#hazbin hotel lucifer x imp reader
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Hello again, nonny!
Oh god, I'm so sorry how long this request took me to make.
I really wanted to make your request since you seem really sweet, but I struggled so much! I changed formats and ideas for your request at least 20 times and I'm so burnt out both creatively and in my personal life.
I'm not fully satisfied with my work, I feel like this piece could've been a bit better. But anyways I really hope you'll find the final results acceptable, and I'm again sorry for the way too long wait.
🍎🎶//Not such an awful colour after all...//🎶🍎
(Lilith and Lucifer x gender-neutral!imp!reader)
Type: Fanfic
Settings: Romantic
Genre: Fluff, though a bit of hurt/comfort feel,
!TRIGGER WARNING!: Reader is hinted to be lonely and maybe a little depressed, hints of Reader having been mistreated in the past, occasional swear words used, idk if it's a trigger but Lucifer is a little awkward at interacting with gender-neutral reader at first (but he's supportive!), mentions of typical Hazbin Hotel stuff like hell, violence, etc., I believe the interaction between Lucifer and Lilith will give you second-hand embarrassment (but I imagine them being this lovey-dovey with each other, sorry), reader is also quite awkward and you'll probably also have second-hand embarrassment from this, and maybe a bit of not-sexual predator/prey feel in some parts is you squint (really not intended in a sexual way), and that should be all!
Sidenote: Reader is written as gender-neutral as per request. But if reader seems to be leaning towards more feminine sense, it's purely unintentional and I apologize!
Sidenote: Lucifer's portrayal is based off what we've seen in the show. As for Lilith, she's written as how the fandom's been portraying her before official release,
Sidenote: It's possible that reader might be a little neurodivergent coded. I just wrote what felt natural to me, and since I'm not a neurotypical, it might've affected Reader's portrayal,
That should be all,
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Ah, those skies of red. Those sweet skies of red, they're all you've ever known.
Just those skies of red. And streets painted in blood, their shade makes you feel at home.
Skies of red, bloodied streets. As well as endless labyrinths bathing in the shade of ruby.
This is what makes up your entire world as a whole.
What makes up every twist, and every corner, even the littlest of crannies.
The colour of red - it seems to be an ever present companion.
A never leaving company, one that cannot be escaped no matter where you go.
Perhaps it is a punishment given to the sinners - to spend eternity in a sea of blood.
And only have a few distant memories of all the colours life holds.
A punishment to daily remind sinners of that one simple truth.
That just like the Pride ring is drained of colours, they themselves are drained of humanity.
At least, that's what's being passed on as the truth...
You yourself are not one of them, you're not a soul lost to sin and temptation.
And yet, you live the same exact way they do - in a single colour world.
Which is the only world you have ever known.
You may be an imp, sure.
You may have the upper hand over sinners, being able to travel outside Pride.
However, hell works just the same way the human world does.
At least in some ways.
Same as with humans, if you in hell don't have the means, the only travelling you can afford is taking out the trash.
And that's all. Nothing more, nothing less.
If we're bring honest here, you actually don't feel like you have the upper hand in this.
Especially considering the fact you're a lowly imp that can barely make a living.
If anything, you would say that sinners are the ones in the lead here.
Because they had experienced something you'd never have - a life outside of hell.
Before getting to hell, all sinners got to experience all the wonders of life.
Especially all those beautiful colours life could hold and come with - something you could only dream of.
You often wonder, though, just how it must feel to have everything you know taken away.
First having everything, and then ending up in a place that lacks most of what used to make up your whole world.
It's a pretty good punishment for sins if you think about it long and hard enough.
But you still don't think it's fair this punishment to see nothing but shades of red involves you too.
You never did anything wrong, and yet you live the same way sinners do.
And that's a fact you've still not accepted, and you probably never will.
The other imps in the Pride ring never seemed to be as bothered by this though.
They never really agreed with your desire of wanting more than just this.
Not even those that were the same as you - without the option to travel or move out of Pride.
Even your own parents always said that you were making this into too much of a big deal.
They didn't understand you, just like none of the other imps around you did.
That fact alone has always made you feel really singled out throughout your whole life.
You felt alone, and like no one really got you or your frustrations regarding living in a single colour world.
You felt like such an oddball - and the other imps didn't really help on that regard.
Most of them would point their fingers at you, and ridicule you.
You experienced that treatment especially when you were younger, still a naive little child.
Because back then you didn't know it was better to keep your mouth shut if your opinions didn't match what the rest thought.
You didn't know any better, but eventually, you've learned to keep such things to yourself.
You had to if you didn't want to continue being lonely and mistreated.
And so, you've pushed your distaste for the colour of red aside, never mentioning it ever again.
Or well, that's how it was until a really unusual and extraordinary day.
On one certain day, a beautiful, vividly turquoise rose was found in Pride.
And it was such an unusual sight that the petite little flower was taken and placed into a museum.
Yet, no one really seemed to care for that small little bloom.
No one really rushed to the museum building to see that little piece of miracle.
No one was excited about it.
No one except you.
It sure felt lonely all over again to be the only one there.
The only one standing in front of the flower secured behind the protective glass.
The only one eagerly wanting to take in every little detail of the flower with true and genuine enthusiasm.
But at the moment you finally got to live your childhood dreams, it didn't really matter.
It was not your loss, it was your gain.
And so, you stood there, gazing fondly at the petite bloom.
And as you did so, you eventually found yourself talking to the flower gently.
"Aren't you just the prettiest little thing all of hell's ever seen?".
You melted over the little miracle as if it could hear.
You spoke to it, letting those turquoise petals know just how much you admired them.
And you could've cared less about whether or not you looked silly.
This was a dream come true - and you've made sure that the little thing knew.
"You have no idea how much I've been wishing for something like you to happen here in hell...".
You found yourself confessing, telling the flower all you've kept inside for years and years.
All of what you've had to push aside and share with no one until this single moment.
And it felt amazing to finally let it all out after suppressing it all for so long.
Even if that small thing probably couldn't even hear or understand any of what you've shared.
Even if all you got in response was just and only deafening silence.
Silence that reminded you that you're the only one around.
The only one to have these certain thoughts regarding your hatred for the colour of red.
And your frustrations about your desires to see more of the colours life can hold.
You really were all alone on this one it seemed...
"Truly a sight to see, am I right?".
A voice broke you out of your thoughts.
And you then found yourself facing a stranger.
An ordinary height man - one with porcelain skin and golden locks for hair.
And two vividly yellow pools for eyes, with their centers of blood red.
Blood red - that one damn, awful shade that you held so much hatred for.
And yet, despite that, you had to admit that the man was quite the looker.
And he definitely knew how to dress - all fancy, and, dare you'd say, flawless.
Well, flawless if you ignored the presence of the colour red in his attire.
But nonetheless, he was truly something you could stare at for hours and not get bored.
And it was quite the surprise that such a man would approach someone like you.
A lowly imp - a creature beneath nearly all of hell kind.
"I wasn't talking about myself, you know?".
The man's voice brought you out of your thoughts for the second time today.
And as his teasing words settled in, you realize that you've been caught staring at him!
A blush immediately covered your face at that realization.
And you profoundly attempted to apologize, stumbling over your words as you did.
The stranger, however, didn't seem all too bothered, nor did he seem disgusted.
If anything, he looked amused, and the warm chuckle he gave reassured you about that assumption.
"Oh, it's nothing to get worked up over,".
The man silenced you gently, waving his hand dismissively.
"I am aware of the effect I have on women, men...".
He went on casually before pausing, and looking you up and down.
"As well as pretty little things such as yourself...".
He grinned at you seductively, but then you could almost see the gears turning in his head.
And as his eyes widened at what seemed to be a realization, his face shifted to a look of panic.
"Sorry- am I allowed to call you a thing? That's not offensive, is it?".
He questioned, making your embarrassment ease up.
He seemed as socially awkward as you at that certain moment.
And you couldn't help but smile as he sputtered some more.
"Fuck- sorry, would it be more acceptable to call you a pretty little person?".
The stranger asked, looking genuinely panicked about the situation.
But before you could reassure him, he went on a tangent.
"Wait- that's probably-".
He sputtered, stumbling over his words without catching a break.
It would be quite a comical sight to see - Him, a gorgeous demon - stressing over possibly having insulted a mere imp.
And to the point of nearly crumbling and begging for forgiveness too.
Truly a scene one doesn't get to see on the daily basis.
You might've even laughed at him if only you didn't feel quite bad for him.
He was obviously a decent person and meant well.
Which was not something you see in hell everyday either.
"Sorry! I've not romanced a gender nonconfirming individual before,".
The man chuckled awkwardly, nervously reaching out with his hand to fix his hat.
But then he almost seemed to choke back on his own chuckle before he, as if in a rush, added:
"-but I'm not actually trying to romance you! I'm just-".
He didn't get to finish his ramblings as you've decided to finally ease his nerves.
"It's all good, no worries,".
You gently cut the stranger off with a friendly chuckle.
And you even offered a soft smile to add to your reassurance.
You genuinely didn't want for this man to stress himself out - he seemed quite sweet.
"You did pretty well for your first time,".
You added in a light-hearted voice, feeling the need to relax the man further.
And to your words, the stranger responded with a surprised blink of his eyes, and his mouth going agape.
But that reaction was short lived as he soon grinned, looking pretty proud of himself.
"I did?".
Was the following verbal answer your reassurance received.
And being the good-natured person you were, you nodded in confirmation.
You didn't get annoyed with him, you actually enjoyed this interaction a lot.
It was like a breath of fresh air to finally talk to someone real.
And someone who was friendly and not a mean-spirited bitch at that!
"Wow, that's... That's a huge relief!".
The stranger chuckled again, but this time it was less awkward, and more warm and relaxed.
"It sure wouldn't do my reputation any good if I were to insult one of my subjects,".
He mused casually while tugging a little at his coat and fixing it to his liking.
"even if by complete accident,".
He added, but then his previous words sunk in, and you had to do a double take.
What did he mean by 'subjects'?
"Um... subjects?".
You voiced your thoughts and confusion, to which the man, still grinning, raised an eyebrow.
"Well, yeah?".
The stranger said with a voice tone that hinted it should be obvious, as if there was no place for confusion.
But you only stared at the man, clearly not getting the memo.
Yet, the man didn't seem offended, he actually seemed more amused than anything.
"Wait, you actually-?".
He broke put into a short, yet hearty laugh as he gripped onto his hat.
He laughed, but he didn't seem to be ridiculing you or have any ill will.
He just seemed to find the whole situation entertaining.
"My- oh, my!".
The stranger's laughter died down, only a few low chuckles leaving him as he uttered those words.
"Now that's something I don't see every day! You don't really do politics, do you?".
He asked you with a playful smirk, his sharp teeth peeking out from under his upper lip.
And you answered with a shake of your head, confirming the man's suspicions.
"Ah, that explains it,".
The stranger mused as he casually leaned onto his cane in the shape of an apple.
"Well, fortunately for you,".
The man began after a short pause, his eyes half-lidded and relaxed.
With a laid-back grin to complete the look.
"I'm not really one of those stuck-up royals who quite literally lose their shit over people not recognizing them,".
He gave a warm chuckle, along with a look of the same warmth as his laugh.
Like sweet honey stirred into a warm cup of tea.
Then, the stranger with the eyes of ruby put his free hand on his hip.
And he casually crossed his legs, all while still leaning against his cane.
He made his pose look so easy, and completely effortless. Like he had no weight the cane needed to support.
It was quite impressive.
And you wondered whether the man really weighed close to nothing.
Or if it was some sleight of hand kinda deal used to gain admiration from others.
Well, whichever case it were, the cane was perfectly still and straight.
As if the handsome demon wasn't even leaning on it.
"Yeah, that's not really my style,".
You heard the male say, drawing your attention back to him instead of the spear-like cane.
And you looked at the male just in time, because you got to see him casually checking his nails at the end of his statement.
Or well, you got to see him looking at where his nails would be as the stranger had black gloves on, giving no access to his nails.
But still, the gesture got the point across.
You understood the action was to deliver his words in a more smug and careless fashion.
Like he saw himself as above the rest of the popular demons.
And maybe as if he looked down on the others.
Not others as in low class.
Others as in the other royals, those who felt insulted if one didn't recognize them.
But that's beside the point.
What mattered more than how he said it, was the context of what he said.
Because the message that sunk in was clear - this man was a high class it seemed.
"Oh... so, you're a royal...?".
You found yourself saying in a way that made it seem like you were asking.
Like you weren't just repeating what was said to you, but like you wanted to hear a confirmation.
But despite that though, the voice tone you spike in wasn't really impressed nor intimidated.
Unlike what would've been expected of you upon such a find.
But your reaction was genuine, contrary to what one might think.
You truly weren't really impressed or intimidated by the revelation - you didn't find any reason to be.
One could call you naive, but you didn't feel the need to cower or be in awe.
Because this handsome demon didn't seem to want that sort of thing.
At least, that's what you assumed based on your interaction so far.
For the demon acted like a normal and ordinary demon, an equal to you even.
And not just that - he's been sweet and considerate the entire time too!
Not to mention you never got just why were royals such a big deal.
So, your disinterest in the man's status was your genuine reaction, it was no act.
"Sure am,"
The stranger nodded in agreement with your words, a low grin decorating his flawless face.
And you couldn't help but feel this laid-back aura coming off him, he seemed like he had little to no care in the world.
And he gazed at you with soft eyes that welcomed you in despite how much you despised their colour.
Oh, and the way he looked at you...
It made you feel like he wasn't bothered by your lack of reaction or lack of appeal for the fact he was a hight class.
It actually felt like he appreciated it. And his next words seemed like a confirmation of that.
"but, you don't have to worry your pretty little head about it,"
He waved his hand dismissively before addressing you with a:
"my dear little any-colour-but-red enthusiast.".
And the way he's addressed you made you pause.
And as your eyes widened, you had to do a double take.
You needed to let the title he's given you fully sink in.
And oh, when it did, your entire being filled shame and embarrassment.
Because if you got it right, then the man's heard your one-sided chat with the flower!
That one embarrassing heart to heart conversation no one was supposed to hear...
You muttered, feeling your face beginning to heat up.
"you... you heard me...?".
You asked, and you couldn't even say anything more.
You were so embarrassed!
If one could die from shame, you'd be found dead right on your spot at least twice.
And yet, a part of you still hoped the male wouldn't confirm your worries.
A part of you still believed the situation wasn't so bad.
But then all your hopes were shattered.
"Mhm, I sure did,"
The handsome stranger confirmed much to your dismay.
And you were internally screeching.
You were caught sharing your frustrations with a petite bloom.
Talk about awkward.
You were surprised the stranger didn't run from you.
Fuck, this embarrassing moment was gonna stay on your mind til you die.
Even on your death bed this moment would be in your head on repeat.
"Oh my fucking-".
You sputtered and buried your face into your hands.
And you couldn't stop the involuntary, annoyed groan at the situation.
"I... damn... I'm sorry you had to see that...".
You eventually managed to tell the stranger after getting the courage to face him again.
"I would swear to you thar I'm not as odd as I may look right now,"
You went on, despite not knowing why exactly.
You felt the need to explain yourself, make yourself look better.
But you couldn't really.
"but I, unfortunately, do shit like that pretty often,"
Followed your confession.
Being true was the key, right?
Maybe it'd help in your case? You didn't count on
And yet, the friendly demon surprised you.
"That's quite alright,"
You heard him chuckle.
And just like you previously reassured him, now he was to reassure you.
"if anything, I think you're quite endearing.".
He reassured you, voice warm and sweet, just like his eyes and the look he was giving you were.
And you did feel a bit calmer after his words for sure, although you still couldn't get over the fact this man's heard everything.
After all, what you told the flower wasn't something you'd tell just anyone. Let alone to someone you didn't know at all.
But then, the male spoke up again.
"And, between you and me...".
He started, looking into your eyes.
And then, he said those words you've always wanted to hear.
"I agree with you, hell could use more colour.".
There it was. Those words no one's ever told you. Those words you've always craved to hear.
Someone was agreeing with you and sharing your frustrations.
It felt like a dream.
You needed to pinch yourself, just to be sure this was real.
Your ears weren't deceiving you, were they?
"You... you really think so?".
You asked the stranger, your voice low, words cautious.
You didn't want to risk anything.
Your thoughts were racing, you were all tense, and you almost held back your breath as you waited for the man's response.
The male was quiet for a bit, prolonging your nervousness.
But it didn't seem like it was deliberately to make you suffer.
Since his expression softened - his grin was less wide, less smug.
And his eyes held something in them that was hard to read.
It seemed like recognition or compassion...
And maybe if one looked close enough, they would see a hint of sadness and longing.
As if, long time ago, the man's lost something he cherished dearly.
You've never seen anyone look like that.
And maybe this was why you felt the stranger's words were true.
That he was sick of living in a world made of shades of red just like you were.
"Yes, I do,".
He nodded, melancholia taking over the demon's features.
"Losing the opportunity to witness all the colours life can carry is something I mourn over from time to time...".
He confessed to you as he stood straight again, hus stance no longer relaxed, and he gazed longingly at the turquoise rose.
"You know, when I'm in a certain mood...".
He added with a bit lighter tone and a soft smile sent your way.
As if he was trying to make his words seem more light-hearted and not bring the mood down.
His words made a few questions arise in your head.
He confessed to have known a world filled with colours, which would hint at him being a sinner.
But then again, he said he was a royal, so he couldn't be a sinner.
It was confusing, and you had several questions, but you didn't have it in you to ask.
Instead you remained silent, gaze fixating on those turquoise petals.
Yet, you didn't leave the stranger without a reaction.
It may have been daring, maybe even improper, to do this to a royal, but you felt it was the right thing to do.
And so, you gently placed a consoling hand on the man's arm.
And when the male looked at you with a surprised look, you offered a soft smile and eyes full of compassion.
A look to let him know he wasn't alone in this.
And that gesture seemed to mean a lot to the demon as he offered a light smile back, his eyes seeming more lively after your act.
And you two exchanged a gaze of understanding one another, both of you feeling seen.
And then, the two of you gazed back at the turquoise rose, both of you admiring it in silence.
But this time neither of you were alone. This time you both had someone there with you. Someone to share this special moment with.
This was a moment that meant more than any personal possessions - this moment meant everything.
Yet, getting to have everything at one moment doesn't necessarily mean you'll get to keep that everything.
Such moments were a matter of a few minutes, not a lifetime.
And the reminder of this simple truth, came in a form of a voice.
A female voice that awoke a sense of familiarity in you.
Yet, you could not remember where you've heard that voice before.
And and picturing the owner has proven to be even more hard - it was out of the question.
"Ah, there you are!".
A female voice rang through the empty museum halls.
The sound it carried was smooth and feminine, with elegance.
And it evoked a cozy feeling, if that even makes sense.
There was also this slight raspy quality to it, yet the voice was sweet.
Pleasant to the ears.
You and the handsome stranger both turned around.
And the sight you were met with - oh how to even describe it?
You almost found yourself doubting that you were still standing in hell.
Because you could've sworn you were literally seeing an angel.
The woman that approached was like a divine painting.
Her figure was well-endowed, with long and thin legs.
And her face was sharp and flawless, looking as if made up by angels.
As if to add to her beauty - she had blonde long hair.
And that hair draped over her body all the way to the floor.
