#ramshackle Odette
ask-sora-aguilar · 1 month
To mod : oh well
Im curious too
What are sora's sisters thoughts on jasper?
Noelia thinks Jasper’s nice, since he gave them candy and was nice to them.
Odette…she’s sorta scared of Jasper, since the way he acts towards her and her siblings…but she thinks he’s cool nonetheless.
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warrenwitches3 · 9 months
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The walk of silence came to an end as they approached massive double doors that no doubt led to an even bigger room.
‘Like the my old castle back home’ the fair maiden held the doors to comparison, while the one at night raven college have a more dark rusty touch with the grand old wood doors, her castle doors back home were colourful and detailed taking at least over 3 months to make each with details of old stories made of clay and wood, the handles made of gold yet still able to swing open easily even with the sizes they were.
Voices speaking caught her attention and she stopped behind Crowley to wait and listen. He also seemed to be mosey as instead of going in he leaned his ear against the wall. ‘Maybe he wants to know if they realised his absence, he is headmaster after all’
~~~mirror chamber~~~
A short boy with red hair spoke up over the commotion of the other students talking. “We're done with orientation and dorm assignments?” He asked then turned to a group of students near him. “All right, new students—let me be clear. At Heartslabyul House, I am the law. Break the rules, and it's off with your head!” A few people seemed to flinch and step back from him a bit due to his voice raising with the last sentence, even the girl outside the door let out a squeal, although it sounded more like the bugle noise a swan makes.
“Yawn* Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever. I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me.” A boy with feline ears seemed to slope around the place ready to get out, his eyes were dropping, and dropping a bit more now, and now there closed, now he’s letting out what sounds like a snore. His dorm mates sweat dropped at that.
“New students! Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on your achievement. As dorm leader of Octavinelle House, I am honored to have the opportunity to support you in what I hope will be a fulfilling campus experience.” The boy with glasses seems to really like his new dorm mates.
“Hey, does anyone know where the headmage went? He disappeared midway through the ceremony...” a pretty looking boy finally spoke up about the problem at hand, took them long enough to notice.
“Some headmage he is.” A voice came out of a tablet contradicting the headmage’s decision to leave.
“Maybe he had a tummyache?” An innocent looking boy with red eyes proposed an even more innocent answer. Suddenly the old wooden doors burst open and crowley stepped through martching to the front with a leashes up cat and a hooded student following behind him.
‘This must be an all boys academy, I see no women in sight’ the new information did not make the maiden any less nervous, she remembers what the last male sorcerer she encountered did to her.
“I most certainly did not!” Crowley even had the heart to seem offended, listening only when it involves himself.
The short red head spoke up “Ah, speak of the devil.”
Crowley seemed to hate her at this moment “If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show for orientation.” All eyes turned to her as she tried to stay standing straight and not quiver under their gaze. “You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm. Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I'll watch your weasel.” He showed her to a mirror, one that looked familiar in the sense that her stomach dropped when her eyes met with its own. Even worse was when it spoke to her.
State thy name.
“Yuu..” she felt unsafe giving her name away yet she had to remain some form of strength to show the sorcerers that she wasn’t weak or to be laughed at.
The Dark Mirror seemed to drag out her name. “Yuu…
The nature of your soul is...” the pause it seemed to take was long enough to keep her there until she had to become a swan again.
“...unclear to me.”
“What did you just say?” Crowley seemed appalled and the few that were talking quietly completely stopped, this was shocking enough that they didn’t even make a gossip riot about it.
“I sense no magical power from this one that they themself own, magic from another running through them in such a crewel way perhaps but other then that, none. Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant of their own. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.
“Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic?But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! How could this have happened?” His yelling of utter nonsense right in her ear made Yuu raise her neck and push her shoulders back a bit.
Grim seemed to struggle in his restraints before getting out “Mmmph! Nnnrgggh... *GASP!* ME! Let ME have this student's seat!” ‘Again what is so special about this school that he has to get in’ she wouldn’t dare say this aloud as people might get offended.
“Not so fast, you hyperactive weasel!” Crowley scolded.
“Unlike that human, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! Look, I'll show you! My spells're the cat's meow!” He seemed to charge up, his blue ear flames rising higher.
“Everyone, get down!” The short red head seemed to realise what was happening before others and ducked taking the nearest student down buy the arm with him. Yuu felt someone else yank her down just like everyone was doing with each other, she turned and saw it was the really pretty boy with the blonde hair and.. colour at the tips..?. His eyes seemed to widen a smidge upon seeing her appearance.
“Your a girl..?” She nodded and told him later before they both stood up and looked back at the pyromaniac of a cat.
“Myaaahhh!” He spewed his fire all around the room.
“AHHHHH! HELP! I'm on fire over here!” The boy with the red eyes was panicking not knowing what to do when one’s butt was on fire. So Yuu quickly walked to him and pulled the sleeve of her jacket down a bit before telling him to stay still and began to hit the fire until it died down. He rubbed his but sore from both the fore and the hitting before looking at her. His eyes also seemed to widen making the same realisation as the pretty boy from before.
“Oh! Your a girl!” He seemed to not mind and smiled at her “thanks for that!”
“Your welcome” she gave him a polite smile ‘maybe there all not so bad’
“Someone catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!” Crowley ordered around.
“Ugh. Can I go now, or...?” The boy that was snoozing around before seemed to wake up at the commotion a while ago and watched with bored eyes.
“Oh? I thought you fancied yourself a hunter. Go and help yourself to that plump little morsel!” The pretty boy seemed to snap at the human feline.
“Too much effort. Do it yourself.” He waved the other off
“Allow me to handle this, Headmage Crowley. If none of you are up to the task of catching a small animal, I will accept the responsibility.” He seemed to want something out of this with the tone of his voice, Yuu learned to pick up on this all the time before becoming a swan when she had her lessons as a princess.
“WTG Azul. Rackin' up those participation credits.” Yuu had stared at the floating flat box that seemed to speak words she hadn’t heard before, the box noticed her and flew away a bit into the shadows averting her attention back to the pyromaniac.
“I'm sorry, were my instructions unclear?!” He seemed to stress out the issue ducking from an incoming fire ball.
“Sigh* Preeetty sure you can handle catching one mangy weasel all on your lonesome there, headmage.”
