#random thots~
l3viat8an · 7 months
Just thinkin’ about riding Beel while you wear his fangol jersey- it just looks so big on you! Beel couldn’t help himself~
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babygorewhore · 4 months
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“Please, fucking sit down. You’re not gonna crush me.” Rafe begs, tugging you down on top of his shoulders. Your legs on either side with your bare cunt clenching as you feel him breathe.
But then he shoves you down, his tongue flat against your clit with slow, messy licks that cause you to become sopping wet with his drool. He moans so deeply that it rumbles against your skin as you sink lower and start humping his nose.
“You fucking taste so good. You’re so sweet for me.” Rafe slurps and sucks your sensitive clit before he sticks his tongue instead, he starts humping the air because eating pussy is one of his favorite things.
“Fuck, baby. I’m gonna cum all over your face.” You try to move but he slaps your ass.
“Don’t you dare get off.” Rafe growls and his speed changes to a lewd, sloppy pace as he tastes you spill all over his lips and nose.
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konigsblog · 4 months
all good mutts listen to their owner, pup. quit whining to simon, spread your thighs and arch that back, spread your pretty pussy for him to jerk off to, not touching your pretty little body while you cry and plead for any form of stimulation.
getting your cunt rubbed by his large, heavy boots wasn't something you expected, desperate begging for pleasure. the tip of his military issued boots grazing your swollen, wet clit tauntingly, leading you to crying pathetically :(
what a filthy, dumb pup !!!
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara - Non/Dub-con Edition - Random Horny Thots #1 - Making It Fit
For @moonknightly 🫠
"It won't fit," you whine, feeling the fat tip of Miguel's cock pushing into your tight little hole.
You are a virgin, and that excites the hell out of Miguel. He's never had a virgin before, and the thought of ripping your cunt open around him made his cock come to life faster than ever before. You were tight though, that much was obvious. Even just the head of his shaft was enough to stretch you out more than you'd ever been before.
"It's gonna fit." He grumbled, pushing in a little more.
You cry out in pain, arching your back and feeling a sob swell like a ball in your throat. You push back on his abdomen, and in response he's grabbing both of your wrists and pinning them above your head with a sticky orange-red web.
"M-Miguel I-"
"Shh," he covers your mouth in the same substance that he used for your wrists.
He's pushing your knees up by your head, and you start to cry. You writhe underneath his powerful strength, but it's useless. He slides in a little more. No amount of prep could've readied you for the tearing of your hymen around his thick girth. He groans, voice rasping in pleasure at the feeling of molding your insides to his cock.
"Told you it would fit cariño." He looks down, spitting on his dick where it met with your entrance.
You moan, but still shake your head as he keeps rolling his hips forward slowly. You're crying louder, clearly asking him to stop, but he knows you can take it. He knows you want it. Besides, the sound of your distress alone is making his cock that much harder...and makes it feel that much better.
"Mm, buena niña, keep opening that hole up for me, relax and-let-me-in." He grunts loudly as he bottoms out, balls hitting against your rear as he does.
You cry out, little body trembling wildly under his huge frame. He's looking down where you're connected as he slides back. His stomach flutters excitedly at the sight of the blood streaking over his cock. He can see where your hole ripped open, crimson leaking out and trickling around his length.
"Poor little girl, no wonder you're crying so much. Cry harder for me okay? I like hearing you desperate and sobbing for me."
He slams forward, and you cry out again. You never thought Miguel would do something like this to you. He doesn't stop though, he keeps thrusting, and the pain feels like it's killing you. He seems to love it though, every scream makes him move faster.
Miguel has seen gaping wounds that bled less than you did. He's so fucking hard over it though, reveling in the way it looks, the way it sounds...the way it smells. It smells like copper mixed with your arousal, wafting up between both of your bodies to his nostrils. Seeing the way your pussy is swallowing his fat cock so well, despite the pain, is getting him closer.
When he comes, he's a mess, drooling down his chest and still staring at the bloody opening he made. You're still sobbing, inspiring what feels like the endless stream of cum to gush out of him and fill your channel.
When he's finished, he sits back to admire his work. Your little hole is a red and white mess, leaking all over the bed in a pile. You're still gaping wide open, clearly sore and aching.
