#ramblings of a mad whumper
writereleaserepeat · 1 year
Chemical Romance
Loosely inspired by @justplainwhump's story Pet Safety. In Pet Safety, the MC drops some details that suggest Romantics in their universe can be chemically altered to need another person nearby. I thought this was a brilliant idea and ran with it for a short story (that I haven't really edited or revised, fuck it we ball).
Summary: After countless trials and many failed experiments, X001 is the first chemically-altered Romantic available for sale. The scientist responsible watches over his subject as she is introduced to her buyer - and carefully-tailored chemical match - for the first time. X001 soon learns what it's like to need someone more than she needs life itself.
CW: institutionalized slavery, implied medical whump, chemical modifications, fade to black noncon/dubcon
X001 knelt patiently on the plush carpet beside the chaise. She could sense that her handler wasn’t quite as patient, particularly with the way he kept twisting the leash between his fingers, a gentle tug on her collar each time.
Perhaps her handler was just as excited as she was. Not just excited, but nervous. X001 hadn’t been this nervous since her first days in training. Today she was going to meet her new owner, her Master, the very person she had been working so hard to learn how to please. A chill ran up X001’s spine, a sensation she was barely able to swallow down. She couldn’t let her nerves show, not now, not when it mattered the most.
Voices murmured outside the door, warm words running together, the comforting hum of idle conversation. No commands came for her, not yet. X001 was certain if there was a command, she wouldn’t miss it. Every sense was attuned to her handler, and soon, to her Master. Her handler had told X001 that if her new Master was satisfied with their trial, she would get to go home with them.
Home was what she had been working so hard towards, wasn’t it? It's what she was made for.
“As you can see, ’01 is a physically spectacular specimen,” Val said as he gestured towards the one-way glass. The girl knelt unmoving where she was nestled in the thick pile of the carpet, her posture perfect, and her brilliant green eyes fixed glassily on some distant point. As unflattering as the training facility uniforms could be, it was hard to mistake the delicacy of her petite figure, and impossible to tear one’s eyes from the thick russet curls that cascaded down her shoulders.
At least, that’s what Val had been told to regurgitate from the facility’s marketing materials.
“That’s why I chose her,” the buyer said, his gaze transfixed on the subject, not once turning his attention back to Val.
Perhaps Val would have been irritated if he was in marketing. But that wasn't his business, never had been. He continued, unbothered.
“As you’ve surely been reminded by the purchasing agent, X001 is the first product available for sale with these particular modifications. Although our experimental models have shown great success and promise, there is no guarantee that X001 will perform to specifications.” Val also regurgitated this, all but verbatim, from the materials he’d been given. He wasn’t a salesman, no, he was a scientist.
It had been years of hard work and tireless nights. It had been dozens of destroyed products, specimens that were ruined beyond refurbishment, and millions of dollars of company money poured into equipment and supplies. It had been begging his superiors for another chance, promising them that he would make the company's next cash cow.
Eventually, it had also been a success.
“I hear you,” the buyer said, the patience in his voice slipping. “I’ve been told that same thing at least ten times now. I think it's worth the risk, especially for a pretty thing like that.”
Val’s grip on his pen tightened. He’d waited for this moment for many months now, and it was finally here. It was time to prove himself.
His heart thundered inside his chest, and Val nodded to himself as much as the buyer.
“Very well. Are you ready for your trial to begin?”
Lust dripped from the buyer’s tongue as he answered.
A clicking tone came through the intercom, a sound which seemed to signal something to X001’s handler. She didn’t move as he unclipped the leash from the ring on her collar and pulled away. He took a single step, then paused, and she felt his hand rest gently on the top of her head.
“Remember your training. Don’t disappoint me, ’01.”
“Yes, sir.” The demure whisper was one she’d practiced until she’d become hoarse, but today, it was as smooth as honey. X001 was merely grateful it hadn’t cracked under the nerves that strained her body.
The comfort of the hand disappeared. Her handler exited the room, leash in hand, leaving X001 alone.
She knew what came next. It would settle in her stomach within the next thirty seconds, and over the course of five minutes, it would buzz throughout her body like electricity. That insatiable longing, the primal need to be close to a human person, would begin to broil to the surface. Her skin would get covered in gooseflesh, like she had been plunged into an ice bath.
To be isolated like this, utterly alone in a room, would slowly become agony.
X001 thought back briefly to the time before her body had been weaponized. Early in training, before she’d been dragged to the medical wing every morning for new injections and infusions, she hadn’t felt like this. She could be alone in her cell for hours, sometimes days, and be perfectly content with the solitude. Not just content, but grateful.
That had changed, though, and she didn’t know why. They'd done something. Something she'd never have the privilege of understanding.
All X001 did know was that she needed someone. She needed them now, at her side, before the pain in her chest became unbearable. Her handler, a different handler, her Master. Anyone would be enough to settle the unease.
“As you can see,” Val explained as gestured towards the subject that sat beyond the glass, “we’ve engineered a nervous response upon isolation from human contact.”
It had hardly been a minute since Handler Jones had left the room, and already X001 was trembling where she knelt. Muscles strained beneath her supple, tanned skin; her effort was apparent as she tried to keep still. Those stunning green eyes, once unblinking, now fluttered nervously.
The warmth in his stomach spread as he watched his experiment succeed, fulfilling his decade of promises to his superiors. Val continued his explanation eagerly.
“Part of this response is conditioning, and part of it is the chemical manipulation I discussed earlier. Her very brain chemistry and nervous system function have been altered to make her not just crave human contact, but require it for survival. The moment you walk in, you should notice her relax. She’ll be inseparable from you. Even in her sleep she’ll reach out for you, her body telling her that she needs your touch.”
The buyer hummed beneath his breath, and he watched ’01 tremble with a languid smile.
“And what if I do leave her alone?”
“That, sir, would be one of the most painful things you could do to her.”