“He’s right” she mumbled out no one hearing her, although the lion boys ear twitched and he looked a bit smug.
“How many times do I gotta say it? I'm Grim, spellcaster extraordinaire! I am NOT a weasel!” It seemed to irritate Grim more calling him names.
“Aren't you a spunky little fellow? Riddle, would you be so kind...?” The boy with glasses, Azul..? Turned to the short red head who’s name is revealed to be Riddle.
“Furry miscreant. I will abide no rule-breaking. You will be judged by my hand.” Riddle seems to bask in the fact that he could stop someone from breaking many rules that we’re definitely in place, one probably being to not set the place on fire.
He pointed what seemed to be a pen with some sort of gem on its end at grim and shouted “Off With Your Head!” A red and black heart shaped collar with gold trim appeared around grins neck weighing him down a bit.
“MYAH?! What are you doing?!” He flailed around.
“The Queen of Heart's Rule 23: "One must never bring a cat to a formal affair. Your very presence here is a violation of order. You will vacate these premises immediately.” He carried a stern voice and upon seeing him like this Yuu could tell he’s done it before multiple times.
“But I ain't a cat either! Don't try to collar me! I'll burn it right off! Huh...? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!” He tried doing his little charge up but nothing happened for him, the fire on his ears stayed still and no signs of his magic activating appeared. This calmed Yuu down a fair bit and she relaxed herself letting her shoulders and neck fall not holding them up anymore.
“Until I deign to remove that collar, you won't be using any magic. You're naught but a pet cat now.” Riddle now seemed to calm down a bit and talked more smug and relaxed.
“M-meoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!” Grim shook his head.
“Oh, you've nothing to worry about there. I certainly have no interest in having you as a pet. The collar will disappear once you're removed from campus.” He waved the cat off as if he were nothing but a little grass bug, the maiden could tell he was of high status, a noble definitely with the way he carried home self and the confidence he had in his skill, he must be very well trained.
“Ha-HA! Good show as always, Riddle. You're signature spell locks down any magic. It's quite handy. I've just GOT to have it—ah, I mean, I've just got to have respect for it.” Azul seemed to arise a major suspicion in Yuu, she knows how to point out slip ups in their speech and personality and this guy slipped up.
‘He’s definitely a manipulator, look at how he’s obsessing over riddles magic’
“Yuu! Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar?” Crowley turned to the girl. “Now discipline your—What's that? It isn't yours?”
“Sir, I’ve told you times before, but this creature is not mine, I don’t even know what he is, I’ve never seen a cat like that, especially one that spews fire” she put the emphasis on the words pointing at Grim and trying not to show how overwhelmed she was with a talking, fire magicking cat.
“Oh...Is that so? *Ahem* Then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner. My, but I AM kind. ...Someone take this away, please.” Dinner, this man was even considering making it dinner
“Nooooo! Let me gooooo! You fools better remember my name! Cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!” Grim kept yelling on his way out of the room.
“I feel a bit bad for the poor thing..” Yuu mumbled, the boy who she had forgotten she was standing next to also nodded at her statement, a bit of a sad look on his face.
“Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms.” He looked around the room for a second. “...Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere.” Yuu had moved back a bit as the commotion picked up again with the new topic.
“And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse.” The smug human cat rolled his eyes, obliviously not caring about this Draconia.
“Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?” The boy she was previously standing next to looked at the others around him awaiting a response.
“If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself.” The pretty boy she had first met told the boy with the red eyes.
“Maybe, but I don't know him too well either...” he trailed off. Yuu moved back another step and suddenly bumped into someone.
“Oh! So sorry sir, I didn’t see you” she apologised looking at the person she hit, to say he looked different from what she’s used to is an understatement, he was a bit short and had choppy hair that reached a bit past his chin and.. pink? In his hair. ‘Is that pink streaks in his hair?? How unusual’ the boy looked at her and giggled.
“It’s alright young one” he observed her for a moment, furrowing his brows for a split second before returning to his normal face. “I just need to get passed you m’lady”
“Oh yea of course sorry!” She moved a bit to the side enough so he could get passed her towards the front.
“Thank you beastie” he smiled at her before walking towards the big group. ‘How peculiar of a man he is, but who is beastie..?’ she wondered.
She heard whispers erupt all throughout the room “Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?”
“So it's true? He really does go to school here?”
“Ah. Just as I'd expected.” It was the boy who she ran into before. I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony.” He sighed and shook his head.
“You have my sincerest apologies. I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub.” Azul apologised
“I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with.” Riddle said.
“No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this.” He waved his hand, mumbling the last part.
“Well, Yuu. This is a most unfortunate turn of events.” Crowley turned to her “I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven Collage after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy”
“That’s alright sir, I didn’t plan on attending your all boys magic school” she took down her hood that was masking her appearance, as well as making her very hot. She played with her hair a bit, neatening it up from its messiness. She heard the man let out a little gasp.
“Your a girl, my this is an even more reason to not admit you into the school I’m afraid, But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home.”
‘Home, with the others..’ she smiled at the thought, then went sour ‘home where Baron is..’
“Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place you whence you came.” She stepped up and imagined home, with her 11 other siblings and her parents, her father the king, a man of great power who was soft on his daughters yet stern when needed, and of her mother, oh her dear sick mother that she missed dearly, the woman who raised her, the woman that made her cookies within the royal kitchen, the woman who taught her to dance, the loving mother that held her when she cried, the mother that spent all her free time surrounded by her daughters, the woman who taught the youngest 3 daughters to sing carols on Christmas, who taught the twins to sneak off and participate in the royal guard training, the woman who spent her days personally teaching her eldest daughter Yuu, the mother that kissed them all to bed no matter how old they got she would tuck them in and sing a song or tell a story, the woman who started to get more ill it was like a curse that wouldn’t go away, the mother that mourned her children upon hearing of their curse, the woman she left behind.
Her sisters all 11 of them, all turned into swans because of her, they took her fate along with them and carried it for 3 years rarely seeing their parents, following Yuu around, living there lives on a lake, the sisters that she left behind and now they would befall the fate of her curse. The family she would return to.
“O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!” Crowley commanded, yet nothing happened
‘No..don’t tell me’
“Ahem* L-let us, er...try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul—“ he was cut off
“There is no such place.” The dark mirror stated plainly.
‘No..No, no, no’ her mind started panicking, no such place?!.