Like a veil made of gold.
She truly looked like a being straight out of heaven.
And you would dare to say that she rivaled all the depictions of Eve you've heard of.
Though there was one thing ruining the divine image of hers.
And those were her horns.
Wine red, long and curled horns decorating her head.
The blond male next to you perked up.
He eagerly waved the woman over, a wide smile on his face.
His sharp teeth exposed.
His entire person appeared to have completely livened up.
Contrary to how solemn he was with you just a few moments back.
"My one and only! Where have you been?".
He asked the woman.
Or well, Lili - as he's addressed her.
And he gazed at her with pure adoration, excitement written all over his face.
And the demon stepped forward with a fond look.
"I could've sworn you were by my side the whole time before- poof- and you were gone!".
The handsome demon went on.
His pace of speech was fast and energized.
And he was almost jumbling his words together in the process.
And with his gesticulation coming on strong, the male had a truly disorganized look to him.
He looked as if his thoughts and emotions were all over the place.
As if they were going millions of miles per second.
It was quite a wholesome sight to see.
The previously seemingly well-composed man turning into a little ball of energy?
Just because he laid his eyes on the much taller demoness?
That was a truly cute and wholesome moment, a heartwarming moment even, if you'd dare to say.
"But that's not what happened, Luci."
The demoness responded to the shorter demon.
Or well, Luci, if we're going by how he was addressed.
And the female chuckled warmly.
She didn't seem bothered by the male's antics.
Instead, they seemed to be something she adored and held dear.
And the look in her lilac eyes held nothing but devotion.
Matching the one in the red eyes of 'Luci'.
Then, at her response, the male demon looked confused.
"It's not?".
He questioned, to which 'Lili' shook her head, chuckling again.
And then came the following answer:
"No, not quite. It was actually you who wandered off.".
'Luci' seemed taken aback by the reply,.
And pointing to himself as he questioned further:
'Lili' then nodded softly.
The fond look never leaving her face.
"Are you- are you sure? I don't remember it happening like that...".
The blond male then mused, his brows furrowing.
And gripping his chin in thought, he puckered up his lips.
He seemed genuinely confused about the whole thing.
Which made him look quite silly.
Though you yourself, personally, found the look quite cute.
And 'Lili' probably shared your view on that matter.
Because she chuckled melodiously.
Which was a truly heavenly sound to your ears.
And as she did, she seemed to almost melt over the male.
"And how do you remember it, dear?".
She questioned, and her lilac eyes held a comforting feeling.
Like that one of summer evening.
When it's getting dark and everything is cooling down.
Getting to breathe and rest.
With a campfire nearby, a good chilly drink in hand.
And the sound of crickets in the background.
A warm, yet still cooling feeling.
"Well, first we were holding hands..."
'Luci' began to explain to his female companion.
And as if on cue, his strong gesticulation began anew.
And with that, he followed through with:
"Then we stopped by those Lust jewels - y'know, those Asmodeus used to wear before eventually donating them here,".
Then he paused for a moment.
He seemed to be trying to remember the rest of the details.
"Then, I noticed the signs about the new expositions...".
He added after a moment of silence.
A pause, and then eyes seemed to sparkle.
Almost as if he's made some sort of accomplishment.
He most likely managed to remember more details of what's happened.
At least, that's what you've guessed.
"Oh, yeah!".
The handsome male chirped eagerly.
And he almost jumped on his spot as he went ahead to fill in the rest of what's happened.
At least according to him:
"And then I go: Look, Lili! The sign here says the turquoise rose is on the upper floor! Come!".
He said, imitating, what you assumed, were his previous actions and words.
"And I rushed upstairs while leaving you by the Lust jewels.".
The demon finished casually as he smiled.
He seemed so proud of himself for remembering everything.
But then, his yellow eyes widened, everything apparently sinking in.
"Oohh, yeah... It really was me who wandered off,".
He muttered as an embarrassed and disappointed look took over his features.
"You were right, yeah...".
'Luci' admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly all while 'Lili' had a knowing look.
It was that smug 'I told you so' look, but without the ill-will in it.
Instead the look held a playful feel.
A playful feel like that of a simple lovey-dovey banter.
A lovey-dovey banter with no hard feelings.
"Oh, Lili- my love!".
The handsome male called dramatically.
And he took ahold of the taller demoness' hands, squeezing them.
"I have committed such shameful act! Can you ever forgive me, my queen?".
He asked in such a over exaggerated, over dramatic voice.
And he looked a few seconds away from dropping to his knees.
Possibly to loudly and unnecessarily plead for forgiveness.
But that wasn't all yet, because 'Luci' added to the scene.
'Luci' began planting soft kisses onto the female's hands.
Yeah, that wasn't really a scene you'd care to watch.
Talk about uncomfortable.
You just had to look away from the two.
And not only was the scene unpleasant to witness.
But you also didn't want to be seen as some kind of perverted freak.
Like, being caught watching this sort of scene?
Yeah, that wasn't on your bucket list.
And so, you directed your focus back on the turquoise rose.
You wanted to give the two the privacy they probably should have.
And surprisingly, it wasn't as hard to tune the two out.
If you focused on the little bloom hard enough, that is.
You were only brought back to the conversation when you heard yourself being mentioned.
"And who's your friend, Lulu?".
The blonde female asked as her gaze met yours.
Her lilac eyes flashed red for a moment and the shade made you really uncomfortable.
It made you want to shrink, if not straight up run away.
And it was hard to tell if you felt that way because of how much you hated the colour red.
Or if it was because the woman's gaze was suddenly so strict and intimidating.
She seemed to be sizing you up, analyzing, judging...
But before you could muster up the courage to introduce yourself, 'Luci' did it for you.
Or well, he attempted to do so.
"Oh! That! That's...".
He eagerly attempted to introduce you.
Motioning to you with his hand as he grinned wide.
But when the blond male realized he actually didn't know your name, he let his hand drop back to his side.
And he chuckled awkwardly.
"I actually have no idea!".
He chuckled awkwardly, making you feel somewhat more nervous.
The way 'Lili' studied you left you quite uneasy and all tense, you were a little panicked.
Because suddenly a thought came to your head.
What if the woman could see you as some sort of homewrecker?
As someone trying to get with the male she so obviously dated?
That thought caused a tight feeling in your chest.
You found it hard to breathe.
And 'Luci' wasn't making it much better, despite not having any ill intent.
At least you hope he didn't.
"I guess we just got a little lost in our conversation,".
The male said.
He sounded much more casual with this statement.
And he fixed his hat a little.
"Isn't that right, my any-colour-but-red enthusiast?".
'Luci' addressed you with a grin.
Pulling you into the conversation without giving you any time to prepare.
Yeah, he wasn't making this situation any easier to handle.
And not having expected to be involved in the chat, your mind went all blank.
You had not anticipated that.
You were not prepared for this scenario.
So, the only reaction you could come up with was an awkward smile.
An awkward smile and a quick nod sent towards the tall female.
You really hoped that if 'Lili' was reading between the lines, she'd see it really was just an innocent interaction.
An innocent interaction and nothing more.
"Ah, I see... how sweet".
'Lili' hummed.
Unbothered, unphased - that's how you'd describe her.
She seemed so well-composed and proper in every way.
Even all of her movements were just so elegant and correct.
If that makes sense.
Natural - that's another words you'd use for the female.
All her responses seemed just so natural and right.
Especially compared to you.
Yeah, nothing about her said 'socially awkward', unlike how it was in your case.
And, as if that wasn't enough - she was also truly hard to read.
You couldn't tell what she was thinking, she was unpredictable.
She could be planning on tearing you apart and you'd never be able to tell!
And that made the demoness so much more intimidating to you.
Especially considering you had a feeling that, unlike you, she could read you perfectly.
That, or she could be potentially misreading you - that would definitely make things worse.
"And I take it your little chat must've been quite entertaining if you've managed to hold my dear husband's attention for so long,"
The blonde's lilac gaze bore into yours once again.
Her long eyelashes gave her eyes a thin and sharp look.
They were like two black, massive folded fans.
You couldn't tell if they were natural lashes or false ones.
Anyways, her words were followed by a smirk - one that made you feel unsafe.
Predatory, dangerous - that was the air her smirk carried.
And you felt like you were about to fall prey to the demoness.
Like you were going to meet the same fate a little mouse meets at the claws of a cat.
Even the female's pupils seemed to be cat-like slits, as if to only add to that feeling.
And you were so sure that 'Lili' would've pounced on you.
If only 'Luci' didn't chime in.
"Hey! My attention span isn't so bad!".
The male demon called, hands on his hips as he looked quite offended.
Yet, he smiled playfully afterwards.
So, it was safe to assume that he wasn't truly as insulted as it may have seemed.
And another argument for that claim would be the man's next actions.
For his body took a much more relaxed stance, and he added:
"But yeah, yeah, it was a good chat,".
And he then simply fixed his hat a little as it previously nearly slipped off his head when he so intensely perked up at his wife's little jab at his person.
But shortly just after fixing his hat, the demon perked up again.
Almost sending his hat flying off his head once more.
'Luci' jumped up.
He seemed to have recalled the exact context of the chat he had with you a few moments ago.
And suddenly, he no longer looked relaxed or casual.
Instead, in an blink of an eye, his calm demeanor switched up for a much more energetic one.
He acted like a little ball of energy once again.
"you won't believe it, Lili- but this little imp actually shares our passion!".
The blond male said with a wide grin.
And he started gesticulating strongly again.
Almost as if he was practitioning pantomime.
He seemed just so eager to share this with his female companion.
And he spoke so fast and excitedly that he almost struggled to breathe.
But after a long and deep breath, 'Luci' managed to sputter out the rest:
"They also think hell could use more colours! Isn't that- isn't that awesome, Lili??".
And at the mention of your desire to see more colours in hell 'Lili's eyes seemed to spark with interest.
"Oh, you don't say.".
She mused.
Her thin fingers grazed her face for a second, her eyebrows raising up a little.
And her expression softened.
Then, another light smirk appeared on her face.
But imposing isn't a word you'd call that smirk she wore.
This certain smirk was different than the previous ones.
This one seemed much safer, and almost friendly.
And 'Lili' had something more lively about her as she said:
"Well then, it seems we'll get along just perfect,".
And with those words, the blonde demoness took a step towards you.
"May I ask for your name? I'm sure that'd be much preferable than being referred to as any-colour-but-red enthusiast.".
The female told you with a short, yet warm chuckle.
And a hand casually rested on her curvy side.
Most of the intimidating demeanor she previously had seemed gone.
She seemed to have eased up.
Which gave her a more approachable feel.
And thanks to that, you yourself felt much more at ease being in the woman's presence.
So, it wasn't as difficult to muster up the courage to speak as it was before.
"Oh- y-yeah... I'd much rather be called by my name, yeah, that'd be much better, totally,".
You chuckled awkwardly.
And nodding your head with a light smile, you rubbed at the back of your neck.
You were rambling a little too.
You still felt a bit of unease.
But that was to be expected.
Considering you've not had this much of genuine social interaction in years.
But, 'Lili' didn't seem to mind.
She just looked at you with almost a motherly, compassionate look.
And she waited for you to introduce yourself with patience.
"Oh- damn- I'm rambling again, sorry,".
You said nervously after a short pause when you were processing your own actions.
And you almost started rambling anew before you caught yourself going that direction.
And you stopped yourself.
You needed to compose yourself.
You didn't want to drive her away by your social incompetence.
"Ahem, anyways, yeah, my name... I'm (Y/N),".
You finally introduced yourself.
And proud of your accomplishment, your inner self did a little victory dance.
Then, remembering how social interactions work, you added in:
"It's really a pleasure to meet you.".
You nodded with a smile before perking up and quickly saying:
"Ah- erm- both of you,".
And you sent a timid smile towards 'Luci', wanting to acknowledge him as well.
You didn't want for him to feel left out.
Your gesture seemed to be appreciated as the blond male smiled right back.
But instead of 'Luci' speaking up, it was his wife to follow though with the conversation.
"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well.".
'Lili's voice pulled your gaze right back at her figure.
And your full focus was on her once again.
"Truly it is, (Y/N).".
The demoness added in, nodding her head as if to confirm her statement.
After that, another smile formed on her lips, and she had this slightly amused look to her.
"Now, normally I would suppose that there's no introduction needed on our part,".
She mused, a hand resting on her chest while she leaned over a little, towering over you.
Her tall frame casted a bit of a shadow over you, making you feel much smaller than you actually were.
And she got so close that you could smell her expensive perfume.
But that was the least thing you needed to focus on.
You needed to listen to her words - which you forced yourself to do.
"but judging by this entire interaction, I would say you have absolutely no idea who we are,".
You heard 'Lili' say as your focus was back on the context of her words.
And her entire person was once again imposing as she finished her sentence.
She was wearing a light, entertained grin - one that exposed her pearly white fangs.
And despite her grin being quite pronounced, it did not take off her elegance.
If anything, it only made her more heavenly gorgeous.
And showing those pointed teeth some more, she asked:
"Am I correct in that assumption?".
With that question, she raised an eyebrow.
Her expression wasn't confused as one might have assumed, though.
No, the demoness seemed to already know your answer.
And that knowing look she wore only further confirmed that claim.
Perhaps you were right when you assumed 'Lili' could easily read you.
That realization alone made your eyes widen, and you sputtered:
"Oh- y-yeah- that would be right.".
You nodded your head with an awkward smile, feeling both nervous and embarrassed.
And your nervousness was, of course, affecting you, as you rambled a little just like you previously did:
"Yeah, I have no idea who you two are... I don't do politics and famous people... buuuut, you're... probably someone... important...?".
At your guess, both 'Lili' and 'Luci' chuckled, and they exchanged a glance.
"Oh dear, you have no idea,".
The blonde demoness stated as another soft chuckle left her lips.
Then she covered her lips with her fingers for a few seconds, looking amused.
And the way 'Lili' and 'Luci' were gazing at you left you unable to do anything other than smile awkwardly.
Their gazes were hard to describe, but you felt preyed upon.
Just like you previously felt with the women at the start.
Except it felt a bit different in a way you couldn't quite describe.
Not to mention that this time 'Luci' was a part of it.
The male demon's even gotten closer to you just like his wife did a while ago.
"They're precious, aren't they, Lili?".
'Luci' suggested as he stepped forward.
His gaze was focused on you, and he was giving a sharp toothed grin.
A grin that called for you - begged you - to read between the lines.
But that could be just your imp nature speaking, right?
After all, imps were used to being the prey to other demons.
So it made sense for you to be alert around other demon species, right?
Well, even then, the answer 'Lili' gave to 'Luci's question didn't help you feel safer.
"Quite so, Luci,".
'Lili' mused as her gaze trailed over your whole person.
She was looking you up and down with predatory eyes - like a snake looking at a little mouse.
Her gaze was unnerving, and the female didn't seem to bother with doing that action subtly either.
As if she felt no shame in doing so.
Almost as if she wanted for you to be aware of what she was doing.
And as if that wasn't alarming enough, 'Lili's gaze then trailed off towards 'Luci'.
The two looked at each other, exchanging a certain gaze.
You couldn't tell what kind of gaze it was exactly, but it made you feel so much more preyed upon.
It appeared as if the two were wordlessly agreeing on something, plotting even.
And you didn't like that one bit.
But before you could even think to perhaps run off, the couple directed their attention back at you.
"Well, dear (Y/N)... It seems an introduction is in order,".
'Lili' then told you in a smooth voice as she once agai leaned over you in one elegant movement.
Meanwhile 'Luci' stood aside, watching the further interaction with an eager grin.
"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Lilith,".
The blonde demoness introduced herself, a hand on her chest.
Then, she motioned to the male beside her with her hand.
And the demon in question stepped forward, placing his hand into the female's palm.
"And this is my husband, Lucifer.".
Lilith introduced the male, making you pause.
You needed a moment to do a quick double take on that information.
But before you could even questioned anything, the mentioned male spoke:
"Lucifer Morningstar. It's a pleasure to officially meet you, (Y/N).".
And with those words, the world suddenly seemed to stop and freeze in time.
Your mouth and throat went completely dry, and your pulse seemed to halt.
The room seemed to begin to spin, your body breaking into cold sweat.
And all you could hear was loud and painful ringing in your ears.
This couldn't be real.
You attempted to speak, your eyes wide.
You wanted to say something - anything!
But your brain seemed to have crashed and gone blank.
You were unable to formulate a single simple sentence.
You were at loss for words.
And at loss for breath too it seemed.
Your throat was all closed up, and all you could give was a pathetic little gasp for air.
"Oh? Oh? What is it, dear?"
Lucifer looked entertained - and it was the same for Lilith.
The pair watched you do a bit of your mental gymnastics with amused gazes.
Both were grinning.
Seemingly finding some kind of joy in you finally realizing just who you were dealing with.
"Do those names... I don't know... maybe ring a bell?".
Lucifer asked you in a sweet and seemingly well-meaning, yet still condescending voice.
He sounded playful, as if this was just some kind of a game.
But when the demon got no response from you, he grinned wide and turned to his wife:
"Why, Lili, I have a feeling those names do ring a bell to them,".
And Lilith, seemingly equally as amused, nodded along:
"Yes, it certainly seems like it, Lulu,".
You had absolutely no idea as to what to do in this situation.
Your brain was way too overloaded to figure out a possible solution for this.
Thinking was out of the question, so was talking yourself out of this situation.
You were so fucked.
And so, acting on default, you dropped to your knees, hands in a praying position, attempting to ask for forgiveness.
You didn't dare look at the two, your eyes being directed to the ground as your entire body trembled.
And you pitifully tried to verbally ask for forgiveness of the pair too.
But all you could force out were just pathetic little noises and sputters of nonsense.
"Now, that's quite a bit of an extreme reaction, don't you think?".
Lucifer mused all so casually, sounding unbothered by the display.
And Lilith matched the casual, unphased voice tone, saying:
"Come now, get off the floor, dear. The ground is way too dirty for you to be sprawling all over it like that,".
After that, Lucifer chimed in again, following through with:
"Yeah, and you might want to wipe off those tears as well, they're a bit too dramatic,".
Their words and reaction confused you so, and made you pause.
You didn't know what was going on - you've not expected this.
They were supposed to tear you apart, weren't they?
Because you didn't recognize them and talked to them so casually, right?
Well, not even Lucifer's next words made that any clearer.
In fact, you actually ended up feeling even more confused then.
"And I gotta ask: is your memory not working well?".
Lucifer asked, and a hint of disappointment lingered in the air.
You didn't understand his words, or his voice tone.
Both only made more questions arise.
And you cautiously looked up to him,
"wha- what?".
You muttered, voice barely loud enough to be heard.
You felt almost afraid to question what Lucifer's said.
You just can't help yourself but be fearful of the male.
Even if he's been nothing but pleasant to you the whole time.
But, could anyone even really blame you for your unease and fear?
He was the literal Devil, and you've treated him like an equal.
There was no way that Lucifer wasn't insulted or upset over this.
"I mean, I told you I'm not one of those royals who lose it if one doesn't recognize them, no?".
Well, it turned out your assumptions were all wrong.
These words that Lucifer's said have proven you wrong.
He didn't seem upset whatsoever, and his words confirmed that.
Sure, he sounded just a little disappointed with you in a way.
But he was not upset, which definitely was a relief.
