#ran's lucifer bullshit
random-sillyness · 5 months
stares at you (you know the drill)
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vendetta-ari · 7 months
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So, I was wondering if you could come up with some head cannons on what would cause the winged characters' (i.e. Lucifer, Lute, Adam, Valentino) wings to suddenly unfurl?
Heyy this ask was a lotta fun and I hope you enjoyy! I also added Vaggie to this bc she has wings too- either way, hope you like it anon!!
(Word count = 1255)
WARNINGS!! [probably our of character for vaggie, I've never written her before, SUGGESTIVE PARTS WITH VALENTINO, LUCIFER AND ADAMS, kinda angsty and cringe??
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》She can usually control her wings just fine, they don't usually unfurl without warning and they always stay hidden
》However, when she's upset they usually fly out
》 during an argument with her, she started getting all quiet before lashing out and yelling at you, her wings flying out
》Such beautiful wings too, a shame it had to happen at a time like this.
》She realized what she had just done and felt awful, a gut wrenching awful. she got misty eyes before tell you she needed to be alone for a bit
》 after a few hours Vaggie came running back to you, embracing you into her arms and hugging and holding you tightly
》her wings wrapped around you before she let out a bunch of incoherent sobs
》 “I-i'm so sorry I'm sososo sor-ry sorry- i-i really didn't mean to I jus- I just … I'm so sorry..” she was really broken up about it.. it was a big argument after all, so it made sense.
》 You sighed, taking her into her arms, and dragging her to the couch, accepting her apologies and telling her “It's okay, it wasn't anyone's fault. tensions were just high and- it's okay just let it all out m’kay? dear?” you said, your voice was shaky
》You'd be lying if you said Vaggie's crying didn't affect you, you tried hiding your tears, trying to be strong for her before a few tears slipped and you both laid on the couch.
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~ Like vaggie, he has good control of his wings and rarely use them
~However, his wings are a lot more sensitive.
~ his only real weak spot actually, that's why he usually just keeps them tucked away
~ poor you though, you didn't know, it's not really your fault for being so clueless.
~You were just done filming, and you stayed after. you and val were good friends and weren't ever really on bad terms so you always chilled with him after scenes and certain sets
~When you looked behind him his wings caught your eye, you almost forgot he was a moth and had wings, so you were pretty intrigued. 
~Oh but how curiosity killed the cat. walking up behind him you brushed his wings and ran your hands up and down them
~He shivered, turning around quickly to see you messing around with his wings. he was pissed, hes fucking killed bitches for pulling such bullshit stunts like this.
~But he didn't really wanna kill you, at least not yet, he chuckled as an evil smirk spread across his face. “Were these what you wanted to see mi vida?”
~His wings spread out, largely, they were probably double your size, you looked at them with awe before Val grabbed you by the wrist “Now. you should know not to ever touch these again. but since your so fucking dumb, I'll just have to show you a lesson hm?”
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*Lute, unlike the other two usually always has her wings out
*She likes showing em off, she thinks they're pretty
*And well, she's not wrong they are some of the most beautiful wings you've ever seen
*but the thing is, she always has them out. like to let them stretch and what's the point of hiding them? Shows how she's an angel, exterminator, and a bad bitch.
*So a better question really is, what makes Lute hide her wings? since she always has them out when and why does she put them away? two reasons.
*Well first answer is pretty simple, when she's in front of someone greater and higher than her role she'll put them away for the time being. It's just proper manners after all. Plus if she had her wings out in front of someone higher, they'd realize how much better she and her wings are, and let's not make others insecure now Lute.
*The other reason is a bit more complicated 
*When lute is feeling sad or down, shell curl up her wings behind her and wrap her arms around her knees and just curl up into a ball
*You found her like this once, and god were you so confused- you tried asking her what was wrong but to no avail, she barely gave you a response let alone an answer to your question 
*You sighed, assuming she just didn't really wanna talk about it. so you sat down next to her and rested your head on her shoulder, grabbed her hand and smiled “I'm here for you Lute.” you spoke softly. and you swear you caught a glimpse of lute blushing and smiling, but who knows- she denies it every time anyway.
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☆ Lucifer is 50/50.
☆While he usually has his wings kept tucked away behind him, he's no opposed to having them out, he doesn't really care
☆Whether his wings unfurl or not is usually random too, he doesn't even notice when they're out half the time too.
☆He'll usually use them to get things high up or travel from place to place, only for convenience purposes 
☆He doesn't like looking at his wings though, he's insecure about them, being a constant reminder of what he's been through, the poor fallen angel.
☆He has good control over them, they don't ever “accidentally” unfurl out when he gets mad or anything like that. he uses them only when he needs to
☆But you? oh no you're different. it's almost like their your wings with the way you have such control over them
☆By just a light touch the fluff up and out, they're usually unkempt by the way Lucifer doesn't like his wings too much, but you'll always fix up his wings for him, preening and brushing them for him
☆They will always fly out on cue when you two both end up on his bed after a long day, making out and leaving hickeys all over him
☆Fuck him infront of the mirror with his wings out
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-Adam is a lot like lute, where he'll have his wing our all the time, except it's even less likely for him to ever hide them
-For being the first man he is kinda unkempt though. 
-you always have to preen him and take care if his wings for him, keeping up his handsome and pretty wings
-If it weren't for you this idiot would just be walking around with messy and gross unkempt wings.
-He should really be thanking you though, he makes preening him so goddamn difficult 
-He always squirms and moves around, and he keeps his wing close to you, barely letting you touch them let alone preen them
-Adam hates when people touch his wings. he won't let anyone do it, your the exception however 
-and even being the exception he will be so stubborn with letting you touch them despite the countless times you've both done this, he will always be stubborn and difficult and he will never fully sit still and let you help him.
-He growls as you touch his wings, folding them around himself making it harder for you. as you groan in annoyance he reluctantly moves them a hit, making things easier for you “Just be fuckin careful bitch..” he mutters under his breath.
-Unlike Lucifer though, Adam will surprisingly try to hide his wings during sex. As said before he doesn't like people touching his wings so there's no real point for them to be out like that, he will fail though, and when he cums they spread out for a bit, before the post but clarity hits and he hides then once again, you can never win.
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-xoxo Ari
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blackpanda48 · 8 months
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Hello, could you write the reaction of the characters (Lucifer, Adam, Niffty, Charlie, Waggy and Lute) to the fact that the reader saved Adam from Niffty (when she wanted to stab him with a knife) Well, presumably, the reader pushed Niffty away or took her and threw her away, And then she ran away with Adam and Lute or just yelled at everyone or something else, but it's up to you and, by the way, let the reader be an angel, please, thank you very much And I already wrote to you with a big mistake, so I’m sending it again and I apologize for it
I saved you! Adam x fem!reader
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A/n: I was actually thinking about this idea and I'm very happy that you requested this. Hope I don't disappoint you 💕💕
It was finally extermination day. You were with Adam and Lute making sure everything went just as planned. Suddenly there was a shield around the hotel.
Adam: The fuck?!
Lute: They appeared to have some kind of shield, Sir!
Adam: And that's why you are my favorite Little Tits!
Then Lute groans and tries to break the shield but…… it doesn't work. Y/n slaps her face while Adam was just getting more angry.
Adam: I'm fucking over this!
Adam said in an angry voice then broke down the shield. He then saw the Radio Demon in the roof so he went down to fight with him. Soon after Y/n followed him.
Alastor: Adam! First man, next - Oh! Who is this little bird with you?
Alastor looked at you as you flew next to Adam.
And with that Adam attacked Alastor. They were fighting with each other and Y/n tries to be helpful to Adam but he doesn't want her to get hurt. (But he is Adam so he would rather say it rudely)
Alastor threw him into a wall that's when Y/n decided to step in. She broke his cane while Adam got up and gave a deep cut to Alastor. Then Alastor disappeared.
So Adam began a raging out burst. Well Y/n just slapped her face again...... Then she went down to kill sinners. She wasn't the fan of killing sinners but she loves Adam so she do it for him.
Although Y/n was very happy when she heard Charlie's plan and she wanted to help her but Adam didn't let her.
She was so busy fighting that she didn't notice when Charlie and Vaggie went after Adam. Just for that to Lute went down with Vaggie to fight while Charlie was fighting with Adam.
Y/n heard something big crash in the hotel where Lute and Vaggie was fighting. So she immediately fly there to see if everything is alright. But Y/n saw Lute arm got stuck under some rocks so she helped her out.
Y/n: You know you could have cut your hand off with that.
Lute: I don't need you're smart ass to tell me that!!!
And with that Lute went after Vaggie Y/n wanted to go with her.
Y/n went back killing sinners but when the hotel was cut in half she knew something was wrong so she went to find Adam.
When she found him in a hole getting up saying some bullshit.
Adam: I'm fucking Adam! I'm the fucking man! And you're just some fucking clown or something. I started everything on Earth.
Well as long as Y/n saw none was interested by what he was saying. But she noticed someone sneaking behind him with a angelic knife. So she went down next to Adam lifted the little red killer up. Every one was shocked to see Nifty. But Charlie did told her to stab every angle that she saw.
Nifty was trying to kill Y/n too but she trow her to Charlie. Y/n looked at the group with a very disappointed look especially Charlie.
Y/n: I thought you are better than this Charlie.…
She said looking away from her.
Adam said looking at the others with a mocking face. Y/n helped Adam as they and the other exterminators went back to heaven.
Back in heaven Y/n were helping Adam with his wounds. She was putting some bandage on him when he started to talk.
Y/n: You don't have to yell anymore.
Adam: Sorry Little Tits. I'm happy that you chose me tho.
Y/n: Excuse me?
Adam: I thought you are going to go on Little Miss Butterflies and Rainbows side.
Y/n: I'm not going anywhere Adam……
He grabbed Y/n's face to turn to his face.
Adam: Good because you are mine~
Then he kissed her.
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Characters: 3603
Words: 694
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oneforthemunny · 25 days
🦇🍯🌀 here r mine instead (redid it)
mafia!eddie, fluff, pet based.
"God fuckin' dammit," Eddie's hiss rang through the halls, echoing in the most cryptic of ways, leaving you halting with hesitation.
"Can you fucking do this shit right? Do something right for once in your life, Gareth." Eddie snapped, tone filled with agitation.
"Sorry, I'm not a fuckin' arts and crafts expert, Munson." Gareth snapped back, tone just as biting, filled with sarcasm. "I don't know how to do this type of shit, man."
"Oh, you don't? Don't bullshit me. You used to make disentanglement puzzles and fuckin' scrolls every week. Don't tell me that bullshit- Diablo, sit- just fuckin' do it." Eddie growled, his voice growing more and more irritated with each step you took.
You lingered for a moment, hoping your footsteps were quiet, muffled by the carpet as you crept around the corner, peeking into the office.
The boys must have heard you, whining and squirming with defiance, only to be corrected by Eddie's sharp click of his tongue.
"Fuck! He moved." Gareth huffed, tossing the canvas to the side, with a growing pile of others. "This is so stupid. Why are you doin' this, Munson?"
"Because- Just, shut the fuck up and do it again." Eddie sneered, nerves grated with irritation. He craved a cigarette, maybe a joint. "Don't use as much paint this time."
"Then you do it." Gareth huffed, throwing his hands up. "You try and dip their paw in this shit. They're moving-"
You leaned in, seeing the gaggle of Dobermen sitting at attention, tails wagging at the sliver of sight of you. Diablo wrapped up in Eddie's arms, his right paw lifted, coated in... paint?
"-God, all you do is bitch." Eddie grunted. "I'll fucking do it, since you can't-" His eyes caught yours, snapping back with intensity that had Lucifer running, taking his master's shock as his chance to run to you.
"Baby," Eddie's voice caught, breaking boyishly in his throat. "You're- I thought you said after five?"
"Nice, real nice." Gareth laughed humorlessly. "Did all this shit, and look. Surprise ruined. Good going, dumbass." He rolled his eyes at Eddie, standing.
"Martha Stewart over here is trying to surprise you." Gareth muttered when he passed you. "You deal with him. He's your's now."
Eddie grumbled under his breath, shoulders slumping with defeat as the dogs ran to you, Diablo leaving a trail of paw printed paint behind him.
"What... What are you doing?" You whispered, looking at the pile of canvases, a few on Eddie's desk, others tossed in a pile.
"I, uh, I was trying to make you something." Eddie admitted, muttering towards the ground. "I wanted it to be something special. Like priceless kinda thing, and... and I saw something similar at a shop- Well, it was a painting, but I thought I'd make the real thing with each of their paw prints, but I fucked up and asked Gareth, that worthless fuck-" Eddie cut his rant short, breath catching when he saw you.
Your eyes wide, face neutral in an unreadable way as you scanned the room. Eddie's heart skipped, palms sweaty. "I, uh, I'm obviously getting you a better gift too." He added quickly, not wanting you to think this was your only birthday gift. "I just... I thought you'd like this too."
He paused, your eyes not meeting his, slowly walking towards the two canvases on his desk- Vecna and Lucifer's names printed on their respective canvas, a perfect paw print above them.
"Do you?" Eddie said after a moment, his voice way needier than he would have ever allowed with anyone but you. Your eyes met his. "Do you like it?"
A laugh bubbled up through your chest, head swimming with emotions, heart swelling so much you thought it might burst out of your chest. "Like it? You- Eddie," Your voice shook, holding back a wave of emotions. "This is the sweetest, most thoughtful thing anyone's ever done for me in my whole life."
Eddie's chest loosened, letting his nerves fall and pride take their place. "Really?" Eddie whispered, petting Diablo's head as he returned back to his side.
You nodded, tears brimming your waterline. Here he was, the man with the roughest reputation in most of Indiana, doing crafts- for you. Making a gift just for you. Sure, he could buy anything, would buy anything for you. But still, he chose to give you something truly priceless.
You pulled him into a sweet kiss, one that left you both burning with excited, loving heat, pressing kisses to his cheeks, noses rubbing together as you muttered strings of thanks and praises.
The rest of the night, you spent with your boys, carefully stamping each paw print on the canvas, despite Eddie's protest that it defeated the gift aspect. You assured him this was the greatest gift.
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luciferlightbringer · 7 months
Love in a Hopeless Place
Chapter 9
I'm sorry for being so evil... Just kidding, here is a little more pain before it gets better 😘
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Chapter 8|Chapter 9|Chapter 10|Updated through Chapter 12
Lucifer x prostitute fem!reader Word Count: 3.9k CW: Slowburn, Angst, Prostitution, Hurt/comfort, trauma, fluff, depression, anxiety, insecurity, alcohol/intoxication, fuckboi flirting
You get to the hotel and check in, it wasn't crazy fancy or anything, but it was nice, quieter, didn't reek of sex and drugs. You got up to the hotel room and, maybe because you were somewhere that didn't remind you of all of the pain from the night before, you were able to flop on the bed and fall asleep. You slept without any dreams, not a healing sleep per-se, but you had caught up on the sleep you had lost from the night before.