"I knew you could take it cariño, now...let's go one more time hm?"
Any of my blurbs can be used as inspo for a fic. Please tag me for credit. Thank you!
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reveluving · 8 months
jeff sadecki thot (aka pathetic cmdr. graves), because why not!
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My toxic trait is knowing that I (you) can treat Jeff better than anyone in that godforsaken world. He could be giving heart eyes when you style his hair in the bathroom, trapping you against his chest as his hands hold the counter's edge. He's almost entranced, listening to you hum a tune or watching you squint your eyes as a way to focus.
Jeff could either be fighting back a boner or the painful urge to pull you into a literal bone-crushing hug when you embrace him, enjoying the way you rub your face in his sweater a little too much.
Jeff could be anticipating the irresistible sparkle in your eyes when he lets you have a taste of his cooking.
Jeff could have a dreamy look on his face when he listens to you talk about your day, a few pages of a novel you're reading, or if you speak another language, sway him with your accent/dialect, even if you say the most random of lines. His favourite kind is when it's after dinner when he has his head on your lap as you run your fingers through his hair.
Jeff could be looking forward to rainy days, where he would want nothing more than to make sure you stay warm in his arms. Pulling the covers up to your shoulders, letting you seek the warmth of his body.
Jeff could be biting down a cheeky smile whenever you have to crane your neck a little in order to look up at him.
Jeff could have his day saved just by being blessed with a kiss from you. He does not discriminate, so long it's your lips, he is a goner. (But if you tiptoe to kiss the tip of his nose? Knockout.)
God, he is pathetic. So pathetic that you just want to cover this man's face with lipstick-stained kisses. And please do exactly that. Cradle his head, and stare into his eyes before you smother him with your love. He will actually pass out.
No joke. He told me.
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fanfic-gallery · 2 months
manger's random tots #8 [ NSFW MDNI ]
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|| cw (dead dove) : implications of stalking, spying
» manager's note: with the trending of the milkman over all my social media nowadays, i've decided not to hop on this train- but instead, write about some other type of pretty boy with a low paying profession (no, this is not a 'that's not my neigbour' fic, thank you) hope you guys enjoy...? (i had the idea him being an oc in mind but you can slap whatever character you want <3)
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the neighbourhood mailman; absolute sweetheart, can do no wrong- sometimes giving away small little treats and nick-nacks along side the letters, pulling off light tricks and pranks to gargle a laugh or two, trying to brighten people's days.
yet, most don't seem too kind about his selfless gestures; impatient and grumpy bastards telling him off, yelling at him to knock it off with his piercing bike bell and 'nice guy' act.
on days like those, the only thing that seemed to be his light at the end of the tunnel, after gurgitating hours of cycling about under pretty harsh weathers, being chased off walk-way after walk-way... was you, his last patron of each day.
you weren't one of the first few in his delivery route; yet, you barely lived far down, so why is it that you were always his last? "...don't know... your letters always seemed to be at the bottom of the pile~" is what he claims; when in truth, he just wishes to spend the rest of his late-evening chatting your ear off with fun little misadventures he had during the past week.
he felt... cherished for once in his life; not someone needing to deal with the sour attitudes of people when they're all huffy or some boy-toy, taking his acts of service as an invitation to go running their hands all over him. he loved how he could play around, joke and complain without having the need to refrain himself. he felt... alive.
so it was to no one's surprise that he developed a massive crush on you; always giving you a little extra compared to the other townsfolk. full length handwritten letters, extra savings of candy and snacks he's been distributing that day, that box of pastries you seemed to have been eyeing up for the last few days or that prize you didn't manage to win during on one of your latest trips to the arcade.
seems light-hearted enough, right? if only you knew what other little treats he placed within your regular delivery... envelopes holding typed-letters; pouring his love for you over the many, many pages... each line, each paragraph... sometimes even rambling off into tangents- tangents of what he had been dreaming to do to you since day one... since the day you noticed his pains and took upon yourself to heal him back up.
yet, these sick fantasizes, these twisted thoughts on paper- you never blamed him for it, why would you went the initials signing off the letters eerily matched the creep that lived a few houses down from yours, who always seemed to have brought themselves false hope in charming you even after you said no.
no... you would never blame the innocent, naive mailman who's barely paid enough to suffer from verbal abuse every day of his life; barely having the funds to keep a himself together; yet, still cherished the happiness of others over his own.
maybe that's why you always seemed to accept his 'lustrous' gifts, especially that medium-sized stuffed bunny he so graciously sewed for you for valentine's to rid you of your loneliness. its soft yet limp body still laying on your bed, oblivious of the shine behind its dull black spheric eyes.