“What?” Crowlwy asked
“here is no place in this world where this soul belongs.
“How can that be? My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!” Crowley stressed.
The mirror didn’t respond.
“This has never happended throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss. Tell me: From what land do you hail?” He turned to her and asked.
“I’m from the Rhodanthe”
“Rhodanthe? I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place.”
“But how, it’s one of the most powerful kingdoms across the land” she tried to block out the thought that drifted at the end of her mind.
“I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet... This mysterious homeland of your eludes me. Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?”
NOTE: that is chapter 3 YAY! I start holidays on Friday but I am going away for about a week so I’ll try to have something at least in the making, I’m glad other are liking this story so tell me what you imagine odette!Yuu to look like and the clothes she wears.
I also took the sisters thing from barbie and the 12 dancing princesses, it’ll provide for good angst in the future and it also says that Odette has other swans with her so I decided to go with that and make them her sisters. Hope you all like this chapter it takes a while to make these but I enjoy it, we’re getting closer and closer to day time in wonderland so I’m exited to write the swan. Also if anyone wants to drop a name for the sisters mother or father I’ll try and use it so I can build up their characters, it just needs to have a medieval touch yk not TO modern and if it comes with a meaning I would love to know that to.
IMPORTANT!! I think I might make other posts like incorrect quotes and stuff based on odette!Yuu and stuff like scenarios or answering questions so I’ll try to see how an ask box or whatever it’s called works and use it, I might even posts other Yuusonas I’ve got but I’ll mainly try to focus on odette Yuu.
Tag list: @just-here-reading
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starry-night-rose · 4 months
Twisted Wonderland Oc Masterlist
Ellis Clawthorne (The Ramshackle Prefect)
Astrid Aneira (Twisted from Anna)
Molly Primrose (Twisted from Wendy Darling)
Artemis Woodman (Twisted from Man)
Fabian Nacht (Twisted from Flynn Rider)
Marina Baleen (Twisted from the Neverland Mermaids)
there seems to be nothing here…
Stella Vega (Twisted from the Wishing Star)
Odette Cygnet (Twisted from Duchess Swan)
Aimée Amore (Twisted from Aphrodite)
Victoria Le Fay (Twisted from the Three Fairies)
Ivy Villosa (Twisted from Rosetta)
Gwendolyn Schnee (Twisted from Periwinkle)
Terrovania (belongs to @/terrovaniadorm/@/hallowed-delights)
Alice Darius (Twisted from Lady Dimitrescu)
Lilith Winchester (Twisted from Lucy Westenra)
Lizzie Shelley (Twisted from Lisa Swallows)
Sanwaii (belongs to @/twsted-princess)
Hoshiko Itsuki (Twisted from Lala/Little Twin Stars)
Hikari Itsuki (Twisted from Kiki/Little Twin Stars)
Fableheart (belongs to @/jasdiary)
Reina Carrion (Twisted from Mira Shards/The Evil Queen) (coming soon...)
Toytoriya (belongs to @/toytoriyadorm / @/revivemyreverie )
Blair Handler (Twisted from Barbie)
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inkblot-mirror · 8 months
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New twst intro!
current OCS:
Reina/Yuugiri Yumemi (Yuusona)—Ramshackle
Vespera Nightingale—Diasomnia
Odette Morgan—Pomefiore
Malachai and Malisandra Draconia
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thetwstwildcard · 9 months
Hello there,
So recently I just got back into the test fandom and I'm happy to be back.
I love your ocs for each dorm. Could you tell me who they are twisted from?
I'll wait 🪻
Happy to have you back in the fandom 🧡 so for this I'll just do for the canon dorms + ramshackle (but no Yuus). But if you want me to do my others feel free to ask and I'll happily do them ^^
♠ Heartslabyul ♥
Catherine Shire: Twisted from Alice (disguised as a cheshire cat with influence of the Looking Glass)
Lyss Carriedo: Self insert with influence from the mad hatter
Briar Rouge: Twisted from Miss Acacia from Jack and the Cuckoo Clock Heart
Akili Furaha: Twisted from the lion from The Lion and the Unicorn in Through the Looking Glass
🐾 Savanaclaw 🦁
Kiara Sarabi: Twisted from Zira
Lavi Keita: Twisted from Fuli from The Lion Guard
Cordelia Damiane: Twisted from Fawn and Belle
🦈 Octavinelle 🐟
Veil Aecor: Inspired from Greek Mythology(Python)
Lorelei Asara: Twisted from Amphitrite
Nereus Quariu: Twisted from Poseidon
Naia Leith: Twisted from the Jellyfish from Finding Nemo
🐍 Scarabia ☀
Nasira Salim: Twisted from Mozenrath
Idris Kashif: Twisted from The Cave of Wonders
🍎 Pomefiore 👑
Emery Jaeger: Twisted from the Heart Box
Odette Gelzer: Twisted from Odette from Swan Lake
Erasmus Onasis: Twisted from Patroclus
🔌 Ignihyde 💀
Galatea Hexis: Twisted from Hyacinthus
Loxias Pythian: Twisted from Apollo
Isidoros Proserpina: Twisted from Persephone
Kyrie Andino: Twisted from Hermes
🥀 Diasomnia 🐉
Lovette Sieglinde: Twisted from the spinning wheel
Ephraim Gelzer: Twisted from Ayden from Quest for Camelot
Averett Ikelos: Twisted from Gruff/The Never Beast and Beast
Etienne Inclementia: Twisted from spinning wheel needle
👻 Ramshackle 🐱
Des Carriedo: Inspired by Kingdom Hearts (Wayfinder Trio)
Nil Creare: Twisted from Mr. Mew from The World Ends With You
Amias Caritas: Inspired by Stalker's Tango Song
Ezra Crowley: Twisted from Diaval
Vida Mara: Twisted from The Coffin Occupant in the Haunted Mansion Ride
Rei Kouki: Non-Inspired
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Twst Odette/Swan Princess Idea For Anybody To Read
(Y/N) felt exhausted. The day was tiring and she honestly felt upset with the world around. So, dancing with Kalim should of cheered her up. But, even so, she didn't even feel that great after.
"I don't... I don't want to dance anymore." (Y/N) stated, feeling a bit bad when Kalim had tried to get her on the dance floor again. The white haired male frowns, but understood. He didn't want the female to feel uncomfortable, so, he pats her on the back. Smiles. Then heads off, shouting over the music that he'll come back to check on her.