Seconds became minutes, and the aching in X001’s chest mounted. Her heart fluttered uncontrollably, her muscles ached, and her head spun. Her training slipped away so easily when she got like this, when she was alone. The only thought she could hold on to was the thought of touching someone, curling up against their body, sinking against their naked skin. It was the only cure for her present sickness.
She dug her fingernails into the soft skin of her palms. Her hands were still folded neatly in front of her, but the subtle flexing gave her something to distract from the pain wracking her body.
No, it wasn’t pain, not exactly. She knew pain, she’d grown accustomed to it. This sensation was need. It was like thirst, or hunger, or desperation for air. Every part of her thrummed in its cadence.
Then the door handle clicked open.
It took all of X001’s training not to throw herself at the man who’d walked into the room. In an instant the discomfort in her body began to ebb, but the fluttering of her heart continued. She wanted to be touched, held, comforted. It was the only cure for the ache deep in her bones.
Although she hadn’t looked up at the man’s face – she wasn’t permitted to – she was drawn in by the intricate designs on his well-polished shoes. The well-tailored pants and unscuffed leather dripped with and air luxury, and a scent of burnt vanilla and whiskey seemed to follow as he entered.
The man sat down on the chaise beside X001, and she had to clench her teeth to stop from leaning into him. Her handler had made it incredibly clear that she was to remain in position, as perfect as she had been trained, until she was granted reprieve. She listened attentively, straining for the sound of a command, hearing as he settled into the soft plush of the furniture, then-
“Release. Come up here with me.”
X001 didn’t need to be told twice.
Val couldn’t help but smile, his cheeks aching as he watched years of work pay off before his eyes. ’01 slunk up onto the couch with that effortless fluidity all Romantics were trained in. She slid into the spot beside the buyer’s body, already cozy against his chest without a moment of hesitation. Her chin tucked against his collarbone, her nose buried against his neck, and her body shifted with a deep sigh.
“Shit, she never had this reaction with the test sticks you had us use in training,” Handler Jones said with disbelief.
“That was a very low dose of the buyer’s pheromones,” Val explained, attention only partially on the handler. A mere handler could never understand the beauty and complexity of what was unfolding beyond the glass. “She’s never been given unrestricted access to the source. It must be overwhelming her.”
“Bitch better be able to remember what we’ve worked on these last few months,” the handler grumbled.
If she couldn’t, Val wouldn’t be surprised. The experimental models had been almost delirious when they were first introduced to their chemically engineered pheromone match. This had been the most successful of the chemical alterations he had been pioneering, and X001 was absolute proof of that.
All humans had this reaction, at least, to some extent. Despite having some of the weakest noses in the animal kingdom, the human body still sends messages to other humans in smelling distance. And in these messages the body conveys arousal, genetic compatibility, and desire.
What Val had done was nothing more than play with these senses inside a laboratory's sandbox. It had taken a couple of years of development and chemical tweaking, but Val had finally developed a course of treatments that would make the buyer’s scent irresistible to the product. The treatments overrode the product’s innate senses, the natural desire to find genetic compatibility, something that only the subconscious animal mind could know.
A few weeks of daily injections and that innate instinct was overwritten. The product's true nature had been wiped out, replaced instead with the extact chemical makeup of their new buyer. The scent of the buyer would be irresistible, intoxicating. It would immediately invoke lust, and when coupled with a Romantic's conditioning, it would naturally create the ideal product.
The waitlist for chemically-altered Romantics had already surpassed the waitlist for standard-issue Romantics. After all, who wouldn't want their perfect match, a divine creature that believed in its animal mind that its owner was its perfect match?
X001 had never experienced anything like it before. The scent flooding her senses was not merely sweet. Sweetness was something found in baked goods, or the treats that her handler snuck her when she was performing well. This was ambrosia, a full-body sensation that drew her ever-closer to the man on the chaise. It was like the space beside him had been built just for her.
No matter how close she drew herself to the man’s skin, she couldn’t get enough. It was all she could do not to drag her tongue across the hot flesh. She was burning with need, the urge to sink deep into him and never leave.
Hands ran through her hair, across her hips, but she hardly felt them. Instincts from her training took over and she let them move her body. All she cared about was getting closer, her skin warm with the desire for contact with his. All of X001’s instincts were filling her with the need to be with the man, a need even greater than her own need to breathe. It was beyond intoxicating.
Relief and pleasure coalesced as his smooth hands grabbed her hair, her waist, her neck. Bliss. Relief. The understanding in her mind that this was her purpose, and this man is exactly who she was meant for.
If this was truly her Master, she couldn’t imagine anything better.
"Hey, labcoat, isn't your job here done?" Handler Jones asked as the buyer began the more intimate engagements of his trial run with X001.
Val pursed his lips and reclined in the seat in front of the one-way mirror.
"I'd like to see the fruits of my labor in action. You've worked in X001 for what, four months? I've worked on this project for more than nine years. This is my moment, my success."
"Whatever you say, man," Handler Jones muttered. "Call me when the bitch has had her fun. I've got two new trainees to worry about, no need for me to watch the show."
Val merely waived the handler off. Solitude is what he needed now, the opportunity to bask in his own success. After all, he deserved it.
No, the thought idly as a grin crept onto his face, I deserve one of these for myself.
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mj-iza-writer · 11 months
Whumpee knelt on the floor. Their legs having already gone numb from the position.
Whumper circles, admiring them.
"Good hold pet", Whumper praised, "you may go back to your rest position."
Whumpee fell forward with a gasp, then sighed in relief as they sat on the floor.
"You're getting better with your beg position, so that's good", Whumper rambled, "let's try..."
Whumpee yawned.
"Am I boring you pet?", Whumper stopped and grabbed Whumpee's chin.
Whumpee gulped, realizing their mistake too late.
"I'm sorry Master, please forgive me", Whumpee looked passed them, eyes half glazed over.