You look at your phone, damn, you basically slept your first day of vacation away. Oh well, vacations don't need to be productive. You stare up and the ceiling, your mind wandering from what you should do, back to Lucifer. You wonder how his day was, he probably knew his next few appointments were canceled at this point, would he be mad or disappointed? Would he remember what happened last night?
You shake your head and growl at yourself, tugging at your own hair in frustration, 'Why do I fucking care so much?!' You got up and paced the room. You ran your hands up your face and through your hair as you walked over to the window, and pressed your forehead to the glass looking out at your view for the next few days. You saw a few restaurants, bars, and stores that littered the main drag, until the name of one grabbed your attention, and made you chuckle.
"Rock Bottom, huh? Feels appropriate for tonight," you say out loud to yourself as you change into more appropriate "out in public" clothes. You were feeling like a loser, but at least you didn't want to look like one. You grabbed your purse, strapped on some heels, and hopped across the street to the bar that felt it aligned with how you felt about life at the moment.
The bar was a dive, but it was not bad. There was a chill downstairs and a spiral staircase off to one side that twisted up to another floor with some flashing colored lights and some guys singing some sad and off-pitch karaoke. Yup, this was the vibe for the night. Luckily, this bar did not seem super crowded and you were able to find a seat with ample space over near the side of the bar to set yourself at.
The bartender saw you and nodded in your direction while they were finishing a couple of drinks. "Be right with you in just a moment, sweetheart," the woman said while juggling her bottles and shakers.
"No problem," you said with a tired smile. You watched the woman flip and spin the bottles as the customers in front of her watched with excitement. You loved watching bartenders who could do cool tricks, it was not a requirement for their job of course, but you were sure it got them more tips and it always made you hope that they enjoyed what they did. Or maybe they were just trying to give themself some amount of joy in their hellhole of a job working with drunk people and their bullshit.
Eventually she passed off the drinks to the customers, tossed her towel over her shoulder, and headed over to you.
"Thanks for waiting, welcome to Rock Bottom, what can I get ya?" the woman asked you. She gave off a "cool biker mom" kinda vibe, lots of tattoos and piercings all over her, a biker looking vest and short cropped slicked back black hair with one big pink streak jutting back from her right temple, all being held back by a red bandana.
"Just a long island iced tea, please," you said softly.
"Ah, one of those nights huh?" She said cocking an eyebrow, "No problem, coming right up."
You lean more on the bar, "What do you mean by that?" you say with a sly smile and a squint.
The bartender waved her hand, "I'm sorry, you're not one of my regulars, I shouldn't joke so bluntly right off the bat. Normally, the heavier the starting drink, the more sorrow the customer is trying to drown out."
"Hmm. Well, you're observations are quiet astute, as that is exactly why I ordered it," you say with a cocky smile.
"Well, the down on their luck do happen to be our target audience," the woman says flipping her shaker and bottles again, "May I ask what we are drowning today?"
You make a raspberry sound and then rub your face.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," the woman said to you.
You laugh, "No it's fine, just hard to sum up in a quick statement. Just... work bullshit and... I don't know... utter fucking confusion of my life and what to do."
The woman nods sympathetically, "Sounds like hell." She looks at you, you both crack a smile and laugh. She hands you your drink.
"Sure is Hell... Just... almost felt like I had escaped it for a little... But anyways... I won't bother you more with my bullshit," you say looking down at your drink and taking it in your hands.
The woman shrugged, "Hell doesn't got therapists, bartenders are as close as they come. Name's Brooklyn if you need anything else, sweetheart." Brooklyn said, flipping the towel over her shoulder again as she went to greet another new guest who had settled on the other side of the bar. By the way Brooklyn greeted them, they looked like a regular.
You sipped on your drink and people watched for a while. As the night went on, you ordered some food and a few more drinks, watching people some and go. The room started to fill up with more patrons.
At one point, you saw a young Imp couple come in and snuggle into a booth together, kissing and snuggling, happily tipsy and enjoying each other's company. You sighed, you missed Lucifer and the way he would hold you. You wished it was real, you wished you could figure out if anything about your relationship with him was real. It also still drove you crazy trying to figure out why you would want it to be real. It was just a job... right?
Eventually, some drunk guy sauntered up to you. 'Oh boy, here we go.'
"Hey hot stuff, what are you doing moping over here by yourself, you're to sexy to be sad," he slurred at you, leaning on the bar.
You sighed, turned on your barstool and kicked one leg over the other, "Actually, I'm just sexy enough to be sad, thank you very much. Also... just out of curiosity, does this tactic ever work for you? The whole drunken loser with a backhanded compliment shtick?" You cock and eyebrow and smile.
"Wha- pffttt. Wow, why you gotta be such a bitch? I was just wanting to show you a fun time," he said leaning more into your face.
"Oh ya? And what would that look like? A minute of disappointing fingering and unimaginative attempts at dirty talk followed by five minutes of lack-luster penetration, doggy style with my unstimulated, unenthused, bone dry cooch while you scream "You like that you dirty little slut? You like how daddy fucks your tight little pussy, babygirl?" before you combust and roll over saying you are too tired to even attempt to make me feel any amount of pleasure, let alone getting me off? That kind of fun time?" you say giving him a smug smile.
The man in front of you just stares at you slack-jawed, so mad and confused he did not know what to say. You smirk, kick one of your heels up onto the middle of his chest, "That little bit of fun public degradation is the most fun we will be having tonight. Now get out of my face." You say as you push your foot against his chest, sending the man toppling backwards into a few onlookers that parted to let him drop to the floor and flail. You get a couple of whistles, claps, and hollers as you turn back to your drink.
Brooklyn stood at your end of the bar with a big smile on her face, "Well then! I was about to get ready to tell him to piss off, but you seem to have already handled it."
You shrug, "Men like him know they have no chance with shit like lines like that. They know they are going to get shut down and honestly, they love being put in their place. It's a kink for them, even if they would never want to admit it outright. I did him a favor really. If he is able to remember any of that interaction tomorrow, he'll have jerk off material for weeks." You say looking at him still splayed out on the floor.
Brooklyn howled with laughter, "Wow! That's incredible! Hey, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"No, I won't do you next," you say, you and Brooklyn erupt into more laugher. "Sorry, yes, ask away."
"Are you a sex worker?" Brooklyn asked. You nod. "Nice! My ex-girlfriend used to be a sex worker and she used to be able to mentally bulldoze men like that, so I was just curious. It's always so fun to watch."
"Guilty as charged, but I'm off the clock for a few days," you say.
"Ah, very good. Doing anything fun?" Brooklyn asked.
You picked up your cup and shook it.
"Just drink away your sorrows? Sounds like a bummer of a vacation," she says wiping down the counter.
You shrugged and sighed, "I just... have some things I need to figure out. Just needed some space for a few days."
She leaned on the bar, "Space from what, if I may be so bold?"
You nod, "Ehhh, it's... not something I can talk about with others."
She shrugged, "Fair enough. I'm here every day if you change your mind."
"Thanks." You finish up a couple more drinks, happily drunk and numb, thanked Brooklyn and paid for your evening, and waddled your way back to the hotel before passing out for the night.
The next morning you wake up with a hangover, which you expected, but it was worth it. You scroll through your phone for a while, but eventually you realize that you aren't actually looking at anything , just scrolling just to scroll. You sigh and stare at the ceiling of the hotel room, the thoughts of your issue with Lucifer drifting back.
You eventually feel the thoughts start to frustrate you and you start to cry. Why was this so hard?! The thoughts did not seem to want to organize themself into anything helpful, just stagnated in place in your mind, floating around like milk soaked Cheerios. Hells, you wish you could talk to someone, literally anyone about your issues, but you couldn't. You ended up getting up and pacing again until you ended up pressing your forehead against the cold window again. You looked out at all of the stores and people walking around, until your eyes landed on the Rock Bottom. You smiled, thinking about Brooklyn and the drunk guy from the night before.
Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in your head. Brooklyn, you COULD talk to Brooklyn! You just could not give her exact details like Lucifer, Charlie, the hotel, but you could talk to her about it in more general terms. Yes! This was the answer! Well... if Brooklyn was serious about being someone that you could talk to. It... wouldn't hurt to at least ask, right?
You quickly got dressed and popped back across the street to the Rock Bottom. You walked inside the bar, it was a lot more slow during the day, but there were still a few customers scattered around the downstairs area. You saw a young man at the bar, but no Brooklyn. You were disappointed not to see her.
"Hey there!" the young man called out to you, "Welcome in, how can I help you?"
"Hey... sorry, umm... I was kinda looking to see if Brooklyn was here. I can come back later," you start to turn to leave.
"Oh! No she is here, she's just in the back. I'll go get her for you!" the young man said before disappearing into the back. A few minutes later, Brooklyn emerged from the back storage room, and smiled when she saw you.
"Ah! Afternoon, sweetheart. How are you doing today?" Brooklyn smiled.
"Hey! I'm doing... alright... Hope I'm not interrupting anything," you say rubbing your arm.
Brooklyn waved a hand, "Don't worry about it, just doing inventory, earlier to do during the day when it's slower. What can I do for you?"
"Well..." you start, looking at the floor, then balled your hands into fits to get yourself to ask, "Did you mean what you said about being here... if I needed to talk?"
Brooklyn smiled, and looked at her watch, "I'm sure I can squeeze you in for an appointment, you good waiting for my lunchbreak?"
You waved you hands, "Oh! I don't want to take away from your lunch break! Plus, I don't want you to get in trouble or anything with your boss."
Brooklyn laughed, you looked at her confused, "Sweetheart, I am the boss, I can do what I want, and right now, I want to hear about what's got you sulking to my part of town and drowning your sorrows in my bar." You smiled and nodded, you don't know what it was about her, but you trusted her. She kinda reminded you of your grandmother, in the cool spunky kinda way, also maybe a little bit of how you used to be with your siblings. You waited about an hour and a half at the bar to finish up her inventory, and then you and her went up to a little balcony on the second level of the bar.
"Welcome to my office, now tell me miss... oh fuck... I just realized I've never asked your name," Brooklyn said embarrassed.
You laughed, "It's ok, it's (y/n)."
"Well alright, miss (y/n). What's going on?"
You start, without giving away exact details, tell Brooklyn the tale of the last several months, getting hired by a powerful person to secretly be their prostitute, the sex turning into nights of supports on both sides, helping them reconnect with their child and helping them achieve their goals, how they defended you against an abusive client, you left out the extermination fight but did mention that they were wanting to keep you safe during that event, and finally the night that brought you here. The whole time, Brooklyn listened intently, nodding and sometimes asking a clarifying question or two.
At the end of that all, Brooklyn sighed. "I can see why you'd be feeling overwhelmed right now. It would be confusing to love someone and got some drunk inducted, confusing confirmation of returned feeling while in a weird role/power dynamic with them."
You nodded, "Ya..." you blinked as you processed what she had said, "Wait... what?"
She looked at you and raised an eyebrow, "What?"
You stared at her, "I... I never said I loved him."
She nodded, "Yes you did."
You stared at her, "When???"
She smiled, "With every word you said about this person, how you treated them, how you felt about how they treated you... You do love them, right?"
You thought through everything, every look, every touch, every nickname, every night in his arms, every time he showed up in your room, the way he protected you, the way you thought of him when we were alone or with other clients, the way you felt being with him and Charlie at the hotel, the unbridled fear you felt at him telling him telling you he loved you. Why you cared if you lost him. It was all because you were afraid of losing the love you felt from him. The love you felt for him.
You loved him, you loved Lucifer.
Tears poured from your eyes as the realization sunk into you. You turned to look at Brooklyn, "Oh my god... I love him."
Brooklyn laughed, "Did you not realize until just now?"
You shook your head, the tears getting heavier, "No!" you choked out, your breath heaving, "I've never knew love could feel like this. I've never felt this before!" You start to crumple inward as the tears overtake you.
Brooklyn's smile faded, "Oh sweetheart," she pulled you into a hug as you sobbed. You tried to apologize and she just shushed you.
After you calmed down, you sigh, "Ok but... how do I know if he actually loves me?"
"He does," Brooklyn said.
"How do you know?" you sniffle.
She gives you a look, "Girl, how many guys that hire hookers introduce them to their daughters and then keep bringing them around their daughter and her friends?"
You blinked.
"And if that isn't enough, he beat up another client that hurt you. He doesn't just love you. He is down bad for you," Brooklyn smiled.
"And you're sure?" you ask.
Brooklyn nodded, "100%, on my afterlife, or may Satan take my bar."
You sniffled again and laughed, "Well, I wouldn't want Satan to take over your bar... I don't know him, but I get the feeling he wouldn't be as good of a bartender as you." You and Brooklyn laugh.
You look out from the balcony, thinking about how somewhere far away, on the other side of the circle, Lucifer, the King of Hell, was in love with you. Maybe thinking about you. Missing you. It made your heart ache, thinking of how you had run away from him, when you now realize he was probably just too scared to tell you how he felt.
"Do you think he'll be mad at me for running away from him?" you ask Brooklyn.
She shook her head, "If he is any man worth keeping, and if there really is that much of a power dynamic difference, he'll understand why you did what you did."
You nod. At this point, Brooklyn had to go back to work. You hung out at the bar the rest of the night, not getting nearly as drunk this time.
The next two days, you would go back to the bar during Brooklyn's breaks to talk through new thoughts and insecurities, and Brooklyn would softly but firmly refute each one. Damn, is this what therapy was like in the living world? Life would have turned out different maybe if this was something you had back then. Oh well, it's too late now.
On your last day, you packed up your room and went to say goodbye to Brooklyn, she gave you a hug and wished you goodbye. Telling you that you were always welcome to come back and talk, and that she expected an invite to the wedding if it worked out. You both laughed.
Soon, it was time to get int the car and head back home, back to the Lounge, back to Lucifer.
A little bit later, you arrived back at the Lounge. You got out of the car, headed up to your room to drop off your bag, then headed downstairs to see Larry and tell him you were back.
You found Larry and he smiled to see you, "Babydoll! I'm so glad you're back. How're ya feeling?"
You smiled, "Much better, thank you for being patient with me."
"Of course! Now, here is your rescheduled appointments for tomorrow," he said handing you a list. You looked through, and were disappointed to not see "Lance" in his usual time. You looked up at Larry.
"No Lance?"
Larry shook his head, "We called him and let him know you were going on vacation, and he said he would call back when he wanted to reschedule." Ok, no problem. You could get that, maybe he just didn't want to jump on when you were going to be getting home from your break. Ya, that sounds like something he would do. He loved you, right? You could be patient.
You were patient... as days turned to weeks, and Lucifer did not call to schedule with you. Every day you lost more hope, life slipped back into the way it was before you had ever known him. Cynthhhhia watched you from the shadows of the brothel, pleased to see your decent into misery as she started to get more well paying client's again. Sure, playing nice with the customers did pay off, but so did knocking Larry's favorite girl off of her groove. And the best part? No, one would ever know.