However, you still had yet to properly calm down and relax.
"Y-yeah... you did...".
Was all you've managed to clumsily force out.
And your voice tone sounded just a little surprised.
That was because you've experienced a bit of a realization.
Truth be told, you've completely forgotten about your previous conversation.
You've forgotten just what kind of a royal Lucifer told you he was.
And when you remembered the male's previous words, your eyes widened a little.
Yet, your mind didn't feel any clearer, you still felt the same.
So, saying anything more was a task you could not achieve.
But, the devil went on with the conversation anyways.
"Then what's up with that reaction?".
He questioned you, an eyebrow raised.
He sounded almost judgemental at that certain moment.
He even looked the part - an unimpressed gaze, a hand on his hip.
Yet, somehow, there was still no feeling of ill-will to him.
Still, it wasn't any easier for you to think of what to say.
"I- I... well... y-you see...".
You clumsily attempted to explain yourself.
But a weak little mutter was all that you could give.
You couldn't say anything more, your brain felt too empty.
Everything that's happened just left you with a clouded mind.
And your thoughts and emotions were all over the place.
So, a soft mutter and a distressed whimper was the best you could do.
But Lucifer didn't seem to mind that, not even in the slightest.
"Nah, I'm just pulling your leg!".
He called with a hearty chuckle.
And he dismissively waved his hand as he added:
"I totally get the whole dropping to your knees thing!".
"I mean, we're literally the rulers of hell, so it makes complete sense for you to act this way,".
The blonde male went on and on.
He seemed to be having a good laugh at all of this.
And he gesticulated and spoke all enthusiastically.
But you didn't really catch any of what was being said.
Your brain was way too overloaded to be able to do so.
And the longer Lucifer spoke, the worse you began to feel.
Much to your relief though, Lilith finally chimed in once again.
"Luci, I think you're completely overwhelming the poor thing,".
The queen of hell noted.
She sounded a little amused just like the male was.
Yet, there was a clear hint of concern in the way she spoke.
"Oh, am I?".
The king of hell paused.
Finally, he took a moment to take in your state.
And when he did, he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and mused:
"Yeah... I think I am,".
After Lucifer noted that, Lilith focused and spoke directly to you.
"We apologize, (Y/N).".
She started in a gentle tone.
And her expression was not as amused anymore.
At that certain moment, she seemed almost apologetic.
But not too much.
"It's just that it's not often someone doesn't recognize us, and we couldn't help ourselves,".
The demoness explained.
And you could've sworn her eyes held genuine concern in them.
Although her overall stance didn't really change much.
The tall blonde was still perfectly well-composed.
And she still appeared mostly unphased.
Then she finished her speech with:
"all was meant in good fun,".
At that final explanation, you paused.
Your racing thoughts came to a full stop.
And processing Lilith's words, you said cautiously:
"S- so we're... all good?".
Your words came out slow and soft.
And you were careful with your wording too.
You were kind of testing the waters in a sense.
The two rulers of hell kept surprising you.
They were continuously proving to not be a threat to you.
Yet one could never be fully sure - especially not in Hell.
And especially not as mere little imp.
Your question was met with a warm smile from Lilith.
And she nodded to your words, confirming them.
"Yes, we're all good".
She confirmed.
Relief washed over you then.
And you made sure to voice that.
"Oh- holy shi- I'm so relieved!".
You breathed.
And only then did you get off the ground.
You gave a breathy chuckle.
And you wiped some metaphorical sweat off your forehead.
You felt on cloud nine - as if you've escaped death.
So, you couldn't really control your vocabulary at the moment.
Not like it mattered anyways.
"For- for a moment I thought-".
You stumbled over your words a little.
This entire thing felt just so unreal.
You were overwhelmed again.
But this time not exactly overwhelmed in a bad way.
"For a moment I thought it'd be off with my head or something!".
You admitted.
And you gripped your head.
You needed a moment to fully process everything.
"Whaaat? No! No, we'd never do that!".
Lucifer called, pulling your focus back to himself and his wife.
He looked and sounded astounded.
As if not grasping just where you got that idea from.
But then he paused, and he gripped his chin in thought.
"I mean, we probably did that at some point, centuries and centuries ago...".
He thought out loud.
And that made your eyes widen a little.
You couldn't tell of he was just kidding around again or not.
And you almost felt your unease returning.
But then came the following exchange.
"Or did that happen only in a dream...?".
The Devil mused, confused and uncertain.
To which Lilith shushed him gently yet disapprovingly:
"Lulu, you're not helping,".
That was all she said.
She didn't deny or confirm anything.
And Lucifer perked up just then.
"Oh- yeah, right... that was a little beside the point I was trying to make...".
Lucifer admitted awkwardly.
He even gave a slight apologetic look for a quick moment.
But that expression of his was pretty much short lived.
Since then he relaxed and offered a friendly smile.
"Sorry, dear (Y/N), I tend to trail off sometimes.".
He told you, voice calm and pleasant.
And his words were even accompanied by a low chuckle.
"I can confirm that,".
Lilith voiced in, her tone just as pleasant, as well as humorous.
The mood in the room suddenly felt much better.
It felt easier to just be in the moment.
Lilith's little jab at Lucifer's expense made the male give a playful glare.
And to that, the demoness offered a playful smirk back.
Then, the blond male spoke again.
"Anyhow, I think we should properly apologize for how we...".
Lucifer trailed off.
Seemingly trying to find the right term to use.
"had fun at your expense?".
Lilith filled the rest in.
Helping her lover name what they did correctly.
And the male nodded in agreement:
"Yeah... that'd be the word,".
Then, Lucifer added:
"So, what can we do to apologize?".
The words of the pair had you astonished.
After all, they did give you a verbal apology already.
So, you'd just assume the situation was over.
It wasn't like you wanted anything more from them anyways.
After all, getting an apology out of someone as an imp was near to impossible.
And having someone want to do a selfless act to undo their wrongdoing?
That was twice as impossible.
No one really cared for imps.
Nor did they really see them as equals.
And yet, here were the two highest ranking demons in all of hell.
Both of them treating you fair and with respect.
You were so beneath them.
Yet they treated you more kindly than your own kin.
And maybe even more kindly than you treated yourself.
"Oh- no, no, that's completely alright!".
You dismissed the pair's offer.
You really weren't used to such treatment.
And you almost felt bad if you were to accept.
"No real harm was done! All's good!".
You went on.
You really didn't want for these two to burden themselves for your sake.
Honestly, it felt a little wrong.
However, your dismissiveness got matched.
Lilith and Lucifer weren't accepting of you waving it all off.
"No, no, we insist!".
Lucifer cut your efforts off.
And he matched your own voice tone.
Dismissive and insistent, and also a bit loud.
"Truly, we insist.".
Lilith nodded along, not letting you speak.
"After all, words are just so cheap - actions speak much louder".
She persuaded some more.
And the Devil was there to her aid, saying:
"So, even if we shall do just a simple act like buying you coffee... We insist,".
Of course, your first instinct was to keep declining.
Yet, something in you had you pause and think.
This was an opportunity like no other.
For you seemed to get along well with the two so far.
And the pair seemed to understand you like no one else.
After all, the two shared your view on Pride needing more colour.
Who knew if you didn't have more things in common?
And perhaps this was the moment you've always been waiting for.
Did you really want to sabotage yourself and throw it all away?
The answer was no.
No, you didn't.
And so, with a bit of hesitation, you stated:
"I guess... that coffee does sound good?".
And with your sheepish smile and answer the deal was sealed.
Because the king and queen both grinned.
"Good, I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about,".
Lilith hummed.
She sounded pleased.
"And we'll start with why Pride needs more colour".
Lucifer added in.
And he gave a playful wink.
Then, his red eyes met yours for a moment.
And the Devil smiled at you before calling eagerly:
"Off to a cafe we go!".
And with that, the male rushed towards the museum exit.
He seemed to completely forget about you and Lilith.
"You'll get used to it,".
Lilith told you with a smile.
And as her lilac gaze met yours, her eyes flashed red again.
But this time her red eyes didn't intimidate you.
You two then went ahead to follow Lucifer.
And on your way out of the museum, you had just one thought.
That being:
That now you couldn't really hate the colour of red as much as you used to.
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dragonmasterkaylz · 6 months
Don’t Piss Off An Imp From Wrath
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WARNING: This is a bit suggestive towards the end… and does contain Lilith being a bit of a bitch.
Lucifer’s POV
“I-I don’t know Charlie! If I do this, she’ll technically be your new Mom!”
Charlie smiled as she pushed the ring box into my hands and said, “Don’t worry! You love her, right?! I want you to be happy, Dad~! That’s all I want! And… she makes you happy! So, propose to her~!”
She was right! All I want is to be happy with the Imp I’m in love with! But… I’m just so fucking nervous!
“A-Alright then…! I can do this!”
Your POV
Lucifer took me to Ozzie’s and I was so happy to be with him~. He was a total gentleman and he helped me into my seat before ordering us some expensive champagne. “Are we celebrating something~?” “Oh! Yes! Of course! Ozzie, are you ready?” Then I looked at the stage and then purple smoke blasted the area.
“Lucifer! What the fuck are you doing?!”
My eyes widened when I saw Lilith and I looked over at Asmodeus, who looked nervous. “I-I’m sorry…”, he mouthed to me. Lucifer stood up and I whimpered as I knew what was going to happen. “Lilith, where have you been all these time?”, he asked. “I missed you so much, my love. But, I need a little break, that’s all…”.
“A little break, huh?! It’s been seven fucking years!!! I don’t love you anymore!!!”
I looked up and Lucifer looked back at me. “I found a woman I’m in love with and who helped me through the rough times~”. He held out his hand and I smiled at him before walking up, taking his hand. “An Imp?! Are you out of your mind?!” “You left me and Charlie, Lilith! She was there for us when you weren’t! And, I want to marry her…”, he declared, making me blush.
My tail started shaking and I looked around us.
“I didn’t want to have to do this, but you are coming with me!!! And she’s dying here!!! Understand me?!!!”
I saw an army of Sinners and Hellborn Creatures look at me, which made me growl. Lilith held Lucifer with blessed rope and I growled at her. “Oh… FUCK NO!!!”
I grabbed the knife from under my dress and started to tear up anyone who came anywhere near me. On one of them, I tore out their spine and strangled one other with it before continuing my massacre. No one was taking Lucifer from me! Not even Lilith!!! I would kill her if I had to!!! I saw red, and I couldn’t stop! No, I wasn’t going to stop!!! “What the fuck?! Catch her!!!”
I took one of their guns and shot many of them when one of them threw an axe at me. I dodged it and then jumped up before catching it, slicing one of my many enemies with it. They all might have been bigger than me, but they weren’t as bloodthirsty or angry as me!!! And I was at my wits end with this bullshit!!! I looked around me and the rest just ran away in fear of me~!!!
“Good!!! Fuck off, pussies!!!”
I walked up to Lilith and punched on more guy on my way before whipping my tail behind me with rage. “I suggest ya gimme back what’s mine, ya bitch!” Then she rolled her eyes and I picked Lucifer up, throwing him over my shoulder. For one final word, I looked at her and shouted, “By the way… THIS ASS IS MINE!!!”
Lucifer’s POV
When we got home, she dropped me and used a very strange blade to cut the blessed rope. “How on Earth did this work on ya, honey?” I looked down and said, “I’m Demon Royalty now, sweetie”. She gently placed her hand on my cheek and kissed me before stroking my hair. “I’ll be in the shower if ya need me, sweetie”.
I looked down at my hands and I just couldn’t help it. I was weak at that moment. I actually considered it. I actually considered going back to Lilith! That’s when I looked at the wedding ring. Rage filled me as I took it off and set in on fire. No!!! I would never go back!!! I was in love with her… once! But the woman who does love me now, risked her life to save mine! I love her!!!
After I took my clothes off, I got in the shower and I picked her up. “I love you! And only you!” She looked surprised for a second, but she smiled at me. “I love you too, Luci~!” Then I kissed her and I think the heat of the shower got to us both, because I didn’t feel like being a gentleman at that moment. I kissed her neck and bit into her before saying, “I’m gonna love you all night long, Duckie~”. “Oh~! Fuck yes!!!”, she shouted.
Your POV
Hours later, we were both in bed and I giggled when I turned around. My cheeks were heating up. “What~? Still feeling excited~?”, Lucifer whispered into my ear. I looked at him and saw him, still in his Demon Form. He fucked me looking like that, and I loved it. “Yes, of course~. But my body is exhausted from both… the… massacre at Ozzie’s and hours of passionate sex~…!”, I purred before getting on top of him, as my tail then wrapped around his. He smirked. “You’re beautiful~”.
Then he turned back to normal and grabbed his coat before handing me a small box. I sat up and opened it before looking at him. “Will you marry me, Duckie? And… please… say yes—!” I jumped on him and then kissed him again before saying, “Obviously, honey~!” I purred at him and he shivered under me. “It’s hard not to get on top of you again…”. I giggled and said, “Then just do it and don’t stop until dawn~”. “But… I thought you were tired”, he said. “Do I look tired~?!” He flipped me over and we continued our sexy night.
“Put it on, Duckie~”.
I put on the ring, which had a red diamond apple in the middle and he said, “As long as you wear that… you can’t die, gorgeous. You’re mine forever~”.
“Oh Luci~! You’re so fucking romantic~!”
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vesppperoro · 6 months
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What is it like being the Sin of Envy?
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The pic above is your sigil.
You’re a Hellborn, like the other sins.
As your sin suggests, you embody Envy. Sinners and Hellborn alike live in the Envy ring.
The Hellborn? They’re called Glamours.
Glamours are a fish/mermaid/siren based demon that gives the Hellborn a special ability. The ability to manipulate water.
They don’t do much with it but host performances and such, but you also have this power.
You’re a fashionista, an inventor, and a performance artist. You do everything your heart tells you to do.
You protect your people no matter what.
Anyways. The Envy ring is FREEZING COLD. Your people have adapted to the cold, despite being in hell. You and them don’t have a high tolerance to heat.
You run a Jester Circus-like place full of Glamours and Sinners! You invite all rings, except those from the Greed ring, to watch your shows.
You put so much hard work into getting your jesters to be perfect. Hell, you even own most of their souls. Except a few, of course. For example, Fizz. Ozzie would NOT like you if you owned his soul.
You’re a shapeshifter! You shift into anything you see yourself as. Whatever you want to be, you can be it. That’s the perk of being jealous of everything and everyone.
Your demon form is based on a monstrous Sea Serpent that is around 200ft+ long. You, in your normal form, are around 8’5 unless you choose to shrink yourself.
You adore Hellborn. You love Hell Hounds and Imps alike! Some of your jesters are Imps too!
You also know of Hell Hounds through Beelzebub, seeing as how most of the Gluttony ring is that species.
You, despite loving parties, like to be alone a lot of the time. A quiet day in your aquarium filled room gives you the energy you need to continue.
Onto other things. Your actual name is Leviathan, but you use Name or Nickname whenever you can. You just like it better.
You also have a long, serpentine tail that protrudes from your back. It works similarly to a dog tail.
You may seem rude to most, but you’re a huge softie. Especially for your people.
If anyone tries to hurt your ring, you’ll kill them on the spot.
Just as you are protective with your people, your people are just as protective about you.
If you express distaste towards someone or something, they’ll do everything they can to end it or end the person.
You also visit other rings often. You have some Glamours follow you around as your guards!
Not that you need them. They just want to spend time with you.
However, even if you love your people, you won’t stand for betrayal. NO ONE is allowed in the Greed ring. If they are found in the Greed ring, they are not allowed to return.
Everyone in the Envy ring understands your hate for Mammon, so they avoid him as much as they can.
Anyways. You also throw many parties since you and your ring just love drugs and alcohol.
While others fight for their lives, you guys are living your best afterlives.
You believe in Charlie’s redemption hotel, so you always advertise it whenever you host an event.
During the war, you and your people helped fight off Angels.
You put a protective spell over the Glamours and Sinners from the Envy ring, but they still got it and it broke your heart. Or, whatever you had.
You took care of all of your people and made sure they were in good shape.
Long story short, your people adore you. You’re their idol, the one they look up to if anything happens.
You’re like their parent and they’re like your children. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months
The Whole Being Dead Thing
LUCIFER X READER (PLATONIC) Summary: Lucifer is your father and to say you have been distant the past 7 years would be an understatement. Being the sarcastic owner of a murder business doesn't exactly make the family reunion even more enjoyable. Warnings: Some cuss words and a gun --> Reader is similar to Blitz from Helluva Boss. Rating: PG-13 Can't remember who requested this but here you go!
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In the bustling streets of Pentagram City, where sin and redemption intertwined in a chaotic dance, there lurked a figure shrouded in darkness. Y/N, the eldest daughter of Lucifer Morningstar, once roamed. Born into a lineage of darkness and power, she was destined for greatness—or so it seemed.The disappearance of her mother, Lilith, shattered the fragile bonds that tied Y/N to her family. Amidst the turmoil and whispers of betrayal, she made a choice that would alter her destiny forever. With a heart heavy with unresolved pain, Y/N turned her back on her kin and vanished into the shadows, leaving behind her legacy and her birthright.
Long had it been since Y/N departed from the opulent corridors of her father's domain. With her heart heavy and her resolve unyielding, Y/N ventured into the abyss of uncertainty, carving her path through the crimson-lit alleyways of Pentagram City.
In the shadows, she found her solace, her purpose. She became a legend whispered in hushed tones—a silent specter weaving through the fabric of the city, a master of the art of assassination. With meticulous precision and deadly grace, she built her empire, brick by blood-soaked brick, until her name became synonymous with fear itself. Starting her own business built on assassination both inside Hell and up on Earth, Y/N essentially ruled the criminal underworld of Hell. Her own kingdom, not given to her by birthright, but by hard work and a penchant for blowing shit up. 
Years passed, and Lucifer, the fallen angel turned proprietor of the infamous Hazbin Hotel, watched over his kingdom with a heavy heart. The absence of his daughter weighed upon him like an anchor, a constant reminder of the rift that had torn their family asunder. After the disappearance of his eldest, Lucifer then distanced himself from his youngest; believing himself the one to blame for everything leaving.  He missed his daughter, though he would never admit it openly. The pain of her absence lingered like a wound that refused to heal, a constant reminder of his failure as a father.
 However, as time wore on and Hazbin Hotel grew - Lucifer reintroduced himself into Charlie’s life and they became reconnected and virtually inseparable. Charlie, being the optimistic being that she was, decided that if one family reunion was going so well, another should follow. Drafting out a letter to her older sister in bright pink ink, the note was mailed and received. 
After weeks of debate, Y/N finally relented. Maybe seeing Charlie after all would be nice, just the two of them. Putting on her normal outfit: white tank top, black leather jacket, and black jeans along with combat boots; Y/N marched to the hotel. Knocking on the door, Y/N straightened her top. However, what greeted her was not her energetic sister but instead Lucifer, who stood with wide eyes. 
Time seemed to stand still as father and daughter locked eyes, a thousand unspoken words hanging heavy in the air between them. For a moment, the world faded away, leaving only the echo of their shared past and the weight of their estrangement.
Charlie, the ever-optimistic princess of Hell, stood beside Lucifer, her gaze shifting between the two with a mixture of curiosity and concern. Sensing the tension thickening in the air, she stepped forward, a beacon of warmth amidst the shadows.