Nimbly smiling at her departing friend, she glances at the tired Grim resting on one of the plush couch cushions. Walking over, she picks the monster cat up carefully and sends a wave to Jamil. Who had came up to her, telling him that she was gonna head out.
Once out of the school grounds, she notices the wood area around Ramshackle. Instead of the green fireflies she usually saw floating about. She took notice that the small creatures had taken a somber blue... That was odd.
Hugging Grim closer, she forgets about heading home to Yuu, Yuuya and Yuuken. Opting to figure out what the sudden change was in atmosphere instead. Hurriedly walking deeper into the thick of it. (Y/N) finds the small lake in the dead center of it all. Raising a brow, she sighs at nothing cool, or interesting happening. Carefully sitting down on the grass near the water, she decided to mess with Grim in his cozy sleep.
Poking his fluffy belly, she smiles as the magic creature tries to lazily swat her fingers away.
The warm sunset shifts into the night sky as a full moon rises up from the clouds. It moonlight falling down on the lake as stars reflected like glitter. (Y/N) pays no mind to it, finally, her attention was grabbed by a small "*honk*" right next to her spot.
Looking to the side, she stops messing with her feline friend. Starring at a very pretty white feathered swan. Her (e/c) eyes widen at the feathered bird. (Y/N) tilts their head to the right side with small humming leaving her lips. The bird copys her motion, his head turning to the left.
A small chuckle leaves her, holding out her index finger floating on top of the birds head. Quietly whispering permission to pet them. Even though she hadn't perfectly gotten animal language down yet. Still, the swan had complied at her wishes. Nudging her fingers with his head.
(Y/N) smiles; gazing at the milky looking lake while letting her hand drift back to her lap. The swan squawks at her, yet the girl playfully ignores the bird. Giggling stupidly at herself. The bird narrows its beady little eyes, formulating a plant in its head.
Stepping away from the human girl, the bird walks gracefully to the lake. (Y/N) stares on curiously, awaiting to see what would happen next. The swan swam until they were in the center of the lake. The moons beam casting over their feathers.
Soon the water starts fly and twirl into the air. The swan was right in the middle of the magical event, as the bird was hoisted up into the air as well. Without thinking, (Y/N) takes off her blazer and lays it out for Grim, throwing her shoes and socks off as she rushed to the swan. Fear clouding her emotions then thinking straight as she runs into the pale lake. Her eyes widen as sparkles and more water cages the bird and a flash appears before her eyes.
Wincing at the brightness; she falls into the lake on her behind. Her whole body soaking wet as water drips onto her cheeks like tears and her hair covered her eyes. Spitting out the water, she moves her watered down strains out of her face. Lifting her gaze up to hand in front of her, what really surprised her though was the handsome young man that held out his hand to her with a gentle grin.
"Wow, are you Jesus?! Holy-Y-ou can walk on water, oh my God! That's amazing!"
The girl said excitedly, taking his hand cheerily. Too focused on his feet above the water instead of his awe struck face at her enthusiasm. Slowly swaying side to side with her, leading her a small waltz unknowingly.
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(Ta-Da! Here you go! I watched the Swan Princess and this just came to me!! Thank you for reading!)
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olivethebluewitch · 4 years
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Name: Odette Swan.
Japanese:  オデットスワン
Romaji: Odetto suwan
Gender: female
Age: 16
Height: 1,60
Starsign: scorpio
Eye color: turquoise
Hair color: Brown
Homeland: ???
Dorm: Ramshackle
School year: first
Occupation: Student- supervisor-photographer
Club: Dance
Hobby: dance and sing
Dislikes: ???
Talents: tame beasts- become swan.
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ask-sora-aguilar · 1 month
Mod: what are Noella, Fritz and Odette’s opinions on Bailey?
Oh! About that…I am updating the au!
Noelia (change her name, she’s now 10 yrs old) and Odette ( still age 4) are now Sora’s younger sisters! Clara Marie is now his mother instead sister. So that means….he sorta resents his father who left to get the milk.
And Fritz is now the name of the butler!
Now…Noelia would think Bailey is creepy at first, but warms up to him!
Odette…whose a shy and soft lil baby, she would warm up to him way before Noelia, since she feels safe with him.
And all mutuals and followers are now aware.
Update: Noelia is Sora’s and Odessa’s Auntie! Fritz is now the name of the butler. Thank you 👍👍👍👍
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warrenwitches3 · 9 months
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Chapter one
The maiden fair and wise opened her eyes to be greeted by an old looking mirror, holding flame of green like wild trees.
Ah, my dear esteemed benefactor…
‘Huh, who’s speaking?’
My proud, beautiful flower of evil.
‘Is it..the mirror’
You are truly the fairest one of all.
‘Where am I, is this one of Barons tricks?’
O magic mirror, thy wisdom I entreat…
Reveal unto me the visage I seek…
‘It sounds like it’s casting a spell
You, whose image the dark mirror did beckon forth…
If you heart buds it, take the hand of the one reflected in the mirror.
A hand reached out from the reflective surface willing the swan to hold it dearly
‘I have a desire to hold this hand’ and hold it she did, the two hands male and female grasped each other in an embrace of strangeness and curiosity. The mirror flickered.
As flame refuses even the stars to ash.
It showed a fire, burning of destruction and comfort.
As ice seals away even time itself.
Ice that holds a memory of fear and desperation.
As great trees swallow even the sky.
Earth swaying with beauty.
Fear not the power of darkness.
The hand held her tighter and her skin seemed to ache.
Common now, show me your power.
‘I have none but this curse I’m afraid’ all her words became trapped in her mind as her voice would not bare to interrupt the stranger.
We only have a little bit of time left.
All started to fade.
At all costs, do not let go of that hand.
She gripped it tighter fearing for if she lets go she would fall into a place much worse then now.
The soft fabric of the cramped space gave the girl a small amount of comfort, the thing she was in was very small not giving her room to extend her arms nor twist her body.
‘Whats going on.. where am I?’ She tried to push forward on the enclosure that was trapping her but nothing moved, not even allowing a crack of light to enter her space.
“I better hurry up and find that uniform before someone spots me...” a voice spoke from outside of her imprisonment, a squeaky voice.