One day you looked out the window of your apartment and sighed, "Guess you were wrong after all, Brooklyn. Looks like Satan will be coming for the bar after all."
You wanted to laugh at the idea of Satan trying to run a bar, but all you could do was cry as your newly discovered heart was now broken.
Serves you right for thinking that love was actually possible in such a hopeless place.
Charlie's phone rang, she looked over to see her dad's ID pop up on her phone. She scrambled to pick it up, she had called him several times over the last couple of week and he had not been answered. It had her worried, he had not done this since before his visit to the hotel that brought them back together.
"Dad! Hi! It's so good to see you call. Are you ok?" Charlie asked.
Lucifer cleared his throat on the other end of the phone, "O-Oh course! Why, why would anything be the matter?"
"Uhh... because you haven't answered any of my calls in weeks? Also you and (y/n) were basically here every day and now I haven't seen either of you..." Charlie waited for a moment, Lucifer struggled to figure out what to say. Hearing your name made his heart sear with pain.
"Oh uh... we've uh... it's just been busy." Lucifer said.
"Dad, did something happened?" Charlie pleaded.
"I... I'm sorry sweetie, I can't talk about this right now. I was just calling to see if you could go to a meeting for me? Please?" Lucifer pouted. That was not a good sign. Something must have happened, but now did not seem like a good time to press, not over the phone anyway.
Charlie sighed, "Ok Dad, on one condition."
Lucifer paused, "That condition being???"
"Just... just come visit sometime this week, come have dinner with me? Please?" Charlie pleaded again.
Lucifer sighed, he may not have you, but he did still have his daughter, he couldn't lose that again, "Ok, I will."
"Great! I'll see you later! Text me the details of the meeting. I love you, Dad."
Lucifer told Charlie he loved her too, then Charlie hung up, and turned to see Vaggie, Angel, Husk, Alastor, and Niffty all looking at her in anticipation.
"What kin'a scheme you cookin' up now, Princess?" Angel asked.
"Well, would anyone up for a little, community "Emotional Intervention" bonding?" Charlie was met with a room full of mischievous, sharp, approving smiles.
You guys, the Cynthhhhia hate is giving me LIFE, I'm so happy how much y'all hate her. Keep up with the ideas, how should she be brought to justice? 😈 As usual, leave a comment if you want added to the taglist so that you can get notifications when future chapters drop! xoxo, dany (OMG there are so many of you!😍 Please let me know if the tag isn't working for you) Taglist :(red names are not tagging for some reason 😢)@froggybich @wonderlandangelsposts @glowinthedarkbones1150 @marydragneell @crescent-z @superdinosaurnacho @jam0001 @kyo-kyo1 @so-get-this-sammy @lilzebeth @kelppsstuff @loquacious-libra @pinkhoneydrop @luleck @writer-girl99 @lavenz @stormz369 @littleladydemon @soujiswife @melday0105 @luluxx118 @sseleniaa @futureittomainn @cktkat @zaneyyyy @uravitsy @liecoris @starlitvenus @hannahrose130 @elleofdragons @butch-medusae @concentratedconcrete @erosamasan @stranger-chan @aquaamethyst96 @lxkeee @holyspacething @hulyenl @leximus98 @lu-ferri12 @mixplara @katnisspeetaprim @rebecca-hvnstn @roboticsuccubus83 @nekemewlita @femboyfatalle @thelethex @cryptidghostgirl @snowlotr @bangchansdirty-slut @glowymxxn @mcueveryday @hotvillianapologist @oneiric-rotaerc
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maxiskindahere · 7 months
Hell is forever | Lute x F!Reader
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i’ve become obsessed w Hazbin Hotel recently and well where’s better to write than Tumblr!
I also love x readers and Lute so this is a fun time xx
i also haven’t written in a WHILE so this is not my best work but i promise im better xx
CW: swearing, sexual comments
Lute was an interesting person, she wasn’t typically the type of person you’d get in with. But since meeting her & Adam, you are sure that your life has improved… to an extent.
“Hey, Y/N! Don’t you think Lute would so much better with less on?” Adam teases as you walk into his office “Adam, you are going to be the first man with no dick if you don’t shut up.” Y/N deadpans, plopping down beside Lute on the couch
“You’re no fun, Y/N” Adam complains, throwing his head back with a groan “I just know that if I agree with you, Lute is very much able to fuck me up.”
You know of the exterminations, and you know Lutes body count. Being on her bad side is not something you wanted.
“Please, Lute’s too busy st-“ Adam is cut off with a yelp as Lute throws something at him “Shut up, Adam.” She hisses, glaring daggers at him “Fine fine” He mutters, flipping her off as you look between them in confusion
“So what happened in Hell?” You decide to ask, knowing the extermination had happened just a week prior. “Well we had a talk with Lucifers bitch daughter today.” Adam begins in a rant about how “Charles” decided to talk about how she wants the exterminations gone and some bullshit hotel
“She seriously thinks sinners can be redeemed?” Y/N questions, leaning forward “What does Sera think about this?” Adam scoffs, rolling his eyes
“she doesn’t know, it’s not like it’s going to cause problems anyways.”
Adam was wrong. It was definitely going to cause problems, but that wasn’t her issue. So, she continued on with her day while waiting for the time to come when she’d meet Lute for lunch.
“Sorry!” A voice exclaims as Y/N feels someone crash into her “Fuck!” She yelps out, quickly spinning around to be met with two demons and Emily, the seraphim of joy.
The h/c girl quickly straightens up “Seraphim Emily! What… are you doing here?” She splutters out, glancing nervously at the demons “Oh hush, Y/N. You know you can call me Em when Sera isn’t around” Emily informs the girl with a happy smile.
“Right well.. Em, what is.. going on?” She questions the seraphim, still glancing between the demons “Right! This is Charlie and Vaggie! They’re representatives from Hell!” The girl cheerfully explains
Y/N’s eyes widen “Holy crap! You’re the princess aren’t you?” She asks Charlie, whose face flushes “Yep, that’s me..!” She says awkwardly before taking Vaggies hand in hers “This is my girlfriend, Vaggie” She introduces with a soft smile
Y/N grins “I knew gay people went to he-“ She’s cut off by Emily wacking her lightly “I’m kidding! That’s sick, congrats” She says softly, fluttering her wings
“So, you here about this.. hotel thing?” Y/N questions, crossing her arms together “How do you know about that?” Emily quizzes the girl who pauses for a second “Uh, Lute told me!” She quickly states, rubbing her arm
Emily’s eyes widen “please tell me you two are-“ Before Emily can continue, Y/N spots Lute approaching the four “Respectfully, your majesty please stop” Y/N hisses out as Lute reaches them
“Y/N, where have you been?” Lute asks the girl, anger clear in her voice “Sorry, I ran into these lovely girls and you know how I feel about ditching people” Y/N states innocently, smirking at the anger in Lutes eyes “And you know how I feel about waiting, finish up here and meet me in my office.” Is all the taller girl says before departing
“She seems.. nice.” Charlie says after a few moments of silence “Oh she is, I just don’t think she likes demons” Y/N comments, she knew Emily was unaware of the exterminations and she was not about to admit that she knew to anyone.
“I’m not sure why, you two are lovely” Emily pouts, causing Charlie and Vaggie to give her light smiles “But uh, I better go.. Lute will be a pain if I keep her waiting much longer” She says, excusing herself as she bids farewell to the trio and makes her way to Lute’s office
“Hey..” Y/N says awkwardly, walking into the unlit office before being slammed against the now shut door “I can’t believe you!” Lute exclaims, glaring down at Y/N
“What did I do?” The girl yelps out, feeling the pain rush to her wings “You’re talking with Vaggie! Of all people!” Suddenly everything made sense.
Lute was always fighting for Adam’s favouritism with Vaggie. She was better than Vaggie in every way, but until Vaggies betrayal Adam couldn’t see it.
Since then, the girl had some serious issues with abandonment.
“Oh cmon Lute! You know I don’t care about that failure” Y/N tries to reassure as she feels Lutes heavy breathing hit her face “I only care about you, I promise” Y/N says softly as she notices Lutes eyes soften
“Sorry.” Lute mutters, still holding Y/N against the door “I know a way you can make it up to me” Y/N mumbles, looking down at Lutes lips before glancing back up at her eyes which were wide in surprise before slowly leaning down and capturing the angels lips.
Y/N quickly reciprocates the kiss, wrapping her arms around Lutes neck and pulling her closer, desperate to have the girl closer to her.
But before anymore could be done, Adam suddenly barges in knocking the two away from each other
“The trials starting, come on.”
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obsessive-disfuntion · 5 months
Gun-Slinging and Impressing the Literal Devil
Your favorite place to hang out was the constantly buzzing saloon owned by one of your acquaintances, Rosie. But after hearing too many men brag about how good they are with a gun, you grew tired of their egos and decided to shut them up. But in the process of showing off your skills you happened to impress a certain cowboy outlaw.
A/N: This is based off of the LOVELY art of cowboy Lucifer drawn by the incredibly talented and sweet @bat-boness so please go give them some love!! This fic is literally so outside of the Hazbin universe, Lucifer isn’t even the king of hell I just took his character and ran with it. Thank you all so much for all the love from my sneak peak for this fic, I barely had the motivation to finish it but you guys definitely helped me out with all the love so thank you ❤️
Warnings: Femme reader, AFAB terms and she/her pronouns used for reader, nsfw, 18+, not beta read!
You tilted your head back as you finished off your second glass of whiskey, letting out a groan from the burning in your throat. You pushed the glass back towards Rosie for a refill before tucking the stray hairs falling out of your braid behind your ears.
“Well sugar, I think you’ve had enough this afternoon… I want you to be able to walk out of here,” she grinned, taking the glass and starting to clean it. “Any particular reason you’re trying to drink yourself under the table today?”
“You know I got nothin’ better to do,” you chuckled, looking at Rosie. “And all these boys taking up air in this damned place are making me wish I was elsewhere.”
“They are rather… loud.”
“That’s an understatement,” you scoff. “I dunno how you put up with their bullshit, Rosie.”
A hush fell over the saloon, causing you to perk up and look towards the entrance.
“Shit,” you whisper, absolutely dumbfounded.
“My days… is that Lucifer?” Rosie gasped.
You nod your head, ensuring that your mouth was closed and not completely open in shock. What was he doing here in a place like this?
He walked in, completely ignoring the silence and heading towards the bar. His spurs clinked against the wood floor, and you quickly take in his appearance before looking away back towards Rosie. You only saw his eyes, which were narrowed in concentration. The rest of his face was covered by a white hat tilted over his brows and a red bandana hiding his mouth and nose that made his eyes nearly glow. Although the bandana wasn’t doing much, since the cut of his shirt was rather… low…
He stood to your left, leaning his arm against the bar counter causing him to nearly press against you he was so close. You couldn’t help but look up at him.
He smelled of barley and gunpowder… and his hair was unkempt from the wind that most-likely came from riding horseback.
“Well howdy,” he greeted Rosie, tipping his hat.
His voice was so… cheery. It didn’t match what he looked like at all. It contrasted his concentrated and unapproachable appearance.
“Well hey there, Lucifer… what can I get for ya this afternoon?” Rosie smiled as she grabbed a glass, being her usual charming self.
He pulled the bandana down to speak. “Strongest drink you have, if you please.”
Oh fuck.
He was pretty… Smile that could make your knees buckle, rosy red cheeks, and… a surprising amount of manners for such a well-known outlaw.
“Of course… What brings you to our little town? If you don’t mind me asking.”
“Just passin’ through. You know me. Well, not really. But I mean- I’m sure you’ve heard of me. Wait, that sounds awful full of myself, doesn’t it?”
“Just a little,” you butted in, causing you to widen your eyes in spite of yourself.
Why did you say that?
This brought his attention towards you, smile still on his face as he gave you a once over. You pretended not to notice, but it made you squirm in your seat and subtly adjust your ruffled skirt.
“Well hey there pretty lady. You come here often?”
You snort, which makes you flush in embarrassment. “Sure do. Rosie here is a close friend of mine.”
“Well, you both look absolutely lovely this afternoon,” he winked at the both of you, causing you to shrink in your seat and Rosie to let out a giggle.
“Why thank you,” Rosie smiled back, sliding over a glass of clear liquid to him. “Enjoy your stay here.”
“Thank ya, ma’am,” he tilted his hat once more and grabbed his glass, taking a sip before heading over to that damned group of men you’ve grown to hate and starting up a conversation.
“Well he was… surprisingly friendly,” you observed, looking to Rosie.
“Yeah… especially towards you,” Rosie smirked, propping her elbows on the bar counter and leaning her face into her palms. “He fancies you.”
You scoffed, shaking your head and dismissing the thought. Even if it was true, you couldn’t entertain the idea. He was an outlaw always on the run. You didn’t really want that life.
“Oh please, I could shoot circles around you.”
This caused you to glance behind you at one of the buffoons that was inflating his own ego earlier. Which he somehow had the audacity to say that to Lucifer, which caused your jaw to drop just slightly in disbelief.
But Lucifer didn’t even challenge the statement, for some reason. He just laughed and nodded.
“Oh, yeah, sure. I believe ya.”
“Damn… for a famous outlaw you don’t have a spine, now do ya?”
You slam your hands on the bar counter, causing the group of men to shut up for once.
“Y/N… I really don’t think-“
“Y’all sure are cocky for a bunch of bitches, aren’t ya?” you cut Rosie off, ignoring her warning and standing up out of your seat. 
You ignored the snickers coming from a few of the men, standing in front of them with your back straight and proud. You sure as hell weren’t gonna back down now that you’ve stepped in it. 
“Every goddamn day y’all come here and talk about your skills but I never see it.”
You lift your skirt, high enough to show your mid thigh, which caused almost all of the men to blush, wide-eyed as some stared and others looked away. You reveal your gun holster strapped to your thigh, pulling out your revolver and spinning it by the trigger guard with your pointer finger as you let your skirt fall back down.
“So how about you boys let me show you mine,” you smirk, tilting your dark brown hat back so they could all really get a look at you. 
“Why the fuck would we give you the time of day, little lady? Why don’t you go back to sittin’ and lookin’ pretty at the bar counter there-“
You pull back on the hammer spur of your revolver, lifting the gun up with one hand and narrowing one eye as you aim. You shot directly in the center of the cocky man’s hat, knocking it off of his thick skull before the bullet bounced into the wooden wall, it coming to a stop once it was wedged in between the boards. 
“Hey!” Rosie snapped, causing you to wince. “Not here, not inside- get out! All of you- you too Y/N!”
You shot her an apologetic look as you pushed forward on the hammer spur of your gun, walking outside with an anger bubbling in your chest. How dare those dumbs bastards speak to you that way…
You turn around when you hear the swinging doors open, watching with a smirk as the group of dumbs men get on their horses and ride away, not even sneaking a glance at you.
But then Lucifer walks out, and you look at the ground. Was he angry? But why would he be?
