#rape enablers
isawthismeme · 4 months
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liberalsarecool · 1 year
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Republicans put an admitted sex offender in the White House.
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honeylemony · 2 months
Especially now that three additional women have come forward sharing their stories of abuse at the hands of Neil Gaiman, we just gotta have a talk.
What are you really gaining from engaging with his works. What are you really getting out of fanwork inspired by his stuff. What is NEIL getting out of people still keeping his works in the cultural relevancy? How does engaging with someone's content and created work affect the world around us? What does "death of the author" really mean when hoardes of rabid fans are burying his sins under tagged fanart and fanfic and fan tattoos and zines and endless worship?
What message are you sending to victims when you share his content? Have you heard that one in four women will be assaulted in their lifetime? Have you heard about the ongoing fight against femicide in so many areas of the world? How do you feel about feminism? Do you think it's been "solved" already?
Who are you? Do you care what impact you have on this world? How do you feel when your comfort is threatened?
Do you have the ability to give up something you like if persisting in engaging with it enables an abuser to continue quietly abusing women? If not what does it say about you that you prioritize your comfort over social solidarity? Are you white?
What does rape culture mean to you? Are you it?
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rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months
re: my last post, but I kind of have a good serving of criticism in my heart about the whole "gerudos as men r*pists*" trope that I've seen bouncing around in fandom since like 2008 at least (and before that I assume), but it's. not a particularly fun topic. so.
#thoughts#cw rape#gerudos#let's just say that#if we do need to go there#(and we Do Not need to go there particularly)#let's say this whole debacle ignores *a lot* of canon content that suggests where the power balance may actually lie#if it does lie anywhere#also the sexually aggressive/domineering brown people trope as another tool of dehumanization is not. yea#but idk I think it's an interesting takeaway to cultivate in the context of the overwhelming examples of#*hylians* being the ones to repeatedly overstep gerudo boundaries#gerudos don't capture men *men try to break in gerudo homes and get arrested* that's a pretty significant difference you guys#if gerudos were so aggressive about it wouldn't men rather be the ones to run away?#why are we keeping them out in the first place etc#anyway weird trope supported by almost nothing and often enabling VERY unhinged racist comments from its fanbase on the regular#can we talk about how the brown race is uncritically characterized as rapists --either ganondorf or his people#in spite of there being basically zero evidence anywhere in the games that this might be the case??? why is this an assumption we're making#idk man people be having weird hangups about all of this#also yeah sure the strong independant women has *got* to be man eaters that treat them like disposable garbage#and like#my dear Men of the Internet#maybe try to fix your anxieties surrounding women being self-sufficient and independant instead of projecting like crazy idk something#sorry the post is Unfun but it's been bothering me since forever#I remember being thirteen and reading a fic with this trope for the first time and being So Scandalized haha#but yeah I've been chewing on the thought ever since so here you go
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musical-chick-13 · 3 months
I really, really long for the day when the response to "This person turned out to be a rapist" is not, "Well, they wrote about [insert dark topic here] and/or portrayed a horrible person in a film/show, so we should have known the whole time."
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traumatizedjaguar · 5 months
The weird thing about abusers is they get vengeful over perceived slights that never happened, interpreting your intentions as negative toward them and using other cognitive distortions like black and white thinking to stabilize their delusional belief, and they project onto you without even seemingly realizing it… like each abuser to varying degrees seems to not even be aware of it?? I’ll tell ya, lack of self-awareness on both a human and spiritual level is extremely dangerous…
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I made the mistake of looking in the notes of a (good) post made by a big gomens blog about the accusations against Gaiman, and saw two terrible takes on opposite sides of the spectrum.
"Not saying what he did was right, but he just has a 1970s idea of consent." This is just pure bullshit. There's never been a point in time when men didn't understand the concept of consent and violating it for the sake of getting off on feeling powerful; yes, our culture has somewhat changed to take these things more seriously, but abuse and misogyny are not new concepts. You can't say, "but it's just a generational thing!" That just perpetuates rape culture. Abusers are responsible for their own actions. From what I read, he totally knew what he was doing, especially with using his status to have power over women. Full stop.
