. The green human watched in horror as fur protruded from his skin and his mouth stretched and twisted into a snout. Luigi wanted to scream, but he was in so much pain that he barely has any energy to make no more than a whine. When it was done, he looked down to see that his hands were now paws and a tail was poking through his overalls. His stomach churned when he realized that King Boo and managed to accomplish turning him into a werewolf.
He all but collapsed on the floor, helpless to do anything but watch King Boo take the other potion and repeat everything with his brother. He knew he couldn't just lay here, he had to do something!
When he successfully managed to stand on all fours for the first time, he turned to his brother, who had unfortunately drank his potion as well, leading to Mario turning into a boo and whispering his last sentence to Luigi.
Adrenaline kicked in, his new nose twitched, his fur stood on end, everything felt alive! Once King Boo turned back to face the younger brother, the new wolf was already bolting out the door, his new form giving his an unimaginable speed he never felt or saw before.
He ran through each hallway, past each ghost and boo, not bothering to look back as he managed to escape through the mansion doors and into the nearest pipe he could find, ignoring King Boo's shrieks of anger.
On the other side, the adrenaline was finally fading away, leaving Luigi to hobble throughout wherever he landed upon. His bleary eyes took in their surroundings as best as they could, lit up by the bright moon, there was something familiar about the rock and lava he passed but he was too tired to let himself remember.
Finally, he came across a huge fortress, hopefully whoever was in there could help him. He lifted a paw to pitifully scratch at the door, pleading interally that someone would answer, every second he could feel himself wasting away.
As though his prayers were answered, the doors opened, revealing an extremely large and confused koopa. Only it wasn't any koopa, the last of his lucidity kicked in when he realized that it was none other than King Bowser who answered the door.
"Wha?- What is the meaning of this?!" he demanded, "Why the hell is there a mutt at my castle?!"
He tried to give a response, but the sun began to rise and he let out a pained whine as his bones cracked and clicked back into his human form, ready to repeat the process for every morning and evening to come.
"Luigi?" the koopa's harsh gaze was gone, replaced with confusion and a lace of worry?
"Please," Luigi whimpered, "I have nowhere else to go."
He stumbled, slumber catching up to him as he fainted, only for Bowser to catch him and hold the human in his arms.
"Easy there greenie," Bowser murmured as Luigi drifted into sleep. Bowser's heart plummeted at the state the plumber was in, "Oh Luigi, what happened to you?"
Feel free to use this as inspiration for any fics you want to write!!! <3<3<3
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etchetceteraart · 2 months
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Frankenstein’s monster my beloved
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newvegascowboy · 4 months
I think part of the reason why the Doom movies have sucked so bad is because they've been from the POV of UAC security guys and not Doomguy (also making it aliens and not demons, which i think is what doom 3 did? Which, incidentally, is partly why doom 3 is also Not Very Good). And like the thing is, from the POV of anyone who isn't Doomguy, it absolutely is a survival horror. Those people are scared for their fucking LIVES. From Doomguy's perspective, this is just another Wednesday. He's barely breaking a sweat. And this is where the experience diverges, because the Viewer expects a movie to be a gore fest rip and tear delight, but these random UAC idiots are just not equipped to handle a demonic/alien invasion. You came to see a demon's chest get cracked open with someone's bare hands, but instead its the demons doing the cracking.
The other reasons the movies sucked so bad is because they weren't animated.
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prettyboysnuffilm · 5 months
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Stu likes zombies and creepshow typa horror and Billy is sucker for dramatic elevated horror with cool lighting
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greenofrain · 2 years
Okay so I keep coming back to "shouldn't you say thank you?"
Because it's not aggressive and confident like when she leaves with Willy, and it's not sheepish like when she's caught with the clicker, it's something else entirely.
Scary has done the team a service. She has just solved the problem that they've spent two months on, she is being a team player, she's earning the position of leader that she didn't originally want, she's making her friends proud.
But she is so deep into Willy's manipulation that she cannot see what happened. She gave the command to kill a man at a dinner party in front of his peers and their children. She set Willy Stampler, known monster who wants to absorb the doodler and become god, free, with no knowledge on what he might have done to their family and friends.
And when Linc reacts (justifiably) negatively after watching a man die in his arms, this is where Scary finds herself. This is where she says "shouldn't you say thank you?" Not as a snappy line, but out of genuine confusion. Why don't her friends appreciate what she's done for them? She was trying to help, shouldn't they be thanking her for it? Why don't they understand her? Why don't they say thank you?
Scary, more than anything, wants to be seen and appreciated, something she's found in Willy Stampler. The more she spends time with Willy, the more desensitized she becomes to her actions. And the more desensitized she becomes to her actions, the more she alienates everyone else around her.
And you can get mad at Scary for choosing Willy. Even without the knowledge we the audience have about all the terrible things he's done, she still had the journal recap, right? She should still trust her friends not wanting to work with him, right?