He called out your name, which he probably figured it out when Rosie yelled at you to get out, gaining your attention and causing you to look up.
“Ya still wanna show off your skills?” he asked, raising a brow and giving you a smile.
Your heart fluttered and you gave him a shrug. “Well if I have an audience.”
“Of course you do, couldn’t take my eyes off ya, sweetheart.”
He grabbed 3 empty food cans out of the bag hanging on the side of his horse, which he probably ate out of during his travels, leaving you to stare at him with wide eyes and blushing cheeks at his words. He set them up on different posts on the fence of a pasture that was next to the saloon. 
“Alright, show me what you got,” he shot you a toothy grin, stepping away from the cans as you scoffed.
“Please,” you laughed, making sure to take more steps back than what he was expecting. 
You shot the cans just like you shot the man’s hat from before, one eye slightly narrowed and gun raised with one hand. You shot one after the other, hitting them perfectly and knocking each one off of their posts with only a few seconds in between each shot.
Once they all hit the floor, you put the safety back on by pressing forward on the hammer spur.
“Damn…” Lucifer whistled, stepping towards you. “Haven’t seen someone shoot like that in a long time.”
“Glad I could impress someone like Lucifer himself,” you smiled, tipping your hat before lifting your skirt again and hooking your gun into the holster strapped around your thigh.
You tried to pretend you didn’t notice him staring at your skin as you let your skirt fall.
“Already was impressed when I saw you for the first time. Wasn’t kiddin’ when I called you a pretty lady.”
You blushed at the compliment but played it off, taking a stop towards him. “And you’re strikingly handsome for an outlaw… you’d think always being on the run would ruin one’s appearance.”
“Well, I suppose I’m criminally handsome as well.”
You snicker behind your hand. You really liked him…
“I’m not stayin’ here too long…”
“What a shame,” you frown at him, sticking out your bottom lip in a fake pout. 
“But I’d still like to have a pleasant stay. Any ideas on how I can make my visit a little more… fun?” he asked, stepping so close to you that his crossed arms nearly touched your chest.
Your eyes widened at his words. You looked at him, and his eyes were narrowed, honed in on you and only you and taking in your appearance.
Well shit. Who are you to deny someone like him?
“I might have a few… it wouldn’t be too bad of an idea to show a merciless outlaw to my own home, would it?”
“Well… I certainly don’t think so… at least, not this outlaw,” he smiled at you, placing a gentle hand on your hip, and you caught him staring down at your figure.
“Well, let’s get on your horse and I’ll show you the way.”
“You don’t have your own?” he asks, taking your hand and showing you to his horse, which was a beautiful dusty grey color with a black mane.
“Nah- everything ‘round here is walking distance. If I need one I usually use one of Rosie’s- that there is her pasture, she has a few animals she likes takin’ care of,” you explain, ignoring the hand he puts out to help you and mounting the horse by yourself.
Lucifer’s eyes were slightly widened in shock as you made it clear that you didn’t need his assistance, getting on the horse and sitting behind you. “I see,” he smiled, pressing himself against you and holding onto your waist. “Lead the way, darlin’. And take your time, I’m in no rush.”
Your lips part and your heart hammers at the sudden touch, gently snapping the reins of the horse to a soft trot as you guide it to your home.
But just after a few steps from the horse you felt Lucifer’s hands travel down your waist to your hips, and then they slowly made their way forward.
“Lucifer, just what do you think you’re doing?” you ask, breath falling short as you sneak a glance over your shoulder back at him.
“Just keep goin’ sweetheart. I’m just havin’ a little fun.”
Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to concentrate on getting the two of you to your home, breath hitching as his hands travelled down towards the center of your thighs.
“Lucifer, I’m… I’m trying to concentrate here,” you try to scold, lungs sputtering for air out of nerves and excitement when his grip tightens on your thighs and teases the area where your pelvis meets your hip.
“I know, darlin’. You can still get us there, can’t you?”
“Well… yeah,” you sighed, placing one hand on the hand that was getting dangerously close to a place you DIDNT want him touching out here.
“Don’t try to hold me back, baby,” he teased, breath hitting your ear.
You pull on the reigns of the horse, getting him to stop.
“We’re here,” you sighed. “Thank god.”
Lucifer jumped off the horse and you quickly followed. “I have some fenced off land in the back. You can keep your horse there, if you’d like,” you offer, handing him the reigns and showing him to the land you had behind your house.
It was peaceful where you lived- just at the end of town but close enough to everything you needed.
Once Lucifer let his horse back, and made him comfortable, he turned to you with a smile. “Thank ya, darlin’.”
“Why, of course,” you teased with a smile, taking his hands and leading him inside your home.
As soon as the door closed behind the two of you, he grabbed onto your waist and you gripped onto his shoulders as he pulled you into a lip-bruising kiss. 
He pulled you close, hands lowering to your hips and slotting one of his legs in between yours to press his thigh against you.
“Lucifer…” you breathed, running your hands to his hair and gripping onto the roots, moving towards his neck and pressing soft kisses along the skin. 
“Baby, you are…”
“C’mon,” you interrupt him against his skin, pulling back and leading him to your bed. “You wanted some fun while you’re in town, right?”
“Right,” he nodded, pushing you atop the covers as soon as you got near the mattress, kicking his shoes off and getting on the bed.
He hovered over you on his knees, already beginning to hike up your skirt which made you laugh under your breath, slightly nervous. You reached for your ankles, sitting up slightly as you unlaced your shoes and threw them to the side as Lucifer removed his hat and serape and putting them to the side.
You watched carefully when he took off his shirt, pulling it off and placing it aside, immediately inviting you- whether he meant to or not- to touch all of his chest and stomach that you could. You sighed out a deep breath (of slight disappointment) when he pulled away from your hands and pushed up your skirt enough to see your bloomers and under-skirts which he quickly removed. “You alright?” he checked in, looking up at you, barely able to rip his eyes away from your body.
“Yeah,” you whispered, giving him a smile and reaching out to run a hand through his hair. “Of course I am.”
He gave you a cheeky smile, immediately ducking down and starting to kiss along your upper thigh. He didn’t even have the patience to take your skirt off first, he just lifted it up so it would be out of the way and pushing it back so he could still see you. Right after the skirts were out of the way, he unclipped the gun holster around your thigh and dropping it onto the floor.
“Damn, you’re impatient…” you teased as an attempt to keep your composure, letting out a small, nervous laugh as he looked back up at you.
“I said I wanted to have fun while I’m here… and I don’t play around. I get what I want, if ya didn’t notice, sweetheart.”
“Aw, but you don’t wanna take your time with me?” you teased, trying but failing to hide your smile.
“I think you and I both know you like it hard and fast too, darlin’. I don’t really think you care if I take off our clothes or not. Do you?”
You flushed at those words, unable to get yourself to answer, let alone decide what to say.
“That’s what I thought.”
He dives back into your thigh, immediately making his way to your pussy and spreading your folds before licking a stripe across your hole and to your clit. 
“Jesus- fucking christ, Lucifer,” you gasped, glancing down at him and placing your hands in his hair to brace yourself. 
He doubles down, chuckling against you causing to let out a breathy moan. You felt your whole core spasm against the sudden attention, tilting your head back and getting lost in the feeling as soon as he thrust his tongue into your hole. 
“Fucking shit, Lucifer!”
You let out a small cry when he holds your thighs open, causing them to shake. “Please, oh my god-“
He pulled away so that his lips were just barely against your clit, looking up at you through his eyelashes. “Please what, baby? What do you want?”
“You, you… please-“
“Already desperate for me?” he whispered, having the audacity to laugh at you.
“Shut your trap…”
He apparently didn’t like that response, so he gripped your thighs harder and started sucking on your clit with an unwavering vigour.
“What- Lucifer!” you cry out, one hand gripping onto his hair and the other slamming onto the mattress, gripping onto the sheets in a desperate attempt to keep your composure and not burst into tears right there. 
He moves one hand from your thigh up to intertwine his fingers with yours, holding your hand tightly and still keeping his gaze on you.
He finally gave you a break, pulling away and giving you a smile. 
“You’re so beautiful…” he breathed, studying your face and tracing his fingertips along your thigh.
You blushed under his admiration, looking off to the side out of embarrassment from his intense gaze.
“Whatta ya say, darlin’?”
You look back at him, face warm and eyes wide. “Thank you…”
“Atta girl,” he chuckled, sitting up on his knees before leaning over you, his arms planted by your torso against the mattress to keep himself up.
He pressed his face against your neck, causing you to inhale a sharp breath and gripping onto his hair with one hand again as he peppered kisses along your neck. “Are you teasing me now?” you laughed under your breath, slowly lifting your bare hips to press against his.
He let out a gentle groan, nipping at your jawline. “What can I say? I wanna take my time with ya…”
You scoff, smile evident on your face as you trailed your hand down. It rested at the top of Lucifer’s pants, slowly undoing his belt. “But I thought you were here to have fun, sugar… where’s that needy attitude now?” you mutter back, placing the belt next to you two on the mattress and trailing your hands down again to push down his pants, just enough to…
“Well, you’re gonna take away my fun by rushing me,” Lucifer frowned, immediately grabbing you by your wrists and pushing your hands away. “Fun doesn’t mean quick, sugar,” he mocked. “Let me play a bit.”
He gently pressed your hands down against the mattress, a silent signal to keep them there, before trailing his hands along your chest. He grinned down at you, slowly unclasping the hooks from your corset and throwing it aside before beginning to undo your shirt. “Beautiful- best part of this town.”
You shudder at the touch to your breasts, letting out a small laugh. “Do you say that to all the girls you bed?”
He looked at you with a raised brow, unbuttoning your shirt all the way as he obviously began to lose his patience with you. “Haven’t done this in years, baby. You’re special, don’t you worry.” 
He tossed your shirt to the side, straddling your hips and running his hand along your jaw. He ducked down, kissing your lips and nipping them immediately. You opened your mouth, tentatively, which he took advantage of and invaded your mouth with his smooth tongue.
You gasped, his tongue working wonders as you were able to taste yourself, and you lifted a hand to place on his hip as an attempt to get him to not stop.
He pulled away, though, and stared down at you with narrowed eyes. “I thought it was obvious I wanted you to keep your hands to yourself, but apparently you didn’t pick up on that.”
You opened your mouth to complain, but he wasn’t having any of it. He grabbed his belt, which made your mouth go dry. “Gimme your hands, love.”
You stutter, tongue feeling as if it was swollen while your hands remain still. “Lucifer, you won’t-“
“C’mon baby,” he interrupted, gaze turning slightly cold which sent shivers down your spine. “Hands.”
Your eyes widen and you shakily hold up your hands, embarrassed at the feeling of your pussy already dripping onto the bedsheets.
“Don’t worry, angel. I’ll still treat you right. I’d never hurt you,” he reassured, slightly alarmed at your shaking, but he gave you a look that you knew was him telling you you could stop whenever.
There was the man that you saw at the bar. Bless his heart, he’s too kind.
“I’m…” you trail off, thighs nearly twitching when he pushes your hands against the bed frame. “I’m just fine.”
He wrapped the belt around your wrists and the headboard of the bed, finally fastening it which caused your thighs to press together.
“Goddamnit will you PLEASE get on with it,” you felt your voice betray you, causing Lucifer to pause as soon as the belt was fastened. 
He pulled away, going back to hovering above you with a smug grin. “Darlin’… you like the belt?”
“I didn’t fucking say that, did I?”
“Oh, touchy… you’re a brat, aren’t ya?” he laughed at you, situating himself so that he could reach back, pushing past your thighs and pressing against your clit in between your folds, before reaching down further and pressing one finger into your hole. 
Your eyes closed, body relieved at the attention as you slumped against the mattress and gently tugging against the belt around your wrists. 
“You do like it.”
“Perhaps,” you muttered, looking down at him. 
“Oh, no need to be shy… it’s alright, you can tell me anything,” he teased, slowly pulling his finger out of you, then slowly thrusting back in. 
You gasped, now realizing just how powerless you were at the fact that your wrists were completely restrained, looking at his face as he pressed barely-there kisses along your sternum.
He teased the pad of his second finger around your entrance, then slowly pushed it inside to join the finger that was already there. He was stretching you out.
“Lucifer… please go faster, I’m fine, y’know. Don’t need to worry about me.”
He looked down at you and smiled, pressing a quick and soft kiss to your lips before pulling back slightly to look at you as he rubbed against your walls with his fingers. “Ya sure?”
“I’m sure.”
He chuckled, pulling his fingers out of you before trailing them up to his face and licking his tongue along the two fingers slowly, savouring the taste. “You’re just perfect, love.”
You shrank under the praise, heart skipping a beat in your chest at his actions. He pulled away though, tugging down his pants. You watched, with hardly any shame at all, as he throws them to the floor, and he climbs closer to you again, leaning over you as he uses one hand to press himself against your entrance. He looks up at you with his hair slightly in his eyes and an excited grin stretched across his lips.
“You ready, angel?”
You smile, surprised that he checked in with you so suddenly, but it made your heart swell. “Yes… of course,” you nod. 
He gave you a soft smile which made your chest tighten, and he pushed himself into you slowly. Your breath got stuck somewhere in your throat, and once he noticed that your breathing stopped, he stopped too. “Breathe, sweetheart… breathe.”
You gasped for breath, probably louder than you realized, and your wrists slacked then tightened against the belt. “Keep going,” you whispered, words barely falling out of your lips.
“Okay, just… tell me when you need me to stop, alright? I don’t wanna hurt ya,” he soothed, leaning up and pressing careful kisses against your cheek as he pushed in further.
Tears welled in your eyes at the stretch, your back arching and your jaw nearly going slack. Lucifer tightened his grip on your hips, keeping you still.
But then he kept going, and your eyes squeezed shut at the lack of control. But you weren’t panicking. 
There was something about the smell of dust in his unkempt hair against your face, and the way his body slotted against yours, that just made you trust him completely. Which was… jarring, to say the least, since you just met him.
You grew used to the intrusion, even if it did just keep growing and growing. But then his hips slotted against yours, and you were finally able to breathe again. 
“Wasn’t so bad now, was it?”
“Easy for you to say…” you panted, smiling at him when he pulled back to look at you. 
“Mmm… not THAT easy. You have no idea how much it’s taking for me to not fuck you into this bed right now.”
It was then that you noticed that his arms were shaking, and you smiled a little to yourself. He felt this way just for you?
“You can go, baby… just go slow, please,” you instructed, holding back a laugh at the way his face lit up.
“God bless ya, darlin’,” he laughed breathily as an attempt to tease you, gently pulling out, which made your wrists unintentionally tug aggressively against the headboard. 
But once he slowly pushed back in, your vision went white and you let out an unfiltered, drawn-out whine. You didn’t want to say it out loud, but holy shit… he was huge.
“You’re so pretty like this, love. Look at you…”
You open your eyes a bit, peeking at him only for them to roll back when he pulls out and pushes back in again, this time a little faster.