"Y/N," Charlie finally spoke, voice high pitched as she reached to embrace her sister. "It's been too long."
Y/N's expression remained impassive, her mask of stoicism betraying no hint of the emotions that roiled within her. She nodded, acknowledging her words with a silent understanding.
Y/N's gaze was steely, her demeanor guarded as she faced the father she had long forsaken. The awkwardness between them was palpable, a tangible barrier separating them even as they stood mere feet apart.
"Y/N," Lucifer finally spoke, his voice a mix of longing and regret, "it's been... too long."
A flicker of emotion crossed Y/N's face—a fleeting vulnerability that was quickly masked behind a facade of indifference. “Hi, dad.” 
Lucifer shifted uncomfortably, sensing the palpable tension hanging in the air. "How have you been?"
Y/N's lips twisted into a bitter smirk. "Oh, you know, same old, same old. Just running a famous murder stick in the depths of Hell. How about you?"
Lucifer winced at the reminder of his daughter's chosen path, a pang of ick gnawing at his insides. "I've been... managing," he replied evasively, unable to meet her gaze.
“So after 7 years that is all you have to say to me? 'How have you been'?” 
“Well, I--is that a gun!?"
Sighing and tapping the glock strapped to her thigh, Y/N spoke “Yes, dad. it's a gun. Sheesh, for sin incarnate you really are such a downer. Get it? Downer, cause like you go down on people...oh whatever.
Charlie, you got a bartender in this place right? Cause I am gonna need a shitty drink if y'all are gonna be a tough crowd."
Charlie, sensing the awkwardness and unable to get sex jokes thickening, attempted to lighten the mood. "Well, uh, why don't we sit down and catch up? I'm sure there's plenty to talk about and yeah…we have a bartender.!"
Y/N's laugh was hollow, devoid of mirth, completely avoiding her father in favor for his sister. "Sure, why not? I've always wanted to hear about the latest happenings in the Hotel for lost souls. So tell me sis, how’s life been mhmm?” 
The reunion was awkward, fraught with the weight of unresolved grievances and unspoken apologies. Yet, amidst the awkwardness, there lingered a glimmer of hope—a flicker of light amidst the darkness that had shrouded their relationship for so long. Alcohol made Y/N much friendlier anyway.
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senseichaos · 7 months
Wanna make a really sweet and simple love story between reader and Lucifer taking place in the hotel.
So it'd go like this:
The day that Lucifer arrives to the hotel in episode 5, reader gifts him with a squishy rubber duck, causing him to feel an attraction towards the reader. Once he leaves after everything that happened he made sure to keep her in the back of his mind.
And once the angelic battle comes to the hotel he makes sure to check that you are safe after the battle, just like his own child Charlie. Once they rebuild the hotel and he moves into the hotel every day they share a different interaction that makes them fall deeper in love. Just two souls, hell-bent on love for weeks before they finally succumb to each other. I'm thinking reader could be an imp and it's part of Charlie trying to see if Hellborn can be reformed and sent to heaven.
Lucifer and the reader would share a secret relationship, Lucifer scared of making his daughter uncomfortable or disappointing her. But in the end, they end up confessing to Charlie their love for each other.
I'd probably end up adding some huge twist, and of course since it would be a character driven story some development. Maybe the reader is secretly an imp? Pretending to be a different species of hellborn to avoid racism. Or maybe the reader is actually immortal? Revealing that she was bred between a hellborn and a sinner (this would mean diverging from the sinner's can't have kids plot).
But anyway, that's just some ideas for a story.
Song I listened to whilst making this:
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Edit: Please let me know your thoughts in the replies!!
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angelsheartts · 6 months
୭ JEALOUSY ˚. ᵎᵎ ~
#pairing : lucifer, adam, alastor, angel dust, husk, valentino, vox, x gn reader.
#cw: jealousy?, +18 in valentino's/vox's part, suggestive content ig, cuss words lmao.
#notes: u guys don’t know how much i wanna know why lilith made a deal with adam, and how could she even fumbled lucifer.
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⋆.ೃ- LUCIFER .
i don't think lucifer gets jealous easily, at least, but if he is jealous, he will surely become reallyyyy clingy and will try to show off. i mean, he's the sin of pride, after all.
being the partner of the king of hell really meant that there would always be people staring at you, even ones who had no shame at all and would flirt with you, sometimes even in front of lucifer.
"would you mind if I bought you a drink, sweetheart?" a powerful overlord asked you, making lucifer raise an eyebrow and look at the overlord with one of his annoyed characteristics expressions, and before you could even reply anything, lucifer had already bought you both the whole menu of drinks while clinging onto you. "do you think this is enough for you, (name)?" he asked, making the overlord stop bothering you both and making you gasp a soft sigh, knowing he did all of this with such an innocent face, as if he wasn’t getting annoyed just a second ago.
⋆.ೃ- ADAM .
his ego is too big for him to even consider the idea of being jealous, but boy, does he want to get rid of the fucking asshole who is talking to you.
even though you were adam's third wife/adam's first husband, you were nice to being around. not like your husband, who always made snarky comments about everything and everyone.
sometimes, though, people would flirt with you without you noticing, making your husband really irritated and dragging you away while flipping off the angel who initially flirted with you and making some snarky remarks about them. "(name), that bitch was literally fucking you with his eyes! you should have called me before, next time make sure to be around me, got it?" adam called out, making you giggle since his insults were sometimes so unexpected.
⋆.ೃ- ALASTOR .
alastor is the kind of guy who wouldn’t get jealous; maybe once an extermination you would see him acting a little possessive over you, but really, this guy knows your soul belongs to him, so why would there be a need to feel jealous?
actually, only your friends at the hazbin hotel where the only ones who knew about your relationship with alastor; it made sense, since he knew you could get in danger if someone else found out.
that didn’t meant that angel dust wouldn’t take the opportunity to flirt with you as a joke while trying to get a reaction from you. "(name), i think you would get pretty popular if you started to appear on my films" he said jokingly to you, while alastor just looked at him with his usual smile "i don’t think that (name) would want to get involved in that kind of stuff, angel dust, isn’t that right, dear?" alastor answered, kissing your cheek, and leaving you speechless since he mostly kept his affection for when the both of you where alone.
for me, he may get jealous depending on who's hitting on you; if it’s some random imp, it won’t really bother him; he will just tell them to fuck off themselves and leave you alone, but if it’s someone like valentino, oh boy, he acts VERY different.
angel dust didn’t really like you being in the porn studios were he works, because he knows that valentino is waiting to say anything to you, and because he simply thinks you don’t belong in a place like that. he thinks you’re much better working at the hazbin hotel or wandering around the pride ring.
"(name), aren’t you a supportive one? you know that if you want, i could make you a star lik-" "val, we're on set soon" angel dust spoke, looking angrily at valentino. "well, looks like your little boyfriend doesn’t want me to talk to you; i’m sure we’ll have plenty of time the next time," valentino whispered, making you stand there awkwardly.
as you both were finally at the hazbin hotel, anthony asked you not to come next time, since he really didn’t want valentino talking to you ever again. "(name), you know i really don’t want to get you in trouble, and you know that outside of the studio we can do whatever the fuck we want, but still, thanks for the snack you brought." he said, smirking, and letting you cuddle into his arms like you always do after an exhausting day.
⋆.ೃ- HUSK .
husk would only get jealous or, well, mostly, frustrated if someone interrupted you both, like if you both are just having a wholesome moment and someone just steals your attention from him, he’s a cat after all AND will be grumpy afterward.
you were having a nice chat with husk while having a drink at his bar, but as he was explaining you something, alastor came along and asked you something between the lines of 'if you had seen charlie or vaggie' since he had to talk to them about some business about the hazbin hotel.
after alastor left, you turned to look at your partner, noticing how he had been growling this entire time. it wasn’t really loud, though. "tsk, that radio demon really needed to ruin the atmosphere," he said, making you give him a look "what? you know, i dislike the idea of him thinking that he can just do whatever he pleases with my stuff." hearing your partner's words, you knew you had to reassure him that even though alastor had interrupted you both, your attention was still set on him and no one else.
he’s valentino, he surely and kind of obviously gets jealous whenever you’re talking to someone that isn’t him.
the workers in the studio know that since you worked there, you've only filmed with valentino; nobody questions why, and nobody really cares whatever reason their boss has to not let you fuck with others.
today, though, a worker intended to jokingly flirt with you. "(name), i think that if we make a video together, even the most pure souls would want to watch it" oh, well, that wasn’t even a little funny to valentino.
"such a slut for me, mmh? you really thought my sweet (name) would even think about fucking with you?" valentino smirked, while thrusting into you. he had his eyes set on the demon who flirted with you, not even caring about the fact that he was on set.
⋆.ೃ- VOX .
this man has the same jealousy problems, or even worse, than valentino. he's actually such an attention whore, so he obviously would despise everyone who tries to flirt with you.
actually everyone who works for the vees knows how jealous vox is, and that’s because this is a situation that often happens: if someone is even looking at you a little longer than usual, he will become insecure and try ANYTHING he can so he can have your attention on him. like i mentioned, he’s an attention whore.
today, the outfit that velvette chose for you might have made some people stare back at you. i mean he can’t judge them; you looked so fucking good in it, but hell does he want to have you all by himself, so what does he does? take you to his office so he can have you all by himself.
"(name)," he mutters while keeping his hands all over your body. "you knew what you were doing, huh? making everyone stare at your body, but i’m such a good partner for not making a fuss about it, right?" he asked, waiting for you to atleast praise him, 'cause like a already mentioned he’s an attention wh- lmao.
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✨Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) x f!sinner reader Smut Masterlist✨
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I thought it would be a good idea to put all of my short stories (and headcanons) for our favorite Short King in one post so they can be easily found! This will be updated if or when I write more! Thanks for all the love on these btw, I never expected this much engagement for a genre I’ve never written about, I appreciate all of you 😭💖
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Lucifer Morningstar NSFW Headcanons
Lucifer Morningstar NSFW Alphabet
One Shots
His Queen
Opening Up
Pretty Boy
Lucifer in Lingerie artwork by the lovely @yuckypuppie
Dress Up, Part 1: The Proposal
The Engagement Ring artwork by the lovely @myhornybrainonlyknowsthis
Teasing Lucifer artwork by the lovely @bat-boness
Dress Up, Part 2: The Ceremony
Lucifer and OC Cuddling Scene artwork by the lovely @sora-712
Lucifer and Husk at the bar artwork by the lovely @luci-lover-forever
Lucifer and OC Wedding Attire artwork by the lovely @sora-712
Kiss the Bride artwork by the lovely @yourlocalcryptidbee
Lucifer Wedding Attire artwork by the lovely @bat-boness
Dress Up, Part 3: The Honeymoon
Double Trouble artwork by the lovely @sora-712
Triple Trouble artwork by the lovely @sora-712
Dress Up, Part 4: The Anniversary
Meeting with Asmodeus artwork by the lovely @luci-lover-forever
Bucking Bronco based on this Cowboy Lucifer art by the lovely @bat-boness
Behind (Not So) Closed Doors
Lead Us Into Temptation
Snake Tongue artwork by the lovely @sora-712
Falling For You (Again) - Lucifer x f!fallen angel reader
His Forbidden Fruit - Angel!Lucifer x f!Huamn Reader
Angel Lucifer artwork by the lovely @the-other-soup
These one shots are all on my AO3 account too!
My Ko-Fi
Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy (short dialogue segments) - NSFW
Cowgirl Imp OC artwork by the lovely @fluffypinkpillows
Lucifer w/ reader who's never received oral before - NSFW
Full Body Length Mirror - NSFW
Lucifer w/ an ace/sex repulsed reader - NSFW
Lucifer w/ a virgin reader - NSFW
Foreplay w/ Lucifer - NSFW
Reader catching Lucifer touching himself to them - See "Behind (Not So) Closed Doors" for a full short story - NSFW
Lucifer w/ a devout reader (corruption kink) - See "Lead Us Into Temptation" for a full short story - NSFW
Lucifer loves reader's laugh - SFW
Lucifer w/ a shy s/o who has a hard time taking compliments - SFW
Lucifer w/ a bigger s/o - NSFW
Lucifer w/ reader who isn't as ready as previously thought - NSFW
Lucifer and the love languages- SFW
Lucifer w/ an s/o with scars - SFW
Lucifer doesn’t know he’s on a date - SFW
Lucifer in a rut - NSFW
Lucifer loses his s/o in an accident- Angst
Lucifer x reader in heat - NFSW
Lucifer x reader in his penthouse - NSFW
Lucifer tries to hide his demonic traits -Hurt/Comfort (slightly spicy)
Lucifer x reader dry humping/thigh rubbing - NSFW
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cryptidghostgirl · 7 months
Lovely (Lucifer x Reader)
Pairing: Lucifer x Reader
Description: Lucifer had heard rumor of the demon with the ability to alter people's memories. Y/n was a marvel and he had her wrapped right around his pinky.
Warnings: Same angst, new target.
Word Count: 1,631
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
A/N This fic is inspired by Spud Cannon's song Lovely. Also don't mind me and my silly little Latin obsessed brain (Lucifer translates to light bringer and is a combination of the latin verb ferre, to bring, and lux, light. I fuck around with that in this.)
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That was what had drawn her to him first: the elegance. Lucifer was a graceful man, a beautiful man, a terribly sad person. In retrospect, that should have been Y/n's sign to take a step back but, it is always so difficult to find the right path in the moment. He had seemed so utterly heartbroken, because, as she now knew, he was so utterly heartbroken, and Y/n had thought: maybe I can help?
Her motivations had just been that at first, helping. It wasn't her fault that he was charming and funny and did things that made her want to be more than friends with him with such alarming regularity that it felt like her life was the worst rollercoaster at an amusement park. The one with eight billion sharp turns and uncomfortable seats that left rider's tailbones bruised. It was almost too much to bear.
Lucifer had heard rumors of the demon who had been gifted with the ability to alter people's memories. It had never been gossip that had interested him much until Lilith had left. Suddenly, his mind had felt like a curse. In the throws of despair, he had looked for her, hunted her down. It hadn't take long, he was Lucifer after all. When he was the one asking the questions, few dared to defy.
The shop was a hole in the wall, drenched in the smell of incense and covered in crystals and other odd objects of curiosity. Lucifer could've sworn he recognized the imp horns on the wall but, ignored it. He was there for a reason and asking questions like that were not the path to his end goal.
The demon herself, the famed mystery, was statuesque. She had sat her table in the back of the shop, draped in jewelry made of bones and gold. She had gifted him the first session free of charge.
In order to keep the pain at bay, Lucifer had been required to come to her shop at least once a month. Y/n was a comfort to him, he associated her with the feeling of relief. The two became fast friends.
"Light bringer." she would beckon him in with a smile, "Still counting those forget-me-nots?"
She spoke to him in Latin, in his first eternal language. She weaved images in the air with the smoke from her fires. She was amazing, a miracle worker. Lucifer was grateful for her, for her skill.
Y/n knew the truth behind it. She tried to ignore it, tried to still her raging heart. She knew it was doomed, had seen with her own eyes the way he was still so in love with someone else. Still, when he had asked her on that first date, a year into them knowing one another, she hadn't been able to bring herself to refuse. He had been so sweet, so earnest, so cheesy. He had asked her to be his and she had told him the truth: she already was.
It was a constant state of denial, one big, overwhelming lie she convinced herself was true. In the beginning, Lucifer had been a doting partner. He surprised her with flowers, he always tried to make her smile. It had all stopped the day she had told him she couldn't use her gift on him anymore.
"Why not?" he has asked, alarmed.
"Because, Ferende Lucem (man bringing light), it's not healthy. I can't make things go away forever, just hide them. You still need to deal with them eventually."
Y/n had thought it was time, had figured that two years of dating and three years of knowing one another would be enough. She had been wrong. Lucifer had ceased in his affections in all but name. No longer was she whisked away to the palace, no longer did she wake to one of his creations on her bedside table.
After about a month, she had decided to take things into her own hands. She refused to recede into the gaps he was creating, refused to just let this all go. Y/n loved him, truly. She wouldn't let the love die without a fight.
The palace guards knew her well, had let her in without question. After some searching, Y/n had found Lucifer locked away in his office. The place smelled of despair. He didn't turn from his empty desk at the sound of the door opening.
"Light Bringer." Y/n hummed softly, rapping a knuckle on the already open door, "Counting your forget-me-not's?"
She hadn't asked him that in years, not since before they had gotten together. He lifted his head from his hands, looking over his shoulder just the slightest bit.
"Malefica (witch)." he replied, his voice low and hollow.
Y/n smiled softly at the pet name and entered the room, letting the door stand open in her wake. She approached him, wrapping her arms around his tired shoulders and pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head.
"Please." Lucifer's voice cracked, "Please take them from me. It's too much, they're too heavy."
Y/n didn't reply, simply nestling her chin into his hair.
"Y/n, please."
"You know I can't do that." she sighed, "It's not healthy."
"This is what is not healthy."
Y/n let go of him and turned his chair so they faced one another. She kneeled down on the ground before him, clasping his hands in her own. His eyes were ringed with red. In that moment, they weren't a fallen angel and a demon, they were just two people. Two people in love and two people housing broken hearts they lied to themselves to stitch back together.
"Lucifer." her eyes searched his face.
It was rare she called him by his true name. The gravity of the moment clung to their skin.
"Lucifer, what am I to you?"
He looked away. Y/n sighed, her heart cracking straight down the middle within the confines of her chest.
"Can I..." she cleared her throat, steeling her nerves, "Am I ever going to be what you're looking for?"
Lucifer's eyes snapped back to Y/n.
"You are what I'm looking for." he insisted, taking his trembling hands from hers and cupping them gently around her face, "You, Y/n, are my sweet little magician, my salve."
"My magic is, you mean."
Lucifer had always been a terrible liar. It was one of the things Y/n loved about him, the way the truth bubbled to the surface of his being. Right now, she wished he could be the best liar on the planet, the best in all of Hell. Right now, she wished she could've been born blind.
Y/n got to her feet, Lucifer's hands hanging in the air where they had held her last. There was no more running, no more hiding from the truth. This was the precipice, the breaking point, the fall.
"You're my salve." he repeated again, his voice soft and sounding like he was trying to convince himself of the fact as much as he was trying to get through to her.
"Don't lie to me." Y/n demanded, tears pressing behind her eyes, "Don't. Just... just don't."
Oh how she wished she could turn back time, set the clocks to zero.
"You never loved me, did you?"
The question hung unanswered in the air. Y/n had known it for a long time, had known it since the beginning to be perfectly honest but saying it out loud made it all the more real. She was dazed, spinning, out of control.
"You don't love me."
"I wish I could. I'm..."
Y/n scoffed, crossing her arms over her chest and holding back tears. She looked away.
"I'm sorry."
"I'll see myself out, I guess."
She hoped he'd call out for her, run after her into the hallway, ask if they could try again could start over. Of course Lucifer did no such thing.
For all the things she had helped her clients forget over the years, Y/n understood them even more now than she ever had before. It was complicated. Now she was going to have to reshape her life. If she ever saw him in the street, it would be her duty to pretend she didn't know him. The memories spawned the terror of potential futures, dreams where things worked out, where everything was okay. They sent her mind reeling.