"...hah... hah...~" lustful eyes smiling as his flushed features melted against the monochrome screen he's stuck himself to, body trembling with each stroke of his throbbing cock, relishing in the soft breaths as you slept, spurring more pre to drip down his plush thighs, drenching the ground beneath his cheap desk chair. "...soon... soon, my love... i'll tell you the truth..."
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truly the most egregious part of the 2012 Les Mis is that they changed Valjean’s line from
“It’s the story of those who always loved you, your mother gave her life for you then gave you to my keeping.”
“it’s the story, of one who turned from hating. The man who only learned to love when you were in his keeping.”
LIKE?????!! How dare they remove Valjean specifically mentioning Fantine’s sacrifice and putting that before he mentions his own part in the story?? How dare they make Valjean imply that it was only when Cosette came into his keeping that he stopped hating everything and learned to love WHEN THE FUCKING BISHOP IS THE REASON FOR THE GODDAMN SEASON????
Like OF COURSE Cosette softened Valjean, of course he became a better man when he became her father, of course their relationship is important.
But this story would not have happened without the love of the bishop and it was his love that rekindled the love that was dormant in Valjean’s heart. And it was Fantine that fanned that flame, then Cosette’s that kept it steady.
I just hate how flat it makes Valjean’s story seem. “It’s the story, of those who always loved you.” Is THE answer Cosette has been searching for her whole life. I wish they’d kept it in instead of feeling like the audience would only feel fulfilled by Valjean’s story if he only mentioned his direct relationship to Cosette.
Whatever idk. It’s a good Les Mis for a lot of reasons, but a bad one for a lot of reasons too 🥲
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 months
I'm hardly the first person to notice this, but good god webcomics are the least time-efficient possible way of telling a story, aren't they?
I've been trying to figure out a better method of telling a story so that I could finish it before I die of old age (or, perhaps more relevantly, before everyone loses interest). It seems like no one really wants to read prose on the internet, but also people don't really like a comic that takes a year to go anywhere.
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The main bottleneck is dialogue. You can only get 2-3 lines in a standard comic panel, so even a short conversation of character texture can take several pages. It makes me wonder if the Single Panel With Text Beneath It style (like ForEach) isn't just the Objectively Correct™ way to tell a comic on the internet. It's very efficient on the art, you can include narration if that's your jam, and it's very easy to make it work on mobile. (Also the art being separate is a boon if you want to make marketing materials). But everyone will correctly call you a Homestuck rip off.
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Though the other thing Homestuck did was make these sprites of the characters that could be used to crank out a bunch of panels for scenes where nothing visually interesting was happening. You don't really see that copied as much
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Not openly, anyway. There's a stigma. I've thought about rebooting Legend of the Hare as a visual novel, where that kind of thing is arbitrarily more accepted, but it does start raising the question of why you're bothering with the visuals at all. I don't think the kind of person who makes webcomics is usually looking for an excuse to get out of drawing, even if it lets them increase their page output dramatically. Making sprites that don't look like absolute ass is also really hard. Homestuck sprites have a really specific janky charm to them that I've never really seen any other comic pull off.
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And, yeah, you could always just use a simpler art style, like Order of the Stick does, but it's super hard to get anyone to read a webcomic with great art, let alone simple art designed to maintain a high page output. And, again, why are you making a comic if you don't want to draw, unless you just naturally happen to draw that way and be really fucking good at it like Rich Burlew is?
It seems like the only really good way to tell a story in a reasonable amount of time as a webcomic artist is to make enough money off it that you can work full time, and, um, that's not really feasible either.
I don't have an answer I like. I guess just kill yourself in the content mines working webcomics as a second job that doesn't pay you anything.
I don't have a conclusion, capitalism is a nightmare.
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rafescurtainbangz · 2 months
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FootballPlayer!Rafe sending you the video he took the night before when he’s gone for an away game. Rafe, skipping out on the post-win bar night, so he can call you from his hotel room and talk you through it.