“Sound so good, angel. And you feel so good, too. Easily best part of coming to town.”
You let out a breath, or at least tried to, since your lungs were absolutely fluttering at the feeling and his words.
“Lucifer, you can go… faster,” you muttered, looking at him with watering eyes and a wobbly smile.
He cursed under his breath, examining your face for a moment before pulling out again. The friction against you made you cry out, weak and soft, only for him to push back into you.
But this time he didn’t stop in between thrusts, he just kept going, which made your hips twitch.
He groaned, turning his head so that his lips pressed against your ear. His breath hit your skin, causing you to shiver against his hold.  He liked the reactions you were having, though, which made him double down and push your limits even more.
“I felt that, baby… You’re reacting like that just for me?”
Your eyes squeezed shut, nodding as an answer. He pulled back a bit to look at you, giving you a smug grin before lifting your hips slightly and deepening his angle.
“Oh- oh…! Lu-!”
“I bet you’d like me to come back every now and again, just for me to fuck you like this over and over. Ain’t that right?”
“Yeah-! Right, Lucifer!” your voice hiccuped with the way your body moved against the bed with each of his thrusts, eyes half-lidded.
“Lucifer, wait,” you gasped, jaw clenching. 
He stopped in his tracks, not moving as he looked down at you. “Did I do something wrong?”
“What? No, of course not. I feel so good… just… please undo the belt. Please.”
He immediately nodded and reached over you to the headboard, quick to listen. As soon as the belt was unfastened he threw it off the bed and massaged along your wrists, trying to soothe the slight burn. 
Instead of letting him continue you grabbed his hands, pushing him away before sitting up, pulling him back so he was laying down. You straddled his hips, placing your against his chest to keep him there.
“What are you…?”
“You pick up on things easy, just wait.”
You reach back, lining him up with yourself before lowering down onto him. He let out a breath, instantly gripping onto your hips.
“Baby, sweetheart, I can’t keep this up that long if ya-“
“I know, that’s the point,” you smile down at him, raising yourself and lowering again.
He let out a noise. You’d never heard anything like it, it was soft and high pitched, but you’d do anything to hear it again. 
You looked down at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly open as you rose and fell again, then again, until you started consistently bouncing.
“Fuck, angel, you’re so goddamn tight.”
“Just for you, baby.”
Something in him shakes and he slams you down on his cock, forcing a near scream out of your throat. 
“Just for me?”
“Yes- yes, just for you!” you exclaimed in surprise, doubling down and speeding up your pace.
He tilted his head back in response, becoming lost to the feeling which just made you shudder all over.
“You’re so pretty, love… so gorgeous, I could watch you do this for hours,” he praised, tracing along your hips before tightening his grip again. 
Your face flushed and your body shuddered at the praise, the friction from your bounces starting to get to you. Lucifer noticed and trailed one of his hands down from your hip and immediately circled his thumb around your clit. 
“Ah! Lucifer, I’m close, are-“
“Right there with ya, angel,” he smiled at you, albeit a little wobbly since he was barely containing his own whimpers.
You clenched around him, bouncing stuttering only for Lucifer to help you out with the hand that was still on your hip.
“You’re such a good girl- so good you make me want to stay,” you heard his weak voice whisper in between his whines, causing your eyes to widen as you looked down at him.
You gasp, your back arching and your stomach fluttering as you climax. Your eyes just barely caught Lucifer’s expression while he finished himself, his eyelids nearly falling and his breath hitching before letting out a strained whimper while he finishes inside you.
You cried out at the feeling of him spilling into you in the middle of your peak, doubling over as your moans stutter and hiccup while you finally get over your peak.
“You did so good, love…”
He slowly sat up, breath still erratic as he gently and carefully pulled out of you which caused you to whimper from your own sensitivity. 
“That’s it… just breathe, you did so well, darlin’.”
He laid you back down, grabbing a quilt that was folded on the bottom of the bed and placing it over you so you’d stay warm. You smile at the soft fabric against your skin and watched his hand cup your cheek before tucking a strand of hair behind your face. He delicately took your hair out of its braid, massaging your scalp once your hair was down and splayed out along your shoulders. 
He moved to lay down behind you under the quilt, slotting his body against you from behind and hugging around your waist. “Can I stay the night?”
You decide to not let the reality that he has to leave hit you yet. With how his arms felt around you, with this new feeling in general, is presence just felt… right. Might as well pretend that the feeling doesn’t have to leave for a little bit longer.
“Of course you can.”
A/N: Thank you so much for reading <3 sorry that it took me so long to write, I literally hate school with a passion :)
Taglist: @heavenlyraindrops
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ang3l-fac33 · 5 months
I’ve noticed you did a platonic Lucifer fic! I don’t get much luck finding others who do so, so might i request a platonic one too?
With human reader (male or gn, whichever) who moved into an apartment (plot twist: It used to belong to a satanist cult) and they accidentally trigger a summoning and Lucifer appears, and is just as confused about how he arrived.
But Reader (like many of us can agree) has just about had it with the world and at this point are unfazed with the bullshit in their life so they’re like whatever about it and even welcome Lucifer to just chill and hang out. Cue Reader being like, “Want some microwaved pizza rolls?” Or “Ever played Mario kart?” Which just makes Lucifer even MORE CONFUSED, cause he has no idea what any of that stuff is.
So the entire time they’re hanging out it’s just good wholesome moments, and for reader it might be nothing, but for Lucifer, it’s what he needed…a friend…a friend to get him through bad times…
Please make Lucifer the goofy guy that he is in the series! I need that precious short king to have a buddy!
my best friend is the devil! lucifer x reader
warnings: not proofread, rushed at the end.
genre: fluff, platonic
you groaned as you flopped down on your couch, your body sticky with sweat. it was a particularly hot day out today, and the mixture of the heat and the struggle to carry all those heavy boxes into your new house made you feel like you were dying. you would have bribed the moving truck into helping you move in your boxes, but today you were just done with the world and people in general, and the last thing you wanted was some stranger waltzing into your brand new house.
…’brand new’ might not be the best word to describe your new apartment. apparently this place had been owned by people who ran a cult. you had to admit that the place was a little worn down and creepy but you were sure there was nothing to worry about. the people are gone now and probably took their satanic shit with them.
you closed your eyes and leaned your head back against the headrest, really deserving it after having carried a shit tone of heavy boxes into your house. all you wanted to do right now was relax, but it seemed your stomach had other ideas. your tummy rumbled, signaling your need for food, and you groaned. you didn’t even realize how hungry you were until your stomach notified it for you.
you sighed and opening your eyes to stare at the ceiling, just now remembering that you were very sweaty and uncomfortable. maybe it was time to have a nice long bath, then get yourself something to eat. pizza rolls maybe? that sounded good as fuck right about now. you deserved some damn pizza rolls.
so with that you peeled yourself off of your couch and began rummaging through the dozens of boxes that were scattered all across the room, looking for where you put the box you stored your clothes in. you were a very unorganized person and sometimes you curse yourself for it. once you picked out a pair of comfortable clothes, you headed towards the bathroom for your nice, relaxing shower.
thirty minutes later you came out of the bathroom feeling much more relaxed and content than before, the feel of the warm water calming you down. now for the thing you were most excited for. pizza rolls. you made a bee line towards the kitchen, opening up the freezer that you remembered putting the pizza rolls in earlier. you had taken a quick break from carrying in boxes to head to the store earlier in the day, knowing that you would be hungry by the time the day ended. way to go for being prepared!
you took the delicious food from the freezer and put them on a plate, popping them in the stove a few seconds later. these little shits couldn’t heat up any faster? you we’re starving! with an impatient groan, you backed away and decided to wonder while you waited for your pizza rolls to cook. you hadn’t really gotten to explore your new place yet due to moving boxes all day, so you took your chance.
the house was pretty nice, no sign of cultists living here previously. maybe it was just a rumor to scare people? even if it was true you really didn’t care. if they’re gone there gone! you really didn’t react too much to anything anymore, too tired and done with the world to do so. satanic cults wasnt the weirdest thing you had experienced in your life.
as you were walking you noticed a book on one of the tables in the dining room. you raised a brow, not remembering leaving any books laying about. but being the curious person you are, you headed over towards the table and picked it up. it was dusty and looked a bit old, worn down a little.
you couldn’t make word of the books cover due to the dust, so you blew on it, making the dust fly into your face. you coughed and fanned the air around you with your hand, making a noise of irritation. after you managed to clear all the dust from your face, you looked back down at the book, only for your eyebrows to rase in surprise. this was a satanic book! more specifically, a book to summon all sorts of things! so much for taking all their shit with them. so it wasn’t a rumor after all. huh.
with growing curiosity, you opened the book and flipped to a random page. the page was stained with red which was concerning, but you chose to move past that. the words on the page were in a different language that you didn’t know. “what the?.. what language even is this?” you mumbled to yourself, squinting to see if you could get a better look. you then began to try and read the words out loud, not knowing what you had just caused.
“fuck this.” you had said after a few more seconds of trying to read the language out loud, slamming the book closed. your pizza rolls should be done soon anyway. you placed the book back down on the table and stretched, making a soft groaning noise of satisfaction. but just as you were about to head to the kitchen, a cold gust of air swept over you, seeming to make the whole room freezing in an instant.
"the hell?.." you muttered, wrapping your arms around yourself in an attempt to warm yourself up. but before you could dwell on the sudden coldness the ground started to shake violently. "shit!" you cursed, scrambling to grab hold of something so you didn't fall. what the fuck was happening? was it an earthquake?
the ground in front of you suddenly split open, and you watched in surprise as flames erupted from the ground, instantly swarming the apartment with heat. huh.. it's a good thing you lived on the first floor. you backed up and squinted, the bright lights of the flaming fire messing with your vision. something suddenly came flying out of the fire, barreling right into you and knocking you both to the ground. a few seconds later the fire had burnt out, leaving the apartment the way it was moments before. it was as if nothing ever happened.
when you came back to your senses the first thing you noticed was something heavy laying on top of you. you opened your eyes only to be faced with a man sprawled out on top of you, seeming just as dazed as you were. well this was interesting. the stranger rubbed his head and groaned, his eyes slowly opening to meet yours. there was a brief pause where the two of you just stared at each other in shock, neither of you moving or speaking.
the man soon seemed to realize the position the two of you were in, and he quickly scrambled off you while stuttering out an apology. you sat up and stared at the man, more curious than anything. he continued to ramble while you studied him. pale skin, red cheeks, sharp teeth… did you actually manage to summon something from the depths of hell? it would explain all the fire and shit..
“..what the fuck are you? are you a demon or what?” you blurted out, stopping the strange man mid apology. he looked slightly offended, scoffing as he adjusted his hat. “i’m the king of hell actually.” he corrected as if you were supposed to know that. he then glanced around, seeming to remember that he was in an unknown place. his offended look quickly shifted to one of confusion and nervousness.
“…where am i? this isn’t the hotel..” he paused to look around frantically. “this isn’t even hell! ohhh boy…” he seemed a bit panicked now, clutching at the cane he had appeared with. this guy wasn’t all that scary or intimidating for being the king of hell. you couldn’t help but to be amused. you sat up, cocking your head to the side. “why are you so short?” you asked bluntly, not seeming to care if you upset him at all.
the so called ‘king of hell’ paused, his cheeks flushing in what seemed to be embarrassment and a bit of anger. he began to stutter, trying his best to seem intimidating. “wh— do you know who i am?! i can have you killed with just the snap of my fingers! you can’t just call the king of hell short!” he pouted, making him seem more like a whiny child more than anything. you snorted in amusement.
“sure.. whatever you say. anyway.. welcome to earth! i accidentally summoned you with this book.” you picked up the summoning book, letting the demon have a good look at it. “it belonged to some creepy cultists that lived here before me. speaking of, i’m pretty sure that i managed to summon you before they even could! guess i’m just that good.” lucifer’s eyes went wide once more, and he snatched the book from your hand.
lucifer forgot that he could even be summoned in all honesty. it’s been a while since someone had successfully done so, but even then the last person who did manage to summon him was some teenager messing around with summonings, believing that it was all fake. the kid ended up running away and screaming, and lucifer just ended up leaving after that. he was a little confused on why you didn’t seem to react the same. you didn’t seem phased in the slightest!
suddenly there was a ding, and you both turned your heads to where it came from. it was from the kitchen, but more specifically the oven. “fuck yeah my pizza rolls are ready!” you quickly hopped to your feet, your stomach growling in anticipation. then you paused, remembering that the literal king of hell was in your apartment.
you turned to look at him. “…do you want some pizza rolls?” you asked after a few seconds of silence, not really sure what to say next.
“…what in the ever living hell are pizza rolls?”
you watched in surprise as lucifer began to down most of the pizza rolls on the plate. when he asked you what pizza rolls are you immediately sat him down on your couch and made him try them. no living (or dead) person should go on with their life without trying pizza rolls at least once. but you didn’t expect him to like it… that much. having the devil at your place was surprisingly calm. you managed to have a nice conversation with him as you took the pizza rolls out, even exchanging each other’s names.
“these things are so much better than most foods back down in hell!” he said, his mouth stuffed with a bunch of pizza rolls. “golly.. humans have it nice up here! beats being down there in hell.” you cringed at that, internally disagreeing with that. the world was a pretty fucked up place but pizza rolls made up for that. kind of.
“so.. do you guys have mario kart in hell or?..” lucifer paused, looking up at you with raised brows. “what’s mario kart?” lucifer’s response made you sigh in disappointment. “no pizza rolls AND no mario kart? hopefully i don’t end up stuck in hell when i die.” you muttered, grabbing the remote to turn on the tv to hook your console to.
“damn it!” you shouted in frustration, throwing your controller on the ground. “how the fuck do you keep winning?! this is your first time ever playing this game!”
lucifer gave a slow frog blink, a little confused. if he was being honest he was just pressing random buttons and moving the joystick a bunch. he didn’t understand how he won either, but he was proud! he gave a sharp toothed grin, looking smug despite being just as confused as you. “i guess that i’m just better.”
you glared at him before huffing, plopping a pizza roll into your mouth. “whatever..” you mumbled, pouting. despite your irritation it was clear that you were having just as much fun as lucifer was, laughing and cheering every time the two of you were in the middle of a match. it was surprisingly… fun. who knew having the devil at your place could be so much fun?
the two of you played and talked for hours, and lucifer ended up eating all your pizza rolls. it was a bit disappointing since you barely got to have any but he seemed happy so you weren’t going to complain. but of course all good things must come to an end, and lucifer had to leave. something about visiting his daughter at some hotel? you didn’t know hell had hotels or that the devil himself had a daughter, but it wasn’t the weirdest thing you’ve heard today.
it ended with lucifer leaving through some scary looking portal, promising he would stop by at some point so that the two of you could do this again. he even left you his phone number! you weren’t sure if you could even text him since he was in hell, but oh well.
you flopped down on your couch again with a content sigh. you had befriended the king of hell and had no regrets. thank you to that cultist’s book of summoning spells! you managed to make a new friend, even if he wasn’t exactly human. you were content, happy.. it was a good idea to move here.