She had known, all along she had feared the worst and feared confirmation of her knowledge. That was the worst part, it hadn't even been a surprise. It had simply been just that, a confirmation of the truth.
The world caved in around her as she walked home, houses and shops and people all blurring together into something undistinguished and undefinable.
Lovely, that's what he was. In all his misfortune, in all his despair, in all his grace. Lovely but oh god, oh god he didn't love her. Not the way she wanted him to. Not the way she loved him.
Y/n pulled the curtains shut to her little shop, moving methodically and without thought. She sat down at the table in the back, before the pot of incense. She lit it.
Not once in all her years had she ever tried to do use her magic on herself. It seemed like a line in the sand, something utterly forbidden. Y/n shut her eyes.
When she reopened them, the world felt different. Time had passed, she could tell it had but her mind refused to give shape to the years.
"So this is what it must feel like." she mumbled aloud, noticing the remnants of her ritual spread out on the table before her, "I wonder what happened."
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners - Chapter 3
Chapter 3 - Learning To Get Along
A/N – So, a user on A03 suggested the snake servants’ new names. It was a stroke of genius on their behalf, and I can only thank them for it.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
Tag-List: @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @sseleniaa @randomgurl2326  @22carolina08 @astrxwitch @yu-87 @clover-1767 @lil-bexie @thesimpybitch
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Do you think you can manage that? Lucifer’s words hung in the air, creating an icy barrier between you.
So, Lucifer thought himself too good for low-life Sinners such as yourself. That wasn’t fair. Sinners might be in Hell for a reason, but sometimes such reasons were just fucking stupid. Heaven ought to base their entry requirements on a person’s character or strength of heart, not just their actions. You had met plenty of Sinners who were in Hell because of the most trivial shit.
There were those who liked to sleep around, but if sex positivity was a problem, then how did Heaven explain Angels like Adam, whom Charlie had told you about in excruciating detail. Lust shouldn’t have ever been considered a Sin, as long as all participants in any such carnal act were above age and consenting.
Then, there were a few murderers you knew. Granted, murder made the lines blurry, but some Sinners killed in self-defence, or only targeted others such as themselves, protecting the innocent in a very gruesome Dexter-like fashion. Were they really to be condemned? And who the fuck gave a damn about Sloth. So, some people were just bone idle, who gave a shit? Heaven apparently.
And now, the ruler of Hell was condemning those around him as well. He was supposed to care for his people, good or bad. Not to mention those who were solely created for or born in Hell, such as Imps, Hell-Hounds, or the Deadly Sins themselves; they hadn’t committed any crimes to get sent here originally – it was their home.
Your eyebrows furrowed, creating an annoyed crease along your forehead.
“No,” You told Lucifer, who stared at you incredulously.
No? Didn’t you understand the situation? He was Lucifer. King of Hell. He could destroy you with no effort spared, leaving no trace that you ever existed, and you were telling him no? He wasn’t an unreasonable guy, but how could you possibly think that being around him was a good idea? Did you respect Charlie more than you feared him? Granted, he didn’t go out much so few knew how powerful he was, but no other Sinner would dare deny him his wishes.
You saw the look he was giving you and decided to explain yourself.
“Look, I’m only here ‘cos Charlie thought it was a good idea, and if you genuinely hate me, I’ll go and you’ll never have to see me again, but you’re not even trying right now. You haven’t spoken to me. You don’t know anything about me, and frankly, I think Charlie’s right, you do need someone to talk to.”
“I don’t-” Lucifer started.
“You don’t even know why I’m down here,” You interrupted angrily, though you refrained from raising your voice. “And you don’t want to know, right? ‘Cos all of us filthy Sinners must be the same. Ooh, we squandered your gift of Free Will and now we deserve to suffer for eternity, do we? Grow up!”
Lucifer stared at you in astonishment, and you sighed, apparently not finished in your tirade, “I’m going to my room tonight, but tomorrow, I expect that you’ll at least try to tolerate me. Who knows? We might even find some common ground. We both love Charlie, don’t we?”
Lucifer didn’t know what to say to that. He certainly loved his daughter, more than anything else in the universe, but you? He still suspected that you had some kind of ulterior motive… everyone in Hell did. Yet, you had a point. He would do this for her, even if it meant he had to tolerate you.
Who were you, really?
He looked at you closely for the first time, trying to pick out some detail of who you might have been. It was even more disturbing than he previously thought. Before, he only saw a human. Now, he examined your clothes. There was little to say about the style, but your apparel was reminiscent of a Holy Animal. With the ruffled cuffs of your jacket, the way the back peaked to create the image of feathers, and the yellow ribbon that lined the white material, you looked like a dove.
Yet… Despite living in the Hazbin Hotel, Charlie had insisted that you didn’t seek redemption. Why go through the farce of dressing like an Angel then… unless? No, you couldn’t be. No Angel would dare stray from Heaven unless they were ordered to.
Lucifer held back a glower, trying to keep his emotions in check so you wouldn’t sense his thoughts. There was a possibility, though small that you had been sent by the likes of Adam to spy on Lucifer and his kin, ensuring that none of Charlie’s patrons ever found a way to the Pearly Gates.
Well, it wouldn’t take long to uncover your ruse. Lucifer had ways of telling an Angel from a Demon, and once you were asleep, he would know.
“Yeah,” Lucifer said evenly. “I love my Charlie.”
“So, you’ll try then.”
Lucifer nodded his head in consent.
“Okay, I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”
The sentiment went unreturned as your King returned to his chambers, biding his time until you slept.
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When you returned to your room, you got ready for bed. The day had been long and unusual. Honestly, you didn’t feel that you had a place in the manor, and you longed for your room in the Hotel, even if it was smaller, had a large stain on the carpet (which Nifty had named Vivienne) and an unruly infestation of roaches.
In the short time you had spent there, it had become home.
You would miss the arguing inhabitants, the energetic wake-up call from Charlie, the feeling of safety that Vaggie instilled, and the sound of Alastor’s morning and evening radio broadcasts. Yet, you hoped you might find something equally valuable in return if only Lucifer would open himself up to the possibility that you didn’t want anything from him.
After glancing out of your window, which had a balcony you could step out to if you so wished, you took in the whole of the Magne District which was the heart of Pentagram City. If you strained your eyes, you could just see the flashing neon of the Hazbin Hotel, and if you turned your gaze up… There was Heaven, out of reach yet always in sight, taunting most Sinners, yet emboldening a brave few who dared to wonder What If? What if they could change and gain admittance to a better life?
You sighed and dared not ponder further when you needed to get some sleep.
Throwing yourself on the plush bed, you got comfortable, arranging yourself how you liked, then leaning over to your bedside table, you blew out the cherry candle you had previously lit.
You rested your head atop the satin pillows, then frowned, feeling a lump beneath it. You reached under and pulled out a rubber duck, painted to look like a Hellhound-Duck hybrid. Assuming it was one of Charlie’s childhood toys, you placed it carefully atop the table; it would keep you company on your first night in a strange new place.
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Lucifer waited till the late twilight hours before leaving his workshop. He transformed himself into a snake, slithering silently through the Hallways, ensuring that you wouldn’t hear him coming.
Before being cast out of Heaven, detecting an Angel would have been a simple task. He would just know, the way he now knew how to read a Demon. Yet, with you giving off little sign of Demonic energy, he now had to test if you were of Angelic origin. There were two ways he could do so. The first was by spilling your blood. Those who were born in or sent to Heaven had golden ichor instead of the oozing red or black goop of Hell-spawn and Sinners.
However, not wishing to alert you to his presence, Lucifer decided to opt for the other method.
Once he was inside your room and certain that you were in a deep slumber, he reverted to his original form, standing over you, his pupils turning to slits at the thought of a traitor in his house. If you were what he thought you to be, he would kill you immediately.
He pulled a small yellow twenty-sided stone from his pocket and baring his fangs in anger, he pressed it lightly against your skin.
Nothing happened.
Lucifer’s expression changed from one of deep-seated loathing to confusion. You weren’t from Heaven. If you were, the stone would have glowed a brilliant shade of Gold. Instead, it remained its original dull yellow.
Very well.
He would keep his word and… Tolerate you.
He left your room as quietly as he had entered it. Tomorrow, things would be different.
Lucifer didn’t sleep that night; the idea of change was terrifying.
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The next morning, when Lucifer finally resigned himself to the fact that he was going to have to face you eventually, he headed downstairs, assuming that was where you were.
“JUST TRY IT!” He heard you yell. “TRY! OPEN YOUR MOUTH, DAMN IT!”
“Uh…” Was all he could think to say as he entered the kitchen and found you clinging to one of the snake cleaners he had created the previous night, in a rodeo-like fashion. The creature was trying to buck you off, with a somewhat derpy expression, probably stupidly assuming it was a game; Lucifer hadn’t bothered to instil them with much intelligence since he didn’t need them for anything more than cleaning.
“ARGH!” You grunted as you were dislodged from its back.
“What- What is this?” Lucifer asked, confused.
“Oh shit!” You cursed, embarrassed to have been caught in a less-than-dignified position. You attempted to regain a little composure by standing up, then held up a handful of wadded-up pancake.
“Do they eat?” You demanded, referring to the reptilian cleaners, “’Cos they’ve been in a picture frame their whole lives, and they must be hungry by now.”
Of all the stupid things you could have done, Lucifer couldn’t help but crack a smile, though he had the decency to hide his laugh behind a clenched fist and pass it off as a cough.
“They don’t need to.”
“Okay, but can they?”
“If they wanted to, I suppose so.”  
You glared at the mushed-up pancake, “I fucking knew it. Spick, Span, eat your fucking breakfast!”
“I’m sorry, who now?” Lucifer asked.
“Well, they clean, don’t they? Spick and Span seem to fit unless you have something better to name them.”
Lucifer chuckled, a half-short-lived chuckle, but one all the same. You were more chaotic than he expected.
“Fine, if you want them to eat, you’ve got to cook in style.”
He waved his hands energetically, his outfit transforming from his usual suit to one befitting a flashy Michelin Chef. He was comfortable in the role of an entertainer as he made a dazzling display of cooking up eggs. With the flash-bang of indoor fireworks, the island counter gained a conveyor belt to transport several dishes, all perfectly presentable and giving off a delectable aroma of herbs and spices.
Eggs-benedict, frittatas, and shakshuka shot by you, closely followed by a hungry Span, though his twin was busy writhing on the conveyer belt, trying to get to his feather duster, yet doomed to chase it since he didn’t think to travel in the opposite direction so it would meet him in the middle.
The sight was memorable to say the least, even when Spick knocked the food onto the floor and his brother was left stupidly sucking on the corner of the countertop where his seemingly new favourite dish had splattered.
You couldn’t help laughing.
“See?” You struggled to get the words out, “I knew they’d like food. I’m just a shite cook.”
Lucifer gazed at his dishes proudly, even though they were no longer fit for either of your consumption.
“Hah,” You said, feeling somewhat awkward now that the moment had passed and Lucifer’s gaze was upon you, trying to figure you out. “I’ll uh, clean this up.”
“No need, leave it to Flim and Flam,” Lucifer said nonchalantly.
“You know that’s not their names.”
“Whatever. So… we’ve met, there was breakfast with a show. We done for today?”
The smile fell from your face as you realised that all of this was just another of Lucifer’s acts. Granted, he might have actually had fun with it, but it was all just in the name of claiming he had tried to be around you, and just wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“I don’t know. I was going to go into the City if you wanted to come.”
“I can’t. I have… plans.”
Lucifer’s mood soured as he thought about visiting Heaven’s embassy to set up the meeting for Charlie. He hated everything about that building. The décor was just a cruel reminder of everything Heaven had banished him from. Moreover, while the Angels had to respect his power, they didn’t respect him; their cruel words and thinly veiled insults always cut him the deepest. Not to mention how bitter he was that the balance of power was uneven. Sure, Heaven had an embassy in Hell, but there was no such building in Heaven where Demons could work to arrange meetings between Angels and him.
It would always be Lucifer going to their building, on their terms, usually at their behest.
“Plans? So, you’re setting up Charlie’s meeting today?” You guessed astutely. “You know, I’m walking that way too.”
Lucifer guessed at your game. You probably hadn’t been going in that direction at all, but this was all in the name of ‘trying’. One way or another, he would have to learn to get along with you.
“Fine. Let’s go,” He said, flicking his hand back blasély, even though he found the idea of walking the streets of Hell daunting.
It would be better if he could teleport there, but at least, by the end of the day, you would have something positive to report back to Charlie.
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liveontelevision · 5 months
If I don't get more to that babysitter story soon I might just go into full withdrawals.
Well shit here you go bbg
Exams are mostly over which means I can suffer more! :)
This is definitely gonna be a multi-part series at this point, and I am working on part 3 already so - ya
Disclaimer: This is my personal interpretation of the characters from Hazbin Hotel. I respect the canon storyline and characters, but this fic will stray from it a decent amount.
Enjoy this very angsty mildly smutty
(This series is complete! All parts are listed on my master list and are linked below!)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Suffer Pt. 2 | Lucifer x Reader
Things didn't exactly get easier for you after your stupid dalliance with Lucifer. Obviously, you lost your job. But you were a nanny, you lived in the manor. And now you have to find new housing somewhere else in Hell. You haven't been out on the streets in years, and protection was essentially guaranteed as a royal staff member, so it was definitely.. a change of pace. Getting some tips from your previous coworkers who lived outside the manor, you did your best to weave through the murderous streets to find some sort of safety.
“Hello? Anyone home?” The apartment you entered was located in a ratty-looking motel that sat in the middle of a more secluded area in Pentagram City. No matter how dirty, it did seem a little safer considering the distance between other sinners. Scanning the apartment, considering no one answered to your previous call, you hesitantly stepped through the door. An imp you used to work with at the hotel advised you to take some sort of protection out there. He handed you an incredibly sleek pistol. It was tiny, even compared to the size of your smaller hands. It was easy to slip in and out of the little holster on your outer thigh. Scoffing at the idea of needing to shoot anyone, you accepted it humbly. Just to be safe.
Looking out a busted window, surrounded by broken glass, you saw the demon who must've lived here. A twisted corpse, covered in splatters of blood and dirt. A long angelic spear, still standing, sits firmly in the center of their chest, a collection of other stab wounds littered across the rest of the body. Fuck. You knew about exterminations, everyone did. It was always a solemn day back at the manor, but you’ve never witnessed its actual afflictions. You stumbled backward, tripping over some random debris and falling to the floor, your heart pounding heavily in your chest. The fear you felt, the sharp pain in your palms where the glass shards had pierced you, it was all too much. Struggling to your knees, you crawl to the wall, leaning back against it with a thud. A sudden paranoia that someone may hear any noise you made, kept your breathing shallow. You pulled your knees to your chest, sitting in the dark room entirely alone. You wished you weren't alone. You wished he was here.
The last extermination day was about three months ago, so you knew the place hadn't been touched in at least that long. And as gruesome as it may sound, you now had a place to stay in the meantime. But, what are you supposed to do now? You were sure there weren't any families in Hell looking for a babysitter.. You could do little things, like mending clothes, cooking, and cleaning, but.. None of those skills were strong enough to get you into anything remotely as comfortable as being a royal nanny. Cell Phones were a thing at this time, but you never had a reason to have one before, so that’d be something you have to work for. You were essentially starting from scratch, as if you had just arrived in Hell.
You had to take to the streets. Walking nervously, with one hand on your little emergency weapon, you peeked into stores to see who might be hiring. Surprisingly, a quaint little bakery was just around the corner. Stepping inside, the little bell notifies the black-eyed woman standing at the counter. After a quick conversation, and browsing some of the baked goods, it finally clicked that you had walked straight into cannibal town without realizing. But.. It was surprisingly nice. The woman said she did need help in the kitchen, and while the image of cleaning blood and bones off baking pans made you shiver, it could've been worse.
With some hard work and absolute dumb luck, you managed to become a customer favorite. There were some close calls, gentlemen would always get a whiff of your scent before kissing your hand as a greeting, and sometimes you would even feel their teeth graze across your knuckles. The owner was such a lovely woman, despite also being a cannibal, she would swat at any unwanted advances and scold anyone who dared to taste her “best worker”. After a couple months, you were able to pretty up your inherited apartment, and it finally felt like somewhere you could call home.
And a few months after that, you would actually consider yourself in a good place. Bringing some homey decor into your new place, you had the urge to bring a few friends by. The only issue was, you didn't have friends. You were close to the owner, but she was.. Old fashioned. And customers were just that; customers. You were getting antsy though. You rummaged through the small duffle you took with you from the Morningstar residence and found a mildly appealing outfit. Looking at yourself in the mirror, you let out a dissatisfied hum. With one fell swoop, you took the bottom of your skirt and tore it fully around your legs. The dress that normally flowed sweetly to your calves, now flounced to your thighs. With one more spin, where you saw a little too much under your skirt, you decided that this would definitely get you some friends.
Oh, and how right you were. You made many “friends”. You played every card in the book, using dozens of excuses to bring home any demon who showed interest. You were careful about it, you could handle yourself, after all. You were finally getting the attention you deserved. But.. it wasn't from him. Each time you’d walk to work you’d see a flier or a billboard with the king of Hell’s grinning face on it. It churned your stomach each time. 
At this point, after some soul-searching, you decided on one thing. This was all Lucifer’s fault. How dare he smile at you the way he did. How could he constantly keep you company, making you wonder why you were even hired as a nanny? How could he so easily touch you without getting as nervous as you did? How could he kiss you the way he did, then call it a mistake? He did nothing to defend you. But these demons in your bed each night? They would do anything for just a taste of you and had no problem admitting that.
After finally appeasing your physical needs, you stopped pursuing demons. It’s been a few years since you've settled in, and now you look back at some of your hookups with a cringe. That was progress, right? Admitting it was just a phase? 
Your traveling hands told you otherwise. At night, especially after a long shift where your mind was too tired to think straight, your hands would trail down the center of your stomach. You could never explain what got you in this state, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you had to know. Taking no time, with your exhaustion quick to take over, you rubbed small circles across your still-clothed cunt. You held your blanket to your mouth to muffle any noises. You picked up the speed.
“Nng.. L-Lucifer..”  You moaned out softly, your blanket slipping out of your clenched fist. A swell of pleasure caused you to arch your back into your hand, still playing with your overstimulated cunt. After letting yourself calm down, you simply sit with tired eyes, looking at the ceiling with a visible glare. Well, shit.
“U-Uh.. Lillith, my love, don’t you think we should -” A quick glare back at the nervous king caused him to shut his mouth.
“Get yourself cleaned up, darling. Then, we’ll figure everything out.” She sounded far too calm for his liking, but once he turned to a mirror in a nearby vanity, he choked on any response he might have. He was covered in your lipstick. Fuck, he loved being covered in your lipstick. Quickly shaking the thought out of his head, he went off to clean up his face. Splashing water onto his face and neck, he let out a heavy sigh, refusing to look into his reflection. Even he’s ashamed to look into his eyes after what he’s done.
After folding his coat and draping it over a nearby chair, he carefully approached Lillith, who had sat down gracefully at the edge of their shared bed. She was holding up some papers with a purple haze, and with a flick of her wrist, she dropped certain ones into a nearby portal. Lucifer gathered the courage to sit next to his wife. He still kept a good distance, twisting his ring around his finger as a nervous fidget.