"Hmmm, what's wrong with you, you do seem a little off", Whumper pulled Whumpee's face around to study them, "were you disobedient last night, and stayed up?"
"No Master, well maybe, but not on purpose Master", Whumpee waved their hands in surrender.
"Explain", Whumper released their hold on Whumpee's face and crossed their arms, expecting to give Whumpee a punishment.
Whumpee looked down tiredly, "the neighbors were up late last night partying, then arguing. They were by the window I sleep beside. They were really mad at the end. There was a lot of banging and yelling. I couldn't sleep very well master."
Whumper frowned.
Whumpee squeezed their eyes close and braced themself for punishment. They were surprised when Whumper carded their hand through Whumpee's hair.
They glanced up at Whumper, this time making eye contact.
"Let's finish your training, I'll let you have a nap after lunch", Whumper sighed, "and find a new spot for your dog bed today."
Whumpee yawned again and looked at Whumper with doe eyes, "I would appreciate that master, thankyou."
Whumper smiled and cupped Whumpee's cheek.
Whumpee leaned into the touch with a moan and closed their eyes.
"On second thought, how about we have a rest day", Whumper rubbed their thumb along Whumpee's cheek, "go ahead and jump on the couch and get comfy."
Whumpee nodded, but leaned farther into the touch.
Whumper smiled and went to lift them, while still holding their head up.
"Though you are absolutely adorable, I can't be a pillow right now", Whumper carried them to the couch, and sat them down, "get some sleep."
Whumpee stretched and squirmed until they were comfortable and started to heavy breath.
Whumper grabbed Whumpee's dog bed to move it, "damn neighbors, keeping my pet up", they glanced out the window. He stopped by Whumpee and covered them up, then carried the bed to find a spot.
"My room might be the best bet", Whumper thought out loud, "it's fairly quiet, and I'll also be able to watch them."
Whumper did a few more things, then went back to the couch.
"They're drooling", Whumper sighed, "they must have been really tired", Whumper grabbed a tissue to wipe Whumpee's face, "how many nights have the neighbors kept you up I wonder?"
Whumpee's eyes squinted open, they gave a small smile, then went back to sleep.
Whumper massaged Whumpee's scalp for a few minutes, then sat down across from them.
They listened to Whumpee's little snores.
"My sweet Whumpee", Whumper sighed, "such a good pet."
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened
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squidkid15 · 1 year
PLEASE do ramble more about Whumpee Macaque and LBD and Mayor as whumpers please please I am sitting with popcorn and begging you with Eyes.
I'm not in a coherent mood so this won't be connected but have a collection of unrelated thoughts. Mostly fanon/HCs (but not all!)
consider, if you will, if the mayor is the one that killed macaque and not wukong (and then LBD warped that memory)
Consider again, if you will, if the mayor was there to collect him when he was revived
continue considering mac needing to be trained after being revived. Has to learn to function half blind. Any long-term injuries he now needs to adapt to (in Core mac had to go from right to left handed because he can't SEE his right hand well anymore, but then first had to recover from the injury that destroyed his left shoulder. It was a long road). Balance being fucked up, lack of depth perception. Having to relearn how to fight with all that.
Needing a sparring partner, perhaps. Consider for me that the man who killed him "helps" him recover from it. Mac doesn't know this.
Consider the scar that killed him being really sensitive. The mayor knows exactly where it is. Can drop him in an instant.
Mayor constantly beating him down while "training" him to recovery. Mocking him, digging into the wound of wukong killing him. ("So weak, no wonder he discarded you.")
Mayor knowing mac uncomfortably well, and abusing this knowledge
LBD knowing mac uncomfortably well, but in a different way. Mayor knows mac's powers and scars and weaknesses, knows his body and how to bring him down, because he already has. LBD knows his mind, warped it and twisted it. Sifted through memories to twist them appropriately. Knows him inside and out.
At least one of them knew Mac liked theater, how else would the Mayor know to check a run down shadow play theater for him? What an odd place to look for a monkey who is, presumably, on the run from you.
I HC that the mayor has some sort of paralysis/freezing power - see Shadowplay where Mac just freezes when the mayor grabs him. Imagine the fun there :)
Mac is so genuinely terrified of LBD/his debt to her - that is his entire motivation in S3. It's not personal, sure he's mad at Wukong still, but that's not what drives him. Every time we see him, he talks about "being free of his debt". And in benched he is TERRIFIED of her, bargains the fire when she has him chained up, you can hear it in his voice. What has she done to him to earn that? We NEVER see Mac scared, even fighting possessed Wukong he's not scared. LBD instills a fear in him that we never see otherwise.
She seems able to cause psychic pain (the winning side - dragging mac through flashbacks we see him tense and frozen and then slumps when she lets him go)
Speaking of that scene, it opens with mac SCREAMING. We hear him scream before we see anything.
I can't not mention the ice covering. The time limit, the way that that is the most serious we ever see mac. That he knocks MK out to get him out of the way, threatens everyone's lives for it. She's put a timer on his head (we see the ice expand) and it HURTS. He keeps holding the arm covered in ice when he talks to Wukong, he stumbles. He's in pain and on a timer and panicking.
And, if you feel like indulging in AUs (as you all know I do) then LBD is a real fun whumper if you stick her and mac in a room for longer than they're shown in the show. @lotusmonkey and I have delved that particular rabbit hole MANY times it's one of my favorites.
Can I interested you in this
How about this
What about this one
Have you read my fic? There's some mac whump scenes with mayor as whumper and I'm normal about it
Anyways long story short I have more thoughts I'm just scatterbrained about it today but i will always talk about mac whump
Here have one more because I always use Incredibly Specific Language when talking about LBD whumping mac
Tumblr media
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shywhumpauthor · 2 years
can i get a little of a grumpy whumpee (haha rhymes) who isn't used to kindness with a kind caretaker pretty please
Of course! Sorry this took so long, it got buried under whumptober.