(a/n: i actually had so much fun writing this! i might actually make this a series if it gets popular enough. thank you for requesting this and i’m sorry it got a bit rushed at the end, there’s some personal issues going on irl rn but i was determined to finish it ;w; so sorry for the wait.)
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dragonmasterkaylz · 6 months
Don’t Piss Off An Imp From Wrath
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WARNING: This is a bit suggestive towards the end… and does contain Lilith being a bit of a bitch.
Lucifer’s POV
“I-I don’t know Charlie! If I do this, she’ll technically be your new Mom!”
Charlie smiled as she pushed the ring box into my hands and said, “Don’t worry! You love her, right?! I want you to be happy, Dad~! That’s all I want! And… she makes you happy! So, propose to her~!”
She was right! All I want is to be happy with the Imp I’m in love with! But… I’m just so fucking nervous!
“A-Alright then…! I can do this!”
Your POV
Lucifer took me to Ozzie’s and I was so happy to be with him~. He was a total gentleman and he helped me into my seat before ordering us some expensive champagne. “Are we celebrating something~?” “Oh! Yes! Of course! Ozzie, are you ready?” Then I looked at the stage and then purple smoke blasted the area.
“Lucifer! What the fuck are you doing?!”
My eyes widened when I saw Lilith and I looked over at Asmodeus, who looked nervous. “I-I’m sorry…”, he mouthed to me. Lucifer stood up and I whimpered as I knew what was going to happen. “Lilith, where have you been all these time?”, he asked. “I missed you so much, my love. But, I need a little break, that’s all…”.
“A little break, huh?! It’s been seven fucking years!!! I don’t love you anymore!!!”
I looked up and Lucifer looked back at me. “I found a woman I’m in love with and who helped me through the rough times~”. He held out his hand and I smiled at him before walking up, taking his hand. “An Imp?! Are you out of your mind?!” “You left me and Charlie, Lilith! She was there for us when you weren’t! And, I want to marry her…”, he declared, making me blush.
My tail started shaking and I looked around us.
“I didn’t want to have to do this, but you are coming with me!!! And she’s dying here!!! Understand me?!!!”
I saw an army of Sinners and Hellborn Creatures look at me, which made me growl. Lilith held Lucifer with blessed rope and I growled at her. “Oh… FUCK NO!!!”
I grabbed the knife from under my dress and started to tear up anyone who came anywhere near me. On one of them, I tore out their spine and strangled one other with it before continuing my massacre. No one was taking Lucifer from me! Not even Lilith!!! I would kill her if I had to!!! I saw red, and I couldn’t stop! No, I wasn’t going to stop!!! “What the fuck?! Catch her!!!”
I took one of their guns and shot many of them when one of them threw an axe at me. I dodged it and then jumped up before catching it, slicing one of my many enemies with it. They all might have been bigger than me, but they weren’t as bloodthirsty or angry as me!!! And I was at my wits end with this bullshit!!! I looked around me and the rest just ran away in fear of me~!!!
“Good!!! Fuck off, pussies!!!”
I walked up to Lilith and punched on more guy on my way before whipping my tail behind me with rage. “I suggest ya gimme back what’s mine, ya bitch!” Then she rolled her eyes and I picked Lucifer up, throwing him over my shoulder. For one final word, I looked at her and shouted, “By the way… THIS ASS IS MINE!!!”
Lucifer’s POV
When we got home, she dropped me and used a very strange blade to cut the blessed rope. “How on Earth did this work on ya, honey?” I looked down and said, “I’m Demon Royalty now, sweetie”. She gently placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me before stroking my hair. “I’ll be in the shower if ya need me, sweetie”.
I looked down at my hands and I just couldn’t help it. I was weak at that moment. I actually considered it. I actually considered going back to Lilith! That’s when I looked at the wedding ring. Rage filled me as I took it off and set in on fire. No!!! I would never go back!!! I was in love with her… once! But the woman who does love me now, risked her life to save mine! I love her!!!
After I took my clothes off, I got in the shower and I picked her up. “I love you! And only you!” She looked surprised for a second, but she smiled at me. “I love you too, Luci~!” Then I kissed her and I think the heat of the shower got to us both, because I didn’t feel like being a gentleman at that moment. I kissed her neck and bit into her before saying, “I’m gonna love you all night long, Duckie~”. “Oh~! Fuck yes!!!”, she shouted.
Your POV
Hours later, we were both in bed and I giggled when I turned around. My cheeks were heating up. “What~? Still feeling excited~?”, Lucifer whispered into my ear. I looked at him and saw him, still in his Demon Form. He fucked me looking like that, and I loved it. “Yes, of course~. But my body is exhausted from both… the… massacre at Ozzie’s and hours of passionate sex~…!”, I purred before getting on top of him, as my tail then wrapped around his. He smirked. “You’re beautiful~”.
Then he turned back to normal and grabbed his coat before handing me a small box. I sat up and opened it before looking at him. “Will you marry me, Duckie? And… please… say yes—!” I jumped on him and then kissed him again before saying, “Obviously, honey~!” I purred at him and he shivered under me. “It’s hard not to get on top of you again…”. I giggled and said, “Then just do it and don’t stop until dawn~”. “But… I thought you were tired”, he said. “Do I look tired~?!” He flipped me over and we continued our sexy night.
“Put it on, Duckie~”.
I put on the ring, which had a red diamond apple in the middle and he said, “As long as you wear that… you can’t die, gorgeous. You’re mine forever~”.
“Oh Luci~! You’re so fucking romantic~!”
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itgirl-cad · 7 months
I kept seeing tiktoks about an AU where the characters are actors and what their blooper reel would look like… so I made a lil fic from the idea :) lmk if I should make this a mini series cuz I have so many ideas!!
Valentino was sitting on his couch, waiting for the scene to start. It had been 5 takes deep into the first few lines of his scene and he had to continuously restart. As soon as they had the greenlight, they started the scene. He sat up with rage.
“Fuckin’ finally!” He smashes the sugar glass cup he was holding right on the floor. He finally managed to hit it on the spike they put on the floor. “Kitty, another drink!” One camera followed the extra Valentino was interacting with, the other stayed focused on his close up.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did?” He held out his hand without moving his head to look. The extra placed it in his hand but Val got a bit too into character and moved too quickly. The drink hit his hand and was tossed onto the ground below. “Hijo de perra!” Val swore as he picked the prop up and sighed.
Vox chuckled from the other side of the room “This scene is never gonna end.”
Take 6.
“Can you believe what that piece of shit did? The ungrateful whore!” He yelled and fake threw the glass. Vox had to laugh. He was trying to stifle it but it ended up bursting out of him. “I’m sorry but you look so stupid.”
Val rolled his eyes, “You try fake throwing something.”
It was take one of Lucifer and Alastor having their first scene together. They have had the most success with their lack of mistakes. Charlie was watching them, almost in awe when she heard her cue line and made her way towards her father as he turned to speak to her in an unimpressed tone.
“Who is this? Are you the bellhop?” He gestured his cane over to the taller man.
Alastor let out the most perfect fake and sarcastic laugh ever. He really did amazing with sarcastic roles. “No! I am the host of this hotel! You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast.” He leans on his cane, slightly bending down to his level, just even to make a point.
“Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
“Ha ha ha…” His last ha dragged out for a bit then the radio effect was gone from his voice, “What the fuck’s my line?” He asked and started to chuckle.
Charlie let out a laugh as the crew told him his line.
“I do apologize, your performance was rather captivating.” Alastor adjusted his tie and his ears moved a bit. He was getting a bit frustrated working with Lucifer. Usually he makes no mistakes.
They ran the scene again.
Hmm. nope! I guess that’s why Charlie called it the HAZBIN hotel hahaha-”
His laughing got cut off by Alastors fake bullshit retort “Ha ha ha. It was actually my idea.” nHe looked at his nails like a sassy ‘mean girls’ like character.
Lucifer’s eyes got more bloodshot as his laugh got more insane and his dialogue speed up “Haha well it’s not very clever-”
Ha HA…” Alastor got down to lucifer’s level and up in his business “Fuck you”
Charlie got in between the two of them “Anyways.. Dad, look at this lovely parlor!” She dragged him away to carry on the scene.
Alastor appeared behind them as Charlie spoke his name. He never missed a cue. He made his way over to her, minding the spot on the floor that is spiked with red tape, for him. “Charlie has a very unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre requests.” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh, thank you, Alastor.” She smiles sweetly and places her hand on his. Lucifer was fuming. Alastor looked back over to his face and his shit eating grin got bigger.
“Quite an impressive young lady,” He placed a hand on her chin. Charlie decided to be a prankster and gave him a kissy face and puckered her lips. Alastor, not expecting such an action, drops his hand from her chin and the radio static picks up. Charlie roared out with laughter, Lucifer following suit.
“Al! Your fucking face!” She had tears in her eyes.
“You traumatized him!” Lucifer was having too much fun with this.
Alastor just looks right into the camera with a traumatized smile and pained eyes. The director yelled cut and Alastor’s smile immediately drops. He frowns and his radio effect is gone from his voice.
“Awh no he's frowning!” Charlie felt kinda bad, but it was a funny prank.
“It was worth it.” Lucifer gave her a high-five.
In the recording studio, Vox was recording his lines for “stayed gone” alongside Alastor. They both had their scripts in front of them and stood in front of microphones.
Vox started his lines “Top of the hour, and we're discussing a certain has-been Who has been spotted cavorting around town After a seven-year absence. Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? More on tonight's program So, the Radio Demon is- holy fuck I talk a lot..” He exclaimed, running out of breath.
Alastor chuckled, “I have been telling you that.”
“Oh literally go fuck yourself” He rolled his eyes and started from ‘top of the hour’ once again
They tried different callouts between the lines to see what would fit best. Most of it was improv because Vox couldn’t remember the actual script. He was too engaged with yelling at alastor and looking at the cocky son of a bitch in the booth beside him.
“Yes, I know it's been a while Since someone with style treated Hell to a broadcast Sinners, rejoice!”
“What a stupid voice!” Vox yelled. Vox just did a string of those, looping Alastor’s track so he did have to repetitively sing the same cue line. “Such an irritating voice!” “What a lousy voice!” He could’ve gone all day long if the sound director let him. All those shower conversations had prepared him.
“Instead of a clout-chasing mediocre video podcast” Alastor sang and let Vox have multiple retorts
“Come on.. No, that one is so boring. Lemme try again” Vox sighs and thinks of better retorts, “Oh piss off!” “Excuse me?” “up yours!”
“Is Vox insecure, pursuing allure? Flitting between this fad and that, is nothing working?”
“Ignore his chirping!”
To be honest, Vox could have written a disstrack.
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ramblingoak · 1 year
what about forbidden kisses with a soft Secondo…maybe with the “I really wanna kiss you” prompt 🥴
Yes! I love soft Secondo. I hope this hits the spot Anon 💙
Sap I secondo x gn!reader
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~ You and Secondo are participating in a ritual where you aren't allowed to see each other and each day is getting harder ~
(nsfw, 18+ only mdni, 1,500 words)
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
It had been nine days since you had last touched Secondo.
Nine days since you’d spoken to him, since you’d even seen him. There were still five days left of this and you weren’t sure if you were going to make it. Of all the stupid rituals you’d been involved in since you’d joined the church this was the worst. Two weeks of not having any sort of contact with your lover was torture, especially when you lived and worked in the same damn building.
‘The magic is stronger with the time apart’ was the explanation you’d been given. A ritual to bless the church, to bless Lucifer and his followers. The built up emotions of two separated lovers finally joining together again. A fortnight of solitude where neither person was allowed to even bring themselves pleasure.
It was all bullshit.
You trekked down the hall towards your temporary room. A sullen and dark thing tucked at the end of some random hallway. As it came into view you saw the familiar form of one of Copia’s ghouls as they lazily lounged against the wall next to the door. Imperator didn’t trust any of Secondo’s to keep you apart, which was smart of her. You knew they were suffering in their own way, dealing with an increasingly irate Papa as the ritual prep dragged on. The ghoul, Swiss you believed, offered you a quick nod as you slipped by and grasped the doorknob.
“You drew the short straw, huh?” When the ghoul remained quiet you tilted your head at them. “Is everything ok? Swiss?”
At first he didn’t answer, only glancing quickly back down the hall before leaning close.
“Just be quiet, ok?”
“What? Quiet? What do you mean?”
“Well one, we don’t want anyone to hear you guys and give it away.” Swiss leaned back against the wall, holding two fingers up before he continued. “Two, I don’t want to hear you guys. At all. For the love of Satan, please be quiet.”
Before you could respond the door to your temporary room opened and Secondo’s irritated face appeared.
“Would you rather stand out here and talk to this idiota or come in here and kiss me?”
You ignored Swiss’s indignant ‘hey!’ and rushed up to your Papa.
“I really want to kiss you, of course I do.”
“Bene. Get in here now.”
You let out a historical sounding laugh as Secondo grabbed your hand and pulled you into the dark room. He exchanged a few words with Swiss before the door was shut and you were both alone.
“Secondo, what if someone needs you?”
“I told everyone I had a migraine and to leave me the fuck alone unless they wanted to die.”
When he took a few steps towards you, you couldn’t help but take a few back.
“What if someone comes looking for me?”
“Swiss is supposed to give me a signal.”
“Which is what?”
Secondo growled when you moved away again, looming over you when the back of your legs hit the bed and you sat down.
“I don’t know, he’ll scream or something. I thought you wanted to kiss me?”
“Oh I do, but I also don’t want to get in trouble.” He didn’t seem impressed by your answer, crossing his arms in front of his chest and glancing around the room. “Are you pouting?”
“Of course not.”
“It looks like you’re pouting to me.”
“I don’t…pout.”
You jumped up from the bed and stood close enough to feel the heat radiating from him. He wasn’t wearing the mitre, but his robes glittered in the light coming in through the drapes. There were spots where his paint had faded away, something you normally helped him with. Your heart ached knowing he didn’t have anyone else to do little things like that for him with you gone. He stayed still when you reached up and ran a finger along his bottom lip.
“Nope, that’s definitely a pout.”
“Oh for the love of…will you shut up?”
“Make me.”
Both of you stared at each other for a moment before he reached out to grasp your elbows and yank you towards him. His mouth was demanding, but soft. Secondo knew what you liked, he knew what you could take and no amount of time away would change that. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, something you normally did multiple times a day and you didn’t realize how much you had missed it.
Secondo’s hands roamed over your back before he settled both of them on your ass. He squeezed and kneaded your flesh, somehow pressing you even closer to him. His hard dick pushed against you and you couldn’t help but moan into his mouth. He pulled away a bit and let out a dirty chuckle.
“Did you miss your Papa?”
“Hmm, just a little.”