“What do you think of this one, dear?” Leaning in close to him, Lillith presents a piece of paper that she had just been looking at. A sudden chill ran down his spine, scanning the sheet. A picture of a homely demon, looking absolutely ancient, was clipped to piles of papers with references, experiences, and skills. Overall, if this were a normal situation, she would be a perfect fit to take care of Charlie. But so soon? He didn't want to bring that up. Hey! Can’t you keep the demon, who you just caught me sucking on, for a little while longer? That’s ridiculous.
“W-Well, sure, I’m sure Charlie would love her.. Great choice.. Love.” He was always quick to tell her or give her whatever would make her happy. He owed her that after all. After dragging her to the pits of Hell that he created.
“Hm! Well, that’s settled. I suggest you head to the other room for the night, you must understand how I’m feeling after what I saw.” She sounds absolutely heartless. Not in a way that comes off as cruel, just in the way she barely seems affected by something that weighs on his mind so heavily. Either way, he nodded and left their bedroom. 
No servants came to help him get ready for bed, as they usually do. Which isn't an issue, he wasn't completely incompetent. But it did leave him alone for the first time in centuries. Really, when was the last time he had been alone in a room for longer than a few minutes? He tried to not get caught up in the thought, shifting under the covers of the bed. It felt new. It felt unused.
Maybe it was the discomfort of sleeping in a bed that hadn't been touched for who knows how long, but Lucifer spent most of the night tossing and turning. How could he sleep with his mind so full of regret? But then, what was he regretting exactly? Was it the cheating on the one woman who's been by him through everything? Or was he regretting not saying something to you sooner? Not shutting the door when he had the chance? Regretting letting you go without a fight?
At some point in the night, he shot up, a sweating mess. He was still exhausted, even with the notion that he had just woken up from some night terror. Finally catching his breath, he slumps back down, shifting into some other sleeping position. With that one motion, he felt the stiffening problem in his shorts. Fuck. It wasn't there the whole night, but he knew exactly why it was here now. He laid on his back, spreading his knees a bit to gain better access to his aching groin. With the same goal of getting it over with, so he could go back to sleep, he palmed at his shorts before releasing his throbbing cock. Even if he convinced himself that this was just to help him get back to sleep, he couldn't prevent picturing you as he started to toy with himself
If you could see him in this state, you'd go mad. The image of him letting out soft whimpers to no one and pumping his own shaft, wishing his hand was your own.
With a speedy resolve, Lucifer pulls away his hand. Already disgusted with himself for essentially sending you to the streets to fend for yourself, he cleaned himself up before continuing to lay in the unfamiliar bed. The rest of the night was spent staring at the ceiling. It was all so.. Empty. He was so used to hearing the soft breathing of someone sleeping beside him, the comfort of being able to just turn his head and know he wasn't alone. He didn’t exactly miss the smell, but he could recognize the difference. The fragrance of whatever Lillith would use on her hair or skin, right before she would sleep, was gone. There was still a lingering scent, though. He couldn't quite place his finger on it. A sudden flash of your flushed appearance, ringing with an anticipation he hadn't seen in years, formed in his mind. He could have covered you in love bites and bruises right that instant - Oh. That must be it; He was smelling you. His senses were overwhelmed. By you.
“Sire! Breakfast!” A hasty knock at the bedroom door sent him sitting up quickly. He was still groggy since it didn't feel like he fell asleep at all. A random servant let themselves in, a tray of assorted breakfast pickings sitting heavily in their hands as they glided quickly to place it over his lap. He didn't normally have breakfast in bed. A surprise usually viewed as a treat, felt morbid to him. He usually had breakfast with..
With a heavy sigh, he dismisses the imp and pushes the tray off his lap. Who could have an appetite after everything that went on the night before?
As the days started to pass, Lillith eventually started acting like nothing had changed. Your replacement was quick to start working. Lucifer got along with her fine and Charlie seemed to like her plenty. Could this really be swept under the rug? Was a little kiss not worth a serious discussion after all these years? Apparently so. Neither of the royals brought it up to each other after that. They were actually fighting less than before - that is - Lucifer didn't feel it fair to try and rebuttal any of her arguments. And.. that’s the end of it. Just a fling that occurred on a restless night. Just a sinner making another sinful mistake, and the king of Hell creating more problems. There wasn't any more to it.
Extermination Day was fast approaching. This wasn't your first, but it was definitely jarring compared to how you handled it at the Morningstar Manor. You boarded up your windows, tore apart curtains, and generally made your hand-me-down apartment seem abandoned. No point in looking for sinners in an empty building, right? You were surprisingly calm, considering the circumstances, you brought a damned book to read while hiding in the safest area of your home. You didn't think much of it, Not until the screams began.
The battle cries became increasingly louder. The exorcists were quick to get to work, spreading their attacks through the most heavily populated areas first. The shouting and sobbing of other demons suddenly registered in your mind. You're terrified. It's easy for sinners to take their position for granted during their first year. You died on Earth, but here you are in Hell. You die in Hell, you regenerate, so you can continue your eternal punishment. But this extermination? It finally clicked in your mind that this could be it. This could be your end and you have no idea what would happen to you afterwards. Was there anything beyond Hell? Your spiraling thoughts were brought to a halt when some of the expertly nailed boards on your windows went flying across the room. You were safely tucked away in a closet, it wasn't closed, just ajar. You hoped that little detail would keep it clear that no demon would be stupid enough to hide in an open closet. You heard rustling, some things breaking, then breathing. She was so close to the closet, that you could hear her breathing. As she reached for the doorknob and you prepared for the worst, you could hear a command coming from outside. The exorcist left through your window in one fell swoop. You had no idea if that was the end of the extermination or if you had only managed to avoid one angel.
Gripping your knees to your chest, only prolonging your struggling breathing, you hoped for one thing. Your mind went spinning, as it does on occasion; After rough days or when certain guests weren't treating you very well, you would wish for help. In your fantasies, a knight in shining armor would come in, kick down the door, and save the day. He would whisk you off your feet and you'd have your happy ending. But today, extermination day, you wanted nothing more than for Lucifer to hold you. Not to save you, defend you from dangers, or play the hero, but to embrace you. Keep you close to his chest and tell you everything was going to be okay, and that you'll look back on this later and laugh. That you'll always be safe as long as you're with him.
Why did you have to ruin it? Things were so good before. You were safe, technically wealthy, and had a friend. A real friend who would help pick up your work if you ever felt the slightest overwhelmed, someone who would support and praise you, someone who would make you laugh. And you were too horned up to consider you could lose all of it.
A sharp pain running down your back forces you awake. Taking the time to recognize your surroundings, you recall crying yourself to sleep in the cramped safe haven you made for yourself. At least it worked. You're still here. Despite everything, you're still here. Taking your time, you stretched your stiff body and examined the damage to your home. It was in absolute shambles. The sight of the busted window made your blood run cold, just imagining an exorcist exploring your personal space. You took a mental note of everything you still had and carefully sat at the edge of your bed, your sheets littered with shards of window glass. This has to stop. You need some kind of respite again, you can't survive like this anymore.
You were embarrassed. It felt so strange going somewhere and admitting you need help, that was always a struggle for you. But to crawl to the establishment ran by Charlie? The toddler you raised? It would be near impossible to admit defeat to her. But you were shunned by the rest of the royal family, and quickly discovered you can't make it just living alone as a demon. There's only one other option. Heaven. You supposed it was time to give Redemption a shot. What else do you have to lose?
You hesitate to knock on the door once you're greeted with the signs hanging all over the front of the building. Homemade flyers and banners decorate the walls, saying things like Sinners Welcome!, Escape Redemption!, Ascend to the Heavens!, but the most important one was Free Housing! You knock so lightly on the door, that you have to do it again. It swung open -
You aren't exactly shocked by her appearance, she's been displayed on the news and you've seen her commercials a few times, but you still felt a stabbing pain in your chest. It was from a combination of nerves and.. was that pride? To see this little girl, you helped raise for a moment, as a grown woman who was pursuing her dreams?
She immediately bombarded you with questions and greetings. She still had that energy, didn't she?
"This is the lobby! And over here is the bar, if you drink, and here is -” You started to tune out her voice, still smiling and nodding when she looked at you. Taking in your surroundings, you would at least smile at the other demons you'd make eye contact with. You recognized Angel Dust, obviously a celebrity in Hell, but the rest were strangers to you. Emphasis on strange.
Finally appearing from the shadows, you did actually recognize the so-called radio demon. He would frequently come into your bakery with the overlord of Cannibal Town, Rosie. You'd serve them, which was not normally a service you'd provide, but your boss insisted. He seemed nice enough from those interactions, you saw no reason to fear him. Yet. He was kind enough to stop you and Charlie to chat.
"Ah, a familiar face!" He greeted you by taking up your hand and placing a light kiss on your knuckles, immediately sending shivers down your spine. "Pleasure to see you, again, dear." He spoke into your hand. "Quit the pleasure~" Your hand still held to his lips, he looked up to meet your eyes. With a nervous chuckle and a nod, you pull your hand away, almost pushing Charlie to move on. You didn't want him to see your flustered face.
"So.. How's your dad been?" You idiot. Why would you ask that? You didn't want to know the answer.
"Oh! Um.. That's a weird question - We don't talk much, he's doing important things you know, considering he's the king and all, but uh..good! Pretty sure he's.. good..." Her nervous reactions were just like her father's, but you didn't have time to dwell on that. You knew Lillith had disappeared, everyone did. You wondered what happened. You wondered what it would be like if you were still in the manor with them. If Lucifer would treat you differently with Lillith gone.. Stop. 
“Well, I used to work at the manor, actually.. erm.. Do you recognize me..? By any chance?" Charlie's face gleamed with excitement as she took your hands into hers. You were hopeful for a second.
"That is so cool! I haven't been home in ages.. so I'm not sure I remember you but - wow, we have so much to talk about!" She let out an excited squeal that left you smiling nervously. She didn't recognize you. That was fair, you only knew her when she was young, but you thought.. maybe...
Aging in Hell worked differently. While Charlie had truly grown, you've looked the same for multiple decades. You almost hoped that would trigger something in her mind.. thinking about it, you'd love to reconnect with her. But you can't. You can't look at her without seeing him. Maybe her not recognizing you is the best for now.
You settled into the hotel pretty quickly, and considering your housekeeping skills, the rest of the staff and residents seemed to warm up to you, asking for help with little things like mending or baking. You also helped Charlie with anything you could. She had a lot of questions about what her childhood home was like before she came along, and you had to do your best to dance around the important details.
As you were fixing up a skirt for Angel, one that was torn straight in half, your head was suddenly with radio static. A shadowy figure appeared in front of you. With Alastor looking down at you, he was much more intimidating. Doesn't stop the fact that he made you blush like crazy.
"Alastor. What's up?" You turned your head back down to continue your sewing, trying to keep a cool facade, then felt the seat next to you dip slightly.
"A little birdy told me you have an.. interesting past. Sounds like you have quite the history with the royal family, correct?" You hesitantly nod.
"I'd love to hear some stories if you have anything.. juicy." He definitely learned that word from Rosie. You chuckled at the sound of such a modern word warped with static. You gave him the same details you would tell Charlie, vague and definitely not juicy.
As you spoke and sewed at the same time, you ended up jabbing your finger with the needle. With a disappointed groan, you squeezed your finger, letting the blood drop grow. A quick reaction, Alastor lightly took a grasp of your wrist and brought your finger to his lips. With just a single swipe of his tongue, he wiped the blood clean. You tried your best to act disgusted, he was a cannibal after all, but your face was still heating up.
“O-Ookay.. thank you, I suppose..? Anyway..” You took a moment to shake any inappropriate thoughts from your head before returning to your stories. Alastor simply sat and nodded, occasionally letting out a little chortle at something you tried to joke about. "It was definitely a cushy job, I mean, you get free housing as a nanny, protection, food and - "
"A nanny, hmm?" Fuck. You quickly dropped what you were doing to face him. "Alastor, please don't say anything to Charlie. She doesn't even remember me since I had to leave when she was young, and I.. I want to keep it that way, okay? Keep this between us? Please?" You were begging. You had a great relationship with Charlie right now, there was no point bringing up the past. Or the mistakes you've made. You didn't see his smile grow, but it definitely did.
"Not a problem, my dear! I'm not one to blab.. since you asked so nicely." He looked at his clawed fingers as if they were neatly painted nails. You let out a sigh of relief, shakily reaching for your little sewing project in your lap to proceed where you left off.
"Thanks. I owe you one." You had no idea what you did, but apparently, that was enough for him. Enough to signal a deal. You officially owed Alastor a favor, and you had no idea what that could entail.
“Okay, everyone! My dad agreed to come and see what I'm - what we - are doing here! This could really help the hotel, so we are going to pretty it up and make it as welcoming as we can!” Charlie stood on the previously used trust-fall stage as she spoke.
“We’ve got one hour, people! Let’s get going!” The command from Vaggie, only made you sweat more. You stood in the small crowd of recently made friends, suddenly shrinking where you stood. You had no idea what Lucifer had been up to these past years. He definitely wasn't making any public appearances and Charlie rarely talked about him, so you just assumed he wasn't interested in her little project. It was shocking to you at first, that the gentle father you used to know had barely even spoken to her in almost a decade.
But that's beside the point. He was coming to the hotel. Stepping off the stage as the crowd dispersed, Charlie came directly to you. She held onto both your hands, before shining a giddy smile your way.
“Isn’t it exciting? Maybe he’ll recognize you! It’ll be like a little reunion!”  You simply smiled and nodded, before quickly stepping away. Charlie started directing people, nicely, to start cleaning things up and creating banners and other decorations. A familiar static ran through your core as you hit the top of the stairs, ready to hide wherever you could.
You groaned, “Alastor, I just need to get out of here, please don’t bug me right now.” He was quick to block your path, placing a hand on his chest as if he were wounded.
“How cruel of you, I simply want to chat! I’m just wondering how you’re doing, dear.” His voice was sweet, but it still put you on edge. You waved him off and kept walking.
“Don’t give me that shit, I know you don't really care.” You rolled your eyes as he continued to walk with you, occasionally brushing his side against yours with his strides. Alastor was becoming close to you over these past few months, even getting a little touchy at times. You definitely didn't mind it. You considered making some kind of move, but the idea of that failing made you cringe.
“Goodness, how rude you are today! Aren’t you excited to see your old employer? Or.. are you nervous?” He knew what he was doing. You did your best to hide your anxious reaction, but he saw right through it.
“M-Maybe a little nervous. There, are you happy now? I don’t want to see him, I’m not ready - “ You muffled a frustrated groan into your hands, stopping in place
“Not a problem, my dear! Why don’t you stick with me today? I would hate to see you in such a state of despair - ” Liar. “ - just think about it.” You nod your head, but you were pretty sure you wouldn't be leaving your room for the rest of the day.
“Good girl.” With a quick pat on your head and a flicker of the lights, Alastor disappeared from sight. Your whole body shivered as you stepped into your room. 
You recognized his voice immediately, even from your room. it didn't help that he was practically shouting. You were sitting in your bed, your back against the headboard and your knees pulled tightly to your chest. You would grab a book, or maybe the phone you finally managed to buy, but you didn't. You sat with tears flowing down your cheeks. You weren’t sad, exactly, but your body had no idea how to process your emotions right now.
Luckily, a loud crash snapped you out of your frozen state, forcing you to carefully leave your room. You couldn't hear his voice anymore, just a loud ruckus, people screaming and gunshots. You assumed someone had broken down the wall, again, probably looking for another fight. That probably means he left, right? Taking your time, you carefully peek your head around the stairwell, letting out a shaky sigh of relief.
No sign of Lucifer. Starting to descend the stairs, a giant portal opens mere feet away from you. Charlie and Lucifer return, his gigantic wings fluttering close as they embrace. You only realized the severity of the situation after appreciating his wings that you’ve never really seen this close before. They were beautiful - Focus.
As they discussed finally setting up Charlie’s meeting, she finally caught a glance of you just beginning to climb the stairs.
“Oh, Dad! I almost forgot! There was so much going on, I didn't get to show you our other guest!” She speedily approached you as she spoke, grabbing your hand and pulling you back down the stairs.
“She said she used to work at home! Isn't that cool?” Placing both her hands on your shoulders, you were essentially held captive.
“Oh! OH! Ahh.. hm! That is - That is definitely.. Interesting! Fun little fact there, isn't it?” His laughter became increasingly nervous and his cheeks became redder, as he tugged at the collar of his shirt to let the cool air of the room hit his suddenly heated skin.
“B-Been awhile, huh?? Long time no see! What are you up to? Today? These.. days..?” Charlie’s excitement only grew, shaking you a bit by your shoulders.
“You remember each other? That’s awesome! Maybe you two can catch up sometime! Were you close? She talks about how much she loved working there all the time!” Charlie’s words did little to fill the gaps. He had no idea why you were here, what you had told her - his eyes met yours finally, begging for the answer. What did you tell her?
Charlie’s one-sided conversation became a ringing in your ears, as she finally released you. You were only brought back by a hand placed delicately on the small of your back. In the back of your mind, you hoped it was Lucifer’s. That made you wince. Finally looking at its source you met Alastor’s eyes. He did say he would keep you company if you decided to come to the lobby. A sudden question popped into your head. Did Lucifer ever apologize? With Alastor's support, a surge of confidence gave you the strength to respond.
“We weren't that close, Charlie. I mean, we could catch up. If he wants to that is.” You leaned into Alastor's touch as you spoke, another decision you'll question later. In that moment, you wanted to treat him like shit. You wanted him to feel the way you did when you were sent away without a fight.
He seemed to shrink in place, his eye twitching when he let his gaze roam from your body up to Alastor’s, which was connected so sweetly by a gentle hold.
“Yeeaah! MAybe - “ His voice cracked, “ Welp! If you’re here - I know where to find you, I’ll uh.. Keep in touch..?” He did his best to send charlie a nervous smile, who was giving an enthusiastic thumbs up to him from behind you.
“Weren't you just leaving, Your Highness?” Alastor’s voice went crackly as he spoke, his hand snaking completely around your waist. He gave a nervous goodbye, before vanishing in a red smoke. Something strange happened just then. Before he left - he looked scared. But you still felt good doing what you did.
You blinked your eyes as if you had just been broken out of a trance. Looking around the silent room, you met Alastor’s eyes again, before quickly pulling yourself away from his grasp.
“I-I guess you did what you promised.. so.. Thank you?” letting out an awkward chuckle, you made your way back up the stairs. What came over you? Did you really want him to suffer? You had a chance to try and repair things, to ask why he did what he did. There's no way he'd try to reach out now. Right?
Hope y'all are liking the direction this is going, i know its getting a lil intense
I'm getting your requests btw! I'm loving the prompts I'm seeing, so I'll work on them as soon as I can! :)
!Taglist (A lot of you asked to be in the tag list, so if I missed you, please let me know!)