If there’s errors, just know I write this in about twenty minutes during my free and barely edited
Cw: conditioned Whumpee, mentioned torture, refusal to eat, past torture and abuse, emotional manipulation, Whumpee’s mental state is just really bad here. Idk what else to tag. Kinda recovered pet whump? Not really. Borderline abusive whumpee
“Whumpee,” Caretaker sighed, their voice betraying their exhaustion as they glanced down at the food splattered across the kitchen floor, shards of the porcelain bowl that had once homed a bowl of stew they had spent all morning preparing decorating the mess. “Did you not like the recipe? That’s alright, is there something else I can make you?”
Whumpee, who’s lips had finally begun to twitch up at the small flicker of emotion, deflated when Caretaker’s words turned kind instead of the cruel shouts they had been anticipating. Goddamn it.
“No.” Whumpee glared back, their head shaking as they straightened up in their seat. “I don’t want your stupid food.”
Why wouldn’t they get mad?! Whumpee’s mind was screaming as they watched Caretaker simply walk to the sink and grab a hand towel, crouching down to begin to clean the mess. It had been weeks, so it felt, and Caretaker hadn’t done anything. Hadn’t hit them once, hadn’t raised their voice, each day felt like an added strap around Whumpee’s chest, the pressure growing until it was about to pop and the illusion of comfort would shatter just like the bowl to reveal the truth Whumpee knew was there all along and they knew that drawing it out was only a cruel game used to hide the demon Whumpee was sure was lurking behind a layer of gentle touches and soft words. It would only be worse if they fell to the trick, despite what Whumper had said they weren’t stupid enough to fall for it again. They weren’t stupid, this time they were sure. They wouldn’t let it catch them off guard, no they wouldn’t. Not again. They weren’t that stupid-
“That’s okay, would you like take out instead? I still have that brochure of all the places-“
They droned on in that same tone, that light tone that was full of sticky, sickening sweetness that was so obviously fake it made Whumpee want to scream. They felt a fire creeping up their chest, burning their neck and their ears, room filling with a buzz so loud they couldn’t hear anything over it, couldn’t hear Caretaker’s useless words or their useless rambling about the different restaurants in town.
“I don’t want any of that shit.”
The chair scraped across the kitchen tiles with an uncomfortable sound as Whumpee stood up, their flurry of movement nearly knocking the old piece of wood over. With Whumper, that would have earned them a beating itself, how dare they mess up their good floors, do they have any idea how long it would take to buffer these out?! The curse would have cost them a slap or two, a night in the basement for sure. Maybe a belting if Whumper was already in a bad mood. God, they hated it, they hated it so much. Everything was so much easier then, and fuck was it messed up that they thought this way, but when they had the cold crack of a whip against their back to teach them what was right and what was wrong or when they felt the bite of a blade against their skin for every mistake they could accept it. They could know what was wrong, and they could know how to fix it. What cruel game was caretaker playing, with their kindness and their smiles, their wordless promises that they would never hurt Whumpee which would only rub salt to the wounds whenever the inevitable could not longer be delayed. Better get it over with, that was Whumpee’s thinking. They’d take the torture and the pain and the tears in exchange for the certainty that they were fixing their mistakes, the ability to know what they did was right or wrong. They’d give anything for that clarity, the one they were so desperately trying to drive from Caretaker now.
“I don’t want anything from you. Let me leave.”
And go where, Whumpee wasn’t sure. Whumper was gone. Dead or in jail, they didn’t know. They could have just as easily moved to a different house, across the city or across the country. Where they were didn’t matter, because Whumpee stopped caring. They hated the bastard, for everything they’d done to them, all the pain and torment. But for everything Whumpee could blame them for, they had to admit. Whumper made it easy. They didn’t have to struggle through troubles beyond their comprehension or their control any longer. It was simple. They were given tasks, and they’d do them. Do them right, they’d get rewarded. Do them wrong, they’d get punished. It was complicated, but not. After a while they grew to know Whumper. They would tell them exactly what they wanted, exactly what needed to happen. Why the hell wouldn’t caretaker tell them?!
“We can go for a walk later, if you’d like, but right now I have to finish cleaning up, alright?” Caretaker offered them a soft smile, and Whumpee wanted to scream.
No. No no no no no, it wasn’t alright. It wasn’t fucking alright. They didn’t want to go for a walk, they didn’t want to get take out from that little diner up the road, they didn’t want anything. Whumper had been clear when telling them they weren’t allowed to have wants. They’d get what they were given and they’d be grateful regardless, that’s how it worked. Why didn’t caretaker understand that?!
“I want to leave,” Whumpee spat, emotion leaking into their tone as tears stung their eyes. Their throat bobbed as a lump swelled, they wanted to scratch and claw at their neck until the tension was relieved that way. If Whumpee was there, they would have been so mad, mad and disappointed. Whumpee knew better than to misbehave like this. Whumper would remind them and punish them and then it would be in the past. They could move on and never think about it again, do better in the future. Why wouldn’t caretaker do that?!
“I know, Whumpee, we can go out in a few minutes. I need to finish in here first though, okay?”
God, why didn’t they understand? They didn’t understand, and it was driving Whumpee mad. No one understood them, not caretaker, not anyone. Whumper had understood them, only Whumper. Caretaker said they did, promised they did but they didn’t. They couldn’t possibly understand.
“Fuck you.” Whumpee’s voice cracked, fear and anticipation weighing in their empty stomach like a brick. For a moment, just a moment they saw a flash in caretaker’s eyes, and they clung onto the hope that this had finally been the thing to push them over the edge-
“What’s wrong, Whumpee?” Caretaker rolled back to sit on their heels, their attention abandoning the task at hand. Whumpee’s entire body flooded cold, this wasn’t right. They were standing and caretaker was sitting, it was all wrong. No they should have been the one on the ground, kicked to their stomach or forced to kneel on the shards of the bowl they broke. Caretaker should be the one towering over them, holding a knife or a cane or whatever else they chose to use. Not this way around. “I can tell you’re upset. Would you like to talk about anything?”