But Scary Marlowe is choosing to trust a man who has shown her kindness. And why shouldn't she? After all, she's only a kid.
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vaxxman · 7 months
Oh wow, Emesis Blue was released on patreon a year ago!
If it wasn't for that movie I would have never started actually playing the game.
Thank you FortressFilms :)
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frootertooter · 4 months
Loose thoughts/somewhat of a messy personal analysis Year One Scarecrow bc my god it's been eating at my brain cells, but also I find it a little bizarre that I can't find a single analysis of the comic available??? So uhh strap in bois it's unstructured yapping time B')
Oh yea just to preface: I've not read any of the other Year One comics yet? I have no clue if the others are actually connected?? While reading this tho, everything felt like it was a standalone comic so I'm looking at it as such
Parallels between Crane and Bruce: Two of the most important things to both Scarecrow and Batman throughout the story are their usage of fear and control. Both using it as means for vengeance. When either happen to lack control, they may get more aggressive. For Bruce it could be lashing out more than usual at criminals, while for Crane it's smashing a table out of spontaneous anger. What differentiates the two however is that for Crane, fear and control are meant to punish those he felt have personally hurt him- a method taught and learnt through the abuse he received from his Grandmother.
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For Bruce, his entire original intent in becoming Batman was to help others, and he uses intimidation/punishment as a tool to achieve that goal. Lamar in ways serves as proof of the effectiveness within the story that it has indeed worked. Bruce throughout the story however, can't realize that difference until the moment he finally meets Crane, and finally confirms the killer's "insanity". It becomes a major internal obstacle for him, and an insecurity that weighs heavily on his mind. (I mean imagine hunting a serial killer and slowly noticing how similar the two of you are,, I don't think it'd weigh lightly on anyone's conscience, let alone Bruce Wayne's of all people ksdfs- In ways it's also really similar to Arkhamverse's and the adjacent A Serious House on Serious Earth's Joker? With how they try and "prove" that Batman is just as insane as they are by attempting to repeatedly break him?)
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Robin: Grayson as Robin throughout the story serves as a person to ground Bruce when he begins to start silently spiraling- questioning him, but never actually holding him back. I just really like how Grayson and Bruce's relationship is written within this comic. They're really close and crack jokes with each other, but it's revealed Grayson's been silently harboring internal fears of Bruce/Batman for a while. All completely unknown to Bruce until Dick's struck by the fear toxin. Throughout the story, Grayson sees Bruce's tactics and it's pretty clear both visually and through text that he seems to disapprove? Yet even then, he can't seem to bring himself to outwardly stop Bruce, supposedly out of fear? Despite that tho, Grayson still clearly cares about Bruce and tries to help him out, as seen in that discussion between the two where Bruce starts having his insecurities get to him again. (Also the way Dick is written here really reminds me of my boi Timbo from TNBA, and my favourite episode where he has to stop Bruce after he got dosed by Scarecrow's no fear toxin kdfkd- I think I'm just biased towards stories where robin isn't afraid to sass/take down Batman when needed??)
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guhgh.. the way Bruce hesitates while asking Grayson if he's afraid of him...........
The final portion of the story is where it breaks down for me however, because I can't tell what exactly certain scenes are trying to convey? Which is why I'm also kinda making this post, bc I haven't found any other analysis of this comic that explains it/ this comic at all????? (Please if someone else reads the comic and gets it, tell me bc I'm,, just confused??? and I can't seem to find anything on this comic????)
Post-Bruce finding out Grayson fears him somewhat in a "god-fearing kinda way", I don't get why he becomes so aggressive with robin? Perhaps it's because he already had a plan in motion to catch Scarecrow and didn't want Grayson to interfere?? But then why not tell him the plan if that's the case???? And what's up with Bruce pinching Grayson's neck?? or the pinch paralleling the next domestic abuse panel? (My best guess is that it's meant to be a transition??? But if that's the case, I dunno odd choice imo)
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And my final bit of confusion is why the fear toxin still affected Batman briefly if he made it so that it would work "specifically and only for scarecrows"???? Because that couldn't have just been a pretend fake-out if we see Bruce hallucinating his parents right?????
Overall tho, love this comic's story and art- Sean Murphy's angular, straight-edge, grittier, yet dynamic artstyle lends itself to the story so damn perfectly it's wonderful- Not gonna delve into it, but the visual parallels between the flock of crows and bats, and both Bruce and Crane reaching for the book were so cool to me dkfkd,, or the way Murphy's artstyle conveys Batman's brutality when taking people out mghhfghgj- Always a massive fan of these short story/series comics
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lilacxquartz · 2 months
next jjk horror crossover is gonna be from … ‘from’ because i binged the whole damn season on netflix and i have an ideaaaa
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stevethehairington · 3 months
thinkin about how in elementary school me and my friends were actively trying to write a script/screenplay for a bloody mary movie
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