#rare pair edition
hppjmxrgosg · 2 years
to all the fanfic writers who write about small, niche tropes and random crossovers that have less than a thousand works total and rarepairs and one specific vein content so that despite the master pieces you write you only get a couple hundred hits: you are doing god's work. i am kissing you on the head. you are my lifeblood.
edit since its getting lost in the tags: the thousand works comment is not to minimize the people who write for subgenres with maybe 10 works or rairpairs with like 3 works, but to include people who, while garnering more attention than the former, may still feel disheartened for receiving less attention on their work than people who write for megafandoms or very common tropes. 1000 is more than ten, but 1000 is closer to 10 than 200,000.
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harringroveera · 1 month
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Don’t worry Jonathan you look great in the skirt!
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nonbinaryzelink · 8 months
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just thinking of this old friend of mine, ethan
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iwantofall · 4 months
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call me sisyphus cuz im pushing a boulder called artblock
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kingmaxstatic · 15 days
More Sally x Surge content for the 3 Sally x Surge shippers out there including me!!!
[ SFM video at the beginning is Surge and her feminine wiles ]
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rwby-confess · 3 months
Aight you want Rare Pairs? Death's WhiteRose. My ot3. Ruby/Weiss/Young Maria Calavera. I have people refuse to draw art of them because it's 'problematic' ignoring that it's almost always a Maria was born later au.
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Maria gets two people who don't care about her name she can trust to watch her back (cause clearly silver eye warriors have to worry about salem trying to kill them so in that they can be united).
Ruby gets a slightly older S.eves mentor, Weiss gets people who care about her for her, and Whiterose get a more battle hardened battle bae who will teach them how to fight to survive.
Ruby and Maria are gremlins off the field and help Weiss relax as Weiss helps keep the two of them on track.
Weiss supports, and fights at range. Ruby can do either, but Maria is the close combat master between them.
Their songs are all counterpoints of each other (using Grimm Reaper as Maria's songs), they have complimentary colors, and Maria is absolutely the type to make them talk things out when the going gets tough.
Each of them is missing a parent, at least one rather, and they're all very very lonely people, and the idea of them finding companionship in each other is great.
If maria was young in canon I do have to admit I don't know if I'd ship Ruby with Weiss, or Maria more, but thankfully with fanfic I don't have to make such a choice.
#2 jailbirds
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I feel like this gets slept on because it's a m/f ship. I have no honest idea why people ship Robyn with winter instead because Qrow outside of Ruby and Yang is the only person to show interest in who Qrow is as a person.
Clover usually just ignored Qrow's semblance or feelings because he didn't HAVE to deal with the side effects of Qrow's semblance, but Robyn, did, and does.
She stays regardless. On the plane when Clover got up and was about to arrest Qrow, Robyn literally goes straight to the nuclear option of 'i will murder you if you try to arrest this man'.
She, and Qrow are both headstrong people, but Qrow has shown he's willing to listen to her, and she to him. She talked him down from wanting to murder Ironwood, he clearly values and listens to her.
She built him a monument to his niece, and they have complimentary fighting styles (she can fight out of range of his semblance ala Ruby in the Tyrian fight). They're both the sort of fighter who learns the same way.
When the chance to escape happens the first thing they do is make sure the other is alright.
Time, and time again she has had to deal with his semblance (hey plane crash, tyrian escaping, getting arrested and so on), and the bad luck it brings, and time and time again she has consistently chosen to be there for Qrow, and treat him like a person and not his semblance.
Imagine Qrow having a bad day, and then Robyn just gently takes his hand, and tells him he is more than his semblance, and he's a great person worth getting to know, and she's not leaving, and then her hands glow green.
Just god man, but not let's ship Robyn and Winter because it's two women who never interact but are both from Atlas. Gag me.
I have more, but eh flooding your ask enough as is.
Confession #110
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oh-no-its-bird · 3 months
I've done it, I've found the ultimate rair pair. Hashikaku nation rise up we need to water the dying fields
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nllick · 4 months
Tell me about your guy's rare pairs in bully I desperately need rare pairs to talk about and I'm curious.
Here's my two main rare pairs:
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wiildhcartsrun · 22 days
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Title: Song for Evermore
Pairing: Daeron Targaryen x Baela Targaryen 
Rating: M (a light M; it’s mostly T, except for a few paragraphs of non-explicit sexual content)
Summary: Daeron Targaryen’s hopes and dreams always came back to belonging. It had been so ever since he became a ward of Oldtown at five, at an earlier age than most. He finds a kindred spirit in an unexpected place: Lady Baela, the daughter of his grandfather’s bitter rival, Daemon Targaryen.
Word count: 47,559
Multi-chapter (essentially a one-shot split into six parts)
Status: Complete
Excerpt below:
“You sing to your dragon?”   
“Yes, I — yes.” Daeron thought he was alone, save the dragons and the last vestiges of his song, echoing back to him. She startled him. His eyes took her in, from boots to breeches and studded jack. Lady Baela and her grandmother had arrived too late yesterday eve to be presented to the court; they had met with the queen and her father, the Lord Hand privately before retiring to their allotted chambers. Baela had been shaped as if by a fine hand; spare, too lean, most would say, with the barest hint of womanly curves. Her hair was pulled back in a thick braid, the silver curls even brighter against her rich bronze skin. Her mouth, generous and lush, curved in a faint smile. Her purple eyes, large, doe-like and beguiling, at odds with the intensity of her expression which he saw as she drew nearer curiously; her gaze was as keen as a blade.