That was not the response they wanted. No, no no it wasn’t! It wasn’t supposed to happen this way! Why wouldn’t they just get mad?! Why wouldn’t they hurt them already?!
Whumpee turned and fled the room before the tears could fall.
Ew I don’t like this but needed some content, sorry anon.
Also could you maybe send in some more sortish specific requests that I can work on? I know I’ve been asking a lot and I’ve gotten some really good ones but they’re just not what I’m looking to write rn
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inkwell-and-dagger · 3 months
opinion on reluctant whumpers?
AEGGG I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a good sort of example would be with pre-htkai foster (specifically during their late teens / early 20's)! they didn't really WANT to hurt anyone, but it was too late to back out of the fighting ring now. it was gaining them so much more money than getting an actual job, but at the cost of injuring (perhaps fatally) people for hours at a time in front of an audience. of course, they grew out of their "reluctant whumper" era but shh.
anyway whumpers that are FORCED to hurt whumpee (a mad scientists assistant, a friend of a friend, works for whumper etc etc) scratches my brain so well (especially if they try to sneak whumpee some painkillers or some food, despite how frightened the latter is of them).
sorry for the ramble but RAAHHH I love reluctant whumpers. I don't have too many reluctant whumpers in my stories* but I really like the concept :3
*except for maybe zayn? but he doesn't hurt rayan. BUT, he doesn't wanna grass out his older sister or any of their friends for what they're doing to poor rayray, so he just sort of condones it and tries to make him suffer less.
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whumpy-wyrms · 10 months
mundane and rot for the ask game :3
(from this ask game)
34. MUNDANE - Would you survive in the shoes of your main character?
I THINK ABOUT THIS A NORMAL AMOUNT (all the time) SO. would i survive if i was Dew… short answer: yes i’d basically become best friends with Anton right away because i’m insane.
long answer:
it depends on whether i Knew Anton beforehand or not (about to say the most unhinged shit and expose myself but idc), but either way, if i got kidnapped by a mad scientist who used me as a test subject but actually tried to be Nice to me and GAVE ME FREE TOP SURGERY AND WINGS… I DON’T THINK I WOULD WANT TO LEAVE. THINK ABOUT IT. if there was an autistic trans mad scientist who was best friends with a talking mouse and could give me wings i think i would choose to stay in sci-fi world instead of living on my own working at mcdonald’s and struggling to pay rent (that’s metaphorical, i don’t do that stuff (yet unfortunately)).
and i wouldn’t even be trapped there against my will for long either. i would literally Not last long as Anton’s test subject because the second we become friends and trust each other, he’ll just feel bad about hurting me and literally let me do whatever i want. we’d team up and become unstoppable. i would be free to do my own thing but like, still hang out with him obviously and i’d show him the beauty in the world and change his mind about the whole,, torturing innocent people thing. basically i can fix him. that’s what im saying here.
also not to spoil but Anton’s the type of guy where like, the second he’d form a genuine human relationship with someone, he’d just abandon the whole “kidnapping and (unethical) experimenting on unwilling human test subjects” thing. because there’d be no real point anymore. yeah, science makes him happy but so does having a best friend! and he’d still be a silly mad scientist!! but ethical!! mostly!! we’d team up, abandon the whole immortality thing because it’s stupid, and go hunt down Pierce and kill him!! it would just be fun.
if i was Dew, i would literally scrap trying to escape and instead focus on becoming friends with Anton because that Would Be one of the best outcomes. so yea :3 i may be weird but at least im honest about it (honestly though, i daydream about being friends with all my ocs :( they’re just so cool and we would get along so well. im normal. ignore me). this got long and rambly oops
OH YEAH about if i Knew Anton beforehand or not, like if it was a situation where the Present Me right now, like the person who is typing this and Knows everything about Anton because i created him, then that’d def affect things because i’d have access to all my prior knowledge about his character and backstory. it’d def make things faster and easier because like, i’d know who he is and what he’s capable of, and he wouldn’t be a complete stranger. but if i DIDN’T know Anton and if he was literally a stranger to me and not my oc, then it’d be scary at first but it’d still turn out the same.
i mean you guys don’t understand how deep this goes. before Dew existed, the daydreams i had with the unnamed scientist whumper (Anton) were all just,, Me as his test subject whumpee. i was Dew before Dew was Dew. OBVIOUSLY HE’S NOT A SELF INSERT ANY! MORE! HE’S HIS OWN COMPLEX FLESHED OUT CHARACTER COMPLETELY SEPARATE FROM ME! but that’s just how all my whump scenario daydreams started, and then i got attached and had to make characters and stuff.
i am rambling so much rn ANYWAY! yeah. this was a fun question that definitely won’t make people think i’m any more weirder than i already am (im not rereading all that so if there’s typos ignore them <3)
39. ROT - Which of your OCs is the best villain?
this is a hard one i think,, like out of the tllr ocs the actual villain of the story would be Pierce (not rlly a spoiler because it’s pretty obvious i think) but he’s not the BEST villain because i hate his guts (but he’s like Actually evil and terrifying and thinking about him makes me Afraid and filled with despair).
is Anton really a villain? yeah. but i guess i see his character differently than u guys because i know his character development later on in the story, and i know his entire backstory too. so that def chances my perception of him compared to how everyone else views him i think? maybe? idk
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copiumm · 2 years
This one takes place after CA:CW. Steve and Bucky make their escape from Siberia.
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oddsconvert · 2 years
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Whumpmas in July #3 - Lost
Whumpee stares in abject horror at the leather-bound journal they found stuffed under their mattress, reading the near-indecipherable scribbles, ramblings of a mad man splattered with splotched ink across the pages. The paper was scratched deep, parts tore, and the words sloppy and frantic…rushed, and overlapping each other. A desperate warning.