He rolled his eyes before leaning in to kiss you again. The taste of his face paint slid against your tongue as you slipped it inside of his mouth. He eagerly moved his own against yours, teasing flicks that made you whimper in the back of your throat. When he nipped at your tongue you gasped, much louder than you intended and you both froze.
There was hardly an inch between you as you stared wildly into each others eyes. You let yours wander a bit and you couldn’t help but smile at the state of his paint. It was especially bad around his mouth, for obvious reasons, but there were smudges from your hands as well. He sighed and leaned forward to press a kiss onto the tip of your nose.
“You don’t look any better, my darling.”
“I don’t feel like myself unless I have some of your paint on me.”
His features softened and he leaned close again, this time pressing a brief kiss to your lips.
Before you could grumble a response, a loud shrieking sound erupted from the hallway. You quickly backed away from Secondo when the door opened and the light flicked on. Copia was standing in the doorway in his glittering robes, looking back and forth between you. You couldn’t read the look on his face, but when you glanced up at Secondo he was wearing one of defiance. It probably would have been more effective if his paint wasn’t all over the place.
“Well? Do you two have anything to say for yourselves?”
“Did Swiss fall asleep?”
“Ah no, he was on his phone. Didn’t notice me sneaking up on him.”
You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle your giggle when you saw Swiss’s head pop into the doorway. One look at Secondo and he quickly disappeared, his footsteps echoing loudly as he escaped down the hallway. Oh well, time to try to salvage this. With the most sincere face you could muster you stepped up to stand beside Secondo, lowering your eyes to the floor before you spoke.
“I’m sorry, Papa.”
Copia’s snort made you look up and you relaxed a bit at Copia’s easy smile.
“No, you’re not.” When you opened your mouth to respond he waved a hand at you and his brother. “It’s fine. We’ll just pretend this never happened, eh?”
“What?” Secondo’s surprised question echoed how you felt. “What about the ritual?”
“I doubt there is ever any passion lacking between you two. I’m sure Lucifer will be pleased no matter how long the uh, anticipation has been building.” Copia stepped forward and reached for your hand, pressing a quick kiss to the back before dropping it and then giving Secondo an awkward pat on the shoulder. “Besides if you ‘make it’ the whole time Terzo owes me a case of wine!”
He winked at you and then turned around and headed back towards the door. You glanced up at Secondo, but his face was impossible to read. When you looked back towards Copia he was smiling at you again.
“Just try to be quiet, eh? Make sure my brother is cleaned up and on his way early ok?”
You gave Copia a thumb’s up, watching as he turned and left, closing the door behind him. When Secondo remained still you sighed and moved to stand in front of him.
“Are you ok, Papa?”
“What? Yes, fine. I’m fine.”
He certainly didn’t sound convincing but you let it slide. You reached out and rested your hand on his stomach, slowly sliding it up his chest until you felt his heart beating under your hand.
“Are you sure?” He gave you a nod and brought a hand up to cover yours. The leather of his gloves felt good against your skin and you smiled when he pulled your hand up to kiss your palm. “So…what do you want to do now?”
He looked at you thoughtfully for a moment, his eyes tracing your features before he kissed your palm again.
“I really want to kiss you.”
You smiled, pulling your hand from his to poke the tip of his nose.
Secondo let out a laugh, quickly nodding before tugging you close. His lips quickly found yours again and you lost yourself in his kisses. It wasn’t long before you both were naked and stretched out on the bed, familiarizing yourselves with each other’s bodies once more. You didn’t sleep much that night, wanting to use all the time together you had before you would have to separate again.
Neither one of you were very quiet.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
my masterlist
my ao3
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strawb3rrystar · 1 month
Oh my god, don't tell me I forgot to send it in :(
Or if I did it twice, ignore this....buttt...here me out
Striker x Popstar! Fallen Angel! Reader
(I'm using they since any pronouns work, I hc angels as born/created as hermaphrodites and able to shapeshift at will anyway :3)
So like...reader...is a fallen angel that exploits their status and power instead of hiding it like Vaggie (They were greedy and thought heaven was boring, they ran to Hell) And like they get super famous and Striker gets a hit put on them by a rival and he fails (obvi lol) but instead of killing him they offer him a job as their bodyguard.
Basically two assholes who deserve each others (eventually hatefucking mayhaps)
*ahem* gracias thank u very much
Southern protection.
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Pairing: Striker x GN! Popstar! Fallen Angel! Reader
Summary: You turn a cowboy assassin into your bodyguard, and maybe something more.
Warnings: Reader grows tits, but most anatomy isn't described, unprotected sex, hatefucking, he shoves his fingers down your throat, using saliva as lube, not proofread because I'm too tired
Word count: 1.5k
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Striker squints his eyes at the bright flashing lights in the concert hall. He was never one for parties, they were always too loud and crowded for his taste. But, this was just a part of the job this time. He was hired to kill you, the most famous popstar in all of Hell. Some theorize that you only got your fame because you were in cahoots with Lucifer. But, your talent simply came naturally and unwavering. Well, a lot of other Sinners and Hellborn who were trying to make it in the pop scene, weren't very pleased by this. Which is why one of your rivals, who asked to stay anonymous so their fans don't find out, hired Striker.
Now, he is scouting out of sight of the audience. As Striker would put it, he had to get out the expensive bullets for you. Of course there wasn't a guarantee that the bullets would kill you. Sure, he knew they would kill any demon royalty he wanted to, but you were an angel. The circumstances were different. But Striker was willing to take the gamble for the sake of getting paid. So he lines up his shot, which would be a perfect head shot if you didn't turn at the exact same time. The bullet going clear through your wing.
Everyone in the audience started to freak out at the sound of the gunshot. While your backup dancers surrounded you, asking you a slew of questions that went in one ear and out the other. But you were focused on one thing, and one thing alone. A man that so skillfully was making his grand escape after trying to assassinate you. The security, who didn't get paid enough to deal with this bullshit, went after him. And you decided on a whim that you were going to too.
You outstretch your wings, pushing the dancers away from you, immediately following after the trail of security without much thought. The pursuit leads you outside the concert hall through the back door. There the security had the mysterious assassin cornered. Now, Striker was never one to flee with his tail between his legs, but he really felt like doing so with your gaze on him. Once the security notice you there, they try to escort you back inside. But you dismiss them, telling them to go back inside. Because certainly you can handle one little Imp on your own.
"You tried to assassinate me." You start, smoothing down the sheer outfit you wore onstage. The wound in your wing bled, gold liquid stained the creme feathers. It didn't hurt in the slightest, and would heal within the week. It was just going to be annoying to have everyone gawking at you, and constantly pestering you with senseless questions until this all blew over. Striker stands tall, trying to appear intimidating. But nothing could be more intimidating than coming face-to-face with an angel.
"I did." He simply replies, fixing the hat on his head as it had nearly blown away from how fast he was running. You raise an eyebrow, narrowing your eyes a little. "Who hired you?" Striker started to feel nervous, but he played it off with a lighthearted chuckle. "They asked to remain anonymous. Besides, I'm already goin' to get into heaps of shit for not killin' ya. Don't need to add more by givin' away their name." He explains, and he made a fair point too. You couldn't imagine anyone who would want you dead being thrilled that you're still alive.
"Hm, well.. what if I hire you as my personal bodyguard?" Striker was left speechless at your statement. Why would you want to hire someone who just tried to kill you? "And why would I agree to that?" He asks, his eyebrow twitching with curiosity. "I doubt you get paid well if you're so awful at killing people." Striker scoffs, his jaw clenching with distaste. "Depends on the target, sugar. A prissy pop star like you goes for thousands." You hum in response, slowly nodding your head. "I'll pay you double, or triple. Whatever you prefer."
Striker clicks his tongue, shaking his head a little "And why would you trust me?" You laugh, as if it was the most absurd question you ever heard. "Well, if you kill me, at least I know it'll be because of your handsome face. Plus, you have good aim." Striker blinks a few times, stunned by your comment before replying. "I was aiming for your skull. If anything, I have the opposite." You step closer to him and he steps back "That's my point. You can stun then kill." He sighs, shaking his head "I wouldn't make a good bodyguard." You roll your eyes and turn your back to him. "Well I'm not taking no for an answer."
And, with some mild persuasion, he agreed to be your bodyguard. Striker actually turned out to be a good one too, with impeccable aim when he wasn't distracted by your beauty. But there was this.. tension between you two. An unspoken attraction on both ends that everyone around seemed to notice but you. But alas, you couldn't sleep with an employee, and Striker couldn't fuck his employer. Or could he?
Well, that's how you got yourself into this situation. Striker's tongue down your throat after coming home from some fancy Overlord's party. He was being so careful of your wings as well, not wanting to disrupt them. But you simply land onto your bed, right on your wings, pulling him with you. You continue to makeout until he pulls your shirt off. He smirks a little at how flat your chest is, making a snide comment. "Is the reason why you're so bitchy because your tits never came in?" You scoff in response, used to his rude comments and remarks, but decided to make him look stupid. With a snap of your fingers, your chest morphs to be more full and busty. Striker gawks in shock, his eyes wide.
"I'm bitchy because I want to be." You huff as he squeezes your new-formed breasts, pinching your nipples. "Fucking.. dick." A hiss leaves your lips as he kisses your neck. Striker pulls away, looking down at you "Oh, I'll show you dick, sweetheart." You knew exactly what he meant by that. His hands move down to undo his belt as you pull the hat from his head tossing it aside. You take a good look at his cock once he gets his clothes off, your mouth watering at the size. He grins as you stroke his ego, the look on your face was one that was going to be permanently burned in his brain.
Striker makes quick work of your bottoms, his hands grasping at your thighs. He pulls them apart, slotting himself in between. "So how does your body work anyways?" He questions, looking into your eyes. "Well, angels can shapeshift and change how their body looks at any time. So, technically, I have both-" Your explanation was cut off by Striker shoving two fingers into your mouth. "Cool. I don't actually care though. Jus' needed you to open your mouth." He grins cockily, his sharp gold tooth poking out. You couldn't protest, so you slide your tongue over his digits, getting them wet. When he was satisfied, he pulls them out, bringing his drool covered fingers to his cock.
After he lubes up his dick with your saliva, he lines it up with your entrance. "You ready, sugar?" His voice was buttery smooth, it made your brain feel fuzzy. When you nod your head he starts thrusting himself in. Now, you weren't a virgin by any means, but it was still a stretch. Once he bottomed out, his hands find your hips, grabbing onto them. His thrusts are slow at first, but quickly start to pick up the pace. You can't help but moan, your walls squeezing around him.
You closed your eyes for half a second before opening them again when Striker shoves your fingers back in your mouth. You groan, getting the feeling to bite on his fingers until you rip the flesh off the bone. But your thoughts were quickly cut off when he finds that special spot inside you, the one that had you seeing stars. Striker takes notice of this and chuckles "Oh, look what I found," he coos.
Striker continues to pound into you, his thrusts getting more desperate and feral. A clear sign that he was getting close. Your eyes roll back as he shoves his fingers a little down your throat. You had to admit, this was some of the best sex you had in your life. Of course you wouldn't say that out loud to spare yourself from the embarrassment. Plus, you'd just be feeding the cowboy's ego even more. Right now, you were on the edge of an orgasm, and Striker could tell. He pulls his fingers out of your mouth again, wanting to hear you moan. "Go on, come for me, baby."
Just that simple order had your eyes rolling back. Your walls fluttering and clenching around his length. Striker fucks you through your high, them pulls out, jerking off his cock until he cums of your stomach. He flops down beside you, the both of you completely out of breath from the intense fucking that just ensued. After a few long silent minutes, Striker turns to look at you.
"So, what does this make us?"
"How the fuck should I know?" Was your response.
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Star's notes -> I swear this was not on anon when it was first in my inbox. Hmmm 🤔
(Thank you, sweet anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @sweetadonisbutbetter @little-miss-chaoss @sunr1s3-strab3rr1 @naathanuwu
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kittenfangirl20 · 6 months
*Lucifer arrives to Heaven’s embassy and he sees Sera who is there for the meeting*
Sera: How is Adam’s progress, since the snake Sir Pentious can redeem himself, I am sure Adam can do this very easily.
Lucifer: Adam’s rehabilitation is going amazingly well, I am sure that he will be an angel again soon. Though honestly I am surprised you care about his progress.
*Lucifer did hope that Adam would find redemption, but he hoped that would still keep him as his boyfriend and lover after that, but he wasn’t going to say that to high and mighty Sera*
Sera: Excuse me.
Lucifer: Adam told me about how you made him feel ashamed about his body and how you would scold him because you thought he was misbehaving.
Sera: I do that because I care about Adam, I didn’t want gluttony to overtake him and he must set an example for the other citizens of Heaven because he is the first man. I expect him to maintain a level of dignity.
*Lucifer slams the palms of his hands on the table*
Lucifer: That is bullshit!!!!!!!! Adam hasn’t gained that much weight and most of his body is still muscle, yet you are sitting here acting like he is some fat slob. Also who cares if he can be boisterous and excitable sometimes, I happen to find that quite charming. Besides, you have no right to act so high and mighty when you are fucking my twin brother and have a child with him that you won’t acknowledge in public.
Sera: As if you have a right to act like you truly care about Adam when I was there when you stole his first wife and took her from Eden.
*Lucifer’s eyes widened when she forced images of Adam in Eden after he took Lilith with him into his mind, he had to see the other angels fail to cheer him up, Adam crying himself to sleep while he was calling out for Lucifer, and Adam only being able to smile when Eve was created and joined him in the garden, he now understood why Adam desperately grabbed the Forbidden Fruit from the hands of a distraught Eve and took a rather large bite out of it after Eve cried realizing what she did, he didn’t want to lose someone else*
Lucifer: Fuck you!!!!!!
*Lucifer ran out of the embassy and once he was outside, he sprouted his wings and launched himself into the sky, once he was high enough that no one could see him, he let the tears he was holding back fall as he wrapped his arms around himself*
Lucifer: Oh Adam, I am so sorry.
(In my vignettes Emily is the secret child of Sera and Michael)
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cakerybakery · 3 months
Adam had been napping. It was a good couch nap. But now he was ready to get up and Lucifer was still asleep so he had to keep laying there.
Lucifer had basically wrapped himself around Adam’s pregnant belly as they napped. He let the fucker tap that one time and got knocked up. It was bullshit. Hell was bullshit.
Now he couldn’t do anything without Lucifer fussing over him. Which had been cool in the beginning. Making Lucifer fetch him things, do things for him, getting almost everything he wanted. Somethings were apparently too dangerous, that sucked. He missed being able to have as much coffee as he wanted.
But Lucifer stuck to him like glue. Adam got it, Lilith had a bunch of miscarriages before and after little miss sunshine came along. But he wasn’t Lilith. All of humanity came from his nuts, he was made for this shit. Probably why it happened. Fucking bullshit hell.
Now Adam couldn’t do anything without Lucifer trying to do it for him or insisting it was too dangerous. It was a flight of stairs, he could walk down the stairs!