He thought she was as surprised to come upon him in the Dragonpit as he was her, though she hid it slightly better. Surprise was too weak a word. Even as he rose, feet firmly underneath him, he felt unsteady, as if he were on the deck of a ship embroiled in a storm. Fitting when she has both Baratheon and Velaryon blood. How his thoughts run from him, even more than usual. He should bow. He had forgotten to, but neither had she curtsied. Likely it was too late now. He had a thought she would laugh if he did, Daemon’s eldest daughter. Of what he had heard of the man, the uncle he’d never met, it seemed likely. She’d laugh for he would seem like a dog slow to remember an old trick. He might like to see her laugh, he thought hazily. Better that than this halfway state, midway between impassive and expressive.
“Is she the only she-dragon you will sing to?”
“You, my lady?” Daeron didn’t recognise his voice, a low husky murmur. He swallowed against a dry mouth. “You wish me to sing to…”
Her eyes were full of laughter as she said, “Moondancer.” Hot blood rushed to his face, though her amusement was not mocking. Her dragon, she meant her dragon. “Although…” her head canted to the side, “I would not say no to a song, Prince Daeron.”
At last he dusted off his wits. “And what of yours? Your voice, I mean.”
"It would make her weep.”
He gave a little laugh. She surprised him and that cleared his head some. No other lady he knew would ever admit such a fault, especially not so blithely. “So bad as that?”
She cast a fond eye over her dragon, green with pearl tipped wings and crouching stiffly as if expecting a fight. “Certes it wouldn’t settle her, see her thus, like—“ she nodded to the blue dragon behind him, lolling upon the floor contently; were she a pup, she may have rolled onto her back, legs all in the air.
“Tessarion,” Daeron offered with a warm smile, patting his dragon’s flank. Despite her blithe mien, Baela’s stance was almost too casual; something had her on edge. Oddly enough he did not think it was him. Just as oddly the same was true in reverse. She could have been any young woman and he any young man, not two scions of a family split in two. “Any particular requests?”
“If I said The Bear and the Maiden Fair…”
“I’d say you want me sent to the Wall for debauching a lady of the blood.”
“As if you were the bear himself to lick honey from my hair.” The silence was charged with something hot, heavy, which made his breathing hitch. Mayhap she felt it too for her voice was soft, a bare whisper. “You’d be singing a song.”
“And after? How do you know what I would or wouldn’t lick?”
Hot embarrassment at speaking such bold words filled him — Mother have mercy, he had only just met her — but then she took one step towards him, then another, and another. Something fiery stirred low in his belly as she looked him over from head to toe, her brow raised. Then her mouth dimpled in a cheeky half-smile. “My grandmother used to warn me away from the singers who’d come to call at High Tide. Seems she was right to.” Singer. Did she think him such? In truth he was a bit of everything. A bit of nothing. He felt like something under her gaze, like he could be something. “Is that a promise?”
“Do you want it to be?”
“It is discourteous to answer a question with another question.” But she was smiling as she said it, a slightly broader smile.
Seven save me, he thought, you’re so lovely, I can barely breathe. Princess Rhaenys was right to warn her away from those singers; one look at her smile and they must have yearned to carry her off over their shoulders, to sail away with her under the cover of night. What he said when he found his tongue was, “You are enjoying this.”
She stepped backwards away from him, and towards her dragon. The dragonkeepers had saddled her while they were talking. Moondancer was still tense; would a flight see her settled as well as a song? “Why we came is a matter of little and less enjoyment.” Baela paused, uncharacteristically grave, then her voice brightened, “So, why not seek it where I may?” She looked at him over her shoulder and winked.
A smile played across Daeron’s mouth. “Is that a promise?”
“Do you want it to be?”
He was laughing as he called to her retreating form. “Tis discourteous to answer a question with another question.”
Her merry backward wave was the only answer he received.
Read more on Ao3
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harringroveera · 30 days
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AU where Nancy and Heather get paired up in class and turns out, they are actually both The Finger Queen, only in different ways
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astersugar · 7 months
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Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hidin' all of our sins from the daylight
Spy x Family Rare Pair Week 2024
Day 1: Handcuffs
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xviruserrorx · 11 months
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- sappho | For day 2 of @merlinrarepairfest
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curi0uscreature · 1 year
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* Ever so gently sets these down like a freshly painted and bought ancient vase
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queerofthedagger · 10 months
okay okay look. i know we just had a lord of the rings rewatch but..... what about another lord of the rings rewatch?? 🥺👀
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fangirl698 · 4 days
Only yall, this shit was SO hard to make bc I am still getting used to tweening but I did a lil kryptbill tween thing! Hope yall like it!!! :33
Btw I got heavy inspo from Yoursickvalent on tiktok, and the image at the start isn't mine. It's actually from @multifandombeginnerartist :> (hope ya don't mind I used it lol)
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