But that brings me to the next one...
2. "By continuing to engage with his works, you're continuing his celebrity and potentially enabling future assaults." I'm sorry, but it is ridiculous to say fans of a book or TV show are to blame for a man assaulting women, and furthermore, I'd guess that the tumblr gomens fandom is smaller than the overall group of normie, offline fans of his works around the globe, so it's not like people on tumblr still making gomens fan art or whatever are the ones solely keeping his works alive. He's been a famous author for decades, and unfortunately, that's not going to change even if everyone on tumblr never talked about gomens again. I do think people in the fandom have a responsibility to stop sharing any of his posts and interviews, stop tagging fun fandom posts under his name, not invite him to any conventions, not defend him, not financially support him, and inform any female fan who doesn't know about this and wants to go to a book signing or something with him in the future. Women need to know it's not safe to be around him. But other than that, if you've completely separated him from your fandom posts on this fringe, dying website, I really don't think you're hurting anyone. What matters in the real world is people knowing what he did, spreading the word, and keeping him away from fans, not if someone is reading one of his books or watching an adaptation of his work.
Anyway, if you're really concerned about sexual assault, please consider supporting an organization like RAINN. That's a lot more productive than any fandom discourse. I saw posts about organizing a fandom fundraising campaign to the organization, which I think is a great idea.
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isawthismeme · 4 months
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snekdood · 2 days
i dont think I should have to explain how it's fucked up to tell someone with bpd, someone with an already unstable sense of self, that they're not themself and try to insist you're them instead. I feel like that's pretty self explanatory actually
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armoralor · 9 months
if you’re choosing to support and standby someone who has made threats of violence & death, made light of rape, and called queer women pedophiles JUST because that person likes the same fictional ship as you- I hope you get better soon.
where is all that energy from a few weeks ago when people were condemning sapphics as alleged bullies? suddenly it’s okay to make actual death threats and be a white nationalist because you like the same cishet fictional couple. people were writing essays on their “mistreatment” at the hands of queer women last month, but those same people are STILL liking and commenting on the posts of incel men who OPENLY hate the LGBTQIA+ community.
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menalez · 3 months
triggering af lyrics
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but unironically i had this stupid type of mindset when in my last abusive relationship,, like ppl all noticed how abusive it was and i was almost glorifying it in my mind
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mydr3aminvi0let · 4 months
i wear a lot of skirts and pink and whatnot as my style has developed with me & my personality but when one of those age regression girlies latch onto me....i do not like that
#like oh....you think im one of them...bestie no im freshly 23 and im happy i made it this far i dont wanna go back#sometimes i hate being 5'2 with a small frame you have to be very careful and kinda vet everyone you interact with#idk there's a complex discussion to be had. i am someone who has went through what they fetishize and i know a lot of girls in that#community have too. so i worry a lot if if my behaviors and preferences accidentally align with that community in ways i don't realize#bc trauma will always reveal itself. idfk. when i was 20 i got in a relationship with a man who was 30 because i misheard him and thought#he was 24. i thought he was okay until we were at this giftshop and he wanted to get me something but as giftshops are super expensive#i mentioned i could fit in childrens clothes and it saves me a lot of money ($60 shoes are $30 for kids) and tbh fit my frame better#so he was “prove it” so i did and mf said “THATS HOT” ??????????? BITCH#my style wasn't even feminine in the slightest at the time 😑 it feels like a curse to have this kind of trauma then never outgrow this body#believe me ik how trauma changes your brain but how#as a woman#can you ever be apart of that community? why do you allow this to continue and not persecute these men for existing?#you're inherently enabling it and saying its okay this happened to you and its okay that other adults can hurt other kids#when my rapist got put in prison i screamed i yelled i sang i danced my friends set off FIREWORKS for me#when he got out i cried more than i ever have. i moved STATES (not the sole rzn but nonetheless) not that i was in the one he was in prison#in anyways but i was so fucking petrified he'd find me again. its embarrassing but i started sleeping with a chastity belt again.