Don’t trust him.
He’s a liar.
Don’t take the pills.
Get out.
They litter every page. Over and over. Whumpee was thunderstruck by the same terrifying words, leaping out of the page and shaking their wits about them. It felt like all the oxygen had been vacuumed from the room, leaving them breathless, gasping for air in struggling hyperventilations.
The handwriting on this journal was a dead giveaway… that it was Whumpee's. Whumpee’s journal, Whumpee’s writing, Whumpee’s panicked, mad ramblings. Clearly, they knew something horrible was about to happen to them, and they must have hidden the warning somewhere Whumper was never going to look.
All the lost memories… it all made sense now, all the puzzle pieces slotted together in their head. Whumper had stolen them, wiped them to a blank slate. ‘A car accident’, they’d told Whumpee. What a joke.
“I dragged you out of the fiery wreckage… broken and bloody. I nursed you back to health… Do you really not remember me, Whumpee?”, Whumper quizzed, looming over their bedside with a faux look of devastation to their face. Secretly rejoicing when Whumpee responded exactly how they had planned:
“I - I’m so sorry, sir. I - I don’t remember anything…I don’t - I don’t know who you are-”, Whumpee sniffles, scouring their mind for even a glimpse of what their own name is, where they are, and who the strange man staring eagerly back at them for recognition is, “my head feels like it’s about to explode-”
As Whumpee flipped through the journal, the pages whirring against their thumb, they finally spotted the one page that was unique. The last page.
You have to remember. Or I’ll be lost forever.
“What have you got there, Whumpee?”
Whumpee stumbles backwards with a startled gasp, slamming the journal shut, clutching it tight against their ribcage protectively - continuing their slow retreat away from Whumper.
“Wha- What did you do to me?”, a tear drips from the wells of their eye - not fully comprehending until this moment that they were deathly afraid. They were in unimaginable danger. As Whumper tilts their head and furrows their eyebrows in confusion, their eyes narrow and focus on what Whumpee has in their arms.
“What are you talking about?”, Whumper spat dismissively, slowly advancing towards Whumpee.
All those hazy gaps, all the lost memories. How could Whumpee accept the falsehood that had been fed to them within seconds, believing Whumper was protecting them? That they were suffering from amnesia after a near-fatal car crash?
“Why… Why can’t I remember this?!”, Whumpee bellows, twirling the journal in their hands to shove towards Whumpers face, “You… you were the one that hurt me?!”
Whumpee snatches their shirt upwards, their scars on full display, “you did this to me, didn’t you?”
Slashes, cuts and stabs. Explained away as the aftermath of the accident, debris stabbing into them and slicing them as they were dragged out. But deep down Whumpee always knew it wasn’t true. Whumper’s expression doesn’t falter, they’re abnormally neutral and calm - merely blinking in response to Whumpee’s accusations.
“You’re not well, Whumpee. You’re not thinking straight. Let me get your meds-”
“I’m not taking any more of that vile shit! Is that why I’m always so foggy? Why I can’t remember anything?! Y-You’ve been drugging me?!”.
Whumper advances swiftly forward, a blister pack of pills is pulled out of their pocket, and they pop out two white, chalky pills nonchalantly.
“Get the hell away from me! I won’t take them!”, Whumpee screeches, backing up against the wall and balling their fists ready to put up a fight.
“These will make you better, Whumpee…these will fix you-”, Whumper lunges ontop of Whumpee, their fingers prying and forcing their jaw open as Whumpee screams and writhes underneath, fighting to keep their jaw clenched and their mouth screwed shut, not allowing the pills to even grace their lips.
Whumper lands a sucker punch into the gut, taking advantage of the pained gasp that croaks out and shoving the pills to the very back of their throat and clamping their sweaty palm over their mouth.
Whumpee squirms and squeaks, trying to spit the pills out, but when their last remaining airway is closed with a tight pinch of their nose - they are inevitably swallowed accidentally in exchange for the privilege of breathing.
Whumpee slumps to the ground, the sweet beckoning of sleep reeling them in by the minute. They can already feel reality warp, the knowledge of what’s true and what is lies blending together and their memories melting away to harrowing gaps again.
What just happened?
Where am I?
What's happening to me?
“Let’s start again tomorrow, shall we?”, Whumper sighs, leaning down and prying the journal out of Whumpee’s unconscious grip, “We’ll lose the book this time, eh?”
Drabble taglist: @whatwasmyprevioususername @whumpsday @sparrowsage @whumperfully
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brutal-nemesis · 3 years
Whumper who kept whumpee in captivity for a long time and invites a friend over, threatening that she will have to kill the visitor if he doesn't behave and pretend they're a couple in love. Whumpee really doesn't want anyone to suffer because of him so he plays along.
GAH sorry for such a long wait hun but I got random inspo last night that I will ramble about in the tags probably but for now I hope you enjoy!!
Vaguely continued from this (def a bit of a timeskip tho)
Ingredients: creepy/possessive whumper, noncon touching (unsexy but closer to sexy in one instance)
“You’ll behave for me, won’t you, darling?” Marie was smiling up at him so innocently he could have almost believed that she wasn’t crazy, that she wasn’t keeping him here against his will, that she wasn’t the cause of this waking nightmare.
“I…yeah, I’ll, um, I’ll be…good.” Sebastian didn’t know why it was still so hard to force the words out. He’d said them dozens of times before, but they never came easily.
Marie’s lips form a thin line, her expression darkening. He took too long answering, he wasn’t convincing enough. She grabbed his chin, forcing him to look her in the eye. “If you slip up, if you give her any reason to think something is going on here, that you’re not just my darling boyfriend, I’m going to have to kill her, understand? I can’t let anyone take you away from me.”
“I-I understand.” Sebastian gulped, her words sending a shiver up his spine. Ever since she’d told him she was going to have a friend over, he’d been letting himself hope it meant escape, meant getting help in running away from this place, away from her, but…he couldn’t risk anyone else’s life. Not for him, not for the sad, broken man he’d become. He wasn’t worth it.