( @vififofum @thornwolfy235 @tinywolfiegirl @chipper-chip @bat-boness @misfitgirlwrites @nayomi247 @lonelynmisunderstood @escapistoftherealworld @b4ts1e @hamthepan @kyo-kyo1 @looking1016 @polytheatrix @littledolly2345 @lillianastuff @yourlocalcryptidbee @0strawberrysorbet0 @themageofblood @jayyyayaysblog @floralsightings @azmosposts @8har0ley8 @actuallyspiderwoman )
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nice-meanie · 7 months
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Lucifer Morningstar helping overworked s/o
A/N: I haven’t written in a while so im trying to get back into it again. Don’t be scared to shoot over a request - especially not for our fav short king
1.2k - Lucifer Morningstar x reader (Hazbin Hotel)
Warnings: fluff, very sweet, already established relationship
Overworked s/o gets some comfort and love from our all-time favourite Lucifer.
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You walked to the hotel door with a painful ache in your neck. All the sitting around, reading documents and arguing with some wanna-be rich people about car prices made your neck and shoulders sore. With slumped shoulders and an annoyed look, you stumble into the newly rebuilt hotel. Greeting you with a beaming smile, Charlie hopped over to you:
“Hey y/n, are you ready for a team-building exercise of trust and friendship? Now that you are finished with work, you can join us!!!”
“Sorry, not today Char Char. It was an exhausting day at work”
Normally you loved helping out Charlie in the hotel and talking to the others, but today you just wanted to go die for the secound time on the couch. You shot a quick smile and waved at Lucifer, who smiled back with slight pity noticing your tired deminer.
You walked up the neverending set of stairs, which seemed to just get longer and longer. After finally reaching your and Lucifer’s bedroom you fumbled with your keys in your pocket and opened the door. You walked to the bedroom and clumsily opened the door. Seeing the sweat relief of the king-sized bed, you flopped your tired body on it and let out an aching moan. You looked around the room, letting your eyes glide over the hotel room, which was more like a small one-bedroom apartment. It seemed like the concept of time had disappeared. Everything began to feel like a blur and your brain got foggy from the exhaustion. Minutes felt like hours in your trance-like state, when you heard a small klick coming from the door. You couldn’t be bothered to pick up your head let alone your body, so you just slowly rolled your eyes in the direction of the sound waiting for the bedroom door to be opened. You thought it was someone who came to check up on you or even worse, ask you for a favour so you presumptuously let out an annoyed huff. What you didn’t expect was to see Lucifer at the foot of the door, opening it slowly and carefully as if not to wake up a newborn baby. Seeing your lovely partner made your heart flutter and a barely visible smile crept up on your face despite your crushed state.
Seeing hell’s King sneak around your bedroom to not wake you if you were asleep had something heartwarming about it. This gave you enough strength to barely pull yourself from your lying position into a sitting one, letting one of your legs dangle off of the edge of the bed while the other was resting on the bed folded near your body. A silent “oh shit” echoed through the room as your boyfriend walked up to you and sat next to you on the bed.
“I’m sorry honey. Did I wake you?”
“No, no, not at all. I was just… resting on the bed”
“You look beaten, are you alright? You need to start watching out for yourself more. I mean, no one should be this tired. What if someone attacked you and you were too overworked to fight back?!”
You chuckled at your worried man and let your head fall on the shoulder pad of his pearl-white suit. He tensed up from the sudden touch but quickly relaxed. His hand found their way to your hair stroking your head gently. He carefully lifted your head to remove his jacket and hat and threw them on the bed to make his shoulder more comfortable to lie on.
“It was a loooooong day. First, some overlord was pissy that the price of a car he wanted to buy went up and wanted to bargain it down. As if that wasn’t bad enough some imp came to argue that his insurance won’t cover the car damages after he tried to transport two horses and a hellhound in his minivan. He just wouldn’t understand how the insurance couldn’t cover the damages his fiasco made on the car!”
“I don’t understand why you keep doing this to yourself y/n! I mean you come home being tired to death after your job. Why don’t you just stay and work in the hotel? We’ve got plenty to get done so you won’t be out of work!”
“Luci, I can’t. I know my job has some downsides, but I’ve always loved cars. They are the only good memories I have left from Earth. I’m fine”
You said the last sentence through your teeth. You knew you weren’t fine and so did Lucifer, but you still tried to reassure him. He sighed and decided to let this argument go. He was worried sick from you working yourself to the bone and wanted to take your pain away, but he also knew that you were stubborn and wouldn’t listen to him. So he decided to take care of you once again. His hand crept up to your cheek replacing it with his shoulder and carefully slid behind you on the bed. You melted into his touch, savouring every last drop of love and affection he gave you. You moaned from dissatisfaction when the support of his shoulder was gone, but were nicely surprised by his hands gliding to your neck and shoulders and massaging them. You hummed at the release of tension in your muscles and let your head fall backwards with shut eyes. Lucifer couldn’t help but kiss your forehead gently flashing a smile at your satisfied face. Your eyes fluttered open and he let his hands slide lower across your whole back running circles. His fingertips and nails tickled your back. The painful fog in your brain started to lift and be replaced with gentle love. While savouring hell’s boss’ touch he snaked his hands behind your neck and legs picking you up effortlessly startling you. Your hands clutched onto his chest. It is still surprising how easily he can pick you up despite you being taller.
Carefully he walked over into the other room while you let your head rest on his body trying to get as close to him as possible as if you were afraid to lose him. While setting you down on the couch you cluched his arms almost anxiously.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m still here. I’m not going anywhere.”
You loosened your grip and sat up letting him slip behind you on the backrest of the couch. Lucifer kissed the top of your head letting you fall in his touch once more and resting your body between his legs. His hands slipped into your hair once more scratching your scalp softly and peppering your head with soft kisses. Taking care of you. Slowly you felt the stress of the day lifting. His hand slid over to your chin and pulled your face up. His back bent down and he planted a soft kiss on your lips. You let yourself get lost in the kiss and reached up to his head placing your hands on the side of his head pulling Lucifer deeper into the kiss. His golden hair tickled the tips of your fingers making you smile into the kiss. After pulling away your boyfriend gave you a gentle look and kissed your nose making you giggle softly.
“I love you y/n”
“I love you too Lucifer”
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noemilivv · 8 months
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Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
Charlie — crushing stages + relationship
petnames for s/o reader
Charlie x Short!Fallen Angel!Reader
Vaggie — crushing stages + relationship
Platonic!Vaggie + Blind!Fighter!Fallen!Angel Reader
petnames for s/o reader
Vaggie x Fem!Overlord!Reader
Comforting Reader After a Long Day HCs
Angel Dust — crushing stages + relationship
Angel Dust x Blind!Fighter!Fallen!Angel!Reader
petnames for s/o reader
Reader Finds Him Crying + Comfort
Angel x Artist!Reader who paints him
“Meant to Be Yours” Huskerdust x Performer!Reader
Radiodust x Disabled!Reader
Husk x Stage!Manager!Reader x Angel HCs
Alastor — crushing stages + relationship
Alastor x Overlord!Reader w/ Voodoo Magic
proposal + wedding hcs
kid w/ their powers hc
petnames for s/o reader
Platonic!Alastor + Teen!Male!Reader
Reader Finds Him Crying + Comfort
Radioapple Headcanons
Radiodust x Disabled!Reader
Partner Being Hit On HCs
Alastor x Witch!Reader HCs
Reader gets shampoo in their eye HCs
Alastor + Pirate!Reader (Platonic HCs)
Alastor x Tall!Reader HCs
Sir Pentious — crushing stages + relationship
petnames for s/o reader
Husker — crushing stages + relationship
“Bad Little Angel” Pt. 1 — Pt.2
“Gender Blind”
Husk x Past!Lover!Reader
Husk x Overlord!Reader w/ Voodoo Magic
Husk x Co-Worker!Reader (Headcanons)
Husk x Amnesiac!Reader
Husk x Blind!Fighter!Fallen!Angel!Reader
proposal + wedding hcs
kid w/ their powers hc
Husk w/ Cat Nip
“I’m not too good at this…” - Husk x Fem!Reader
petnames for s/o reader
“Meant to Be Yours” Huskerdust x Reader
Husk + Book Worm!Reader (Platonic)
Partner Being Hit On HCs
Husk x Stage!Manager!Reader x Angel HCs
“More Than Anything”
“King of Hearts”
Reader gets shampoo in their eye HCs
Husk x Mute!Reader HCs
Niffty — crushing stages + relationship
Lucifer — crushing stages + relationship
luci x artist!butterfly demon!reader hcs
proposal + wedding hcs
kid w/ their powers hcs
Lucifer Morningstar x Gyaru!Reader (Headcanons)
Lucifer defending reader who talks a lot /r
frankenstein s/o hcs
petnames for s/o
Reader Finds Him Crying + Comfort
Radioapple Headcanons
Partner Being Hit On HCs
“Mr. Took-Yo-Sis!” Lucifer x Adam’s Sister!Reader
Lucifer x Insecure!Jealous!Reader HCs
Lucifer x History Enjoyer!Reader HCs
Reader gets shampoo in their eye HC
Adam — crushing stages + relationship
proposal + wedding hcs
kid w/ their powers hcs
Adam defending reader who talks a lot /r
frankenstein s/o hcs
petnames for s/o
Adam x Cupid!Reader
Bisexual!Adam x Male!Reader
Lute — crushing stages + relationship
Lute Relationship HCs (Rewritten)
Lute x Overlord!Reader
Lute x Anxious!Shy!Reader HCs
Lute meets GN!Demon!Reader at Court Hearing
Rosie — crushing stages + relationship
Velvette — crushing stages + relationship
petnames for s/o
Velvette x Short!Fallen Angel!Reader
Velvette x 2000s McBling Styled!Reader HCs
Vox — crushing stages + relationship
proposal + wedding hcs
kid w/ their powers hcs
Vox defending reader who talks a lot /r
Vox x Stunt!Imp!Reader
frankenstein s/o hcs
petnames for s/o
Reader Finds Him Crying + Comfort
Cherri Bomb — crushing stages + relationship
Cherri x Anxious!Shy!Reader HCs
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jinkiezzsstuff · 7 months
Written & Writing :)
Because I’ve got a couple things drafted, n i’ve written a few things before in the past, i figured i’d make a list, a collection, wouldn’t necessarily call it a master list, but y’know. Easier to navigate everything that i have written or am in the middle of writing teehee
so far there is only three fandoms i’ve written for: Hazbin, Helluva & FNAF. but im a fan of other things like codmw, harry potter, certain slashers, batman, creepypastas, the labyrinth (my fav <3) n others
*: The stars indicate explicit content 18+, all GN pronouns and anatomically; otherwise will be specified.
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Hazbin Hotel:
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒲𝒽𝑜𝓁𝑒 𝒞𝓇𝑒𝓌:
Transported (Male reader): 【1】 【2】
Reader gets thrown into the Hazbin Hotel after falling down a well, now he’s having a blast interacting with all his favs while also experiencing the fun first hand.
Wing Grooming: 【1】 【2*】
You help Lucifer maintain his healthy wings, and in the first part he suggest stopping before things go south, in the second part, things go south straight to smut town.
Met the Devil* Human!reader || PT2
You’re a plain and simple human until you meet a strange man in the night who gives you a card, mysteriously that same strange man shows up at the cottage your house sitting.
Request: Cockwarming Lucifer at Mammon performance
Zip Zap (male reader)
Charlie gets followed by Valentinos boys, readers there to save the day.
Request: Charlie x male reader *
Knight (male reader) PT2
In the first part male reader saves Emily after she falls and gets nabbed up by Valentino, and in the second part you comfort her when she has nightmares about it.
The Dog and The Deer
Reader is a dog demon, Alastor loathes the reader simply because it reminds him of his untimely death, and weak mortality. You however are incessant and want him to like you, you end up finding out why he hates you and possibly start a new friendship.
In Season (Fem Reader)*
Reader is pretty well acquainted with heat, but wasn’t typically affected, thats until she visits the hotel and a scent like no other hit her throwing all her reasoning out the window, Alastor felt the same when he sensed you come into the hotel. SMUT
At first sight*. || PT2 PT3*
Doe reader with white ears and tail has been Charlie’s bestie since childhood, and when they comes to the hotel is hesitant about the radio demon until they meet in the flesh and an instant attraction is there. Reader ends up dealing her soul to him in the form of marriage during a moment of intimacy.
Movie night. || PT2 PT3
Reader and the gang it sit down in the first part to watch Bambi, and it brings back some memories from his past. In the second part, Reader is excited to show Alastor princess and the frog due to the similarities, and in the third part Alastor treats reader to a date after the kindness of the nights prior.
Bully: [1]
Reader is an Imp who’d befriended Charlie and came to the hotel, Alastor makes sure to make readers life a living hell poking at all their soft spots reminding them they’re just a weak little imp. There will eventually be a second part with smut.
Back to Life: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
One day when waltzing through the woods a peculiar looking buck led you deeper into them, while following, you fell hitting your head and woke to a stranger standing over you. You don’t know where you are, how you got here, or who this guy is, but he’s all you’ve got and he’s utterly insane.
Request, cockwarming Alastor*
Request, Songfic: Noel’s Lament
Request Insecure Plus sized reader with Alastor
Request, Reader and Alastor fight and make up teehee, angst fluff smut
Hate That I Love You
Father Adam (incomplete)
Request - Hosptialized adam teehee
Big Fan (incomplete)
Request; singer reader who vox becomes obsessed with FEM
Showers* (Fem reader Incomplete)
Obsessed with me (Fem reader incomplete)
Rivalry To Romance (Female Reader)
You always found yourself in competition with Velvette and you found her to be an insufferable brat, turns out it’s just a wee crush.
Request Val bratty reader FEM
Request: bunny reader and spanking
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Helluva Boss: Nothing yet!
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Five Nights at Freddy’s:
Mike Schmidt:
Paranormal Investigator
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ratskinsuit · 7 months
For Fountain Full Of Sewege Water (Ratskinsuit)
WARNING, This account contains nsfw and sensitive topics, MDNI. Welcome to my trashy little corner of tumblr 🙃
Till I Feel Better - sub!Lucifer x gn!Reader - Smut
A Warm Embrace - stressed!Lucifer x gn!Reader - Fluff
Under The Desk Support - sub!Lucifer x gn!Reader - Smut
In Life And Death And Further On - Ex Lover!Velvette x gn!Reader - Fluff, tad bit of angst
My Other Half - Lucifer x Imp fem!Reader - Angst, Comfort, Slight Fluff
~~Headcanons + Drabbles~~
Hazbin Hotel Pet Name Heacanons pt 1 - No Reader - No tags
Hazbin Hotel Pet Name Headcanons pt.2 - No Reader - Slight Nsfw
Velvette x Autistic!Male Reader Headcanons - Fluff
Velvette and Best Friend Reader Headcanons - Fluff
Angel Dust and Best Friend Reader Headcanons - Fluff with slight Angst
Lucifer x Sinner gn!Reader from a cold place Headcanons - No Drabble - No tags
Alastor x Fallen Angel Lucifer’s Sister Fem!Reader Headcannons - No Drabble - No Tags - Planned to be redone eventually
How Hazbin Hotel Characters Act When They Are Comfortable Around You pt 1 - No tags
Adam boyfriend Headcanons - Birthday Special - Smut , Fluff - No Drabble
Hazbin Hotel Characters with a Reader with ADHD - No tags - No Drabble
~~Random Stuff~~
Alastor is a demented cat
Alastors stupid cane
Cat Alastor Drawings
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To hunt or be hunted #13
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: Finally Lucifer's turn, Ft. a voyeur Alastor. Warnings: Light smut, talk about SA and assault.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz @looking106
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Back at the palace, in his office. How he dreaded to come back to the solitude after months of your company and comprehension.  That’s what it was, right? After all you were only with him because he could provide you with a good night sleep. That and unconditional support.
If his love wasn’t enough to make her stay after thousands of years of marriage, how could he ensure to convince you to do the same, to stay? He thought looking at the portrait of him and Charlie, with a black veil hovering on top of Lilith’s face.
“How did it end like this? Why I wasn’t enough?” he sighed, looking at the stack of papers lying on his desk. With a groan he prompted himself and sat, the amount of papers that wrath had sent over to the Hotel were nothing compared with the ones at the office, he was going to be there for a while.
License after contract after whatever stupidity the sins had been proposing over the years he had excluded himself from their world. Something if he could notice among all the garbage that he asked to be approved, the economy had gone down the drain and it was increasingly difficult to find ways to farm correctly.
With determination, he went out to the balcony and from between his hands and a tear that fell from his cheek he released a cloud that covered the skies of his ring. With a little bit of a sentiment he allowed water to fall on his land, he then sent the water over to Sloth, who’s people took care of the plantations and medicines.
One small thing that might make a significant change.
He then sent over to Greed plans to “make more by charging less” only to deceive Mammon into agreeing to reduce the expense of “After-life”, otherwise if he found out he was going to lose money, he would be there banging on his door, whining for a century. That thought made him let out an exhausted laugh as he finished writing.
Unconsciously he had skipped lunch, normally you are there to remind him and get him off the ducks to go eat. He felt as useless as he did when he fell. And how not to do it? A monarch who barely cares for his people, immersed in depression and loneliness.
"Your Majesty?" an IMP opened the door, silver tray in hand, "Yes, tell me?" He barely murmured the words to him, having been between papers for more than nine hours, "He told me to tell him when it was eight thirty." He glanced at the clock on the wall, indeed eight thirty. "Ah thank you" he took the pill on the tray and took two pills, a refill of the antidepressant that Belphegor sent him every two weeks.
"It's already eight" he thought out loud, lazily, the weight of not having moved for hours settled on him like an anchor on his back, he made a portal to his hotel room, finding a plate of food with a note, when he saw that it was your handwriting, he felt a tickle in his heart.
‘Eat, see you in a minute’ he smiled like a lovesick boy, taking the note to his drawer and setting it inside a box, along with other notes you had wrote for him, including the first one.
“Hey, you look tired” he didn’t noticed you were in the room until your hands passed over his shoulders to lay on his chest, untying his bowtie as he took another bite of the stake you had prepared. “Too many papers” he spoke, one hand with a fork and the other on one of your hands.
“I can help with the rest if you want” he smiled and shook his head, “I neglected my obligations for too long, I have to be responsible of the damage now” you kissed his temple, a happy sigh as your reward. “How was your day?” ‘tell him about the threat and add to his stress, or lie and handle it later?’ you pondered for a minute, then decided to tell him but not quite.
“I was threatened, by an unsightly demon, I have to admit she was good, but she wanted my business” he swallowed the last bite before he turned his head to see you, not one sight of bruises or injuries, “And did she survived?” unfortunately, “She managed to slip away, but I’ll pay no heed to that”.
“The axe-man being merciful? Let’s go buy a lottery ticket, we may win tonight” you pinched his side in spite of his bad joke, “You little…I prefer horse races” he kissed your hand with a smile, then flicked the fingers on the other, a smug grin adorned his face.
The candle flames of the room turned purple, the ambiance changing in a second. “You should rest Luci, there’s no need of-” he shushed you by pulling of your waist around him, gaining you to sit on his lap, “No need… do you want to?” he read your enthusiasm in the kiss you laid on his lips, “Good, because I’ve been daydreaming of the bath you promised me” he whisked his wrist, the echo of water being poured into the bath was heard afterwards.
“Just a minute, my lioness” he nuzzled his face on your collarbone, his smile was a tired one, true but tormented. You noticed the bags under his eyes had become a tad darker, ‘Curse her, I will tore apart that prissy bitch for this’ you thought, your eyes shifting slightly.