“A, child..?” She let out a murmur her, voice coming of a bit starchy from not using it and squawking.
“Urgggh... This lid weighs a ton! Try this on for size! Mya-ha!” Suddenly hot steaming blue fire, one she’s only seen the dark sorcerer Baron use, had blown the lid of her confinement. She stumbled out with the flames only slowing their heat to touch her for a moment, leaving no traces it was ever there apart from the smoking lid.
“Fire!? Dark magic fire!” She panicked but all she saw was a weasel cat like creature.
“Now to grab the good- HEY! You ain’t supposed to be awake!” It yelled at her from its place on the ground. The thing had a grey coat of fur and white fluff in the middle with blue flames emitting from the ears, and a tail that looked like a pitchfork.
“The weasel talks..” she stated to no one but herself, her confusion, shock and a small amount of fear all mixing together to make an unnamed emotion settle in her.
‘Why am I shocked..? I turn into a swan when dawn makes her presence’
“How... How DARE YOU! I am no WEASEL! I'm Grim, sorcerer extraordinaire! Tch. Whatever. You...human! Just gimme your uniform, and be quick about it!”
‘And it wants to undress me as-well.. does this thing have no manners?!’
“If ya don’t your gonna regret it” he seemed to be ready to strike her down, even if she made no offensive moves towards him.
“You don’t even know if I have any under clothes on and you ask me to undress?!, how impolite” her tone held words used only to defend herself yet this animal went in for a strike of flames, and that’s when she realised that maybe being rude to another dark sorcerer while already being cursed isn’t a good idea so she ran.
Running hasn’t left her breathless in along time so she arrived to what appeared to be a library holding and ever continuing amount of books, like actually ever continuing, some books just kept coming through with no one there to restock them.
“More magic..” she felt dread in her. ‘What if I’m in a sorcerers lair? What if that animal back there was a henchman of Baron, what’s going on??’ The poor girl was left confused until said animal burst through the doors after her and her clothing.
“Foolish human! Did you really think you could slip away from ME?” the little beast had found her and cornered her inside the library. “Now, unless you wanna get burned to a crisp, take off that—“
Something suddenly wrapped itself around the cats neck halting it from further aggression.
“YEOW! That hurt! What gives!” It started strangling around in its capture wanting its previous sense of freedom.
“Consider it tough love.” A man with a crow like mask that covered half his face appeared reprimanding the beast.
‘Now he definitely seems like a dark sorcerer’ everything thing in past experiences was telling her to run but she couldn’t move, especially not when the man set his eyes on her.
“Ah, I've found you at last. Splendid. I trust you're one of this year's new students?” ‘New student..? I’m not a student, is this an academy?’
“My, were you ever eager to make your debut. And bringing a poorly trained familiar with you? That is a clear violation of the school's rules.” He tugged at the rope that bound Grim the creature, who seemed aggravated by being called a familiar.
“Oh sir, he’s not mine I don’t-“
“As if I'd serve some lowly human! Now lemme go!” Grim struggled uselessly against his restraints once again not changing the fact that he was captured.
“Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?” The crow man did not seem to be very pleased when he turned to the girl with a tired look.
“Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it.Does the very notion of patience elude you?No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Let us return to the Mirror Chamber.”
The girl was now experiencing only one emotion in the moment, confusion. “Gate..?”.
“You awakened in a room full of gates, did you not?” If he meant the floating coffins then she nodded.
“All of the students here at the campus arrived by passing through such gates. Although typically the students have restraint enough to wait until I open them before waking up.”
“So the floating coffins are the gateways..?”
“The design is intended to symbolize a parting with your former world, and a rebirth into a new one.”
‘Rebirth into a new life..is my curse really still untaxed then, it’s only night so I really can’t tell, but..’ how she hoped it was true.
“But now is not the time for such prattle. You've a student orientation to attend! Go on, now. Make haste.” He turned away from her to walk before she spoke again.
“First can you tell me where I am?” She knew it was risky asking a sorcerer such type of question but she would like to know.
“Hm? Have you not fully regained consciousness?The timespace teleportation must have addled your memories...” he trailed off “Well, these things happen, I suppose. I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my graciousness is boundless”
‘He makes it sound like he’s the king of the world’ the maiden gave a subtle roll of her eyes and walked forward with the man.
“This is Night Raven College.” ‘College?’ “It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic.” ‘So I was right this is something of great sorcery’
“It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland. And I am Dire Crowley. Having been entrusted with its care by the chairman, I serve as headmage.”
“An academy of magic..?” Her face was drowned in confusion and she kept swimming down the river called fear.
“Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.” Headmaster Crowley answered her.
“I do remember a phantom carriage with no rider and only horrific horses..” she still remembered the splash of water when she hit the ground, or the door opening with no one to greet her but a coffin.
“That black carriage serves to receive a student chosen by the Dark Mirror. It too bears a gate that connects to this campus. And as you know, sending a carriage to meet someone on a special day is a time-honored tradition.” Grim started to talk in a muffled sense although drowned out by his restraints.
“But I bare no magical talent headmaster Crowley-“ he seemed to not hear her and went in his way.
“Now then, let us attend you orientation” and off they all went, in a silence that left unattended questions in the air.
NOTE: yay! Finished chapter one so I hope it’s to people’s liking this is not like edited as I’m doing this all my self and I’m confident it makes sense. I’ve also decided with the help of someone that Malleus will be the final love interest as I does make more sense. I don’t really have an update plan as I sometimes lose motivation for things but I’ll try to attest have one chapter a week it’s not a promise though, I’m quite exited to write yuu in her swan form, I think I’m still gonna make her a student so imagine a swan showing up to a potions class trying to learn. I think it’ll be funny, also gonna have to get someone like silver to translate for her since he’s good at talking to animals, anyway I don’t wanna spoil much but have a nice day everyone!!
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warrenwitches3 · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland
1. series
Swan Lake (ongoing)
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chapter one
chapter two
2. scenarios
nothing yet
3. headcannons
nothing yet
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warrenwitches3 · 9 months
Odette!Yuu and Malleus’ song is ‘A thousand years’
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ask-sora-aguilar · 1 month
Do you style your hair? It kinda swoops to the left a bit
Sora: “um…when I have to get ready for a special event or going somewhere with my family, yes, I do…tho Stone and my sisters always say they prefer my natural hair.”