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l3viat8an · 4 months
Something something, Lucifer likes feeling the ring of light his ring on your hand when you jerk him off-
Just…the way the warm metal feels rubbing up and down his cock, as you move in slow strokes. ‘n the way it digs in just a little when you squeeze your hand around him…really just feeling that you’re wearing his ring adds a sense of possessive pleasure running through his body…
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wabblebees · 11 months
((please rb if you vote! obv this is just silly but im curious+wanna see ppls opinions<3))
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konigsblog · 4 months
thinkin’ about könig fucking you in the bath... water spilling from the tub, your bodies wet and his voice condescending and cruel as he mocks you for being so shy, attempting to hide your wet, soapy body as he fondles and gropes your ass... 🛁
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I do Not understand people who become obsessed with the actor who plays their favorite character. That is not my beloved babygirl, Steve Harrington, that is a random man that has ensorclled you with his likeness. Begone, snake!
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melodygatesauthor · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara - Vampire Edition - Random Horny Thot #1
NSFW - Consensual Non-con - Somno (kinda?)
Miguel’s fangs aren’t the result of the spider genetics as you’d originally thought. Not at all. He’s a vampire, it’s that simple, and that complicated all at once.
Your boss pisses you off one day. Never again. Someone hurts your feelings or tries to cause you physical harm? He makes sure their body is never found.
Miguel comes home after an unsatisfying feeding -likely interrupted so he had to discard the body quickly-, lips still coated in blood, eyes dark and hooded from the high. You’ve never seen him like this, in fact, you never talked about where he gets his food, he just…does, and you know better than to question it.
“Need more…need…” he’s growling like a feral creature. His eyes flick to you, sitting in the bed with the blanket pulled up to your chest.
“M-Miguel?” You stammer, eyes wide in terror.
He’s looking at you, pupils dilated and scanning over your body rapidly. He’s breathing so heavy that his broad shoulders are heaving with every inhale. He gets closer to the bed, bearing his teeth so you can see them glint in the faint moonlight through the bedroom window.
You think that by offering yourself to him, crawling to the edge of the bed with your neck exposed for him, it might end better for you, and you are right. He’s not gentle with you though, not that you expect him to be. Not when he’s like this.
He’s got you against the wall within seconds, sharp fangs buried deep into your neck and a hand covering your screaming mouth. You feel the blood coming out, and then you feel his lips over the holes he made, sucking against your skin and draining you.
He’s never been aroused while feeding before, but fuck he loves it when you whimper and cry like this. It reminds him of all the times he’s had his too big cock stuff inside your too small hole. He rids himself of his suit, pressing his erection between your legs hungrily, prodding at the apex of your thighs. You’re Keeping them closed, body tense from the pain of the feeding.
“Let me in honey,” he says in a low, gravely demand. “Fucking open your legs or I’ll open them for you.”
You tremble, doing as he tells you and then suddenly feeling so full of him you can hardly stand it. He looks at your face on the first thrust. His lips and chin are coated so thickly in blood that you gasp sharply through your nostrils, mouth still covered by his large hand…you wonder how you’re still alive.
You don’t even make it to your climax before you’re unconscious in Miguel’s arms, limp while he continues to rut his impossibly fat cock into you at an unrelenting pace. He’s done drinking from you, knowing he’s already taken too much, but it feels too good to stop fucking you.
“It’s okay,” he tells you, despite the fact that you can’t hear him, “you’re okay honey I’m so close. You’re so good to offer your body up to me like this, letting me take what I need.”
When he comes, you don’t feel it, but he’s making the most feral groans and grunts he’s ever made, spilling inside of you like you were a vessel made to take his seed. You’re so perfect, so warm in his arms, and most importantly, you are fucking delicious.
Any of my blurbs can be used as inspo for a fic. Please tag me for credit. Thank you!
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thepastdied · 1 year
Eddie sexily chewing on his gum while he's guiding your head up and down by your hair as you suck his dick. He's acting all nonchalant and is holding a cigarette between his fingers with his free hand, flicking it over an ash tray
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cntloup · 4 months
He's a 10 but he doesn't carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and countless tragedies have not befallen him.
i don't know what to tag
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