“Overprotective jackass.” Adam ruffled Lucifer’s hair. It was soft. He ran his fingers through it, he forgot how soft it was. Like touching the down of a baby bird. Last time he touched Lucifer’s hair was… that night.
In his sleep, Lucifer moan and leaned into the touch.
Adam almost pulled away, but Lucifer looked cute with that little smile.
One of the babies kicked and Adam cursed as it woke up its sibling. He was reminded of how well, “be fruitful and multiply” worked. One plus one shouldn’t equal four, but here they were.
Lucifer partly woke up and rubbed Adam’s belly. The twins settled down. They seemed to already adore their father and Adam wanted to be annoyed. He wasn’t but he wanted to be.
Settling back down himself, Lucifer nuzzled Adam’s belly and was nearly gone again. Adam just had to ask him one thing first.
“Did you want to, you know, ‘move this to the bed’? So to speak.”
That got Lucifer up. “You mean? But you said never again even before we knew.”
“Yeah, well. A man can change his mind. And if you take too long it might change again.”
Adam felt the rush of suddenly being picked up. Normally it annoyed him. He sunk a hand into the downy soft hair. Normally being picked up when he could walk annoyed him. Just this once it was fine not to be annoyed.
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beetlebug-bii · 1 year
Hello! Can we get the next part in feral child MC please? It's very cute and now I'm excited it's okay if you can't I don't want to make you uncomfortable. I hope you have a wonderful day or night or whatever wherever you are! 😁
Feral Child Mc (unfortunately) Goes To School
A/N: of course! I hope you enjoy, I haven't slept in like two days and its two in the morning so xdtfyg I hope you enjoy starling! also I love your username so much hehehe
Content Warnings: Swearing, mentions of weed, biting, feral behavior written by a dumbass, silly goofy eepy times
REQUESTS ARE OPEN, FEEL FREE TO ASK TO YOUR HEARTS CONTENT -- p.s. previous Feral MC story at the end!
Do not ask me
You managed
In one week, one measly week
no okay I know how that last one happened and it was Lucifers breaking point
Let's just say
You and Satan have a very...
Let's say complex relationship
Some days you're so ready to beat the shit out of one another it's a shocker that nobody has died yet
Other days the brothers live in fear
They can hear the two of you scrumbling in the walls desperately, gnawing at the wooden beams and gnashing your teeth at the thought of causing the entire building to crumble, leaving the two of you to sit upon your throne of rubble and bone...
Yeah the brothers DO N O T
Appreciate Big Brother Satan bonding time
Now you would never have thought to hotbox Lucifers room on your own, honestly Satan was pretty surprised you came to him with the idea and even knew what it was and like yeah he was absolutely gonna help you with that shit because it's so fucking funny but still-
Jokes on him
You didnt come up with it
No in fact it was the man in the walls
Which you have explained to the brothers and now all of them live in fear of some fucking guy just living in their walls
Well all except Lucifer for some reason but I digress
One night whilst scrumbling you came across the attic and low and behold there was just some fucking guy in there
And at first you were like
Hello? Whys there a twink in the attic?
Anyways he didnt take too kindly to you saying that bullshit outloud and the two of you argued over whether or not he was a twink for a solid two hours before he just kind of went
Damn are you fucking high on someth-
Wait a minute
Yo kid I just had the best idea
Anyways you didnt quite get it but you were guaranteed that it would be hilarious
And it was
For all of two hours
And then it wasnt
Because Lucifer came down from his high
And got filled with stress again
Like honestly the man probably needs it you did him a favor /j
Then you were no longer allowed "free roam without a babysitter"
"No mammon doesnt count"
"No satan doesnt count either"
"You know what, none of you count"
And then you were put on A BABY LEASH
On the bright side...
At least you're actually a kid
So it's nowhere as embarrassing as it is for Levi to be hooked to the baby leash and dragged to RAD
You arrived and you were so polite
Such an angel to be around
Is what I would say if I were a fucking liar
You got there and were on all cours growling at the other students
You ran into Luke and he TREMBLED
of course you do
you little monster
You spent the entire first hour of class absolutely gnawing on Lucifer's ankle and you could tell he was really holding back from kicking you
And then you had a brilliant idea!!
and thus your chomp chomp mission began, you began tearing at that leash, and eventually your efforts paid off
You were free!!!
And so you ran
You ran like your heart depended on it
Get away from him you tiny psychopath
You came running at him down the hallway and what was he even supposed to do???
of course, you tried climbing up to befriend him
he didn't like that
He called Simeon sobbing in a panic while smacking you away with a broom handle
then you stole the broom handle...
Hahaha aw
what a sweet little thing you are
you're just a baby human!
awwwe come here sweet ange- AHHHH
He is flailing his hand trying to get you to release your pirannah jaws
This does fucking nothing you are LATCHED ON
had to use his foot
He put his foot on your forehead and just had to kick you off before climbing up with Luke in fear
You were scampering around like a fucking shark
The angels were holding each other, reading off their wills
Barbatos and Diavolo
of course they had to walk down the hallway
right when you started climbing the lockers
causing the angels to scream at the top of their lungs
he couldn't keep it together
DUMBASSES /affectionate
Barbatos doesn't quite know how to break it to him that...children your age are far past teething age
Nonetheless, Barbatos dealt with Diavolo as a child, how much worse could you be?
No one
Not a single soul
Will ever bring up this day
if they want to live
He doesn't even know where you got shoelaces
dying frfr
crying on the floor
he filmed it all
no more than that
he's live streaming
Lucifer is trying to call him
Lmao blocked
He snatched you up and fucking ran
You are his little buddy now
You are taking cover deep in a place where Solomon knows Lucifer would never look for him...
Kid don't you dare comment that we're in the gym right now
you know how like
in jail you make toilet wine?
well he made toilet teleportation potion
Just in time the two of you crawled in the bowl and flushed, disappearing as the brothers broke in
they'll never find you now
time to watch every season of breaking bad
watch and learn kid
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garden-of-omegas · 1 year
┌── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
characters: lucifer | mammon | leviathan | satan | asmodeus | beelzebub | belphegor summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: some passing references to death, referenced shitty rich people rating: sfw a/n: no, i don't have any bias for mammon, preposterous of you to even think about such things. anyways, have this weird bullshit. warning, these alpha's are going to go down some weird routes later on. i have plans.
└── ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ••✎•• ──────────
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≿━━━━༺❀ lucifer ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were just a normal human at the time. well, at least you thought you were. you'd never even considered the idea of heaven and hell, you weren't raised like that. you were just growing out of all the health problems that'd been plaguing you since birth.
✿ you were a teenager, about sixteen years old. due to your poor constitution, you'd been homeschooled, and didn't meet a lot of people your age. lucifer, of course, couldn't even remember his exact age anymore.
✿ you were, for the first time in years pretty much, out and about buying anything you're dad saw you put your eyes on, and lucifer was in the human realm looking for a gift. you'd both happened to set your eyes on the same necklace, and after some banter lucifer allowed you to take it.
✿ while you were buying the necklace, lucifer recommended a few more pieces of jewelry that'd look good on you, and you took his advice. after that, well, the two of you wouldn't cross paths again until years and years later. [☘]
✿ lucifer thought you were cute, in the same way one thinks a kitten is cute. well, up until you almost snapped his head off for daring to come between you and a necklace. but that just led to him admiring your tenacity, especially for the things you wanted. lucifer was... alright. handsome, by any standards, but otherwise you didn't much pay attention to him beyond him having what you wanted. it wasn't until he gave you a compliment and helped you around did you begin to like him even a little bit.
≿━━━━༺❀ mammon ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a thief, truth to be told. you'd just ran away from home after the pressure there got too much, and living on the streets required some sacrifice to your moral compass. besides, you were good at it so who were you to complain.
✿ you were 22, recently homeless. not that you were complaining, better than living at home with your parents. mammon was, as with all demons, ageless.
✿ you stole from mammon. your first meeting was as simple as that, or would have been if he didn't notice (the first one to ever do so) and give chase, which eventually lead to him showing you his demon form in an attempt to get you to surrender. while frightened, you didn't and managed to almost get away. demons are unsurprisingly very fast.
✿ you were certain you were going to die after mammon finally caught you, but to your confusion after seeing your general state at the time, mammon muttered something about his eternal graciousness and disappeared. after that he would show up in front of you every once in a while, saying it was purely to make sure you didn't steal again and every time he'd manage to "somehow" leave behind something valuable of his.
✿ mammon wasn't entirely certain why he took such a protective stance on you, you weren't the first down on their luck person he'd ever met and it was generally unusual of him as an omega. regardless, he pretty much decided that you were his. mammon was mostly just... confusing to you. i mean, you clocked that he was a tsundere during your second meeting, but it certainly didn't explain any of his behaviour. but he was cute and good company, who were you to complain.
≿━━━━༺❀ leviathan ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were... to simply put it, lonely. you were stuck on the small island you'd been born on, with only your family for any company. and most of them were either too old or too young to be any actual fun for you. so, you were lonely.
✿ you were probably around seventeen? you weren't entirely certain, sometimes it was hard to keep track of the days and years. levi was, well, immortal and old.
✿ you summoned him, on large part by accident. you didn't think the book of spells you'd somehow managed to get your hands on (it was an open secret that your grandmother gave you all sorts of weird crap) would actually work. but a demon standing in your attic room proved you wrong.
✿ levi was pretty confused about being summoned for no reason, but when you asked him to stay for a while, just for company, he gladly obliged and then spent six hours giving you detailed summaries of all the latest anime he'd watched. you had no idea what an "anime" was.
✿ you were a total normie in levi's eyes. no, even worse than a normie, you didn't even know what anime was! though you also apparently only tangentially knew what a "tv" was (you pronounced it as "tee-and-vee") so he couldn't really fault you for that. otherwise you were pretty alright. levi was fun to you, if a bit weird, but most people were weird to you. you didn't understand half the things he said, but he was a good storyteller and once he stopped trying to destroy your eardrums any time you didn't know what something was he was even more fun.
≿━━━━༺❀ satan ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the adopted child of an extremely wealthy family, who'd just recently been informed of their adoptive status. quite the shock for most people. not to you, though, you didn't really care. besides that, you were summer vacationing with your family.
✿ you were about 20 at the time, it was a bit murky what with the adoption thing and the uh... circumstances around your adoption. satan, demon, immortal, we know the deal.
✿ you met because of your cat. you most beloved companion, dante. every sorcerer needs a familiar, don't they? and dante is more than likely a minor demon of some kind. especially based on how he escaped from the third story window of your summer home, booked it straight into town and to satan, with you having to sprint to catch up to him.
✿ satan was most certainly delighted by the sight of dante coming to greet him, a bit less delighted by an out-of-breath alpha almost running him over to catch the mischievous cat. but once everything was sorted out you had a wonderful time talking about... well, mostly cats.
✿ in satan's humble opinion, anybody who owns a cat is an s-tier person in his opinion. and dante is an excellent cat, so of course he thought of you as the best kind of person. his only complaint came from you falling asleep about half-way through the conversation. there was really no other word to describe satan other than breathtaking. frankly, his pretty eyes are what saved poor dante from the scolding of a life time, and you didn't even have any complaints, especially once you got his number. dante was very proud of that one.
≿━━━━༺❀ asmodeus ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were... well, if you asked your family, they'd say you were the family disappointment. once someone so brilliant, who grew up to be just a bit too weird. not that any of that bothered you all that much, you'd learned to embrace the role of the black sheep a long time ago.
✿ you were 21, had just recently moved away from home to another city, and when i say you were living your life to the fullest, i mean. and of course, asmo is and was never aging.
✿ you were out drinking, partying, just having the time of your life. and also looking for a possible hook up. you ended up at the bar next to asmo, and you shared some flirty banter, you ordered drinks for the both of you, everything was going well. up until some idiot decided to startle you and you punched them in the face.
✿ asmo found the whole thing extremely hilarious and offered for the two of you to go and find some other bar to go have fun in. you did, and though you did not end up hooking up, you had some wonderful conversations about fashion, make-up, and weird creepy crawlies. asmo was surprisingly delighted hearing about your tarantula collection.
✿ oh where was to asmodeus start? you were just perfect, so confident, so calm and collected, with a sensitive delicious soul. everything he could ask for in an alpha really. and despite your flirtations, you seemed more genuinely interested in him as a person. you of course did find asmo genuinely interesting as a person. sure, he was cute and all that, but it was his witty banter and interesting conversation that drew you to him. you felt... needed and wanted when you were around him, more than you'd ever been.
≿━━━━༺❀ beelzebub ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a menace at the time. not like, unlawful menace (for the most part) but you were... let's call it experimenting with life. trying to figure out who you were after years of not having the time for it. and mostly that manifested in driving cross continent with your bike.
✿ you were about 24, having started your travelling just a few months prior after a fall out with your family. and of course, beel, a demon, has no quantifiable age.
✿ you didn't so much meet as much as you crashed into him with your bike, and despite him having to visible signs of damage for some reason, you insisted to frantically apologizing and making sure he was okay. he eventually ended up just asking you to take him to a nearby diner if you really wanted to make it okay.
✿ you spent approximately two hours staring at beel just absolutely devouring food. you think you zoned out at some point. but after that horrifying experience, you ended up giving beel a ride to wherever the fuck he was going, and he decided that you weren't too bad company. [☘]
✿ beel's first impression of you was understandably kind of chaotic. i mean, it's not everyday that someone manages to literally crash into him. and it wasn't until the diner that he decided that you were a good person, after you yelled at a guy harassing a server. you were far too focused on making sure beel was okay to really think about any first impressions (you crashed into him for god's sake, and he didn't have a scratch!). but beyond the empty vacuum of a stomach he had, he seemed pretty nice.
≿━━━━༺❀ belphegor ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were the heir to an old and rich family, the only survivor of your numerous siblings, and also incredibly incredibly lonely. though if we're being very specific, at the time of you meeting belphie, you were sleeping.
✿ you were seventeen at the time, still under the clutches of your family though it wouldn't be more than a few months that you would be a fully fledged adult. belphie was far older than he cared to remember.
✿ as previously mentioned, you were dreaming. very specifically, you were dreaming about a vast desert that reached far into the horizon, where no one else was to bother you. well, no one was supposed to be there, until a very annoying demon decided to crash your one person dream party. literally.
✿ after crashing into you (literally), belphie decided to stay in your dream for a while, confused by the choice of venue. you were initially bit bothered, but as he just kept showing up in your dreams you stopped caring.
✿ belphie thought you were a bit weird. who dreams about empty deserts? but beyond your weird aesthetics, you were fun, a lot more fun than almost anyone in his life. and way more fun than he thought a human could be. originally, belphie was a bother to you. i mean, who crashes someone else's dream? belphie, apparently, though he claimed that he didn't usually. but beyond that one incident (and the next one, and the-), you became rather fond of him the more he kept showing up.
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