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Sora: “Now that you mention it…I it’s unwinding a bit…”
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starry-night-rose · 11 months
I finally have an oc for each dorm (pretend Scarabia doesn’t exist)
Heartslabuyl - Astrid
Savanaclaw - Artemis
Octanvinelle - Fabian
Pomfiore - Odette, Stella
Ignihyde - Aimée
Diasomnia - Victoria, Ivy, Gwen
Ramshackle - Ellis
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thetwstwildcard · 3 years
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𝓣𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓦𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓞𝓬 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽
*= Have a proper bio
"The Main Seven"
Catherine Shire*/Alice Pinka/Bea
Lovette Sieglinde*
Kiara Sarabi*
Veil Aecor*
Galatea Hexis*
Nasira Salim*
Emery Jaeger*
"Alt 7"
Lyss Carriedo (Chibi)
Ephraim Gelzer
Lavi Keita(picrew)
Lorelei Asara
Idris Kashif*
Loxias Pythian
Odette Gelzer
Miscellaneous Students
Des Carriedo*
Nil Creare
Amias Caritas
Nereus Quariu
Isidoros Proserpina
Kyrie Andino
Briar Rouge
Erasmus Onasis
Averett Ikelos
Cordelia Damiane
Naia Leith*
Ezra Crowley
Akili Furaha
Etienne Inclementia
Vida Mara
Rei Kouki
Caeso Eruca
Amani Kashif
Adonis (Habiki Masashi)
Vasileios Pavus
Fandorms (Not my own)
Eirlys Sieglinde* (@/glacirem-dormitory)
Caelum Collodi (@/twst-florenetta)
Syl Fernández (@/twst-florenetta)
Jinrou Kuragari *(Arachninox @/rookvonhunt)
Kieran Karloff (Terrovania @/crestbaby)
Rue Karloff/Cessair and Deirdre (Terrovania)
Inei Orochi (Hashikore @/rookvonhunt)
Masami Ando (Sanwaii @/twsted-princess)
Yuuto Sakuraba (Sprite)
Lacie Reyes/ Lyre Reyes
Leveret Faust (DIE Yuu)
Aspen Cyfrin
Kagero Shimizu
Yua Misaki* ("Ire Carriedo")
Makaio Keahi
Esme Casia (DIE Yuu)
Cerise Orrin (Staff Yuu)
Jett Hayes (DIE Yuu)
WNA (@/walpurga-nacht-academy)
Maharet Goetia
Caera Salix
PSU (@/keyenuta)
Mae Hanami
HSA (@/hourglassstationacademy)
Axl Furcifer (Relinookton)
Elias Lowe (Relinookton)
Garcia Sevilla (Perditus)
Camila Sevilla (Perditus)
Eira Hywel (Perditus)
Ardere Hasan (Perditus)
Leila Yuki* (Evolnation)
Renée Leroux* (Evolnation)
Calypso Ultio ( Pastierie @/rookvonhunt)
Tulgey Wood (Fandorm)
Chase Shard
Nathaniel Blanc
Jasper Wocky
Xander Arripio
Jensen Byrde
Viorel Tempus
Seonee( Jungle Book Fandorm)
Aryan Khan
Qarin Bhasin
Ritvik Sarin
Sai Krishan
Exspiravit(Haunted Mansion Fandorm)
Lucius Toombs
Charles Hatchaway
Edmund Gracey
Carlisle Gracey
Faline Frees
Seishin(Japanese Mythology Fandorm)
Ren Hanabusa
Mizuiro Miu
Kuro Yamamoto
Chiyuki Aiko
Iraperium (Star Wars Fandorm)
Rainer Umbra
Styrmir Aren
Draven Roark
Damon Roark
Milavela (Encanto Fandorm)
Enrique Castillo
Andres Quintana
Nacio Quintana
Valeria Quintana
Catrina Maravilla*
Sarafina Abara
Lucien Donadieu*
Emiliano Posada
Sergio Rodriguez
Elysia Di Siena*
Valdis Di Siena
Rontia Chesis
Lorcan Bellamira
Aegeus Hexis
Eztli Maravilla
Isaias Stede
Amaro Stede
Antonela Vesna
Reika (TA)
"Lark Crowley"*
"Lanner Crowley"*
Children (In current time)
Araceli "Celi" Maravilla
Aristóteles "Ari" Maravilla
Amra Abara
Maria Maravilla/La Muerte
Emrys Solderini*
Dormiveglia Institute of Enchantments
Alek (look at my boy's boy plus his account ♡)
Leah Fiorello
Old list
Valentine's Day Cards 2022
Canon Dorm Ocs
Chibi Tutorial
Skeleton Mom Art
Oc x Canon Ship List
Ramshackle Chibis
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thetwstwildcard · 2 years
❤ Happy Valentine's Day ❤
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Below the cut will be Valentine's day messages from all of my ocs (on my master list)
'Ello Luv,
Thanks for the Valentine's gift. I... I would like to give you back something in return. Are you free in the afternoon? Also what's your favorite song? For no reason!! Anyway, thanks. -Catherine Shire
Hey hey,
Thanks so much for the v-day gift! How did you know what I like? Really, are you sure you don't have magic? Like mind reading magic? Nah, I'm just kidding ❤ -Lyss Carriedo
Hey cutie,
Aren't you just the sweetest, getting me exactly what I wanted~ You deserve a treat, don't be shy now 💚 I'll see you after class, dear -Lovette Sieglinde
Thank you for the gift. You have my sincerest thanks. However, I do not feel I am worthy of such a gift. I wish to return the favor. Is there anything you desire? Please do not hesitate to tell me. -Ephraim Gelzer
You have my thanks. I don't want you to have anything to hold over me, so tell me what you want. And don't lie to me. Goodbye. Kiara Sarabi
Why the hell did you get me a gift. Ugh, this is so embarrassing... Anyway.. Um thanks for the gift I guess. But don't think I'll let you get away with this!!! Just you wait! -Lavi Keita
You have my gratitude for the gift. I am not used to such kindness. Truly, thank you. -Veil Aecor
Aww thank you thank you for the gift! It's like right out of a fairytale. Come by the lounge when you have time, I have something I want to give to you. -Lorelei Asara
Hey Sea Star,
Thanks for the Valentine's day gift, even a gift from other gods wouldn't be as great as this. Really, I mean it! How can I make it up to you, there's no limit! -Nereus Quariu
Thank you for the gift? If data serves correctly today is the day you give a gift to those you are fond of? Does that mean I am the one you are fond of? Thank you. -Galatea Hexis
Heya Sunshine,
Thanks for the gift, it's almost as bright as me (wow that sounded lame..). You trying to get the favor of the gods? Fine, you win. I owe you one favor, choose wisely. -Loxias Pythian
Dearest friend,
Thank you for the gift. It was very thoughtful of you. Recently some of my flowers have bloomed, would you like to go see them with me? Please tell me if you would. -Isidoros Proserpina
Hey cuteness,
Wasn't that the most magicam-able gift ever? Really you're so sweet 💙 How about we go on a date, as a thanks. Tell me when you're free~ -Kyrie Andino
Are you sure the gift is not for Kalim? Though, if it is for me you have my sincerest gratitude. I do not know how to return the favor as I'm not used to receiving such things. If there is an outfit you want? I will make it for you. -Nasira Salim