#i made more phone calls i ever have in my life to people who have and will get their hands dirty#i understand the self hatred those girls have. i understand the girls who sleep with everyone to take some of their power back.#i even understand the girls who want to get raped if they got assaulted but it never felt like enough for the pain they're experiencing#but please stay the fuck away from me. as someone who has tried to heal and wants every man like that erased from earth.#do not give them an ounce of attention. ostracize them like they're meant to be. leave it to god for their karma they will be dealt with#reckon with your pain and make sure it never happens to anyone else. only the harmed can make the greatest teachers#tbh bro i am disgusted with myself at all that those are the kinda vibes i put out.#what are you supposed to do as a woman when feminity is equalized with infantilism? i think its tone deaf and misguided whem girls are like#i dress this way to contradict societies views!!! babes its a whole cultural issue that requires reviewing and reforming#you are not doing anything revolutionary by wearing frilly skirts and saying im not like them bc they see you and ur automatically boxed in#i dress how i want and say what i want but i know as a individual im not the beacon of a groundbreaking movement#singularily flipping society on its head. dress how you want but be aware of the connotations. you're living in this society here and now#there's consequences that may not be in your favor and youll be assumed to have values that dont align with you and it may break your heart
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my-quirk-is-fred · 2 years
Imma block you soon anyways but just wanted to say that the purpose of a "tw" is to make sure people don't see topics that could trigger them. When you censor words by using "*" or anything that changes the specific word, you're avoiding people's tw's which is pretty scummy. Btw, that's the main reason why Opio blocked you but by all means if you wanna continue to trigger people just to push your agenda, then go on ahead.
Ah. Hi there victim blamer. How does it feel betraying a victim and siding with the rapist? Lemme guess, love bombing? Didn’t get enough attention from your old friends?
Also, you’re one to talk, seeing that you’re pals with “alleged” Groomers. Missing a few ‘tw’s is small potatoes compared to befriending a known rapist and her questionable friends.
I hope you know that when this is done, you will feel like an absolute fucking moron. You already are, but you currently got those rose-tinted glasses on ✋🙄
(And what tws did I miss? Tw food? Tw Fred talks funny???)
Also… you’re not gonna run away without people knowing who you are.
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fanbun · 1 year
The Grandma's Virginity Podcast is full of things that will make any decent person sick to their stomach. It's depressing that the Adventure Time creator was apparently a fan of it and that they had SO many connections to the animation industry.
Hearing a Steven Universe producer joke about a real girl being raped while Justin Roiland referred to the girl's post-traumatic episodes during sex as "a turn off" ... I think the concept of hell was made for these people.
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Footballers will make a post to defend another footballer who after 2 years, paying some of the beat lawyers in his country was able to walk away from about 10 counts of rape/violence (you know some of the most difficult crime to prove in the current legal system so the conviction rate is for “normal” people low so you can imagine for the ultra rich).
But footballers won’t make a post when another footballer is found guilty of gang rape and sentenced to 6 years. In that case they will only post to wish him an happy birthday.
And then they have the nerves to say they are being persecuted for being… rich and famous?
Fuck right off and never come back you worthless waste of oxygen.
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askcherrypie · 2 years
Woman in Gaming Fired for “Diversity” Reasons
Specifically, because they expressed an interest in an upcoming game based on the Harry Potter franchise. This so enraged Purple Tinker (seen below) that the trans activist searched seven years of the Limited Run employee’s Twitter history until they could find a post offensive enough to complain about to their employer, dated to 2016.
The tweet was a statement of concern about “perves” pretending to be trans in order to access womens’ spaces in order to sexually molest them, a prediction which has since been borne out by hundreds of such cases up to and including prison rape.
Incidentally, Purple Tinker opposed statutory rape laws in 2017. No info on whether or not they still do.
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Limited Run Games is now being dragged for firing a woman over Purple Tinker, who appears to have been the ONLY person who complained at all, and whose history of harassment towards others in the LGBT community has been making the rounds on Twitter as a result. Other game companies are cutting professional ties, customers are demanding refunds for recent purchases, and others are pushing boycott tags.
Hell of a start to 2023, eh?
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