“Y/n?” he called you, at which you hummed, staring at the void, “You’re tense, was the threat that bad?” you could tell he was worrying; he would read that info out if you continued thinking about it. “I guess I am tense, I have lost my touch” you stood up from his lap, “Y/n?” he called you again, his eyes fixed on any sign that will tell him anything.
"What you will see, it is not pretty or attractive. I have come to the point where I truly appreciate you and I can safely say that I truly have you in my heart" You walked a few steps forward, still turning your back on him, "But, I forbid you to show me pity or feel sorry for me or my current state, that is something that I will never forgive you for." You took the ties of your dress and undid the knot, and then let the corset fall to the floor, as soon as you did, the dress you wore pooled down around your ankles.
Lashes, long and repetitive, almost all of the same length, spreading across your skin from below your shoulders to your lower back. They didn't look normal, but rather they were deep and the scar had the appearance of a burn. Your back, contrasting with the rest of your skin, looked emaciated and rotten but without really being so. Lucifer had to put on his best performance to not show you how much it hurt and infuriated him to see you like this.
“He used a fire poker, that's why he looks like that. He ended up being my first victim in my debut as Axe-man” when you finally gained the strength to turn around, he adopted a look that you couldn't read, “This kind of violence, I hate it. I can erase the marks on their entirety, you just have to say the word” it wasn’t pity, he honored your request, it was something more, passion perhaps, “Will it hurt?” he nodded, “Do it, please”.
When the water was perfectly tempered, he magicked his suit away, he was the first to enter the bathtub, and provided an inviting hand your way. You let out a breath seeing everything he had to offer, himself.
“Can I trust you?” he asked, you wanted to make that question, “You can” you took his hand, the rest of your garments discarded on the floor, “I need us to make a deal, in exchange of my healing powers” the water was warm on your skin, it slowly reached your hips as he motioned you to sit on his legs, straddling his hips.
“Go on” your hands caressed his chest, all the way up to his shoulders, embracing him close, “No matter what happens after this is gone-” his hand traced the snake on your shoulder to the head on top of your breast, “I want you to stay by my side” the nature of his request was simple, his sanity, you worked as an anchor, to keep him grounded and steady, contrary to what he felt with Lilith, which was a freedom like feeling, but he was eternally alone nonetheless.
 “I can’t give you my soul, I don’t possess it yet” he placed a kiss on your throat, making you gasp. “I don’t want to own you; I just want this...” his eyes were red, horns, you were making a solemn accord with the king of hell. “Truth to be told, I don’t think I can let this go either. Once I try the apple, no matter what happens next, will you still want me?” could he? Even if she appeared and you had to move on to make irreparable damage, would he stay nonetheless?
“Yes” he didn’t faltered, not a single doubt in his eyes. “It’s a deal then” under the powerful kiss that sealed the agreement, invertedly, the snake on your chest made a few movements back up, resting on your collarbone.
Kiss by kiss your body began to relax, your hips moved as if by inertia against his pelvis, accompanied by his hands on your skin. Up, down, he gently pressed his fingers on your thighs, wishing he could make it harder, but he rather avoid hurting you any longer.  When the hard ceramic of the bathtub under your knees began to hurt, you winced, so he changed the position, he sat you sideways on top of his legs.
“Say it” you whispered, lowering your kisses to his neck and shoulder, “I want you, I care for you, I need you” his tip poked your bottom, to which you widen your eyes slightly and contained a laugh, barely, “You’re too pretty, that’s why” he blushed in an adorable golden hue, looking down to the rest of scars less noticeable along your body.
“Did you gave my offer a thought?” two fingers sneaked under your legs, parting gently your thighs to make way into your pussy. “I did, it was hard not to” you gasped when his touch reached your puffy lips, “Do you have an answer to it?” he kissed into your damp hair.
"I live in the possibility that one day, I will have to do something that you will not be able to forgive me for, and just thinking about how you would look at me afterwards, kills me”
“Like what, killing Charlie? You love her too much to do that” true, but inevitably if she were to appear, and gave you the order, you wouldn’t have other option.
“I don’t have the specifics Luce, but I feel something is on its way to threaten you and Charlie, and when that happens I will raise my ax against whoever attacks you, without a doubt” you held your heart in your words, he noticed your heart skip a beat or two as you did.
He remembered how he used to get wet in the rain, sheltering Lilith from it with his wings. When she left her, he was left alone getting wet in the rain, until you appeared, and he spread his wings once again, but he didn't get wet, you put an umbrella over him.
“That’s a lovely sentiment, but I can take care of myself, love” you hummed to his absurd pride, hidden under a kiss and a smile. “But I believe in your judgement, you love my daughter, as much as I do, probably” he kissed you again, smiling lovingly as he did, “And you” you added, it also made his smile grow.
But of course, your happiness was fleeting. Lucifer wanted you in a way you didn't know, but longed for. He put lust aside when he realized the water was getting cold, he went on to wash your hair, let your hands run the soft soap over his scars, and then activated his powers. His heart trembled when you started gasping and wincing while his specks worked on the scar tissue.
He offered you a hundred apologies, one each cry of pain you let out, until it was over. The only thing echoing in the room was your breath, then footsteps. “Ah, glad you finally decided to join us, Bambi” you looked past your shoulder, Alastor walked up to seat on the edge of the bathtub.
“How do you feel dearest?” he petted in between your ears, combing your hair with his claws on the way. “I know the pain is merely mental, it will pass” he then lowered his hand to in between your shoulders, “It looks much better now” he cooed, leaning to lay a kiss on your shoulder. “Thank you, doctor” you smiled against Lucifer’s skin, he let out a giggle remembering the previous conversation early in the morning.
“You two better get out of there, you’ll get sick” he was right, following by an eye roll from Lucifer, you two got out of the soapy water. Alastor had you wrapped in a towel, then brushed and blow-dried your hair, you did the same for Lucifer, having him smiling and relaxing made you feel happy, even more so, having Alastor’s ministrations on yourself.
“I was hoping I could get us some time; you know?” Lucifer frowned towards Alastor, who was nuzzling against your shoulder, “You were the one who said I could join”
“Okay, ground rules about my body” you walked away from them, dropping the towel as you made your way to the bed, “I don’t do group fucks. If you want me, it will be one at a time, aftercare mandatory, no anal” you stepped up on the sheets, pushing yourself back to the center, “You may bite and scratch me, but avoid important points, I will do the same”.
Alastor moved to a chair next to the balcony window, his gaze never leaving yours. The king discarded his towel as well, crawled on top of the bed to positioned himself on top of you. He parted your legs, setting himself so close to you, he felt eager to just ram into you, but he wanted to do things right, specially since he had public.
You felt him growl seeing the snake, “Mine, you won’t be taking her away” you smiled, his eyes blood red as he licked a stripe up in between your breasts. The snake moved a solid inch up to your shoulder. “It moved…” Alastor choked on a drop of saliva, “What did?” Lucifer went down kissing your belly, “That thing on her arm” he laughed, happy that you were happy enough to not want to die.
“I’ve only seen it move forward, interesting, I need to know more about this- Hey!” in between the king and Alastor, the smiling demon had the length advantage, but the king had the girth, and a long tongue, which was soon inside you. “Lucifer, ah! You don’t have to-“ voices, sounds, reminders of a skin that you left behind, yet palpable on your mind.
 “You want me to stop?” the king was scared, he didn’t know if he had made something wrong, his own voices were tearing his mind apart, unsure of what he did to upset you, to bring a bitter look on your eyes.
“No, I just make the point that you don’t exactly have to do that” all the comments of the taste, the look, you just never wanted to hear that again. “I want to, pleasure goes both ways, and it’s about to earn the other person” after a few seconds of your wide eye dumbfounded look, he explained “Curtsey of the king of lust”.   
“May I?” he looked down on you with a smile and a pleading look, like a kid begging to eat a piece of candy, “Alright” when Lucifer started sucking on the skin around your mound and then licking straight into the source. You grabbed his hair, gently tucking at it.
You shot a glance to Alastor, his shaft out of the fly of his pants, a hand going up and down while his eyes were fixed on you, a light blush adorning his cheeks. “Al, come kiss me” you pleaded in between breaths and moans. The deer didn’t hesitated a single second, he rose from his seat to kiss you, feverishly, tongues fighting and dancing a very dangerous tango.
“Mmh, Luci wait-” you moved your face from Alastor, jealous he bit your neck, triggering the pression building in your lower abdomen to loosen and implode on Lucifer’s mouth. “Next time is my turn, dear” Alastor turned your head with two fingers under your chin, claiming your lips once again.
“You’ll have to beat me to it, fawn” Lucifer made you gasp into Al’s mouth when he pulled your legs up his waist, “That’s for her to decide, arm rest” his taunt made you giggle, “Don’t be mean to each other” you caressed Alastor’s face, causing him to bleat happily.
“You don’t need a hand with that, big boy?” you purred hovering his lips, “Not this time dear” his forehead was on yours, “Alright” you heard Lucifer murmur before he tug on your tail, “May I have your attention, kitten?” his red eyes were a real menace to your mental sanity.
“I’m sorry my king, you have my undivided attention” he shot an unamused stare at the radio demon, who sat back in his seat. “Good” he pulled you closer by your hips, “I need you kitten, so bad, please?” he pumped his dick a couple times before coating the tip with some of your previous cum.
After the green light, so to speak, excitement got him so fast he ram himself into you. “Oh, shit it’s huge!” you gasped, your words made pride put Lucifer on a chokehold, he almost cum because of that. He was about to anyways, seven years with no action made him twice as sensitive.
He started slow, mentalizing as not to finish yet, though the way you were clawing his back, and squeezing him in was making it extremely challenging. “Kitten, I’m close” he almost made it sound as an apology, “Go ahead, please” after a few thrusts and lots of bite marks on your chest.
Over Lucifer’s shoulder you saw Alastor again, his ears pinned back, eyes half lidded, and his own cum covering his hand. “Magnificent presentation darling” he cheered, cleaning himself and you up with his magic.
The jealous king rolled to the side of the bed, taking you with him. His favorite position, his face between your breasts. Alastor tried to remind himself why he was in such position, then your tail wrapped around his waist and pulled him close to your back, and that was answer enough.
Bliss, only that filled the moment. But as sure as hell, you knew it wasn't going to last.
And it didn't.
When they warn you about the calm before the storm they mean it. The angelic chorus that followed the shot not only forced you to fly off a few kilometers against the cement and earth, but your left arm, black from the fire, fell off, reduced to ashes as soon as you collapsed against a building.
Trying to focus your sore eyes, you managed to see Lilith laying on the ground, and close to her Lucifer, who cradled her on his arms before taking off somewhere.
Meanwhile, memories, the threat, Charlie's order, the moment she dared to pull Alastor's chain and make him feel like a pet. Despite having lost your mind to violence, it never crossed your mind, not even for a moment.
That Lucifer would be capable of launching a divine lightning bolt at you to stop you.
Stay tuned the end is near.
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coopigeoncoo · 3 months
Meat Cute, Chapter 8
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Chapter Links: First, Previous <- Chapter 8 ->Next
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader
Rating: Mature (rating may change)
Tags: Canon-typical violence, Cannibalism, Reader is a cannibal, Fake/pretend relationship, Puns, Raccoon Reader, Tags may change, Swearing
In a bid to appear more approachable to the denizens of the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor enlists the help of his favorite butcher to step into the roll of an (after)lifetime: pretending to be his paramour!
“You can't deny we have so much in common,” Alastor's grinned, his smile somehow, impossibly, widening even farther as he leaned down on the counter on a single elbow; his nose nearly touching yours as you stood frozen in place. “I'm somewhat of a Butcher myself, you know.”
A story where one thing is certain: the steaks are never bigger than when love is on the line.
Continue reading below, or follow the link to A03!
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Alastor led you back towards the hotel proper, where the immaculately dressed masses were milling about; nibbling on hors d'oeuvres and politely clapping when the imps in the string quartet would finish playing yet another unidentifiable classical number.  
Lucifer himself stood at the center of it all, holding court and seemingly in his element as he laughed politely at whatever the stiff-looking socialite next to him had said.  In an unexpected show of mercy, Alastor pivoted you both away from the King and towards the fringes of the party, where Princess Charlotte was gesturing frantically at a group of women whose shoulders were quaking with barely suppressed laughter.  
“Pardon my intrusion,” Alastor said, slipping next to Charlie with a bow.  “I wanted to make sure I had the opportunity to properly introduce the two of you.”
“Oh!” Charlie exclaimed, having been so wrapped up in her spiel that she had failed to notice you and Alastor's approach.  “I remember you!  You work at the butcher shop, right?”
“That's me,” you confirmed brightly, watching the women Charlie had previously been lecturing slip away out of the corner of your eye; giggling with one and other behind their hands.  
“I hardly recognized you without all the, y'know, blood,” Charlie laughed, adjusting her hold on a large stack of pamphlets in her arms.  
“I get that a lot.”
“Me, too!” Alastor laughed, tugging you closer to his side. “We really are quite the matching pair, aren't we?”
“Like rats and the plague,” you agree with an indulgent tilt of your head, fluttering your eyelashes in a way you hope appeared demure in the face of Charlie's disbelief.  
“Such a charmer!” Alastor cooed, extending one of his wickedly sharp claws and drawing it slowly towards your face.  Breathlessly, you watched as the talon drew closer and closer; eyes eventually crossing when Alastor used his claw to tap you playfully on the nose.  
“Oh- huh,” Charlie murmured, obviously shocked by the familiar way Alastor was treating you.  “This is…unexpected- but good!  Very good!   You seem to have grown close, uh, pretty quickly-”
“Charlie, my dear, are you implying that my companion is fast ?” Alastor inquired, his head ticking to the side menacingly. “Wanton?  A woman of ill repute?”
“Oh, dear,” you tsked worryingly, patting down the front of your dress.  “I seem to have misplaced my scarlet letter!”
“You must have left it in the gutter you crawled out of this morning,” Alastor sighed, shaking his head fondly.  “You're such a forgetful little thing.”
“Wha- NO!” Charlie belted out loudly, her free hand flapping about in front of her in a placating manner.  “That isn't what I meant at all!”
“Oh?” Alastor intoned doubtfully.  “Do go on, then.”
“It's just- you're…not easy to get to know, Alastor.  So to see someone be so close to you, it's- well,” Charlie sighed, racking her brain for the best way to explain herself.  “I guess there's really no timeline for these sorts of things, huh?  When you know, you know.”
You were suddenly acutely aware of the lies poised to tumble from your mouth at Alastor's behest; the deception on your tongue a bitter contrast to the Princess’ sweet sincerity.  
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“I really appreciate you coming out and supporting the hotel today,” Charlie beamed, leading you closer to the buffet table where Angel Dust and a rag-tag looking group, likely the other hotel residents, had gathered.    
“Once Alastor extended the invitation I simply had to come!” You replied honestly, hating the way that outright lying about your situation made you feel and doing your best to talk around it.  Thankfully, Alastor seemed to enjoy your duplicity, a pleased chuckle rumbling from his chest when he thought you were being especially clever.   
“I'm pleased with the turnout,” Charlie continued on.  “Fingers crossed that the big crowds translate to big donations!”
“Donations?” you inquire, confused about why the daughter of the most powerful man in Hell would need to crowdsource her funding.  
“Yep!  This is supposed to be a fundraising event to increase community involvement,” Charlie explained.  “We could just fund things ourselves, but we thought that people might be more invested in our efforts if they, well- invested!”
“And what are they investing in, exactly?  The hotel?”
“Oh, no!  We're branching out into the surrounding neighborhoods, trying to build local ties, you know?” Charlie chirped excitedly, passing you one of the pamphlets she'd been carrying all day.  “So we're looking to start a grant program for sinners looking to open up businesses that would benefit the entire Pride Ring.  Methadone clinics, detox centers, restaurants willing to work with us to provide meals to the destitute- that sort of stuff!” 
“You’ll be needing this,” Alastor said, sliding a long stemmed glass smoothly into your hand. You accept it without complaint, aware of the many eyes upon you, anxiously darting between you and the drink Alastor had passed your way.  Without hesitating you brought the glass up to your lips and took a long sip, displaying a level of trust in Alastor that you didn't actually possess.  
If Alastor wanted you dead, there wasn't really anything you could do about it anyway.  And honestly, if poison was how he'd chosen to go about murdering you then you'd count yourself beyond lucky.  It would be an unprecedented show of compassion on his part to kill you quickly when you'd heard rumors of him disemboweling sinners, using their intestines to trim his Christmas tree, and then keeping them alive and in agonizing pain to ring in the New Year with him.   
Charlie had continued talking as you drank, blissfully unaware of the dramatic scene playing out right under her nose.  
“-so we've been trying to recruit donors for the Sir Pentious Entrepreneurial Resource Management fund!”
You took another sip of your blood wine, savoring the rich metallic tang, and made the mistake of looking down at the pamphlet in your hand.  Seeing the words printed out in bold text at top of the brochure made everything in your brain suddenly click.
With a loud snort, you spat your mouthful of wine back into your glass, helplessly coughing into your hand in an attempt to clear your airway.  A handkerchief appeared in front of your face and you readily accepted it, dabbing at the wet spots you felt on your lips and chin.
“Princess -,” you finally manage to sputter out.
“Call me Charlie!”
“-alright, Charlie,” you capitulated easily, recognizing that there were far more important matters immediately at hand. “Just to, ah- clarify the situation, here.  You do realize you spent an entire day encouraging people to become SPERM Donors, right?”
“I- No!” Charlie screeched, aghast at your accusation.  “It's the Sir Pentious Entrepreneurial Resource Management fund!”
“Yes, and SPERM is the acronym, ” you grimaced, body flooding with second hand embarrassment for the poor woman.  Charlie stared down at the pamphlets in her arms in disbelief before throwing her head back and releasing a pitiful wail towards Heaven.
“It all makes so much sense now,” she groaned, letting the pamphlets fall from her arms and scatter to the floor as she clutched her head in misery.  “All the laughing , that one woman saying that she ‘wasn't equipped’ to make a donation, Angel wanting to call the event ‘Hoeing Weeds and Sowing Seeds'- ”
Charlie abruptly paused, spinning to face Angel Dust.  
“You knew!” Charlie bellowed, pointing an accusatory finger at him.  “You knew and you didn't tell me!”
“Hey now,” Angel Dust called out, raising all of his arms into the air defensively.  “Don't go puttin’ all the blame on my supple shoulders!  Everyone else here knew about it, too!”
“Everything was just happening so fast,” a dour-faced woman said, placing her gray hands on Charlie's shoulders comfortingly.  “By the time we noticed the, uh- typo, you'd already made handouts and put flyers up around the city.”
Things only devolved into further chaos from there, with accusations flying about who knew what and when.  Cautiously, you withdrew from the fray, placing yourself back at Alastor's side.  
“Are they always so…,” you paused, searching for the right word as Angel Dust reached onto the bar, grabbed a cocktail glass in each hand, and spiked them onto the ground in frustration.  “Spirited? ”
“Goodness, no!” Alastor chuckled, pulling you to the side and out of the way of the scattering glass shards.  “This is a rather subdued bit of bedlam, all things considered.  It barely even registers on the scale of exciting events that have happened this week! ”
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@wendds @matpatsstuff @qardasngan @polytheatrix @sirens-and-moonflowers  @venusdandy
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