I was told I should send a thank you note for the gift? I guess I would doze off if I tried to tell you in person. So, thank you. I'll give you a piece of jewelry I think suits you next time I see you. -Idris Kashif
Thank you for the gift... I... I don't know what else to say... Please don't be mad... -Emery Jaeger
Thank you for the Valentine's day gift. It's so cute. I'll try to get you something in return soon, I promise. -Odette Gelzer
Hey morning star,
Thank you so so much for the gift! Ah Valentines day is just the fun-est day ever! I wanna give you something too? Do you prefer silver or gold? Or diamonds? Maybe a ruby?? Just tell me, okay? -Amani Kashif
I was made to send you a card in return. So here. I suppose I can send you my thanks, so thanks. That is all. I'll get you something later so I won't be in your debt. Goodbye. -Inei Orochi
Thank you for the gift. I'm much more used to giving gifts than receiving them so this is a new feeling. It's... Nice. Thank you. -Ire Carriedo
My dearest friend,
I must thank you for the gift. I'm not worthy, though I humbly accept it. I'll get started on a painting for you. Is there anything in particular you'd like? -Des Carriedo
Thanks for the gift I guess? Is there something you want? Gonna use this against me? Well too late, I already got you a gift! -Nil Creare
Hello dear,
My sincerest thanks for the gift. Truly, it's perfect. Now, how shall I make it up to you? Please tell me your deepest desires, my sweet 💕-Amias Caritas
Hey Friend,
Thanks for the gift. I'll help me during my naps. I can have Lacie cat sit Grim if you'd like to hang out together? Like a date. Tell me if you'd like to go. -Yuuto Sakuraba
My beloved companion,
The most sincerest of thanks goes to you on this most exceptional of days. I shall write a play about your achievements! Or would you prefer a one man show? Anything to show you my gratitude! -Pyxis
Hey babes,
Aww you're too cute! Thanks for the gift~ I'm a sucker for you ~. Get it, sucker like a lollipop? Ha! Okay okay, I'll get you something in return, promise. -Lacie Reyes
I thank you for the gift. It helps with the cold of the dorm. With this letter I have added a little ice figure of a fox. Don't worry, I cast a spell on it so it won't melt - Eirlys Sieglinde
That was very kind of you. I enjoy the gift. I'll have to hide it from Syl so he does not steal or break it. I'll treasure it. -Caelum Collodi
Hiya Doll,
You trying to flirt with an incubus? Best be careful ~ It might get too hot for you. I'll be gentle ~ -Syl Fernández
You! My thanks for the gift, however I will not be outdone! As such I've made something for you, a heart made out of shots. You're welcome. -Jinrou Kuragari
Future experiment,
Thank you for this new test subject, I'll be sure to make leaps in the scientific world with it. I jest, it's a Valentine's day gift, yes? Even a scientist such as myself must relax sometimes. -Kieran Karloff
We would like to thank you for our gift. I really like it, it's so cute!!(Deirdre). It's a semi practical gift, it will add to our dorm room(Cessair). Our sincerest thanks. -Rue Karloff
Thank you for the gift... I'm sorry about turning into a tree... Twice.. If there's anyway I can make it up to you I can try.. Maybe... -Caera Salix
Hello friend,
I can at least talk to you as myself through a letter. I know Notoria would critique you as he does. Thank you so much for the gift, you're so sweet. Would you like an ancient enchantment? It probably won't curse you. -Maharet Goetia
Hello sweetie,
How bold of you to give me a gift. You'll get a reward in due time. I'm a kitsune of my word~ -Mae Hanami
It's good to find a fellow bug lover. So I included a figure of one of my favorite insects (I made it..). With you accepting it, that makes us good friends...I mean.. AND SO OUR FRIENDSHIP IS BOUND, HUMAN. -Axl Furcifer
Thank ya for the gift. Alwright, I'll get cha a gift in return. You mighta already guessed what it is. See you later, eh. -Elias Lowe
Hello friend,
I appreciate the gift, not something I would have gotten myself. Well, I guess I wouldn't get myself anything. It would be for Garcia only. Anyway thanks. -Camilla Sevilla
I appreciate your kindness. The gift was much appreciated. It will help me feel better on my sicker days. Thank you. -Garcia Sevilla
You have overstepped your bounds by giving me a gift. However, since it is Valentine's day I will ignore it for now. But, to follow protocol I will give you a gift in return. -Eira Hywel
Oh you,
Um, thanks for the gift. People usually ignore me or are too afraid to approach me.. So thank you. I'll try to get you something too.. Um.. Please don't be afraid when I do. -Ardere Hasan
Tulgey Woods
Hey kitty,
Thanks for the gift, aren't you a strange one? Really, most people tend to stay out of the woods. But not you? Are you just drawn to danger? -Chase Shard
Dearest carnation,
What a beautiful gift, I'll cherish it. You deserve a gift, how about a ticket to my mother's opera? They're always sold out. Consider it a date 🤍-Nathaniel Blanc
Hi good friend,
Thanks for the gift, I've never gotten a gift before! You said it's for Valentine's day? Isn't that a day for lovers? Does this make you my lover? How fun! -Jasper Wocky
Thank you for the gift.. I really like it. Is there anything you want? I can.. Um see if I can get it for you... Thanks... -Xander Arripio
I didn't ask for a Valentine's day gift. Ugh, but I guess I can't just give it back to you. Fine, I'll keep it. But, we're going on a flight together. No, this is not a damn date! -Jensen Byrde
My dearest tick tock clock,
For all I have been alive I have never received a gift such as this. So, I must thank you. I have attached a clock that represents you, please do not mess with the hands. Not like you can anyway. -Viorel Tempus
Fire starter,
You dare to give the prince of the jungle a gift? How entertaining. I accept. Now, how shall we continue? -Aryan Khan