So he smiled when her friend arrived. He played his part perfectly, getting every detail of his fake life as Marie’s boyfriend right as they talked during dinner, not reacting in the slightest when Marie laid a hand on his thigh under the table, even as his skin crawled. He could do this, he had to, because he couldn’t let this innocent woman get hurt. Not because of him.
It wasn’t until they started watching Brother Bear that he messed up. He’d loved it as a kid, and now it…it reminded him of his older brother, how he’d always helped him and protected him and fuck he missed him so much he couldn’t help but...When Marie noticed his tears, she ruffled his hair and pulled him close, saying something about how this movie always made him cry, and her friend just gave him a pitying smile, saying that was sweet, that she was sorry this upset him. Sebastian didn’t remember the last time someone apologized for hurting him.
He pulled himself back together once the movie ended, enough that he could say goodbye, that he could watch his only chance of escape walk out the door and drive away. He found himself back on the couch, shaking as he finally let out all the pent-up tension he’d accumulated during the evening. Marie stared down at him lovingly, pulling him against her and rubbing his back.
“You did so well, dear, besides crying during the movie, but I think I can excuse that. It’s a sad one, after all.” He just nodded into her stomach, hoping she meant that, that she wouldn’t punish him. She let him go and stepped back slightly, tilting his chin up, staring into his blotchy red eyes. “I love it when you cry, you know. But something about you crying in front of someone else, too…I don’t think I liked that.” She smiled, huffing. “It’s something I just discovered, so I won’t get mad at you for it, but in the future…” Marie sat down next to him, her head cocked slightly, “I don’t want you to act like that in front of anyone.”
“I…okay, but why, if you don't mind telling me?” he asked, even as he felt his throat tighten.
“Because,” she reached up and ran a hand through his hair, following the curve of his head until she’s cupping his cheek, “every second of your pain, every scream, every shudder, every little whimper and twitch and teardrop…it’s all for me, and I don’t ever want anyone else involved, I don’t want them to even see you like that. How weak and pathetic you are…” her free hand laced into his, “that part of you is our special treasure, something we’ll always keep just between us. Do you understand that, Sebastian? That you can only ever act like that for me and me alone?”
Gulping as her hooks sunk into him even deeper, he nodded. “Yes.” Yes, you already made it clear that you own every little part of me when you carved your name into my chest, so what more is this, really? “Yes, Marie.”
“There’s my good boy.” Her face broke out into one of her horribly wide grins, the one that meant something awful was coming. “Let’s indulge in that now, shall we?”
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kim-poce · 2 years
Can you PLEASE tag lady whump or characters that use she/her, i see you tag everything else but not lady whump and it's a triggering trope to me. I know that said trope is the one you write the most but i also like some of your other stories
I was wondering what is this about since I do tag lady whump, but I assume this is about the oc ramble? of Evie and Aurora? I'll tag the rambling as soon as I post this ask (I had assumed only people who read the series would read the rambling, but I was wrong, sorry)
If I did write a lady whump fic and missed the tag, please, do tell me. I post way too much stuff and I won't be able to find it myself.
NOOOW, what is really confusing about this ask is "I know that said trope is the one you write the most," I have only a few female whumpee ocs, I do have a lot of female WHUMPER, but that's another stuff. So, yeah, lady whumpee is one of the things I write LESS, on the other hand, if you do mean lade WHUMPER, then just say it and I'll make a list of the series with female whumper in them.
Anyway, I always tag the series name as whatever so I'll list here the series that have lady whump in them, so you can block the tag and be safe. (the tag you may want to block is in bold)
Alex and Neo (main characters are he/him, but everyone gets whumped including their sisters so)
Bloodbag!Neo Au (same characters)
Decision (the woman isn't whumpee, but she does lives dangerously and people get mad at her so to be safe I'm adding here)
Dragon's Hoard (each chapter is a different whumpee, and sometimes it's lady whumpee)
Emmett and Arnia (the WHUMPER is female, but she got backstory stuff so better not read)
Evie (yeah, lady whump)
For the Country and For the People (lady whump mostly emotional, well, the lady is more emotional the other character get some more physical whump)
Friend or Foe
Ice and Fire (no lady whumpee per se, since this series isn't a whumpee/whumper/caretaker simple plot, but the female character may suffer from time to time)
On the trail (doesn't exist yet but will have lady whump when it does)
Safety (lady whump is in the past and not the focus but, well, lady whump)
Scarly (well, do block this one, genderfluid whumpee, so sometimes a lady whump)
Stupid (my only pure lady whump series)
The Witch's Lair (genderfluid whumpee, so sometimes a lady whump)
The World is Rotten Anyway (not lady whump, but there is women getting hurt in it from time to time)
Villain's Child (the sidekick got hurt once, it won't happen again but anyway)
That would be it.
I tag "lady whumpee" usually, and use "lady whump" only when both the whumpee and the whumper are women.
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jade-kyo · 4 years
Jadey’s Tangled Rewatch: What the Hair
So... back at the end of September I said I was gonna rewatch Tangled and post about it- well... life sort of just went downhill starting in October and I’ve honestly just been Not Great for the past few months but like... I’m kinda sick of being miserable so I’ve decided to return to this series because gosh darn it if the world won’t give me some good vibes then I’ll just have to channel my inner Rapunzel and make my own!
So without further ado let the rewatch continue! 💚
The first episode of the show- also the first episode I watched because I didn’t know Before Ever After was a thing and I was very confused 😂
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But let me say, starting out with a nightmare- my whumpers heart knew I was gonna love this show instantly- and my psychology nerd heart too cause I can recognize the signs of PTSD when I see them- Gothel telling Rapunzel they’re going back to the tower, how Rapunzel goes completely stiff when Gothel touches her, how she can’t even say anything she’s so scared of this woman- yeah it’s a magic dream but it’s also a PTSD nightmare.