Why, why, why?! Ugh why a valentines day gift? This is humiliating... I'll get you back for this!! Just wait and see, you'll understand my suffering!!! -Qarin Bhasin
Dearest water lily,
Thank you for the gift. I humbly accept. Wolves mate for life, I hope you understand. I look forward to spending more time with you. -Ritvik Sarin
Hello my delectable mouse, how tempting of you to get me a gift. Don't worry, I won't do anything bad. Trussst in me~ -Sai Krishan
Dearest crystal ball,
Even the cards in which I look at daily didn't foresee receiving a gift. What an auspicious day. How about a stroll through a graveyard? How does that sound? -Lucius Toombs
How sweet of you to give me a gift, though I must confess the last person who gave me a gift lost their head. Well, til death do us part my dear. -Charles Hatchaway
I must thank you. You are a very kind soul, one with such soul should not be here with me... But even still, you gave me a gift. Thank you. -Edmund Gracey
Sup Lover,
Aren't you the sweetest little monster. My head can't stay on my shoulders when you're around, and that's not just because I was beheaded haha. -Carlisle Gracey
I write to you my gratitude. It is rare for a cat of my kind to receive the kindness you have shown me. As such I send my kindest thanks. I'll prepare your favorite for when you next visit the dorm. -Faline Frees
Thank you for the present. I will make sure to repay my debt to you. You have my promise. I cannot take off my mask for you, however I can offer you other things? What shall it be? -Ren Hanabusa
Dear feather,
How kind of you to give me a present. I am used to only giving things, so to receive them is a new and welcome experience. I cannot give you my wings as they are long gone, but perhaps I can give you something else? -Mizuiro Miu
How idiotic do you have to be to give a tengu a gift? Really, just how much of a dummy are you? Fine, I'll take your gift. So what do you want in return? -Kuro Yamamoto
Yuki-onna are not known for being kind. You are lucky I didn't freeze you alive. You're welcome. -Chiyuki Aiko
You gave me a gift? How kind of you. Us of Milavela are a close bunch but gifts are rarely given to me. You have my thanks. -Enrique Castillo
Dearest friend,
Thank you so much for the gift. Though I am used to healing others, your gift healed me instead. Is there a food that you enjoy? Please tell me and I'll make you it as a thank you. -Andres Quintana
Little Cloud,
Well, your gift stopped me from thundering. Though, the rainbows are a bit more embarrassing. But don't talk about this to my dorm mates! I'll talk to you later, hopefully without rain... -Nacio Quintana
Good luck charm,
Thank you for the gift... I don't deserve it. People say I can only do wrong, but this gift from you shows I can do things right sometimes. Thank you. -Valeria Quintana
My child,
Thank you for the gift. I know Mozus said it's inappropriate to give us professors gifts but I'm quite glad. It makes me think I am a good professor. If you need any help with any classwork please come by my office hours. -Catrina Maravilla
Did you mean to give this to my nephew? Though Leona doesn't deserve it. My name was on it so I guess it really was for me. Don't think I'll go easier on you now. -Sarafina Abara
Rising Star,
How kind of you to bestow me a gift on such a day. You have my gratitude. I'm sending this card as a thank you, after all it's the least I can do. I look forward to thanking you in person at the next class. -Lucien Donadieu
I rarely send out letters to the fan mail I get but since you're one of my students I thought I should send you a thank you. I've enclosed a signed copy of my best seller. You're welcome. -Emiliano Posada
Little one,
Thank you for the gift. Geez, I haven't gotten anything for Valentine's day since I was your age. So, thank you for reminding me of my teenage years. -Sergio Rodriguez
Prophesized one,
How humorous to give a professor a gift on a day such as this. You really are an interesting character. Thank you. As a thanks, I won't make you take this next test(don't tell Valdis) -Elysia Di Siena
I am writing this to tell you that it was inappropriate to send a professor a Valentine's day gift. However, I must send my thanks as well. It was a well thought of gift. -Valdis Di Siena
You're a weirdo you know? Most people are terrified of me. And you even gave me the gift at night. Well, it was past curfew but whatever. Thanks!! -Rontia Chesis
Little Dark One,
My my, how curious. A gift, a gift, to change what has gone adrift. You are much too kind. Such an interesting student you are. I look forward to see what becomes of you. -Lorcan Bellamira
How kind of you to give me a gift. Did my daughter get one? I think you two would get along, she doesn't have many friends. What an old man I am, rambling about my daughter. But really, thank you for the gift. -Aegeus Hexis
A Valentine's day gift? How weird, but thank you. Cat suggested sending you a letter as a thank you. So I send my sincerest thanks. -Eztli Maravilla
Big sibling,
Thank you for the gift! You're really nice!!! Mama said you're a good student too! Yay, let's play again, okay? -Araceli Maravilla
Thank you for the gift. Mama told me to write a note as a thank you. I still don't really trust you. But thanks for the gift. -Aristóteles Maravilla
Thank you for your gift. Mother said it was only proper to send you a note. So, I sent this note. Bye. -Amra Abara
My my,
Such an idiotic little human. Sending death a gift. Ha, I will still be the end of you. I look forward to see the person you'll be at the end. -La Muerte
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thetwstwildcard · 3 years
What canon dorms are your ocs in?
Catherine Shire (F)
Lyss Carriedo (F)
Lovette Sieglinde (F)
Ephraim Gelzer (M)
Emery Jaeger (F)
Odette Gelzer (F)
Galatea Hexis (F)
Loxias Pythian (M)
Nasira Salim (F)
Idris Kashif (M)
Veil Aecor (F)
Lorelei Asara (F)
Kiara Sarabi (F)
Lavi Keita (M)
Yuuto Sakuraba (M)
Des Carriedo (M)
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