“LiTeRaLlY a CoNvEnT” me too Cassandra, me too
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The girls be gossiping about mY SON! But seriously does anyone ever think about the fact that Varian’s invention caused such issues that rumors spread all the way to the capital about him being dangerous? Like dang boy you been busy.
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Varian- Varian sweety why are there literal holes in your roof and walls- how does that even happen- what have you been doing? Is this why your lab is in some side shack cause you kept blowing holes in your house? And if so why was Quirin’s solution to give you a side shed instead of to you know teach you some boundaries and awareness of what is or isn’t safe to experiment with and- you know what I’m just gonna stop before this turns into a rant about Quirin’s crummy parenting cause there’ll be plenty of time for that later
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Varian just flat out yeets Ruddiger out his door and I just find that very funny
This might just turn into me gushing about Varian-
His fear of blood has been such glorious angst fuel ngl
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Eugene was fully prepared to throw hands with a 14 year old to save his girlfriend and you know what? He’s so valid. I stan.
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Turns out tiny child is a feral gremlin with zero self-awareness and zero self-preservation and Eugene is fearing for his life.
“Mr. Rider, when the princess of Corona speaks directly to you every word is important.” Eugene take notes this kid knows what’s up.
Again, Varian has zero awareness or preservation- it does not take a genius (which Varian is) to know that machines that cause tremors in the earth are not safe in any capacity.... he’s just so... stupid.
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I love this scene so much. Just the way that Eugene gets down on Varian’s level and speaks to him with authority but without being demeaning is so amazing. And he acknowledges good intentions! He doesn’t just belittle Varian he actually compliments him and lets him know that he’s a good person but he just needs to be safer and yeah I just really loved this moment so much. Eugene best dad 10/10
And Team Awesome is just the best.
I remember watching this episode for the first time and when everything just started exploding I was like “well dang that escalated quickly one episode in and the main couple have already almost died”
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Varian really just gets saved by a badass with a sword and was like it’s time to be resident idiot teenager and crush on her so hard 😂 boy just comes swinging right out the gate with a milady what an absolute lady’s man in the making right there homeboy got NO SHAME. Cass looks like she’s seen better days tho 😂
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This scene made me so mad the first time I watched it (still does) like what- no- you don’t just ignore your son like that... I don’t care how mad or disappointed you are in a situation like that the correct response is not to ignore your kid- like Varian messed up big time you need to freakin talk to him, explain to him why what he did was wrong, lay down some boundaries so it doesn’t happen again, let him know he’s not a horrible person and that you don’t hate him, and supply some form of punishment ground him for awhile or something. But ignoring him? That’s literally the worst thing you could do. Props to Cass tho for actually offering some semblance of support. That was always really soft and sweet to me.
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New Dream. That’s it. That’s all I have to say. They’re perfect and I love them.
Well, there you have it! Another episode complete and hopefully this time I’ll stick with a somewhat more consistent schedule 😂 hope you enjoy my little ramblings! 💚
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woeiswhump · 4 years
I saw this post today about Harry Potter purebloods and toasters. The post is somewhere on Tumblr and I have a picture (don’t want to make anyone mad by posting) [for now]. Basically the post is the toasters popping up and purebloods all “screaming bloody murder” but my whumper brain was like “but plot would be better if crying?” Like imagining ?wizards? - Sorry not in the Potter fandom, I just haven’t read it- crying over a toaster. Like that would be a really good short Drabble. Anyway, long ramble.
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killian-whump · 6 years
Hey, you lovely lovely person! Happy birthday! Your present is a question: What are the parameters for something counting as whump? Like, does there need to be a certain tone or level of violence or explicitness or impact? If say, Elmo on Sesame Street got mad at his friend Zoe and hit her, would that count as whump? Or Looney Tunes is full of physical calamity, but none of it has any realistic or lasting impact, ie Coyote getting crushed into an accordion. Does that count as whump?
Oh, my! Now that’s a question for the ages! Before I try to answer it, thank you so much for the birthday wishes, my dear!!! You’re lovely, as well!!!
Now... let’s see. Whump, whump, whump. One of my favorite topics... and I kinda suspect the real gift here is you inviting me to ramble on about it for an unspecified amount of time, haha :D Bless you
Really, the whump community is amazingly inclusive and accepting of folks from all avenues of whump-enjoyment, so I have to go with a diplomatic answer here and say that “whump is in the eye of the beholder” :) What’s whump to one person may not be whump to the next, as we all tend to define it on our own terms and based on our own likes/dislikes. For example, some people consider non-consensual sex a kind of whump, while some do not. Same goes for lady whump - some whumpers see the “genre” of whump as being primarily men in duress, while some feel men and women in duress should both be equally worthy of the name. We’re a diverse group, so we all kind of practice a “This is my idea of whump, but I fully respect your idea of it, too” mentality. So in that sense... yes, those things could absolutely be whump to some folks :)
Also, most of us whumpers became aware of our proclivities when we were kids - and that means a lot of us first realized there was something a little different about us because we really liked it when Wile E. Coyote got crushed into an accordion or when Elmer tied up Bugs Bunny. A lot of us cite Disney movies as our first whump faves, so the intended audience, tone and medium of the whump doesn’t really matter as much as you might think it would!
But for me personally... I do consider those things technically whump, but they’re not really whump I take seriously. As in this post I made, where the pic was hidden behind a “Read More” link as a silly ‘gotcha!’ that no one seemed to enjoy, based on the piddly number of notes on it XD Hey! I happen to think I’m hilarious, guys. HIL-AR-IOUS.
So it’s kinda more like nostalgic or tongue-in-cheek whump, I guess? But, again, that’s me. For all I know, there’s probably somebody out there with a cartoon whump blog, full of GIFs of Daffy Duck’s bill getting shot off :D
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